##VIDEO ID:V4U11w5d5uU## meeting 197531 notice of this meeting mail to the South 10 SEL daily journ well Clerks of Al PL Allegiance I plge Allegiance flag unit States of America repic which stands Nation go inspect here Mr here here Fe yeah hi everyone how are you there go um so I want to take a second and introduce our new vice principal at the high school um I have with us Miss Jess Cardella um Jess Cardella was a Spanish teacher for 15 years prior to being a Spanish teacher in the shiman while she's in a kind of the place it's in the Shang District um she taught for three years in Honduras um and before that she studied abroad in Spain um she actually just came back from Honduras cuz she does REM if I show that yeah a stand-up comedy fundraiser every year to raise money to give back to the school in hondur that she worked for so she comedian comedian I know what I'm hiring that was a sell for me you know um to you know give money back to the schools providing uh tools for kids to have education in a different country um so she's been a great asset so far she's learning the CTE program she's messed well with the administration at high school she's mess well with all the new teachers obviously she's met she but being one of her direct you know super under her this year and we're looking forward to having her so I just wanted to introduce her got them thank you I'm really excited for this opportunity I hear great things about the LC so I'm excited to have the opportunity to work here and so far it has been great everyone that I worked with really welcoming I feel like I've been here forever already thank you good thank you we're excited to have you and youel has mentioned all that you've been doing so far so love you're H the ground thank you all right real click presentation for the nj8 results from the Sprite 8.4 Administration um we don't have the official njsla results yet so that that'll either happens in September or October depending on the Bas of results uh the Napa is an 11th grade assessment it's the it's one of the many graduation requirement students can meet were to graduate um I'm not going to read that it's really interesting so here's the Stu wel our graduation uh pass rate based on Ela is 71% je our mathematics rate is 40.7% um below State average but this is why I'm not worried about these numbers well we've been working on the past few years as you might remember we redid our mathematics track but algebra then geometry so students could get those two courses for full years before this assessment this was the first cboard of students that was a recipient of that shift this is only the second year this test has been operational so I expect a little bit of wobble in the numbers Statewide for the next 3 years but what we've done behind the scenes is made sure that students are not at risk of not graduating because of this assessment so we have given our students multiple options most of our students are needing The Graduate the graduation pth requirements or the success they even get it so we know going into the spring assessment who is at risk and who is not at risk and some of the students that have already gotten a a passing schore on the psnt or or what have you they don't really take this assessment seriously because they've already met the requirement for those students then are still at risk what we've done starting this year is we do a solid portfolio course before their seor year our goals in doing that are to alleviate Street and family anxiety the worst feeling someone can go into its L free with is am I going to graduate or not because of something a little bad my control so we run the summer Institute if you will so that every person walking in in September has the graduation requirement met they don't have to give up their electives they don't have to double on hes they don't have to be in remediation course their senior year they can keep progressing in their programs of study we know they me the graduation with Pate so we Safeguard their graduation am Miss am mix the estess shifts because if we were to have this conversation two years ago I would have told you they need to pass some Squad njsla in 10th grades board the algebra one assessment so this has been a moving Target for a while and my goal is to safeg guard our stream against uh the balancing law in terms of curricular shifts we're going to renew our focus on writing security upcoming year and as you're leveraging a master teacher Cort uh fund it teacher climate that c your Innovation Grant that's a war agenda item and you already know about the mathematical shifts that we put into the curriculum starting with the vertical y40 that we demonstrate feel this great when I stand up here and show you our njsl results you are going to see that this is an outlier every other grade and subject assessment except for one is trending in a much better Direction than it was 365 Kings ago so I have some really good things to share when I'm allowed to share you so we' got behind the scenes crunching the numbers and things look really nice for Del spring out so cruds to our teachers who have been doing these instructional shifts uh pulling our students we also have to remember that EAS fre students are the ones who sat there in seventh grade and in March Mar of 2020 are the ones that went home so most of their dely experience has been interruptive so that's KN kids those are the kids entering the the Senor year of high school right anal so we know the cloud that was over there experience and our teachers are meeting the bment I'm thankful there two of them GE right now um and uh hats off to that they're working really well and the students are kqu so here's some subgroup information uh we know that like this outperforming math we have strategies in place to address that interesting our students with disabilities m is run about average with everyone else this tells me that our students to have disabilities are making pays their peers that's always a good sign I trust economic link disadvantage numbers I'll talk about that a little bit um in a month or two when I can share the njf accounts that's because the LA in the free and reduced lunch numbers that's a indicator we know that as free and reduced lunch has changed the definition and how um High School families are less AP to fill out those borns I don't necessarily trust in arm Li disadvantage ders what I see them but all in all nothing out of the ordinary withum charts and then simple presentation anyone have any questions I promise had it quick all for eight question that chance iitti me citizens and the citizens will like to be heard you step back to the FL to be heard H how's everyone doing tonight see you I got evening so my name is CH Warren and I am a prevention consultant for NJ fors otherwise known as New Jersey Statewide student Support Services we had the pleasure um being able to provide some teacher appreciation ice cream to you guys last school year um so I'm just coming out today to kind of you know reacquaint myself with you as well as the community and um let you know about some of our services that we are providing this year so we are doing professional development as well as Clinical Services um and mental health counseling and support for the Youth um we're also offering Crisis Intervention programming family uh family programming and antique bullying initiatives um we are looking forward to working with you guys this year and I also brought some the proposed resolution for you to look over if you guys wanted to see that as well that's all I have to say for and I'll bring those D thank you you're very aome get St things are C culture and information on our programs as well as my C but thank you first think following non staff hire down 2425 s second second any questions on this B yes BR yes white yes M yes yes yes yes make a motion to approve the following leave of B second second favor that eyes had it make lotion to through the following resignations and retirement as listed second second questions all in favor I had it make motion to approve Patrick doy work 10 days St 2020 you see summer for Teacher preparation the verticulture program in a rate of $1 $10 a day pay through title for but second any questions station SM yes electr G dancing G motion to good implementation of the teach C Innovation CR second any question call back yes R yes white foot yes I'm yes make motion to approve the soling staff two days professional development at a previously approved rate paid through local funds as list back those second any question motion favs make motion to appr solid staff to attend a professional development committee supper meeting on August 8th 2024 and the rate of $110 per day I'm sorry each 843 title two second any questions onos on yes yes yes make a motion to Grove all dely staff to attend the dist summer professional development Institute meld DMS august 19 grp 21st at a rate of $120 a day P for GRE by by and strer connection to second question start yes yes yes yes make to proove the Fallen staff of book Fighters alternative school bringly R 8 2024 2025 school year as this second second have a second on questions on this motion not fav I am CL uped I have it and make the motion to approve the following 7 period s in the amount of $5,000 for 2024 2025 school year has list T there a second any questions on this motion v v yes yes L yes yes but I yes yes make a motion to approve High sh charge for period SL email $1,000 2023 24 school year s but secondly questions all in favor iions I so I make a motion to approve the following Student Success stat analysis to receive state to the amount of $2,500 each as listed a fors were to BU far and stronger connections second question yes yes yes yes yes I made motion to approve the point that's s all forward being p and second any questions all fav St make motion to prove following H positions as secondly question to there statute make look on to crew Mary pfield that's grievance procedure app students and stand say secondly questions or words statutes on make motion to approve Tina Bas theing that's just to assist with the Del Su through the distrib program that's needed rate of10 per secondly question with to I think emphasizing again import after such a wonderful program and the success that's should P i' just like to encourage back again c i yeah and Mas yes yes yes make Mo through to 2023 2024 should get to being nonathletic position second motion to approve Jessica P to receive an additional St at $2,000 for 2023 24 I second question yes put yes taing yes yes ta yes make a motion to approve dami Wilson for middle school homework clinic for 2024 204 second questions I make motion to approve 2024 2025 RK revision as l s second request fav say I make C to approve the following stat Le CST student case management at a rate of $40 per hour 2024 2025 school year as that there second a question yes yes thank you I make motion to approve the board secretary Court States the of certifies theine they know the account has overexpanded and violation of acceptions it is and the sufficient funds or M being Financial Obligations for the remainder of this fure who second any question all favor iions I I make a motion to approve the treasur report forting say of may24 treasure is at the for agreement BS V second first s i I make a motion to approve the state s cation of board secretary then there are no changes in anticipated birthday M or Revenue sources second make motion to approve the bo gratification for so to State statutes we certifying that after riew of the secretary's wealthy Financial reports and upon consultation we appropri officials ATT the best knowledge in Mak your accounts with f fund has been over inspected violation t statue and a suici b available to meet the district Financial Obligations May here this I I I make a motion to bring the report of transfers from a rep and make a motion to approve the following build as listed second and second call yes yes yes yes yes gu workshops as where second call back yes yes yes yes make Bush to fall SE wish all prce place as second fa question second make motion has list second exensions I may wish approve F con gratuate as Mr second second in favor oppose sing I the question TR the 425 District profession development St secondly questioning STS are be wish approve the 2024 25 District P questions favos exensions I make motion the submission come for 25 statement ofur second questions all there i i exensions i s and to appr appreciation of the 24 NJ GPA results back second question I make wish the strong plus teacher valuation assistant to py 25 scent second B I had first exensions I how make NJ cural evaluation system in the 245 school year secondly questions statute I made a motion to the Ida nonu affirmation of conation second second questions I out I make a motion to to accept the following f three t five allocation CH secondly question favor I oppose extensions I make the motion approve count res services to provide me by Services attach if home for yes yes yesy yes County 3 allocation less than 10,000 to the acceptance of following Perkins five allocations all hension a question of TR Power Plus white the Turing Services 24 second yes BR yes white book yes that's yes motion approv Psychiatric Services at45 okay question yes yes L yes City Yes Man yes education structural coaching the N years math teacher that of $600 per teacher the total of $400 8 through 10 class second yes yes yes yes a motion to approve Jefferson Health as thec mental health and partnership to build stronger School Community connections at courage with speci cult p through bipartisan strawberry C grants back the second question I make a motion to approve first read the I make a motion we approve the following positions for 2024 25 school year as listed second second request on favor exensions make a motion to approve NJ SI AA membership for the 2020 quarters 2025 school year very there second question fav iions I make a motion to approve the spectate code of conduct there secondly questions on B time motion he said Mr may make a motion to the donation of favors quick and second for medicose I make a motion to the file tax report for du Point 24 questions than sorry I make a mo to approve the nature c b contract with a total cost of 73352 56 and a management fee of $565 for 2745 School un that most questions we yes yes yes yes yes yes yes r b i make a motion to approve the following 2024 2025 summer Transportation joint CH as to us we have second L question in favor I having I make a motion to approve the following 23-22 for transation joint yes yes yes yes make a motion to approvement following 2024 2025 trans trure as listed second yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I make a motion to approve the following 2024 2025 flush routs as this one second second make question all favor please I recommend the board approving F and special education tuition student placements as list second second any questions call yes Ro yes whiteb yes D yes I yes recommend board F field trips in accordance to schedule and educational significance as the second second onv exensions I have recommend board for find Bo sign .5 Del emergency virtual or iMobile destruction plan second in favor recommend the board accept the donation of an AE from Jefferson H Stager any questions eyes out recommend the board approved the June 202 for high school middle school H report as presented last stag questions B recommend the for approve the high school middle school school self assessment foring grades second second any questions all in favor good St District reports are there for your P sake okay get I reg the board approved the intercal service agreement with Franklin Township the questioning out Polie report all business but old business a new business citizens like you heard that means good evening members of the board one question on page two questions first on page 12 you approved the hipper report presented last month there was no meeting last month so take go but it said June and and you voted on June that's where my concern was the second question is is there any update on the possible consolidation uh there's no update at this time uh we will be discussing the matter further and there will be uh uh public information so is it true that New Field is po outed as not okay thank you very much you know like and set say executive play five to break yes say you go one for