##VIDEO ID:4ibXfQVJik8## good evening six o'clock tonight we're going to be doing the reorg and before we call this meeting to order we would like to SAR in the new and the reelected board members please come to the front so we can do the oath careful and you can here can to you like face a little bit we oh that's good you will read the O stating your name and you can any other section at the end if you do not want to say that section okay and you may begin okay together oh at the same time okay I Christina asterino do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God thank you welcome thank [Applause] you never saw house uh many times she already typed it in for so Animal House proof yeah if she had done that you know left it then you would have just continue reading without it right all right we'll continue this meeting is called to order at 6:02 pm M this meeting of the Denville Township Board of Education is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was provided to the Daily Record and or the start Ledger of moris county has been delivered to the Township Clerk and has been posted on the bulletin board of the board of education office and at each of the school buildings in the district please R rise for the pled pled Allegiance PL Allegiance the flag of the United States of America and the repu stand one na godible the result of the annual School elections held November 5th 2024 are as follows Mrs Christina asterino 5,000 200 votes Dr Clifford Moore 3,688 vote total of 8,888 De Maris do we need to do the roll call I would do that now thank you Jack deore here Mrs aelis here Mrs asterino here Mr Cass here Mr Anderson will be absent Mr Capello here Mr Kim here thank you at this time I would like to ask nominations for board president for the 2025 calendar year may I please have a nomination I have a nomination Mr Kim to be the the head of the board I'll roll call please State yes or no if you are in agreement with Mr Kim as board president I do need a second yes I will I'll second oh sorry thank you I'm not following my own agenda that was a test to see if we were paying attention Dr Moore yes Mrs sellis yes Mrs asterino yes Mr Cass yes Mr I'm sorry Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Mr Kim you may assume The Bard meeting yes I will take over uh thank you very much Miss uh congratulations a thank you very much uh I will now take nominations for vice president I would like to uh nominate Dr Moore I'll second excellent thank you Miss Kowski uh roll call please Jack deore yes Mrs aelis yes Mrs asterino yes Mr Cass yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes all right Cong congratulations M Dr congratulations Dr of Clifford yeah Dr Mo congratulations um and uh once again I want to thank the board for having trust and faith in myself and Dr Moore uh this year I believe is going to be another challenging year and this year um you know with the new demographic study and uh with the um the five-year strategic plan we hope to maybe make some uh educated decisions or you know guided decisions and with a lot more discussion uh but hopefully by the end of this year uh one of my goals is to really look at the classroom sizes and really look at that classroom size policy and get that going uh the other the other um goal I have for this year is to um have the governance committee uh become more permanent that meets maybe two or three times a quarter uh so maybe anywhere from four to six times a year um and so that we can look at um some policies as well as introducing board Retreats for uh longer meetings that might include some uh board dinners or something like that so um so hopefully we have I mean I think we have a full docket for this year and uh we can have another productive year so thank you for your trust and faith in me okay uh moving on to the agenda uh the committee's are also uh attached I believe to this agenda or if not an electronic version uh for the board members if you wish to make any changes to your committee and which committee you'd like to be involved with please let me know um so uh Miss Asino if you have any questions feel free to ask myself or any board member about what the different committees might be and uh and we can get you situated on that as well in the in the board packet under the in the board docs for this meeting which you'll get after um you can see the blank version of the committee's page that's for you Mr Kim and um if you if once you're ready you know you can update it you have access to it as a editor and add in who you want or if you want I did leave 2024 at the bottom in the other tab so you could see those as well great thank you Dr Forte all right we'll take this time to now open it up for public comments at 609 p.m. so there's currently no one online and no one in the chambers so we'll go ahead and close open comments at 6:09 p.m and Mr Capello could you take us through Section Five appointments please uh I would be happy to if there are no objections under appointments I would like to move items one through 18 I believe um these include appointment of our auditor for 2025 our insurance services uh attorneys um also various attorneys for different parts of uh different activities we have uh appointment for Phoenix advisors uh continuing on we have uh appointing Genesis as the our accounting and Personnel software vendor uh e-rate Consulting uh EI Associates as our architect of record we have AA collection Inc to process debt collection matters uh Garden State Environmental um and then 12 are various appointments um and designations for the Board of Ed including bylaws uh existing charts of accounts uh appointments for the business admin administrator board Secretary treasur of school monies and so on um actually looks like we might have a numbering issue uh yes I just noticed that okay uh so 18 will be 20 19 will be 21 20 will be 22 21 will be 23 22 will be 24 23 will be 25 24 will be 26 oh yes sorry I you know I said I I set up tape thank you for correcting me I thought we stopped at 18 will be 27 26 will be 28 and that'll be the end okay yeah just to clarify uh number 18 that on page eight of the agenda is going to be now number 20 correct so because there are two 18 so we just want to clarify that for the public and so our final resolution which happens to be on page 10 would be number 28 okay so just to modify what I'm moving I'm moving uh items 1 through 28 that is correct okay thank you Dr uh thank you Mr Capello uh was there more that you wanted to add kind of continues on uh we obviously are um appointing a lot of different people that and a lot of different organizations that uh help us run the district um and we're approving uh health benefit waiver payments um so it's a pretty you know it's the usual boilerplate list of things I'm not going to go through it unless uh anybody'd like to dive into specifics I'll second thank you um for the public uh this is a requirement for the board by uh the state and this is uh typically what we do uh at the start of every meeting or calendar year meeting so uh this is just some house administrative housekeeping that required by the state any other questions or comments roll call please Dore yes Mrs a delis yes Mrs asterino yes Mr Cass yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes all right moving on to the agenda uh Dr Moore can you take us through b adoption of the public meeting Calendar please on page 10 apologies sure if there are no objections I'd like to move the following resolution that the board adopt the attached 2025 Board of Education public meeting calendar I'll second thank you questions or comments I just had one question I was just double-checking uh school board's Workshop looks like it's October 20th to the 23rd so I think we're okay on the calendar I concur right we're good okay cool uh since there are no questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs selis yes Mrs Mrs Asino yes Mr Cass yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay um next item on the agenda is the good of the cause correspondence and discussion items it looks like the at this point we'll Mo go ahead and do the school member uh School Board member code of ethics uh so all board members should have uh a copy of the code of ethics and every year we typically do a round robin where uh one board member might read uh a statement or a clause and then uh and then we can all sign the document and hand it over to miss Kowski so um I'll proceed and we'll just uh head over to our right uh with Dr Moore uh following it up so uh the code of ethics for scho school board members uh New Jersey statute uh sa 18a colon 12-2 24.1 a school board member shall abide by the following code of ethics for school board members I a I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures B I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing C I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them D I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well-run I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education I will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board F I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gains or for the gain of friends G I will hold confident I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly Ure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its School h i will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I I will support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties Jay I will refer all uh complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank you board members if you can go ahead and print your name and sign uh and date it and we can all hand it over to um Miss groski great thank you uh we had uh we passed it all down yes so you should have them all any other uh discussion items for good of the cause okay we'll go ahead and open it up for public comments for the second time at 6:18 p.m. seeing no one online and no one in the chambers we'll go ahead and close it at 6:19 p.m and since there is no need for exe is there a need for executive not now okay great so could could I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second great thank you all in favor I any Nays extensions we are adjourned at 6:19 p.m. and we'll go ahead and proceed on to the second meeting uh which is now our official working session so I will call this meeting to order this meeting of the down board of education is being held in accordance with the public open public meetings act notice of this meeting was provided to the Daily Record Andor The Star Ledger of mors county has been delivered to the Township Clerk and has been posted on the bulletin board of the board of education office and at each of the school buildings in the district roll call please dck deore here Mrs selis here miss asterino here Mr Cass here Mr Capello here Mr Kim here uh no executive session at this moment correct so we'll go ahead and rise for the Pledge of Allegiance FL of the United States of America repu for which stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay uh I don't know why but I had the sudden surge of adrenaline so rushing through this so I'll take a nice deep breath and we'll proceed uh the special presentations that we have scheduled so far this year is um officially June 9th will be a goals recap by New Jersey school boards uh where we will self-evaluate and set new goals for the new school year um next up on the agenda is superintendent comments Dr Forte thank you um just note that the um that that date for Charlene Peterson to come is about two weeks earlier than we normally do um just so when you're planning your U time on self- evaluations and goal setting um okay so snow we have a solid plan in place and we've Comm we've tested our Communications and you're ready if in the need of um any closures or emergency days the anxious generation Township passed a resolution to take part um in the project as well and we have a Riverview parent named Miss Watkins who's volunteered to lead the project and the discussions she has several years experience working on projects like this and I don't have any experience so I was pretty happy that um I mean I have experience reading I don't want to say that I just don't have experience with the discussion part of it of the reading so I think it's uh it was great that she offered to do it and over break she sent me a really nice well out plan and I'm going to have a conversation with her about it on Wednesday we started working on the 2526 budget Dem marison myself just to give you guys the heads up we are definitely not expecting any additional Aid this year um as you know last this current school year is the was the final year for S2 to be fully implemented so we don't we're not expecting another S2 um adjustment so we're expecting a flat Aid um and our Athletics in the Middle School are in full swing there's matches and there's wrestling matches and games going on and um the season goes pretty quick believe it or not most will be over in the next three weeks or so and that's it for the superintendent comments thank you uh since Dr CIS is not here we'll go ahead and proceed with business administrator comments Miss groski no comments okay thank you at 6:23 p.m. I am opening it up for another round for public discussion again uh there are no no one on no one is online and there's no one in the chamber so we'll go ahead and close it at 623 PM old business no action to be taken Miss Adelis could you walk us through that please sure can um at the next meeting myself or someone else we'll go through the following resolutions for approv approval uh be resolved that the board approve the following reports for December 2024 the treasury of school monies and the board secretary reports as well as B the education reports enrollment Health office information and the approval of the 205 26 holiday calendar um and see the minutes for December 16th 2024 thank you any questions or comments okay new business action to be taken um Dr Moore do you mind walking us through Personnel this uh this something we have to vote on uh sure uh if there are no objections I'd like to move the following resolutions under Personnel for approval under item number one we have a a leave replacement for behaviorist uh B is a a Lun shade transferring to become a full-time instructional Aid there's a transfer from Lake View to Valley View for special education teacher uh retroactive uh approval to teach an extra period for the ldtc and I believe on the addendum there is e um uh a replacement employee teacher at Lake View and then I item number two is new higher substitutes I'll second thank you questions or comments Steve uh actually if you don't mind Mr K I have a question for Steve this isn't I mean it's kind of direct indirectly related um substitutes the rpay is 150 a day have we seen any changes like I know do went to this crazy has has that come down do you know like do you know where we kind of stand I know that that that was funded with the AR money like the money from covid so I don't know if they kept it up but I did do a check recently and we're pretty competitive like it's it's pretty close a couple districts are a little higher like Mountain lakes's a little bit higher than us um some of the districts a little lower so we're really not in a bad spot I'm not sure if the money is really the reason why we're not getting enough people right now um I don't know we can look more into it okay great thank you and I and I know it you can have unintended effects because if you raise the substitute rate too much it starts to impact Aid numbers and you know our our the our AIDS what we pay them and all so that's that's exactly what happens because some of the people aren't making that much and then they' rather do that and then we short with the other jobs a lot of things we realized during Co fix a solution created two other problems thank you thank you any other questions or comments roll call please D deore yes Mrs selis yes Mrs asterino yes Mr Cass yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay the next item on instruction and program so Dr Moore I'm going to ask you to see if you can walk through that uh as well please uh sure I'd like to move for approval of the following resolutions under instruction and program number one is the curriculum revisions and number two is the revisions to the social studies curriculum PA second great thank you questions or comments yeah do we have just a little bit more information on those one and two so both curricula are being updated very minor mostly not typos but changes in code because the the way the state changed the numbering system of the standards we have to have it updated for for qac which is next week so they're all very minor changes with just basically changing a different number um due to a coding change that makes sense the statutes so it's like a state mandated or you want to be on the same page with the state um U statutes and administrative code yeah and believe it or not and and this sounds crazy we actually have to have curricula for classes we don't teach because the state requires you have the curriculum but not the class so I know sometimes it's just so doesn't just doesn't make sense and I just say that's the way it is so uh some of these are are exactly that any other questions or comments roll call please drore yes Mrs Adelis yes Mrs asterino yes Mr Gass yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes uh there are no items on their governance so Mrs zelis could you walk us through Finance please sure I move the following resolutions under Finance one be resolved that the board retroactively approve the following out of District placement as per the students IEP I'll second thank you questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs Adelis yes Mrs asterino yes Mr Gass yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes under operations Mr Cass if you if you will please be glad to under operations item number one Transportation there are no actions to be considered on this agenda item number two building of grounds item 2.1 I'm asking the board to approve Magic Touch Construction Company the lowest spitter in connection with the new ADA toilet rooms at Riverview Elementary School in the amount of $235,000 and it will be paid from capital reserve funds item 2.2 I'm asking the board to approve an emergency replacement of a hot water heater at River Elementary School in the amount of $10,800 that will be paid from maintenance Reserve second thank you questions or comments let me give you let me just give you a little background on both of these the first one if you remember the first bids were around 350,000 so we made some changes brought it back and came in at a more reasonable number but more importantly than that this is really let's say phase two because phase one is uh the etex this is phase two of how what are some of the things we could do to get the schools ready for um additional students and um from asterino especially um what we're going to do is we're GNA take we're going to make two classrooms right next to the bathrooms if you walk into Riverview in the front hallway by there's two first grade classrooms we're going to take a little space from the back of the bathroom and we're going to make it into a classroom bathroom the rest of the bathroom remain for the rest of the school but they'll have their own bathroom that way because we we're maxed out with the number of classrooms we have with bathrooms as per state code for kindergarten and prek so this will allow us to add two kindergarten sections in District if we need to but the reason why we want to get ahead of it is because you've all heard it right I mean how long did it take us to build that that Valley View bathroom for one stall like there was all these issues it probably took a year right so good news is we got it we got brought it down $100,000 and now we're going to move on it the second one I just happened to be at the school when this happened walking around with Jerry we just happened to walk down in the on the first in the basement like we I was like hey you know I haven't been down in the basement in a while so the two of us went down there and we see this thing leaking so it was kind of crazy that it happened that day but um it was good that we actually saw it because it would have just been leaking into you know into the basement until somebody saw it and we do have we do have boiler checks so that's just so you guys know that on a cold days or when even even during breaks or anything if it's a super cold day we have people doing boiler checks and checking on the Machinery over the weekends that's it thank you for that Dr Forte seeing there's no other questions or comments roll call please deore yes Mrs Adelis yes Miss asterino yes Mr Cass yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes all right the next section of the agenda is new business no action to be taken so Mr Capello can you walk us through the Personnel section under a sure I'd be happy to so at the next meeting I or someone else under Personnel will be moving items one through three one are for new hires resignations retirements employee leaves are extra pay at which time there are no listings uh two is uh resolving that uh the board approv employee number 1144 for leave of absence and further resolving uh that approved that leave under New Jersey Family Leave Act and that the board approve the leave and anticip the employee anticipates a return to work for the 20 26 27 school year and number three uh this would be the section for hiring new substitutes at which time there are no listings thank you very much Dr Moore can you walk us through instruction and program please uh sure either myself or someone else will move for approval of the following resolutions under instruction and program uh there's nothing under workshops and expenses for number one uh number two is the approval of the following mors n students to observe at riverv viiew school as part of their education 101 class and uh number three is is the approval of the attached list of field trips for 2425 thank you next part of the agenda is the finance so um Mrs zelis can you walk us through that please sure um at the next meeting myself or someone else we'll go through the resolutions under Finance uh at this time nothing under well actually next time we be milk fund current expenses and Elementary enrichment as well as number two um the following list of nurse equipment that is no longer needed in the district and three the donation of 15 warm-up shorts shirts for the girls basketball team thank you uh under Section D governance if there's any policies for that for the board to review it'll be listed there and under e operations Mr Cass uh actually I don't see anything under there Mr Cass did you want to add any comments for operations maybe in next meal I'll have uh time off I don't have to move anything all right and uh next section is good of the cause committee reports correspondence discussion items uh so there's the board meeting highlights uh Dr Forte do you have your uh bullet points here I have um the two new officers and I have uh the um what's it inauguration of the uh two board members thank you if there's anything else that the board members would like to add for the highlights U okay uh in terms of the Committees um please send me an email by Wednesday I I do feel like it um because of finance and the budget we'll have to put together our finance committee pretty quickly and I'm sure that they would want to schedule their first Finance uh committee meeting soon um during the next meeting I'd also like to have an overview of where we are with our board goals sort of like a midyear review of our board goals so uh if that's something something that we can include under good of the cause [Music] um that would be great yeah we I'll add um board and District goal update that that's awesome thank you do you want to do it under like superintendent comments or should we just keep it under good of the cause I usually do it under reports in the beginning okay sorry under presentation okay great uh the other question I had is um finance budget binders when would I know you don't give out the physical binders anymore but when do we uh typically hand those out or when would you be think you'd be available with for that with that Dr for T and I still reviewing those um numbers and budget we not close yet uh I'm assuming most likely by the end of February beginning of March okay we're we're all kind of scrambling for the last round of qac which is next Wednesday and then the Maris and I have some meetings ahead of us to go through all the stuff but it's it's been pretty uh you saw how much stuff we're going through so well once cac's over next week we'll have we'll free up some time yeah I'd actually like to add some comments about that too um Dr Forte and the rest of the administration as well as the staff has done an amazing job with our qac review so uh I've been um been part of those meetings and just to see everyone sort of be on top of everything that's required is amazing so uh I'm hoping that we have another great result uh from this next one so I do plan on being there in person as well Dr for uh does any other board member wish to say something yes yeah sorry I don't know what that noise is but um actually I had two questions one was about qac I know in the past if we achieved a certain rating it could be put off for a few like we basically got a bit of a buy is that still a thing or no that's gone okay all right have to do it every three years gotcha okay um I know you you guys spend a tremendous amount of time on that it would be nice if we we could defer it but guess not okay the other thing is um Mr Anderson had raised something to me this weekend I don't know if he had a chance to talk to anybody else about it um the New Jersey Supreme Court denied the uh the various towns that objected to the new affordable housing numbers uh they basically denied basically came out came out with a ruling they denied the request to um you know to defer that or change it so there was an article in the Daily Record and it looks like for Denville the numbers are 58 what they call present need which is something that apparently the the uh Town kind of actively has to make allowances for 58 affordable units and perspective need 485 units uh and again those are affordable housing units as Oppo you know so the the greater hole is obviously could be a couple of thousand so I just wanted to bring that up Mike was going to bring it up but he obviously could be here tonight um that's obviously a huge number and where that's going to come you know who we who only knows so does the perspective me need have anything to do with regular housing too like you know how the the co-a units have to do with the regular housing but you're saying these are 58 units they have to figure out without so yeah the the article the article is a little unclear on the perspective side but the way that it what Mike sent me was that the present need represents the number of Rehabilitation of existing housing the M municipality must Undertake and then perspective needs are the new affordable housing municipalities must provide a reasonable opportunity to have happen obviously they you know they don't have to build them themselves but they have to lay the groundwork I guess to make that possible that's 58 that second number or that's no the second number is 485 so the first number is really rehabilitating properties not not knocking trees down and things like that right right okay so but it's the 485 that's the really scary number um so yeah so anyway so that that this there that article is at Daily Record there's obviously a couple of versions of it um he and I were a little bit unclear what perspective need was so we were G to ask if we could reach out to the town to maybe understand that better so what you know what exactly that means yeah you know what I'll reach out to them and see if anybody can explain that for us may be a a good idea at some point to maybe have a somebody that's close involved and an expert come in and talk to the board um I attended quite a few of those meetings you know many years ago when this first got on the the front burner and um you know just off top I had I have a lot of questions you know how many houses they want rehabed and how many were available for rehabilitation for for starters and and so on and you know where's the built built out Line in the Sand you know is it over or under what the expectations of the court is so um but some of the meetings I attended the attorney that was dealing with that for for Denville um really had a good grasp on all the legislation uh the court outcomes Etc so I think it would be very beneficial but you know off the top of my head it's just like the court just painted everybody with the same brush um especially those Bergen County towns since I grew up in Bergen County um most of those towns are one M Square you could you could walk from one side to the other in maybe 10 or 15 minutes and um tly was built out when when I left um so I know they put in some apartments or converted some to affordable housing so it'd be very interesting to hear from an expert and and also you know what the next steps are if you you it's sounds to me it's very unrealistic Benchmark for some of the towns Especially Yours yeah know and and kind of the layer on that you know the conversation that Mike and I had kind of continued so one of the questions we had was since we lost um uh St Francis obviously we maybe have lost some credits for senior housing which I know can can be you know so those credits may be gone but now we also have this fairly huge piece of open property right in the middle of town um so what's the prospect there um you know if somebody's going to take that and build units like you know what is that what could that potentially look like so these are questions I mean yeah I would love to get answered on I mean for sure and the San Francis Property is deed I believe for uh senior housing and uh continuing care when it was sold I mean there's a lot of legal issues and I I can tell you A lot of people in town won't be happy about putting a bunch of tow houses up on that piece of property if this is Statewide I wonder if Dr grip has Insight you know being that he works with Ruckers as well so um maybe he has some insight or uh nuggets of information that we could use when when he does his study as well um last last uh the last meeting I remember you saying that Dr grip is working or he's got a couple of uh studies in his pipeline so we're slated for the spring uh is that correct or the summer yep he said spring he did he did come to the last um finance committee so he so people could ask him questions but um yeah he said there's a few in the pipeline we're a few down the road but he'll he'll get started on it they'll the first thing is they'll ask us for information which they didn't do yet got it thank you yeah so Dr grip study um the class siiz policy I think that will then lead into another space consideration sort of meeting you know where we could uh run the numbers again and maybe we can have a a presentation similar to what we had the first time around so uh with those two pieces of information in place we could possibly then have um more information for us to finally uh make a decision or lay the groundwork to move forward I believe so it'll be an interesting year well I think it's really important if the board wants that policy changed I don't want it changed if you want it changed you're gonna have to tell me like soon because we're planning on what's in the policy so if if if the board wants to change it you you we're going to have to get moving on this pretty quickly because like I said everything's predicated on that policy for right now from my perspective I was thinking more of like okay what would the future hold so maybe not the next school year but maybe the following school year or the year after that uh especially with other pieces of information that's going to sort of manifest itself I think uh we would want to have that information so that we could pull the trigger on a new uh class siiz policy as well as I mean because that will ultimately help us decide what's our next step new building or you know uh Etc so I think those with with that being said if we wanted to drop our class sizes to you know whatever number and with Dr grip's new demographic projections now we will have to make a decision as a board so okay any other good of the cause comments or okay uh we'll go ahead and open it up at 6:46 p.m. uh for public comments seeing no one online and no one in the chambers we'll close it at 6:47 p.m. and is there a need for executive session yes okay uh Mrs Adelis can you walk us through executive please sorry sure uh so I moved to convene an executive session in accordance with Section 8 of the open public meetings act the purpose of this closed session will be to discuss legal security negotiations and Personnel issues minutes of this session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists I'll second yep Mr Cass thank you um all in favor I I uh any Nays extensions okay uh before we go into executive we um for the for the public uh on YouTube we will be adjourning immediately after with no further voting so um yeah thank you for attending and we are now in executive session at 6:48 pm