e e e e order today is June 3rd 2024 uh and I now calling this meeting to order uh thank you all for being here um it's going to look like a fun turnout uh up first is going to be uh the invocation uh Pastor Butler you got it tonight all right all right come on up thank you mayor would you bow with me please almighty God we give you thanks and praise for all of your Mighty works we declare that you are the Lord of our city we thank you for this city and those that serve her thank you for our elected officials for our business the churches our families our schools and Educators we thank you for our strong military community and our veterans we ask that you watch over our law enforcement and First Responders we thank you for the individuals that make our city great we ask you to bless this meeting and all who participate in orderly fashion and now I speak your blessing now may the Lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you and may he give you his peace amen am thank you sir all right councilwoman AAR with the pledge please join me with your hand over your heart I pledge allegiance to if I can just remind everyone to please silence or turn off your cell phones at this time uh and I will start the meeting with uh entertaining a motion to approve the agenda Mr Mayor kind of like to walk on an item for a uh permit for a 5k okay uh we could put that under my name or whever it needs to be appropriately okay yeah we'll put it under g6g Kevin okay sure 5K the forest Dalton June 15th yeah that one okay gotcha and then yeah Kim City attorney thank you mayor one other change um under number five public hearings a Calhoun Harbor development conditional use that is being continued at the request of the applicant to June 17th at 6m all right table that okay any other request changes seeing no further I'll make a motion to approve as requested all right second motion to approve with the 5K Kevin all right going to call sorry everyone we're still working on a new voting system here all right and then there we go how do I reset clear next so Ray will call the vote okay thank you still on the verbal all right Ray can you call the vote or do we go verbal still all right go look at that all right let's let's hang on let Andy come up here and get us to to do this while it's an easy one thank you for your patience so while we do this if he's if Andy's got some it let's let's verbalize it because I'm going to do the um Proclamation if he needs some it work so we'll just run it down John yes yes yes yes Bagley said yes okay councilman Bagley said yes yes yes yes okay I have you nly through the approval of the agenda and I will go up now to do the Rotary Club of Justin citizen above self award all right so the city of Destin Proclamation citizen above self award recognizing the citizens of Destin whereas Rotary International founded on February 23rd 1905 in Chicago Illinois is the world's first and one of the largest nonprofit service organizations as whereas there are over 1.4 million rotary club members comprised of professionals and Business Leaders in over 46,000 clubs in 224 countries and Geographic areas on all seven continents whereas the rotary motto service above self inspires members to provide humanitarian Services encourages High ethical standards and promotes Goodwill and peace in the world and whereas Rotary International funds fund clubs projects and sponsor volunteers with Community experience to provide mental medical supplies Health Care clean water food Pro uh production job training and education to millions in need particularly in developing countries whereas the members of the Rotary Club of Destin have provided the citizens of deson and Okaloosa with numerous projects that provideed education environmental and service to our local area whereas the Rotary Club of dtin wishes to recognize individuals who provide selfless service to our community and whereas Miss Jennifer leham lurman lurman Jennifer lurman thank you uh received a nomination citing her selfless service to a neighbor in need with over the course of 42 straight days now therefore I Bobby Wagner mayor along with the city of Dustin council do hereby Proclaim June 3rd 2024 as the Rotary Club of Dustin's citizen above self day in the city of dtin and encourage all citizens to join me in recognizing Miss Jennifer as recipient of the 2024 award congratulations awesome so if you want to hand yep okay all right and then and this is yours and we're just taking pictures now but you got to wipe them tears quit to crying awesome do you want to say anything well I'm probably gonna cry that's okay well I thank you Brenda that's all awesome and then my last uh little shout out to Rotary if you guys are interested by all means they have a sunrise for everyone who likes to get up in the morning and drink coffee and bacon I eat bacon and as well as now they're growing so well I mean just as the proclamation says they they've done so much in our community and they're growing at such a pace that they actually have a Sunset Club now so for those who like bourbon over bacon there is now a Sunset Club so whether you're an AM or a PM kind of volunteer uh you guys check out Dustin rotary they do an incredible work and uh Christian everything you could done under your leadership as well as everyone that you're standing on thank you guys so much for being a part of Destin in the community thank you [Applause] guys I'll give everyone just a couple seconds to roll out of here I'll take this time to also uh Point note at our very own Michael Burgess for being a rotarian in as well so thank you for not only serving the city but going Beyond and above and beyond your paid position to uh help the community out so thank you for that all right number two public comments I will start how did I know all right I'm gonna start with my right y'all's left and just work the room uh so anyone from my my right y'all's left public comments three minutes on the floor name an address and the floor is yours anything goes all right looks like you're up yes ma'am just push that button there you go Janice Nicole Moran 208 Snapper Drive of the Harvard District 30 years proud to be a destinate I want to tell you I'm scared to be here tonight because of what I have to say I'm petrified I was threatened by somebody on your staff now I'm going to tell you Verbatim what I was told I was told I quote I am warning you if you go to the city council you better have proof to which I responded I believe I have proof and it's up to the city council in the the city staff to prove to the people of Destin what's going on I sat in this room at a council meeting I believe on April 15th where there was a case of Amnesia in here nobody knew what happened to the loop at the end of Marino Point Drive am I right I believe you said you had an uncle please sir Mr Dustin right in 2010 three people in front of me right now and two people on your I'm sorry a person in the engineering department they signed the paperwork in 2010 given over 200 and some OD square fet of a circular loop with a p patch of grass in the middle I satting right in here and heard the engineering department say there was no evidence of any such loop I know my boyfriend put a kid on that on a bus like in 2016 so I am more afraid of corruption or incompetence than I am any backlash for mentioning what needs to be mentioned with that said I'm going to say that uh dolphin point back in 2010 their representation was fired terminated because they did not have the unanimous support of their own cheering Squad and I believe I wouldn't show my face in here if I came in on the month of transparency with a grand plan of grabbing land again with conditions that were never met 14 years ago I got paperwork here says they were supposed to bring those southernly nine most oh by the way when I Googled it all of a sudden it was eight parking spaces spelled out e i g HT like nobody's going to find it I did in one week for 2 years their representation said they've been up here every other day wasting energy money time the end of my street on Snapper it's flooding they didn't do it yes okay let me wrap it up this is our ask number one overnight parking number two we want our loop back and I have looked at the dimensions we can get a little grass back I think they owe us that it's a lot worse to back up and hit a kid moving forward safer I think we all agree number two I'm sorry that was two three I want Dolphin point to pay for the code upgrade uh also number four I want two or three if not a unanimous three homeowner representation on any movement in the future around Marino Point Drive thank you very much thank you ma'am all right anyone else middle sir testimony Captain Gary Jarvis 804 Mars Street um I got a couple things that I'd just like to cover real quick um and I'll try to get it in three minutes most of it you've heard before speed and conviction to start and finish across town connector in 2425 I encourage you to do that with speed and conviction begin the undergrounding of the utilities phase one improve that plan tonight I think it's on the agenda uh by the need of property to build a new community center and City Hall in the Town Center CRA and then build new recreational Fields where this place and the one across the street sit at this day that footprint could change and we need that um also I think with speed and conviction create a new and modern ordinance that makes the Livery vessel monitoring permanent or or or um moratorium permanent to give our Destin delivery vessel companies the stability and value in their businesses that they deserve as well and two others one of the things I think that hasn't been done in a long time is I think it's and you got correct me is it's time for a charter review and I don't think that this council's done that in a long long long time probably over two decades uh we are in the 21st century I think uh we may not change a single thing in the charter but it might be time to evaluate is this the most efficient form of government to get things done and I think it's it's it's way overdue and that's something this Council can take up in the coming months and the last thing that that I think is is really really important is through our visioning sessions when I was mayor in this Council we've list at a list of priorities of what this city was going to do and that was put a priority in our residents that actually live here our businesses that operate in the city limits and then tourism and and one of the things of course I'm putting my captain's hat on now the fishing the commercial fishing the charter fishing fleets in this C in this city is what made Destin destined and and I think that maybe we ought to add a priority because this is a challenge for our fishing fleets not only here in D but the working waterfronts throughout America and so I have a great concern I think I'd like maybe if if nothing else in the next visioning session when you re-evaluate that kind of thing is instead of lumping us in with all the other businesses here in dtin that we separate our fishing industry as one of the priorities of the four priorities the Standalone on its own to kind of remind people where Destin got started and what truly should be the mo one of the most foundational important things about Destin thank you thank you so much anyone else from the middle not see none anyone oh yes y okay thank you Elisa beler uh dolphin Point Marino point Road and I am the designated HOA president I was not president or fired in 2010 I wasn't living here full-time and I've only been doing this job for two years so what I wanted to um bring back to your attention is April 15th we did present a proposal and we had been working on about a year and a half with City staff and a lot of meetings and I I didn't know if all of y'all knew on the 15th of April when you unanimously voted for the proposal but I did go through every Committee hearing and every requirement that the city requires before I ever got to this point so all of your outlining committees had all approved our proposal that we had on the table um we did go back after the meeting and councilman Bagby asked us for a hold harmless perpetuity agreement and your attorney Miss cop has that own file with everything that is requested so I wanted to bring that to your attention and then on May 6th we had a few people that did have some concerns in the neighborhood good about things and I feel like most of those concerns were for um extra parking and for luxury parking and we would all love that in Dustin but this was more of a public safety issue and some of the illegal liveries working out of there and then some of the overnight safety issues and this Council has made a commitment which thank you I think mayor Jarvis talked about that too of putting our residents and Public Safety First I know that is something y'all have all stressed the two options that the city has come back with tonight on the table I looked over because I'm always willing to compromise I'm ready to work with the city but one of the options says it does not recommend it creates unnecessary conflict that's option one and then over on option two it says that this one does not completely comply with current code and it would not give a sidewalk at all but it would keep those nine spaces and no sidewalk which again brings us right back to that public safety issue and kids in the street and any kind of issues we would face I also looked at the bottom of that it links to your strategic goals and the proposal that we put on there it it meets all of those and I looked tonight and it said that one of them is financially Sound City providing service Excellence well I think when we take care of our citizens and we provide them safety and a sidewalk especially in a neighborhood this is not a business district this is a neighborhood so we're putting a sidewalker we're asking to to make it safe for all of the pedestrians and the kids and our tourists anyone that is out in the street so we would meet that one the other two options on the table tonight do not enhance quality of life and safety for families well they certainly meet that one across the board ours due the first two still do not because they face a lot of the safety issues that we have addressed and then it says effective efficient and aesthetically pleasing infrastructure I can assure you it's going to look good and we had already agreed to partner with the city and have their approval for anything we do and it will look nice and it will reflect on the city as a partnership and then the other one says a green sustainable environment well there is nothing green about asphalt so a nice sidewalk that is landscaped and that is family friendly to me meets all of those and then I loved it it said the effect on the budget the other two oh the other two for tonight you don't know how you're going to pay for but our option that you unanimously voted for on the 15th we are paying for so it's not going to put a strain on your budget so I just wanted to make sure that you remember that you have a great proposal on the table from the 15th thank you thank you man all right anything from the right side y Jimmy 3890 s print Jimmy 3890 s print last week we had 45 minutes to an hour of the public speaking um fisherman that Gary just talked about that you guys should put on its own little class 30 seconds after they left the floor Mr Begley said forget about what all they said just by S looking over and saying but the yacht people are bringing so much better clientele they have so much more money to spin than the Pontoon people and stuff like that they came in here for 45 minutes and told you everything what they had the reasons why they thought and dismissed it within 30 seconds within 30 seconds so does it really matter if we come up here if you're not even going to listen to what we have to say and then um to go from there the money said that they'll spend more money in this area they won't spend more money in this area because they all those girls the bach reps have um split the the cost of the boat up every penny they could use to get on that yacht so they don't have money to go out to the restaurants go shopping and everything else I deal with them every day on the phone I listen to them they're all pulling their money together and this and that so there's no better climb tail if they climb on a yacht or if they climb on a Pon tail a pontoon um but I just think that this missing the people Mr Dustin's nephew come in here I I know it's the first time I've ever seen him come in here and stand in front of you and he spoke from the heart and he didn't even get back in his seat and was already talking about bring the yacht people up here and let them tell you about how good their Yachts are and stuff like that you didn't even listen to the fishing people so if we're going to come in here and we're going to talk to you take more than 30 seconds you know it's it's been on my my mind the whole time so we we know where some people are with it we know where other people I just felt like that they were dismissed so if Gary plans on getting the fishing their own little level I don't know because they didn't even let them sit down before they just pushed what they had to say to the side thank you thank you jimy all right he didn't say your name Yes actually he did did he did he did say Mr B nice try though okay okay well if you need to so no I don't need you to come back up I Jimmy I appreciate it but I think you need to go back and look at the tape because that's not what I said I said they were both necessary okay and my experience is sometimes the women will go out on one of the luxury Ys while the guys are out fishing or out playing golf so I would just say before you come up here and make an accusation have your facts correct and and we we can replay the T so at the next meeting leis I'd like under my name to replay that tape of my exact words thank you all right thank you jimy yes ma'am hi Carrie harbarger spring Lane Mountain Drive I wanted to bring attention to the council about I too am concerned about all the illegal businesses that pop up every year in the spring but I want to make a mention that I had gotten our Code Compliance involved and apparently they say that there are no ordinances that prohibit that but I'm here to tell you guys that I worked this out with the city 20 something years ago there is um we apparently they don't feel like there's an ordinance that prevents you can't just pop up in towns and just do business and let me do reiterate one thing about vending and such we really need to know who's soliciting our children and our people and stuff but nonetheless I think there should be rules to that like you can't just pop up and do business there are is not open for all so our code compliant seems to think that there are no rules but I promise you and I have copies of them that we sat in these meetings for 20 years ago and we addressed it in a serious fashion and um yes it led to grandfather statuses there was two of them actually and so I just wanted to bring that up so maybe perhaps we can give direction to Code Compliance because listen Guys these seasons are important to us you know we invest in the community you know people like me We Buy into our community I bought land I bought a warehouse if we just allow them to walk the beaches and Warehouse in Crystal Beach like in a home they have Vats they have dry ass bats they have freezers they're running a full-blown leev cart operation in a residential and our Code Compliance thinks that's okay I'm here to tell you I sat in the meetings and it's not so please let's get to the bottom of it it's killing me it's killing all other businesses that comply and buy into your community we have to stop it please thank you any questions for me seeing none thank you all right thank you have you followed a complaint with the Code Compliance Department actual complaint have you filed a complaint for that address and that's specific thing you're talking about well I yes I have okay thank you I'll check into it thank you I it's been going on for so long uh with whether I I can't remember what I did in writing the other day but verbally I'm consistently speaking to them and may did you file a complaint through the protocols that we do actual Warehouse not or something no I go through this every season you know and I know wait now before you're hard on me about that I just ask if I I know but listen to me I'm not trying to be Petty but yeah I call them do I have to sit and type everything out I shouldn't have to do that to be protected I entered into an agreement with my city 20 years ago and y'all held my feet to the fire and I expect y'all's feet to be held to the fire I've done everything that I'm supposed to do and so I'm not like I said I didn't know go run filing reports and trying to be that person I just expect it's already in the rules I've got the paperwork I just expect step up and do it right I'm sorry thank you thank you all right yes sir got your next yes sir push the button name and address Randall bracewell um 28 Marino Point um I just recently been brought into this whole thing U after purchasing into uh Destin as a second home vacation home come here a couple years ago and uh our unit in Marino point is a um we we short-term rent our unit as is what we do and so we we come in and out and uh due to the fishing Community that's here that's what's brought me here and so um we purchased in there we decided to short-term rent our unit and then uh we bought a new nice boat and we want to fish and enjoy what you all have experienced for a long time and um through this discussion that's been going on about the parking spaces out there I've had some time uh now that's been brought to my attention um to really look at it and consider myself and I'd see it as a benefit for all three of those um complexes that are in there dolphin Point Marina Point and lagona and I see how we are all utilizing it and we're all benefiting from it um I have failed to see it to be a safety issue but I can definitely see the fact that should they not be there we have um ourselves having moved in here we have three adult children you know and I get it uh convenience is one thing but it's convenience is also for all of us not just for Marino Point um but you know having them to have a place to come and a place to park those type of things um we have um a handicapped father-in-law that is be very challenging and so is it convenient of course to have somewhere someone can park and get out of the way and should you need uh medical attention of some sort would be nice because we do short-term uh rent we have cleaning people that come just like the other units I'm sure have cleaning people that come and if we have it rented and we do come to go fishing well we can't fish that weekend because we have nowhere to park it either and I get it it's the same for everybody and I do completely understand that but from my perspective having just moved into this city a couple years ago and um enjoying what I've enjoyed it does make me consider is this the right place for me because I I don't I can't imagine owning this unit and paying the cost it takes for us to be able to enjoy our Waters and our Fisheries here and then have the struggle of not even being able to bring people over who can actually go out on a boat with me and I've just experienced that in the past few weeks you know of of doing some fishing there and many of them I had to meet in other areas and have them to get on the truck with me and ride in so we'd have somewhere to park you know even though it's there I started preparing people for that what's going to happen is this is the case and my wife and I are here tonight and we realized this could be a huge problem for us also and I just hope you consider that um as moving forward as you make a decision on what to do with these parking spaces thank you all thank you random all right yes sir it's already on so Jump On In name and address uh name is Kyle Coleman 669 St L shakov nville Florida uh I am the owner of Gulf Stream Ice Cream uh one of the businesses that Carrie is referencing all right um we are not just a popup operation we have been in business since 1997 here in dtin since 1999 providing a great service for the tourists of the city of dtin and many many others um I employ several of the local children as well kids great opportunity I have uh a great working relationship with code compliance as well and have for years any uh expectations they put in front of me I've met those they say don't do this cool I don't do it you know I have a great working relationship with them um yes there have been some new companies that have showed up yeah uh one in particular which she also referenced they've got like a dozen cards they are yeah they have their agriculture certificate that's not hard to get they are definitely operating illegally within the city of dtin 100% they are on your Beach dry sand harassing the tourist uh charging 102 for a popsicle like what who does that it's insane um we provide a great experience we're not harassing we don't solicit we're not hey I I cream ice cream no we just walk down the beach people approach us we're not going up to them we're not harassing the tourists we're just trying to pra provide a great experience for the people of city of dtin um don't have much else to say other than to throw her out there as well she has two carts on the beach as well so while she's saying that we are operating illegally she's doing the exact same thing so if we're going to hand down some rules to somebody I'm all forward let's create some ordinances but but we all have to follow them everybody you know she's trying to say she's grandfathered in we've been here since 1999 doing this exact same thing we haven't if we were an illegal business how would we still do it year after year after year and that's my question like if I'm in legal business how am I still in business so thank you for your time all right thank you sir yeah oh no yeah you guys can go outside and rebuttal anyone else public comments that have not spoken yeah get code to weigh in on what they believe does or does not exist with respect to these businesses yes sir um Kyle has talked to me many time I think we were going to prepare an agenda item for the June 17th meeting on it yep okay there you go yes sir oh yeah come on Snapper Don Dallas 442 Snapper drive thank you all for listening to me again uh that last rain that we had okay we've been we've been fighting this thing for a while now Snapper drive and Wanita Wanita comes in the Snapper uh within two hours I had 11 ft of water in my garage about that deep inches right no 11 ft not tall 11 ft from my door back y okay yeah 11t that's over half my garage and it happens all the time it rains the city they come out there and they try to put the swells in there they're not working okay um I sent out some emails and and Ryan Scott I don't know if he's here today but anyway we sent him one the other day and he did respond the last time you know we had the the rain and it happens and I'm hoping I really am hoping that they're going to get out there and put the drains we got new neighbors just moved next to me they got in their garage too and they're matter of fact sitting right there they'll be up here in a minute all that water right there in front of my house that Street's up here my driveway is down y Bo I've been begging to get a drain right there by my house and the other ones down where Wanita comes in there my other neighbor he's not here tonight he lives on Wanita and he he measured the rain walked out there with a with a ruler it was 13 in coming down Juanita 13 in that way okay so uh I'm asking that they you know get on the ball and and put some drains you know my house whoever else needs it I know oneita and and the drains on Wanita they were full the City come out there I think it was last year year before and they they redid a whole bunch of uh I think they were collapsed and they redid them but I think they're too high I mean I'm not an engineer I'm not trying to be one um anyway never let's see now we got to get sandbags okay my garage is just a two-car it's probably 21 ft now I got to go down and purchase sandbags and stick them in my beautiful yard that I try so hard to keep beautiful I got to put sandbags in her now you understand what I'm saying and then when it rain it's fixing to come CU I watch the weather every day cuz I love to get outside and work in the yard and all that stuff now we got a pile sandbags up there to keep the water out of my property out of my house okay or not my house my garage so uh I'd appreciate it you know y'all really yeah I I know they got a lot y'all got a lot of stuff going on you know what I'm saying picking stuff up and everything but this is this is serious stuff guys in gals so I appreciate y'all doing it you know and and get them get them on the ball there and put uh Ryan said something about putting one of them drains you know round ones underneath my driveway which I don't care what they do as long as it I mean you know when the people down the streets watering the yard guess what it floods my driveway okay Bobby's GNA get out of here I mean May Mr Mayor thank you'all all right thank you Don all right yes sir welcome to Des how's it going Cody duer four for four Snapper there you go um yeah same thing so first night wake up pretty good surprise there 8 ft right into the garage itself uh did subside pretty quickly um just saying I knew to Destin uh own properties in other places and it's normally uh obviously it's my property's responsibility to make sure the drainage happens where any water that Falls my property things drain but I shouldn't be expected to drain the entirety of Wanita and Snapper in my house thanks guys what was your name uh Cody dug grer all right thank you sir thanks anyone else who is yep come on Christian there we go all right first time being here thank youall for having me uh my name is Christian Carly I'm the chairman for the Des chairman of Commerce also the president for the D Rotary Club and just want to take this opportunity to say thank y'all for what y'all do uh I spent my year volunteering being really really busy and I know that y'all are volunteering and y'all do a lot of great things so just want to say thank youall for all you do and I see Bobby at the the Rotary Club quite often see Teresa at our grand openings and see many of you out there volunteering so thank you thank you all right anyone else have anything nice to say all right seeing none okay anyone else though for real all right yes sir all right all right so we will close the public comments that me don't all right consent agenda item three do I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve all right do I hear second second all right Ray call the vote unless motion motion all right so secure he doesn't know his own password all right eyes have it unanimously so moved all right city manager report Mr Le thank you thank you mayor and good evening council members uh the first item we have for you is as a 2024 de that insurance uh update uh from our finance department and also our financial advisors Crystal uh good evening mayor and council members um this evening I have with us John Ford with Ford and Associates he's the financial adviser to the city uh before I ask him to step up to the podium uh to speak about a few things uh I'd like to just give uh remind our citizens and Council a little bit of the background uh this past fall uh we passed reimbursement resolutions one to reimburse the city for the purchase of one Harbor Boulevard that's $9 million and a second one to reimburse the city for uh undergrounding of overhead utilities costs uh we ex we've we're already incurring some management costs against that program uh the materials have been ordered and this evening uh one of the items is to approve the contract to the construction contractor we'd like to get ads online to help us make the the lay down yard uh so that we'll be ready to accept the materials that are arriving imminently um when we adopted our 2024 budget um we put in the adopted budget that we would potentially borrow up to $25 million uh I used a rate of 5% over 20 years and we included in that the shortfall for the cross town connector um as you know we have some grants lined up to cover the cost of the Cross down connector and we've been saving Road impact fees and gas tax too to accomplish uh the completion of this roadway uh the shortfall is about $4.5 million uh so that uh the 9 million for one Harbor Boulevard 4 and a half for cross toown connector and 11 and a half for undergrounding of overhead utilities uh if we borrow this 25 million now that will help us accomplish these three uh projects within the next 18 to 24 months uh and the 20-year Debt Service time uh lines with the cash inflows from the variety of uh sources that we're intending to use um so when I made this budget uh as I mentioned I was assuming a rate of 5% rates have come down bit uh we're looking closer to four than 5% at the moment um we're still uh I'd still like to borrow the full $25 million the sources that will be used to to repay this is is not our adval arm property taxes that would be a general obligation uh debt format but we're not going to do that um I'm proposing a covenant to appropriate in budget that's otherwise known as a cbna uh and the sources would be from the harbor CRA the Town Center CRA electric franchise fees is uh the largest uh other non-ad valorum uh source and gas tax to um would be going towards the transportation project uh with some supplements from the general fund uh why should the city issue the debt the the primary reason is um this is just a way to match our cash inflows to cash outflows we don't have $25 million in cash today to pay for these projects so like if you're going to purchase a home right um You might choose a 15 or 30-year loan instead of uh paying cash upfront for your home to match your your income um the borrowing options that we're looking at um the Commercial Bank the commercial bank loan route um looks a lot more difficult uh first of all there are not many banks out there right now that will lend out to 20 years for commercial activity um whereas the the bond market uh they're much more readily uh available to issue debt for the longer durations in addition for the last um year and a half that I've been watching the Commercial Bank side compared to the public markets I'm seeing a lot better rates in the public market side uh so that's why I'm proposing that we do a public offering instead of going through a regular Commercial Bank Loan uh the bond issuance Team part of that's already set up we already have agreements in place with law for both Bond Council and bond disclosure uh work uh we have our financial advisor team uh Ford and associates they step up to the plate to make sure that we as a city get the best uh deal possible and then the SEC would require us to hire an underwriter to be that middleman that broker that Brokers the arms length agreement between the investors and the city uh so the underwriter is the the one to be determined by the city uh and they would hire their owned uh Underwriters Council um choosing an underwriter we have been approached and been speaking with uh cert William shank PNC Bank and truest are the top three that are working in the the bond markets and and I've been on regular communication with them uh watching their outlooks uh learning more about their team members experience and um their experience issuing Bonds in Florida in particular tax exempt municipal bonds um so once we hire an underwriter then the underwriter will help guide us to get the best interest rates possible uh sometimes they'll require more than one Bond rating uh some sometimes if you get bond insurance that can also bring down the rates that you're paying overall uh next steps in timing we're talking about a three-month process um so it'll take me about a month to write up the preliminary official statement which is a a nice big book it's basically um past data um and writes all about the projects that we'd like the the investors to fund um then in the second month we'd be routing these information packets to bond rating agencies and potentially Bond insurers and in the third month I'd be bringing back that fully completed draft of the preliminary official statement for Council to do a final review um to make sure that you're fully on board with um this packet that we'd like to Market to the um investment World um the underwriters marketing arm is the branch that would take that packet around uh in call all of the investors that might be interested and they would set a pricing date collect prices and then it would be about uh three weeks or so to closing so we're looking at at least a 90day process here um I have some items that I'm looking for Council Direction on uh does council support the inclusion of the cross town connector for this debt issuance uh do you support the proposed process and timing and lastly do you support uh hiring staff's proposal for their preferred underwriter uh those are the three items and uh John would you mind stepping up to uh speak to Council on the the process and the type of debt we're proposing I just hit that uh gray button turn red there you go am I limited to three minutes you are not you're gon to wish I was okay um public offering is a more Flex ible method of borrowing money on a tax exempt basis uh you can of course approach a bank and we have done this a couple of times in the past and get a loan directly from a commercial Bank to the city of dtin that is a much easier process than what we are recommending here bank loans work really really well especially when your debt is of a shorter duration uh 10 to 12 years in in and they typically offer lower transactional costs uh usually at the expense of higher interest rates than we see in the public market there therefore as the borrowing size tends to increase or as the tener of the anticipated debt starts to increase we begin to move our Focus to the public bond market Banks work off of a corporate tax rate of about 21% those of us sitting in this room our tax rates are usually a bit higher than that therefore people that buy bonds get a greater benefit from tax exip debt that's where the pricing disparity usually comes from there were some questions earlier today on bank loans um when we put out requests for bank loans it is not imposs possible that somebody comes through the market uh it's unusual but it's not impossible every once in a while the bank will do something where you say I don't know why you'd make that loan but thank you very much we're glad you made that loan um we have much more certainty in the public bond market we have very transparent indices and we know where the interest rates move every day uh it makes it easier to price onine um m trickin is Right her summation was beautiful there's not a whole lot left for me to say uh we do require an underwriter to issue security required to issue Securities to investors through a broker dealer and they are responsible for working fairly and at arms length with both parties the issuer and the investor in that transaction uh to to make it happen uh Ford and associat serves as your fiduciary we act in the city's best interest we cannot negotiate directly with investors so there's a disparity in roles there um mrin am I covering everything you want yes I think we're good there and I'll turn it over Council questions thank you mayor uh Crystal has asked us three questions and I'd like to separate the three and make motions I I will make the first motion that we do include the cross town connector the full funding of that in this uh prop well because if we don't answer these questions separately we'll be up here all night going well what about we do this or do that so I'll I'll make the motion that we include the cross town connector funding in the in the debt that we are about to take on all right second that motion second with councilwoman AAR any discussions pertaining to that Council M Dustin do you have something on that okay Jim anything further no okay all right all right Council M Dustin I'm next mayor yes sir um appreciate it I've got a couple of questions and and a couple observation the average lifespan of a road way is 10 to 15 years um to borrow money on a 20-year term to pay for roads that will wear out before the loans even paid off is never a good idea um and the other question I would ask is what banks have we approached to finance this banks have a very special tax advantage when they loan and can therefore often times get rates that are very close to what this bond is without the very dramatic um expenses on bond Council the people that market it we've not seen any numbers about what those charges will be but I've been through two Bond issuances now I think and I can tell you it's in the hundreds of thousands of dollars so we're not really Apples to Apples and I am really quite curious about what banks we have approached to finance the cross town connector fund so um May I answer yeah respecting everybody's time that's why I broke these motions up because that's going to be on my second motion which will be to go to an RFQ we'll address all the issues but right now we just need to know is it $25 million or is it $20 million exactly which is so and that's why I made that Mo that's why I would prefera we break this up so we don't get into all these other issues till we're just addressing those issues I share your Serv yeah how do we make the decision on whether it will be included in the big bond issue if we don't know whether it'll be included in the big bond issue well um if if I can answer part one of his question which was uh the life of the roadway so the underlayment and the storm water system that we're putting into place are the bulk of the cost of this roadway right and um that can have a life of 50 to 100 years if the uh if the overlay is uh and the pavement is kept um and renewed every 15 to 20 years yes and I did read that and I thought it was a very clever argument uh but the fact is I've never been able to drive on a road that was made up of just uh storm water in the uh road base without asphalt covering which will wear out way before the bond issue is paid off and so my original question is what banks have we approached to see if they can do tax advantage loans to us to come in close to the interest rates that we are getting here without the very dramatic costs that are associated with marketing a public bond issue can you tell me what banks we've talked to yes sir I've been speaking with sovis bank PNC and truist have we talked to any local banks at all those were all uh people who are located uh locally from between Pensacola and Tallahassee and dtin yeah they they have offices in Destin but they're not really local banks have we talked any of the banks that are local here no okay I I have and I asked them if anybody had contacted them and the answer was no so I kind of knew the answer to that the question is why didn't we talk to them can you say what bank what Bank First National Bank and Trust which is a locally owned bank no no sir I haven't talked to them I also talked to uh regions as well um and the sovis people that are here in town they have Offices here in D and in Fort Walton Beach but all of the uh the banks that don't have uh long investment branches uh they told me flat out they were not interested in issuing longterm that's the the 20 plus years that um that matches our cash inflow longterm toine longterm for me uh they did not want to issue anything for more than 12 years which is about how long the road would last before it has to be resurfaced that's how long the surface of the roadway would last not the underlay it's just a philosophy I've borrowed millions of dollars personally and you don't always run toward the shiny object you really look at it closely so you know I know how I'll vote on this but the council certainly can make up their own mind but as far as the cross town borrowing 20-year money to pay for things that don't last that long is just not a real smart thing to do all right then I have something to add to that then uh the bond if we go that way um through the TPO and that long range Transportation plan uh they allocated an additional $$ 4.66 million into our cost feasible plan and they're interested in repaying that back to us in 28 if we can start on this project this next physical year are any of these bonds that we have going on flexible to one either pay off some of the principal early if we get a lump sum from an external source and I guess let's go with that question first sure um in the public bond market the most typical prepayment option is the ability to prepay your debt in 10 years it's called a it's called a call option okay in order to build in a shorter call option we can absolutely do that uh but it costs money like anything else is worthwhile it costs money we could put something called an extraordinary prepayment option on uh we might want to get a little creative with how we do that to minimize the impact on the broader transaction if say it's only going to be three4 million that might come in early okay yeah because that's this June meeting will be complet completely solidified it's gone through two of the three uh phases at this point with unanimous voting so I'm I'm feeling very confident of course you know until it's done it's done so that's just my my point to I I would agree to to bond something out or to borrow something and by the time it's the use of life is done we're stuck with debt and now renew and replacement but I don't believe this is the case since we have an outside source of 4.66 coming in to close that Gap so that was just my conc concern of the bond is how flexible can we be or creative upfront to know that these principles can come back pretty quickly if we get these things signed um so with that councilwoman AAR well you gave out two pieces that I was questioning was the Topo I knew the funding was coming in being on that board as well so and then you answered the the call out option I was trying to figure out where we would go with that whether it would be longterm or short term so thank you and thanks for being here we appreciate a lot of times it's best when you're here in person because you can answer a lot quicker and I think sometimes when we do things virtually it's not quite the same effect so thank you for coming in it's my pleasure and just to piggy back on what I was saying our our next meeting is on June 20th so we'll have a confirmative source by about TP TPO sorry TPO the board meeting that would completely three for three get this through uh is on on the end of the month here all right up next councilman King thank you sir thank you for being here um just wanted to say that I I will be supporting this motion um I think the um I I hear where Mr Dustin's coming from I think if we were if we were to borrow this money for a monetary return or gain that's one thing but I think that you know this is a matter of public safety and something that we absolutely need and need to do whatever it takes to get it um and get it done so that would be my only reply to that but I will be supporting this all right thank you so much cman Bagby yeah my motion is really simple are we going to borrow 20 million or are we going to borrow 25 million potentially that that's all we're not talking about how we're going to do it that's that's my next thing because I actually agree with Mr desen mostly uh so I just want to what the motion was about it's whether or not to add the cross town connector her first question so thank you all right councilman dtin second bite at the Apple button question if the question is simply that I just I want to get a my hands around the the fees that are associated with running the bond issue we can do that as we go through the meeting seeing no further discussion confirmation all right I will Ray will call the vote on the first motion oh you guys got it all right well good deal thank you Ray I'm I'm used to having to push it in here kin he's thinking all right eyes have it 61 so moved on adding cross town question one all right so my my second motion will ask actually address question number three on her list of questions and I my motion is to produce an RFQ that is presented to Banks specifically banks located in the city and to the three investment arms of the banks that you've been been in contact with uh and I'll wait till I get a second I'll second that okay and the reason is uh for a lot of the reasons Mr Dustin mentioned but also I also talked with banks because I asked the question today and the answer was zero and what then I asked what the cost was and I believe you told me 363,000 was what was budgeted for the bond issuance that's correct okay and and as much as I love Crystal and Trust Crystal uh we're talking $36 million here folks and I'm not going to put that on one person uh that's a council decision so I want an RFQ and I want we can have a bid committee or a screening committee or a finance committee or whatever we want to call it have them screen maybe the top four or five and have them come make presentations because as I believe I told Crystal today I know I told one the bankers that I talked to it it's not just about what it's about who and I want to know who we're dealing with some of the things that concern me yes you can pay off early but there's a cost when you do a bond issue okay and and is not a you know it's not like $50 oh yeah it's like because they have their whole program set up on getting our revenue for 20 years yes the banks uh at least the ones that I talked with 12 to 15 years there are some banks locally 25 million is their cap there are other banks that have branches here such as regions hundred million is their cap but I want to know all the numbers before we go down this this road and I you know both of y'all have done great work but I have to touch it at $36 million th this panel up here needs to own it not Crystal owning it not John owning it but seven people pushing a button whose names will be in the record and so that I make the motion that we produce the RFQ I think you already second it right okay and I would recommend strongly that we go that route as opposed to the proposed route in the staff study thank you all right I do have a motion do we have any discussion on the RFP RFQ RFQ sorry Q all right Kevin would that would that allow us to potentially do dual a bond and a bank issuance based on how you're putting the motion go ahead John typically you don't do that you can do two banks with a loan or you can you know sometimes they'll split it up to mitigate the risk and things like that but go ahead John it's an excellent question these two different approaches to executing the financing work along different timelines so there's nothing that prevents us from putting out a piece of paper that says if you're a Commercial Bank send us your interest rate and your terms and conditions and if you're an investment Bank uh tell us who's going to be uh on your investment banking team and who's going to sit on the underwriting desk and how you'd propose pricing the bond um one of those is hey we'll give you a loan at this rate today the other is this is our team we'll help you sell the bonds in the public market it's two very different kinds of responses one is Let's Make a Deal right now based on these market conditions the other is hey we want to be part of your team and set up the deal for some future market conditions so it is very difficult to compare at Apple apples right but just the way that Mr bagby's putting the motion out RFQ would would that still allow us to potentially Branch off of five million doll bank loan if y'all go talk to some of these Banks and we they don't we don't like the 20 to 25 or 25 million for they say 10 to 12 years keep in mind one of the reasons I chose the the 20 years especially for the cross town connector is because again that matches my cash inflows if we shorten the duration I couldn't make the debt service payments got it yes and that's absent of the TPO money for that particular the TPO money won't come in until 2028 so yeah fysical year 28 we're still stuck years like they said they wanted to reimburse us for construction completed I wouldn't be able to complete construction to get reimbursed okay okay and then my my kind of question going the RFQ route and kind of going the SPID route what what would be like an anticipated timeline of just I know we don't want to rush this much money a couple things there's there's the additional probably 60-day timeline added to the timeline right to issue the to bring the RFQ back to council and then to issue it on the street and to get responses um also un 20 well 36 million if you include the interest right when you issue 25 million in principal it's very significant for our city of d right that's more than two years of complete property taxes from from our city but for the underwriters uh this is a very little piece and with little to no hope of repeat business so we would not anticipate a lot of interest and a lot of responses from Underwriters in the business they've got quotas to make each year um and this would just be a little piece of pie and so that's why the um the investment bankers that I've been talking to um these are the three that have risen to the top with the most interest in the city of dtin and as I mentioned in the agenda cover cber Williams um they've had a much more personal touch and they seem a lot more interested in our work in the city of dtin than the the other two are much larger right Council meston I will support the motion of course because I think we need to have as many flexible options as we can but crystal in all honestly your statement that you won't be able to make your payments only is true if you have no ability to adjust elsewhere in the budget so that's not really a completely true statement and while I appreciate the situation you find yourself in we can always adjust the priorities in the budget that's what the seven of us do so you know I'm not sure that statement is quite accurate okay seeing any further discussion seeing none right the vote on the RFQ I just want to make sure we're aware that we already the voting thing is not correct anymore so mine says we're voting on norgo so that's why I was confused earlier when we were voting not yeah we are we're too smart for the computer always yeah yeah Ray are we good voting knowing that it will not line up all right we'll just all right there you go I have it so moved and then my last motion is really a question for Crystal to or potentially Council direction to bring us back an adjusted timeline because I understand the timeline for the bond issuance and I really understand the the timeline for the RFQ for a loan and they're not the same that you can kind of overlay them whereas when you were doing the POS or whatever you would be doing uh the constructing or the RFQ development process so there are some where it could overlay each other but I don't want to make a motion tonight and say yes we're going to do it in 3 months cuz I'm not sure three months is the right number I think probably five months is which Serendipity May jump in and I do believe that uh the interest rates will go down probably right before the election or sometime this year and so that might actually help us taking 5 months as opposed to 3 months but I would like for you to bring back at the next meeting the new timeline for the RFQ and the interviews and the screening and whatever else you think you two think needs to be in there I'm not sure I need a motion for that but if I do I'll all right just give us a motion yes please okay yep I'll make a motion that we direct staff to bring us back an adjusted timeline for the development of an RF Q for this debt service or this debt issuance whether it's a loan or a bond all right motion of second seeing no one requesting to speak calling the vote on not not the de oh we're back on Dead Issue okay thank you Ray I think it's Auto pushing us to the next agenda as we vote they didn't anticipate a Bagby all all right like that all right anything further on the reimbursement okay Le yes uh the next item is the an update on Oro Point uh project and also uh a request from D regarding that project uh city engineer will present that good evening Council and mayor um yes DP is moving ever so closer to breaking ground for The noro Point Park um with that on the screen is kind of the final layout um and we did get bids back or D got bids back um for construction so with that pierce Barrett is here with fdp and he has a request of counsel Pierce come on up the man of many titles well I just listened to the $25 million Bond so I anyway Pier Spar professional engineer representing the Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard tazi Florida ladies and gentlemen I'm here to I guess I should have brought my hat in from the car we are trying to award a project uh that has been in the works since before the BP oil spill the project was presented to the department in 2012 uh as a beach renourishment that was turned down at that time BP was a part of the evaluation process and they said there is no correlation between the erosion of the point and the oil spill so we had the city come back and make a proposal revised with additional facilities that increase recreational opportunity for people to use the point that was approved that project was approved and provided funding of 10,228 th000 $130 it also due to the foresight of some of your previous staff they went after a grant with our beaches Division and obtained an additional 3.7 plus million dollar to add to the project that money had to be used strictly for the renourishment portion that project was bid I think probably I can't remember exact dates now but it's somewhere around 2016 2017 just a little history of the construction processes that are going on nowadays which I'm sure you're all aware of anything you have a price on today is probably higher on Friday when we bid the the re nourishment project reestablishment of the Point building the swimming ements Etc we had nine biders seven of which we qualified and the low bid was 9.7 million later on shortly after that was finished we did the Dune vegetation portion of the project we had three bids two of which were qualified and the low bid was $177 plus, we just finished bidding phase three which is a recreational facility ities and that includes the multi-purpose Trail or Boardwalk the uh Center Dune crossover Dune crossover number two as we've noted on our plans recre of the excuse me restroom facilities and a pavilion uh handicap access to the beach which is commonly called the term Mobi Mat uh was included we have bike racks we have entrance signage Etc uh that project was put out to bid in April received the bids in may we got three bids all qualified the low bid was uh 5 million uh excuse me 4,965 770 that was the base bid what I just gave told you the additional items that were included in the bid with three alternates one for Dune crossovers at the southern end of the point one Dune Crossover at the North End of the point and also completing the boardwalk which takes it in a circle around the very end of the point those three alternates alternate one which was the southern end uh crossover came in at 22391 18,000 the center uh the second Alternate which is the northern cross over came in at 164,165 232 the project with the base bid alone exceeded the remaining budget in this project with the funding I just mentioned by$ 2.1 plus million so we as the department and I will make this statement too if this had been a grant and not a project administered by the department the city would be on the hook with this additional 2 point some odd million dollar because once you go into the grant to accept a project you have to build it no matter what um in this case the Department's picking it up what I'm trying to sell you on is a little participation by the city this city has realized tens of millions of dollars out of the BP oils bill that includes Captain Leonard in park which was a land purchase plus building the park a hydraulic separator which is one of the first projects put in which is down by the marina headquarters that was about a half a million and then of course Nora point which is getting close to $17 million and you're also on in line to receive funding for of course Joe's byou which is still in the works I can't even tell you what I think the cost is going to be right now um I will be taking the a scalpel out probably to that project unfortunately we haven't taken a scalpel out to this one yet what I'm coming to you in V asked for is the city participate by providing funds up to the cost of the Southern Boardwalk which is a crossover rather which is $33 plus thousand that's less than 1% of the amount of funds you've received in funding uh are you the only one we've asked this of no Santa Rosa County poned up over half a million over six years ago on a project so it could be completed and we've done the same thing of the city of Fort Walton Beach which has a grant is having to Pony up money to complete their project that's just the construction world I uh I'm sorry it's gone that way we had very when projects were put out in 2012 the construction was in a recession well that's not happened anymore as y'all well know um and so I'm just asking the board to consider uh the H coming up with the money to fund now we're not we've developed an mou you don't have it yet because it's in review by our office of general counsel but a draft will of course be sent to your City attorney and your city manager and ex and yourselves it doesn't say we want the money now it doesn't say we want the money in five months it just says basically that you agree to pay the 233,000 we're talking about at a time in the budget that allows you to pay it which would be I assume in your 2025 budget any questions thank you pierce uh councilman Bagby Mr Mayor I'm GNA make a motion for discussion that we approve the base bid and alternate number three the curved in and not approve alternate one and Alternate two the two additional Crossovers and that way we save D some money and we save us some money we're in some need I know y'all are in need of some money well this Pro the the funding under the BP has has been bled uh and it's a it's a process in which we're trying to and we have to justify this we'll know by June the 10th whether or not the trustee group is going to allow us any or all the funding we've asked for so I cross my fingers come June the 10th I'll have good news on my part well and we'll be coming to you for money on probably a a storm water project that is in the state's budget for this year but we're g we half of what we need is in there so but we're going to be kind here fortunately you will not be coming to me yeah it's not not my job man all right uh councilman dtin and then Schmidt okay just so I understand the motion essentially we are not going to give them the 200 and something in order to finish that other walk over correct we as you're looking at that uh the center walk over which is part of their base bid would be done and the hook on the Northern end where people can walk around and watch sunsets from the that would be done and the other two walkovers the southernmost and the northernmost would not be done one of which they're asking us to pay for and one of which they've said they're willing to pay for that's what I thought yes uh Crystal do you have an idea where and how that 200 and some thousand may come yeah the the only available funding that we have at this moment would be from the general fund so we would probably have to cut some other um projects the the general fund is the only available funding for this project and there I'm sure $237,000 somewhere in that projects that we could put off or use and and the only point I would make is this gentleman exactly right dtin has harvested very richly from the D in the last four or five years to the tune of more money than we're talking about borrowing almost seems a little cheap to tell them no on the 237,000 to me okay councilman Schmidt thank you uh thank you for coming um if you could just bear with me because I have a lot of questions about the project about the history and everything not going home tonight so yeah I've heard all about you so I'm glad you're finally here so where is where is the Terminus terus currently under the base bed where does it end if we if you look at on the harbor side of noro Point there's a boardwalk that runs up the harbor side it goes as designed and permitted it's allowed to go all the way around the circumference of the tip the boardwalk is 8 feet wide until it reaches what we call the Terminus and there is expanded to 12 feet which provides for additional Personnel seating Etc that's the uh and you probably easier to show what Brian show you in person so currently it ends at the 8T and you were asking at the in the base bid it ends at the end of the 8ot wide Boardwalk approximately okay gotcha um are there actual steps that go from the boardwalk onto the white there are steps and I don't have the plans I apologize but there are steps that take the boardwalk down on the harbor side so let's say you come in in your boat on the harbor side which is very popular and you anchor there off of the boardwalk then there are steps that you can access the boardwalk from the water as well as the course at the entrance and there also would be steps at the end of I don't I'll have to look and see what whe there steps at the end of that uh Terminus it may just end okay so you said something about $17 million at nor that's how much this project is going to cost when it's finished including back from when we first started original the original part of the project where we built two new swimming ements and plus rehabilitated the original two embayments that were remaining at the point that bid was two was 9.7 million okay then we spent another 200,000 on the vegetating the Dune there's also the and I don't have that figure in front me there also the fees paid to engineering construction Administration Services DP Administration Etc so it all amounts to when you come to it with the new bid in it almost is $17 million and the design the plans I guess whenever this was done was this a was this led by the was this the council and the city the staff the help this project was led by D the Consultants were selected through D selection process and he been administered from that that was a decision made long ago was the city did the city want a grant none of y'all were on the board I think at that time but our Council but it was determined that the city could not handle what would be required because you would have had to pay the entire project and then ask for reimbursement from the state right and should it have been a grant like I said let's say the grant was $10 million the project came in at 12 you've got to finish the project and you come up with a 2 million extra do you know have any history on why they chose to put a boardwalk on the harbor side versus the beach side well and why the why 12 that's an engineering decision that the harbor side number one is safer or rather more protected if you put something on you know what's happened out there over the years you put a boardwalk on the uh inlet side so to speak You're much more subject to storms and uh things of that nature it would have been harder to permit as well right but we built those little swimming embankments or y'all built those right we built those there were two swimming embayments existing out there at the time we rehabilitated those to and then the northernmost embayments are brand new that that part of the point if you can remember if you've been here a long time basically you take from the middle Boardwalk I mean middle crossover that's shown in that drawing right that part of the point didn't exist yeah yeah yeah I'm fully aware that's why I've never really been a big fan of building really anything on Sand right there but um just a couple of personal comments and notes and I guess maybe it's you know I was maybe graduating college whenever y'all started all this but um people drive to this parking lot people that I've been talking to and asking they're not going to get out of their car and walk on the boardwalk they want to go to the beach so I personally the people we've spoken to I don't even understand why there's a boardwalk on that side because Mo majority of people that frequent that beach they were upset when the for example a marina was just built they were upset because they lost space to pull the boat space to throw footballs or whatever I get concerned that we're going to have a lot more outcry when we put a 8ot wide uh Boardwalk right there it's going to take even more space away from kids playing with the balls and doing things on that beach because personally I don't think people are going to want to walk from there over they want to go to the beach they're going to go to the beach that way um I also don't think we need a 12 foot Boardwalk on the corner because that's not like a picturesque go get a picture there's a bridge right there you know so you know why even spend the money to put it there just to hang out four extra feet councilman I I I I understand all your concerns but another thing I just want to say is this project started long before you were sitting in that chair so I I can't go back and say well let's go redesign it now well can we uh you can give can you design it now yeah you give me the money to redesign it okay you won't give me the money to build a crossover right no I won't I personally won't and it's no disrespect about the money that the state's given us because I do I do appreciate all that but for this particular area and project you know to me putting crossover crosswalks it just it doesn't add up to what the true need is right there the facilities the bathrooms are beautiful I'll sit down with you a year from now or a year and a half whenever it's finished and we'll go out and see whether or not there is additional usage of that point right now I have walked the point now I'm getting too old want to do it at all well you can't right now because it's been eroded for I think about two years and we're waiting for this project to fix it and this project was ready to go in 2017 just for your information and it's sat on the books now for since 2017 permitted and everything we actually had to go back and redesign some of it to meet the new building code which came into effect since the original design gotta no I appreciate it I just wanted to ask those questions because there was a little confusion about what may or may not be there I just want to get it clear on the record um but I don't I personally don't want to do some of these extra expenses um because I just don't see the need and other people I've talked to don't find a need for that so I just can't support it if you don't want to take the alternates fine if we take out anything else like the boardwalk the Project's in Jeopardy of being you know you know the tig as we call it truste implementation Group which is made up of federal agencies and FWC and D get very sensitive about a project that's submitted for their approval no matter if it was s 10 years ago now and all of a sudden we come back and said no we're not going to build it like that right uh right no I hear it's just that side of the harbor we continue to have erosion so now we're okay to build a boardwalk on that side but not on the other side because of POS storm well it's also permitting I'm not sure that the state would have per allowed us to permit a boardwalk on the inlet side because it's on is in front of what they call the Coastal Construction Control line I appreciate all the answers thank you yeah all right councilman King yeah Ryan go ahead I'm gonna I'm GNA back off mayor yes I I just want to add the Terminus um that is AO also Ada access yes so by not having it then you're restricting Ada folks from being able to go to the North End and enjoy that North End you're you're making them just come to by the bathrooms and come out at the South there hey I'm GNA jump back on real quick sorry uh thank you sir I I would disagree I think the um me I'm I I understand I've spent a lot of time over there on that um on that piece of ground the um it doesn't make any sense I mean I I can tell you from a common sense standpoint it doesn't make any sense to put the boardwalk on the on the south side of noro um just from a an erosion and everything else and everybody who walks if you watch the way I was down there last night if you watch the way people enter Nora point where they where that Boardwalk is right now is where people are where they're moving to get down there U I think it opens up a lot of opens up a lot of doors to get people spread people further out down down the point um which have not had that luxury before because it's white sand and it's hard to walk in um you know I think it is going to be I think you know if if no good deed goes unpunished then yeah you're not maybe don't won't be able to throw your Frisbee right there but there's plenty other ground there to to recreate on um is there and forgive me if I forgive me for not having the figures in front of me but do we have to give up two two of the Crossovers or can we you know that's to ask he's out of money yeah I understand that I've got I got that point I'm saying to Mr bagby's motion um is it do we need to get rid of two or can we get rid of one and add one later if we so choose I personally don't think the first one's going to get used all that much well my observation and and not to contradict you is that the boat traffic that Parks so to speak on the point is more congregated down towards the southern end than it is at the Northern end that's why we were proposing if we build number two and if we can get enough money left over we can build the number three at the north end now are both of them necessary no are all three of them necessary no you don't have to have a crossover at all they're not Ada accessible they can't be but I've been out there and look and watch the traffic it uses the Dune to get up there and climb all over the dunes and whatever there's also a a bird nesting area on top of that Dune or the term has been changed to Dyke now uh because we don't want to use Doom for permitting purposes but anyway if if you don't have the Crossovers people are going you know what's happened down at the Northern end and we're also I meant to mention in the plans which was a an additional design we've noticed the erosion that's happened at the Northern end well we've got a design to hopefully correct that issue uh what's the material the material will be the mattresses similar to what are used now on the armoring of the other end uh there will be sand placed behind it of course uh but the uh that's that's what's being to bring the to bring that stabil hopefully bring that stabilization uh right now the amount of boats traffic in the original designs it was anticipated through the harbor entrance and the way that boat traffic is moving through that Harbor entrance was not anticipated to be as dramatic as it is and that's caused some of the additional erosion uh you know I I know FWC and your county sheriff's department they can't Patrol it all the time but I've been out there while it's like a it's it's a turmoil of wave action and everything else from different boats it's not your big boats out your fishing fleets that are doing it they behave and know how to drive through there it's the it's the crazy people that that's it's them foreigners that come in there all right where we at moving over all right councilwoman aor thank you mayor and you know I I've sat through all of this I've been on the parks recreation committee for the four years before I was on this for four years and I Lisa I'm just watching you over there going oh my God we've been for how long and Kevin's starting to change it I get I feel I feel your pain and I really do and and I'm sad that Kevin hasn't watched all the work and the the the dissecting of exactly what we need to do and you did it to yourself you're like I don't know why we're doing this we're doing it because we want to make it a better part we've got a gorgeous facility that's going to be put out there so people can go out and watch the sunset right now it's just a big old long sand area so I'm tickled that you've done all the work you have and I I I've support it and I know this is money that's been spent and it's been expected and I agree with Jim I don't want to put any more money we don't have into creating the extra crossovers but I like where we're going I'm glad that we're having this being paid for because we could have never done it by oursel as a city and I think if anything it's it's an addition that's going to be helpful especially for those that are already using that area so thank you for coming again tonight thank thank you for all you've been doing it's been a pleasure working on it thank you I just want to see the thing come to fruition me too yeah thank y'all you you've both been working on this for a long time a lot of us up here have been working on this for a long time uh so I'll answer a couple of concerns and in I think Johnny's question uh when Mr Schmidt and the mayor get to be the same age as Mr dtin and myself they'll understand why you stay on the boardwalk and you go around to the 12 foot thing and you don't walk in the sand because it's hard to walk yeah okay so hopefully that answers the boardwalk in the turnaround question the um I and I understand uh you know let's get as much as we can while the getting's good I and I'm usually but I remind you and the the reason I I wouldn't support the boardwalk on the uh inlet side is once this is complete We Own It We own it and the first thing that'll get wiped out in the storm because we've seen Nora Point get wiped out in storms will be a boardwalk or any improvements on that Southwest side of Nora point to include the walkovers we're going to own those and so if you're we're talking about 400,000 for two walkovers probably another 250 for the one that y'all are actually putting in in the base plan so we get a storm this year or next year whenever this gets done that's $650,000 we're going to be spending to put in three walkovers so the walkovers that are there I agree with the one in the middle that's why my motion uh to Johnny's question yes we can add them both back in we can add one of them back in but as I was looking at it the southernmost walk over push the map up just a little bit the southern no you pushed it down thank you southernmost walkover opens out into almost exactly the same spot as the Ada ramp opens up so why would we put two walkovers that end up you know 150 ft apart into the same spot and they're both going to go in between those two Southern uh Coes there the northern one if you'll go up the map a little bit the the walkovers I mean and this is just how I look at it those walkovers are for the boers period because if I'm parking I'm not walking all the way down the boardwalk just so I can cross the northern walkover why would I do that that doesn't even make sense to me the northern walkover you're not going to those are going to be improved and protected there's not going to be boats parking there there'll be boats parking to the south of it which is just about as close to the central walkover so why would we incur the expense and the replace future expense of replacement costs even if they are never wiped out by a storm they're going to age and we're going to have to replace them this kind of goes back to the R&R philosophy so that that's why I said let's just take the middle let's save d a little money maybe they can improve something else in the project and we save ourselves money uh not only upfront but down the road when these things have to be replaced the other thing about the boardwalk wraparound and you know I would I would walk down the boardwalk I wouldn't walk all the way the end of the point in the sand uh because I might want to watch the sunset but uh some of the arguments against the boardwalk on the harbor side are the exact same arguments that were made when we approved the bo boardwalk in the harbor on the north side of the harbor nobody will ever use it we can get along there you know yeah it's it's kind of a mishmash but we can get there if we really want to go there but I tell you what I go to Mr Dustin's restaurant once or twice a month and I sit there and that Boardwalk always has people walking up and down that Boardwalk it's just a thing to do in Destin and I think at least for the people that live out there uh and maybe some of our citizens that will be something to do that will be their part to go to that they can access a lot of beach out there and so that's if you want to add one of the walkovers you know yeah later we can do that but uh that's why I made my motion the way I did to answer Mr King's question say something on in regards to councilman B statements the per as you see the plan up there is all permitted so you are cor correct you want to come back and build one if you see the traffic is so high that you want to come back and build it later you're permitted to do it how long that works done huh is like a 10-year window is there a I have to check with mayor but we I let you know it's not any short term so the center will crossover for those of you not as familiar with it and hadn't been on Council as long you talk about sunsets Etc that Center crossover the main one so to speak that's in the base bid has outcroppings on it that have seats and so forth as you go up on it so imagine if you've ever been on top of that Dune what it looks like from on top I've been up there in a pickup truck huh they won't be shooting them off the Dune anymore it's closed that night so we're going to have to get into that but anyway but yes if if you don't want the Crossovers I can understand I'm not in strong agreement one way or the other uh the center one we have in the project already in the base bid and unless we made a a deduct in the project and took it out all together which I don't plan to do I've asked for the money to build all that Council Stevens all right thanks so much for uh doing all the work you've been doing on this um real quick on the uh Shoreline protection area is that shortening any of the um boat access or is it pretty much where the the no boat enter zone is they don't dock up there now at the very end up near the harbor at least I haven't seen it that doesn't mean somebody doesn't yeah that but that's where that that sign is saying you cannot vote there anymore right yeah from what I see traffic up there anybody puts a a a Long Boat and I saw one 60 ft Park parked out there the other day puts one up there like that he's in Jeopardy M okay that's is where their pirate craft turns around too cman D thank you mayor it's always healthy for Mr V and I disagree occasionally um I I I understand exactly where he's coming from but by not putting that last Boardwalk there 50 boats there every summer day they're just going to walk across the dunes unless we put law enforcement there constantly and uh you know to to get as I said earlier sheep on the last 237,000 I think is probably not a good idea and in order to be able to uh support Mr bag's motion I will first make the substitute that we direct staff to uh from the general front provide the 237,000 to put the other walk over in I'll second that least at least we can vote on it so Pi you you have the center one and so which one is the second on the Northern okay so you want the northern the if if you if you do not in the mou does not say you're funding that Boardwalk it just says you're providing the funds that are equivalent to that fund if you agree as councilman deson just said to fund find the money to provide those funds then we can get probably all three Doom crossovers in plus the Terminus to the harbor board wall and that is a point of my motion to go ahead as it's planned and for us to kick in the 237,000 out of the 17 million um that's out of three Parks okay so we have a substitute motion with a second um see I'm go back uh yeah BBY anyone else all right yeah I have a question okay all right so as I understand the substitute motion we are putting in altern one putting in the 237,000 forward their plan oh so yours is the original staff okay all right councilman King yes sir thank you I I just wanted to kind of touch on what Mr Bagby was saying you know my family forces me to go here every like Fourth of July um and and I know as well as y'all do that that is a mistake um but we make way and it makes my parents happy and we have a great time but you know I know on that day we we've got a I use that East Pass Marina a bunch which is just to the southeast of where all this is where that little zigzag of boats is and I mean I know that it's I know that it's technically going to be closed at night but I mean the amount of people that go down there and then and I like I said I was there yesterday I was there the day before um um and there is an outrageous amount of people that still use it that public parking right there is full if it's daylight it's full um and and I would be fine with seeing the the first one well I will support Mr D's motion I think if if it doesn't go that way I would I would be in support of getting rid of the first one I think the other two I go on a boat I'm not walking through the sand anywhere I'm staying right there around the boat where the food is you you know and I don't think that I think most people are that way I don't think they're going to Ditch off their you know their endless supply of resources on their boat to walk away from it through the sand I think that they would use the last I think people would use the last two to get further away from the people that are down here towards the you know the park that's what I got thanks all right uh I see no further comments we have a substitute motion for can you help me out one more time what was is it for one addition it's for everything okay just so I'm clear on it okay all right so I'll call the vote or you guys call the vote now all right 52 eyes have it for the whole shebang there you go away from here saying that you're going to buy thank you yes yes now just don't cut anything on Joe's byou we want that boat washed down by the way yeah we're going to be coming after you for Jo yes we do all right thank you leis yes uh the next item is the uh um lean reduction request uh and the city CH we introduce the topic thank you Lewis uh so this agenda item is technically um for two separate lean reduction requests for two separate properties with the same owner there uh the leans were for identical time frames and amounts um the property owner for both Parcels is crh gz H LLC and is represented by Mr Steven Tatum who is here um leans on both properties were recorded on January 4th of this year they're less than a year old the leans accured at 250 per day for 105 days and the property came into compliance approximately 105 days after the lean was recorded and therefore they stopped acre at that time each lean is in the amount of $26,250 and the total amount for both leans is $52,500 I'll invite Mr Tatum up here um to make the request on behalf of his client good evening council members um Steven Tatum Matthews and Matthews 4475 Legendary Drive um first ask did you have a chance to read the letter um submitted it was in your packets okay and did you all check out the emails that were attached to it okay so I won't bore you too much with with details but not to steal a quote from um from a movie but what we've got here is failure to communicate um and it's it's on it's somewhat on both sides but um as my my letter indicated yeah my clients have been renting both of these houses since 2011 2012 um they had a rental management company assisting them and 2022 they decided to end that contract so 2023 became the first year that they themselves had to register for short-term rentals in June of 20 or June 28th actually of 23 they reached out uh asked code enforcement you know what do I need to do he said make you a compass account this was officer Morales make you a compass account register for your short-term rental okay they did that but they actually registered for was a BTR they submitted that information back to officer Morales officer Morales says okay now go register for your short-term rental they actually went back again and registered for the BTR again and paid for the BTR again so they actually paid for the btrs twice within like a two-month period um again they reached out asked by now we're in August so August of 20 21st first because of uh Mr Morales not responding to us in July they reached out to miss Bernie who responded back on September 11th um I'm sorry oh I'm sorry they reached out to miss Bernie on August 21st 2023 and did not get a response and then on September 11th 2023 again to miss Bernie U requesting an update as to whether or not they had submitted everything did they have everything you know Coptic with the city's licensing requirements um she found again that they had only done the BTR they CCD officer Morales again uh for him to further assist and there was never any more communication from officer Morales so that was September 11th at that happened um on September 19th is when the code enforcement magistrate hearing occurred uh no one in any of these emails during that August September time frame ever mentioned to my clients that the code enforcement hearing was about to happen um the notices that were sent if you noticed in your packet there were the uh green cards that go along with certified mailings and those green cards were not signed they were sent to a property that my clients do own in sale Louisiana but that isn't I think it was in sdale maybe but somewhere in Louisiana near New Orleans um but that property was actually rented to someone else commercial property uh and that tenant failed to let them know within the appropriate time period for them to get here and actually attend the hearing in fact they didn't find out about the hearings until um December 14th um after the December 14th meeting um the December 14th meeting is where the code enforcement magistrate actually issued the fines so um September 19th a hearing where the magistrate says uh you're in violation come into compliance by October 4th if you don't come into compliance by October 4th uh we will start finding you $250 a day um October 4th comes and goes another magistrate hearing is not held until December 14th at that December 14th hearing is where the magistrate actually signed an order saying all right finds her ACR now and she backdated it to acrew from October 4th forward um my clients found out beginning of January hey this property is acre 200 $50 a day since October 4th in leans and there's two properties uh so they immediately reached out um finally were able to get the appropriate process to do what they needed to do to register um not only did they pay for their 2023 business tax license I'm sorry short-term rental license they also paid for the 2024 in January of this year and they paid the, in magistrate hearing fees administrative fees that were also charged um through the Magistrate's orders if you look at the dates from the December 14th magistrate hearing where she actually signed the order saying that we you're in violation your $250 a day are now being assessed from that December 14th hearing until the January 17th date where my clients actually paid for both short-term rental licenses for both years and the ,000 magistrate fee that's only 34 days so as soon as they knew they had a problem they went up here came in person figured it out and finally got it solved and it took um it took several different individuals assisting them whose names I cannot remember right now um but they were able to get everything taken care of but now we're looking at a total of $52,500 in fees between the two houses for simply not understanding the licensing process for short-term rals um that's a total of 105 days for both properties $52,000 so less than a third of the year and that's the fines they're facing so of course we're here today to ask and request that you we ask that you eliminate the fins um entirely because it Although our maybe we did make some mistakes by not coming up here immediately medely to to find out but the constant email Communications just kept going it was very clear that nobody was thumbing their nose at the system we were trying to make this work and there was just a a failure of communication um if Mr Morales had done more than just said in a one sentence email apply for short-term rental registration which is what my clients thought they had done and then they did it again thinking that's what they had done and if you you look at the btrs that are attached um in your packets they even say on them that they are for license type rentals BTR classification short-term rental they thought they had done what they were supposed to do it would have taken Mr Morales maybe you know extra five minutes to write an email that explained no now you need to do this that didn't happen and so now we're here before you today begging for some mercy um you questions for me or my clients they're here all right thank you so much all right councilman G I move to deny lean reduction requests right I have a motion I'll second it the second for discussion uh council mcal do you have anything to discuss on or yes I do all right first regardless whether they feel like they were notified or or not it's their responsibility to uh understand understand the law when they take on ownership of that management prop and they fired that management property if they weren't competent they should have never gotten rid of that management property it's not our code compliance' job to educate them to that great detail um on this additionally uh I I don't see any reason why they should they should receive any any leniency whatsoever I feel short-term rentals are a virus to the community so that would be the problem with why you're saying this now now I'm just telling you that point blank it's their responsibility to take to understand the rules and the law ignorance is not an excuse can I ask you a question you sure can have you ever made a mistake not understood the directions to something and then it cost you $52,000 I've been smart enough to educate myself before I depended and relied on other people so you've never made a mistake I've made mistakes but I've manned up and paid for them okay C neor thanks mayor um were these um owners still making money as they were accumulating this debt yes they were they were still renting and moving forward and what were they renting at $1,000 a day $1,000 a week I have no idea and it's really not Germaine to the situation it it is they're making money while they're still in violation so I know if we give them a break then we'll have all these other people come in and go oh I didn't know what the rules were can I get a break you're making money short-term rentals there's rules you have to know that there's got to be something to do more than just emailing I would have gotten in my car and driven here or flown here and said something's going on I'm missing out I wouldn't wait weeks I think you need to look at the severity of the punishment and compare it to the the I'm not going to say minuscule but the the small amount of actual violation that occurred I mean if it had been something that couldn't be rectified I absolutely agree with you but it was rectified they paid for their entire 23 registration brought it up to submitted everything was supposed to be submitted for 23 and did it for 24 it wasn't like they had a dilapidated structure that they were just leaving out there where you junkies were going and shooting up heroin this was this was not that kind of situation again I say they were still making money renting it while they were in AAR with the city so I will not vote for them to get any money back all right C Schmid yeah thank you um man it's tough so just a couple of clarification things if you don't mind um because I think I did hear you say that it was both parties faults because multiple times uh they they asked about doing it so they knew it wasn't done although we didn't tell them you know like right they knew it wasn't done they knew it wasn't done because they didn't have their stickers they kept asking for their stickers but they knew it wasn't done so uh getting to the Finish Line would probably been the safest thing to do but then it says on September 11th that they did receive notice of the hearing so they knew there was a hearing on September 19th yes but that that September 19th was not canceled it was cancelled yes it was cancelled we had noticed it was canell so there was a so there was another do we know about a magistrate hearing being cancell and then that's what we got noticed of that was the magistrate hearing introduce yourself I'm Reed Ingram um owner of two houses in vill Crystal Beach it's not that we're being defined uh first time doing it yeah we made mistakes and I'm very confident on but what we were paid for and we paid for it for five times the the the business tax and on that thing on that business tax it clearly says short-term rentals so we thought we were paying for the short-term rentals so then we applied for it again and then my fiance asked William where when are we going to get our stickers we're going to get our stickers we didn't get them we applied for it again not applied we paid for it so it's not like we were sitting here taking money in and not we paid for it five times weren't sitting here and I mean I've been in this area for a long time since 1998 paying taxes coming here all the time but um we were trying to we weren't being prigent uh here we have the the the certified letters that came to us they came back not signed we have a a UPS saying that they dropped it off to an individual that signed for it they're not signed William William didn't come and tell us that I was in his office and happen to see it on his computer and asked him what's that sure he says oh that's the the uh the certified letters that weren't signed I said can I have it he said I can't give that to you that we we're against you we're not for you I don't want to I'm gonna cut you off if you don't mind I appreciate what you're saying and reiterating what Mr Tatum said but I just want to make clear though that y'all did know there was going to be a hearing on the 19th because Miss fancy Hoffman admitted to that but with all that said that's why there's fault you know youall knew it was going to be IM me it says in your letter there was a meeting so don't it didn't say it was canel so I'm assuming all that happened y didn't come for one reason or another but I'm still going to make a substitute motion per the code and and ask to reduce it up to the 30% I'll second that all right I have a motion in second for the substitute motion I will anything else okay continue on councilman dtin thank you mayor the uh the object of Code Enforcement is try to get people to comply it's not really a system that contemplates punitive unitive action that these people look like they were desperately trying to comply um our Compass system has been a disaster of a FiOS scope we are right now looking to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace it because people get on it and they can't get it to work um the code enforcement people that handled this themselves have recommended that these fines be abated my opinion it uh you know we should have had a human being call them and say okay guys you did it wrong this is what you have to do that's what happens in a uh in a system that functions like it should um as far as I'm concerned I I would Abate the entire findes um it didn't get notice I mean you I know we followed the requirements of the law that you send it to an address that is registered but it's pretty clear they didn't get it it's also clear they were communicating by emails a lot you know I just I just think the whole thing is a is a testimony to the failure of of the compass system and and our abilities to make people go through that system when it IT best is very inferior just for clarity though I don't think I can do because the code that we put in ordinance form only allows us to do the 30% that's what for clarity code says but if it's a due process issue which if they never got notice you know I I think we can do what we think is is legal and fit and you know I can't do a substitute to substitute but if I won't vote for this one but I will vote to Abate it completely and they've already they've already paid for how many btrs and and they' they were making every effort they could reasonably make to try to comply with what we ask unlike the probably thousand other short-term rentals in this town who are not paying anything and are not making any attempt to pay Jim I'm sorry before you jump in councilman King thank you sir yeah I would um my how how many short-term rental houses are there in the city of Des registered we approximately 12200 okay we don't see this a lot you know that would be my concern is like how come we don't have 1,200 other people here with the same issue you know if I go if I go to Illinois to go deer hunting I'm gonna have every I'm gonna have all my eyes dotted and te's crossed and if a game warden stops me he's going to have to look really hard to write me a ticket you know and that's kind of the laws of the land you know and I feel like that's espe esecially in business um I I have a heart I'm not inclined to see you guys pay the $52,000 but you know I think there's been some points made tonight that you know if we do this we do this for you guys man you know tricky we aggressively contacted we just didn't stay and and let this we we we reached out we reached out if you look in the packet several times we reached out asking for help okay on on your on this tax thing it says short-term rentals it says short-term rentals on the on this tax certificate that we uh that we received right here this ta receipt and it says short-term rentals I thought that's what we were paying and we reached out and asked and asked and asked and asked and paid and paid and paid and then getting it's not like we're sucking the money up I didn't when I paid the when I paid it everything up front they didn't give me the any money back for paying head I didn't ask for it either and and again I understand my fault but clearly clearly I was trying to get this thing paid I wasn't sitting back trying to slurp up the money or receiving all the money not doing anything and and and to your point about the the 1200 the reason you probably don't see it so often it's because majority of everyone uses a rental management company and that was what was happening with them for years that's the reason they knew they needed the stickers if they they had just suddenly started trying to rent then they wouldn't even know they need the stickers they would have thought the BTR was all they needed and there wouldn't have even been followup but I mean that's I know it's it's a it's a I'm noty it's a strange situation and it's kind of terrible that it's $52,000 if it were $5,200 yeah you know okay you get the point I'm trying to make though I'm not trying to you know it's a it's a it's a uh principle type deal and it's It's Tricky for us you know we're normal people who got elected to be up here and we we're trying to do our best completely appreciate that all right councilman Bagby so what address were the notices mailed to that I guess is another Ral property or something no it's it's it's it's in slide it's a commercial building we have so 1518 West Lindberg Drive yes sir 50 50 uh no I haven't had that address in a while okay you had it in 2007 and the reason 2007 I did because your your LLC is inactive in Florida I didn't know if you knew that but it is inactive and has been for a while and the property apprais or the tax collector has that address also so and that's where we this problem you know because if you go to sunbiz guess where that would have gone to 1518 West Lindberg Drive in Sidell so you you know you you operate businesses obviously multiple businesses you got to keep your records that that's not on us I'm I I'm not going to vote uh to wave everything because you know just like the code enforcement person or somebody on the staff could have picked up the phone you know y'all could have picked up the phone and called the city manager you could have called your attorney CU all of a sudden now it's getting addressed and it could have gotten fixed you had a chance to go to the magistrate you could have called and said hey we we can't make that date you know you've canceled it uh we need you here's the new address you need to send it to because the address that you have and the state has and the city has and the County property appraiser has is incorrect so I I do believe there should be some penalty uh normally fiscally I would say you know you broke you broke the rule you you pay the price uh but I will sub I will support the substitute motion uh for a 30% reduction uh not because you didn't but because you tried and Mr Dustin said it correctly the first words out of his mouth the object of Code Enforcement is compliance you're in compliance yeah it's painful yeah you you probably had to make a special trip trip over here you had to hire an attorney you had to do all this other stuff and you're going to have to pay in my mind we haven't made a decision yet you're going to have to pay a fine or you're going to have to pay an amount to the city but 52,000 and and I get the argument you probably made 52,000 in the first six months on one of those houses you know on both those houses I I got that uh because I've been in that business but I I think we are a compassionate City and you've made an effort you you came here you brought your family here or your fiance or whatever the relationship is the you know you all came and that that ought to be worth something so I will support the substitute motion second bike councilman G Crystal where does that $52,000 go if they pay the 52,000 that goes into the general fund the general fund oh to help support Public Safety and things that goes into the general fund the same general fund that pays for code enforcement salary that's correct that we just added four more because of some of the headaches we're dealing with the short-term rentals that's correct that's correct this this isn't your money this is the taxpayers money that you guys are dealing with up here if you want to give charity give it you write them a check you don't write the taxpayers money off for for people that are non-compliant all right thank you got so what about the money that I paid all right I have a substitute motion on the floor anyone need to reread seeing none calling the vote one two three four one two three all right I have it for 30% all right yeah so that yeah so that's eyes to four of 30% reduction yes of the total yep about 15,000 out of the fine out of the fine yeah I'll quit being a lawyer it's 30% of the fine all right leis uh the next item is about the dolphin Point uh parking evaluation that you asked for uh from staff and the city engineer will cover that for us um all right I'll get started um so on May 6 2024 uh Council had the following motion council member Bagby moved to have the city staff go out and evaluate the nine parking spaces at Dolphin point to see whether paraller parking is an option and then that pass 60 with uh councilman uh King seconding so on the screen is kind of an attempt at looking at what a parallel design would look like uh to bring it up to code it would need an ADA space and then also the sidewalk would need to be continued along the north side there which you can kind of see in the light gray um I have a little problem with this kind of design because you're forcing a turning motion on a city RightWay Road that's not typical um the right way to park in those parallel spots is they're going to have to go past the spots and do some sort of three-point turn to come back to use them um with the flow of traffic um so with that I kind of was looking at what we have out there right now and trying to see what can work so this is is taking the nine spaces that are out there right now adding an ADA space to bring that to Code Compliance um we are using the same situation that's out there already so everybody's used to that traffic pattern it's pushing the depth of the spaces towards the dolphin point and the RightWay line there on the North and the only thing it's not doing there's two things that are not co- compliant about this design one is obviously there's no room to continue That Sidewalk along the the north side there to the end of the rway um but the sidewalk does continue along the north side there and terminates at that ADA parking space and two per our code which the current spaces obviously don't meet this too per our code on table 8.5 90° parking spaces are not allowed in City RightWay so obviously that is 90° parking but that's what's out there right now like I said that's the existing traffic pattern that everyone's used to dealing with in that area so of these two options um I guess I'd support option two over option one all right go ahead yep Council so how do we go back to the original motion um it's not in the packet if we don't want either of these Lewis yeah it's it's inail up to city council if you so wish to go back to the Reginal motion so if I make it motion to go back to the original motion prior to the parallel parking yeah after your discussion you said for discussion I would recommend that we go back to the original motion since these are not really compatible right all right right I have a motion on the floor all right guys for a lack of a second councilwoman Bagby thank you pull can you pull your picture back up for the four parallel spots okay so I understand but there's no turning the reason we don't allow that 90 degree parking at least my understanding we don't allow that 90 degree parking is because of the Turning motion that you would have to make in the public right away is that one of the reasons or is that would probably be the main reason why it's in the code so you and I had discussed enlarging the paved area at the end of the city rideway to allow and I understand a fir trck couldn't do a U-turn there I'm not worried about a fir truck because if fire truck goes up to that gate it's going in that gate it's there for a purpose I'm worried about an F-150 like I have uh or my little car which could do a U-turn in those parking spaces but the if we allowed them to open up and I believe you had had a conversation with Mr Clary about a third lane uh at the entrance to the gate which would widen the paved area anyway uh to me that would be the simple solution I would support the par the not parallel yeah the parallel parking as designed up there minus the turn I would just enlarge the space where people could the pave space so they could do basically the function that you're showed but not uh just a little narrow place to do it and there's in my mind there's got to be parking out there I'm not in favor of the nine parking spots I'm not I want a sidewalk out there uh you know because I want when they walk down to the boardwalk that we're putting on the beach uh or go out to get their 10,000 steps CU they're tired of walking around that parking lot that they you know have a sidewalk there so I'm going to make a motion uh to approve the four parallel parking spots and let you and Mr Clary work out the Turning portion uh or the enlargement of that paved area whether it's for three lanes for them or whatever and see and I I got it's not going to be do and you're not going to be getting a semi TR able to turn around go around a circle or something like that but I think you can bring something back because when we measured it the this afternoon that's about the same width as the entrance by the gates of Destiny East and people turn around there all the time when they can't get through those Gates so that's my motion is to go with the four parallel parking spots okay um I will counter with a couple different things on second um that you're talking about basically doing kind of a roundabout at the end there I don't you look at sorry if you look at Destiny East North Gate area yes that's basically what I'm I'm talking about I know Charlie knows that because he used to live in that neighborhood for a long time correct and I did look at that um that's a 100 foot right away this is a 60 foot right away um and measuring that area there that turns it's 80 ft from edge of payment EDG of payment obviously there we couldn't go any more than 60 feet from right away to right away so we're we're condensing everything down um and in our design manual which you guys will all see coming soon um we have a code in there or a drawing of how to draw a roundabout and in that the minimum requirements for a RightWay is 110 ft with 90 ft from edge of payment to edge of payment so I I understand your point with the emergency vehicles yes they can go through the gate turn around come back out but there's more on the road than just F-150s and emergency vehicles you got upsuck truck you got FedEx trucks you got any kind of vehicle that's bigger than F-150 that also would have to make that turn um so just by condensing everything into a 60ft RightWay width is not going to be great and you're still causing through traffic both ways with people trying to turn around if you're not doing a roundabout turn around with a three-point turn or whatever it's going to take to get them to turn around okay so I I will explain to you go go up there to the actual gate and that is actually the South entrance if you go to the north entrance of Destiny East that no you got to go way up you're at the South entrance to Destiny East go to the north entrance up by Highway 98 keep going keep going keep going keep going now go west a little bit no you're going east that's okay no go west no you're still going east your Navy left okay there yeah right there okay you see how it nexts down there by the gates no keep going there's the gate yeah you see how it nexts down you can see where it Curves in okay so it's not 100 ft right there at that where the gates are okay and people turn around there all the time when they can't get through the gates as they're trying to get to Destiny by the sea or wherever the heck they're going I don't know so the thing is is vehicles are going to have to turn around anyway once they put their gates in all right so if you had the nine parking spots there wouldn't be any place to turn around because once they got to the gate they would have to back up into one of the nine parking spots if it were open and then turn around and go out so I trust that you and Mr Clary will be able to solve that problem without having to put a roundabout and yes I it's not a perfect solution but I think it's it's the best solution so that to keep peace in that part of the city there is there are a few parking spots for people with trucks or whatever and uh they can put up their gate and everybody can be equally unhappy with me I will not support the nine parking spots I I'm sorry no because there's going to be a side there needs to be a sidewalk there no you had your chance you had your three minutes and now I get it for investigation sir counc m yep all right I would support councilman baggy's motion if we make that paid parking they shouldn't be there for free uh so I'll support if it's paid yeah I would I would expect that we would have that as part of our public parking system and that you either had a uh sticker or you had the little app that you put on your phone and you paid most of the people there they're going there I would assume have their city sticker but the so yeah no I would I would I would change the motion to include that to be paid part those four spots to be paid parking Michael jump in yeah Mr Bagby Mr Bagby I'd also like to add that um our paid parking spaces I'm right here um and the spaces that are out there now currently are signed no overnight parking yeah I don't want overnight part that that is not an overnight hangout or or whatever that's parking that's City parking just like the rest we don't have any overnight parking in our parking lots you know out in Crystal Beach so that's not what they're there for that is for people to their kids to come and go boat with Dad okay ma'am ma'am this is in discussion time okay so I don't get speak any tonight uh you get three minutes at the end very yes ma'am coun M are you good I'm good all right councilman Schmidt yeah thank you Brian I just want to clarify uh even with Mr babby's idea it's not going to be compliant with our code because it says both options are not compliant with that code so this is kind of a gray area because for a gated community right now the current code does not say that you have to provide a turnaround the new code we're proposing to have that in there but right now it's not required as part of a gated community yeah that's true we're proposing it in the new code yes this one is compliant my my proposal is adding four paral this this is compliant yes it's creating a conflict point with having people doing a three-point turn and traffic this through traffic so what makes it not compliant that put there's there's nothing in this that's not code compliant it's just creating that extra conflict in the traffic flow okay sorry I was misreading I guess the packet that said neither option was compliant with no I don't no it neither of the options will completely meet the current code I don't think that's correct can we verify with somebody that knows for sure for some reason it's in there for I don't want to support something that's not compant with the code you know no I understand Joe can you address that yeah um yeah that's uh that's paragraph three that is a misstatement in the um in the agenda item okay got it and then at the m 6 meeting before the May 6 meeting was whenever we first made the original or was that the May 6th meeting so I believe that was April 15th was the original motion yes we did a we voted all in favor to do something have them work with y'all they were going to pay for something and then at the May 6th meeting Mr Bagby asked to go out and evaluate the nine parking spots correct did that that's this did that remove the original no that's still that's still an open that's still an active open motion the first one is yes so this is kind of separate so we're actively doing two things in the same location yeah so the way I understand it if this gets approved let say this option on the screen tonight then you have to make a Kim you'll have to correct me make a second motion after that to resend the April 15th motion because it's an active motion R do you have should we even be doing this since we didn't fulfill the first one I don't I don't remember what was the exact language of the original motion do you have it gr I don't have it but uh I thought it was to remove the parking parking spot which I thought when uh Miss abar made that same motion it was uh there was no second so I think that goes away I made the motion to second yeah the motion was to go back to the original motion which was not seconded so technically it's gone so I guess I just just just for clarity though like you're already working on the first motion we did in April you're actively pursuing removing all spaces no that's all been they they are not what they did was once this Direction came out to look at the options they stopped working on anything else and they put this agenda item together okay I got you sorry I'm not up in my Robert's Rules of orders but I just feel like we should have cancelled the first April decision that we made before you completely changed it right no because and I'll have to go back and read it but my memory is that motion was made contingent to the approv of a maintenance agreement being brought back and approved by the council that was not approved by the council it was brought back but then we said no this is to get the parking spots code comp because I do believe and Kim can go in more detail with you but in my mind there may may have been some notice issues when it was moved from the original plan meeting to the second meeting where it was actually picked up and so we at the second meeting where it was actually picked up we did have people from the other neighborhoods the other two neighborhoods come and say no we use that for our kids coming to go fishing or Home Health Care going to let the dolphin Point people still do the plan that they wanted to do is that what you're saying well I I believe that they if they I would be willing to help with the sidewalk but if they want to do the sidewalk and the landscaping and the rest of that other than the four parking spots that that I'm fine with that too but that is not part of my motion my motion is those four parking spots and directing Ryan and Lewis to go back and work with Mr Clary and the neighborhood to figure out how they can widen that so cars can turn around I understand the conflict point but that's not a code violation and if this passes deny uh or is it going to come back to us at some point before we actually I mean we're not we're not approving for y'all to go perment and start building yeah you're giving us Direction right now to go and do what he just suggested to actually turn it into four yeah yes as as the motion says that's not the process are we going to have a opportunity to see like ma' you're out of order no I'm wait absolutely amne I guess we'll do that he's walking over here I didn't ask so that's where you're at sir I'll call now it's Injustice May disgusting in I have been Tak not ma'am all right sorry I just wanted I mean the cost of doing this uh we haven't seen any of that potentially to do to do what if we're approving this we have going in line with what it's going to cost what's going to change we went from them paying to do something you're restriping what's existing so the direction that was originally given to Ryan was how many spaces can fit in those nine parking spaces that exist so it's already paid we're not tearing anything up we're just going to restripe it got there'd be slight tearing up we're adding Green Space back essentially because the spaces aren't as deep as there yeah I just want to get the full picture yeah yeah okay mayor yes may I repeat the entire motion and I I don't have a second I don't know who second did Johnny coun King yes yep I don't know I move that we approve the four parallel parking spots and allow the staff to negotiate uh with Mr Clary or the representative so designated to widen the paved area up against their fences and paid parking those are paid parking and no overnight parking second motion a second see no further discussions calling the vote there we go right all right i61 keep on designing all right Lewis Point yes the end of the meeting another hour and a half at least an hour at least an hour it's all good we're going to do two minute real quick very two two minute break e e e e e e e e e e on 4E once we get a quorum up here I got four we are qued ready we're quum let's go count or councilman I was about to call you councilman zenui city manager all right uh the next item is to uh to do with the utility undergrounding contract for ads for us to move to phase one of the project um our grants coordinator is here and also the attorney who has been working on it Mr Chef good evening Council mayor um here tonight to uh bring to you the contract for ads um as negotiated and agreed upon uh we also have a limited notice to proceed that we would like to um get a motion on tonight as well to allow them to establish you give us about 60 seconds absolutely sorry council member Dustin's almost back and everyone was talking okay can you start over Jeff please yeah I'll be glad to I'm here tonight with uh the contract for ads um that we met with him and negotiated I also here with a limited notice to proceed um asking for permission for them to establish a lay down yard to um you know get that work started so that we can uh begin to receive materials uh we have Chef Wright here who can answer questions Juan Martinez from ads is here I'll be happy to answer any questions uh for staff um so I'll entertain your questions at this time all right councilman Bagby mayor I move the city council approve the Construction contract for RFP 24- 01- with accurate drilling systems incorporated as presented and direct staff to issue a limited notice to proceed in an amount not to exceed $230,000 to ads as soon as practicable after the contract is executed by both properties second motion and a second councilman dtin thank you I I suppose all of you saw the information on the very large Tower is going to be going down that fpl's putting in um and not having a lot of detail on that about exactly where they are I think it's inappropriate to go forward with this contract tonight until we can speak to them to find out what are those going to look like where are they going to be how close to 98 appears that they go from around uh the power station at airport road for how many miles three or four miles you know it just seems to me that if we're going to spend $30 million whatever it is underground utilities and put in giant giant uh transmission towers down the full length of D that's a that's a uh that's a question we should try to get some clarification from Florida Power and L what they're going to look like where they going to be and what kind of impact they're going to have on our project underground utilities which is the biggest project we have ever contemplated spending in destined to go into the contract tonight without that information is foolish in my opinion and if if they can come at the next meeting I understand they were invited to come tonight and couldn't or wouldn't but we need to talk to them about that before charge forward in my opinion yeah I believe that the representative from FPL that we had invited tonight um kind of on short notice um because we didn't have awareness of all of the facts um on time for the agenda deadline he was traveling so if you want to invite him on June 17th um our next council meeting we could certainly do that and and to the mapping of where this is at this is Main Street sub to the Crystal Beach right before Crystal Beach sub yeah I believe it's approximately 4 and a half miles okay but not near the west Des at least for this where phase one is versus this as far as I know it ends around Main Street from Crystal Beach about four and a half miles to Main Street gotcha okay going East Northwest gotcha all right councilman G I'll agree with Mr Dustin and I'd also like to know what it would cost I realize they're saying it's an absorbent cost but I would still like to know that number what it would cost to put those transmission lines underground yes okay C Bagby back to you yeah well twice in one night I guess Mr D and all disagree but we or will agree to disagree uh a couple of things number one uh I never assume that we were burying the transmission lines that run down the current Eastman uh never and when I talked to uh fpl's representative and I'm sure some of you all have also uh and ask about these specifically it was an exorbitant cost uh the third point that I would make is we're we're talking about phase one and the what's before us right now we're not talk we can make that phase two or phase 9 or phase 21 you know if we want to find you know another $25 million to bury those transmission lines because it's not going to be cheap and he he told me the amount of electricity that's carried in in those main transmission lines as opposed to what we're going to be burying downtown and it's uh orders of magnitude larger which is why it's orders of magnitude larger to bury them and absorb that cost so I I I get your point and yeah I'd like to know what they're going to do with them and what the towers is going to look like and everything but that really doesn't impact bearing the lines in the harbor which is really what I thought was the issue before us and and I I just want to get on with burying at least the lines along 98 I understand transmission lines will cut across between the Crystal Beach you know we actually have a station out there where these are going that's going to complete the loop uh but let let's get on with this project because it's not going to get less expensive the longer we kick the scan and if he comes back and tells us it's going to be $40 million that's not going to change the decision I hope it's not going to change the decision we would make on the Harbor undergrounding so that that would be the only thing I'd say right councilman Schmid just I think I agree with everything Mr Bagby said just for maybe Crystal or uh somebody um the phase one that we do have currently mapped out which I know is just an estimated map does does this impact that current no the the transmission easement area um is not um related in this project okay I just wanted to confirm so yeah I'm with Mr Bagby right councilman Dustin second bite uh just a question I know that they have their own easements where the where the transmission lines are now did they pick up more easements on down to the West so they didn't have to impact anybody's property no that's staying within the current easement I'm sorry they have theti staying within the current easement yes okay well when I talked to them earlier about a month and a half ago about this they were going to have to get some other easements maybe that's not the case we we haven't had that we expecting to get any plans anytime uh this week so we can verify that up but my understanding they're not getting any additional easements well if uh if Mr Bagby is telling me this is only going to impact the the harbor which is the first phase and that it doesn't matter that it might impact phase three or four as we try to go into neighborhoods which it most definitely will we'll have giant power lines but if we're just talking about at the harbor then he's talked me into it oh my God we I knew we two issues councilman Stevens I was just gonna say let's just keep moving on phase one so here we go all right do you still um want us to invite an FPL rep to a future meeting to discuss it okay so separate from this contract discussion we will do that yep all right we do have a motion on the table you want to call the vote Yes moot approve as is 4 e one moving along all right diplomatic all right Lewis yes uh we have a request from the par Department to review the current policy for cost recovery for the um um programs and uh Lisa is here to discuss that and also uh with a component element to it with the uh uh fee schedule so she'll start with the policy first Lisa yes um I have provided you with the Parks and Recreation cost recovery policy that was adopted in um 2014 there's a few items on there in there that we do need to address and change um it reads in the policy that Joe's value services in the policy reads the residents um pay the 30 and the 50 and at this time there is no charge for residents um also the daily fee reads 15 per launch and the fee is charged is at 25 that we can we need to change that I also want to bring up um the senior programs and any of our programs so right now our cost recovery is um the children's and seniors I am to collect 50% of the direct cost which that is how we um do put in our fees and charge our fees for that the one thing that um I want you to know is the Destin seniors that we have at the buckes park which is just our seniors from dtin they are comp 100% um taking care of by my operational budget so that's a little that is not included in this cost recovery um and then if there's anything in the cost recovery that you need to change for recreation to change our fees um I would just need direction from you all right entertain a motion or discussion Mr King um well so I know that we don't I guess we don't have a recommended motion um I was going to bring up the fact that you know I think that we I don't know that we have a that it's in the in our deal that employees would be able to use facilities for No Charge um but I was going to bring that up and see if uh see if we could get some some discussion on that just to give another car to the employees here give them a better quality of life if they want to use the facilities at no charge whether they live here or in wherever I think it'd be something nice to offer to them so going to throw that out there okay I'd second that like allowing any employee to be able to like launch their boat treat them as if they lived in destined whether they did or not if they're a city employee yeah and that was kind of the conversation we had earlier was just you know if it's we we talk all talk about you know providing a great quality of life to the people who work here making this kind of place you would want to retire from and and put your you know you know put everything in here so um yeah I think any of our facilities the boat launch the parking the um you know if they want to rent a pavilion for a birthday party or what have you I think that's something we ought to provide for I know that's not maybe not exactly what you're asking um but I think that'd be something I would put that in motion for him if that uh something y'all wanted to do and then make the other recommended changes you've brought up that need to be clarified and corrected right Lisa that's kind of what you need and one bulk motion yes ma'am and um to Mr King we do not um take care of our employees that way we do um they H any employee is um recognized as a resident fee whether they're they live here or not but um yeah if you want to so if they're they're an employee resident fee meaning like they would not pay to launch their boat but they would pay the $20 to have their kid in the art class on Saturday or whatever like a city resident would be corre is what you're saying John if a nonresident employee so we are doing that already we are doing that good but what Mr King is asking is a little more and that's fine whatever you say yeah so I'll just I'll make it a motion form that we would uh make the changes necessary to bring our current practices to or bring our code to our current practices and yeah fees um as well as make employes of Destin to give yeah to give give employees of city of Des the classification of Destin resident I'll second that that's already the case yes is it in writing though Lisa no it's not part is not in writing may make it part of the changes that's what they need to see it in writing that they get that as a bonus okay were you wanting them to be no fee to them no recog res res right Johnny yeah just treat it just like residents yes okay just but put it in writing in the changes you're making that was the second all right I got a motion in a second uh councilman Bagley good luck R yeah good luck the to get it all in there since there was no recommended motion I kind of looked at this one kind of like I did Crystal's items which was let's have a discussion on the boat launch fees okay and let's figure out where we are cuz I know some people are still on the zero and some people are on the 30 and some people are on non-residents charge them 200 or whatever so you've identified the areas where either our fee schedule doesn't match what we have written or our policy does it doesn't match our policy which says we're going to recoup and so I I would prefer that we do these individually cu I think most of them will go quicker except for maybe the boat launch fee because I know there's there's passion on on each end you know and I I got that I'm not sure why about the $30 but so I would just I would make a substitute motion and say uh that we even though our policy says 100% covered or not 100% cover that the recovery policy is 50% for seniors that we continue 100% recover recovery or nonrecovery on the seniors allow them to use it for zero and I I would prefer let's just because we can get through them a lot quick because we'll be talking all night well I want this one to be 25 I want it to be 14 or whatever you know so and then we can just make six really quick motions hopefully all right well I got a substitute for allowing the seniors to be 100% covered by the city right I'll second all those are two different subjects no they John subject was turn Fe Johnny's subject was aimed at uh something at at the giving the employees discounts on the launch fees are all all Recreation fees all Recreation fees these are all fees paying the same fees that you and I pay same cost as a right and and your motion has to do with parks and Rex fees and it is it's gerine because they're both parks and Rex fees covered by the same policy covered by the same fee schedule well in yours would preempt his is that correct or no it's a substitute for just to dealing with them one at a time and if you want to deal with his first one that's fine but we that's just putting it in writing that's actually just adding it what the policy already is I just the substitute is used to substitute what he on the same subject and and yours is not look Mr Bagby I can clean this I can clean this motion up okay and then I mean we're going to go back to address this exact situation in a minute right yeah I would I will myute motion if you're just saying we're going to treat City we're going to put in writing we're going to put in writing that city employees will be all city employees will be treated as citizens of Destin in our parks and fees no that's original that's your original Johnny's original and I'll second his original I would I would point out the first rule is to see if we agree with the cost recovery policy that's been in place since 2012 and then the next is to get down to just the fees themselves MH this motion doesn't address the proced percentage that repes that's represented in the cost recovery which we saw on the on the paperwork was 50% here and 100% for the seniors and so do we agree or not agree with that cost recovery fee is kind of the overlaying umbrella over the next one I don't know if I'm confusing everybody and myself to boot let's get Johnny's motion through you all vote on Johnny's motion first and then we move on to that issue next would that work yeah because then we're going to go through yeah that's a whole other yeah employes make city employees put them in the citizens of I would like to make a motion to to put in on in writing that city employees are treated just like a destined local resident as as it pertains to Parks parks and wreck fees second period okay got and I second all right so now we're calling that to vot yeah there you go on give us the voter he's writing down the fourth motion we only no you're doing good we know what you were doing John all right I just have it all right okay now the other issue before us is do we button the issue before us is do we agree and are we satisfied with the recovery cost policy which was stated to be different percentages for different people 50% for and would have to get it back out 050 100 recovery policy it's 100% for all special events Parks right adult wck that's all 100% And then the next tier is 50% and that is for children's 50% of direct cost for children's and seniors not destined seniors a destined senior can come to the community center and play pickle ball and they will be charged but just a senior okay 50% of direct costs and then the next tier is 100% And that's rentals um adults tournaments and that is at this time direct cost we need to Pro we need to work on getting the indirect cost which is not being correct on that policy I would agree that we're still on the right track after all the Recreation is mostly what we do for our citizens so I would move that we continue that policy right I have a motion to continue the 2014 recovery policy second yeah I'm sorry second all right motion a second councilman Schmidt yeah I don't think we want to continue it we need to update it because the policy currently says that seniors she we're not practicing the policy so we do need to update it for the seniors point so seniors what you're wanting to do is seniors need to be level not all seniors so current practice is that all the programs at the buck dtin Senior Center uh charge no fees and that's not in the policy the policy says to charge seniors 50% so if we continue polic the butin programs are separate from all of the others in the city right and so you're saying you want just Destin seniors versus the Destin seniors which is a Destin Senor senior program that we run at Buck Destin so so then the policy would be updated to not say like all seniors it would it would be updated to be like de registered Destin seniors or something that be moving down to level one correct okay so that'd be level one then and then uh I mean so that's the only thing that doesn't um before I I got a substitute motion but I just want some clarity on a couple things before I give it but okay which we need to change it then okay so then all right Mr dtin I didn't hear you could youor yeah I intended the motion be the policy as it is currently practiced be level one which would include the uh seniors at the desk that the buck Park be 100% subsidized I believe is what we're doing right that is correct yeah we have we have policies as written and policies as practice okay just couple questions before I um add to that maybe on level one it talks about non-supervised nonorganized personal use of the park during normal hours for recreational purposes such as picnicking jogging walking tracks family gatherings of lesson 20 noncommercial Beach use would be level one that that that that that conflicts with what we then charge a family of less than 20 people right so do we need to update that no less than 20 people can go to a park but we have Pavilion that they can rent for an individual benefit gotcha okay so that's the good with that language then uh and then I'm not sure I don't like on level three to double the non-resident fee double the city's fee is a little extreme we should triple it you're right so I guess for this policy I would make the substitute motion to put it into practice which would be Destin seniors level one now I'd also like for level three to be will be 50% higher than the resident fees the non-resident will be 50% right I have a substitute motion second motion a second yep then look's let me let me clarify my motion did not intend to double or increase fees on anybody right it's already double it so the policy says that nonresident fees for level three programs will be twice the resident fee so I'm just trying to make change on that know is that what we're currently doing Lisa that being okay I'm sorry I I didn't sorry I didn't have my mic on so at this time the fee schedule that you're going to see the next item the um nonresident fees have been doubled right when we get to the next that's not what my motion addresses you're saying for nonresident uh rental is that correct my motion was to go forward with the cost recovery but then when we get to the fees I'm not going to vote to dramatically increase any of those fees okay period right and so I don't see that this first motion is not addressing the individual fees that will come next that is correct that's a that's we'll get to that in a moment after we decide whether or not we want to continue with the 2014 or whatever it was cost recovery 50% etc etc then we get to these increases in the all the fees on the next bullet point which I would not vote to go forward with but if we don't change the policy it's we we're back to square one where we are with the boat rent with the B Joe's Joe's by you policy right now she wants to update as well to remove that language because the fee schedule says something different so well we have we need to bring the policy in line with the fees the policy that is written is not the policy we've been doing are we charging trying to remove twice so yes what you're saying Mr dtin is the policy needs to be changed at this time for the residents to have zero fee for the boat ramp because that's what we're doing at this time and won't we do that in the next section or is that going to be done is that going to be done by addressing the that's going to have to be done cost recovery to no that's going to be addressed on the fee schedule where the which comes next right right okay so it's kind of coun baby the current policy right now as far as Bo ramp is concerned is that we're supposed to for a while cuz that we I need y'all to tighten these up next time we do something like this because this ought to be one conversation and one agenda item and we just List the 10 things that you want us to do so here here's my question first question you want us to include real costs as opposed to direct costs you want us to include indirect costs is that what you're telling us in this agenda item what she intended to say was that she would like to include a locable costs for example utilities we know how much uh per square foot or per hour um and uh let's see it was uh property insurance and util ities into the cost of the fees that was one of the requests on the actual cost you want us to include that as opposed to the direct cost which is the staff salary and the cost of their time correct their benefits and you want you want it all included and then for us to calculate whatever percentage off of that correct right that's one of that would be a dramatic increase in fees right I understand that so do we know what those costs are for each of our facilities we have just recently gathered all of the costs by program by um by number of hours per per facility so we're in the process of calculating the average utility bill for example to rent a Morgan field or the average utility to uh do a basketball camp in the gym we we just received uh the data and we haven't gone through calculating for all of the major programs yet so the answer to my question is no thank you okay so I'm not sure this is ripe to be honest with you because we can sit up here and go back and forth all night but you want us to increase the cost to X but you are not able tonight to tell us what x is you will be able at some point in the future to tell us what x is and what I'm not comfortable doing is saying okay this is going to be our policy we've got the cart before the horse here you know approve the policy and we're going to do you know what our incalculable costs are and that'll be our policy but we don't know what those costs are and I I can't support any of these changes until I actually know what you're asking us to charge the residents or the non-residents or the children or the you know um and just as an aside I'm probably closer to the 200% than I am to the 50% for the non-residents because I'm trying to help the mayor convince these people it would be in their best interest and what they would pay in property taxes would be less than what they would pay for their kids to be a part in our Sports programs but I'm just going to ask yeah I'm just going to ask that we table this until you can come back and tell us what your proposed charges are because I don't want to change the policy from what's being practiced right now until I know where it's where you're proposing it to go because I agree with Mr dtin some of these costs May triple when we start putting in and one of the few things that we do for our citizens is provide these parks and wrecks and we we should subsidize them to some level uh but not other than our little senior program at Buck dtin not to 100% level so I'm just trying I need better data I can't support any of the changes particularly the policy changes because if you lock Us in on the policy changes and then you come back and say well the cost is $500 per Pavilion whoa I didn't vote for that yes you did you voted for the policy I'm not voting for any of these changes I'm just going to ask that you bring it back I believe that would be a motion that's a motion with the discussion we got a second on the table all right call the vote do you have a timeline or do you want to specify a timeline when they get ready and have the DAT when they're ready when they're ready I'll be ready but they're not ready and I'm not ready all right I have it 52 table all right Lou okay the next item is an update on the Land Development code uh we have two items for you there in that one is uh give you an update where we are and also ask for um your agreement as far as the uh workshop dates that we proposing um good evening Council mayor first um I want to say we are at a milestone with this project and and I want to do a few thanks first first to our Consultants who have worked really tirelessly to get it to this point with us I'd like to thank staff uh my team uh Community Development uh because they've just worked really hard to get us to this point as well those in the public who have taken time to comment read and provide feedback on the articles that are currently available to Lewis for his unwavering support and Leadership through this whole process to the boards and committees that have reviewed many of these articles and not yet through all of them but we'll provide that feedback that has just proven um so valuable and lastly but not least to you all for your all support in in first of all approving this project because it's no small feat for Community to look at their land use regulations and say we we need to bring these up we need to fix this um I've worked for several other communities that have started this project Pro or started this process and they haven't even finished it I don't know how many Lewis has worked for that he finished or others that didn't finish it it's it's not common for communities to do this so thank you with that um we're here like leou said for two reasons um one to give you a quick update as to where we are in the process and then two to ask for your approval um and support for a approval process as we get to uh your all's level with each article so the update articles 1 through 10 and the Dustin the proposed Dustin design manual are posted online and available for public review and comment okay so that's article one which is legal Administration or legal uh and general Provisions two Administration three non-conformities four zoning districts uh five subdivision regulations six General development standards seven Environmental Protection eight signs nine Transportation Corridor management 10 impact fees and then the destined design manual the only missing article at this point is article 11 and that's the glossery and that is um that is coming to the Finish Line with at the staff level and will be passed along to um l and Kim for their review for the sign off to get posted online um and so that will make it make its way through the boards and committees as well so that's where we are substantially complete on the staff's side um now we're just getting it through the boards and committees in public and so that is um where we are now as far as what to look for um when it comes to these articles there's four main things that we staff the consultant and and I believe um through the processes that we've gone with the Committees and the public there are four things to look for that's the change in the language reduce the legal ease make it easy for people to read it make it easy for staff to understand it and Implement um to the format um if you haven't already seen it it's a it's a vast difference from the way it's formatted um not only that it's interactive many of the links um in it in the PDF you can click on on it and it takes you to a section within that code so that's a big change um organization right now article 7even of our current code is just pretty much a Dumping Ground um to to for lack of a better uh term um it it it's got a lot of stuff in it and it's very it's a very difficult article for staff to review and Implement and get through everything um there are a couple other articles that are the same way but what uh the the consultants and staff have really focused on is is focusing these articles on just what it is um so that's the other and then the other thing is consolidation there's um multiple redundancies Andor conflicts within the current code um and so we've We've Come Together as staff consultants and then gotten the feedback from the boards and committees um the intent from you all with the scope of work um and and everything and got got rid of those conflicts got rid of the redundancies and just really made it very succinct um so again it's it's easier to read um so those are the things to be looking for when um if you if you haven't already started reading them or getting through them um those are things to look for um and when we bring those to you those are the the things that um I hope you all question and and and um ask ask a staff so with that um approval of how you would like to see this come to you how these articles should come come to you um as staff we've recognized um five articles plus the desm design manual as specific Artic articles that we feel should be reviewed at a public Workshop um with Council um obviously if you feel there's more that should be brought together or brought to you all um at a public Workshop that's fine these are just the the big ones the first one is article two Administration um article four the the zoning regulations and overlays article 6 and the design manual together because the design manual and article 6 work pretty uh pretty well together article 7 um is the resource conservation Environmental Protection article 8 signs um that's been a pretty big topic as of late um over the past year so that's another big one and then again any article uh that you all wish to see come back to you um so with that staff's identified six dates at this moment um to bring back um an article at a time uh to you all for your review that first one is J uh sorry July 29th the next one's August 26 September 23rd October 28th November 14th and December 9th and so that's the ask do you all agree discussion questions we got a few councilman bag me thank you mayor uh so you have six dates and if you combined article six and the Destin design manual like you just said you would only need five dates cor correct but the six dates leave you know that's fine no I'm I'm just want make sure I heard you right correct so I would propose on the sixth date that you do the other articles I I want the opportunity if we're going to do a public Workshop I want the opportunity for people to come up and talk about each article probably not the glossery but you know if they want to talk about it you want to talk about what is is that's right uh it's it's important it is important so uh the only problem I have is November the 14th okay because the election is November the 5th MH and I'm not going to make the assumption that everybody that's already up here is they're all coming back some of them aren't even registered or whatever and what that would create is we would have elected people who get sworn in on the I believe the 18th okay so they wouldn't actually take office so we would have a lame duck Council making decisions on one or more of these articles whatever you else well it's a workshop yeah but it's still but they wouldn't be able to I mean they would as part of the public MH so I would ask that we move the November date to the 19th okay the day after they get sworn in on city council and then they can experience what it really means to give up their Monday to get sworn in and have a 4our city council meeting and then a Tuesday Workshop where they get they get hammered because that'll probably be the design manual or something and everybody in the city will have some comment to make so I I would make that change to your schedule I would I would use one of the dates for all the others or incorporate one when you do to I don't care how y'all do that but other than that and the the last thing I would say is if you are a candidate for City counts I have two more things if you are a candidate and you think you want to sit up here you need to come to every one of these workshops because what I don't want to hear in January when we actually vote to approve this thing is well I disagree in article one and two and dude you had your chance or lady you had your chance in September to come give that input and we're not going to rewire this thing uh the other thing I would say in this the former mayor brought it up early tonight uh yeah it probably is time for a charter review but not until this gets done there's only so much bandwidth this organization has and most most of the constriction points are up here on this dis and when we get into the LDC we don't need to be doing the charter rewrite maybe next year with whatever the new Council looks like but not while the LDC so I I appreciate his remarks but January yeah or March or something like that so I will make the recommended motion uh with the one change in the November date I move the city council approve the proposed LDC approval process and workshop calendar as presented by staff with the change in the November date all right I have a motion in a second contining on councilman dtin yeah and I agree with the motion my only question was our review process is going to allow us to have old code new code right so it's difficult to do that with the substantial change that we have done staff will do our absolute best to provide you with a what has changed but because there's been so much reorganization uh a a line by line red line and read through is is not looking for that but I am looking for here's this document and there's that document so we can actually read what the words say yeah so um so essentially what what's started right now is um a current article by section and then where that section has gone into the new code and or will where is proposed to go in the code of ordinances because a vast majority of um what's in the current LDC actually should belong in the code of ordinances and so that that you will have okay now let me make sure I understand what it is we're doing we have a comp plan yes sir LC is supposed to reflect comp plan correct have we changed the comp plan there there have not been any edits since what 2018 2019 changes to the comp plan I know the answer to that just making making sure he's being a lawyer he's going for your job so so we have the new code which is supposed to be complying with the comp plan just like the old code was supposed to comply with the comp plan but always didn't so my question is if we're complying with the comp plan I need to know where the changes are where the old code didn't and if we've change it to where it does we need to make a a understanding of whether in fact the new code is reflecting the comp and the old code did not yeah let me this this is going to get very complicated you're correct in fact we did do that audit of where the inconsistencies are and we'll show that yep and that's a judgment that we all although we're not attorneys that's what we're doing here yeah and we have to have the old one and the new one side by side to be able to look at that and come to a conclusion on that so y you know that's what I'm looking for when we go through the process I'm ready to go through the process because we have to there I will tell you that there are um just based on policy and Direction and feedback given from various boards and this Council there are sections of the comp plan that that will need to be um amended and those will be identified and brought forth to you all before now my way my understanding how the uh process works is you do the comp plan first otherwise the codes can't reflect it correct so if you check the code yes if you change the code and say we need to change the comp plan that's that's once again putting the cart before the horse you can't do that yes and so so they're just looking at the details of the Land Development regulations and there's some larger policy questions it's not it's not things like densities and building Heights and big things like that but there are some things for example um maybe mmtd type changes there are some changes that if you want to go down that path a comp plan Amendment would be required so it's not that the code will be amended first it's that we're going to get council's input and de decide if we want to go down that path if we do then there will be comp plan amendments and then code cor okay I'm just want to make sure we don't do code amendments based on what might be a change in the compl at a later dat we we would not legally be able to do that you're corre the other part of it is the code is so changed even in the organization of it that a red line from where it was to what it is now would not be helpful to you at all um so we're going to have to give you the old code sections and the new proposed so you can see them side by side but I just want to set the expectation that if you had a red line it wouldn't even make sense because things are so far apart I'm I'm not looking for precise red line I am looking for the ability to compare the two and see if they say completely different things of course thanks right councilman Schmid no is that a oh yeah I was just going to do a motion 30 10 minutes ago okay all right Jim one uh you forgot to thank the most important person you so thank you for all the work that you did on no I appreciate it I know I've been one of the whip crack you know LS doesn't like to talk to me about this so and I get that I own it uh the one thing I will need though to Mr Dustin's point I have to have this on paper where I can go back and forth because I can't and make notes to myself of what the heck would is this mean or whatever so probably you know these these smarter younger people I need a paper copy for this they they put put it on split screen and they just scroll away I can't do that so when you finally get to this I need it on paper all the I I think that um all the council member should probably get a binder in paper if you all want it I mean who wouldn't want that that's probably helpful so does anyone not want it on paper because okay are you are you talking the new and the old code okay burn some freeze at it oh no I'm getting one too my laptop is split screen and I want it printed [Laughter] out all right we have a motion in a second and we're going to keep going I'm getting delusional out here all right everyone clear on the motion yes all right as as written plus the November change call them call the vote he's got a full-time job now he's contemplating all right I have thank you well done all right leis pickle ball me yes the next update is uh on the pick a ball which I went to PX and Rec last week uh we had 90% And The city engineer will give you an update Ryan is this going to be your first approved design we're going to get our first our first win for Ryan we'll see all right so as leis said uh went to Parkson recre last week and the motion was um recommend the city council to accept the 90% plans with the recommended addition to 1 a and 1B for the gravel parking lot to be added for temporary Park during construction of phase one um and that pass so I want to make sure everyone's clear on what 1 a and 1 B is um can you flip to like the site plan I think it's a third sheet one more there all right so on the uh this is the final buildout can you flip up or down okay that's that's fine I can I can work with this one um so we're proposing before the complete buildout to have a temporary gravel parking lot put between the Annex Building parking lot lot and the Public Works building parking lot so that's Phase 1 a I believe and then phase 1B is adding two more shade structures because right now in phase one with the Four Courts right now we're showing two shade structures on both sides of each of the courts um so that's what they're recommending um all that I will say to that is um obviously we know the budget's tight on this and we got 350k to build this phase one um so we're probably going to if this all goes forward like that we're probably going to have to ask for more money to to get that all added in um not sure how much yet um but right now we're looking to get approval from youall to move forward um Jenkins has already submitted for permits so that's in the permitting review process so we'd want to come back with hundreds and have um council's final sign off on the development order for that um and then we'll have the engineers's opinion of probable costs at that point for what phase one's going to be including one a and one B if if not if desired all right do I have a motion or discussion I I have a I guess I'll make a motion for discussion I move to direct city manager to work with staff and Jenkins engineering to move forward to 100% construction documents obtain the necessary permits and bring back a draft RFP to the city council at a future meeting I'll second that okay all right motion a second anything do you do you want to include motion I'm I want my question answered first what does CU all I can see is it makes it easy for you know y'all to get back and forth between the City Annex but what does the gravel parking lot only so many people can play on those pickle ball Courts at one time and all I see us is spend a lot of money to put down gravel and then a lot of money to pick up the gravel when we actually make that a pave parking in phase two or three or four or wherever the heck it is so what and we have in the original in the current plan four shade areas one per court so the the next players up or sitting in the shade area or whatever what does two additional shade areas get us so we intentionally phased this like almost piece by piece because of money and funding right so it'll be easier to pull in hey we got a donor we can build now phase two right so on and so forth so because we're at the $350,000 budget um I don't think we can get all four shade structures as shown that's why it was separately phased out as a 1 a and a 1B for that kind of stuff like we like it in phase one but we don't have enough money for phase one so they could be added in if money's found once the permit's issued um so to me all the different phases that we did just gives us a little more flexibility to pull things in or take things out as funding comes available okay well when you bring back 100% construction documents because I know this is going to cost I I I want to know the cost because you'll have to engineer and design the gravel parking lot and all that I want to know the dis I want them to come back as 1 a and 1B with the additional cost but I'm not willing to approve that tonight we we we're spending 400,000 I know you say 350 because that we've already spent $50,000 we're spending actually a little more than 400,000 so before we keep this this incremental it keeps growing I want to know how much that's going to cost because I don't think the gravel parking lot in particular gets us a lot other than you know some people don't have to walk through the sand to get to the City Annex yeah and bringing back the s we would bring back the engineer's opinion on a probable cost to construct all this all right uh councilman Schmidt no I'm good with Mr Bagby all right seeing no further discussions Ray call the vote uh yeah next item is the uh toen Beach parking update all right Lewis take it away good evening Council all right um so on February 28th uh we went to the Parkson Rec committee and and showed the 30% plans for Tarpon Beach uh I know councilman Schmidt had a lot of questions about how we got from beginning to now we're saying hundreds um and to me we're at 90ss because we're still don't have permits issued and they're working on revising the plans for our comments um but I threw in the background of the agenda item like exactly how we got from start to here U just to give the whole history of what happened um with that said we have the plans on the screen um this is the 90% uh if you can rotate it okay um and this is back and forth with a lot of discussion with staff uh council member Bagby was the uh representative so he's been involved in a lot of the discussions with staff and with the county um so I mean said the plans are there for you to see I don't know if you got any questions um I can do my best to answer them y I got one up here uh councilman gu my question is not for you Ryan it's for Teresa that TDC rep since some of this funding is coming TDC can you ask them if we could uh make that paid parking for Florida tag that way we can ACR some revenue from it so as long as you have a Florida tag that way Okaloosa count is included as well and they can have the free parking but the tourists have to pay I think that would be something that would definitely be easy to to to sell especially since okoo is going to make you know a profit off of it thank you uh counc M Schmidt thanks thank you Ryan for bringing these up here tonight um are you are you happy with where we finally landed with all the changes with engineering and drawings and parking and it was a grind but I think we got to a good spot and then um there's a little uh there's a little square um can't find it right now but oh bottom right maybe I think it's a building shed yeah that's a little little Adventure Outpost Outpost yeah so that's the one that's currently on the beach Crystal Beach yes yes and then is that going to be like a permanent structure or is it just going to sit temporarily on a pad or something it won't be there permanently I can answer that just to help you um those are only put out during the season it's not a yearr round thing Little Adventures is strictly for the height of the Year sometimes it's like even the beginning of June June versus Memorial Day weekend or the middle of May and sometimes it ends up at like the first weekend in August it doesn't even go all the way to October so that's definitely a very um it's a very quickly movable structure it's very sound but it's movable especially for storms and all that so does it does it move from the beach right now or does it stay on the beach like the one that's in the beach or maybe at least there know do you know does it stay on beach yes right now it it does um it's put out there before the season and is taken off got you okay cool um and are they allowed to do that based on our interlocal agreement that we to have that out there was that specifically stated or something cool does does the city have any like kind of cool things out there on our Park the city is there any I guess say we're going to have a really cool bathroom and then there's no commercial activity per the inter local I believe right like that's why we don't do parking because it was not allowed we're not allowed to have food trucks and anything like that okay and how many lsv parking spots are there looks like 14 and 15 so what 29 29 wow that's awesome Jim is that is that good enough number you like that they're they're going to fill whatever we put out there you could make it all lsvs and they would fill that so you know we tried to get a mix and to incorporate it in the design uh because we we went through where we had full parking in the middle then we didn't have full parking in the middle then you know so I I'm with Ryan I I think you know my thing with Little Adventures was I didn't want it blocking the terminal Vista when you're coming down uh the road there that's all Aral termin yall understand that the terminating Vista when you're at that intersection and you're looking down I wanted you to be able to see the gulf from as you're driving down that road there are there any um spots available for like if we've talked about in the past um like um donation boxes for Beach supplies and things like that are there areas on here that like that would fit something like that um I'm sure that's kind of like site Furnishings that can be put in after the okay all right I appreciate it cman Stevens I guess it's for Teresa also with the TDC with the with the uh lsvs most of those are probably going to be short-term rentals so do we want to charge for those those if we could my proposal back to the um TDC will be if it's a um if it's an lsv it's most likely going to have a a Florida tag so we won't be able to separate it from that but in most of those cases they also got a tag that says that they're located at this residence and they'll be charged okay all right the only thing I kind of have and I'll bring it up under my my name later is the uh Mobility on demand that the EC Rider our transit system is working on uh we did a year study and there's kind of citing Crystal Beach as a area to do something that has been do been going on in many other Southern Florida States a coastal cities for a while and that's kind of the golf cart Transit if you will of um call them like a golf cart taxi where it'd be free rides back and forth um and so I'll talk to that later but I think between Crab Trap Tarpon and shortes uh they're all going to be pretty suitable for that idea so just throwing up something that I'll come back to later on on the beach topic and I'll point out too this is informational we don't really need a motion tonight but the goal is get the permit and as part of the getting the development order approved obviously comes back to you all for final stamp of approval so that's the next step in this awesome in the approval in this design is there a drop off zone is that what the the cross lines are is there a yeah a little unloading Zone okay all right all right thank you so much Ryan any see none than thank you Lewis uh the last item we have for you this evening is about the me and maintenance uh beid Michael all right and we have saved the best for last no good evening mayor and Council uh at the May 20th meeting uh councelor Bagby asked that this item be brought back with uh some teeth in it concerning non-compliance or non-conformance um or non-performance and you'll note uh in exhibit a a new section uh um Roman numeral 11 called quality control penalties for non-compliance and non-performance has been added what it'll do is it'll provide some quality assurance from the city's end and compare it to um fi you know Gathering field observations and comparing it to the contractor's weekly report uh there's Provisions in there for inconsistencies corrective actions the requirement for a revised or corrected report and then ultimately a penalty for on compliance within a given time period and I'm here to answer any questions you may have all right seeing nothing on the board a visual all right Mr Mayor I move that the city manager be authorized to advertise the attached RFB miscellaneous median maintenance services and once a vendor is selected by the bid committee to bring back the recommended vendor for approval second I got a motion a second seeing no further calling the vote ra calling the vote lost a roll all right eyes have it unanimously so moved all right thank you Michael thanks Michael all right leis any announcements no announcements mayor all right thank you so much all right flipping the page all right no public hearing tonight move to the next meeting in June comments uh Cosman Stevens down the line I have nothing G up no cman bag or Dustin all right conman Bagby no thank you a bear all right I've got one idea here it was on here so it's not a surprise um we've been talking um about the am the amount of rental properties in this downtown deson old dtin property in most of the areas that are have been consistent code violations and I would like to alleviate the extra work that we have put on code because these are some of the same residents being called over and over and over for things that if they weren't a rental it was an owner they would be more caring whereas if we took away the registration opportunity for an owner to rent their property because their R rentals are not following proper guidelines we'd have that kind of teeth so I'd like to get the Buy in off of council and look at revocation of rental registration for continued and non-compliant residents clarification is that for both shortterm and long term so any rental any rental property in any area of Destin revoke it and you said you second that I second that he's GNA third it too if we could allow him thank you let's have a vote please all right any any cestin yep right now we' confined them $250 a day whatever right correct if we go through the magistrate process it would be actually for a repeat violation it could be $500 a day it could be but we can find them so much a day and it's and revoking their their uh rental privilege I guess is what we're talking about what do we l a lot more money does does that mean that we're going to be able to stop them from renting their property well arguably if you revoke the registration for rental and and I think the goal would be after repeated attempts to get them in compliance but if if they still didn't comply and we revoked the registration then if they rent it again each of those would be yet another violation okay but it would be the same 500 it wouldn't be a th000 in other words we can only find them so much a day correct per violation no not correct it could be $1,000 a day if it was different if it was a different violation so if you had um a lean on a property for5 00 a day for I'm just going to make this up you know trash everywhere whatever you did yeah and um and then you did this rental violation later you could get another lean on your property two separate issues correct okay Council M I thought he was going somewhere else with that so I'm not gonna I'm not going to dispute it I'm gonna back out Council mby yeah I just I assume y'all are going to bring back this proposal and writing and we're going to check the legality and all this because what what y'all just said there was a little dissonance there because short-term rentals okay and long-term rentals we have a registration process for short-term rentals both we have for both and I'm not sure I'll have to go back and reread the state statute but I think there I thought there was some limitations on what we could and could not do but I'll let y'all do that research and then I'll do that research too and bring it back and then we'll see where we are yeah and but just for clarification we have a registration process for long-term rentals as well the short-term rental one tends to be a little more Infamous because it gets violated more most of the long-term rentals that we know of are um registered and if they're not when we we find out they register right away so I'll just say this we wouldn't be discriminating on a short-term rental if it applied to all rentals right yeah I just uh there's probably a lot of long-term rentals in this city that are not registered and so to find out we're well I'm not sure that we will but because the the conversation that I had with the staff was uh we need to incentivize neighbors and I'm not sure how we can do to tell on their neighbors to tell on their neighbors for violations for well they're short-term rentals and so they know it but they don't know that they're SP that they're not registered so they if they turn them in and we get them you know we should give them something a free lower their park fees uh uh free parking yeah free boat ramp let's just get this thing anything left I just got one thing to say so I've done this for a couple residents already that have been afraid to confront it I've gone online and registered for them so you have my email if you have a neighbor that is violating contact me I'll go online I'll fill the form out for you you don't have to do it I'll take full responsibility all right we got a watch dog I love it all right let's call the vote don't say anything else all right I have you now hly so moved congratulations all right councilman king that's it nothing tonight thanks I'm sorry I only saw the one thing uh councilman Schmidt the 5K thank you for the reminder um I walked on the 5K which I believe uh Jamie has already double checked and approved it for insurance purposes I believe it has the checks for the staff and everything else but unfortunately second it yep so I'd like to approve that 5K right motion from Kevin a bear any discussions seeing none calling the vote you stole that was right there it's all good you're right it's all good you can keep it the 5K will be June 15th at 8: a.m. all right awes that's it all right thank you so much I just have it all right all right so uh making mine fairly quick um like I said earlier this Mobility on demand would be a addition to what EC Rider at the Okaloosa level does for public transportation um in my head uh this could be twofolds this could be Crystal Beach um also I'm sorry I didn't make it on here but there's a new routes of uh the public transportation um so the EC rer has got a brand new route that is going to be more what I would be considering more of a local residential route that goes uh Community Center Library Kelly over to Legendary or I'm sorry Legion wind Dixie and all the way down to norgo point kind of doing a a crescent a backwards crescent um in addition to that change that has already been uh adopted at the committee the second one was a recommendation for this Mobility on demand you'll see it at a lot of coastal towns uh up and down Florida and really that's just a way to use um safe lsvs not crossing the street but whether it's from a short-term rental and they call them up or you know we were talking about on our our plan to potentially have more parking um from the um Mobility plan whether that goes through or not this would be a way to increase ridership which at the end of the day increases the funding from the state and federal level which is really kind of how I see this as a big advocate for us um one we if there's only so many parking spaces this allows people to not even have to get their lsv uh and two this puts more ridership on the um total package so that we can apply for more better grants in the future if we wanted to expand um so all I'm asking is that we just endorse or ask the county to move forward with what the recommended U Provisions were at the committee and one of them being this Mobility on demand in Crystal Beach specifically as a test run um it'd be a test run for our entity but not for the communities in the in Florida this is something new um but the idea of allowing Destin to um support the mobility on demand phase and again I'm sorry there's no documents to look at so you know I get if we got to push it a week uh to the next meeting but um that's where I'm asking and where I'm at at the moment so thoughts comments councilman Bagby yeah no money no nothing no this is uh on the Strategic plan of we like it but we have no money for it so this is my hopes of creating something out of nothing my point is why would we with Uber and Lyft why would we do Mobility why are we trying to replicate A system that exists already in the private sector so that's something where when we get uh the mobility on demand if if we can get the county to go out to an RFP it would be a private sector they'd be going out for bid um there's several different options some utilize advertisement some utilizes uh the fee from the county uh but there are some that are subsidized through I would call them chamber type uh advertisements and that way at that point they're just cruising around and they are effectively just working off the the monthly ad Revenue so that's kind of where the RFP would go for them is to see what we could get from the public sector it's not necessarily A privately ran organization as it is through the EC Rider creating an RFP for a third party to perform that contract and how they want to make money is up to them in that RFP okay I mean as long as it doesn't cost us anything I'm I'm fine but we Uber frequently uh to Crab Trap no to South to restaurants yeah well that's this this Mobility On Demand is specifically zoned for an area of mainly the Crystal Beach area bringing people to the restaurants on on the beach and or the beach access themselves is kind of the the goal of that so all right all right so if uh is that a motion Motion in a second all right so that's a motion from councilman Bagby to a letter of support for Mobility demand in the Crystal Beach area do I have a second I already did I second all right we're just waiting all right call on the vote all right thank you guys City attorney I don't have anything thank you ma' all right public comments yes ma'am thank you for waiting all right as before name and address the floor is yours Janice nle Moran feeling a lot like Aaron Brockovich from 208 Snapper Drive I really need y'all to hear me please I know it's late and that's all I want is for you to hear me did everybody review what I submitted before my presentation because I was told by Ray Bailey that everyone of you would receive that and I'm assuming that you read through it and you know the details I'm going to direct my questions to you please because I'll tell you why first I want to start uh with how this process has treated me for two years I understand almost year and a half because I found the paperwork where they first submitted this Mr Joe bod's name is on it 2010 it was based on a lot of issues that I want to bring up to you because suren when they took over 200 square ft at the end of Marino Point Drive they said then that there was crime and so I want to remind you that I was here when you called him Chief affectionately the captain for the East District got up here and said that that's probably the safest parking lot in Destin 0 4 or 04 I I got to read it watch it again get so upset I'm an empath I'm a massage therapist this whole whole thing has me very upset and I've spent my whole night here I have a special needs fully disable son at home at 21 years old I'm here because it's important that you hear what I say you sat right there sir and said when you get it wrong you yall going to fix it I'm going to show you that I think you got it wrong sir and I also heard you say is there no one here to make opposition does nobody have a grandpa they visit I said yes sir we do and now you're still saying you going to take them parking spaces what happened you know what I'm not going to tell you what I think might have happened and I also lived across the street from Jim Foreman Ted Cochran and I live next door to Craig the city manager I know people in this town and I think that this is greed objective and I believe that fear which is a great motivator like crime in an area where there is none they have a security guard and a white truck with a yellow light 24/7 on holiday a I live on Snapper drive we got a lot of homeless people running around my neighborhood h they all is safe so why are we removing these parking spaces again they grabbed that land you guys back in 2010 and they said they're going to put a fence up then and I got some shady stuff here like putting the wrong date on the public hearing notice if I'm wrong please I'd love to be wrong I'd love to be embarrassed I would love for that not to be you guys that's embarrassed your name Sir Mr baggley is on that paperwork so is yours Mr Destin from 2010 but I sat right in here and heard everybody say well I don't know what happened to that Loop can somebody tell me why are these parking places needing to go away I'm going tell you what I think I think I need to look at tax records and see who owns property in Dolphin point because I know I'd like to buy 10 units if you going to put a half a million dollar beautification project in a sidewalk they didn't care about a crosswalk for the kids them kids still going to have to cross that street what are we doing I want to know who owns land who's going to profit from this because our property value is going way down I can't have anybody come over and spend the night if they drink too much wine at my dinner party I gotta get somebody drive them come get their car tomorrow or something do you understand y'all are over here trying to build parking spaces to make money and I'm trying to understand why these are not seen that way you're the one thing that they said right and let me just tell you I can use words like manipulation deceit Fabrications breach of contract but yet we're making decisions on things that I believe are false like the crime and also that the new design they they were going to pay up bring those those up to code I have it right here if you want to see it it's in the packet I gave you so why are we now removing those parking spaces they were supposed to bring the code I don't understand it it makes no sense to me for a beautification project for their property value to inrease in an outdated structure that you can only put so much granite in I'm here to tell you this is a grand plan and it's not just and for anybody to say we don't need overnight park in there the one thing they said right is you right 1.8 miles to the nearest public access and people going over there and trespassing that's a fence issue they said they put up 14 years ago so what I'm telling you we use those parking spaces for There are 16 units next to us and we have eight for 40 years we've had access to those parking spaces and we'll gladly pay overnight I pay 20 to $25 a night every time I go and stay in a hotel in DC Chicago anywhere it's part of my expense and if you have a problem with people dumping their car to go down to South Florida and fool around or whatever and their spouse don't know it's parked there if you have a system where people have to register their car online like I do when I travel they've got all my information ain't nobody dumping a car there to go I don't know these people they don't live in my neighborhood in Holiday all so I didn't know I only get five minutes I'm giving you I'm giving you devil since you hung out with us well look I'm going be back because I'm confused of what's so important about removing these parking spaces that are so important to our lifestyle if you when somebody comes to your house and you don't have room in your driveway because you only got two spots they can park on the street we can't do that we got to go move our cars to Target or over to Brick or Brack these people paid a lot of money to buy those homes on holiday Y and I don't know what the faces are about Miss Teresa I don't know I don't know you at all I have respect for all of you I know you dedicate a lot of time to do the right thing but I don't understand this and then that whole reason like she got her said on the 15th y'all voted for this you know why we showed up on the 4th barely and it was moved off the docket and then weeks later it showed up and we got short notice I can prove it they tried to put this under your noses like last time and I sat here and nobody knew what happened to The Loop and they told me he told I that Monday morning I was told that there was no evidence so you know what I went to the Dustin History Museum I went to I went to I called my friend I won't use names but the lady in Okaloosa I'm sorry the county she assured me that in 1985 all documents Would S here so I found it on your website all that stuff okay so I'm just I'll be back because I just need you to know the truth all right thank you so much thank you right anyone else public comments yes sir sorry TR what do I get 20 minutes we're civil servants Teresa remember we talked about that we're here for volunteer remember name and address sir Bill rington 722 vintage Circle Dustin Florida 32541 d647 um I just came up to make a comment about the nickel and dime that you're charging to go park somewhere and I would think a better suggestion to that would be to since you're approaching the short-term rentals in those neighborhoods anyway why don't you have them buy a sticker for their car or if there is um golf cart rentals go to those people and have them buy a sticker for their golf cart rental so that you don't have to hire eight more people to go check parking okay do all the work ahead of time versus after the fact that just seems to make much more sense to me than having somebody drive through there 25 times a day to see if they've paid their $3 or $5 or $20 or whatever so that was just a thought that I wanted to pass along I don't have as much money as the city does so I have to be a little bit more careful so anyway that's it for now and please fix that computer system like we talked about I know that y'all are working on it but it's a fraking nightmare still so like those people that were here earlier as I mentioned when I had to go get my license renewed I had to come here five times to pay a $35 fee you know makes no sense but anyway I'm sure y'all are working on that thank you have a nice evening thank you sir all right Sandy Sandy traml Indian Trail Destin uh I just wanted to clarify for Mr Bagby um the pickle ball courts and we talked about the gravel when you look around right now I think I counted 30 cars in the parking lot when we had the Rotary Club here there was about 45 cars in the parking lot by the time you get the dog park going and it has lights and you get Council meetings or you have workshops which all are just asked for there's not g to be enough parking here so what parks and wreck looked at our committee looked at was the fact that we needed some more parking my suggestion was just take the little rope down and let people Park in the dirt well I was told that it was pretty soft and we didn't want to have to pull people out of that parking so that's why we suggested some gravel but it's strictly for the parking when you get pickle ball players out here and believe me it's not going to be long before you get more pickle ball courts than you have right now think of the future and the fact that we don't have enough parking I don't want people coming up here complaining oh we don't have enough parking we can't even use our own pickle ball courts we can't use our dog park we can't use any of this while council's going on or there's business here there's what eight Code Compliance trucks sitting out there now you know I mean so we have to have someplace to park all these and I agree with that but that was the reason we came up with the gravel parking lot the one a and the one b the discussion was they weren't on the initial map we wanted them put on the map you had to go flip through 14 pages to find where the 1 a and the one B was that was all we wanted was we wanted them put on the original map that was all thanks thank you yes yes sir Randle bracel 28 Marina Point um Point South town houses uh I just want to for clarification uh since you're discussing uh reconfiguring the parking spaces there from someone who doesn't know who's just come to the area really um is I hear you're talking about a sticker and stuff like that does that apply to residents for the paid parking how does that work um that something that we can so every res of Destin gets a two parking passes per household two stickers two stickers okay you got to come sign up that go yeah you sign up and send it to you right those are good anywhere that there's public parking okay if you're not a resident you can pay 205 and that gets you full parking at the harbor maror and Community for the annual for the whole year that does not give you the beach parking so that's the caveat is it's 205 there and that pass gets you the boat launch and everything else so in theory if um if those parking spaces change um as residents we can buy a sticker and we could park our vehicle there sometime if we had as a res you get two for fre okay I get this so so in theory kids come and there's a a spot available and they want to stay overnight no your in the spot overnight kid in the overnight kids can't overnight can't do it overnight okay but I could put my my car in the spot for the day and the kids could go there and just in that sense they you're avoiding the fee but I mean I just wasn't sure what the rule was yes yeah yes when it comes to overnight there's no options for that here there's no overnight at any parking spot this has kind of been an anomaly anomaly of a of a space and so we're getting it up to code with everything else so we're concurent yeah okay all right thank you so much thank you sir all right seeing no further thing Michael's going to be the first up call the meeting a jour