##VIDEO ID:SXbG0QoRxUA## e e I will call the Dustin city council meeting to order up first we have the invocation we do not have a pasture tonight so if everyone can please rise we're going just going to take a couple seconds of silence and then we'll get into the pledge all right thank you so much councilwoman AB bear with the pledge please join me with your hand over your heart I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right and a little PSA for everyone online we apologize the audio might be a little distorted uh we're dealing with some technical issues we found a somewhat uh roundabout way to give you a audio but we are just recording it through a microphone through a speaker so if there's anything online we do apologize in advance all right moving forward uh approval agenda approval I just have one thing I was going to add under my name um for a project manager position discussion uh does anyone else have anything for yeah I'd like to pull um on the consent agenda three uh C for discussion all right got C pulled anyone else all right seeing none I'll take a motion in a second I'll make the motion all right I hear a second second by councilman King all right all in favor oh all right let's we'll we'll vocal it until we get this up and running uh C Stevens yes all right councilman D is a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes all right I got yeses unanimously so moved for the consent or I'm sorry for the approval of the agenda all right Proclamation all right well good evening again everyone um so as a lot of you probably are aware uh September is suicide Awareness Month um I have been in contact with a group called Florida firewatch and they specialize in doing suicide prevention for military and Veterans and so we wanted to do this Proclamation not only for the month for suicide awareness but also a special recognition to uh the Florida fire watch and there's a couple stats in here that were a little alarming for me and that's why we went with them this year so with further Ado whereas with September being recognized as suicide awareness month this Proclamation was created to raise the visibility of mental health and proactive Suicide Prevention resources in our community we want there to be a cons um conversation and a destigmatization of this and helping connecting people with the appropriate support services and whereas in the Okaloosa County here's the stat 18 to 24y Old veterans lead the number of suicides in Okaloosa County and we recognize this as a community crisis whereas the city of dtin publicly places its full support behind those who work in the field of mental health education and law enforcement and where when whereas we as the cityon are asking community members to take a stand to become a watch standard a free program through the firat to help recognize sign of veterans in need help and making sure they get the resources that they so desperately deserve now therefore be it resolved that I Bobby Wagner mayor of dtin on behalf of the dtin city council do hereby proclaim the month of September 2024 as National Suicide convention month in the city of dtin and encourage all citizens to join in the community in any way that is personally meaningful we will be providing more information about the firewatch program today and throughout this whole month in the and in the upcoming weeks and helping individuals and business business become so one of the goals and the projects that we have going on right now is we are going to try to become the very first uh City in the State of Florida to become a veteran Safe Community through the state's organization called uh Florida firew watch which is what I mentioned earlier as far as being veteran suicide awareness so what that means is if you guys go online and sign up it's about a 45 minute course and that just gives you guys the resources and the tools to understand what to look for when you see a veteran in need and potentially the resources to provide them we understand that it's a very touchy subject and while a lot of us aren't equipped to be the source provider uh we can all do our best to give those resources and the talent and I guess make the connection between the professionals with those resources and our veterans in need uh in addition we are going to be asking uh different hotels and businesses across uh destined to partake in this and hopefully by the end of September our goal is before um November 11th or Veterans Day that we have the requirements set forth by the Florida fire watch to become a designated uh veteran Safe Community um while that's a nice cute title at the end of the day it's all about reducing the numbers of suicide in in Okaloosa I believe the stat was 46 veteran suicides in the past three years in Okaloosa alone and again based off the proclamation um our highest in the 20s is our ages 18 through 24 so some of the biggest issues in Okaloosa County are our very young veterans or military active members so um that is the reason we are dedicating not only suicide awareness month but giving special uh nod to the Florida fire watch so if anyone has any questions please reach out to me the city of dtin or anyone um we are going to be trying to equip everyone with all those resources and the links and the tools so thank you guys so much uh this is an initiative that I'm bringing forward and I hope that we can uh hit the target goal so thank you guys so much all right well that was my uh very first Applause from a proclamation so I appreciate that all right moving right along public comments this is your time to speak about anything on the agenda not under public hearings uh everyone has three minutes and we just need your name and address and the floor is yours I'm going to start from my right y'all's left anyone will yeah will then Sandy oh Sandy then will no Sandy are are up come on Sand come on Sandy s Sandy traml Indian Trail Destin um I just want to talk to you about the budget I have some heartburn over this budget that's coming up before you I think we need to focus on what we truly need and not necessarily what we truly want what we need is our people to stay here as far as our staff we need continuity with that what we need is to raise their salaries we need a lot of things that will help each individual citizen of Destin not necessarily the few and when I look at the things that we're going to borrow money for certainly undergrounding utilities is number one a cross town connector I'm not real sure that that little extra piece since we don't have the end of it down there at stalman figured out yet is going to benefit us it's just going to cause another traffic jam in another area of town so I think those kinds of things need to be worked on before we decide we're going to borrow money for something like that and and finish it um I'm also worried about a recession what I hear from condo owners what I hear from restaurant owners is they're there it's coming it's here because they're not making the money they think they should be making right now and of course I know that's subjective we're all not making the money we think we should but um it scares me we I don't want to the city to get into situation like the Town Center did at the last recession because the city doesn't have the money to bail us out if we go through with this budget so please look and reconsider some of those things um and don't hamstring future councils and future staff with not having the ability to do anything that needs to be done thank you thanks so much all right will Council mayor how are youall today 744 Kelly Street William Ellison I'm here to talk about code or the lack of um this year we had carts on the beach I called numerous times I emailed numerous times left numerous complaints left numerous documentations no emails back no text back no call back no response back now I worked under all of y'all maybe not you I worked under all of y'all I would have got written up I'd have got fired what are we doing come on is this uh Troy I don't like I don't even know what say here can we get some professionalism transparency is key right if you call in a complaint make a case don't ticket somebody then say you gave them a warning in the same ticket or the same case that they got a warning that's not how it works that's not how the Florida state statute works and if they're not aware of that then maybe they should go back to face training I don't know I just think that things have been handled unfairly unjustly like she said there's a recession we all didn't make the money we were supposed to I wonder why blind eyes being turned I'm not sure um questions need to be answered people's feet need to be held to the fire I did I did my job I crossed my te's dotted my eyes I did everything by the code didn't get anything I haven't I haven't been able to come here and talk to y'all over the shenanigans that codee's done to me this is the first time I've been able to talk to y'all all summer long and I'm not even able to say all I want to say but let's just hold her feet to the fire transparency if somebody calls something in document it if it's not out there all you got to do is boom boom case unfounded not go out there and not take any pictures no documentation let's do you know right is right wrong is wrong let's hold their feet to the fire let's enforce the code not what do we call it selective enforcement you know what I'm saying y'all have a good day apprciate that well right anyway Carrie harbarger rainbow Frost ice cream there was a little frustration there um what I wanted to say was to please be conscientious of dates and stuff because councilman Dustin was up here and he made mention of some things and then of course apparently as you'll see after he makes mention of it they go out and write a bunch of tickets and they weren't written until August well they were hard to track because apparently and I could be wrong they can correct us but they don't keep up with code books and numbers so my husband's retired with the Sheriff's Office and I know that might not be at the same level of code even though our code claims that he was part of a police department we all know that we check tickets out that you know we we do we check tickets out we assign them we just don't have ticket books with a bunch of numbers out there that nobody knows who's got it sets us up for a lack of transparencies I think were some of the aggravation was and that's all I'm going to say tonight and if you have any questions I can answer I will but that's I think was the transparency was the lack that we don't have you can't find anything is everything's supposed to be by number but why number them if they don't care if they're turned in you can't find anything now all of a sudden since we've mentioned it and I'll tell yall there's a big problem going on it's not over so that might be exactly what the frustration was about cat and that's all I can say right now all right thank you so much thank you all right anyone else all right seeing none we'll close public comments and move on to the consent agenda minus C we'll we'll do the consent agenda then we'll pull C and work on that I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda without C all right do I hear a second second second all right call the vote working on it yeah there we go all right I have it youly so moved all right and now see uh K Schmidt do you wanna yeah thank you just for some clarification um Weber LLC is contracted by the F do and then the city does um some things uh forming litter removal edging sweeping and mowing functions but do we do that through z z we do that through Z currently that's correct sir yes so we get $40,000 approximately from Weber uh but then I I'm assuming in some way or another we turn around and pay Zeke for services or whatever correct to do that H have have we uh this can either be discussed now or later but have we discussed with Weber since they are so highly regarded um to do our services our maintenance lwn maintenance there is an a agenda item later on okay where we will have part of that conversation we have not specifically reached out to where we yet but it depending on certain actions you take that opportunity will uh present itself and we would certainly move forward in that direction with that conversation okay sounds good um I can make the motion else had something I'll move that we adopt resolution 2409 authorize the city manager to execute the contract with Weber LLC I'll second that all right I got a motion in a second seeing no further discussions call on the vote all right I have it unanimously passed all right moving right along city manager har thank you Mr mayor council members again thank you for the opportunity to be with you and U I'll let you know that you're um I very much appreciate the U gracious staff that has worked hard to help me become a part of what we're doing here in the city and look forward to continuing that as long as my services are needed um so the uh first item under city manager is item 4 a which is is from our engineering department regarding the airport road at commin Drive pedestrian intersection improvements uh you saw some detail in your packet regarding some uh improvements to crosswalks and uh Lane markings and such that would make that intersection much safer we're seeing a lot of uh high volume pedestrian traffic there and if we by approving this this will allow us to coordinate with the design of the linear Trail which is at about 60% to make sure they line uh so we're at the right time to move this forward uh to um complement what the linear Trail will do in that area so uh we're asking you to U approve moving forward with the design of this facility it cost $64,500 all right with that do I have a motion or discussion I'll make the motion mayor I move the city council to direct the interim city manager to execute the task order with the city's continuing services consultant vulker Incorporated and fund the design and permitting through the Public Works Safety Committee Fund in the amount of $64,500 I'll second that all right I got a motion and discussion uh I talked during my briefing this morning so it's nothing that me and Joe didn't talk about um not only the crosswalks but we're I'm definitely interested and it seems to be on this plan to uh allow the green light from Commons going northbound on airport when airport green light going eastbound on Commons is going green uh I think some of us have picked that up over time and I think that'll just help again with the congestion and moving traffic forward so I'm very excited to see that and councilman dtin and I don't have my agenda in front of me but that is a budgeted item yes okay that's the only question I had okay see no further questions I will call the vote yeah they're they're uh lagging oh man as soon as I for the vocal is going to go all right vocal it is yes yes yes yes yes all right I have it unanimously so moved there it is look at that man I hate being right confir all right Larry take it away thank you next item is from our engineering uh Department regarding the pickle ball courts uh in August of last year Council director staff to engage jenin Jenkins engineering to design a pickle Court area pickle ball court area in Indian Bay Trail between City Hall Annex Building and Public Works buildings um those drawings are now at 100% they were presented to the Parks and Recreation committee uh on the 27th of August who voted 70 to approve and forward for your recommendation so uh following that recommendation staff would also recommend that you approve this so we can move forward with that project all right councilwoman AAR the recommended motion I move to have city council approve the 100% construction documents and approve phase one phase 1 a and phase 1B for construction and direct staff to bring back to city council at a future meeting the necessary budget amendments for city council consideration all right I do have a motion do I hear a second second second by councilman King uh only discussion I have just almost for the record for anyone listening um if everything goes to plan what what do we think is our timeline for these courts as far as I know this is going out to bid 30 days probably then do we have an estimate on the construction timeline I would I'll yield to Joe but I would suspect we're probably late next year if we can get started by first of 25 probably well uh actually the very next agenda item that we're going to be asking you for is going to be bringing the uh uh the project out to let and in that RFP is a tentative schedule of where we think it's going to what it's going to take to get it constructed uh I don't have it up right at the moment but it is okay yes so um yeah in the RFP uh we estimate the uh notice of award to be in December uh permitting to occur in January construction to begin in March and to be completed by December of 2025 okay yeah it's about it'll be about a yearlong project once we get it off the ground Perfect all right thank so much all right councilman dtin okay we have approximately 400,000 in the budget uh we have $375,000 of existing City money and we're anticipating another $50,000 Grant from fap okay and and until we put it out to bed we really don't know what it's going to cost right you're correct and I would just be thrilled if it it comes in under that amount if it doesn't we're going to have to come back and try to figure out where the money is going to come from but that won't happen till December huh that's correct all right see no further discussions calling the vote all right there we go eyes have it unanimously so mooded all right moving right along thank you 4C is companion to that where we're asking you to allow us to move forward with putting those plans that you just approved on the street for um uh bids and uh that will be the beginning of that uh procurement process that we would hope to have award by December all right Council AB I move to have city council approve the draft RFB as presented and release the project for bid all right I have a motion second I was second by councilman Stevens apologize for putting my discussion a little bit ahead of a item uh seeing no further discussions we will call the vote all right sounds like we're about to get some pickle ball all right thank you um next item is item 4D uh was from our finance uh director um was to discuss the 2024 debt issuance and cost comparisons however due to the magnitude and complexity of questions that were submitted back to us uh from our solicitation uh we were not able to get those back in uh answered in a timely manner to allow us to open bids today when they were initially due so that has been moved back to September 26 um is the uh due date for the bids uh once we get those we intend to brief you council members individually on what that looks like and bring back uh at October I believe it's October 7th uh for your council meeting for a decision but um following a request from commissioner Deston at an earlier meeting we will have a a u opinion of probable cost of what the underwriting would fees would be in a bond issuance for you to consider As you move forward through that process so no action there uh item 4E was an update on the um um upcoming budget uh however what you found what we found and provided was no more than a duplicate of your August 12th meeting the information that was presented then so any of the updates from that date till now will be covered in the public hearing later tonight in the budget process so from there we go to item 4f which is from our it Department uh in regards to the Joe bi Joe's bio camera situation and status you have asked us to ensure that there were cameras there and they were active and we have done that there's one camera that has two angles those are direct feeds to Code Compliance in the sheriff's office so they are have the ability to um monitor those as as they as they will uh so those are live feeds uh we also have the ability to stream those camera views live on the count on the city's website uh with cost about $300 a year to have those two angles streamed uh and that's um not a complicated matter it's just would take a vote of the board that you want them placed on the website the advantage would be that a citizen could go look and see if there's you know nine trailers stacked up to launch they may want to wait an hour so something for your consideration right does anyone have a discussion or a motion on that I'm moveing the staff install a public webcam at just bu you available on the city's public website all right by councilman King second councilwoman abar any further discussions seeing none calling the vote all right live cameras at Joe's it is thank you uh next item is item 4G uh regarding the uh um maintenance of the M meetings on Highway 98 if you recall at the AO August the 12th meeting coach baggley uh threw the challenge flag on the idea of of uh bringing this in house which calls us to do an official review and uh based on the information we found which um the difficulty of attracting and retaining qualified staff um no lack of St with appropriate herbicide and pesticide licenses to spray safety considerations of working in that high traffic area and steep slops uh lack of resources for proper maintenance of the irrigation system which are several thousand irrigation heads that have the potential of breaking when a mower runs over them um and then finally the fiscal responsibility we we just come to find that we don't think this the right time to do this so the ruling on the field has been overturned and Mr Bagby retains this Challenge and is not charged with a timeout so what does that ask lead us to do tonight we uh first we would ask that you allow us to extend the contract with zi for three mon three months and if you do that then we would ask you to allow us to go out for bids and include Weber in that solicitation process and of course any others that would wish to but we would make a um Reach Out specifically to them and ask them for their consideration of that bid so the the first action would be to extend the contract with z for uh 90 days or through the end of the the year till the December 31st right councilman BBY mayor I move that the city council authorize the city manager to read vertise an RFB for miscellaneous median maintenance services and further authorize the extension of the existing median maintenance contct contract by three months second right multiple seconds any fur discussions councilman Schmidt yeah what do we what do we truly feel is going to be different this time around I think this is our third time going to solicitation so what are we expecting well we hope we get some participation and you know we will actively pursue those that uh you know as a Weber that are you know they're there already so that mean that would be the logical move that hope that they would show interest uh we do intend to uh put some guard rails in place that U you know gives us a little more protection for non-performance um and and hopefully we can get a better product at the end of the day so realistically besides going after a Weber is there any specific action that we're going to take differently than the past multiple times we've done this that you know of well I can't speak to what's happened in the past but work with our procurement folks to make sure we're getting it in the appropriate places and making the appropriate contacts to the best of our ability certainly um yeah this is like a uh cyclical hamster will yes sir it's been repeated um I think we you know I brought up six or seven months ago about the contract with zck and we extended it back then and um I just hope that we have good success this time around because give it our best shot I think for the three months we we were told that we needed to bring it inh housee and now we're told it's a horrible decision so um we have we have bad maintenance around our city for sure I think a lot of residents agree with that and so whatever I can do to assist even you know I think last time I asked for the link or something if I can you know send that out to people on LinkedIn and everything else I will do much solicitation as I can as well and any from any of if you got any po potential out there that may be interested send them our way I mean we want as much participation as we can get counc Bagby thank you mayor um and I would actually entertain going a step further uh or or I won't make Put It In Motion form but something to consider a lot of these companies doing those islands with all the Landscaping that we have in those islands that is you know surgeon work and it's not like the guys Weber is more of a rideway taken care of you know with the four bush hogs on each side of the tractor going you know cutting the hole right away in one or two cuts uh if we if they have the equipment because I don't want you know any of our ball fills or anything like that bush hog but if they have the equipment if we you know I would just ask him if we increase the amount would that make it more uh tempting for you to put in a bid because there there are some places and it's not even the ball fields there are some places that parks and wreck are cutting out of the goodness of their heart that we could actually turn that into the contract and and make it make sense or make it worthwhile for a company to invest in doing that as opposed to going up and down the islands on highe 98 right okay thank you we all right see no further discussion call the vote all right I have it thank you um Dr Young has um an item regarding the mural of the uh installation of the city mural at Captain Royal Melvin Heritage Park um I believe last year it was approved to move forward with the in conjunction with the city's 40th anniversary for the city's first mural at the captain Royal Melvin uh Heritage Park we're suggesting that we use the artist Kelly Pierre um who is local as award-winning artist most recently the 2024 MD Kelly Arts Foundation poster contest winner C it so uh so staff recommends that you direct the uh city manager to work with public information officer to continue forward the design and installation of the mural at Capital Royal Melvin Heritage Park all right with that councilwoman neighor I moved to direct city manager to work with the public information director to continue forward with the design and installation of the mural at C Royal Melvin Heritage Park all right I have a motion to second second by councilman Stevens any further discussions seeing none call on the vote all right we're getting a mural yay years in the making I think all right announcement and that's uh last item for action but I do have a couple of things uh from announcement wise um at the August 19th meeting uh we were you asked staff to meet with the Elementary School uh principles to discuss the crossing guard situation we I want you to know we had that meeting um it was some productive we didn't come to any resolution other than we made them aware that it was taxing on our code folks so they they agreed that they would look to see if there was some relief they could offer but in the meantime we have regrouped on some of our staffing and U parks and wreck are maning one of the intersections uh for us and then Public Works is doing some Fillin works so we have gotten some relief for our codee officers for that but we are still there and we're we'll make sure it's covered but we did I didn't want you to know that we met with the school and had that conversation um and then uh at August 5th meeting commissioner uh councilman dtin uh asked us to look into reinvigorating the sister city program that we had some years back uh we're working through that process just want to uh again let you know that uh we heard the request and we're all working on it um Dr Young has been in contact trying to reach out to the city that we were um in a relationship with and hadn't had any luck yet but has reached out to the parent organization and they're trying to help us get that reconnection so uh we're moving that forward as well so just wanted you to make you aware of that and um that's all we have all right thank you Dr Young you got anything else no no just with that there were actually two evidently two sister organizations in the past that we were two sister cities over in France so um I I was able to look online and find out a little bit of information and get some email contacts but any of you happen to retain contacts or anybody in the community did and they want to get in touch with me to give me some direct links that would be terrific all right councilwoman ab and I know that uh you've probably seen where folks on online have said is there anything we can do to dress up the post office behind the Public's um and I don't know if they would be interested in having any kind of you know mural or something done or even help getting it spruced up being a government building so I didn't know if you had any contacts with them but it is something people are thinking about we do it's to your [Laughter] left we'll definitely request [Laughter] all right Kim public hearings this is ordinance 2410 CN an ordinance of the city of dtin of Okaloosa County Florida adopting the final levying of adalum taxes for the city of dtin for fiscal year 2025 and providing for an effective date this is first reading right see that this is a public hearing at this time if anyone from the public wishes to speak on this topic this is your time to do so not everyone jump up at the same time all right closing the public comments and we will go forward and I can entertain a motion or discussion I'll make the motion all right councilman Bagby with the motion mayor I move this Council adopt ordinance 24-10 CN on first reading adopting and proposed fiscal year 202 mill rate of 1. 6150 Ms which is more than the roll back rate of 1. 14969 by 7.89% the second reading will take place at public hearing number two on September 16th 2024 at 6m in the city hall Annex all right I got a motion by councilman bagy second by councilwoman AAR any further discussions right seeing none call the vote right and we got some lag going on all right down the row yes yes yes yes yes all right eyes have it unanimously so moved oh come on all right all right Kim 5B hey this is ordinance 2411 CN an ordinance of the city of D making Appropriations for certain expenditures expenses Capital Improvements and certain indebtedness of the city of Dustin Florida for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 and providing for an effective date this is first reading all right seeing that this is first reading this is also a public hearing so this is your time to speak on 5B committee man Brian I in the 3826 IND thean Trail uh I just do your best to sharpen me your pencils guys uh I'm kind of feeling like what everyone else is feeling that that adorm tax won't be there for the next few years all right thanks sure all right anyone else from the public seeing none I'll close the public comments and entertain a motion at this time mayor I move the council adopt ordinance 24-11 CN on first reading to provide for a balanced budget for fiscal year 2025 the second reading will take place at public hearing number two on September 16th 2024 at 6 PM in the city hall Annex all right I have a motion second by councilwoman AAR any further discussions seeing none oh Council Missi this is our this is our budget right the item on the budget fantastic if y'all can bear with me I have a handful of questions uh to go through um because this is the final night or first of the two final nights so I just want to make sure that things haven't changed um there is an item uh for $88,000 for a special election in 2025 do we have clarification on what that's for why we might have a special election in 2025 mayor yeah that's my item uh I was under the impression that I remove that because uh since we're not having the referendum for the annexation until 2025 or 2026 so my intent was to remove that $110,000 from the books so just to confirm that will be $8,000 less the next hearing that'll be gone I think so is that wrapped up yeah Crystal that wrapped up in the 140 all right so that's wrapped up in the 140 they just line item this is separate This was um the uh the line item in the budget it was under city council um under Professional Services and uh it was in case um we lost a council member uh where we had to refill the position um but Ry intended when we were trying to make the the the budget cuts uh in between May in June or July uh this was an item that the uh clerk's office they thought they had removed it and deleted it but it still um was showing up in the in the system so so will that be removed so I'll remove that cool thank you uh the budget for uh healthc care for the city council $138,000 is that made up of seven people I'm still a person so do we budget for all eight of us we we budgeted for the people that are currently on and then for the PE for the change over because we don't know you know after the November election uh if the new people coming in will will stay on or not okay so then that's accurate and I don't want to break any harp of violations or anything but we're talking nearly $50,000 for each council member that's on it that's correct for a family for each council member who goes with a a family coverage individual is paid by the city not for Council well yes because I accept it because y that's what this budget is that's what this budget is this is the city's portion not the council members portion right uh councilwoman abar has a comment on that topic I I'm not going to be part of that necessary $50,000 because I have two coverages already and if I'm reelected in November which I fully expect to be that'll be $50,000 you can put back in the bank well it's fine I don't want have to get I just I just you know when you compare it at other Department's line items more than others sometimes try to understand where that number is coming from it's an assumption which I think we can you know okay make more money back well if it can't be changed I get it but there's also more room in the council contingency and other items and that the council's budget I think went up nearly hundred and something thousand dollar compared to last year um so okay um we have $35,000 for uh cameras for Public Safety that are going to be installed at somebody's choosing locations can I get some clarification on what that's for Turing cameras at buildings and other sites which um which page or account number page 25 this is under Public Safety $4500 per camera with installation I'm looking at page 25 under Public Safety you're you're are you looking at the uh the munus detail report yeah I'm looking at the detail report I'm looking at the packet that somebody dropped off my desk when they walked in in page 25 it says operating supplies line item 55200 for $35,000 now I see it page 25 right this is uh estimated cost per camera $4,500 with installation then I do I do have your answer then so our existing cameras are made by a company uh that is based in China and is now on a list of folks that local governments in Florida aren't allowed to use so this is money to begin we've already begun uh with operating money but begin to phase out those cameras and replace them with uh us made touring cameras that match the ones like you just discussed at Joe's byou that's what that money's for but how but we're going to be able to do it at Joe's valou for like 30 bucks the cameras at Joe's value are already there we just have to change all we have to do is yeah just flip a switch and we get our live feed okay got it so this is like like a it thing it is uh it's open for discussion what you would like to do with those cameras of course I can how many do we have across the entire city if it's 35,000 it's just a little at a time I mean yeah it's it's not really going by camera it's going by I think it's called an NVR box so in each building you'll have an NVR box that controls all the cameras there's only about six of these boxes and that's the expensive part and so the Chinese we're not allowed to do it anymore so they're going to cut them off here pretty soon or do we have to replace them well it's uh sort of an unfunded mandate from the state so they they do love doing that you mean they told us that we can't use this company and we need to stop using them right okay they did not give us any money no okay different but the same uh my drone my drones can't be there's a blue Flagship now and they'll like fine us or something if we don't we have I'm not aware of any fines or anything like that um from an IT perspective we certainly do want to phase these things out they're very old they are communicating with packets to China thank you Andy all right moving to the next one uh our Code Compliance budget uh we're uh we're estimating 15 units uh per DM hotel which is approximately $8 to $9,000 per you know total what what is this for page 26 uh average budget hotel cost one hotel room for a 5day class face so it's is it is it to send 15 people to face this coming year Well we wanted a budget for those that have not been to face to get them there and if they've already had a face class to get get another one oh so you can do more than this there's four face certifications and we were fortunate to be able to bring face in this past year back in February first time they ever ever hosted at the city of dtin uh they don't typically hold a ton of courses on this side of the state um and so most of them are you know the other side or and what does face give you well it's the for Association of code enforcement and they offer four certifications fundamentals code enforcement legal aspects of Code Enforcement um officer safety for code enforcement and aren't we also trying to hire a training person within our city well we had a um Deputy position open an Ops training coordinator position that was open okay I mean we we obvious look to do as much in-house and free training as possible but these uh certifications they do cost M our how many staff members do we have right now seven or eight uh I think we're upwards of uh we just had somebody start today somebody start last week so yeah probably closer to 10 and do any of them have all three or four certifications no okay gotcha um all right well I understand the uh the the the want to go do those um but from what I hear around the community um I think we should look at spending money on just internal city of Destin training you know our our code our LDC our things um so I would just be careful with that budget for for my personal opinion but thank you for the answer you're welcome um the merchant services Crystal for Code Department 30 something, to feed and collections for licenses and permits and Compass is that like an accurate number yes it is that's just like yeah it's the uh because we use energov we're restricted to a one certain merchant services provider um when we transfer away from energov uh this coming summer and June we'll be able to move to a different merchant services provider then the those costs should come down significantly okay that would be great savings okay um we paying a monthly I'm sorry I'm moving on to Leonard Dustin Park page 37 uh 47 monthly pool cleaner for $2,700 a month pool maintenance for the splash pad March through October for eight months is this new or have we always done this we have had them um since we well the first year year or two yeah so we've had them for over a year now what what what do they what do they do for us well so the splash pad does have to be um checked you know to make sure all the chemicals are good every day every day we actually do it twice a day so we have them come and I mean it's kind of time consuming right is it do you think it's like a specialized there's like only one company in the area that offers that specific service I'm just actually it's been very hard to deal with the splash pad there's only been a select that have even entertained it and they've been the one that's local and the most responsible okay great sure hey I got a few more so you keep stop me and go ahead I was going to ask about that to him so I'm glad he brought it up so did they give us a break for the the weeks that that Splash Pad was that inactive did we get any kind of discount so that we're not paying for something that used yeah we cut them off right away yes great okay thank y'all um uh under the next page which is the section just called Parks 157 283 what is Parks because we have Leonard Dustin Park section we have Morgan's Park we have Community Center Park what is this so Parks so Morgans has its own budget right Community Center has its own budget Leonard D has its own budget TDC Waterfront I saw TDC and so this is Parks this is all of our Parks just the leftover Parks accesses yes all the other parks that we take care of so the miscellaneous Contract Services for $20,000 is that cleaning bathrooms that I mean it shouldn't be bathrooms because bathrooms would be covered under Morgans or commute so is there any particular for parks Parks so we do um continueing I mean really that's been kind of a uh catchall um you know if we need expert opinions on um irrigation like well we just had um a better uh not a better person an expert come and help us because we our staff was having trouble with uh irrigation um when we contract out for um you know like a you know I don't want to take money away from Parks but it sounds like an extra bucket you know for catchall you know yes there's a lot of buckets under the parks Pages it's a big it's our biggest apartment right I know okay got it thank you um utilities are these based on actuals crystal yes sir this is the trend so when we look at U utilities at Morgan's for $229,000 and then we look at utilities at Little League which is actually the city of D's thread guill Park of $117,000 it's really that that difference yes for a park that's utilized six or seven months out of the Year versus one that's utilize 12 months or I mean you you two follow the utility bills for all the parks can you speak more to this okay I'll come back to that one then because when you look at Community Center utilities I think it's nearly 50 or $660,000 so I'm just unsure about the utilities budgeting um the amazing um fireworks display we had the we had the um drones in the budget we have 40,000 for fireworks are we talking at all Miss Dr um young about budgeting for drones or we is it is it in discussion do we know the amount or anything that's a good question and in that way as small of the staff as we are and we work so well together the drones obviously were particularly for the 40th and that came under public information and I was in charge of that piece the fireworks are something that Lisa and her her crew do you know how much the Drone show yes we spent $220,000 on that wow just for the Drone himself or all the festivities that you did um the the drones themselves yes was $20,000 then we spent um about $5,000 more on the bands and some cupcakes all that other good stuff you think fireworks should cost twice the amount as drone show I'm biased the lawyer tells me I'm biased based on your experience your history knowled that's a whole other ball game than what I do yeah I got one drop councelor smid I have an answer for you sure just looking at last month's power bill for 7-Eleven Hickory Street which is Dalton threadgill uh the power bill was $2,100 last month just for that one month and every month is a separate file so it would take me a minute to go through all of them but uh for example out of that Parks budget that you mentioned the uh 15 7283 the total Parks power uh allotment was $2,929 it might be worthwhile doing a little bit of auditing on some utilities because for a park that's par particularly not even being run last month it's a lot of money I mean I don't think we had a lot of City functions over there I know the little league themselves aren't even uh using it in August so uh it might be worthwhile to put a note somewhere of finding out why it's over $2,000 for air conditioned to run think okay if you if you'll be patient with me I'll pull up the June no you're fine um holiday Decor where do we land on the 70k are we buying it for the 70k are we buying it and storing it or are we Contracting it I know we wanted 140 and we approved 70 right is it so 70 will give us a couple uh Royal and uh maybe some or it will uh Main Street and those would be the subcontractor would purchase and Store and put them back up so that's that's going to be probably the set the contract out is that what you're saying yes I'm hoping to as we're hoping to because that I'll come back to at some point I imagine right and we have to actually approve that yeah you'll have you'll see that I'm talking to a few different companies and some pricing so if you say yes we'll bring it to you okay all right thank you all for your patience there um like I said parks and wreck as we all know it's a it's the biggest budgeted item in our city that we have um it's very important um there are a lot of buckets though in there you know and so um I think it wouldn't hurt to maybe take that pencil like somebody was saying earlier and make sure we're on the right page um but yeah okay I think I'm good for now that gives me my uh answers for the next meeting where we finalize it all so thank you thanks for your patience right Council mest thank you mayor um does this budget contain increases in fees for permits or any fees throughout the city no sir because Council has not moved to adopt any fee changes okay um I think several meetings ago or maybe just one meeting ago we requested that you give us a a more precise figure on what a 3% reduction in operating budgets would be is it in there yeah there's uh there's a description on the agenda cover page and I hand it out to each of the council members uh that the change the changes from the uh from the July 15th to the August 12th um so you can see the from July 15th to August 12th we decreased the budget uh by about $350,000 uh which is close to 2% of operations from um what it was to from meeting to meeting uh a the details of all of the changes were on slides 10 and 11 in the uh August 12th uh slide presentation which luck would have it is also in this um in this agenda um under agenda item 4E uh so do you have any specific questions or shall I review those um those changes again okay at the moment I think I'm good C mag yeah just a couple of quick things um I probably misunderstood or misheard you on Personnel budgeting you normally budget that everybody takes the health care and then uh when they don't because you can't under you know you can't say well historically only 50% of the people have taken the health heare package so that's what we're going to budget for because they can become a family you know a single person can become a family or council member can decide to join or somebody who wasn't on it last year so typically in public budgets you budget 100% taking it and then you can uh readjust from that is that what we did or did are you so how how many council members additional council members for this this budget period are you do you think are going to be on so so currently we have four council members who are on and I think they budgeted um I don't have the Jamie do you have the details in front of you so Jamie's pulling up the details on the other council members for all of the staffed positions we took um all of the filled positions and we assumed that most of those would continue with the same people at the same Insurance level that they're at for all of the vacant positions we took uh an average of somewhere between individual employee compared to a family um because that tends to be a bit higher than happens in actuality uh year over year it um we tend not to go over budget in terms of the insurance okay that makes me a little nervous but we'll see as the year plays out uh the but you're correct you know we we um have a I'd say more than 50% of the employees are currently doing employee only insurance and you're absolutely correct they could change that to employee plus spouse or employee plus child at any time yeah because in public budgets that's usually I don't want to call it fluff that's where you find your extra uh because you when you budget at 100% number one you always have underlap you always have vacant positions maybe not the same vacant positions you always have people who decide not not to take health care or they're on their spouse's Health Care the school system or whatever and then you know at about the six-month period you look and say okay we're way behind on our Personnel budget now maybe we can move some of that but that that's fine I we'll look at that later uh Troy on on face let let me ask the city staff a general question we have a lot of money in here for training that's a great thing um do we have any policy or any rule that says you know if you leave within 6 months or a year or whatever that you will owe us for the training that you took or qualified for the previous year we don't currently have a policy like that that is something that I would like to break we need to induct we need to have a policy uh and the for simp I don't want to be honorous and I don't want to be punitive but what I want to do is be fair you know if we have uh Code Enforcement Officers going for face training and they have to go down to St Pete or Miami or wherever they're having it you know if if they leave within a year they ought to owe us the cost because usually they'll leave they get that certification and that makes them more valuable but we paid for that certification and we ought to reap some benefit for that payment as opposed to Walton County or wherever the Fort Walton Beach City and so so you know even if it's just a th000 bucks that their per DM and their hotel cost and all that we ought to reap something from that so I would ask that y'all bring us back a policy probably in October for us to enact uh on the Personnel side that should give us time to get through the budget and all this other stuff that we're fighting the uh so that's all I have for now all right good point and our firemen do that fire department does that all right any further discussions round one of two let me just make sure that I understand it we're going to have a second budget hearing unlike the ordinary ordinance process and I've talked to uh City attorney and the manager today if you change you don't have to go back to First reading that does not apply in this process that's correct so we can still make dramatic changes whatever changes we think are appropriate at this next budget hearing just want to clarify that matter I'm excited to hear your your thoughts oh you always do I I got my pencil out to take notes um so I would I I do have one request um given the uh the item that was approved earlier in the meeting regarding the Mowing and zik um I just want to make sure we have consensus that I can change the uh the mowing Personnel inhouse to uh contracted services for media maintenance yeah think so that'll be I I would think so and I I will make if you need a motion I'll make that motion because that's what we told you to do is not bring it in housee but I want to give you the flexibility to see if you put more responsibility or or more area in that uh request for a bid that you had the flexibility to do that yes sir so in the uh the request for bids that we're going to put out we have our traditional median areas but we've also listed a lot of the different uh places that parks and wreck are currently covering as optionals uh like a menu um so that the council can pick and choose which areas it would prefer to uh contract out all right so Council mest push the button we direct uh the staff to change the money for the well now you can't pass the first one without the second I'll withraw there we goor all right we ready in that case I will make a motion to direct Finance director to change the money that's in for maintenance from where she has it to contract second all right have a motion in a second seeing no further discussions call the vote dy's taught me well about this Roberts rule thing yeah right work Ra's making a custom all right I have it unanimously there you go all right so back to the original motion microphone I'm sorry I move that we adopt ordinance 241 11- CN on first reading and have it come back before the council at the next meeting September 16th all right Motion in a second seeing no further discussion we will call the vote all right down the row yes yes yes yes yes all right eyes have it unanimously for those who didn't put their hey there it is look at that all right we're getting our money back we're keeping the product and we're getting our money back uh Jim oh what does that do okay uh on page thank you yep no page number so in the back up for the motion that we just passed um on page there's one there's two there's three it has the breakout of a schedule of proposed recruitment percentages for each of the following uh and you did bring that back and that was what Mr Dustin's question was about I was scanning through to to find it is that incorpor ated in this budget or that's just the numbers that you you followed his direction and you brought back how how to recoup funds so my question is when will that actually come back for us to uh chew over discuss and hopefully pass something I know I'm won't pass this but yes so uh the first item which is building permit fees uh the details are coming to council at the next meeting on September 16th uh with three TP with all of their uh research and everything behind it uh they've uh drastically simplified the building permit fee schedule and so some have gone up some have gone down some have gone away altogether um so you'll see the the fresh new proposed uh building fee schedule September 16th uh Mobility impact fees we were aiming for October um and again uh we need to adopt the Mobility plan and you will also have a second review of proposed Mobility impact fees for both the residential and the commercial based upon the formula that was chosen by council at a previous meeting recently uh Library impact fees there's no scheduled timeline we don't have a ray consultant looking at these right now uh so that that could be uh farther out into the future uh Recreation fees this is one of the items that is in the Parks and Recreation master plan the bids uh to do the Parks and Recreation master plan are coming back at the end of September and I'm not sure exactly where on the timeline schedule uh the fee component will be for recreation uh npb fees uh have been circulating around through the Committees and um I don't see any building department people here who can tell us when those will be coming to council oh well building official do you know but yeah she's the we have the building official but we don't have have planning department here I know it's been going through big committees so but I don't have an answer when that's coming forward hope I mean hopefully in the next month or two so I appreciate that I would and I and I understand you're trying to link it to a consultant bringing back some research or comparison with other cities or whatever but I would ask uh the staff and the city manager to um bring this back all of these individually since you're not bringing them back collectively by the end of January of 2025 and the reason I do that is right after that we go into our strategic planning for 2026 and then we go into our budget development and I want to have these numbers I don't want us to be guessing because I think there's going to be a lot of Divergent views on each one of these and we we need to we owe it to you to settle it and give you Direction increase it 3% or increase it 40% or whatever uh prior to starting the budgeting process of next for next year yeah I know for a fact that we are bringing them individually like I said the building permit fees are coming uh next meeting and then uh October is coming the mobility fee um like I said I don't know where the impact fees are right now and then I know that MP will be uh in play here shortly as well so they're they're coming answer your question that you actually it it does I do have a housing question though uh We've passed several resolutions that say when legislative matters come before us they should have a legislative sponsor we have not been doing that at all and I think that increases that are in the neighborhood of 6007 100% should have a legislative sponsor on this Council and if we need to make that even more clear then we can do that at the next meeting or some subsequent meeting but you know to be to be fair to our citizens they need to know where some of these traumatic increases are coming from so we can discuss how to make that where it's not optional which it appears to be over the last year or two and every everybody has to stand up and salute the flag when they're ready to do something all right seeing no further discussions just for some clarification yep Mr Bagby yes sir I love your idea do you want to put that in a motion form so we get that by January or you want to have them actually come back to us next meetting actually tell us that they can do that first so it doesn't just go nowhere I I'll be nice I'll be nice this time and say I would like you to bring back the schedule proposed schedule for each of these fees when it's going to come before us I know because some of them are set and some of them you know we could kick this can down the road for a year and a half before and I'm I'm I'm not into kicking the can down the road anymore I just as I've heard it's the council's not making the change we're not increasing things so I'm I'm with you right so let's see it then yeah what you're asking if they bring us the schedule and that shouldn't be hard to do that's not a hard ask cuz you got half of these already sounds good you you know when they're coming so I I would ask you you bring the schedule of all the fee reviews and enhancements or whatever we're calling it here the uh to the next meeting that way you don't have to do a lot of stuff it gives you two more weeks I understand yeah so yeah each each phase is just study and each study will bring forward to you those reports and yes we'll get you a SCH well yeah the building permit fees September 16th the mobility impact fees October 2nd meeting or whatever you know that's that's all the detail I personally need I just want to see now we have a a milestone we have a mark on the wall and then I can judge we either met the Milestone or we didn't meet the Milestone and then we can have a nice long discussion if we didn't meet the milestone still I'm going to make that Mo in the form of a motion I'll second all right we need all right any further discussions oh last statement and the software didn't like it all right see all right there we go all right I have it unanimously 60 so moved anything further before we move on all right seeing done we got all the votes done think so all right comments Pres presentations from the council councilman Stevens thank you I got nothing tonight all right councilman Dustin thank you mayor um I do want to ask a code a code question I think a meeting or two meetings ago we moved to direct the City attorney to work with code enforcement to have some education sessions uh I don't know if we said bu monthly but we did make the motion to pass unanimously to direct that to happen code what's happening on that that motion by the council had a conversation with uh Tina uh last week now she's out for a spell but uh I think we're looking the second week of September to have that first training session and this is with the city attorney right well she would be part of but the Community Development and their people and is that what's going down City attorney uh Tina will be back Monday so I'll ask her so I I wasn't a part of that conversation but I'm sure they had it okay well bring us a report at the next meeting that if if that is going forward and what the schedule is we'll do thanks and one other question I had there was a there was a question tonight about how we handle the issuance of violations or tickets or whatever we call them is there any backup system that assures that when you get it one of those things issued that it actually is adjudicated at some point if it's once a citation is issued then we turned it in and then the court would schedule a hearing okay but I mean is there some kind of audit system you give a citation it comes out of I guess we have books right we have some that are books and we have some that are printed okay you give one is it a carbon so that you can go back and check and make sure it actually went into the system for adjudication I mean we have we do keep copies um I don't know that we you know I have to double check to see if we go back and see if there's every ticket is the court scheduled one some people just go in and pay it and we don't have a court hearing and I'm not sure if that's what you're asking but that yeah how would how would you pay it if it's not been into the system we have an answer yeah okay can you jump to the mic can talk to you hear you um when the citation comes in the officer gives it to me I put it and enter it in the system to the officer to the Okaloosa County Clerk oft and it goes to them and there's a file in number and mo number and it goes to them I keep the receipt the copy and everything and I put it in a folder so I have every ticket every citation that's been okay and so that goes into the computer also right yeah it goes into it goes into the computer you entered into the computer I don't send it to Okaloosa I actually entered in there's a website that we have and I have to enter that citation into that um software and that website and they take care of that and then sometime someone might want to appeal it or whatever and we'll get that back also against what officer it is or whatever and we have all the records right there in the office so if I were to give you a ticket number you could tell me exactly where it went you have to tell me the name of the person and then I can pull it up yes okay thanks just want to make sure that we've got some kind of backup system that is making sure that it's all done correctly thanks that's B me two quick things um could you refresh my memory on probably Dr uh Tamera on how we've gotten the word out on the rental fee applying to condos because every week we get two or three more two or three more and and and uh good thing I'm not on the next ballot but when I start reading it usually within the first or second sentence it says applying to all con you know all condos required to pay this fee and I just say nope because you've got bad information how do what have we done or what are we planning on doing to get the word out to these people this is for condos that are running as a business okay that are making Revenue not every condo because half these people don't rent their condo and or probably 40% don't rent their condo and it doesn't apply to them but their Condo Association said send this in you know it's like why why are they doing this to these people yeah that's some that's something that uh director Williams and and then also I would well Sherry Bernie and some others we need to sit down and really brainstorm on how best to get it out we have been responding directly to the questions and requests as they've come into US they've often been forwarded by councilman AAR because they're going to you guys individually so I'm not seeing them the way I normally would but in terms of the direct responses I've been in charge of that and anytime we get one to one of you that's forwarded to me respond we're responding that day okay because is it's one of our duties is to make sure we inform the electorate and the the condo owner the property owners the voters the citizens of this community and I you you do a great job but on this one issue and I know it's just a couple of condo associations this I'm not painting a broad brush here but they all come from one or two condos I don't disagree and you can see in many cases it's a copy and paste piece of it the way that we're receiving them we did I should add this to you we did put out a couple of news releases on it when we first made that big statement as well okay uh and then where we talked about this and then we talked about it and then we let it sit for about six months then we talked about it again and we let it sit for another four months proactive code if you notice uh the county to our East and one of the communities uh have engaged in the we're going to go proactive but we talked about how we're being proactive but every day you know people see where we're not being proactive and of course my position is we need to narrow down you know parking in the the RightWay signage you know three or four things and say if you see it give them a ticket it doesn't matter you know they don't get a 3 days or 72 hours or a week or whatever that's a violation of our code and we're going to be proactive in the enforcement of that where where are we on identifying what we're going to proactively enforce as opposed to complaint SL reactively enforce I mean I think any of the code that is we see is proactive enforcement I mean again if you're talking recent emails I mean there are some trash cans out I mean I had three people out sick this week so while you know it's needs to be addressed you know we have limited Staffing we hired somebody today we hired a person last week and I think we're having another one start next week so we're we're trying to address these as quickly as possible but it is limited Staffing it's a big city I I get that but and I wasn't talking about the recent emails even the re emails we've gotten in the last two weeks I'm just talking about we've had an ongoing discussion about proactive enforcement of and some of us want proactive enforcement of all the codes I I would like that but I don't think that's feasible or possible they'd never make it out of my neighborhood because they would be in my neighborhood 5 days a week 12 hours a day writing tickets to my neighbors and me uh so well I make mistakes the uh so I just want I tell you what put Mr city manager put under my name next uh meeting a discussion on proactive codes and I will try to work with Troy to come up with some you know three or four things that they get tickets and I appreciate that because was going to be my request you know if if we can narrow it down to what this Council wants to see proactively enforced we'll be more than happy to you put our best foot out and get that done uh but to your to your U comments you know we need some clarity and U and we'll ask for that and so we' appreciate that and we' be glad to do that thank you yeah and we're not and I get it we're not the only people dealing with this this pops up you know weekly uh uh and Walton County I won't even go into to their discussion or their issues with this issue but we it's time we just said that we're not going to take it anymore and so on on three or four basis yeah I want you to enforce enforce all the codes and 95% of them can be reactive there has to be somebody complaint and we've had council members say give them my name you know and I'll I'll call it in if you're a citizen and you don't want you know your neighbor being mad at at you you can put my name on it I don't care the uh but there there's three or four areas that we really need to tighten up and just say hey we we're not going to stand for this right C NE I was going to speak to that but since Jim already did it said it I'm kind of happy with that so I'll leave it at that that's all I have all right C King nothing tonight thanks C Schmid Yeah couple quick things um Mr Mr Larry we uh year or two ago we had a potential Development coming up for a parking garage down the street behind MaGuire's Restaurant um sorry about something um I don't know if we know what the statuses of that is right now but could we look into what the status of that garage is and then if there's discussions that we can have with them to to further understand if there is a delay for a reason what a potential uh partnership would look like with the city of a potential parking garage on our parcel does that make sense yes sir um well my God I take a look at it um couple years ago behind requires I'm sure some of the staff know but Ran's gone now and different people so planning knows plan right but I thought that that was abandoned wrong well I I know I went through answer tonight no we we'll find out I think it went through a development if I recall don't hold me to it but we'll confirm with planning yeah it kind of went stagnant but we'll bring information back to you right because we have SRS right now talking about pretty soon some ideas and plans and it'd be nice to maybe know if that discussion should lead us somewhere to the SRS team and you know rather than just wondering about what the heck happened maybe we could just find out cool I do know for a fact if there was a development order and they didn't act on that corre order within that a year then now it's it's no longer right and then one more thing to go backwards if you don't mind uh Mr dtin asked about the 3% reduction in the operational budget I see where it was highlighted in the packet that says the changes between 715 and 812 were outlined where where can I find that 3% reduction that was done in the operating budget so you you have the the detail sheet it was handed out to you along with the uh the detail packet the one you came by tonight with yes yes so that shows where we were on 715 uh compared to what was brought to you on um well it shows them side by side it just doesn't show the variance the the total at the bottom is the difference it was $314,000 so staff did not quite get to the so it's 1.7 right so it's a 1.7% reduction not they didn't get to the full 3% but I I wonder if there were other issues uh like Ry mentioned the $10,000 special election money that he thought he zeroed that out but as you can see in what I the the report I ran this evening to hand out it was still in there right and and then and when it says that um it it was on the 812 cover agenda package like it was like you know it says in the item tonight that the changes were outlined on the cover of the 812 agenda package so and that's true and it just so happens that that agenda cover package is is right here in your tonight in your packet uh item four e um so where where so right I here's the agenda item cover for for each I'm with you and if you uh go to operating expenditure updates operating yeah operating Revenue updates operating expenditure updates like remove 96,000 for special pay reduce new position proposal from 5 FTE down to 5 FTE and so on and so forth and then also in the presentation it lists the actual dollar amounts uh it's on page five of the presentation here's just under under the header changes since the 715 Workshop reduced uh RC 216 Clement Taylor Park Renovations by uh 1 Point uh to 1.7 million so that was a reduction of 260,000 and so forth so all of the reductions are listed here as well you're looking at the changes since 715 yes op and CIP reduction right right so just a food for thought on this the way I read that is that we reduced it by things such as median maintenance we're not going to need certain employees anymore um we removed it we removed it by because the health insurance decreased well we didn't do that health insurance decreased the health insurance provider decreased it um we did reduce the cola some some folks wanted to do that um we increased the Lifeguard so you know when you really start thinking about it at least for me personally I don't think we reduce the operating budget actually reduce the operating budget we we we we found things that were forced to be reduced by outside reasons right please recall this this um uh this directive did not come from Council the red reduction right it came from Lewis internally let's try to reduce the budget approximately he was aiming for uh between 400 and 6,000 $600,000 okay came to staff on a Thursday evening as we're publishing for you to uh adopt our tentative millage rate okay um and then he hasn't been here since then to help um to keep that V moving right and I don't disagree with you and and you know this is not to um I just I just want to be a little bit more transparent about advertising the reduction of it because while I do agree with you about the attempts to it wasn't it wasn't a council directive right yeah um okay that's fine I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing the reduction because like Mr dtin said hearing number two right so um that's that's com Kevin I'm glad you asked the question we have not voted to reduce the budget operating budgets by 3% and it's not reflected in this budget is it uh this budget is about $340,000 lower than the budget that was presented on July 15 okay no on on July 15th Crystal it is not at the direction or a motion of the council and if if a motion should be made at the next meeting which perhaps it will be to reduce the operating budgets by 3% and to leave how you reduce it to your department heads into to yourself then that would be an actual 3% reduction that the council did that's correct okay so um I just want to make sure that we have not through our motion reduce the operating budget at all but we may well good to go all right all right the first up is a resolution I'm at this point I'm sure all of you are well aware of uh Florida Department of Environmental Protection and their magnificent I say with sarcasm plan to commercialize our environment um it seems like everything is getting drawn back but since we are the closest city to uh the state park uh main one in this discussion would be topsil um I I like what they're doing with greaton beach to be fully transparent it only was going to be 10 uh little tents that they're going to build out as far as their units but a 350 unit hotel with some other amenities at a state park just seems out of character and so I just wanted to ask us to make a official resolution um just being opposed to large scale development projects uh on FD State Park land um so I wanted to bring in front of you guys for a vote um but I'm of course all in favor of this trying to bring this forward and wanted to get your guys' uh discussion and discernment on this yeah I'll make the motion to have you and the city manager put together the letter in support of that okay second all right I have a motion in a second any further discussions all right seeing none calling the vote all right nice have it thank you for that uh being on the side of trying to save money uh something that I'm thinking when I was di diving into everything is uh with a city engineer out now and we just have a lot of open gaps um and we have a lot of projects current major projects and a lot on the horizon that we have budgeted um we're almost at 19 I think that are budgeted either happening or about to start happening this next year um that we look at somehow creating a project management position only from The Stance of saving money because as of right now it looks like for even smaller projects like a batting cage uh we're going to have the third party out to either dag or Matrix or some other third party and it just seems like some of these estimates for the third party while necessary for some large scale stuff I believe dare I say half of these projects we could probably handle in house with just someone managing it um I know we were talking I hate to put you on the spot Lisa even with the batting cages uh I mean you we were talking this morning that's kind of really what got me sparked and started going through the books even more uh until the meeting today um like what we're anticipating for a project manager out house or out out of house yeah ous yeah I know we're trying to get ouses in Morgans uh third party management even for like a batting cage and what that would look like whereas if we had someone inhouse uh managing some of these more manageable projects s uh you said 20 earlier I don't know if that's still what you're thinking or maybe less now I I haven't got that um they were saying about that but we haven't got that price yet okay you we were talking about it and me and Larry after you left me and Larry were talking and basically what I'm trying to get from you guys is we do have a position in the city manager's office right now that I feel could handle the workload that we're trying and already are budgeting if no second round of budget next meeting happens um I think we could potentially save money if we brought a project manager inh house and only brought the Neal necessities of dag or Matrix to us when we needed it and um the only dollars I could find were through the city manager's uh budget with their second position that's been vacant for over a year now obviously since web loss has gone um not that it needs to be as Deputy manager assistant manager or whatever we wanted to call it but to transfer that position only for the sake of trying to save money on these projects that we already have funded um so that was just something I was coming across today and wanted to get people's thoughts potentially emotion um me and Larry have talked about it and he was in favor of it but being respectful a whereare of he's at Larry if you have anything to add to that that kind of bring some clarity to this certainly um you my experience has been when you have a project manager your projects get managed much better um so there is an opportunity I think with a vacant position in the city manager's office to fulfill that role um and I know that U you know we have Jeff that's in that role now uh we would like to see a a a split for lack of a better term of of those duties and have one individual pursuing money to apply to these projects and the other managing the projects to make make sure we're getting the most out of those who are completing the projects so you know those of you that have been in business and have managed big projects you know that if you don't manage them properly um you get things you don't want to happen happen so um that was the conversation that the mayor and I had this morning so you know for your consideration that would be something we would look favorably on and believe would be a benefit to the operations of the city and and Andy pretty much all areas there are a number of varried projects and many more to come and uh as we you know get our arm wrapped around these things we think we'll see some cost savings councilwoman a um city manager do you have somebody in mind that you already know that is looking for this kind of like not a permanent position or are we looking for this to be somebody we hire on that's their permanent job is to manage our projects from here on out if they're not like at the dag level no ma'am I do not have anyone in mind and the permanency of it would be at the council's discretion um you know it's certainly something that you know we could take whatever Direction you offer if it's you know um you know let's get a handle of what we got and then see where it goes that would certainly work as well however in the recruitment process um it's going to be more difficult to recruit somebody to say we want you to come fix some things and then we'll be through with you so yeah but we serve at your pleasure and you know what a rection you would offer c yeah Mr Mayor um I I I hear you um we I feel like we've visited this a few times over the past couple years um and I feel like we've either made decisions maybe we did and we just didn't follow through I couldn't tell you I feel like we've talked about our continuing contract people that we have we brought in uh you know we added some you know I think it was when Kyle was here we we added services to a current person to do just these types of things I think um um I think we've talked about that before because we talked about Jeff and the you know project manager but he's the grants manager he doesn't manage a project and I think it was also during the failure of the the park going the harbor that took 72 years um and then I think it was all during this time frame and I think we have a continuing service guy that we're supposed to be able to bring in and we have a project that we need them to manage and maybe a batting cage is too small it doesn't fit their price I don't know but maybe we should go back and look at what we actually have right now I think I remember Mr dtin talked about his school district experience and them hiring somebody so maybe we just need to brush off the what we have and we might kind of already have it not in house but we have something I feel like at our fingertips that maybe we're not using yeah that's fair I was just looking at what a position we've for multiple reasons that are very valid has been vacant forever and trying to figure out you're talking about this assistant manager position I would say change the title until we figure out what we need of it it because we haven't used it in two years so at this point I would prefer to find out what we have already before we start me personally before we go down that road creating a new position that show us that we need it yeah you know Pro show me the project show me what we're actually working on what we're doing what we need and then may me talk about that yeah absolutely that's my thought Council Meson we we did in fact enter enter into a construction management contract with a company to the best of my knowledge we've never used it we need to look at what that is and then if the city manager wants to make a proposal to us I'll be happy to listen to it counc B yeah I was going to point that out the other thing I would say is this is actually two problems this is a short-term problem immediate problem uh for the projects that we have and if we can find you know use the contract as a vehicle the long-term problem is better suited probably to our strategic planning conversation next spring and say you know we've had a vacant Deputy assistant city manager whatever the position is for a while of course we could have used that but fortunately we got lucky and you were available but that's not always going to happen so do we want to rework the job description of that or and or the title of that position and for the long run say this will be our fallback and for you know for batting cage it may not be worth our you know to go probably a bad example but that was just something that came off the top of my head from this morning's discussion sorry I didn't mean to drag you into that's okay that's okay so I think we have two problems we we need to address the the alligator in the boat and then address the long-term solution uh a little bit later in the cycle all right so with that um I think we kind of have our marching order then all right all right public comments I'm sorry Kim I do have one thing as you know there are five seats open for city council and no November seven candidates um and just for the Public's knowledge there is going to be a candidate Forum here in the annex on October 1st from 6 pm to 8:00 pm the city clerk will be taking minutes staff is looking into whether it can be live streamed um I just wanted to make you all aware of that however it is not a city event it is going to be held by the chamber and ecar awesome and my understanding is that it will be advertised as a sunshine meeting that's why I'm mentioning it and that's why I mentioned the clerk would be taking minutes and that we would be live streaming because even though it's not a City Event um there will definitely be two or more council members there in fact I'm told by Mr Moody that all seven candidates plan to attend which is um all of the incumbents that are running plus the two uh the three other candidates so are we obliged since it's taking place in a city facility to advertise it like we would a public meeting we are going to do so very good that's what we're doing all right public comments change up the order my left y'all's right no one tonight all right it is 7:46 I call this meeting adjourned