okay good evening everyone thank you for all uh being here today uh we already started the meeting at 5:30 earlier today uh we were in executive and we came out of executive at 7:15 p.m. uh according to the agenda we'll all now ra uh stand for the Pledge of Allegiance all right so there's a number of presentations today so Dr Forte should I leave it for you to yeah two two presentations excellent so the other presentations that we'll be having at the upcoming board meetings May 20th will be the district Communications committee on June 10th we will have Valley View Athletics and ex extracurricular uh Java Juniors uh be um honored on June 10th June 24th Dr Forte Dr CIS and New Jersey school boards will present District goals for uh this year and for and will set goals for next year uh we'll also be uh New Jersey school boards will also be reviewing the Board of Education self- evaluation uh that we have how we basically performed July 15th will be a full year Hib and SSD data presentation as well but today we have students from Lakeville Lake View and riverv viiew uh I'm sorry Lake View and Valley View so uh Lake View uh Representatives it's all floor is all yours all right good evening everyone hello so we're here today to talk about our 2024 service learning project um for those of you who may or may not know our theme for this year is all about being powerful like the Coffee Bean um so in helping the students understand their power we talked about the power in helping others through Service Learning um and so much of that was centered on our big focus on neurodiversity this year um and learning so much about how the brains work and how everybody learns differently and functions differently in the classroom um and how we celebrate that just like we do our cultures and our traditions and our heritage and our backgrounds um and so the way in which we learn and the way in which our brains function was a big part of that um I shared with them my brother-in-law is autistic and lives in a home um much like what they do with spark he's got programs that he does he does visits he does special trips um and truly he wouldn't be the person he is without it um so it had a special connection near and dear to my heart and it was so cool to see that come to life um through the work the students did um and we were super proud of the students eagerness to really shop for others and do all these amazing things so it's wonderful to to hear all about it but the best people to share about it are wonderful school counselors and the students and then we have a couple special guests at the end who are going to share as well all right hi everyone I'm Mary Beth Hall and I'm the school counselor one of the school counselors at Lake View I'm also a member of our skip committee and this year for skip last year for service learning we had done service learning by grade level and we decided this year we were going to do a schoolwide project so we wanted to get the input of the staff and of all the students so a survey was sent out and we asked all the staff members please have a morning meeting with your students so we could get their ideas for service learning and also let us know how um it could relate to our curriculum and any resources people might have available so once we got all the survey information all the input we came up with spark it was the perfect fit for us because it was um two weeks away from neurodiversity the celebration week so um I reached out to spark for those of you who don't know spark is a Denville uh organization and it is actually students who went to Lake View school and Valley View school and are now adults and um they have neurod diversity learning abilities and they um it's an organization that is dedicated to their independence so I called spark and said we would really love to work with you on a project and she said well you know what we were just starting to talk to the Denville Library we would really love to have a section at the Denville library of children's books dedicated to neurodiversity so that children could learn about it so it was really the perfect timing the perfect marriage to couple it with our learning about neurodiversity at our own school and to do this to provide books so that people in the community could further learn about neurodiversity she also told us about a camp they ATT in the summer and that they were in need of some crafts so we decided perfect we're going to do a whole learning process on neurodiversity for our own children get them excited get a program together to raise the money so that we could donate these books and these crafts on behalf of spark to the Denville Library so then we reached out to the amazing amazing PTA at Lake View for their help and I'll let miss miss miss m talk about that hi I'm Debbie Maneri I'm the other school counselor um most of you know me and um anyway so we worked with the PTA and the PTA was wonderful because they what they did was they fronted the money and they purchased all the books I believe it it was around 36 different books as well as lots of craft supplies and that what we did was the children then took home readathon or mathon papers and they got the families to donate you know to what they were reading or what they were or how however much math they were going to do and we had about two weeks and it was very exciting because what especially with Service Learning is you want the children to learn how to do for others right that's our goal is to really work for others so it was all about coming down and it was all about putting that money and those hard-earned effort into getting things that they're not taking home um we also had bookmarks that if you didn't have money or you didn't have the opportunity to raise money you if you did five hours you could bring it in and get a bookmark and color it we laminated them and they also went to the library as well um so was a wonderful thing I have four of my amazing Lake View lion leaders they have replaced a lot of you wonderful leaders over there but um they're going to then tell you all about the program because Mrs Hull and I although we're amazing counselors we need a lot of our little people here to help us so they pretty much ran the program so they're going to let you tell you all about it hello I'm Jade sendon a fifth grade Lake View line leader at Lake View School this year we chose to help spark with their mission of donating children's books on neuro diversity to the Denville Library as well as to provide funds for their programs to achieve this goal students completed reading and math logs to earn money to purchase books as well as craft supplies for spark each day fourth and fifth grade students pushed a cart of books and craft supplies to each classroom to encourage students to help support spark Lake View students were able to raise $3,115 37 being part of this service learning projects makes me feel proud of our school for learning more about neurod diversity for supporting programs to positivity impact individ individuals in our community involved with spark and providing books to help others to Lear learn as well hi my name is Veronica Nicola and I'm a fifth grade lakevi line leader at lakevi what I liked about the service learning project was getting to interact with the younger students by helping them pick out books and crafts supplies it was the special to help them understand the power behind Service Learning and how meaningful it would be to shop and donate to others it was also fun taking their pictures with the donations and thanking them for making a difference for spark and the Denville Library hello I'm L laar and I'm also a fifth grade Lake View lion leader here at Lake View my favorite part of the service learning project was helping kids choose the books they wanted to donate it brought our school Community closer together with a common goal to support spark in the denille library and educating others about neurodiversity I learned that helping others brings Joy not only to the people you are helping but to the helpers as well hi my name is Farah Patel and I'm a fifth grade lakev line leader at lakev school the following message is from Susan ryanh Hart president of Denville spark Spark's mission is to give students of varying abilities the same opportunities afforded to their peers and to build a forever home for four young men all graduates of Lake View Valley View and mors here in Denville I have been discussing with the Denville Library about a section of books for young adults to learn about neurodiversity lakev school stepped up and with help from their wonderful PTA held reading and math Aon events for neurodiversity week not only did the children raise funds to get all the books donated the library as for they donate to spark for our forever home over $2,400 I'm truly grateful to the lake VI teachers counselors PTA children and their families already 21 of the 37 books have been signed out and we are that much closer to our forever home thank you we all learn differently so it's something to celebrate here at Lake View our brains are such a beautiful thing and just just like we talk about with our cultures our backgrounds our Traditions the way in which we look the way in which our interests are all different it goes the same for our brains and our learning so we're going to continue to celebrate and Empower one another here at Lake View school but we're going to celebrate and Empower one another beyond the walls of Lake school as well [Music] [Music] hello L you we are so excited about our service learning project to support spark thank you to everyone who has donated so far remember to keep reading and do math to earn your spark bus have a great weekend link you and remember to keep roaring with pride [Music] oh [Music] we all learn differ so it's something to celebrate here at Lake View our brains are such a beautiful thing and just like we um I'm Samantha Glenn the proud school psychologist at Lake View Elementary School um working with minds of all kinds is my passion rooted in my personal experience with siblings who receive support through special education in the Denville Public School System um in particular Lake View this is the second year that we've created a neurodiversity Celebration Day that's so nicely tied into our service learning project to raise money for spark and to donate books surrounding neurodiversity awareness to the Denville Library literature holds immense power just as a mirror reflects our own image every student deserves to see their life experiences reflected in the books they encounter whether in the library classrooms or bookstores it's truly heartwarming to witness my students connecting with characters who share similar experiences not only during the service learning project but beyond this is initiative doesn't just support neurode Divergent Learners it Fosters empathy and celebration among all members of our school Community I'm excited to continue supporting these Endeavor shining the light on ability within disability hello I am Mary Ellen lyy I'm the youth services supervisor at the Denville Library it is scary to me how big some of y'all are because I've known you when you were smaller I wanted to thank everybody at l school um our leaders here and as well as um the members of Denville spark for thinking of the library as a recipient of your amazing volunteerism um as someone who is neurodiverse myself um I am so proud of what y'all have done and so happy to share it with our patrons um as I think Susan reinhardt's message had indicated there are 30 s books that were purchased through all the hard work by our Lake View students and although she had said 21 uh it was actually 25 books ended up being checked out pretty quickly from our display celebrating neurodiversity so that's pretty awesome um we talk a lot in the library about books being mirrors so we see our experiences reflected as well as being Windows into the lives of others who are maybe not exactly like us and the cool cool thing about these books and this project is we learn about our differences and we learn about the things that make us alike and I definitely think that's a great way to build community and to build empathy and to realize that we're all here together and we're all here to support each other so thank you so very much please come to the library um you can see the display uh and you can check out some of our other amazing resources and we are truly grateful um to be the recipient of such generos so thank you very much so in closing we want to thank our entire Lake View Community for fostering the reading and the math and helping your children to bring those funds in or just helping them get excited about the project we're so proud of what we were able to do and shout out to py if anyone knows paky he came and helped us run a morning meeting he did a Tone It Up Tuesday with us um and it was so so cool and so special to bring Lake you alumni in for for this for this meaningful um project and it wouldn't be Lake View if we didn't close it down without our Lake View cheer so that's the way we're going to end it so are we ready all right so we do it three times so feel free to join in and we're going to close it down that way ready here we go one two three let go Lake View let's go Lake View let's go Lake View thank you everyone now we have H Valley View coming up Miss jaffy not by yet but come on up you guys can come behind me okay I just wanted to share a little bit about our programs that we run through gift and and talented Services we do have programs running from kindergarten through 8th grade starting in third grade we have a program called Expo and that stands for expanding opportunities so we have welcomed our some of our Middle School uh participants and they're going to talk a little bit about our programs we run at Valley View this is jaffy I'm morela jaffy and the only thing I want to say is that it's just so rare to get to teach kids of this caliber and by doing so receive the reward for which I search and also to be blessed to work in a district that is supportive and crusading for us and understands the importance of gifted and talented education turning it right over to the kids they asked me what we were doing I said just tell them who we are and what we do that's all I know um hi I'm Daniel Kumar uh I wanted to thank Mrs jaffy for the incredible opportunities that Expo presents us um so I wrote something for um I'm a proud student at valy View Middle School today I want to share with you the incredible impact that our gifted and talented um teacher Mrs jaffy has had on us Mrs jaffy is more than than just a teacher she's a mentor who inspires us to reach for the stars she introduced us to the seven New Wonders of the World project where we didn't just learn about these Marvels we became adventurers diving deep into into the history and significance of each Wonder Mrs but Mrs jeffy's lessons go beyond the textbook she challenged us to create our very own country we crafted Flags composed anthems and even established governments this project wasn't just fun it taught us about the complexities of culture and the Art of governance then there's poetry under Miss jeffy's guidance under Miss jeffy's guidance we learned that power we learned that poetry is a powerful way to express our emotions and connect with others each poem we write is a piece of our soul shared with the world and let's not forget traps this project turned us into young entrepreneurs we brainstorm business bus ideas developed marketing strategies and learned the important innov importance of innovation and hard work for traps I wrote um a book called Roar of Courage um it's about two orphan Bears um in conclusion Mrs jaffy doesn't just teach us teach us she prepares us for Life her projects Inspire creativity critical thinking and a passion for learning so thank you Miss jaffy for Bel for believing in us and helping us grow thank you members of of the board for your time and supporting educ Educators like Mrs jaffy who truly make a difference thank [Applause] [Music] you hello everyone my name is Amal Shay and I wanted to share about Expo especially traps has equipped me for real life SK skills and transer transformed my ideas into reality one of my recent projects has launched a product line called inspired colors these bracelets inspired by color palettes of popular movies games and album covers each contain NFC chip that lets you tap your phone and instantly plays a music video or movie trailer imagine tapping your your bracelet and watching your favorite Taylor Swift music video or trailer of stranger things it's just like magic but traps isn't the only experience that has en enriched my learning in in another project called cre country we were tasked with inventing a fictional but realistic country com complete with its own cultural and historical events these experience has this these experience has been important these experiences have been important traps has taught me essential business skills such as um marketing Inventory management and cost meanwhile create a country deepened my understanding of creative thinking and how the world works together these projects has shown me how to apply classroom knowledge to real world situations the traps program in particular has been in has been able to BU build my business skills in fact I have an upcoming event in Learning Express in moristown on June 1st I want to extend a special thank you to miss jaffy for my guidance and support projects have not only been able to help me succeed with inspired colors but also has helped me prepare for the future endeavors by teaching me these great Real World skills thank you hello hello everyone I'm Shena and I'm a sixth grader at valy view I am genuinely thrilled to share the incredible experiences we've had at valy view under the guidance of Miss chaff our Expo program has been nothing short of inspiring with activities like create a country trips and wonders of the world and that's only a few of them these Endeavors go beyond memorizing facts they encourage us to think critically and deeply about the world around us M jaffi's guidance has been truly invaluable in challenging us to expand our minds and develop important analytical skill skills it's more than just academic learning it's preparing us for the challenges of the future I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to miss jaffy and the Board of Education who support us thank you hi everyone my name is nandika and I'm a proud student of valie middle school today we have come together to talk about our amazing program expo Expo is a class in which we have many opportunities experiences and challenges where we think outside the box we are involved in many projects and challenges one for example TRS is one we all especially look forward to we get to showcase our skills and abilities and sell our Creations within our loving Community expert expands our thinking to our maximum ability even though the work can be hard and pensive everything we do helps us grow into the minds we have today all these chances wouldn't be possible without miss jaffy everything she has in store for us students is a true Delight therefore whatever activities we participate in create a country Wonders of the World Etc is a step into our growth we thank Miss jaffy for all these opportunities thank you hi everyone my name is Maya Madan and I'm a seventh grader at valy view who takes part in the Expo program we are all definitely honored to be here to speak about Expo it has made an a lasting impact on us all it's a class that we cherish and look forward to we look forward to solving new puzzles showcasing our talents thinking out of the box and embarking on whatever Adventure Miss jaffy has planned for us Expo though sometimes rigorous has shaped us into the students we've become today Miss jaffy has helped us grow through every step of the way introducing us to countless opportunities such as traps the stock market game model un independent study and so many other useful products projects we are so thankful to both Miss jaffy and each other for these amazing experiences it has brought us together like a family thank you my name is Claire margeson and I'm in seventh grade I've been in the Expo program since I was in third grade and it's been such a crazy ride for me a wonderful experience in this lineup we have a room of entrepreneurs en visioners writers artists who are all to do amazing things from this program we've learned so many fundamental skills that are building us up to be successful people in our life um just to name a few of the incredible things that we've done one of the big ones that I'd like to point out is the stock market game even though the money isn't real that we're managing it's still real stocks real decisionmaking another thing that I'd like to point out is the a certain project that we did called Playground In My Mind in this project we created an oasis something that represented us and we got to share it to everyone through projects like these that we have got to express ourselves it's really brought us closer together and built this relationship with one another I doubt that in any other class I'd be comfortable getting up and singing a song about women's rights this program has just been an incredible opportunity and I thank you all so much for coming out tonight I think thank you all for listening and I just can't wait to see what everyone here will do in the future good evening everyone my name is Juliana deagle yelmo and I am a student in the Expo program at The valy View Middle School I'm an eighth grader and the Expo program is a wonderful program led by our amazing teacher Miss jaffy she has taught us so many skills and this program has taught us so many things that we wouldn't have without it one of our projects in eth grade that at the beginning of the year is new is the Barbie project where we had to create a speech using an adjective that was assigned to us we had to demonstrate through the speech our adjective we had to use a specific choice of words to use our emotions our actions everything to convey that it taught us public speaking skills it taught us how to be creative and it taught us so many um different skills that are really crucial another project that has probably been the most impactful on me during my eighth grade year has been the boat project where we are we choose our character and we decide to argue as that character on why we should be the last person to stay on the boat it has been so creative so fun there have been so many good memories made from it so many laughs so many different memories that have just been great we every class we get to research ourselves we research others we create counterarguments we figure out our strengths our weaknesses we figure out other people's strengths and weaknesses and we decide to use that to our advantage to try and prove our point and we learn argumentative skills debate skills how to persuade different people and it has been so much fun to do it I mean for my character I was Eminem and I decided that in order to try and win my argument I would create a wrath to try and win people over eventually I got down to the final two and my rap eventually won me the debate it was an amazing experience but it wasn't just all fun it taught me so many different skills it taught me how to debate how to win people over how to persuade how to argue how to Stand My Ground gain confidence learn to grow around other people and develop and the treps project has been one of the most influential throughout all three of my years at Valley View I have done it with my brother for the first two and when he graduated I did it alone this year it was so fun learning how to become an entrepreneur how to be creative intra intrapersonal skills has been so great to learn throughout all these years and overall I wouldn't have done all of this without Miss jaffy she has been such a great and amazing teacher it's been so great uh being her student throughout these past three years and I know that the way I am the way I'm shap today wouldn't be the same without her and this program in general has taught me so many skills made me so many friends taught me how to learn and grow in high school and Beyond even if I'm not there yet I genuinely don't know what I would do without and I just want to say thank you to the program an Miss jaffy well I want to say thank you to both groups that uh that are here today yeah I do want to take this opportunity maybe take group pictures including Lake View as well uh did Lake View get a group picture as well uh Dr for oh you did okay so I think my contract was just approved regardless upstairs but I I probably now I can you know maybe make a little purchase on my way home but I again to Steve to Sandy to the board it's beyond it's beyond a dream to come to work every day and Seth thank you for everything and you kids you just get better and better and I just told you right who we are and what we do that's all I said and look what you created and I just I'm so lucky thanks want to thank both groups for coming um we will be continuing with the meeting but you are definitely welcome to stay if you would like but thank you again yeah thank you everyone for being here so all right so we'll uh that was quite an impressive present presentation for both groups uh That Eminem impersonation or That Eminem character that she played uh I still hear about it at my home so uh it's fantastic and I really thought the lake view um uh their their presentation was amazing as well so but continue on with the agenda superintendent comments please thank you Dr CIS that was great great seeing the kids thank you for arranging that the way um the way they spoke about the programs just makes it all worthwhile right it definitely does and as I just mentioned me many members of the board were really here when we started this all this you know when we grew the program when we hired you know made a specific gift and talented program hired the teachers you know you are really a big part of this and we're so lucky because not every school district has what we have and you can see how much they've grown from from it so thank you couple announcements the lake view lead graduation if you want to go is June 14th at 9:00 am so Lake View lead graduation June 14th 9:00 am Valley View graduation June 17th at 7 pm that's at Mars null so Lake View lead June 14 9:00 amm Valley View graduation June 17 at 7 pm Mr Kim would you uh pull the boards see who wants to go and give me the info on Who Wants to be there and wants tickets and wants to sit in the front you know all the usual graduation stuff and if anybody wants to hand out certificates too sure I'll uh go ahead and get that information for you great all right cack 2425 believe it we already started we're gonna need a volunteer from one of you um so it will be it will will take place in the New Year in 2025 so if your time on the board is ending in 2024 we would need a different one the uh committees will start meeting sometime in 2024 but they will go into 2025 so we need a we need a board member to be on the committee the meetings will be virtual there will probably be at least one inperson meeting that is recommended you go to but obviously if people working you know it is what it is right um so it will again it's qack there'll probably be um what do you think four or five meetings for the board member something like that James what do you think four or five meetings last year yeah I remember that number they're about one hour we usually do them sometime during the work day during the school day and um Your Role is really kind of to listen and see what's going on and you can always offer opinion or anything advice basically what we do is you're getting organized there's these thing called dprs I don't know if you've seen it it's a it's a spread sheet it has a lot of different indicators and we have to provide evidence for each one of the IND indicators some of the indicators are automatically populated from the doe but most of them are things we have to gather and uh the board members are uh required part of the committee so um if when you're if you don't mind if you're polling them about the graduation maybe you could ask about who wants to volunteer too yeah I can certainly do that I I said on it a couple times I think for two years and it's it's a very efficient meeting so it's really just listening and uh I I was always impressed by it so um if if there's any interest please let me know there is an advantage to the person that gets to do it because you really get to see and hear about every function of every single thing we do including the things you do too because some of it's about the board governance and things like like that so if you if you want to take a shot at that'd be great and that's my comments for tonight great thank you very much Dr Forte Dr CIS assisant superintendent comments please yes uh the dala program that runs in our summer uh is open for anyone who wants to register the program runs five weeks but you can enroll on a weekly basis it's three hours per day and we do provide transportation to in from the program the cost is $60 per week per student and they're definitely are opening in third fourth and fifth there are maybe one or two spots left in K through two grades but it's first come first serve at this point so you can go on the Friday folder in the Friday folder all the information for registration is there this concludes assistant superintendent report Dr cus uh any changes to the kindergarten enrollments uh same as last time we're at 171 thank you very much uh Miss groski business administrator comments please no comments understood one thing I'm sorry we inadvertently left off the fact that we have the persons of the Year presentation on the 20th so next week next Monday we'll be awarding the persons of the year and we will be doing the communications committee so it'll be a little bit um it'll take a little while to do both of those the communications committee person um Susan Marinello who's our consultant will be here she will present the findings to the board and we will come up with some goals for 20242 five from those recommendations to work on for the year so that that should be a pretty eventful uh meeting next week understood thank you for that okay uh now is the time to go ahead and open it up for public discussion uh any agenda items that wish to be discussed by the public um we are opening uh public discussion at 811 seeing no one in the chambers and no one online we'll close it at 811 and moving on to Old business no action to be taken um Mr Capello could you take us through that please I would be happy to um either I or someone else at the next board meeting will be moving the following items ab and C A are would be the reports of April 2024 from the treasur of school monies and the board secretary B are education reports report of student enrollment report of Health office and three Hib cases and C uh would be the minutes from our work and executive session April 8th and our regular and executive session meeting of April 29th thank you very much our next item on the agenda is new business action to be taken drasen can you take us through Personnel please certainly um there's no objection I'd like to move the following in items for new hires resignations retirement employee leaves extra pay salary adjustments um and there's a uh the request for the item number two is for the request for the board to approve Master list of Staff um and there are couple of employment contracts for Dr cullers and Miss Koski and uh there is one for elimination of uh part-time positions for nurse to converted into full-time positions and uh there are extension of uh health benefits and uh Family Leave Act um extension and um and uh sick days and that is item number and then there's an addendum that is um 12 and 13 that's for sidebar with DEA cyar uh agreements I'll second thank you gentlemen um questions or comments I want to wish Mr Rivera a happy retirement um that was included as well um yes okay roll call please de de MO yes Mrs sidellis yes Dr Arun tassin yes Mr Cass Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay number B uh letter B instruction and program Dr Moore if you don't mind uh yeah I'd like to move uh item number one under instruction and program for approval it's that the board approved the purchase of the TCI science alive program uh that includes Tex consumables lab materials and resources for grades K through five at an average cost of $20.76 per student I'll second thank you questions or comments roll call please deore yes Mrs Adelis yes Dr Aruna datass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes C Finance Mr Anderson could you take us through that please sure if there are no objections I'd like to move under Finance number one uh let it be resolved that the board approved the following out of District placement as per the students IEP for the dates and tuitions as indicated on the agenda we'll give it to Mr Cass yeah okay thank you questions or comments roll call please Dore yes Mrs sidellis yes Dr Aruna dessin yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Mr Cass if you can take us through operations please be glad to under buildings and grounds we have two items item 1.1 is for the board to approve the attached proposal for a feasibility study on the board owned Nicole Drive property by EI Associates at a cost of $188,000 1.2 is for the board to approve the rejection of bid for a new 8 toilet rooms at Riverview Elementary School on Wednesday May 1st 2024 at 10:00 a.m. the Board of Ed received one response to its new ADA toilet rooms at riview elementary school advertisement and the uh bidw K&D contractors with a bid price of [Music] $539,000 were requesting that the bid be rejected and it'll have to be rebid because it was way over the anticipated uh budget for the project I'll second thank you question questions or comments roll call please Dr Mo yes Mrs Adelis yes Dr Aruna datass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay new business no action to be taken uh Dr rja tosen can you take us through Personnel on this one please certainly uh the next meeting for myself or someone else will'll move the following items item number one uh the Denville administrative Association contract and then several items for new hires resignations retirements employee leaves extra pay salary and adjustments and an agreement with Keen University for nursing department clinical program for student nurses and uh fourth item it to be determined for the substitute thank you very much if there are no questions on that section we'll move on to imp Dr Moore uh yes uh either uh myself or someone else will approve the following uh resolutions under instruction and program item number one workshops and with expenses is uh the uh literacy coach will be going to a writing Institute at the reading and writing project at mossflower for four days excellent thank you moving on Mr capella will you want to take us through policy revisions please I'd be happy to um I or another board member at the next meeting will be uh taking us through these policy revisions uh we have policy revisions uh that we're abolishing around equity and educational programs and services uh sportsmanship e Ed yeah Equitable education opportunities bilingual education both policy and regulations curriculum content equity and school classroom practices policy and um regulation guidance counseling uh reporting student progress uh comprehensive Equity planning uh equal employment opportunities uh and code of ethics being revised secret societies being revised prevention and treatment of sports related concussions both policy and Regulation and uh vandalism policies and regul uh vandalism policy and regulations being revised and uh School District security regulation being revised thank you okay uh Finance Mr Anderson uh during our next meeting if you can show us sure during our next meeting U myself or someone else we'll move the following uh resolutions first one will be our checks list that obviously will be available at the next meeting uh item number two would be the um collection of tax money schedule from the uh Denville Township uh including uh by month uh equating out to just over 35 million uh item number three will be for the board to approve the Garden State Environmental as the district environmental consultant uh for school year 2024 2025 uh item number four be the bo board to approve an award of Professional Services contract for architectural and Engineering Services to EI Associates um uh item number five be the board to approve the award of Professional Services contract for auditing services toak our auditing company that we've had for many years years but I've never actually pronounced their name uh item number six will be the board to approve the Professional Services uh for Legal Services to clear uh Clary giobi alfier Jacobs who has been our attorney for many years also and then item number seven will be the board to approve a Professional Services contract for Legal Services special education legal council to Cornell Merino mckever and Osborne item number eight uh Professional Services contract uh broker of record services to cbiz uh Insurance Services um and I apologize that the uh I haven't completed the minutes but I will be getting those out that is a change based upon our recent um bids that we had put out um item number one or excuse me item number nine will be Award of contract for broker of uh record services for health benefits to Brown and Brown Metro LLC item number 10 will be the board to approve donation of $1,200 to the Valley View mock trial Club from Einhorn barbarito attorneys which is a local uh firm here in Denville and then item number 11 will be the Board of Education to approve the attached service agreement with eate Consulting for the 2024 2025 school year in the amount of $4,500 thank you very much any questions or comments all right and moving on with our agenda Mr Cass operations please at the next meeting there might be something for transportation right now there's nothing to talk about but under building and grounds we have four items 2.1 to approve the attached agreement between Garden State and environmental and the Dil Board of Ed in connection with the ah. njrt K and nj- P compliance services for the upcoming fiscal year 2.2 is to approve the attached agreement with Westchester environmental LLC for lead and water testing districtwide for the 2024 2025 school year in the amount of $4,085 2.3 to approve the attached bid award WF 2024 2.4 to approve the attached quote from Cashman Landscaping management for the district landscape maintenance services for the upcoming school year on Thursday May 9th 2024 10: a.m. the Board of Education received one response to the advertisement seeking quotes for grass cutting and fall spring cleanup for the period of July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 and Casual Landscaping quote was $ 42,3 40 thank you Mr Cass any questions or comments yeah I will mention one thing about the uh the lead testing very important I remember when this became a big national public issue we got on it right away with um see if you can refresh my memory if I'm incorrect but uh we did take a couple of water fountains offline right away because they didn't test too well and put in alternate plans till we got everything fixed up so was another example how quickly we reacted to something very important we did have we had a a few years ago we had a a I don't know there was a handful of water Outlets that that were that tested higher so they were taken offline and they were either abandoned replaced or a filter was added to them so that was all taken care of and we still have to do it what every three years dearis every three years we have to do the full testing of all water allets that are used for consumption of water or preparing food like if it's a hose bib we don't do it just so like know the difference like something outside we don't do but something in like a a slop syn for custodians we don't do that we do anything that would be used for water for consumption Steve when I was a kid we uh drank out of the hoses yeah that doesn't happen as much anymore my kids want like bottled water when it's hot out I guess that's the problem with me it explains a lot any other questions or comments okay let's move on to the good of the cause committee reports correspondence discussion items such as uh highlights and classroom space considerations how's this for highlights of the a recap of the Valley View and Lake View students that presented tonight the board voted to to approve the staff list for 2425 and then just a a reminder that next meeting May 20th Persons Of The Year and Communications committee will be presenting that sounds good to me thank you go ahead Mr Cass I have a great one anybody see 60 Minutes a couple of weeks ago on St Mary School in New Orleans dinos SW okay so for those of you who didn't um two of the students there solved the uh Pythagorean theory okay so it was uh very impressive but uh I didn't you know really understand too much of what we were talking about with this very complicated math but um one of the things that uh you know I key in on and uh it just shows you when you have a uh a culture and environment um kids can succeed the school was started by a nun in Africa for obviously you know black students there and U exported the schools to America so a couple of key things that are really interesting no entrance exam they take anybody as long as you're a female and um uh uniforms are required so these girls were very neatly dressed and the skirts had to be um below the knee um now you you see the more as Catholic girls they they roll the waist up so you know it's a miniskirt by the time they leave for after they leave the house when they get to school um so uniforms they have very high standards that are enforced it's not everybody gets a trophy um they aim high and land High that's the the philosophy there at the school and it's a culture of greatness and achievement where every student can be what they want to be and can do what they aspire to so it was um just an absolutely impressive story that they did on these these young ladies and uh they interviewed a lot of them especially the two that uh solv the theory I mean they're uh internationally famous now in the mathematical community so it was uh I know we're all busy you get time um it's out there on the web that show and you can you know fast forward to that that segment there but it was one of the more impressive things I think about about schools um especially the culture there's nothing wrong with being strict and having high standards for your your students it works great thank you Mr Cass yes please I I didn't have the opportunity to go to the the TRS the but I do want to just point it out I know that they spoke about it today but it it is an incredible program for the students to be entrepreneurs at Valley View if you do have the opportunity to go I missed it this year I'm very upset but um they do put a lot of hard work into that the students have a a shop essentially for all of their products that they develop and they Market it and um I just wanted to to say thank you to to uh the Expo program for putting that on and um remind us all that we should attend and and see what they're up to um at valy view because it's all good things yeah I appreciate you adding that um Dr CIS did you want to add something to it I was just gonna say the level of product since we started this project which this program like five years ago we started trips I think it was five years ago they are so sophisticated that many of them now have Etsy shops and are selling their things because what they have Incorporated is amazing I mean you would be quite surprised at what these students have made you know it's not just drawing a picture I mean they really have used technology and created these incredible projects products yeah I want to say that my daughter uh she participated as well and she because of this she's learning how to manage um her time because uh she puts a lot of Labor into um making her products that she makes but then she also under begins to ask questions about the financials and inventory management and all these other aspects of running a business that you know uh you don't learn until college sometimes so I thought I think that it's it's a phenomenal program and I got to hand it to miss jaffy she does an amazing job I don't know where uh my daughter somehow sells out every year she it's incredible and she now wants to create her own online store and I was telling her Etsy as well so so next summer she's uh looking to maybe create an online store for her products so um I do want to add a few more things um first of all I thought that celebrating neurodiversity was was uh fantastic um uh I think it's really important that we do and I'm really glad that Lake View is taking the initiative in that as well as uh donating their services to the public library which is uh fantastic uh donating also the books um the delegate assembly will be this Saturday so uh our one resolution for purchasing uh school buses with the with reserves will be there so uh and it will be voted on this Saturday uh if there's anyone that else uh anyone that would like to attend the delegate assembly let me know maybe we can carpool I'll be heading down um I was meaning to put out two agendas uh last week the transportation task force I'm sorry the minutes for the Tas Transportation task force and the uh governance committee uh so I'll just briefly say that the governance committee will be putting out a calendar uh that the board can use as a guide to all these different um dates that are important to us and somehow um I can't retain unfortunately Ely so I think this might be a tool and this will be a document a spreadsheet that I'm going to open up to all board members to comment on so if you feel that something is not necessary or something should be included or something should be rewarded or something uh should be changed I think this is an open and ongoing document for for the board a tool for us to use so um we also um discovered that the wording on one of our bylaws uh could be updated so for example um the wording our our bylaw is that we need to have our reorg meeting the first week of January when in fact it's actually different uh with the statute so we're going to look to update that as well uh you'll see that come through in one of our policy agendas so um agenda item on the pal uh agenda item on the policy section so and I think the transportation task force there uh we had we had a good meeting so um I'll send out the minutes uh regarding that as well so Mr Kim can I just make one more comment um this past Saturday the Denville Education Foundation held another fundraiser uh Spring Fling band night they had uh several bands that donated their time um I just wanted to quickly thank them for uh the incredible effort that goes into planning an event like that and thank everybody who was um able to come out from the public they had probably about a hundred or so people there Rock Ridge Country Club um so they had a really good showing and turnout um for a great night so um I know they've they're constantly looking for new and different kind of uh fundraisers to be able to continue to fund uh the grants that come in from the teachers and the district um they've just done a phenomenal job so I know they've got um they're probably done for the summer although they're trying to plan um a few other events uh including their golf outing it looks like that date's going to be October 27 second at n Country Club this year so um you can put that on your calendars and they'll have more information coming out thank you very much any other comments any other board member like to include anything else okay then we'll move on with our agenda and open it up to public comments at 8:34 seeing no one online and on the chambers we'll close it at 8:34 p.m. I believe there's no need for another executive session so could I get a motion motion to adjourn thank you all in favor I any n abstentions okay the meeting is over at 8:35 thank you every