##VIDEO ID:qMKp2BgH-l4## out of executive session so we are going to continue on with the agenda and go right into the Pledge of Allegiance please stand okay it looks like we have some special presentations coming up in the next couple of meetings September 23rd we will have a review of The District Board District and board goals for 2024 2025 and on October 7th we'll have the Hib self-grading presentation next up superintendent comets Dr Forte if you will thank you um just a couple announcements we have orientations coming up we have Valley View on the 22nd Riverview and Lake View on the 27th this is uh August our staff convocation is on August 28th at 8:00 a.m. at Lake View the first day of school is September 3rd back to school nights Lake View September 12 Valley View September 18 Riverview September 24 Valley View um the family and consumer science we that's which is the old name is a new name for homec as we might have known it um will not run this year we do not have a teacher um this is the first time that we're not able to run a class and um the teacher retired she put in her service and retired but it's one of those really hard things where there's no Supply or demand because there's not a lot of places that still have it we we did a lot of things like we posted it College J job boards we advertised it a few times in the newspaper believe it or not um we put it on all different you know indeed you name it all different things um then we also contacted mhr day because their family consumer science person is pretty big in that organization she posted on their job board and um we just didn't there was really there was like two applicants and they weren't qualified so we're going to continue to look for it I really hope we can have it back maybe the second semester so maybe in January if we can't um we will spend a lot of time trying to find something for the following year um another thing is we looked into is um it's just it's one of those certificates that you can't get an emergency certificate for because of the cooking part so the person needs to have 30 credits in one of the family and consumer sciences and if they don't have the 30 credits they can't get it so um we will put it out to the staff maybe somebody in the staff would like to do it maybe somebody in the staff has some credits in that area the possible they may be interested in it I did call personally one of the teachers one of our uh teacher aids who teaches our our uh enrichment cooking class and it sells out every time like the kids love her she does a great job I've probably been in the room four or five times um she's looking into it as a possibility but she doesn't have the degree um so it's not something that's going to happen right away it'll it'll be a longer process but um I don't want anybody to think that we're not concerned and that we want to make sure that we can get it going it's just going to be a challenge and you know it's okay challenges are good but this in this particular case we're not happy that we can't offer it and just a little bit more on that I am working directly with CCM and one of our employees to try to um work our way through the process so we're working on it that's good thank you um so what they'll do is they'll spread the kids out in those classes into the other Cycles the other cycle numbers were coming down because everybody wants to take cooking so cookings classes were pretty much always filled and some of the other ones were smaller so now the smaller ones will be large um this this was this was disseminated if it wasn't it's going to be this week to the public I I might have told I might have asked him not to to do it until I inform the board tonight but then he'll uh there'll be some kind of message going out to the to the uh parents um the army helicopter was denied we are G to try to get the New Jersey State Police Helicopter and I did I did let Sky know Mike that you had a connection um so she's working on that with her husband who's a State Trooper as well I we were're not sure why the only thing we could think of is maybe it didn't have enough space to land in the back of we're not sure they they didn't give us the answer why um the sixth grade ELA and math placement letters were released tomorrow um is this is this your stuff or is this my stuff I'm not sure why that's there but it was released last week gotcha oh no two weeks ago I'm sorry so that was released take a look at my comments if there's anything in there um the fors portal is open on eight on August 16th and um the the portal is opening on 821 for home rooms schedules bus routes previous year report cards Etc the St they do have to sign off on the forums prior to allow prior to gaining access to the stuff that they want their kids home room classes um and that's it for mine I'll pet turn it over to Sandy great thank you Dr Forte um yeah Dr CS go ahead um as of now we have 178 kindergarteners that's 106 at Lake View and 72 at Riverview we did Place nine students from the flex zone at Riverview and our numbers were equal uh but we had some late registration so now we're 20 per class at Lake View and 18 per class at Riverview our new staff orientation we're going to be welcoming 20 new teachers and other certificated staff that would be like our nurses psychologists Etc and their training is this Wednesday on August 21st so I'm really excited to get to spend some time with them and this concludes assistant superintendence report thank you Dr cge really quickly do you have a headcount or a total students uh for the upcoming school year at all or no 1732 Miss groski thank you very much okay that um then we're going to the business administrator comments uh Mrs gski if you have not responded if you're coming to the New Jersey um School Board associ um sorry uh Conference October 21 to the 22nd 2020 to the 24th I'm sorry uh please let me know as soon as possible so we can reserve your your spot and confirm the hotels uh also we want to say shout out big thank you to the transportation department for transporting and doing such a phenomenal job uh over this past summer with the extended school year program dala and other field trips that we were taking them throughout the summer great thank you very much I just did a quick check and including out of District we're up to 1745 that's that's a little larger number than I was expecting um and I am speaking at school boards again on Executive coaching so if anybody's down there come check it out great thank you okay now is the time to open it up for public comments um yep feel free to step up to the microphone state your name address and uh please uh ask any questions pertaining to the agenda all right seeing no questions we will close uh public comments at 7:38 p.m. and moving right on to all business action to be taken Miss Adelis can you take us through that section please sure I'd be happy to um I move to approve of the following resolutions under old business uh education reports minutes resolved that the board approve the following minutes for July 15 2024 can I have a second please I'll second thank you any questions or comments roll call please D Moore yes Mrs sellis yes Dr Arun tassen yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes moving on we have new business action to be taken uh Dr Aruna jasan if you can take us through Personnel please certainly um if there's no objection I'd like to move the following resolutions uh A1 um move it as a bulk uh a through FF and the main uh one and uh GG and HH in the addendum these are related to new hires uh resignations retirements employee leaves extra pay salary and adjustments and um item number two is a list of attached uh substitutes for the school year 2024 2025 and item number three is updated list of staff for the school of Summer um for Lakeville Elementary School for summer 2024 item number four is an unpaid uh leave for employee number D 0087 October 7th to 8 18th and then coming again April 22nd 2025 until May 16th expected return May 19th uh item number five is uh unpaid leave of absence for employee number D 00926 until 2025 2026 school year um item number six is a job description for instructional coach item number seven is approval of Dr Daniel gooling to to uh conduct Fitness of Duty Examination for an employee for an amount of $1,400 item number8 is to approve diagnostic medical to provide optional information sessions to staff for their medical screening services there is no cost to the district uh for the service and item number nine is uh approv intermittent unpaid leave of absence for employee number d00 z449 commencing August 28th and please look into your addendum item number 10 um this is a retrac approve and unpaid leave of absence for employee number D 00315 starting from July 15th until September 23rd of 2024 I'll second thank you questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs sidellis yes Dr abassin yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Dr Mo if you could take us through imp please sure I'd like to uh move for approval of the following resolutions under instruction in program item number one is the approval of the use of appliances for Community Based life skills instruction program at Valley View Middle School item number two is to approve the attached list of field trips for the 2425 school year item number three is to approve the disposal of the following out ofd curriculum materials the Scott forsman social studies um of New Jersey 135 copies and number four is to approve the reading and writing project network uh staff training on August 26 27 I'll second thank you questions or comments how do we get rid of the old materials well if they're less than 10 years old they go onto like a Marketplace for the state and other districts can uh claim those items however when they're this old like if they're 20 years old um and not in great condition then they just get recycled if there are no other questions or comments roll call please Dak deore yes Mrs Adelis yes D abun chassen yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes moving on uh policy and re uh revisions Mr Capello if you could take us through that please sure I'd be happy to if there are no objections I would like to move for first reading we have a total of uh 16 policies and I believe six regulations um for first reading tonight uh they include uh remote public meeting um during declared emergency we're abolishing uh some new um policies regarding firearms and weapons policies uh we o have policies concerning uh curriculum regulations concerning attendance uh student suicide volunteer athletic coaches a series of policies and regulations related to physical examinations policy related to service animals emergency and crisis situations uh overtime education program evaluation site selection and acquisition that that is a new policy a new regulation we also have a new uh employee training policy as well as new career and training education policy and regulations and fin sorry excuse me finally a new uh policy regarding Food Services I'll second thank you questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs sellis yes Dr Arun datass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Mr Anderson can you take us through Finance please sure if there are no objections I'd like to move under def Finance um items number one which is the checklist item number two which is a Professional Services contract for speech language therapy and evaluation services to Dr L haes and Associates and and the details of that um contract uh are listed in the agenda um item number three is Professional Services contract for bcba services to The Uncommon read once again details of that contract are listed in the agenda item number four is for the board to approve attached contract for Susan marinell communications consultant for 20242 school year to address District goal number four in the amount of $10,300 item number five is for the board to approve the following out of District placements as per the students IEP There's A and B listed in the uh agenda item number six is for the board to approve the contracts with Summit uh Speech school to provide uh interent services to the following students for the 20242 school year at a rate of $225 per hour there's a through b there's four students listed and the amounts in the agenda item number seven is the board to approve the following students to attend the program School listed for the dates and tuition identified and it's one student uh which is going to commission for the Blind and that's listed in the agenda item number eight is for the board to approve the attached standard operating procedures and internal controls item number nine is for the board to approve the attached purchasing manual and finally item number 10 for the board to approve the resolution regarding the submission of the comprehensive maintenance plan and school facilities form M1 as listed in the agenda I'll second thank you questions or comments roll call please Dr Moore yes Mrs Adelis yes Dr Aruna datass yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes Mr Cass if you could take us through operations please be glad to under transportation I'm asking the board to approve parent Transportation contracts for the 2024 2025 school year for two students at first one at a rate of $1,350 number two was $2,700 item 1.2 is for the board to approve shared services with the following school districts for the 2425 school year we have the Wharton School District Rockaway Boro School District Morris Hills Regional School District Morris County votch parcion Troy Hills botin School District botin burrow Little Learners School Rockaway Township School District and the Mountain Lakes School District 1.3 is for the board to approve a joint Transportation agreement with hunterton Educational Service Commission for the upcoming school year um the cost for each route is listed and um I talked to the business administrator be before the meeting to uh just to highlight a few things we've been doing business with them for for many years because of the bus driver shortage and this year we're adding one additional bus because of a recent resignation of a bus driver so that um issue continues the shortage of drivers um as for the cost it's uh about equal to what it would cost us to hire somebody to do the job with the benefits and all of that under building and grounds 2.1 I'm asking the board to approve the attached change order from DNL Paving Contractors for the Riverview parking lot the amount of $4,900 2.2 was for the board to approve the attached agreement from confires Fire Protection Services to repair the fire sprinkler system at Lake View Elementary School in the amount of $3,272 and that will be paid from maintenance Reserve 2.3 is for the board to approve the waiver for the sanitation certificate in the amount of $200 from the township of Denver regarding the implementation for the national school lunch program at Lake View Elementary School 2.4 is for the board to approve the attached change order for Associates for $6,000 for redesign and rebid of the riview laboratory project and that's referenced in our agenda attachments 2.5 is for the Denville Township Board of Education to approve the attached change order number one from njsb construction for the rivie step and sidewalk project in the amount of $1,000 also paid from maintenance Reserve I'll second it thank you questions and comments uh regarding the change order in 2.4 um how significant was that uh change so um so we what we needed them to do is make the project a little bit less involved it was probably I I probably threw in a few extra things in there maybe we shouldn't have done and the prices came in astronomical so I asked them to re redo it rebid it there's a there's a cost to that because you're gonna have to redesign it um and it'll still be fine and it to remind everybody this is maybe down the road like just really setting us up to be able to expand uh kindergarten and prek rooms it'll give us two additional rooms with bathrooms that we don't currently we have we would have we have one extra room with a bathroom this will give us two additional ones and we'd be doing what we did similar job to what we did at Lake View where we taking some of the space from the hall bathrooms and allowing it access direct from a classroom which will allow us to use it for a kindergarden or prek-k room so some of the stuff when we were doing it we're like well let's let's fix up the two rooms while we're at it and it the prices were just out of control so our guys will do eventually will do some of that work like um there's some case work that might need to be changed and things like that and um the Project's a little bit less involved in the bathrooms but still satisfactory so after they do all that there's a little bit of a cost I did speak to them about it and uh it made sense to me that's why I put it on the agenda so we're paying a little bit more to save more money so yeah we're expecting the cost to come down um substantially like 150ish thousand somewhere around that understood thank you if there are no other questions roll call please Dore yes Mrs Adelis yes Dr Arun tassen yes Mr Cass yes Mr Anderson yes Mr Capello yes Mr Kim yes okay moving on to the agenda good of the cause committee reports correspondence and discussion items and others uh I'll open it up to the board for any comments or contributions I'll have a uh International comment on recycling I have the family from Madrid visiting and um of course I had to educate him where everything the recycling gooes in my house it's a little different there apartment in Madrid but anyhow uh one one of the things that I don't know if we cover this with our recycling team there at their apartment they have these uh Port holes where they put their recycling material and they uh you know have one for you know paper cardboard one for you know plastic cans Co mingle as we do but they also have one for food scraps and that's something we read about occasionally I know one of my neighbors has a his own compost 55 gallon drum putting his food and you know organic materials and and then spreading it around the the yard after it decomposes so um that's pretty interesting so so I told myself well if you throw it in the port hole there where does it go so it's a it's it's a vacuum system so it must be pretty deep because there you know Madrid's All City apartment buildings and everything it's pretty pretty interesting to uh do that because you know you have a pork chops and stuff like that there's bones left over there's always kind of you know scrap food left over so stale bread and it's um you know it does fill up the garbage and you know especially this time of year you have um corn gra corn at the local farms and you know you're husking the corn so you have all that organic material there um you know the the Cal op Rines and all that kind of stuff so uh I don't know if you know you could maybe looking that the curriculum if they you know something to for for the kids to uh learn about you know Rec recycling food scraps in a different country I had an Initiative for composting with the Denville sustainability committee last year we were trying to push something with the town and push something just to get composting going and no one likes composting it's just it's terrible it's so hard to get going you think there's a plenty of room to put it somewhere but it's you know hard because people don't understand not to put meat in there not to put you know the things that don't belong but uh that's a good suggestion maybe we can talk to the sustainability committee about it again and also just keep the kid if you go up to the uh to gra Stone where they sell the you know plants and vegetables too to uh supplement their income and also you know I guess you know feed feed the uh the patients there and everything so that they they had a couple of those uh barrels there that you you turn periodically um but you're right doing it on a very large scale can be difficult especially when you see you know people miss you know maybe they're in a hurry that you could stuff get done the two of us come on me and you and the sustainability committee we'll we'll do some composting yeah and the other one Soo I won't get into too deep is film plastic I didn't know if they still have that container over there by the by the Acme I went over there a couple of times it's like you know putting it in a thimble I mean it's just you know the volume of a fil plastic you have that comes in you know packages wrapped in it and everything there you need uh super large containers and dumpsters to uh to get that you know to to recycle that and send it somewhere but that's another thing that's lacking in the town we we still do the plastic so it's good and and we collect a lot I uh I volunteered to drive it over with the sustainability committee over to the Stop and Shop in Mars Plains and uh my truck was completely filled to the rim and then we had two other cars so we must have brought something like 16 or 17 you know Hefty bag size bags over there with plastic and uh what we do is we do it with TX um so TX you have to have 500 pounds but now they made a th000 can you can you imagine how much a th pounds of plastic is plastic wrap it's a lot but even so even if you know we're we're probably going to get enough to get another bench do you ever see those TX benches we've had we we've gotten second prize which is like a bird feeder it's about the size of my phone which it was nice but it's it's not even about that it's really about not putting plastic bags and plastic wrap and and all the wrappings that come in like when you buy something you can imagine how much wrapping we have right when we buy like a pallet full of stuff it's got that big wrap all around it we can recycle all that and uh we've been pretty good at it and our our team has been great about it but Don I'm gonna I'm gonna I put it in my notes to mention to them about composting now obviously we comes with you know all this environmental stuff goes right out the window once it's your first Mouse right it's all over like we I remember one year we were collecting those Capri Suns when I was a principal and then there was all these fruit flies nobody wanted anything to do with PR Suns anymore because there's fruit flies everywhere right so it's it's always as nice until it becomes a some kind of a problem but I'll mention ATT time see if there's a way we can do it you know start out on a small scale and see how that goes I mean we have done this in the past and we bought the Tumblers and it turned into into a gigantic black sludge we never got it to be soil it always turned out to be a sticky mess and then that's why we stopped but um there was so much for coming from their lunches um um it is in the curriculum I we do talk about it but we did used to do it um I'm sure maybe the things have improved Innovations and we can look into it again but part of the part of the problem is when you compost you need to have a certain amount of carbon versus a certain amount of organic and if you don't have that it doesn't work I remember and Mike I don't know if you remember this this was several years ago I'm pretty sure it was at school boards we heard about some schools that were doing this like on a decent scale they had bought these digestors or fairly big things and they were doing like a fairly like extensive program around it if I can find the information I'll try to find it but you know and I don't know how it worked out I think this was something they were announcing as an initiative they had just started but I don't and I don't know if it really went anywhere there's the uh green sustainability for schools right so I wonder if that's a resource we can look at that's probably we have the we have those people that work with them too yeah specifically for that so the the town does it we have like a silver status or whatever it is for for New Jersey sustainability um and the the school district just started doing it again this year um so they have to hit a couple of different parameters to get their their status but uh just to add to good to the cause the green team will be at the Farmers Market on September 15th just as a reminder to all the people who watch this uh meeting um and uh but I'll say it again at the next uh Boe meeting and maybe we can post about it maybe on social media to to push people towards uh the the Farmers Market on September 15 um quick uh good of the cause from the Denville Education Foundation they have two events that are coming up the first is uh Friday September 13th Friday the 13th they're doing a free outdoor movie night they've done it the last couple years over at Gardener field field number one um they're going to be uh showing Hotel Transylvania um so they will be they've just started announcing that uh and it'll be uh it's always a nice event so that'll be on the 13th of September and then following that next month in October 22nd they're having a their golf outing their golf outing moved uh locations this year to a different country club they're going to be doing at null Country Club in parsipany that'll be on the 22nd so uh you all are invited as soon as I have the registration link I'll get it out there ready October yeah sorry is that the same time are we at school boards okay all right anybody who's not going to school boards or anybody who's watching the video um they'll have that uh event then so um Steve when you schedule the committee meetings for September uh can you add the governance committee uh onto the schedule pleases sure um because the meeting so early it's on the 9th we we schedu them for the first week which would be the sth but I guess that committee really doesn't have to go before the first meeting right it can go anytime okay so we'll schedule that thank you and um the Transportation uh committee meeting or the ad hoc me committee do we need to continue that should we have one final meeting to wrap that up or is that something that you want to keep open for next year as well yeah let's I'll schedule governance and the transportation committee sometime in in September any other good of the ca I have two things for highlights so far I was just going to review the projects that were completed at Riverview which is the sidewalk renovated parking lot and rear steps and also that on September 23 the board H we'll hear about the district and board goals on at the next meeting on the 23rd does anybody have anything else to add that sounds good okay um we're going to close good of the cause and we'll go ahead into uh opening it up for public comments for the second time at 8:03 p.m. okay seeing no one online or in the chambers we'll go ahead and close it at 8:03 pm and um is there a need for a second executive yes a short one okay so um uh Miss Adelis could you take us to Executive again if you don't mind um I mov to conven an executive session in accordance with Section 8 of the open public meetings act the purpose of this closed session will be to discuss negotiations legal security and Personnel issues minutes of this session will be made available to the public with the need for