##VIDEO ID:irfYmSXKUEo## e all right this is a one minute warning hey guys good evening everyone today is August 19th and I'm going to call this city council meeting to order up first let me read my agenda here call the order invocation Pastor David Butler with Faith Assembly Christian Church thanks for being here again thank you Mr Mayor would would you bow your heads please in prayer Heavenly Father we thank you for this great evening tonight we thank you for these wonderful people who serve our community we thank you for their love we thank you Lord that you are mindful of every need tonight of our community our city we thank you for our citizens that are so great to be among father we ask that you special blessing upon Crystal and the family and for Lily's birthday tomorrow 21st father may your peace and love be with her and their family now father we give the remainder of this meeting to you that everything that we do that our minds would be at peace and everything in order and we'd be pleasing to you we ask this in your name and now the blessing is this may the Lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he give you his peace amen thank you so much C woman Abra with the pledge please Jo me with your hand over your heart I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you all for being here tonight so moving right along the approv approval of the agenda do I have a second I'll second have a sorry do I have a motion I set you up for failure on that one I'll make the motion all right I got a motion by councilwoman abar second by Stevens thank you all right call the vote before we go can I take uh 4 e off of I'm sorry 4f off the table F off the table oh yeah thank you for that all right uh 4 f is be the short-term rental we tabled it so we have to untable it all right so we got that Amendment to the agenda anything else right seeing none we'll call the vote yeah no worries here we go eyes have it 60 moving right along no proclamations no public presentations all right public comments I'm going to go with my right y'all's left uh anyone here for public comments seeing done oh I'm here for little league if that's all right pickle ball Ken wler 4320 Commons Drive I brought my utility bill in case it comes up um I was a little confused at the motion to table and untable item F so what was the end results of that discussion was it removed it has been unted so that we can discuss it later on in the meeting yeah just rules yeah just procedural all right well I don't want to talk about it if you're not going to talk about it right oh no no we taed it so yall can talk about it today all right perfect so I'm here to talk about that obviously as we talked last time you know there's certainly a need for the city to generate more fees I get that whether it's through advalorium tax BTR or a new fee for condos I uh vly don't think charging a fee to condo owners uh for whatever reason and not providing them service it's it smells like I'm on grab just to be honest with you because if the city was going to provide a service for the fees that the condo owners were going to pay if they're on a vacation rental program that's that's one thing but as we've talked many years the big complaints are noise trash and parking and security and the condo Owners Association they do that for themselves already and so all you're doing is adding a fee for the big three and I know Public Safety is the big issue but Public Safety is a bigger issue than condos it's a bigger issue than individual homes it's a city wide thing and you have ways of of accomplishing more fees for that purpose if that's what the purpose truly is and I don't doubt that you know in today's rising cost with um business insurance medical insurance that the cost for the sheriff's department has risen tremendously population has risen tremendously but instead of applying a fee to a subset of a smaller population IE condomini Owners Association in the opice of being fair you know I would sub that being fair would mean that you you'd charge a fee to anybody that does transient whether it's hotel motel vacation rental time share Condominiums any of that stuff and again I would still say that that was not really truly fair so if you're trying to be fair let's do a fair way to raise uh funds for Public Safety I also look at it as a way of justifying or building big government and I don't think that's y'all's intent code enforcement's currently got a staff I think 12 and I do I do believe vacation rental is around 2,000 so you're looking at it doubling that are you looking at adding another 24 staff members for short-term vacation rental specifically for condos which just s sounds insurmountable having done the homes I don't think that's your intent so I come back to you're generating fees but doing nothing in return to the individuals paying the fees and at the end of the day I think you need to look yourselves in the eye and say is is this the right way for us to take care of an expense that the city incurs for on behalf of all of its citizens whether they're short-term visitors or long-term residents to apply a fee to the condo owners just in in my opinion I think it's it's the wrong way to handle that I know you're trying to find fees you know if you running a business you obviously you'd find a way to make a Break Even This is what you all are charged with doing I think you going down a path with all the the reports that that that were in the in the packet today there's a lot of neat softwares out there that you could buy to manage the process and I would suggest to you that just because there's software out there that you want to purchase it may not be the right thing to do just like you have the ability to pass a fee for condo owners that may not be the right thing to do and I certainly be glad to answer any questions I appreciate your time thank you very much thank you again all right anyone else yes Ma just push the gray button it'll go red yep name and address Tiffany Edwards 2929 Pine Valley Drive unfortunately I live in Walton County but I have five properties here in the city of dtin and two Office Buildings so I'm here to speak on the short-term rental um and the condo registration fee uh have a little confusion as it relates to when we've had discussions before we've talked about fairness and being able to use some of these fees to help address the impacts that tourism and accommodations have on our Public Safety lifeguards were mentioned uh Transportation uh and also Parks which we're very uh we we definitely want to help support what I do have concerns about is not all accommodations would be suggested to have a fee so hotels I do know by State Statute can't have and be included in a short-term rental fee um but they could be and I'd hope that uh we could address maybe getting another fee as Associated so that they can help with some of this impact turas are um uh um any the time shares however can be short-term rentals I spoke to leadership at verbo today and short-term rent or Time Shares are listed on short-term rental listing sites they're making a very aggressive push to move all that inventory to Expedia um so we do have individuals they use the same uh impact however if this fee is only to be for a software system I do have uh are strongly discourage that um I think that there is more of a need of the tourism impacts as it relates to that Public Safety component as opposed to giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to these compliance softwares I've worked with them throughout the country and I would suggest in really vetting those numbers the numbers that were given in that report show a 61% assumption from the duplication of listings I actually spoke to key data it's located in our community and does uh listings throughout scrapes data works with FBO and Airbnb and they actually came in and said that there are 7,4 total of listings um for vacation rentals or short-term rentals that includes condos that includes some of those time shares um so I'd really encourage you to know those listings and those numbers before you start adding in more fees um and making a decision on a compliance company thank you thank you so much anyone else all right good evening Mar Council Jim Wood 3790 Mr way I'm not here to talk about short-term rentals so I just want to thank you in advance in your consent agenda tonight there's a couple items for the Destin sea fre Festival uh use of Morgan sports park for shuttle work North Marlo lot and the Zerby lot for vendor parking we've been doing that for years I talked to Tayla L the director she couldn't be here tonight so I told her I'd stop by and say thank you and the festival was 27 to 29 September it's a week earlier than normal so please come out and support it and look to see you there thank you thank you Jim all right anyone else public comments all right seeing none I will close the public comments and we will move to the consent agenda move to approve a motion do I have a second second by councilman dtin we'll call the vote for the consent right I think they're both locked in they're just lagging there we go lagging all right 60 consent agenda has moved moving right along our city manager take it away thank you Mr Mayor thank you Council for allowing me to be here with you and I want to say thank you to your staff for the warm welcome they have laid out and the great benefit they have been to me in the first week here so we will ask for your Indulgence as we muddle through this tonight but believe we will get to the other side fairly quickly if you'll work with us um the first item for your consideration is item 4 a this is a request for you to consider and to approve a new permitting and Licensing system uh by my government online this will replace the Tyler intergov component of our software systems it will be substantially less than what we're using today we believe this is the best software we uh to put in place to serve our citizens and the needs of um our staff and the counsil uh staff recommends your approval of this request and there is a representative from um my government online uh with us tonight on teams should you have any questions um or if you have any questions of Staff we do our best to answer those all right thank you so much do I have any discussions to start us off or a motion councilman G authorize the city manager to execute the agreement with s cpdc and a monthly fee is set forth in the draft agreement second all right I have a motion in a second councilman Stevens yep I just had I just had one quick question um I remember last time uh the city swap software uh they end up closing um every Friday for training and I just want to make sure that that's po going to happen when we do the transition to this new software Andy we do not foresee such closures all right awesome thank you all right seeing no further discussion is that correct all right call the vote all right I have it unanimously so moved thank you councelor the next item is item 4B uh it kind of goes along with the the U item you just approved this is a request for your consideration approval of a new accounting accounting system uh the software to go with that and that's with a Clarion um as the city transitions away from Tyler munus an alternative core alternate core accounting system is required uh the staff has reviewed a number of Alternatives and recommends this software package uh that's published by aarion this will your vote to approve will be a three-year contract with aarion for their financial and budgeting uh module services staff believes this will address the current limitations in the imunity system and meet the evolving needs of the finance department uh for the future uh U times coming uh staff recommends approval we do have a member from aaran here to address any questions you may have great all right with that do I have discussion or a motion councilman Stevens I move that Council uh direct city manager to proceed to enter in a three-year contract with Clarion for the provision of Financial and budgeting module Services all right second I have a motion by councilwoman Stevens and I have a second by councilwoman a any further discussions seeing none call the vote all right eyes have it 60 so moved uh before we go on Ray I had uh councilman guile as our motion on there Will that reflect okay all right good deal thank you so much thank you counselors next item is item 4C is U coming to you from Community Development and the city manager's office this is a request uh for the city to allow us to proceed with issuing a request for qualifications to cons to secure Consulting Support Services to supplement planning rate analysis Grant Pursuits and to accomplish projects in the CRA Master plans the Mobility plan and other capital projects prioritized by the council as a mention uh in addition to the planning component uh we're asking that we include a grant component to help Advance the city's Capital Improvement plan through researching Nationwide grant opportunities and grant writing to supplement and augment the current efforts by the city's Capital project grants manager the um current agreement has is either expiring or has expired but it's time we're going to need to um move forward in order to procure those Services through this R process what we're asking is that this be a master agreement or agree ments as there may be more than one firm we wish to enter into these agreements with to establish a contractual relationship and as needed the Project Specific task orders will be brought back to the council for approval so there's no cost in this involved unless and until such task orders are brought back to this body for their uh consideration and approval and staff recommends you approve the um are going out for these rfqs all right thank you Shar do I have any discussion or a motion I'll make the motion that the staff prepare an RFQ for planning rate and Grant Consulting support services and bring that back to the council for review and approval at the future meeting all right second got a motion in a second c m g I just have a question Ryan when's your last day August 30th August 30th so it's crucial we get this going man we're going to miss you all right good deal seeing no further discussion call the vote all right eyes have it unanimously so moved moving right along thank you next item is number 4 d uh which is uh simply for information unless you have some action you would prefer to take but it's regarding the work schedule for Joe's bio and the attendance there uh we have three part-time positions budgeted but only one of those positions is currently filled there's difficulty in fill the other two therefore the Staffing plan is to have one attendant which is the only attendant we have currently staff dep Park from on Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday from 6:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. the parks in Rex sta will cover other days as needed and holiday weekends are covered by extra staff from The Parks and Recreation team um and schedules will vary depending on weather and other conditions that uh may impact the use of the boat ramp there um again this is for information unless you have um some motion you would like to entertain but we have no recommendation for a motion all right before we move on do I have any discussions on this matter yep councilwoman AB um I just have a quick question in the Friday Saturday Sunday Monday I venture to Guess that if he leaves at 3M I have been witness to some Rogue operators using the end of the day because they know nobody's there yes ma'am so they end up embarking and unloading their passengers and picking up their pontoon boats is there any way that I would say from 3 o'clock to six o'clock that you could have somebody from Parks just sort of be there I'd say Saturdays and Sundays is more likely to be the days that we would have somebody um using those illegally I be be glad to have that conversation with Miss Lisa and and see if if if we can accommodate that we certainly will yeah and then on that note before we move on um question maybe it SL enforcement uh about putting it like a live stream camera I know we we talked about that maybe last year or so but I didn't know if that was something that we could consider if enforcement's the issue we could always have a video or a live stream there versus a body um just kind of just up for discussion nothing particular to respond to but just putting that out there in the space uh councilman Stevens uh thank you yeah and this more or less to piggyback on the uh illegal um Rogue operation that could occur out there um I almost feel like uh parks and W may not be able to know what to look for so I'm just curious maybe in the mornings from like maybe during Peak summertime Memorial Day to Labor Day if if if code comp compliance is fully staffed could we maybe see about having an officer there from maybe 8:30 to 10:30 during that time and that way they can kind of see if the same boats coming all the time or something like that that way they can have be able to investigate a little more right uh councilman G mine's more informational I sat up there in the spring with Mr Wayne um several weekends to try to catch help him deal with some of these situations and we actually had another parks and wreck staff there um they're being ignored no matter what they see and how they try to intervene the people out there are being aggressive uh luckily one of the days it was raining and I have a forest green raincoat and when I yelled at somebody and cussed at him they thought I was an officer so they immediately ceased and and moved on but I think if they weren't under the oppression I was an officer they would have still pushed back so I think it's it's a it's a burden we shouldn't be putting on Mr Wayne uh if he has no Authority unless we give somebody The Authority or give an authority figure as an assistance out there to to help him remedy the sit situations great Point Council meston thank you mayor and and I will go a little farther with your idea about having video I think that's what we need there man we're two for two and I will move to direct the city manager to look into to how and what it would cost us to put live video at the ramp because then we will have evidence about the wrongdoing and I know that the sheriff's department always finds video of people doing things wrong very helpful when they are trying to pursue those people I second it all right I have a motion in a second any further discussions all right seeing none Kevin I'm going to clear it so we can vote but I'll go back to you right and to call the vote all right I have it so moved councilman Schmidt yeah thank you uh thank you all for bringing this to us today um to I know Mr Stevens and Miss AAR mention um the Rogue operators um but I think there's more to it than just that that's probably part of it I know we had a citizen here um giving very specific examples of some instances that have occurred with him and his family um and so when we got the schedule provided to us uh the 3M time frame um I know we have a lot of great staff members across a lot of our departments and they work very hard um but I do think that uh we need to find a way um to actually have that position position staffed you know after 3 p.m. or until about 6 PM or whatever Mr Steven said um because we can rely on the sheriff's department and I think that they do respond I know they have but somebody has to call them um to do that and if nobody's there uh from the city it's our boat launch I think we're missing out to keep everybody safe and families and kids and everything so um I'll also make another motion to have City Manager work with HR and and Miss Lisa to um find out how we can staff that between code between Parks whoever that might be a new position um for the upcoming season you know not upcoming but next season um obviously we have holidays I think um you mentioned and they're going to do it there but just kind of start planning for that for next spring and summer so that way we can you know maybe it's they get paid more maybe it's a different position we've talked in the past about you know they don't want we don't want to put our people there that might get injured or something and fighting with them that's what we don't want them to do we want them to call the law enforcement so uh that's my motion to have y'all work with them I'll second that come up with it all right I got a motion got second by councilman Stevens uh my only discussion to that is we kind of brought that up in uh our uh meeting this morning was potentially the position turns into almost a dock hand uh the additional pay I used to work at legendary which could be tips and you're a service you're down there working under the city of Destin and you're also providing a service and hopefully creating more capacity and helping people get in and get out quicker and hopefully maybe a little bit of Law and Order without the badge but with that um that's my only thought of like is that like you're saying that's a bad thing or not no a good thing no no and a good thing of how do we how do we raise the the the uh the income for that staff member perhap it's more in a service based we need to think outside the box yeah I mean trying to think of the new Joe's value launch that will be built one day we need to be even more oh yeah we talked about making an ice machine and that way they can be the yep so that was just kind of throwing that out there as just thoughts now that you guys are all up here uh CC mest yeah Mary I would I would suggest that we also explore um having deputies because we we can hire them so much an hour off duty deputies it's amazing how quickly those Bad actors become good actors when there's a guy with a gun and a badge there and if we put them there during the peak hours it may well come out cheaper than hiring a whole position so would encourage the city manager to talk to our Sheriff's Department about how they may be able to help us yeah I'll just modify that to just include that Sheriff's Department in our conversations we got began those conversations uh in dealing with some code issues that we might be able to plant some of that all right councilman gu I have a question that I it's really for Council for discussion for us um what about Sheriff's posi what are the pros and cons of making that certifying that individual an individual if if we consider to go that route as part of the sheriff's posy because at that point they've got a handcuffs they got a gun they got a badge they got a uniform and just that intimidation Factor and that authoritative at least look I mean unless we go with the we decide to go with the sheriff's department obviously but I mean that alternative is there what are the cons to having somebody certified on Sheriff's posi in that role I don't know you think we get a sheriff to help yeah do you guys have anything for a distinction the the sheriff's posi still is under the Sheriff's Office it's not it's not a separate entity um but they are volunteers that come out and help us out with bigger events things like that they're not they're not they're not somebody that we would have necessarily employed by the city of dtin but they're also Sheriff's posi if that's what you're meaning by that can they work alone they they don't have arrest Authority the sheriff's posi they are they mainly they're like security whenever they go to event um and they they they can work alone but they would have to call another member of the Sheriff's Office to come deal with any type of arrest situation or giving out citations or anything like that thank you for the clarification and then last question for you uh as far as if we went with the rent not the rent if we were to um have you guys come out thank you um what is the minimum hour that you guys have for a sheriff's office if you have that off the top of your head uh four hours I believe is our minimum all right for Off Duty Officers yes sir yeah all right all right any further discussions no you have question I all right so seeing no further discussions we have a motion and a second on the table I will call the vote all right eyes have it 60 moving right along button I learn uh the next item is uh 4E uh is regarding the Morgan Sports Center playground uh if you recall at your last meeting you voted to approve the using the Omnia uh game time contract to procure the playground uh apparatus and equipment and to and you ask for two things to affirm the final amount of the contract and to prevent present information regarding other jurisdictions in Northwest Florida besides the county TDC that have utilized this contract so U number one the fresh quote for the contract uh is a total of 696,000 42 um and it's included there in your agenda packet um that it's about $222,000 less than the previous quote um and the nearby local governments that have piggybacked on this agreement are um city of Fort Walton Beach City of Crestview nville and Walton County um and I may ask Council here for a um an opinion but you voted to approve the contract at the last meeting with the terms and conditions as presented in it this price is lower so I'm suspecting we need to approve it again at the lower price what do you think what a hard ask if if you can find it in your hearts right councilwoman neighor I moved to contract with the game time through a piggybacking off the OM contract number 10 14851 0106 I have a motion do I hear a second second right I got a second you figure out who said that and any further discussion all right seeing none I'll call the vote all right eyes have at 60 button pushed it didn't come on next item is um It's Showtime uh shortterm rental registration for condums potentially um as you know this was tabled at last meeting but it was taken off the table in the earlier meeting when you approve the agenda um Troy has compiled and presented to you in your packets a lot of information and there's a lot of moving parts to it so instead of trying to just brief it and have him come and answer questions I'm going to ask him if he'll come and just briefly go over what is in your agenda packets um then if you have um there are a couple of recommended motions that if you do choose to move forward with it that we'd ask you to consider but certainly beyond that it's that's your discretion all right Troy the council recognizes you how we doing tonight excellent um since I've been here there's been some informal discussions about potentially bringing the short-term rental long-term rental Condominiums and some of the other uh entities that rent under the entire umbrella of the city of Destin short-term long-term rental uh process uh I think most of those discussions revolved around their effects on and strain on public safety and so uh was tasked with putting together this agenda item um I mean if we're currently I think most of you know the code compliance Department oversees the single and multif family residential units roughly 1,200 of those uh there is approximately 7400 kind of miniums uh 4700 which uh we find that our uh pay the bed County bed tax um if you're looking at uh bringing that into the fold I would say one of a couple things is maybe you want to make all of the short-term rental the single family and multif family um and the condos and the time shares and whatnot under the one city of Destin process uh we proposed a couple uh options here one would be um just go to a flat fee of 30 cents a square foot um and that would again bring everyone under under the same one one number and that or um adding an additional layer of square footage uh to include a registration fee for that that um square footage and into what we already currently have so I welcome any questions you have I mean there's a lot of information um obviously this got mentioned earlier about you know this Code Compliance cannot oversee this entire you know program so you would want an outside entity to do that we did talk to a number of them I've included what they sent A lot of them expressed a desire to come here assuming this were to be passed tonight and present back to the council their specific plan I think that would be uh the next step if should you pass this tonight um because yeah it would be too much for the code to bear so all right with that uh councilwoman abar thank you mayor not really as much a question as more of um some stating some facts which is really for those that are listening online and those that think this is about code being reimbursed for your services um the city have less than 15,000 residents it's a factor in cost associated with our growing number of visitors each year this has been a substantial impact on the ability to operate a safe and efficient City one example is the Okaloosa Sheriff's Office and Beach safety contracts from 22 to 23 there was an increase in cost for service for 3586 1 year to 37326 traffic violations 38,000 one year 45 3800 one year the following year is 4500 and the ordinance violations went from 55 to 277 these are not all coming from our destined residence for Beach safety physical year 22 to 23 an increase in Beach attendance of 1,964 644 to 2, 9,111 beach preventive Acts 126,000 last year uh 22 and then 243,000 23 the beach major medical responses went from 60 to 75 again these cost and fee structures must be taken into account the growing number of visitors in their needs as well as locals to maintain a viable vibrant and Safe Community this is what I don't think they understand is the amount of visitors it's not for code we it's not really you doing code on these folks it's about our infrastructure the cost we've just increased from 100,000 that we pay the lifeguards to 282,000 to the lifeguards look at it in these are actually businesses correct and they're bringing additional res or people into the city which are you know taking up additional resources and again if it was just 14,000 Destin residents you only need a couple police officers to police the city but exactly you know you need you need more than that when you're having upwards of 80 to 100, people here in Peak summer times and to make it very I mean it sounds like you know we're going to add on a cost but by the size of the square footage for these Condominiums it could be 300 a year up to 500 a year Max 700 a year and if I can speak to I know for a family of four that just came last week from friends of ours stayed in a condo not even on the beach it was $3,000 for the week so I realize the condominium owners don't want any more fees at it on but realistically two or three $400 a year based on the impact they have every single week of family after family after family that they're you know reaping the reward of having them stay in their condominium I really don't feel like what we're asking is very much compared to the impact of what we as a city and those of us tax paying residents are paying for the lifeguards and the safety and the sheriff's department so I just wanted this on the record so people that are listening or watching this is not about code going out and enforcing did you get your BTR did you get your sticker you know your signs are off you got garbage cans out that's not what this is about all right councilman thank you I just wanted to say that was amazing councilman Abra that brought a tear to my eye I was so excited that thank you Tam for helping me with the verbage because she is the rockar that has helped me with 22 responses today all right and second um I I I do believe that something you just brought up makes more sense by the square foot because we are recognizing that there are different square footage of condos so I would like to move that we require short-term and long-term rental condom rentals to be included in the city's riddle registration program and established additional level registration fee of 30 cents per square foot for such rentals which will be set forth in the city's res fee resolution and I further move to direct staff to seek official proposals for overseeing all the short-term and long-term rental programs just for my own Clarity y that 30 cents a square foot would Encompass all short longterm rentals not just the Condominiums everything is a whole Condominiums housing yeah the time shares okay there's a Curr so the long term I'm not so let me let me rephrase that then because let's let's it would be strictly short-term rentals that we're we're looking to affect with this not the long-term inal program I'm sorry I read this verbatim I would like to alter it to to just require short-term and not long-term condominium rentals uh council member guile would that include time shares and and or hotels yes ma'am everything that registers is a short-term hotel to me um so they already have a BTR they have a single BTR for the entire building I think they fall under a different category we're looking at individual BTR per household um I'm not sure Hotel would fall into that personally not currently but we can have a fee that applies to hotels they wouldn't be in the short-term rental fee but there would be a fee if you're intending that in your motion that's why I'm asking for the clarification you tell plus if you intend to include them and we'll write it up for you yeah I don't I don't see how a hotel would fit under that same category um personally but according to Teresa aar's speech I think it it it does fall under that same impact so hotels yes long-term rentals no shortterm rentals yes and time shares yes and time shares yes and a point to the motion is that two is that two directions in one motion he just fixed it all right okay I'm just catching yeah mayor yes may I ask a question of the City attorney please before this item was staed last uh meeting there was a motion on the floor should we uh bring that motion back or makes this a substitute motion I thought the table kills the now it just leaves it open a vote to set the fee of 300 that was a motion would you like me to read it the motion voted on no it was tabled The Substitute motion was the table correct so it was no there was no substitute motion it was just a motion and it was tabled uh I can read it for you if you want I council member Schmidt is saying that there was a substitute motion to table and it was your motion right I thought it was a substitute motion to Table after the original motion was made but okay well the substitute motion was the table then but but there was a primary motion but so that's off okay I just want to make sure all right uh counc Schmid sure just a couple clarifications first do we need to separate the motion into two separate things so we can deal with the fee specifically it would be it would be helpful to do two separate motions okay yes that was kind of where I was getting at with the point um or if it's going to break it up from the fees versus that's fine yep all right so we're going to take the first half of that motion the fees yes but we also have councilman Dustin and then King for discussion and then can you walk me through Miss cop what what happens if this gets approved tonight so then and then what which part the fee the fee right if if we do the shortterm so if you do um approve a fee tonight we will come back with the required ordinances and resolution so there will be an ordinance and then the fee resolution will also be amended okay so with the ordinance just for the public record um there will be two public hearings for that okay and then um the current motion was the the 30 cents per square foot is that what you you said Mr gu yes based off the recommendation of Code Compliance Troy he I guess he's done some math on this okay uh it seems like could that be difficult to do math and have to make sure that square footage we able to get the square footage and so you just times a buy 30 cents part of me was thinking it' be better to do the flat fee um across the board just all across the board I think I recomend I mean yeah um and I mean I'm I'm in support of doing something yes um I mean and this wouldn't look to take effect till next season right right so I mean just to speak to Mr Wampler and some of the the the 25 copy and paste emails that we received um a couple days ago from one condo there there is a need I believe there is a need to um to do something with the uh with the impact that is caused by the renters in the vacation time share condos all the above um it's been it's been a long time and destined that for one way or another we haven't um unfortunately as a city whoever's been here over over the past years whatever I don't think we've done a good job to make sure they are we are collecting from that impact we always talk about here at the council and and and in the chamber meetings and and and everywhere else about the 100,000 people that are always coming through here and we always talk about the TDC which I think Miss A bear and Mr Wampler are on the the council um you know we always talk about that but what are we doing you know what are we doing we collect a BTR for one unit and this is just me talking so you're good we get that I get that but the city needs to do more to be able to support these things um Miss um Miss Edwards I almost use a different name but Miss Edwards uh spoke about um the allocation towards the impacts I agree with that um and so um you know we can I know there's going to be Mr D it's coming soon so there might be some modifications but potentially I would like to either modify or substitute at some point to ask staff when they do bring this to allocate towards the buckets such as the park such as the code department and such as the general fund or whatever so that way we are specifying because it's not I mean I appreciate you championing this in one way or another from the start um I think it got misconstrued earlier on and and it's still code but Mr Bagby talked about code shouldn't be doing any of this stuff you know um and so you know I agree so like you're here in front of us but we need to make sure we as a council and and and staff hopefully if we do something are showing that this is for other things and here they are and so that's kind of where I'll stop right now can I say something I guess if you well I was just going to add and I mean I appreciate what you said and I mean this was a lot to put together and it wasn't just me it was other staff involved um your Public Safety costs are not going down you know as as time goes on and I sat in on the when I first got here was tasked to sit on the short-term rental impact committee and so those PS are real and you want to find a way to address them and make sure that they're you know addressed and and safe and safely addressed and I think this does it and again staff's recommendation you to do the 30 cents a square foot that'll but that'll be your decision thank you y and just to councilman Destin's point we're going to keep going through discussions but for the the point of order we will have to go back to the motion that was on the table before the table from the last meeting per Roberts rules we have to go back and return to the considering motion that was on the table and let it die and and and vote on that first evidently not if you made a substitute motion that's why I was asking question not if it's a sub yeah we're we are back to the original motion of last meeting do it to be safe it's fine yeah exactly no no no the table isn't but now we are back to the original motion from last meeting this is what you get for a new mayor we're learning on the job the point being you don't do a substitute motion as a motion to table it is a motion that takes president over other motions so you don't have to do substitute motion correct so we can if Council mg wants to substitute the Motion versus your original motion if you just want to substitute your motion I will substitute my motion there we go on two separate motions one at a time changing the Motions that I originally may all right sorry Ray with the second only thing different is his original motion is just now a substitute motion from last meetings yes councilwoman ABA are you okay with that all right moving right along right along councilman dtin thank you mayor um I agree that there should be some charge after all all of those emails we got almost each one of them U makes the point how important these short-term rentals are to Bringing people to Destin and I agree with them it is a large part of our component of people who come to Destin to stay and it is a business the the part that I'm concerned about is making it complicated we need to make it easy for the condo people uh square footage if if it's a 3,000 square foot condo that means 900 if it's a a th000 that means 300 i' like to stay away from the square footage and just have a flat free and uh what that flat fee should be is somewhere between those two figures and uh I would look and I'm sure we will get input from the uh the folks who manage these things when it comes time to do the ordinance but we don't need to I mean how do the square footage do we ask them what it is that's what you currently do now I'm sorry that's what we currently do now square footage we ask them I mean where do we get the figure property appraiser website but to your point we just have bucket click of a button yeah yeah well Property Appraiser's website isn't always perfect actually no it's not using square footage is probably a little bit cleaner but if you if you want to still base it on square footage you can still do 1,000 square feet and under is this and 2,000 square feet and under is is this fee you know you can still recognize the different sizes well as I said I think that the goal of the folks on the other side of this issue is to try to keep it simple as Miss Edward said they they would like to pay their fair share because they know the impact they're having but I don't want to make it any more complicated than it has to be for them and uh we need to come up with something nice and simple where they come in and they pay it and it's something acceptable to them and it raises the revenue we need to address our needs which are after all more than just code enforcement compliance as Miss abar said it is the uh the police it is LIF cars it is everything that the city does is all affected by the uh 60 or 70 or 100,000 or however many people there are that come in and visit us and by the way make it possible for almost all of us to have a living here so we don't want to kill the goose that laid the golden egg we just want them to to bear at least a fair share of the expenses all right great Point cman King thank you sir yeah I'm integre with uh councilman dtin um you know the it's just complicated with the square footage the property appraiser s is is as often wrong as it is right um in my experience maybe not quite but it's it's wrong a lot um you know my my questions for this is how it it seems like you know we went I know conversation we had had previously was that we were going to do $100 and then next thing it was $300 and now it's 30 cents a foot how did get to these numbers and how can we assure these nice people that this is not a money grab you know that's hard to explain because we've talked about things that seem very much like a money grab in very recent meetings um that's a question I've gotten um I mean through the research and talking to the you know the leaders of the industry and you know the entities that we talk to I mean just just so we're clear what you currently have in place is up to 200 or 2,499 square feet pay a $500 registration Char charge from 2500 to 4,999 square fet it's a $600 registration charge and 5,000 square fet and above pay a $700 registration chart I mean if you're asking my personal opinion that's pittance on what they're you know that's pittens and so the you know we one of the proposals we added a layer up to a 14 uh 1,499 ft at a $400 charge another one was the 30 cents a square foot because when you when you multiply that out that that's a little bit more than the $400 square footage or yeah or $400 at4 14.99 so and that was going to kind of make it even across the board all right I appreciate that um you know I think the in light of a single family short-term rental versus a high-rise condo I feel like it's I don't know that our I don't know where I'm trying to go with this I think that it it should be higher for a single family home um you know the I don't I'm just trying to give them some Assurance I I'm I'm I'm in agreeance with most everybody up here as far as paying our fair share I I say ours I'm not in this business at all um but I just want it to be fair and and reasonable all right Council gal I'm just thinking when you rent something or when you sell something you sell by square footage right so whoever's renting that out is going to make more income off square footage so why wouldn't to be fair I mean if somebody's got a 500 square foot they're not making as much as somebody that has an 800 square foot building so it to me the price per square foot equalizes and normalizes across the board um so that's that's my stance on the why I think that 30 cents per square foot or basing it off a square foot price makes it more fair to the the actual homeowner that or the business owner let's let me change that it's a business now it's got a BTR tax it's no longer a home it's a business so the business owner Council woman abar thanks mayor um I I just want to reiterate we just had to pay fire and lifeguards we went from a 100,000 a year to $282,000 a year so to specify where we're going to put this money Crystal I think you gave us a very good sort of like by the headcount of what we currently have registered as far as condominium short-term rentals could you give that figure again in some of the impacted areas ious that the monies that we would collect not a money grab but definitely getting us out of a hole of where we are trying to keep we like Mr Schmidt said we keep saying you know let's do this well people years before us councils before us talked about it but nobody did anything and and we're in a place where we're trying to catch up on 20 years worth of repairs to the community center and the ball parks and everything else this isn't a hard cell I don't feel like any condominium business is going to hurt by giving up300 or $400 a year to help us take care of some Major Impact so could you give us those numbers again so it's on the record with this information please um yes ma'am so uh the sheriff's plus the the lifeguards we're over 3 million a year now which is onethird of our adum tax uh that we collect uh from our residents um as you mentioned earlier we have some good numbers here for example um the sheriff's office took in over 37 calls last year and yeah 37,000 calls um which is a lot Census Bureau says that our year round residents are under 15,000 so that would be every household calling more than twice um the the Lifeguard numbers I think are even more impressive uh that they had to do 243,000 Beach preventative acts last summer so so that would include things uh people don't understand the the double red flags you know knee deep is too deep uh those types of things uh as well as running out to um to you know bring people in and respond to jellyfish stings and all of these other things 243,000 so again that's that's a lot more than our 15,000 year round residence um does that help um for fellow council members is this information helpful for you to feel a little bit more um confident that we're not overcharging we're just trying to make ends meet with this type of money to go to this impacted area because we can't talk unless we're up here so I'm just making sure that y'all have the confidence when you're called by people why we're trying to do this in a small amount so if we dedicated to those three capacities roadways lifeguards and Sheriff versus the general fund would everybody feel more comfortable I wouldn't no I don't think you're going to get him either way on that I mean just like our parking fee well it's you know it's a fee another fee it's it's going to solving a purpose sure if I can put it in perspective let maybe this will help if you had a 5,000 square foot unit property whatever under the 30 cents a square foot that' be paying $1,500 which equals out to 125 bucks a month or basically $4 a day I really don't think we're asking people to break the bank but just one man's opinion all right councilman Stevens and then Dustin appreciate Troy appreciate putting this together uh I I agree with what council said um so uh these fees do you have like a it's going to affect all the current short-term rentals to where their fees are probably going to be going up is that correct to some degree yes so between all the short-term rentals and and if we include uh this condo short-term rental will there be enough money to if we were to allocate it all to Public Safety would it be able to cover all that no to be clear that that's that would cover about 60 uh just over 60% of our uh Sheriff's officers and lifeguards okay all right thank you right Council mtin yeah and I kind of agree with councilman King the uh if you do the numbers on what we have for the houses short term the 25 00 square foot house is $500 if we do it at 30 cents is 750 so we are charging 33% more for the condo than we are with the house which really those should be opposite effects um so I would feel more comfortable taking our present uh fees that we charge for the short-term rentals of houses and applying it to the condo units too even though I think they probably have less of an impact but that would be a little little more fair than having a a fee for them that appears to be 30% in some places more than that higher than short-term houses and so uh I would make a motion as substitute I don't think you can sub a sub well then we'll make it as an amendment to the motion otherwise you stopped the ability to compromise and and do anything under Robert's Rules so I would say that we should charge the same rate that we charge for the house that are on short-term program otherwise we're charge we're penalizing the condos to the tune of at least on the 2500 square F feet the tune of 33% I'm not sure I understand the I mean if you're basing it on the square footage if a $500 or 500 square foot condo is is only going to be charged x amount no I'm I'm basing it on what you said it we're charging a house 2500 ft it's $500 is that correct currently okay well well a condo at 30 cents is Troy he wants to match them he wants them to be the same rates yeah want the same rates as under the 30 cents of square foot it'd be the same for each that's what I'm saying it'd be the same for each 2500 square F feet at 30 cents the way we used to do math at Auburn is $750 I'm sorry I I didn't go to Alabama he's saying the house is 30 cents also the house is would be 30 cents also okay I thought you said it no no no no it was $500 for the 2500 foot house I misunderstood you either I said it wrong or it was I misunderstood it be it's going to be the same for you know whether you're a condo or a house 30 cents a square foot so it's going to if you got 2500 here and 2500 here you're paying the same okay so we our rates essentially are that we're about to adopt are the same as it is for the houses right now yeah and that's the thing is we're trying to keep it all under one make it you know the same for everybody just for clarity Mr D the currently proposed motion is the 30 cents for shortterm and long-term condos he took up the longterm sorry short-term condos and houses 30 cents which is the current rate we're charging we are changing it so I think a lot of us are talking about we like more of the flat fixed amount but I don't you said you have to make an amendment for that so currently it's 30 cents for the long-term houses I mean shortterm houses sorry well as I said earlier I I prefer something that's simpler it's just a straight fee but that's not what we're applying to the houses at the moment that's correct I mean you are houses are at a at a flat fee based on square footage the five size6 or $700 and I think Council Meson that's what you were alluding to is take what being applied today to a single family dwelling short-term rental to a condo right and that's where we're going correctly if C the motion are you amending the motion if if the original motion does not do that then in fact I am the original motion does not do that it does 30 cents a square foot okay then I am in fact amending the motion to say it'll be the same as the fee on our shortterm houses all right so I have an amendment to The Substitute motion do I have a second second uh doesn't I got my cheat sheet up now so I'm ready okay we have an amended uh substitute motion correct made by council member guile guile seconded by AAR right and then it's going to be amended by a different councilman yes we are amending the substitute motion yes Council uh so we're going to introduce the amendment once the substitute motion has been made a second and a member can move the amended motion forward we'll debate the amendment vote on the amendment if that passes we will then vote as if that is the substitute hey hey Bobby just a chat gbt baby hey Bobby just to clarify so is it so it's going to be up to $24.99 sare foot they're going to pay5 00 25 to 4 9 99 it's be 600 5,000 plus it's going to be 700 is that where we're going back to that's correct that is correct okay that's where we're at right now all right so we got a motion and a second who's the second I heard a bunch of people okay all right so we are voting on the amended portion of the mo I'm just looking forward at you flat yeah we are just voting on his Amendment to the sub so the condos are going to be 500 so even if it's like a 500 foot so the the amendment is to make it like the current code for short-term rental so if it's up to$ 14499 ft² it would be $400,500 to $24.99 is $500 20 that's not current that's not the current thing no the first component of that is not correct up to 14 up to, 1500 square ft is is currently up to $24.99 which is 500 correct so yeah but the part of what Troy had proferred was that we would lower to 400 up to so You' have four five six and 700 as opposed to 5 six and 700 is that correct yes sir so but currently it's there's only three levels 500 600 and 7 that's is correct so that's and I think that's the motion that Mr D made and we got the second which which to I'm I'm still confused yeah I got you I got you here all right B tell you what it is we have the current so right now instead of saying there's going to be another condo layer underneath as of the substitute amendment that we're about to motion we are now going to say condos are going to fall under up to 2499 square foot which is the current so right now we're basically voting on condos being 500 under the current Str Str or below yep then that in that case we're keeping everything the same which then allows the more square foot houses to not go up drastically okay Council M Ken yeah so we went from 100 to 300 to 30 cents of square foot to $500 I think like I'm we're what we're and and I I realize maybe I'm the only one here with this opinion but you know what we're saying here is that a short-term rental condominium has the same impact of a th000 sare ft has the same impact of a 1,000 foot single family home and I disagree with that yes you'll have another opportunity when two readings to to substitute that number and change it yeah as always cman Destin plays the long [Laughter] game all right any further discussions clarifications points of order throw them out you got them all right seeing none call calling the vote for the amendment thank goodness I have this internet all right 42 the amendment passes so now we're back to the substitute motion with it now amended I know that seems kind of counterintuitive but Robert's Rules here we go all right so now we're back to the substitute motion that has been amended do I have any further discussions on the substitute that is now amended I don't know why we have this kind of seems counterintuitive uh my only discussion there Just for information uh is that pulling back one just for other my I know we're we're we are not these cities uh Miami Beach is $1,000 per year flat West Key Key West is 700 750 flat per year Fort Lauderdale is 750 flat per year Sarasota's 500 flat per year and then it goes down from there so just as information of where we're falling with everyone else um with that I see no other further discussion so we are now with an amended substitute motion for everything we just talked about and we're just going to call that vote for the sake of Robert's Rules all right we're calling the now amended substitute motion oh my goodness my brain hurts Ray what am I voting on just say no just say no just say no all right so we're going pleas all right eyes have it so moved I just wanted to see what so moving on I'll make a motion to have staff bring back some options about this software stuff to be presented as well I'll second that so I have a second first and a motion and a second any discussions on the software seeing none we'll call the vote yeah it's on here it's just lagging all right I have at 60 so moved and for everyone watching if you followed along this far as councilman Desa said this is now just us moving it forward we there will be another two bites at the Apple as we make this an ordinance so gather your peoples on either side all right moving right along thank you sir do you have anything else I'm so sorry I've got the next one so oh oh you're still okay I had your mic on okay this this is this is an easy one that's yeah uh item 4G is regarding Code Compliance work schedule so the question before you is pretty binary and pretty fairly simple whether to continue with a revised schedule considering that we're 50% staffed which is limiting evening hours um or to expand schedules with later hours which would reduce hours during our normal daytime operations if you have any questions we will attempt to answer them but again it's a um fairly binary decision you want to stay where we are and use our staff primarily in the daytime hours or to expand it and have some coverage in the evening but it will deplete the daytime staff and and again we are at 50% staff in the department all right with that tro do you have anything in particular I couldn't be here at the last meeting and and I appreciate councilman Stevens bringing uh you know the his motion at the time and think councilman bagy was against us reducing hours we had already kind of reduced our hours because we are at limited Staffing uh the eight total staff includes myself and the administrative assistant so there's not a ton of code officers available and I need three of them in the morning and the afternoon to work crossing guard duties so you know I just I didn't want to leave it unattended and like make let you think we weren't trying to Y you know do our job or accommodate what your wishes yes sir all right councilwoman a I'll make a motion that Co compliance keeps their revised schedule with a return to expanded hours in 2025 right I have a motion on the table do I hear a second I'll second all right seconded by councilman guile any further okay councilman Stevens so I mean I I agree I I just feel like right now codee's like hurting with staff so I don't know if like we still want them to uh be working at night is there way we can come up with some kind of plan for them to be like on call um I mean I think it's going to be cheaper than having someone work at night and they don't have the resources right now um so I I'm just hoping that maybe we can consider that um another thing i' I'd really like to see is I'd like to see our our park or what do you call it the cross cross guard person at the school to fall under something else I don't know if maybe we can talk to the school and see what options there are to maybe pull it back under the school again or or even offer it to a a teacher that's ready there um so I don't know if if Teresa if you'd be interested in adding any of this stuff as a substitute motion if not uh I mean I guess I can make a substitute motion too okay okay then um I want to make a substitute motion that we consider uh uh on call officers at night until Troy gets the the staff back up to par um and then maybe see if one at a time okay we'll start with that one okay sorry I'll second that all right okay all right we have a substitute with seconded by councilwoman AAR um discussions that are up right now do we want to wait oh we're it's gonna do we want to speak on that or do we want to hold and vote on The Substitute I I would speak on all right Council Meson you were up next uh I believe at the last special meeting we voted on this did we not um and that's what that's why he's coming back now he's coming back now with speak to that I'm sorry yes I I mean I wasn't here at the last meeting and we had already instituted our so I wanted to you know at least hear from me and why we went to this revised schedule good and well but under those pescue Roberts rules you have to have a motion to reconsider a motion that was passed at an earlier meeting in addition to the fact one lesson per meeting one lesson per meeting over here okay otherwise you pass three or four motions at three or four consecutive meetings it's conflicting that are conflicting and the other point I would make out or the other point I would make is that I don't think it's a wise thing for us to notice what the schedule is and that we're not going to have people working at night that was my point got a real problem with that I understand they're short-handed but what we need to say is okay we're going to do the best we can to cover all the time until we can bring more people on board that's what we're going to do so um we need a motion to reconsider the motion the vote that was taken at the last meeting and then we can go forward yeah with that so uh city manager do you have the previous motion from last meeting just so we can get clarification on where we're at I am searching for it right now Mr May or Troy do you might have have it in front of you you not have it in front all right yeah that was going to be my two cents while he's he going through it was at some point when are we in the weeds and have stopped trusting our department heads and while we can absolutely make directional suggestions and trying to solve goals and observations but at the end of the day they're the ones on the ground and we can point them their way and give them a compass but you know at the end of the day it's it's your call to figure out what trail we're going to blaze right I mean we had already kind of did some stuff but since it got brought up and voted on had want to come back and have a conversation yes sir Ra's looking anyone's looking I mean while we're all still looking um and they can look but I think it was a proposed I think Mr somebody proposed to like completely change something I don't even think we yeah I think we so I don't think I think we all kind of looked at each other said we don't want to have no night and I don't know if we actually voted on anything though city manager oh sorry our records indicate that councilman Stevens moved to eliminate the evening shift for Code Compliance Department seconded by uh council member AER the motion failed 32 so yeah so then that you're correct and so I guess but this is not eliminating this is actually making them on call yeah so that one didn't pass so there is no motion so you are now back to your sub you had a proposed schedule that part of them the packet yes that's what we're currently working right now and we were going to like to continue that until we get our staff back up and train and did that have any coverage at night up until 5:00 P PM so that's a no I guess depends on your definition tonight 5 p.m. in my definition well in the winter time 5 p.m. is pretty dark yeah just okay so so what we are proposing Mr Stevens is to do what is to uh provide uh on call um service until he's able to get some more Code Compliance and I guess with that with that on call officer they can determine whether or not it's an emergency or if it's something that or they need to contact sheriff or or if the code comping officer needs to come out so The Code Compliance phone number right and there's someone Manning Code Compliance after 5:00 pm under your proposed plan we have not worked out a on call yet I'm afraid I have the same problem with that we're publishing that there's nobody in Code Enforcement at night I I guess right now there's no one right now right now I'm trying to get after 10 p.m. ever I mean according to your your schedule there's no one after 5:00 p.m. correct for now that is correct because that's a policy decision yeah that's something Chris and I talked about before uh so I'd rather get something than nothing right now yeah I think the goal is is find some more code officers and we just go back to normal I me we're I believe we're making a offer to somebody tomorrow what else do we need for you can what can we give you we'll make it work I we'll figure it out we we will work to provide coverage to the extent logistically possible we're look we're had some conversation that about um supplemental pay uh doing some things different that may enhance their desire to be on call or work aers ship yeah uh we haven't got all that fleshed out but if with your blessing we'll move it forward as quickly as we can and C stens to that point can we broaden that instead of directing them to one thing to have them bring back proposals for alternations while we're figuring this out I'm okay with that decision okay and anything we do in the interim we certainly be within confines of the budget which we're we're certainly have funds there to do some things with and so we're exploring those options and we'll continue and we'll Implement them as soon as they become feasible and logical if that's reasonable I mean just I want to make sure every we're all on the same page I don't understand I mean so if we're having one or two officers working a shift a I mean likely an officer safety concern two if someone calls off sick you're not going to have coverage unless we again we have an on call pay somebody overtime um most and we'll get you hard data but there are not a ton of calls after 6:00 7 p.m. all right couple noise complaints if we're not going the Sheriff's Department's going um where we make the greatest impact I believe is during the day where we can see everything so I'm just throwing it out there to you okay can we add that part of the motion to where we get that of the call have those conversations and we have a um all right what we have so I you're you're amending it to just more of a comprehensive plan of what we're going to do while we're short staffed correct and is there a way we get some more information on the after hours calls to yeah we'll just do a full comprehensive of what we're going to do and then who was the second I'm losing okay Council woman abor UK with the changes cilit for yeah just clarification a few things because this is hurts so we have a policy Council I guess of a code schedule and it includes nighttime hours is that what I mean is that what we agree that's that's our policy right now and then we don't we so we have a policy right now that does say we want nighttime hours so then we've stopped doing that because we're don't have the staff so then you're officially bringing us a schedule so we can change the policy is that kind of how this is working we had already at least this the way I see it and tell me if I'm wrong we had already instituted the revised policy internally internally and and then this got brought up and voted on at a meeting I was not at last week so I'm like hey we need to come back and talk to the council because we've got two different things going on here so is it was us I'm disregarding what the council's wishes were right I'm not I'm not arguing I'm just trying to understand is it a is a is a is scheduling internal scheduling is that a depart is that a departmental thing or is that a council policy internal scheduling is the department thing but it's supposed to follow the guidelines that we give them okay gotcha um yeah I understand we're short-handed um I can't support like actually changing to say we're not going to have those hours I get I get that the problem is is you're going to look at me and say well I don't have any but I just going to work that schedule and so I guess I'll come back to you and say what do you need from me so what do you need from me because I know we've given it to code a lot so what do you need from me because I can't support changing the policy the will of the council to not have night coverage whether it's one call or no calls we had a fire on the beach recently M nobody could go because nobody was here you know like there's things that happen that we need to have a presence so I can't support changing it even temporarily we you know I'm looking at you as the Director to figure out how to get somebody to be here at night time and yes I would say if that means bump in the morning schedule to get the crossing guard off the crosswalks I have three kids I know how important the crosswalk crossing guards are bump that out because I would expect the director to move that back and either work with Mr Larry to go to the Des elementary school and have a meeting and tell them unfortunately we're short staffed we got to bump it out you know so I can't support changing this right now I'm sorry okay and and for clarification the motion right now is for basically at this point directors to come back with ideas of how we can make a inter room decision yeah can they read the motion to us yeah right good luck what I thought I heard was to come up up with a more comprehensive scheduling plan until fully staff fully staff Troy how many are um how many vacancies do we have eight however because the city's trying to cut uh you know the budget we have agreed not to fill the two part-time positions so it really needs six and that's with your deput I don't have a deputy I don't have another apps training coordinator other supervisor position okay so those two and then four more code officers so we're missing four code well the other two can do code yeah six for your master plan here okay I mean my only suggestion and if that's all it is is perhaps we we cut two of them and provide everyone else more funding or we just find a way to make it more lucrative for people to want to be our code people again just a thought throwing it out in the universe we had two interviews this past week I'm very hopeful those two candidates are coming on good deal so I'm just all right cool all right so with that motion we have a second I'm G to call the vote because I see no other further discussions and it's just to bring a comprehensive plan back until we are fully staffed so just really more fact finding than any than anything I will have you a plan yes which I think this is but all right call on the vote all right 4 two all right thank you so much hopefully we got you something real quick on also is there a way we can direct or I guess I'll make a motion to direct uh the city manager to engage with Destin Elementary uh okay second second by Council seeing no further discussions have a little discussion on that one yeah let's have a discussion so we're going to tell D Elementary that we're not going to provide crossing guards is that it I think it was we need your help at the school level because we are staff shorted on staffs that could we find out if there's a parent teacher organization opportunity for like a few days maybe two or three days a week that a parent could help out PE if people know usually they can help I I would venture to guess if you told all the parents there may be a couple dads that like okay I could do it for 45 minutes two days a week so I think it's worth a Pursuit except for to put the kids that are walking in and out of school at risk for any manner at all I do not agree is worth going forward with right I agree with you I don't think uh John's Mr Stevens is wanting Mr Larry to go in there and say we're we're done done tomorrow I think it's more of an engagement of hey we have a problem can we talk about what the next steps are because we've heard a few times that Destin Elementary always says this and that but I think we're just wanting to maybe give them that chance to go knock on the door and just have the discussion I think I think that's what m the people we provide I'll go stand out there before nobody stands out there so and understand it we're already ready to volunteer but it's a position that has some training and some experience that go goes with it and so just to ask for volunteers to come do it I'm not sure is the proper I I don't think we should be putting um the crossing guards at the school at risk period uh you know if we need to have less code enforcement that's a better alternative well I think currently what there's three code enforcement that are doing it in the morning so maybe have one code enforce I mean I guess this is just di dialogue for you to chat with the principal on seeing how we can make something work at least for the time being all right so we're going to call the vote on the conversation wait for the lag I I believe you we know how you yes you made the motion all right here we go I have it four or sorry 51 for talking to the elementary school on getting a brainstorming session going all righty moving on whatever letter we're on next in counselors to that um to the last motion we certainly won't wait until we're fully staffed to start re working schedules and making things um more accommodating to what the needs of the city are so as we add staff if it's one two or three whatever it may be we will work on expanding those schedules appropriately all right so the next item is uh 4H which is regarding the norago Point Park update uh as you're aware the Flor Department of Environmental Protection is administering the phase three recreational improvements to norago Point Park uh the D has awarded the contract to RJ Gorman um and the construction is anticipated to start um around September the 5th the project is expected to take nine months to complete um the newly constructed Gul Shore Drive Extension will remain closed and will serve as a secured staging construction area for the project uh the contractor has stated that they prefer to keep the Park closed during construction due to SA Safety and Security concerns staff has reviewed the construction and staging plans and keeping any portion of the park open during the construction could pose potential safety and liability concerns um So based on those staff recommends that the park remain closed for the nine month duration of the construction period councilwoman AB I moved to direct city manager to work with staff and the City attorney to close Nora point Park throughout the duration of the construction improvements all right I have a motion do I hear a second second second from councilman Stevens uh councilman Dustin's up first thank you mayor um we're going to be closing the part also that's on the inlet Channel part where the little scalloped areas are that have lifeguard Towers on them under the current motion you would that's the staff recommendation it's not required you would have to close the harbor side but not that side with the pays that you're talking about however um as the city manager indicated the contractor has requested that we close the whole thing if possible uh because of public safety reasons um during the nine months of construction yeah now the problem with that is of course is that those are used all day every day and the and the uh fire district has lifeguards along there and those people can approach those beaches by water I don't know how we're going to keep keep them out of there without having a guard or a nice chainlink fence over there all the way down that beach um H so I would offer a substitute motion that we ask the staff to work with the contractor to see in what Manner we can keep those beaches open that is the alternate motion is to um it is do that yes so I'm making that as a substitute all right second that one okay I have a second by coun Stevens uh councilwoman a y oh okay I'm sorry uh whoever wanted to speak just throw your name back in there it got deleted councilman Schmidt sure um only other thing I would ask Mr Dustin is I'd like to modify in some way to put some sort of date in regards to looking looking at this like um like like an April one it would be brought back to us um because we've had Park projects before where they last uh many many years so if it could just be brought back to us for like an update because maybe we need to modify how far it's being closed or something like that so okay cool all right so I got a modified motion C are you okay with that he's shaking his head yes because I know uh the harbor side is going to have a lot of uh chitchat come soon when they start seeing some barriers put out there the harbor side has to be closed I get it that part not optional I know well we can come back at like every um every 90 days or so quarter quarter once quarter all right any further discussions all right seeing none call on the vote for the alternative motion bless you God bless all right I have it 60 so moved all right going to I thank you Mr Mayor the following items are in your packet as uh information only if you have any questions we staff will certainly entertain those but it's the capital projects status report uh J is the operational operations financial report K is the TDC collection report u l are draft minutes from your standing boards and committees uh parks and recck board for May 28 and June 18 of 2024 and the Public Works Public Safety for July the 9th 2024 and finally item m is the ATT this report for your volunteer boards and committees and um subject to your questions on any of those that's all we have right cman Schmidt with the discussion yeah thank you um in regards to number I letter I the capital project status and speaking with staff um staff members we have uh some money still moving around and available and so I'm uh at this time making a motion to do an internal transfer to move 119,000 from renewal and replacement 572 which is a Parks and Recreation um number to specifically the Morgan Sports Center batting cage facility all right I have a motion do I hear a second I'll second that second from councilman Stevens discussions yeah just again this is just a uh there's all the money's been allocated towards all these big projects we're talking about but uh Crystal and others have mentioned that there's some monies remaining to do some of these things that that Parks wanted to do at mortgage so I'm just trying to do that transfer all right and I guess potentially uh Crystal that renewal replacement can you can you give us a little brief on what that is yes sir so um this is a general fund money that that we have set aside to renew and replace uh Parks and Recreation and the proposal on the table is to use this general fund money instead to uh add a batting cage and that's also an allowable use and we did H uh so yeah this this this will work we can do this and then okay and then from Parks the renewal replacement what was that looking for yes so um this is just using up some of the remaining renew and replacement money for Parks they're just a few small dollars here and there uh there was an HVAC unit that we budgeted to replace out this year um that we ended up having to encumber it and replace placing it last August instead uh so that's still there and then there's still some window replacement funds in here um there are adequate funds for next year to do all of these renewals and Replacements that we have planned most importantly the the community center windows and doors uh the playground you already encumbered earlier this evening um and there was a third oh the LED lights was the other thing uh scheduled for next year and we have adequate funds to complete that too sounds like You' sharpened your pencil Y what Lisa do you have anything oh oh gotcha no I was just kind of curious where where the funds were floating from CLE woman AB um thanks mayor I think it's a great idea Kevin especially since we've already got the lights Affiliated and I can't see Lisa because Tina is directly in front of her but Lisa you are good with all the rest of the funds for what you know we've got to fix that's all set correct yes ma'am yes good I want to do this because I know our kids need it and it's a great opportunity so okay per perfect thank you councilman dtin just to be clear we're going to be able to do one batting cage or is this is this a step toward doing the entire batting cage project no if you don't mind I'll let Miss uh F or Mr Reed maybe speak about what the potential idea is of what this funds that y'all have already were planning on doing yeah that I think that we do need so we have a um bat and cage that is really not very functional at Morgan's and um so we'll go with almost the same type as what we put at threadgill and um so yes we do need this it's something we don't have and I yes it would be the first thing I would like to do after our three major projects that will make everything start getting better but this will be an added um of something that we will need that they will H they will like and we were planning on doing the um batting cage that is at threadgill it was at the beginning was supposed to be for Morgan's but we kind of moved it there to threadgill to um supplement for all of the um City children so yes it's much needed okay all righty seeing no further discussions we will call the vote for some bad en cages at Morgan's all right I have it 60 and I believe the batting CES are the South Side on those four on the Four Diamonds it's the South Side in between all right good deal all right the next information what else we got Larry announcements do you have any announcement do you have anything else all right anything else yeah we do have a few announcements primary election voting occurs tomorrow at City Hall for precincts 49 and 50 and then the other voting locations are First Baptist and the community center and um we actually thought it was pretty great we got a few calls today from people just um innocent and unsure of where to vote and so for those folks anybody listening that's unsure it's the Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections website and if you go on there it's really easy and very handy you can enter your name and birth date and it shows right up which Precinct an area you should be voting in we'll have a LDC rewrite Workshop next Monday at 5:30 p.m. here in the annex we did want to announce that city offices will be closed on Monday September 2nd in honor of Labor Day and while it's way early just for those people that like to keep their calendar we did want to mention two dates the first is the open house and that will be on Wednesday October 23rd and for those people attending you know that this is open to all the public and it is our chance as City staff and city council to say thank you to our partners and we have a fish fry and this year we will again have some live music and it's just a really nice way to um share and talk to um all of the constituents what's that where and when that will be at the community center from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we'll have lots and lots of announcements coming up as that gets closer also we put this out in news releases and on social media so we wanted to make sure to say it here the Christmas parade will be on Saturday December 14th and we're very excited for a fun theme and it's going back to the80s and in celebration of our four Decades of incorporation and anybody wanting to participate by having a float in the parade can stop by the community center and fill out an application all right thank you so much thanks all right getting into the good stuff Kim this is second reading of ordinance number 2406 LC an ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida amending article 7 zoning and Regulatory controls of the Land Development code to modify conditions and and criteria for approval for for luxury recreational vehicle RV resorts formerly referred to as luxury motor home resorts providing for Authority providing for findings of fact providing for incorporation into the Land Development code providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing an effective date um at the last hearing uh can on council member bagby's motion you all made a few tweaks to the ordinance those changes have been made other than that there's no changes thank you Miss cop seeing that this is a public hearing at this time I will take public comments on 5A seeing none I will close the public comments and entertain a motion I'll make the motion I move that uh city council adopt a proposed ordinance 2406 LC all right I have a motion do I hear a second second all right any further discussions seeing none I'll call the vote I know I'll wait for the lag Andy I think we're going to get a little bit more of a discount now when we go back to them all right I have it so moved 6 Z all right Kim back to you okay for items 5 B and C uh similar to what we did at the last meeting I would like to read them together the applicant did not object to that last time and he's not here tonight so um with his uh acceptance of that previously I'm going to go ahead and read both ordinances they deal with the same real property so ordinance number 247 PC an ordinance of the city of Dustin Florida amending the comprehensive plan providing for Authority providing for findings of fact providing for the adoption of a small scale Amendment to the comprehensive plan future land use m to include a change in future land use designation of eight Parcels of real property located north of Calhoun Avenue as described and depicted in exhibit a consisting of approximately 4.75 Acres from Calhoun mixed juice Village CMV to Calhoun mixed juice CMU providing for incorporation into the comprehensive plan providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability and providing for an effective date and also ordinance number 248 LC and ordinance of the city of d in Florida amending the official zoning map as referenced in the Land Development code section 71201 A2 zoning maps to include a change in the zoning designation of eight Parcels of real property located north of Calhoun Avenue as described and depicted in exhibit a consisting of approximately 4.75 Acres from Calhoun mixed juuse Village CMV to Calhoun mixed juuse CMU providing for Authority providing for findings of fact providing for jurisdiction providing for zoning map amendments providing for incorporation into the Land Development code providing for conflicting provisions severability and providing for an effective date this is second reading of both and if you have any questions let us know you there are no changes since last time I do not envy not you not having I'm glad I don't have to read that thank you all right seeing that this is a public hearing five 5B if anyone in the public is here this is your time to have your public comments heard seeing none I'll close the public comments and entertain a motion at this time I move City council. proposed ordinance 2407 PC all right I have a motion do I hear a second second second by councilman Stevens further discussion seeing none oh sorry coun Schmidt yeah what what kind of notice goes I couldn't find it in the staff report notice to the adjoining Properties or whatever is there the staff sends out notice to everyone within 300 ft um maybe the community development director could confirm if those notice went out but usually it's at the time the application is submitted correct uh it's at the time that the application is deemed to be sufficient at that time the notice is sent out to everyone within 300 fet there's a sign that's posted on the property and then there's the legal ad that's placed in the newspaper and at the end of the agenda item there are um a photo of the Affidavit of posting of the property and also the photos of the signs are in there so so we did we did do the not yes is that okay sorry I thought I thought you said I just wanted to make sure we do the newspaper ads for every ordinance and then for these land use we also do the 300 ft and the sign on the property just to clarify from the first reading this is being brought by uh the developers that own a parcel across the street that have a future project that they need parking but they need to change the zoning to be able to use it for that project is that kind of a good correct it's a uh they need the land use Amendment and the rezone in order to incorporate the property into their future development project okay and I know that the gentleman's not here tonight to answer the question so I'm sorry ever keep asking you but um that's what I'm here for we previously in the past approved that project that's there do we know what they're now needing to do this they're proposing a wedding venue and they will have to come back through the development order process so you will see that Pro again okay they they will be coming back with a major development order Amendment they have a development order that they are going to be asking for a major amendment to that will come back to us that will come back to you and at that time you will hear the details of the development plan okay thank you for answering all right seeing no further discussions I will call the vote oh man we got a good deal on I think we're going to go back and get a better deal they're all lagging in all right we're running it down just because this is a public hearing I want to make sure it's official yes yes yes yes yes no councilman Destin didn't put his button in so I'm going to say he said yes for him I said yes I know you didn't have your button down I got to you say yes I I you know what push your button and I won't have [Laughter] to oh there we go it's official 5-1 61 51 yeah [Music] 51 all right that was it for public hearing all right good deal need to vote on the second oh you have the second ordinance still 248 LC that I'll make that motion to approve I have a motion do I hear a second second all right any further discussions seeing none calling the vote for 5c oh man is everyone pushing it it's connecting yes yes all right everyone push your button and say your vote I will'll vote Yes yes yes no all right 51 I know it's I mean it's loading like AOL yeah I know someone start buzzing that's crazy all right 51 officially on the board all right final portion councilman Stevens I have nothing tonight how M I have a couple things yes you do yes I do first um the project status update uh if anybody wants to see it all you have to do is Google Destin city council agenda go to the 89 regular council meeting agenda packet pick agenda packet go to Number Four City Manager reports section I Capital project status and then select 2024 0813 monthly Capital project status report you can see the status of every project that's going on in Destin second I have an update on the The High School interlocal uh their attorney sent us a copy of the interlocal agreement that they would like revised we gave them the option of either bringing that directly to council or allowing us a chance to discuss some of those revisions with them them um they agreed that we will meet tomorrow we're going to have a meeting tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. to have a discussion about some of those arrangements or or revisions that they would like to see um something I council member guile just to add to that um I just sent a copy at um Dustin water users request to dtin water users um so now they're looking at it too for their input on the park and and there this for the baseball field this is for the baseball field well it's for baseball softball soccer there there's a whole plethora of request coming through we will also probably be receiving comments from Dustin water users questions sir I appreciate you doing this very much first of all so than yes sir um can you what are your thoughts like whatever happens tomorrow's meeting whether they're ready or not bring just putting a date to bring it to us to at least allow you know like giving them like an ultimatum or something or I can throw an ultimatum easily I mean I have no problem with ultimatums um we gave them the option to bring it to council before we reviewed it but I really truly believe if Council would have saw it you would have been okay flabbergasted by it I mean I appreciate you doing it yeah so thank you well and something else I kind of want to point out um right now there's three high schools in the Destin general area we got Dustin high school we got Barrett high school and we got faith Coast High School of those three high schools only one of them are actually in city limits of Dustin and that's Faith Coast High School so one of the questions that keeps being presented to me and I want Council to be ready is if you're willing to do this for that high school what are you going to do for us additionally we have uh word from Dustin Middle School saying hey we wouldd like to kind of utilize some fields and replenish some of ours as well if you're doing it for them what are you doing for us so just be prepared this is open Pandora's Box and we're going to start getting quite a few questions coming our way and there's only one real high school in the city limits of Destin right now and I've I've gone to their board and they approved internally to Annex in and perhaps that's part of the agreement that wasn't part of this inter local no but maybe that's a chip on our side of the potentially yeah yeah after they get their Porsche and Lamborghini and everything else are at requesting on this a private jet Mr gu I think you brought up some very good points and some very good questions um I guess right now what I would say to that tonight is that so far they're the only ones that have that have asked uh to do something but I know this Council previously um actually voted to support not I wasn't here but many others were to just the council as a policy decision supported Destin High School in multiple ways so but yeah you're right somebody else might come and ask us that next and uh I would welcome them at any Monday meeting to come ask how can the city of and support that school too because I'm sure we can find a way to do it so but thank absolutely we got to also remember that those fields are for our citizens so whoever we're supporting we got to make sure our citizens are first and just since Willie Williams isn't here uh I know the last time they were up here just to give a fair shake for them 70% of their students are in the city limits but to your point this a Pandora's Box nonetheless thank you yeah absolutely good work good work yeah all right cestin thank you mayor um I've continue to get uh quite a few colorful comments about the chain link vence we're putting around Harbor one and every time I drive by it I am increasingly not happy with what I'm seeing so I'm going to make a motion that we suspend construction on that chain link fence and have staff bring back some alternatives to us about signage about signs that look more like the I mean fences that look more like the fence that's along over at uh Morgans a nice fence that's supposed to keep the kids from running across the road that's a pretty fence yep and then there's one by public work in other words there are plenty of examples around of fences that are not quite as ugly as a 6ft chain link I know we've moved it some but it still runs along the water runs along the perimeter of the joint property and it's just not a good look and I don't think it's necessary and I would like an opportunity to see if we can't go in a different direction I'll second that all right got a motion second by councilman Stevens yep councilwoman abber if we do this um Mr Burgess can you give us an idea of uh the 25,000 that's already been obligated to that company that's partially finished with it what's the results with refund I'm not sure about a refund I mean the materials have already been purchased and a lot of Labor has already been been expended toward that project so can you just give us an update of where we were where we're at and where we're going sure I can do that I can do that I mean if we if we just tell him to stop like I could text him here in a few minutes and just tell him do no further work and we'll just see what it'll take to settle up with him where where are we act I know we kind of already shifted from where we were and now we're they have they have placed fencing along the kind of the northern boundary the uh with the Condominiums next door they have placed the post along the water's edge on top of the seaw wall uh you know you're well aware that they've P placed some posts up on 98 along the um rideway line and uh staff was out there today cutting those off so those will be removed probably tomorrow by lunch um but we were going to take that fence section and move it down to the bottom of the hill so when you pull up calhoon Avenue or if you're driving by on 98 you'll see over the top of it instead of looking through it all right Council M King I'm just confused as to mean I I appreciate the motion Mr D but I'm confused as to how we got here I mean this whole conversation that we this was this whole thing was a matter of safety beforehand and now it's like it seems like everybody just abandoned that and doesn't care about that anymore so I'd like to hear from you guys as to why how that flip so quick well I can address it at least from my point of view of the motion my motion also includes having staff bring back to us an idea about putting signs up and putting fences that are not quite as uh obtrusive as chain L fences after all um we can do that and still be safe and if you'll look out at the Jetties uh out by the past they don't have Chain Lake penes around them I understand they don't belong to us but they present a danger danger that's much more acute than what we have here I think we can address the safety concerns without the fence all around it and to to spend what we've spent on that property and Pence it off completely without any ability to the public to use it or as we started to even see it just U not a good idea in my opinion I and I hear where you're coming from I think the you know we we didn't want to obstruct that view um it's you know it's a great view the the Jetties are not they're not on city of Destin property this is um and so I I heard that I heard that earlier as well um I just I know what that seaw wall looks like I've seen it up close uh it doesn't I mean there is a serious trip and fall potential there in in my opinion just from what I've seen now I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to obstruct The View but I thought we had a pretty good thing going moving that fence down the hill um out of sight and so I just it seems a little strange to me that we would just totally abandon that on a whim does that make sense it does but I would point out that we can make that seaw wall safe by moving back a little bit and putting a wall That's not 6 fet made out of chain link fence you know and I can only hearken back to the the days before we were able to finish the Melvin Park we put a chain Ling fence around it for 6 years till we got the money and I don't want to see that happen till Harbor one I think we can make it where we could use it or at least we have not obstructed and make it look like some kind of a an old lot that we're trying to keep the homeless off of without um sacrificing concerns for safety and I would love to see us do that but that fence just obnoxious c m I just have a question do we have signs up there right now saying don't go there are no trespassing signs up presently as well as no parking towway zone signs okay and I can't remember where I heard this but I heard somebody got stuck down there and they had to get towed out even though the signs are there is that correct or is that just rumor yeah I I heard that same report um last Friday so they just disregarded the signs oh there's a picture under road rage all right so the sign probably aren't working is what we're kind of coming to the conclusion to all right that's what I wanted to verify thank you sir all right right I have a motion and a second we'll call the vote and see where it lies all right I have it so moved right um who are we anything else all right Council woman bear thanks mayor um I have a question for the team up here um last year when we were at the the dinner at Marina Cafe we had our Christmas tff dinner the weekend prior the first weekend of December the weekend prior to the parade and then the following weekend we had the parade and I want to say the following meeting we were talking about hey is there any way to combine it so that in December we as Council for sure maybe staff as well two weekends in a row you have to um be available for a city function and I don't know about y'all but it's very busy in December for me and a lot of times I'm out of town so to know I have to be you know I want to be at at the city functions so I've got two weekends in a row so I was going to find out from staff I mean from those of us up here since we can't talk unless we're together how do y'all feel about they can't move the parade correct Lisa because it's locked in based on nice feels that there's a set for w set so it you know the legistics of our parade has to always be the second Saturday I talked to Marina Cafe and they have the second Saturday of 20125 available and so a our current Christmas party wasn't booked in time and so the Marina Cafe could only give us the first Friday night in December so our Christmas party just in case yall don't have it on your calendar is Friday night December 6 at Marina Cafe this year do y'all want to combine our party and our parade on the same second Saturday of the December time frame each year not necessarily the same restaurant but at least it's on the same day this is for 25 this is just 24 no no no this year we're already locked in they've already locked in the first first weekend of December for the Christmas dinner and the second weekend is for the parade so if we lock in the dinner on the second weekend of December going forward 25 on how does everyone feel about that so just looking for everyone's thoughts not wanting to make a motion just getting ideas thoughts councilman gu then councilman schmith for that beautiful speech you gave earlier I'll support this I have no problem with that whatsoever you got them schmitten com Schmitt miss a bear I love the uh already talking about parties Christmas I love it you know Christmas cannot come soon enough so um I'm all about it honestly because December 7th is the SEC Championship which we always have to deal with that when we get there at the party but I would also like to make sure you're talking to whoever ends up being on that committee because this ultimately is our you know I know you know this I mean it's it's for the staff so if they're okay with it they want to do a Christmas party in the OR parade and I I love the idea the good thing about it is and correct me if I'm wrong Lisa I can't see you again you have all the parks your team runs that Parade from weeks months out all the way up until the morning of getting golf carts and all that and the HR department she sets up a Christmas committee I thought Jamie would be here tonight but she has like a Christmas Committee of inter internal staff that has nothing to do with Parks so that handling theirs versus you there's not a conflict am I correct you are correct yes HR has a internal committee like you said that works on the Christmas party so I would like to make a motion city manager if you could um help move this Christmas party starting in 2025 to the second weekend of the um month of December to be the same day as the party all right seconded by councilman Schmidt further discussions see none calling the vote I'm assuming we'll have to wait a minute for that to come in oh there we go I have it so moved now all you guys have to do is when you're [Laughter] CS which I all hope you do all right anything else um and I know that uh the second item I have is mainly for um Miss cop you might remember when it was um a discussion item that we talked about and I think it may have to wait till Lewis comes back but when you have residents that are renters and have continuous violations and they basically ignore that code keeps coming by and it's consistent was there ever anything looked at as far as putting something in place like okay this owner of this property like for instance the people that own that property on Main Street they live in Virginia and the renters there consistently or there's issues is there any way to track that you mean like we do for the short-term rentals apply it to long-term because for shortterm we require somebody be available you know within a certain time frame if there's a complaint and so on and they have to be is that where we're well I had brought it up at our meeting right Troy was going to reach out to the owner in Virginia to find out if they were even aware of this consistent I'm talking about a specific property though I thought you meant you wanted to change the code as the the conversation was anyone that's renting a house for instance all over old Destin there's lots of houses that are being rented the owners live in another state the renters don't take care of their property they don't take care of their trash and people that live near them are aggravated because they feel like we're wasting a lot of resources constantly keeping these people squared away so is there a way for us to put in place some sort of a rule that follows what short-term rental does if you've had had a lot of issues then next year we're not giving you your authorization to rent your property is that something we could look at do I need to make a motion to ask you should make a motion and we can um put together maybe a draft ordinance for discussion purposes and bring it to you before we advertise just for discussion and then if you like it we can go ahead and advertise for the public can I make that motion that you bring us something back for conversation and discussion on longterm renters no problem do you have a requested time frame I know as soon as some time in October okay thanks all right cool all right second by councilman Schmid any further discussions on longterm yes cilman dtin I would just suggest that it it goes back to a problem where people are willing to ignore the code enforement enforcement people and and just let the fines accumulate against their property and then we're at a dead end however that's not our only enforcement tool we can take those individual Property Owners to the local court system and get a court order ordering them to do something and if they don't then they are in contempt and can go to jail or could have a warrant arrested issued for them even if they're out of the state so that it tends to be a much harsher way to enforce it and we may in fact have to start doing that with people who just completely ignore the fines from code enforcement and just keep going on because they know that in some instances as long as they live in the house they can't be thrown out and that's going to be somebody else's problem with that big fine later down the road and so they just don't listen to code enforcement but we can go to the Circuit Court and get the court to enforce all right we to know we've done it in the past not very many times but it is an option all right any council is okay with paying the cost of litigation we can do that and there's also you know once somebody has a lean on their property if they're not a homestead which things that are rented out are not Homestead those can be foreclosed and then what about those that are people that live here and they don't care and there's probably a million dollars worth of property you know uh costs on their home and then if they die then their family's going to come in here and say hey can we get this million dollars wave because we didn't know he was a junkyard living in our you know City I mean how do we fix that same thing then you're going to have decisions to make I don't want to be in throwing distance from council member guile now but when you get the lean reduction request this is a favorite topic the second favorite topic but you know you all have the ability to wave a portion or reduce the lean to a fair amount if it has accured too much over time due to a death or something if it's worth more than the value of the property or for any of the criteria listed out in the code you can take the money and not reduce the lean or you can reduce it in part um but but council member Dustin said we've in my time we have not taken any cases to court for litigation but it is an option if council is willing to spend the money that's not something I would have authority to do without Council approval but if you want us to take cases that we find are particularly egregious to you for that decision on a case-by casee basis I'm sure Troy and I would be happy to do it right Trey yeah Med yeah and before we had code enforcement and our own little inhouse Court that's the way we did it I mean that's the only option and we did it a few times somebody is doing something that they shouldn't be doing you go and get a cease and deiss order from the local circuit court and if they ignore that then they get to go to jail so you know do you need to do that periodically I'm afraid you probably do yeah get out Cool Roy and I will put together the naughty list and bring it to you but we'll go ahead and vote on this other one that we want to put together correct thank you all right good deal any further discussions all right seeing none we call to vote all right she's got one more eyes have it so moved I didn't really have another one I just wanted to say have a nice evening oh we did good all right Cosman King I Have Nothing tonight thank you Cosman Schmidt sure uh thank you very much thank you everybody for tuning in and being here um just one quick thing that's not on my on my agenda agenda I got some questions and concerns about some activity happening in Joe's Bayou in regards to in regards to buoys being put in the water and then being used as a jet ski race course um so do we know jurisdiction you know can we do anything about that city of dtin first of all we can at least reach out to the correct authorities and do something yes I would say there are things we can do do we have jurisdiction that depends what water body and how far out they are are they in Joe's by you it deep in deep in so uh while while researching while researching this um the no Zone sign fell many years ago during a storm closer to the back and it never got put back either so maybe while we're researching that we can kind of look at this as a whole you know because that's going to come up I believe and I know I know council member Stevens has a lot of plans to discuss with Council on some of these issues too coming up and I think we're planning on doing that did we say October I think at the first meeting in October we're going to be discussing moing fields and lots of these other issues so do you think though without that like that's going to be a big one I I bet right yeah so can can we also like look at this kind of a little bit separately so that way we can at least be brought some options and ideas because it it looked very concerning for right now we can first you know report it to the appropriate agencies and have them do something immediately while we're working on getting our codes together and I'll send you over the video footage I have please yeah from citizens oh no these are I think adults I would appreciate it thank you all right two uh quick things I'll try to make it brief um I have uh first I got a little presentation I'm going to put together do I get the clicker or do I just you just I'm just going to like point at you I didn't put a um tuxedo on like Mr G that one night though um I I'll try to be very fast because I know we've done very well in time tonight so thank y'all for bearing with me uh we have one meeting tonight one more in September so I just want to kind of go through a couple quick slides put some things on y'all's radar so uh we talked about parks and upgrades and recreational stuff that we're looking at wanting to hopefully do um we're going to highlight Destin Community Center the dtin sports complex Morgans buck dtin dton threadgill and as you know we do have many other parks and Beach accesses and things in the city to start with we have the Destin Community Center um take a walk down history this one was built in 1991 I know we've had many others before um but this one 1991 back then we had about 8,000 residents and right now we're 14 15,000 potentially uh keep that in mind we did a full roof replacement in 2014 um just for what it's worth that full roof that full roof replacement cost $289,000 uh 10 years ago uh we have replaced the gym floor in there uh I grew up many others did uh dribbling basketballs on carpet um and many years ago that was replaced with a very nice floor uh and there was also bleachers added uh there was some safety concerns few years back I think and that was you know it was nice to put some nice new seats in there um for people that want to come watch uh the current uh fiscal year plan uh for this coming up fiscal year as you all know we've approximately budgeted about $750,000 to do the major Community Center you know umbrella repair thing that we're doing with Windows and uh sealing the roof and and whatnot um that as you see is a picture of uh one of the markets that we have uh in the community center and it's uh it's pretty tight in there with with with those folks um some of us some of us even bump into the tables when we're walking around um the 26 plan I put to be determined because we're kind of waiting on SRS right so we're not really you know the 25 thing is is big and we're going to have some very big Band-Aids that we're going to put on it it's going to make it look very nice like for example that red awning is not there right now if you haven't been by there lately so it'll be nice when it gets back Destin Sports Complex also known as the Destin Elementary Sports Fields uh that is actually owned by the Okaloosa County School District um in case you didn't know that uh it's got a rubberized track two football soccer fields a baseball field and a softball field those are right there in that image that you might be seeing uh plan for that currently uh actually one plan is we lost a baseball field over there it's going to be gone uh which is you know somewhat of a good thing because the school's going to be expanding and upgrading so that's good um the softball field that's over there actually doesn't have any working lights at the moment there there are some poles there but there's no working lights uh the current 25 plan is continue the regular maintenance that the city of Dustin provides for the okoa scho county school district uh there's an interlocal agreement that we have with them many years old um that um I actually put on here that you know something that I'll be bringing up in the future is to review that interlocal agreement because for example crossing guards and things like that might just be worth talking and bringing up uh we have the Morgan Sports Center uh buillt in ,000 uh nearly 27 acres is owned by the Dustin water users uh on that uh acreage there are four large baseball softball fields that uh which are a combination of dirt and grass there are three soccer fields a children's playground sand volleyball court and a concession stand complex that also holds the H uh offices for our staff and then dtin has about 12 acres that we own and there's two softball baseball fields down there uh with dirt and uh grass combination so the uh the uh plan for the 25 plan is to put some nice new LED lights this is just an image don't don't you know Quote us that that's exactly what they are uh but they will be LED lights uh 1.3 million I think approximately as well as you know tonight we just finalized again the children's playground which I think it's lower about 700,000 so that's uh even uh even more amazing and one more thing that we just just did also tonight has got the funds to put a batting cage over there so that's going to be a great Improvement uh Buck dtin Park that's over there on Legion Drive in case any of you aren't um familiar with that Park um it's got two tennis courts two outdoor basketball courts kind of miniature basketball courts not full size as well as a children's playground and an indoor meeting facility for small parties birthdays kinas you know bom mitz fuzz and things like that senior senior stuff as well uh the current fiscal year plan for that upcoming in the 25 is the bathroom right we uh if yall recall we've recently did the design Ryan got engineered to finalized something and we moved it and we're going to we're going to have bathrooms for the kids and the a lot of local residents that go over there and use those courts and Fields or Parks they're going to be able to use the bathroom now which would be nice uh we have the dalon threadgill park again this is actually a city of Dustin Park in case um we were not all aware of that but it's about 3.2 Acres uh owned by the city of dtin it's got one medium baseball field one small baseball field a t-ball field a covered batting cage uh concession stand and bathrooms uh one note it's leased to the Dustin little league for seven months out of the Year currently uh the current uh plan for fiscal year 25 is again just regular maintenance over there um so here we are at the last slide uh and thank you again for walking through that with me so planning for the future right so kind of a summarize here uh we have fiscal year 25 at Morgan's uh what I would like to do here on this is we have the lights we have the playgrounds and I list on there two Turf infields okay and I'll speak more of that here in a second fiscal year 26 we're talking about the bathroom the Fieldhouse and the storage which I think uh Lisa and them told me today they actually it's been purchased right I think you guys know that we talked about it's going to be budgeted next year so we can do the grant so then it'll possibly come you know in 25 26 potentially um sun shades over the bleachers gets very hot out there um for all the kids and families that are out there overhead safety netting that's been discussed in a unfunded item on our budgets before um the community center as we talked about that's already going to the roof repair the windows the Stucker stucco uh fiscal year 25 at threadgill Park I've listed on here two items property boundaries um one thing I didn't show on the uh picture is there actually are uh is encroachment the right word or there's encroachment uh two two Parcels there's encroachment that we have at that part the city of dtin so basically what that means is that um we have city of D facilities that are built in somebody else's property um there might be history that if anybody has questions I'm sure we can look into that but second thing is a site storm water management plan um uh I think staff has mentioned it before and we've all talked about it and if you go there uh ever there's a bad bad problem with storm water management at that Park and then lastly fisal year 26 we put on there to survey study and to modify the parking um there is a need for parking over there ask the neighbors around there at night um as well as two Turf infields in fiscal year 26 uh with a donation coming from Dustin little league so before uh that's kind of the presentation I do have actual motion Direction I was going to put out there um but if anybody has any questions for comments right now before I throw a motion out there oh the encroachment is that the t-ball and just all the new stuff got M over it's a combination of the t-ball field and the other field that has been there okay um it's it's two um it's not the minor huh the minor field y it's the minor field it's about the third Baseline basically I think the Dugout a a little part of the Dugout and part of the field itself is actually on somebody else's property that property though is the one that in the past we talked about that was wanting to maybe sell it to the city we were trying to maybe kick those discussions back again but that answer your question yeah sure so my ask tonight is I know we got like two weeks and staff is crazy busy I get it but uh I'm going to ask if we can direct city manager to work with staff to see if we can if there's penciling in to do some of these fy2 things that are not currently discussed and talked about as well as start planning for the 26 items right I have a motion and a second do I have any further discuss just to like clarify what is it going to take for us to look at the property boundaries and change right like maybe we can't do it but maybe they can tell us in the next two weeks what that might take internally so just things like that to bring to us at the September 5th meeting you're just looking for estimates and logistics for those just yeah because because you know if it's something that we can feasibly do let's do it feasibly then why put it off a whole another year like maybe we don't have funds to do you know maybe we don't think we have funds to go see what's going to do to do the storm water fix well maybe it's only x amount of dollars and we can do it so just trying to get it brought up all right uh Council mest I'm trying to make sure what it is we're doing we we got a budget process we're going through we'll have a budget hearing shortly are we asking the staff to go back and look at the budget priorities well I believe the the budget is a living breathing changing document until we vote and approve on it September 5th at the first reading I believe and so um I wouldn't say the priorities because I don't know if we have specifically listed out you know a whole slew of priorities that they are following I know we've talked about some stuff we've edited the the trucks and the vehicles uh we obviously have the community center thing that we voted on so again there's no change there um it's more of just um taking a look at a couple of things to see if we can put it in the 25 budget while they're still working on it basically and I don't have a problem with that all it you know it's just that we've got a state mandated budget hearing that we're going to have to go through right and but if they I mean this is certainly not a problem to tell them to look at these things and see if they can work them in there and come back and tell us whether they can or not right oh yeah yeah thank you all right anyone else seeing none clear the board and call the vote all right I have it so moved anything else C mmid you know what I will uh huh he's feeling lucky no I'm going to uh I'm going to hold off right now so we can close this up and uh get out here before 8:30 since we got got a short little group up here tonight it's refreshing isn't it very refres weird that's it thank you then just letting it all sit in okay I have nothing uh FLC was great there's a lot of grand opportunities since we passed just going out for bid um one of the things that we do have being a league member is e Civic which is basically a search engine for Grants Nationwide from federal state nonprofit Family Trust You Name It uh if it's got a keyword in the grant it's on there and I think with where we're going we are going to keep them extremely busy because a lot of things are storm water parks and trails so that's kind of a a very small small synopsis of I'm very glad we're getting some extra um support because I think we're leaving a lot of dollars uh ungranted to us across the country so I appreciate you guys allowing me to go down there and be y'all's spokesperson yeah other than that uh m Kim I I only have one really quick thing um just informationally the fire district has reached out to me with a proposed lease for the boat slip um that we had previously discussed with them off of Calhoun um so uh they've also reached out to the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office and FWC I'm trying to get um our lease to be consistent with the Sheriff's Office lease so that's why it hasn't come to you yet um but I'm hoping to get that to you on September 5th at our next meeting so if you hear anything about that or have questions just give a call all right uh I believe we're public comments I am lost my train of thought here all right so public comments if you made it this far Ken come on uppr and code enforcement for businesses that's BTR there we go Ken said btrs anyone else all right seeing none this council is adjourned