##VIDEO ID:QqgZB_e75nI## all right we were out of executive at 7:33 p.m. uh continuing on with the agenda we'll go right into the Pledge of Allegiance if everyone will please rise okay uh so we do have a special presentation today being September 23rd we've got two uh we will be reviewing the district and board goals and we will also be uh we'll have a presentation on the 2023 2024 Hib self-grading so Dr for Dr Cullis would you start off with the um with the goals so goal one is to increase achievement for all students across all of our areas with a concentration of Science and Math this year we're well underway we have purchased a new program for our elementary school students in science and continue with the training with our teachers we have expanded our intervention services uh as well which goes into goal number two so ongoing we um ongoing we have purchased those materials and we are going to monitor and continue to improve our science program and math as well uh goal two is to expand the tiered systems of the support processes which address student academic and mental health needs necessary for students to be successful so this is our TSS program and we have had many successes already on this goal we did create a new position a supervisor of student support services and hired our supervisor um we have collaborated with linkit which is our data analysis vendor and we have built an intervention manager system within that we've trained our TSS teams we've met with each building uh and TSS team to create the plan for the year we've reviewed the TSS plans that were left over from last year and they continue on and then we're in the process process of training our teachers in how to use the forms and we'll be starting our new referral system uh shortly so intervention services start next week that's our reading specialist our math Specialists and any other kind of uh counseling Etc I'm there and we have two more goals goal three is to investigate and report on possible solutions for transportation and do you have that up there yes you do um so this is a second year that we're working on some Transportation issues we're going to continue to the transportation task force which meets this week um I believe Wednesday or Thursday one of the nights this week um we will investigate solutions to the bus depot flooding issue as you all remember the uh bus depot flooded twice last year and that wasn't just the property that was the building itself where it needed to be um remediated from the flooding and we're going to review um recruiting hiring practices consider different options and discuss with our with our staff Union and goal number four is to implement the district's communication plan to strength threaten and enhanced communication coming from the district so we're working with the technology team we've already had one meeting with them and we have another one coming up soon we have our consultant in place Mrs um Marinello and we have our Communications report that we reported to the board last year and we are working on some solutions some things are fairly easy some things are more complicated so we're putting them together in a uh in a manageable format that can be addressed um try to knock out some of the lwh hanging fruit first and then have some long-term planning for the larger larger projects and um Mr Kim if you want at the bottom of this document we do have the board goals um if you guys want to review those if not I can review them for you just read them out loud or everybody knows them already sure I'll take the the board goals so the first board goal is to represent the needs of the board of the of the district through advocacy on matters of concern at the local state and or national level uh a brief explanation of that is to try to um increase the number of resolutions whether we present those to the uh New Jersey school boards or to reach out to our local assemblymen or uh Senators to um get their support on some changes that may we might well be in support of uh the second board goal is to regularly monitor the progress toward District vision mission and goals adjusting as needed so uh the the board uh the district goals that were presented we'll continue to monitor them and uh continue to get uh updates and adjust where necessary uh the third goal is to review the Denville Public Schools Board of Education bylaws and revise as necessary so a new governance ad hoc committee has been created so we'll be looking to and our first meeting will be or our second meeting will be uh in a week or during this week as well so we'll be presenting some uh potential changes to some of our bylaws and finally the fourth board goal is to increase the presence of the Denville Board of Education members at community and District activities so uh we will continue to increase our presence out there and address any questions that the public might have so that sort of concludes the presentation I'll open it up to the board for any questions questions or comments regarding uh what they heard and saw today one of the things that I would like the board members to consider is um sort of like the frequency of uh how how frequent we want to get updates on some of these goals that we were um uh that we saw today so for example the communications thing um goal um I'm thinking that maybe in January we might want to see some some updates but I'll discuss that with the administration during the governance committing as well so if there's any uh preferences that the board members might have in terms of frequency of updates that would be great Mr Kim can I just make a quick question or comment um with regard to um the board goal number four which is increase the presence at um at events and activities um a couple things number one I'd be interested understanding where's the best way to find those things I know we've got our calendar but sometimes it's not always easy to find everything that's going on so is there someplace that maybe Dr Forte if you have a place that we can kind of find those because some of those activities are public facing there may be other activities that you may that a board the board may be invited to so maybe we can just I don't need an answer tonight but a way to kind of visualize those um and one thing that um I actually brought up I think when I was board president and I didn't get a chance to take advantage of the opportunity but maybe it's worthwhile again I think there's some new board members since we did this was um we do security drills within the schools and we had previously offered Dr Forte would just reach out and let us know when they were scheduled and board members can attend those to kind of see that because as not being in the schools on a daily basis I think it's something that I'd like to go see so um if Dr Forte thinks that's acceptable and Mr Kim you do it might be an idea that um to kind of talk about showing our presence and also obviously educating ourselves on those uh security OLS um I just added those two points that Mike brought up to the governance committee for uh this week excellent thank you yeah that was one of my um focuses as well for the governance committee is to even create a board calendar you know that um because I know sometimes I'm looking through emails trying to find the exact date and time so uh for different events so yeah that would uh hopefully that could be something that we can um generate uh from the committee so any other questions or comments great so we'll go ahead to the second part or second presentation which is the 2023 2024 Hib self-grading thank you I'll wait till it comes up which is coming up soon well every year the um state of New Jersey's Hib harassment intimidation and bullying Law requires that we do a self-evaluation on different areas of our operations when it comes to Hib um you could see there's a link posted at the bottom this is uh not for the public yet because the state has to review it but I shared it with the board if you want to look at it um so the areas are Hib programs approaches and other initiatives um training on the Boe approved approved Hib policy and procedures other staff instruction and training curriculum instruction on Hib and related information and skills Hib Personnel School Hib incident reporting procedures Hib investigation procedures HIV reporting procedures those are the seven areas and our teams meet to go over this and um it's something that we've been doing for going almost 10 years now I believe and um every year we do submit it to the state the state has approved everyone and um we'll just go through a little bit so Valley View graded at 78 out of 78 Riverview 76 out of 78 and Lake View 77 out of 78 and um if you click on those reports you can see how each School graded themselves again these reports are not supposed to be posted on the the actual report the summer will be posted on the website tomorrow but the reports aren't supposed to be report posted on the website until they're approved by the state uh Department of Ed which happens sometime in uh after the New Year any questions about any of this from the board okay there seems to be none so thank you very much for that so uh our next and during our next meeting or during our October 28th meeting uh there will be the njsla test results from 2023 2024 as a presentation so for anyone who wishes to uh see that presentation it'll be on the 28th of October moving on to our agenda superintendent comments Dr Forte please so we had our two updates our qac update is that we have to approve our district performance report also known as DPR for CAC on October 28th our second meeting of the internal qac committee is on Friday and just to call your attention we still have one more back to school night this week River review is September 24th we've already had successful back to school nights at Lake View and Valley View um I felt that both schools did a great job engaging the parents and welcoming the public into the schools um I heard a lot of positive comments from the parents that went into the classrooms and felt the energy in both schools um we've done some upgrades to the lake view gym as well with some with a new with a new um projection system which is um definitely helping us when we need to have a large audience like the convocation or back to school night and it's nice to have the air conditioning in there as well that's it for the superintendent comments thank you Dr Forte assistant superintendent comments please Dr CIS yes our sixth grade study skills program started today and it will run every day through October 11th so we had a very successful day uh and our njsla results are available on Genesis so if you are looking for your students individual report you can go on to Genesis in the parent portal and you can find their njsla report that concludes assistant superintendent report thank you Dr CIS business administrator comments please no comments okay thank you Miss Kowski all right the next part of our agenda is for public comments and public discussion uh typically we reserve it for uh agenda items only but uh seeing a few members here in the audience I would uh I will open it up to any comments that they would like to make to the board please address your comments to myself uh board president uh the board typically does not respond to any comments so we'll go ahead and listen and um will uh will deliberate uh um if there's a need for deliberation um if you if you do wish to make a comment please come up to the microphone uh state your name and your address record that on the document there in the table and then you'll have three minutes for any com comments that you'd like to make to to the board so we are opening it up at 748 p.m. yeah it will be recorded uh um and be posted on YouTube I Believe okay hello Mr Kim um we're here to talk about the Valley View bus stop which is at Route 46 and Hornbeck um as we all know the students are required to walk and wait for the bus and be there 10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive this stop has no street lights no sidewalks limited sight distance as per the a standards we have Bears and the Bear Path is in between the children's houses and Route 46 so when they're scared the only place they have to go is towards the highway that same exact street corner had a a prostitution bust um where we asking the children to stand the children are being these 11-year-old children are being asked to wait in the dark at 6:45 a.m. which is earlier than the high school students and at which point darker uh through the winter as well this is a four lane State Highway at 40 45 mph where approximately 240 to 250 cars pass by in the 10 minutes that the kids wait for the bus add bad weather um and then limits them to where they can stand uh safely while I understand there are multiple stops in Denville that have similar issues with lighting Bears this stop is the perfect storm because it hits every single one of the elements I just read out loud we have been told that this is the best option that Transportation can provide but this is not the safest option my children for both Lake View and Valley View I have older children have always been picked up at the corner of Woodland and Maywood on a small bus this stop has a street light Maywood is a dead end so there's limited cars that drive by which makes this the safer option I'd like to ask the board that we not normalize bus routes on Route 46 I asked the question when will it end would Lake View be next at what age is acceptable to be on a state highway we're talking about a bus stop for four children I'd rather give them the safest option and not the best option at the time in comparison I did some research parcion has zero stops on Route 46 for any age level Montville has W because the pickup is at a motel and there's no side streets for a bus to pass to pickup anywhere else and Mountain Lakes has one where the pickup is at the student driveway and his bus stop is the porch the responsibility of the safety of the children is from when they leave their doors to go to their assigned bus stop to the when they get back and I'm asking to make this a safe stop for my children thank you thank you very much is there anyone else from the public that wishes to make a statement Mr President fellow board members I just stopped in to introduce myself my name is Mark Venice I am your new Council liaison I replaced Ang I was fortunate enough to replace Angela cot I just took the position last Tuesday but I wanted to stop in introduce myself put a face to the name and you just let me know how you would like this relationship to move forward and where you would need my assistance and what would be the best way to handle that so great thank you it's a pleasure meeting you is there anyone else from the public that wishes to come up to the mic and make a statement do we have anyone online that uh if you are online and listening in uh you you are welcome to uh make a statement you just have to type in your name and address in the chat box and then uh you'll be given an opportunity to speak okay seeing uh that there are no other uh individuals coming up to the mic nor anyone online that wishes to make a statement we are going to close public uh comments at 7 54 p.m. okay old business action to be taken Mr capella could you take us through that part of the agenda please I'd be happy to uh if there are no objections I would like to move items A and C under old business action uh to be taken first one are the uh board reports from July and August of 20124 treasur of school monies and board secretary uh B are the education reports 20 23 2024 Denville schools Hib self-grading report and finally C are the minutes of our work session and executive session meeting of august 19 2024 second thank you questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs sellis yes Dr Arun datass I think I was not present for the august 19 19 uh no I think I was there so yes yes to everything Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Dr nja toson can you take us through Personnel under new business please of course if there is no objection um like to move for the following resolutions under personal item numbers uh one [Music] through nine uh sorry 10 I believe 1 through 10 and uh first one is uh new hires resignations retirements employee leaves extra pay salary and adjustments under which you have sub items a through n and and in the agendum I have another item o so and these are um new hires resignations retirement employee leaves extra pay salary and adjustments and from what I see there's a new hire uh for uh bus driver and lunched and I welcome them to the district second uh item is a Family Leave Act uh for an employee third is also FMLA fourth is Family Leave Act um and uh in this case uh unpaid leave and fif is unpaid leave uh also for another employee sixth item is uh a retro retroactive approval of uh FMLA and uh paid and unpaid leave and seventh item is revised work rules for manager of Technology eighth item is um for the vaccine clinic at the Acme Pharmacy on October 10th for the District staff and Ninth item is uh a new volunteer wrestling coach uh Mr David Samuel uh for valy View for the winter 2425 season and 10th item is uh to uh for a substitute teacher um starting uh this year I'll second y Mr Cass thank you very much any questions or comments just a quick question Dr Forte I believe you know the answer but I just wanted to always clarify item number eight uh which is the vaccine clinic for District staff um I know it states here obviously no charge to the district but also that's completely voluntary by the staff correct correct you if there are no other questions roll call please Dore yes Mrs Ellis yes Dr Aruna jassen yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim I will abstain from resolution number eight uh yes to the rest okay uh B instruction and program Dr Moore can you walk us through that please well one second can I please um pull from the agenda inp number eight until further notice I do reserve the right to add it back to the agenda at some point but I would like to pull this resolution from the agenda now okay so Dr Moore uh we are going to pull resol resolution number eight from the Imp section of the agenda so if you can walk us through that sure uh I'd like to move the following resolutions under instruction and program under number one we have workshops uh njid uh school health conference and njpsa for item number two we have the uh approval of the childhood victories to provide body safety education per erands law uh item number three to approve the use of the Marshall evaluation system for the new supervisor of student services uh item number four is to approve students to observe and volunteer at Lake View every other day for 90 minutes as part of their gifted and talented program at moris nulls item number five is to approve a teacher for the ldtc internship hours at lak view item number six is to approve a ripo college student to complete internship hours at Lake View school and item number seven is to approve the attached list of field trips for a 2425 school year I'll second thank you questions or comments uh yeah just a question on the the Marshall uh evaluation system you say a little bit about what that is um that is just the same evaluation system that we use for the administrators so it has a variety of categories uh that that staff memb evaluated on it's different than a teacher evaluation where you go in and you actually observe in that moment and do the write up this is an ongoing conversation we meet on a monthly basis there are eight observation times to the year and then you have a final summi of so it's all aspects of the job from working with Community working with teachers providing student um services communic ation professional development Etc thank you seeing no other questions roll call please D de Mo yes Mrs Adelis yes Dr Aruna jassen yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Mr Capello policy and revisions if you will please I would be happy to uh if there are no objections I would like to move uh under policies uh policy uh 01646 remote public board meetings during declared emergency abolishment for second reading p0141 board member number and term revised for second reading policy 8467 firearms and weapon policy is new for second reading uh regulation 8467 firearms and weapons policy and regulation also new for second reading policy 2200 curriculum and content is being revised for second reading regulation 5200 attendance being revised for second reading policy 5350 student suicide prevention policy uh for second reading policy 9181 volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisor assistant revi revised for second reading policy 3160 physical examination revised for second reading uh regulation 3160 physical examination uh being revised for second reading policy 4160 physical examination revised for second reading uh regulation 4160 physical examination also being revised 41 um sorry um for second reading policy 5337 service animals being revised for second reading sorry with me one sec uh policy 8420 emergency and crisis situations being revised second reading policy 4113 overtime which is new second reading policy 2610 education program evaluation being revised second reading policy 7102 site selection and acquisition is new uh being uh for second reading re regulation 7102 site selection and acquisition also new for second reading policy 4240 employee training is new second reading policy 2421 Career and Technical education is new second reading regulation 24 21 Career and Technical education is new second reading and finally policy 8500 Food Services is new for a second reading could I have a second please a second oh thank you Mr Anderson questions or comments yeah just a quick question we didn't have a a firearms and weapons policy so we have we have different policies this is just organizing it differently where in other words like sometimes like even the abolishment policy we're abolishing something that we have in another policy so this is taking some of the weapons out of another policy and making its own policy just to be clear we we treat them as new when they're um when they're not being revised from a previous same number right so this is one where like you said we're we're collecting other pieces from other and this is so this is brand new in the sense that it is a new policy that contains things from other places yes thanks I just want to bring attention to the regulation 52000 which is the attendance there is a change the in previous version uh students needed to bring a note on the third day of absence um from a doctor that has been changed to be four or more days they would need to on upon their return would need to bring a doctor's note we also do accept uh excused absences that are reported by parents by either phone or written note great thank you roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs Ellis yes Dr Arun tassen yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay uh Finance Mr Anderson if you will please sure if there are no objections I'd like to move under def Finance item number one which is our bills list item item number two is uh the board to approve donation of 15 boxes of school supplies from the Denville Township Social Services item number three the board to approve the attached Food Services biocurity management plan item number four is for the board to approve the 425 enrichment program at Lake View and Riverview at the cost as listed in the agenda item number five is the board to approve uh a donation of a projector tag number 1137 sorry for us to donate it to the Denville Blue Angels football organization uh this is no longer need needed by the district item number six is that the board approve the following individuals to attend the New Jersey school board workshop and Exposition in Atlantic City New Jersey on October 24th to the 20 21st to the 24th 2024 at a group reservation rate of $2,100 additional cost per person is as files Hotel $17 per night meals and incidentals $44.25 first and last day $59 for the full day plus mileage reimbursement expense um Dr Steven Forte Mrs dearis Kowski Mr James Kim Mr Michael Anderson Dr Clifford Moore and Nicole Kellum uh item number seven is for the board to reject the cyber security bid open on on September 7 2024 regarding cyber security proposal as listed in the agenda item number eight is that Denville Township Board of Education approved the attached current model Oprah request form which all agencies are required to adopt pursuant to njsa 41 colon 1 A-5 F item number nine is for the board to approve the attached quotes from core BTS and altitude unlimited regarding the multiactor authentication implementation districtwide in the amount listed below as listed in the agenda item number 10 is that the Board of Education to approve the donation of $1,498 from the Rotary Club of New Jersey excuse me Rotary Club of Denville for the purchase of atlases for students in grade three item number 11 for the Board of Education to approve the donations of $149.50 from the sunshine rotary club of denvil for the purpose of atlases for students in grade three item number 12 is for the board to approve the agreement with Center for evaluation and counseling Incorporated to provide School clearance and bioy psychosocial evaluations risk assessments for the 2425 school year at a rate of 250 to 750 per evaluation and finally item number 13 for the Board of Education to approve the resolution authorizing participation in the State Health Benefit Plan excuse me State Health Benefit program Endor School employees health benefit program of the state of New Jersey for teachers call um that is 1,119 d00 and the administration and support staff 111 19-01 for the period of January 1st 2025 through December 2025 in the amount of 7,50 excuse me 7 million 57,200 I'll second thank you questions or comments I had one on number 10 the uh donation purchase of the the atlases I haven't heard that since probably sixth grade so it's uh so we're actually it's an atlas a paper Atlas like you used to get to navigate your way across the country if you're going out to Nashville or Route 66 all the way out to the West Coast so this is a Denville rotary project that we do every year um but historically we've given dictionaries um when we felt that dictionaries were worse than atlases um so um we got together with the third grade teachers and the curriculum in third grade is actually a lot about understanding yourself understanding your world understanding where you come from so yes every child in third grade will receive a physical hard cover Atlas so that they can see the world in their hands it's a world atlas it is a uh it is a student Atlas that they use in the curriculum uh in third grade so it's it's like 90 Pages it's it's every country it's how to read a map it's how to find where you are in the world so pretty important right I mean dictionaries are important too but we we went a different way this time no it's great that we're teaching the kids to uh look at a map because sometimes the GPS doesn't always work and uh if you watch some of the military military shows and a sniper school um they have to learn how to uh navigate and Orient themselves without the uh benefit of Technology like the old days with a compass my my son's G to love it no I I no he's in third grade he's going to love it I I guarantee it's it's that's a great thing we did we did ask like I asked the principles to meet with the teachers come up with an idea of whether or not it really came from are the dictionaries really becoming a paper weight the answer back was they're really not used what would be more what would be more used and we came up with a couple options there was a non-fiction text there was maybe even the reading text that they were going to do this seemed like the most the one that everybody felt the most comfortable with that was going to get the most use and that that's that's where we got this from but I appreciate I I had a meeting with the rotary about it and um Andrea and I have been working on this since the summer so good it's actually happen make a point about the rotary the rotary is an international organization and that's kind of where we come in you know they are all over the world and uh they try to do good works everywhere so we have we are lucky enough to have two here in Denville one that meets in the morning and one that meets in the afternoon because maybe you're not a morning person maybe you like lunch so that's why we have to but all those people have um the capacity to do something good for the community and so we got together and we were able to to think of something a little bit that works with the curriculum um and that isn't a dictionary really and I would love to hear the feedback from from the kids uh and see how they liked it I really think it's a very very good idea uh in addition to that donation which is awesome I just wanted to note the donation for from the Denville Township Social Services I think that's been a um ongoing relationship phenomenal between the township and the school district um as far as helping each other identifying needs that they may have where we can solicit or help out individually um or uh and they've been just phenomenal with helping out for needs that we have so appreciate that and just wanted to make sure I had a special thank you for for that donation um and then I I I did uh Mr Kim I think I think it is worth noting the discussion on the um State Health Benefit program and the changes to the benefit so I don't know if you want to leave that or leave it to you please um Mr Anderson why don't you go ahead and share your thoughts on on from the committee as well sure no thank you so um this is this is a tough one we um we have gone back and forth on being in the State Health Benefit program for our staff and being uh uh outside of it meaning we individually as a district solicit bids and um and please Mrs Kowski if I say something out of line just hop in and correct me um but um but we have have kind of gone back and forth on being in the program with the state and then when there's been times when the increase for the State Health Benefit Plan their increase has been greater or more costly to the district than it would be for us to individually go out um and solicit bids um these decisions on this do not come lightly we recognize that um you know changing insurances is not always easy although the the I want to make it clear that the the level of the benefit plan is always the same so there's no changes to the level of the benefit plan but there it could be a change to the company that it represents or the plan there could be some changes or you know even even a change of a number we know that can be difficult for staff members because you have to go remind your uh provider of that and could cause issues with billing and whatnot so we recognize that there's challenges there but um in this situation um uh and Mrs gski can you remind me exactly what the percentage increase was if we were to stay in a individual plan if we would if we were to stay in the current plan it will be 50% increase in the next uh 12 months and what do you remember off top of your head the dollar figure that was that would have been about almost a half a million to the district a little more and we obviously inre and the budgeting gets difficult too because just for uh clarification for the public we work our benefit cycle on a calendar year but our fiscal cycle is July 1st through June 30th right so we do budget in July for an understanding of what we predict to be the benefit increase in the beginning of the next calendar year is that correct Mr correct we normally know the first six months of the year because we have the current plan but the last six months is always unknown and it could be stable at the same rate but it can also increase in this case it has been a huge increase to the district and unfortunately we needed to go and lit other the quote from other vendors uh and come up with the best option of course uh offering the same or equal better plan thank you and so we we don't take this lightly to kind of move plans but we do think this is what's best for the district and the employees obviously making sure that it's as least impactful we work with a insurance broker that helps support that transition process um staff members for instance if you are if you have a deductible your deductible carries over so you're not going to end up uh anything negative to any employees but I just thought it was worthwhile to kind of bring up and discuss and make sure the board understands I mean I think we're unfortunately in a position where we didn't have a choice here um and recognize that previously we didn't have a choice the opposite direction where we had to get out of the state health benefit plan because the increases were so high in the State Health Benefit Plan that we were better off going to a individual plan so some of this it gets difficult for a small District like Denville because we have a small pool of uh employees that are in the plan so depending on what their uh claims are in the know previous few years that could significantly affect the rates at which we pay so um hopefully that clarifies that change um and please know that it was there was a lot of time spent by the administration as well as the finance committee kind of going through it making sure we understood it and trying to make the best decision for everybody involved thank you Mr Anderson uh any other board members I wish to make a comment yeah from my understanding it was um it was a very difficult decision by the administration and having an increase of over a half a million dollars on a budget that is already tight and is limited by a 2% increase it really did put you in a difficult position so I appreciate all the work that the finance committee did as well as all the work that the administration did so thank you I think oh good good no and I was just going to add Mike I mean so the point about the half a million dollar increase just to put the scale on it um when you talk about a 2% increase that's almost the entire thing I mean that that amount of money so just so that for the Public's aware that that that amount of money is is would be the entire increase for the year so and it should just finally be noted that even with going to the state health benefit plan this is actually more than and what the increase is that we had budgeted for is that correct Mrs grai yes that is correct uh the 50% it would have been got really really big even the State Health Benefit Plan their increase is greater than what you budgeted for is actually the State Health Benefit increase is 24% it is a lot higher than one we expected to receive when we did not know what type of increase we were going to get uh during the last budget cycle uh yes it is a lot higher even that's going to require us to find some extra money in other places and kind of crimp down on some other areas to be able to make sure that we could um fund that that exceeding the budget item but um I'm confident that Mrs Kowski can find that in some other line [Music] items there's a little s there's silence coming from that corner Mr Anderson so um but I think that um one of the things that I'll try to take upon ourselves and maybe we as board when we go down Atlantic City and have our meetings with New Jersey school boards to discuss the increase of health insurance that I'm sure other districts are feeling as well and uh if we can get somehow lawmakers bring it to their attention maybe we can get some support from them as well if so um as including U Mr Venice that's sitting here as well you know whatever he can do so okay um any other questions or comments before we go into roll call roll call please Dore uh yeah I'll abstain from 6E and yes to everything else Mrs sellis yes Dr aronas yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson uh yes I abstain on 6a and uh yes on everything else apologize 6D is in David thank you Mr Capello yes Mr Kim abstaining from 6C but yes everything else thank you Mr Cass operations if you will under operations we have one item under transportation I'm asking the board to approve the attached resolution for participation in the coordinated Transportation with Hunter County Educational Service commissions for the 25 425 school year under building and grounds item number two 2.1 is for the board to approve the quote from clean Earth to dispose of all chemicals the amount of $1,930 37 it will be paid from maintenance Reserve item 2.2 is to approve the attached quote from CJ vanderbeck and Son Incorporated to repair all the boilers at Riverview in the amount of $881 15 and that also be paid from maintenance Reserve I'll second thank you questions or comments roll call please Jack deore yes Mrs aelis yes Drass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay the next section of the agenda is called the good of the cause where we'll go through any comments from committee reports correspondence discussion items or other items um that one of the items that we will uh discuss is the board meeting highlights so Dr Forte do you have any highlights that you wish to communicate with the rest of the public I was going to highlight the two Dona the donations and the um two reports the two presentations and then highlight that Dr culls will be presenting our njsla scores in October does the board members have anything else that they wish to add okay yeah add something under good of the cause um unless I'm incorrect um Board of debates we have an election coming up I believe there three candidates and two seats open so are we going to have a debate like I had to go through the last time I ran yes yes Don there's there's going to be a a debate on on October 8th only two of us are going to be participating as the three so yeah October 8th I think it's 7 o'clock do they have a Lo did they set a location yet it's virtual oh can can you get me the info so we could put it out to the public sure what was the time on that again I believe it was 7 I'll double check and get back to you but I think it's October 8th 7 o'clock is that the League of Women Voters from Mountain Lakes so so two people will participate in the virtual debate okay it'll be on YouTube I know I had to do it in person me me too Don so did I I watched Don I I saw you the Optics aren't good appar apparently you did pretty good Don I had a lot of help uh just for good of the cause or just to mention um very successful back to school nights for Lake View and Valley View I know uh riverv viw is this week but I just want to thank the teachers and the administration the principes did an excellent job and um making us all feel like sixth graders again trying to find where our classes are so very helpful just um a quick couple things from the denvil Education Foundation as their liaison um they had a successful movie night a few weeks ago um really well attended weather was perfect so appreciate everybody who uh attended that um and then their largest fundraiser of the year is uh October Tuesday October 22nd it's their golf outing dinner Tricky Tray auction it's going to be at null Country Club this year a little bit different um than where they've had it in the past it is during Schoolboard convention so I know three of us will be down there but um the remaining uh board members um if you're interested you can let me know uh I think I said last time I would send out the info so I'll send out the link apologize so you have it you can register directly uh feel free to reach out to me I've been they've been meeting on a weekly basis to get it all set up and um I think that's it for the Education [Music] Foundation okay okay um since there's no further comments for the good of the cause we'll go ahead and open it up for public comments again at 8:25 p.m. as you come up to the microphone feel free to state your name and address and uh you'll have three minutes to make additional comments okay seeing no one come up to the mic and no one online um wishing to make a comment we'll close it at 8:26 p.m. uh there is a need for executive session right y okay uh Miss Adelis uh would you mind taking us through executive sure no problem I moved to commun to Executive session in accordance with Section 8 of the open public meetings act the purpose of this closed session will be to discuss negotiations legal security and Personnel issues minutes of this session will be made available to the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists I'll second all in favor I any Nays extensions okay uh before we go in uh for the public we will not have be voting on anything uh Germain to the district so we will adjourn immediately after executive session so thank you all for coming in tonight