e e e I put it there'll feel all right seeing that it's at 6 o' 6:01 I will call the city council meeting to order up first is the invocation and tonight we are with Pastor David Butler from the Faith Assembly Christian church thank you so much for the invocation would you pray with me please Heavenly Father we thank you for the Gathering here tonight we thank you for this being a week of blessing that our city honors a time set aside where we bless the businesses the Commerce everything about our beautiful city Lord God that we call out and bless and for on Thursday as we line up on the pier and do the blessing of the fleet father thank you for our Civic leaders tonight May everything we do be pleasing to to you is our prayer and we ask this in jesus' name and now the blessing may the Lord bless you may the Lord keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he give you his peace amen councilwoman AAR with the pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you everyone all right up first is the approval of the agenda do I have a motion or any subs I'll make the motion for approval I have a motion do I hear a second with a second from Mr King turn on my screen all right all right up the vote all right so moved all right up first is going to be the proclamation of national safe voting week all right so uh before do you want them up here now or after all right so if you guys want to come up here absolutely I was about to recogn if if there was an after thing all right so we have FWC the United States Coast Guard and that is it thank you guys for being here I appreciate your both of your time all right the city of Destin Proclamation National safe boating week whereas for over 100 million Americans boating continues to be a popular recreational activity from coast to coast and everywhere in between people take to the waters an enjoyable time together boating sailing paddling and fishing and whereas on average 650 people die each year in boating relating incidences in the United States 75% of these are fatal or fatalities caused by Drowning whereas the vast majority of these incidences are caused by human error or poor judgment and not by the boat equipment or environmental factors and whereas National safe voting week is observed to bring attention to the important life-saving tips for recreational boers so that they can have a safe more fun experience out on the water throughout the years and whereas safe boating begins with preparation the Coast Guard estimates that Human air accounts for most boating acciden and that life jackets would prevent nearly 75% of boating fatalities and whereas a significant number of boers who lose their lives by Drowning each year would be alive today had they worn a life jacket and whereas through basic boating safety procedures carrying life safety emergency distress and communication equipment wearing life jackets attending boat safety courses participating in free boat safety checks and staying sober when navigating we can help ensure boers on America's Coastal Inland and offshore Waters stay safe throughout the season and whereas during National safe boating week the US Coast Guard and the national safe boating Council along with federal state and local safe boating Partners encourage all boter to explore and enjoy America's beautiful beautiful waterways responsibly now therefore I Bobby Wagner as mayor and on behalf of the city council do hereby support the goal of the safe boating campaign and Proclamation May 18th through the 24th 2024 as National safe boating week and the start of a year round effort to promote safe boating thank you guys so much you guys being here you guys have anything to say appreciate that all right well he hold up yeah then we got a e all right I also appreciate them as councilman guile alluded to my average height thank you so much all right so up first in our order is public comments uh I'm going to start with my left y'all's right if anyone's here for public comments please uh walk your way up here name address push the button to make it red and you'll have three minutes yes sir uh thank you Council and mayor for having me named Don Dallas 442 Snapper Drive uh I said the last meeting we've been having the problem with the with the rain and water coming in our yards down our driveways filling them up I want to thank the city they did come out last rainstorm they had the little rain suits on taking some pictures I hope they got my driveway cuz it's you know pretty full and it wasn't as bad as rain as we had before we're still asking and and I'm sure that engineering is aware of it because they've been kind of working at trying to fix it but we need some kind of a sewer system whatever it is where Juanita comes in it T-Bones into Snapper Drive 44 let's see I'm two uh 444 is my neighbor his yard the other day wasn't swamp like it usually is it looks like a lake out there and they were intentionally or they they thought about putting a big uh grain right there in front of his house I like to see one on the south side of my driveway because I don't care if People's watering their yards or it rains I mean my driveway is like the streets here my driveway is like it and flattens out and it comes all the way up to my garage so anyway I appreciate them coming and uh I hope they can you know get out there and put a couple of I mean they got them on one too and they help a whole bunch they went ahead and dug out the uh uh you know on the side of the road there they dug it out but really it didn't do too good so anyway thank y'all appreciate it thank you Don for being here all right anyone else on my left all right middle left yep yes ma'am on Deck Gary Pavo uh lagona Point number five and here to uh try and set the record straight on a few things from the April 15th meeting that we missed um according to my contention it was because we weren't notified when I was here and did speak to you in the March meeting when it was originally supposed to come up we were told that we would be notified with plenty of Advance warning to to come it would may not have made any difference but at least we would have been here I noticed that when many of you were making comments about the presentation from the other side that you expressed uh that was a wonder that there wasn't enough comment from the um other side of dolphin point the reason being that we were waiting for notification and we did not receive it to our satisfaction uh so otherwise we would have been here I'm only tonight to clear the records straight I understand whatever I say cannot change anything that's already been done um if that's the case that's the case but the parking places were important to us were important to our families and whatever our portion of the destined public was so that was to be you know we wanted to make sure that you understood that from our standpoint uh so from that standpoint uh you know what I said previously we F we fought with Dolphin point back and forth for the years over the use of those parking places so this is not something that's new it's just one of the times that we have new Personnel new people and new owners that weren't familiar with the situation and able to react to the situation so we appreciate you giving the time to speak with you and to give the point of view that may not have been heard that night but was there and I also wanted to characterize from the standpoint that uh the U person who was making the presentation for Dolphin Point made the comment that Laguna Point uh directors whatever and the people were not interested in those parking places I assure you that is not the case you should have received a email from our director stating that he did not make any comment like that and that he was for the parking places being maintained as they were so that uh all of the people that I know that are there although I haven't talked with every one of them you have four units being sold right now and every one of them list as a major benefit access to those parking places because it because it is as far as the people that are living there and and working there so I thank you for your time and effort in trying to solve all the problems here in dtin and I just wanted to make those things known to you thank you thank you thank you Gary yes ma'am uh Janice Nicole Moran 208 Snapper Drive uh resident of the harbor District since my first home I purchased in 99 I'm here today to piggyback on Gary because I'm here with my boyfriend who lives at Point South which is the other property that is flabbergast Hood at the decision to remove those parking spots at 208 Snapper I have a 150ft front for two years now for your Poker Run I have let not one but two different big companies Park their trailers on my front they are entertaining not coming to our event anymore because of the parking issue in Dustin with that said at the end of norga point there's a paid parking why were these parking spaces never considered because the units that we live in I stay with my boyfriend I rent my house out two years been there and I'm shocked that a different side work walk is going in in exchange for maintenance because this means now that my boyfriend who's a disabled Army veteran can no longer have home health care that requires a parking spot all of the eight units at Point South require I'm sorry have two bedrooms most people in America have two cars in their home that means we get zero visitors with parking zero no daughter from South Florida to visit no massage therapists to come and give them their Wellness treatment and I don't understand it I think I heard that it was a little sketchy how we weren't involved to whatever fault that might be I understand it could be after the fact but with this new right of way if anyone wants to take a drive over to Marino Point Drive and see what happens at the end there if you take those parking spaces away there's no place to turn around except the oneway drive into our parking where we each get two two spots only and if our neighbors are coming in thank gosh we fish with these guys who by the way participate in your rodeo and the value of their home will certainly decrease for a sidewalk and a fence so our dog doesn't poop on their yard and medical access what if they gate falters at that point how does that ambulance get in there so I I ask you to reconsider this if possible because the eight owners who just had their homeowner annual meeting there was no additional parking we had to go to Target Park extra cars and um they're very disappointed thank you thank you anyone from the middle yes sir good evening uh James stter 28 Moreno Point Road Unit H uh Point South Town Homes U dolphin Point has uh three buildings and our hway is adjacent to two sides of it which is the I think you guys have seen in the plots and everything when it was considered we do only have one way in and one way out so if somebody's coming out right now we back out the person gets out and then they come back in the gate that was proposed uh if it gets there and you have two or three cars especially summertime there's no way we we're going to be able to get in and out of there I don't know if that was considered but uh and then also uh if I ever invited anybody to come over to go boating with us for the day there's no place to park for them it was overflow parking for us for both lagona point and us uh for years and years I mean 10 years it said RV no RV and trailer parking without permit and then two years ago maybe a year and a half ago in between there all of a sudden those signs are gone it says no overnight parking so we're like okay so when my daughters come in we parked our car in a public parking as far you know as close as we could but it's uh they were giving out tickets on those spots already so it's like should have caught on that something was going on then but I just figured it was just a norm will change him I get him close uh and on a closing note I I I uh I have another neighbor that's in my complex that submitted some comments I don't know who if I can give it to it's uh something about the egress issue Emergency Services right right there yep than uh thank you for your time have a good night thank you sir thank you for being here all right anyone middle right back all right seeing none I will close the public comments at this time and move forward with the consent agenda if I have a motion I'll make that motion to approve have a second with a second seeing no discussion calling the vote all right eyes have it unanimously so moved up next city manager report Mr leis zenu uh thank you mayor um good evening to you and council members uh the first report we have for you um has to do with the uh direction that you give us at the last meeting uh where you asked us to work with the delin Point Community and prepare a hold Hess and maintenance agreement for your discussion and review um the city engineer and the City attorney worked on that and they're here to present uh their findings good evening mayor and Council um so I did put on your table the email that I got I'm not sure if anybody else got an emails but that's the one I got yeah I just want to point out in that email it says that and it was stated earlier today that uh we were promised at March meeting to be notified far in advance on the next meeting and when it when it came up again and we were not we did send but notices out to everybody that lives Within 300 ft that's why we got so many emails back and people coming to speak um those B notices were sent out on February 26th for the April 15th meeting and then we sent out a nois for tonight on April 25th for tonight's meeting and the gentleman that spoke was on both list mail list so I'm not sure what happened with the mail there but everything was sent out in accordance with our code um so moving forward uh we do have the hold Harless and maintenance agreement um as requested so if you have any questions um it should be pretty standard this is a standard hold harmless that we use around town for other stuff right with that do I have a motion or discussion I'll make the motion to approve as WR okay motion to approve as written do I have a second we're going to die of a lack of a second I'll second for discussion all right all right so seeing that there's discussion do we have discussion all right seeing no discussion I oh all right come on how long you want me to wait here all right all right counil bag okay uh okay maybe I miss misunderstood what you just said the first notice was sent out in February for the March meeting is that what you said uh no February 26 was in February the meeting was in March February 26 B notices were sent out for the April 15th meeting okay and so then in when were they so for this that doesn't even make sense to me what was the second what was when was the second notice sent out a uh April fth for this meeting okay all right and when you say 300 yards from the parking spots 300 ft from the project yes I'm sorry 300t from the parking spots or from Dolphin Point Steve can you answer that it's from Dolphin point the property itself you could be more than 300 ft from Dolphin point and still be affected by those parking spots I'm sorry Tamara did I say something bad oh you got it good job so I'm just the the property under discussion was not dolphin point the property under discussion was the parking spots oops not sure it has your name on oh has my name on it oh thanks you but you had it okay cool so I'm just ask I'm just asking but I assume we have a list of the people in the addresses that we sent it out to right yes sir okay and so we sent it out to both affected properties that have been represented here tonight we we confirm the current owners of those properties because I know the property appraiser website is usually about a month to two months behind real estate transaction so I'm just I'm just asking to make sure that we're as as far as I know we do use the property appraisers uh list um unfortunately that's what we have um and and it's a it's as far as the 300t distancing it was the the entire dolphin Point Property with a 300 foot buffer attached to it the Point South um properties were not included as part of the the the property used to create the buffer but they are within the 300 foot buffer for notification okay I think that thank you mayor um the only thing that kind of rubs me wrong about this is we've never been criticized or faltered for having too much public input too many public hearings we've not really had an official one that went above and beyond the statutory ments you know obviously there's some people that don't think we should do this and we've had two or three and whatever Communications we got um I think and I would like to examine if there are any other possible ways to address the problem as presented by dolphin point the biggest problem was people using those sparking faces to trespass onto their property and commit things that were questionable it's IL illegal or not is there some other way to address that main concern I didn't hear him say they just didn't want the law-abiding public parking in those spaces so I mean those spaces are not paid for parking spaces now I'm not sure if that would improve the situation it may well people who were there and didn't pay could could get a ticket you know so it seems that we have we are moving moving forward rather quickly all right councilwoman abar thank you mayor I kind of agree with um Mr D on that what what if since it seems like we might have more folks from the opposite side of this that didn't get to come in and put their thoughts in it if we can't make it public parking we want to make it to where it's just for those that are part of those two units if we put signs up and did like we did with a City Sticker they get a sticker in the apartment complex that they live in in or the buildings and if you don't have one of these stickers you can be towed or you're a guest of one of those apartments like have like a some sort of authorization if we leave the parking so that it's just for those units not for public you know misuse basically is there a way to work it to where that could happen um I can't think of an instance in the city there might be one where public parking is used to subsidize the developments and that's what's happening right now can I can I make a recommendation y JP in I don't want to cut you off I'll I'll let you I'll let you come back up here as well I I go ahead Johnny I'll defer no no I wasn't I was this is where my mind was going with it um you know it's maybe it's not ideal but what if we did make it to where it was and I'm this was my concern before was that there's a lot of other people that are affected by this they they spoke and said that they carry people way further than you know 300 ft uh which you know all the people 300t of dolphin point or from these parking spots were notified Point South is much closer to these parking spots is closer than even dolphin point my recommendation was going to be to do to make them public to where anybody with a a destined pass who has the Destin parking pass can park there so if if I live in point South I move my cars to I move my car to that spot for the day or whatever it is and my guests can come Park in my spot does that make sense yeah I that's that's kind of where I was going can we make it to where it has to be those folks that live in that building so that there isn't a lot of vagrant misuse of that area because that was the initial problem no I mean I was also point out if if we want to keep it like it should be brought to code and these things are too short and there's not enough space to make them to code so all right Jim and then I'll let I'll let the well I want to make sure Teresa and Johnny are done before I I'm done okay so I don't want to make it for two developments any more than I want to make it for a dolphin point but what is the width of those nine parking spaces I believe 9 ft I believe it's 9 ft no no that's the width of the parking spaces the width of the total nine spaces is what 81 9 by9 okay so if we go on 20 feet it you could get four parallel spots because they're sticking out in the road they do not meet our code so I'm not going to vote for something that doesn't meet our Cod but if you make them four parallel spots and put paid parking there or put where just like somebody said you know you could park your car I'm I'm not giving stickers to people who should already have stickers so but if you want to put your stickered car in that parallel spot and you want to put your daughter or your massage therapist or your priest or your whatever in that parking spot you know and your ass signed parking spot I don't have a problem with that and then if somebody's parking there that shouldn't be parking there ticket them okay and that should cut down a it cuts down the parking spots I I would put probably three maybe four if they fit but they got to fit to code and that that's the thing so I would request that um we have staff go out there do some measurements I'm not sure you can the parallel spot would even fit into code I think they they're 9 ft deep or 10t deep so that would fit the width and then you got to figure out how many other ones you can get in there but does that make sense it does make sense uh we can definitely look into it um I would say if you think of it from a logistical standpoint you'd want to be parking coming away from Dolphin point to pull into parallel spots so you're forcing everybody to go past the two developments and figure out how to do a U-turn turn around to get back to do the parallel spots well eventually they're going to have to do a U-turn anyway cuz if you have them going this direction then when they pull out they got to do a uturn to go back out if you have them go I mean so the U-turn thing doesn't really at some point going in or coming out they're going to have to do a U-turn I would rather go do the U-turn and pull in and then that way I can just pull out when I'm ready to leave but it doesn't doesn't matter so I'm gonna uh make a substitute motion that we ask staff to go out and evaluate the feasibility of parallel parking where those nine spots are as long as they comply completely with code and and that doesn't mean the tires are sitting in the road that means they completely comply with code so that's that's my motion I got a second by councilman King uh Council meston I I was just going to comment for us and and I'm going to support the motion because it it if the parking spaces are a problem it at least reduces the number but as far as them not meeting code I've could go out and show you 50 to 100 that are on the RightWay right now that were there before 10 years none of them meet the code but like I say it will reduce the problem if it is a problem if we incorporate Johnny's idea about saying you have to have a destined pass and then that should reduce it down to just people who live in dtin those two steps would at least be steps in the direction of addressing the problem without completely abandoning the parking okay councilwoman nebor well to reiterate what Mr D is saying you're basically once you make those paid parking anyone with a desk and sticker can park there and they don't pay so you would use those four spots for the those that live in that area they would park there and have their guests Park in there a signed parking St stall at there unit but seeing the sheriff walking this way I think he's probably got some ideas that might thwart what we're trying to do we thought it was safe to go out well go ahead and let you you go ahead take some time now so there was a lot of talk at the last meeting about uh crime activity criminal activity down there and uh I have no doubt that the data that the lady provided is correct but as I mentioned last time just because there's a call to service doesn't mean that it's a crime that's committed so I went and pulled for the last year um from May 523 to May 5 24 and there's 115 calls to service down there but when you take away everything that couldn't have anything to do with the parking spaces such as medical emergencies um welfare checks uh things of that nature you end up with actually 36 calls to service out of those 36 calls to service only six were were reports were actually taken three of those were burglaries one was a theft one was a warrant service and one was a found property so you know the the you had seven 911 calls down there which didn't equate to anything criminal you had one suspicious person call one suspicious vehicle call um again those didn't you know that's not to say that something criminal wasn't taking place but when we got there it was either had gone we we couldn't prove anything criminal nature of it or there would have been a report so uh you know basically um Marina Point Falls in District in zone 25 and in zone 25 over that same time period Point 4% of the calls to service that we answered was actually in that area and that's included that 115 so that's not you know you're talking about the total cost of service is only 4% I went back and looked over the five over a five year period over the same months and our cost to service down there total cost to service was only 6% uh so I'm you know I can't say that there's not a crime occurring down there right right now this minute but I can tell you there's a lot of other places in our area that are seeing a significant significantly more calls to service of the nature of activity 6 of the cause in all of dtin all of Zone 25 Des makes up Zone 25 and Zone 27 for us Zone 25 is everything to the west of airport so the harbor yeah the harbor District that's what my neighbor so while you're there that our suggestion turning this into four parallel spots that's not why you were coming up to thwart that idea you were coming up to clarify yeah I just wanted to clarify cuz there it's not a crime ridden area cor we could probably help both units by turning it into four parking spaces par parallel and then make it to where it's paid parking or city sticker parking yeah it I don't have the Sheriff's Office doesn't have any issue with it being parallel parking there all right thank you uh councilman Bagby yeah no I appreciate that I call him Chief because he's our chief of police but the uh that that's not my main motivation that was my main vot motivation for for voting for it last time because I'm sure people go down there and park and get on liveries that pull up I'm sure there are kids that go down there and fish uh you know off property that doesn't belong to them or to the place where they're staying and people don't normally report those kinds of crimes because there's no crime there by the time you get there that Livery is gone so or that kid you know we're not going to arrest a kid who's fishing in the harbor I hope uh I follow the Johnny King you know sometimes we just need to all be nice to each other and that's that's what the solution is but uh I I do want you I I want I don't want to try to make everybody happy I want to do the right thing but I think the right thing here is better enforcement okay so every time we go down to the end of Nora point to check out that parking lot we ought to come back by Marina Point and if we keep parking spots there three or four we ought to check that and if they don't have a sticker give them a ticket uh especially you know if they outstayed their half a day welcome because the liery that they snuck on to you know is still out in the water or something but I I I think there's a solution here that hopefully uh we can all agree to but all right and then with that I was going to bring up uh the other party if you guys have any anything final Alisa belter 30 Marino Point Road dolphin Point first to the sheriff back there I'll take that as a compliment back to my board for the last two years of those low stats first of all I don't think we should ever you should say hey this is a less traffic or less problem area than this one over here that's never my goal to be your highest stat I always want to be your lowest stat and that includes for my neighbors over here at Point South and lagona because we all are neighbors in that culdesac that's my goal is to always be the lowest percentage but that is a compliment to my board because we have worked vigilantly to really try to help I try not to call 911 because we have too many more important issues so wanted to say that to our neighbors here first of all please address the board okay I'm sorry that are here one of the comments that was made about the um fishing rodeo and Boat Trailers boat Trail ERS are not allowed on holiday aisle so down on those public parking that has never been an option and also part of the problem with that overnight parking the reason we went back to the city I've spent two years it with every city staff person working on this I have put in hours with your city staff meeting your standards and trying to do all these things so I'm a little disappointed to get back here tonight and just because it's not convenient for them it's convenience issue it's a safety issue for all of the children and adults people crossing that street when they used to leave SUVs extra long Denali there was one that stayed par there 3 months they left it there that was one of our neighbors and so what we're trying to do is to make the whole area safe the other thing is you know that we will be back for it's 50 ft of right away within our between our two buildings it is not out in the road I do want y'all to come and visit and see that but I have been here for two years in Ryan's office every other day Joe bod Lewis and then I've got Charlie Clary we have all been working your standards are way up here and I'm having to jump way up here for parking and our Lots with what we're doing with Gates and fencing there are all these rules y'all expect us to follow at Dolphin point we have to have so many parking places per tenants so many handicap spaces there all these rules you're requiring of our owners so so for their argument to be they don't have enough parking for their guest and people personally I don't think that's a problem for the city that was a problem for their architect to have figured out when those were built I'm sorry and actually I will let you know as a historian because I have been there since 78 there was no point south and there was no lagona point and I have original drawings when I was 14 those parking places were not put there for those two properties they were put there when dolphin Point was built and they really were part of our property and I have all of that documented so I just want to let you know that but I'm really a little bit disheartened by the fact that I have worked so hard with all your city staff and we're trying so hard and spending a lot of money to do everything y'all want us to do and to do all of the the water spill areas all of these things so you don't have problems here we've never said no we've said let us open our checkbook let us do it just like the city wants it every te crossed and every dotted and so I think then for you to penalize us because they've come and said well we don't have enough parking on the weekends well you know what we only have two parking places per owner as well and we deal with it we never use those public parking places we find a place or we limit our renters and our owners and if it becomes a problem we're going to one car per owner because a lot of properties do that but we're setting that we also as far as having their handicapped people and they caretakers we have to provide handicap spaces in our parking lot which we could I would love to have those for other people to park but we provide those and every parking place we lose in this drawing we have to Garner it back somehow based on your rules so I feel like in a little bit I'm being punished I've spent two years jumping through hoops and going through every meeting every one of these preliminary meetings and hearings I have been to so to start over now because a couple of people have an issue and it's not convenient for them they've been noticed both their board presidents I sent drawings to them I have shown them there won't be anything in our fence and gating that doesn't pass through this group first it's going to have to pass through Lewis's desk and everybody on board Charlie Clary every time he is constantly working on drawings as well as John towns and our lead Council working so I think that's where I'm a little frustrated here I have found the city staff to be outstanding and then I get here and y'all it's almost like you've squashed two years wor of work and all we're doing is jumping through hoops to please the city of destined standards so I find that a little bit unequal there and the data was all I could get I'm not a professional investigator I pulled all of that so um I did the best I could there so I just think like I said we're having to reconfigure and we just had to pay a civil engineer to reconfigure our parking lot where we're going to put a gate and it is to provide adequate parking and handicap parking so I think that's something those two units they should work out themselves within their property it is not up to the city to provide overflow convenience or for their golf carts that's the other thing that's not what we're about and it is a safety issue for the people and whether they know it or not those of us that live there and are documenting with cameras we see it and it is a safety issue and the size of the parking places and cars sticking out is an issue thank you so much thank you all right seeing anyone else I don't have my screen up anyone else have a discussion yeah go ahead so these parking spots are on Dolphin Point's property right no they're in the city RightWay City RightWay okay they no sidebars please seeing no further discussion I'll call the vote can we can we oh direct my motion was to direct St staff to go down and see if parallel parking is an option I'm not even sure it's an option see if parallel parking is an option if so how many spots uh in on top of where those nine spots sit currently and report back to the council okay all right everyone clear calling the vote all right I have it to do some more due diligence on the parallel all right so moved all right item um 4B is a presentation on the city's Mobility plan uh project listing is also uh the phasing of those projects uh the city engineer and our Consultants are here to make that presentation to you all right there's a long history to this so let me catch you up on it um February 20th of this year uh we brought this item to you all to talk about the prioritization the list uh we took it through some committees and the motion at that time was to have the staff take it back through the Committees to make sure they're fine with the privitization as presented and then have another public Workshop after that motion was made uh we took it to the parks and rec committee on March 5th um and that passed as the list was presented with no changes then we took it to Public Works Public Safety on March 12th and that passed um as presented with no changes then we took it to the local planning Agency on March 21st um that had a recommended change to remove the CP3 project from the priority list um and that passed 40 then we took it to or held a public workshop and we had no additional feedback and only one person show up um so now we're back to you uh I will say that the local planning agency's recommendation to remove C3 or CP3 um not really a fan of that this is a planned list up till 2050 and obviously the city is going to be changing evolving developing growing hopefully between now and 2050 so we don't really know what all the needs are actually going to need to be around 2050 so why not leave it in the list this prioritization was on the Final Phase between 2042 in 2050 so it doesn't hurt anything to have it in there so just have it in there and it doesn't have to be built uh we will be revisiting the list periodically throughout the years to rep prioritize based on what's happening in the city and what the current needs are so why not have as much on the list as possible um to keep our options open um so that's kind of my opinion based on lpa's recommendation and from there we have three TP here um to answer any technical questions about the list um how it's put together uh any questions you might have on specific project um we can we can talk about those too all right Alan do you have anything to add at the beginning I do not all right good deal all right I'm assuming this might get a little in the weeds so I'm hoping to take this very methodically because I would love to get something passed tonight even if we're going to be changing moving and calling Things Different by the end of it um ideally I would love to talk um projects that you guys have opinions on that you guys have heard to your constituents about if there's anything individually once we get that sorted out I'm assuming at that point it' be the next logical step to then with any subs or changes or denials of these projects then visit the priority list and hopefully at that point we're not just going to be bouncing off the wall and forget where we're at so that's at least where I'm thinking this goes um but again y'all I I just get to hit the button so with that councilman Dustin thank you mayor I guess I'm getting confused with English language LLY in my old age but the motion was clearly to set a public Workshop it passed 60 neither of those options are in this recommendation tonight and I'm confused were were you guys confused about what the motion was what what options I didn't get what you said I said the motion is quite clear and it was to set a public Workshop to let the public examine the priorities and that was a workshop with the council I believe uh we did set up a public Workshop it was held on March March 26th and only one council member showed up and that was the only person to show up I I understand however the motion was the motion is quite clear in plain English what part didn't you understand about that I'm lost right now me to what hav I said the motion it was to set up a public Workshop to discuss the [Music] priorities and neither that is not one of the options that is before us tonight instead we have an option that the staff wants to work with a consultant to to come up with the priorities you know the intention of the motion was to let the public come and give us their opinion on what the priorities were and I understand we had a workshop but I'm I was asking for another one since we didn't get hardly any input and there was only one council person there my uh my intent was to have a workshop in front of the council a council meeting this was a workshop held after okay I I'm understanding the difference I believe that council member dtin is saying not just a workshop but a city council Workshop meaning here with the city council ex with the public that comes and talks to us I mean that can be set up if that's what council wants to do I mean that's that was the intent of the motion and when I read it it appears to be that's what it says yeah there was a there was a a workshop held but what you're saying is before the city council yes okay and I and that's exactly what the point of the motion was and I went to some of the other workshops um the attendance was great majority of that were staff members and the Consultants the only people we had there that were actually from the public were I think I made a count there weren't that many so in my mind we've still not let the public give us any opinion on what they think are the priorities I mean I disagree I think if we're going to do another workshop with another lack of performance maybe we should change our approach what what would make this Workshop different than the past workshops from this topic and other topics where we get about the same amount of attendees and hopefully we will be able to do an outreach program that would work a little better anyway the workshops that I've went to that discuss these priorities have been almost M made up totally of our staff members in in a few folks but uh you know in my opinion we've not gotten the public input on these priorities at all yet and I would like to think we should since this is as uh as our engineer says this is a plan that goes forward for a lot of lot of years and entails how many millions of dollars should we be a build out 150 150 million okay so we we start the planning for that 150 million with very little if any public input not a good way to work I mean I I would say that if correct me if I'm wrong this plan is of course us Gathering all the data it doesn't hold us accountable for any actions there not it's not link using into anything and the fee adoption is where we could then adopt how much of that fee we're going to be presenting I would love that whatever we final number we come up with 150 is a lot whatever number we settle on for these projects just like the state I mean a matching Grand of 5050 that that puts whatever our final number is in half because now you're looking for not just the the fees that we're going to generate from this but also we would have to go and get grants if it's a worthwhile project I mean I see what you're saying I've done this online I've gotten a lot of feedback I can tell you what's going to make people upset as far as the NC's the new con the New Roads and I can tell you that people want bigger wider bike paths I mean I don't really see a workshop only for the sake that I was doing research my my own and we're here almost to the date a year ago when this was presented in draft one form now we're here two years later with five six different changes which were great add add-ons I'm just afraid we're kicking down a can for what end if if it's not going to create any new information on the table I just don't see a workshop boering any more productive conversations with all due respect your labor under the assumption that the public will not and cares not to participate in this process I think that's assumption to make it's not an assumption if it's a year of results is where I'm coming from is years of Workshop now where it's this topic or others I don't I don't see results changing and that's almost kind of falling into the insanity trying to do something over and over expecting different results so I don't disagree with more public input I just am questioning the the TAC on how we're going to grab that public input How would how would you like to gather that public input since you don't disagree with it um I mean I I think I've at least to make myself feel comfortable on what I brought tonight for my notes I've done it how I do it which is online and have grabbed over 5,000 people's interactions and boil it down to the common threads I mean everyone's got a different approach of course not everyone in there is going to be a destined resident but a lot of them were especially those who had bad things to say about some of these projects like nc1 and two they were extremely vocal on on the west side of town about uh making their residential neighborhood that seems to be a little bit isolated in their own right now open up to potential through traffic which me and Ryan debate about of I'm on their side but I might be a nimi in this case um but I've I've done my research and I feel comfortable tonight and I don't think another public workshop with a single attendee is going to change much I would just hope that we had more but one thing for certain hope Hope's dangerous there is no such thing is having too many public workshops at least not in my mind and and the fact is since this is a plan that goes out 40 years waiting another two or three weeks or four weeks I would not think would be astronomically an issue okay I mean we we can debate all day I know where we both stand all right councilman Bagby so and of course I have about 80 questions for the consultant uh which 10 or so I conveyed to the staff the afternoon my pre-brief but I and I understand what you're saying mayor and and I you know the internet and platforms they're all great but the motion was to do a council Workshop not a public Workshop a council Workshop where we all check our calendars we say yeah I can be there that day no I can't be there I'm out of town or got business or I got it was a a council workshop and yeah maybe we do need to change our messaging our message ought to be real simple we are going to spend $150 million of yours and your kids money over the next 20 years you might want to come here and tell us how you want it spent is that accurate huh I don't think that's accurate of of our money this isn't taxpayer money is it not this is going to this is 15 going to get $150 million in Grants no I don't think this is to set development fees correct so new developers coming in will pay the fee that goes to the par to build these projects that that's exactly right and who do you think has developed Destin in the last 10 years primarily people that already lived here but Dy Keith Howard I mean we can go down the list but those are the people they and and guess what that money comes from people who are going to live here so they're going to pay it as their citizens I don't want to argue about it I I'm just telling you the motion was to have a council Workshop period in a statement we did not have a council Workshop we had a public workshop I'll take the fall on that I had a workshop that Council was invited to that's what I how I took it yeah so we just we just need to go back and fix and I get I get the man trust me I get the kick in the can down the road hell we still don't have the cross town connector and when I was in here the first time we bought that property thinking oh we'll have it in two years maybe four years at the outside 14 years later yeah it's like and I don't I hate kicking the can but the council voted unanimously to do something we have not done that yet we need to do that and we may only have six council members and one member of the public show up okay but when we come back that following week and if I remember the conversation correctly Mr dtin said one of us up here said well I don't want this to carry on forever you know we need to get this done before the summer where all these people get busy and they have time you know they can do it now and so he said okay within the next six weeks I want to have a council Workshop so this was back in whenever it was February or I don't even remember now I'm getting a little more when was the workshop yeah February 20th was the motion so we're going to do it by the middle of April you know have a council Workshop so that we could be all done before the summer hit before everybody said I'd love to come and tell you how to how $150 million ought to be spent but I'm working 15 hours a day right now because this is my five months to make money so I would just ask that we go back we do exact and I would say uh you know we're never going to get it done probably before Memorial Day just putting all our calendars together I would come early on the second meeting or I would stay late on the second meeting in May if that's what it took to to get this done because we get past Memorial Day and we've we've lost another three months I'll just be honest with you because then I know we're only going to get one or two people here to give us feedback and input so you know I I don't want to go through my 80 questions with the consultant right now because I think I can get a lot of those answered between now and the workshop but I'll give you a flavor I want some objective criteria this 531 531 is good tell me what the five what makes up the five makes a project a five what makes it a three objective ly not well the LPA said you know they kind of like this first or I had people put dots on maps and that dot that project had more dots than this dot that's one objective criteria okay but I want to know you know I want to see cost I want to see safety I want to see uh you know 10 criteria objective criteria where we can say okay this is clear this project rates out at a 4.3 and this project rate out at a 4.47 and this project rates out and then okay that's some input and then we get to be the subjective criteria makers okay but cost ought to be one of those obviously from mine uh I did go and look mu8 is within the city limits unless it's going to uh land or terminate on uh the school property which is not the school will be coming here moment they voted at their board to Annex in okay uh and I understand why there are no priority scores for the cross town connector I didn't understand the as we discussed in the earlier call the phasing of the cross town connector because the mo if you mve and demob six times you could have already done two of those segments or two of those phases on the cross town connector just you know doing a mobilization demobilization remobilization four months months later demobilization and kind of we didn't hit what I consider one of our priorities and that is the stalman 98 intersection we've got a grant from the state for 100,000 200,000 250 250 okay that uh representative manie was gracious enough and um Senator I just saw him last week Panama City oh uh Trumble Trumble got for us uh yeah our our Senator not broxon yeah y'all getting old with your age over there BRX but the relieving the congestion when we do the cross town connector and I understand your your point of view we by this plan and this is primarily a staff consultant plan and I don't have a problem with that because we got to start somewhere but this plan doesn't see the cross town connector being finished till 2040 2035 I can't remember what you told me today which one well obviously we'll finish the last main part soon but this is a betterment plan of the crossone connector you know it doesn't I didn't see any integration of the undergrounding plant any overlay I should say of the undergrounding plant so what I want to make sure we avoid that we do this smart intelligently I don't want to go in and do this beautiful Improvement and then come along and rip it up up so that then we can bury the wires underneath the okay that is a good thank you I got one okay well I got about 60 more to go but I I'll wait until we uh I can sit down with the consultant and Ryan and they can just walk me through this all right question would just a question for you all because of your oh Johnny did you have just a question if if staff was um able to do it on May 20th our next Council date at the end of this meeting I was going to call for an executive session at 5:30 so my question for you all is is 4:00 or 4:30 a reasonable time do you think for for the public to be able to attend a workshop maybe between 4: and 5:30 or is that too early it's too okay Mee at time because May 13th is another possible option which would be next Monday and then it could be a six o'l or at 5:30 and don't forget May 13th 6: PM is we've already advertised as budget Workshop number one so this would just be a second topic on that for that Workshop that we've already advertised for that evening that may Will May 13th though that's pretty short notice today is the ah you know folks people who care about it will show up and maybe they won't um but we need to do the workshop which is what the motion said and and I'm at a loss what under Robert's Rules how do you make a motion to uh to do what the motion said prly previously so you know do we need to make could just make a motion for a specific date that would be consistent with your prior motion yes and if staff thinks they can do it on May the 13th then I you know it's only a week but I will try to shake the bushes to have people who care about this money uh being spent in in the roads that are going to be built regardless of whose money it is so I'll move that the uh public Workshop be added to the budget workshop on May the 13th and we'll give people an opportunity to come tell us what they think all right councilman King second second yep second through councilman King and up for discussion King yeah normally I'm I'm Pro not kicking the can as well I me I like the points that were made um the D gum I lost where I was going with this um I'm with you I think the it's a lot of money for our future for you know us our kids our grandkids to be forking up to to do this without some public input you know some the main thing I wanted to say was you know of late I've seen a an influx of uh social media posts so hats off to Tamara and her crew um I think that you know if we were to we since this Mo since this Workshop was brought up and this was brought up we've totally revamped our um our notifications so I think that we could probably draw a crowd you know if we go about it in the right way um but I would like to see a I'd like to see a council Workshop where we can discuss all this cuz there I've had people reach out about it um that didn't have a chance to chime in so I'll support that is there another date that gives us a little more time to notify the public you all could do it on any Monday we were suggesting dates that Council already has meetings for your convenience really so you didn't have to come out again and same with the public they might already be here for the meeting um but it can be probably most any Monday May I please have clarification just because it makes a big difference on what we're sharing are these subject to being live streamed yes the the budget as well as is yes thank you I don't care if they call so the the Monday after the 13th that's our May 20th meeting and that's when we have an executive session at 5:30 that's why I was asking that question about 4:30 I guess we'll leave it on the 13th and do the best we can if that appears to be the only time we have unless you don't want to unless you want to do a day of the week that's not a Monday soon the better it doesn't matter to me but if the council doesn't want to do that so the motion as it stands now is May the 13th coses you're still up if you want to you got anything else oh no no as far as discussion yeah okay okay I guess you got your eyes out of the way all right councilman gal I wanted to say I understand your point of view there Bobby I really do um but I totally agree with the fact and and we've run into this in the past when we have a motion it's the whole reason we're up here and we dedicate our time is so that uh what we decide actually means something so um it's it's a little disrespectful when somebody disregards what that motion is and files their own agenda um additionally I would like to see somebody here for the nc6 because even though I live in Indian Bayou if the city's responsible for the roadways and the storm drainage I realize they don't want to connect nc6 to Indian Trail uh in my opinion if they don't want to they need to take on responsibility for that entire neighborhood that HOA needs to take on the fees for that entire neighborhood for our all storm water and roadway it should not be a city burden if we're we're not willing to connect that neighborhood to the rest of the city no absolutely I'm I'm I'm going to yield on most of mind is if we're going to get this done in a week y I'm happy on that um just okay all right Council neigh thank you mayor I just wanted to say that I think the sooner the better and I think next Monday the word's already out that we were going to have a public Workshop adding this in there and those care they're going to show up so let's get this done councilman BBY so Tamera you're our Communications expert is that enough time because what I don't want to do I'll be honest with you I don't want to you know there's good fast cheap pick two one of my favorite sayings and you know we're going to get it good and cheap but we're going to do it fast and we may not get the amount of feedback that we want but I I'm sensitive to the kick in the can argument too so I just want to ask you is that enough time what what's the how much time do you need well what we did before was we had news releases we had stuff out on social media we did social media ads and we did radio ads so I think that if we want to do this on Monday it's imperative that you all do what um Mr Dustin was talking about and reach out individually to the people that you think are have a vested interest in this because I I mean we've reached capacity in the way we can Outreach I'm certainly open to other ideas you have but we are doing what all the other cities have done if not more um yeah all right uh and I will try to call in uh I have to go the Alabama uh Florida TPO meeting in Pensacola that afternoon at 2 o'cl and I have a congressional oversight hearing on insurance uh that morning in Pensacola so I will be driving back from pensol I was pretty sure I could make the budget hearing but I'm pretty sure I won't be here physically to make this hearing but I I will attempt to talk to Ryan and the uh our consultant before then to make them aware of all my concerns all right and then I just want I had a question as far as we're talking it's a lot of money 150 but this plan if I walk it through we're creating this plan so we can then justify the fee adoption for impact fees because currently we're subsidizing development with taxpayer dollars so this isn't necessarily our children and grandchildren paying for this because right now we have the the model set up to where yes they are paying for development in Dustin this would allow us for the development to pay pay their own way forward so that our children don't have to pay for the development of Dustin so that's why I'm just very passionate about this a week is plenty of time I'm excited about it and absolutely Jim you qu more time yeah I got I got just because that was my last point I was going to make and I understand y'all's point and there's no no one up here that's been a bigger support of making each of these programs pay for themselves I can tell you that over the last 20 years but the point I wanted to make is every single penny we spend up here is the citizens of Destin's Penny and it doesn't matter if a developer paid it if they paid it if the state gave it to us or the federal government gave it every penny we spend is their money that we could spend on something else so that's the sell I want to make them this is your $150 million I don't care who put it in the bank account it's your $150 million because all that money is fungible okay and they need if they don't care how we spend that $150 million that's fine they don't have to come they don't have to call in or whatever but it is their money all right good point call on the vote all right eyes have it next Monday everyone online you know where we'll be all right 4 C yes it is for the consideration of the contract Amendment for the crossone connector uh the city engineer um so we have amendment number five in your packet um for $10,300 $37.50 um and we are proposing to take that from gas tax 2 um so uh here for any questions for Crystal or I I move to approve of the amendment number five using the funding from gas tax two number two I'll second that all right Motion in a second seeing no further discussions I'm call the vote okay awesome all right good deal I to have it so moved and on that topic I want to thank uh Council Wan abber for joining me at the TPO for a vote I guess we didn't need but nonetheless we were safe for yeah uh for your information we have for you the courtly investment report uh if you've got any questions the uh Finance director available all right seeing none oh I'm sorry uh I thought we were going to and I I understand Stephen's here okay there he is the uh that we were going to have the measurement and I guess you manually put in the measurement Crystal to measure against the Florida yeah go ahead yeah so um I I pull down the reports from Florida Prime each month so that I can calculate the the averages uh that I put into the agenda cover pages into the tables uh your request at the last council meeting uh where we had a quarterly investment report was you asked if Raymond James could include the Florida Prime Benchmark on uh their Raymond James report and uh Steve K is is here and you're welcome to call him up to the podium but I understand it's it's not possible possible for Raymond James to do that but um Steve can answer the question more clearly I think yeah I guess my question is I understand it's not in your system and you haven't paid for that report or whatever but why can't you manually import it in just like Crystal manually imported it in for this report I I appreciate the question and I'd ask the same thing the answer is from a regulatory perspective we also can't create reporting numbers it has to something that comes through an approved Channel essentially so we can't make up stuff is the answer Crystal did you make this number up no she did not no she I I add everything that she's putting on there it we're not allowed to do it where where did you get this number did you just pluck it out of thin air uh no I I I pulled down the monthly summary reports uh from Florida Prime that they that they publish each month okay so and it's our greet upon Benchmark that we wrote in uh referenced in our investment policy correct okay so you you don't have the ability or you I'm trying to understand what keeps you from doing it besides both we don't have we don't have a data feed or licensing or whatever mechanism would would allow that number to be integrated and separately across the board we're not allowed to create performance reporting essentially out of thin air or using another source that's not part of our approved channels essentially okay so the the data is publicly available via fora Prime which was one of the reasons it was chosen chrst yes Crystal has good data but we can't integrate that is publicly publicly reported correct so you just need to get a license agreement to use that data I'm just trying to figure out why you physically cannot use publicly available data it's it's like the Dow Jones index I can tell you what closed at today I can tell you what all my STS closed at you know now you may not have a license to do that I'm just trying to figure out why we do in fact have a license for the for the Dow and the S&P and NASDAQ ironically yes it's um it's it's the regular can we see if we can get a license for Florida primes numbers or where do we get it I get it at prime. sba.com monthly summary reports right SBA publ just that right okay and y'all can't get an agreement with the SBA not that I'm aware of we can pursue it can you ask please we of course we can ask of course we can yes anything else seeing none thank you for your time okay announcements Dr T I'm assuming yeah um before before I give it to her I just got one um update for uh for you all uh regarding the um LDC all chapters uh for the new LDC are now available on the city's website uh hearings have started with the LPA majority of them have been reviewed you'll start reviews for them uh later on this month and then the months to come uh I just want to thank my staff for very diligently working on this effort uh it's one of a kind as far as we're concerned because we're not only do the LDC rewrite we're also updating the comp plan as well as the uh future langage map and um when we're all done for the first time in the history of this community all those three documents we talking to each other so I really commend my staff for not only doing the work that I need to do on a daily basis but equally uh tackling this very complicated process so and I want to also thank you for your patience as we work through this um Mammoth task so uh very appreciative of where we are and I'm very very pleased that we're almost at the Finish finish line Thank you thank you for your leadership pushing that through and getting it done thank you I think it's CU HR isn't in his building locking them in their rooms getting it done just kidding summer for the rest of the announcements sure in addition to the budget workshop and and what we just talked about on May 13th at 5:30 p.m. we'll also H host the SRS visioning workshop on May 22nd at 5:30 p.m. here in the annex we did have our first Kims Ridley nesting this year as a county so it's very exciting and it's a reminder also if you're out in the evenings whether you are a local or a visitor to please use the um special red flashlights and we do have those available at City Hall for folks if they'd like to swing by and pick those up we're working with the Coast Guard eth District to hold an openhouse on May 20th from 9: to 11:30 a. M we'll have media availability before then and we'll be sending out invitations to them but the open house is opened obviously to everybody and we would love to have a nice showing for that and we'll be talking about voting safety and having a lot of demonstrations available Andy and the IT folks are doing a demonstration tomorrow for the new online permitting and Licensing system and that's at 1:00 and you all should have received an invitation for that also the new voting machines that you all will be using go into effect tomorrow they appear to be pretty self-explanatory but Andy and his staff are ready to meet with you individually if you would like a run through of those just to get some a heads up on it but it's pretty pretty exciting fencing and some new fencing and Sea Oats were added in front of Tarpin and that was worked done through the county and Alex fog spearheaded that so we're very appreciative of that blessing of the fleet is this Thursday at 300 p.m. and we've received some nice positive feedback and appreciation from the public um toward toward you all extended to all for the role that the new captain Royal Melvin Heritage Park is playing with that this year and also the fact that you all wave the parking fees for that afternoon at merler parking so the fees were waved as you know as of 2 pm that day congrats to the mayor I'm being honored with the 2024 home rule hero award by the Florida League of cities he was recognized for his advocacy efforts over the weekend in Panama City be at a Northwest Florida League of cities meeting and was also elected as the second VP for the Northwest Florida League of cities so thank you for representing us so well Code Compliance and the public information office work together to create a flyer that you all should have up there regarding waste management and trash rules for overgrowth and brush in particular wanted to put that out quickly to folks um since spring cleaning is going on right now so Code Compliance officers are working to get those in the hands of um as many people as possible can we I don't know if we're allowed to put them in a mailbox or not we are really not allowed to do that so like the windshield of the cars in the driveway of the home we're what we're what the code compliance officers what the code compliance officers are doing is working to meet people shake hands share with them and do it in a very positive way yes that's all I have I've used up my one funny comment for the night okay so Public public hearings all right take it away okay this is ordinance number 241 LC an ordinance of the city of dtin Florida amending section 8.01 of the Land Development code right of way protection providing for findings of fact providing for incorporation into the Land Development code providing for conflicting provisions providing for severability and providing for an effective date this is first reading Noel thank you good evening Council and mayor um we we kind of put together a staff report that kind of covers both ordinances but obviously we had to separate each ordinance out uh for adoption purposes but basically the um the RightWay um language that's currently in the LDC uh regards to Construction parking we're literally um deleting that section um in that ordinance and um because the during the LDC rewrite all that is getting placed into the code of ordinances so initi so the L the 2401 LC is basically Del delineation of the construction parking um language in that that section um which is uh the six I think the um 801 80 8.01 A3 um so that's the first part um is that um ordinance approving that delineation of of that language in the land code correct and then when we do the reading for the next ordinance that will be the changes we are adding to the code so this is the deletion if you want to open it up to the public all right at this time seeing that is a public hearing if there's anyone here to speak on this topic specifically this is your time to do so seeing an underwhelming enthusiasm for this topic I will close the public comments and entertain a motion uh you reading I'm moving the city council approve ordinance 2401 LC on first reading and direct city clerk to advertise for second reading I have a motion on the table with a second I'll second all right seeing no further discussion call the vote all right I have it six we got a full house no 51 wait wait for seven all right Kim back to you ordinance 242cc an ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida creating section 1821 of the code of ordinances protection of public right of way during permitted construction activity providing for findings of fact providing for incorporation into the city code of ordinances providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing for an effective date this is first reading Noel thank you Kim um we we of course took this ordinance to both um Public Works and LPA um and LPA during that time we presented three options and they chose um to move forward with option three which we then brought back to council for their recommendation which was to move uh council's uh motion was to move forward with option three in an ordinance and bring it back to councel um so we did take that to LPA um on the April 4th um and then or on I'm sorry on March the 7th um they had some recommend recommended changes to what we currently provided um such as clarifying um adjusting the title to refer to permitted construction activities I uh clarifying the 5 foot to be measured from the edge of payment versus just the right away um or roadway I think it was I'm sorry and um clarifying sidewalk closures uh and obviously requiring a staging plan um and then we brought that back on April 4th uh which they then um recommended approval to city council with one more minor change which was to uh add language that the portet shall be anchored down so that additional language was added uh based upon lpa's recommended changes and now I bring it to uh councel for their recommended motion awesome all right seeing that this is a public hearing at this time if anyone's here to speak on this topic this is your time to do so all right seeing none I will close the public comments and entertain a motion I'll make it I move the city council approve ordinance 24- 02- CC on first reading and direct city clerk to advertise for second reading I'll second it motion a second and plenty of discussion up first councilman step you anything to add or is that okay all right next up councilman Bagby yeah Mr eston asked me why I voted against so I will tell you if you go to page three of four on the staging area plan uh and I think everybody up here knows but my experience is as Town manager of Rosemary Beach building watching the construction and managing the construction for over 500 homes on zero lot lines what we've done is we have tried to imp place a bureaucracy uh under in place of what I call the Johnny kingr of we just all need to be good neighbors so CU I kind of believe in that and when you par if you look at that that uh picture on page three or four you see a street so think of holiday day aisle think out by Marcy's house there's a street out there okay think of that the width of that street so the trucks can only unload on that street so they are parked in the street of course they're going to follow do guidelines we're going to have somebody a flag person at each end to tell us to go well the this says we're going to follow all applicable guidelines so we're going to have somebody at the front of that truck somebody at the back of that truck and then we're going to have the little person who actually drives a truck driving the little forklift okay unloading each one of those pallets of block or shingles or dry wall or whatever going back and forth into that construction site so which works really okay I guess if you only have one house on that street under construction at a time but guess what when you have two deliveries on that one two lane Street and whether they're on the same side or the opposite side now you got two trucks three houses three lots apart unloading loading people in the front people in the back trying to put people in plus you're blocking off the sidewalk uh which now forces people out into the street which I think is a safety issue I just think we and I understand I mean we want to manage things you know we want to feel like we're in control but sometimes you just got to trust people do the right thing and and I trust them to do the right thing uh I don't want to see a bunch of sidewalks closed I don't want to see you know some of these other things I understand why the staff did what they did you got direction from city council and by God we're going to do and you went to all the Committees and I appreciate that you have done everything we've asked you to do I just in my heart of hearts don't think we should have asked you to go through all this but it's going to pass anyway but that that's why I voted against it and that's why I will vote against this one right cestin I just had a question an what does anchor mean a a tent tag secure secure it down to the ground okay well I gu I mean typically you use like you would like for you know like Stakes you know almost like you do for a tent just I mean they do they T they're supposed to do it anyway when they deliver um not all of them do so we just we want the reason they want to have them secure to the ground is to help prevent from people tipping them if you will yeah y I've been on a construction when one got turned over it's not a not a pleasant thing um okay that was just I was just wondering if we had some kind of definition of what secured was I guess that'll be up to you guys to figure out all right seeing no further discussion I will call the vote on 24-02 CC by golly he's consistent eyes have it all right that is concluding cluding the public hearing so at this time we're going to go down the council councilman Stevens doing his homework all right thank you guys um well since we did a national safe boating uh week po I fig we'll just stay with boating stuff um actually before I go that um actually had someone actually apply for the local planning agency um I guess it's been an open position for a while and uh Larry card um actually um talked to me and said he was willing to do it so uh was hoping uh I can get uh everyone's support and uh um with appointing Larry cower that for I'm sorry that's a motion yes okay all right with the form of a motion and several seconds calling the vote all right guys have it you're in there congratulations all right then uh the next thing I got on on here is um I'm I'm looking to uh be the legislative sponsor for the liery ordinance updates um so hoping to put that in a motion um I guess the plans for me to work with staff and uh try to get the delivery ordinance uh to where it's a little bit more uh understanding a little bit more clear um do you want me to go into a little more detail now or should I wait for uh I'll make a motion to you as the resp can I'll second that motion all right councilman Bagby made the motion with the second with councilwoman AAR and seeing no further discussions call on the vote I put it on there for him all right so I guess I'm hoping to get with uh Kim and trying to get uh this ordinance uh maybe the first reading soon is that right sound good right eyes have it maybe you're I I thought we were going to talk about it on May 20th first in detail but it's up to you all now I now I have a question because I that was the path I was thinking okay if if we're talking about first reading then we might need to have a little more discussion agreed okay let's let's bring it up for discussion okay yes and that's we we've made we've discussed some clarifications to the definition and we can I'll bring a draft of that on May 20th there you go and then if everybody's good we can go to First reading okay great I like that better all right and then uh um one other topic is um there's is the moing harbor field plan um I guess there's been a lot of discussion on having a Harbor Master that can have jurisdiction on water and um really it's just previous council members are saying that we need it and unfortunately the Harbor Master has no jurisdiction on the water so just trying to come up with a plan to where we can actually do that um so I made a PowerPoint slide I don't know if you all want me to kind of go over it or just kind of give you guys a rough uh thing on it um am I allowed to get that clicker or oh okay that's true all right well how do I do it perfect all right so pretty much this is an example of a moring harbor um and uh pretty much it's got moing balls on it and uh and um pretty much uh we got have some local ordinances and all that stuff to make it happen um so Waring field goal so pretty much uh in this uh pretty much it's to um I'm just I kind of lost my train of thought as you see here's a whole bunch of the goals to make it happen so I'm going to try I'm going to try to make this fairly quick um that having a Mor in Harbor it's actually going to meet a lot of the prioritized strategic goals for City Destin it's actually going to meet some of the harbor CR District goals and it's it's going to um meet some of the harbor capacity steering committee um recommendations and uh it does have a lot of benefits U to dtin I mean there's a lot of safety benefits um it gives it to where we can have a Harbor Master that actually has jurisdiction on water um it's going to potentially prevent um um vessels from breaking away and um damaging um other people's problem property um and all these vessels that will be using these moing um balls um they'll have to meet um US Coast Guard standards so this will hopefully prevent any der vessels actually occurring in our waterways and hopefully we can get to the at risk program first before before we get to that point um other benefits that um that we'd have we'd actually have a pump a pump out station um it it would bring um more business to our economy um so we don't have anywhere for all these Loopers come through um I know Pensacola just recently started looking at it so Pensacola could be one stop we can be another stop and these uh people coming through can actually partake in restaurants and and um using some of the stuff in our area um So currently um we actually have three locations in in the city Destin that are considered Three Harbors um one um there's actually two of them in the harbor uh one right there uh the other one's there and then the other one's actually in Joe's Bayou um so uh my recommendation is if we do do a moing field um is and these these red locations aren't exactly where I mean we' probably have to get further input on it but um having um them in the harbor and then potentially having them in Joe's byou and the reason on that is um right now sailboats can't get underneath a bridge so this kind of gives uh options for uh people Sail to uh kind of choose which moring field they want to go to um and then um where one Harbor bevard is I know there's still a lot of questions on what we want to make of it but um what we could do is we can have one Harbor Boulevard be our Upland facilities on there um this just an example what a morning ball looks like and how it works um so this is a presentation that was kind of done um a while back um but having um one Harbor Boulevard um provide all the Upland facilities this will meet the standards for the moing field um key things are restrooms indoor showers having dingy docks garbage disposal and a sewage uh a pump out station um other things I'd like to see there is um have a harbor master um um uh building to where they can actually operate out of um here's just more example of what a pump out station looks like um this is example what um dingy dos look like um I guess this some of the questions that I'd like to probably um I'll probably make a motion towards the end but um I don't know all the details on this so hopeing if we do go this route kind of see if staff can provide a little more input on this and see how accurate it is and see and key thing see how plausible this uh moing facility is um what this is um you have to have a moing field management plan um this just kind of outlines what's required and uh then we also have to have some principles of the moing harbor um and like I'm not going to go into too much detail because I don't want to waste a lot time um it did get emailed to city council earlier so um all the agencies that are that have to be involved we have to get City Des involved okoa County uh D um Army Corps of Engineers Coast garden and FWC because each one has a specific task to uh make all this happen and I did chat with uh the county on it and they said that they're willing to uh uh work with us if this is something that we want to do um so back in the day or we worked on the um the harbor capacity study and what came out of it was uh did we had to do the the cap 107 study um so one of my um thoughts on it is to maybe see about pitting the more moing Harbor idea adding it to this and see if the Army Corp of Engineers kind of give some input and see how this would all work um and I guess what I'd like to really see what the um Harbor capacity steering committee could do is to see if we can they can come up with a harbor a harbor master plan and then we can suggest that plan to the Army Corps of Engineers um these are just some examples of uh things you can regulate in a or require um in the moing field and this is just a process of what we have to do to uh establish morning field you got a permit um and then uh get uh get all get all your applications you got to work on all your signage and then here's just all the legal steps that you have to do um and then of course you need to have what we've learned you got to have these public workshops and you got to get public input um and U there's a lot of questions that we'd probably have to determine and um like so if we get this point we can figure all that out um one thing is fees um there's been discussions of of the harbor pump in the back of how like we're having to um pay for it and this could be an option to help pay for those fees for the morning uh or for the uh Harbor pump in the back um and then here is just a whole bunch of grant opportunities um I was talking to Jeff Kad about some of them and uh um Pensacola um just um said that they were getting ready to do the American Rescue plan to um um pay help pay for the study idea so maybe we can kind of follow suit see what they're doing and then of course our Harbor Master position um from what I understand uh it's um it's kind of vague with some of the positions so these are just some thoughts of what we can require the Harbor Master position to to do and then if we do go this route we'd have to update the website to offer um um more information on the Harbor um or the moing field with opportunities for them to book online or or work with Harbor Master and then these are just some examples of other moing fields in the area um if the ones that have the slides y'all can click on those links and it goes directly to their uh moreing field details and you can kind of see how they do it so the key things the decisions that we have to make um I'm G to pull up my slide because I can't read that small um so pretty much U uh we need to recommend to the harbor uh CRA or Harbor board waterways to be the advisory boards on these um we need to figure out the moing field fees uh got I forgot the pump out station fees dingy do fees um if we want to do transi docks or if we want to go a different route do we want to allow commercial activity so there's a whole bunch of questions on how do we get this point but at least this just a starting point at least that's really all it is um so the key thing that I'm really wanting to do is uh um I I guess I want to make a motion uh to direct City uh the city manager to have staff review the potential moing Harbor plan and provide uh the feasibility of this plan with any recommendations second you got a motion and second second and a couple discussions up first councilman Bagley then King okay so Harbor one who has jurisdiction of that water I know we have jurisdiction in the harbor and in Joe's Bayou who has jurisdiction because I don't think it is us would that be the state wrong okay so if is the state going to allow us to put a moing field in their water FWC actually has programs for this and um uh I know that they have grants for it also so they they're actually um pushing I'm I'm I'm not even into the funding thing yet I know that's usually my main point ofis and I own it but my my question is specifically jurisdiction because I don't want us to invest a lot of energy and time and effort if at the end of the day the state has never granted someone a moing field and a place where they own the water because most of these Ming Fields you own the water Pensacola owns their water I say that would be the first thing we can look into to avoid spending too much time on something before we okay I'd also recommend uh public private Partnerships there's a couple people in that uh Harbor that are doing some Redevelopment and you might want to go check them out as well so and then you know if we can't do Harbor one which I think has advantages it also has some disadvantages of clogging you know depending on how how big a moing field we actually build but I figure we're not just putting 10 balls out there for you know I I figure we're going to have a moing field because I've always thought the the Harbor Master idea was you know it always sounds good on paper but when you actually look at what they're going to be doing it it never seemed to pan out but the so I don't want 10 balls out there and so we can hire and say we have a Harbor Master uh I want to know what the space requirement is and the proposed size of this will it fit in Joe's by you because one of my concerns is is if we can't do Harbor one I would prefer Jo just me personally speaking I would prefer Jo's byou because we have enough boats in the harbor and we have more people building to put more boats in the harbor and so now we we add a moing field out there that's large enough to actually warn a Harbor Master and I think we're we're just if we haven't already killed the Golden Goose that'll be the last bullet in its head you know quick question on well one comment on that um currently in the harbor um there's a whole bunch of vessels that are just anchored up freely right there and unfortunately we can't do anything to them um so those are it's actually one Harbor Boulevard wouldn't be where the moing field would be that would be where the Upland facilities are the moing fields would be somewhere in the harbor and then somewhere in Joe's Bayou yeah and that's my favorite part about this is the control without the volume maybe but all right uh counil M King thank you sir um I personally think it's a great idea seems like it's a big undertaking uh you know I personally like if we if we ever were going to do a city marina I mean these two things could piggyback on each other I'm sure that I'm not trying to throw this in on your your topic but you know that's going to need all these considerations as well um you I think it's a step in the right direction does this um let me ask you one of the questions I had was in the harbor does this moing field does it what are the rules on moing outside of it let's say the people don't want to go through the process of you know reserving a moing ball and so they're like well I'll just drop anchor right here and we got the same problem is there does that make sense is there a way around that from what I understand um you can you can anchor up outside the morning field no problem it's just within the morfield boundaries is where you wouldn't be allowed to okay okay so it it doesn't necessarily eliminate the the transient junk that's but it gives a Harbor Master to where they can have jurisdiction on if we have any ordinances down the line we can kind of control it I'm not saying it's not a great idea I love it I think it's great um I think these are just questions we're going to have what about what about hurricane prep in Joe's byou is this open for you know people to go is it a safe place to go dock up or you know tie up for a hurricane so um there is a a a moing specialist Thomas anron um out of t or out of Gainesville um I mean I'd say we could probably reach out to him to probably get some more input on that um but my thinking is I mean I'm just speaking out uh I would figure the Harbor Master if if there's a bad hurricane kind of like when a hurricane happens uh in the harbor all the vessels leave so I'm assuming we could probably tell the same thing to all the people that M up to the morning balls because they're paying either weekly or daily or or whatever so well hats off to you for putting that together that's a lot of information it's a lot to kind of process so thanks for your hard work on that I think it's great uh C mtin thank you mayor um the harbor Within in a CRA District we have a harbor CRA board I would suggest we send it to them as a first step um I had the pleasure of working in the keys when I was much much much younger and they were doing battles over moing peels the whole time I was there of course um some people loved them some people hated them I'm afraid if you try to establish one in chose bio we're going to get a lot of public push back from all those people that build those very nice homes um I would say some of the ordinances down there in the keys were written to prohibit anchoring outside the moing fields in other words you had to go to the moing field or you didn't you weren't allowed to Anchor somewhere else so there's a whole Myriad of possibilities but it was I'm going to tell you controversal the whole time I was down there there were people battling over the moing fields because the folks that lived on Shore didn't want 50 or 100 boats anchored out in moing fields where while you say you can't dump your your toilet in the middle of the night guess what happens there's just a whole group of things that go on so may well be controversial but I've always felt that people should be allowed to Anchor in public Waters and while the State of Florida will tell you they own the bottom lands in the harbor the city of Destin does have jurisdiction there because the city limits go across the mouth of the harbor and and Jo's bio so we have jurisdiction but they will say they own the bottom lands and we would not be able to establish it without their blessings but uh it can get quite quite controversial so we'll we'll see how it rolls but I would I would add if if Mr Stevens will add it to his motion that we send it to the harbor CRA to at least get their first look at it uh do you think we should actually see if uh if staff thinks it's plausible first and then then go to the CRA or should we go to CRA first you know I would say let the CRA look at it and we know it's it's possible all we have to do is spend the money okay I'm okay um um modifying the the motion to where we set to CRA and get their opinion I'll second that and I would also like to say that everything is controversial it is some a little more than others all right I got a motion of second amended everyone good on the sounds good all right call in the vote all right I have it is that that it I got one more thing um I'm sorry it's it's nothing it's nothing boat related though um so um I recently heard how uh recently heard how Destin Elementry is no longer offering in the uh arts in the in the schools um so I was more or less seeing or and then the parks and rec they're doing uh uh painting classes at Captain R Melvin park now um so I was just wondering to see maybe if we could pit in a motion to see if parks and wreck could look into the feasibility of offering maybe an after school art program um at the school or even a summer art program uh just to kind of keep the creative juices going on with these kids is that a form of a motion yes it is all right there we go so do I hear a second second motion a second councilman Bagby yeah that's that's not exactly completely true uh and I think you can see there was a uh I believe superintendent Chambers released a statement on what was actually going on with Ed arts and education and I would refer us uh maybe Tamara knows the statement that I'm referring to but I I would Mo I would do a substitute to table this until we get a little more information because I know there was a lot of hype out there and the world was falling and it was ending and there was going to never be art again at Destin Elementary School and that's just not true so I don't want us to get too far number one and number two uh the the school board has a responsibility we have a responsibility I think we learned that on the land deal where some some of us wanted to spend our fortunes on that land and I just want us Le let's do what we're designed to do and do it to the best of our ability and let the Schoolboard do what they're designed to do and I don't mean that I know I know that's out there and I know you're probably reacting to people multiple people probably that called you or came to your yard with their pitchforks about their kids art education but let's deal with facts here folks okay all right councilwoman so do we want to officially table this then um John so we can find out what the real facts are before we put this back on the parks and we to do something with it please do you know roughly how long we should table it for next meeting make a decision yeah I'm okay with that all right so motion on the table we'll motion table it do I have a second second all right no further discussion that's all I have there you go uh King guile confirm good deal all right all right all right uh Council m g I've got nothing all right councilman Dustin I'm going to pass tonight uh Bagby I think John used all my uh all right councilwoman abar um I had asked to put on under my name and it didn't appear here but I am looking for two committee members one for parks and wreck and one for the adjudant I'm not sure exactly what that is Ry um what that committee official terminology is of adjustment is it the board of adjustments is that what it is it um the board of adjustment has six members uh but it's bagby's Mr Mr Bagby so oh mine's off okay not not many I'm looking for a you know that do you know who I'm talking about she's about to pull her name off they're moving for the parks wreck Danielle Piper and and the other she's on the board of adjustments as well okay for the Parks and Recreation I think Mr Bagby needs to appoint one because Miss Lisa Mason moved out so and then uh for cc member abar you have Daniel Piper currently a member and Danielle Piper is has asked me to replace her in both of her committee positions because she is moving to Atlanta for family reasons so um I'll wait till I have somebody let me know or at least if you have somebody uh that's come to you and so when you have an opening I want to be on that board I know that we've had people ask about it so I'm just making it public that I need both of those boards filled and if anyone out there knows or has anyone they want to work with us let me know and I will nominate you for those committees thank you that's all I have Miss abar I think we just received one applicant lately shall I put that on the next agenda or please yes sir power of online put it on there and I will uh recommend that person as my replacement for Miss councilman King I would like to make a motion to appoint Miss Marlan scanland to the town center CRA advisory committee I'll second it see no further discussion calling the vote eyes Havoc congratulations and that's all I have tonight thanks good deal all right councilman Schmidt's not here I have nothing City attorney sorry I have a few but they'll be pretty quick um the first one is um your approval if you are willing to approve a waiver for any potential conflict of in interest on the white hat Productions um contract negotiations um the attorney for white hat and this is the company that was going to be contracted with for the purpose of conducting a mayor's ball um if you recall from the April 8th meeting so I move to direct the mayor to execute the attached waiver of any potential conflict of interest I'll second all right good deal okay all right call the vote appreciate that all right okay the next one is a call for an executive session to be held on May 20th at 5:30 p.m. in the city hall Annex council chambers in the following case Enclave community property Association Incorporated versus city of dtin case number 2023 CA 00315 in the First Judicial Circuit in and for Okaloosa County Florida um present at the meeting would be the city council the mayor uh Mr William Warner which is um an attorney for the city for insurance Eric Krebs another attorney for the city for our insurance myself the city manager um and that is it okay nope just letting you know Ray do you need you don't need a motion do you okay oh I I see and then the last item is the city manager contract um it is in your agenda packet for public review if anyone has questions um please let me know right do you need a motion to approve as yes ma'am I'll make a motion to approve as written I have a motion do I have a second I'll second motion is second any further discussions seeing none calling the vote oh oh there it is all right I have it congratulations congratulations [Applause] officially how is it for me my items are quick oh there you go John there take some notes just kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I love the homework I love the homework all righty no I'm GNA have some next time all right at this time our very last thing is public comments so if you have any public comments I'm going to start from the right this time and work my way left in counter order yes sir just push the button name and address and the floor is yours for three minutes hi my name is Matt Condon I reside at 99 Cayman Cove dtin Florida um I would like to discuss or just let me tell you why I'm here is to discuss um an administrative change by the city's administrators to not issue btrs to yacht Charters who are engaged in bearboat Charter operations um yacht Charters operate in a unique space between regular Charter and Livery but they are neither a regular Charter or a livery um yacht Charters are best described as captained excuse me captained operated bearboat Charters um currently or for the charter boat yacht charter boat owners several of them are present here um previous administrations have have granted btrs so long as they were captained operated and uh that's been changed now if they are deemed as a Bebo Charter captain or otherwise the btrs are not being issued um I believe this was perhaps from some uh abuse of uh the moratorium and which we appreciate um but I would um I'm here to suggest that um that this has ens snared existing yacht charter businesses by mistake akake perhaps um in that um to suggest a small um change in the administration to um um um not include yacht Charters as rental vessels which they are obviously not I do want to State for the record that all yacht Charters both in Destin and every other city that I operate in uh as a manager of yacht charter boats are all 100% captained operated from a practical matter with a million-dollar boat they're going they're not going to be rented so when this matter comes up for a discussion perhaps at the next meeting I would suggest carving out the yachts in a simple fashion by saying if the vessel is over 32 feet and is yacht certified that it not be included in the rental liery moratorium that's all I have yes I got a quick question sure I'm not I'm I'm I'm Flying Blind up here C Mo neighbor yeah um got the timer on I'm not really sure with this being public comments if we can comment on this or not but I would venture to Guess that what he's asking should be automatic I mean a million dollar yacht shouldn't be in the same bucket the the issue is is what uh he referenced which is the um unintended consequences for Del deliveries when that loophole is available but this is precisely the issue that council member Stevens and I have been talking about and that is going to come back to you on May 20th um the city staff and I and council member Stevens have been talking with the community including the yachts and the liveries and so um we have some ideas and and it will come to you on May 20th and and we've talked about it well that sounds like hopefully we'll all be able to support that that makes a lot of sense 32 foot or larger million dollars it's not a rental no thank you all right thank you so much no worries um can you provide us like later with um what's considered yacht credentials that way we can kind of at least I can kind of review that and try to understand that a little more sure there's a couple of easy things I could just mention to you right now um vessels built in North America are issued a capacity plate so they will they will say y either capacity of X number of people or yacht certified vessels built um outside of North America will have what's called specific yacht certification class A B C or D Etc so pretty much all boats are going to have some clear yacht certification whether it's from the North America which is called the nmma or um or the international standards awesome thank you so much okay right to the next meeting okay we thank you sir thank you guys yeah Sor on this well you already know uh um yeah okay my name is Ryan Holloway I live at 5:30 Beach Drive um I guess we operate on 314 Harbor Boulevard and some other places um here for the same reason we had a great conversation the other week and I feel we got somewhere um along with other members we've had a lot of talks um I just want to sit here I'm not going to waste three minutes um that say I fully support Matt and I have work together a long time um Holloway Yachts is the largest charter yacht company down here um as we're now operating over eight boats um whether it's under my name as a company ones that I own or ones that I manage for other people and help them create their own companies so we are giving a lot back um as a in one day I can employ up to eight different captains I can employ up to 15 um 12 different deck hands um so we are giving back and we are all captained I'm not going to give someone a multi-million dollar yacht keys go hey buddy um it's just not I'm not going to give them keys to a $300,000 center console that I own it it's just not happening um and so with that said um I agree with the 32 ft that we talked about or or a u a yacht certification plate um every yacht's going to have them any boat that's yacht certified now you're going to have some bigger center consoles that have um that would be yacht certified like ours is but um these pontoon bones are not going to have them they're just not um unless you're looking at some $400,000 monster Premiere or something which is not going to be Charter it's not going to be bebed anyway in that sense of a term um one thing that we do we we do use what they call um like our our commercial policies are named operator so we actually do have a primary Captain even though they have an option of four so on the last page of our contracts and I sent it to Sherry so I don't know if I've gotten it or not um but I I'll give it to every single one of you um it will state that you can only use these four captains these are only four people allowed to drive that boat and even if it's like one of mine I'm not allowed to drive 7 to 12 guests so even though I have a 100 ton master I'm not even on that list um so with that said we are operating at a much higher standard and regulated standard um all my Vats have certifications uh besides that um even though we do have to operate with the chosen Captain I'm not going to let anyone that's not on my insurance policy that we went depth with the other day um take that boat or anything like that so that's all I that's all I got you're right I hope so push it y turn it off all right middle of the row anything yeah I guess it's my turn I'm Gary TR group I live at 86 shy Street and we are a owner of one of these uh Yachts at rents out and I just want to reiterate that you know like Ryan said uh our boat can't go out insurance-wise without a captain um that's on the insurance policy so it's not going out um and I also want to reiterate that we you know we serve a sort of a different clientele we don't compete with fishing boats we don't compete with pontoon boats we're you know focused on a lot of the bachelorette parties and those things or a family wants to go out for another time so we bring a different service here that people really like and um you know I think the bachelorette party thing has been a big um destination for Desa and they love to go on these boats so um and we hire you know local captains and crew and stuff so um and we try and be a good uh citizen here we're not the problem of overcrowding and you know banging around so appreciate your support yes sir thank you all right did you just want I'm the fourth country sort of kind of Larry CER with parad Yachts 206 Beach Drive here in dtin and I um I have been really kind of dissecting uh article8 of the city uh structure and that specifically deals with uh uh with the whole idea of Livery uh versus other things and in the definitions in the very beginning of article 8 in the definitions it says this is livery except and the very first thing that is the exception is any vessel that is captained at all times by a US Coast Guard licensed Captain I think every single person that you've already heard has that person at the helm we go through a process of deep Dives on these people not just us personally doing background checks but we submit those people to our insurance company who then does an even deeper dive they check their driver's license they check their criminal records there's a a deep severe background check done before we ever actually have anybody whether they have a captain's license or not before they can ever drive our boat they have to have all of those proper credentials and then beyond that besides having the yachts and everybody's talking about the money that we spend on these vessels but even beyond that there are other vessels that we have who have that have other benefits and features uh for instance being ADA Compliant we've just picked up one that we are making Ada capable and putting cleats in the floor so that we can actually strap we're putting a passal so we can actually roll a wheelchair down on the vessel and then strap it down because it's very difficult to get people on these big Yachts lifting them out of their wheelchairs then putting them on the boat then putting the wheelchair on then reing them it's difficult and it's embarrassing for them so we take a lot of effort effort in making something very unique and very different than what is out there and I believe the purpose for article 8 and in uh in the beginning if you read it is to protect the the harbor and the surrounding area from unlicensed or incapable uh people driving the vessels it's for safety purposes and we're meeting and far exceeding any of those requirements so thank you thank you so much there might be one more yes sir yep no P P's coming okay I'm not talking about okay you [Music] sure Patty Brown 86 Sher street so I know you guys get sick and tired of seeing my emails but I really am trying to find a happy medium for Which hat do I have on tonight bad I guess um that you know we try to find something that's workable for all of the not only the locals but also our tourists and um the the email that I sent out with pictures displaying some of the problems that we're having on the beach right now so I really hope I know that Lewis has been so kind to respond to my email and say we're going to have a meeting and look at this and I hope that when you do look at some of these issues that we can come together in a compromise it's the only way it's going to work there's no other way that this is going to work unless we kind of all give a little um because it has become uh a battlefield um at Barracuda especially and um Jim you're very well aware of uh that situation so um let's try to work together I mean when I see things that I think are good whether I'm in or I'm here I'm sending you guys a message so thank you for listening and reading the emails and that we can work together to make it better here for everyone thanks all right yes sir Don Dallas 442 Snapper Des again I got a question can I ask a question okay I believe it was the last meeting uh a lot of conversation about these homes up here couple of them that they're turning into apartments and I can't remember that side street right there what was it there well Maine but then right on the corner that that other uh side no my god when you get off when you get off of um Kelly stop signs you got three-way stop make a ride on Maine that Kell a that's the name of that street all lot of people was in here uh saying stuff about uh you know supposed to be 10 apartments or something like that last I heard from this meeting that they had stopped building on that because my understanding could be wrong if I'm wrong I'm wrong you let me know that the guy or company whatever that bought all that land you know with the houses on it that supposedly he was from South Florida whatever had a construction company his workers were that's what they're building them for his workers I understood at the time the city did give him a permit to build then they stopped the permit where we at on that I'm allow our legal opinion I know our our lawyer here yeah we can we can respond to that actually um theity I me I don't if you can't you can't there no we can and we're talking about Main Street but um the city manager and I were talking about it earlier today and he he can give you a quick answer okay thank you uh yes good evening yes sir thank you uh the project is not going forward it is not going forward because it is does not meet the city's uh requirements for that District uh it's been stopped uh um and so it's not going forward it is not going to move forward correct they cut it off forever thank you so much and I'm sure all the folks that were here they probably might already know but uh oh one quickie how are we going to know about say that uh don't start you um the meeting you know y'all having a meeting the 20th or something where the public supposed to be here how are we going to get notified I mean we got the mayor's uh deal the lady over there they got our addresses I guess and they're going to send it or Facebook or how we going to find out so all the neighbors will know to come you understand what I'm saying yeah CU it's important for them to be here absolutely we live here the clerk's office and uh our uh information office will be sending out notices they what name the clerk's office and our information office will be sending out notices okay great thank you cuz we always we always bug the mayor on his little website thank y'all thank you no all right seeing none time no my time I didn't I didn't take 45 minutes to talk about hey uh and Kim and I had this conversation earlier day on the and I like the the uh yacht certification okay that should be it I don't like the length because you know I can make one of those pontoon boats as long as I need to make it I've seen some house boats up in Tennessee that would make some of these yachts in length look like little toys cuz I mean it's a full house on that so maybe money you know maybe a dollar limit definitely the yacht certification but I want something objective that you know that that some little ingenious little person can't go out there and go I just created yacht a yacht I just I just got in and I don't have to have you know to meet their guidelines and I think my intention is to make it easy for Code Compliance to be able to Define it all right thank you all right anyone else have their piece to say all right see none jour