##VIDEO ID:P5WlWRmxMI0## e e e e e all right everyone welcome back I'm going to call this Dustin city council Workshop to order now thank you everyone who's here in attendance and online we appreciate everyone's input uh we're going to call we I guess we'll do the pledge again just for the sake of pledging councilwoman AB with the pledge please join me with your hand over your heart heart I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we will move right along into public comments anyone here from the public comments who would like to speak on our Workshop topics tonight hey I'm going to hold you to you that three minutes I will be way l than three minutes Monica Wallace Dustin water users 14 Industrial Park Lane just want to let youall know we had a few things related to utilities and article two that working with staff on one regarding the rightaway permit and the TRC process but nothing major just some probably some scribers error type things so otherwise it looks good awesome thank you so much for being here all right anyone else seeing none I will close the public comments and we will start the workshop you taking it away all right oh steo all right good evening again Mr mayor council members um city manager um thank you again um I can't say it enough I'm going to say every single Workshop uh because it's important this is a big deal um so again thank you all for your support through all of this um again another big shout out to my team um we've worked really hard our Consultants have worked really hard to get us here and um we're we're one one step closer tonight we'll get two steps closer um with this uh with article one and two so um with that I'll just get go ahead and get started so tonight we're going to cover what is in Article 1 and two we're going a quick quick brief uh overview of the language format organization um that we've covered in previous workshops but then we'll get into specifically the big changes um in article two with the Pud and the special events and then we'll get into the discussion topics that we've had at the um LPA workshops and other public meetings so so what's in article one um it contains pretty much all of what is currently in Article 1 now um we have moved the vested rights which is currently in article two into article one and there's the new create newly created uh citation Authority um and that really clarifies um the city's uh ability to site and enforce this uh Land Development code that we are uh hopefully going to be adopting here soon article two um contains all of Article 2 current Article 2 as well as portions of article 4 um noticing public involvement um and then the boards and committees two big changes um um we've added um several well not two big changes or several changes but um the two biggest one like I mentioned earlier the special event um category that is mentioned numerous times throughout the current LDC but there is actually no process for it um we ran into that little issue early earlier this year um with the the carnival at the church um there was no process or any sort of review uh for that um type of event going on and so um we uh we utilize the change of use um process for that and we're currently using change of use temporary change of use for some of these events um but it's really better um spent having its own process um the next one that we uh updated um the certificate of appropriateness um is co mled with the uh conditional use uh right now it's also comingled into the um um Article 4 with the current article four with the historic districts um and that the certificate of appropriateness is its own thing is its own process um and so we've pulled that out and created uh create a section for for the ceric appropriateness as Alone um there are a couple of mentions of special exceptions throughout the code um and AAL exception is a process uh uh reviewed by the board of adjustment um specifically what it does it allows for if there's a property that's dual zoned it allows for one of the zones to be moved 50 fet um either side depending on which zone They want um through that special exception process and that that this process solidifies and actually gives a um a road map to how how that works um further addressing was added as well and then like I mentioned earlier the revamped PUD regulations so again language we've updated the language we're dropping as much legal ease as possible make it easier for people to read uh the format you'll notice it's completely changed um it it reads easier every paragraph every line or every SE section subsection um has a reference to it which is not something that I can say for the current LDC which provides for a lot of U um confusion um oh and then also the use of Graphics was increased as well even in article two um you'll see a flowchart um of the various steps that each process has to go through so let's jump into the planned unit development regulations currently the way puds work now is there just one massive variance you can pretty much ask for anything that you want to vary from in the LDC and so long as it passes city council for approval it's approved um there's no standard by which when you can cannot ask for ped there's no um no checks and balances as to um what can and can't be asked for um and so it it just it's it's it's basically a free-for-all and a hand me out to to anyone who wants to come here and and not follow the regulations if they want to go through the Pud um the Pud route the new proposed regulations um significantly um increase the staff's ability the city's ability and City council's ability to have more control over that process first of all there is a minimum size of land that you have to have per planning area secondly it's specific on what you can and can't ask for and then it also requires a uh public benefit to be provided um and there's it's by a point system so ped has to provide up to five points and there are strategies and objectives laid out in the Pud regulations on which um the developers can pick and choose as so long as um each PUD request brings in a minimum of five points and you can't use it's a little confusing um without right in front of you but you can't use there are objectives and then strategy within the objective you can't use more than two strategies in one objective um to to reach your Five Points um all right special events um currently like I stated earlier um there's numerous uh mentions of special events special event process special event approval special event this special event that there is no process though for a special event to be approved currently when somebody wants wants to come in and do something that that doesn't fit the bill we use the temporary change of use process but again temporary change of use process is um beholden to the current change of use which is fairly stringent and heavy handed when it comes to bringing the site up to current development standards the special event process is just that it just looks at the special event process can it be or the special event itself can it be supported on this property do they have enough uh parking are they going to be able to provide enough parking are they going to be able to provide enough facilities restrooms that sort of thing what is it how long um and it the process in it of s allows staff and the city um city council as well to put conditions on approval um if and when it's needed and identified so organization consolidation I'm not going to read this um because one I can't even read the SL right now because the the lettering is so tiny but it basically out what each section of Article 2 what's in it from the current article uh from the current LDC all right um before I get into the public workshop and LPA meetings do we want to discuss the Pud and the special event the new stuff okay knock as we show Perfect all right let's go back to let's do the puds first so um I believe that's section 207 um if you all have that in front of you um it's fairly lengthy um like I said it's completely beefed up from what we currently have um and um I think it's it's a much better process um and it gives us the city the ability to uh better control what um can and can't be requested within within puds so any specific questions the yep um so there's a there's a chart I can't remember what section specifically but it's by planning area and so each planning area staff went through and looked at the the typical lot size of each lot in that planning area as well as the available vacant Parcels we put out what we identified as a as an appropriate amount of land required before you can even request so let's um I want to say Town Center use I think the minimum is 5 Acres that might be Golf Resort mixed use as well um because they're Big Lots right um those are there's are Big Lots um we don't want somebody coming in that has a one acre of land requesting a PUD um and getting whatever it is that they want to get right you're not going to be able to do what you want to do through the Pud process provide those public benefits if you don't have the right amount of man the appropriate amount of land so 4 I'm sorry that table is on page 42 so it's in Crystal Beach planning area it's 75 Acres seems a little small for me for a PUD but I'm I'm used to you know waterolor Rosemary you know 107 AC I know we're not going to get that here but it's uh yeah we tried to balance like I said we try to balance what the the the average existing size is versus what's available and and 75 is kind of where staff landed obviously that's not the end all Beall and yeah cuz the harbor planning area is 0.5 Acres so you're basically talking a condominium building yeah and that's that's that's uh just speak for me that's too small okay uh Village planning area 5 Acres okay Gulf Resort planning area four acres okay holiday owl planning acre uh area two acres Town Center Commons planning area two acres uh yeah the the ones that 05 acre and 75 acre are the ones that really raise my um because heck I'm not sure you could put a good size condominium on 0.5 Acres but uh you know that's that's just my my take is too small I don't know what the planning Department's uh what y'all's how did we end up on a half acre I guess start the smallest one for the harbor yeah so we like I har planing area yeah we looked at we looked at the the sizes of existing Lots um and what we we looked at those and then we looked at available lots developable lots I don't think there are any in in the the harbor area if they are they're they're minimal right because this also includes north of mountain there's a couple Lots um and so we didn't want to make it so onerous that nobody wants to do the Pud because we do want to incentivize those public benefits right U but at the same time we didn't want to make it to where it's just a give me all so we tried to balance it yeah but when you're looking at Redevelopment okay I guess my concern is you look at what's developable today for you know you can put some of those lots together and it's developable develop a bow you know I um this needs to last us another 20 years so it shouldn't be looking that well there's only six Lots down there and the biggest one is you know 0.25 Acres or whatever so that's we don't have to worry about this problem we do have to worry about this problem because as we've seen people will buy old Mot hotels or hotels or whatever and people will buy restaurants or whatever and just like the Public's guys did build a process you know build land where okay we can put something there so I I I don't want to make it so small where any condo is coming or any you know half acre is hey I want to be my own PUD and I want to have my own set of rules and you know we have our our rules for a reason and I'm not sure how many public benefits you can cram on half an acre I'll just be honest with you so what what do you what do you think like two acres five acres one acre just off top of your head [Laughter] 30 I we can certainly put 30 if that's the will of the council um Council mtin and the one comment I'll make is you know at the risk of being blunt the Pud process is always kind of like a get out of jail free card it allows you to just not have to worry about any of the rules and regulations to some extent um if you're going to put more rules and regulations that you can't avoid with a PUD that's a step in the right direction but these small lot sizes have we've not accomplished anything if we tailor the Pud part of this LDC to fit any little bitty lot buds like Jim says I've I've experienced them both in this County Santa Ros walon hubs were generally for a big swath of land Y where the benefits you bring in kind of make it worth it yep otherwise you just don't have to follow the rules and if you make it so small that it can be shoe fitted any lot can be you know we've not accomplished anything so we're going to have to come up with a better idea on lot sizes okay is 30 like too grandiose is that why you're pulling off from that do we is that something that would be too big of an an area current proposal at Halfacre 75 kind of defeats the purpose of what puds were supposed to be about they were supposed to be big enough to bring in some real benefits there has to be a reason why you don't have to follow the setbacks and all the other rules are associated and it has to be a a good a good chunk of land that you affected for we we were part of a PUD in uh in Nar where we built our restaurant it collapsed never was built but they had common streets they had a number of things that you know were what we would consider a benefit but if you cut it down to the size of a half acre 75 I don't see that benefit there at all so were the majority of lots down there 0. five or just off top head the in Crystal Beach are like little more than a tenth of an acre more on the harbor side I guess harbor side yeah they're two okay two acres usually about average is what I'm remembering okay right anyone else on this right seems like we're kind of leaning on double it double it maybe a little more yeah I would say five acres is that is is that five acres like across the board across just at a minimum all peties or is that for Harbor Crystal Beach or just anything that's less than five I think like the CRA we should be going for maybe a CRA nonc if we want to be easy yet have two variances I professionally I'd stay away from identifying the C because the C are going to go away eventually oh no for sure they'll set I'm thinking those are our commercial hubs and if we're looking for big public benefits yeah maybe there's the commercial hubs CRA or not yeah and then the residential so like the harbor and the Town Center planning areas we do 10 acres I don't know and then the residential districts we drop it to five I would do that rather than leave it where it is right now because it's unrealistic so if you did push it to that would that be a good starting point well what you do is you you set it at what it may be five acres and then they can assemble pieces to make it otherwise you're doing individual Lots their puds which is not an improvement yeah that sounds like if we're doing five it sounds like about two almost three units that they're having to compile staff will make make those changes right any other comments on that can I ask question yeah the what we appr approved recently that they needed a parking lot or whatever to for their wedding venue or for their event venue oh yes yes yes yes how how when they pieced all those pieces of property together how large were they um you remember I don't remember I want to say that the the the pieces on on the east side of Calhoun together were 8 acres and if you couple that with the pieces across the street maybe 10 AC street but I I would say in the non Harbor area you know we might want to look at 10 acres so five 10 two different standards because to get somebody on one of the bu could probably I'm not sure how they would but buy a few houses a few of those estate Lots or whatever and then say I'm going to build a PUD and I'm going to build zero lot lines but I'm going to have a affordable housing uh component so that I'm GNA get a few points here and I'm like you're not going to build affordable housing on on the bay no you know no offense but uh so I would I would lean closer to 5 and 10 but I'm a minimal I just want I don't I I won't vote for5 75 Acres because you can't get affordable housing on them you can't get inter one walkway yeah okay it's interlocking walkway we get some bonus here no you got one walkway that everybody faces and that's so okay so this is basically we just need to have the change made because nothing's getting approved tonight but this is why we're here is to give you give us an idea of the direction that we should go five and 10 acres to be a starting point to where that better to come out and then when we're all here and we're voting things can go a lot smoother yep exactly exactly all right I just make one more comment you know Jim talks about the Waterfront Lots on Bay or Joe's bio for that matter some of those deot de plots you put four of them together you've got 8 to 10 acres now you can have a PUD and you can probably 15 houses on it rather than six or eight the other way so it's got some downsides unless you want to build that many houses you think that that's appropriate and then I guess to my just so I understand this is newer topic for me the Pud would still come is that still consent through the council or once you put this it's a major development okay and it goes all the way through as soon as you request a PUD major devel the option to but there's still a block okay yep yep yep all right yep so another another thing on the Pud um in the Town Center mixed use zone or uh um Town Center Commons or Town Center mixed use um if you're proposing multif family you have to provide affordable housing um at 80% or I'm sorry 20% of your housing stock at 80% Ami um which is your uh average mean or yeah average mean income of the area uh so something that's affordable at 80% Ami and 20% of those units that you're that you're building need to meet that do that fall in line with the state's live local act as far as that those sound familiar as far as those it's it's more stringent okay good so yeah so they would if they can make our cut they'll be able to make that cut okay yep yep and th those that that 20% affordable housing would meet your five points right there and you have to do that if you're proposing multif family in that zone let me just ask one question in our old development standard we had oh a number of years ago the public benefit was subject to a vote of the council whether it was appropriate or not appropriate or not is there any reason legally and we ask that stand in over there that we couldn't put that in the Pud regulation so the the the Pud has got to come to councel but if we don't have a standard that we can apply then it's a joke to come to council what I'm saying is the stuff we used to do in the harbor some of those projects the public benefit had to be approved by the council and some projects did not get approved because the public benefit was not in the council's opinion beneficial enough can we do that here yes so so through the Pud process and the the public benefits that the the developer is going to propose right um if one of those public benefits say they say you need five right say they they offer seven up right um and you all deem that all seven are good they're good if you deem that three of them aren't good that only gives them four points and the Pud is got to go isn't approved they've got to go back and figure something else out that gives a little more structure of the approval process yes but the one we used to use just was it's good enough or it's not good enough which did stand up in court a couple of times I think yeah and this and and if you look at the objectives and the and the strategies they're very specific there is some leniency and creativity but there's an intent that you have to meet based on those objectives and council member dtin just to chime in on that since I'm pretty familiar with the old standards from The Bert Harris case uh this is a lot more objective compared to the old standard which was very subjective it's much more defensible in my opinion when I read through it we were very intentional about making it objective so yep all right um trying to think of what else in the all right all right so now we've got the the size read that wrong now now let's talk about the public benefit okay by by the objective so and this is why one of the main reasons I think it needs to be larger so the objectives the first objective is open space and natural lands preserving protecting or creating open space and natural lands which is impossible in my mind on a half an acre but uh but includes Community Gathering spaces or public Recreation opportunities such as new trails uh do is there a percentage of this how do we say okay we have a community Gathering space and it's the size of this Das from there to you know there is is there a is there a standard a measurable standard that goes along with all these strategies uh no not necessarily but I would argue that if you're providing a 10 acre PUD and you give us 200 square ft of publical publicly accessible Gathering space that's not meeting the intent of public benefit okay because where I'm going is remember the uh pool and two developments ago that we approved right or didn't approve I can't remember but you know that had no parking for the public would that pool the pool was for the for the residents the park in the in the SW the S yeah so would that qualify under this as a public benefit I think it would under under the current code yes it does under the Pud there's a lot more scrutiny and a lot a lot more ability for us to say is that really a public benefit because this is our intent and this is what we are asking for with the public benefit so I would I would argue that that they would have to make a very strong argument to convince y'all that that is one of the points that they would receive for public benefit see now it sounds like we're three plans ago when we had U compatibility was one of our standards you remember when we had compatibility back in the good old days where you could just say no and so you know developer comes in with the public park that the neighborhoods around there could walk to but you know there's no place to park a car if I want to bring my kid from you know six blocks over I I just get a little nervous about because that wouldn't be a public benefit in my so then through that through that review through your all's review would say okay yeah this is this is good we like the park but you're not actually serving the entire public you're only serving a swath of the public people that can walk there yeah so you could say then this is not this isn't this isn't a good enough benefit total benefit and say we would like five parking spaces uh but every Park does require at least one handicapped parking space period okay because then we one of the other strategies would be inclusion of local food production areas so I know we have a couple of folks that are really high on that and such as Community Gardens again instead of a park he says that area is a community garden well if you live across the street that's a community garden but if you live out in Crystal Beach I don't think that's a community garden I just I'm not driving you know down to the harbor or down on stalman to plant a tomato plant that you know there's no place to park at or there's no place you see what I'm saying yeah but at the same time you got to you got to weigh right like if if somebody's providing a community garden right is it really if if that is one of their public benefits right just one of what they have to meet of five right right so if that is and when you say community like I I live outside of what is not only considered the Blue Water Bay Community right and I've told people hey I live in Blue Water Bay and like oh where and I say oh off the street north of blue water at the at the light and they're like oh honey that's not that's not Blue Water Bay they don't consider me in their Community right so really it's it's perception of community at that point I would argue that if somebody would provide a community garden that they are providing a public benefit to the surrounding neighborhood right and so but it's also again it's just one of five that they have to provide so maybe that one doesn't meet the total benefit but the other four do or could yeah I'm sorry okay on the housing objective three because I don't think there's very few historic places that are going to qualify that they're going to preserve but on housing so and I understand how we get the you know 80% of the Ami uh refresh my memory because there was some discussion a year two ago in the legislature about the Ami is Per County right generally generally not always but yeah yeah they were talking about necking that down because the Ami for this county is a lot lower than the Ami for this city yep and so we could say and I just want to know before we check off on this is it when you say the area let's see P low 8% of the Ami uh you could you could make it specific to the zip code of 32541 okay because they the the the bureau um Housing bureau they they do neck it down by ZIP code okay so we could we could make it that specific and the lawyer says that's okay yeah I think that's fine I don't is Ami defined in your glossery it's not it's it's defined at the state level at least if not in our glosser we could add it I just think you probably need it somewhere in the we can absolutely add it to the glf yeah because the that was where we got in trouble before not trouble it's where we may have had some disagreements before people are going to put affordable housing yeah remember the donut where they were going to build this gorgeous you know structure and they were going to have 20 or 30 units I can't remember right in the middle that were going to be affordable housing they would all be smaller and they would all be all this other stuff and then these luxury units would be up top on the Harbor everything and it's like that's that's not affordable housing somebody's going to buy two of those and put them together or somebody's going to you know and it's yeah I think there is a deed deed restriction language in in the Pud for that for that as well so it would have to remain affordable so that deed couldn't be changed I believe it's in there if it's not the inent was to put it in there and we will add it if it's not sorry natural systems consumption I didn't quite understand that one but the other one uh it has a specific goal objective or policy of the adopted comprehensive plan so it has a master plan or it helps implement the master plan that's our master plan yes not the developers cor the developers master plan is to make as much money as they canre it would be our compreh it has to I just want to make [Music] sure okay that's all you think further yep one quick observation to get into this at all we have to make the decision that the benefits are worth having a PUD at all correct I've been in many communities and counties they don't allow puds when I said you got fuds here they said what's that you to grow in the ground and so do we think do we think that the benefits we can reap are worth Huds which give you you know the ability to just not have to follow the rules that's a that's a decision that that was that was certainly something that staff did discuss internally but being that we have the process now um we we figured it keep the process but make it make it something that actually provides something that's of value to the community so if if that's a value choice that we that that we don't want puds in in the city that that's absolutely something that we could do all right anything else before I get it wrong twice all right now we can move on all right special events yeah Special Events um some of you all might be familiar with the the the church Carnival um honestly at the end of the day staff was just you know we didn't have have clear guidance for the LDC on what to do um so what do we need to do when we do that right we need to come to the people that make the decision for the community um so we felt that the best process at that point was to bring that discussion to city council for review um just just to ensure that all all eyes were on it and we captured everything that that we could um so this special event process does that it it codifies a regulation it CIF as a process for us to be able to do that simple as that any questions on that yep going my question is let's go back to the church example Church churches do a lot of things you know they have Vacation Bible School in the summer they do a number of things have we got it tightened down that they have to get a special event permit for each one of those things what is the degree at some point point when you have 500 cars or 500 people coming I can see that we need to see what they're doing is there a plateau is there some reasonableness to what we're going to tell them they have to get a permit for there is there is applicability language in the in the special event regulations that state what is and is not or what is a special event permit I would I would argue to say that vacation bible school does not count has a special event yep and I and I know one of the discussion points for that that carnival at the at the church was hey this is a church we shouldn't be regulating that we shouldn't be looking at that and so um that's another reason why we wanted to obviously bring this up is that something that the council wants to exempt from special event review is events at churches my personal inome ation is probably yes until it gets to the size that it's going to be a impact on the community which arguably is somewhere just where is what I'm sorry the argu till we get to the size where it has a community impact that's pretty honorous yeah and of course the standard is the important part where is that size yeah but in general I feel very reluctant to be regulating those kind of activities that churches you know so we'll have to look into the details and decide when we adopt yeah something like you know my son goes to Wednesday nights he goes to middle school Bible with his with his Middle School um and um you know they do things outside they do events outside they do football they do all that sort of stuff would not qualify as a special event the carnival for 10 days bringing upwards of 500 people a day through residential neighborhoods that's obviously going to cause a huge impact on the surrounding homes and Resident residences so is that something that would rise the level of not being exempt so can we put any F regulations where we can say yes this is it and no that's not it sure we the the tablet is clear so you know if we if you want to say a 100 people per day right right um is is if you have 100 people or less you're not on special event if you have 101 or more you are yeah right you could make that delineation absolutely or you could do if you want to operate after 8:00 pm. you know um I there there's there's several things that we could we could add in there if that if that's if that's the direction that that you would like us to go well that's the direction that I would okay would like to go so we'll have to see what those those standards would be c yeah I was kind of going along the same lines of questioning to understand what the special events are um and so maybe that kind of helped answer it because when I read it we're not really defining what a special event there's there if in the applicability it says you will you will meet the need to become a special event and go under this permit if you meet these criteria the standards of approval no in the applicability applicability got sorry my eyes have been hurting 2 10 out three okay so that's where it uh specifies what special event could be yep and then Mr dtin was saying beyond that maybe actually listing out some stuff is that well I think the the in correct me if I'm wrong Council meston the intent was to exempt churches unless you exceed these levels correct right all right so you're a special event if you do that but if you're Church you're not unless you say are expecting a 100 people or more a day or you want to operate past 800m or XYZ right so 2103 is it's just very vague wording though right it's it's not like yeah anybody's knees or anything well but at the same time it's like what is a special event how how are you going Lous concer versus you know I mean right I mean yeah no but it's like it essentially at the end of the day if you don't have the use approved on that property right through a development order and it's going to be a temporary thing rather than going through a temporary change of use which there's a process which there is a current process for right now that we have but through that process through the change of use process you're required to bring your site up to current standard so like this is just a temporary event that shouldn't have to the the the the the church or or the property owner shouldn't have to bring it up to current standard you know for Access way forre so this is more for uh like we'll still have something maybe start to be planned and possibly pop up MH but now if this is in place we have a process to tell them hey I'm sorry you you didn't know this but you should have done this here's a process is that I mean like because we're not going to list out all the options of what Especial no somebody so say somebody comes like hey I've got this question I want to I want to put on a circus display style event in the parking lots of the dicks right um okay well let's take a look what's your what's your plan can you send us a roll out of what your operation is right how long how many people do you expect what's your what's your average um operating hours you know all that sort of stuff right we can take a look at that and we can like okay this is going to require a do Amendment or maybe it doesn't rise that level maybe it's just a special event yeah okay that's yeah I'm fine maybe you know like like Mr D said I mean we can have a special event at the elementary school and we'll have 3,000 people up there for 4 hours five hours blocking streets uh you know Halloween night and Keller Gardens is a special event I mean people are running across the street almost getting run over right so I just I don't want to police everything and have government involved in all that stuff I just also want to but if people are about to get run over I mean you want to be closing down streets right I know I mean like a one night event at at a elementary school like we want that stuff yeah and that's like to the church come up here to the to the city and to the to the exemption thing like the churches you could say that if it's at the school right where I mean massive amounts of people already massive amounts of people already maybe we should look at schools too as well as the churches because they would I mean my opinion more than I mean I'm a religious person but the schools are going to follow under the criteria of the okasa county school district and their processes and you know Faith Church or whatever I not have the same standards but I would at least consider the school as well as as while we're talking about exemptions and things because they're going to have a lot of very strict requirements already yep dealing with that in the past so luckily they're all BW than for explanation they're all institutions yep C well I I was on the same track as Kevin because I was going to say there's a lot of times when the elementary school is having a huge event or the Middle School they've got the football game behind them so you've got the schools that have events that sometimes are hundreds of people so at least giving them some sort of a way to know what's the way we can keep them safe and their people safe during a big event where there's a lot more people so we can at least encourage okay this is a big event we need to make sure we have Okaloosa sheriffs out there to help the road and that's and that was also part of the reason for the special event was to because it has to be reviewed by Dustin fire it has to be reviewed by Oak lucik Sheriff right um but a football game where there's a football stadium built into the development order again that that event would not kick in a special event a back meet um baseball game all that sort of stuff it's just like the do for for the Morgan sports center right like that's the expected impact the church or I'm sorry the school was an expected impact it comes with the ancillary uses of the sports stuff and so that's all considered in the impact of the development order and therefore would not qualify as a special event just a question seafood festival for example will that be subject to a special event you know I think there's an argument to be made that that's been going on for so long um that that could be granted if anything legal non-conformity or just it's just it's in the festive market place and it is what it is well we could make that argument for the festies festivities that goes on at the churches and schools and all those too so I want to make sure that we're not going to do some kind of a negative negative impact on something like that just just a thought yep right anyone else um so we you have some times 60 days and 90 days you know that they have to actually apply or what what happens when they come in at 58 days where is the other than going to the boa where I is the next paragraph or section or whatever for the appeals where where is common sense applied to this if it's something super simple so I actually ran it into this actually last week okay so we we there have been a whole lot of requests for for weddings on the beaches okay um especially during Turtle nesting season okay so we had no regulations we had nothing but we still need to be able to partner with our partners that survey the beaches right let them know hey these events are coming along hey Sheriff Office there's going to be you know 50 people there's going to be 100 people coming to this area right right how is that how is that going to impact the parking how's that going to impact the the Cong congregation on the beach right so we developed a a beach event permit review right and we developed it and it's got to be submitted 90 days in advance okay obviously an event that has 30 people do we really need 90 days right staff can be common sensical about that approach you know um but if it's if it's a big event and it's going to require review like a significant amount of review by the Sheriff's Office a significant amount of review by the fire department we're going to have to draw the line somewhere well and that was brought my question really is is who draws that line because one of my questions when we get back into the administrative portion in the first couple of sections you know it says the city man manager or design okay like every other paragraph do we have to do that in writing do we have to do that you know by resolution because you know a lot of these sections are are going to say city manager or their design and it's not always going to be the community development director or the you know assistance C manager or whatever or you you know I I want to know because I I don't worry about so much okay here's our rules we're much better okay but if we don't enforce our rules yeah or you know everybody in their brother has override Authority because they're just you know being Common Sense well it's only 105 people it's not you know much over a 100 so I'll you know 30 days beforehand down where there's 10 public parking spots I mean you see what I'm saying yeah and so all those variables would be looked at and it wouldn't be a staff member like me making that decision right it would be the city manager unless the city manager abdicates that to the community development director or maybe the city manager is not comfortable making that decision and he says let's take it to council right so it's it's there are there are checks and balances across it all but again at the end of the day if it's something that's right I I want to be down here for my wedding there're going to be 20 people at most we're going to do it at this house and everyone staying within walking distance yeah does that really need 90 days of review right um however on the flip side of that hey I want to put on a um a concert um and say it's at one of the bigger Resort that has one of the larger beaches right well what process by which do we have currently that would allow that none I would argue other than the temporary change of use um and that is a that again that's that's a that's a that's a staff level review approved by the the community development director right and so if that if that needs to be made if that's an impact if the if the community development director isn't comfortable making that because the city manager has abdicated that authority to them they go to the city manager and the city manager is like okay this is a big deal I need more input or I'm just going to ask city council whether or not they agree with me or not right um and so all those all those are built in no matter what process we have currently here here's my dilemma and I understand what you're saying uh the waiting planners they all know each other they all talk to each other okay I don't know what you're talking about yeah and so if I go to Steve you know I only really have to turn it in 30 days no Steve that works here huh no Steve that works here yeah okay you know I only have to turn it in 30 days beforehand and oh you know if I tell them I'm going to have more than a hundred then I'm going to have to have additional review so what I'm going to tell them is I'm going to have 75 there's only going to be 75 invited guests even though I know the brides's inviting 100 and the Grooms inviting 100 but I can get my my application uh approved in 30 days with minimal review if I tell them 75 and I I just you know one of my things this year is stop doing Integrity checks on these people just make it clearcut you know whether they're developers or waiting planners or whatever and say you know send code down count okay you you don't get any more weddings approved on on these beaches because you've lied to us you know and we're going to withdraw your ability to do that there's got to be some consequen if you look inside the citation Authority yeah there is regulations speaking just to that okay and that's if there's multiple violations the first violation is X multiple violations after okay then then there are steps that that we can take and and since it is a special event that was approved by City okalo County Sheriff's Office fire district if it exceeds what was approved we have the authority to shut it down okay we have the authority to shut it down so okay yeah so so yeah we we we have we've we've tried that's on their application process that's on their little checklist in Big B we can put it in there absolutely we can we can absolutely put that yeah um we can absolutely put that in there um but you know just to just to make another Point like you could say you could use that exact same argument that you just made with pretty much any application MH 414 m prime example right yep sure is so they give us what they give us right if it meets code we can't not approve it if it meets code right right so it's it's at the end of the day we have to be able to build in the ability to enforce right okay so and we think we've done that okay and then I I no you referenced the the noise is it still going to be in section 14 uh the noise noise ordinance isn't moving okay descriptions of all performances at the event including any activities involving noise production exceeding what is permitted by chapter 14 Article 2 noise of the city code of ordinances so that's all going to stay yep that's not moving okay yep all right that was one of my question was how are you going to enforce it especially if you say oh then they only have to go 90 days if they're the big parties and 30 days if they're the smaller ones CU yeah you got wedding planners so is that also part of what your enforcement will be that that wedding planner that helped organize this has broke the rules therefore that is a planner we don't want to do business with because well we can't necessarily say we can't do business with you and at the end of the day it's the property owner's um responsibility but we do put in like currently with the the special Beach event um permit that we have um we have a security contact if you have 30 or more people that that we have that has to be on site and is the point of contact for the event if if it's called right and so that person would be essentially the person responsible um for us to to go meet but at the end of the day the citation would still go to the either the property owner and or the event coordinator yep right I had one more question on the so Church on the beach I know we talk about churches it's just on Sundays it's every Sunday at Henderson Beach yeah that's on state Parkland I'm sorry no down by uh James Lee there's one okay HP hypothetically Jesus Christ hypothe hypothetically if it's a regular event we would ask that they um either if it if it were to happen on private property like like say um somebody with a big beach on a condo or or or other development and they want to do Church on the beach every Sunday I would I would say if it's going to be a regular event come in and get a do Amendment okay and that way it's built into the do and they don't have to go through the special event every single time the special event is literally just for that for the oneoff event the once or twice a year that year if you're it's going to be a regular so the car show over here at the Palms MH every year since I've been here they've submitted two change temporary change of use permits every single year and it's just like we told them just get a do Amendment it's a minor do Amendment just come in and get it and get it done um and they finally did it okay oh good they finally did it yeah they finally did it so if it's something where it's a regular thing we would just ask them to come in and do the do Amendment so so the the special event wouldn't even be applicable cool all right um SL let's get into the uh oh okay workshops so these are the various public Workshop or public meetings that we went to um as you can see this article one and two was one of the early it's actually the first two that were um reviewed and and had a recommendation from the LPA um July of last year um yeah um we're waiting for the rest of the Articles to kind of get through the process and and develop the the road map through and we we got there and this is this is where we are now so all right um the first discussion Point um it is recommended that the final action for major subdivision be the local planning agency the LPA recommended that they be included in the review of major subdivisions but that that the they be a recommending body to city council for final approval so therefore the way our major subdivision process is built in that the subdivision would come to the LPA for recommendation for approval to city council rather than it coming straight to city council with no LPA review yeah everyone good yes nodding yeses if they if we hypothetically if they go through LPA they get to us and then we go H we don't like half of it like we're basically asking to Rego is it a full rewalk through yep okay yep it goes back through the back through the chain um all right uh same thing with major developments and deviations um recommended that they be the the final approving Authority on those uh LPA made the recommendation to they be a reviewer because they currently are not um and then they'd be a recommending body to city council okay all right Harbor and waterways Board review um so right now with without the solid number I'd say nine out of 10 Harbor Waterway board reviews are residential many of them are um self-certified very minor um permits minor proposal for development Marine development um and so part of the whole review of this through the marina sighting that was also looked at several years ago um but never made it past uh the LPA um was to take a look at how the City reviews Harbor and Waterway board applications and so through the work that we've done through the LDC and then with the harbor waterways board um it was decided to create three categories so cat one category is um essentially residential docks that meet self-certification or any exempt project at the state level that meets self-certification um or uh seaw walls that are Upland on the on the property line Andor Upland um a couple other minor Marine projects those category one projects would just go straight to Marine construction permitting and not to the harbor waterways Board review okay category two is residential docks that do not meet self-certification um seaw walls that are um that are not exempt and or are waterw of the mean high water line or the property line um and so yeah so docs residential docs with three to nine slips would be category two and that would go to the harbor waterways board for review and appr and recommendation to city council and then it would still be left on consent at city council level okay anything that's not cat one or cat 2 if it's a non-residential development multif family resid residential um or if it's residential slip that has 10 slips or more um it would be a category three we're still require that that uh public meeting in front of Harbor waterways board and a public meeting in front of city council rather than consent agenda I have a question how would a residential be 10 slips is that like a condominium being res no that would be multif family so that would be category three all right there there are there are Docs not necessarily here in Destin but it's not a foregone conclusion that it won't happen it they could request a 10 slip dock if they wanted to I mean people some people have 10 car garages so and then um with with that seagrass is that talking about seaw walls I know seagrass also involves State permitting but where does that fall in our categories so so if it self-certified right it's there are certain criteria the state has a th000 square fet two slips or less um it can't be in a um I'm sorry for planting sea grass not necessarily A oh planting sea grass yeah versus a seaw wall being a oh you're talking about a living sea line living sea in L of sea wall [Music] um I guess it's something we'd have to think about I don't I can't imagine as long as long as it's happening upend it's not a it's not really a marine project if they're going outside of their property that's a that's a state that's state waters and they would have to engage the state with that and so therefore if the state gets involved in any sort of review rather than a self-certification then it would be at least a cat 2 if it would require our review at the end of the day but I would argue that someone just planting seagrass outside their property with State approval wouldn't meet the need for Harbor waterways border review okay yeah I just want to I wanted to see where we were at with that okay all right the self-certification is it 500 square F feet or a th000 it's a thousand for [Music] um I'm I'm failing to find the term for the protected Waters which are Jo's no we don't have any we don't have any protected protected Waters here in D done yet um we did have at one time but yeah maybe they're going yeah um I can't I'm I'm failing to find the term but yeah it's a th000 in in un unprotected Waters and it's 500 in protected Waters okay and so if you go over that size then you've got a whole another level of State review correct and federal review that's right the core okay so if they're going to do their reviews right now how do we stand okay I'm going to build a 1,200 foot on my residential lot I have to go through the special reviews of the DP and the core and then at this time does it then also have to go to waterways yeah so so before they apply for the harbor waterways Board review they have to submit the application to both state and Ace and show us proof of that and the the plans that they submit to both of those have to be the exact same as the one that they submit to us if they aren't we stop it there um but they would get the approval the recommendation from Harbor waterways board and then if it's a residential dock less you know two slips um then it would be the consent agenda on Council and then you all would be that approver for it right but they still couldn't submit for the Marine construction permit until we receive or until they have the approval from um from FD p and Ace what's a Army Core of Engineers sorry US Army Corp of Engineers my apologies I apologize thank you yeah we've done them so are are we actually simplifying the process with this yes we are because right now anything has to go through Harbor waterways Board review well God bless simplification oh pushing the priority button my bad um yeah I'm just going to say I I'll talk to you guys offline with um a local group that does a lot of pering for seagrass M I just want to make sure that we have a simplification version for those that are just trying to protect their land as far as the seaw wall and have just as simple of a process on our side to make sure that we're not so just sure that's my one take from this section sure yep all right are class two w considered the protected I'd have to look that up I I don't know off the top of my head maybe because it's it's clear in the self-certification um there's a whole um presentation that the state has I've got the PDF downloaded onto my computer somewhere and it states if it's class if it's class water this class water of that then you're a th if it's class water of this you're 500 so yeah I sure see nothing further all right that's it all right there you got anything I question yeah on the LPA section or one of the other ones only included one you know two boards the LPA I guess those are the ones that are specifically in in regarding into article two is that why only those boards yeah I I failed to put the harbor waterways board up there as well no not that se the actual administration of the board and it's listed in article two every every board is listed in article two this be a good time to concise on I'll pull it up so is is like uh one maybe this is the wrong time talk about boards and committees and stuff no I was going there anyways but that particular one for example like the definition of a quorum would this be the time that we could update what the definition of a quum means for example is it in this is that Kyle I think that's in the code of ordinances um those definitions but I'm not entirely sure you could I mean section says the procedure and one you know one a was Quorum that but if we if we still have seven seven member bodies right um it has to be at least a majority of people like that's that's the definition of Quorum period right so I I've seen uh other entities or organizations or bylaws that then have a section about a different way to measure Quorum or if quorum's not met what can be done to establish a quorum the same night type of thing um one of the common problems that we always hear about our committees which is a whole another discussion I guess we'll have at some point soon is Quorum being met so I just didn't want to miss out if this is the chance to find that I want to make sure we do that I don't know okay maybe just I me I mean I don't want I don't know how else to calculate Quorum if you have seven you need at least four right I mean that's I mean that's that you go back to the the base literal translation of Latin one example I've seen is um you know members of a board right to be a member you have to do a so then that night you have to do that particular thing whether it's monetary or whatever so whoever shows up that night this is probably not what this board would do but I'm just as an example that night people show up they pay a dollar their dues or whatever and that's the general members for that that meeting I don't know it's outside the box yeah no okay I see where you're going that's not defining that's not redefining Quorum that's that's that's a different way of getting Quorum yeah okay I just am hoping that we don't miss out the opportunity to figure out how to yep I mean we could we can have that discussion now um because yeah committees are part of this of of this all commit all the Committees are in there um they're in section 216 216 yeah they are LPA Bo I would say to that matter if we're not getting Corum they probably aren't feeling empowered slash maybe we have too many make can we consolidate responsibilities I feel like we have like they're not all on here like recreate parks and stuff's not on here well that's yeah that's that's well that's a special committee right I could just in real quick Kevin chapter two article two of the code not the Land Development code but the code of ordinances is generally where the procedures and stuff for committees and boards are found I would say to your point something I could think of off the top of my head and it really doesn't need to be anything for me but potentially the next one if we could get one more person as an elected body mayor doesn't have a spot for this that would just allow one more person at each committee and still have a quorum of four cuz now we're going even and you know recommendation tied it's still a recommendation you need five five plus one okay well me and my math yeah well never mind I was just trying to think of an easy way to get one more person to to show up cond some of these I'm all favor condensing half our committees what about the harbor Waterway board's membership shall include we do we follow that by by law by rule so a lay man a sports fisherman environmentalist like we're we're assigning those particular positions yep it's fantastic pleasure boat owner I've never actually and one member say I never actually looked that closely at those requirements one me one member can take two roles okay I could be a sports fisherman and a commercial frishman for example I guess yeah or a lay man and a sport fer do we need to well that that that board never mind J firmly empowering the Committees and I would I think we have three boards committees whatever that look at the harbor area so you know if we wanted to do some consolidation I'd be happy to do that uh you you guys did a great job simplifying but there's a couple areas that I would ask that we look at to maybe go back and simplify it one of them is the notice procedures for public hearings okay okay so if you go to page for those of you who have it pulled up I think it's page six all right because we have 10 days we have seven days we have 24 hours we have um let's see 10 to 21 days 5 to8 days you know uh 10 days again I would I would just ask why we can't do and maybe there are some uh statues that say as long you know it has to be this but 10 days I get to 21 to 10 because you you got to let them notice but 10 days probably ought to be our standard that gives everybody plenty of time because I I can't believe that we don't have more that we miss you know where oh we didn't actually oh this is one we should have given them 10 days but we only gave them seven days administratively it just seems like a mishmash of who's keeping track of this so so I I'll tell you the reason why the 21 and 10 days is added the TW it's it's a it's a maximum of 21 days before and a minimum of 10 right right because what we don't want to have happening is somebody posting a sign six months before the before anything right or or an ad going out six months before anything and then meeting the minimum 5day requirement per state statute and putting the second ad in and everyone saw it six months ago completely forgot about it and then 5 days later 5 days before the meeting they're like but they met legal requirement because they had it 10 days prior at least Yeah by meeting the six months but see that one we could do 10 to 21 and I understand why it's 21 and then you could do 5 to 10 as opposed to five to eight how did we land on eight because we didn't want to because we didn't want we didn't want the the first ad to go out on the 10th if they want if they meet the minimum for the first one and then the very next day the second one happening yeah we we didn't want that happening why not seven or you know I'm just because the notice to like the media what is that 24 hours the the local media gets informed let's see it's here it just seems confusing for all these to be different times uh and it could be simplified okay staff will take a look at that to see what simplifications we can make on the local media okay yeah go ahead um I'm assuming that just means the newspaper that no one gets uh can we I know that's State statue can we add to that yeah because I would love for it to be some kind of online something digital that I could actually read for once Because unless I'm driving by and seeing a public notice there's no way I'm getting it yeah we've talked about um putting it up on social medias if it's not already being done yeah I know that happened with that last public notice with the the land vac vac that turned into there is a state there is a digital state repository for Public Notices as well um that we're not required to do because we Post in the the newspaper and in print and digital um so whatever whatever other ideas you have for digital posting yeah I I'm just thinking I mean like I know it's hard online as far as creating requirement but some kind of minimum following threshold of a group or media platform that is designated local and going from there website of the newspaper sorry am might as well no two two separate yeah two two separate so just two different Outlets then instead of just one yeah I know we got to satisfy the state statutory of of a newspaper yeah we can we can absolutely make it to outlets like that's that's not a problem um so yeah if that's a direction that that that the council wants to go add something of that nature on there okay yeah and then whatever we can do I know maybe more staff protocol than maybe on the administrative side but something that allows us to online at least get the word out first before questions and Chaos so we've been working with Tamara started started initial discussions about doing a sheet for every development or every project that comes forward for a public hearing um and and and then also as part of the public noticing in other locations where I've worked at there had to have on the sign a water a weatherproof box and it had to stay stocked with it like staff would stock it initially but then it was on the applicant to keep it stocked perfect so that people walking by or driving by they could hop out pick out that and then it would just basically be the run down one sheld of of of what's going on yeah so that's that's the sort of stuff that we're we're investigating perect I any the sky is the limit so we could absolutely do QR codes yeah zero cies yeah that might get wet in the storm it I've W I've worked in some pretty wet environments before and the weatherproof boxes work pretty well so um and it's some people we hear it all the time I had two customer is in the lobby today I'm computer illiterate I don't have a phone I don't do this so so they they won't be able to access it with a QR code so okay so go uh on page six here here's what I was talking about uh number four all public hearings shall be also be posted on the city of Destin website not less than 10 days prior to the hearing or meeting okay very next one all noticed public hearings or meetings will be posted in a conspicuous place in City Hall at least 7 days prior to the hearing room meeting notice will be given to the appropriate media Representatives at least 24 hours before all public hearings public meetings and workshops y so those could all be 10 days I didn't understand 6A I think this may be one of the scrier errors that DW pointed out because 6A says workshops may be held without the 7-Day notice which seems like it would be its own number because it's not referring to the media Representatives that are mentioned in six and then in seven we get back to the 10day advance notice must be provided to any person group agency or government that registers to receive notice so why don't we just for at least those four or five paragraphs just do 10 days it's like we're bouncing all over the place 10 10 10 10 done any other comments general questions good of the order I give that comment a 10 yeah 10 all right public comments hope you're were taking notes Steve you can stand up here because you're gonna help me we're gonna talk about qus I'm walking away now yeah and I and I'm I'm GNA talk to you as a former city council member and I'm going to talk to you hopefully a a future city council member the quorums are not happening because people have been absent from these meetings for two years and that councilman has not taken that into an issue and called that person and said if you can't attend you don't need to be here you need to be someplace else and we need to appoint somebody else coming into a meeting staying 10 minutes and then leaving so your name is on the agenda as being present that's happening if they don't want to be there let them resign but I can't do that I can't talk to them only their council member can talk to them Steve was telling me the other day because we had a harbor CRA meeting about our master plan you would think we'd all want to be there well somebody had to leave early I mean had to cancel because of an issue came up can we make that a mandatory workshop with the rest of the people there we can still Give opinions we don't have to vote on anything but we can still give opinions we can still pass it on to you and the meetings can still go on what you're getting is no Quorum you don't understand why there's no Quorum I don't think Rays putting on there so and so didn't respond or this one didn't you know this one responded no this one didn't respond at all you're not getting that detail you're just saying no Quorum so you don't know why there's no Quorum but basically it's because there's a lot of people that don't want to be there they were appointed because somebody appointed them and I've even asked the question why are you here if you can't attend the meetings because it interferes with your work time the harbor CRA has so many boat captains on it not one of them can meet the time reg regulation so we're we're hamstrung with that in fact they've even said why can't we make it 7 p.m. well I understand staff wouldn't doesn't want to sit around here till 7 p.m. to have a meeting that's going to last two hours I get that but somehow we've got to balance that when we appoint people and talk to them about this is the requirement this is what's going to have to happen and and if you can't meet that okay that's fine be a supporter come when you can but don't be on the committee when um Mr Bagby appointed someone on the parks and recck committee because his person resigned we haven't missed a meeting yet they want to be there they want to do it so the cheer people of each one of the Committees and the committee members can help you find other people you can call each one of them and say help me find somebody that wants to be here that meets the requirement because they're there they're out there and I talked to two people today and they said' oh we'll be glad to serve on a committee I said fill out the form we'll get you on a committee' but I think that's what the breakdown is you guys aren't hearing all the information that the Committees are putting out there because it just says no Quorum it doesn't say why it doesn't say where they are it doesn't say five people refused or did not respond to the invitation Steve's real good about sending the invitation out two weeks in advance none of the other committees follow that procedure unless they're under Steve which unfortunately he has most of of them so he has to stay here he's doing numerous amount hours of overtime I think it needs to be doled out to other people that's what's happened in the past but that way there is more energizing power on it but when you have someone who hasn't attended in over a year but you only know no Quorum no Quorum no Quorum you don't even know who that is so I think to be fair with everybody people are there they're willing thank you so my name was called out and I and I replaced a couple okay and so and I think I came to you every time I replaced people because you sat on those two committees I don't need to know why there was no Quorum all I need to know is my person wasn't there and after they missed three I call them and I say look if you can't make it that that's fine and Mr leel we had a great conversation I've seen him 20 times since then and he said oh no I'm going to you know business has pulled me away he missed the next two I said I'm sorry he says no you're right I I just can't commit to it and they're they know they've made a commitment and that they're not meeting their commitment and you just say and then we had somebody the next meeting same thing with the other lady uh they they want to come the people want to come sometimes they overextend themselves I think we all do that have done that at time and but they want to help the city so I think we may need a monthly report of people that may not just once a quarter because it's too easy to go what you got right we do receive a report as to whom did not respond and we keep that um we include that as a non uh responsive and we we do report that to you guys yeah we so uh especially Community Development they have like five uh committees and we do get a report from their AA regularly so they give a two two weeks notice and if they have to cancel the meeting they tell us who did not respond or who uh would not be able to attend so we count those as absence yeah okay so um maybe unpopular opinion um I know some people really love committees and boards but um we've heard the same thing over and over many times from the same people um and our staff is uh we we've also heard our staff is extremely overworked all the time and underst staffed which I agree with um you're not GNA you're not going to get them to to do some of this committee stuff to put the time and energy and effort into it if they're overworked under staff because maybe they don't think it's a priority I mean M traml just called out Steve as the one committee that does something I don't know is that an internal thing that City management needs to look at what our processes are on the requirements for the appointees that are in charge of these boards I mean me personally it's not my job to track down all this and and keep up with the people going to these boards I get his report if my person's not there okay I would hope Steve or Michael or somebody Michael stays on me every once in a while about a position but um I got to keep up with my three kids you know I can't keep up with the six committee people I appointed as well so um maybe the maybe staff City management needs to look at the new a new process um I don't know you know I don't know if that's a council Le thing to to rebuild the Committees and Boards stuff but um uh I don't I don't put a lot of value in some of our boards and committees I don't um personally because I I think they're they're not given clear Direction they're not given the support whether that's because it's from staff or from us I mean I don't know I haven't heard anything so you know it's just kind of just lingering it just kind of lingers you know just festers and festers and we just keep re revisiting it but I'd love to do something but I would look towards Larry or whoever else is in that position to maybe figure out how we can revamp this maybe that's something for them to do um just my thoughts um because it could be great I get it but a lot of people don't do it I don't think we're making motions tonight but we'll be certain certainly be glad to look into it and meet with you know staff that's maning those committees and find out what the Dynamics look like and how we might can make some improvement I'd love to hear their honest opinion if some of them think absolutely it's important some of them think it's like hey we don't think youall should do this instead please tell us um that that way then we could actually come up here and talk about that plan or idea and have that official debate I guess but um it's just I I don't disagree with Mr tral but okay what we going to do y i get it all right Mr Mayor anything else y right if I may also add um since November is election day uh election and uh come December since you have five incumbents you're going to have at least five people who would have to uh re reapply or you can uh appoint different people MH yeah all right all right seeing no further call done done --------- ##VIDEO ID:BvxNOVoLOsA## e e we can please find our seats hopefully this is a five minute in and out we got to 530 e e e right everyone it is 5:17 I'm going to call this special meeting to order thank you all for being here tonight uh I'm just going to start with uh the pledge so councilwoman AB with the pledge join me with your hand over your heart I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all well we don't have a pastor here tonight I do want to take a moment um and and recognize one of our locals and veterans that um was a diver out there and that hopefully that he's still Treading Water um but we our prayers are out to the diver um and hopefully we can find them sooner than later so um if you're watching please keep them in your prayers and there's a prayer Watch going on at the harbor walk I believe right now um so with that going on public comments for the good of this order um we have one thing on the agenda it's the lease extension thank you to our wonderful partners for Des and water users for whipping this up real quick thank you guys so much for helping us on this side hopefully we can follow through on our side uh is there any public comments all right seeing none I will close the public comments and I'll open up for discussion or a motion for new business a please extension Mr Mayor do you need any explanation for it or coun well yeah while while everyone's getting their stuff going if you could please just kind of inform the public um at some point the city had identified the capital Improvement project to place some bathrooms and field house at the Morgan Sports Center um as you know that property is owned by Des water users and we have a lease on that property uh we have identified a a funding opportunity through a fer app Grant that's the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Rec recreational development assistance program um one of the requirements of that Grant is that we have control of the property for 30 years from the date of application uh we're going to apply um at the end of the month or the first of next month and Destin water user the current agreement uh with Destin water users expires in 2042 they have graciously um voted to extend that to 2015 54 which will give us that 30-year control that we need to capture that Grant or at least be considered in that Grant so the request tonight is for you to approve that extension and we'll get it back to Destin water users their board has already approved it and'll just be a matter of getting it executed on both ends upon your approval thank you Larry city manager right any further discussions or entertain a motion I'll make the motion to approve as written all right I have a motion do I hear a second second second by councilman dtin discussions all right seeing none I'll call the vote all right let's there's only four of us let's go roll call we're going to go down the I vot yes yes yes yes all right and for I have a unanimous vote 4 zer passes uh any public comments Mr Mayor one other thingly and we can probably do this after the meeting but uh Mr Burgess I've asked him to be here tonight to give us an update on the tropical situation in the gulf and uh tell us what we know to date and what our plans going forward would be if you would entertain that pleas AB appreciate Michael burges well thank you Mr Mayor and Council um just got off the phone a few moments ago with Patrick Maddox our public safety director for the county I don't know why I took my reading glasses off because this is way too small to read without it okay this update is about the tropical system currently south of Cuba which could soon become tropical storm Halen and later hurricane Halen as of right now the storm is not incredibly well organized but is expected to organize and get stronger in the coming days it could strengthen into a hurricane by late tomorrow or early Wednesday and is expected to L make landfall in the Big Bend area of the state on Thursday Thursday as a major hurricane that's a change as of this afternoon a few key takeaways from the reports from the National Weather Service and fdm uh the storm is projected to make landfall on Thursday uh forecasts are currently calling for it to reach major hurricane status and that is a category three or higher for now Okaloosa County is predicted to be on the less dangerous western side of the storm but we still could get some strong winds and experience uh heavy rains right now the forecast says we might get from 2 to 6 Ines of rain waves up to 8 to 10 ft and strong winds and gusts especially closer to the coast which we can't get much closer than that as a reminder Bridges would close when sustained winds reach 40 m an hour so those days you need to kind of plan those days carefully City staff is preparing just in case we feel Hans effects and to that end we have taken the following steps the city has provided no opened up a sandbag station at our maintenance facility located next door at 3949 Commons Drive sand also being available at this location if the supply of sandbags that we've set out today is depleted this evening and into of the night it'll be restocked by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow uh Tamara has already posted this information on our Facebook page and it's getting some likes and shares and whatnot and as a reminder this is a self-service facility uh senior staff and other ke Personnel had a storm preparedness meeting this morning at 11:00 uh refreshing staff on their roles and responsibilities and storm updates Public Works staff is testing our inventory of pumping equipment and portable generators to ensure they're all fully operational we do this a couple of times during Hurricane Season but we're going to go ahead and do it again uh we're also performing a Citywide drainage system check uh tomorrow and Wednesday uh back in February staff submitted the cross town connector property for use as a disaster debris management site to to FD and we've submitted our mutual Aid agreement that you all approved uh several months ago uh staff has been in contact with one of our debris management contractors today as well like I said with the County's Emergency Management Division and as a reminder it's uh important to stay prepared and even though the worst part of this storm may miss our area we're cognizant that the forecast could change as more information comes in and this goes for folks at home as well it's not just theity being prepared it's everyone being prepared and on that for more information for how you can get prepared on for events like this one I'd recommend going to www. ready.gov it's ready.gov multitude of resources on that site to prepare for and mitigate the effects of severe weather for your business and home um I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind the public especially those watching at home to closely monitor trusted sources of weather information such as is the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center and do not rely on social media posts for your information Tik talk is not a Weather Service um I did say something to Tamar a while back and uh a lot of people like to post things that are exaggerated inflammatory on those types of sites just trying to create a panic and uh trying to be trending versus truthful and uh just reminding people to trust uh TR to rely on trusted sources of weather information and also I'd like to invite everyone here tonight and listening online to sign up for alert Okaloosa alert Okaloosa um it is easy to do absolutely free just go to alert oaoa.com to sign up for phone text and email messaging regarding all types of emergencies and in addition if you go to the city of Destin's website and in the upper right hand corner in the search pane type hurricane guide it'll take you right to our uh 2024 hurricane guide it's also filled with lots of great information on how you can be storm ready thank you all right thank you Mr Burgess and just one final thought we will keep you guys a breast of everything we know via email so might want to check them often over the next couple of days and we'll let you know what we know as we learn it I got question and and certainly available for any questions you may have I've been asked several times today is the seafood festival going to be um cancelled or are we waiting to see if the storm has moved through and we're clear and they're able to set up Friday and it's a beautiful weekend I have not heard the seafood festival announced a few hours ago that as of now it's still on but they're monitoring it thank you all right and that is not a city of Dustin event event or function just to just just to put that out there right seeing no further discussions thank you guys for the update I will call this meeting journ and we will be back here shortly for the workshop