e e e e good evening everyone I'm going to call this special council meeting to order up first is the uh Pledge of Allegiance if everyone can please stand all right repeat after me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the unit all right there is only one new business so at this time I'll take public comments for the special council meeting there is a workshop right after which I believe most of you are here for that all right seeing no public comments uh I'll start with new business uh a dual Authority Kim do you want to take it away or probably going to turn it over to Crystal um and if she needs me I will jump in yes so uh this is really just a a housekeeping item um the city traditionally has had the city manager sign as the chief administrator on the on all of the documentation we send to the Department of Revenue uh for trim notices um and they prefer to have a a dual authentication so as I'm wearing both hats today and this is due tomorrow um I would like to propose that uh Camila Merill a senior accountant take over signature Authority for the finance director which is basically a Conta contact manager who inputs the data and then I'll take over as the acting city manager as the chief administrator rle for this trim season and that's what this item is all right thank you Crystal all right do I have a motion or any discussions to start this off yeah just yep uh what's the duration of the calendar year 2024 trim compliance process can can we can we spe specify that uh yes let's see I believe we specified that in the recommended motion it says the duration for the duration it's it starts it's 100 days and it begins on July 1st so this would ensure that signatures are the same throughout the trim process through adoption um at the end of June at the end of September and to add to that it says that 100 days under the discussion section but it also gives you a typical time frame is to October 9th of each year that's correct so if you want to say October 9th in the motion you can but otherwise it's understood that it's the 2024 trim comp process and do we have to have it the throughout the entire period or can it not just be for the next 10 days or however many days just just ass sign the document today tomorrow well I was trying to have the signatures be the same throughout the process to not confuse the departmental revenue people I would suggest leaving it and if anything changes we can always uh come back and ask for another motion okay so and then my last question um for compliance documents I mean is this solely just to just for the documents sake or is this for any other administrative per you know duties tasks I mean signature so the recommended motion is for the duration of the calendar year 2024 trim compliance process uh you would move to set the alternates for dual authentification for the FD trim compliance documents setting Camila Merill as the contact and access manager and Crystal Strickland as the chief administrative officer so this is limited just to the FD trim through October 9th okay we are looking at um taking up the management issues on August 5th when we get a little bit more information as to the duration of the time that the city manager uh might be out okay I'll just make the motion for the duration of the calendar year 2024 trim compliance process I move to set the alternates for dual authentication for of FD trim Compliance Document setting Camila morau as the content act and access manager and Crystal Strickland as the chief administrative officer all right thank you Kevin do I have a second I'll second all right uh anything else C all right yeah a couple of questions uh house Lewis I hadn't got an update in two days so you know I feel like I'm out in the wilderness he is being evaluated and as I understand it from his wife doing well okay so we don't have any idea about how long well as of now um we have HR has reached out and requested information regarding the FMLA and if there's going to be any leave requested and so we are going to get that documentation and hopefully have that information um at the next meeting okay we aren't sure now he could be back in a week or it could be a bit longer so once we get those evaluations and info we will provide an update okay do we uh what is the spending Authority before we require a dual authentification authentification so this this only applies I know I'm just answer the questions I asked okay so on that separate matter uh spending Authority is $35,000 to the city manager or their designate right okay and do we require any dual authentication on say like grants or expenditures of $100,000 or whatever we don't require it on expenditures expenditures over $335,000 come to council for Council approval okay on uh other documents such as uh everything related to our financial institutions our current signature Authority card is still in place and that includes the city manager the finance director the city clerk the mayor uh and the mayor that's those are all the signatories for anything related to any financial institutions okay so and have we talked to our Auditors about this I've talked to the Florida Department of Revenue about the compliance issue in particular but not about my question was have we talked to our Auditors about placing dual signing Authority in one Department of the city so for the financial institution signature Authority there's still only one Finance person on there that's me everybody else is outside of the finance department okay yeah I just normally the and probably not for the trim to be honest with you but for anything else the the Auditors would ding us and say no you can't have two people so if you were to ask to put Camila on the signature card I would be vly opposed uh I agree and I wouldn't do that as a CPA I would never do that all right all right uh anyone else have any questions on the trim all right seeing none um we were just going to go audible since we just have this one and then we will get the uh the voting up and ready for I guess using it for the workshop yeah so we're just going to go down the row yes yes yes yes yes all right I have it unanimously so moved with that I will anything further the only other question is does the council want to give um any direction for August 5th as to what we come back with um for dealing with the situation of a temporary vacancy in the city manager position as in do you want us to come back with various options like directive as you want a motion tonight for that you don't have to make a Mo just a discussion on I mean I know Mr Bagby Mr Dustin will have more experience and ideas on that but me personally I mean I want a the next 30-day plan I want a 60 to 90day plan and I want a 90 plus day plan or something along those lines if we don't have information about you know his status and when he can come back I'd like to know shortterm and long-term potentials thank yeah I'm probably in a similar State you know if it's uh two weeks or three weeks that that's fine you know we'll just kind of muddle through with what we have if it's 30 days or more uh and you know Kim and I talked the only two ideas that I had uh initially were to see if um not Range Rovers what range Rider range Rider program was still in effect which I guess it's not with the Florida League of cities but I did see that we did advertise for a interim city manager on the Florida League of cities uh and then I reached out to a guy who's done this for counties uh he just finished up a tour in a Colorado county western Colorado County uh and the old County Administrator for uh Walton County Larry Jones and just asked him you know could you help us out in a pinch if it's going to be 3 months or he said probably 3 months you know he's not he wouldn't sign on uh and I just ask him that because as we discussed at our last meeting almost all not all the business because I know the planning department will get upset but most of the big business that we have before this Council in the next 90 days is financial related we've said you know we're all going to bring ideas back to either cut revenue or enhance I'm sorry cut spending expenditures or enhance revenue and so that's Crystal and Crystal can't you know redo the entire uh chart on what we charge for Parks or whatever or redo the you know take the 3% or 4% to 3% or 4% to 2% on the not the cola but on the uh Merit raises all the these things are in the financial realm and so I just don't think it's in our own interest the council's own interest to say sure we we can just uh give you 16 PBS more in this 5B bag and it'll be good the way we want it because it won't be good nobody can do that none of us could do that and so that that's I'm waiting to see how long we think Lewis is going to be out and if it's you know a guess then my thing is everybody bring ideas uh it doesn't have to be people's names just you know the only two ideas I had was the range riter program and a guy that I know has filled in in other places kind of like this so I don't know y counil go oh we'll just go down yeah we'll go down the list counil Dustin we'll just run it down and and that's where I am too August the 5th we should have a little bit more hands around what's going on with Lewis and I would say that would be the place where we need to make some decisions I do agree with one thing councilman Bagby said there's no way us that we could do it but what I do would would like to ask is what you feel crystal is that something you feel you would like to take on or something you feel you could handle or is do you think it's your your head's barely above water as it is um for for short duration I can handle this no problem I'm I serve at the will of the council uh but as you all know my heart belongs in the finance department so um the quicker we can get my heart back where it belongs the happier I will be not that that matters but um but as you know the um so August 5th we don't really know what's happening uh August 12th we have a special Council Workshop focused on budget uh so I feel capable of definitely getting us through the end of August without any issues thank you very much chrisan I have faith in you all right the only suggestion I had talking to some of the league is um uh you we could potentially look into borrowing someone from the county has been done in the past and there's someone who's a retired I think County Administrator in Pensacola um their biggest issue was to get someone here is you know the housum is always the biggest issue so to keep anyone local is always going to be something easier than than most so that was just bit that I gathered over the weekend from a couple phone calls um all right see that I appreciate everybody's input uh Jamie and I have been regularly talking about this and working on various options we will work together to put that together for August 5th and this conversation can be continued then there you go yeah and I have faith in you but the thing is is we have the budget which we're not done with yet we have the end of year closeout which I don't think a lot of folks really understand how much work that is where we have to come back and do the adjustments and everything we have the revision of the fee schedule okay for uh and then we have the simplification for the building related fee schedule or whatever that we just and that's just that that is one and a half people's full-time job right there so that that's the only thing but yeah if it's okay if it's it's 25 30 days I'm not going to lose any sleep but anything over that we we need to cut you because the one thing we can't mess up is the money we can mess up you know oh we need to reread an ordinance or something okay big deal all right seeing nothing further we do have the motion in the second um if everyone has their I think they we already voted oh perfect oh okay my I'm still seeing it up there okay well with that I will pull it open for public comments to wrap up the end of this we voted verbally and then they popped it up yeah so that's my fault um all right seeing no further no public comments I will close the special meeting and do we want to jump right into it it's 53 it's 5:31 yes all right we'll we'll we'll take five seconds for the new YouTube link to start all right is going to go right on through I don't know let's let's cancel it and we'll let let us know when you're ready