good evening everyone um we had started the meeting at 7:00 and we had a need for an executive session so we went uh into executive session and uh just came out of it so now that we're out of executive session we'll pres our agenda and go with the Pledge of Allegiance right so all right great so it looks like we've got a uh a slew of appreciations coming up over the next uh couple of meetings so I'm looking forward to that um superintendent comments Dr Forte I don't have any comments tonight all right thank you uh assistant superintendent comments uh Dr Cullis first an update on kindergarten registration we are currently at 167 students at lake view of 79 Riverview 57 nine in the Fleck Zone and 22 coming from preschool school not yet placed uh other exciting news the day we come back from our spring break there is a partial solar eclipse so that is April 88th it occurs in the afternoon just about dismissal time so a letter will be going home this week we were able to get enough glasses for all of the students to be able to have a pair and go home and observe with their families but a letter just going through um safety protocols and uh a little bit about the eclipse is going home this week in Friday folders as well as the principles are sending that home so I hope everyone has an opportunity to go and see that with their families this includes assistant superintendent report thank you Dr Cullis definitely exciting time and the the letter that Dr CIS is referring to is in the comment section of the executive if You' like to take a look at it I thought it was really well done great thank you business administrator comments uh M gorowski if you have any comments the new the New Jersey School Board Association Workshop 2024 will be offered October 21st to the 24th uh it will be a 4 day full of training opportunities anybody interested in attending please let me know you can email me or let me know verbally thank you uh for any board board members who haven't attended yet I strongly suggest uh you try to it is a very rewarding experience from my perspective or my opinion so okay we are going to open up public uh comments at this time uh it is 7:36 p.m. uh we are now open for public comments if you are on online and uh watching our our YouTube video or our presentation please feel free to uh state your name and address on the or wait do we do that uh yeah we have public comments on the um on the video conference call right so yeah state your name and address and uh let us know if you have a comment that you might have that want to share or ask okay seeing no uh questions or comments I'm going to close open public comments at 7:37 pm. and we'll continue on with our agenda old business action to be taken um Mrs zelis would you like to take us through old business please sure uh the following resolutions have been recommended by the superintendent of school to the board of education for approval I I move to approve the following resolutions under old business a let it be resolved that the board approved the following reports from February 2024 the treasurer of school monies and the board secretary reports B the education reports uh report of student enrollment for February 2024 the report of Health office from February 2024 and the adjustments to the 2023 2024 District calendar um just soever every knows June 14th and 17th will become early dismissal days and June 17th will be the last day of school if no additional emergency closings are needed uh approval for Hib case rv23 2403 and then the minutes for February 12th and February 26th second all right thank you Mr Anderson any questions comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs idelis yes Dr Aruna datass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Kim yes okay Dr reason you want to take us through Personnel please action to be taken new business if there is no objection I'd like to move the following items um under a personal one um there are several ones that are for extra pay for for additional uh services rendered and there is uh some for vacation cashing and there is one for um School enrichment class which is to be played through registration fees and there's one for Denville accelerated Learning Academy that's also funded through Title One and title three and um there is also couple of items in the addendum um a resignation um of a teacher and also for a new hire um one all the way through a through o and then there are several items that are for uh leave uh 2 through five and uh six item number six is approval of holiday calendar and um item number seven is approval of termination of an employment eight is uh for the mentoring and training of the school bus driver and there are several uh that's further down which is also for leave and hiring of uh two substitutes uh in item number 10 so I'll second thank you questions or comments uh Dr caros there maybe I don't know if the board is familiar with the dala portion of it if you could make some comments there I think that was pretty interesting we're able to continue our Denville accelerated Learning Academy this summer uh we had a lot of interest from parents we did survey to see if they would be able to or were interested in paying $60 per week to attend we did get enough response back we do have some we are subsidizing it with title money so it is keeping the cost fairly low and able to still run the program for three hours a day for five weeks so we're happy to continue that great thank you seeing no other questions or comments roll call please de deore uh yes I'll uh abstain from number seven and yes to the rest Mrs sidellis yes Dr Aruna tassen yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Kim yes Dr Moore you want to take us through instruction and program please uh yes I'd like to move uh the following resolutions under instruction and program under number onea uh to virtually attend the 2024 njha annual convention number two is to approve U marot to provide uh professional development to Mars Catholic High School uh number three is to approve the attached list of field trips number four is to approve a student to complete five observation hours at Valley View and number five is to approve a student to complete five observation hours at Riverview I'll second thank you any questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs sellis yes Dr Aruna datass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Kim yes okay moving on through the agenda number c Finance Mr Anderson could you take us through that please sure if there are no objections like to move under C Finance uh item number one which is our checks list number two which is uh an advertisement for bid for solicitation of the sale of a mobile stand or equipment uh number three donation of $2,500 from the Denville Education Foundation to support the blues and Beyond program at Valley View Middle School uh number four which is the board approved Mathnasium of Denville to provide tutoring services to to select students excuse me for the remainder of the 2324 school year uh number five is the board to approve the donation of new books valued approximately $1,000 as well as future book donations to the riview library from parent Alexander Moran of Simon and Schuster publishing company uh number six approved the donation of 127 gift cards valued at $25 each totaling $3,175 from the Albert Foundation Kings and Acme Markets number seven is the board to approve the donation of a small kit of a kit of small dry uh average soil sites for urban sites that contains 550 plugs and two shrubs for Cass Urban me uh number eight is to board to approve the attached 2024 or summer 2024 and school year 2425 enrichment program take place at Riverview and Lake View schools number nine is for the board to approve the donation of Rhode Island maple tree from mors County Farms to be planted at the upper Plaza at lak View School in honor of Cheryl greno valued at $500 number 10 is for the board to approve the uh publish an advertisement to solicit proposals for the request for uh proposal process in accordance with New Jersey school contract law and federal code uh for school Behavioral Services and number 11 is for the board to approve Horizon Staffing Resources to provide temporary personnel as needed for the 2425 school year and then as you'll see on the addendum um item number 12 is a settlement agreement um with a student all second thank you questions or comments just a quick uh thank you to several donations I think we mentioned some of these before but um at our previous meeting but obviously donation from the Denville Education Foundation donation from a uh parent Alexander Moran of Simon and Schuster for some books um and uh obviously the donation of from the Alberton Foundation um and then finally um I was uh very happy to see uh the maple tree donation if those of you do not know Mrs Grano was um Canadian so maple trees have a particular connection to Mrs granino yeah found that quite touching um and I was curious do we already have a site for that um wanted to um wasn't sure where where on Lake View that might go it's it's going in the upper Plaza which is one of the um the courtyards at Lake View Courtyards okay I look forward to that do um I guess you'll have more information down the line as to when it be planted and stuff like that but and I too am truly grateful for all these donations the donations of the 127 gift cards is that going to some sort of like gift bag or uh where would that be um what is that for so um if you've ever shopped at Kings or or at Acme there's a little thing where it says would you like to donate money to the local charities so over the years our people in our area have donated and we get we've gotten these before um this time is a large group so what we're doing is we're I've been bringing them to the schools I gave some to Social Services to hand out to people in need and um we that's basically what we do we've done these collections before and we've passed them out to people in need the the schools will often tell me because we we've started doing this so they will come to me and say we know of a family that's really struggling do you have anything for them so we we at least give them these kinds of things then we'll social services does as well and um I wanted to give denille Social Services a few because I asked him specifically if he could use them for people with children in the schools and he said no problem so we'll just keep doing that it's it's been um it's been a pretty nice thing that we're able to try to help some of the people that are local like this yeah thank you um it's a significant donation 127 $25 gift cards is is tremendous so uh thank you for the community for supporting that as well a quick note Dr Forte I don't know uh I actually haven't seen it at the Acme in town so if if there is some sort of little sign or something maybe we could take a picture of it and put it on our social media just saying hey people don't realize where that goes right maybe they made a donation and then they can see the benefit of it so I don't just an idea to kind of throw out there or at least saying a special thank you to them I think it's important to see that what they donated maybe coming to the community is actually going to help our community that's a good idea up we'll put it in the Friday folder too I um um every time somebody donates something they get a personalized letter from me on this these cool like postcards we bought and it has like the emblem on it and everything just we try to always do that every time somebody donates that's great thank you all right roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs Adelis yes Dr Aruna datass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Kim yes Mr Cass can you take us through operations please be glad to item number one Transportation I think to move for the board building and grounds number two 2.1 is on the recommendation of the school business administrator the Board of Education approves membership in the following National purchasing Cooperative it'll be Keystone purchasing Network AKA kpn located in Milton Pennsylvania uh K kpn is an authorized Cooperative purchasing organization that coordinates many public sector contracts ordered by lead agencies throughout the country 2.2 I'm asking the board to approve the attached lease with Lakeland Hills YMCA to provide after care and before care from September 1st 2024 up to June 30th 26 and the rental fees are noted below $332,000 annually for the 2024 2025 school years and $34,000 annually for the 2025 2026 school year 2.3 is for the board to approve the attached proposal from lak land surveying for survey services and topography and reference to the Nicole Drive property and the amounts of $13,500 2.4 is for the board to approve approve an advertisement for a bid solicitation for competitive bid pricing in accordance with njsa 18a colon 18-21 paren a paren b bin number 01- wsf d224 for Window Security film purchase and installation 2.5 is for the board to approve the use of the following facilities during the summer of 2024 Lake you Elementary School for esy daa and enrichment at Riverview Elementary School for Pro Sports Experience football camp in cooperation with Denville Township at Valley View Middle School for Denville Township Recreation Department camps under technology item 3.1 is for the board to approve to authorize the business administrator to dispose of the attached list obsolete non-functional District equipment um the attachment had 12 desktop CPUs two smartboards one dock camera and two Lobby guard kios second thank you questions or comments if there are none roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs Adelis yes Dr Aruna jassen yes Mr Cass yes yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Kim yes okay that leads us into the good of a cause committee reports correspondence discussion items um board highlights do you want to include the gift cards as a board highlight as well Dr Forte this is what I have I have the donations of I said all the donations reapproved the lease with the lak one Hills y all the upcoming presentations and uh the calendar update and the eclipse yes I just want to bless you I just want to um thank the students at Valley View for putting on the uh play this past weekend we were able to go and enjoy it they did Annie Jr which was excellent it was it was perfect they they did did really well so thank you to the teachers and all the performers and the orchestra I mean incredibly impressed by the whole thing so thank you yeah I was able to attend that as well I I to got to the Saturday evening show uh fortunately I had had stopped raining uh by that time so uh and I definitely wanted to um congratulate uh Mrs M mccaan on a wonderful job and the rest of the staff and the students so uh I was quite impressed with their performance it was uh truly enjoyable I attended the Riverview PTA meeting on March 20th and uh this was an impressive group of people there uh they multitasked and they were working on the Tricky Tray where we ran the meeting they could do both at the same time so uh a couple of things I did uh pick up that are worthy your reporting to the uh the board so um they talked about the Columbia literacy workshop and after um I guess some lobbying for a long long time it's going to be a uh a virtual option for that too rather than doing it in person so that'll make it easier for some people that want to attend that Mrs T uh thank the uh all all the PTA for the parent support for the compassion campaign being done by the third grade um another good thing that she talked about is that the U the Buddy L foundation and um that trains uh it's called the uh the well project so in uh third world countries there where water is really a precious resource you know we take it for granted here in our country but there it's a um a precious resource that really improves lives so um uh and the rivu is involved with that and um it's called The Oasis project so they're uh they're working on that for a fundraiser and they're also uh this T remind everybody of the person of the year award that's coming up one thing they did asked me about the bus I I talked to them about you know what was going on on our end with the uh the bus budget and the um topographical survey and also the uh the challenges we have under the transportation that were we're working on there but I just part of my memory refreshed here driver training for the uh the training for our our bus drivers we picked that up with with some caveats that they have to stay employed for I guess it's a year we train them and we do have a contract that they have to stay with district for two years two years okay yeah I didn't want to wing it so I will go back and report that to them the next time thank you great thank you I have uh just a few announcements and then uh we'll be looking to close um but um Charlene uh our uh New Jersey school board's representative mailed out uh the superintendent CSA evaluation so if if the board members can start taking a look at that um the I I was able to attend uh Dr Forte was there uh the Morris County school board's unsung heroes uh nomination ceremony and uh Mr Corman did a wonderful job nominating the Valley View student uh Mark terson John Louie so he is going to be one of many High School uh I'm sorry middle school students that are going to be evaluated for scholarship and um and on unsung hero award um there are two uh delegate assembly resolutions that I submitted uh so I'm working with school boards to see if they are going to present it to the rest of the delegate assembly and finally the February enrollment number that I give out monthly is 1701 there were 17 uh 17001 students enrolled in our district so great um if there's nothing else for the good of the cause we'll go ahead and open up public comments at 7:58 p.m. no one on the uh website okay so seeing no one in the chambers and no one watching virtually we will Co close open public comments at 758 p.m. there is no need for a second executive so move to Jour all right I heard Mr Cass with a second uh to adjourn all in favor I opposed extensions thank you very much good evening and uh have a wonderful night everyone