##VIDEO ID:amyzEGktB9c## welcome and good evening as for president of D Regional High School Board of Education I hereby certify all provisions of the open public meeting law e 1975 CH 235 231 have been met as this meeting was mailed to the South Jersey Times Sentinel The Daily Journal as well as the municipal Clerks of el and Franklin Township leg algi I United States of America stands indice for call Mr sty here spe here Mr Ry here Mr lot here Mr Dempsey here here here Mr Aria here here okay presentations good evening ladies and gentlemen thank you for allowing us to come back tonight and give you an update on delce Regional High School Army Junior RTC program for the first marking period and also to give you kind of a heads up on some of the activities that our kadc cor is going to be involved in all the way out to the beginning of April I'd like to introduce KC Captain Nate Ortiz and K or k first lieutenant saraphina cararo saraphina is going to come up and she's going to talk about first marketing period and then Nate's going to come up and talk about second and third marketing period you have the floor good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Cadet first lieutenant saraphina cavano I currently serve as the Battalion assistant S1 I am a 3 Cadet and a junior I'm involved in our JTC programs jlab team specifically the academic bull Team outside of JTC I'm a varsity track team member and a captain on the delce mock trial team the Crusader Italian has had a great start to this year our first big event was helping out with this year's Franklinville day on September 21st supporting activities like the hay ride re tent basket auction and many more we went up completing over 400 service hours in the process next our Cadet attended JTC basic Camp Cadet basic camp or at jcbc with other Army jrtc units from South Jersey at Fort Dicks on November 2nd at jcbc Cadets participated in an offal course learned how to build a one roof Bridge as a team learned some first aid task did some orienteering and drilling ceremony KET finished the day by having dinner in a real live Army mesle Food was actually pretty good we held our annual Veterans Day ceremony on November 5th our guest speaker was Colonel retired Mike Magle AKO a dely graduate in terms of our teams our air rifle team has been active getting ready for four air rifle matches in December and January we introduced a new drone team to the program this year as well we introduced a new program to this a new uniform to this to the program this year as well the class C uniform for all Cadets and issued our ocp camo uniforms our Command Sergeant Major organized our Color Guard performed their duties at numerous varsity football games and at the varsity field hockey play for the Cure game on October 25th we completely revamped our website which has received extremely positive feedback and we have also improved our usage of the deli jrtc Instagram page and together these have made it easier for gadets and parents to be informed of events in our program finally architect supported the high school interact club with its Thanksgiving lunch in for the less fortunate in the local area this marking period has pushed our program in a positive direction and I'm excited to see where we go next thank you for your time subject to your questions I'll be followed by KET Captain Nate Ortiz who will brief you on our planned to Second marking period activities good evening my name is Cadet Captain Nathan Ortiz I'm a junior Le 3 and currently serve as the Battalion S1 I'm involved in our air rifle team Raider team Color Guard team jrtc leadership and academic bull Team the Drone team and service learning project outside of jrtc I am involved in interact club and mock trial as you've just heard our Cadets have worked tirelessly to accomplish a multitude of tasks during the first marking period but there's still more to be done this Saturday December 7th our service learning project team will be going to the Gloucester County Veteran Cemetery to assist our community partner the People for People Foundation of Gloucester County in handing out wreaths for families to lay on Veterans Graves during the Reese of remembrance event next week on December 13th we'll be wrapping up no pun intended our support of the Marine Corps League and Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots campaign a campaign that JY C has supported for over 20 years will actually distribute toys to families in need at the high school on Monday December 16th we will also hold our Battalion holiday party on December 20th the last day of school before winter break it's a lot of fun come on by if you can the party starts around 10:00 a.m. after winter break select Cadets will go to delce Middle School to conduct our annual JC day to inform seventh and eth graders about our program its benefits and how they can join us when they come to the high school in 9th grade in February we will conduct our annual command board where candidates for next year's top three Cadet leadership positions are interviewed this is a very important event in the life of a Cadet Corp as you can imagine on March 21st we will have our 30 annual military ball at scarp and AOS this is a great event and Cadets love it finally our annual change of command ceremony will occur on April 3r in Del's Auditorium starting at 11:30 a.m. we hope you will be able to join us for the military ball and change of command ceremony we'll be sending out invitations in early February ladies and gentlemen subject to your questions that concludes our briefing tonight thank you for your time so ladies and gentlemen just a quick update there uh one once again and as always we could not do the core of Kats could not do what it does without the support of the board the superintendent the assistant superintendent M Pasqual the administration all the teachers The Faculty the staff everybody in that school we are part of a big team and We Know It And we appreciate everything that you do for us and that they do for us and I personally appreciate everything the cadets do because well frankly there really are out there in the community making a big impact and I'm very proud of them as you can tell and we will be back sometime in probably the April board meeting we'll be back to give you an update on what we've accomplished since January and then to give you heads up on exactly what we think next year is going to look like for us as well ladies and gentlemen as always thank you for your time greatly appreciated and have a good night have a great holiday season as well go Colonel I will say and and you've heard me talk about the jotc program for years and all that they do and we're as proud of you as you are thankful for the things that we can do for you but what amazes me is that each year and and you stand up here and sarine is up here talking about just the new the new things that you're doing each year and how your your program is evolving with you know everything from from the social media presence to uh the Drone team which I can't wait to to see how how all that goes um you know it it's just really uh it's a testament to you it's a testament to you could that's Sergeant Myers and uh we're super proud just thank you so much well thank you and reference the Drone team we'll come back to you because by about the time we come back um so you understand our drone team we're looking at two different paths path number one is to be a competition team path number two would be for the Drone team to become a way that our cadetes could actually become FAA F 107 certified to be real live commercial drone pilots and have the army pay for the FAA tests so that's one of those again we're going to make that decision early in the spring and the cadets are going to have a say in that um we're also looking to try to build a partnership with a dely alumni a gentleman who I met in the spring who is an engineer for Lockheed Martin we're trying to create a a partnership with them as well more to follow we'll tell you about it in April thank you again thank you one more comment the newsletter that they put out I thought was phenomenal was well well done well written colorful and just just another example of all the activities and all their involvements it was really well done 100% Cadet driven it was excellent 100% driven thank you very much I have a motion to accept amends second any questions all in favor against exension okay I have it Communications citizens citizens would like to be heard at this point that should be heard by the board okay personel Mr thank I make a motion to approve the following leaves of absence as listed second any questions all in favor I Against exensions I make motion to approve the following staff to shaer room a senior trip to Disney Disney in Orlando Florida from March 25th to March 28 2025 as listed have a second any questions all favor against exensions have I make a motion to approve the following staff for book bers and alternative school a previously approved rate for 2024 2025 school year as listed second any questions all in favor against exensions eyes have M I make a motion to approve the board secretary report in accordance with state statute for the month of September the board secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of the state statute and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year second any questions all in favor against exensions I I make a motion to approve the treasures Report with the state statutes for the month of September 2024 treasur report and secretary's report are in agreement for the month September 2022 second any questions all in favor against exensions I have it I make a motion to approve in accordance to State Statute certification of the board secretary that there that there are no changes in anticipated Revenue amounts or Revenue sources second any questions all in favor I against extensions I have it I make a motion to approve the Board of Education certification pursuing to State statutes we certify that after review of the secretary monthly Financial reports and upon consultation with the appropriate District officials that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been overexpanded in violation of State Statute and a sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year we have a second any questions all in favor against extensions eyes High I make a motion to approve the report of transp for September 2024 have a second any questions roll call M Arley yes M spe yes Mr Bry yes Mr lot yes Mr Dempsey yes Mr M yes Mr yes Mr chair vot yes I make a motion to approve the following bills as listed got a second any questions Mr yes yes yes lot yesy yes yes yes yes yes concludes my report Mr thank you Mr Mr President I make a motion to approve the following clinics and workshops as listed questions all call v s yes yes Mr yes yes yeso yes yes yes make a motion to approve Behavior clinical associate Brett denovi and Associates at a rate of $57.50 per hour behavoral consultant at a rate of $130 per hour second questions call V Mr Dy yes Mr yes Mr Bry yes yes yes yes yes yes yes make a motion to approve the submission of the amended fiscal year 25 Essa application to uh to account for all allocated carrier ref funds the new allocations are as listed second any questions all in favor I against extensions I have I make a motion to approve the submission of the 2324 T1 performance report I a second any questions all in favor I against extensions I have make motion approve the following Rowan University student for clinical placement as listed question all in favor exensions I thank you I iight Mr life I make a motion to approve the following athletic positions for the 20124 2025 school year asist any questions all in favor against exensions I have I make a motion to approve B plane to travel with The Boys winner and Spring Track Team as listed any questions uh what's the CL break out I mean do we know uh is the the fundraisers or picking up that well these are the usually the kids that go to these tournaments are our Champions and board does pick up most of the time we don't know what it's going to be we don't know how many kids we may not even go so unfortunately we just want to get it approved ahead of time and what we know we can give you cost any other questions all in favor I Against exensions I have you you have nothing toight cafeteria I I have some I make a motion to approve the following cafeteria report for October 2024 as listed any questions all in favor I Against exensions I have thank you Transportation yes I make a motion to approve the following 24 2025 Transportation joint ches as listed any questions all in favor against exensions I pass I make a motion to approve the following School Bus evacuation drills that were completed on October 21st and October 22nd this year questions all in favor against exension I have it recommend the board approve the following special education tuition student placements as listed have a second any questions all in favor I against exensions eyes have recommend the board approve the following field trips in accordance with our fee schedule and educational significance as listed second second any questions all in favor against exensions eyes have recommend the board approve the October 2024 high school middle school hip report as presented last month second questions all in favor against extensions I have it recommend the board acknowledge the receipt of the November 2024 high school middle school hip report as presented second second any questions all in favor exensions against I have and the district reports are there for your review she is currently volunteering her time at uh or Elementary School for the holiday uh that they have t Okay the board report respect I'm just the legislative update um we all get the emails on everything Mr colls nothing for me tonight okay any old business any new business citizens any citizens like to be heard up on up hello my name is Barry Palmer um I've been coming to these meetings for a little while now um my uh daughter both my daughters were involved in an automobile accident in the High School uh parking lot and uh that's about a month and a half ago and uh didn't necessarily want to bring it up with anybody here in particular but if after the meeting uh someone could you know fill me in on anything that may have come of that as far as you know increased police uh or you know traffic uh uh you know presence uh you know I'm not really sure what we can okay thank you very much any other citizens would like to be heard second all in favor against exensions okay nice have it thank you and good night drive safe e