##VIDEO ID:2amfMDy8ygU## live good evening everyone uh welcome to another board meeting board session I'm going to call this meeting to order this me meeting of the Denville Township Board of Education is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was provided to the Daily Record Andor The Star Ledger of Morris County has been delivered to the Township Clerk and has been posted on the bulletin board of the board of education office and at each of the school buildings in the district roll call please Dr Mo here Mrs selis here Dr Aruna datass uh Vu stated he will not be here tonight thank you Mr Cass here Mr Anderson here Mr Capello here Mr Kim here uh there was no need for an executive session so we'll skip that part now we're going to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance but uh to honor and remember those who've lost their lives at appalachi High School in Georgia will follow the plge of Allegiance with a moment of silence so all rise thank you for that okay moving along with the agendas uh special presentations next week it looks like we'll be reviewing the district and board goals October 7th I'm sorry next meeting not next week next meeting on October 7th will be the Hib self-grading presentation and October 28th will be Dr Cullis Dr CIS it will be presenting the njsla test results from 2324 school year okay and uh superintendent comments Dr fory if you will thank you um I wanted to say that we had a nice opening I sent you all pictur of me with the lake view lion and we posted some pictures on Facebook and um Twitter it was um a very nice opening smooth and um everybody seemed happy when we walked around so I was I was very pleased to see what was going on um qack update on October 28th we will have to approve the the DPR which is the district performance report is part of qac procedure and qac is the monitoring that we un that we go um through every three years with the state of New Jersey and um because it's due on November 15 it has to be board approved prior to submitting so we will have it ready for approval on octo October 28th on January 15 2025 the Mars County Executive school superintendent and her team will visit our full qack team and Mr Kim is our Board of Education representative for qack so our two big dates are um the 28th of October for approval so that means we're working on all those all those parts of qac right now and those of you that seen it there's um a lot of different pieces to it so we're Gathering all our information now and then uh we will have it on the agenda for the 28th of October and then again our site visit is January 15th um this is just information there's not other than Mr Kim there's no other there's nothing else you need to do on the 15th this is a snapshot of our enrollment on September 5th I emailed it to you but just wanted to make sure that everybody was aware what's going on with this um we do have a total of 1749 students our Dr grip projection was 1743 um lake views enrollment is 697 Riverview is 4 65 and Val view is 574 again this is on September 5th Dr grip's projection with the new housing was 1810 that was if all new housing were was built and occupied um students in the Mildred Gill Lane which is the one that where the Alexis Diner is as of September 5th we have six students and the development next to Mars NES the Toll Brothers we have have six students there as well the esing lake apartments that were built a few years ago we have 15 students and just an update on what else is going on the route 10 project has started the groundwork the Redmond press has started their framing actually on the second floor so they're they're moving along and the uh one that's going to be on Thurmont which is the one near nearest the Denville train station not the other train station the Denville one is getting close because I did receive an email from their engineer asking for information about the bus stop for that location so I'm I'm assuming that this project is going to be moving as well I took a ride over there the other day just to take a look at it um I guess if they could build in that spot on Route 10 they could build anywhere because that's pretty steep too um this is probably a little less steep than that but it's uh it's it's it's in a it's in an odd spot because you have to go over the bridge and the roads over there don't look like they were meant for this type of traffic if you ever take a look at it I'm not sure of the answer of whether or not there's going to be a road that's that's open from the opposite of the train of the train station all the way down to like the votek I don't know if that's going to be open or not I know it's there but I'm not sure if it's going to be open but I do know they're planning on closing the railroad crossing closest to the votch like not allow passing through there anymore I went I went to a meeting on that that was what they said but again it's NJ Transit I don't know how long it'll take for it to get done I just wanted to give you a heads up of what's going on and some of the things that are happening around town and um I think the biggest part for me my takeaway this is just me is that in theory and prediction and paper you look at it and you're like H it's all right but then when you actually see it being built and you drive down there and you see you know how how big it actually is all these different developments that are going up it starts to make you think a little bit um so that was my takea away from it for now I will keep you updated as much as I can on this and um that's the comments for the superintendent today thank you Dr Forte um proceeding to uh assistant superintendent comments Dr CIS if you will sure just following up on the discussion we had last meeting about composting I did meet with our grp Green Team and they let me know that they have been meeting with the town and have gone on several trainings recently about uh a composting project that the town is is looking into at the recycling center so we are attending those meetings and as it moves forward we will look into our possible participation it's with a third a third company that is involved in picking up the compost so we will keep you updated and we will be looking into how we can be involved in that project as it moves forward our sixth grade study skills program will be starting on September 23rd at Valley View njsla results will be arriving midep so in the next week or so and they will be uploaded into Genesis instead of being mailed home this year and notification will be made when the nsla reports are available for viewing this concludes assistant superintendent report thank you Dr CIS business administrator comments Miss Kowski do you have any comments I do one uh the first week of the national school launch program went really well last week we still making Minor Adjustments as needed and today the Department of Health issued the sanitation certificate so we are in a good start and we'll be moving forward great thank you all right moving on uh we will now open it up for public discussion um it is 7:39 and and if there are any questions or comments please feel free to step up to the mic and state your name and address and uh please proceed hello my name is Dave lure nine Wildwood Terrace I uh I actually came this evening with a question that wasn't directly related to the agenda but having reviewed the agenda I do have a couple of questions uh the first one is about uh section four a Personnel items 2 three four five six what is the D program because I I I haven't been paying attention as much as I should have the last two and a half years that stands for the Denville accelerated Learning Academy and it's a general education summer program that we run alongside our extended school year but it's open to our general education students okay thank you very much uh under policy revisions uh it looks it appears as if the board wants to abolish the remote public board meetings during declared emergency uh is is that really a good idea if I mean worst comes to worst and we have to do it again wouldn't it be better to have it on the books or we concern that it would be abused in some way it's actually covered in a different policy that's that's really the only reason gotcha okay uh the last thing I wanted to uh I wanted to talk about or at least bring to your attention uh the I am of the opinion that the Denville School District needs to uh should be paying more attention to what's going on in the districts that it sends students to uh last this past graduation uh the Valley View graduation and the uh Morris nolles graduation uh sorry not the marals graduation the uh uh votch graduation happened at almost the same time they were overlap by like an hour or so and the back to school night for Val View and the V and the votc are actually happening on the same night Valley View starts I think a half an hour after the votek starts there is significant overlap between the students be in families uh my family for one has a student at Valley viiew and a student at votek and fortunately my wife works literally across the street but she can't drive right now so she's going to have to walk across the street and I'm going to have to go to the Valley View one uh it seems that with the dates that are available there should be some way to uh cor not correspond sorry to uh just to talk to the various districts and make sure that all of the various dates do not happen at the same time thank you so we do look into the dates with Mars Hills Regional so there's five districts that all have to kind of work together so that's that's a challenge um I could definitely consider a possibility of back to school night graduation has other issues like our school calendar what there's a couple other graduations that happen at marsels and we also have to we don't like to have the graduation too me too much earlier than the end and we definitely don't want to have it after the end so um the graduation is a little bit more of a challenge but the back to school night is something that we could look into for next year I would appreciate that thank you seeing no one else in the chambers and no one online we're going to close public comments at 7:43 p.m. moving on to Old business no action to be taken uh Miss ad delis if you will uh sure um at the next meeting myself or someone else will move these items for approval um we are looking at the July and August 2024 treasurer of school money's reports the board secretary reports education reports and the minutes for August 19th 2024 work session and executive session meetings any questions or comments okay moving on the agenda new business action to be taken uh Mr capella can you uh walk us through the Personnel section please I would be happy to if there are no objections under Personnel I would like to move items 1 through 11 uh starting with item one which are uh resignations and uh changes to pay uh sections or numbers two through six are uh related to the dala program approved uh attached staff to work uh for that program uh number seven uh we're a proving a leave of absence for an employee I call your attention to number eight there is a correction on that item uh where it says uh the board hereby approves employee the number the number should be d001 077 uh and then continuing down that carries through to where it says Be Be it further resolved uh for employee number and again d00 z1077 uh item nine are approving the uh Mentor mentee relationships for 2425 with the appropriate U stiens paid by the mentees uh and then will be reimbursed by the district um also here I want to call out uh line item G uh for Maria taglienti the mentor instead of being Tia zeni would be Deborah Jak jacobas um item 10 uh the board approving the reimbursement for Mentor fees uh that were previously paid by the mentees and finally uh we are approving uh one substitute um Sher Dany for the 2425 school year I'll second thank you very much questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs sellis yes Dr Aruna tassin I'm so sorry Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes uh section B Finance Mr Anderson can you walk us through that please sure if there are no objections under Section B Finance I'd like to move number one which is the board approved the attached 2024 2025 back to- school evaluations contract with st CLA Behavioral Health at the rate of $250 for each back toschool evaluation performed by St Claire's to the students referred by this school district Andor schools I'll second thank you sorry questions or comments roll call please D deore yes Mrs Adelis yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Mr Cass uh could you walk us through operations please sure will under building and grounds item 1.1 is for the board to approve the attached design change notice 002 from EI Associates in connection with the sidewalk project in the amount of $285 1.2 is for the board to approve to authorize EI Associates to submit a major Amendment to the lrfp in accordance with PL 20007 c137 each School District must amend its long range facilities plan at least once every five years which is referred to as a major amendment in addition District lrfp must be current and consistent with school facilities project applications can I have a second please I'll second all thank you very much questions or comments uh did did we receive a copy of that major Amendment or was that discussing committee the long range facilities plans uh five year is due September 23rd we have not filed for the amendment yet every five years we have to update a m a major Amendment so uh we would not have the report until it's approved by the Department of Education it has to be approved by the board first to let us do it have to you're approving us to do it the submission of the application to submit you're so we're approving just the submission to the state correct and you know what we have to do we have to update it because we're going to have to we're looking at what we're going to do with the facility at 46 Nicole drive with the buildings on there so so all this has to be done but so I I think maybe I'm getting to maybe what James was so but we're not reviewing it before we submit it I mean I say we the bo as in the board that that's the part I'm confused about the major amendment is really updating what we currently have and every time we have a change could be a project or the purchase of the 46 Ni Call drive we do a minor Amendment just to include the change this every five years we have to approve if there's even if there's no changes we still need to do a new application and board approve it so you guys already approved all the things that are in it this is just approving it like we have to it's a thing for every five years and we can present a report once with submit the application any other questions or comments from the rest of the board roll call please D deore yes Mrs Adelis yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay uh the next section of the agenda is new business no action to be taken so Mr Capello if you could walk us through the Personnel section again uh absolutely if there no objections at the next meeting uh we will be reviewing and voting on uh items one and uh two items one would include um position staff uh School staff for after school enrichment program for the remainder of the 2425 school year uh and any additional items uh and also uh substitutes which right now has no items in it thank you very much any questions or comments okay on the next section Dr Moore can you walk us through the instruction and program uh sure uh either myself or someone else will move for approval the following resolutions under instruction and program under item number one uh workshop and expenses there are two teachers for the njid da 39th Annual fall conference in Somerset New Jersey and under item number two uh the board will approve the childhood victories Inc to provide uh body safety education per Aaron's law questions or comments here uh yeah I just wanted to uh highlight the uh item number two it was uh you know in response to Aaron's law and Dr Cullis spent some time in committee um telling us uh how uh the process went in terms of her selection of the uh childhood victories and that the uh language would be um age appropriate and um that the the speaker uh presenting is is is pro parent there's not uh and it just just seems to me that this is a one of those opportunities that the more we can communicate um the the details to the community the the better we are in delaying concerns and preventing the rumor Mills and you know for the uh um the PTA Liaisons I think it would probably be a good idea to to kind of present there as well just giving everyone a heads up and there will be an opportunity for parents to see um what's going to be presented uh before it is and I think there's also an opportunity for parents to opt out and I don't know if Dr CIS wanted to say anything more about it I don't know if I did it justice or not you did uh well so I just want to let the parents know it's November 19th we will be having V it will be virtual but that presentation will be made to um all parents and families so they'll be able to watch that at 7 o'clock at home and the staff will be receiving the information on October 14th and I think it's a great suggestion to go to the ptas uh and talk to them as well thank you I look forward to that actually so uh yeah if once the details are available please let us know Mr Kim can I make a friendly amend m m uh on the Billings and grounds please on 101 under the eii associate change order it should be toilet not sidewalk project oh I see so we're going back to buildings and grounds correct okay um so Mr Cass uh do you understand the change that Mr gski is presenting to us this change order should have been toilet project not C walk project okay by me and um yeah Mr capella were you the one who second yeah line microphone uh 101 1.1 second line in connection with the toilet project in the amount of $285 that is correct okay that's fine with me thank you okay and uh so we'll have to have a new row call is that correct M groski Dr Moore yes Mrs Adelis yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes thank you okay so uh under instruction and program were there any further questions or comments before we moved on to policy and revisions okay Mrs zelis could you walk us through policy revisions please happy to uh at the next meeting myself or someone else will move the following resolutions under policy revisions to adoption so this is our second reading of these policies um and as stated by uh Our member here Dave the remote public board meetings during declared emergency is UN abolished but it is incorporated into other regulations and if you can if you have any questions I guess they are all within uh the agenda for a review any questions or comments okay moving on to finance Mr Anderson sure at the next meeting myself or someone else we'll move under def Finance uh there is there'll be our checklist that we will get uh prior to the meeting as well as uh the board will be asked to approve donation of 15 boxes of school supplies from the Denville Town Social Services item number three is for the board to approve the attached Food Service bioc Security Management plan item number four is for the board to approve the 2425 enrichment programs at Lake View and Riverview uh as the costs listed in the agenda board uh item number five is for the board to approve uh to donate a projector uh to the Denville Blue Angels football organization which is no longer needed for the district item number six is for the board to approve the following individuals to attend the New Jersey school board workshop and Exposition in Atlantic City on October 21st to the 24th at a group reservation rate of $2,100 additional cost per person uh is as follows Hotel $170 $7 per night meals and incidentals 4425 first and last day $59 for the full uh day plus marriage reimbursement expense and the individuals are Dr Steven Forte Mrs dearis Kowski Mr James Kim Mr Michael Anderson and Dr Clifford Moore and that's all for finance great thank you very much questions or comments uh Mrs gry can you tell us a little bit more about item number three the Food Service biocurity management plan as part of the National School launch program we have to approve us several policies one of them is policy uh 8500 and which that policy policy also explained about the uh bio the manual for the bio um food change and it's basically a manual explaining who's in charge who's the coordinator uh who's doing what and basically all the protocols that we have to follow thank you there was ever some kind of an emergency it's like the plan in place to how to deal with it this came out a few years ago everybody has to do it and state if you have the launch program that might be the only spot in our policy that we use the word bioc security it's very exciting um on number four the enrichment program uh it says $16 to the Board of Education from uh each registration so I'm a little confused about the wording about that do I get $16 for doing nothing so the um the the this is what we so let me back up a little bit when I first got here we had a program of enrichment where teachers that ran the enrichment directly paid were directly paid by parents we realized it's not a good practice so we put this thing in place where we now have um they they get a good they get $52 per student though register it's it's a pretty good deal um but the board has to have some of the money on that because they're using our facility our uh Insurance everything of ours and then not only that um when a when a student needs an aid or a student needs a nurse to stay after we need those we need that fun those funds to try to stay neutral we we like during the budget process I explained to you everybody and we all decided to put about 10,000 in the budget to defray some of the cost because we usually run a little bit of a deficit so this $16 is helping to keep that deficit to as close to zero as possible also cover the payroll taxes payroll taxes correct understood thank you and $16 for the district to manage the overhead okay any other questions or comments okay moving on to operations Mr Cass if you will at the next meeting I'm going to ask the board to approve two items 2.1 is to approve the attached quote from clean Earth to dispose of all chemicals in the amount of $1,930 37 paid for maintenance Reserve item 2.2 is to approve the attached quote from CJ vanderbeck and Son Incorporated to repair all three boilers at rivu in the amount of 8,000 815 paid from mainen reserve and we did discuss these in a little bit more detail at the uh committee meeting um very important that we keep these boilers well maintained and do repairs as needed and when needed because they sure cost a lot of money when you have to replace them so uh I'm very confident that uh our maintenance department is doing a a good job on um keeping all the boilers running at all the schools thank you Mr C any questions or comments from the board okay uh the next section of the agenda is for good the good of the cause committee reports correspondence discussion items and other items remain to the district do we have some meeting highlights that we want to communicate Dr for so far I have it was a smooth opening of the school year and back to school nights does anybody have any else to add um if I can oh sorry I was going to just uh go to the cause um this weekend is the sustainability fair at the farmers market I encourage everyone to attend if they can um there are a lot of different groups who will be there and as U members of the community we should you know go to support and and you know speak to as many people as we can because composting is important thank you uh Dr Forte I have nothing else that I would uh that I can think of for the highlights as well any other board members I'll just I'll just add the that we're going to do the goals on the 23rd as well I had a comment okay Mr K reluctantly because I know we'd like to get out of here by 8:15 break break our record anyhow I was looking over the agenda and noticed that we're going to have the presentation on the uh the goals which is great thing it uh maintains our transparency with the uh with the public and everything but I noticed on the board goes the uh Community out Outreach and uh the word improve and I know uh many of us uh some more than others are very actively involved in other organizations in town and um participate in other volunteer activities maybe not on a full-time basis but a part-time here and there so I think and I was talking to Dino on the way and denille is certainly just a great Community for volunteers uh and volunteer organizations I went to a uh Community Fair a couple of years ago they had it and they had all these DeMille organizations some of them I never heard of and what they do so um it's a great part of our town so maybe we should look at the word improve and uh continue to participate um because back in my corporate days you know the dreaded thing on your performance summary was needs Improvement so it uh perceptually you know it kind of it's we could do more and I don't know if some of us can do more at this point we invest a lot of time so something to think about and um you know and when you have Improvement there's uh there's benchmarks there's a plan and I don't know if we're you know really want to do that where we list everything we do and then uh at the end of the year we're saying well nothing changed or maybe you did more Mr Cass when you say uh get more involved are you talking about uh spe in a specific event or you want us to be more involved in the community like no it's the word improve there's a perception on my part when I read it and maybe I should have brought it up when we were putting that together but when you see the word improve it indicates that you should improve and I I don't think that's the case um you know Mike I'm you know closest with on the board here and he was rotary man of the year I mean uh I don't know what Mike sleeps he's got so many uh organizations he's involved with and the rest of you too do a lot you know just do a lot of things so uh you know maybe it's to to continue and and also from a communication standpoint we talked about you know we had a big communication study there um maybe we should be at you know advertising and publicizing some of the uh work that the board members do uh outside of the Board of Education um you know maybe highlight one person uh a month or just uh you know do everybody with a couple of sentences of what else they're involved in because I know all spend a lot of time doing things for the town just a Shameless plug um I'm I'm also a rotarian as well um and I would love to do one of those uh Community vendor events again that's what I was a part of I don't know was was it pride and it was I think it was just the town hall also but we should as the Board of Education be involved as well because the school district is is a huge part of the community so next time and if I put that together I'm going to let you guys know and then we can uh all get involved in that way and also a second Shameless pug um the Farmers Market on uh Sunday on the 15th has a sustainability Fair where all the other um Community groups will be at um and the Denville uh Rotary will also be there selling Ducks thank you thank you Mr Cass thank you mellis Mr capella did you have something else you wanted to add for the good of Cl yes yeah one thing and it's it's kind of um a little off topic but maybe not totally um we've been talking about free lunch uh the free lunch program the national free lunch program and obviously we're involved in it now and we make you you know huge efforts to feed the kids of you know Denville that uh might be food insecure I just saw something uh last night on uh it was last week tonight if you have HBO you could see John Oliver he does these fairly like 20 minute long deep dives into an issue and he focused on school lunches and one of the things that there are actually you know there's talk about which I don't think anything's going to happen this year of course but uh the idea of bringing back the national school lunch program the way it was during the pandemic we basically Universal free lunches um you know it's it would be amazing it would basically mean kids are not falling through the cracks it means districts like us basically everybody would get a free every student that wanted one could get breakfast and lunch free so it's something that they talking about I think it would be tremendous um so just wanted to bring that up if you get a chance watch the program it was really really informative so great thank you Mr capella Mr Kim if I will if I can um just two quick things Denville Education Foundation has two events coming up this Friday is their uh free to our movie night the weather looks like it's going to be good so it's on Garder field number one um they are selling I think pizzas ahead of time they'll have concession stand open so encourage everybody I'll send out the information in case you're interested and then their other event is during the Schoolboard convention so I know some of us won't be able to make it but they're having their golf outing uh dinner and and uh Tricky Tray and auction which is October 22nd it's a Tuesday evening at null Country Club so I'll send that information out also if anybody's interested or able to attend I know they would would appreciate it they do a lot for the uh District um the other thing I wanted to quickly bring up was um was interesting as Dr Forte was going through some of the uh demographic stuff I I started looking at some you know emails and trying to remember back and it's um it's really interesting to look at some of the yields from some of the high density existing home units so I'll give you an example estling Village right they're all one and two bedroom it's about 100 units in there that was built bu in 2015 and our yield in 2019 was about 8% right it was eight kids eight students that we had coming out as of today we have 15 students coming out of that that development so 10 years after it was built so I don't know whether it's the length of the building meaning 10 years like or is it just the economy or something that changed from 2015 to 2024 that increased our yield tremendously um but then also if you look at the forges it's an unbelievable yield right I think those the two uh uh units or two developments in town that are currently built that probably represent the demographics we're going to see coming out of the existing or the newer uh developments that are being built now so I guess I say this because I still think that Dr grip's projections are probably low yield considering what we could see coming out of some of these developments um whether it takes 10 years like esing Village did or whether it's going to be instantaneous is really the question I think we've got to look at at so I appreciate Dr Forte and the administration really keeping a close eye on this because this is one of these things where I think it could you know start swelling pretty quickly and start getting to the point of uh stretching out some of our classrooms and everything probably not to the immediate point that we need more space but certainly to the point that our class sizes and um and and ratios of staff to students could get greater which also brings up a second point I was going to make which is just something I wanted to look at was um just historical look at amount of students with 504s and IEPs like literally going back like as far as we can find it um because as I sit at home my wife's a educator in another District the amount of students she has every year continues to go up and up and up and the demand on the staff and then we talk about at the staff convocation burnout and you think why do they have such burnout from a staff perspective well part of it is the demand that these teachers and Educators the um as well as the uh the AIDS have on trying to accommodate and modify so many different students um needs so um I think about those two together because it's potentially a recipe for disaster as we have larger class sizes and more Demand on our staff so um thanks Dr Forte and the administration for bringing in uh wonderful keynote speaker at the staff convocation and for using that as a program throughout the district not just at the convocation but throughout the year I think it's an important thing we need to keep on our radar as a board um no action yet but I would say it's certain something that I think is important as I kind of think through kind of our future thank you Mike appreciate that any followup questions or comments yeah I wanted to um one of the first things I wanted to say is Dr Forte I thought that convocation as Mike alluded to was a fantastic event another successful outing so thank you thank you Dr cus thank you Miss Kowski and thank you for uh the rest of the staff for putting that together um having all the board members there I wanted to thank uh each and every one of you as well for uh supporting uh we are definitely a district that uh that we are proud of or we are part of a uh something that I think is a great community and great District so um I also want to um um make a few comments about the tragic events that happened earlier this week you know I think that uh it's another um another sad uh news uh event that happened and U unfortunately it's almost like it's a um status quo which we shouldn't feel comfortable about or you know so um I am grateful for all the programs that we have in place uh from Mental Health as well as the security measures that we put in place I think um both of those specifically mental health is a huge component of that uh from some of the news articles that I'm reading that was part of the reason why uh these tragic events might have happened so uh I you know I think we as a board continue to support that and uh I'm grateful that we have this in place so um moving forward we should always look to strive to improve whatever we can from security standpoint as well as from a emotional and a mental health standpoint so uh I like I look forward to the further discussions that we have um with any new new ideas that might be out there uh that we want to try to incorporate so okay great um if there are no other comments or qu uh comments for good of the cause uh we'll open it up back up for public discussion at 8:13 p.m. seeing uh no one come up to the podium or the mic or seeing that no one's online we will close open public comments at 8:13 p.m. there is a need for an executive session which we will go into and then we will not be voting any um after that so we'll adjourn immediately after so uh Dr Moore can you take us into executive session please sure I'd like to move that we convene an executive session in accordance with Section 8 of the open public meetings act the purpose of this closed session will be to discuss negotiations legal security and Personnel issues minutes of this session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists I'll second thank you all in favor I I any NES or extensions okay we are in ex itive at 8:14 p.m.