e e e e so all right everybody all right if everyone could please find a seat please make sure your cell phones are turned off or un vibrate and further Ado we will start the Dustin city council meeting for the August 5th session I will call this meeting to order and up first is going to be the invocation by our Pastor Steve Ferris father we just thank you for this opportunity to be here today Lord we thank you for all these young people here represented Lord and we just thank you that Destiny is a friendly place to families Lord and it continues to be that way and we thank you for that we thank you Lord for your mercy that the storm didn't come this way and we pray for those that were in its past and I know some from here are over there helping so Lord we especially pray for those emergency service workers Lord we just ask your guidance on this meeting today we thank you again for each and everyone that serves here in this city and all those that are here to support we pray it in Jesus name amen all right thank you for that Steve all right up next is going to be the Pledge of Allegiance uh councilwoman AB to the flag all right that was the coolest thing ever hearing all the kids say it yeah all right to kick things off if there is any motions or changes to the agenda I'm looking for an approval with a motion heyim go ahead yes yes this is uh council member AAR asked me to remind her she wanted to add discussion of the fence at um our Bridge parcel one Harbor during her reports okay so we'll approve all the minutes plus uh under councilwoman AB bear's name for Harbor one fence anything else seeing none do I hear a motion I'll make a motion to approve do I have a second the second from councilman King all in favor we'll go to the vote everyone's got the laptops Rolling Y Cool all right eyes have you unly 70 moving right along up first we have a whole bunch of winners in the chambers tonight and we're going to recognize them all uh I'm going to have me come up to this Podium but I'm also going to have council member Schmidt come up only because uh he is the president of the little league and actually knows you guys a little bit more so I wanted to make sure it was just as meaning and personal for you guys as this moment should te so come on up so so the real reason is I'm just really afraid to misspell or mispronounce one of your guys' last names because it'd be really embarrassing for me so with that I'm going to have council member Schmidt WRA off uh we're going to do one team at a time and floor is yours thank you Mr Mayor uh thank you all for coming tonight uh all you baseball players boys and girls parents bringing them over here thank you I know uh the council always enjoys whenever this Chambers is full of Warm Bodies especially on a night when you can celebrate um things like this rather than just uh the the pitchforks and the and the the lynch mobs so thank you all uh we are going to do one team at a time I'd love to First invite Coach Danny Collins up um Coach Collins is the uh yeah come on up uh Coach Danny Collins is the head coach of our machine pitch softball team uh that has a prized of uh made up of girls six seven and eight years old um this is his second year of coaching this particular team in this age um they won last year as well they were I think they've been recognized up here last year and then again this year they won the district Championship um down the street um in Freeport this year so we're going to announce these uh girls on up here and we'll get you lined up and then miss Tamara I think is going to take a picture of you there she is um so we'll have Miss uh Aras I'll announce all of your names and then we'll clap for you after the very in if that's okay um Miss Arya salano we'll do that too let him up Miss Miss Avery Collins you come over here by coach Miss Avery Collins there she is Miss Dylan philippy Miss Elana Pon Miss Cadence Anderson Miss Kinsley Collins Miss Parker Strickland Miss Quinny Carter Reese reei call Norwood sailor Jenkins Scarlett Jano and Tilly up Grove and these are our uh yeah give them a big round of applause and as we uh as we continue uh oh you want to line them up or how we miss Tamara how we look all right scoot on in sweetheart oh one more one more here she comes [Music] fantastic thank you um let's slide down oh let's slide down then we're g everybody at the end all right and so that uh again these are our youngest and as they continue to get older I'm sure they're going to be here many more many more times we look forward to that our next team uh we're going to invite is our um tenu softball coach which was head coached by BJ wood did he show up yet Mr BJ wood there he is thank you sir thank you Mr wood this is uh it's uh bent which one is it Reese this one all right so first we have Miss Reese blankin ship come on Al ree Miss Aubrey salano ay ABY salano I had your sisters right the first time didn't I Avery gotcha Addison Gordon Addie okay adley Phillips Miss Ansley Reynolds Miss Caroline Spears [Applause] Charlie Carter Ella Graves Emery Romeo Miss Harper Wood Olive schaer and Mella O'Neal and these yeah we'll give them a big round of applause congratulations girls these uh these talented young ladies not only won the district Championship they also were the sectional Champions and then they traveled down to back to back yep they traveled down to the state and um they they re they represented Dustin very well and uh they're going to get back there next year and do it all over again so let's get a picture here all right squeeze in squeeze in this way in pretend like you like each other all right scoot all the way down girls with the go go over there behind is Miss Taran here from the next team oh okay we got one solo it's all right come on down here come join us the captain of we got we got Miss Ava Miss Ava blanking ship come on turn around AA don't go anywhere come here Ava Ava come on Ava is the representative of our 12 you softball team which at this age there's not enough girls in Destin to form one team so we combine with other communities in the area dtin Freeport and South Walton um so they combined they formed a group of girls I think how many do we have from Destin five or six or eight so we had eight Destin girls uh so we're very excited about that which is also another Testament you know because these little ones you'll see soon we will have a team full of all Destin girls because we will be able to do that uh just from our Destin girls and this is your second year going down to state championship right and so they won District Champions sectional Champions and then runner-ups in the state correct so good job let's get your picture all right all right next up I'm gonna ask coach Tony Bailey to join us I know he's there he is perfect there he is come on down coach Bailey slow clap coach Bailey was the uh coach of our intermediate 5070 division um and so we will announce them um one at a time as well because I think they're all here so we will start with Mr Bentley Bailey Mr Case colane Mr Colton Romeo Mr Gavin Douglas Graham hearnden Hunter Ray JX Odell Kingston day Logan conik Luke horen Matthew Bishop and will Graves let's give these boys a round of applause squeeze in squeeze [Applause] in squeeze in here we go don't go anywhere now these boys are represented from uh let's see 13 12 and 11 or 13 12 mainly 13 and 12 years old um they were were a lot of them were on our team last year on the major team that was state runner-ups so this year they were the district Champions as well as the section one Champions and they went to State of Florida and they are the state champions yeah the State of Florida Champions huge and and then they are runner-ups in the Southeast region um as well which was a a very huge accomplishment and they actually probably doesn't want me to talk about it but they ran the table beat every single team there and then in the championship game you have to only win once or lose once and the team that they beat beat them and that was it but um I got a call a couple hours from uh Coach T coach Tony after the game was over and I didn't know what what to expect um I didn't know what what what was going to happen but he said one thing to me he said coach or you know Kevin figure out what we got to do for junior because we're coming back and we're going to go to Juniors and winning the whole thing so I said we'll try our best for whatever we can do here in Dustin to get them the fied to be able to play at the next step as all these boys I think are coming back and going to try again and go to the World Series so round of applause for them yeah 690 690 field gotcha we need a 6090 field thank you coach uh did you want to say anything anybody all right let's let's get all of y'all together come over here girls let's get one big uh I'll let them get together y'all squeeze in this Tamera get them all just a huge uh while they're doing that just a huge Testament to all of their hard work here we go real quick here we go all right look at coach look at coach we got s there back up there you go we good we're good all right by look at the lady in the blue all right thank you all for coming tonight appreciate it [Applause] apprciate e yep all right we're going to give it about 30 more seconds or so we'll let the uh the baseball teams scalon out and then we'll get down to the fun stuff and softball yes yeah just all American pastimes all right good deal all right so at that now that we're good there I'm going to start public comments I'm going to start on uh my right y'all's left and we'll just go through the room so yes sir yep so just push uh I pushed that mic down so you might want to readjust it push the gray button it'll turn the light red name and address and the floor is yours for 3 minutes good evening I'm uh Jesse London I don't live in dtin I live in Pensacola Beach but I'll give you a very brief explanation I own the billboard at fudpuckers and the company tier one tier one is a real local company owned out of Navar not out of the state we have just the one billboard in Destin Lamar has 17 Billboards last year more than half of our advertisers were Destin owned businesses we never miss a chamber breakfast ad R are far lower than Lamar's giving local businesses an affordable media alternative we bring our clients Donuts in the morning we support the community with free charity if Lamar were to win 12 new digital faces in Destin it would force tier one out of Destin leaving you with only one operator a perfect Monopoly forever and it will transform the look of this city from that of a fishing Village to that of Time Square don't Time Square Destin this Lamar plan to take down only onethird of their signs their least visible structures by the way flies in the face with what you have been telling residents which is that the city wants to eliminate Billboards this plan makes Lamar so much money that you'll be guaranteeing the people of Destin a permanent landscape of bright digital Advertising Signs their proposal increases ads on those boards by 167% I kid you not 167% more ads on that proposal in total of their 17 boards they would double their ads to8 ads for sale in this market how can you tell citizens that you want to eliminate Billboards but you're going to Grant The Proposal that increase ads in this market by as much as 167% don't Time Square Destin I have a second page stop the clock seriously yep oh my God you know what kills Billboards trees electric poles and electric wires they all obstruct the reads I got to move past this in contrast to the static signs digital the my research shows the industry research shows that digitals are four times more likely to be seen so if you go to digitals the whole purpose you're you you really want 15 more digitals in Destin they'll be seeing more than what you have now that defeats the purpose you need more digitals like you need more helicopters don't Time Square DED one last point please give me one more last Point 30 seconds the reason for my appearance and the public comments two weeks ago Lamar hinted that they don't trust city government we do trust you if on a whim you reverse decades old strategy to eliminate Billboards if you double the number of D billboard ads in desid if you spend millions of dollars undergrounding infrastructure just to improve the reads of of brand new giant flashing Billboards and if you further block the sun and the sunset you completely commercialize the appearance of your fishing Village for no reason don't Time Square Destin all right thank you so much all right anyone else yep and and we do have three minutes at the end if you'd like to stick around but there is a three minute period at the end for public comments as well just for open knowledge anyone else for public comments this is good point thank you Tina Spicer 607 Legion Drive um my husband and I moved to Destin almost five years ago and as a big problem on our street is Speeders we addressed this issue probably a year and a half ago we submitted a petition that had all the signatures that were needed to get the speed bumps but we were told that it wasn't properly submitted so then our neighbor submitted it again and we really don't know how it was left cuz she turned it in and nothing was ever done so I'd I'd truly like to ask if we could get those speed bumps because we've seen some things on our road um just this past week we had two little kids across the street um that were playing outside and I don't know if it was somebody on our road that called the sheriff's department but they were told to go back in the house and not play on a road so that's just one of the issues we've had dogs run out our dog got hit by a car on our road um so we just asked the committee if you know that would be a possibility to go ahead and get those speed bumps cuz it's very dangerous on Drive between Beach and Benning all right so you're in the side Landing okay what was your address just for I have 607 Legion Drive all right awesome all right thank you so much thank you thank you all right anyone else Committee Member it's already on Brian Auto 3826 IND the kids go back to school next week let's slow this traffic down there you go good deal all right anyone else all right seeing none I'll close the public comments and we will push on to the consent agenda do I have a motion I'll make that motion to approve I have a motion for consent second second councilman Stevens sounds like all right call the vote oh I'm sorry Jim councilman Bagby yeah I just wanted to ask Ryan uh as the request been to the public works Public Safety Committee or is it sitting on y'all's where is the request for Speed humps on Legion uh councelor Bagby here I'm I'm over here hey I just searched through my emails and I don't have a 607 Legion Drive I'm not it's in the residential section of Legion Drive in between uh was that beach and Benning but I'm just not immediately familiar with any request that was made we can probably have them redo it or tell us the date they turned it in or even better you can go to our website City ofd destin.com and in the upper right hand corner just type in speed hump and the application packet is the very first thing that'll pop up the very first step of course would be doing a speed study and I'll get with Ryan after the meeting to set that up all right Ryan you have something um on our engineering division's web page there's a link to the speed studies around the town and there is a speed study that was done last year on that street so you can see the results for that okay well can you answer whether it Justified the speed humps that they asked for um just looking at it quickly no either way I think we should get that information over to them okay yeah all right thank you thank Council mtin I was just going to comment that uh that can be put on the agenda by any council member and I would forecast that it in fact will be soon so we'll address it all right anyone else all right seeing none I have my motion in second we'll call the vote for the consent all right I have it so moved unanimously 70 all right city manager report 4 a good evening mayor and council members uh the first item under city manager reports is a presentation by Mike Caraway from centria um he followed Council direction to go out and uh look for quotes um and Mike I'll let you give the presentation come on UPC hit that button for me please P I appreciate the opportunity to be here this evening to talk to you about the employee benefits renewal specifically the group medical plan um we've met on a couple of occasions to talk about partially self-funded level funded the advance vages of that and as well as we've been negotiating with Florida Blue on the fully insured renewal um we did take your plan out to Market to all the available carriers which include United healthc Care Etna cha America and the league of cities unfortunately uh we received a decline from all carriers for a level funded or partially self-funded proposal actually met with the SE the fmit league of cities last week in Orlando uh Lindsay and talked her about the account uh because that was the one the last hope that we had coming in and uh she just said Mike this is not a good year for them to consider parsing self-funded so with that said um and of course we're going to look at this op you know if this is going to be an opportunity every year um we'll turn every stone over to make sure we bring the best plan in for uh the city of dtin so during that time we began and have been negotiating with Florida Blue on their fully insured renewal there initially the renewal came in at just below 20% increase um and you know unfortunately uh that well that increase is not acceptable but what they do is they come back to us and say you know what will it take for this group not to go to market what's called a no shop guarantee We Begin the negotiations and um with everything that's going on with your ongoing claims experience the demographics of the group uh we were able to get them to agree to just over an 8% increase uh for the traditional po plan and the high deductible plan um just to give you some history because I do think it's important that you all understand where we've been and where we are today you may be aware of this so just bear with me as I go through this and go through the numbers but uh starting in 2021 through our renewal in 2024 which takes us into 2025 um our increase overall increase average has been right at 8% right at 8% in 2022 when we moved to United Healthcare in 21 we received a 33% rate increase from United Healthcare that we absorbed uh which is a big number so you know did we have a bad year possibly um but it's more than likely as they came in too aggressive on their rates and and won the business and then the next year the hammer is pretty hard um in 2022 our 2023 plan year we moved to Florida blue and we negated that increase with a minus 7% um uh increase overall uh from where Blue Cross Blue Shield was coming in at or United Healthcare was coming in at and then last year we had a 5% renewal from Florida Blue which is below medical Trend I don't want to bring any increase in but and I'll explain what medical trend is in just a moment and then this year we're coming in at 8% on the traditional Po and 99.9% 10% on the high deductible health plan so just so you all understand where the numbers come from every you have medical trend which this year conservatively is 8% depending if you're with Blue Cross United or at it's all going to be seven 8 % on the high end so if you're a fully insured client of one of those carriers you're going to start out each year behind the eight ball at 8% that's a real number and the only way that that number remains at 8% it's never going to go down I'm fully insured once we set the water line the line set with that specific carrier now can we go to market and it come in below yes just like we did in 2022 but when you're fully insured you remain with the carrier once it's set it's set so the only only thing that we're trying to do is keep it as close to that 8% as we possibly can so what drives that number is going to be your claims experience and it's going to be your demographics which we refer to as manual rates average age average composition of the group geography of the group that's what the carriers look at and using that information um and coming in with an 8% overall increase what that tells you tells me is the the the uh average age and the composition of the of the group demographics of the group The Manual rate um either was favorable um and was allowed us to get close to the medical Trend um but our claims experience that we've been incurring and it's evident with the with the carriers that declined to quote because they declin to quote for two things medical reasons or they were uncompetitive um and so League of cities just said it wasn't a favorable year for them to move to partially self-funded so that's where we stand with Florida Blue without making any plan changes at all that would be the renewal for 2024 and 20125 um so it's it's certainly I I would have loved to bring a partially self-funded number in here for you all to consider um you you uh for the last two meetings that I've been here I think you've um you know gathered what pars self-funded means and the advantages to it I'm still a big believer in if the group qualifies for it because it gives you an opportunity to win the transparency just more more information Health Care is better for longterm strategy as it pertains to your rates um so you know that's that's where we are with with this year's renewal with Florida Blue we can uh just wrapping up on the r on the renewal all other products ancillary plans the hospital Indemnity the tele medicine there's no rate change at all and all benefits remain the same so the only thing that we're looking at is the medical plan again just to reiterate no plan changes in looking at just above an 8% increase overall any question questions yeah I got one for you um so if the goal is to potentially go to a self-funded um is there any kind of metric you're saying that the claims is kind of probably one of the larger metrics um without getting into anyone's personal business right is there ways to incentivize our group and we're on that plan too now to be healthier anything of those nature so that as a group we can all benefit if we're all a little bit more healthier no yeah absolutely great question so you know education Wellness programs our open enrollment meetings making sure that they're going to the best places of care not just necessarily the lowest cost but but the best outcomes um so we continue to drive those points home during the open en roll meetings which we'll have on Thursday I believe Thursday yes and um and we'll continue to push that out there we continue to promote the Wellness Plan we just had our healthfare where folks came in and did their biometric screenings all those things are critical you were there yeah I missed it oh yeah but all those things are absolutely critical however we can never we don't have the crystal ball to predict the number of you know cancers or um you know diabetes um or you know NICU or things like that that can that occur um or a trauma case I mean those are just unforeseen uh events that happen but the biometric screenings the wellness uh encouraging people to use tele medicine versus um the the other option it's not truly an emergency those are key factors to driving down cost and giving you the opportunity to go partially self-funded awesome all right cman Bagby so ju just so I make sure I'm clear the we went to Market and we went to Etna and everybody else and said you know what what's your best thing and nobody had better than Florida Blue right yes sir okay and when we went to the league of cities did we only go to them for a partially or fully self-funded plan or did we ask them about their group so they their only plan that they offer is partially self-funded it's a Consortium about other league of City participants in that plan okay so they just offer the one plan they United Healthcare and then this question may be for Jamie so if we have people on our well actually one more for you okay is it uh because there's two factors usually uh you know there's history claims history or demographics so if you have a bunch of older people who require then is do we have a sense on is it our demographics or is it our claims history your your demographics is going to drive the majority of your rate with Florida blue because you're fully insured okay when you become partially self-funded your claims are going to be more of a factor in groups and their underwriting with the full fully insured Market they really do not underwrite as as closely as they do partially self-funded uh because of the reinsurance market right they want to have more detail on specific claims or they're fully insured they do not um so yes though those but those are the two factors that drive it partially self-funded claims are going to be more of a factor than they are fully funded okay so the reason everybody declined was because of our claims history predominantly yes and what and what the expectation is um uh in the future they look at that as well so this is a Jamie question our plan runs from 1 October to 30 September September to 31 August 31 August okay so now if we have somebody that turns 65 in October because Medicare opening enrollment isn't until later how how do we handle and you know we may only have one a year we may only have one every other year but I'm just kind of curious how do we handle that person from one September until they can actually enroll in Medicare in December well that is absolutely employee driven so if they were to come and say that they enrolled in any plan that outside of the city's coverage our plan would terminate the same or the month prior PR to the effective date of their new coverage our plan covers them so it's not like a gap in there where they're not covered for 3 months cuz they they're waiting to get on okay just want to make sure are you turning 65 no man I Council woman a thanks mayor um two questions the first one you said about the wellness program ma' like the mayor asked you know helping people reduce you know their susceptibility do you send out reminders of when those Wellness programs are because like mayor said oh I missed that one because the company that I'm insured with that I my day job they send out like an email hey we we're waiting on you to fill this out do this get this done this helps you offset your cost it also puts more money in your you know medical Bank sure is there a program set up so that you can ensure our employees that are on this plan have a chance to save money and reduce costs yeah and I don't mind I would mind if Jamie commented too but my response to that is yes so when you sign up for Florida blue as an insured person and your family members they're eligible to participate in a program called better strides and that's just through logging in and setting up your account then if you do a health risk assessment you earn x amount so it really drives people into the system by giving them um a $100 um stien if you will incentive for them to do that as well as their spouse and children over the age of 18 uh with regards to the health fair I believe that all participants were notified of of that event okay so question to you Jamie is that something we do as a city to ensure that those that have signed up for the health insurance that they know that this is a way to help put money in your bank towards your medical expenses is that preset it is our Wellness platform is relatively new we just partnered with better use better use strides last year I believe so it's really just getting employees in the habit of participating in a health fair understanding what that is understanding what the benefits are so we do communicate that we send out webinars almost monthly we did a um like a wellness program starting in January and ran that through June so yes we are in constant communication with our employees about our Wellness platform it's just growing right now and then the last question I have is talking about someone turning 65 going to Medicare I'm not there yet either but wouldn't that be considered a life event you would immedi make that change just like if you were having a baby or if you got married changes happen like as a life event isn't that how you would update to Medicare absolutely and that would be treated the same even if a spouse had an open enrollment and added you to their policy it's all treated the same thank you and thank you for coming tonight clearing up some of the information yes you're welcome and just one thing on the Medicare is that a lot of a lot of employees stay on their employer plan after they turn 65 just because they feel feel like that Medicare has this you know view that you're not going to get access to certain providers like I couldn't go to the Mayo Clinic or MD Anderson things of that nature but just to re reassure everybody here tonight if you are on your group employer plan and you move over to Medicare even Beyond 65 let's say I stay on there till 67 and I want to move at 67 you can do that as long as you do it within a 30-day window and there's no penalties associated with it so there's a lot of misconception of how Medicare works but I would strongly encourage anyone that's 65 even if they're actively working to consider a Medicare supplement because it really does replace or supplement everything Medicare doesn't pay and you still have access to all the same doctors and and providers go PSA Council mest thank you mayor you used the term no bid quote on the 8% does that mean that that's the quote they give you when you say you won't put it out to bid that's what the number they give you if you take yes sir if you agree not to take it to Market okay so we didn't take it to Market we did take it to Market absolutely that's just the number that they do so what here's what happens with that is that Blue Cross United all of them do that if we take it to Market um even at that number that's our job as the fiduciary and and your consultant um not to do that but that's the lack of a better word that's the game that the carrier carrier plays um if if we do take it to Market and they they find out about are they going to take us back to the 19% no they won't um but um you know their their threat is that they would yes sir you bet I'm gonna come back to you in 40 years yeah they ha yeah they haunt me down no it's uh you know it's I think I may have said this in a meeting earlier it's just unfortunately the process that these carriers um are are going through right now all right councilman Schmidt uh thank you for being here again Mr after all of this um what you've done so far will you will it be again next year that we'll do it or you think it'll be like every other year we'll be trying checking again or you know it it's it's my goal to get you to a partially self-funded plan or a level funded plan as soon as I can I just think you have more control over your platform on a long-term basis than you do fully insured I do so absolutely we're going to look at this every year and uh I think that a a great program for you all to consider in the future is what we talked about a level funded plan or a partially self-funded plan and we'll make sure we have those guard rails set up to where there's no surprises and no unexpected cost to the city as we you know whatever we present that's what you'll know you know the obligation is at the end of the year and that's key awesome all right well thank you so okay thank you we don't have that was just informational correct all right all right crystal back to you I'm sorry there there was a motion there I'm I'll move to direct staff and asentria to proceed with renewals for Florida Blue guardian and healthiest you all right so I got a Jim Jim with the second I see it on here now all right Kevin with the the motion Jim with a second seeing no further discussions we will take the vote all right there we go eyes have it unanimously so moved all right moving right along Crystal 4B all right 4B is regarding the Barrett School Tri party agreement uh between the city of dtin the county and uh the tri Barett school and see Tina deer is here to oh Brian is going to start us off and present this item thank you Brian putton good evening Council and May um so per an interlocal agreement that we have with the county uh any developments that are happening that affect both the county and the city um we share our information and with this they came to us with the the Barrett school which is a prek through 12 stem school um the um staff is here if you got any questions to ask them um obviously we can answer any questions too um but the tri the interlocal agreement is or the tri party agreement sorry is basically allowing them to open School classes on August 19th um and they have to still get their traffic study done any recommendations that come from that study need to get the proper permits and have those um improvements made um as part of this Tri part agreement so any questions um we can answer them if you have any questions for the school staff they are here all right thank you all right councilman Bagby mayor I move that city council approve the trip party agreement is presented I second that ition in a second councilman D discussion just a question I when I read through the agreement I noticed it said on the uh and what issues do we have was it was a the pickup line for parents I guess and was there a parking issue um so there's the the main concern with the county and the city is the queuing for pickup and drop off so the county put in the the tri party agreement um they want to have the school set aside designated parking spaces for pickup and drop off um and to not allow Qing because the fear is essentially turning Common's drive into a parking lot during pickup and drop off times so that's what uh this this agreement is supposed to be covering for right now well of course I support any new schools because I'm sure they'll do an excellent job but the agreement says pursue Solutions is there a time certain in that agreement so I believe uh November 30th of this year is the date that's in this agreement um to have all items set forth in section two completed uh that's on page three of the agreement the page that has a little picture of the sign that the county once posted um so that's the date that's in here and and that's our legal opinion that's what's happening which you know whenever I see pursue written by lawyers it makes me nervous because I can be pursuing it 20 years from now and I'm still pursuing it is you know that's the only part of the agreement that I kind of went H what does that mean question question I see she's looking through it everything in section two has to be done by November 30th some of the things are very definitive if you read them provide a law enforcement officer do these signs but that particular item pursue overflow parking agreements just means that it doesn't have a specific to that but I know that the county and the city intend to work together with the school to ensure that that gets done to the best of everybody's ability so we're talking about you know stagger School times and they've indicated a willingness to do that as needed so you're right that particular criteria is not very specific but it's intended to be a collaboration all right well any reason guys that are here that we put that under the pursue instead of time certain yeah if you guys want to step up I was going to give you a chance to introduce yourself sorry I'm jumping into a question before introductions good to I'm Ross chaen and I'm attorney for the owner uh the W group uh so the to answer this question about the pursue versus the hard date the pursues are in the section two uh for a couple items but the the number three is where the the county um they're giving after they've reviewed and received the traffic study that's that's forthcoming um there's this is just a temporary uh hold to get us to that next uh review of the of the traffic study which will give a more fome understanding of the traffic impact but those uh the the hard date of November 30th it says that the W group must complete all items set forth in section two no later than November 30th so there's no pursue the pursue is until November 30th and if it doesn't get done by the 30th then there there's other things that that will happen in here that uh approvals won't be given by the county and the city so there's there's um incentive for the owner to pursue and complete by November 30th very good and thanks for that clarification and I wish you the best of luck I know a number of people who say they're going to have pupils in your school and are and are quite looking forward to it well thank you councilman schitt yeah thank you uh thank you Ryan staff and everybody for working with the Barrett school um I got I'm very excited about another option to allow kids in Destin in the surrounding area to choose to go to different school if they choose to um I had the chance to meet meet some of the staff and um they're very great people and I can tell they're very excited about being Community Partners with the city and the county and everybody else so I think it's going to be a great future so thank you all right cman Stevens all right thank you I just want to say uh I'm excited that we're actually getting another stem um School in the area so that's that's really cool um I just had a quick question on 2B talking about the uh enforcement officer um I'm just curious do we need to put anything in there to where I just don't want to have expectations of some one group saying that well we expect a law enforcement officer by a certain date or is there anything that we need to put in there if that part ever comes up or is it just something we'll just work together if it happens that one actually has a certain date does it that November so that November 30th date applies to everything in number two okay so we were just saying that in number two letter F is not as definitive as some of the other ones but the one you're pointing at is very clear November 30th there will be that officer sounds good all right councilman Bagby yeah and I understand your point pursue you know pursuing Miss Jenny still and we've been married for 38 years so uh purs pursue can kind of yeah well some some days the bear gets you but the uh but I would assume if we if this criteria is not met by November 30th that somebody would bring it back and say oh by the way we've either negotiated an extension or we've done something you know or at least update us right of course okay thank you councilwoman AAR wrapping it up um thank you Jim that's kind of the same question I was going to have would we make sure that we give you time if you can't get some of these things done um and I also want to just tell you how awesome it is that you're opening because we do need more options here Destin and I think it's going to be a great asset to our city and thrilled to have y'all be part of our you know town so thank you for being here the lawyer is getting all the credit hard work a lot of work to get to this stage that's awesome thank you guys so much for being here do you guys have anything to say on on behalf of the school or anything like that a free little PSA I I'll just say thank you guys so much if you going to come we get about 100 views live got about 100 people on the camera this is not intimidating at all um I just want to say thank you so much um we've been able to work with a lot of people from the city and the county through this process and um we acquired the building only in um April May and um the amount of work that has gone into it to be able to open on August 19th is just absolutely unbelievable um we started working with our teachers today um doing trainings and stuff and it's just been an amazing experience I live in in uh Bay County so um my experience here in D has been wonderful everybody that I've met has been so kind we've had a lot of neighbors um around the school come and introduce themselves and everybody's been very supportive and I just appreciate um everybody who's been willing to work with us I know it hasn't been easy and um we've been demanding because we're on such a tight timeline but um I just appreciate it very much so and if anyone's got uh wants to learn anything more about you guys where' they go what was that where can they go to learn information if they're looking online um it's the Barrett school.org all right you're welcome to move here into Okaloosa County and d and we'd love for you to just move out of Bay County come here I would like that too she cooks me dinner occas all right all right so I have a motion by councilman Bagby second by councilwoman AAR no further discussions call on the vote all right I have it unanimously so moved congratulations guys excited all right M rickland all right the the next item on the agenda is uh Parks and Recreation FY 2024 budget versus actuals uh this is in response to a request by councilman Bagby at the July 8th meeting U to bring back a spending plan unfortunately um our Parks director Lisa f is out on a family emergency at the moment and wasn't able to find a replacement for her so I have do designated Jeff Kad to take over this item to present to council what a good interim city [Laughter] manager good good evening Council mayor the 2024 adopted budget plus prior year encumbrances for Parks and Recreation capital projects and renewal replacement projects are approximately $3.9 million um as of July 23rd we've encumbered 585,000 uh no fund budget Amendments have occurred to date a couple reasons for this High un cumbered balance are insufficient funds to complete certain projects required and uh time delays due for non-responsive bids some of that money is also restricted um by either grants or straight statutes we have approximately 2.4 million that uh could be transferred by Council to complete other projects this year or could be moved to the uh fiscal year 25 to complete projects um after October 1st and I'd be uh glad to take any questions you might have actually we take questions you might have all right uh cman Schmidt thought you had him um the bathroom room item and the I think it's maybe one other the bathroom some somebody said something that we're applying for or there it is we're applying for the fer up Grant and we'll be applying for it next year I believe and so it needs to be in the 25 budget to apply for the grant to hopefully get it is that kind of a can you touch on that sure can the applications uh I'm not sure when they're due yet they'll be due sometime in September but um as with the fap Grant received this year we'll be receiving uh that announcement will not be made until next July so we apply basically this fall and then we'll have to wait until the state's next next fiscal year kicks in before we find out if that's funded or not but they do require that the project already be a part of the CIP and be budget bued okay so and it's already been budgeted for this year it'll be budgeted for next year thanks yep right councilman Bagby yeah Jeff I can't remember were you on the call this afternoon I was okay so if you go back three weeks ago we said we're going or three meetings ago I'm sorry not three weeks ago three meetings ago and we said what what is the plan because if you look at the three documents that are in the agenda item uh we've got 2022 budget money in there and we're getting ready to approve I'm sorry 2023 budget money that we identified in 2022 that's in the Parks and wrecks that just kind of got rolled over and now we're talking about and all I'm all I asked for then and I think uh we probably had some questions this afternoon so made clear I want to see the plan because uh the parks and rec director says oh well we need to do the lighting and we need to do the buck Dustin uh bathroom and we need to do Z I can't remember what the third one is the the what C the community center yeah the 700,000 I'm sorry the the park for 700,000 or the playground for 700,000 okay that's fine but that's not what's in the budget that's not what got approved definitely didn't get approved in 23's budget so bring us all these monies and show us and bring us a you know budget amendment or whatever needs to be done that says this is what you approve Council but this is what we're recommending that you approve now because we we keep talking about well we're going to do this or we need to do that or but but it hasn't been approved by the council okay what's been approved by the council is the $43,000 that was approved in the FY 23 budget that didn't get spent last year bless you and then you know we've got a large number that hasn't been spent this year and so I'm just trying to and we can say well it's because of this or it's because of that it didn't get spent because we didn't spend it you know it wasn't because of you know we just haven't gotten the projects rolled through at the pace that we thought we would uh and so I just want to know what the plan is for this amount of money going forward and if your recommendation is let's do all the lights and that's the number one party that's fine then we'll hash it out up here and we'll either approve it or we won't approve it or we'll approve partially you know but bring up something because we're just sitting here doing nothing with our parks and Rex money that we should be doing something and I guess Lisa is not going to be here tonight to discuss the bathroom at Buck dtin Park because that was one of my issue or one of my questions this afternoon did we ask her if she was willing to consider that or we're just going to wait till the next no sir she hasn't responded to phone calls or emails and she is responding to a legitimate family emergency this afterno um the first motion is to move this item to the August 12th special council meeting where you can vote uh that is focused upon budget um so given this discussion um perhaps that would be the the motion to choose well is because this is Parks and Rec's budget so I want Lisa you know do we think she'll be back by next Monday and that she will have had time to because don't don't bring me the well here we want to do this I want to see the dollars where you're taking them from and where you want to put them for the monies that were approved and unspent in parks and recck in 23 and this year in 24 and where you intend to spend them and I know there's no way on God's green earth we'll get them spent before the end of this FY so now we're talking about rolling money over yet again and the needs are there you know I just I don't understand why why we're not getting it done but if if you want to bring it back on the 12th if you think you'll be ready but I want to see dollars you know moving out of this column moving in that column at least a recommendation because the council's we probably disagree you know I know uh councilman Schmidt would say he he his number one priority might be the AstroTurf or whatever that stuff is in the infield my number one pror part probably be the lights let's you know get it done because everybody uses the lights not everybody might use the AstroTurf but bring us something and if you can do it in seven days fine I'm fine with it I move to include this agenda item with details for discussion at the August 12th 2024 budget special council meeting all right I have a motion I'll second that and with the understanding that if we don't have the information we'll just have to table it again all right councilman Schmidt for discussion sure thank you Mr babby um I really appreciate everything that you're saying you know to kind of echo some of that um this this Council asked nearly a year ago for a plan for that complex um so you know that that's been discussed and requested for a little while because there are big needs uh the items that I believe was what they're presenting to us and then I'm I'm happy to talk about it on the 12th is they're wanting I believe take all the money that's left over and put it to the two or three big ticket items that we've been discussing in regards to the communion Center the lights and then I think they're going to see whatever's left over um you know those are those are emergency type of items those are emergencies I guess they're calling them uh that's Up For Debate honestly in my opinion but that's there's not that that was never planned if we would have planned we would be taken care of that so again I agree with you we need that plan we need the plan um and so you know we won't I won't do it tonight because we'll do it on the 12th um but you know there's you brought up Turf sure I mean yes that's been budgeted for I think two or three years and it keeps getting pushed keeps getting pushed and so I think it's approximately 100 to 125 $5,000 away from just making it happen in you know in this fiscal year and to me there's 75,000 from the field lighting that's not going to get done this year 75,000 from the Morgan's bathroom that's not going to get done this year it probably won't get done until 26 we're going to apply for the grant next year so you know I won't do it tonight but I am going to ask to finish the stuff that we are we planned two years ago that we're still just kicking down the road you know um because we need to and the money is there and we're not using it uh and the turf can be used by any and all uh any and all people not just baseball people but um but yeah and that's that's one of my points because I was going to ask to do that tonight but I'll wait till 12th because there is $150,000 that can be moved over and I think the quote is too high because it was over a year ago that was even taken and I know it's can be lower now so that could get done and then the next 90 days if they're ready to put the shovels in the ground which I don't think we're going to do that but um I I agree with you and I hope to have that full plan because we need to see the plan for next year and two years from now and five years from now and we're going to have a master Parks plan but I think we talked about 8 months ago the master Parks plan and the plan for our sporting and Parks and Recreation facilities were two different things and we should be getting two different plans there um the master Parks plan from the parks and W committee and whoever else is coming be touching it shouldn't delay some of these things so um but yeah I'll support the motion tonight for Miss A bear and I hopefully we can figure out how to start you know doing some of these fixes and upgrades that we have been planning for three years to do and and continue to plan so thanks all right Council M gal thank you sir Crystal I have a question for you this 2.4 million that that's potentially available does it have to stay with parks and wrecks or can it be transferred to other no the 2.4 million that we're talking about is unrestricted so it can go anywhere that's correct so while we're sitting here talking about artificial turf we still have how much do we need for the storm water review for the engineering storm water review to help save some of these people's property from erosion so I I have on hand estimates uh close to $4 million that's mostly for engineering design and reviews of storm rer projects that that need to be accomplished so all in all in storm water we probably have you know upwards of $50 million of work that needs done because we only have about 11 miles of storm water system along our 66 miles of roadways 66 miles of roadways 11 miles of storm water there and is that storm water congruent does it all connect or is it just peace work together at the moment it's peace work together but we would like to improve connectivity okay so we're over here worried about a little bit of uh little bit of infield grass when I think there's a lot bigger things we could be concentrating on right now some of those other things I mean we're debating over whether or not to uh charge a short-term Minal impact fee to these people that are making hundreds of thousands of dollars off off our community and we're not concentrating on the important things in my opinion which are the ones that protect the people's property locally so I I don't know why we're sitting here arguing about a few little things on a a ballpark when we have much bigger projects to to keep in mind right councilman Bagby yeah I actually agree with both of you because you know we're still going to have something at for prong Lake which is a storm water project the state's willing to give us a million but we still got to find some and that is a storm water nightmare that the city contributes to has always contributed to but to councilman Schmid's uh point I I agree uh and the more I dig into this the more I see well we you know because there's too many round numbers the first thing you learn about budgeting is when everything's 100,000 or 250,000 or 125,000 that's not really budgeting nobody actually did the work to go what does that actually cost because they just kind of either put it as a placeholder or that was their best guess based on I talked to somebody and they said you know it' be about 125,000 if it came in at 127 and 300 okay somebody actually got a quote okay they actually that may be too low or too high to your point because it's two years old so I think we we really need when we go through the budgeting process with a fine tooth comb and look at some of these budgeted budgeted amounts for 25 and say is that a is that more important than fixing another mile of storm water or whatever I don't know but that that's what we get paid for I'm sorry councilman Schmid yeah thank you I just was gonna respond to Mr G real quick um I don't think anybody's arguing up here um I think me and Mr Bagby were talking in agreement and I was in agreement with Miss AB bear um no no arguing going on up here and there's there's nobody screaming about our artificial turfs I think I mentioned that one time for about 10 seconds there are a lot of projects on our budget a lot of projects uh unfortunately due to in my opinion lack of certain leadership over the years planning has not happened correctly and when there's plans in place we can help better our city so I'm not trying to say the the Turf is more important than the water nobody said that up here so maybe just I know we're far away from each other but um I'm very excited about all the projects that we have I can't wait to to to talk about them and yeah I can hear you we've been agreeing all night with each other so far and I I enjoy the the the camaraderie that we have tonight so I look forward to the 12th meeting I look forward to the next meeting about the budget I look forward to all of them and if staff wants to present to us a legitimate plan like they hopefully will I'll dissect it and Talk Amongst With You Guys Legally here on the dis and then we can make those decisions together hopefully so but no arguing from my side I I look forward to all the projects yeah and maybe I'm just used to the past the the banter back and forth in the past so maybe I'm just a little overzealous all right so we got a motion in a second um we're going to be talking about this on the 12 Crystal anyone from staff anything that we could potentially talk about now to set you guys up for a better plan just kind of last bite from your guys's standpoint of anything in particular or you know we can all talk to you guys one-on-one independently uh I was going to suggest you know everyone bring their own version of the plan to uh staff but I didn't know just last thoughts before we vote on this yes so uh to councilman bagby's point I'll have uh Lisa F our Parks director recommend two options and uh at the August 12th meeting and I believe she has that prepared I I just wish she'd been here tonight to um give that proposal all right with nothing else I will call the vote the vote being for this to oh there we go eyes have it so moved all right crystal all right next up we have our code compliance director Choy Williams to give a presentation on Code Compliance Department and for the record eyes had at 70 how we doing tonight excellent um I don't know about a presentation obviously I I was asked to present some stuff on code um sent you all a agenda packet to review uh it included uh last year's uh accomplishments year and Report goals and objectives uh where we stand uh this year a uh copy of the calls uh total calls for service and proactive calls uh to date well at the time July 15th a uh map of proactive calls around the city and I might have included the uh the workflow of a particular case um I really I just wanted to open up for questions and see where you know if there's any concerns you know areas of you know needed further explanation um just you know let it flow and see where where it took us right C Stevens hey Troy thanks for putting this together yeah um I got a couple questions um the uh the data you had is um I was reviewing that is there any data that shows how many um calls that you guys get after hours or on weekends um the I have to get with Andy the underg system is not super friendly with ping a lot of spefic specific information I think we can get you some of that I don't know how you know it will capture everything um because I don't correct me if I'm wrong uh but when we enter a case I I don't think it allows a specific area for time that would kind of go in the narrative so it would take a little bit of work to find that but I'm sure we can get you something okay cool um another question um with with the current officers you that you have how many of them are actually face certified right now I saw in the sure whenever you apply for it you have that onee Gap to get it certified yeah so I mean currently we are allotted for 16 total staff to include director deputy director Administrative Assistant two part-time code officers and the rest you know code officers uh we currently have half that right now um and of those I mean the uh Administrative Assistant doesn't need to be you know face certified but uh one two three four we have five of them base certified okay cool um I was kind of I was just reviewing the um the job applications and um I almost feel like we should have one for like a crossing guard I mean that way I I feel like more people would apply for a crossing guard application as opposed to a code compliance officer it might be easier to fill it's a good question part of the sell that I made last year in order to get the amount of I mean Destin is very specific I think around the state in as far as what code does and I think I exp you know put that in the uh the overview um but one of the things is you know the crossing guard Duties are split between Public Works parks department and Code Compliance it's like hey if we get us get us all the people we're asking for we'll take over crossing guard duties uh full-time from those other departments because they obvious have important jobs as well um we're going to need their assistance to start the year cuz we're down a little bit um but but you know they the officers get crossing guard certified and again specifically if you're just doing that um then you know you're not you're not getting the benefit of having them do the other you know duties that a code officer would be doing okay um I guess last question um uh I notic that we're having like a lot of different registrations what there's short-term rental Livery Beach vendor we'll see if we have what condo short-term renters or down the line I mean is it worthwhile for us to even look at potentially having like a Registration Department to where like code clients can focus more on actually um with I'm not opposed to that I mean that's I mean worthy of a conversation like I said there there's a lot of different things that code is responsible for and even with the additional Staffing that we had um now we've lost a few for a variety of reasons um I mean they're doing Yan's work out there and remarkable work um but that registration process does take a long time you know and takes up a lot of time so I mean I would definitely be willing to explore some other ideas so okay cool well appreciate you so much yep he councilwoman abar um I think it's about maybe five six weeks ago I had to was told by somebody hey Code Department a bunch of them walked out they're down to about four or five people I sent an email to Lewis Lewis sent an email to you you replied back no we've had a couple guys leave one was attrition and one gave us notice we're still good to go but while you were on your vacation um there was like literally maybe two code guys that could handle what was going on so there's like all these cases that are like followups and there's no followup I mean on four different places there's neighbors that complain and complain they're like what's going on is nobody working and so I mean I realized you're short-handed but you're really short-handed now correct we're we're missing half the staff and mean I'm glad you brought it up I mean we I mean we can all talk about pay for you know city employees and whatnot I'm sure every local government faces that same issue so it's I mean it's no different here I we did have a few you know leave for different uh for higher paying positions uh you know we had one this was a little while ago it was here for 30 days left for uh you know better paying position we had one here for two weeks left for better paying position we had one that was set to start the day before she was going to start you know took another job elsewhere uh we had a couple officers that were you know like retirement age and they love to do other things and be with their families and we we partner with a couple that needed to be partnered with so that gets us to where we're at now my recommendation what I would like to see happen is I mean we're one of the few departments in the state that works the amount of days and hours that we do you know and I understand that you know you want a lot of coverage but the majority of our issues occur during the week and during the weekday and especially now with the limited Staffing we have you know if we have we got one officer working afternoons tonight if he were to call off sick you'd have no coverage you know anyways so I'd like to see us you know come back right now for at least a little while to straight day shift you know 7 to4 8 to5 maybe even 9 to6 something like that and so I have more people working at the same time to address more problems at the same time and they can lean on each other and support each other back each other up that what I'd like to see happen but you know take any input or ideas or anything you have well as the Director I would fully support you bringing that to the city manager and it's justifiable now that you're down to five employees it kind of makes no sense that you have nights and the weekends and all that when you barely have enough to take care you're nin to-5 deal sure the other question is in the hiring process is it stressed to these people that this is a job that you're not going to be like hugged and loved on like you know the sheriff goes and and gets a free meal cuz he works hard and you're going to be always the negative naysay I mean the expectation of what these employees are going to have to do is that is that shared with them in like hiring process because I think we're probably not hiring the right people that understand that you can't wear your heart on your sleeve you you got to take this job with a grain of salt this is your job is always enforcing those that need to know what the rules are and that are always trying to skirt past them two things I I I think I understand what you're saying uh I I do think we're hiring the right people and again some of them have left for other reasons it is explained to them what this job entails now again you might not really understand it until you get out there I mean we had we've had one resident you know email over 470 times in the last 90 days you know with issues or concerns so it's until you experience it you know kind of like being a police officer you don't know about it until out there you know and so we try to explain it to them we give them the layout of what it is they go through the field training um but it's an experience once you get out there all right Council M hey Troy how are you outstanding yourself I'm all right I appreciate the fact you're given the politically correct version of why some of these people love State and facts well you know that I have a personal relationship with several of these people right and you know that during that time um I asked them specifically why they left and money was the third that was the absolute third reason why some of these people left and I don't know if you're comfortable with me explaining to the council why one and two and if you're not I'll stop right now you ask me questions I'll answer them all right well the first one and this isn't a question but I'll I'll tell you the first response I got from the majority is the lack of support from Council whenever they work their butt off to to find these these uh people breaking the law or or infractions and and we just give away the farm when they up here that really irritates these people the second one was lack control of citizens the way that the citizens can can just attack them through email directly and and and not give them peace of mind and go through the proper chain of command and the third was money um so it's it's not strictly a money issue there's uh there's there's a more serious issue in my mind and no matter who we put in that place if we don't correct one and two I don't think we're ever going to keep somebody in that role um but back to this other question so this is about a citizen that's contacted me and asked me specifically about the statistics and I might be asking this wrong because I try to write this down but um on the informational only what they were asking is if the registration stickers you put on the signs is that counted as a case it can be uh this year we um before we would give the registration stickers to the owner of the Str Str you know the property manager to put on there and then we wouldn't always get the follow-up picture um to include in the case so this year we wanted to try to you know put them on ourselves and see how that went since we had more Staffing so we would send out officers with stacks of them and that would be one informational case case and not just you know we weren't put on 12200 stickers and 1,200 cases so again and I think I sent this in an email today of the little over 3,000 cases so far this year 271 are listed as informational cases uh in just some of the examples that those um had Darlene pull them up earlier um responded to a beehive complaint uh fire and burn Pits on the beach homelessness issues a shopping cart in the rideway a deep freezer in the RightWay a first aid request uh again short-term rental checks uh pole light inoperable a dogs on the beach that's just to name several of them there's others so specifically to your question it isn't you know there isn't 1,200 informational cases because there's 1,200 short-term rentals I mean we would lump them all into if you know officer Smith went out and put 50 amount that'd be one case all right well again that was for a citizen's question not not mine specifically but I appreciate your answer all about transparency yes sir councilman Bagby what what's a proactive case you talked about proactive cases is this what what what is that proactive case is simply anything a code officer he or she goes out and initiates on their own without receiving a call from a citizen an email or a complaint through energov okay and what normally uh starts a proactive case other than they observe something I mean are you doing right of way are you doing parking are you doing or is it just all 200 pieces of the code that could possibly be violated it's what they see it's what they see when they're out driving around okay I mean I don't mean to oversimplify it and I think you would understand you know proactive is them again going out and finding something reactive is somebody calling us to tell us about it that mean that simple so when I was reading through your report um a couple of things struck me first of all we have you doing the wrong things okay we're asking you to do the wrong things uh short and long-term rental registration and enforcement I get the enforcement your code enforcement officers why are you doing the registration that's how it was when I yeah okay that see that's that's we've always done it a bad answer so I and I and I like you Troy but you're not going to you're not going to have a good answer when uh and it's not your fault because that is the way we've always done it but then I go to Livery vessel registration and enforcement I get the enforcement you are code enforcement why are you doing the registration my God we got enough admin people you know when I got my parking sticker I finally got a parking sticker by the way my first one you know I went into the city hall with your registra with my registration and my driver's license and I got my parking sticker heck put two people there okay and say do all the regist beach vendor registration and enforcement why are you doing the registration the uh parking enforcement I got paid parking rway parking I got that crossing guards why on God's green earth or even public works you know the school system you want to look at how much money they bring in every year let let me tell you it is hundreds of millions if not I think we're over a billion now are we clst half half a bill half billion okay and we're providing the crossing guards for I get it it's our kids we love our kids but the school system gets paid gets our money gets more of our money than the city does and they can't provide the school crossing guards for there I mean there are enough parents that would volunteer I would have volunteered when my girls cuz they walked to school when we when they went to elementary school you know I would have volunteered to do that so why are we doing you know stop work orders I get that beach Patrol okay the sheriff has a beach Patrol I mean I get it there's a dog that's a code you're going to go down there dogs aren't allowed on the beach in dtin you got to go over to Walton County you got to have your little tag and all this but half the stuff we have you doing you and your team doing in my mind we shouldn't have you doing now that that's where we're wrong to councilman G's wrong where I think I question yours is you had in this report I think 12 people 14 maybe you had 14 okay two part- times six guards and then six admin people you had a cashier okay here here this is this just amazed me let me uh pull it up here and I will I think I Troy I believe those were examples of other code enforcement schedules those aren't yours because we don't have cashier or any of those other positions those were just example schedules well why are they in our report are you talking about this thing yeah you got the c-e director the administrative assistant the deputy director and the op training coordinator and the rest are code officers okay but then go down to the next page not sure which one you're referring to let me pull it up yeah so you got code schedules you got a manager you got a cashier you got two front desk people so is this someplace else because I assumed this was our code schedule for Tuesday and then Wednesday and if it's not ours why the heck is it in here I'm not sure what you're looking at yeah page two of the shift schedule the the second docu uh yeah see they're not didn't the other pages so the first page is yours that's it this is yeah this is I didn't put that top page page one of seven so C manager what what are those sheets why are they in this report yeah this item was prepared before Lewis and um Troy left on vacation um so I assume that the two of them had gone through the the packet in detail he just returned today um after publication and neither of them were are the shift schedules describe this well currently we have I mean again what you're looking at I I didn't put in there and this is our shift schedule yeah just look at page one page one no I I got that okay so you can whatever that other thing is you can scrap that because that that's not accurate so is that not our people I again I don't have that in front of me I didn't put that in there I don't know what and we don't have a city manager right now so delete those from your your project page they're not theirs all right what do we getting at well the point is is you have half your folks doing code enforcement and half your folks not doing Cod enforcement that's not exactly true because we have the deputy director we had a or we have the director we had a deputy director we have an administrative assistant everybody else is a Code office well we had the option training coordinator because we had an additional supervisor because we had more staff okay so nobody's working cashier front desk that correct okay the and I'm sorry Troy this template that is uploaded on here this is just a draft template your schedule is on the first tab the rest of the tabs is just a a template that you can populate got deleted yes deleted don't show us something if you don't want us to read and ask questions about it that that's that's the rule you should learn we are down some leadership I mean if it's if it was somehow attached to this I apologize and I didn't notice it but again this was the only this is what we're doing that other stuff I somehow didn't realize was in their Earth so and in yeah in Walton County they have as you may be aware Beach code and street code so the street code does building inspects the buildings inspects all you know the things that you would expect code enforcement to do and then the beach code basically enforces the beach coats you know the dogs the holes the bonfires all that other stuff and they do go at night I would disagree with you on I need everybody 9 to5 or I predominantly need everybody 9 to5 cuz that's not when people violate the codes that's not when people violate the parking codes okay if you want to see the parking you know they can park no parking overnight I guarantee you there's not a night goes by that there's not multiple violations of people parking where they're not supposed to be overnight well we don't have anybody that's ever worked overnight no yeah so why do we have that code then pardon me why do we have that code if we're not going to enforce it I guess my my point is look we're asking you or you're doing things because that's what we've always done that you should have no business and that's on us I mean we're following the job description that's that's what's the city's off you know saying this is what you need to be doing that's what we're doing okay and we have failed to give you priorities and we've talked about this before you know again everybody has different priorities RightWay parking overnight parking uh those would be probably two of my biggest ones trash can obviously you know all the registration I don't want you doing registration we we can hire interns you know kids After High School to come in and do registration you know fill out this form give me this form that is not what we should be paying Code Enforcement Officers do and we just need you and the city manager to sit down and say this is what we're proposing to do I'm not saying it's anything bad about oh well we wrote all these tickets yeah I agree with proactive because too often in the past code all code not just y'all because I've had them work for me well we have to give them a warning we have to give them time to correct no you don't if you're parked illegally you don't have to give them a warning so that you come back in 24 hours to see if they move their car you're parked illegally that's against the code here's your ticket have a nice day and that's you know that's just something we have to direct you to do and we haven't done that yet all right Council M thank you thank you Troy for uh being here tonight and staff as well thank you all um I mean a couple of comments and some questions if you don't mind absolutely um I think we have I feel that most of us or all of us have supported your department um you gave us five addition I was going to say I mean we've I think we've we've taken a lot of action by supporting the code department so um I I I definitely think that we're doing that if we're not doing that I would uh hope that um you or somebody would come up here and and talk to us about that and I would hope that these numbers bear out that we're taking those you know we're doing a lot more work than had been done before right um and so I do appreciate all your crew um what they're doing um all over all over the city so proactive cases one of my questions you answered to Mr Bagby um um and that makes sense so I guess that means then that 60% of the cases through July you're considering have been proactive because I took I took uh I'll tell you how I got that I took uh 1,700 approximately it's on that little chart you you put in the in the map says 1,798 proactive cases and then there's a total on a chart that says we've had total of 5,032 oh that was last year it turns out being 64% though 64 okay yeah so 64% is that I mean that's that's I guess you agree with that I mean obviously that's the numbers right I'm I'm looking at it and I don't I need a calculator but when I gave you the July 15th update there was 2955 total cases 1,93 which were considered proactive cas cases right so yeah so 64% of your total cases are proactive according to the numbers here um when we look at beach do do do we have jurisdiction like all along the beach behind condo properties to like do code enforcement behind a like a private property a condo well I mean again if there's a a private condo if they're in you know up in the um is it the beach chairs is that the only thing that we could do something to we could we we have jurisdiction over the vendor the beach vendors yes but then anything else happening like on the sand like we don't well I mean again if we're driving by in CA right sand hole that's dangerous we're probably going to stop and say something I mean I don't think you'd want us drive them by it gotcha um do we know the 2024 Livery vessel registration numbers I saw they were not added on here and I think that's season registration is closed for Li vessels well on the I'm showing 564 Livery vessel registrations complete on uh 2024 at the bottom of this 2024 that's that's an our packet yes sir compliance Department stats for 2024 here's what it looks like there you go oh okay okay sorry thank you different table sorry about that worries that one okay um when you look at the map which thank you for providing that map uh like to thank Corey from GIS yeah helping us out there and Andy I'm just making assumptions and general generalizations here so I could be wrong but if I look at the top of the map that's everything except Crystal Beach basically that's holiday aisle Destin proper you know when you look at the bottom that's Crystal Beach I I couldn't count count them all but a lot of the dots are in Crystal Beach a lot of the dots yes which I would assume those are probably like short-term rental registrations or noise beach stuff ice cream things like that mhm so when you look at you know the one above destined proper you know it's it's got some dots but it's lacking um the same amount I guess you would say on your PL on your patrol zones we have Crystal Beach holay Isle Harbor North of 98 and then Beach who comes up with those zones is that Louis and I discussed them okay so uh do you have like if Staffing per Zone in perfect world or we currently don't have the I mean I can't can't if we if we had a full staff I mean is it I mean I could again put one person in each Zone um but again because we have even with the we had all 16 employees even with this spread out coverage of hours and Staffing again you're going to have not as many people in the evening that you do in on the day shift and so you're not going to have all four zones covered so I could you know we could do that on the day shift in the day shift we could have people all four Z assuming we were fully staffed covered right um you know because uh some of the questions I always get are you know like Kevin why can't we clean up this this area of town or why why is it my neighbor is you know doesn't get in trouble but I did and things like that and we've talked about priorities we' talked about well they got complained and then you didn't and types of things I mean when I look at your top seven code violations for 2024 you know I feel like some of these the overall numbers get um kind of skewed because 471 code violations are snipe signs mhm which are yard signs right I mean political signs garage shell signs mostly in the rights away in the rights away you know and so when we talk I mean I guess they pick up a sign they put it in their computer that's a code that's an entry an entry parking is 405 violations is that like uh the parking lots that we have uh probably mostly RightWay parking violations okay and then we have RightWay protection what would that mean again if it um encroachment into the right away not necessarily through parking okay gotcha well then the third one was short-term rental you know issues um that can be a variety of you know whether it's noise garbage registration you know they don't have their sticker right parking um you know do you think your department should be doing registration like Mr Bagby mentioned you know kind of brought up we've always done that is that something that you feel like your department should do I mean it's my understanding it's you know code has been its responsibility for several years right but like it's your department do you think the code enforcement department should be handling the registration there's some Synergy in that because we're doing the enforcement of it and I understand you know councilwoman Bagby had you know maybe you can get some interns or clerical staff but you know each Str Str has to submit certain documents they got to get a BTR you know Flor dwelling license and all that stuff's got to be reviewed and I don't know that you want you know uh an intern maybe reviewing all this stuff where you know people's time money efforts you know are being reviewed you know you want somebody who who knows the system so I would make an argument yes that we probably should be doing it but I I'm open to the conversation like are there other ways to do it right yeah always open for conversation but you know I would hope the you know I I don't want to micromanage every single Department in the city of dtin um sure and so nor we want that right um I don't think it's our job to do that in my opinion so if you as a director you know don't want to do certain things or do want to do certain things I'm hoping that you know that that will come to you through the city manager and then to the city council um you know I just me uh priorities I don't get too caught up on priorities for me and people I talk to in in town it's more of just um treating everybody equally right it's it's making sure the streets of Dustin are safe and clean and and whatnot and I get the proactive numbers that you've given to me it's it seems it's crazy that 64% of our cases are proactive um but I'll take it like what you have but I I still feel in my opinion that there's a big piece missing of taking care of destined citizens residents as number one priority I mean when you look through the dots if that's Crystal Beach and mainly short-term rental you know those are visitors I get it those are the businesses maybe um but when you look at what's not happening proactively is Main Street interner streets Kelly Beach all all the the the majority um of the city and where people live every single day and those are the calls that I get from people that have issues uh how do you fix that I mean I don't know I mean I guess maybe Mr babby talks about priorities we need to tell y'all what priorities are I would rather have the sheriff's department who has Beach Patrol be enforcing beach stuff and then when they need a code depart code enforcement officer do something for the city then we go out there that would be my thought that's one idea for me um I would rather um I would rather have um you know people in that zone in the oldtime Destin doing proactive stuff where they're driving around the streets sure and seeing those things whenever you get back to full staff hopefully um you know I don't I don't think we need to prioritize livery vessel short-term vessels or rentals and do that I think we just need to do the the job that hopefully is there and and treat everybody equally and I mean I respect I feel like we're doing that and again Destin is very unique and I've done some research I mean the you know you want to change your responsibilities and what's in the job description we can have that conversation but I don't think you're going to find another Code Department that does as many different job duties as you'll see here in in this city right you do a lot I agree with you and you provided that to us you guys do um you guys do short-term rental registration liery vessel registration investigation of illegal illegal Charters Beach vendor registration Beach Patrol you know um issuance of warning citations of notice of hearings and all that like I get it y'all do a lot but half of those things in my opinion are not even city of Dustin residential code stuff you know and in the very beginning of your mission of the code Department it talks about Hometown department and and and having a community type of things and those things affect our community I agree but maybe we do need to look at having some police officer code enforcement guys that just do these you know knocking down doors and then we have some community outreach folks that do the crossing guards and do the riding on a bicycle and and and and riding through the back streets of Destin and and and just because it says through education that says your mission through education and maybe we need to do maybe we need to look at doing that you know and and just a thought but I know I'm rambling but this is I know we've been talking a while for code enforcement to here to be here but I just you know I appreciate what all you guys do but you know I unfortunately the the the loudest of of the you know the complainers are are things that we always hear about we don't see the stuff that goes on and I get that too but I still feel like city of Destin's Code Department could do better for the residents of Destin and I just I truly feel like that and I know many people do as well and and this and how do I may I offer this when I first got here I'll offer it again I I welcome you all to come out at any time you want even if for a couple hours and do a ride along with the officers right I mean if it's in the city of Destin code then in my opinion it affects the entire city of Dustin so yeah I mean Dustin is a tourist Community AB you've got your homegrown you know residents that are here but you're supported by the tourist community and that drives a lot of the and that drives a lot of the complaints so that's where a lot of the complaints are going to be handled just that's just the nature of the Beast right but I I understand what you're saying and we will continue to look at it and you know make concerted efforts to get into the neighborhoods so my last question is where where do you see the next six months 12 months what are your goals here besides trying to get your staff back yeah I talked to HR today um's your hopes they've you know we're trying to schedule interviews of people that have submitted applications because the the uh or the applications are online so try to Fast Track those as quickly as possible get them in get them trained so we can get back up to Staffing so we can again do more and you're training them help but we've got some you know good officers alen's one of them that can uh you know help get them trained the other thing is the face certification it's not super conen venient they don't hold a ton of classes on this side of the state they've they do a few I mean the first time ever that Des was able to host when we hosted one last year and so we've established a pretty good relationship with them and hopefully we'll get another one uh you know to come back and so you know it's it cost money to send them you know travel PR DM or hotel and whatnot so I mean training is a high priority with me and we will get them trained when we get them on so right K and Dustin thank you sir I just want to remind everybody that Troy works for the city manager not US city manager works for us if we're going to tell something or if we feel something should be a priority goes to the city manager then to him and we do need to do more of that if 64% of our cases are proactive that means they weren't a priority other than the officers saw something so we need to do better job on those priorities we also need to do a a better job on probably education on the code I know the sheriff's department has an attorney that works for them and tells them what the law is when necessary um and the sheriff's department doesn't do code enforcement they're trying to they're trying to keep the cities and the in the streets safe if uh they did code enforcement we wouldn't need a code enforcement board and and and we would need about three times as many Sheriff deputies as we have now um and appreciate you being here tonight and and I'm just puzzled about do you have a priority list at all I mean our priority I mean life safety issues are the first thing that that we have I mean I again typically we get a lot of calls for parking noise short-term rental you know non-registration um give you the you know list of some of the other things that come up um but I mean life safety would you know if there's a and again do all the stop work orders for Community Development ask us to do something so you know and and I'm am constantly getting queries about uh and this is just information only I'm not telling you to do anything about you know the beach vending is that a priority I mean we've it appears from the reports I've gotten that we still continue to have U vendors going up down the beach with wheel carts that are not in the wateran it's a prior I mean again but it with lack of Staffing it's hard to be out there eight hours a day seven days a week how many tickets how many citations have we issued in the last three months do you know a couple but again getting a picture on an email that you you know you may have also gotten doesn't necessarily mean that's when it happened and that's where it's happened so I get I get that part but if if you're not out there you have to be out there yeah can't fix it if we're not there and and I would think that if we uh haven't made that a priority we have because otherwise it's obvious that that uh we just are not enforcing a rule that really has been brought to the Forefront on us and if you think you given a couple of citations I I can get you a hard number but I I think it's at least a couple you could get one for me right yes sir okay and that would just be information only I'm not telling you to do anything we will we will uh we will discuss a priority at the next meeting perhaps since it's not on the agenda tonight but that's in in the the instructional part I know you get new guys and have had quite a few new guys coming in and out and do you do you have classes where perhaps a City attorney or or an attorney who's familiar with the code tries to explain to what your guys exactly what the code says absolutely we we've had meetings with Kim and Community Development Community Development separately um over the course of you know this this last year at different times to a help us understand what you want us to do specifically things you want us to focus on and again with some change over that's going to that's a reoccurring thing that you know needs to happen and I know we've talked about you know making that a uh a monthly thing so you're working with maybe the attorney on a weekly basis or semi we talk fairly often we used to have training I don't think we've done it in like six or seven months maybe so we probably need to restart that but we used to have it we were trying to do monthly and then I think there was some turnover and somehow it stopped but we we probably probably need to reimplement that yeah and and I would think that is very important so make sure that they understand what the codes are and I'll be making a motion at the next meeting since you work for us to make that happen and uh so we can go forward with that sure and I got to listen to them Trey I know your time is very stretched as particularly with our city manager out of the out of the picture at the moment so I don't want to stress you out right away but that's something we need to get back to no I'm not stressed about it I think it's helpful for them and Community Development and all of us to get on the same page so we we do well when we have those more regularly okay and uh you know finally I'd say you touch people in the community more than anybody the only people who touch them more I suppose with a bigger heavier touch is the law enforcement sure so we need to make sure that the relationship between you and the public is good and the best way to do that is to make sure that we understand what the law is and that they understand so that that to me is one of our issues the other issue is You Know It uh we've got to get our arms around the the beach vending and make sure that if our ordinance says you can't do it and maybe we'll change the ordinance if the council so votes but if it says you can't do it and it's been going on for six or eight months blatantly which it sounds like we need to make that a priority and and straight that issue out otherwise it makes the rest of our enforcement uh efforts not have much teeth in them absolutely uh two or since you mentioned I I just recalled that I I believe we have one of those cases oh sorry I believe we have one of those Beach vending cases going to the to court and so I think you know depending on which way the the judge or magistrate rules will give us some you know good direction so I think I just wanted to mention that kind of like with the last year's the uh 20 foot mean High waterline ruling by the judge with the beach vendors I think that was helpful for us the city well it appears to me that that rules irrelevant since I've not seen one in the water yet I've seen them on the beach and clearly we do have jurisdiction there MH thanks all right councilman bag let's wrap this up yeah uh on the dot map is that a direct feed from your database or is did you have to manually build that uh I'd have to check with Cory but I think he was able to somehow pull that through the addresses okay good I I would think that there was an automated way to do that because to councilman Schmidt's point I I was amazed to see that there were only three complaints in Indian Bou okay one of the most populous neighborhoods in this entire city and there was only three complaints and I would say not I'm defending Crystal Beach but there are a lot of full-time residents in Crystal Beach and they probably are the ones that are calling you going hey it's 10:00 and the people next door who think because they're spending three or $4,000 this week to stay in that house next door think they can party till 2: a would you please you know go over do something about them uh because and i' I've had I don't call y'all I call our neighborhood security and say hey sure tell tell the boys to go to bed next door I got to get up and go to work or they're going to be very sad when I lay on that horn at 6:00 a.m. when I get ready to pull out you know but I wouldn't want to be that kind of neighbor but well this is just the but I could be proactive cases it doesn't you know doesn't show I mean there could be calls to you know that location saying just not listed in this yeah on this sheet okay all right that wraps of any discussion is there anything from our end that we can help you guys with off the top of your head it got touched on by a couple of the council uh Council people um just the support to the you know as councilman dtin said you know other than law enforcement we we're probably the most you know visible out there and you know the code officers you know need to know that they're supported and you know there has been some you know verbal beatings taken by code you know either through email or in person I whatever it's worth I was ver verbally assaulted uh Friday as I was leaving um in the lobby by a lady who was needed to say something and so I mean I'm not going to lose any sleepover but you know at two other code officers who witnessed that so knowing that you are aware that these things happen you see them that they know that they're supported so that would be my you know urge to you yeah and I think to piggy back off that I think while we also need a priority list we should also whether it's a verbal pledge for whatever council's up here that all the squeaky wheels go through the same pipe because I think getting attacked from eight different voters of or eight different elected officials on a topic it's probably overwhelming from time to time if we're all coming at different people with different side outs because we're all getting bombarded on our own platforms of whatever that may look like so sure yeah absolutely all right any that's just informational thanks Troy all right appreciate the time yeah appreciate you Troy thanks and the whole code team thank you guys thanks thank you all right crystal moving right along I'm just going to lie to everyone all right so um Andy you're going to invite uh Jerry Ford to be on teams so he can listen to this item the next item that we have is regarding the uh the proposals that we're going to issue to request um proposals from Underwriters and from Bankers uh for the uh the $25 million that we need to borrow um so at the previous meeting Council requested that we revise the uh the proposals that we're going to put out on the or request for proposals that we're going to put out on the street uh both items were updated to alert Bankers that were looking at uh potential Bond issuance through an underwriter and to tell the underwriters that were also looking at a potential bank loan option uh both items were updated to inform respondents that the top three firms from each category both Banks and Underwriters are expected to attend the September 16th council meeting to discuss their proposals um we also refreshed the uh the underwriter request for proposals to explicitly request that the underwriters estimate interest rate ranges based on their perception of the city's potential credit rating and we updated the uh the one to the banks to explicitly request a variety of rates and structures includ including potential to renegotiate rates after 5 years um so that would be equivalent to a balloon payment um the way we phrased it uh so that at that point in time you could either chose to pay off and close out the loan or to refinance with them or with anybody else um this afternoon we took advice that um Council would prefer potentially to have that at a tenure level so we changed the wording from fiveyear rate um renewal to a 10-year balloon payment so um I have uh let's see Jerry Ford are you able to hear us and is are we able to hear him there he is I can hear you just fine great um so I have uh Jerry Ford uh if you'd like to speak briefly to this and then open this up for Council discussion sure we have uh two structures here one is through a bank loan a loan which would be 15 years in length a 15-year amortization with a 10-year balloon or a 20-year amortization with a 10year balloon both of those would give you 10year rates one the U 20-year amortization would most likely result in a slightly higher interest rate because it's longer average life and by the time you got to the 10-year period where the balloon was you would have less of a loan paid off so the 15-year would have a little bit more aggressive amorz that would be on the bank loan side we have identified more than 20 banks that this uh request will be going out to we have a list of about 40 but we think it's about 22 23 of them may have an interest and so with council's direction we would send it out to them the second is a proposal for Underwriters of a tax exempt bondage issue in the public markets uh they would come in and structure a transaction for uh 20 years and they would go out at a time certain after the documents were put together an offering statement was was developed and published they would go into the market and then take orders for those bonds and come back and offer the city an interest rate best an interest rate based on investor interest I think it's important to point out here that the two proposed will not allow you to compare apples and apples one is a basically a 10year loan with a 20-year amortization while the underwriting is a 20-year loan that has a feature built into it what we call a call date or optional Redemption feature that would allow you as the city to go in and pay it off in 10 years with no prepayment penalty so they are but you don't have to do that you could leave it out there and it could stay anywhere from 10 years all the way out to the final maturity of 20 years at your choice with you having the ability to take it away from the investors at any time the bank loan is somewhat different 10 years you would have a balloon payment you could renegotiate the interest rate with that bank or with another bank at that given time but the rate would be reset so you have a 10year rate versus a 20-year rate on the underwriting side uh and that is and both would be uh the underwriting is prepay the 10year bank loan is basically expires at that point unless you and the bank elect to renew it or you elect to go with another bank crystal is that pretty much in a nut cell sh what you understand yes so uh let's let um council members go ahead and and ask their questions all right c yeah thank you um for being here tonight um can you either Crystal touch on the last thing that you just said when you were presenting this that something was changed from a 10 a five to a 10 or a 10 to a five can I I I didn't quite grasp what you said that um in the invitation to negotiate with banks uh the way we had currently um after last meeting what we wrote was to ask the bankers to give us 15 and 20y year let's see make sure I'm looking at the right one uh 15 and 20-year amortization schedules uh level funded so fixed rate for up to five years with a five-year interest rate reset and uh this afternoon it was requested that we change that five-year interest rate reset to a 10-year interest rate reset and um Mr Ford as our uh the financial adviser to the city um based on all your years experience could you just explain to council how this might affect potential um proposals from both bankers and Underwriters sure if I could clarify just for a second um we did not in the original uh bank loan itm that you saw we did not ask for a 10-year rate we did ask for five years with a reset we have Chang CH that to a 10year balloon so basically the rate will be for 10 years with either a 15 or 20 year hammerz we'll have a balloon payment at the end you have the ability at that point to negotiate a new rate with the bank either the existing bank or a new bank at your liking uh but it does have a balloon payment with it so in the bank world the shorter we had also asked for a fixed rate of 15 years and of 20 years eliminating that request for a long-term fixed rate will mean that it puts more banks in a position to bid on it because not all banks will go out 15 years and not all banks will go out 20 years so from that standpoint you may get more interest in the loan the uh requirement for the top three Bank proposals to come and make a presentation to the city at a c city council meeting might discourage some banks that are not locally domiciled from from presenting a proposal uh it may or may not so that is that that is in a nutshell what that does it does not limit the market by putting in that 10year structure it actually broadens out the number of banks that can give you a tenure rate because not all again not all will go out 15 or 20 years it has no effect on the publicly offered bond issue side because a 20-year transaction with a 10-year option to prepay is very standard within the market M anything else yeah I know we've talked about this a couple times um and we've had some changes brought back um I'll go ahead and just kick off the recommended motion to release the RFQ and ITN as proposed on August 7 2024 all right I have a motion I he a second second right second from councilwoman AAR uh Council Schmid anything else all right counc mtin up next thank you mayor I've uh dealt with a lot of Bank over the years and very few of them want to go past 10 years now so it appears to me that we're writing this RFQ in a manner that we're not going to get much response matter of fact I don't know any that'll go 15 or 20 years the other question is why we went from a fiveyear to a 10-year interest renegotiation it was requested by who Crystal councilman Bagby and I'll sure he'll explain to me why that was a good idea but my problem with it is that by Stretch by telling the banks they have to do a 10 to 15 year amateurz we are probably going to cut the great majority of them out of bidding at all and why would we want to do that um I U Mr Ford I I'd appreciate if you would respond to that sure we do not believe that a 10year a 10year balloon will significantly degrade the number of people who will place a proposal in for you we believe that that will draw significant interest we think a 20-year fixed rate would or a 15year fixed rate but not but the balloon will help that out uh the there are certain Banks who will base their willingness to place a bid on the overall average life of the transaction so some who would find the average life of that 20year amortization or that 15year amortization too long would be discouraged from bidding but overall we think that there is a reasonable Market a reasonable number of banks who will submit at that level uh we are indifferent it's a policy it's a policy direction from the council that we are happy to follow as to whether or not it's a 10-year balloon or a fiveyear balloon we're happy to put them both in for you uh to see where you are uh that is uh that is simp simply an item of preference but we don't think it has a fundamental impact on the number of biders at this point um I'm afraid I would probably disagree with that and my question is I've been exposed to rfqs and bids now for 35 40 years both at the city and the in the uh County School District level and I have noticed that we often times craft rfqs to narrow down who we want to be able to really participate I would hope we're not doing this here the way that we can guarantee that we're not doing this here is just to invite the banks to give us their best deal any reason we can't do that we can certainly do it any way that Council would direct us to do it we're happy doing that if you want to be able to compare the offers that you get from the various Banks then those offers will have to be structured in a similar manner otherwise you'd be comparing apples with oranges I'm pretty so whether you I'm pretty good at comparing apples and oranges and I think the city council is too I would like to see what the best deal is somebody wants to give us and then we can figure out if it's apples oranges um so tell me how we can craft that to make it as e easy as we can for banks to uh to give us a good deal well we can we can go back to a structure that says tell us the tell us the longest term for which you would for which you would provide us a loan that's structured for a level Debt Service and tell us what rate that loan would be and tell us whether or not it would have a prepay prepayment pen penalty for early prepayment beginning in you pick the number of years whether it's beginning in five years or 10 years and there in you know at any time thereafter you could do it that way so it's left wide open to each bidder to say no I'll go seven years I'll go eight I'll go 10 I'll go 12 you can do that it makes it very difficult to analyze and I think award it um on a on a basis that you know can't be questioned later but that's that's fine that's a policy decision I guess what I would ask is we have sort of conflicting interest from the council and if y'all can decide what you'd like to see we'll be happy to craft it and bring that back to you and I believe that we can do that and we can make it effective for you but we need to have some shy as to what you actually want as a body okay and you you had a pretty good idea but at the first part of that um explanation and and that's all I'm asking you to do is to use your expertise to try to convey in the RFQ that that's that's what we're looking for and if you can do it in a Level Playing Field manner that would be good too but I uh I would like to see the at least the bank side of it give them an opportunity to be creative and and tell us what the best deal is they can give us rather than the road we're headed down right now which may pre exude some of them from even bidding if they don't want to go to that strict uh directions we have in the RFQ can can Council as a body give us a direction to do that as opposed to being very specific I'll I'll make a substitute motion that directs you on the banking side of the ledger to do that very thing and you come back with us you don't even need to come back with us as far as I'm concerned have confidence that you can do it and so I'll will make that as a substitute motion that you craft part of the RFQ that goes to the banking side to allow them some latitude and creativity in offering us uh a good deal okay okay I'm I'm confident that we can do that I got a substitute second from councilwoman AAR uh anything else okay uh councilman Bagby yeah uh and I have less confidence that you can do that so I would want to see it before it goes out under our name and I'll tell you why I structured it or ask them to restructure it the way they did number one the uh fiveyear rate reset basically what that said was if you're a bank and you win this bid in five years we'll reset the rate not recompete not go back out to Market we will reset that rate with you whereas a balloon okay says we're going to pay you off now we may negotiate with you and and all this stuff you know but this is more for everybody else a balloon says in 10 years we're going to pay you off and we can either negotiate with you or we can negotiate with another bank or we can negotiate with you know the Sandman and say hey uh we got a better rate your rates offering so the reason the 10year balloon was because Banks won't go 15 or 20 years so if you say we're going to do we want it amateurz over 20 years we'll do a rate reset in five years most of your Banks aren't going to do that because they're all they hear is we're doing a 20-year loan and yeah we can come back and get a little more money or you can get a little you can pay a little less depending on what the rates are in the General market out there but every five year that's a still a 20year loan as opposed to a 20-year amateurz with a 10year balloon payment or a 15year amateurz the only difference in the AM rates is you know if it's 15 years you're going to be paying more per year for those 10 years that you're paying until you pay off with that balloon payment or you go find another loan or you take out of your reserves and make that balloon payment however you you structure that payment so you will get actually more Banks and I I agree with him you'll get more Banks bidding where there's a 10-year balloon as opposed to where there's a 20-year uh or a 15-year amidization flat rate where we reset the rates after five years and then we reset them again after another five years and then after another five years so to to your point you get more Banks not less banks with with the balloon payment typically uh and I think I assume he said he agreed with that the other thing is on um giving them the flexibility I I want to give them as much flexibility but the the problem is is just as was pointed out you'll get some banks come back with 8ye loan and quite honestly we can't make the payments on an 8year your $25 million loan I don't even know any other way to say it other than we just don't have that money uh so that's why I ask for the longer uh amateurz schedule is because I want to see okay we this we can make and then that gives us 10 years to basically figure out how we're going to come up with that balloon payment or how we're going to re uh negotiate and in 10 years you know our revenues may be twice what they are today I don't know because our property values may have doubled or something but I don't see that or we may have gotten a big Grant or we may have gotten something uh somebody died and left us a bunch of money so I'm I'm trying to do it where we have where we can compare apples to apples okay and say Here's here's just a little base thing uh as opposed to you know C come back and give us your best rate if if we have no structure we will have 20 different um proposals none of which is really directly comparable to any of the other proposals and then you're asking a b even with crystals assistance a bunch of non-finance people trying to figure out okay is the eight-year loan better or is the seven-year loan yeah they ought to all be able to pay off early I agree with that but but there's there's got to be some structure some minimal structure that allows us to say okay here if this isn't the best structure that's fine because I agree with you I what I saw was we we're kind of be taking down the bond route and I don't like the bond route but you know if that's the best deal we get then that's the best deal we get but to do a a bank loan uh it's got to be somewhere or structured so that we get the most number of banks actually responding to the proposal and I think with a 10-year balloon that probably gets you the most number of banks because anything less than that if they come in with that we can't afford to make those payments anything more than that the banks are going to go no we don't want to play because we don't do 12E loans or 15E loans or 20-year loans to anybody or any municipality so I'm just trying to find a sweet spot and a structure that allows the most banks to come in and give us a proposal and nothing says that they come in and they all have you know 15 or 20 year am plan and they basically the only difference is is the rate uh and maybe some of the language in it and we say okay just like we always authorize the staff to negotiate and say okay we authorize you to go negotiate with these folks to see if you can't get just a little bit better either on the rate or on the terms or on the whatever and bring that back to us for approval but uh sending out an ITN or invitation to bid or our uh request for proposal that we don't see I I'm I would be adamantly opposed to that any on any proposal not just on a $25 million loan I I think I understand your point and I don't think you and I are disagree on other than a confusion about terms yeah a balloon payment versus the ability to pay it off and start over your balloon payment is under the guys that we can just pay it off by negotiating loan from someone else and I don't have a problem with that our our term for the banks is it 10 or 15 or is it 15 to 20 in this proposed so what we're asking for is uh 15 to 20 year amortization schedules with a five or 10e balloon payment right okay well that's Theif the 10 15 to 20 is what I really have heartache with because I I think that we won't get a lot of banks that are interested in 15 to 20 mization the ones I talked to said we can't do that so if I'm going to withdraw the substitute and resubstitute give a different one that says the 10 to 15 Amit terization rather than the 15 to 20 20 I think that would uh most of them will go to 10 and that gives us a chance and we could go back and say uh staff negotiate but if they don't bid at all we can't say go negotiate because they didn't bid because they were not willing to do that long amateurz so my substitute will simply put 10 to 15 rather 15 to2 on the bank side and um I I'll just make the point that at the September 16th meeting when we bring the responses back if we continue down the same timeline which may be adjusted um we'll bring back as well the city's capacity to make The Debt Service payments at the same time so you'll have that as part of your um your review and choice absolutely and we have a budget that we're going to pass for then don't we that's correct and if we can't figure out how that's public hearing number two for the budget yes and and we will figure out how to pay the debt off or we won't be able or it will dramatically affect the budget so I think that uh we'll be able to figure out how to do it and we'll soon find out right Council MC hey Jerry I just got a question and I need some verification with um rate reset that gives us the opportunity to negotiate a new rate with the same bank or can we pay off and negotiate with a different bank at reset time am I understanding that properly I I want to be very careful here because there's some confusion on this term councilman Bagby is absolutely correct that with a balloon payment the the note the loan is due and payable on the date of that balloon unless by mutual agreement depending upon how the loan is structured and I've done many of these you agree with that bank to come up with new rate that you both that you both are comfortable with and then you can extend it for the the rest of that period if you are not able to do that or you don't want to do that you have the ability to go out and get another loan pay off that ball pay off that balloon payment and enter into a new loan for some period of time so that's what a balloon does for you councilman bagby's absolutely correct a reset can be structured in one of two ways it can be structured so that if it's a let's call it a 15-year loan the rate can automatically reset every 5 years with the amortization remaining the same that is one way that a reset can work a reset can also work so that that loan reset date is also bilateral that the rate has to be mutually agreeable between the lender and the borrower and if it is not the borrower has the right to pay it off and go out and negotiate a rate with another bank so it can work exactly like a balloon uh but it can keep everything in place as long as you're comfortable with the rates that are being reset so they can they work in a very similar fashion depending upon how they're drafted they can be different if the reset isn't bilateral but in all the resets that we have done those terms are bilateral both parties have to agree to the reset rate thank you all right councilman Schmidt does the uh change that's currently proposed on the substitute motion how how how does that impact our deadline and timeline well the change in the substitute motion would not impact the deadline at this point in time uh if we go out and shorten it get rid of the 20 years and just put the 15year amortization in there that may pick up a couple more banks that would bid on it it's it's not going to eliminate any of those that would have been on 20 and we believe there are at least a couple uh but it will have a higher cash flow requirement because of the shorter amortization and the way that it was currently proposed tonight originally after we've talked about this at a couple meetings yeah while some of us might disagree with you did did did I hear you say at the beginning that you expect at least 20 Banks as it's currently proposed we expect to send it out to at least 20 Banks we don't expect that many many to come in okay all right thank you right councilman Bagby trying to remember which button to push okay so Ray what is the substitute motion cuz I just want to make sure I understand cuz I I think what I heard is we're just changing we're getting rid of the 20 year 15 to 20 years am amortization period rather than 20 years okay so we're having them bring back two still bring back two amateurz schedules just one is 10 years and one is 20 years uh 15 years I'm sorry one is 10 and one is 15 years so still two and schedules is that correct so my second question to that uh just to clarify this revised revised um motion um so we would like to put in the the ITN the invitation to negotiate with the banks a 10-year and a 15-year amortization schedule and would you still like the verbiage to be with a 10-year balloon or would you prefer with a 10-year bilateral uh rate reset it sounds like they're almost the same they are is that correct they are yes that's correct it really doesn't matter we can leave the term balloon if you're more comfortable with that so it's it's the same then we're leaving that exactly like it is now so it was originally rate reset uh but this afternoon it was requested we change rate reset to the word balloon which or bilateral renegotiation bilateral rate reset just allows us to continue with that bank in that loan if we wish to at that time yeah we could put either or so the question I would have for you and I just want to be I want to be very careful here that I don't misinterpret council's intent is your goal to achieve a fixed rate for at least 10 years or or do you want rate risk beyond that because if you put in this five-year reset basically you're going to lock in a five-year rate and then you have that exposure again in five years and that exposure again in another five years so how long do you want to lock out that rate risk are we we Chang it from 5 to 10 is that correct yes sir that was the request this afternoon yes sir and if if if that is something that we think is important then I would go along with it so to summarize the revised revised motion is to request uh 10 and 15year amortization schedules with a 10year rate reset bilateral now my my only misgiving about that is I believe interest rates are going to go down and if they do go down we don't get to under the bite at the Apple for 10 years that's correct which to my way of thinking is not the wise way to go but so in that case of fiveyear rate reset would make more sense go ahead Mr Ford so who was it councilman Bagby was that was that your concern that I just heard yeah what Mr B's concern was to change it from five to 10 because he thought we would get more people bidding more Banks and I'm you think rates are not on a rate reset you won't necessarily get on a rate reset you might not necessarily get more Banks but on a balloon payment because banks are adverse to because if you're still doing a 15-year loan but you're doing rate reset every five years it's still a 15year loan that's what the banks see they see a 15year loan yeah and of course I think if I were in the banking business I would be more pleased with a a 10year balloon slash reset right now than in a fivey year so maybe we will get more Banks right go I if I could offer a suggestion please uh one if we go with a 10-year amortization you don't need the term balloon or reset in there at all if you're running for 10 years it's just a 10year loan if we have a 15-year am then it would have a balloon in it at the 10year point if you are concerned that rates are going down and you want you want to retain flexibility to be able to um adjust that rate then we can ask them to give us pricing separately on a on a fiveyear on a five-year reset as an option an optional reset not a required reset so you might pay a little more to day but if rates if rates went up rather than down you would not have to use that reset so you'd be able to lock in for 10 years but you'd have the option to call it out in five years and I have no objection to that but I I would simply observe if there's no prepayment penalty we could pay it off next week couldn't we y it well they structure it in different ways some banks will say G you're prevented from prepaying it at any time up until that fifth year others will say it's not prepay for one year or two years and then anytime after that you can prepayment prepay it so it depends on the bank that's giving the bank the flexibility to work with that prepayment and it really has to do with whether or not the bank Hedges the loan on their books where they enter into a hedge on the other side of it that dictates their flexibility with that prepayment all right yeah I'm I'm fine with what I think but that's one of the reasons I want to see it again because we we you know the devil will be in the details the other thing that I'm um concerned about I guess actually is is that when we do a 10e amorz amortization we're going to find out that we can't afford a tenure and I think you're correct and based on the reeven news that we have and so you know that was that was why I originally said 20 and 15 because those I know we can afford 20 you know I'm pretty sure we can figure out how to squeeze 15 particularly if we're doing a balloon at 10 then we just go back and borrow the remaining 12 million or 15 million or whatever but I you know you want to bring it 10 year back but I want I want to see it before we send it out because I just don't think I think we could be looking at you know 10e anization I think we could be looking at $3 million uh easily as an annual payment and that be a shock to our system yeah our our recommendation would be to would be to maintain the 15 and 20 year amortizations simply for cash flow purposes which is the recommended motion that is not on the table at the moment but further recommended recommended motion that's what you guys are feeling would be most aggressive and competitive for looking for banks Andor other options and something that we can actually handle is that correct that where the recommended motion was is that we would have a RFQ that we could actually I guess Finance are you asking me that question yes sir yeah yeah yeah sorry I'm making eyee contact with you but I'm sorry sorry Jerry I'm still talking to you no no no problem thank you sir um we believe that it splits the baby between coming up with an amortization schedule that will get enough Bank interest in to get good solid bids and preserving your cash flow on the other side if we went with a fiveyear amortization every Bank in the world would bid on it okay you'd have more Banks than you could shake a stick at if we went to 20-year amortization with no balloon we'd only get a couple okay we believe that doing the 15 and 20 with a balloon brings back enough banks that you're going to get a reasonable number of responses and you'll have something that will be livable from a cash flow standpoint okay thank you so we believe it you know sort of splits that baby yeah absolutely and then just for my thoughts because I know this is a lot more vocab than I'm used to on this subject the substitute is then what are the variables that we're changing in the sub just for my the am to now 10 and 15 versus 1520 okay I would point out that we're still at the 15 which was a sweet spot all along and I have faith that we can make it work out at 15 and we will save several million dollars or at least a large amount of money and interest that we wouldn't have to pull out of the citizens of destined is tax revenues because we did the loan in a smart manner okay and the sub does not have it coming back right now we're just moving forward no it comes back yeah it's going to come back and and I would point out if it comes back at the next meeting unless somebody here thinks interest rates are going to go up the longer we put this off the more likely interest rates will go down I'm I had an idea you guys wanted to wait till November so I guess we're GNA yeah play the November game one way or another I want to see what the interest rates are going to do that could save us a substantial amount of money all right Callum a vote I I am now somewhat confused what are we coming what changes require us to come back right now the that's a great question Jerry the right now that changed our it in that we have says give me a 10year balloon using 15 and 20 year amortizations that's what's before you tonight how are we changing that we are Chang changing it to a 10 to 15 year amation and I think we're leaving the balloon alone for the 15 year the balloon on a 10 year because okay okay so Jerry with that is there anything we need to discuss or wait another meeting for not in not in my mind if that's all we're doing get rid of 20 add 10 you guys have the motion guys okay so councilman Bagby the um the revised revised motion is uh 10 to reduce these down from 15 and 20 to 10 and 15E amortizations with a 10-year balloon not a mutually uh not a mutual rate reset but a 10-year balloon on the 15 and that you would like to see the revised uh invitation negotiate with banks at the next available meeting which will be August 12th yeah cuz I want to see if I want to see what what the amortization is on the 10e uh because we may be able to do it I just don't think we will so I I have that available the 15-year amortization is the only one with the balloon payment you don't have a balloon payment on a 10year you don't have a 10-year balloon on a 10year amateurz schedule and uh so this um this would push the uh review by Council to the first meeting in October yeah pushes everything a month yep it would put it in October wouldn't it we should have a better handle on what interest is going to be by then we'll know after the oh man who says we never get anything done at the city all right call them call the one question we we probably can't afford a 10-year memorization but we want to push it back another meeting just to see it yeah I mean what I'm still not understanding why we need to push it back another meeting if we're just changing to a 15 10 and 15 memorization it's just just just the words in the and the requests right well my understanding what Crystal told us is she would have the repayment schedule she would have in the budget meeting the numbers that we would be able to have that we would be able to support because a tenure well I have that at my fingertips actually um we used that in the analysis to determine to find out if we could handle a tenure um but it was just too much on our too much impact on our current cash flows so that's why we went with the 15 and 20 also keep in mind uh we were trying to use less general fund like adum unrestricted funds uh the 15 and 20 years especially the 20y year fit much better with the inflows of gas tax number two the electric franchise fee and the um the the harbor and Town Center CRA funds and I and I know we're doing 15 and 10 uh I still in my mind if you're going to if you do the balloon payment or the bilateral reset whatever uh 15 and 20 would be what I would still look at but I'll I'll support this just to but the reason I I would prefer to wait till one October is because there'll be I think interest rates will be different on uh September 30th or October 1st than they are today and I think they will be lower Maybe by 75 basis points I don't know no nobody really knows but I think they I agree they will be lower by some amount and so that conceivably will get us a better rate environment which when you're talking about $25 million 75 basis points could actually be real be real money all right any further discussions so if you could just make sure all the council members are clear on the the motion so that they can vote yeah we we called it so I mean if the subs up if anyone needs a re reval of the vote doing the substitute motion 10 year 15 just just read it just say all right Ray can you please read it off to your best of your ability Bally 10 and 15 amortization period versus 15 and 20 all right 52 eyes have it okay so now now now that we're clear on the 10 and 15E amortization rate that you just voted on or I guess we'll see that in a second did you just read the results yes yeah 52 approve so um part part two is uh I'd just like to confirm that U you want the tenure you want the word balloon for the 15year amortization okay I didn't hear the motion that Ray read Ray are you clear on that are you clear okay I just want to make sure that uh our action agenda is clear good luck on this one so I'll come back to the with the to the August 12th meeting with the um we're going to revise the invitation to negotiate the loans with uh those that will now show the 10 and 15year amortization schedules uh and it will also be updated mentioning the 10-year balloon and um and we'll also have a revised timeline all right all right since that was everyone good to keep going do we want to keep pushing do we need all right I know I know the energy sucked out of the room after finances but mayor have just one question all right um and I've talked to several people that have been listening to these meetings online and they say there's no indication of how people voted and all I see on my screen here is 5270 is that a technical glinch what's happening um I'm having a problem uh displaying the voting equipment tonight I can only display one either to display here or raise so I chose this one sorry about that well we need to fix that CU people can't tell how anybody's voting can you can you announce who voted against and for I can't see it from here Ray can see it I can 52 who's the two for the substitute motion uh council member Tory guile and uh Kevin Smith voted against it all right thank you okay and and technically to not display how each individual council member is voting on these issues is a violation of our rules here what we'll do is we'll ask the city clerk to to read off the votes at the end until that glitch is fixed could you do that for us Ray if if it's not a unanimous vote I'm G to ask you to read it off that was the first one that was not a unanimous vote individual individual yes if it's not unanimous I'm going to ask you to read off the Nays okay uh Kevin Smith uh vote yeah oh in the future okay all right round and round go Mobility all right Ryan bring the energy I got one thank you do I need to be introduced this is R Scott so uh yes we have Ryan Scott again this evening uh this next item is the Mobility plan fee discussion where we're looking at the underlying structure to apply so that our uh rate consultant can continue forward in calculating rates so the rates that you have in your packet are were just to help guide the discussion on how potential potentially different things would be calculated but they're not intended to be rates for uh adoption tonight it's just for um discussion of how we calculate the underlying uh formulas okay good evening again um so I have the background in the agenda item so uh this this project started back March 1st of 20121 so here we are a couple years later and I think we're getting so close to the Finish Line um we need to get some direction tonight to figure out which way council is more comfortable moving forward with calculating the fees for the Mobility plan um the last time that we discussed this was at the May 13th um city council workshop and so since then uh we've been working with 3 TV Ventures and Alan Steinbeck is here to uh present um to try to come up with a way to discuss fee options so with that alen go ahead thank you good evening this is a followup to that last discussion that we had where there was was a request to talk about the financial plan and financing options for the Mobility plan we had come before you to try to get the Mobility plan adopted and um you all were curious to know more about fees the fee structure how different types of financing work um for these projects and uh where the money might be coming from so this presentation is intended to um shed some light on those issues and provide some alternative ways of looking at this uh we decided to um in light of the fact and try to keep this as straightforward as possible and um impact feat Mobility fees are not a straightforward topic so there may be some complicated questions but the presentation of the Alternatives was really to help you all see the relationship between the very large amount of money that is associated with the projects in the Mobility plan which is $150 Million worth of needs that were identified relative to the stream of Revenue of the Imp fee um where it stands today and what types of levels of funding might come from that fee to fund that whole plan uh we know for sure that um $150 million is a lot of money and I I don't believe there's actually any way to actually physically Implement $150 Million worth of Transportation projects in a 20-year period um it's just hard to do so some of this information I'll show you I'll try to go through the presentation as quickly as I can hoping that you've had a chance to review you the two-page cheat sheet that we put in the packet that talked about these Alternatives but I will entertain any sort of questions I understand this is not everyday type of information so I'll try to explain it and as we go if you want to stop me during that's fine or we can wait till the end so regarding existing transportation fees uh your last impact fee study goes back to J June 20 uh 2007 the impact fee study is a separate document from any sort of plan you might have you had a Pathways plan and plans in your conference plan at that time and the Fe is study is a separate thing so we have not completed the study yet uh for this project but that one was done in 2007 uh the recommended dwelling unit um fee was 4377 and adopted at the time was an $813 average uh which was much lower than the recommended average at the time uh for those of you around uh guess every was 2008 but that was a very uncertain time in the economy and I can understand why people would have looked at that fee at that time and not wanted to charge the full recommended amount in the name of trying to encourage investment um but that fee has abided over that whole period since that adoption in 2008 um and so the difference between what would have been collected under that recommended full fee and what was adopted at 813 is about $26 million over those years if council at that time had set that fee higher that's the number that would have been collected over that time uh that's that's uh five times by the way that that was important to remember that number um the current fee collections are um 3 325,000 average per year um so that would collect a total of 8.125 if we just kept the fee as it is and tried to fund the Mobility plan it would only fund 133% % of the funding needed just for the first phase of projects so your fee as it's currently construed is very much undersized relative to what these needs that have been identified are again that 150 million is is total project costs I would um remind you that two of the projects in there are very large the Zerby and Marler structured parking facilities which account for approximately $50 million of that 150 million um and you would need $6 million a year for the next 25 years to cover all of those projects uh that's 18.5 times what's being collected now um for a typical dwelling unit and would have to go from 1425 all the way up to over $26,000 I would note that one of the higher fees in the state now is Hillsboro County uh where Tampa is at $28,000 per unit just for their transportation fees I know some other um communities in Central Florida have been really leaning into this impact fee adjustment to try to get development to pay its full Fair um and those I've been involved in some of that work and those negotiations are um very very serious indeed and involve um developers and local governments to get those kind of numbers to work but that is a um that is not a far-fetched number but may be different from what we adopt here in dtin for sure uh there are some alternative funding sources and we we did not include any grant funding in the numbers that you see in the packet so it's really focused on the fee it the mobility fee itself but there are lots of different things to pursue there's um there are most of these on the list here are federal funding programs the federal government has moved from um strictly funding things through um uh formula funding to a lot of discretionary programs the discretionary programs have been being given birth every year there's more of them and they're diverse uh they do often times have a very strong policy bent towards them so over the past um many years under this Administration a lot of the money has been funded towards low-income communities and uh which has greatly disadvantaged Destin in being able to pursue some of these categories of of funding but um we have an election coming up you never know what's going to happen and it's always good to keep an eye on federal funds my experience working with them is that you can get between um 50 and 80% on a particular project that wins a Grant if you were very fortunate but you're looking at a one in 20 chance of of getting money anytime you apply for one of these programs it's kind of the win rate so um not every project in your plan is going to be funded by federal funds but I would suggest that somewhere about 25 to 30% of your money uh could come from Grant sources to match local funds that go into the total program um there are some there already is successful Grant funding happening in the city I would note about the cross town connector project and and the money for the power line the cross toown in particular is you can get big chunks of money for transportation through some of these funding programs traditionally um if you really really want to build a project 5 to 10 years from now it's a good way to get money for your project but if you want to build a project now waiting for some of these funds um is something that can be very frustrating to do so um bigger money is available through formula funds that come through the um fot and and the T and the no um but otherwise uh the discretionary programs are kind of hot money you get awarded in within a year you can be working on a project so you have to be working both of those systems in my opinion to be successful um and there's some other ways to get money U the cross town connector has some State money in it um and there's TPO funding requested so uh there are ways to again if you can be patient um to have money allocated through these systems and it's possible to do just want to leave you all the the impression that it's not necessary to pay for everything yourself um even though having local funds to match these Grant funds is absolutely essential um to make them successful so just to think this is really just a thought experiment here if you had General funds to put towards Transportation capacity projects then you might choose to do something like put a million into um fixing the backlog of projects that maybe have manifested over years rather than building new needs with them um and match that with something like a million and a half of impact fees and assume that you're going to get uh 500,000 from other sources and get $3 million a year out of that uh that 1.5 million in Impact fees is approximately five times what you collect now so um that would be the kind of raise you would need to do um to get into that zone um unfortunately you don't have the general funding so um the impact fee uh you really have to look closely at that if you want to start investing heavily in transportation that is the best source to do it uh without having to um go into debt Bond or otherwise um figure out how to get it out of the general fund so that's some of the push and pull about how to think about the impact fee is it is the number one best source of revenue for making capacity improvements and building new facilities even little things like fixing intersections and other things like that can be used it can be used to retire debt so if you have debt on a facility that is qualified for the fee you can pay the bills of the debt with it um uh you otherwise are very limited in that you can only spend it on those capacity projects it cannot be used for maintenance so the maintenance money that you will up set aside um in the short run here for several years is really a diff different consideration it's like a different responsibility and the impact fees cannot be used for that so on to the options that's a little bit of context um the option one is based off uh so this this is sort of I want you to think about these scenarios uh we'll talk about what my recommendations may be to you at the end U but these are all sort of set up to help um see before we jump one c m do you have anything before okay okay y okay um fee option number one um basing a fee off a limited list of projects like priority projects and um in in in order to manage the size of the fee to decide that you have a limited number of projects that you want to build and you set the fee to that number of projects and so if you just took the phase one projects only and decided to build those over that 25-year Horizon period of the plan that would that would be a $10,000 fee estimated average for a single family development which is approximately 7.6 times uh the current fee and on this Chi-Chi that you all have where it says fee in increase that 7.6 there is that 7.6 times your existing fee in case you were wondering about what that actually meant um the second option would be to take Zerby and maror parking decks off of the funded list so take that $50.2 million off the list leaving a total cost of funded projects by the fee of $99 million and if you funded all of the projects in the plan not just phase one but not the parking decks you'd have a $177,000 per household fee um and that would get you everything off the list to have that number as an average per single family dwelling unit fee option three is based on um the remaining cost of um funded projects or the current projects so if you had your Capital Improvement projects like uh the Powerline multi-use Trail some of the intersections that are funded and the cross town connector which by the way is in that $90 million in the plan um and you just said we're going to pay for that and not put that in the fee structure take that off the 99 million you would get 87 million and your fee would go down to 15,390 fee option four estab you one way to another way to go about this is to say look forget about the project list we know that we want to spend a certain amount on Transportation improvements every year we know what we can afford we know what that number is and we're going to Target our fee to that number so if you were trying to pursue your current Capital Improvements program on average um what you're doing now is about $10 million per year or per for five years um or $2 million a year average um and that kind of pace would get you a fee of six $6,998 so if all everything you were doing now in your CIP was funded by the fee it would be about 6,900 per year and be that two $2 million a year in Revenue generation and then the last option is just to think very straightforward about this and um this one's important to think about because uh you might say as a as a policymaking body well let's just double our fee or quadruple our fee and call it a day Allan can you come back to us and give us a fee that's four times what it is today it is possible to Target that but I want to note that you have to complete an impact fee study to do this and the impact fee study is based on um the most and must be based on by by Florida statute's current data which includes things like the cost of things the cost of projects but also the assumptions about travel Behavior which are the denominator of the equation so you're dividing your project cost by total travel and those assumptions have changed relative to the data that's out there so we can't just take your impact fee schedule and double it in order to be statutorily compliant you have to have the fee study we have to go do the Black Box thing but we can Target especially with the project list or a fee level we can Target the study so that the study seeks out that number that you all want to have and have it be something where you don't have this big disconnect like y'all didn't set the fee super high and you set it really low and that becomes a a legacy that people talk about what is it 16 years later um your fee study is actually tailored to what you want to do and we can be more Surgical about this um there some of you have raised some um interest in having the the fees be used for policy purposes like I want to incentivize something I want to charge these people less or somebody more as a functional policy there's almost no wiggle room in state statutes you cannot give people discounts on these fees unless it's for affordable housing as specifically defined by the state which is Workforce housing in that 80 to 120 Ami group um those projects are a little um hard to achieve and it's a limited a limited amount of fee reduction you can do so if you wanted to um say we're going to charge residential less than commercial that is not something that you can do without um using a little creativity under the hood which we have a little bit of um professional judgment that we can use in the fee study but there at some point you know your limits are off so getting some direction from you about that sort of of stuff we can try to accommodate it in the fee study but um you know hands are a little bit tied on the on the methods so some things to consider here uh the projects in the plan and in this financial analysis are in current year dollars and um as you know the value of our dollar does not maintain its purchasing power over time uh so that just I just have to say that out loud as you think about this and what we're going to talk about um so we you this says need to be adjusted for inflation uh that's a little strong we can adopt a fee based on current year dollars and just have that feeb set and that's not a problem um I also want to mention that because of the nature of Destin and there's not a whole lot of vacant property left that uh when you go to redevelop something if your property is um occupied when you go tear it down then you're supposed to get a credit for that U when you go pay your fee so in the setting of the fees it's hard to know exactly what any given development is going to pay or even model the revenue generation because you're in basically a Redevelopment scenario here in the city for the you know forever um you you you'll have some projects that that pay a lot and some that get discounted because of that situation um and so uh there may be a a tendency for fee collections to get a little bit weaker over time because of that because of those fee discounts that you have to give to that existing assumption so um there are two big things about um to I would give you caution about not being aggressive in this policy decision in terms of of getting that fee up as high as you can one is inflation and two is the factor that you're not going to collect everything that's on that fee schedule a lot of people get discounts they also get credited if a developer puts in um infrastructure that's offsite they'll get credited for that against their impact fees so um if there's some requests that come out of of of traffic impact study or otherwise through development review uh they will get credited that fee I'm going to leave it there and put these um up for consideration and see if you all have any um thing to to ask if you um uh were looking for some direction this evening so if I were going to uh recommend something to you that was um that's definitive at this moment I would recommend adopting the Mobility plan as presented um we presented it that way it is a lot of needs it's a very expensive number it does have a sense of priority about it and that is a Time scope priority but it does not tie the city's hands to have the mobility fee adopted in this way it is something that you all can select projects from those projects are eligible by virtue of being in the plan and so um when you want to put some money towards them and you want to put fees toward them if they're not in that plan then it's a little bit problematic for for you or future coun to make that decision if they are on the plan and on the menu then you can spend the money on them and um even in the case of the Cross toown connector if it's in the plan you can use Mobility fees to pay debt service on the cross down connector the money thean Jud loan so um I I recommend adopting the plan and having everything in it and saying we want we we want to do all this stuff they're all of our needs and in the back end of doing the fee study uh figure out which of how much of that if you think about a pie at the end of how how how much is going to be impact fee how much is going to be um grants how much is going to be possibly General Revenue in the future or other sources of funding then we can create that pie at the during the impact fee study and come up with a proper trunch that is that impact fee um and um help lar that end to demonstrate the implementation strategy for the plan so that concludes my remarks and awesome appreciate you all right C M thank you sir I have a question um just so that I can make sure I understand this completely so if we we chose option four we basically start back at the beginning right we got to go back and from square one is that correct for the most part no you don't the um go back to square one with respect to the Mobility plan trying to figure out and calculate where we where we establish the budget it was demonstrative of like U is trying to help you see that if you were going to pursue for the next 25 years the same level of Transportation investment like we need to get the cross town done and some other things done well some Next Level the same level of investment would occur over time um and I would suggest that given how how difficult it is to implement some of these projects that number six might be or number four might be the most realistic um you know level of investment because it matches the pace of investment that you're able to make now um but no you would not have to redo the Mobility plan you could adopt the Mobility plan and select whatever projects you wanted from them to and fund them at that level all right and Ryan and Crystal you agree with that okay so um fee option four fee calibrated to a budget set by staff was the descriptor so you're recommending we adopt the Mobility plan and then choose from that Mobility plan what the what we would budget as opposed to just a separate budget set by staff okay and with number five I think that's that's fairly variable right that doesn't give us a solid base so everything's got to come back at some point and go back through some some sort of discussion am I reading that correctly Alan could you speak to option fee option five fee option five doesn't speak to to uh the Mobility plan at all the the the intent of four and five is to look at those funding levels which are marketly different from the more expensive options up front and to try to get gain some perspective about how those levels relate to your um existing fee in option five and your existing Capital Improvements program it does not mean that you're you can't just adopt the Mobility plan and have that be the menu and use that money to spend on the mobility fee all of these all of these have a basis the of the Mobility plan being in place being adopted which gives you the benefit of having that legally justifiable plan that you're saying you're going to spend the money on all right so from what I'm understanding I would Support options one two or three but I'll leave that up to council which one they they want to go with all right uh cman Bagby oh wow there were like three people ahead on me so uh I was just going to say the uh four I I disagree the staff wouldn't set that the council would set the priorities and say okay here's our laundry list and it could be in phases one two or three but because we've said we're going to take 6983 each year and here's our priorities and we're going to keep collecting till we we funded this one and we're going to collect till we fund this one and then that wouldn't be a staff they would put it in they would draft the budget but it would be our priorities correct that uh based on how much money was coming in either year I am more of a hybrid uh type person I would say uh you know in one uh if you say look we're going to I would take out the garages from from all the options I would just take out the garages because that as we talked this afternoon you know if we're going to get 30% grant funding that's about 30% of the $150 million let's just figure out either grant funding or a separate Bond once we pay off the 25 million to do but that that is not a critical piece right now but all these others or most of these others I would say are critical and we can discuss on you know what the exact priority would be so I would say if you if you did one uh minus the garage then because I think there's uh is it Zerby yes Zerby is in phase one if you took Zerby parking garage out of phase one and then it's that would be I don't know six uh th000 or whatever it would be because that's half it might even be 5,000 or whatever that that would be probably where I would lean toward but I would take out the gares and I I also take out the money that we've already identified for the cross town connector and but those are not maybe one of them's in phase one but of that 11 million so now you're talking 87 million uh and then you just do the phase one and you get started because one and four to me are are little bit similar and we're setting the priority and we're saying this is what we want to do but it comes back to us setting the priority as opposed to the we're going to try to do everything except the two parking garages and fee fee option two or we're going to try to do everything except the two parking garages and the stuff that's already funded in option number three option four it says we're going to set the priorities okay well duh of course we're going to set the priorities and then option five to me is a nonstarter because uh then we do have to start over in option four you don't have to start over you just have to prioritize what you know you still take the same study that we've completed and you set the priority so I'm I'm fine with one minus the garage uh or you know three even four uh the the only thing is we discussed you know there there is a cost benefit here so when you do the the graph if you raise it real high you're going to put downward pressure on people's willingness ability desire to redevelop or to develop uh you know so I'm trying to find The Sweet Spot we seem to be trying to find sweet spots a lot tonight but I'm trying to find The Sweet Spot It says we're not going to kill Redevelopment but we're going to generate some Revenue that we desperately need to do some projects we've identified so if I if you force me tonight I would say probably one without uh the garages the garage and then that's probably 5,000 I I know it's got to be increased I don't want to increase it too much but I know it's got to be increased uh and if we want these projects we got to figure out how to pay for them and we can't keep going you know our days of we're going to float another Bond or take a loan or we're going to uh take it out of the uh funds just that that ship sailed so that that's where I am uh I'm pretty sure I know they answer this but I want to make sure everybody's on the same page um you want to keep the parking garages in the plans but unfunded and it's still in the mob ability plan okay I just want to make sure we're 100% clear yeah yeah but that at least allows Council to Circle back down the road and since it's in the plan already now it can become a fun so and with that point of a lot of this is Redevelopment if I'm in a single family house and it's at the end of its age and I rebuild a single family house I guess keep it apples apples same square footage there's really no impact fee because nothing's changing correct so the reality of this is we're just going to be taxing uh medium to larger development that's not currently there whether that's through Redevelopment or through any increase yeah an increase of a lot now to anything yeah so it's really yeah okay all right um my bad on the uh the list just one point on that point if you rebuild the same but what you see in a lot of Redevelopment is they tear down the old cinder block house and they build the hey it looks like it could be an ALICE Beach house and that would gener yeah because every 10, every th000 square feet is where this fee is coming from okay all right and I apologize for the list I started clicking buttons so I have councilwoman abber and then councilman Schmid so a thank you mayor um Jim pretty much that's exactly where I'm at fee option one and that's where I think is the best sort of like not so high but it's certainly not we're fee option I mean we're barely even increasing it so I think that's my thoughts is fee option okay uh Council M yeah just walk me back a little bit because we're not we're not we're not uh we're not approving Mobility plan tonight um we're not all all you guys are asking us for is which uh potential which rate we want to factor in to when you bring us draft Mobility plan fee schedule so all these options all you're looking for is basically the number right so they're saying option one you're just going to take 7.6 based upon the total value minus the parking garages that would be our Target number um but yeah I've given you all the recommendation to adopt the plan current discussions right now garages are staying on the plan because we're not even approving the plan anyways but the estimate will come down from what you know because you're going to remove the parking garage dollar amount yes correct and I hate to even ask this you guys by chance have a very light estimate of like what that would look like to take $50,000 off I guess it's only the one parking garage for phase one I'm just kind of curious what what the numbers of phase one look like minus the garage of that's kind of what we're talking about it's about half about half yeah councilman Bagby pointed that out it's it's about half I want to get you guys take that by two and that's about it which happens to be the about four to 5x increase that gets you uh that $15 million dollar a year in in normal times yeah yeah my my biggest fear is I I guess we there's always that sweet SP that balance but it it seems that more more often than not development is forward in Florida and there's little things that we can do to really uh say no when there's things that we don't think we like and so I was just hoping and to your point we can't incentivize development with this fee so I'm kind of off that pedalo now but that was kind of my biggest thing is I just hope that we have a a fee that is balanced but leans more heavily on having less um I guess more fees being occurred through the development instead of it being put on tax taxes that we don't want to raise so that's just my biggest hope that we come out of this with a large income for mobility of pedestrian sidewalks and bike pass and all that yeah and for the sake of everyone's phone calls tomorrow or whenever that the impact fee is a fee paid by development by new development it is not a tax paid by residents or existing you have to build something new in order to pay the fee exactly the cost so if I could it's okay um so what what does taking out the garages do at this point in time when you're calculating the numbers like what like what's the purpose of even saying that if if we're going to leave them on the plan what is the impact the the plan having a plan that's like the menu of options gives you that flexibility to spend fees first of all it's a stated it's a stated goal of the city to make these things happen at some point in the future um to have it on the menu allows you to spend your impact fees on it if you want to or need to right um and um the other benefit is in the seeking of Grants if you don't have an approved Transportation plan with that project on it I get all that but they're wanting to have it on the menu but not have the dollar amount is what I think they're saying yes so I'm asking them how does that change things it it just changes the fees it's the impact fee itself and what goes into the impact fee so like we're going to have a a a a number of uh there's an the projects that uh you want to build and you want to fund um are going to be limited in nature what's being proposed in fee option one is to have the stated priorities be what's in Phase One and the intent is the city's going to fund those projects if at some time the city Chang changes its mind and Council wants to take another Direction there is no State Department of impact police that's going to come it bother you about that you can change your priorities you can pick off the menu you have all kinds of flexibility in the way things are structured now so there's no harm in having a menu of a long menu of needs that you decide to fund at what whatever time okay I'm sorry it's just getting very late so it's it's confusing yeah it's well dig deeper and it gets more confusing about how it's all calc now talking about menu now so they the recommendation is to remove garages from the menu is that what you're saying or no you want to explain Mr from I want to make sure I understand fee funding so yeah it be there there's two things going on there's the setting of the fees and there's the prioritization of the projects we're not doing prior prioritization we are because one gets you to the other so if you think of all we have $150 Million worth of projects right and so now we're trying to figure out how we're going to uh for lack of a better term justify the fee that we're going to collect and so the way we're going to way I would justify the fee is kind of a hybrid of option one so you can you can do any of their option you can you can cut this any way you want to cut it you can structure it any way you want to structure it still going to have $150 Million worth of projects what we're saying is we want to prioritize 31 Million worth of projects which is phase one minus the Zerby parking garage so that's 60 whatever it is minus 31.7 72 to whatever so and that gets you a number and the number that gets you is the proposed fee so if you said we want to pay for all $150 Million worth of projects and we want to do it over the 25e schedule well that's going to give you a fee and that fee is going to be you know 25,000 or whatever the heck it would be every year for 25 years we're we're saying no we don't want $25,000 fee I you know I'm comfortable with a $5,000 fee you know if we can get a little bit less okay that's fine but uh so you're not you're not removing garages from phase one you're removing the calculation of the dollar amount to get to the fee you're you're removing the value of those garages basically correct in this discussion correct correct appreciate it and at the same time suggesting that fees will not be used to pay for the garage yeah yeah at this at this point Y all right Council mtin voice some reason um I would support bringing taking the parking garages out although it sounds like we're not really taking them out after all um the uh we are contemplating increasing these fees by let's see option one is 7.5 we take the garage out that we're not taking out maybe it goes to 5 point something 3.8 or something yep and let's see that next option is 12 times and then we have one that's 10.8 times 10.8 yep um and so you're talking about fees in excess of probably $20,000 per house or project what you're building and as far as the fact that develop ERS are paying them that's that's fantasy they're passing it on it'll be part of the price of the house you know by the way the projects that I've built or family has built we didn't have a developer so we paid those fees um it's dramatically not just doubling tripling where five or six times the fees that are presently being charged do we need to go up I can agree we need to go up but that many times I could never support that and you know do we want to add 25 26,000 or whatever the number is to the cost of a new home for someone in Destin seems a little bit too much to me I guess my only comment to that would be we've seems like we've almost never raised them especially compared to everyone else I mean for Walton's at 4,000 um I mean we're we're by far stretching at low I mean I mean 4,000 is the lowest one next to us I mean I'm just saying I I'm just don't want listen you have yeah where do you get 25,000 increase some of but none of these but none of these options that are on the table are the options that were being discussed tonight I would say it's just the same mindset that got us to blank sidewalks right now yeah they're but the options that Mr Bagby proposed is not right right but I don't think any of us right now are in supporting of that I don't think I will say I will say to the mayor's Point um the city has some of the lowest impact fees in the entire State and there's cities all over the state that are doing just fine with higher impact fees yeah I would say we just need to stop dis counting destined and allowing developers to be incentivized in every aspects of the city whether it's from the building code to now the impact fees there's a reason our sidewalks aren't connected our bike lanes are non-existent and I get that we want to be a very low tax rate but someone's got to pay and it's either going to be from the locals trying to get the the safety uh Mobility that they want and clearly need or we can have the developers pay for it and that will pay on the it of course it's going to go to the next person but someone's got to help us build a community that we're trying to Envision so and these other communities are doing just fine yes thank you Ryan with all due respect mayor the developers aren't going to pay this any more than the Chinese are paying our tariffs this goes passed on to the people that are buying the house yeah and it is okay councilman Schmidt yeah I'll just go ahead and uh make the motion to uh direct city manager work with staff 3tp Ventures to move forward with completing draft Mobility plan and Associated fee schedule based upon option one minus the garage's value second all right I have a motion a second um if we're going that that covers it um I do want to bring up the options so under all the flags underneath that if you scroll down to option one um are those the phase one projects that would be included that is included in that fees option one so just scrolling down is that line item correct one yes so those would be the at this moment once the Mobility plan is adopted those would be the projects in the fee calculation okay so my only unless you all change it so I just want to do some due diligence here nc4 the 98 Palms Boulevard is a new construction road that I believe this Council has voted out but this price is about what it's going to take to build the trail the trail is Trail is coming in at about the power line easement multi youth pathway understood okay and then there's a 9,000 9.1 so now so now you can so n none of the priorities in the Mobility plan have been decided on yes so but now that gives you the option to take out that 9.1 and swap in from phase two or phase three something up there or a couple projects up there correct to go down even lower yes good catch yeah okay um with that I got a motion to Second any further discussion the only thing I came up with outside of looking at the fees is just uh Curious on if we are interested in a continuing service contract for Mobility studies I not studies I'm sorry Mobility grants seeing that to your point there's there's a lot of money out there and we know we're already at Max Capacity trying to write grants um obviously nothing for us to discuss tonight I guess but for you guys to think over if we don't want all these fees to pay for for the 100% completion of this plan it seems like the only true other option is Grants so I know we we don't have a continuing service contract for Grants and we've talked about things in the past of that nature so just food for thought of something I was hoping we could take action on at some point in the future regarding getting these projects complete and then not coming from attacks so that's my last Point other than that call the vote yeah yeah go ahead just so we all understand what the next steps are what what's going to come back to us when it's going to come back to us and kind of what it's going to look like I mean I understand option one minus the parking garage you know it'll come back at $31 million whatever but y'all going to bring us the Mobility plan first or you're going to bring us the fee schedule first or you're going to bring us everything at the next meeting I'm just trying to figure out timing yeah I just I want accountability here of or at least a plan the we have been proceeding with the tech technical calculations for the denominator part we've been waiting on like what projects do you all want to fund but we have been working on the technical part okay of the equation and um I believe we can bring this to closure very quickly I will be returning to come see you the first week of September already um that agenda item scheduled for another thing um um or it's planned um I don't know if we've said it yet but we can come back in very short order in months not you know weeks not months counting in the the fee schedule slash ordinance or the Mobility plan what what are you bringing back to that point of your question yes I'm sorry yeah I'm sorry um maybe uh I what I would like uh and recommend is to have the Mobility plan adopted at the same time as a fee schedule is done um or or the plan adopted with a draft fee study available and if there's some question about that then we can do it I'm here to tell you that fee studies don't get read very much and they're not the basis for looking at what the city is going to do it's going to become something that's in a drawer so it's technical in nature and legalistic in nature and not and you know the the big question will be What Fear are we adopting and what the schedule look like and um that I think that adopting the Mobility plan and saying grace over that so that we know that those projects are in or they're out um I'm hoping that we've gotten to a point where we've received enough public feedback on them uh that that just remains as your discretion as a council to adopt it or not as his um and that's what I would propose so we're going to adopt the Mobility plan at the first meeting of September that's why I just heard maybe I heard something it's ready it's ready it's we if if unaltered it is ready to go it's final yeah well because grants and other other things go feed off of that so until we have that we can't go get this so I just I just that's why I want to know what the plan is and when it is unlike the rewrite of the LDC which Lewis promised me two years ago yeah so if I have it correct just of summary we now have to create a priority list of our priority level one minus because now we're gonna we're gonna have to take out nc4 now okay I'm just okay I'm on the record NOP it's gonna have to come back in some way because one of these is already not approved by the council Direction and I get that so I'm just saying now we're jocking what projects are coming up if you want to move projects in the mo mobility Plan before the fee stud is completed during the fee study being completed sorry the I'm asking is we're we're going to be jockeying now for what is the priority level one outside of yes okay we we will prepare a legally compliant fee study that will last you as long as you want to maintain the whatever fee you adop so yeah yeah yep yeah right all right do everyone have the motion all right call on the vote all right I have it 61 Bray who's the Nay okay motion no no it's I got to comply with the sunshine okay motion was uh 6 to1 uh council member Stevens yes council member guile yes council member Destin no do council member back B uh yes council member abar yes council member King yes and council member Smith yes all right thank you Ray thank you thank you guys thank all right all right crystal yes okay so this next item is um the Tyler Technologies notice to terminate this is an informational item um Our IT director has been bringing our uh technology updates to council and so this is a first step towards uh replacing some of our softwares a certified letter was sent to Tyler Technologies informing them that we will not be renewing their contract at the end of this term which ends in June of 2025 does anyone have any questions based on the briefing all right seeing none all right so uh the next item on the list is interim city manager discussion and I'd like to open the discussion with uh Jamie ditmer so she can explain the the items in the attachment in the agenda and then Jamie will pass it on to Kim cop to complete the discussion okay good evening um in preparation for a city manager to be out of the office for 30 days or more we're providing some options to Council to appoint an acting or interim city manager I spoke with a few advisers from FCC Ma and they just reached out to their Network to managers in in transition who in turned uh reached out to me and I did have you know response from few the challenges with that program is immediate availability and also housing was a challenge we do have one local candidate Mr Larry Jones who is here tonight um he does have immediate availability and he is local so that is an option um so the three options that we are bringing to council is you can review those RS that I attached to your agenda item and we can have conversations but as I said availability and housing is an issue we do have a local option for an outside interim or acting city manager and of course we have the option to continue with Miss Strickland as the acting city manager so those are the options that we reached out and we're providing to council and that is for your um discussion and discretion so I'll turn it over to miss cop so if anyone has any questions let me know but um at this point what we're looking to do is enter into a temporary contract that as of now would provide that at the time that Mr zenui is ready to come back the contract would terminate and Mr zenui would get his job back um it would provide for the typical um city manager um Provisions including compensation and so on and we would probably put in um some requirements that uh major decisions were discussed with City attorney and HR unless Council objects to that uh but other than that open to your ideas about it and um again as Miss dimer mentioned we have uh one of the candidates in the audience all right I appreciate that Miss cop um yeah same thing I've had some discussions as well with Chris Holly and a couple others at the FLC and that was their biggest thing is if it's going to be a shorter than three months you almost have to go local or the housing is just going to make it almost a non-starter let alone having someone pick up for a very short stent so that was my only feedback that I was able to get out there in the in the network uh c manber um I moved to direct City attorney and human resource director to negotiate an interim city manager contract and present it for Council approval at the August 19th meeting with um the said candidate in the audience just just for the record you're pointing at Mr Larry Jones yes for Larry Jones I thought it was R Ray Ray I would like for Larry Jones to be our intern but y'all need to do the paperwork and discuss it if you would like him to come up lar it's 9:30 if you got anything to say you've been more than patient long come tell us hi Larry since you've been here for three and a half hours and now they've been here three and a half you might as well keep walking out right thank you for the opportunity to be with you um it's um an interesting Dynamic that you find yourself in I hate that this situation is what it is for you guys for Lewis we certainly want to extend our heart Bel prayers to him and his family and those caring for him as uh Mr Bagby you mentioned to me a couple of weeks ago that you may have a need um if there's a way that we can come together to um that I could help the city I'm certainly in a position to do that the the biggest thing that I would ask is to make sure there's Clarity in what you're expecting from this role during this period of time uh you have a city manager you know I'm as I mentioned I believe to Jamie in a conversation I'm not interviewing for a job you know I'm not applying for a job if there's a place that I can be of benefit to you and the folks you serve and to your staff we would certainly entertain those conversations and so you know any questions you have i' certainly be do my best to try to entertain them well we had a conversation yesterday and I feel confident that you'd be the right fit for the fill time that we need so I appreciate you coming tonight more importantly I appreciate you helping us help our city manage for those time frame until we get Lewis back so thank you thank you yeah I guess my only common is I mean I think we have above average comparable and compassionate directors and I think we just need someone to help just play glue for a interim period of time so thank you for being here yes sir thank you absolutely all right thank you and just hit that button and turn off the mic all right moving right along oh oh I'm so sorry C bag me vot on but yeah no I I would just from my perspective and you know I know you're a fan of good to great and I'm a fan of good great but uh you know in the military we don't have acting commanders you're either the commander or you're not the commander and you're we have a city manager but to me if we had a deputy or an assistant or whatever we ended up calling that title you know you you're you're here till Lewis comes back but don't don't be afraid to say hey y'all need to do this or you know because I look at you the same way I look at Lewis if we're messing something up tell me we're messing something up or you know if you think I missed the boat on the 2015 year tell me it should be 15 10 year or whatever uh because you have more experience other than Mr dtin than any of us up here on the management of County City typ stuff and so both as an elected official and as an appointed official and so uh but don't we do have good directors empower the directors to do their job I know you will uh you know and this is nothing against our directors but we're in a period in the year uh where we can't you know give R uh give Chris up to be city manager cuz there's about 20 things I want her to do and I'm just one and so when you do all the other the folks is it's just and I think you will help us be better and that's all I ask just help us be better uh not not you know make sure the boat doesn't sink but actually help help the boat get better so that when Lewis comes back he finds you know a a better organization or at least his good an organization as when he left M King thank you sir yeah I just wanted to just want to say thanks Mr Jones for being here and U being willing to step you know step into this role U I got to kind of see I was kind of on the sidelines and got to see U some things that y'all were able to accomplish in uh Walton County and uh I had no idea that your resume was as lengthy as it was so was really impressed by that um but just wanted to say thanks for being here this long and uh and for your willingness to come and point us keep us pointed in the right direction um and I think I think your sentiment to Lewis you're not you're not trying you're not looking for a job you're not looking to take over you know you just willing to be here and so I just really appreciate it so thanks for being here and this meeting like gives you an idea of what it's like Council mtin if we didn't get so many lectures we might oh boom okay if you cut your hair hey I got one next week next week I'll keep my hair short if you keep the words short okay all right cos I was just going to say I appreciate you stepping up to help us yeah and it'll be nice to have somebody's memory that goes back as far as mine although a little scary and don't hesitate to tell us what you think about any issue that we have in front of us thanks all right good deal I got a motion a second on the table uh we're going to open up the vote I have it unanimously Ray read off the Nay no I'm just kidding uh so mayor just just a quick question for Council um if I could and I haven't spoken with Mr Jones yet but certainly Jamie and I will um speak with him about the contract negotiations for the temporary position after this meeting um if I can get it done by August 12th would it be okay with Council to add it to that meeting of course if I can it will go on the 19th absolutely okay thank you good awesome all right crystal be up here at 7 thank you Mr Jones uh the next item we have is announcements so Tamara please share your announcements sure there's just two tonight I wanted to say thank you to our partners for coming out for the big truck event uh the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Department the fire department and 18 other City Partners came out last week and that's always such a um beautiful event and there was tons of people parks and W does such an amazing job with that and then we also have uh well hopefully the weather will hold out for us on Saturday and we'll have our birthday party down at Harbor Walk Village and so we um extend again an invitation to all of our locals and our visitors to come out for that so that'll start around 5:36 and last until 8:45 and at 8:15 is when the Drone show is and we've had a lot of questions about that and so we're just hoping for not much wind and things like that that night but um the Vantage Point it'll they'll be launched from noro point so we have uh reached out to a lot of different um boter and captains and and folks and asked to please help us keep noro point clear on Saturday from uh actually from 3 p.m. on we're going to really try to keep that area clear so any help we can have with that is appreciative and the sheriff's department and the Coast Guard have been amazingly helpful on that thank you councilwoman um I just want to commend you for getting this all set up U but I did see on the news tonight channel 3 for instance was saying that we were going to have our big celebration and they showed Harbor walk and it had the Christmas decorations and it had all the people walking around with masks on and hoodies so I was hoping we could get them maybe an updated visual of what Harbor walk looks like now for the party we have we have sent out stuff to all of our all of our Media Partners so that's a little bit on them we can follow up with it but they have certainly received 2024 images all right thank you that's everything up here all right moving on to public hearings 5A Kim you want to lead this off absolutely thank you mayor this is ordinance number 246 LC an ordinance of the city of dtin Florida amending article 7 zoning and Regulatory controls of the Land Development code to modify conditions and criteria for approval for luxury recreational vehicles RV resorts forly referred to as luxury motor home resorts providing for Authority providing for findings of fact providing for incorporation into the Land Development code providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing an effective date this is first reading so if you all um will recall when we purchased the bridge parcel we had an agreement um with the seller to process a Land Development code Amendment we are not obligated to approve it and as a side note with respect to that particular um seller and the other property that he was potentially interested in um for an RV Park which is located next to bigunas it may not even become an RV park at this time it's under contract for sale um so with that being said I don't want anyone to think this is limited in any way if this is passed it would be um Citywide and um with that being said it's limited to properties that are 10 acres or more so while it's Citywide there's not really that many properties uh currently that would be um able to benefit from this ordinance but it does provide updates and so staff um would be good with approving it even though there's not a specific project on the horizon if council is okay with it other than that we'll take questions Council don't forget to open it to the public hearing thank you yeah there's anyone from the public that's here to speak on this 5A this is your time to do so seeing none I will close the public hearings and entertain a motion cilman Bagby well uh we'll make the motion I move the city council approve with modifications the proposed ordinance 24- 06- LC the proposed modifications are in uh sub paragraph F where I'm I'm fine with all the recreational vehicle verbage and stuff but in paragraph F uh I would like it to say where in the last sentence it says no pad may be occupied continuously by the same recreational vehicle or occupant for longer than 120 days I'd like to add or no longer than 180 days in any one year so what I don't want is they're there for 119 days they go down the road for a week then they come back and the next thing you know they've pretty much taken up permanent residence that's my first change and then the second change is in paragraph H and uh j3 I would like the uh setbacks to remain what they originally were particularly so minimum setback from perimeter of parcel to recreational vehicle pad to remain at 35 ft next to residential uses 25 ft next to all other uses outside of the UN unified development plan and 15 ft next to all other uses within the unified development plan instead of the recommended 14 ft and then in j3 uh that it would uh buffering adjacent to residential uses natural areas or maintain Landscaping of dense planes comprised of mat material with a median height of 12 ft at time of certificate of occupancy covering a depth of not less than 20 ft instead of the recommended 14 ft basically I want the setbacks I don't like the 14t setback I'll just be honest with you and then I would like to read four where j4 I'm sorry where it says buffers adjacent to non-residential uses a minimum of 10 ft wide landscape buffers planted with materials in accordance with section 70 and I'm sure that section will change when we do the Land Development code update but at least I just want to reestablish those those buffers as they currently exist and I'll second that just one thing on that and I I'm sure we're good with all of that other than in h good with leaving the 35 and the 25 when we talk about that 15 ft um with the unified development plan that plan doesn't exist anymore I think so if you're okay we'll just take out the 15 but put the rest back the way you wanted it okay great thank thank you all right any discussions all right seeing none I have a motion come woman bear okay bear with a second and I'll call the vote all right anyone not voted someone hasn't voted I'm asking in a nice way everyone in no there's the culprit you dirty liar yeah yes yes good yes yes yeah yes I have it [Laughter] unanimously all right moving to two 5B Kim okay so for 5B and 5 C I am going to request that we hear them together these are applicant initiated and attorney stepen Tatum is here so just for the record um Mr Tatum do you have any objection with us doing the future land use Amendment or ordance and rezoning ordinances in one public hearing no okay Council would you be okay with that they involve the same property no okay so I'll read both ordinance titles and I'll just note that the the rezoning would not become effective if approved until after the effective date of the future land use Amendment and that's required by state law for consistency so ordinance number 2407 PC an ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida amending the comprehensive plan providing for Authority providing for findings of fact providing for the adoption of a small scale Amendment to the comprehensive plan future land use map to include a change in future land use designation of eight Parcels of real property located north of Calon Avenue as described and depicted in exhibit a consisting of approximately 4.75 Acres from calhon mixed juice Village CMV to Calhoun mixed juice CMU providing for incorporation into the comprehensive plan providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing for an effective date we'll also hear ordinance number 248 LC an ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida amending the official zoning map as referenced in the Land Development code section 7.2.0 A2 zoning maps to include a change in the zoning designation of eight Parcels of real property located north of Calhoun Avenue as described and depicted in exhibit a consisting of approximately 4.7 75 Acres from Calhoun mixed use Village CMV to Calhoun mixed use CMU providing for Authority providing for findings of fact providing for jurisdiction providing for zoning map amendments providing for incorporation into the Land Development code providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing an effective date this is first reading of both ordinances seeing that this is a public hearing at this time if there's anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this topic this is your time to do so seeing the same amount of people eager to talk I will close public comments and turn it back to you do you have anything opening good evening Stephen tat I'm here on behalf of the applicant um I don't have anything unless you have any questions um this is well I do have a little clarification it is 4.75 Acres the staff report does discuss as being for a parking lot for the new Marina and wedding venue that's going to be located on the South Side I guess that's the west side of Calhoun um this is not going to be a 4.75 acre parking lot I just want to understand that there are houses on some of these those houses will remain it's just that in order for this to be one unified development they all need to be in the same zoning district for that parking lot to service all of those areas because the The Cottages are part of this the wedding venue the marina um and then those other small houses that are right there that may or may not get converted into another year use they haven't decided what to do with those yet um so just don't fear that we're going to go in and bulldoze 4.75 acres and throw down a bunch of asphalt and so just to be clear this property is separated by Calhoun Avenue the other property is Waterfront and they want to have one unified development so the city did require um the same zoning and land use designation on both Parcels so if this is approved tonight you would still see um a major Amendment to the development order coming before you and so you would see the details of the development at that time right now there are no development approvals that's correct there and there's no development plan actually either there's you know a a sketch of what we would like to do but there's no no construction type plans yet and then with that Kim um to your point I think what you said earlier just if I heard that correctly because of that when we do the LC rewrite it's most likely everything that we rewrite and go in will then be what you guys F under under for the development order did I hear that correctly we we can't to keep everything parallel we have to do this and this doesn't really this doesn't have to do with the LDC rewrite so no I know that okay but I thought I heard something about we they wouldn't be able to do anything until the rewrite was done or that just completely missed okay I guess completely missed I I think I know what you're talking about and it's that the LDC rewrite right now as it stands which I don't think you voted on yet um it gets rid of CMU completely and makes everything CMU okay we we took that out I think at the last council meeting you weren't there that's why I didn't mention that I don't think we're doing that any longer but this um Standalone parking would not be allowed without this zoning anyway so they would not be able to have parking for their major development on the water most likely without this or at least they'd have to redesign things great customer Schmid is this the same parcel that bulld all the trees to make a parking lot or is not that I'm aware of no okay yeah yeah different that would be a different spot than this oh off of when are you talk when did this happen I mean it's not something that's happened recently for sure it's it's not that parcel that turned into a parking lot that's got no parking signs on it I'm not aware of that sir I I don't want to tell you I want to tell you a lie either but I'm not aware of that it was done all right don't have an answer for okay Council meston I would just have the observation that when we reone this it applies to this owner or a future owner should they decide to sell it and so I appreciate your reassurances and I don't have a problem with allowing it to I thought it should have been allowed anyway so I have no objection I just want everybody to understand it's you know they can't promise what a future owner may may or may not do should they decide to sell it it's a resoning period and to that point and staff correct me if I'm wrong but I believe CMU actually is a little bit more restrictive on your entitlements than CMV so it actually is kind of a Down zoning in a way right councilman Bagby so you're switching all these parcel or you you're asking to switch all these Parcels to CMU why not take the two Parcels that are across the street and switch them to CMU mhm that idea hasn't been explored I would say probably I don't want to speak for you but the parcels on the water already have a development order M so they are further along in the development process than these Parcels may be I don't know if that's the reason but well no actually the reason all of this came about was came in you know ready to what do we need to do to be able to put this parking lot in and like oh well you you can't put a standalone parking lot it's going to have to be part of your original development and the only way it can be part of your original development is if the zoning districts match so that's why we changed opted to change these Parcels to CMU from cnv that again that that begs my question so that they match why didn't you change the other two c I can add some information to that the um the standalone parking lots are not permitted in CMV there you go right so I just so you know uh I won't support this because I disagree with the staff's finding in both on the natural environment uh piece and they talk about you know density units and stuff but if you go out and you look at those trees the natural to Mr Dustin's Point somebody could bulldoze all those trees if y'all were to sell it and make it a parking lot and I just don't think it ought to be a stand does I don't think it ought to have the ability and specifically I disagree with the staff's findings on the natural environment in both of the public pieces I think to staff's not to be argumentative but um to to to to staff's credit they're looking at it as a land use and Zoning change they're not looking at it from this is our development plan so they're not they don't have a plan in front of them to develop to if we're going to affect any trees or not so their their statements accurate in the staff report that this change will have no negative effect from CMU to CMU or CMV to CMU en natural environment will be could be changed in this zoning change the natural environment could because you don't allow St uh parking lot you do allow a par well right now you could actually go in there and build a mixed juice development that 7 ft tall on that area and definitely impact the natural environment so really no it's not that this change doesn't have an effect on the environment I disagree okay all right CER Stevens I move that city council appr uh uh approve the proposed ordinance 24- 07- PC and 24- 08- LC can we vote on this individually because the system is set up that way oh okay we talked about doing it in one motion but if the system can't do it we into the system is set up where it's individual voting let's start with PC though although your motion was perfect otherwise second yo uh councilman Kings got the second and we're going to run through it twice basically all right first first reading we be back on August 19th okay um let me pull bag me out okay so here we go call the vote for 5B 52 ice have it and then can I announce it we motion okay um motion pass 5 to2 uh CC member Stevens yes counc member guile yes counc member Destin yes coun member Bagby no ccil member abar yes council member King yes and council member schmith no all right thank you Ray all right so going to 5c every all the other legal obligations have been met so we're just looking for another motion John you want to hit it again and you say it again just said it again all right um I move city council approve proposed ordinates 24- 08- LC second second all right and you set it for 08 okay thank you all right got another second by councilman King motion by Stevens any further discussions seeing none calling the vote all right 52 can I get have the N ditto no C member Stevens yes CC member guile yes counc member Destin yes counc member Bagby no CC member abar yes CC member King yes CC member schmith Noth no there you go there you go four hours of your life I hope you build them for it I'm an equal opportunity Biller an offender yes all right 6A we're going to go down the line comments from the council cilman Stevens uh I'll be real quick uh I just want to thank Sheriff's Department uh for uh having Foot Patrol on the on the Harbor Docks now or on the docks now appreciate it awesome all right coun M just an update with the Dustin High School on Morgan Sports Complex we all met briay at the field with the contractor along with Dustin high school and parks and R crew uh they've got a plan moving forward the interlocal agreement I believe they gave a an adjusted copy to our City Attorney Kim cop and I believe she's reviewing it to is that correct well we've reviewed it I think that um we have many comments back but I understood you were going to go meet with them with Lisa first yeah we met Friday yeah so I think I'm waiting to hear from you and Lisa all right but we'll talk all right [Laughter] bye Council mest I've got a a simple hopefully non-controversial one this time uh about 25 years ago we had a sister city program going with a a a coastal town in France and uh it was going along quite nicely they sent a delegation over and and then it all just kind of went away I've had some requests from people in the community if if we couldn't look in to see if we can renew that relationship and I will try to find the details and bring them to uh our acting city manager and we can look at renewing that tie we had before I'm hearing some travel expenses coming up no I don't think we're not going to get away with that but Council Bagby Bagby uh nothing mayor thank Council uh two things I would like to put under my name for the next meeting um to put speed tables on Legion between Beach and Benning and then the second thing I want to discuss is the fencing that was um being constructed as I was leaving town and I called the city to ask about it and they had all these poles that were supposed to be part of a chain link fence for Harbor one I thought when we were talking about it what we wanted to put was towway zone signs so that people couldn't park there and they could be towed right away um I'm not sure if we want to put a chain link fence up there which is kind of set back anyway kind of you know leaves that extra area free for people to illegally Park anyway but I wanted to find out from Council what are your thoughts I mean do you I mean that the whole purpose of buying that and having that is to enjoy that view and you come up that road and you have a big old chain link fence there that just kind of takes away the whole purpose of seeing what you know what we bought so I would like to have that discontinued and put the tollway signs in that we talked about any any feedback anybody Steph anyone want to jump in for that Michael yeah I certainly can the uh the purpose of the chain link fence that follows the do RightWay line so we can't put a chain link fence on there RightWay um is a protection from what I feel to be hazards at the base of the Hill down close to the seaw wall um I have some photos I could share um I don't know where Andy went but uh the condition of the property there I think there might have been an old ready mixed concrete plant there at one point in time or it was a dump site for a concrete but Ryan if you could just scroll through those and I think we could all agree that people when they enter that property that's where they want to go is down to the water's edge and the condition of the property down there is just not conducive to having people walk down there we have put up no parking signs we have put up no trespassing signs but people still Park and people still trespass so the chain link fence we have talked about it with Lewis on many many occasions seems to be the solution that would both provide secur and safety for the public at that location to counter that then put the chain link fence down there so they can't get to that broken concrete put it all along that down there and change those signs from no parking to you will be towed and then put the tow company down there off of mountain on hey you can go by there anytime you want you see a car tow it C Bagby so question for the attorney because I would I might be okay with what what you just said but anybody gets injured on that parcel that's our responsibility right we have a responsibility to take reasonable precautions but I think either way they're reasonable under council member aar's suggestion or under Mike burgess's suggest gestion because in both cases that dangerous area is blocked off from the public but yes subject to sovereign immunity and all of our protections we are uh potentially liable if we fail to warn so go the sign warn go back up or go forward I don't know the one that showed the hill keep going keep going keep going there well okay so that you know looks d dangerous I'm just saying somebody going around that wooden so I would want it and I understand we can't get in DOS right away I got that so we can't take it to the road Edge or the whatever uh to totally prevent people but I would say somewhere there's a happy medium between the two of you that says I I don't want people down there okay on that because that's dangerous right there and somebody's going to get hurt and then we're going to have a $2 million lawsuit and the money that we thought we were going to spend fixing the intersection at stalman in '98 it's not going to get fixed so just can can you bring us back a recomment and I I'm fine with the and I don't want eight I hate signs I just tell you but we do need signs say toway Zone you know and they have to be I think every 50 ft by state law or something which I hate but you know we need to follow state law and we need to tow them uh but I I'm okay with the fence on any area that you and Miss abar agree is dangerous and if there's y'all disagree then bring it and you know I kind default to if I think it's dangerous it's dangerous or it could be dangerous because I just don't want to hey I don't want to see anybody get hurt uh because they're going to all be on that lot watching the Drone show you know and I guarantee you some drunk's going to trip over something and then they're going to sue us because they had you know 28 shots of liquor and and and if I could add one other thing counselor Bagby and Miss abar counselor AAR uh the gate we're going to put a gate a 20ft gate up at the top where the little driveway comes in and that would still allow folks like Lamar signs Weber infrastructure City staff sheriff's office if they needed to access that property they would have access to it um fencing off the lower section we I can talk certainly talk to councelor AAR about it but I'm not sure that they would have that same level of access to the property they where they would need to get if it was just exclusively fenced down at the bottom but we we we'll talk about it it's fine yeah I was going to say something similar is you know the what we have here for the time being until we come up with a plan and exactly what we want to do what we have is a beautiful view from Calhoun for all the locals who get to see it you know I think that's what kind of spurred the conversation on was when we first drove by there and you saw it we were like Whoa We got to have this place you know so I would be in support of that as well and if and surely there's a way to design it or engineer this fence to get it down below the crest of the road to where you can still see the view um people can still stand there and St take you know sunset pictures and whatnot but but blocking it off at the road with a 8ot fence seems like a horrible idea to me I've seen that I've seen the property it is dangerous yeah there's there's dangerous stuff on it um and I think that we could get it to where we could put a gate in so the market still get down there but that would be my that would be my suggestion as well C Schmidt thank you um the property that was top of the hill Mr Burgess there's a ledge around there right there's a there's a ledge on the edge there's a ledge on the edge you know the flat part where the the retaining wall is like up top where the gate where the fence is being built right now about 15 feet further isn't there a ledge that people fall off of or could fall off of or is that all blocked you have four-wheel drive you can drive over it but they've done that before too but there is there is a drop off there is a drop off there's a little rise and then it drops off so is a safety issue down at the bottom by the water or is a safety issue from up there falling off the little ledge in my opinion the the greater of the safety issues is down where that concrete is okay well then yeah I would I would suggest we find a way to put the fence further away from the road that's going to block where the safety issue is um further towards the water but to your point I know what you're talking about because we've done a clean up there was a building there and it was demolished because if you're if you're kind of staying next to I guess the right away of f dot at some point when there's that ledge it's a very steep I mean you could kind of run up at four like all four but it's it's fairly steep but to support staff though because we want to support staff and code get this going cars park in there absolutely we all know it and I think many of us have probably have called about that I have so the fence will also prevent that I get that I'm sure it will so if they're not going to put the fence there are we all going to be okay with cars continuing to pull in go to meguire pull out do this do that because now they're going to be able to park there so you got to you know you got to figure that out surely there's a way with like the concrete poles that you could put there to keep people from parking there barri just to keep the view the way it is concrete poles or something I'm just saying if they move the fence now people are going to park them so keep that in mind that's better than an8 foot fence you know mean that that we can figure out a way to keep may look keep people out of the cross town connector with a chain you know you still see all the way to the end of that well I I I'll work with councelor AER this week and we'll come up with a solution because I'm telling you right now you put a towway sign pal Meadow those people that got towed about 3 weeks ago for fireworks for the 4th of July the word went around it was on desit it was on let's talk Destin don't park at Palo they mean they're going to tow that's all you got to do you put some toe away zone signs right there on that corner a few cars get towed the word gets around that's not a free parking lot go down the hill and park and be done with it all righty got motion we got a consensus we feeling oh I'm sorry yes C Destin yeah um that chain link fence along there destroying the view is totally unacceptable yes sir uh move it down to the water where we can keep people away from the concrete and as far as the parking lot we can come up with some Innovative way to keep people out of there a low brick or block wall would do that and also on the backside if you want to put one there so they don't fall off just out of curiosity how much did we spend or how much were we proposing to spend on that chain link fence that we were erecting the PO for that work was a little less than 24,000 24,000 and what is the spending limit that the city manager has 35,000 sounds like we need to lower it didn't we just raise it you know when I saw that up there I was pretty disgusted too and more disgusted that that would be thrown up without the council have any knowledge at all of it uh not really acceptable Mr Mayor go ahead Mr Burgess did we talk as I asked I didn't get the answer I apologize it was late but we talked about this at a previous council meeting we are presented with something and we voted on it and we approved it or do we not you don't recall either I I don't recall anything specifically I just know that we've had a lot of internal conversations about that property all right uh councilwoman nebor anything else under your name all right C do we want to vote on this or I didn't have a motion I want to vote on this but uh this speed table I I will make my annual plea that we actually follow the dang proc process that we have a written process my fiance knows how to yeah as opposed to bringing it back direct to council because that you know you talk oh their story you know people well they haven't done all the work they haven't been to the public works Public Safety group they didn't do the speed study we had already done the speed study so I just we have we have a process and if we keep short circuiting the process people get that's what ticks people off in this town is some some people go through the entire process and get or don't get a speed table and then some people come which you're allowed to and you know I would just like our response to be let let's fix the proc you know where are we in the process because I don't even know where we are in the process and then let's let's put it through the process that that's my only so I mean you can put it under your name it has process I I won't support it at the next meeting because we we got I just think we need to stop doing that Ryan and L us um so I misspoke earlier uh the speed study that I was looking at on the map was the next the next section of that same road that's kind of J yeah the legion so I went and spoke to them while they're sitting over there and they showed me where they want it and I already ordered it with my team um so they're going to put that out and get a speed study done for that area um I'll also point out that that's right where the new cross town connector is going to go so once that cross down connector's in that's going to totally change the traffic flow on that road that they're requesting speed all right councilman King thank you sir um yeah I was gonna I I share the same sentiment as uh Mr Bagby I the the the speed bumps and I was I was going to say this before he brought it up the speed bumps no no no no the the the unwarranted speed bumps drive me nuts the ones on Kelly I understand being that it's school right there and the that's that's not speed bumps that's a stop sign um but you know I was going to recommend this when we got closer to the Cross down connector was to just to regardless of a speed or a traffic study to do speed bumps or speed humps or speed table or whatever on that portion of Legion and on Mountain Drive to divert traffic to the cross town connector um and so I mean normally I'm like way hard against speed bumps I hate them um aside from if the if the process if they're qualified by the process um which they almost never are uh but I would I would be inclined to lean toward speed bumps on that road and on Mountain Drive at some point when we get closer to the cross town connector to divert traffic and that's all I have tonight thank you Ryan got anything on that yeah and I will point out that the engineering division has been looking at alternative methods to slowing down speed besides stop signs and speed humps um and we're taking that presentation to this next month or this month's Public Works Public Safety Committee to start that conversation with them um to see what they think about these alternative ideas and see if any of these ideas we want to bring back to council to consider all right km Schmidt so Mr King doesn't like safe safe driving saving lives no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding um Crystal I just wanted to make a note uh hopefully next meeting will we do you know if we can have the Joe's by you uh work schedule ready is that Crystal Jamie you you mean with the Jo our staff's work schedule at Joe's byou oh the work schedule for Joe's byou I'll put the request in I can't guarantee it for August 12th I think last time I but I'll talk to the parks W team and see if we can have it available I appreciate it I think Lewis last time he was here said that they were working on with Jamie so just double check if you don't mind I appreciate it uh and speaking of Lewis uh I know we all miss him and uh I just wanted to say thoughts and prayers for him and his family and uh speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him in his smiling face soon all right I have to thank Ray for this one uh it's just housekeeping I'm going to go down to the annual conference for FLC and since I'm the only one I guess I'm going to be the only one that needs to vote uh it's kind of more of a housekeeping thing I think it's almost unanimous every time who's the next second VP so it's I just need a motion in a second May voting all right thank you Council Bagby with motion councilwoman neighbor with second I don't think we're discussing this all right call the vote I got one yeah all right what's up I'll nominate you all right all right yeses everyone's there we go yes there we go eyes have it so moved all right City Attorney Kim anything I don't have anything thank you mayor all right uh public comments yeah okay around no you've been here hey you Des you deserve more Becky Pritchard 145 Timber Court uh I wanted to comment on the speed bumps from the lady that opened up the meeting and but then when Miss abar said you know you want to bring it up next meeting I thought oh well I don't have to say anything but then Mr Bagby said I I don't want to do those things so then I had to come up here and say what I had to say um it's not only speeding that makes a road dangerous you know just get those all of these roads that we keep talking about I know I've talked about mine before by you drive there's also First Street Fourth Street people leaving the boat ramp trying to get out of town and you know they running down those roads they're only a third of a mile long all of them and they are going fast down those roads even if it's not 30 miles per hour or 35 just ramping up so they can hurry up and get to the other stop sign I don't get it either but that's what they do and Legion Drive my goodness that is definitely one of them and all those kids cannot get on a bus to go to school they're all walking to school and walking home so that is definitely a road that needs to be looked at but I wish I would also look at other East and West Roads that connect the long roads like First Street and Fourth Street and well Fourth Street all the way through and then where it jumps Benning and you know continues across cross so all of those and if you don't like speed bump it's because they slow you down and you can't get where you're going fast enough and I don't think the cross town connector will change a thing because people don't want to turn left to go or they don't want to go over speed bumps by the churches to get to the cross town connector or they they want to jump over run down Legion run down Benning and run down aelia out and no speed bumps so you know that's what we want to slow down is the people running down the roads trying to get places faster than they need to that's it thank you minute and a half if you want to keep going thanks for being here yes yes you did anyone else no pure entertainment all right you got something yep I was remiss earlier and forgot to remind everybody that we do have our second public Workshop SRS and uh Town Center meeting tomorrow at 5:30 so if you didn't get enough tonight please come tomorrow at 5:30 24 hours we get to see other again all right just to just to make sure everybody understands it's it's not a council Workshop but you are invited and you can participate if you so choose it's a public Workshop there's a big difference all right with no other public comments I will close no oh I'll close this meeting all right