##VIDEO ID:BL_waOEHl7Q## e e e everyone can please take a seat silence your cell phones we are going to begin the city council meeting so call the meeting to order and up for first is going to be our invocation by our one and only Pastor David Butler from Faith Assembly Christ Christian church thank you sir shall we pray Heavenly Father we thank you for a great turnout tonight of our community and Lord we just ask your blessings upon our city we have declared that you are indeed the Lord over our city we thank you for the meeting we are about to enter into we pray that everything we do would be pleasing to you we speak your blessings now now the uh according to the Book of Numbers Chapter 6 which is this may the Lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he give you his peace amen and with councilwoman AB not here councilwoman bag if you please start PL aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you for that all right so before we get going um with the agenda approval do we have any changes yes I don't know how to punch my button yet but okay uh yes I'd like to uh for number item number one I'd like to at C the Christmas parade winners okay Chistmas parade winners and I've got the list here any I appreciate that absolutely all right any other changes seeing none can do I have a motion for the meeting with the amended C for the Christmas parade got a motion I'll a motion to approve motion all right and then councilman Bagby with the second all right call the vote okay I don't have my vote there it is may I have not been able to get my password to go in here all right well we got plenty of announcements and recognitions so if we just do a vocal uh councilman um let's go with Schmidt want yes forgot his name vocal what Tor Tori yes I'm sorry yes with the person councilman dtin yes councilwoman T yes yes all right I have it unanimously so moved and with that we will start with the employee of the year award that was your vot check check all right all right so the citizen of Citizen the staff of the Year award uh I've been a part of this for a couple years now and the first year you think of it as just another award uh that I'm assuming every corporation has where we're just going to honor some person uh but over the years and actually being able to work with a lot of our staff and our Council up here uh you get to kind of understand the people behind the award and so I think this is my very first one where I have a little bit of a personal connection with our winner this year and really kind of comes from like a second third fourth mom kind of vibe because I can't go across her office without making sure that she's making sure that I'm doing the right thing so I do want to bring up our wonderful winner Sher did you get did you get in oh there we go it's back on I'm not get is um an amazing person for our staff she's under R and more importantly she has been in a couple departments so she probably knows a little bit more than most of us up here when it comes from things things to things with the the city so do you have anything you'd like to add everybody makes my jobob easy one more round [Applause] hand Shar my mom's name is Sher so that's all right so up next going to be we got a second one there we go all right we're improving tonight with the tech all right all right so for everyone online Sharon Gardner was our city of the Year Award winner without the mic on and then so up next is going to be uh the firewatch uh which is something that has really struck a nerve with my cord of of just what we do in this community and that is serving our veterans this as we all know this is a huge military town and uh I was out uh learning trying to bring money back for the city down in Tampa and down in Naples Florida and just really going all over the state and then when we were at an annual conference I met some of the leadership team of the Des of the firew watch the Florida fire watch and it's a very amazing thing what they do as far as making sure that not only do we serve veterans but we care about them on the personal level um and they're all about veteran suicide awareness and prevention and just getting people tied into all these great services that are already out there so with further Ado I'll invite umite you guys up here to explain a little bit more about what you guys do and what we're doing today all right thank you uh my name is Derek Collins I'm the regional uh program director for the fir watch we were founded in 2019 in Northeast Florida with the one mission of ending veteran suicide um in 2021 the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs reached out to us as to expand across the state so we are the state of Forida veteran suicide prevention program and basically what we do is we teach communities not just veterans but everybody in the community what are the signs of a veteran in crisis what question J at veteran and then how to get them to a resource uh that they may need uh this year we uh started a new program called the veteran Safe Community um mostly we would reach out to businesses and organizations have them train their employees and we begin to notice that uh governments were asking us to come in and train departments within it so what we want to do is we wanted to see uh in several places in Florida could we get a a city and or municipality to have certain number of people trained in the watch Center Program on both the business side and the government side to reach a certain goal at a certain date uh and this year the city of Desa did that so um I'd like to present a certificate to uh and mayor Wagner and and uh and Dr uh uh young were very instrumental one of the this the program doesn't work unless we have strong Champions uh on the ground every day doing this and these two really pushed uh this program in a relatively short amount of time to achieve this status so uh so so uh the firewatch presents the city of dtin Florida has successfully qualified as a veteran Safe Community uh the solution to veteran suicide is community- based the more opportunities for communities uh can provide to steer a veteran away from suicide the lower we can drive the rate of Veteran suicide they far [Applause] [Music] yeah we need Tam up here as well yes no again this does not work unless at least one person and tirelessly she pushed this program to get us over the go than you thank you all right we're down to number three now so my last uh moments on this is again Dr Tamar young was instrumental in this this has been a pilot program for both of us so it's an honor to receive the award but I'm very excited to see all the different communities across Florida that continue this awesome training uh just like our city we can't all be everywhere and it really just takes everyone's eyes and ears uh just being out there looking out for the betterment of the community and that's exactly what this program is and it's really not the beginning but truly the beginning because this now just make sure that we know what to do when we see it and then it's still Our obligation to help those that are in need and perform and show up when when those times come even if it's a difficult conversation to have so uh the reason I got involved in this is because their data through the VA showed uh the past three years of data 63 veterans in Oka County uh had fallen to suicide and between that what really kind of pulled at my heart strings was one of their youngest age groups which I believe is 21 to 34 18 to 3 18 to 34 okay so the whole the the very young adults uh comprised over half of that number so Not only was 63 a big number but half of that were uh you know veterans under the age of 34 so that's really uh where I'm at in my life and so just kind of be in that age group and and see those kind of numbers was alarming so that's really where it came from so that's just my uh ask for everyone here online uh to help join us and it's really just two eyeballs at a time uh making sure that we can do what's right for those who have served our country so thank you guys for that all right and the final one and the more uplifting one now is the 2024 40th anniversary of the Destin Christmas parade flashback to 1984 and so I'm going to go through the awards our wonderful Constructor and I would say just Master coordinator of the parade Lisa fero is going to be handing them out she's our Parks and Rec director and her and Ryan Reed the deputy uh were out there uh making this happen days in advance so thank you guys so much all right so the first award is the Noel award it is the band award sponsored by the one and only Dustin rotary and that's going to go to Maguire's Irish band so Ken all right up next elf award children services sponsored by uh Jim Le lefal thank you I know him too I just never can say his last name uh Jim Leaf House State Farm so his his local business here uh Dustin dolphin cheerleaders come on up thank you guys so much all right come I'm assuming the main right all AC awesome and our wonderful cheers cheersing we're doing it all right so the fun fact for this year is the Destin high school cheerleaders with the middle school and now our elementary school have been working together on this so I think that's awesome having the the older kids teach the younger kids and keeping it all going so thank you guys for being leaders all right Santa's helper award children commercial there you go sponsored by AJ's Seafood and Oyster Bar and that's going to go to Envision Destin Studio dance studio did I get that right Envision Dance Studio test [Music] test everyone say [Laughter] newspaper absolutely thank you congratulations on the win Envision dance studio all right we're back to the full circle all right almost done Angel award religion religious award sponsored by Emerald Coast Knights of Columbus and this is this year's winner is going to go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints you guys here awesome [Applause] thank you very get my steps in today all right thank you guys for being a part of the Christmas parade all righty the chamber award Shane's in the house commercial sponsored by the one and only Destin Chamber of Commerce and the winner for this year's Destin commercial parade float is the one and only AJ seafood and Oyster Bar and I'm accepting and and Lisa goes there all the time so she's accepting [Laughter] it they are giving um they buy all kinds of gifts for Fort Walton Beach High School children and that's what they're doing tonight so there we go that's amazing all right two left thank you thank you ajs all right Civics Club Civics award sponsored by Mike allate funny enough Mike Cheney at allate there we go and so the Civics award is going to go to our marine corpse Toys for Tots thank you guys so much and you guys had the train right that was an awesome [Applause] train thank you so very much all right crowd pleaser I don't know how this one gets tallied but I think it's Whoever has the most candy out there the crowd pleaser this year sponsored by us the city of dtin is going to be Destin water users oh that's why awesome all right so thank you all everyone who participated whether you were receiving candy or throwing candy thank you for always joining us I think that's like our biggest city event of the year when you go over that hill and you're just seeing thousands of people it's really cool you're like all right I'm at I'm in the community right now so uh it's always a great uh turnout in an event and again as always thank you staff uh everyone who helps put that on from uh the very beginning of planning it all the way to the guy driving the sweep the street sweeper at the end so I appreciate you Michael all right all right so with all the announcements and recognitions and proclamations out of the way uh up next is the public comments so anyone here from the public who wishes to speak on anything from this agenda item or anything else not on public hearing for tonight so I will start no no okay see none we got a couple bodies in the house but no one's Rising all right so we will close the public comments at this time and I will move to the consent agenda do we have a mayor I would like to pull um item C and I'll approve a b d e and f all right do I hear a second I'll second mayor but I would just make one comment on B the there is a typo that refers to the CL Taylor Park is part of this project which I think is just a mistake and along long as everybody understands that's not part of it then we can move forward okay nods all right sounds good all right I have a motion a second I'll call the vote for consent agenda polling the single item going all right I have it 60 so moved all right councilman Schmidt yeah I just wanted to highlight this item for the council and just make sure that they saw it in case they didn't have a chance to review the agenda I know it's lengthy but um I just wanted to remind us all and thank you for sending this particular item to bid uh in case you haven't noticed uh we were potentially going to accept a contract for approximately $1.3 million and now we're going to save the city approximately 4 to $500,000 depending on how the contract lands by going out to bid and I just hope that we would continue that practice in the future uh for contracts and large projects and um so thank you all for making sure this one went out to bid absolutely which one you talking about Kevin the lighting uh project at Morgan Sports Center so with that I'll motion to approve this all right I have a motion do I hear a second for second councilman dtin uh councilman Bagby yeah no uh thanks for making us go out to bid something both this one and another one we need to relook and I know you're working on the procurement policy but we need to set a policy uh where it comes back to councel if it's over a certain amount like a half a million dollars because I'm be honest with you I'm not comfortable approving spending $700,000 on the consent agenda when we had multiple biders I would actually like to you know have at least the top two or three come up and present so we can do a little research on them so we can do more than just say hey two or three staff members sat down and they went through the presentation they didn't even talk to them they just looked you know are these folks credible do they you know are they in invested enough to come forward so I would ask that after the first of the year when you pull that back in or when you bring that back before us that that criteria be there because we're we're we're kind of getting over my comfort you know the staff wants to approve a 200,000 you know or recommend approval on the consent agenda $200,000 contract okay but when you start getting over half a million they you're you're talking the council ought to have a say and I want some body standing in front of me telling me why there they ought to get 3/4 of a million of taxpayers money out of this city so that's the only thing I motion well there there's already a motion but I will make that motion well I I'll take that note and we're we're already working with staff on the on those policies so we can soon as we vot on this I'll make that that's the only way we can really tell staff to do things we can't just I wish you would have one Council fair enough uh councilwoman treml I was just going to say that I agree with both of these um gentlemen right noted all right with that I will call the question on 3C all right I have it 60 com mtin make a motion that contract over $500,000 come back to button all right and Cosman dtin had a motion to have a $500,000 contract or above to come back for Council for review I will second that motion seconded by councilman Bagby any further discussions and and I I would say one thing I know Mr D knows sometimes in the budgeting process we approve projects for lack of a better term that are over $500,000 if it you know the underground run but they came back before us but there are things that might come back as long as we approve it or somebody comes up here but a RFP that's that I want to see them part of the process just for clarity that means you guys want the ability to rank them and see presentations I don't what do you think of that I I think that's only a case by case what I don't want to see is on the consent agenda so I I would like to see you know and and again we're not going to figure out every permutation of how this you know the Landscaping contract I don't necessarily need to see that if it's 468 but yes I think and we're going to get into that on one more issue later tonight on I think things should come back before the council before we go out and do great and wonderful things councilman bradden um thank you just to be clear um I mean there there's a huge difference in that in the bids over a million dollar and 600,000 and everything in between um L I've missed something there there we are comparing Apples to Apples all these contractors I mean we specified in our documents of what type of light we want I I'll I'll speak to just my knowledge and reviewing and actually um looking at it even as a participant just sitting there at a at a meeting recently yeah you know compar you would say it was it was the same say the same light this cheap company or whoever's the the lowest bidder is just not buying something from Amazon and throwing up we're we're getting the same cuz I know the fixtures you can go from a $100 fixture to a $5,000 fure so I believe some of the differences that I noticed uh were due to um um somebody being able to Source Products directly versus not and that was a lot of the cost savings um and I could be corrected if I'm wrong but by some companies being able to provide the products versus having to go buy them and then right up Mark up you know put a margin on it that was some of the reasons why there was major changes but I do believe it's a very Apples to Apples comparison um in what they're providing good I just want to make sure we're getting good getting good equipment yeah you know we're not just going with a little bitter because he using cheap stuff and the particular one that was chosen was alsoo just recently won the bid at Frank Brown Park in Panama City I believe they quoted as well so they are a they have a very long list of reputable work as well and the last question who who's on our big committee now I'll to he probably tell you most of them he tell all of them yeah Michael Burgess myself Lisa fth U Tina Deer uh our engineering position is usually on there um who am I missing oh Joe bod usually contributes to that conversation as well it's the same same group same committee more often than not yes it's okay yeah um yeah I I agree with Jim we need to anything I mean I'd be willing to go even lower than half million dollars um bringing back some of these uh these bids that's all have mayor thank you all right thank you all right so with that we have our motion is second for the half a million dollar request to city manager I don't see any further discussion so I'll call the vote all right eyes have it 60 so moved all right that brings us to the city manage report 4 a Mr Larry Jones Thank you Mr Mayor and council members our first item for is a update from dag Architects regarding the linear T project and so I believe they're here to provide you an update and where we are on that U process all righty good evening everyone thank you hello great to see you all again we're excited to just share where we are in this project I know it's been a little bit so this is meant to be a a catchup and just show the work that's being done and uh we're excited about I guess where it's going and optimistic about getting it finished up so um this is kind of our outline I started out with a little bit of a timeline talking about the work completed and then work that we still need to be completed so this timeline um is sort of just to share where we are you know we started in uh early 20123 March is when we actually got that and then I cannot see it from over there to turn around this way we'll just talk this way um so the project was advertised under contract the next thing and the biggest portion of this sort of timeline was the collection of the surveys that took a long time it's over a mile and a half worth of area that we had to get topographical line surveys there's work with FPL being done so getting the current you know intended hardening which we can see that work being done right now and getting all that captured we also had wetlands and a number of other um you know HOA and previous easements that we had to document so then we started the engineering design we've come before the council here on the 30 30% approval and the 60% approval and have moved forward into what we are now in our 90% approval phase this phase really constitutes us getting the easements and the permitting together um we have pushed everything forward as far as we can right now so it is with the city the city has all the documents for the development order and the rest of that and current C ly our holdup is easements and these have regrettably taken longer than we thought they would um I can report that we you know requested an extension in October when we were seeing that this stuff was getting um pushed out longer and I think the important part about that is that we have a lot of favorable expectations on the easements I would say so when we first did the project we had 24 um individuals impacted we're down to nine that includes des and water users and FPL and we have talked to them all verbally we even held a signing day to have them come and sign the easements here at the city and we have not gotten them to come in and give us the signed easements that's really where we are um you know of the nine I have six of them that are all verbally in favor and we have and then we also have the um two that we haven't contacted yet Bobby and the city staff has been very helpful in administrating that uh wherever Tam went she's also been helping with it and so where we are like I said is as soon as we have the easements that will conclude everything that we needed on the permitting and so this work completed portion you know just sharing that you have designed documents for civil landscape electrical and lighting the irrigation the survey and the wetlands we have delineated all the easements that are required to complete the project we have concept designs for the signage which we're working closely with the city and that will be brought back to the council for approval when that comes up and then we've also helped facilitate some of the grant applications that would be the suntrail and some of the other ones that we're pursuing but also helped facilitate the extension and I think that's really what the question is here for the council you know it's important to note that um we have spent you know as we were supposed to and we have extended the Grant and so to my knowledge and Jeff I don't know if you want to add anything we have no concerns about losing the grant funding or any of that that we have proceeded with that all in line as it's supposed to be um this is just showing just for you know the the benefit of it you know our documents that are work incomplete um like I said from 24 down to 9 in the current layout we've developed these sort of exhibits that show what is happening in the easements this has been really helpful in convincing and sharing the goals of the project with the individual owners um this is the sort of concept signage plan that we're working through so these would be locations that there would be informational signs uh you know that rein Force the trail and even have learning modules and things along those lines and then um you know this was actually something that we also prepared which was like a uh estimate of cost on here and I think you know the important thing is the initial cost estimate to construct it is still in line it hasn't ballooned it hasn't you know gotten out of control all that's been managed even with some of the additional work uh that we're anticipating for storm water management and that so then that gets to work to be completed and like I've already shared you know we have final signed easements once we have the easements that removes the roadblock in our permitting process when we go into that um you know we'll be working with coordinating any of the new city projects so an example of that would be The Pedestrian cross walk at Airport Road and uh then we'll continue to support the Grant and work with FPL especially with their new hardening there's some concerns about guy wires and the elements there and so we're working with their um design team on that uh this is the little um memorandum you know request for additional time but what I liked about this was uh it shows the permits that we're currently permitting in the process of so we have the city of Des and development order we have fdp we have acoe and we have FPL permitting and so we have four agencies that we're getting permits through and managing all that and so that pretty much shares where we are design feels good we just don't have the easements to have permission to do the work awesome well anyone have any discussion on this is just informational right I'm ready for it go ahe cestin thanks for presentation you guys have done a lot of good work but it's all going to turn on the easements now you say we have e proposed easements for FPL and dwu and is there any problem there they haven't been signed so the I mean we can ask Monica and the rest of they're there not put them on the spot not to put them on the spot No so at the uh the end of the trail head there's a roundabout that's for our Public Works and we've been negotiating that turnaround and trying to minimalize it so that we don't impact their space additionally during this process and I'm probably speaking you know more there was opportunities with the partnership with Olympus that's there in that area and there's been a handful of other conversation so really it's trying to decide the final end all that's the right choice and reduces how much impact on it to my knowledge we revised it latest and we resubmitted that here recently and so that has a board meeting and the rest of those things that's actually another big part with the easements that I didn't share you know we have a number of HOAs and so to get with a townhouse HOA on their board meeting present it have Quorum get it approved that process has taken you know two meetings to get to it instead of one and so that's been a little bit of the delay too but we are not expecting any issues from DW or FPL as I shared um I have verbal affirmations from most of these and it's a matter of just collecting the paperwork okay and you said you had six favorable that still leaves yep one or two yep so the one or two that are out there um there are we have you know plans in our back pockets if we can't in order to adjust that to go around okay to go around um and the other part of that is that it's you know it's a private residence and renters live in it not the owner and so there's a matter of just getting to a contact with them and what I found and I because this project is a great thing for the city if we can sit down with them and explain what's happening behind their fence almost everybody's been in favor and it's been a really easy conversation and so we haven't been able to lock that down and so that would be you know the deficiency there is just not having the conversation okay well of course we've got to have these we go forward don't we correct thanks yep councilman Bagby okay so I have the the same concerns but I'm I'm a little bit more cross the who who are the two we haven't even talked to yet okay so the two that we are working with here would be the Twin Lakes HOA um they have not responded to our visit or our calls if Ken was still on the HOA yeah I'm not and do we know what who the management company is for that HOA um I don't have that note with me us tomorrow yep thank you and then the second one would be Troy and Page douly it's a private residence 1219 Quail Ridge Road and once again I think that that is a conversation of we have not been able to present what's happening behind their fence you know they have plans for their property they've shared that and um you know like I said if we need to Pivot and have an alternate we can work through that but the the best path would be to support their um easement okay and you said you had nine but you said you had six in your pocket so that leaves one more that either we've talked to and they've told us no or we've talked to them and they haven't told us anything who is that so the next one is um the Tuscan Village HOA and so they have a verbal approval is what we've been told um and our contact there is supporting it but it's just it's the newest tow houses over there and part of that one's actually I don't really expect it to be an issue because they have an easement that was already granted it just doesn't match the path that the new Trail is and so we're really adapting and modifying an existing easement not requesting a totally new in there okay and the point of contact for that management company I will be able to send that to you tomorrow apprciate that and then the next question is for Jeff so we we believe there's no problem with the grant isn't good enough do we have in writing from the state that that Grant is good for an additional Year yes I do okay thank you C Bren hey thank you um for the folks who watching at home can you um tell us where this Trail is going to start and where it's going to end yeah so this Trail is located just around the corner over here at airport and Commons it extends underneath the power lines all the way to 98 Palms and so this is carrying through the Twin Lakes HOA there's a little roundabout there's a duel Melvin park that's currently existing and um so it's a mile and 1.7 miles is how long that trail is thank you that's all uh K Schmidt thank you thanks for coming tonight yeah uh the little part that was the microscopic estimate page can you can you tell us what hasn't changed where we're at with that just so you can put it out there for me approximately if you can't read it I can't read it I mean am I reading 7.5 yes that's correct that would be y because there's like a bunch of pages that's and so this has been broken up into two different you know estimates of cost at this opinions of cost so we had civil which is working on all the groundwork the undergrounding the storm water management you know those sorts of facilities and then the other part is the above ground so that would be the trail the boardwalk the elevated bridge and all those elements and so the combined value there yes is right at 7.5 and that's um the build value not doesn't include the original design correct okay yeah that is construction cost thank you and then the second thing is um I know it's it's all just basic we're starting the process but we talk about the trail the trail the trail but then the little pretty signs you have talk about the lar Park when I I'm not saying can't be called that par Trail yes this will be revised to Trail all of the we would love a part but I don't think there is right yeah so the um FPL you can't have areas of rest there so that's where it's not a park the other part is about how it's being operated and managed you know closing the trail the access the rest of that so all of our message list and the rest of that will be approved and appropriately qaqc so that we don't you know thank you all right and I not seeing anyone else awesome all right that was just informational so thank you all right Mr Jones Thank you Mr Mayor next item is 4B which is the budget amendment regarding some adjustments that are needing to be made to the budget regarding the um the that was um obtained recently there were some assumptions made prior to the um terms of the loan being um determined and agreed upon by Council and some of those assumptions needed to be need to be adjusted based on the fact that the assumptions made earlier were based on perhaps a 20-year uh term and the council decided on a 15-year term which is going to have to uh reappropriate and we assigned some funds and balances uh in the current budget M Crystal will expand on any of that if you would like um to have any more uh detailed information there um but then but it bottom line is to clean up the uh the budget to align with the um loan and what's needed to uh repay the loan and to service the debt going forward that all right thank you so much right with that I'll entertain a motion or any discussion I'll move to adopt the budget amendment for the 2024 loan as shown in the attached detailed amendment seconded by councilman Bagby any further discussions uh councilman dtin button just going to comment since uh Kevin already saved us $500,000 that that we should be in much better shape all right I think they call that an alleyoop all right seeing no further discussions I will call the vote for 4B uh oh all right I have at 60 all right Mr Mayor item 4C is regarding the uh employee satisfaction survey uh we head back to council at the last meeting for input that we did um for your consideration we did receive a little bit of input Offline that we have incorporated into this final document and subject to your approval tonight we will be ready to put it out uh to uh to publish it to our staff after the first of the year and and receive the feedback and get that assimilated for your consideration all right with that do I have a I got a motion by councilwoman TRL anything else I'll make the recommended motion all right do I have a second second second by councilman Bagby any further discussions right seeing none call the vote all right so moved 60 all right Mr Jones thank you next item is regarding uh the appointment of Mr Lewis uh zenui as the new community development director um as you're aware uh Miss Tina deer has submitted a resignation to move on to things in life that are appealing to her and we certainly want to thank thank her for her time here with the city and all the good things she's done and show our appreciation for her hard work and effort during her time thank you so much and and wish her well as she moves to the northern cold uh New England area to do some exciting things so uh so along with that uh there was a need for a community development director um Mr Lewis uh and I had two very very um quite Frank conversations about the possibility of him stepping back into that role uh I explained to him that it was a full-time role that uh understanding that U his clearance from his doctors was uh as of January 1st 100% And he joins us tonight and we're excited to have him uh rejoin our team as community development director um as you know your uh Charter requires us to bring that D director level to you for confirmation so we're asking you for that confirmation tonight and Mr Lewis is available if you have any questions or if he has anything to he might wish they had yeah L you got anything for us so good to see you here M can I share a few thoughts here real quick yes sir for everybody uh first and foremost I want to thank the council for their patience uh as well as all the prayers that my family and and I got throughout this ordeal um my wife and I think positively that without your prayers things could have turned the other way around so I really really appreciate that uh along with the staff and so forth um secondly um given the condition that I mean I think this is probably the best position that I could I could take uh in order to continue to serve the city so uh this evening I take on and accept your position your offer to uh to continue working with the city all right thank you so much cman Bagby Louis Merry Christmas how you feeling buddy man it's been a long road and I'm seeing the end of the tunnel here so okay you look good so I'll I'll move to confirm Lis andizi as the community development director in the Community Development Department all right I have a motion second second by councilman Schmidt forther discussions leis I'm so excited to to have you and your amazing brain back helping us out I love your vision and you were sorely missed I'm so glad you're you're healthier and and you're joining the team again I'm very excited for it I appreciate the off but thank you yes sir all right seeing no further discussions I'll call the vote all right unanimously approved 60 welcome back aboard thank you Mr Lewis welcome back um you're back uh thank you Council next item is uh 4E is regarding committee appointments um just to Circle back a little bit um we we as staff and Comm council member traml met uh last week to have some discussion about committees how they're functioning what recommendations we may be able to bring back we're planning another meeting in short order so that we can have some recommendations for January the 6 uh so that is in the process uh two things we need to do this evening one is to um vote on a members for the local planning agency uh that is not subject to the discussion that we're having internally I mean by Statute we have to have an LPA and the makeup is pretty cons um determined of how that looks so what we have tonight is we have five available seats that need to be appointed and we have five individuals willing to fill those seats so um Commissioners council member Schmidt a bear Des traml and Braden each have an appointment to make and those available to be appointed are Jim Wood Cory lead better Marcy Bell Ken wler and Tammy weidenhammer so if um we would like to whoever would like to start to make a recommendation we'll need to vote on them individually um and move them forward did I get that right Mr Ray I'll be doing this uh vocally so R does have to do the custom so we're not waiting in between the custom uh motion so custom up first yeah I'd like to nominate uh Jim Woods all right I have uh nomination of Jim Woods second with the second uh go down the list uh I'd like to nominate Ken W sorry one at a time correct or do we need them all one we do one at a time all right so we'll just do a vocal roll call oh so vocal yes we're voting yes oh yes got yes here we go yes yes all right so moved congratulations Jim all right councilwoman trem I'll nominate Ken Wampler all right I have Ken do I hear a second second second by councilman Schmidt start off the Schmidt yes yes yes yes [Laughter] yes disturbance in the force yeah all right fair enough congratulations so moved um I had at 60 for the record all right anyone else I think I'm all right cman dtin push the button I will uh first things first I think I will nominate Tammy weidenheimer all right Tammy Whitener do I hear second second second in by counil MC and we'll start with councilman bradden roll call Vote Yes yes yes yes yes yes all right eyes have it unanimously so moved all right who's up next I don't have anybody to do tonight all right okay right that's it that's it it's uh good deal all right um the next item uh on committees is uh currently council member AB bear is the primary representative to the tourist Development Council and council member Schmidt is the alternate uh they would like to um change those roles and have council member Schmidt as the uh primary and council member abar as the alternate so so all right I have a motion do I hear a second second second by councilman D further discussions one sided debate tonight she's not here all right I'll call the vote for swapping the seats yes yes yes yes yes yes all right I have it so moved unanimously meting tomorrow 8:30 oh yeah first thing tomorrow morning right all right next item is the Town Center Master Plan update from SRS presentation and M May's here and we'll turn it over to her well thank you guys for being here and hanging out with us our absolute pleasure um we're glad to be back and what we're going to provide is a little update with more detail more visual imagery um and a little bit of U budgetary conversation just to give you everyone want an update most all of you have been part of our journey so um want to make sure that um we update a few phases that are new to the to the council and make sure that everybody's up to speed little project history for us is that we've had um two in-person Community meetings we've had a survey digitally out there and got 301 responses it was very active and and full of great information we've met with every city Department um several times um getting that was a group meeting where we met with them collectively and then we had individual meetings where we developed programmatic needs just to make sure that we were satisfied um with getting uh input from everybody as far as what city hall would need what a community center would need um and understand that and then we also met with each of the council members um twice during the course of this event um and then um coming back to you to share and then we had meetings with the developer of the public site um we've had meetings with the Chamber of Commerce also so we've tried to cover all the bases that we could um this was the summary of the due diligence and the programming that we did um we did an analysis of almost every building just understanding what you have as far as amenities um uh to the city and um the summation of kind of needs was City Hall needed to be uh roughly about 30,000 square ft today you're in two facilities so there's a little bit of duplicity but we also needed to add some future growth right for the changing of of the flow and some new people and the growth that's happening here and adding some planners and adding some staffing roles that are there so they they know it's hard to read and I'm feeling guilty like the the gentleman before you not being able to actually read it but I think you read it when you're on your screen um and then the community center also um Grew From what it is today mostly because there's a desire to have two basketball courts instead of one gives them a lot more flexibility of programming uh and whatnot there's also some administrative things and also bringing in um one of the goals of that conversation was try to centralize Iz the programming uh aspect of Parks and Recreation where today they're kind of split and some of them are at Morgan Sports up in the above the concession in the bathroom um kind of combining efforts and taking a look at that as we looked at the sites we looked at the logistics of doing so so they're about 40,000 square ft as the summary um we looked at a lot of different sites and different opportunities on the campus one of the ones we looked at and what we always call the Gateway District which is really the heart of dtin and where the harbor uh District was and how we can try to create some synergies between some of the amenities that you all have here on Camp on at that Western end um there's a harbor one site that's new um to you all um and what could we do there the community center site and then we've got a sprinkling of other things and how do we connect the dots um to make sure that that's kind of a hub for um the municipal presence for you all when we looked at the harbor 1 site the harbor one site is um got some uniqueness to it um you can see that R red dash line that red dash line is the potential easement that uh ft's going to come in with with the maror bridge so the developments are kind of opportunities are a little limited on this site um this is a very soft approach to provide a very clean space for activities to occur and happen knowing that at some point um that may change because they're going to come in there and maybe take some of that space so we're just providing a soft landscape rolling down because the elevation changes pretty significantly from the top of the road down to the water side um obviously we would that seaw wall would need to be part of that um Improvement and then we'd provide a little platform for little uh Gatherings per small performance it's more localized events and things keep that Big M magnolia tree and find a pathway to get people down there safely and have some um hammocks and picnic shelters down at the water's edge to enjoy the sunsets so we just looked at that it's kind of a little bonus piece of what can happen with that site um the sum of kind of the exploration of we did of the three different sites is could we look at the community center site could we look at the public site and could we look at um Morgan Sports and this General vicinity where we are today as far as opportunities for both the city hall and the community center and how we integrated into it um the summation of those research and development that we did was that the best direction would be to find a way to bring City Hall and the community center to this site um and that was through all the conversations that we had the public site had some challenges because they were limiting on what we could do and because uh as far as parking and we couldn't take up parking in front of them we were not building that Synergy of mixed use and live work the Dynamics because we we they didn't want us to bring any retail um they wanted to kind of kind of keep that retail to themselves and it became challenging how we can develop that to get that full-on experience knowing that we were going to be tucked away to the side of the conversation um it pushed us more towards the vibrancy of this campus especially with the community center to bring it to the Morgan Sports site and then revisit this positioning for City Hall what that meant was then we started to look at what we call now the fishing Village at Gateway District which is the old Community Center site um and what we did was look at can we find a way to really celebrate Destin's history there's already um the historical and fishing Museum that's there we have the old libraries there the Old Post Offices there the old fire station there that now is the police station the cemeteries there it's really the the original heart of Destin in that area and could we find a way to use that site to really celebrate it so what we're talking about do doing or what we're going to share with you is some imagery that takes a look at it could we make it that public space that would bring a true home to the museum um and then celebrate the different entities so that we can have a hearken back to the original fish camp can we look at maybe replicating the original Destin home the old schoolhouse on that site Plus have a true Museum space that really showcases CU we know that the museum today moved into the library and then build a garage on the low side that will help facilitate this open area that has these different vintage structures that are hearkening to the city's history but have a parking garage that helps support that space But then also helps when we have those big waves of Tourism and things like that and reaching over to the harbor so this is just some vintage image plls that we did just to kind of get our our bearings um TI I don't if you want to chime in sure sure so one of the hard things about doing a vision plan is that you we're not really proposing something specific for you to build but just sharing ideas for what could be and we thought that creating this kind of synergy particularly in this area that really sort of congealed all the assets that you already have and reinvigorates with an opportunity to utilize the infrastructure that you have to build the uh parking garage and to create a destination that could be a revenue generator could help in the long term help to pay for itself so what you're seeing here is sort of a courtyard Arrangement where in the center you have a lawn area and around there around that lawn area you have a series of improvements um the reconstructed buildings the new Museum all so that they're all hearting back to the materiality the character and the identity of historic Destin so that the facades of the buildings are all keeping in scale and they're and they're detailed with materials so when you come into the overall environment then a a a local resident who or or or a school group who wants to come visit the site um has the ability to engage with it um there is the sort of detailing and character uh elements that not only are giving it a look and feel but also serving as your marketing pieces for your Instagram uh moments and stuff which are those photo op uh components the idea is that then uh you could create like an elevated dock that connects all the buildings around them with the lawn in the middle that then becomes sort of an an event space um there are some opportunities there for um some children's engagement some opportunities for some of these buildings to ALS Al include cafes and restaurants and really start to gener uh generate some Revenue if you want to talk about Morgan okay and then this is the the campus of Morgan and I kind of alluded to it in the conversation which is can we build Synergy by bringing the community center to this site because programmatically there's a lot of synergy um with you know the moms and dads that are bringing kids to different activities and one's doing basketball inside and one's doing baseball outside and how we bring this whole campus really to a very strong Park presence and it becomes your main Hub um as far as doing that and where we are today revisit this site and make it um the city hall site and then really improve the connection between the two right now they've always been kind of separate sites and this was a church before and they were never looked at as a full composition and and look at the connectivity across Commons as far as you know um Pathways um and pedestrian walkways that connect you to it also Al create parking so that when we have those overflow situations with uh on the weekends and um in the summer times with events with the the tournaments that you guys attract to um Morgan Sports so that we have that overflow activity and we really treate create this full Civic campus back and forth that includes um Public Works City Hall all the sporting activities repositioning uh the dog park over to that side potentially introducing a skate park improving the parking on that side and the connectivity from side to side because today they're really it's pretty limited vehicular pedestrian um you're kind of like Frogger running a lot over to Common so we want to make sure that we make this a really nice um scheme that really connects the two dots and you really have this sense of you're in the heart of Destin knowing also that we potentials annexation is on the horizon it's a nice positioning and becomes the Hub it pulls us off of the main traffic way too so the ins and outs of the Daily Business is a little easier achieved on the city hall site um do you want to talk about the imagery yeah sure so as we look at the sort of the the complex on the in the foreground you've got the city hall right by the circle at Commons and then across the street by the leg I mean by the lake uh you would have the new community center which would not necessarily take the footprint of your current city hall but it will be caddy quar to it so the idea is that that fac facility remains in place while the other one can get constructed so that you're not duplicating any expenses so just just a rotating on that view this one is uh hovering over the public work site looking at the city hall and the um the community center specific for the city hall I I don't know if you want to get into the programming this is our 30,000 squ ft building and this is actually for all of it alog together I have the dog park shown there but we would reposition the dog park to the other side um existing City Hall would be remain or the annex would remain while this is being constructed um that would allow you to function not pay rent someplace else and do it so we would construct really where the dog park is today then once it's done tear down this building that we're in And redevelop this parking field that will help serve City Hall and the pickle ball courts and create that connectivity over to the public work site that doesn't exist except for a dirt road kind of today and then create that Synergy and connection between the parcels on the on this north side of Commons with the anticipation that we come across that we would um connect The Pedestrian vehicular Pathways across Commons and over to the other site so it would allow us to to solve two puzzles at the one one time um go ahead Jan architecturally it's um sorry that's my my gig right architectur architecturally it's tapping into a nautical vocabulary a tropical vernacular of Florida architecture that was one of the polls that we asked the public what they preferred stylistically um they prefer something that hearkens back to um the historic roots of of the Town um and and the boat building and the and that kind of stuff so this is just a pass at what it could look like it's for representational purposes in the renderings um but we think it adds nice natural light um we'd bring a lot of North natural light into that top left image which is where the bulk of the offices would be um that's great night day workking light um and it's great for your office spaces and then put the chamber on the South Side go ahead chair how the building engage with engages with the surrounding area I think it's really important one of the things that we heard as we engage with the community over and over was a we want we don't want City Hall to just be a place where we go to but we also want it to be a place where we engage with our elected officials and where we build a sense of community um so that was hand inand with with how they also envision the community center so the thinking is that as we you know this is this is with no trees on so that you can get a sense for um the amount of space that the building would be able to provide on one side you would have the meeting Hall which is a large open space um and then on the other side you would have the administrative wing of the building but as we bring in the vegetation and we bring in the sort of local character of um of the local sort of microclimate part of this is giving it the sort of identity and monumentality that a city hall wants but it also provides a lot of the security measures that you need the elevated barriers to make sure that nobody's driving up into your uh uh your facades uh making sure that you have a lot of small um outdoor spaces that surround the um the city hall so that individuals that are here can come step out have a small group meeting if if they need to um it can be a place where the employees can step outside and just have a break um and it's we think that it's an environment that um that is very conducive to um creating a good shade good character good identity and good visibility part particularly from that angle that you're looking at from the from the traffic circle as we approach the community center then there are some more components there that are U more architecturally relevant with which is the 40,000 ft² Community Center ideally what we've done is position it you kind of see the building a little bit that will allow City Hall to stay where it is while we build the building and then tear it down and then Redevelopment de development develop that for a outdoor Fitness area and the dog park area and then um swing down to the skate park improve the RO roads and the connectivity internal to this site and then ultimately make those connections across common so it's a much more conducive experience from one side of Commons to the other and the building massing as we go into the sort of perspectives they looks a lot bigger partly because the basketball areas and those Court areas need the kind of clearances um to be able to work re really well so just some views of what that architecture would look like and then what it looks like when we bring in the placemaking uh components the community center particularly um uh has the ability for us to have children's playground a relocated dog park down to uh the southside of that um and bringing in the kinds of characters and spaces that could be activated in the outdoors for uh Extended Learning or educational components or group meetings or bake sales or or different types of stuff that you generally want to occur in your in your community center part of that Improvement also includes the roadway connectivity within Morgan Sports Park adding um a skate park um enhancing some of the parking um creating a Fitness trail and really sort of closing closing the loop per se on all the different amenities and improvements that could happen within the park um including some amenities that could be that could provide for some facilities for you know uh food truck parking and that sort of stuff that could happen so just some renderings of what it would look like this is a view in the dog park the children's playground which is uh uh we always like to make sure the children's playgrounds are within clear visibility of roadways so that police always has a clear visibility of what's going on within the children's play area um what the Fitness trail could potentially look like very green very comfortable um and then what the improvements in the park could overall look like volleyball basketball and connectivity places where people can have picnics Outdoors as part of the community center and part of the cooking classes and stuff so and then we get into the cost okay this is the one for the fishing Village and I have to explain something is wrong with the numbers that are in the left hand side um they're not matriculated the bottom numbers are correct um the parking garage typically is 37,500 per parking space which would make that 11 11,250 so those upper numbers are juggled what is correct though is from the subtotal down um obviously the cost of the parking garage is a is a big number right parking garages are not inexpensive and we just want to make sure that you know we analyze that make sure that it's an amenities you all in a revenue generator for when we need the parking throughout the whole Harbor area um basically the fishing Village between the site development and then the individual components which would be the History Museum itself which we're anticip anticipating about 6,250 Square ft for that which was just puts it at three just over $3 million um and then we've got a bait and tackle gift shop that could be that concessionaire um that can be part of um destined Goods it could also be a place to get a snack it could be many things that would be part of the elements um we create a replica of the Fish Camp create a replica of the Destin Home potentially the school and then the parking garage so that nut is about total to $22 million to do that um and then with the Morgan Civic and recreational complex in totality um the 30,000 ft building we're being conservative with our numbers but that should be about A1 million building um the community center at 40,000 square ft should be about $16 million so those building structures with some contingency built in on all of these right just for flexibility because we just don't know exactly um when this would occur so we want to make sure that we're conservative with our response um is at 32 and then the site development is about $1 million just so it's it ends up being about a $42 million yeah and generally you know like these are really high numbers but um the purpose of a vision plan is to plan out 5 10 15 years um so uh we were we were very conservative with the numbers because there's so much fluctuation in the market um and we do uh have a 30% contingency in the numbers to make sure that at least not only between the fluctuation but also with unforeseen circumstances um oreen conditions that there's enough budget there to do work we've we've you know a lot of our workers are are municipal clients and it's not unheard of that we get projects that were budgeted 101 15 years before and the budget just doesn't have the adequate allocation over that time period of time um to actually be able to fund the project we're working on a on a community center right now um where the city budgeted money eight years ago and the market fluctuations are such that now they can only build half as much as what they plan so you know we factored some of these in the numbers that we're presenting to you to today and with that we're done right thank you guys so much for your work and everyone online and and the citizens in dtin thank you as you guys noted 301 survey um which I think was one of our biggest ever so just in general whatever comes of it it's definitely a a good starting point and I think it was very helpful to get this much input from the community on all the little things from the best to the lowest uh factors so thank you guys for all your work thank you appreciate all right uh cos gal I just have one question um this was an originally $150,000 contract how much of that has been utilized and how much it's still in reserve of that original contract um we we have not build full value totally yet but there's been an effort because Jano owes me a bills um so I we're really what we're reflecting in Billing I think we've only Built about a third to just over a third of that project but I haven't gotten Gio's bills in quite some time so i' I'd have to get back to you as to where we sit because I know he's going to get me the bill all right thank you very much c m Schmidt thank you can you please go back to the uh fishing Village slide that you were trying to explain the problem with the numbers um oh the number problem yeah I'm not quite following you so when end up happening is my the guy that was putting it together I had to move some things around so the numbers are all over the place and that what ended up happening is that 16 525 got repeated and one number got eliminated and they're all in the wrong place so I'm going to get it corrected so a 19 million total is an accurate number with a parking garage with this all that it's just the upper number the details got jled around a little bit but the bottom line numbers from the subtotal down are accurate because you can see I have 216 million dollar numbers so he did something goofy there we'll get it fixed thank you for explaining that and um thank you very much for um all what you have done um in collaboration with our staff and the city and wonder collaboration and everything um so Mr G's question so that that probably means I think what you're saying uh due to the lack of billing by this gentleman over here um I guess you're saying that you're probably going to be billing the full 100 and whatever the work authorization that was budgeted you're pretty much going to be H we're getting closer to that yeah gotcha uh do you already have um what the phase two or potential next steps would look like from a community if they were to take whatever those next steps are so really our next goal is to really package this up tighter because it's one thing to vocalize but we to create the book that you guys use as the meis moving forward that's really you know when we can't you know we're not we're out of fee and we don't have a contract to come and chat with you all and kind of explain it to folks and start the ball moving so you have it like the end product right we are still getting an in product road map you're saying today we wanted to kind of update it because we've got some new folks too I wanted to kind of get feedback and input and this is the first time you guys are seeing some of the what it could look really look like and feel like and we wanted to get a little feedback on on that as we start to tighten this tighten this up that's very good to know I was not I thought maybe you were leaving here tonight and we're done no see y'all later go back to Miami um does the parking garage based on what you're proposing here could that be done separately from the fishing Village it could could I mean yeah at the end of the day the fishing Village really is a is a vision the museum is going to have a certain amount of um parking requirements and some of the components will have a certain amount of parking requirements we know you guys satisfy a lot of parking down below and things like that I think that the parking garage itself is something that really merits further discussion because that's a that's a commitment on your part not just for this site but how it connects to everything else so we we want to make sure that we have it we wanted to show the full vision because I think it would be important and I think if if this place is as successful as we believe it will be you know you you may need it you know because I think it's going to become more of a destination rather than um pit stop along the road to go in and check out the museum very casually you know that we're going to have this Instagram moment with the big weigh-in station that says Destin and really introduce you to the history and the vessels and how we got here and and make it more of an experience than than it is today right and really help celebrate this for you um we think that that parking garage will be necessary because it'll also still continue the legacy of what you all have been doing at the site with the Christmas tree lighting and all the events that really that site has offered you in the past just just a different format different Arrangement but still that Community amenity right so um just from tonight and first glance and then potential Road Mech that's coming um you know to me personally I mean this is just very exciting stuff and I think anybody in the city that will eventually see this um they will all be very excited about it I get it images and I get it's expensive and I get it you know we could we could tear it apart and we'll never do it or whatever but um this is the type of dreaming and planning that I hope that as a council future councils or whatever we'll hopefully be able to get behind um I know Mr Bagby has briefcases full of uh a lot of these plans that he's participated in and M TR will maybe SE him and Mr Dustin has um and I don't I can't speak to why in the past all those didn't happen they might have their some of their reasons but um I think for like an upcoming Vision session that we're going to be having in the new year you know to me personally if I'll be bringing this as a major item to really be focusing on because uh the community you know we got Miss harbu here from Dustin log I'm sure this is going to be one of her big items that she's going to be posting on her articles you know 70% of the people in the city of dtin right now have not seen something like this even be proposed right you know and so just to get it in front of them is is going to be a great discussion starter and I know that there's uh funding available right there's I I know these are both tourism driven projects 100% uh not completely all of them City Hall obviously um but tourism driven we have a partnership with a tourist development um people so uh you know there's just there's all sorts of possibilities and I'm I'm excited to hopefully try to Champion and work with everybody to figure it out um so anyways thank you all and I look forward to the uh road map and getting with staff and talking about this a lot more hopefully in the new year right thank you C meston thank you mayor there are portions of this that I think are quite good there are other portions I think that are something that I could not support So as we go forward at some point Council has to make a decisions on which elements we are supporting that's not for tonight because we'd be here all night but but we've got that coming ahead of us you know as as you and I have discussed on numerous occasions Closing one Community Center and moving it out here is not my idea of spreading out and and increasing our recreational uh opportunities I would I would say that we need something out here but to close that one doesn't make sense a 300 space garage down in that part of town I think that's not going to go over so well I mean the object of that 300 spaces is to facilitate more development and I'm not sure that that part of town is that eager to do that so we've got uh we've got to examine the recommendations and come up with what we would support and then of course there's always the question of where will the close to 60 million or so dollars come from another very important discussion that if we don't have upfront the rest of it's really a waste of time so we will get to those hopefully after the first of the year cman Bagby yeah I uh agree with both uh Mr dtin and Mr Schmidt um the thank you so you've given stuff to chew on and we'll chew through the process that Kevin mentioned you know he didn't mention them by name but the saki plan Vision 2000 I see some people there in the back row who who help write some of those you do see those you do see those so you see the harbor Boardwalk that was in those plans you see the park down on the Harbor that was in those plans you see buying beachfront property that was in those plans there there's a lot of elements that and just like Mr deson said we're going to take this this is a plan we're going to pick and choose we're going to argue we're going to go well we can't afford that or just like you said you're working with another community and know we only have half the money so what something's going to fall apart and this is a process that we go through about every 8 to 10 years and we're going to fund some of this we're going to find the money for some of these things and we won't find the money for some others or people will go why the heck are y'all you know spending that money to build a 300 car parking garage when you utom make the harbor people spend it or why do you need a new city hall there's nothing wrong with the current city hall and people don't go to City Halls anymore no no offense they get on their little phone and they apply for their permit or whatever they do so it's not like they come in to get engaged here necessarily uh but we we will have a process and some of this will come to fruition hopefully sooner rather than later and I just want to thank you for for giving us some things to talk about because that's what we'll do at our vision session in February or whenever it is we'll go you know see if we can get consensus because there's a couple of things up front you know I'm I'm an engineer so I'm doing the sequencing of it I'm like okay well the first thing you need to do is you need to build this because you got to tear down that before you can build this other thing you can't build you know and so that that's there's a logistics plan that wasn't included in tonight's package on how we get it done but we can share that too okay cool thank thank you book yeah absolutely so that'll be another book in my trunk to go with the other 20 books that I've got but you know but you know well I mean the having a vision starts to get you there and unfortunately never it's very rare that a vision gets fully executed just the way it was planned because there's always a time lag to it there's changes there's perspectives there's different things but this gives you all kind of a unified way of a a way of communicating with one another to find what works best for you all um and we're just sharing thoughts and ideas that really we think have a lot of Merit that will really help the city um you know in many many ways whether it's how you serve the public um with the city hall or how you serve the community day-to-day um in the Parks programs and then even the tourists and how they utilize these spaces and how you engage them in creating a lasting memory as they depart and maybe come back when they retire or something like that you know their memory the fish they caught or the beach that they walked or whatever it's probably not going to be you know I walked into a building right after I came across the bridge but but you know like the parking lots that we have marlor parking lot the other surface parking lots that was in one of those plants where we need parking downtown we made promises to the harbor front folks that said hey you let us build this Boardwalk we're going to put in parking so that people will draw down there and they'll come to the park that we're going going to put down there so it it'll work out cwom trem I'd just like to say thank you I was at all their shetes with the public and and they they actually listened to to what everybody was saying they took notes copious notes I thought of of what people were looking at and what they wanted and I think you Incorporated a lot of these um I I did like the change that you made for the uh more Nautical Style but because I thought it was going to be old Florida and I didn't know what that meant because old Florida and dtin was cinder blocks so I was hoping it wasn't going to be that all right thank I think you did a great job thank you awesome all right appreciate you guys so much our pleasure thank you all right uh item 4G is the monthly report from the TDC um and I did have some conversation with uh Jennifer Adams with the TDC after our last meeting and raised some of the issues and concerns that were voiced uh she did tell me that she would um come to Council in January to make a presentation however she did need to get permission from her board to come so that's in the works and hopefully that'll happen either the first second meeting in January that we will keep you posted and 4H is the operations Financial report um that you find in your um Council briefing uh from announcements um couple of things from staff and then from U Dr Young if she has anything but our legislative delegation meeting is tomorrow night um and we had met with representative man staff and the lobbyist to review the items that we had presented to council um believe on the 7th of November and um based on their recommendations they suggested that we only move forward three to four items so the items that uh that the mayor will be presenting tomorrow night uh subject to your um um signing off on them when we hope you will are the storm waterer infrastructure project the capacity project uh the stormw infrastructure project will be the M Kelly mad Kelly outfall the capacity project of the cross town connector and the recreational project of the Clement Taylor Park and those were all presented from staff to Council on the 7th of November um and so we'd like to move those forward with the understanding that the fourth item would be the stallman intersection which as soon as we get some better information and more detailed information from basille Donovan we can put that um item together and get it to our legislative delegation as as well those items are not due until February the 15th so we've got some time to get that together so um um and there was um some conversation that perhaps we needed more input from Council if we need that then we certainly would like that uh we we thought we had done that on in November the 7th if if we're ahead of where Council would want us to be please let us know and we'll regroup and U um move forward at your direction all right C bag yeah so where are we on the stalman intersection improvements well we we have an engineering firm right that's looking at it and they were supposed to bring us back some recommendations and we were going to you know and that was a year ago so I'm just trying to figure out where we are well basille Donovan understands that we're looking to have a uh plan to take to the to legislature for appropriation for a design of whatever it is Council decides they want to move forward uh we're anticipating having back in short order uh some uh potential uh whether we're looking at an overpass an underpass or some realignment of whatever version that may be so we'll we'll get some definition of what it is we're looking to do there so we can begin that design process and that's where we go seek fun funding for uh we did get some information back from them as early as late as this afternoon that you know we got to digest it before we get it out out to you guys but they are moving forward with uh what those potentials may be and certainly will'll seek your direction before we move it to um any requests from our legislators yeah and I know we talked about uh you need to bring back priorities or you need you know before obviously the legisl and we miscommunicated maybe I wasn't clear because I think I made that motion you need to bring them back to the council because we need to argue these are our priorities these aren't the staff's priorities or the mayor's priorities these are the council's priorities and so going forward you need to bring those legislative delegation priorities back to the council before you take them to the legislative delegation because I personally although the outfall is important and we've talked about it for at least two years I still think stalman uh is higher than the others but you know now we're at the 11th hour and that's it's it's a little bit too late I mean because the way this work yeah we can we can put it in because it has to be in before February 15th but you know they're filing their bills now you know and so February 15th they won't be filing bills February 15th and so so for for the way the process works and to get people excited to go over to Tallahassee and I know most of you understand so I'm just going to I want to make a motion that in the future the legislative priorities come back before the council for uh approval or discussion and approval at least a month before the legislative delegation meeting right second yeah second by Council woman uh the discussions on the board do we want to talk on that or we want to go forward with the motion go First Med I was I was on the uh discussion list simply to try to give an update on Basher and Donovan and we had a meeting last week we've got some more tomorrow I was going to give the council sure a little more concise update and and what we sat down and what we've done with basball donov is is in light of the legislator possible sponsor and get some money we said what can we do that is Affordable and that the legis that our legislative delegation would support and we came up with the overpasses or the underpass because we can get the pedestrians out of the intersection which should improve the efficiency by about 25 to 30% that's something we can do in the short term and actually make a difference and so they are supposedly coming up with some drawings for us and I think we have another meeting tomorrow that's correct yes sir and so we're going to be able to have those all back to the council I would think at the first meeting in January hope hopefully or at least the concepts and so we can go we can go forward at least go forward with something to uh the delegation that said this is what we think we can do that's affordable that you can help us with that we can that we can contribute to that will make a pretty substantial um difference in the functioning of that intersection and then you know we've looked some other innovative ideas there there's actually an there's a new AI supposedly traffic control that is almost the same as having a human being there that would improve it another 10 or 15% perhaps so we are looking at both of those things because as you know mayor the the plan to six Lane across the island and and I think it's into part of town here yeah if we try to build something there that would just be changed completely by that well it's very unlike we're going to get any funds for that but we could get funds to try to get the pedestrians out of there and to see if we can't increase the efficiency and we actually uh were talking with some of the folks across the road and that are you know that they plan to do some more over on the property at Emerald Grand and they uh more or less pledged to try to help us to go forward and to figure out some way to get the people across without having to go through that intersection so you know we've got some positive steps going and and hopefully we'll be able to report back to you maybe at the first meeting in January I hope with some ideas Y and my only little coat tail just because it's relevant on that I did bring the map from the PD and study workshop and I got the digitals I'll get the ray for everyone to shoot out uh but to your point yeah it's going to take a lot of our land McGuire's land um their the the thoughts were potentially the gas station probably won't have enough land left to still be a gas station so there'll be a lot of moving parts from both the TPO ecrc got the $12 million Safe Streets for all Grant which I think the overpass for pedestrian safety and capacity are just a home run um so yeah oh oh or tunnel hell I'm down for a tunnel whichever one works best so no my my only point is there's a lot of great momentum right now with a lot of different funding sources so I think we can dream big on that corner so thank you for that uh councilman bradden thank you mayor um the stalman intersection I know we the council approved I didn't support it but the council approved 3 or four years ago to spend $50,000 on a redesign of the intersection does anybody know what happened to that money or that design or two years ago two years ago or last year but for this fiscal year uh we approved 75 I think and we got or we asked for 75 from the state and I think we got 75 50 we got a 100 for the dredging we got a million for for prong and we got we didn't get anything veto they got veto oh that's right the governor veto so we're going to ask yeah we're going to ask again but we got I think we approved 50 or 75,000 to and that's what Baskerville Donovan's looking at right now and Dewey is the legislative sponsor Mr city manager can I believe it got kicked around Rodney for a little while because they were going to do a longer study and there was some kind of mismanagement of who's supposed to do what when they were supposed to do it we thought they were supposed to do it but they never really did it because they wanted to include it in a bigger project and there was L of I think that's what happened yeah we was going to spend $50,000 or dollars or something for redesign or that of the county I'm thinking something something else had to play was in play Mr city manager if I can add uh Mr Braden is correct we did have vuler take a look at that intersection probably four years ago and it was more like of what SRS has done it was just kind of the possibilities to improve uh pedestrian and vehicular safety at that intersection and we do have a copy of that study that they did do so we spent $50,000 of taxpayers money just kind of get an idea of what it might look like or could look like or just an idea seemed like it was I mean yeah seem like was it was doing something else with with the county or the I don't know some other funding and we we needed to spend that $50,000 to redesign that intersection but I've never seen that design so I'm hearing that we do have the design but we don't have the design it was kicked down the road so we do have the design and bashville Donovan was going to incorporated into what they're going to bring to us they were going to look for the volur design and try to use it incorporate it in so we don't have to spend that 50 another $50,000 hope not okay that somewhat clears it up thank you just for a thought Larry um I've never seen that can can we shoot that out that old study V vulker study yeah okay thank you all right uh councilman Schmidt yeah just on the motion Mr Bagby just so I understand oh I didn't know you sorry uh the mayor and city manager and I guess the consultant we just hired meeting tomorrow night with somebody to talk you're you're just saying next year we want to make sure that they do this differently but potentially you're okay with as it is because the timeline's kind of shrunk right I mean it is what it is is that kind of what you're you're not wanting them to change I'm okay with it but I I understand how we got here and you know we're we're in the in the funnel so to speak and so it's kind of hard to get out I mean I'll be there tomorrow but in a different so capacity I I don't know uh micromanagement I guess maybe sometimes I'm not sure all the process but I know for the least this years's and last year's the legislative um process of the funding has been for lack of better words I think we've done pretty at it you know sounds like again I'm you know Larry just got here I don't know if it's his fault that he you know he's just starting here um you know it we need we need to do a better job I don't personally like spending uh or asking the state to give us more money for two projects that we just need more money for because we're just still waiting to do the projects in regards to the Cross down connector and the other one uh that's on the list um you know I think I would rather look at the projects that are new projects they projects that we're trying to get you know off the table but um I don't know maybe we need a legislative sponsor on the council every year to to directly work on this project or this this particular item so that way it's you know four months out we're starting the process I don't know but yeah I mean I'm glad to be the legislative sponsor this year and next year but the you the legislative session next year will be early so we need to do this in October November because it's an election year or off year I'm sorry and uh and then in 26 it'll be early uh because it's an election year so 25 it'll be late obviously that's the one that we're talking about right now the uh and I'll I'll take the hit because I wasn't clear I guess in my motion I was clear in my mind because it it's got to it's the council's priorities and you're right last year I mean we did well we got a million dollars uh that the governor signed off on and we got three things put over and actually submitted by our legislative delegation and made it through the legislative process it just didn't get the governor signature and so um hope and we do have to to do a better job you know typically and we don't do anything typically around here but you know if we have four projects this year and we get one or two funded or get assistance with funding those then the other two unless we find money elsewhere kind of get elevated and then we kind of slide two more in because you just go back to the legislative delegation you go you remember that water project that we asked you for last year we're back asking for you and you got it through for us and thank you so much now let's let's get it through again because after the governor sees it two or three times he'll he'll usually sign it usually and go Schmid I was kind of thinking on the same route and even starting that with the visioning session and I would love to see our visioning session almost grant grant Focus from the standpoint of we have this one project what are the possible avenues for alternative funding sources from this from this project and and really getting a a timetable for a lot of these projects that we have going on um you know I know we're small But Mighty team and with hopefully the new um programs that we're going to be seeing soon as far as the um uh the Grant wrers and strategic planners I think that will give us a lot of bump but we're definitely not applying for a lot of grants that are out there there's I mean there's thousands and thousands of Grants so not no one individually or a team can do all of them but I definitely believe a lot of the projects that we have on our on our boards um there's several different avenues that take time that take points and and check in boxes and doing everything from public hearings to making it on a a committee agenda um but really going focused on teeing these grants up for the best possible um funding opportunities and this being absolutely one of those reoccurring ones that can happen so com Bagby yeah and I just in in closing I would say I think the the hiring of the lobbyist will help us a lot and I think we still have to read the room because some your resiliency grants are at the top of the governor's you know wish list oh man we're going to Green is the way to go and some of your's Transportation projects are at the top of the governor's list and you'll see the all the money go to fdot and we ought to listen to what he's saying and say that's we need to have we need to get some of that money because that's what he's awarding this year or giving this year so and the lobbyists will help with that also but part of it on us so yeah that's a good point because one of the governor's biggest strikes last year were were municipality what they would consider local roads and I'm afraid the stalman thing the story got wrapped up as a local Road and not a um whatever it's coming to be assist yeah non assist assist alternative all right any other discussions on we do have a motion on the floor for uh legislative priorities back through a legislative sponsor is that correct all right I'm getting the head nod all right so I'll call the vote for next year's legislative process all right I have it 6 Z so moved all right one more item to bring your attention uh sometime back we applied for a trip Grant through the department of transportation for the cross town connector Construction ruction and we were notified last week that we were granted $2 million from the pot of money so um thank you Jeff and your work that went into that so that's $2 million uh to cross town connection construction fund and we that Dr Young yeah I don't have much tonight first of all thank you to everyone who came out for all of the Citywide uh Christmas activities holiday activities most recently uh the hly Jolly our first time trying that at Captain Royal Melvin Heritage Park that was a nice success then perks and Rex did a great job with that and our library staff has done a lot of work lately with uh Branch with Santa and other things there were also some really nice things uh the boat parade that was done by Dustin history and fishing Museum was um beautiful the other night so we appreciate our community coming together for that we do have our vulnerability assessment public Outreach number two which is at January 6 at 5 o00 here in the annex and that takes place before our scheduled city council meeting and our last vulnerability assessment was January 24th so this will be our public Outreach number two and we invite um everybody to come out that would like to be a part of that and give their opinions on storm surge and other issues within our community that are important thank you and just a note there we had a very good meeting with the U District director from the Water Management district and this is a key component of some things they're looking for um the vulnerability and they're looking for ways to spend money on that so this is a great effort that will go a long way uh in some funding sources as well for prong L yeah and my my side cart to that is uh I think it's one of the huge avenues for incorporation is this kind of local to city state funds uh where someone may pay a th we can go and millions and this to to our city manager point there is a hefty fund there and us being in a coastal Dune area I think we we are ripe for some storm water improvements in our community so thank you guys so much for carrying that torch all right we are here at the public hearings Kim take it away thanks mayor this is ordinance number 2420 LC and ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida amending Article 2 Administration and article 20 building regulation of the Land Development code to remove Provisions related to construction permits building permits inspections certificates of occupancy and Fire District reviews from the Land Development code providing for a fiscal impact statement providing for findings of fact providing for incorporation into the city Land Development code providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing for an effective date and if you don't mind I'll read the following ordinance title as well because we're going to do these two together yep and that one is ordinance number 20 2421 CC an ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida amending chapter 6 of the code of ordinances buildings and building regulations to address construction permits building permits inspections certificates of occupancy and Fire District reviews within the code of ordinances providing for findings of fact providing for incorporation into the city code of ordinances providing for a fiscal impact statement providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing for an effective date this is first reading of both and because we are taking the building code Provisions out of the Land Development code the first ordinance is simply a striketh through of those Provisions being removed and then the second ordinance we're putting them into the code of ordinances so you'll see them all underlined all right thank you for that and seeing that this is a public hearing at this time if anyone like to speak on those two specific items only this is your time to do so seeing none I will close the public comments at this time and entertain a motion for do we need to do them one at a time yes all right so for 5A uh do I have a motion I move that city council approve ordinance 24-20 DLC on first reading all right all right got a motion in a second continue yeah Kim just for the record can you explain why or Tina one of you Somebody explain why we're pulling it out and putting it where we are I'll let the building official explain our no well okay I'm sorry good evening Council um yeah as part of our um LC LDC rewrite cleanup if you will these regulations aren't particular to development but they're they these regulations are more particular to actually construction permits building permits which live already partly in the code of orance under building regulations so that was the purpose of this is to take these out of L DC as part of this cleanup and put them in the code of ordinances where they belong and like no said we already have most of our building regulations in the code of ordinances so she's wanting everything to be consistent right seeing no further comments I will call the vote for 5A all right I have it 60 moving on to 5B do I have a motion for ordinance 2 421cc mayor I'll make that motion all right I got a motion by Council woman TRL do I hear a second second second by councilman bradden any further discussion right seeing none call the vote for 5B all right I have it so moved 60 all right to the main event thank you mayor this is ordinance 2423 CC an ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida requiring short-term rental registrations at all multif family units including but not limited to condominium units and apartment units within the city of dtin providing for Authority providing for findings of fact distinguishing between short-term rental registrations for single family homes and short-term rental registrations for multif family units renaming article 6 of chapter 13 registration of short-term rentals single family but making no other amendments to the regulations for short-term rentals for single family homes creating article 6A of chapter 13 registration of short-term rentals multif family requiring an application for such registration and authorizing registration fees for short-term rentals at multif family units requiring a local responsible party for short-term rentals at multif family units providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing for an effective date this is first reading all right seeing that this is a public hearing at this point if anyone would like to speak on this topic this is your time to do so all right been faking me out all day all right name and address sir good evening mayor and Council Ken waffler 4320 Comm Drive West D Florida um here to obviously talk about the short-term vacation R still a lot of work to be done obviously the the fees in the process for the registration aren't spelled out in the ordinance but I get that um as as I've said before it's frustrating if you're manage or you live in a condomini Owners Association when the association fees already provide security trash parking noise they already do all that so the fact that that you want to do this for Condominiums okay it's going to happen I'm not that dumb to think it's not going to happen after the last time I I I thought your group today to say where's time shares hotels motels bed and breakfast other multif family units in here still not mentioned in there and that doesn't make sense if the whole reason why this came back to city council is because it's not fair that the homes pay it but not the cond does well what about these other ones again if you're looking for money why not do them all they're all multif family so why not do it all and at the end of the day as Mr Bagby has said you know we need to make sure that fees fair and reasonable um without knowing what those fees are because I understand it's going to be a separate discussion it's kind of hard to support anything other than the the frame of what's going to happen until you actually get the process spelled out and get the fees spelled out again it's about being fair there's a all kinds of other multif family units that aren't included in this so that's my two cents worth all right thank you so change all right anyone else here for public comments all right seeing none I'll close the public comments and entertain a motion uh councilman bradden you have a discussion yeah why aren't all units so um the the council's motion was to include uh hotels and time shares and those are commercial units they're actually not multif family units in our LDC so we did the residential in this ordinance and then we have the commercial plant which is the hotels and time shares to come in January along with the fee resolution that one just took a little bit more time because the residentials were more similar to each other and that one took was newer so by January everybody's going to be playing the same game yes in January you'll have first reading of the commercial uses and second reading of this um multif family yes thank you cman Schmid yeah um kind of same questioning um with that um I'm personally going to make a motion to table this until January when both ordinances are brought on the same night all right I have a motion to table until the meeting that both ordinances are brought on the same night so both meetings I'll second that just because I think that we do need to have some more discussion on the concept all right and with a second on the table I'll call the vote not when your table oh that's I'm learning the minute the minute details vo vot the vote is for the table to the specified date and I'm not going to get that wrong what was that again C Schmid till they can run together parall January so until until both meet until both ordinances are presented at first reading all right so January February whenever yep when they run in parallel all right all right I have it 4 two and we will run these in parallel in January all right moving along presentations comments uh council member bradden noise ordinance or would you like city manager to it's under your name but I don't know if you guys have prepared it no well I just want to bring it up so um our when I did talk to the city manager about it and I got a copy of the ordinance is like 20 something pages long I think is ridiculous um and we we brought it up again we talked about it at the last meeting and I made a comment that we've been talking about the same stuff for 10 years and it seems like nothing has changed um I know people personally that have called multiple times on the same home um with really no nothing being done um I I personally think that um and a lot of the residents that I've spoke to think that our norise ordinance that goes on till 10:00 at night is way too late when we have um a thousand plus elementary kids that live in this community and then we have I don't know how many hundreds of Elementary or middle school kids that live here um I know when I was raising my kids that they were bedtime was I know 7:30 8:00 at the latest um so I mean I I I think I really think we need to go over our noise ordinance rewrite it simplify it um so everybody knows what what's going on with it how we can enforce it um I thought we had that figured out years ago but apparently not um I I really think that um our noise ordinance should be um 8:00 instead of 10:00 during you know Monday through or Sunday through Thursday or Friday uh or Friday and Saturday they can go till 10: or or use that for 8:00 is our residential areas commercial can stay till 10: um I mean we always like I told city manager today we we we talk about the quality of life all the time and this is not people playing their music and thumping and bump until 10:00 at night when we're trying to get our kids to go to bed to go to school is not a quality of life um so I guess I would um I just want to go ahead and make the motion that um our uh city manager we we look at the noise ordinance and you can be a legislative spons and I'll be the legislative sponsor on it for a rewrite all right so I have a motion for a rewrite of the noise ordinance with councilman bra being the legislative sponsor seconded by councilman Schmidt um I'll continue on the discussions unless you guys want to wave me off councilman dtin thank you mayor um I try to do a little research on the issue today and it appears what our big problem is is at the moment we don't have anybody to enforce it that's our number one problem Sheriff Spartan has a reluctance to spend a lot of time and effort on this uh and we no longer have code enforcement people that work at night is that correct we have an officer out from 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 Okay so that covers some of it but not not all of it usually after 10:30 is is when things really get uh rambunctious so we have to make a decision or we going to have our Code Enforcement Officers available for the rest of the night um in the past when we were heavily into enforcing it code enforcement would go now we we were using the uh noise meters we don't do that anymore it's a standard that's a little hopefully easier to Prevail in because of course with the noise meters the first thing someone who want to fight it was would do would be question the training and the certification and all the things that you see happening when you get a speeding ticket if you want to challenge that and it's very complicated for the sheriff's department or for us to make sure that everybody's up to up to speed on their certification The Machine's been checked so we have a standard it's a little simpler now and more easily enforced um I understand why the sheriff's department doesn't want to spend all night chasing ing noise complaints they have more important things to do than things that may actually save people alive and and fight crime so it's going to fall back on us to have our code enforcement people to do it and so we have to make the decision that we're going to put the responsibility back on them and a suggestion that was made to me today is that uh I guess they were concerned that people were threatening them and and if if they had to go to a place twice and they had a problem so we may be able to talk to the Sheriff's Department that if it's a second or third time at the same place the sheriff will go with them that always carries a lot more a lot more uh powerful persuasion with it or if they have been threatened with violence and the sheriff's can go with them but we're going to have to make a decision that we make it something that our code enforcement people are going to have to do otherwise it's not going to happen um and I would suggest that that should be part of the motion or the council you know if you want to make the the decision tonight but it would probably be proper to have the city manager bring back to us and see if if there's some way that we can have our code enforcement they're going to have to be the they're going to have to be the tip of the spear on this issue otherwise it's not going to happen and Mr Braden's right um it gets to be a mess people complain nothing happens because we don't have anybody to go enforce the code so you know I don't know I think we're sending it back to the city manager that motion does I'm not so sure the rewrite is a route because we put a lot of thought and time into this past rewrite to try to get away from the problem we were having but uh you can certainly look at that but we also need to look at how and who's going to enforce the ordinance or we really don't have any ordinance at all if nobody enforces it all right councilman thank you thanks Rodney for bringing it up um just a couple of clarification um it says for residential uh a maximum distance is 150 feet or more can can um Troy can you or Tina or whoever can y'all tell me what does that mean like if I'm less than 150 feet I can't complain like what it means if you can hear the noise 150 F feet or more from the property line that it's a code violation okay so like if a next door neighbor complains that then they would go to 150 ft Mark yeah and if they could hear it from that point okay correct if it's if it meets the standard which is plainly auditable at 150 ft it's a violation so I guess Ronnie my question though is you mentioned something about 10 p.m. I mean the the current code is all times of the day there's there's exceptions and limitations about other stuff that they can do at you know until 10 p.m. or something but as as it's written it's all day long I I could I could complain and if they can hear over 100 even at 12:00 in the afternoon I can call code and complain if it's 150 ft or more they would get the first warning which is a written a rent warning but that's that's not what it's not what I understood it and that's not what I guess a lot of the citizens I spoke to don't understand it was they you make all the noise construction noise Jack cam whatever you want to do until 10:00 at night so construction you're right and that's one of the items that lists so yes you're right about construction it says 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. so if they have a permit as it's written they can go 7 to 10 I believe if I'm reading that correctly that's that's correct okay so if you're talking about those types of things I get you but if you're talking about a party or something something like that today you could call it 1:00 in the afternoon but I don't know I don't know the I don't know if anybody has or right Ian that's everybody tells me that you know the the music is the biggest thing as it goes till 10 and the the sheriff's department and and staff code um has told them you know it go well there's nothing we can do it to do about till 10:00 Tina can y'all can you can clarify the understanding of what I'm saying is enforcable at all times all times yes that is correct um I I would love to speak to the residents that you um are telling telling you that um staff has told them that there's nothing to do till 10 p.m. because that's um absolutely incorrect um and I would love to speak to those residents and then I I'll also speak with um the code staff as well just to bring that to light um but I um I have spoken to several code staff about all this and they're very well aware that it's pretty much the 10 p.m. is exempt um for construction activity not other stuff so um so yeah I please let me know um you've got my email you can give them my email I have cards everywhere um but they can certainly reach out to me we can discuss it and um I can let them know how to report it in the future um if that's another problem uh but yeah it's it yeah the the loud noise any time of day thank you Steve I would love to do that and if you don't mind I'll bring some individuals just one at a time in person and I'd like to join them so got to get a feel for feel for what's what's going on or if it is you know what if I'm because a lot of times I get bad information you know sure you tell them one thing and then they tell me something else and I'm like well that ain't right and I come back to you and I like you tell me well that ain't what I told them um so I want to make sure we're all sitting at the round table so I'm not getting you know a different story from the homeowner or whatever so I know I know exactly what what's going on I don't know why construction needs to go on until 10:00 at night um I mean I'd be furious if the guy next door to me was Jackhammer and I know you know nail guns and stuff going on all hours of the night um and then we talked about um going out there you know Co compliance or whatever going two or three times um and that could be dangerous I don't know why we got to go out there if it's a if it's an ordinance like the trash can or something you know you stick a sticker on the trash can and give them a warning next time they're getting a fine why can't that be done with the noise ordinance if if they go out there one time or you send them a letter saying look the music's got to be turned off at 8:00 or 9:00 whatever we decide and it's not then the next thing he does he gets a a fine in the mail you know for 100 bucks next time it's $200 and then $500 I mean is is that not an Avenue we can take it it is and it's written into the noise ordinance the the escalation of fees and everything like that so but again um you I don't I can't remember if you're on the the council as of the last discussion that we had for city council but um we're looking at every single process within code um we're reviewing everything we're re-evaluating everything um and we're we're we're finding where we can make things better do things better do things right um so it's it's there's going to be a complete overhaul of uh not a complete overhaul cuz there's a lot of things that are being done right but there's a lot of misconceptions out in the community um but again that's all that's all just communication and that a lot of that can be fixed by communication so um I'm over at main city hall just walk up to the front desk ask for Steve O Conor I'd love to sit down and speak with anybody about any issues that they have um because that's the that's the only way we can get forward and get through these things is by talking so and when I'm talking about writing that's that's what I'm talking about let's let's figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work what we can do um look at other surrounding areas counties whatever do they have something that's actually working that they can do you know if the guy if the code compliant officer goes out 150 ft 200t Three Doors Down whatever that is and yeah that's pretty loud they go you know I don't if he goes down there tells them the first time we give them a written warning so we have record that they've been you know warned and then the second time you know are starting to get fine getting in her pocket right so only I was just going to say is rather than the full rewrite like Mr Dustin was saying too is I mean the specific item about that 7 to 10 p.m. for construction and things like that I would rather focus on specifically couple of those small things because I think like Steve is saying he is right a lot of it's just making sure I mean it says right here the first offense is a written warning notifying the offender doesn't say you have to go knock on the door and say hello to them how you doing this evening I mean so that's going to be internal training and all that stuff and I think they're going to get to that but rewriting a full thing I don't think so but that 10 pm item 100% agree with you that should be looked at councilman uh so a couple things I I'm fine if we want to shorten the construction time till 700 p.m. or whatever I agree nobody should be out there working on that although people do do it and there are emergencies so I do understand that if water line breaks or something like that the uh and I didn't hear Mr Braden initially say but maybe I Mis misheard that people had told them he had talked to code and they had told him it was they had complained and nothing had been done about it but maybe they did talk to a code officer and maybe we we do need to you do need to talk to them again hang on um the uh but I I would say you know it's Code Compliance not code enforcement so you do need to on the initial warning make contact because most people not all of them will say oh I'm sorry we didn't realize and they'll turn the music down you know in the residential areas of this town I don't understand why this is a problem I'll just be honest with you your neighbors you're going to it's the same neighbors you're going to see every day for the next year come come out to Crystal Beach where you you have a different neighbor every single week sometimes two different Neighbors in a week and try to get them to comply of hey man 10:00 I have to get up at 5: in the morning now when I had my Harley that wasn't a problem because a couple times I'd go out at you know 6 o'clock in the morning and just rev the hell out of it and uh Hey welcome to be in my next door neighbor buddy the uh but I do think Mr Dustin's right it's a it's a compliance issue in that if we can't enforce 10 p.m. there's no way in hell we're going to enforce 800 p.m. especially in in you know holiday aisle Crystal Beach and some of these other places where we have renters that you know they finally have gotten learn most of them who are repeat customers 10:00 we got to turn the music around the pool down and you know keep use our inside voices out by the pool cuz the the guy next door will either call security call code or rev his motorcycle engine at 6:00 in the morning so I I I don't think we need a total rewrite but we we can look at like the construction allowance 10 p.m. seems too late to me all right com Miguel I have a question oh I'm sorry I have a question about something uh councilman dtin mentioned he said uh that he spoke with Okaloosa County Sheriff dep Department they're not necessarily uh eager to go respond to these things so my question is we have a contract with okoa County Sheriff Department right it's over a million dollars annually in that contract does it say that they can pick and choose what we utilize them for in in that fashion or does it I'm just asking a question because I'm trying to understand now or does it eliminate certain certain portions of it in that contract I'm not aware of any language like that Captain folman no there's no language in there that we pick and choose um we do enforce y'all's code but we take a back seat to y'all's code enforcement to do it we've had a long standing agreement with the code enforcement if they feel like they're in danger or concerned about going out we go with them if they're not there when you know if they're not available when a code violation comes up up we respond to it but Mr D's correct in what he's saying where a code enforcement officer may be able to respond immediately if they're on duty at 12:00 at night I can't guarantee you that a deputy's not going to be dealing with the traffic crash in the middle of Highway 98 that's got the whole roadway shut down or Another Life danger event that that code violation may go on for 30 minutes 45 minutes or or even longer before we can respond to it because a code violation is in the overall scheme of thing a code violation is very low on our priority list of things that we have to do I mean we're going to respond to all life safety issues way before we respond to a to a Code Enforcement issue and I understand that and I completely agree with that um now there's a nomenclature issue that we're running into you're referring to him as Code Compliance and Sheriff's Department's referring to him as uh code enforcement so we just need to come to grips on what that term really is we have that's me misspeaking I've been calling them code enforcement for so many years prior to them changing the Code Compliance that that was a a misspoken yeah and I'm not trying I'm not trying to be picky with this I just want to make sure we all we understand exactly what we're looking at the role the the duties of each department and we can support each other accordingly Council tremel I just have a question uh when a complainant calls in do we get back to that person with if nothing else telling them yes we investigated it or or know it didn't meet the requirement or whatever because I think a lot of times it comes to counsel because they didn't get that response instead of something not being done from the Sheriff's Office perspective we make contact with them as long as they request to not be to be contacted our dispatchers on that type of call will ask the complaintant if they want contact the vast majority of the time they say that they do not and if they say they don't contact we don't get back with them but if they say they do we will get back with them at the conclusion of the call A lot of times that's a telephone call back to them but we will make contact with them yeah so so Steve I guess I would ask you as far as Code Compliance do we follow up with that um I know we are following up with with complaints that come through uh via voice message the phone call um through the hel line through email whatever um there's also um a c anything that's that is called in a case is created and notes are added to that as well so that can be looked up um but again this is another one of those things that in some instances certain circumstances uh individuals that complained weren't contacted in the past some were inconsistencies but again it's these it's these processes that we're we're working through to just kind of train everyone to the same standard and and um and and get that consistency so uh and one of those things that that um Troy and I are working on is that consistency of reaching back out to the complainant um to to confirm that yes we we got your complaint we we heard heard it and um this is what we know at the moment okay thank you I just all right councilman Bagby yeah I just just want to revisit the the code compliance issue so we directed you to keep the nighttime people but we gave you then we turned around I believe and gave you a waiver because you were short-handed we increased the funding for the if they work the odd hours that you could increase the funding uh their salary by up to a dollar an hour I think it was one $3 an hour that's right and so and I understand it's December so I I'm not really excited right now but I will guarantee you in March I will be very excited because if a guy's getting off at 10:30 that means last 30 minutes he's probably doing his paperwork for his ship rafting up his ship and that is when the noise is going to happen particularly out in the tourist short-term rental areas and I want to know and I want everybody in this city to know we're going to have code enforce Code Compliance officers now you got me doing doing it Dad got Code Compliance officers during spring break and during the summer working you know at least from 10: to midnight so that that's when you're going to get most of the noise complaints yep um and that so um like like I alluded to earlier there I came up and was going to do a presentation it was Court uh cut brief cut very short because you all graciously gave us the three priorities um very rapidly but part of that presentation was also going to talk about hours talk about the change of seasons here um when you know more should be on more should be off that sort that sort of thing so um that's something that um we're going to be bring be bringing back to you all for that guidance um at a later date um soon so next next month and a half or two okay like an example of specific guidance you need from us I just given you the funding we told no no I think we have the funding I think we have the Personnel it's just more of um hey this is what we're seeing these are the trends and this is what we're thinking do you agree more it's more of that like this this is the shift that we would recommend for you know this time period of the Year during this time period we'd recommend this that sort of stuff so we're look we're we're looking at code holistically completely everything and all things we're just we're trying to find the best most efficient and um um you know just just just getting back to the basics of compliance like like we're trying to get to so um so I I hope to be back up um at the podium in the next uh several weeks um discussing those those possible changes so all right councilman dtin let's land this plane and I'll try to make it quick just right now Steve and I understand you guys are trying to realign and figure out best way to do this I call at 10:35 with an always complaint do I get a recording is it shifted to the Sheriff's Department do you check back the next day what what happens now yeah so after once there's a Code officer not on that it does go to voice message um if the code officer is on and they can't get to the get to the phone it does go to voicemail but it will be checked while they're on shift um if the complaintant does not contact the sheriff's office I don't and Captain fulam or Troy correct me if I'm wrong um I don't believe that the sheriff's has access to our voice system or mail system so um that's another thing that we could we could take a look at and possibly fix or put a note in the messaging saying if it's after hours call the sheriff yep thanks all right councilman bradden last words I think the big the biggest problem is is what Mr Bagby mentioned a few minutes ago was that all the people around the pool blaring their music know that they they got to shut off at 10:00 but I was just told earlier a few minutes ago that that's not true that's right that there is a noise ordinance that you can call at 8:00 at night or 7:00 or 6:00 or 1:00 in the afternoon so everybody knows like Mr Bagby said and I'm I admit to it that that's what people tell me is they say well the music's too loud well the noise ORD says they can make noise until 10:00 so there's nothing we can do um so and like Crystal Beach the renter is not getting the bill the homeowner is getting the bill so there's a complaint officer goes out there whoever it is the noise is way too loud it seems like you'd come back to the office or whatever and send the warning or whatever to whoever the homeowner is wherever they may live may be in Ohio somewhere and the next time you get called out there he gets a bill for 100 bucks 200 bucks whatever we can do and it keeps going up from there um um so I I guess I guess it's better to change the motion and just have the city manager bring back some suggestions thank you um I would ask that Mr Braden that you come sit down with us and let's make sure we're all understanding um what the issues we're trying to deal with are and I've heard a lot going on here tonight we just want to make sure that we bring back what we're looking um to for the council to take action on um and to make sure we're addressing the concerns that you have and I think I understand what they are but we know we certainly like some clarity to make sure that as we move forward we do it in the right direction that we don't come back and think well that's not quite what we had in mind but if you know we'll set up a time when you can come by and we'll sit down and we'll go over it and make sure we're all understanding what's in the ordinance today how it's applicable how it's being measured what a violation looks like and how we're handling a violation and um and perhaps we can ask Captain foram to join us in those meetings so that we can all make sure we're um moving forward together if that would be acceptable sounds good to me I'll uh withdraw the motion all right all right with you still want to be legislative sponsor which we don't need a motion for that for this discussion yeah sure right that is correct all right all right that's all I have mayor thankk you good deal uh no I'm sorry yep keep going uh January 6 meeting I will not be here better tell all right councilwoman TR um first on the agenda tonight I'd like to thank everybody who's reached out to me for the last 10 or 11 days um I felt all your hugs and your love and I really appreciate it and the other thing I'd like to say is I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year all right thank you mes and into further brevity I will just make my comment Mary Christmas and we'll see you after the first of the year hopefully that's a wise man councilman Bagley thanks staff for the great Christmas parade y'all did a marvelous job I had a wonderful time uh and good job on more candy okay uh Merry Christmas to everybody happy New Year uh I wish you and your families the best and safe and happiest holidays you've ever had uh there's one item underneath my name on the agenda uh and I saw Jamie there's Miss Jamie so uh we're we've H hired Lewis as the community development director we have an interim city manager so we're a decision point on hiring uh elevating our interim city manager to our full-time or doing an RFQ and going out and trying to find another city manager and so I I am personally very happy with the job that Mr Jones has done um and I'm not aware of any of the staff or the citizens or anybody else that uh has no one has conveyed to me anything negative about his performance or about him and so Jamie I'd just like for you to remind us what the total compensation package was for Lewis when he was the city manager would you like to the breakdown well I'm a Topline guy but you can give the breakdown too cuz you've been sitting there for a while so go ahead the total compensation and that's to include base salary and all of the benefits is 273,000 uh$ 37566 and that includes like I said the base salary of 205,000 vehicle allowance of 6,000 retirement is 32,000 and then medical to include um medical dental vision long-term short term disability is 29,000 okay so I will make a motion that we uh ask the City attorney and the HR Director to sit down with uh Mr Jones and negotiate a contract uh not to Total compensation not to exceed $255,000 uh that that contract include Clauses for the work week will be 5 days cuz I know currently it's 4 days per the contract that we have with him uh and that he his consulting company uh if you don't know he consults with other entities uh that he take on no new contracts for the C consulting company for um the duration of this this contract and I think that's my motion all right I have a motion do I hear a second I'll second it by second by Council mtin cin Bren do you have anything withdrew yeah um I'm just trying to wrap my head around why we would pay for a city manager that's never had a city manager's position it's extremely green pay him 273 and then we want to hire a individual that's been a city manager a seasoned city manager and pay him less can you explain please sure glad to so I I have the same situation um both when I was the town manager when I was the TDC director in Walton County and when I was the onec Grove and in my current job as District director I provide my own health care benefits and the uh I don't need any benefits from any entity that I have worked for been paid by and the rule of thumb uh when you're doing a contract remember he won't be an an employee he'll be a contractual employee he won't be a regular employee the rule of thumb that I've always used is I take the health care benefits and cut them in half and that's the savings that that way he can structure the contract with Kim and uh jimie and bring it back to us however he wants to do it if he wants $255,000 in salary that's between him and the IRS if he wants $150,000 in salary some of it in a certain retirement fund some of it in uh deferred income or in however he wants to do that for his consulting company that's that is up to him so there is a benefit to him to do it this way there's also a benefit to us for us we save $177,000 we get a very experienced former County Manager been doing a great job as city manager so every time I've gotten hired uh that's what I brought to the table I brought experience and I also wanted my money how I wanted my money if that makes sense I I don't know if that answers your question but it it it's just a contractual Arrangement and there are a lot of people that that provide their own benefits or don't need the retirement or don't need whatever and just give me the money well I'm not going to give you one for one cash for that benefit because that benefit is actually used as a tool to recruit people and to hire people he doesn't need our health care benefits I'm I'm happy for him that he doesn't need them I don't need them uh although I have them right now but only for about 12 more days so that that's why basically just personal personal preference or personal no it provides him a benefit I mean if he wants to become an employee and he wants to turn down our uh health care benefits because he doesn't need them then that's going to cost him a top line of $34,000 something like that so his his total compensation would be $239,000 because he's he doesn't need our health care benefits so we're we're going to give him a little bit of that back to either pay his deductible on his current health care plan or however he wants to design that so that flexibility has a value to it and I've just always gone with 50% because it's it's I mean if he's not happy I'm sure he will tell us de thank you all right Council Schmid yeah it was a good question Rodney you know it's like why why don't we just pay him 270 something you know so we paid Lewis the previous ones so but pigy back off of uh Mr Bagby I mean that's that's a it's a good way of doing business I mean it's especially in the Consulting World um when you go to when you go to businesses and you're selling your services it's usually a selling point to say you go hire that employee it's going to cost you 275 you hire me I'll do it for 250 you know and okay great um yeah well hire you then uh but I do agree um I think I think Larry's doing a fantastic job coming in here um and I think I think we got to take advantage of what we have available to us right now and and make sure that um we do the right thing for him and and every and everybody around him um yeah I mean I haven't asked all the staff if he's pissed them off or anything but I assume he hasn't so don't ask him here same like they like him um Larry Mr Bagby said uh no more business I guess didn't say or ask is what's your current book of business though how's that how's that going to are we going to drop clients do we we have a lot of clients I will drop at least one client I've got one that is very minimal that I would hang on to if it was aable to the council I mean it's two phone calls a month gotcha you okay no meetings or anything right okay good yeah I mean when when whenever we had our first uh most recent City manager or two city managers ago no longer work for us uh you know I was one of maybe others as well that you know that budget we were looking to spend a lot of money because we needed to find a city manager and pay them the correct amount of money to run the city of dtin so um but yeah I'll support it and uh thank you for working with us and hopefully y'all's negotiations go well she's a tough one though so be careful Council M gal thank you sir um I've I've got kind of a question that's confusing me he is a consultant but we are trying to limit his income and limit his line of business so I'm a professional engineer I'm actually licensed I have a Consulting division in my engineering firm and as long as I'm supplying the Consulting to level of the agreement the contractual agreement I don't think it's the business of any one of my clients to try to limit how many other clients I can take on I think that's part of owning the business is being able to determine how you can legitimately serve your current clients and if you can't you run the risk of losing that contract um so I'm I agree with almost everything except the fact that we're trying to limit his ability to take on new business or even limit the the amount of business he currently has um I'm Sorry Miss C I was going to say why don't we ask him if he thinks there's a conflict in how many hours the one he was do you want to answer I really don't care what he has to say no I'm just joking Larry Larry please at least we have that Mutual no um this would be my obviously my number one client I have the client that I would like to maintain is the little Colorado county that I worked for for 6 months that the County Administrator there calls me every two two weeks and says hey I got this situation what do you think I should do I don't have to go to meetings I don't have to log into meetings and those calls are somewhat random um but other than that uh you know I would that would be the only client that I would like to maintain a relationship with and it's it's very minor in my book of business um and I appreciate all the conversation that's been had I have all confidence that you folks are going to U be fair and reason able in whatever you do here tonight and I'm comfortable with Mr bagy and I had this conversation earlier so it's not a surprise that that number uh was floated out uh so uh I'm I'm good with that if that's what the council thinks it's fair and reasonable and we'll move forward from there so this is kind of a crutch you're using us as a crutch to get rid of dead weight all the people you don't want to do business with somewh yes sir but I'm good with that thank he C mtin thank you mayor and and I completely understand why Mr Jones wants to take his money and not worry about the benefits he doesn't need a car allowance he doesn't need the health insurance he he doesn't need us putting his money into a city retirement need to be able to do all that himself so I think this is going to work well for both of us and as the the taking on additional Consulting work you know this is a full-time job and he knows how much time he has to put into it and if he's a thinks that that's the proper way to go forward then I'm satisfied with it and let me if you don't mind let me address that you know I've been doing this for a number of years I realize that it's not a 40-hour a week job it's a 7day a week job 24 hours a day because I never know when you guys need something you know the city doesn't slow down because I left at 5:00 or 4:00 or 4:30 um I get that and so um I have said for years and Mr Bagby has probably heard me say it and some of you have is that in this role my day starts when the first one of you get out of bed in the morning and it's not over till the last one goes to sleep at night and that's uh seven days a week and it kind of has to be that way in order to be effective um so I'm not afraid of that um I'm very fortunate and I'm very blessed that I'm able to do this again U Jim baby can share some horror stories of where I was just three years ago and God bless him he and some other kind folks were there to take care of me so I appreciate that but um it's it's it's a blessing that I'm able to be here and be a part of what you're doing I enjoy thoroughly the city uh I think you have a great staff I look forward to uh if we can move this thing forward to spending time to help do good things for them I I'll tell you up front we won't get it all right but it won't be because we didn't try I can I can tell you that um you know that what I have seen from your staff is pure motives and uh and we will work to make sure that that's conveyed on a regular basis so moving forward U you know I understand you know what the job entails what it requires and uh you know I find counselor and Miss Jamie uh work those terms out and we get the five votes that's required to move a contract forward we give it or all so thank you for your kind consideration it's honor to be considered for it councilman Bagby yeah I just uh just so Toros the uh the only reason I put that in uh the guidance to the staff was I trust Larry 110% it's not that he's not going to be out trying to sell his Consulting business or anything like that I I've known him a long time and trust him unequivocally but I wanted to make sure that we as a group had confidence or had the trust uh because most of you haven't known him that long that he wouldn't be out there trying to get other clients or trying to seek additional work or whatever so that this he understood and we understood this was his his soul not his soul his number one priority far and away and I was just trying to address issues that I thought people would say well how many Consulting cont contracts does he have is he still going to be able to go get Consulting contracts how much time is he going to spend making presentations to other cities or counties or whatever and and you know I did that also with um the the other Provisions so that it everybody could feel comfortable that yes he he's our city manager more than anything else not you know helping the Colorado county or doing something over in Walton County or doing something someplace else I just I just wanted y'all to have that feeling of he he was ours 100% ours not spreading himself too thin or whatever well I appreciate that and I didn't I wasn't aware that you guys had a prior conversation that kind of pre-negotiated all this so I apologize I didn't mean to step on anybody's toes and I fell in love with Larry on our very first meeting with Dustin high school he he proposed marriage so I I guess he was serious very intimate but to that end I don't want any more than this okay I'm in a point of Al where this is plenty all right seeing that we have gone through the list here I will call the vote for our new city manager Larry Jones all right eyes have it 60 so moved [Applause] [Music] congratulations knowing Larry the contract's going to be signed by you know or negotiated by the the end of this uh meeting all right uh councilman B you're done councilman gal who had the 10 o00 pool because we're about to hit it no I do have a couple got an hour before that so last year John Hodges approached me with the buccaneer about the dredging in the harbor Ryan Scott's been kind of spearheading that until he left us so I'm just curious who's taking over trying to procure or organize or manage this project so that we can make sure coming into the new tour season that uh John Hodges with that Buccaneer isn't fighting the same tragedies he's been fighting for the past two years I've been working on that uh so has um Joe bod okay so is there any progress from the last report Ryan gave us well we tonight just selected a contractor we'll talk okay all right next I wanted to talk a little bit about about uh something that since I was a legislative sponsor over um that short-term R thing I did make it I want the council to or realize I have been active in in investigation I've contacted several of our adjoining cities and I had a very very detailed and in-depth conversation with captain of fire inspection for Panama City Beach Shan Leger um he he informed me specifically that uh them along with Bay County Tampa and several other cities they've already enacted the registration fee the short-term registration fee and they've even gone a step farther uh with once they've registered the the short terminals with dbpr and invokes the Florida Administration code 698-4360 maximum occupancy level um which is something that I think that I would I would like to enter our building official Noel Bell if possible to entertain with potentially our uh fire inspector and if at all possible and I know this is a big ass Crystal because you're extremely busy but maybe us look at what that potentially costs us as the city so that when we're looking at these registration fees and we're understanding what some people may think are too much or too little um what it what it actually costs us to to follow along with some of our adjoining cities um one thing that they specified um that they're trying to do across the the State of Florida is one standard so that no matter who you are vassa or any of these big Industries there's not a series of of different ordinances or codes that they have to follow from city city city and if it's at uh a level that's potentially most beneficial for the local city or municipality then um it works all the way across the board but with uh with your guys' permission if you don't mind I would like to kind of delve into that a little bit before the January meeting so we kind of have an understanding so that this council's more informed on on what it could potentially cost us and what we could potentially get back for the city in that process other than that I'm actually done all right Miss Bell I just want to ask a follow-up question question on that um Council Mentor is are you looking I think Panama City do they do a annual type inspection is that what you're talking about yeah it's an annual random so um and and I can get you in contact with Shan because he explained it in very great detail and the uh tremendous amount of benefits the city's procured from this and how much it's he's gotten feedback from the citizens how happier the local citizens are that live close to these these uh residents uh rather whether they're uh commercial property multif family or or a single family but um and I would love to to put you in contact with him so he could explain it in more detail but it is just an annual inspection but it's more of a random so that during that inspection they can they can verify enforcement I got you yeah i' yeah I'd like to talk to him I I might have been the same guy I talked to before when we when we were um dealing with the short-term rentals and about you know what new when new single family homes are proposed as a short-term window being built you know about Sprinklers and stuff I talked to somebody over there in P City Beach um because right now if it's going to be a three-story home that's going to be a short-term rental I require sprinklers um and then other than that when uh home goes through a change of use to become a short-term rental um we do an inspection prior as part of that change of use approval so those are at Le just for your information that we do do now as far as inspections right and and one thing that we're trying to head off though are the ones that are just sending plans over saying that their intent is not short-term rental then they they sell the home and the new owner decides to to convert the short-term rental um and it's it's not been captured the city hasn't captured those funds appropriately and and it's not our fault it's because we're misinformed or that we don't know the original intent but during those annual inspections it helps us get a better idea of what the actual use of that building was versus the original Doo I agree and to make sure that if they did did any illegal Renovations that it's not you know material code violation yeah living room just turned into a 10 bedroom room gotcha thank you ma'am uh councilman Bren thanks I I thought Panama City or Panama City Beach they did their um rentals quarterly so they can go in every time they register to do an inspection could be wrong about that um and another question is that um if a three-story home is being built in an area that is allow short-term rentals why is it not required to have sprinklers whether it's permitted to be a residential home or not it's not currently a requirement of the building code so um but under Florida statutory law if it's a vacation rental even a dwelling that is three stories or more um it should be sprinkled it has to be sprinkled according to statutory law yes so if I buy a piece of property in Crystal Beach and I come in with some plans to build a three-story home on it and that's going to be my personal home I don't have to sprinkle it correct why not because the Florida building code says you don't have to it's a single family dwelling so I build it close on it give my SE and then turn it into a short-term rental and then you go through a change of use process but typically I mean that's a something that's we can have a certainly change and make a ordinance about is if you didn't originally have sprinklers in his three stories and you do a change of views well now you're going to have to sprinkle that's something that we can certainly entertain into a ordinance if the council chooses yeah cuz that's I mean it's it'd be a lot cheaper I would think to go through the change of use than it would be to sprinkl it just seems like if it's in a shortterm rental area that no matter what they're going to do with it or say they going to do with it it's sprinkled just my personal opinion thank you all right good point all right councilman Schmidt anything oh yeah definitely Mr Mayor uh real quick I Was preparing for my fantastic first meeting tomorrow for the TDC Mr BBY and uh on your comment earlier about um fuckle up Mr chairman back there he's going to enjoy me um um you said something about nobody I do nobody's going to the city halls or certain you you had some comment about people visiting places but um they average over a thou they average nearly a thousand visitors per month at their Welcome Center just food for thought I'm talking about I understand that this is this is close this is the oak loose Island one but I'm just airport and OKO Island I'm just letting you know I mean it's I I'm with you like I'm shocked that that still happens but numbers show it so uh evener on the wrong side I know I I'm shocked to this day how that works but a few things that's some people online asking me um can we in January probably find out the norgo project update where we're at uh where we're at where we're going what it's looking like you know timeline you know as we're approaching Spring Break and summer we have U bi-weekly updates from them so with de so we can do that sweet um Mr Mayor do you know where we are with Joe's byou state project are you involved with that or no I haven't been in a while okay I'm sorry do we know where we are with the Joe's by you I thought you were doing I I will defer this to my boss Jeff over here in Grants well Council I have uh I haven't had a recent update from D last I heard they're at 60% and working on permitting but I haven't heard anything since then uh i' be glad to reach out to pierce and get an update if you'd like and I can report back that would be Community Development did have a meeting with Pierce um just a couple weeks ago that was their that served as their pre-application meeting um so they are moving forward and there's a website actually that they put together for what their concept is and we can share that with everyone if you don't have it so would you be safe to to say like what that looks like like TimeWise then or are we we don't know exactly when they're going to be ready to submit for their development order deviation okay all right I guess maybe all the excitement that was going around in the past six or so months people almost thought it was like about to be shovels in the ground I maybe there was just some confusion with the beautiful renderings and all that so um yeah maybe just Jeff or whenever yall talk maybe just kind of get a more updated of what the future looks like yes sir be great um the the cross down connector I know the TDC is going to give us hopefully if they approve it tomorrow the $3.3 million that Crystal's been showing on the budget for a little while as well where where are we at then with the cross down connector cost to to to build this sucker point4 the most recent cost estimate we have from several months ago and the updated number was $ 11.8 million that's um that's the build the sucker right that's the construction plus minus a few other little things where are we at with funded funding well very close with the proceeds from the loan and the $2 million from trip I'd say we're almost there now the trip money won't come until um the state next fiscal year so that'll be probably the September time frame but um you know we're getting real close and and remind me what do we pull out from the loan to put to pay cross down connector uh $4.5 million and it's uh earning interest right now in a bank account also uh they're finishing up they should be finishing up with permits so we should be able to put that out on the street for BS within the next uh 30 to 90 days so just just to clarify we we because I know that loan thing was very complicated process but we we we borrowed about $4.5 million to help complete the funding of the cross town connector project all right fantastic so possibly going out for requests for bids so maybe in 2025 we'll start seeing some um some action uh because we've already approved 100% designs yes I think okay well there isn't there one last step as soon as they receive all of their bids or I'm sorry their permits the and the environmental um the environmental report is what we were waiting for right that will tell us if we need to make any adjustments to the design right okay fantastic thank you so much uh yes uh Merry Christmas Happy New Year uh look forward to an amazing 2025 uh Sandy yes your thoughts and prayers with you and your family and the strength that you are showing uh even by being here tonight um I know that your husband this is where he probably would want you which is imagine why what probably not oh probably not okay well not not at 9 o00 well not 9:00 but uh thank you though for what you're doing so appreciate it all right and I have nothing tonight other than uh Merry Christmas and congratulations Larry are super excited I'm I'm excited because I haven't seen staff this excited in a while so I appreciate the energy and and a lot of the things that you're bringing to this team um other than that as far as the holiday season I had it here uh oh no um just only because me and uh then commissioner Ponder we do it every year uh the manura lighting for the special manur lighting um is the day after Christmas December 26 from 5: to 8: at the uh Harbor Walk Village I'm stealing your thunder as far as events but um I'm not Jewish but it's been a fun event and they welcome everyone so just throwing that on there is the holiday after Christmas party if anyone wants to attend with me by all means more than welcome but that's all I had for an announcement for tonight City attorney just a quick quick announcement uh pursuant to section 28601 subsection 8 Florida Statutes I desire the advice of the city council in pending litigation and request that the city of Dustin city council meet in executive session in city council chambers at the Dustin City Hall Annex at 4100 Indian Bayou Trail Dustin Florida 32541 on Monday January 6th 2025 at 5:45 p.m. uh concerning the following litigation Wilkerson Vena versus city of dtin Florida 323 CV 24754 tkw HTC and then Ry just to clarify I did say 545 I talked with Tamara and she thought that would work with her uh workshop at 5 it would probably end by 5:45 5:45 we're soon thereafter exactly okay so that would be attended by uh myself it would be attended by Larry Jones city manager All City Council Members the mayor and our insurance defense Council Mr Eric Krebs is that acceptable to council thank you all right and I do have one thing I'd like to get a motion on if possible um the governor today passed a resolution or passed an announcement to extend um some of the holiday uh Seasons to close the office for the 23rd and I believe the December 31st and so with that the office closures of December 23rd 4th and December 31st are now in addition to the regular office closures of the state so I just wanted to see if it would be the will of the council to follow with our governor and just close these offices as well and second all right we got a motion and I got a second all right hard cell all right so I'll call the vote uh Council meston just have a question for the City attorney we have something scheduled on the 23rd of December don't we at City Hill yes and I talked with the city manager about that he and I are coming anyway he will unlock the doors for me and we will have our mediation that's all we need that's litigation related for the rest of councel yeah I'm just curious but do we know what it cost the city of deson to close down on a day that we're not prepared to close down I don't I mean we're talking about giving every single employee and save Destin off on the 23rd I mean the state of Florida's got a pretty big budget right but I mean I mean I'm not trying to be Scrooge here or anything but I think we all sometimes get too excited like you know let's just oh another day but there's a lot of businesses and people in the city that want to do business on Monday you know um I just think we need to take that in consideration before we just start writing blank checks to give everybody the whole day off well I I can say in terms of uh cash coming into the city uh over 95% of our receipts are through credit cards online and they mostly occur after business hour right we're talking about the loss of we have people not working but if you're to take like what it cost to run the city for a day and all the labor hours uh that would take a minute to calculate I don't have that on my fingertip I hear you I'll be the SC meeting but I I don't disagree with you but it it most not just the state the federal government's also uh taken that stance so our office is closed on the 23rd 24th and 25th and actually we're working remotely the 26th and 27th so uh you know it they work we've had a great year and they'll be here on Thursday and Friday to answer all those calls on those voicemails and all those emails and Larry will be here both those days to make sure they do I'll be here Monday yeah I heard Larry works at 365 he said what whatever it takes guys uh C gal no all I was ask I'm not going to make fun of Kevin Schmidt all I was going to ask is that we can please put that on Facebook and on the website so that people are trying to pull permits they they can plan ahead accordingly all right with that I have no one may to speak yes sir right just clarification are we talking about both December 23rd and 31st yes yes 23rd 24th and 31 and the first are already holidays yep good all right call the vote come on a forever cemented into the public record I think I think that motion was actually made by Mr yeah all right eyes have it so moved with that City attorney anything else you're good Merry Christmas Happy New Year happy holidays all right thank you with that all right public comments anyone here wish to speak Ken Wampler 4320 Com Drive West um happy happy holidays Merry Christmas Happy New Year um the only thing I would uh submit for your discussion is the optional inspections for homes is probably what they do in Bay County uh condos is going to be impractical if not impossible to do inspections of I don't know 6,000 condos um roughly 3,000 on the rental program so I think when you go to do optional random inspections uh it needs to be focused on homes or live it at homes so that's what I would do um not that you ask my opinion uh but from an operational standpoint what I said to you before I'll restate building big government to oversee all these little details gets very expensive very time consuming and you can't charge enough fees to cover those and I would I would suggest you don't want to be charging fees just to cover additional overhead to do inspections that may be necessary to happen Walton count is doing the same thing and it's optional and random okay when I spoke to Sean he he specified to me all but would you verify that Noel just in case I misheard him or I was wrong I don't want to do anything that's uh unnecessary would you repeat that please he said just the inspections on the building official's office only showing up on residential homes single family dwellings not necessarily multif family that our short-term rental on the short-term rental yeah I'm almost positive during our discussion he talked about the multif family but I could be wrong and I don't want to do anything that doesn't doesn't follow suit with the rest of the state it makes sense because the fire inspector already uh inspects um kind of um multif Family condos hotels all commercial type propert um on an annual basis for uh just General Life Safety such as egress and stuff and exit lighting and things like that so um I know that the fire district already does that for he said he already did that but that gave the building official the opportunity to look for anything that was non-compliant so that's what they I'm I'm saying they only do commercial they they don't do any residential our fire district doesn't Okay the the homes all right so but I was Point get an annual fire inspection already so we don't need all right with that I will close the final meeting in 2024 [Laughter]