e e e all right good evening everyone thank you for being here we got a full house if you're online right now thank you for also tuning in online uh we are on YouTube live as well so uh today is April 15th 2024 and I called this city council meeting to order up first we have the invocation by Pastor Steve Ferris of the First Baptist Church of Dustin thank you as always for being here father we want to thank you for this opportunity again to be here we want to thank you for all those who give their time lord and all those who have come to hear and support and pray for this city and be a part of this city Lord there's turmoil around the world and in all places Lord we especially pray for what's going on in in Israel and Lord that your hand be upon on that and Lord our own government is just in the turmoil but Lord we thank you that this group can come together and work together Lord we just pray for your Divine guidance and each and everything you do we thank you for your pre protection we thank you for your healing power Lord that I'm able to be here tonight and we just want to give all praise and glory to you in Jesus name amen amen absolutely thank you for being here councilwoman AB with the pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all man all right with the meeting underway I will accept a motion at this time for the approval of the agenda or any alternate changes Mr Mayor I'd like to pull uh 3A and 3 C off the consent agenda and I'd like to move forward the city manager consideration from the C underneath the City attorney to the very beginning of the after public comments Perfect all right anyone have questions any other things on on polling all right seeing none call the vote pulling 3 a 3 C and moving the manager up all right eyes have it unanimously so moved that will be our agenda for tonight all right moving along no proclamations tonight first up public comments I'm going to take it from my right y'all's left anyone in the public here wanting to speak tonight Jason all right well if Jason you're up all right you know what just for Jason we're g to start it we're go my left your I feel like I felt like the bonic man like yeah go name address the floor is yours all right Jason beler I'm at 147 cyber Avenue and thank you Mr Mayor and council members just quickly a couple of comments about upcoming events and some things in the future for our little destined history in fishing Museum on Founders Day on the 4th we're going to celebrate the 90th birthday of the post office and uh Tera uh Wixom dtin and Vivian Williams are working hard to plan a little party want y'all to come out I think we're going to try our best to put a birthday hat on top of the post office if we can and there'll be free admission that afternoon and I think Tara may be cooking a cake that'd be worth it there itself but anyway we'll have some refreshments and stuff and celebrate the 90th birthday of the post office which leads me to the second uh thing I'd like to mention is next year will be the 100th anniversary of the Primrose and of one of the artifacts that the city has that's most important Our Heritage that might be it if not the most important it would be one of them we've all worked hard over the years to help preserve it there's still some more work needs to be done but getting ready for that is going to be a big deal so we'd like to get the city's input on how we can best plan a really great Centennial for the Primrose um I know I'm partial to it mainly because I painted the whole Stern bottom of that thing about six years ago so I think uh like to see it preserved there's also an opportunity with the museum for some grants that we'd like to apply for the issue we have is with limited staff and limited experience we're not the best at writing for Grants and so maybe at some point with the council's permission and encouragement might ask City staff to help us with helping uh Vivan with some Grant applications and some writing it would be a big deal if we could somehow get that done and secure for the museum and for the city itself some funding to help improve those artifacts and uh keep them preserved so so all I want to mention if you can make it to the birthday party on Founders Day it would be a lot of fun thank you P awesome thank you so much Jason Jeffrey loves writing [Music] grants chatt Morgan 339 Calhoun Avenue um thank you mayor and Council uh I'm up here tonight to support lisis Uzi for the city manager position I think all of the candidates are exceptionally qualified um I will say that uh I worked with l for four years most all of yall have worked with him he's a consumate professional I think he's well qualified for the job um and I think it's a testament that he has served in his position of the build Community Development for four years he's seen the Dynamics of this Council and this community and he still wants the job which would beg the question that there's there might be a little glitch there with them but um and this is not a knock on the other candidates I just I think the city of Destin has a lot of positive momentum going right now and I know when you hire new city manager there's this loss of institutional knowledge and it can kind of gum up the gears um and I'm I'm super pleased with the direction the city's heading I think yall are doing a great job and I think Lewis can take a lot of credit for that um and and so to reward him with the city manager position you know I think would be great um thank you and good luck with your decision thanks right thank you chadam thanks for being here yes sir push that button there you go hello my name is Steve nir and I live at 126 Country Club Drive West and I came to the last meeting to discuss with you that I had a flooding issue where the city's property was letting um it was draining over onto my property and causing some problems I wanted to update you and let you know that some action has occurred positively there's been a new drain installed across the street which is um the guys who put it in I think it's the Hayes crew but they did the cement work and they did a really excellent job and it seems to be helping there's still some problem with the city draining over onto my property though and um right now they've put Flags in my yard and it looks like there's something else proposed I wanted to let y'all know that I still have not received an official update from my February 6 request for an update from either the flood plane people or flood management people nor the engineering department no official I've just been hearing through the grap Vine what they're planning on doing and what I would propose that they do is to solve this problem correctly I worked in surgery for 34 years so I'm pretty good with how bypass works and different things like that to solve this problem correctly what they need to do in my opinion of course I'm not an engineer but in my opinion I think they need to put a type of of a pipe up under the driveway that'll allow the the water to move over to the city drain which is on the city property and that way the water won't continue to come down my driveway and flood my property and flood my house I've made a picture here that shows some of the the issues and um once again I really sincerely want to invite anyone who's interested at all that has the time come over and have a cup of coffee with me let you let me show you how this thing developed into the problem that it is because it was not this problem when I purchased this house it was a lot smaller of a problem and it could have been dealt with very easily but because of some things that occurred it's it's gotten compounded and I would love to show each and every one of you or any one of you that has the time to come over and look I'd like you to see what's happened to make this thing so much worse and with that said I'd like to show you all these pictures and maybe you can get a little bit more of an idea of what's going on and um I want to comment now on the um Mr Lewis I've had a meeting before with the city attorney and the engineers because of some other issues at my house and he's the only person who I know who's up for potentially being the manager but he was very levelheaded and kept things cool calm and and tried to do his best to to resolve the situation in a very difficult issue and um for that reason I would I would say you know I kind of like him you know he seems to be really good with keeping things cool because believe me they got really heated with some issues that occurred on the property right next door to me which I'd love to show you if you'll come by all right thank you all right while he's passing up anyone else yes sir good evening council members and mayor uh my name is Sid Potter I live at 536 Wanita Avenue uh I'm a showcase what he just mentioned about flooding the issue on the 10th we the the storm drain was repaired uh on my property and it went across the street into the Swale on Kelly in a matter of 30 minutes we had water 9 in over the road on on the 10th of April and this problem has been going on for years the Council has been told about this for years they put some swailes in on Kelly the problem is it's called engineering water does not flow uphill there are two drains that one at the top of Anderson and the other one's at the top of over Street the water goes downhill to complicate the matters there's also one at the top of Snapper and the water flows downhill and it Pockets at the intersection of Wanita and snapper it also comes off Kelly the house at 444 Snapper and 442 Snapper on the 10th had water all the way to the front door in a matter of 30 minutes I have video of it I have pictures of it we've talked about this these swes that they put in don't work you're talking about taking out the uh piece of s I have in front of my home and the one across the street by doing that all you're going to do is cause their houses to flood the house at 4:45 one house across the street had water three4 of the way up at the lawn I never seen that much water I've lived there for seven years this has been going on and on and on water does not flow uphill we have two drains that're the top of streets they're they're doing nothing absolutely nothing and this issue has been brought before this board and the City of dtin for now I know of five years and it has to be fixed the issue of water happened so fast in 30 minutes those of you were here for opal I was people don't believe what happened here at opal on the 10th was a classic example of we had 5 and a half Ines on my rain gauge and my pool I can tell 5 and a 12 Ines in about 45 minutes and the water stayed there we have to literally go out of our home in the storm and rake the drains out because of all the debris because the streets from up again the water flowing downhill with all this debris plugs up the two drains which take care of basically two blocks thank you thank you sir right anyone else going middle yep okay um Sabina zungu 36 G Place uh this is my partner elizabetha Jenkins yes so we are yes her address uh she 743 743 haror Boulevard thank you so we are here with happy news we both of us just started a farmers market we have been doing farmers markets in the local area and we thought why do we go to 308 and why do we go to Pensacola why do we go to Fort Walton Beach we live here in Destin why don't we have a farmers market so we've just started one we had our second one um yesterday the market is located just by Goodwill at 743 Harbor Boulevard and we are open every single Sunday every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. and we deliberately called it the Destin Community Farmers Market because this is a community thing this is for our community here in Destin we would have called it this in Farmers Market no we wanted it to be to be part of the community right here so we are here to ask for your support tell your neighbors your family and hopefully whoever is watching just know that we are there every Sunday 7:43 haror Boulevard next to Goodwill yeah and it's in the parking lot we have everything from vegetables to fruits flowers soups pies Gams uh uh honey jewelry cheeses bread mushrooms toys superfoods anything you can think of yes so yes so uh we just here to announce that happy news so excuse me ma'am I just got one question um where are you going to go next when you run out of room because it's going to happen soon uh yes and we everybody's very excited yes we everyone is so excited about it we didn't even anticipate having so much support from everyone we had the community come came out yesterday we were so happy about that and we are looking for somewhere to go and with your help hopefully um it has to be around 98 so people can and see where we are if we go anywhere inside it might be a little bit uh hidden where people might not see us so your support in finding more space wherever we can go and um that would be great thank you for asking thank you so much yes thanks all right yes sir howy uh named Don Dallas 442 Snapper drive here in dtin I'm going to get all the attab boys out first and the last one won't be an attab boy thank you City and all your folks that help get things done Main Street looks beautiful perfect loved it we got new street lights on Snapper Drive they're so bright it's perfect the old yellow ones you couldn't see you know it's it's dark so add a boy on that Mr Williams your crew thank you sir appreciate your help our Sheriff's apartment I love them today I'm coming down airport and everybody's speeding two officers down there getting them keep it keep it up boys love you all right last thing I'm make it quick the water deal that Mr Potter talking about that gentleman back there we got same problem okay Snapper runs north and South I'm right off of uh Kelly kind of around the corner from the school Snapper's here my house is here Wanita where Mr parter lives where T-Bone my next door neighbor last Wednesday called City you know not y'all but the engineering of course nobody called him uh ued his ankles in his front yard same way at my house I know a lot lot of rain but it's it we've been trying to get this resolved I've been there 5 years in Destin okay trying to get it resolved since 20120 the city came out Engineers they got with a man next door to me and they was going to put a big sewer in right there at that tea where it should be well they're going to try and put the swells in they put him in on one side of the street I called Mr bod the other day and left a message with him when Wednesday or Thursday and told them I said they're not working we need a big drain right there cuz it runs downhill on on Bo runs downhill on Snapper drive and T-Bones right there off of Wanita and then my house it's for some reason the driveway is kind of like this every time anything happens i' like to see a smaller one like to have on Wanita right there by my house where it catch that water because it's running right up in my driveway all the time and and getting all over I mean I got pictures of it okay and I got pictures of the storm last Wednesday uh I'll share them with anybody wants to see them but it it it's it's not good over there okay so anyway I appreciate y'all appreciate your time and uh I'm done thank you than you Mr Dallas thank y'all all right anyone middle all right going far right all right seeing done all right I'll close the public comments at this time and we will move to 3A consent agenda 3A mayor do you still want to oh I'm sorry yes we're GNA do sorry sorry Jim thank you don't give me the attitude Kim take it away yeah you know it's not how you it's not what you said it's how you said it all right Kim help me out here okay so um we are here now to talk about the city manager selection so just for the benefit oh hey Potter Mr Potter if you guys want to have a conversation can you move it outside okay then man I got your name here Stephen guys you're you're interrupting I know I I just got a couple complaints so outside or keep it quiet I can okay um so we're here to talk about the city manager selection process for the benefit of the public I'll just do a very quick recap of where we are at so back in January um the city council passed a resolution that would set up a process for the hiring of a city manager and that was resolution 242 um the city council um each city council member appointed a member to a city selection city manager selection committee and that committee subsequently met and reviewed over 50 resumés um they shortlisted candidates and they conducted an initial round of interviews of that short list um after their initial round of interviews they cut the list again um and they came up with three candidates that were forwarded to the city council for city council member interviews um those three candidates were Mr Mike Castro Mr Kevin cper and Mr Lewis angu so at this point all of you have um met with those three candidates and it is now the ball is in your court to make a decision as to whether you would like to direct the HR Director and I to negotiate a contract with one of those candidates or take any other action that you deem appropriate all right thank you so much all right so at this time I will open up for discussion or if anyone has a motion and like to begin you want to go first no not particularly but I will the you pulled it first well no I mean uh first of all I want to thank the committee and the staff the committee did a great job I want to thank Mr Dustin for proposing this methodology uh we got some extraordinarily qualified candidates and the committee worked very hard and I think uh any of the three that we pick could be a great city manager the I think they all have strengths and weaknesses and you know in my conversations with them what I tried to do was figure out whose strengths were our could compensate for our weaknesses and we have some and whose we weaknesses we could compensate the other members of the staff could compensate uh for their weaknesses so that we could have the the best team going forward uh I normally favor the internal candidate just because I believe the same reason I have favor of committees we ought to grow our own uh and you know we have a fully qualified um candidate in from internal Lewis and so I will make the motion uh that we authorized the City attorney and the city HR Director to negotiate with Lewis uh to be our next city manager and I don't know if any we want to put a cap on salary or compensation uh but I would be willing to entertain that obviously I don't think what they should start at what Lance who had been here for 5 years Ed that but I'm not willing to you know fix a number but if somebody else has a number in mine I I'll probably agree to that so that's my motion I'll make a second on that motion all right with a motion in a second uh councilman Schmidt yeah uh thank you for the committee and their time and um all the candidates as well and um I agree with Mr bagmy tonight and uh appreciate everything he said so thank [Music] you councilman dtin thank you mayor um I think this is my seventh term on this Council so I've seen 28 years worth of city managers come and go and gone through the selection process lots and lots of times and I want to also commend our group uh these are the most qualified candidates that I have ever seen any any opportunity I've had to to participate in picking a uh city manager um each and every one of them uh the advantage that Lewis has is he's been here and he's been in the trenches but the other two gentlemen I think are excellent candidates so at this time I would be supportive of the motion all right councilwoman abar thank you mayor um I just wanted to be known that I agree with uh Mr Bagby Mr D and Mr Schmidt that we had a wonderful committee that did a great job of helping us weed out some qualified but not as highly qualified as who we ended up with um and it is a tough decision to make sure we get somebody that's going to be great for our city but you know looking at the individuals that were the last three I agree that Mr zenui has done a fantastic job working with our entire city staff at all levels and in the last few months there's been some very tricky situations that he has as a citizen said very levelheaded taken care of it and diffused it and made sure we could move on with it so I am thrilled that Mr zenui is the right choice to continue to lead our city into the future and keep going in the route where we are and that is taking care of our Citizens First our business is second and our tourist third so that's my thoughts all right seeing no further discussion all right I'm going to call the vote all right unanimously Mr zzi congratulations sir well deserved [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come back up Louis all right back up here all right now we're going to run to uh 3A consent agenda dtin City and Live Oak fiber LLC ground lease councilman Bagby take it away thanks mayor uh in conversations with the staff uh was it yeah this afternoon uh there were three items that I discussed with the city attorney and the staff about uh amending the contract and I believe the City attorney had a conversation with live o and they're they're amable uh I would make the motion to approve this contract with the following three changes number one an es escalation charge or I'm sorry an escalation Clause that allows for an increase of 3% per year so in 10 years when this uh contract comes up for Renewal it will be not for 25,000 but for 32,500 uh I wanted more but the City attorney convinced me 3% perom was good you know I'd like about 10% per year but you know she's probably nicer than I I know she's nicer than I am also uh it has a couple places in there where if they um no longer need the facility they have to clear it out within 120 days but there's no um cause or no uh issue for us to enforce that if it's not cleaned up so I ask that a clause be put in there where uh if they abandon and they don't clear out their equipment within 120 days that it becomes ours and we clear it out and we can charge them any cost to remove the equipment and restore the area to its natural um the way it exists now and then the last thing was the maintenance of the exterior appearance that would include the fencing I understand they own all the equipment but if somebody gets in there and paints graffiti on it uh I want them within 30 to 60 days to repaint it or bring it back to standard not be an ey sore for everybody that drives up and down M Mountain Drive so I would make the motion to approve that contract uh with those three changes I'll second that all right motion to Second any further discussions do I have a fourth stipulation see right seeing none I'll call the vote I can give you one all right eyes have it unanimously so moved thank you for that all right 3C want to take it away again so the message boards we we currently have two uh the county had has a couple I believe the sheriff may have a couple there are a couple floating around my my issue is at 16,000 a pop we don't need to spend $50,000 I can think of a lot more important things to spend $50,000 on in this city but I I'm willing to go with one to give us three total and then we would just have to do a little work and coordinate uh if we need additional sign boards so I would just ask that we uh amend that recommendation or change that recommendation and approve the purchase of an additional sign board for the city bringing us to a total of three and that was that's my motion second got a motion in a second councilman dtin for thank you mayor um I agree with Mr Bagby that it's not money that's well spent right now I'm not even supportive of one for for one reason I gazed through the sign ordinance and it appears that signs on trailers are prohibited you know I spoke to the City attorney who said on a temporary basis perhaps they are allowed but I'm not sure about that I know that uh that we have pursued people who had signs on trailers before taking them to code enforcement in front of the magistrate so it rubs me the wrong way to spend City money on a sign that may well be prohibited by our own ordinances because I think pretty well we're supposed to adhere to what the ordinances say too so while I while we would give the City attorney a chance to research the fine points of that ordinance I would uh make a motion to table until the next meeting all right motion second call the vote all right motion table and that wraps up with all the polls I'll make a motion to approve consider agenda b d and e all right thank you m mitt got a second call on the vote all right moving right along eyes have it all right Mr city manager uh thank you I just want to extend my uh hfer thanks to the committee uh that uh went through the process and also the city council for you uh entrusting me with this um Authority and responsibility I um um I hope to not to disappoint you uh to the members of the public I commit to uh listen to you um to give you all the opportunity to uh share your concerns your aspirations and so that we can U uh help you acquire the quality of living that you Aspire thank you much for the responsibility okay all right um the first item I have for you this evening is the request from the dolphin Point uh Community uh to remove nine public park parking spaces that are creating a problem in their area uh the city manager uh has had uh numerous discussions uh with the folks in the Destin area in the in the dlin Point area and we bring in this item for you for discussion this evening and see whether you want to proceed with it uh the city engineer will cover the details for you right Mr Scott take it away good even Council and mayor um all right so at on um noro Point Drive there are nine public parking spaces that are not in the paid to park program um the HOA of dolphin Point has requested to have those nine spaces removed um I'm going to hit the highlights of From staff's perspective of why they should be removed and then miss Alisa Belcher for the HOA president is here to speak on their behalf um so first and foremost uh they're going to talk about Safety and Security issues that they're running into with those nine spaces um the other thing I'd point out is the nine spaces that are there do not meet the minimum code requirements for size so they're about 16 ft long and our code is 19 so when you get trucks or bigger vehicles parking there it's overhanging into the roadway and then the nearest public facility to these nine spaces is 1.3 miles away at oin um this is phase one of their request so tonight we're not talking about any potential vacation of RightWay but the grand plan um that they have is to remove those nine spaces um install sidewalk roadside soil and Landscaping in that area install fence and Gates and then come back and get a vacation of RightWay for that section that's hatched on the right side um to try to get the gate situated in a better spot there um and secure their site so with that um miss beler the Flo is yours thank you and thank you Council for letting me be here tonight and they didn't call me you didn't ask me for a vote but I would have told you hands down that man right there is amazing and he has represented this entire group in the city very well and has helped me get to this point as well as most of the other City Ryan and many of the others that are here tonight so I want you to know up front they have been awesome okay so I don't want to confuse that issue I did notice your core value of the month is transparency and Lewis and I when we were working on this grand plan I think it's Ryan called it I like that it is a grand plan and it is requiring a lot of effort that is a comprehensive plan of where we would like to be soon it has nothing to do tonight with why I'm here I'm here tonight for a public safety issue but that vacating a part of our property will come and I will let you know up front I brought our wonderful architect tonight Charlie Clary who's been doing all of that project as well as our lead Council John towns so for you to know I think Louis had said transparency to know you will see me again in a few months it depends on how long it takes the vacating process so I did not want you to think we were withholding anything and showing back up in a few months we are working towards that but the reason I'm here tonight as he told you my name is Alisa Belcher and I am the HOA president at Dolphin Point dolphin point is on Marino Point Road most of you can see from the map we dead in onto 6 and 1/2 acres around the heart Harbor um I have been there I did not just show up yesterday I actually um my parents bought in 1978 on holiday aisle we didn't have any city government back then at all we didn't have anything much um but the green night um but now well I'm so sorry I'm am so nervous I have been working at this for so long I'm sorry um I am a second generation owner there and I have a lot of my own ERS tonight that I wanted you to know they are all here back here my cheering Squad I have five of my seven board members that are here one drove from out of town in Houston that is how important this matter is to us tonight but to give you a little bit of a picture of dolphin point and what this encompasses is we have 120 residents a third of our residents are full-time residents a lot of those are here tonight and I will let you know a lot of those have ties in our industry here right in Destin they are either in the bar or food industry I think that really important they're local business owners another third of those owners this is their second vacation home so they come with their family and their grandkids and they love to use the beach another third of our owners that own property there use it for rental property so you're going to have a lot of people coming into the area for tourism we are having a major problem with these nine public parking places I would like you to visualize your front yard your side yard that you take care of that you have your kids play or your grandkids or all your neighborhood kids in the yard and you're in the middle of a community and it dead ends into your property these nine public parking places sit in our front yard the problem with the public parking as he has said there is not a public entity I think they said 1.3 my little clock steppers says 1.8 when I walk so of course we all know there isn't anyone that is parking there to go to ostein beach cuz nobody today is going to haul 100 PB Yeti cooler and all their floaties and all their umbrella as 2 miles and walk that's just not what is happening but I do want to tell you a few of the things that are happening and I think it's very important for you as our Council y'all are making so many great decisions right now with our city to know what is going on and for us to be aware of it we're having a major issue with I feel like drug trafficking probably a little bit of possible sex trafficking I know those are words we don't want to talk about in Destin but I think in our culture we have to be aware and the unusual behavior we are seeing is is some of the things that keep me awake at night I care about these people these are my people right here this community that I represent and their kids and grandkids so when you think about what we see sometimes after dark and it is not good it is not a healthy thing these are hidden back in a neighborhood and there is no way to monitor what activity goes on back there so it's a real easy place to hide and not be seen another issue that we are having that I know that is a um a word you're familiar with illeg delies all of a sudden when the Dustin Harbor had a moratorium all of these pontoon boats that were operating illegally decided to back up into our backyard into our Harbor where our boats are we have a little private beach where we go and they were advertising on social media that you could come and park in Dolphin Point's public parking because it wasn't monitored so imagine all of these random boats you don't know who they are where they've come from they're parking and public parking but as the mayor said one time there's really if you take a few steps out of your car you're own our property so they're all of a sudden walking out onto our docks they get on these boats they leave for the day they come back well it's not a public park it's private property there are no restrooms so all of a sudden you've got people out on our property urinating changing clothes dumping their garbage all out on our property and then they go in those parking places and leave but one of the biggest concerns to me is the liability for the city and for us as owners because we don't know who these pickups and these illegal boats that are operating out of there that is one of the problems it continues to invite I think anytime you have public parking in an area that is a home in a neighborhood all it really seems to be doing is inviting a lot of mischief and nuisance into the area it also gives the illusion because it butts up to our 6 and a half acres that we are the public park and that is unfortunate because it is inviting people to create theft trespassing to get on our docks and that liability is huge for all of us it's huge for the city because they're labeled public parking so I want you to know about that the theft has been unreal we have so many things missing all the time and all of our boat docks are locked so we are trying to do everything we can but we find that late in the night we have gotten smart and put in a great security camera system people park there in the public parking and then they wander and filter all out into our property and on to the docks some are even miners we see them jumping over fences the idea of one of them falling in off a peer and drowning the liability there is great but I feel like that is something the city and is our property we're all looking at as a public safety issue and I think that's real important Ryan addressed the size of the parking I feel like that is an indicator of 1974 when our property was developed and those parking places were put there we have supersized everything and we have contractor trucks that show up I don't know where they come from and they park there they are not ours we require our people to park on our property I think sometimes if contractors are doing work on holiday aisle and they have extra trucks and they're all working in one truck they park it there overnight they leave 12 15t ladders extending out or long oversized SUVs it kind of underground became known as the place to hide your car you could leave it there for free if you were going to be out of Town nobody would catch you I will say Brian Davis he is here somewhere I've had him on speed dial he has really tried to help us but you can't get that and overnight even the city I think it's unrealistic to ask the city to to monitor what is going on after dark late at night at 12:00 or 1 in the morning and you can't either connect that they're staying even though there's no overnight parking they're smart enough to come pull in at dark at 2 a.m. spend the night in those Vehicles sleep in them and then they're gone by the time that any of the city people could track them but those two imagine in your front yard waking up in the morning and looking out your front door and having a cup of coffee and this crowd of people in that parking place to slept in that car you don't know who they are and all these strange men get out they urinate all in your front yard once again and throw all of their drug paraphernalia and their garbage in your front yard and then you've got people walking back and forth and going to the beach that is what we are facing every day the vehicles that extend way out if you look at our property on this map you will see the way we are set up and of course that's the way it was in 74 so we're kind of working with odd shaped property which is another reason you'll see me in a few months but part of our property on one side has tennis courts but the other side has a pool so you know we've got little kids that come out of one building and they're darting back and forth all the time so I think the visibility Factor there too is a key thing as a city and as homeowners that we're trying to be very aware of so I wanted to make you aware of that and I don't want to come asking the city for anything and expecting you to fix it without us partnering so here's when I sat down with all of these great City guys way back we started trying to figure out what we do in 2016 if you look on the map you may can see on there we partnered with the city in 2016 and we did a sidewalk from the corner of Lagoon all the way to the public parking places it was very successful hey we take care of it we cut the grass we landscape we water the grass we pressure walk the sidewalk because it really is in our front yard so what I'm asking you tonight is if you will consider partnering with us again and removing the major public safety issue so that we don't have a child clipped in the front in the street or that we don't have a drug deal gone bad and one of our people visiting pulls up in the middle of a drug deal going bad and we have somebody severely injured because all of that ultimately affects our reputation in this city and it's what drives our tourism and our brand but it's also just taking care of the people and the residents that live here so what we want to ask you tonight is if you will agree to relinquish those nine spots and allow us our HOA has said I've also I told you I think I have five board members here tonight we're all willing to open up our checkbooks we're not asking the city to do it we'll partner and do it however you want it to look on that part but we would like to finish that sidewalk all the way down where it dead ends into our property so that we have a sidewalk all the way down the street it looks like the neighborhood and it also helps everyone be able to have a safe access to get out on the sidewalk push a stroller not be in the way of any traffic and they can go all the way to G Shore and hit a sidewalk and go anywhere they want to go so I feel like in fairness to come to you we need to have a a partnership with you I looked at your strategic plan and printed it off I think this is great I'm pretty impressed and and you can tell your following it and working on it because of everything that's going on in the city and when you wrote this you didn't have any idea I was going to be here but it sort of looks like we aligned with what we're asking for if you look at your second strategic goal it says enhance quality of life and safety for families and that's exactly what we're asking to partner with you today to do so that is what I'm here asking for and um I also wanted to tell you I love this plan because over here on these core values before I finish it says transparency teamwork Integrity professionalism stewardship and respect and I assume y'all wrote that expecting your city and all of you to follow that and I want you to know I can walk away today and tell you every city person that I have dealt with and I think there's about eight of them I have them all I I feel like I'm communicating I've made eight new friends here at the city every one of them has jumped over these core values 110% I can tell you that and when I started looking at this I thought wow every city person I have dealt with and that's not Council that's all of these people in Lewis's team have been incredible to get us to this point and also when I come back in a couple of months we are trying to take everything you're trying to do all of these people that have water issues we're looking at everything we need to move going forward Charlie has been working with Joe bod and Ryan on our plans as we come back to you for Gates and fencing we're trying to do exactly the way you want us to to make it a healthy partnership so I want you to know that and um I think I can speak on behalf of all of our crew we're appreciative of what is happening in Dustin thank you for your time thank you so much hold up just in case councilman Stevens I move to request City Manager work with uh the applicant staff to move forward to permit the project for the removal of the public parking spaces and work towards installation of the rideway sidewalk roadside swell Landscaping fence and Gates uh through the appropriate processes and procedures I second that motion all right have a motion a second I got a couple up uh Cosman G yes thank you uh I do see there were 27 responses 20 of those want the removal seven don't want the removal of those parking spots one thing that I would like to to request is that we we develop some type of cting for all of this and a plan for maintenance who's going to be responsible for the maintenance uh moving forward because I don't think we should subsidize this with all the taxpayers in Destin to to handle that area of nine parking spots but if that plan's moving forward that would be my request is that we have a financial plan moving forward on on the all the costs associated with performing the action and maintaining in the future all right thank you sir next uh councilwoman abar thank you mayor um Mr G I think that's exactly what the U the home Home Owners Association president said it wouldn't cost us the city or the citizens of Destin anything they want to take it on they want it to be done and they're going to basically do it the way the city wants it done with our staff's assist assistance they're helping them process how the road looks how the gates are done how the swells are set up so I feel like this is all being done very copasetic with what we would want done if we were paying for it but it's coming out of their pockets because it's their homeowners association and it's their fix well I did hear that part but the maintenance the future maintenance this HOA does change HOA presidents change when costs incur people change their minds decide they don't want to maintain what previous presidents decided so that's why I want the plan to incorporate future uh preservation as well all right okay great that was good and the other reason why I pressed it I was going to make the motion to get it on thank you right councilman Bagby yeah a couple of points number one I don't know if she we have somebody that wants to talk I don't know if that's against or not uh this is kind of we're not even following our own procedures because we don't have presentations made you know during the city manager time usually other than by the staff so I don't know if she wants to speak against it but I would say we ought to let her speak because we let the pro side speak for you know 10 minutes and for transparency we ought to let you know not everybody come up and say yes I'm for it I'm for it I'm for it I'm against it but we ought to hear whatever else I don't even know what the heck she wants to say but she's been standing up back there for about 15 minutes so all right let me get through and absolutely and then the second thing is I I'm okay with the motion right up into uh move forward to permit the project for the removal of the per public parking spaces period that's what they're here for tonight that's what they told us they're asking for I'm not good with the rest of that motion because that would tell that would send a signal that we've already made a determination that we're going to agree with that and I'm not sure we have made a determination that we're going to move with that so I would ask that you amend your motion to just move to request the city manager to work with the applicant and staff to move forward with the permit to permit the project for the removal of the public parking spaces because that's what they're asking for tonight and leave the rest of it for you know for future disc for a future session because anybody can work with the staff in this anybody in this city can work with the staff on a proposed project and I'm not I'm not willing to signal that yeah we're we're because I want to hear more about the vacation where the fences are going uh we don't need that in a motion for what we're considering tonight well I'll add one thing I didn't hear the motion because I stepped out of the room for a minute but we can't do a vacate without going through our process and our ordinance anyway so if that was part of the motion it would have to part the motion okay then I'll uh change my motion the motion had nothing to do with the vacation right away the motion is just to remove the nine parking spaces no that's not what is that's not what I I mean not what he said okay I will change my motion where it ends at the nine parking spots and then Mr Mayor before we go further I would ask that we let the lady speak that's been standing up all right and do I have is the second okay with the amendment I'm okay with it all right all right with that I'm gonna go councilman dtin thank you mayor and I was going to go along that train of thought there are statutory requirements that we must fulfill to abandon any piece of property we have to uh determine that it has no public use nor will it ever have public use public hearings there's a lot of that we go through so that to even insinuate that we're going in that direction in any of this which it appears it may insinuate although it doesn't say gives me some heartburn so I'm I'm comfortable with voting on the nine spaces but we need to leave it at that all right I got one last council member and then I'll bring her up counc Schmidt yeah thank you um thank you for presenting you did a very good job um just a couple questions I'm a little confused where we just landed as well but the original motion was to remove the public parking spaces so and some other stuff but first question Ryan or staff is you know if we go remove our public parking spaces what what do we do once I mean what is that process like uh they will submit for a permit and we would no the H dolphin Point HOA or submit for a RightWay permit um and it'll be removing the nine spaces and and extending the sidewalk to their property putting in the landscaping and putting in the roadside soil where the nine spaces were right but to do all of that the city of D's not going to go out and remove the parking spaces no and then they're going to come in and do something no this is all dolphin Point HOA right so then the whole ENT of this when we're saying to move forward with the permit the project for the removal of the public parking spaces I guess I'm confused of if we're not going to go out there tomorrow with tractors and start removing them then why are we even talking about it because we want um council's blessing to remove nine parking spaces yes that's part of the permit process I'm sorry I'm just it's a little slower tonight but so if you if we're not going to remove them you just said that but there are spots so don't we have to remove them because they're city of Dustin spots no as part of the RightWay permit process it can be included in the construction plans to have that removed as part of dolphin Point's plan dolphin Point puts a permit request to do something on our property M yeah we get RightWay permits all the time say that again we get RightWay permits all the time got it and then when that comes we would be vacating a right away no we're not vacating the right away that's part of this gotcha so if the parking spots are removed it will still remain City RightWay and City public property okay so so then if the HOA wants to have the right of way vacated they would have to come back that we have a whole application process it actually goes to the LPA first we do an ordinance that comes to council there are public hearings where everybody gets to speak on it and that is not on the agenda for tonight tonight the HOA has requested that nine public parking spaces be removed and isn't there also an ask about the sidewalk um Ryan that well by removing those spaces to replace those spaces it was with the sidewalk a Swale and some Landscaping okay I just wanted Council to be clear on what happens when the parking spaces get removed if that is approved so thank you um um so we get these permit requests all the time so individual entity Corporation whatever wants to take and do something to our property they're paying for it that's how this would work yes gotcha so I mean to me then if you're about to start that process I would hope that the permit process talks about the sidewalk and the swells and Landscaping so I just want to be clear now going back a little bit to when we amend the motion rather than just remove the public parking space I don't want to leave that other stuff off if you're not going to be allowed to like talk about that as well well ultimately public you know I just want to make sure the way you amended the motion was to request the city manager work with the applicant and staff to move forward to permit the project for the removal of public parking spaces that's it right okay so sorry part of that permit process to remove it would be to be putting the rest of that stuff in there there okay thank you for the uh walkth through there appreciate it all right then seeing that we've got extra ones on there now at any time if there anyone's in opposition of this uh the floor for any opposition come on down just kid just all right Carrie harborer Spring Lane Destin let me say that and we want to go back into time we did a lot for those parking spaces they had to surrender those those are part of an impact that we as Citizens took I heard that whole dissertation and I'm not disagreeing but let me just tell you guys that not only does Holiday Isle get our Sheriff's Office through the city they have extra Duty details that cover their area 247 they have sharff they contract it through their fees and their HOAs those are our spaces too and if there's that much crime sex trafficking and drug trafficking going there where's the Sheriff's Office somebody's not doing their job because we got citizens calling code compliance for sex trafficking that's a problem I am going to beg this Council not to give up our parking it means something to some of us we fought for many years and to think that the city of Destin would give up any parking that is as golden as any access for the locals let's work it out maybe we need to get more the sheriff's office on board but don't penalize the regular citizens because there's problems out there because there are many of us that use that and I don't I haven't seen all those problems and I'm not saying that there's not but we have a way to handle it we pay for it we contract them and they double contract them I don't I don't see taking anything I think it's a disaster taking anything from the people any access to the Waterway but that's just my opinion thank you car all right anyone else in opposition all right seeing none I'll bring it back to the council up next councilman King thank you sir I was Cur I'm just curious I I noticed the um there were a lot of we got a lot of emails for the removal we got a lot of we got several emails for the opposition I'm curious to know uh what were the origins what what were the origins of these nine spots does anybody have the history on that I know that we were not even a city when they were put in maybe but but what what are they what are they there for I mean I realize that I realize that there is no public park or no public beach access close to there um but so I spoke with Mr um Dustin before to try to get some history I don't know if you want to speak on it or you want me to just speak about what we talked about well I'll listen Okay so he'll correct you don't worry he'll correct you so this project was built before the city was a city um so we did a records request with the county and they didn't have any records um one rumor that I heard was that there were plans when Dustin or dolphin Point was built to have a park right there and that just never happened and those spots might have been for that Park um and then Mr Dustin said that maybe that RightWay originally went all the way to the water instead of stopping where it's at now so that was parking to access water um so those are the two things that I've heard don't have any evidence of either one and I can't I can't fill any more detail in my uncle was the manager of Dophin point in the early 70s and I can't remember why in the world those were left there other than the fact that we had an awful lot of public parking on holiday aisle parallel parking along the road there was parking everywhere there were actually two or three Beach accesses that went from the road to the gulf and we the county and we consistently abandoned and Abandoned and abandon those and at some point I think these just weren't abandoned now you know the uh the point they make about them being long ways from any public use that's a that's a valid point and probably is the hinge for me right now because the reasons that we should close these parking spaces that they reiterated tonight are the exact same reasons I heard of why we should close the parking spaces at the end of the road that are near uh the public 1500 fet the difference being that those are in fact near the public and so you know my my one question that I wanted to ask is the motion says direct the staff city manager to work with Dolphin point to uh to get the permit in in motion to abandon those public ones and does that mean that that permit will go forward without ever coming back for review at all because we had an awful lot of folks seven or eight who publicly said they didn't like this idea you know I understand the dolphin Point folks and I'd like to hear you know the debate on why it is for the best of the public good they may well be able to win that by going forward with this motion tonight do we not see this again at all well you you certainly can uh direct us to bring it back to you if you wish I think I do have a question though do we know Ryan why this couldn't be done at the same time as the right of way vacate which has the public hearings like was there a time issue for the association or so yeah we talked about that and they want to get the the property secured as fast as possible um and the vacation of RightWay process is a long drawn out process so they wanted to separate those two out mainly because of Summer we're trying to stop the illegal pontoon votes is that basically from what I saw one of many yes all right c m k jump back so my next Point thank you sir um yeah I that was uh that was going to be my next point was how how do we you know what do we do for for the people who oppose this I mean there was several emails that um you know there's there's Town Homes directly across the street you know they're everybody's apparently using them um I get it I understand they're using them for all this other illicit stuff but you know what are we what are the what are the rest of the owners in the area losing by us vacating these and is there anybody from the opposition here tonight besid Carrie Carrie was here aside from I'm talking about people that live over there okay thank you part I mean part of the issue is that a right of way vacation is advertised so that you know the public sees it in the paper but this hasn't been so if that's an issue then it can be wrapped up in the RightWay vacation and you would think that that would be the logical progression if we abandon the RightWay then they can do whatever they want with it so all of this other preliminary stuff is not necessary at all except that it speeds up the ability to remove the parking right you looking for an answer or is that yeah I just didn't know if anybody I if there was anyone else we got emails from people who live across the street from these from this public parking and I mean let me get through everyone and then on that specific yeah and and it's the fact that the fact that we're talking about getting rid of parking that we have is seems like I understand don't don't get me wrong but it seems crazy that we would just like throw away parking that we have with the parking issues we have in this town all right so if you can answer councilman King's question yeah please please take up yeah please take the floor I think hold up I know that our neighbors that are next door at Point South the six emails were from Point South owners and actually one showed up the night that we had to cancel the meeting and I did talk to him later and I've talked with their HOA president since where they sit on their property they have no visual to the nine parking places so they are blocked visually and there are only eight owners there they have no renters there are eight owners and only one person lives there year around so I think once they sort of realized when I talked to three of them I said hey our goal is not to make an enemy out of our neighbors I think you need to always be friends with your neighbors and I think they were unaware it was more of they have no clue it's out of sight out of mind for them so they do not know what is going on out there we did ask I did clarify they have eight units there and they have 16 parking places so they have two per person and they have adequate parking they said they like to use it sometimes for their overflow or so they can bring a golf cart in and put a car out there in the daytime but when I ask you I have to outweigh and look at the difference or we looking at luxury and convenience for our neighbors to have extra golf carts and extra cars we limit our owners as well for parking and our parking place and are held to engineering standards and how many places we have as are they and they have even said there's a strictly a luxury and convenience but when it comes to the safety a couple of them and that may be why they're not here to tonight after we talked about it they said you know what they said the safety issue is not worth us parking someone over there and it's usually friends or Neighbors which also puts their friends and Neighbors at the same risk it does for us and I do believe I gave you all I didn't mention it but you were all given a copy of the last four years of the sheriff reports and I highlighted every Sheriff call made to our property over the last four years in that report that you have and in 22 and in 23 over 50% of the calls made to the sheriff to our property involve those public parking places and this year we're on track to have more than that and I have to disagree I think that our sheriffs that are here they are maxed out we are managing a body of water and a four-lane highway and a vacation area and I do not feel like they can manage nine parking places but when you look at our calls on that sheet it's lit up like a Christmas tree for calls that have been made and if you look most of them are late at night and they are for mischief and nuisance so um and I think I shared that with our I sent all of this copy to our neighbors next door and that HOA president I sent that to him and we've tried to partner with them to help them share our cameras for safety and then one of your letters that is in favor that is the next condo next to us lagona point that is their HOA president and she wrote a letter speaking for all of their owners that they did not want the public parking either right thank you so thank you councilman bagy yeah and I don't doubt what you just said but to me that that's not relevant to to Johnny's question I'll just be honest with you the uh I'm I'm okay getting rid of the nine parking spots because they're nine parking spots that are a mile and a half from any public beach access or whatever I probably won't be in favor of the vacation but I'll let it go through the process just because I think you know this is the second time since I've been up here y'all have been before us for a v or it will be the second time y'all have been up here just in my short time that y'all have been up here for a vacation and we gave you the vacation the last time and uh I'm just not into giving up public property to Kevin's point I think the but the the parking spots it's not for the nuisence yeah they've got I agree they've got sheriff's deputies and H holiday aisle Improvement Association has sheriff's deputies and they you know you this is nice this is four years I I will show you my neighborhood and in a year we have more complaints than that but that we have a lot more vacation renters than y'all probably have so uh that didn't really sway it's just the nine parking spots don't get us anything I mean if they got us something if we had access to the water at that point or we had you know a bus stop even there where people could park uh maybe we need to do a better job and I'd ask the sheriff to to do that at night uh particularly sometime after midnight I understand what they're trying to do they're trying to get it out of there before spring break so that it's gone so we don't have to worry about delivery I'm supportive of that I do agree with Mr guile we need a contract or an agreement okay that says you're getting this and you're given that and you're going to maintain it in perpetuity just like we have maintenance all a lot of these HOAs have maintenance agreements for RightWay maintenance where they want to and we encouraged them at one point in this city to and then we discouraged them and now we're back to encourag them but have a maintenance contract that they will maintain the Landscaping out there and they're glad to do it at least all the ones that I'm aware of in this city but we we need it written down who's going to be responsible for what who's going to maintain it in perpetuity and if there's any standards of course they have to fall our tree ordinance and all this other stuff but just that's that's why I wanted to just get on the nine parking spots on the motion tonight cuz I'm okay with that the whole you know gating they can gate and fence all they want on their property but not into our RightWay at this point so um yeah I I would like to hear but you know the last point I would make this was a public hearing not really a hearing but it was put out on the agenda it's put out on Facebook it's put out on the count on the city website it's put out if somebody was really opposed to it that was a neighbor who their grandkids parked their cars there when they come over and see Grandma and Grandpa at one of the neighboring properties they could have been here tonight and said hey we use those parking spots every year to come see Grandma and Grandpa when we rent a house down somewhere else in Crystal Beach or Walton County or wherever and we come meet every Sunday with Grandma and Grandpa and we park in those spots cuz they're public parking spots but nobody's here saying that so you know my I guess let's give them the get rid of the nine spots get an agreement in place where they pay to remove them and Landscape it and maintain the landscape and let's move on c m yeah ma'am I have a couple questions if you don't mind the B the I'll get you a contract John towns and our lead Council we he'll do it tomorrow the the one dayin the one day big picture item are you saying that there's going to be a gate or fence on Marino point on that first building to prevent people from pulling in there there will be a gate there's three buildings on your prop yes there'll be a gate Charlie clar is working on that and I I mean I really these are two very separate issues I think that it's clouding the issue I'll blame our new city manager over there but I think the reason being that he wanted me in front of you is he did not want me to be here tonight for the nine public parking and then show up a month from now where we are trying to vacate a portion of our property that touches city property is about 50 ft it's not that much maybe I'll be able to convince you right but for transparency sake we and that's why that is exactly why we're here tonight is your big picture go is your big picture goal to only put the gate where the little honeycomb mesh stuff is on our on our agenda or are you going to have one point put the map back up well the way dolphin point is structured and I guess we can get some of these questions out if I've got to show back up in a month or two depends on how quick we get the vacating done the way the property sits it will require us to have a gate entry into our a building that will set back on our property a building is left or right is the a building the very first one the front or the back going back there to point it out oh Ryan is going to point it out oh oh wow I can see better this way wow a brand new TV Charlie you should be doing this um can you hear me no can you hear me now and I do think someone spoke to that I believe it was you councilman Bagby that said we could gate and fence anything on our property and all of this that we are looking to gate and fence is our property but we are also trying to really work closely with your whole team and all of the water drainage and that is what we have Charlie Clary for and Laser skates okay so uh one thing Charlie and I have been talking about is trying to get a gate right here and then can you if you can pull that down reach um right now if the got V the next gate I don't think you're on the next gate would be like right here um if the vacation right away doesn't happen then the gate would have to be right there thank you and then these spes with does that help yeah it does do you guys have any security uh through your HOA you know what we have been trying to last year we went through all of this and we hired off-duty you know non I guess they they cannot carry a weapon and they're just hired security and it was a total waste of money it was trying to keep employees they didn't show up at night they didn't want to work um it was a bad it was just disaster so then we went with the off-duty Sheriff's program and that has put a huge dent in our budget it made a huge difference during the summer when we would have them at that entry point and it kept people from trespassing in and out of the property but this year um not that I mind giving our sheriffs that are back there too and all of our sheriff and law enforcement arrays but they double their fees this year and then they have all these additional fees and it also requires as an HOA when we book sheriffs for weekends we have to pay all of that money up front they take all the money up front plus fees plus your fee has gone from I believe 27 an hour to 48 it's a drain on our budget just like it would be on the city's budget so last comment and I I'm also not opposed to removing spaces because I you know there is nothing near there that public needs public spaces for um you know we do have a parking problem in Dustin sure but um I'm not you know I I I went down dolphin point for years as a kid and people that Liv there and play the tennis courts and you park in there but I don't see myself going down there and and you know using that and then walking a mile to the beach what I would say and my comment to you and your other owners is I would be I would prefer you to be cautious in the presentation of how you're portraying some stuff because to me you're trying to point the finger specifically on these spaces and livery vessels and drug usage and until you can show photos and videos of people coming from that space to doing sexual acts in that space and doing the drugs maybe you have that that's fine but I just would you know I like removing the spaces but some of these pictures on your presentation aren't even Livery vessels um so I would be just a little cautious moving forward you know well I'm not sure who they were then they were not invited owners on our I'm just saying that you a lot of open parking spaces with no gate with no security and we're doing our best there's possib but there's a possibility that people are parking on your property and then doing the same thing not just the public spaces that's all I'm saying so I would just you know let's get rid of the public space they're not needed well we're getting ready to lock that down as best we can and we can also what we're doing now is we have a contract with the towing company and we have put all of our owners on decals that's fine but just that's my my my opinion and comments is the information being presented is a little slanted unfortunately to me we're going as fast as we secured I promise c m go okay I've been doing a little bit of research on property appraiser since this started just so that everybody up here understands I researched all the NOS none of them are homesteaded two are from Georgia one from Alabama three from Texas one from Colorado that leads me to believe that the spaces are being utilized for short-term if we are planning to get rid of them I understand if we're planning not I just have a question for City staff can we make that paid parking can we charge $60 a day but those owners Council councilman those owners that you looked at are the ones I'm talking about they are non-rental units next door to us those eight units and the eight people or the six that wrote the letters at points out those are non- rentals so all of those homesteads you just listed they do not rent their units so they come down occasionally that still doesn't answer my question my questions directed to the city manager can we convert that to paid parking uh you you certainly can um it's it's to your discretion again we we have um don't I'm sorry I hate to interrupt but I don't think you're right Mr city manager I'd ask the county or the City attorney for us to convert those we would have to bring them in compliance with parking and they would have to be 19 ft long they would have to meet our minimum standards and our code okay which I know we're rewriting but we're not going to rewrite it to 16 F feet so I don't think we could convert those we might convert it into three parallel parking spots but you know I I I understand and I appreciate anything that generates revenue for this city trust me but that is no no that's a hard no to me unless we go right up to the RightWay line and then that might be I don't know Brian is that 19 ft from the RightWay line the parking AB buts the right away L it does then then Mr C manager I would say uh you might want to ask the City attorney to aine on whether we can do parking spots paid parking spots in the city that don't meet our own codee uh I was you you interrupted me before I finish my uh my response I was going to say subject to us making those improvements to make sure that they meet city code all right thank counc Council woman neighb um I just wanted to be on the record that I feel like we're dragging this out and we're making this into you know we're trying to find out about these nine spaces we figured out that the eight people that complained are pretty much back on board with what's going on and I feel like we should just move forward and let this happen because if you do go down there and you see all the pontoon boats you can see in the photos they provided Mr Schmidt people crawling over the fencing to get onto the pontoon boats they're obviously loaded up with stuff and they've come from those cars which are also right there so I feel like they've done a really good job trying to give us as much information at this meeting until they come back in a month from now and I feel like we should move forward and let this process begin coun BBY let just I was just going to say we're it's probably time to call the question unless we only have one more I mean you're the last one y call yeah all right so I'll call can you reread the motion thanks Ry do that for the city manager to work with the applicant and staff to move forward to permit the project with a removal of the public parking space to permit the project do that include any contract we're discussing or no I want to amend my motion to include an agreement I I won't use the word contract but to include an agreement for installation and maintenance and perpetuity all right the original motion are you so to clarify is that something that Council expects to come back to them or for staff to yeah that was my last we wanted to come back or we it has the contct approve so with that contract yes I mean but I don't think we need the whole cast characters we just that's something you can bring back at the next meeting I mean John will have it drafted tomorrow okay uh conc member Stevens is accepting that that's what I'm asking him I I'll accept those amendments all right councilwoman AB with the amend motion accepted all right we got a motion to amend amend the original motion all right I'll call the vote all right eyes have it so moved we're moving along thank you absolutely thank you guys all right all right all right congratulations all right city manager uh thank you uh the next item is an update on our efforts to address the uh permitting software challenges that we be having in the city are you guys leaving all right yeah can we take a five minute break yeah so if you guys are leaving let's take a five let everyone WAP some of us have been here since 4:30 you know I've had my cop yeah I know well those of us who have been here e e e e e e e e e e e e well e e found day we have a quorum I will call this meeting back to order take it away all right good evening Council and um Andy Peters IT director again up here to talk about um our software needs so um the reason I'm here tonight is because um hopefully at the next meeting would like to come to you with a um proposed contract from an alternative vendor to replace our intergov uh permitting and Licensing system um I need to read just a couple of facts um into your memory really fast as you know uh the contract with Tyler Technologies uh runs about $100,000 a year um but that ongoing issues have been faced and that in March 2023 just before I arrived uh to work with you um the city invested an additional $80,000 in the program called the Tyler assist program which was to give us access to their tiger teams and their best people to help us with our problems configure and training um issues continued and so in December I came to talk to you again and the council voted to proceed away from Tyler Technologies if they didn't get their stuff straight their act together um we also then the next month at your request reviewed the entire it ecosystem on how these pieces fit together um that funny little puzzle piece heat map thing I had done for you and then um in February this year Tyler sent their top folks out to take a look at our setup and what we were doing to help us out to help help help us all get out of this mess um so that's kind of what you know so far and the update now is that um a person named Andrew bear from Tyler Technologies came to visit us February 7th through the 9th and February 23rd we received a report from him which is in the packet um and I can summarize it very simply for you it just said that if Destin were to receive an additional 16 days of on-site training and uh all of our problems would go away and everything would be solved um and then the next month on March 1st uh I received a bill on my desk for $84,000 to renew the Tyler assist program for another year um that is probably one of the biggest reasons why I'm here talking about it because we had discussed at one time that we would do some in-house work to get a a replacement system going but we're looking at two years to develop that um if we have to pay for this Tyler assist program every year then the effective cost of the system rises from 100,000 to 180,000 it's just not feasible um so um as soon as we discovered that we began meeting with alternative vendors and we've met with a large stack of them and in fact we're still initiating new conversations with some of them um uh so the next question is well you know if it takes eight months to get a new vendor in here how do we how do we choose one that's right for Destin how do we get someone that is going to meet our needs this time um as opposed to whatever happened last time where we had a software vendor that just simply can't Supply what we need and what we ask for um so just to close this uh little briefing out what I'm going to do what I'm recommending that we do is in the software world just called a user acceptance study or a user test where we take members of the public that are from our community and um anyone else that Council would also like to have uh participate we give them um access to the sandbox environment of the one or two top vendors who we've Chosen and let them tell us what they think um let them make sure that they can do the simple things like log in log out uh get a new password set it seems like simple stuff but it's the stuff that our current intergov systems having problems with um once that user test comes back I think think we be in a good position to have a datadriven uh decision that you can consider on a new vendor uh we've kind of identified a couple of new vendors today uh as top tier we have Civic plus and opengov as finalists although I would like to keep the um kind of like to keep the door open for adding uh a third one or removing one depending on their behavior in this process because we need a vendor that's going to do what we ask and serve as well um we also did uh Mr zenu met with Tyler Tech CEO and explained to them the difficult time that we had with the Tyler assist program and the argument that hey if 16 days of on-site training are what needed then what was the $80,000 in Tyler assist program for um and from that we've gotten some concessions that have helped us uh make that continue that program continue at no cost that is pretty much the end of my report today um except for that um as things are progressing the finance office is also um pretty much chomping at the bit to get their stuff rolling too they are having significant problems with their Tyler products and um it's a good time to look and see if we have the bandwidth to maybe just pull the Band-Aid off and get it all done at once so that's the current thinking and I'm open to your ideas or suggestions you said Civic plus and what was the second option right now we have on the agenda it's written Civic plus and open gov open gov okay um I would also like to look at a company called MGO it's actually not a company it's a Cooperative uh Louisiana hman City of hman building department who actually runs a program that we can jump on those three would be kind of our top finalists all right any discussions or motion I believe for w beach has Civic Plus Fort wal so Fort Walton Beach has MGO which is the one I just mentioned for permitting and Licensing they do use Civic Plus for their website and a couple of other things many of their puzzle pieces overlap and mismatch compared to us gotcha okay I would like to move to staff make a motion to move staff to conduct user acceptance studies recommended and return with proposal from a community development software platform that meets the needs and budget of our community and provideed an implementation timeline for Council review second all right councilman Stevens all right got couple quick questions um with the sandbox are all three or all these uh uh vendors that you're going to be uh uh testing are they going to have access to the sandbox for us or it's excellent question Civic PL Civic Plus's Community Development team has committed to a Sandbox and I have access to that already open goov has actually up to this point refused to give me that sandbox they've given me some Alternatives um and I spoke with MGO this afternoon and they seemed that they would be able to supply that for us okay um and then next question um when are we plan on going live with all this stuff what's the process how long is it going to take are we going to be ready when it's BTR season we will not be ready this BTR season that's one of the reasons we're bringing this forward now um and recommending a piggyback instead of a full RFP and that kind of thing we we need to it's going to take about eight months to get someone new rolled into place okay great C go thank you um one thing I'm just informational for Council uh I pulled permits in in St John County Lee County um when when I talked to their building department about their softwares they mentioned that they had in in-house it that made several adjustments that their softwares were nightmares beforehand so uh I have a feeling that any softwares that we've dealt with or that I've dealt with in the past that there's always had to be some in-house modification to make it work effectively and efficiently um the other thing I want to mention is that I was on the conference call with Civic plus with Andy and uh this Elite group and um I was pretty impressed with the information that they provided I haven't had the chance to do the the sandbox at this point but I have complete faith in Andy especially the way he handled that and conducted himself during the interview the questions he asked them and how accountable he made them with the questions he presented so I have complete faith in Andy in uh making this decision for us all right seeing no further discussions I will call the vote thank you all right thank you uh in our last meeting you requested a u an update on the crossone connector uh we have that update for you as well as the options available for you to uh to proceed all right I'm going to try to keep this very straightforward and simple so essentially there's three options all three options tonight um directly affect funding for construction so option A is take no option we'll get the permits and then we'll have to self-fund all the construction option b is to have an eir updated um that's $110 $110,000 change order with and that's going to take about 8 months um that will unlock the ability to get state grants State funding to help fund the construction and we currently have two um irons in the fire working towards trying to get some state grants that total about $5 million um so without option b those would go away and then option C is to do redo the whole thing it's about a 24-month process uh redoing the entire PDN study and that will open uh the option for state and federal grants um now Federal we don't have any irons in the fire obviously if we are trying to go for federal grants there's a bigger competition pool there um so staff is recommending option b um to get the achange order signed and start the eight-month process to redo that and I have Atkins here to answer any questions and then we also obviously have Jeff and Crystal for financing and grants all right councilman Bagby I move to direct city manager to have staff move forward with PDN re-evaluation option b and for the City Finance director to bring back at the next meeting her proposal where that $110,000 is coming from I'll second that motion motion a second Jeff could you clarify if that's a eir update or PDN b b is the e e e all right C Meson just one question if we were to sell fund now with the money we have on hand how much money are we short uh so we estimate the construction to be $10 million we would be 10 million and we're short we're um we have nearly five million saved up and uh awarded in a the TDC Grant between the TDC Grant and impact fees Road impact fees we have have on hand uh we're short $5 million four or five I'm sorry could five5 million five have we looked at all on the possibility of of modifying what we're doing I know the two roundabouts if they turned into four-way stops I'm just curious about how much money we could save could we get to the point where we could build the thing and start and get it done if we did some modifications on the design and what modification would we have to do um so I don't think the you can correct my I'm wrong the design of the roundabouts is slowing anything down um we still need to get a Northwest Florida Water Management District permit um we were per the Northwest Florida Water Management District's recommendation waiting till we figured out if we're doing the pte E like which option we're doing before they submit um but at this point with State some State legislation that's changed we need to get submitted now so we're locked into the old rules and not um have to red designed for the new rules that'll take effect later this year July yes so um we will be submitting working towards this week to submit for the district permit um and that's that's what's going to be determining this is the permitting process of getting the permits done well what kind of uh appalls me about this whole project if we've got most of the road in place now we could we're essentially building the part through the old Campground and if we can't do that for the amount of money we have we've got a problem and it could be modified just how long do we keep going and don't build anything when we could build something by just modifying the design a little bit um you know I'll make a motion later on after this one which I'll vote for that we look at how we could go forward and build the cross down connector with our own money yeah so being on the TPO uh the $3 million that we're talking about with the state um seems to be a pretty good negotiation and partnership at the mpo level um obviously nothing certified until the vote T and to your point of knowing where the that 11's coming from next meeting I can bring you guys an update of if the TPO has approve that our meeting is at 3 3:30 this Thursday and if that goes through then we at least know that there's another three now in um just just as like a point of information come up with two exactly and maybe we redesign to and just to throw information in there yep yep all right so I just wanted to throw that in there as a TPO rep and um other than that I will say the most expensive part of the project is the underground storm water which was directed to change from sale system to underground and that's the most expensive part so there's not really a lot of meat on the bone to shave design off to to get cost down that much I looked at it pretty closely and some of the storm water that's associated with the roundabouts and if you put in a simple four-way stops there we could save quite a lot but we'll let from P some professionals look at that for sure before I say something that is incorrect but it wouldn't hurt to look and and the other strong point is uh I like the four-way stops we're trying to build a a bipad we're trying to build a cross town for our neighbors and friends not a bypass of 98 when you put round abouts in that's to accelerate and get cars through it bothers me to be doing that through the neighborhoods I know the mayor talked about mailboxes IAL I counted 41 on a on a zelia the other day so we need traffic that can progress through at a leisurely Pace that's available for the local people we don't need to turn that into a a bypass for 98 all right so I have the motion in second so I'll call the vote all right eyes have it thank you guys thank you motion after we get all right councilman councilman city manager yes um as you know this year is uh we'll be celebrating our 40th anniversary as a city uh uh and along with that there'll be activities that are planned uh throughout that uh effort uh we're requesting that if we could use our public uh parking spaces uh at the community center as well as the Mala uh parking lot uh during those activities to be free um that's a request we making to city council I'm make a motion to weigh the parking fees at the Marlo street parking lot the Community Center parking lot and Zerby street parking lot for the city is 40th birthday celebration effective 2m on August 10th 2024 I'll second that all right motion is second seeing no further discussion call the vote all right eyes have it all right back to you uh uh next is our our update on the operational financial report for the city uh Crystal you want to cover that for us yeah so um I'll just cover the next three items um very briefly um the operations financial report in short we're on time and on budget uh the capital project status report has updates on the uh current situations for all of the capital projects we have and we have staff here to answer any questions if you have any and the TDC monthly report this is collections through the end of March and uh so it shows the from October through March the first six months of our fiscal year and it's slightly above what we collected um at this point last year all right councilman Bagby yeah just a couple of questions on the year-to date we seem to be behind about a million or so on our collections of uh ADV valorum taxes is there a reason now because we're in April so most everybody is paid no um as I wrote on the cover page of the agenda uh we had collected 90% of the taxes so we're just waiting for uh the properties that chose the installment plan that are paying um in four pieces so this is through February 29th uh so there are a lot of properties that will be banking big payments in March and in June but we have 90% uh accounted for as of the end of February we have that many people that pay on the quarterly plan uh there's surprisingly large number of people that pay on the for installments to the tax collector yeah no because most of them that have mortgages pay once a year yeah once a year yeah so I I've just never seen that aberration before okay right counil mmid yeah thank you uh there's a few items on the capital project status report that I uh brought to the attention of staff that has been changed with some dates that have been moved out and so I've asked for city manager to get some information to provide some more details on some of the stuff in parks and wreck on why things are being moved around so I look forward to getting it back and you all will be able to see it too all right thank you so much all right seeing no further discussions um you want to share with us the announcements uh one question on the I guess on the TDC report I did I thought we were going to address each of them separately but I guess we're just going to address all three of them together the TDC report did we find out uh if April was for February's collections Crystal I'm sorry can you repeat your question no you shouldn't be you shouldn't be talking to Lisa when we're asking questions uh did we find out whether or not the April number for the TDC was actually for the February collections no sir I was in briefings till 5:00 P pm and I I didn't uh get a hold of them in time okay so at next meeting I'd like an answer on that yes sir thank you all right okay um announcements please good evening this Saturday the city will join forces with several other cities and organizations to host a beach Cleanup in honor of Earth Day Earth Day is actually Monday April 22nd but we'll meet on Saturday from 8: to 10:00 a.m. there's a number of sites available for the beach cleanup um and we'll be F doing a heavy focus on noro point on Friday April 26th we'll have a tree planning for Arbor Day at Kell Air South and we'll be planting an oak tree at 10: a.m. that day the Destin Library will be closed on Friday April 26th for the annual Okaloosa County Public Library Cooperative staff training day and then last founders day will be held at the community center on Saturday May 4th at 11 a.m. invites to the event are in the mail and Mr beler was here earlier and shared with us that the 90th birthday of the post office will also be that day thank you all right thank you so much all right any final announcements from your I no that's all we have for you all right perfect thank you so much right mayor if I could have a moment please sure Jason Sheriff's off I just wanted to uh bring up that um you know many of you all already know but the a lot of the public don't calls to service don't necessarily equal um crimes that are being committed for instance they were talking about how many calls to service they had down there over the last fouryear period um if they hire someone to do an off-duty detail that's going to be a call to service just just that person being there so in also you have you know Security checks any number of things I did some number crunching um just so that I could speak to it and uh they had a um 105 calls to service this year uh at Dolphin Point uh there were five reports taken out of those 105 calls to Service uh one report was found property two burglaries one criminal mischief and one theft uh they have they did see a what they believe to be a drug transaction taking place place down there um deputy self is going to work with them to get some camera footage and and to try to find out what's going on the drug transaction that they witnessed down there last year we arrested the person I just wanted to put that out there just so folks know you know we are doing our job thank you Captain was was that and and as far as the as far as the off-duty detail um stuff goes there was an increase um our off-duty detail program was not working well and it's in the way that we had it Opera in an in-house so we had to reach to an outside company to manage it for us and that caused an eight an 8% increase in fees that's being paid to that company So currently you're having to pay $422 an hour for an off-duty Deputy the upside to that is prior to that taking place we were not getting many of our off-duty details filled since we've changed over to that company the majority of our off-duty details have been filled and the majority of that reason is because we went from where it was a minimum of paying the deputy two for two hours um to having to pay for 4 hours whenever they come out and you we all know the traffic issue that we Face here in D most of the off-duty details are in d are on oako island most of our deputies live in the North End of the county and it's just not worth it for them to drive from Crestview to dtin just to work a two-hour detail so increasing those to four hours increase the coverage that we've got thank you Captain quick question she mentioned sex trafficking any any of that information did you guys I saw one call where they called about a sexual offender but it was unfounded when it was coded out um I'm not sure I didn't see and again you got to understand I'm I'm crunching through numbers sitting here trying to listen and trying to look on the telephone to find them so I may have overlooked something in those 105 calls but I didn't see anything other than that one call that was such related all right thank you Captain all right seeing no public comment or public hearings we will move on to the council so councilman Stevens anything I have nothing Council M I have a bunch no I don't I just wanted to see Jim Wentz a little bit over there in his chair uh uh Wednesday is surgery it's they're telling me it's for sure this time no postponement so I may not be here the next council meeting I'll make every to be here and I won't bore you with any more information tonight have a good day all right we wish you the best C Dustin nothing tonight go bag me and I do have a lot thank you uh first of all I want to congratulate Lewis on uh becoming our new city manager uh my NE my first question at the next meeting will be about the LDC rewrite that is already a year and a half behind schedule okay so over three years we've been working on that project and it's going to be three and a half four years when we get done and so now you own it not just as the community development director but as the city manager my next uh point is to yes there she is Miss Jamie do we still have an assistant city manager position on the books yes that's still a budgeted position but we decided to wait until we filled the city manager well we we now have a city manager so I would suggest tomorrow morning first thing you get with him and see what our plan is I actually like the plan that Mr Dustin and you came up with because you got us three great candidates for this position and Lewis is going to need some help um particularly till we get through with this LDC rewrite the and then just for everyone's awareness uh I got notified that Dr Stevenson at Northwest Florida State College has accepted the job at Florida poly Technic and he has been a good friend a great friend to the city of Destin and a lot of the entities that we have done we W I wish him well I'm sure we all wish him well and he will be sorely missed because he has been a a major Plus for this community and that's all I have all right thank you for that man I did not know that he to try not to embarrass him I always called him my my spirit animal so no he's been a huge help and he'll get that um but no that's that's he he's turned this that college around 180 and it it benefits this whole community so he will absolutely be missed but he is a I'm sure he's going to be a golden position wherever he goes so Council withan neighbor thank you mayor uh just one thing I just want to congratulate Lewis um happy to have you as our permanent City manager and I know you'll do great we got lots of uh wonderful accolades from our citizens that have appreciated your your uh hard work over the last few months now that you're the city manager look forward to taking care of some more issues for us so thank you Louis so I got mayor cman King yep congratulations Lewis I think uh you know in the I guess the interview process and the you know internal deliberating I think you know I'm really grateful that it's grateful that it's you I think the other guys were they were very impressive as well um so hats off to them um but congratulations um just one quick thing something take away from this meeting I used to live over there where um around Snapper and over Street and all that and I don't ever recall there being real bad flooding but I was curious does any of our um recent storm water projects is that what's causing that is there a is there a do do we have any evidence as to what's causing I don't remember seeing that I can speak to that we just completed a project over there on one Avenue a few months ago that was replacing some corrugated metal pipe that had begun to fail uh Public Works staff recently installed three SW systems at the intersection of Wanita Kelly and Snapper to kind of mitigate some of that now what the gentleman said was accurate that he had collected did 5 1/2 in and within a 45 minute that that storm frequency is just off the charts so that is just such an intense event you can't design for that and uh we we've done we' we've had some other issues that what was it last Wednesday I think or Thursday I can't remember which day it was they all kind of run together but uh we only had two other reports of some drainage issues both were on 988 um I did ride by Mr Pier's house at the time and the brand new Inlet was just working like a champ uh taking that water out to the Bay uh and like I said I can confirm that he did have some standing water in his front yard so it was it was a very intense storm I mean schools let out early you know people got off work early I mean it was it was an event so but it's not anything that we would have designed to yeah I had uh I had water almost up to my front door my wife was getting nervous I got pictures of it if you want to see it and come fix my problems I'm just I'm just kidding and I don't mean to make light of the the storm yeah I don't mean to make light of it but that was a bad storm and it was bad in my house too so all right thanks on that from a measuring standpoint what what was that storm obviously it's not a what would we measure that storm to be as far as our standards Ryan um I don't have exact numbers but if that was true 5 and a half inches in 45 minutes um a 100-year storm event is 6 in and 3 hours so it's just a very fast intense storm and you can't design anything to take that amount of water in quickly gotcha all right Council M Schmid my turn oh thank you uh a few things first is uh the agenda item the KE the council healthc care compensation um I think this current budget cycle we have it in our budget to give us the option to do healthc care I don't know if any of us do it or not but it's there um I I want to look a little bit further into seeing what the options are if we choose not to take that health care what type of reimbursement or stien for our own health care that we do have to be reimbursed for that um and so I would like to have the City attorney look into this a little further with HR Jamie and whoever else they need to talk to to take one step further to see what we can offer if we don't choose ours because if we chose to take the cities it's going to cost money um if we don't choose to take the cities because we have a better option we should be able to be reimbursed for the same price as Mr King or miss a bear whoever else that took the city's option so um I'd like to make the motion to have City attorney do that and bring us back her legal opinion on what we can do second motion and second Council mcal this a question for staff if uh a staff member because this is all the same insurance program if a staff member refuses to take uh or enlist into our insurance now currently does does he receive or he or she received some type of stien or or allotment towards another no we don't currently have a a stien policy if you choose not to take our insurance so the motion right now is for something above and beyond anything that the city is currently doing okay uh Council meston and that would be my point we have looked at this issue in the past you cannot you cannot offer alternatives to one group of employees and not all the employees uh we looked at those things a long time ago and and I'm I don't want to tell Miss cop what conclusion he's going to come to but we can't do that all right um councilman Bagby yeah I would just ask Miss cop if she has an opinion already that we don't need to wait two weeks to get your opinion I mean you've seen it it was on the agenda so obviously you probably prepared for it yeah I mean I think there is an issue with um not having a discriminatory Insurance um program in place where different um classes are created however there are some local governments that have a separate class for like Senior Management versus employees so I the the issue that I would research I guess would be if a third class could be created for an elected official I've not seen that um but with respect to the stipended in general unless it was I I think it would be difficult in an uphill battle to try to do that with our Charter language that we currently have So and I've told council member Schmidt I think it's unlikely we can do it but I'd be happy to look at it further if Council authorized it yeah because I I thought but I know they changed the charter or amended the charter uh while I was off but the charter used to say we couldn't get compensation yeah I have it up it basically says council members Shall Serve without salary but shall be re reimbursed for any expenses incurred while traveling on or performing City business however for such expense reimbursement shall be line item and shall be submitted to and approved by the council so counil M Schmid yeah I appreciate the history lessons gentlemen thank you all very much for all the things that have been done the charter where we are at tonight and this year um but there are municipalities across the State of Florida that do similar things it's it's possible um I I feel like it's possible that we could look at that one line on the charter and say that we're we're performing business right now and I want to be reimbursed during this four hours of my time for my for a 4 hour prated version of my healthc care so I mean there's I think there's ways and all I'm asking is to maybe just look one step further than what unfortunately a couple people up here tell us every time we talk about this for years we told we couldn't do the health care and now we're doing it so I'm just I'm just wanting to just take a little step further to have the attorney uh bring us options because I don't think this is the only option and I'm just trying to get a little bit of information but it's fine CC we can just get an opinion I really appreciate your your care that you want to give us a little extra sure but I think when we all put our name in the Hat to run for office we knew we weren't getting paid there was no benefit we did this because we wanted to serve our C our our citizens and our our city um and I just feel like we don't need to give Miss cop one more thing to research on something that is really a mute point at this juncture in our term with this you know City I'm not saying it's a mute point I just don't agree with the answers that are being provided by the person that we do our healthare through to tell us what we can and can't do so I I'm I just would like somebody that can research it to give an actual answer not the health insurance guy who has the business with us so um but I hear what you're saying I'm not trying to get paid right now maybe in the future we look at that because there are a lot of discussions that should be had in regards to that and I bet you a charter update wouldn't be a some people possibly might even be interested in that one day um look at the last election cycle that happened with some people up here nobody really ran against some of these folks maybe if there was something to do a little bit different so uh but yeah I stated my case I'm sorry I I should stop but it's all good got some go let bite a dle all right I have a motion in a second so we'll call the vote all right thank you 2024 I appreciate it all right um the next thing is the city website I really appreciate the changes that uh Tamara or Andy or whoever is doing on the notification uh the information on it there's some new widgets I'm not sure if you guys have taken in consideration or looked at it lately but um I've noticed that there's some changes so however it's happening thank you for doing that I've also some Facebook stuff with uh sponsored ads so um maybe it's going to help maybe it won't but thank you for taking the initiative to try some new things uh for getting people engaged so thank you um on that same um same uh Topic City of Falton Beach recently came out with an app to um a mobile app to set up uh mainly I think code s related s stuff um I know we have a mobile uh website but um I don't know if you or Troy or anybody has already been hearing about that app talking with people and our partners but I would love to see if how can we do what they just did do yall are y'all aware of it I yeah I saw it I saw it today and did share it with all the senior leaders but we haven't had a chance to talk about it but I did share it so without jumping ahead I I did reach out to Logan who is an assistant with the city manager over there uh it is a bundle package with Civic plus who runs our website so if you have Civic plus running yours it would be an easier thing uh he's thinking it's about $10,000 a year as an add-on with Civic plus do we have Civic plus that was one of the three recommendations uh when we go forward so just that just kind of happened to work out so I saw it too right before Council and I no Logan personally so I reached out to him on that so Mr city manager is that something that y'all can bring back to us in the future later on down the line to look at sure guess okay I don't need a motion for that right um and yeah congratulations to Lewis um the other two candidates were really well qualified and I understand that and the resumés were as well um I got to interview all three of them like I guess most of you had the opportunity and I really enjoyed as well interviewing Lewis took the same approach to for him as I did all the other two and um I'm without without a doubt knew that he was the person that I wanted to continue supporting this after those three interviews um I have all the faith in Lewis and his staff to to to get us to move forward um in regards to some comments earlier about the negotiations and salaries and Community Development director and all that I guess that process will come um but I do know that we have a position here that warrants certain price and to me um putting potentially putting somebody in the cornerer a negotiation about what our last city manager was or was not paid in my opinion is not the best way to start a negotiation because not everybody is the same um when they come to a position so I look forward to the contract negotiations and when we have the chance to finalize that and hopefully have you sign on so thank you all right I was just going to congratulate Lewis uh I think to sum it up he he has a heart of service he knows his community and even talking to some of my peers about the three that I've talked to um it almost it almost felt like cheating because you just knew so much of what's going on that it it was in my heart obvious that not only do you love this community but you have the brains behind it all and just taking over in the past already just showed just how much you're in it and and wanting to be in it guys I really appreciate your time and I'm excited for you to finish out your your final chapters of your book with us here and I just I thank you so much for being here with us so thank you 20 years all right City attorney anything else other than the one we covered I get to congratulate LS as well you know um and in my almost eight years here almost six of them have been with Lewis and so I know I can speak to his um integrity and his intelligence and his ability to work with people and just really happy to have him in this role um also good luck at your surgery Tori wherever you are back there and that's it all right absolutely all right at this time I will open the floor to public comments I I saw Brian uto I'm sure he was one of the 108 online so you know you're not not the whole favorites but I saw you walk in late I know you're you're a very advocate heard something he showed up want Brian AO 3826 in the in no um probably wasn't going to say anything but since you said my just I've come up here before and I've asked about this I just asked that maybe someone take it upon themselves to protect our rideways right just make sure you know where they are what's happening on them I I've been around long enough that it starts with getting a permit or it starts with getting something in hey look I've never bound down to those Park spots I don't I don't know what my neighbors use them for or what my community use them for but before we make any decisions let's find out I tell you what if there's a rideway in your neighborhood all of a sudden the police are being called every 5 seconds and it's the most unsecured unsafe place in destined right we've seen this before so just know what we're doing with them before we give them away so and all of our rways like we did a few months ago a list of all of our properties make sure we're keeping an eye on that I seen it where the People by the house right next to it 6 weeks later there some there was a new peer down there new doctor down there or whatever right and then US citizens are calling code to stop what should never have started so just my opinion there're are right of ways in all of our neighborhoods absolutely that are going to be exactly the same as that one's going to be what's that that are going to be exactly the same as that one's going to be okay I don't know if I follow why this Fair yeah I don't know if I follow thank you though all right anyone else here for pH comments yes sir Stephen Steve or steveen no I want SP no exactly once again I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm not up here to to say anything other than I'm trying to get the city to do what that they told me every property is supposed to do and that's to keep their storm water on their property and I'm sure that everybody who seen what's happened over there at 126 and 128 Country Club Drive West will appreciate that if you haven't seen it please come over I'll give you a cup of coffee water whatever you want I'd like you to see what's happened over there and what I'm having to deal with and that's all I'm asking is for the city to keep their water on their land thank you thank you so much sir anyone else public comments before I close seeing none this meeting is a jour