[Music] oh yeah girl [Music] no [Music] 2 all right we got one minute everyone one minute warning evening everyone we're going to get this city council meeting to order today is February 5th 2024 and I will call this meeting to order we'll start with the invocation with Pastor David Butler would you bow your heads with me please almighty God we give you thanks and praise for all your Mighty works we thank you that you are the Lord of our city we thank you for our city and those that serve thank you for our elected officials the businesses the churches the families our schools and Educators and father we thank you for our strong military community and our veterans we ask that that you watch over our law enforcement and First Responders we thank you for the individuals that make our city great we ask a special blessing upon them tonight and thank you for John Stevens being willing to serve on this Council and now the Priestly blessing may the Lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you and may he give you his peace amen everyone please put their hand over their heart and repeat after me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right all right David thank you for that I appreciate it always coming and doing that Faith Assembly Christian Church AKA The Rock and Roll Church all right up next I will look for a agenda approva approval motion to approve second Motion in second any further discussions seeing mayor oh we have the inauguration first oh I see sorry John it's it's a random random uh insert there awesome go ahead please raise your right hand and place your left hand on the Bible repeat after me I I John Stevens do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support protect and defend that I will support ta and defend the constitution of the and government of the United States the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida and the State of Florida that I am duly qualified to hold office and I'm duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and that I will well and Faithfully perform that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of destined city council member the duties of Destin city council member on which I am now about to enter on which I'm I'm now about to enter so help me God so help me got [Applause] sorry about that John congratulations thanks sir you want to say anything uh pretty much just want to say thanks to council for believing me um looking forward to helping the city move keep on moving forward and I'm ready to get to work awesome well we appreciate you being up here thank you so much it's like Taylor Swift over here everybody snapping picture all right got my motion and second still for the agenda approval so we'll go ahead with the vote call on the vote and then hit the green for proceed all right I have it so moved there we go all right up first we'll go into public comments so at this time I will start on my right stage left three minutes at the mic if anyone wants to come up this is your time to do so middle of the crowd yep yep name and address the floor is yours Greg fiser uh 1232 Emerald Bay Drive uh dtin Florida I just want to uh acknowledge John Stevens for uh you know being appointed for Des city council I want to just share a story about John uh so is a good one John don't worry so I started my my company 15 years ago I was 23 years old not too far out of college and uh and the concept was fairly new to this area and not a lot of businesses gave me an opportunity John was the third company to join uh my company trip shock he allowed us to book himself on a commission no businesses around here wanted to take commission which understandably it wasn't a a thing so John gave me a chance he listened and to this day uh trip shock has brought over $75 million in bookings to local tour operators uh fishing charter oral operators and uh John we just need more people like John in this community to sit down and listen to to entrepreneurs give them a shot and uh I appreciate it John really do so thank you sir yeah thank [Applause] you all right up next yes sir in the back S I got you second on Deck all right so just push the button so push the button and it'll turn red and then your name and address there we go Ted love 3845 Indian Trail Dustin Florida obvious Destin I don't have a whole lot to say tonight but again I appreciate you guys being here I know it's a it's a hard job I'm not trying to make y'all's job any harder but again uh you know I I appreciate the work you do do but I'm uh um well I'm just so mad right now this this is a just uh has to do with the stop sign on U Spring Lake Road I mean this is just an absolute Abomination uh you guys make a lot of decisions and uh I'm pretty much happy for them but this one is just uh just turns to be an outright nuisance and again I talked to some people earlier sorry I me uh I missed discussion when this uh stop sign was being talked about but so now it's after the fact and after the fact this is one day so we had one day of the four-way stop there at Spring Lake and uh it's just hard to think what uh what good is going to going to come of that U you know it's uh I've I've been through that many SE at intersection many times all of you guys have uh it's uh it's pretty common uh the school zone and and all the other stuff been living here 30 years I never saw the reason for a four-way stop still don't see a reason for a four-way stop on that road from the uh superstop to the school it's absolutely just uh ludicrous at this point I know you must have discussed uh reasons for it uh I'm I'm sure you did but at at this point um I would assume that speed was probably one of the largest reasons but again I walk every day uh every other day three miles to the Emerald Grand and back every day uh every other day and that's all through Des I got in the boat R up I I walk all the time for my health I've never had a problem on that stretch of property crossing the road at the school or anywhere else right there it just uh it's just turned out to be a uh absolute nuisance so you got a four-way stop now so now you made an intersection out of it where do you have re at intersections I mean just coming through there today people stop now somebody's looking now somebody's waving somebody through it it's just a lot of confusion for no reason why don't just yank those signs up save the $4,000 and then do a different take a different approach to it if it's speed now if it's for the children I can understand that also I did my own survey it's not official you can sit right there at that intersection and there's not going to be a single child cross that road that Spring Lake Road right there if anybody does cross Spring Lake it's on the south side of Kelly Street on the Duck Pond Side and they'll be escorted by an adult uh you know you just don't see single kids crossing right there there's no reason for it you know kids uh they don't they just don't stay there you know there's there's um if they walk to school or ride a bicycle they're probably coming a different way because you go up uh uh towards the Legion Drive and there's a lot of people you know a lot of stuff you know up that way and and the school buses so if you're doing it for the children it's not a good idea because there's none there and then even on a busy day you can sit there your problem is is at the duck pond where everybody's waiting for their kids to come down you know so you know so then that's where your problem is not up here so why don't you just take take the stop signs out the yet you we have yellow blinking lights already on the school zone so wrap up your thoughts please what's that wrap up your thoughts okay and so I'm just saying to be in in Destin and then have nuisance enforcement that's what we got we got nuisance stop sign that one we we don't need got nuisance speed bumps all over town and this is just not the way to do the uh you know the the traffic control so my recommendation is let's remove them let's keep traffic we got to keep traffic moving the state spent months synchronizing lights on 98 to keep traffic moving and expedited so I'm just saying you know let's let's keep Destin moving and and and and don't just make it a Nuance everywhere you go so thanks thank you right Sandy Sandy traml 3823 Indian Trail I'm glad we're represented tonight um I'm going to wear Three Hats tonight in my three minutes first hat is uh thank you mayor for the DAR Proclamation for their 10th anniversary of the Daughters of the American Revolution unit here in dtin that happened this weekend uh second thing is now I'm the putting the Hat on as the chairman of the parks and wreck committee we did vote for the plans that you're uh that are coming toward you tonight for pickle ball and so I just wanted to reiterate that the third hat I'm wearing tonight is not as parks and wck chair it say Sandy traml Citizen and after we did the parks and wck meeting I got to thinking the council meetings that I attend we're talking about a new vision we're talking about a new governmental Center eventually we're talking about rebuilding and new building when I looked at the pickle ball I said well one of the things if we don't get the public shopping center this would be a perfect governmental Center you can work here why it's being built right next to maintenance or in the parking lot or somewhere but that way this building could stay until you needed it needed it for parking so my recommendation is tonight to look at I call it the sand dun but it's the sand dun as you go around into Morgan Sports Center adjacent to the Children's Park we need a bathroom at the Children's Park there's room there for pickle ball courts I'm not sure how many because we haven't done the survey yet but you could also at the end of the Children's Park toward the ballfields is a pavilion that no one really ever uses it's out there in the middle of nowhere you could move the children's park down and have a lot more room for pickle ball Courts at that end then they would all be part of recreation the city hall would be a great place to put a new community center right in the middle of all of that you have the parking built there and I'm just asking you to consider that as a possibility tonight when you're looking at the plans thank you thank you I miss anyone in the middle before I move on far right no one all right we closing public comments and we will go to the consent agenda so I'll entertain a motion for the consent any motion to approve second motion a second seeing no further discussions call the vote all right eyes have it so moved all right city manager Mr zenu uh thank you mayor and good evening to you and also good evening to uh council members uh the first item we have for you this evening has to do with the undergrounding project uh as we move forward with this project one of the key elements that uh we need to undertake uh is a replacement of the current light poles uh in the project area uh our grants coordinator uh who's here this evening has got the details uh for you regarding the type uh of polls that we're looking at and also the associated costs for you to give us direction to move forward uh Jeff would you want to do that for us please yes sir uh good evening Council and mayor uh we have a a choice of two polls that fpl's provided to us uh to replace the polls that are currently on the corridor that the undergrounding will take place Place Uh current poles are not able to be reused so we'll have to uh select new poles to go in their place the one pole uh option one is a gray colored pole a concrete pole with a black Mast it cost $4,700 a month for the 150 lights in that Corridor um the option two is a black pole with a top mounted black Mast and that cost $6,000 a month for that Corridor as well um additional information is we do have to pay back FPL for the life expectancy of the lights that are there now the useful life left in those um when those lights are taken down that amount will have to be paid back and we won't know for sure how much that is until we have a date that those will come down but right now it's estimated to be about 60,000 um the other piece to add to that is fot does provide us a credit um that would equals $3,450 a month to go towards that um those cost lighting so if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them uh Michael's here he can answer questions Stephanie Lindsay from UCF is here and she' be excited to answer any questions you have to all right first out of the gun council member Stevens uh yes I got a quick question on the uh black poles um when we go to like other cities see these black poles where the black peels so um I guess the question is um the concrete is the black going to be mixed in with the concrete or is it going to be painted the uh dye is mixed in with the concrete as it's cast Okay and then this one question doesn't really make a difference on whether or not it's black or gray but are we going to be able to put like holiday banners and stuff like that on these for whenever that comes my understanding is uh we can work with FPL on that I believe we will be able to do some of that um it might be a little bit limited but I do think there's possibility of allowing some banners and such all right up next Council mmid I move that we select option two the black pole with top mounted mass and have the staff inform MPL of our selection all right got a motion second by councilman King couple questions go ahead um when did we replace the current ones that we are going to have to still pay for once they're taken down City signed a lighting agreement in April of 2022 for the replacement of 111 High Press sodium lights that's those peach colored lights with the LEDs in in addition there was another lighting agreement for 22 additional lights as part of another fdot project so it's I think it's 13 three total was that a requirement from dot or something to replace those since we were working on the undergrounding project we were already talking about lights at that time yeah I think th it is completely unrelated to the undergrounding it was probably part of the 3r project when dot came in and redid the um the stretch between Airport Road and the East Pass Bridge uh back in 21 or so that's when that happened okay and has there been any preliminary conversations with them about working out a deal of not paying that or giving us a you know are they going to take I mean do we get to keep them because if we're paying for them are they ours and I think what are we paying for I think this is 99% correct what I'm about to say we don't really own those those aren't ours they're leased so just like any other lease we're kind of ending that relationship early with the undergrounding efforts because these fixtures cannot be uh recycled into the undergrounding project so whenever we are shown and given information that the price is for the service and the supplies you're saying it's more of we're just leasing it for approximately $60,000 until it's paid off and then but what happens after we pay $60,000 do we have to I mean they're still going to service them right so each each fixture just like anything else has a useful life and I believe the the fixtures have about a 20year useful life so we would pay that amount over the course of 20 years and then FP would come swap them out we would open a new lighting agreement with them and so what's the net cost of the new polls $93,000 that FOC told us it's 4700 a month for the one but we get a 3450 credit back that doesn't take into consideration the 60,000 we have to pay so it's $4,700 a month per poll or for just a month so it's about 60,000 a year for 20 years so 1.2 million dollar for polls and leasing them is the f. letter says it's $923 75 for something that's the credit we received back from F dot oh that's the credit yeah that's uh the bill actually comes from FPL in addition we do receive a annual allowance from fdot for the U uh cost of power and maintenance uh this year's agreement was around $997,000 and it goes up by 3% each year okay where can I see how long we're going to be paying $2,550 per month until until the life expectancy is that 30,000 a year will the agreement come back to the council before it's signed or sealed or delivered yes it would cool okay then I'll hold my questions and then maybe we can just get through it then uh and hopefully also in that agreement we can work on things like Mr Stevens talked about as well take take that in consideration um I definitely like the black ones though better and especially if the black is mixed in but I do have a lot of I just want to know more about this unending financial burden of polls that we don't own now we're having to take them down we don't own them so that's all I need thank you all right councilman dtin thank you mayor I was just wondering if we had the ability to have the choices on our screen up there so the folks who have taken the time to be here tonight we'll actually see what we're talking about that would be I guess an it question should be able to do that get them up there in uh 40 seconds right well that's going c b you want to go if that's just anything else my my questions are for Michael I already asked the staff but I think the the staff hopefully pre-brief Michael uh and he'll be able to answer the questions so I let him do the picture I'm proud of you putting that up there look at that getting the technology going there it is 15,600 between the black and the gray between Black's more in Council you'll notice other than the the color of the pole itself being different the way that the arm affixes to the top is also a little different the black one affixes at the top and the one Andy can you pull that one up it kind of fix us to the side and there's a difference in the price of these yes sir which one is cheaper The Gray colored PA The Gray colored one the county looking one how much cheaper The Gray colored is 4700 a month the all black is 6,000 oh so it's, 1500 more a month 130000 yeah close to it 15,000 16 and which comes out to 15 a little over 16,000 or so a year right something like that can we paint the gray ones black now this like councilor Dustin someone asked me they they they told me that someone was going to ask that tonight so gotcha okay thanks all right Council M oh sorry I got put your button in no go for go push my button okay so hopefully Michael they gave you the pre-brief uh how many of the 111 were replaced two years ago the 111 you see in the lighting agreement were replaced there were 86 or 84 um accom combination of High Press sodium lights one or two LEDs so evidently they added some as part of that new lighting no they had about in the re Ahad they had the others they weren't all the same wattage but they you're you're right uh some of them were but so basically we're paying for 18 years worth of nonuse and do we lease the pole or do we lease the light so when we've added new street lights we have to lease the pole I'm not sure about the existing poles the old wooden poles because there are other things on those poles other than lights there's Transformers and you know Communications and things like that but we don't we don't own those poles the only poles that I know that we do own are the ones right out here on Common Drive Right with the shepherd's hook exactly those are ours and we maintain those so the question that I think I asked Lewis and everybody else that was on the call was to go back to fpl and find out if all if they replaced all the poles if cuz I don't believe they replaced all the poles they replaced the light bulbs they may have had to replace the fixtures so that the bulbs the non sodium bulbs could fit in there but if we're leasing the poles okay as opposed to the fixtures the poles didn't all get replaced so we've hit our 20 years plus on the polls so I this is kind of to Mr Smith's question but a little finer granular is what what is the 60,000 I want somebody to show me the numbers on what we're Leasing and what what the life expectancy if you say 20 years I'm I'm fine with 20 years but if it's the polls then we've paid for all those polls I'm not paying $60,000 for polls that have been there for 20 years if it is for the fixtures okay that they replaced two years ago then uh they should be able to reuse those fixtures some some sort of discount over to the 60,000 so I just want somebody to show me the math uh and you know I will see Bernard in the morning uh at our Tuesday meeting at 8:00 and I will ask him to start cranking the numbers because 60,000 is just too much can you know just as a sign of Goodwill that were going forward with these guys on the undergrounding that were paying them or paying a contractor to help them underground these utilities uh I think they ought to give us some some sort of credit to that and that's what I would ask y'all to go back and ask them for good deal cman G my question is just a a question is some answer I think I might have misheard something Ray could I please hear the motion that uh Kevin made there'll be option two black Paul with Top Mountain Mast and have the staff inform FPL of our selection okay on my presentation the black poles are option one and the gray poles are option two so just to stay consistent can we change that to option one mine says option two is a black concrete poll I'm just looking at the when you press the option one the picture of the black shows up like what he has highlighted right there see how it says option one he can he can edit my motion just make sure it includes black yeah can we just remove option and just put black on black if that's what it is just so there's no confusion only government I'm just making sure there's no issues later I love it all right Kaz Schmidt oh yeah sorry yes uh have we looked at what it cost to do our own polls well why why can the city not go put our own polls in there it's state rideway probably that'd probably be the best reason um we don't control that land so we're so we're forced to lease polls from FPL rather than like put our own in on City rideway projects when we do add it's always an option to purchase sure but uh you can lease it as well so you have that option but I'm not sure about on the state route I mean I don't think it would behoove us not to inquire about what the options are to while we're doing this project to see the cost of putting in our own polls while we're researching the cost of leasing these for the next 20 years we instead looking okay appreciate it right cman Bagby final thoughts yeah I wanted to mention uh I'm a favor of the black on black just from an aesthetic it doesn't draw your eye to the gray Pole or white pole if you go talk to all all the Architects down 30A they'll tell you dark window frames because it that is what you want uh I do not want to get in the pole business I just want to go on record uh number one number two my my my guess is that fot will not reimburse us for our polls and then the liability of us putting in the polls when a windstorm comes is probably greater than I also want to think so I I get the whole state right away leas in the polls there's a reason everybody does that you know y'all y'all can look uh at us being responsible for polls but the the cost and the downside uh from my perspective is greater than we need to uh undertake all right Council M Dustin final thoughts this is a this is a 20-year commitment is that what the lease period is the service life is what I was referring to earlier this expected service life for a fixture like this is probably around 20 years okay we're going to sign a lease document though right we would sign a probably a lighting agreement very similar to the one in your package get for 111 fixtures and does it have we we we do those and I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off but we do those periodically when we've been doing our LED conversions and they take these high pressure sodiums down and they put LEDs up every time they uh we get ready to put them on a mission to do a subdivision or something like that we have to sign a new lighting agreement okay so we think 20 years at 15,000 more a year whatever it comes out to that's better than $300,000 black is awful pretty but I'm not sure it's that pretty well the other thing councelor Dustin is the the fixture has an expected service life and the pole has an expected service life so those will differ yeah and we are simply voting to make a choice between black and gray right and then there will be a document that comes back to us that we have to vote on again correct that is correct another bite at the Apple yes it it's about 150 like we're Rel replacing the 111 with about 150 right correct that's the way I read the documents I just want to make sure we because that's one of the reasons the cost is increasing from 2,000 to whatever it's the net cost is increasing that's one last comment counselor Bagby I'm sorry I do this quite a bit but when we um submit our invoice to F do every April May time period um we update the inventory of lights so once those 150 are uh in implemented and or installed we get about $300 per light per year from fot for that uh inconvenience of managing their lighting system for them so that'll be an additional 30 something lights 39 lights all right with everyone being an expert in lights I'm going to call the vote all right eyes have it unanimously so moved Mr zenui yes thank you um the next item has to do with the catilla park Renovations uh stuff is seeking your review and approval of the draft RFP and project designs uh for this project to be shared uh with the county uh pursuit to the grant agreement that we have with them um once again I'll turn that over to uh Jeff our grants coordinator thank you uh just as a update the board of County Commissioners will have the subord agreement on the agenda tomorrow morning once they execute that and get us a copy back then the next step in the process is the procurement um and that's the that's what the RFP document covers um the RFP document has three uh features to it that I'll mention um that are different than what we did with royal Melvin uh the first is we added language in there to cover the contractor selection as far as the council goes so there's more options available to council as to how that process works and uh we recently updated the purchase manual to reflect that that language is also in this document um secondly um we updated the plans to reflect um updates that were required because of code and some County required updates and those were done last year though those are also been provided to the county already and those are what's represented here and I'll be glad to answer any questions all right oh oh one more thing excuse me the contract the Construction contract yes uh that has also been updated and we're adding some language to that but uh we updated that significantly from the one we used with the Royal Melvin Park so we we feel far more confident in our ability to manage a project with that contract so that's also been updated and added awesome thank you so much good news any discussions councilman Bagley the whoops that's the conclusion let me pull down the recommended motion I move City forward RFP 24-02 re to the county for review and approval the mo do I hear a second second we have a second do we have a second yep okay uh a first counc thank you uh a few questions and comments um I think Ryan when you first got here this is one of your new things this project right you found out we were behind on some code issues and things like that so we had to redo the plans the drawings and schematics is that somewhat of a correct yeah the restrooms in the previous approved version were off to the side wanted to C put those in the central location of the park raise it had to be raised for flooding Ada ramps be added the Pavilion that was shown in the previous set of plans cut down some nice existing trees so we were just rotating and moving that Pavilion to avoid that kind of stuff and then uh parking lot got tweaked a little bit but overall the parking lots the same was there any anything changed from the original designs to besides what you just mentioned we didn't add or delete anything from the original plans we just Shuffle the pieces around okay and where is the Gazebo is the Gazebo no longer on here the Gazebo is going to go at the the end of the sidewalk closest to the Bay um we have one picked out uh so I don't think there's a note on the plans but that's where it's going to go is it supposed to be on the plan the Gazebo we can add a note huh we can add a note will that impact our grant funding or treasuries issues or anything when we add a gazebos on the plan that gazebo was questionable because a hurricane took it out um and then as part of the grant requirements has to go back in so that's not going to affect the grant that's that's correct okay so uh I brought up some concerns and questions in my pre-briefing uh meeting um primarily because we are renovating this Park and replacing just about everything um but the original Pavilion and walkway is not being replaced and it's actually being kept there so if you're familiar with this park if you've been out there in a while um that's right next to the current playground um and I'm a little concerned about spending over a million dollars on a Park renovation and walking out there and seeing a 50-year-old Pavilion a walkway that's going to be there um and so speaking with I guess staff I understand I believe the recommendation is that we should just continue to proceed as planned and to get this thing going um but I do feel strongly that we have them look at what it's going to take to possibly either include removing that that when we do this construction um or at least bring us some options because that might affect the grant apparently it might not affect the grant um but I would think uh and maybe Sandy could speak differently maybe they talked about this but I I don't think the citizens would want to come to ribbon cutting for a million dollar product project and look over and see the dilapidated Pavilion and walkway there and so I'm I'm hoping we can do something um in regards to that so I've asked Mr zenui or Jeff and everybody to look into this and come back to us with more information I don't know if we need to direct them to do that but hopefully Jeff did you have your hand raised I do um I wanted to let you know that uh I did pose that question to the county um they will have to check with treasury but I asked specifically um you know what impacts it would have on the grant if it was decided that it needed to be removed or replaced so either of those options and how those would impact the crant right so they they'll give you that feedback and get back to us right I mean this is this is a project that I think I've been talking about for nearly four years so it's you know it's obviously I don't want to delay it either um but when you look at the original 2017 minutes you know the plan was to replace it says to replace the um pathway and Pavilion so somehow along the lines that pathway and Pavilion was chose not to be replaced anymore unfortunately we're here I get it but hopefully treasury can give us a good update or if not then what are the options right I would you know if if no then what can we do from the city I know Public Works loves tractors and they love tearing garbage down and you know maybe that's an option I love cont tractors too so you know but maybe after the grant is over yes sir I will point out there is a note on the existing Pavilion that says that the contractors to coordinate with the parks and rec director for renovations to the Pavilion um so we could save the foundation cool probably raise it and put the same Pavilion in that's already proposed on the sou and kind of Sol that just keep it on top of our minds that is all I'm asking thank you all right kman Bagby yeah I just want to memorialize the conversation we had in the pre-brief when it comes back the contract will include liquidated damages uh a fine for the any removal or damage to the trees and the schedule by number of days so that uh because while there are Provisions to terminate the contract uh there aren't really liquidated damages if they take forever in a day and so uh when you're negotiating that or when when you bring that contract back I'd like to see at least $250 per day after the uh substantial completion to be the liquidated damages a minimum of $250 you want to make it500 I'm I'm okay with that be honest with you that's what I've used in the past but uh no less than 250 thank you right counc member Stevens uh thank you um I noticed that the um Destin Ford class they're doing do a project where they're upgrading a couple things here is this going to impact any of this I don't believe so Tamera no it shouldn't so we are looking at doing like upgrading the volleyball court which is in pretty bad shape and there's educational signage that is um absolutely unreadable and eligible at this point in time so we were going to do three of those and then we are looking at um working on a seagrass wall to help with some of the erosion factors so we have an three three-pronged approach to it so I think it should be all positive and not impact this at all okay thank you all right counil dtin thank you mayor just questions about the bathrooms we're changing the locations right correct and we're going to elevate them correct how much uh it's out of the FEMA I don't you know Scott says a lot um it's it's a foot above the FEMA request yeah the the question I have in mind that's that's still considered permanent not temporary bathroom since it's up it's still going to have an attachment to the ground that okay only questions I had the the trees we're going to impact how many trees any trees um I I believe we rela this out so we're not impacting really any trees correct very good correct yeah okay we're have going to have to put in new sewer lines though because there are new there's new utilities where the new bathroom's going right yes okay thanks all right see no further discussion all right call call the vote all right I have it unanimously so moved Mr Z yes nice next item has to do with the pickable courtz project uh the plans for this project have reached a 30% plan uh phase of the design uh and we're recent we recently received uh some recommendations from the Pu and Rec committee uh staff is seeking approval tonight uh to see if we can move to the 60% design phase of the project good evening mayor and Council um all right so back in August 21st of 2023 we came in front of council and uh was directed to try to come back with Four Courts one covered within a budget of $400,000 um so we got Drinkin engineering on board he's sitting back here and can answer any questions if you haven't for him um after we take his cut of the contract out that left us with uh 348 600 um to build the the park or the pickable cart sorry so we end up coming up with 30% plans we took the 30% plans to the parks and W committee on January 23rd of this year and we presented three options the first option was kind of stay within budget so that option included bathrooms um which we found out after the fact that per the Florida building code they are required uh and two courts with one of them being covered that kind of Keeps Us within budget with that option option two was kind of uh Taj Mahal phase one which would be the bathrooms Four Courts four covers uh that came in at 61366 um and then option three was kind of meeting the council's objective of the four quarts one covered in bathrooms and with option three uh we would need a budget increase of approximately $86,000 um to make that happen so um Parks and Rec voted for option one to stay within budget um but we are looking to get some direction from Council as to how to move forward um one of the discussions that we had during the parks and recck presentation was with the SRS coming into town to do the Citywide study um to shove this project until that's done staff is not recommending that uh we have a lot of reasons but the two main reasons is the Destin water users um owns the Morgan Sports Center so we lease that from them so in general this will always kind of be a sports area so we don't see that study saying that this needs to be something different but if it did we're looking at probably getting shovels in the ground in five years to be optimistic so this is a small cost to provide some service over the next five years for uh pickle ball um I believe that's all I have if you have any questions all right and Jeff we have a f app Grant as well for this that is correct we uh put one of those in I think it was last August yeah and uh we haven't heard of the status of that funding yet if it is funded it'll be in uh next the state's next fiscal year which doesn't start until July okay so that funding wouldn't be available till after that but I did ask for $50,000 to go towards court construction okay awesome thank you I did want to point out one more thing Andy can you scroll that to where it shows like the master buildout I believe it's up one yeah so that's our concept right now to how to build out this site and this is right on the other side of this parking lot out here um so phase one we're looking at right now the recommendation is the two courts um but to get the permit and get this the plans done we're talking about phasing like each Court individually so by the time we get a ready to get a shovel on the ground um we can then pull it and say hey we got enough money now to do Phase 1 two 3 4 and we don't have to go through the permitting process again we just we we have it permanent already it's just by phase um so that's one approach that we're looking to take to kind of stream streamline the process so starting off I have cman gu thank you sir I do have a couple questions Sandy trl's idea we've already spent approximately $52,000 on survey so we would lose that $52,000 to uh look at Miss trl's idea or would some of that be recoverable well Jenkins engineering's already spent probably about half that budget already to get to where we're at right now so that's gone all right next um I'm I'm looking at your guys' options the cover how much does it cost for a covering one covering is approximately $60,000 $60,000 so almost from what I'm looking at then if we just did four courts uncovered we're pretty close to budget there also if we didn't deal with the covering correct for my C it looks like we would need about another what was it $25,000 something like that to do four quarts not covered um with the bathrooms uh yeah $25,000 and then the covering could always be part of a future that stuff I believe Scott that can be added later right yes if we look at the grant that F apps 50 we might be able to work that into uh later and then something that we discussed in the past is potentially TDC funding for some of this but I I mean that's obviously something we're not going to talk about now because of the situation we're in but um hopefully in the future we can have at least some discussion whether TDC is willing to well I was going to bring that up so I'll get through everyone and um I wanted to at least get some kind of feel for where we're at of did you just interrupt me no go um Mel definitely wants to be a champion of this if we want to go build out the pickle ball and get TDC involved we definitely have a champion at the C is willing to do it um but I think it's more of what do we want before we bring them a project that we may or may not want after they want to throw us money so I think it's get through this phase one but I think if we could have a conversation tonight on do we see this as a a court system do we see this as a multi-use um I think that would at least help guide our staff and conversations when we do talk to them about TDC um but that was something I was going to bring up as far as what do we see for the the court system as a full buildout um if you want to are you for or against TDC coming in obviously there you like the numbers and all that so do you have a preference I'm all about somebody flipping the bill absolutely all right I I'll take that all right Cosman Bagby yeah I'll make a motion I move to direct the city manager to work with the staff and Jenkins engineering to move forward to 60% plans with option four which is Four Courts in the bathroom none of them covered at this time and my my comments are uh I was one of the people that strongly supported the covered court for older people inclement weather and stuff but the you know I am not in favor of kicking this can we've kicked it let's build it some dang courts and then if we want to cover some in the future phases or whatever we want to do or if we get a fur app Grant or if we get some TDC funding whatever we can add covers or we can build additional courts with covers but I want I want to see this thing get built and finished now not another year from now and not waiting on the state's next fiscal year and not waiting on the next election or any other thing put some dadgum shovels in the dirt and get it done I totally agree with you um I don't know if I have say end the motion I I had I had one additional point I want you to bring back at the next meeting your recommendation at least two recommendations on where that additional $225,000 and 2,160 I believe is the number we discussed where it's going to come from in the current year budget current year budget and it's not Council contingency because that's dead that was my question mayor can I call yeah go ahead Mr Bagby did you say option three option four four created an option four which is Four Courts and bathrooms none of them cover well the bathroom's covered but the none of the courts are covered okay and that the staff would bring back to the next meeting a couple options on where in this year's budget to uh get the $25,000 2,160 whatever it is all right well you got all right up next councilman Schmidt thank you Ryan the bathroom uh when we budgeted this did did we know that the bathroom was a requirement by state we did not at the time no right so what did you find out in regards to that because why I think we talked about using the annex depending on the hours of operation why can we not use this bathroom right here um because it's going to be used mainly on the weekends and this building's not open on the weekends it's a good answer I hope he make a gift out of that one and I mean I obviously securing certain door like we wouldn't want it open I guess right I kicked around options of changing this in here and trying to keep it but it's just not going to be feasible right okay um I I also spoke to some ambassadors of the pickle ball generation and all that as well recently uh and it was get as many courts as you can as soon as possible we don't need covers we don't need this we need courts um and so I was definitely in favor of Mr Bagby um we we are we have I think you said that you're going to fine tune the numbers anyways and it might just work out whenever y'all put some final numbers down but um the the current the budget is in this fiscal year right we have it on the budget Mr BBY so well 400,000 400,000 right so and you said that we might not even be doing this within the ne I mean might take with it five years like I mean could we start within the next six months if we wanted to I was saying from the SRS study whatever is decided might we're probably not doing anything from that study for another five years so but realistically for this when can shovels be in the ground you made him smile to get to the 100% you're talking about to get to the after tonight oh okay I was just going to say maybe there is more time to get it to the next budget if you can't find the $25,000 but I don't want to delay it either I just didn't know realistically if that was going to happen so cool I know a lot of people will be excited and I think that having that uh master plan and phasing it out is a great already to plan for that that's you know it shows the pickle ball people it shows the city it shows residents and I've been doing a lot of research on the TDC funding and the pennies so I can talk to Mr BBY in a lot more educated way about that and I look forward to that and there is 100% options to get TDC funding and I 100% will support Comm commissioner Ponder to Champion that but we have our money our money to do certain things and this is definitely one of the things that we can do and and put into TDC requests more more to come on that later so but yeah I would love any and all support from TDC County and everybody else because like Mr G said if somebody else wants to foot the bill heck yeah so let's do do it put shovels in the ground all right shovels in the ground in a month I could be wrong in this but I don't think anybody seconded your motion did yeah I appreciate that though okay call on the vote all gonna make me professionals real quick up here all right I have it so moved thank you all right announcements Mr zenu uh yes we have a number of announcements for you this evening and uh our public information director will share those with you absolutely good evening Council Sandy trm said at best the mayor initiated a proclamation for the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution in honor of the West Florida chapter's 10th anniversary luncheon and we do commend that Organization for their role in fostering a deep appreciation of our heritage and we did extend that Proclamation over this weekend Gator borin is expected to Begin work on the for prong l Lake starting tomorrow with the installation of the piping expected to take 2 days Code Compliance will be and please stop me if I'm reading through something fast that you want to discuss Code Compliance will be hosting a beach vendor meeting on Monday February 12th at 1 p.m. the city's annual spring craft show will be held at the community center on February 16th from 10:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. and February 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. they're hoping for over 50 to 60 vendors and if anybody wants a slot or wants more information they can contact the community center our next city council meeting will be on Tuesday February 20th the city offices will be closed the day prior for President's Day and also on the 20th before the city council meeting starting at 5:30 will be the mayor's state of the city address and the public is invited to attend I expect everyone here absolutely yes the mayor and I are meeting about this week it should be good stuff at the last city council meeting mayor Wagner proclaimed February a month to bring awareness to to congenital heart defects and as a city in a show of support we agreed to collect pop tabs those little aluminum thingies that are on your Lattes or Soup cans or whatever and we're collecting those for the Ronald McDonald House Charities and we're collecting those through February 29th and we would genuinely love your support and helping collect those so we've talked to some of the schools and other Outreach but we're collecting those at City Hall the annex uh even Public Works they've actually I think collected the most so far uhuh no I say even as in I think they I think they've out done us all on the community center and so again we would love the community's help in collecting those and dropping those off as you can um on March 1st as one of the pieces celebrating Destin's 40th birthday of being Incorporated we'll participate with the sheriff's office in the dtin history and fishing museum with hosting the Dustin fishing Hall of Fame induction ceremony we're looking forward to celebrating some of Dustin's finest captains past and present and that inaugural event will be held at the community center at 10 A.M again on March 1st 16 captains will be honored at this one and each additional year we'll have additional captains honored for that award and last this is kind of exciting this is progress for up here for you guys we are moving to a latest version of the open meeting voting system in the chambers the new system is cloud-based so council members will vote from a computer or tablet as opposed to your old-fashioned buttons Andy Peters Our IT director is requesting Council feedback as to what you feel is the most useful setup for your particular Council seats so I'll turn it over to Andy yeah thanks good evening um I won't take much of your time but I would like just your feedback on your areas um because you know we're going to have to take those little buttons away oh darn give you something better um but I would like to give you something that you want not something that I think you want um so the options are basically um stick with a tablet that you can vote on um I can try to show you a quick picture of that um or we can have multiple tablets one to vote on and one to look at your agendas on or we can do something uh radical and go to say a computer at each of your stations where you can pull up your agendas comfortably on a nice big screen um we could do a a a computer at each of your spots and have a tablet into your lap for voting so there's lots of options and um I wasn't sure what's working for you in your seats what is not working for you um that sort of thing if anyone has any thoughts councilman G I have a question because we just had this discussion uh before this session started about these little tablets we have now you mentioned a computer is there any chance we can do a laptop so that we have uh instead of the tablets that way we can function outside of here and not just have a permanent station yes absolutely and actually I would prefer that because they're easier to sync and keep updated and secure on my end for sure yeah yeah that was my thought was you know answer emails stop stealing my glory you got good ideas I want to one up you all right councilman Schmidt um I don't want two things no that's the kind of feedback I need um I want two things either that brick of a phone is sitting somewhere um I like the iPad when it works and lately I know we've been having some connection issues um but if it has to be all the same I'm fine with an with a laptop that you can vote on as well but because I know there's others that don't want the iPad they would rather have a laptop so I could do either or okay but definitely just want one One-Stop shop thank you all right councilman dtin yep I would uh support the onetop and and the laptop this this iPad glitches every time I try to swipe through it I got to swipe through a 100 documents to get the one I'm looking for I was about to throw it out the window the other day so I would support the one uh laptop that we have sitting here that hopefully will work better all right cosin Bagby so is using our own laptop an option or is this got to be one that's issued by the city no you can use your own laptop I'm sure we could figure out how to make that work yeah cuz I don't I don't need another laptop I've got two I don't even like my phone I don't use it nobody calls me on it they all call me on my personal cell yeah and I gave you my my iPad back so I noticed that yeah as long as fewer is better I'll take that second iPad world when you did that I felt might be time to start asking you about what you guys wanted up there so um I and is there any more feedback yeah Johnny just real quick do they use these at any of our committee do any of our committees use these they do not and yeah and I actually we actually can't even buy them anymore so I couldn't make them useful to them either I just was I was just making sure we weren't taking something away that you can't buy every Committee Member a laptop you know that's a good point make yeah that's a good point yeah um I I would also just real quick so miss m traml said they they would like to be able to use technology yeah some sort of technology I don't want to go too crazy here but is there a is there something we could have here so that that the Committees could use something some some committees meeting meet in the other room so we'll have to think through that room separately um but it may be that this system could be used by them also especially if the laptops are in place and staying here if Council people are taking them home then I might have to think through how that would work I'm not interested in taking a laptop home I guess some of us are just more dedicated I got a laptop that works just fine Mr gal yeah okay that's good feedback I think I can give you something that you'll like um I would also just say that this um replacement of this open meeting system was impossible last September when we looked into it just due to cost and um I think de mayor I think you reached out to the vendor and talked to them and they came back to us with a huge incentive that knocked the price down 50% which was just really appreciated so yeah I love sales we'll bring that to you thank you no of course um all right moving on oh we got one more um announcement announcement yes Andy uhler sorry I forgot about that uh we also I we said last time Tyler Technologies is coming out to visit us about energov boots on the ground we're going to have several of them out here Wednesday Thursday and Friday this week um for that deep look so we're going to ask them all of our deep questions and um find out what our next steps are all right thank you yeah all right public hearings all right Miss cop well once again this item has been continued at the request of the applicant so we will hear um the pan Panhandle engineering Inc Ramada LLC application on February 20th at 6: pm. I hope everything's going well all right at this time public comments NOP I'm sorry oh no no comments presentations from USC yes council member all right council member Stevens uh I got nothing tonight thank you all right council member guile I do have something sir dredging update I've been getting enough calls about it sir where are we at with the dredging update for the quotes um I have received three rough estimates uh they vary widely the lowest at 500,000 highest at 1.3 million um so we need to come back um and talk about financing of this an option so we are going to look into that and come back to council with some ideas okay and I've been thinking about this based off some of the maps that you've showed me as well um something I'd like to try to put on the March 4th agenda is US looking at uh sending it to the harbor board waterways for for a couple options either the harbor themselves develop a POA where they develop funding to maintain that Harbor because based off the maps you showed me most of that fill is coming from where the boats are turning and causing issues or we start looking at City assessment so I would like to put that on the March 4th agenda uh for us to look at a couple options and have the city bring back a couple options for that continued maintenance is that a motion okay I need a motion to put on I was asking if it is a motion I didn't have to I don't have to be but if you would like it to be I can say if you want the support of council I would like to make a motion to put on the March 4th agenda that the city bring back a couple options for us to review uh and send to the harbor waterways board for either a POA volunteer payment system from Harbor businesses or possibly City assessment to maintain the harbor moving forward all right have a motion second second councilman King any discussions Council council member Stevens um it's not associated with this motion so can I still ask it wait yeah I'll wait cman Bagby I'm just trying to so because what I think I heard you say I don't think the staff can do in a month but so I just want to clarify on what you we want them to come back with the cost and everything that's involved with either sending it to where we do an assessment I assume of the people who have property ad joining the harbor or whether uh the harbor or for a recommendation from the harbor board is that the two things you want the staff to bring back I'm not asking them for an assessment cost wise I'm just asking them to review the proper way and the proper channels to get it to the harbor waterways committee boards and any appropriate committees that we may need so that we have recommendations moving forward by March 4th I'm not expecting any Financial budgeting any assessments any any uh any projections or anything of that nature just proper procedures proper organized system of planning to present it so that we can start bringing information back to this Council okay so it's just it's a procedural question you want to answer it it's not it doesn't have to go to the harbor board before March 5th or whatever the date is and they they don't have to give a recommendation and the staff's not actually giving you a recommendation they're just bringing back what the procedure is if we were to do an assessment or the harbor or we were to turn over or create a another group to fund that is that I'm just trying to figure figure out what we're what what's coming back on March 5th and is it physically possible let me let me jump in and give you what I think we're doing yeah and if I'm wrong this is why I'm glad we do motions because it makes it very clear but my understanding is you want the options described to the harbor board first and then to council and the two options we're supposed to look at and bring back information on generally without specific cost information are one a possible POA which would be something volunt among Harbor Property Owners or two a city imposed assessment not saying we're doing that but just what that option would look like generally is that correct that is absolutely correct thank you you are very articulate thank you for articulating that better than I could all right go I'm sorry go ahead thank you so when's the harbard board's next meeting the end of febru yeah it's end of February okay and so last Monday of the month I believe okay and so you can J up the procedures to take to them for their review could I could I offer a friendly Amendment no you you don't get the all but you can if you have an idea or a comment yeah so so what what don't we bring what she said to you first and see whether you want to direct your committee to undertake further action on it I'm fine with that okay all right good deal I think ra you got it all right okay Council mtin I was I was just trying to clarify what we're voting on I think I'm a little clear yeah City attorney is going to bring back to us options for funding the dredging I suppose in a more permanent manner that's what I understood oh I'm getting a a yeah so this dredging operation right now one it it's substantially higher than our initial estimations uh but this may be emergency dredging and and that might be something we have to vote on separately but this is going to be a continued cost and a continued burden on the city and I'm looking for means of of us maintaining that uh more frequently so we don't end up in the situation where we're at right now but uh that's still part of that option may be us looking at the emergency dredging but these are the options I'm I'm kind of wanting to hear from the the city when they bring back to us March 4th so I think it's a little bit of both then it's looking at it for possible emergency dredging but also ongoing maintenance thereafter and and our and you'll bring back the options but I think this could get very complicated do we assess Only commercial property do we assess all properties including all the Marine is on the other side and you know the dredging we do here except for times when hurricanes fill the places up there's not a lot of Maintenance going on what we're doing now is making it deeper so that the bigger tour boats can operate but they could never operate in the past we're going to make it deep enough so they can I'm just making the point that there's not a lot of Maintenance unless a hurricane has filled in and generally we get funds from uh the state and federal FEMA to do that so so when the city engineer got his Maps which you guys will see in March um it was not just the area we initially discussed and I think that's why council member guile has this um other idea about maintenance because it isn't just that area back where we initially talked about but also all the way around the bend by the East Pass so and maybe city engineer wants to weigh in yeah and this is just to maintain the current permit that we have so we already have permited depth coming right off of East Pass we're allowed to be 14 ft below sea level um and that needs about 7t taken out it's filled in 7 ft so I think the deepest two ships out there what draft I think is the right term 8 ft below so we got those two ships kind of rubbing bottom in the two uh spots up farther into the harbor where it's narrower um we're only permanent to go 8 ft deep so already to get it back to 8 ft they're already when their boat's full kind of dragging almost instantly so it's part of the cap 107 that we're also starting we're going to talk to the core about possibly realigning that channel and making that part deeper too so we don't have the issues that councilman dtin was talking about yeah and and I just point out that the mouth of the harbor that's traditionally been paid for by by the state or the federal government I would hardly think it would be who of us to tell them we're going to pay for that now you don't have to um and the other parts we can certainly look at but one of the projects out at the mouth of the harbor now you're talking about millions of dollars so I would not want to put them on notice that we're going to pay that ourselves now no thanks all right and then my only topic on that is out of the seven Appropriations one of the three is the dredging that's moving forward and has some legs right now I don't know if anyone who's a little bit smarter than me at the state level wants to talk to M and representative manyy and let him know kind of where this is at I just don't want it I don't know exactly the full details of of the linear Trail and kind of that but I just I want to get him as informed as possible to make sure if we don't want to leave them high and dry again or make it look bad so I don't know what that looks like if they can come in for more money uh but right now we have a $100,000 appropriation bill that's looking favorable so throwing that out there all right so I do have Guile's motion that is amended um I have the second so I'll call the vote all right eyes have it so moved did it go that's it for oh y That's all right good deal cutman dtin thank you mayor I would ask Miss cop to give us an update on what's happening with our third parcel out on Crystal Beach the park that we've been trying to build for years and years I know the rumors float here and there and I'd like to tell us where we are in that you you have read my mind because I was going to bring that up under my reports but um happy you beat me to it um so we received a letter of intent from the property owner and basically the seller is proposing um a purchase price uh of 6.8 6.79 million um with a 150-day or less closing date and the seller has offered to put up a $100,000 security deposit to show that he's not um going to back out or it would be refundable uh non-refundable to him if he backed out and he has done away with his prior request for a 1033 exchange which was the tax complication last time so at this point I'm I'm just wanting to ask councel do you want me to proceed to continue with these negotiations with the property owner or um is this something that you know you'd like off the table because I can continue to spend time on it and then follow up with Okaloosa County with regard to their possible payment for half of the purchase price uh if the council is interested in that um or we can we can let the property owner know if we're not interested so I defer to you all Council M Schmid I would continue to talk to the gentleman after all that's was part of the or original plan but it would be contingent upon our friends over at the county participating heavily with us because otherwise we have to come up with that money and I don't know where that would come from my thoughts or questions are do where are we with the county on what they are aren't they wanting to do something with two parcels and they already made plan and they're going to do something we'll we'll let the city engineer start on that answer and then that kind of impacts a lot of this uh they do have some plans put together on the parcels that we currently own um not a big fan of those at all it creates a lot of traffic issues a lot of dead end pull in and you have to back out onto C k98 to get out of the park and that's full so um would be in favor of trying to consolidate properties and have more of a loop through parking system instead of a backout system and with those plans and ongoing discussions should we not have more discussion here to actually say that's what we want to continue even doing while we're also talking to a third parcel should we not give yall direction to so stop working on plans for two Parcels that are a hodg podge of a mess The Shores At Crystal Beach is what we're talking about and that is on pause right now cuz we were going to do talk we did talk about doing the prop swap so it paused at that point has not started up again so when you mentioned you're not a fan of the the the current design it's not ongoing it's paused it's paused yes okay yeah and it won't be unpaused until maybe we talk more about we figure out what's going to happen with the properties and okay and what might need to be done I think uh yeah sounds good cool thanks Ryan right cman King thank you sir I'm thinking about our conversation you know when this when this got got tabled before um and the situation that the seller was in which I don't I don't know him I don't know his situation but I feel like I would like to know about the appraisal that we have on hand when it was when it was updated um we are I don't know that we'll ever be able to meet the demand that we have in this town for Real Estate but that property is not worth what it was um in my opinion the I think in in 150 days who knows what's going to be happening with the real estate I don't you know with that piece of real estate especially um I would say if it was my I would say if you're if we're going to renegotiate I think that there needs to be a a ma a major haircut so to answer your question we had the appraisal redone and so the date is October 16th of 2023 um so it's it's about three and a half months old and then we um we received I'll say this the amount he has offered is under appraisal by a little bit yeah and the last three lot A lot has happened in the last three and a half months with the real with the real estate market so I'm not in I'm not in favor of it I know Mr D in the crowd's probably scoffing at me um but I'm not I'm not in favor of negotiating or having any part of it personally all right council member Bagby yeah I think uh was clear in our conversation earlier today uh I'm not interested in it I do want to see us open up the other parcel that we own even if it's for golf cart parking so that we put pressure on both sides of the parcel that we're talking about as far as use of that beach down there which is at some point public beach in front of his house the uh I am still interested in the swap of that third parcel that we have with the contiguous parcel but they've got to bring some money to the table and not 50,000 not 75,000 so I what my conversation with uh Kim Miss cop today I was more than willing for her to go back and uh have a conversation with Mr nolles and say you know you want to go above 75,000 uh or re-engage him because I believe the last time he was engaged was with uh Lance Mr Johnson and then um see where where they are but if they're still at 75,000 I'm willing to wait and let people you know overflow on their beach too for another summer but we're we're getting you know sessions here the the one thing we're going to need and it may be a while till Crystal gets back uh we need to have an appreciation of actually how much money we don't have and so when we had before we spent the $9 million which I was kind of hoping we would stop at6 million which I thought we could get it at 6 million then we would have the 3 million to buy one of these Parcels but we we all agreed to buy Harbor one and we agreed on the price but the cost of that is now we don't have the 3 million or the 2 and a half million that we would have had to spend out in Crystal Beach so I I'm willing to wait with the status quo until as Johnny says we can come to a meeting of the mines on the prices but I would uh make a motion to authorize uh our City attorney to engage in a conversation with both both parcel owners and just see uh if their positions have changed and if they have what their current positions are uh with respect to the prices of their Parcels okay and just to be clear when you say both Parcels you mean Mr nolles as well as this parcel I'm talking about talk to both of them okay if you'd include Direction the staff to talk to our friends at the county to try to get exactly what they will do certainly will include that into the motion and I have spoken with Mr Coffee about it and my understanding is that if Council gives the county a firm understanding of which way they want to go that um it will then be brought to the Commissioners and um if if the city supports it then probably County staff would but uh I don't think they will support it until we get a definitive Council response so we don't have to have it tonight I will continue the conversations with both property owners and um I'll come back to you with an update um and and we'll talk to the county in between as well right all right yeah and I I've had similar conversations with the same they seem willing as soon as we understand what we want um and if anything I think there might be a third option somewhere else as well so if anything else comes about that's not those two I think we'd all love to hear any other options too yeah we have a motion got a motion in a second call on the vote all right I have it all right anything else councilman dtin all right councilman Bagby just as an FYI I've asked the staff to put the quarterly investment report uh on the next meeting's agenda is typically the first meeting of the middle month of the quarter when it so that they have a month to generate all the reports and I understand why it wasn't on tonight's but you know they can still come and brief their report thank you Council McKing thank you sir welcome John we're uh we're better we're a better group with you so uh not not to you know take away from the man you're replacing but you're you're you're a great addition to this Council so we're glad to have you welcome uh and that's pretty much all I got thanks all right C Schmidt thank you do we have any update on looking into the parking um [Music] parking parking lot upgrade changed using a uh an app using uh getting away from code enforcement weren we going to pursue one lot possibly do something okay at the March 4th I will not be at the next council meeting um but at the March 4th one we will have an agenda on for for you all to consider the uh we've received nine responses to an RFP that we've put out the bid committee has reviewed and made a selection we'll be bringing that to you March 4th I forgot we did an RFB fantastic you like that sure um I've had a few um calls this week coincidentally similar but parking pass stickers um when you lose a parking pass sticker it sounds like you can't get a replacement that's what I'm being told and so I said I would ask to understand what the process is of when I when I lose my parking pass sticker on my car for the annual city of dtin parking lot how how can I get a replacement when you say lose falls off windshield gets taken whatever it's just gone I don't have one anymore so uh the way that it is and I'll just kind of do a little quick PSA any destined resident can come to City Hall and get a free Destin resident parking pass if you do sell your vehicle um or have something like a windshield get or back window get broken out just bring maybe something from safe light or something like that or if you can recover the sticker from the broken windshield that'd be great and so if you don't have a broken windshield and you didn't sell your car and you can't you don't have your sticker anymore how do you get a replacement I'm not sure that we've ever come across that one before but just come come see us at the front desk at City Hall and we'll we'll take care of you you can have two per household yes sir Troy Troy I I would just be curious CU those things are I mean I broke some figure Nails trying to get the last one off how it came off if it's not a broken window or your vehicle stolen or sold it all all I could tell you is coincidentally I've had two people make statements that they were told you can't get one prove it well because because they were told that people are taking them off and giving them to others and then wanting new ones and if that that's what they're being told by staff members and I'm just well there needs to be some accountability and as Michael said I mean there's two per household so I mean if you're going to claim that you have you know it's mystically disappeared we'd like to see some level of okay you know yeah well we'll look into that we have sounds good I know it's it's crazy but two calls about that hot topics around here last item is we had a workshop not too long ago on signs and sorry sorry I no I was just asking the rfps they said they got yeah there's nine of them then that's that's good I parked in Pensacola last week and they have a lot better system than we do I agree I'm I'm excited about that too Council M okay I had you L up all good so we had a workshop and I would I've had also had some more calls about food trucks and so I'm going to have direct the city manager and attorney to have staff review the past workshop and bring back summary and suggestions for updating the food truck map in the next three to four months I don't no rush I'm not sure if that's okay timing for y'all or okay got a motion second got a second Mr King any further discussion seeing none calling the vote sweet eyes have it U that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you so much absolutely thank you all right I have I have nothing okay yeah where do I start sorry I actually had to work last week um so the ecrc no I do not have any updates they had a uh their big event on this past Friday uh there's seven layers to it and um I can for it over to Ray they gave me a a handout of kind of the seven layers so I can at least pass that out to you guys um I got that this morning um man caught me off guard I was going to say no I don't have anything city manager City attorney uh welcome council member Stevens other than that I don't have anything because Dey stole [Laughter] it all right at this time public comments oh hey Shane Moody president CEO with the Destin chamber and I apologize for my voice I've been battling a terrible cold for about six years um I can tell you how the stickers how you lose the stickers they peel the freck off um I've got a non-resident I've got a non-resident and it's it's hanging on by its last teeny tiny bit of glue so I'm going to have to come up here and get another one when it probably but um no I wiped it off real good before I put it on there I've had it less than 6 months no I did I I went like this um it's been on there for about six months and it's hanging on with this last little bit of adhesion so that's that is an issue so just FYI M Mr Moody Mr Moody Mr Moody it's Michael hey how are you hey I would remind you that those expired December 31st so it's probably time for you to get a new one what is ecrc Emerald Coast Regional Council it's the governing body over the TP okay can I can I ask you not to use initials because the audience has no earthly idea that that that was the government guy over here and if Shane doesn't know what it is I was in in trouble uh I just wanted to uh support m Mr Schmidt's idea of replacing the Pavilion at Clement Taylor Park I don't know if you know this or not but that's the exact footprint of where the first Schoolhouse was that's why it's where it is so it's almost historical so I think just tearing it down and doing away with it you'd have half a Destin upset with you but anyway just a thought and we'll be glad to the other thing I wanted to talk to you about Parks is we're looking at starting the parks foundation so instead of always asking TDC for this and that and the other and whatever maybe our Parks Foundation can come up with some ideas too yeah yeah and money thanks where where is that at as far as the foundation going to try to have the first meeting this Friday at 3:00 now that Miss Kim says she's available yeah and she's uh and then we will meet and then I will turn it over to them and get out of their hair fantastic excited all all right yes sir my name is Claude newand I live at 4033 Indian Trail I just have one brief comment and a request first I'd like to uh personally congratulate John Stevens on being appointed to the council I think the council's made an excellent appointment and then my request is if you'd be so kind I would ask that the mayor and the council members would join me briefly after we adjourn right down front so we can do a photo op with our new councilman thank you awesome thank you absolutely all right any other public comments no all right with seeing none I call this meeting to adjourn