all right good evening everyone take their seats good evening everyone I'm going to start this meeting so today I don't have my agenda in front of me today's April 1st April fools I knew what the date was I'll call this meeting to order all right so up first will be the invocation Pastor Steve Ferris from the First Baptist Church of dtin thank you for being here I want to share just uh something briefly with you it's always an honor and a privilege to come here you know last church we was at we shared the parking lot with the city hall for years but it's a real honor to be here today because Saturday I had a heart attack 99% blockage God's good so amen all right father thank you for your goodness and your grace and Lord it is great to be here and you are a shield or Fortress and a mighty help in our time of need and Lord so many times we just call on you and and Lord you you just work work things out we're so glad you're in control and Lord uh we just thank you for this city and all these people that take their time and their energy Lord to make this a better place to live and Lord as we prayed before we don't always agree but Lord we need to hear each other out and Lord things don't get done unless there's unity in one Accord so we just pray for that tonight and Lord even more so on a on a n National level Lord with our country and all the things that's happened and and around the world and Lord we just we just want to give you praise and honor for watching over us and being our our protector and we pray this in Jesus name amen amen all right if everyone can please put your hand over your heart and repeat after me for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which we stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all awesome all right Steve can you hit that button for me I'll be up there in a second all right so you didn't hear Steve he said no one has an excuse [Laughter] today all right pledge all right so at this time I'll entertain a motion to approval of the agenda motion a second I'll call the vote all right eyes have it for the board while it's loading unanimously there we go all right so up first will be the proclamation uh Arbor Day celebration Proclamation so we'll move to the front Ryan I'm I'm handing it over to Ryan all right city of Destin Proclamation Destin Arbor Day whereas in 1872 Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees and whereas this holiday called Arbor Day was first observed with the planting of more than 1 million trees in Nebraska Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world and whereas trees can reduce the erosion of our precious top soil and S and Sand by wind and water reduce Heating and Cooling cost moderate the temperature clean the air produce lifegiving oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife and whereas trees are a renewable resource giving us paper wood for our homes fuel for our fires and countless other wood products and whereas trees in our city increase property values enhance the economic Vitality of businesses in the area and beautify our community they are a source of joy and spiritual renewal now therefore I mayor Bobby Wagner on behalf of the city of dtin and the council do hereby Proclaim April 26th 2024 as Arbor Day in the city of dtin Florida and that all citizens are urged to support the efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and that further all citizens are urged to plant trees and Gladden hearts and promote the well-being of pres present of and preserve the future for generations to come all right thank you for that you have anything to say oh you know as as many people probably know I run uh trees on the coast which is a nonprofit of 501c3 in the area so this day is always my work day so I do love it but it's always the day I'm sweating the most so it's it's a Bittersweet moment um so as as so um my favorite trees is an oak tree the Live Oak particularly and so if we're urging people to plant trees I urge you all to plant a live oak there we go we are planting an oak okay and it will be at the um ker South because how many trees about 30 yeah 20 sorry is it on okay yes so we're going to be planting on April 26 at kir South and we'll be having that at 10: a.m. aw so come if you would like I'm assuming a lot of people might be in the community here in the audience so good timing all right want a photo good all right so at this time we're going to do public comments if when you guys come to the stage uh I just need to push the gray button it'll turn the light red you guys have three minutes I just need your name and address and then the floor is yours uh we are not going to be precipitating any conversations back and forth so you guys have the floor I just ask that everyone be respectful and whoever wants to go up first he I got someone already up and then I'll go right to left um good afternoon thank you all for your attention I really appreciate your um listening to what I have to say today and um I don't like to complain but I just want to let you name an address name an address real quick my name is Steve Napier I live at 126 Country Club Drive West in dtin Florida I'm not here to complain I'm just here really really want to thank Mr Tory G one of the um councilmen he came over to my house and addressed a problem which I have brought to the city engineering Department's attention for more than 15 months for more than 15 months not one thing was done to resolve my problem or even make me think they cared about it Tori showed up in the next day something was happening to address the flooding problem I've got multiple movies videos pictures where the water is coming across the crown of the Road flooding my house it's cracked my foundation and cracking a wall in my house because of this flooding that has continued to occur I'll be glad to share these pictures with you I'd like to invite each and every one of you over to my house for a cup cup of coffee and let me show you what's been going on they have started the process of trying to address this issue after Tori showed up they were there the next day but for 15 months I've been sending emails phone calls and doing everything I can do to get this addressed without making it be a public issue and the engineering department just made me feel like they didn't care at all about it I wanted y'all to be aware of that and um how I got here to be honest with you is I send an email on the 8th no excuse me the 6th of February asking for an update and by the about the 20th of of March whenever I still hadn't gotten an update I decided I wanted to call down here whenever I called the lady that answered the phone was really nice and she told me she said well maybe you need to start emailing the city council and that's how I got the email address to get this to the city council and now that I know how this things works I'm going to be here and I'm telling you this my dad didn't escape from being a prisoner of war by giving up and I'm not giving up appreciate your attention thank you sir thank you Sarah thanks for being here all right so I'm going to shift it over to stage left my right if anyone from the public wants to speak to tonight I'm going to go from my right side here so anyone going around yes ma'am my name's Debbie Hughes I live at 875 k a drive I expected more people here tonight to talk about this topic but it's the house on Main Street being built 10 bedroom house with a one-bedroom bath if that's accurate which is going all over Facebook um it's not what our neighborhood needs it's not what Destin needs that area is not meant for multi housing which is what I assume that's going to be with 10 bedrooms and that's really all I have to say about that I hope you all keep that in mind keep us in mind know a lot of you here but it's important to us to not have that happen near our houses take our property values down who knows what else thank you all right thank you for being here all right anyone middle swinging around yes Larry come on hi I'm Larry cower 206 Beach Drive here in dtin um I have a yacht charter company here in town and um there is there has become I've been asked to speak on behalf of several of us um but there is an issue regarding this overall blanket um uh what are they calling it um um yeah it's Livery The Livery program and how it's affecting some of us and uh there needs to be a lot of clarification because we're getting uh we're getting leadership or or advice and counsel from one person that says to do one thing then we do that and then that is rejected so we have to start a over again and try to find out this needs to be refined we need to know exactly how this is going to work and how it's going to affect us because we're trying to operate within the rules and guidelines regulations of the city always have uh I started in 2021 and now things have have changed in the middle of the game the the rules are starting to become different um we need some definition and clarification so I just wanted to raise that with the council and I'd like to have an opportunity to meet with staff to boil this down and find out what really is needed and how we need to go about being compliant with the city so whatever that takes I'd like i' appreciate that happening all right thank you thank you right anyone else far middle yes ma'am hello my name is Dr Emily J Stevens 3796 in blue Lane dtin Florida May May Wagner city council members ladies and gentlemen thank you for the opportunity to address this Gathering the subject I address is property at number 414 Main Street parcel 00253 09200 H 0140 Kell Gardens second edition lot 14 Block H plat book 5 page 90 public records of Okaloosa County currently owned by exotic rentals Inc Cano Thomas 16627 Deer Path Lane Wellington Florida purchased 321 of 2022 this property has been issued permits for a 10 bedroom 10 B additional laundry room addition at $250,000 plumbing permit PL mrr 01821 31224 building permit bldr 013 3892 023 building contractor Gregory Whitfield with built construction city of Dustin Compass purpose of Resident owner occupied I believe that this proposed addition violates municipal code and Zoning for the city of dtin I res refer to the city of dtin zoning fact sheet low density residential Village ldrv excerpt from LDC 7.12 6q and policy 3.5.9 ensure compliance of new development with adjacent and surrounding residential uses in viewing the city of Destin Planning and Zoning Maps it is evident that this proposed addition 10 bedrooms 10 bathrooms additional laundry room is in violation this will not be owner occupied parking for this addition also violates Land Development code section 3.0.1 the property and addition does not meet the city of dtin short-term rental registration guide the property in addition does not meet the State of Florida live live local Act of 2023 I urge you to remand aforementioned building permits on the basis of current code there is no single family home in the cair gardens second edition or surrounding neighborhoods that have 12 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms and two laundry rooms this exceeds the boundary of logical thought for a single family home this development will negatively impact housing security safety and environmental concerns for residents thank you thank you so much all right all right all right not a show anyone else in the back middle all right yes sir I have the documentation for all of you this is already turned on I assume uh Ted love 38 45 Indian Trail I recognize you people from a couple weeks ago I'm not going to waste your time uh ditto for everything she said and double ditto for everybody else this 414 thing has got to stopped I think you guys all know the the issues here so let's please let's just get this done and keep Destin a neighborhood uh and a nice Community we don't we're not a a rental City overall I mean if you want that go somewhere else you know but this I think we know which which direction it would actually go if it went to completion so I think you guys are going to do the right thing thanks appreciate it all right anyone else middle yes sir hello everybody my name is Mark Ward 3840 Indian Trail um again 414 Maine um everybody's already talked a couple of things so I'm going to cut mine even a little shorter um water runoff is a big thing I've had issues with it at my house 10 years ago after I did mine we finally got it fixed um Steve back there had his issue with his this is going to create a water runoff on both sides and even people back over on Spanish moss I think the really needs to be look into you're putting so many more square footage on there um one other this is just a little tidbit I don't know but the um if you look up exotic rentals they say they're in 33470 well that's not right it's I mean they are in there but then some of the other stuff in the paperwork says 33570 if they don't know where they live maybe that's part of the problem you know um and I just wonder what else has been overlooked in this project other than the 10 10 bedroom two bath laundry room extension or expansion excuse me just I hope you all do what's right for our community all right thank you sir thank you anyone else middle back right seeing n going over here yep got you after yeah I'm Joe Young I live at 845 North Lakeside Drive and I've been building in Destin for since 1982 and this 414 does not qualify as a residential single family construction there's several other things that it violates it doesn't fit the death the destined comprehensive plan doesn't maintain an enhanced neighborhood quality it doesn't conserve neighborhood it doesn't ensure compatibility and it's an encroachment on the residential character it doesn't uh follow the conservation quality of life the vehicles do not parked correctly the vehicles can be seen from the right away there's three different owners listed in the legal documentation with the city that is a real flag it also qualifies as a House of nuisance under Florida statute as a a place of control substance being used this thing how it got to where it is doesn't really matter the problem is it doesn't need to go forward and if anybody has any questions for me please ask but I've done a lot of research on this and it's no way shape or form a single family residence not being used now is a single family residence it's been it's being used as a transient worker hotel and all you have to do is go by there at 7:00 in the morning and it's more than apparent that this is not a single family use and if you add 10 more bedrooms to that my God what what is that going to look like I mean that's just going to be a ghetto no way around it so thank you thank you all right yes ma'am Kelly Gates 544 cyber Avenue I have a couple of things um the cemetery parking that's not working it's practically unenforceable we we need to create a four-way stop at Zerby and cybert people are coming off the bridge flying down in cyber it's very congested in that area with people walking there needs to be some code training I think on the Land Development code um similar to if you get hir at a restaurant you get tested on the menu um let's not be naive the 414 Main Street is for J1 employees and there will be more than two heads in each bedroom I think the permit should be revoked and I think that a portion of that zoning District should be carved out to not allow more than five bedrooms and no more than two stories thank you thank you so much anyone else duke it out Carrie harborer Spring Lane hey I wanted to bring back a Time several years ago when we redid the um comp plan if everybody remembers we literally carved that that part of Destin out for residents remember we wanted to say life happens here we wanted an area where we could raise our kids and not worry about Transit living and that was brought up and negotiated through the comp plan so I really would like to reiterate that you know we have rentals and the short-term rentals out on the island and we have Crystal Beach but we all decided that where the school was and all the churches right there destined proper as we call it would be carved out for us and the residents and I just wanted to reiterate right thank you thank you all right no I'm on uh Taylor Waterfield uh 146 Calhoun Avenue I don't think I need to reiterate the Main Street thing I think we're all kind of in accordance there um I just as someone who pulled their first permit from the city of Destin this year that was absolutely an atrocity every time I came up here it was it the whole process was miserable trying to build a shed in my own backyard and something like this gets through I just question how did it get through and why did it get through um that's all I got all right appreciate you right anyone else go sorry dude just hit that button hit that button real quick uh the gray button there you go name an address first good evening ladies and gentlemen council members and mayor Wagner thank you for the opportunity to speak to you tonight my name is Lee Parker and I'm resident of the K A subdivision and of course I want to speak about 414 Main Street there is quite a long list of Des Municipal ordinances codes and even Florida State statutes that are potentially being violated by this project I do not have time to address them all instead I will concentrate on what I see to be the key issues land use Planning and Zoning I contend the project is intended to rent bedrooms and does not meet the land use zoning requirements of the property I was informed by an email from Dr Tamara long that that the permit was pulled because it was owner occupied I must assume by this that the city believes it meets the definition in section 13 d121 of Dustin city code of Co ordinances it seems the key points revolve around the bedrooms the status of the property as owner occupied and the zoning of the property first is it owner occupied the address recorded on cano Thomas Corporate filing as exotic Reynolds Inc is not at 414 Main Street Dustin Florida bet at 16627 Deer Path Lane in Wellington Florida a property which I will point out is in worth is worth over a million dollars Mr Thomas does indeed intend to if Mr Thomas does indeed intend to reside at 414 Main Street it would be as a tenant of the company that's normal legal description the definition the company is the actual owner however the definition definition used in that section also limits the owner to two bedrooms as rental purposes for rental occupancy to a single individual 10 bedrooms are substantially in excess of that amount so it is a hotel a motel a bed and breakfast or other transy accommodation it seems rather hard to claim otherwise exotic rentals is a rental company when they purchase the property and pull the permit their business permit listed them as hotels motels and long-term rentals a description which has since changed the ldr-vicky form to the existing and adjacent and nearby residents in any way again a violation of death and city codes this project was improperly permitted and the permit should be resented immediately thank you again for your time before you leave name an address please I'm sorry name and address your name and address 3796 m l Lane and your name just for the record pardon me your name Lee Lee Parker all right thank you so much thank you very much Mr wag all right no more cutting Brian Auto 3826 Indian Trail there's a red Jeep red Jeep Wrangler with a lights on in the parking lot you might want to go check yourself there you go wonderful uh Mr gues House's the neck appreciate it showing up today didn't you have neck surgery yes no I hope you're okay with your neck surgery right oh okay never mind all right couple things here real quick um Joe's by you doc I listened to the last meeting only thing I ask don't keep it closed as long as possible like I know it has to probably be closed to fix it right like I get it but like no wash down station no nothing get it open right like whatever it takes to keep it open and running for your citizens of destined there's a huge huge value there to us that use it on a daily basis as a resident um honestly I only had one question about 414 I've been listening and I'm going to continue to listen but I the one thing that keeps coming to my mind is if we had an LDC like we've been talking about for two to three years would we not be here today that's just my only question thank you Rano all right appreciate that thank you all right anyone else from the left thank you for asking about I appreciate all right I'm going to close public comments at this time yep all right and we'll start off with the consent agenda do I have a motion May if I may before we proceed please since we have so many people here tonight that are interested in the Main Street property could you have the City attorney give us a brief update about what the status is of that I'd be happy to um I I think I've spoken with most of the council about this at this point but um the permit was initially issued um and then when it became um clear to the city that there was some additional information on what was going to be um occurring at the property the city did Issue a stop work order so the construction has been halted and they do not have any authority to proceed um at this time and um other than that I would be happy to answer any additional questions that you might have all right thank you so much all right so move along to the consent agenda does anyone have a motion motion do I hear a second motion a second call on the vote the consent a through e all right eyes have it so moved moving right along Miss city manager good evening uh mayor council members and uh citizens of deson I'm sitting in this week for lisis zunzi while he's um enjoying a well-deserved trip to the UK uh he'll be back next Monday uh so first on the city manager's report uh we have a request from the fire district to use a small portion of Clement Taylor Park and the Overflow parking at Joe's Bayou to Stage materials for the dock that they're building um at their site that's over by uh Clement Taylor Park um we have the do we have trying to see uh yes we do we have Mike Buckingham here uh representing the fire district um if we have any questions from Council about the use um there may be some comments from staff or from Council Members as well to be shared do you have anything off the bat or just answers I got it all right jump in um tonight is commissioner Buckingham I'm with the fire district and we're here to um request and ask the city if they'd work with us a little bit on what we feel is um something pretty special as of what we know we are are the only um full um medical Marina uh SL do in the Panhandle um we are going to provide uh slips for not only the the fireboats but the okoa sheriff's department um and FWC um and also um we are we've been asked by um city manager and code enforcement to see if we would have a slip for code enforcement for the city um of course we do so we're working out the uh the language um to allow um the city to have code enforcement there also um there might be a small little issue with some small parking on that but I've been told that that would not be an issue since the city uh is going to have a slip and they have the park next door they got plenty of parking next door for themselves so we shouldn't have a problem with that um but what we are asking for I sent a email to the city manager and pictures what we're asking for is a I mean very small piece up in the corner at um at Joe's Bayou at the old concrete plant um but also a very small piece up at Clement Taylor Park right next to where we're building the park I mean where we're building the dock um so we could store a little material there also didn't feel it would be an issue but I was asked to come out here and and ask you all this evening if it was possible and if there's any questions I would have to to answer we we're blessed guys um you know we we we survived All State agencies um with this doc um they all approved it and you know we got got approval from the city obvious so we we've gone through a a pretty pretty tough cycle to get this Dock done CU it's a big dock but it is going to be like I said Destin's first Emergency Response Center so we're proud of it and that's what it's going to that's what we're going to call it appreciate you being here all right up first councilman Stevens uh do we need to make a motion on this if so um I want to make a motion to where we can uh approve you guys to use uh um the properties to get your docks built as long as we can be stipulation there that's done before Memorial Day or all the stuff's moved before Memorial Day I Promise You John we're going to do everything possible because it's supposed to be done by the end of May but whatever we got to do you know me I'll make sure it's cleaned up and put up right all right I have a motion with stipulation do I have a second second motion a second continuing discussion John do you have anything else to add all right moving on uh councilman Schmidt thank you sir thanks Mike for commissioner for being here do we have those pictures because they're not in our packet they were sent to Lewis so he's got them but there is it possible that we could see on the map where you're wanting to do this you out the map yes I don't have it with me you got a c m Andy's pulling a map up for you um yeah not a problem it's very small piece what's the reason why it can't be done on the property that's being built like why does there need why is this needed I'm curious well our facility our facility is completely built out you know it's kind of hard to bring I mean could it be done yeah um Is it feasible absolutely not um and why both locations why both locations because what we'd like to do is bring all the pilings over at the Joe's byou and and launch them and load them there because for some reason which that's a whole another uh uh thing I'd like to bring up in front of this Council in this future is not being able to bring material to the boat ramp it's kind of ridiculous but since we can't we need someplace to unload it and and store it that's what we're doing so it gets unloaded there m and then how does it and we will we'll load it onto the water from there and then what's happening well I say we the the the contractor and what's happening at Calhoun Park what's that needed for not Calhoun Park The Clement clor Park Sor it's right next door we're going to we're asking to store some material on the far uh back corner over by where our property is adjacent to our property so it's easy to hand a material back and fourth over now isn't that the same back corner that's the only Corner that that you're able to access the water that's the back corner that you can access the water right that's the only back corner where's the there's a seaw wall that I think federal government gave us money or something to do down there right yeah gra the hand M walk over there Bo yeah use your finger laser yeah if you can if you can see right in the middle of that picture you see that yes that's the new uh garage that houses the fire trucks okay so if you go straight towards the water okay I don't see right there right about where you're right no back up a little bit inside the beach right there right underneath that tree is where we want to store a little material so we can take it walk it right isn't that your property right there it's it's citizens I think behind that that's that's your Firehouse right okay there's a better okay now take the take go go up a little bit towards the water right right in that corner just in that corner right there no way back way back right right there in the corner yes correct right there right so that's where the beach is correct right so I mean but we're not going to put we're not going to put it on the beach no we're talk but potential safety concerned where people are launching their kayak we're going to fence we're going to put fence around safety fence right I I want to support Destin fire what y'all do safety I love it um I just have concerns about one being in the way at Joe's Bayou boat launch unless you're going to guarantee it's going to be clear out there by Memorial and then two putting it right there with the only access that citizens have to access that water whether you fence it or not it's just still a little concerning you know because three were doing something that I want to make sure we'd be able to do something for another citizen or a partner if they came and asked us I want to treat everybody fairly so I just I have a little concerns I wish we had better pictures but um I just I don't know I just have a little concerns and I and I and I understand not very clear unfortunately for me I understand your concerns Kevin but like I just told John I personally I'm going to make sure that it's cleaned up and stayed right and fenced off and you know I mean I'll support the motion if he wants to make a amendment to make sure that it's taken out out of there and it's not you have it in your motion right now he's got it in his motion that's in his motion what was your motion Kim can you repeat my motion my fear was your response do everything you can the motion is to use Mr Buckingham's request if done by Memorial Day both parks and it was seconded by Mr dtin that's fine my concern is your response Mr Bingham which I do believe you and trust you but you said you're going to do everything that you can Kevin you just trusted me for three years to build SES are you serious we're doing it correctly you just trusted me for three years to build your Park did you not and I did a good job there did I not thank you for your assistance for doing that Mr Buckingham for free I appreciate it all right C Bagby okay so yeah I I may have had the same concern just based on the the response that you'll do everything you can to get it clear by Memorial Day I believe you will I think what what he's saying what what John's saying what we're all saying is it will be done by Memorial Day or it'll be on your property somewhere and that as long as we all agree with that and I think we all agree with that I think you're going to in your motion and we'll I think everybody will be happy uh I'm not sure why you wouldn't put your your what I will call close by staging materials other than they would be close to the road uh close to Calhoun is out by where the entrance Tire Park is so that you could drive over pick up whatever you got to pick up come back around I I'm a little concerned that it's going to be down there by the beach uh because that is the beach access for the base but as long as it's all going to be done and restored by Memorial Day I'm happy than all right Council M King thank you sir yeah I was just I had the same concerns I think you know however I think I look probably look at it a little bit differently you know if it was my neighbor that wanted to build a dock and it made their life way easier to put their you know if I could accommodate them and put my put their stuff just across the fence I mean that's what we're doing in this town trying to be good neighbors so you know there's a lot of we stand to benefit from this the the I think the fire department the who else is using that I mean code the yeah I mean it's just whatever we can do I I'm kind of of the Mind whatever we can do to make it more efficient I was going to say the same thing you know whatever's not used up on Memorial Day let's get it on y'all's property if possible sweet all right Council Dustin wrapping it up Mike you sure to Mike I can him over here when you when you speak you got turn the button hey just please make sure you use your microphone because you're not picking up without on the record I'm so sorry thank you yeah I was just going to observe that the fire department is not just a citizen asking they're a fellow government entity they provide the fire protection and the medical services and if they didn't we would be compelled to do so ourselves so to help them is helping ourselves and as far as the pilin being launched from the ramp I don't know if any of you ever try to take big heavy pylons across to seaw wall or a beach they can tear things up so to go through the ramp and towed around is the way it needs to be done so I'll I'll support it especially since I have confidence that they'll get it out of there by Memorial Day they they have to Mr D thank you for bringing that up because we the D fire district brought this to the city here about 10 years ago maybe 12 years ago and we asked y all to take the fire department over and y'all didn't want it we would love for you guys to take it over we would we would love for you guys to take it over and and we're sincere we're very sincere we we would give it to you all in a heartbeat to run it but you know we we're here to to to as far as safety you we're right next door so we're going to do everything we can to make it right hey Mike real quick where where did you say y'all are GNA um where did you say y'all are going to store the stuff at Joe's byy you show your's Joe's back up corner I'm sorry I'm sorry you guys telling Secrets up here I'm I'm so used to I'm sorry I'm sorry Kim I know better okay Johnny Johnny if looking at the I'm not concerned about it I just want to make sure everybody on the public record knows where this stuff's going to be the far left corner you're not even going to know we're up there okay we're going to be in the far left corner plenty of ground there that's not being used atwest plenty of ground yes sirw southwest corner yes sir hey Andy can you pull up Joe's byou so he can point it out I'm sorry sir oh I was going to see if Andy can pull up Joe's byou on the map so yeah that' be fine Andy you know this city left and right yet go back over to Joe's Joe's value he's almost there there you go so you're saying Southeast little bit there you go right there you see the see the pave Road right there that I built I did that for yall okay that we had some left over material we did I just wanted Kevin to know that but if you go to the end of that road right there go up to the end of that road right there no no back up back on the concrete plant no no on the concrete plant property I'm sorry I didn't know he was doing it I'm sorry yeah right there see where see where Mike's got that right up in that area only just in that small little area up there that's it says all right I don't see any other so we're going to call the vote all right there you go Mike what a Salesman eyes have it commissioner Buckingham just just one comment could you please coordinate with Lisa F just so that the parks and direct uh Parks and Rec people can you know work with you to coordin off with their stuff yes good thank you yes all right all right Miss rickland back to you all right so uh the next item on the city manager's report uh we have a request from the uh Faith Coast Church which is right next door to our uh Buck dtin Park uh for a CH temporary change of use um they'd like to put on a festival beginning um April 4th through April 14th uh for 11 days and um we have the the report in front of you we have their request uh staff is recommending that we shorten the hours on the weekday nights because those are school nights uh to keep the noise down for the the children in the area um with that I think I should let um let yeah Steve um Steve will you will you uh describe the item for absolutely um as uh uh Crystal stated they are requesting for a festival at uh uh Faith Coast Campus off a Legion Drive um it is for 10 days um and our recommendation based on um the activity is to reduce the requested hours that they had um down to so weekdays from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the music shut off at 7 p.m. Saturdays 11: a.m. to 10: p.m. with music shut off at 9:00 and Sundays uh 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. with music shut off at 9:00 as well um we did receive oh also um the uh condition number five in the staff report that can be scratched um as that's kind of a duplicate of uh the original request for those hours um and it needs to be replaced with a uh condition that all state permits and inspections are completed and passed per state statutes uh chapter 616 um so that's the change to the staff report there we did receive an email from a citizen a Mr Seattle Alderman um he provided a few further recommendations uh for this um first recommended uh recommendation is uh to not allow the festival to go on for 10 days um they recommend to limit this uh from Thursday to Sunday secondly um to uh for on school nights uh for the music to be shut off no later than 700 p.m. um and then third there was concern about the high traffic of uh pedestrians as well as the shuttle uh that they're proposing from the offsite churches uh off-site church parking lots uh in the packet and then so for final thoughts on that um the requested hours uh per this uh email was uh Thursday 4424 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. music shut off at 7:00 p.m. and off-duty police officers uh Friday 4524 4:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. music shut off at 7:00 um I'm sorry m music turned down at 7 and shut off at 9: um with Off Duty Officers as well and then Saturday 4 624 11:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. with music and amplifiers turned down at 700 p.m. and shut off at 9:00 p.m. with off-duty police officers and then Sunday uh 47:24 from 2: p.m. to 8:00 p.m. music and aamp fly shut off off at 7:00 p.m. and Off Duty Officers as well um so that's the that's the email in nutshell we'll provide that into the the record uh for this item um with that if there are any questions of Staff the applicant is also here um if there are any questions for them you guys have anything or do you like to speak on theer yeah the applicant yep hey good to see you back same as the rest just hit that gray button yeah so uh thank you for your time and uh Our intention is to create a fun familyfriendly event for the um we are Faith Coast Academy as well as Faith Coast Church we I'm proud to say our Destin's only private uh school and so we'd like to create an event where our students and parents and families and friends can come out and obviously welcome the community as well uh so Our intention is to be a blessing to the community not create any uh trauma or issues for the community and um we're excited about it we think it can be a great thing uh for the families to come out and have fun uh I know me somebody mentioned something about the length uh one of the residents I guess that wrote in mentioned something about the length and uh the length we're just taking cues from people who' have done this before um because there's not a lot of advertising for it it's really like word of mouth and people seeing it so the length is so that people have time to find out about it and decide are we going to go let's get there before it's over so uh we expect it would ramp up toward the end um of the time frame so um that's it but I can answer any questions and have the Advent manager here as well all right uh Council M Dustin thank you mayor do you understand the restrictions and the parameters that the staff is proposing to put on your festival and you can still do it without having too much problem yes sir we can thanks cust Bagby that was my question I'll go ahead and make the motion to approve with the stipulations stated by the staff okay Motion in second uh any further all right Council M Schmid thank you nice to see you again sir thanks for joining us uh I do have a few questions I spoke to a lot of people in the neighborhood as well so some of them couldn't come so I wanted to get their questions asked um you mentioned about doing a blessing for the community I appreciate that but what's the overall purpose of the event um obviously uh one of the big motivations for us is visibility um we are getting ready to move into a new school year and so we just want a lot of the families to know that we're there a lot of our parents find out about us and have found out about us through word of mouth and they are excited when they find out about us and they're like I wish I had have known you were here well we're new we just started so um one of the things is just to put us on the map in in uh in front of a lot of the families and then uh I heard mention of security was that in the Steve's was that your one of your conditions no that was a recommendation from the resentation what's your plan for security during the day during the night um we have volunteers uh that are a part of our ministry that are available to assist us with just keeping eyes on and then obviously any recommendations that uh we need to comply with with Off Duty Officers uh we want to have them there for that as well so is that answering the question purp there's currently no contract with the sheriff's department to provide well we have uh an agreement placed with them because they come on Sundays and our on our campus on Sundays for services on occasion um it's kind of on an as needed basis we'll call them out and they come so that is in place but uh not for this event yet we're waiting until um it's it's an okay from you I'm seeing Captain fulam leaning over do you have anything sir yeah I understand this event is going to be 11 days from now no sir two days I think two days starts on the four April 4th okay uh please give us your input yeah it you're probably going to have a difficult time getting off-duty deputies scheduled in two days I'm not going to say it's impossible but um this time of year the off-duty Deputy um the tax on off duty deputies is with spring break going on they're working in a lot of places um you'll definitely have to pay an increased fee for a short notice detail but uh I'm not sure that you're going to be able to get it in two days I'm not willing to say that you're not going to be able to but it's going to be a it'll be a heavy lift to get get coverage in two days I appreciate that so who is PL media is that what it's called I can't remember I wrote that down wrong the event manager is here with me Amano jolly that's him gotcha so are they like they do not festivals acoss exactly we're not in the business doing it he's been doing it for years and years so we're following his lead and take and his recommendations from his years of experience in running these types of events yeah and then there's no parking at all on site um all the parking is going to be at Methodist Church and Corpus Christie uh I don't know if that's completely accurate the the Ada parking will be provided on site but everything else will be provided at the um two other campuses was that God I didn't see who that was who answered he's got long hair oh Steve okay thank you Steve so when you look at the map of your um your application it has a green barrier around part of the map what's that green barrier would that be a fence a mano hey good good day uh councilman and mayor uh my name is amansa Jolly um so that green line is just to tell the distance between the fence line and where we'll start to uh place the rides right so that's that 25 ft away from the fence lines okay so the 88 parking is going to be where do you know Steve uh yes on the uh west side of the main building also the the just to provide a little bit more clarity the green area identifies the activity area um and the parking ratio um is based off of either number of seating or gross activity area um at a um one per four per seating uh and or 1 per 150 uh for the gross activity area and so they gave us that um square footage of the activity area to get is that parking ratio okay and I know we have Buck Dustin park right there what are the hours of buck Dustin Park jump in Lisa the sunrise sunset and then um any of the rentals at in the house um we do require them to be out by 900 p.m. gotcha so do you know I'm not sure Lisa maybe this would be for you but do we have any anything thought about or in place to not have parking inside Buck Destin's parking lot for people to come to this event we will definitely have to secure it and I did kind of mention to code I might need to have them help me a little bit but um yeah we'll have to like we do at the uh Community Center when we have an event we'll have to monitor it because we use buckus and every day and pretty much every night okay and then the shuttle it's being used what kind of shuttle is being used between the churches and your event uh the low speeed Vehicles okay and then so whenever the stipulation says that it has to be able to pull in and out without in the RightWay blocking the RightWay is that what you said yeah correct um currently it's not allowed uh for non-residential uses to back into the ride of way uh as a means of egress so the requirement is to be able to pull onto the property and turn around fully so they can pull out front way and is that something that's going to be doable I guess based upon the setup yeah okay um thank you for all the entertaining all the questions here um thank you you know I I uh I've talked to a lot of people I say a lot five to six because you know just just got brought to our attention but people that live there uh they're very concerned about the um just the congestion and traffic of both foot walking lsvs down Legion all afternoon and evening um for 10 days um they want to have their fall festival or sorry sorry not fall festival but Festival Food and food and Festival is that what it is um but they just don't think that it's best to be we're talking about a 10-bedroom house earlier and no comparison but we we heard earlier that this doesn't fit with that area right the festival that you're showing us does not fit in that area in my opinion and a lot of other people's opinions so um I would rather propose a substitute motion to lower it to Thursday to Sunday with the same stipulations that a motion it is all right do I have a second on that motion I'll second that all right anything else I got a couple more on the Das for discussion since you got second councilman Stevens yeah um I guess I got two questions um one of them is with your message board um just want to make sure that that's not going to be on the sidewalk it's going to be to where people and walk through and all that is that is that correct yes cool yes sir all right and then um I guess the next question would be kind um I guess for a uh fum in the back um if they were to delay the uh the event where to Thursday to Sunday would it be easier for them to get Off Duty Officers yeah any you know obviously the further out they go from today the easier it's going to be to find someone to cover it um but again it's still going to be a very short notice detail okay um because my worries is if we approve this uh event without having uh Security on some of those days um I mean that's concern so I I I I kind of agree with Kevin on delaying it to where you could potentially get those Law Enforcement Officers to provide security so that's all I got all right Council M um with an event like this I would not support shorten of the time it's going to be a word of mouth thing so the first weekend it's not going to be that busy uh there's in my opinion there would be no opportunity for them to recoup whatever funds they have um in order to to function or or utilize this this event properly um it's not in my opinion the same as 44 or 414 Main Street because this is a temporary this isn't a a a permanent structure uh I also appreciate the fact it's a benefit to the community um so I'm not going to be supporting the shorten time I'm going to support the original uh motion is there any fees for the festival to get in administrative like to interest fee okay yes all right uh Council meston thank you mayor and I guess this question will be directed toward the staff this is an existing church right there's a church on this site and I see Festival at churches all the time does the city have an organ have an ordinance that regulates when and how a church in a proper zoning area can how how they do festivals um so the no there isn't anything specifically in any city ordinance that requires a weekend Festival however given the request the length the um gravitude or the gravity of every everything that's involved uh staff felt that it was best to go through this change temporary change the use process so that we could go through a full review of everything that's being done um so that we can address all everything appropriately so there's a number of days if you have over that number of days festivals in a year that we trigger this more intense review I so essentially what it boils down to is that the festival that are generally done at other uh uh churches are generally for the congregants and members of that church and they're generally held over a weekend um this is open to everyone I mean I those other festivals are generally open to everyone as well um but but specifically they're kind of meant for the the congregation this is anyone from around the area um is meant to to come here um to raise awareness of the the the church the academy all that sort of stuff so staff felt that this would be the most appropriate route to go um considering the uh the request with all due respect it appears you're flying by the city of your Fant and you have no support in any kind of ordinance or rules and regulations um and on that note I think I will support the first motion but we can certainly pass the second and I'm afraid you know this worries me that we're set in some kind of a president precedence here that we have the authority to regulate festivals at churches which we most disly do not right uh Council McKing thank you sir um yeah I think for first time in a long time I agree with Tori um so no uh yeah I'm I'm you know I appreciate community outreach I appreciate what you guys are doing there's you know it's seemingly new thing that you all have coming to us um you know I would I would support I support the original motion I like the conditions that we put in um for the community I flip side is if I lived you know in one of those neighborhoods I've got a I have a one-year-old if you kept my kid up you'd be hearing from me you know by way of my wife um so so I mean I I support it with the with the conditions that we have and and and I think the same thing who you know we don't we don't have an ordinance we don't there's nothing there's nothing in our code says you can't do this I don't I don't see why we would tell them why we would tell them we couldn't do it they couldn't do it lastly can you describe to us what the event's going to look like I mean we see pictures but can you tell us what what's going to be going on and uh what I mean I know we have an idea of what to expect but can you give us an idea of your vision on what this is shess plug yeah thank you great um our hope would be that it would create you know some traffic issues because that would be good people found out about it and want to come uh when we started it our goal was just to put on an event that is something that brings a lot of joy to everybody that's why we got a guy involved with his named Jolly like we're trying to make it um in the front lawn we're having inflatables for kids which is very familiar on Church campuses um we have uh very small carnival type rides um nothing that you would see at a a respectable Fair probably um it's just something that make the kids want to come out and then food vendors so that the families while the kids are hungry are having options to enjoy food from local food trucks and things like that so um that's the goal I if it you know turns into traffic jams and things like that then um that would be uh a negative on some level but we'd be like wow that's is more popular than we thought um but we'd love for it to um just be something that has positive feedback even from residents on Legion uh cuz that's they're in our backyard those are our neighbors that's great thank thank you sorry uh sorry having to deal with this but we uh excited to see how it looks right thank you councilman Bagby thanks I I agree with Tori too and that's more surprising than you agree with Tori okay uh and I agree with Mr Destin uh but that's not surprising to anybody the uh we need to be tread very carefully you know the staff had some apprehension they they asked that you make some restrictions on noise times and all this other stuff you did that uh you know we have a fish fry at my church uh which has turned into a regional fish fry because there's not enough people going to the individual Catholic churches in the area so we just you know it's here at this Catholic Church one Friday and it's there another Friday and nobody's going to regulate that and we have a lot of people probably more in one day than y'all will have in any one day other than Saturday or Sunday my question for the substitute motion maker in second is Thursday through Sunday which one because there's two Thursday through Sunday periods here so are yall talking the first Thursday through you know the 4th through the 5ifth 6th 7th are you talking the 9th through the 14th or 10th through the 14th Kevin one of you I mean sounds like yall are ready to open up shop three days from now so I mean I don't think you want us to change it at all I imagine you probably have contracts in place you have bands lined up you have all sorts of stuff so um but if if that were to pass I guess the question is which one would be better for yall do you have a preference what I think what he's at what he's what he's saying is if my motion passes with four people you're going to have to do it Thursday through Sunday right which one which one which one will TR which week the 4th through the 7th or the 10th through the 14th or 11 Guess 10th 14 11 11 through 14 my bad okay just to clarify sure okay you that John for a second okay so uh I I won't support the substitute I mean I I want you to you know have a chance to build your congregation and I trust me I understand what what the neighbors are dealing I have rental houses all around me and spring break they're all full this week cuz people from Atlanta and Texas and Tennessee and all these other places and the noise they our quiet time is 10:00 and at 10:00 if they're still making noise or I can hear them I call the security I call the sheriff and it gets fixed but we haven't had a problem this year and I hope we don't have a problem this summer but uh you know people have a right to reach out to the community everybody in the community can go to it I hope you have full you know you have a parking problem at the Catholic church or at the other churches but uh yeah thank you for bringing some activity kid-friendly activity to our community thank you sir all right k m Schmid final words CH just a couple uh one quick question for U Mr Troy the ordinances that we do have in place what's the Sound Ordinance for people that are listening or Kim or Troy whoever can answer that question I don't know I was asking Troy or Kim yeah so 300 ft the noise um needs to be reasonable from 300 ft from the property line right so the issue that one of the issues that staff was concerned about for this particular application and and I think the reason why they wanted to take it to council is because the residential there is closer than 300 ft so there wouldn't be a way really without putting this into place to regulate the noise for the nearby residents so but I believe you know after further conversations with staff that the church was happy to accommodate those revised um scheduling so that you know the children that can go to bed on time and the noise will stop by seven on week nights and then end by 8 and and so on so I think it was resolved by the conditions but that was the reason um that staff was concerned so um who's the direct point of contact for the festival if like our staff needs to reach out to anybody during the event myself find it they have your information yes great spoken several times well I appreciate it and I and I support uh staff that brought this to our attention um I I love having a good time people that know me know that so um I'm sure I'll be there with my three kids as well Wonder um but um you know like they just said the stage is facing a house it's barely 300 feet away so according to our ordinances they could make that call and they could be complaining and hopefully it's all going to be a family you know they'll be happy and not making the call but that's what we were potentially setting ourselves up for understand process will follow itself so and I certainly don't want to um uh belabor it but our goal is not to offend any of our neighbors I know so we're going to behave looking out for all the I appreciate it thank you very much you all right so with that we're going to call uh the role on the substitute motion for a Thursday Sunday the second week of that so I'm calling the vote all right okay all right so that fails so now we're back to the the first you have all right so we're back to the first motion of as intended with the previous agreed on so call on the vote all right eyes have it so moved congratulations guys thank you if I would love to invite everybody to join us April 4th through the so last question as a Shameless plug what's like the age range that you guys are planning this for um the rides are more kid focused so Middle School elementary okay perfect all right thank you guys so much thank you all right M Strickland he all right yep all right team uh I'm gonna put on my finance director hat and come to the podium so I can see your faces uh the next a proclamation that's right no proclamations uh we're going to review uh renewal and replacement options she wants to see all of your faces when this happens for everyone left in the room this is going to be a good one all right Andy is bringing up the slide presentation for us um the the goal of this presentation I just want to clarify is I'd like to put in place a renewal and replacement resolution so I'm going to walk us through some of the numbers uh there were some concerns raised over the last six months about how is this going to affect all the other Capital Improvement projects we have if we're just renewing and repl replacing the existing infrastructure we have uh so I have some of those answers here we're looking at the uh the 5-year period from 2025 to 2029 uh so we're going to just take a quick glance through all the capital projects we have going I'd like to show how much of non-general fund money is going to accomplish all of those major programs and here we are it's it's opening up looks like it's as a PDF instead of a slide for PowerPoint but that's okay we can work with this right Andy um so we're going to look at the uh the top major Capital Improvement projects we have just uh quickly glance through those uh and then we're going to see the effect on our general fund balance if we do those and the uh catch up on renewal and replacement uh so we have especially in uh Public Works we have a lot of of roadways that we really should have repaved uh more than 25 years ago um approximately 70% of our roadways are uh pass due for touching if we let them go too long sometimes the degradation goes so bad that it can be seven times more costly to uh address these so ah here we go look at that presentation is up uh so here's the agenda uh background effect on top uh capit Improvement projects the effect on the general fund balance we're going to see where the Gap is options to fund that Gap and then we're going to look at the two renewal and replacement plans one is to catch up with all of our deferred renewals and Replacements within five years the other one is to catch up on everything that's been deferred over seven years so here are the top priority projects on this first list uh these are items that where we already have commitments in place we have interlocal agreements in place Andor we have um parts of these projects already on order incumbered with purchase orders um I just want to point out let's see if I can get the laser to work nope new TVs old laser uh the First Column is the the estimated total cost so our top priority projects we're estimating will be about $34 million um the second column shows non-general fund sources that we have under contract to help pay for all of these projects and you can see we've got nearly 26 million dollar of non-general fund money going to accomplish these projects um anything that's not covered by those non- general fund sources falls into the next column called the shortfall so I'm going to assume that the general fund has to cover it unless we can raise other sources so we have some Grant applications out in the world right now and uh we're talking to the county we're talking to the state uh so we're trying to to fill that Gap but for now our general fund can handle this um on the next slide we have a few more oh there we skipped over that very quickly we have some highly desired projects that we have in the works uh the the linear Trail that's going to go um like back by uh juel Melvin Park is on there non-general funds resources we have applied so far as far as $8 million um The Pedestrian pathway under the bridge uh we're talking with a lot of different uh state agencies and uh local counterparts about that one uh undergrounding phase two I feel confident that the electric franchise fee is going to cover that second phase entirely um then we have uh we're we allocate some half penny money to our uh Public Safety and um pedestrian safety commit committee uh under trsf and then we have a bunch of other uh plan projects which I've summarized here uh all in all if we keep going forward let's see then we get up to the renewal and replacement program I threw in the fiveyear numbers uh over 9 million of the renewal and replacement program is also covered by non uh general fund sources primarily a gas tax number one and this is what I expect to bring in uh we've got the gas tax number one and I'm proposing in that we reallocate some of the Okaloosa half peny infrast infrastructure s tax money towards uh renewing and replacing our roadways in particular uh so here is just a quick look of the um the general fund for the next five years I anticipate that the general fund revenues will be over $11 million um that's coming from all the different sources uh adoram is one of the smallest of all of those sources just to remind people general fund operating expenses will be about 92 million um then the next level we have some transfers in and out the Town Center CRA is paying back the general fund um and and doing very well uh so we'll allow that to continue repaying for money they borrowed in past years the building fund uh shortfall needs to be addressed we shouldn't have to subsidize the building fund uh taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidize the building fund uh the billing permit fees really should be covering the cost of running that department um then we have some transfers out for capital projects planned and then transfers out for other things mostly it's uh debt uh the bottom line here is that uh we have about $25 million um well $26 million after all is said and done that we can apply towards renewal and replacement and other Capital Improvement projects so now that we know how much money we have um when I summarize all those previous slides you see that we have $98 Million worth of projects uh 67 million of non-general fund is going to cover it that leaves $31 million at right now I need the general fund to fill that Gap again unless I can bring in other Grant revenues and things to cover it so the the the shortfall is only $5 million so we're going to be we're going to be able to cover that um this slide I have some recommendations on uh some of the fees not not adval taxes but just fees that we could look at to fund that Gap uh for example if we make our building funds self-sufficient by increasing the the building permit fees uh that could generate about $2 million over the five-year period uh another one is we're looking at um our short-term rental condos condos do not register with a short-term rental fee like the single families do they have a big impact on Public Safety in particular um not to mention there's also an impact on our on our other infrastructure but Public Safety is the biggest one uh the the short-term condos have a huge impact on the people that the lifeguards have to manage and that um that's the reason that we have to have this secondary contract with the the sheriff's office um for augmented law enforcement in our town um we have the uh Mobility plan that's going to be coming back it's been through a lot of committees it's been out for a lot of uh and some workshops and it went out for another um bite at the Apple to to to generate some public input uh so that's going to be coming back to council within the next month if we can um adopt that Mobility plan that will set the basis for the impact fees for uh bike lanes and uh pedestrian multimodal all kinds of uh ways to get around town that will be very helpful uh we're also looking at our Recreation fees including potentially um adding a resident uh boat ramp pass just an annual a little annual fee to help us cover the cost of Staffing the the site and maintaining the uh maintaining all the work that fdp is going to be putting in there uh over the next years we're also looking at how to use less general fund money to address issues within the harbor we need to keep the harbor clean we need to continue doing the water testing we need to continue monitoring we also need to start raising regular funds to dredge the harbor uh in a better partnership with the county and other counterparts so uh we're looking at all of uh all those items as well so I feel pretty confident that we'll be able to bridge this Gap over the next five years and this is just a summary slide of those fees and what they could potentially bring in per year so now we're getting to the renewal and replacement fund uh you've seen some of these before um we've got 48% of our infrastructure and facilities are are seriously aged in they're getting into the critical area uh this is the roadways only 32 2% of the let's see 30% of our roadways have a good remaining useful life the other 70% are Beyond uh their normal useful life and they need updated um this is just a short summary of The this shows the um effect of inflation if we if we do everything under The Five-Year Plan uh it'll be about $235 $235,000 less expensive than doing it under the the seven-year plan because you're adding in the inflationary factor most particularly upon asphalt um and roadways is the the main category that we stretched back and forth to make sure we're meeting most of the other categories we've caught up upon for example the uh HVAC units on most of our buildings we were forced to change them out over this last year because they just simply went out so under emergency under emergencies we just had to replace them so a lot of things are um accidentally caught up that way it's just the the roadways and some Park facilities that are becoming really critical right now um this shows the difference between the top is a five-year plan and below is uh the seven-year plan this shows the cash flows uh that we're proposing to be able to keep a positive balance in the renewal and replacement fund to fund all of the the projects that we foresee being needed uh through 2029 So the 5year plan and the really isn't very much um so I'm going to be proposing the you know my recommendation would be to go with the five-year catchup plan um but we'll see what you guys have to say after this um this so just a rem reminder gas tax number one 100% of that goes right into the renewal and replacement program it supplies us about 550,000 a year but our actual need is about $1 and5 million doar per year to maintain what or to keep renewed what we need to renew uh most of the roadways surfaces will last 15 to 20 years sometimes a little more sometimes a little less and that's where the 1.5 million comes in at the current cost of asphalt divided by the number of square feet of roadways that we have um so one of the main things I'm proposing is that we reallocate the Okaloosa half penny ctax and I really wish the laser was working well it works oh look at that it works uh up here so I'm proposing that we take some of this 55% allocation that we've allocated to undergrounding so we H we're going to put 9 million there the electric franchise fee is more than adequately covering that amount so I'd like to take six million of that and pull it down over here to Public Works and safety because they they they're getting a small piece so I'd like to um move in that direction so that's a simple motion that Council would make it's not not in resolution format um for the renewal and replacement resolution there's the draft resolution it's uh a couple Pages down in your packet uh some of the items that I need from Council um will include setting a minimum balance um so I just proposed in this slide maybe our minimum fund balance is a million a year and I'd like to get there by 20 2031 uh and also we should have a maximum fund balance as well because if we're at the maximum you know then we should be diverting funds to do other Capital Improvement projects or potentially lower taxes or anything else that we could be doing but we shouldn't be asking you know uh putting funds away for something that's if it's not required so minimum and a maximum uh the maximum I was considering 5% of the net assets because that happens to be about equal to our annual depreciation per year so it was um just a a number that made sense to me when I was in the the water and wastewater field um the most common Covenant we would have with our our uh Bond holders was 5% of the previous year's revenues um which pretty you know tended to cover things pretty well our our bond holders like that a lot they like to know that we're maintaining our infrastructure especially we asking them for money to build anything uh so the next steps uh in April uh I'd like to adopt this renewal and replacement resolution uh and I'd like a commitment to reallocate the half penny infrastructure sh tax uh to take it away from undergrounding and apply it to our roadways and surface re uh yes our roadways um and I would like a minimum of a three-year general fund dollar commitment uh to put into the resolution so I'll say what we'd like to put in in January of 2025 in January of 2026 and January of 2027 the reason I say January is because that is when most of the adalum money comes into the city so that I wouldn't have to take something out of Investments you know just when it comes in fresh in cash I'll divert it into the investment account for Renewal and replacement instead of um the others um and in April um at the next meeting we plan to bring the Mobility plan back I believe either the April 15th meeting or the first meeting in in May um so that will be helpful and then our code compliance director has been working on he's been reviewing the status of all the short-term rentals and the impact that they're having on Public Safety in particular uh so he'll be bringing back a couple of options and proposals uh one is to leave the fees as they are based on square footage another is to have a separate different uh registration fee just for the condos that's different from the the single family residences that we have right now uh and then in June we'd like to uh propose um and request direction to send out the building permit fee study and have that refreshed by the Consultants by the rate Consultants U so they can bring you better numbers and get that fund self-sustaining uh so we've got questions and discussion and uh it's funny the when it turned into a PDF it didn't quite keep the same formatting as it was as a slide presentation um there just some reminders of how much we're collecting let's see anything in the else in there no I guess that's all that was in that that packet so in your um in your packets uh you have the two options you have catchup in Five-Year Plan catchup in seven-year plan each packet has an executive summary on what does what do the cash flows look like for each one uh how much would we be investing to fix um older items that that need fixing and but more importantly we have this this draft uh renewal and replacement resolution and on page two is where I'd be putting in the the commitment numbers so that's what we're looking for is a direction this this evening and comments from Council on what you would like this uh renewal and replacement resolution to look like so that I can prepare that and bring it back to the next meeting all right no one all right jump in first of all thank you and thank you Michael and everybody else that's done a lot of work on this uh that's sorely needed and it's kind of sad that we're here but we are here uh so I will make a motion uh that we approve the draft resolu or approve you to bring back a draft resolution uh that includes uh contributions on January 1st 2025 of 3.6 million January 1st of 2026 2.5 million January 1st of 2027 2.5 million and January 1st 2028 of 3 million per your fiveyear catchup plan I just think the five-year catchup plan is better than the seven years um we we need to get these roads and for any of you who haven't been out in Crystal Beach and I had the fortune to go to lunch at the Henderson with my wife and daughters and that new road out there is fabulous it is sweet and I would like every street and every Road in the city of Destin to look like that so you know I guess I guess you want us to just te treat this little bites of the elephant and then we can discuss and hopefully if we forget a bite you I'm sure you'll remind us so I I will make that motion uh because that's the biggest thing is whether not we want to do a 5-year plan or a seven-year plan and how much we want to contribute right so I got a motion to hear a second I'll second it and it's not that rare that I support Jim back it must have been Pastor Steve Ferris tonight all right so I got a motion in a second um up next councilman dtin thank you mayor and I appreciate the work you guys did too you put an awful lot into it um and I support the fact that we have to fix our roads and the various other equipment we have I've got a couple of questions though when at the beginning of the uh presentation you talked about phase two of the undergrounding and we're going forward and have voted to go forward with phase one which is approximately what 13 million that that's correct the estimates came in lower than anticipated um the Town Center CRA and the harbor CRA um they committed funds to accomplishing uh phase one and the the funds that's that are coming in from the electric franchise fee are filling in the Gap more than I anticipated we don't need as much of the okoa Penney infrastructure money to accomplish phase one and then phase two if we decide to go to a phase two um my current projections is that the electric franchise fee would more than adequately cover a phase two depending depending on what you all decide is the phase two and which is exactly the point that I'm trying to get to phase two is approximately 23 million no um how much is it phase two so the city of Destin was chopped into seven pieces right the count be um the consultant said that we can do the seven pieces in any order that we wish correct um piece two was to continue down Highway 98 from airport uh past the Henderson um but there's no north of that area is all unincorporated unincorporated city of D south of that is mostly just the the park the Henderson Park so that that would not benefit a lot of our residents and not a lot of the electric users that are paying that franchise fee exactly phase three chunk was from the end of Henderson out to the Walton County Line we have a lot of residents south of that area right in the Crystal Beach area and a lot of those neighborhoods are already undergrounded so this would just enhance uh what they have but again north of 98 that's all unincorporated uh city of duston so we might think about that um then then phase four goes into as they designed it and each of these were estimated to cost about 15 13 to$ 18 million um and shockingly this phase is actually coming in less than that you know $18 million you know high-end so I we're very impressed and very pleased with that so the next phase uh that was on the list was going north into West dest West D has a a few little Pockets that are undergrounded but for the most part it's it's not undergrounded and it would be nice to just extend what we've done under grounding on the you know on the US Highway 98 um it would be easy to extend that up and then there's another phase that's basically holiday aisle so that's how the consultant separated them out and like I said each phase was made to cost between 13 to $18 million okay we we've taken this the scenic route to my point we which is if we don't go forward with those undergrounding projects which I'm not sure that the council will vote for and I'm not sure the community really wants us to blow another $15 million on then that money would be available to greatly accelerate and enhance our replacement so that would just require uh rewriting of the franchise fee ordinance with FPL and we can do that and we're the correct yes that's right so that is also a funding mechanism that is is realistically out there and would solve a large part of our funding shortfall if not all of it and that would be a really wise thing to do as soon as we uh we get this contractor for phase one done and we know exactly how much franchise fee money we need and we should know that uh within the next 12 months or less right and so while I hardly support replac program because we have to have it or we're going to be able drive it on dirt roads and not have air conditioners and all the other things are associated the part that I am still uh contemplating and trying to come to a correct conclusion about is where we're going to get the money to the shortfall I think we have a number of options that's correct and so the resolution I don't have a problem with but we've got a lot of thought to go into where and how we're going to get the money and and I'm not sure the easy the the knee-jerk reaction of most government entities is is we're just going to raise taxes and fees cor that's not where we need to go in my opinion that's right I hardly agree with the short-term rental U if you're if you're using short-term rental to to make money you need to pay your fair share so the only point I make is that resolution saying we're going to do it I don't have a problem with that at all the nuts and bolts how we're going to fund it that's going to take a lot more contemplation on the on the part part of this Council thank you Council mmid thank you uh I know big pot of money is going to be coming up soon when we have the option to rediscussed TDC agreement so that'll be interesting um thank you Crystal and staff for all of this um like Mr Bagby said we're here so I agree um Mr Bagby did you want to add the half cent sales P half cent penny allocations into your motion as well or do you want to hold off on no I want to take bites of the El elephant that so that we know address first we have to agree we're going to do a renewal and replacement fund and and make the decision five or seven years I don't I don't want to Sure add all you know there's three other MO two at least two other motions that have to be made I don't want to put them all three together and then have it fall apart because one person didn't like this part of the motion and another person didn't like that part of the so I I I'm to help Crystal I want to keep it focused on and then if we have a disagreement on one of these topics that we discuss it up here but I I appreciate the offer and but I'll I'll make that motion next or you can make that motion sure I just yeah no worries um so uh and when when is the when does the table the allocations of the FY 25-32 like when does that that get stamped into place as a final living breathing uh budget Workshop number two is where we really zero in on exactly which projects we'll be doing in 2025 but we're going to you know this is our first draft uh so we'll have an opportunity at budget Workshop number two to discuss you know if you if you see projects on here some that are missing you'd like to pull them forward or some that you think are not at the critical point and you'd like to move them outward will give you that opportunity to talk to whatever uh facility director that is and awesome so P that up Mr Burgess can you when I go through the roads then we skip maybe it's just the way it prints out but what how why do we skip like a whole page or a page and a half and then we get to like Ocean View Drive randomly you know oh because it's sorted instead of sorting alphabetically it's sorted by uh which one are the most past due right but like for example Ocean View Drive is 11 years past due and there's a number there are 30 years I just didn't know how let me just look at how you're sure um so next page shows like these then you have these I see I see what you're talking about so um there are certain roads that they're just adjacent to something else that were in the area anyway and so instead of having a remobilization fee we said so if I if I can add to that councelor Smith we looked at three factors uh one Crystal just mentioned you know the age pass to we also every other year do a condition assessment on our roads that that weighed in and then addition like she just said adjacency so like for we just resurfaced Legion Drive where we're going to have the food truck festival here coming up starting Thursday but we did not do the Legion Drive section that's residential and there's a culde saac that comes off of that another street so while we're there it just makes sense to me that we would go ahead and do those while we're there and we would avoid mobilization costs and other Associated fees not fees but costs okay um I'm definitely supportive of Mr bby's original motion and I'll probably have something as well to add um for Renewal replacement I would like to see under parks and wreck to be considering more than just Morgan's lights and whatever the other item is um I want to make sure we're taking into consideration the actual parks that are primarily used by the city of dtin residents uh that we make sure we allocate funds to renew and replace items like that um we have ma major uh uh water runoff flooding issues at threadgill Park uh we have parking issues there we have pocket parks in dtin that probably need to be touched up on so I understand about the rust well I don't understand about the rust of the lights but um there's a lot of other entities that are responsible for what happens at those Parks as well that I want to make sure that the residents don't get forgotten about um so but that's for the budget workshop at a later time I just go ahead and adding my comments now um that's it for that and then I'll throw the motion out next after the next one right seeing no further discussion on councilman bagby's motion call on the vote all right five years it is so I'll just throw a second motion out to uh direct uh city manager staff to allocate reallocate okoa half cent sales tax to the proposed 34% Recreation 19% underground storm water 7% 40% Public Works is that second right motion second right any discussions yep yep all right go ahead U this is getting into the issue about where the money's coming from I'm not sure I have enough information to to tonight say that that's a correct allocation of those absents it's different substantially than what we're doing now isn't it uh yes it is so when we recalculated and did the reallocation uh projects that are on that uh primary list that first page in the the slideshow were taken first into consideration uh with undergrounding phase one is the top priority uh so undergrounding phase one is not using any general fund money that $15.2 million is completely covered by the remaining amount that's still in that uh undergrounding allocation from half penny and it's coming from the cash on hand that we have from the electric franchise and the um I'm going to be borrowing some some money uh once we have the the contract completely negotiated and we have three Source three sources that will be repaying the amount that I borrowed so I'm looking at approximately $1 million because we estimate the whole thing is going to be 15 million so I'm using the cash on hand that I have um and then the $11 million will be paid back by the town center and harbor CRA districts and the electric franchise fee going into future Years and we're looking at bonds probably a 30-year bond to match up the timing of the revenues I'll get that part the uh the question I have is is I would feel much more comfortable if we would set the funding end of this 5year plan to a workshop where we could sit down and really look at the numbers and uh as a as a group come up with something that we agree with uh to just do it tonight and and change our formulas on this and that and that is pretty halfhazard and not well thought out so I will I will make a substitute motion that directs staff city manager to set up a workshop so that we can work out the details of the funding plan for the 5year renewal at uh our soonest possible date right I have a sub for that do I have a motion substitute motion to to try to give these funding sources a little more contemplation okay second got a motion second anything further no okay all right councilman Bagby thanks and I understand your concerns um I obviously had a fairly in-depth uh discussion with staff today on this issue and and I think the S simplest way I won't support the substitute but the reason I won't is uh for a couple reasons number one the the funding scheme that we have the percentages we have anticipated uh $30 million or $28 million whatever it was and they they were set at those levels to support a 28 to30 million undergrounding for just phase one uh and then we thought it was going to be 50 for phase one and phase two and now we find out it's going to be 26 to 27 for phase one and phase two so we do have extra money here the other thing I would say is we can come back and readjust this uh distribution scheme these percentages at the next meeting or the next meeting you know or some more information becomes available what we're trying to do right now is to fund u a source of funding which doesn't raise taxes and by the way I agree with you on the short-term rentals whatever the max say we can charge them they ought to be paying it for condos and houses uh but I just I don't see the need for us to Workshop the the numbers are there I mean you you can meet with um Crystal tomorrow the next day and go through when she expands the worksheets cuz my concern was I had asked them to take it out over 20 years so that I could actually see uh the cash flows over 20 years and the you know if we're saying we're going to put an air conditioning unit here that in 10 years we say we're going to replace that air conditioning unit and it's actually on the cash flow chart and and they've done that and it's all the credit goes to Crystal uh and the rest of the staff that helped her but the the money is there that doesn't mean that we won't change our mind and say no or uh you know on the undergrounding we I can tell you the people uh South 98 that I've talked to both on holiday aisle and in Crystal Beach they wanted underground not just for the Aesthetics but for the resiliency that it provides because obviously we're the most flood prone and and damaged prone from a storm that would come in off the Gulf so I would say you know I can't speak for your neighborhood or any of the other parts of Destin as well even though I lived over off stalman uh for four years but those parts want it all we're trying to do tonight is give the staff Direction and help fund the plan that we've already said we want to uh catch back up on so that's that's may all right you want to jump in real quick to I'll jump quick L for this yeah okay and and I understand your thought process but the question is we're going to vote tonight on if we vote on the issue to uh to reallocate this money toward the replacement and renewal question is we have five six I don't know how many projects we have floating around that are pretty near and dear to some of our council members the Town Center the property by the bridge um these things are all things that are going to be funded or are not going to go forward if we take this right away and put it into this without contemplating the other avenues of Revenue that we have then we're going to shortterm those and and as you say we could change this tomorrow night the next meeting if that's the case then what's the rush to say this is what we're going to do tonight all right you want yeah thanks that uh Mr Bagby you kind of answered some of my questions and I you know your your expertise as far as the numbers and your expertise as far as the numbers go I personally rely heavily on on y'all um and so that was going to be my question is is this not something that we need to and along Mr Dustin's point is is this not something we need to push back and this is why my second is is this something that we need to push back in order to let the citizens know that we're considering doing so um now I don't know that I will support the substitute motion um but those were just questions I had and so but you answered a lot of my questions so thanks right C Schmid thank you um not support of a workshop to discuss this right now but I also think there might be a little confusion correct me if I'm wrong Mr Dustin the first motion that we just voted on was to allocate a fiveyear option to start proposing into a resolution correct that's you're going to take that and putation correct as well as like the dollar the maximum that Mr the maximum funding I think we didn't pass a minimum or maximum but we we put together are approval to put a 5-year plan together to renew and replace correct based upon certain dollar amounts and then how we and then at some point in April and May we're going to talk about some ideas to fund the $5 million shortfall that's correct right and those are the ideas about short-term Ral fees taxes or whatever that you know your ideas right now right all all fees at the moment no no taxes right my motion was to change the half cent penny tax allocation yeah that's an infrastructure sh tax which is an infrastructure sh tax which the only change the major change was underground 55 to 19 and then Public Works four to 40 correct so if we change this that's not impacting the top five six major projects that were you know right it's not right okay so this is right so I'm not sure if I misunderstood what your concerns were but I I think I understand it I'm not worried about those projects but if there's something that I'm missing that you were saying i' love to maybe be reminded of my point being that not that it necessarily affects those five but there are a lot of things we are contemplating that are not on that top five list and and it limits our options and uh you know changing the formula on the half cent impacts where we're going to get money somewhere else I think it's just you know a little premature to do that before we've gone through the workshop for the budgets to realize what expenses we are going to have and what we do want to spend money on it's just you know as as Jim says we could change this at the next meeting and and that may very well be so but I don't know what it behooves us to make a decision tonight short of the uh the workshops where we really get down to the real details of what we're going to spend and where the money is going to come from it's just you know we're we're changing a part of the formula of where the money is going to come from tonight but not the rest and when you change one part it affects the remaining parts so Crystal the half cent sales tax what are What are the perimeters of what we can and can't spend that on so it's intended for infrastructure uh we might have been stretching the meaning a little bit when we used it to purchase uh some land for Parks development but really a park is ultimately more City infrastructure uh but it's primarily intended for uh roadways and storm water um sidewalks multimodal Pathways and that sort of thing gotcha yeah that that was kind of to what I'm gathering is if if this is an open source and we could throw it anywhere then maybe we we would need to look at it but if it's very restrictive this seems to be a no-brainer as far as there's only a couple places we can put that money all right thank you for that right any other questions back in just make one observation please it's open source and restrictive we part of was allocated to do undergrounding it while it is restricted somewhat the way it works is when we're paying for these items and not using General Revenue in the General Revenue is and there's no such thing as a real restriction when you really look at it or very few yeah because everything can get fluid okay all right seeing no discussions I will call for the substitute motion for uh the workshop call on the vote no all right nose all right right anything else no um I but but what I can propose is you know uh notion yeah let's get that going first okay yep all right calling the original motion at least she's consistent gota be consistent got gotta go down with it all right yeah final words but but the one thing that I I can propose um usually bring the operating budget first because I I need to make sure that we're um budgeting for our operations and then at the second budget Workshop that's when I bring in the the capital Improvement component but this year it it's pretty we we have a really solid first draft I feel of our Capital Improvement so if uh if Council if you guys would like this I can bring both of the components to that first budget workshop on May 13th if you would like okay so yes okay so I'll bring the combined view to uh budget Workshop number one which will be held here on May 13th um just be aware and at on May 13th I'll just remind everybody I don't have the actual numbers from the property appraiser for that component until uh 1 of July not officially anyway um and also the economic uh Department uh research Department of the state of Florida that's where I get all of these other state revenues that are shared with the city and those numbers don't come out into the July to August time frame so I won't have all of next year's funding sources at hand on on that May 13th day but I think we'll have a really good solid look and we can go as as deep as you like into all of the details Jim do you have final yeah I just wanted to confirm with Crystal so we approved the draft as written and that includes the minimum of 1 million and the maximum of the 5% or five million so just want to make sure that you're okay with that and you didn't need a third motion okay okay no I'm clear and I'm I'm going to bring that resolution to the next meeting all right was there a third we needed to you're good no that was that was an option yeah you're in there awesome all right crystal you got everything you need I do thank you uh so we'll use the men and Max as drafted uh we're using we're looking at the fiveyear catchup program and I have your numbers for January 2025 26 27 and 28 um for the general fund to put funds in thank you very much thank you everyone for putting this together that's a lot absolutely plan right yes okay so um city manager hat back on all right so the next item we have is uh the MADD Kelly outfall engineering design permitting contract with Jenkins we have Scott Jenkins here in the the audience if you have any questions and Michael I believe or Joe bod Joe bod is representing engineering tonight and he can give a a short synopsis if you like all right Joe take it away okay uh we are looking at the um I'm sorry mad Kelly outfall uh kind of caught me a little off guard there um uh Scott Jenkins had done had did the gosh my English is terrible uh storm water Master Plan update and one of the projects was this area was looked at as a study um uh as a uh a study project to see how many projects could possibly come out of this through that whole entire area the other part was the outfall itself most of that data has been um captured through that storm water Master Plan update uh which gave us a really good cost estimate from uh Jenkins and Associates to uh look at and design the um mty Kelly outfall Mr you have anything we got we're good uh I was just going to make the recommended motion I moved to direct City Manager work with staff and Jenkins engineering to move forward with the Matty Kelly outfall project and approve the Jenkins engineering proposal second right motion a second any discussions Mr jenkin's been here all night do you have anything to add to thisly hit that button first hit that button I haven't gotten to speak the last couple of times I've been here so I'm out of practice but um Scott jingus with jings engineering glad to be here appreciate the opportunity to work with the city as always um couple of things just about the outfall that have really changed since stormw master plan one is the Joe Joe's Bayou project that's right next door really cool project um they're doing some offshore break Waters that'll really really benefit this outfall I think and we're going to take the opportunity to work with staff and tailor engineering and maybe talk about maybe lengthening one of those if we can just to make sure that we keep the sand out of that outfall point um and then also if I can talk staff into it I'd love to do something that's more like a little natural Arch cover with a natural bottom for the little bit of extra treatment a little better for the creatures that go back and forth um so I think it'd be a good opportunity to do that and I think that kind of fits in with some of your master plan language that's proposed so but happy to answer any questions that you guys may have I don't see any but okay been here all night just wanted to give you a bite at it all right all right call on the vote all right there he goes eyes have it so moved cool all right thank you mckin okay next we have our public information director Tam R young Dr T coming up to talk about public participation at Council meetings and workshops and come on up okay thank you I believe it was maybe two meetings ago that Council had directed staff to share some information about the process or processes that we take in encouraging public voices at various meetings particularly Council meetings and we've see a wide variety uh throughout the the meetings of attendance so I wanted to just walk us through what we do and then you guys can let us know if you think there's anything that we're missing the boat on or other ideas that you might have for things we want to do Andy can you switch thank you right so the so the process and its very basic form is once a council meeting agenda is created uh the clerk's office initiates this and the meeting date and time show up on the schedule events online on the city's website upon publishing an email goes to about 350 calendar subscribers and then there's 65 separate in a categorical area for city council and then 21 for special city council workshops and they get an email directed to their inbox box and I did test it out I really should have done that months ago but this process reminded me to test it out myself so I did subscribe to all of them recently just to make sure everything was working in good form and then we send the clerk's office sends a separate newspaper ad for any particular specialty public hearings um ordinance adoptions things like that at least 10 days prior to the meeting we do Post regularly at City Hall and on the annex and utilize bulletin boards we promote upcoming City Council meetings and special meetings such as the visioning session that we recently did that was well attended on our city Facebook page and then of course we live stream the City Council meetings and record for playback and I'll give you a little bit more in the metrics on that in a minute but I checked in with David just a minute ago and we do have 101 people that total tonight that have viewed things and currently have about 63 people that have stuck it out with us tonight this just shows a bit of the metrics that Facebook and Instagram provide so pretty for us and I'm experimenting right now with Sprout social and also loomly and testing those out they're they're both um social media management software that provides a lot of mechanisms to make everybody's jobs easier and the data analytics it's pretty crazy impressive what they can supply for us so this in particular was just one I tried to capture for you all showing the typic the way the metrics run is about a 28-day period you can extend it as far out as you want but 28 is is really the shortest they show so we're looking really good here but I will be um really clear that a lot depends on what we have just done you know we have these three really varied constituencies that we try to hit and it's interesting because when we focus just on the locals our social media metrics oftentimes don't look as good so we're trying really hard within the office to be creative and the way we're looking at different things going on not just in the community but things that you know our our third constituency those visitors and tourists like as well and then we also started gosh I guess it was about a four or five weeks ago trying to have a better brand on the meetings that we're promoting when it comes to social media so that hopefully over time there'll be a consistent look when people glance at it on our Facebook or Instagram they're going to recognize it's either something about an upcoming agenda for a city council meeting or something about a public meeting thanks okay for for YouTube um I mentioned tonight we had about 101 people that viewed us and about 60 they're still online but these are the metrics for that and um Andy and David kid and all of those guys do a good job about keeping up with that regularly this is an area that I'm hoping to do more with within public information over the next year we're starting to do more public service announcements and I would like to see those inter dispersed with the with the regular City Council meetings and the specialty meetings that we host public workshops I did ask around I'm lucky enough to work amongst some really great public information officers in the area we meet regularly and just share ideas with each other so I did reach out to them on things that they're doing and making sure that we're not missing the boat on anything particular we're all we're all really doing the same things you know making sure we're focusing on the website calendars making sure our social Med media poster up to date the two probably biggest differences I noticed was mikiko at Fort walon Beach um does a a lot of live posting so that's something that I think I need to consider within the office for the future and then chance with Crestview really does utilize digital TVs to a great extent uh in the lobby area so I know I I talked to my colleagues and I know we did have a stronger TV system in the in the past but there were some Pro pros and cons to it so I think if we were ever to move in that direction in the future we need to do a do it with a lot better technology and I briefly spoke to Andy and Michael about it in case that's something that we would want to do down the line I this next thing I want to make sure that this is an average when I asked Nick at the county what's an average attendance like he said it was six to 10 people and chance said Crest View was 3 to five obviously for both the county Crest View as well as us indicative of what we saw night it makes just a big difference if there's a controversial topic a Hot Topic it's going to change the the whole game but on average that's what they said they see thanks then um within my office we were looking around at what some other places do and how they're being creative in order to make sure that um less that the meetings are highly attended but more making sure that people feel like they have a voice and whatever Outlet to share so um these are just a couple of things that I read in one of the the Articles um by Jeffrey speac and what he had to say um a lot of it has to do with us going out meeting people on their terms in their places and not necessarily thinking that they're going to be coming to a Monday night city council meeting so you can see some of the um things they did they did pop-up events they did um set the table programs where they invited a certain key group that had a reason to be interested in the topic and then ask them to invite you know almost like the the five friends sort of thing uh to keep it it going so those are just kind of a super quick summary of of the ways the process that we engage in when it comes to public engagement and some of the things that we could consider certainly you guys noticed this but there's more attendance when we do recognitions or promotions like the little league stuff like that's when I I feel like it's shining in here and people people are are excited or or the holiday decorating events and things like that so that may be something we want to see how we can do more of an advance do you want to say the one on the right side Mary alen that's actually a friend of mine from hoer toown in Evansville Indiana and I it's it's a reminder that and that one's a silly one and she'd kill me if she knew I was using it but it's a reminder that I think that it's important for us to continue pushing this out but really people are way more excited to hear from you all some of you are very active on social media and that encourages great discussions others of you are fantastic about getting out into whether it's talking to Rotary or the Chamber of Commerce breakfast what have you um and and then I feel like I do notice a difference not necessarily just here but in um the fodder that we have on next door and other places about topics so I'm happy to entertain any questions or if you guys have suggestions for things that you would like to see any of us try out whether that's through the clerk's office like I said which does a lot of public information all right right up first I got councilman Stevens thanks tamaron I really appreciate that um I do have a quick question with um uh Civic plus list serve um I noticed when those emails come through it tends to come when the event starts um is there a way to maybe adjust it where maybe we could send an email out maybe in the morning and then also when the event starts that is a great question I'm not sure Andy do you know the answer to that yeah we do um that Civic um it's Clerk and when you publish the agenda that's the moment that that notification goes out um and the records clerks publish it as soon as they have all the authorizations to do so um we can I think I actually have an open ticket to look into additional notifications it just hasn't risen to the surface of um staff time at this point yeah so we'll keep that on our list and uh we'll go over that in our um senior leader meetings and yeah I'll pull that ticket up and bring it forward and and a bit along lines of that I did think that the notification system to sign up for it to subscribe it's not at all terribly difficult but it's a little confusion it's a little confusing the way the categorical areas are so I think that we do need to clean that up where that was going to be my question so just to follow it all the way through where do they go to sign up for the subscription as far as the email of notification if you go to the city's website uh the homepage and then there's an agenda area and a subscription area okay good thank you right uh cman uh Schmidt thanks mayor thank you Tam for putting this together uh a few questions comments uh possibly motion to do some more stuff here um I appreciate the insights that are being provided here uh but you know for example we just recently started promoting our meetings about a month ago on Facebook so you know most of the stuff that's being shown is stuff that we are already doing or not you know haven't been doing um you know we're advertising the newspaper um have we looked into like Facebook advertising and utilizing Geographic locations and and putting Those ads for meetings and things like that yeah that's a good question and we do have in the budget that you'll see uh the next the first round of budgeting we do have a area for that that we're requesting for more social media ads that can be targeted right but like we pay the newspaper I believe for that right so in theory we already have a budget for advertising right for the public hearings yes out of the clerk's office we do correct for meetings okay got you um the subscribers 365 what have we done have we have we done anything to increase that the 356 yeah we've we've worked a little bit with the Destin Chamber of Commerce and when we go into any groups like with their Destin Ford class and other places like that we're we're working to try to encourage them to subscribe to it but I do think um I do think after having just signed up for it I can see where there's some we probably need to beef some areas up to make it nicer right so it's I think it's important for me um maybe others is that we um you know the goal is is how can we get more engaged citizens to participate rather than when it's just controversy right on on the docket here uh because as I share with a lot of people in the community more stuff happens and these meetings y'all don't come to they're not controversial that you're going to see the biggest impact on your streets you know the the that the meetings that you're not coming to when we're making the biggest decisions on the LDC on the comp plans and all these things undergrounding all this stuff you know it's just because it's not about 414 or you know Main Street there's a lot of stuff going on so um I I also think I want to make sure for me you know you do a great job on some of the posts and sharing different things that are going on but I want to make sure that our office Pio whatever the department is I know it's just you right it's not a department but you have one person have a parttime person that's right you do I I I want to make sure though that we are differentiating what I feel like is social media management versus a PI right so we can hire a social media manager for good price save money but to me it's how do we get these citizens to be participating and so I I appreciate some of the stuff you got but most of it is just stuff we've been doing which isn't working in my opinion so um you know I I want to do more and I don't have all those answers is I'm not the expert um you know I don't think the newspapers are the things to do anymore I think you know there's other options out there for advertising the workshops I think we added a a workshop that somebody mentioned a minute ago that we asked y'all to do and I think one person came to the oh it was a council that was a councilman yes you know so I I just I I want to see how we can push forward so um I would prefer that I'd like to put a motion to direct city manager to bring back a policy and resolution form to plan our public information procedure and plan for the city of deson that the council can review and bless and provide guidance on in resolution form and policy that's just a motion I'm making all right got a motion do I hear a second all right dies for a lack of a second I'll I'll second it there you go all right so counc BBY yeah before before we get to that point I guess for that um number one I think you're doing a great job I think you and the team are doing a great job uh and I probably part of me knows a lot about this having run uh one of the larger marketing agencies in this area for two or three years but uh part of me doesn't know anything about this when you get down to a certain level uh so you know we we talk about there's really a couple of different issues here Civic engagement that used to be through the Committees so we had active committees they actually had uh a purpose they had you know work that they were doing it it was that benefited all of us and they were excited about serving on those committees and then they would tell their neighbors and you have seven people that live all over the city and they tell their you know three or four five eight 10 neighbors hey this is what we're doing at the parks or this is what we're doing on the roads or this is what we're doing on the sidewalks and they you know it it it didn't all have to come here and we we've lost a little bit of that and I know Sandy and the staff are trying to work to get that back but the the Committees really are part of that Civic engagement Solution on the information distribution uh yeah we have I think 37,000 Facebook followers on our city of dtin uh Facebook account is at least that's what Facebook says the uh uh Destin nightes has like 9.6 or 9.7 th000 uh followers so my question would be if it's just getting the information out you know do we have a list of and I don't want to call them influencers because that sounds like I know what I'm talking about which I don't but people you know the homeowners associations Indian valou Destiny Destiny East you know all these different homeowners association president or secretaries uh the desit lady I can't remember her name right now but there Whitney there's several of them yeah okay okay three of them you know if we could do they do we send out the agenda them and to them all those that group I mean I know you sent it to us I know you send it to everybody that signed up for it through the city of dtin but if we send it to folks that have these followings and say hey could you publish this just so all your people know and you know if you have any questions you're in the no now as opposed to You're just another citizen that you got to sign up at the for the distribution then they kind of get that information and they disperse it among their 9700 followers or their 242 houses or how many ever in their uh their Homeowner Association and then you get but really to me the engagement is if we can get these committees back engaged and get folks give giving them where they can actually do something like public works and Public Safety gets to spend money you know hey I well I was on that I think a couple of us up here were on that that that's the public engagement because you're right I mean I'm not I'm here half as long as Mr D's been here on the council not in the city he's been here forever but uh you know if they're building the Emerald Grand by God you cannot find a spare square foot in this room but if they're talking about reiding you know one of the ball fields up at Morgan Sports Center uh we're going to get six people and so that that's what I would ask y'all to look at is help re-engage committees but also look at who if we can get people to help us get the word out because I think that's one of the other things we're trying to do here but I think you're doing a great job you ask for ideas you know I I don't know how next door it works but I know all my neighbors are on next door I'm not because I got tired of going God get get a life but it is frustrating we are on there quite a lot our mayor is on there a lot go back and forth we we are do we are doing our best to keep up with it all and post the agenda stop misinformation but sh good stuff yeah okay thanks I only go on when I'm in a really good mood because it'll get you real quick all right cman King thank you sir um yeah I I don't I don't know that it's no offense I don't think it's necessary to bring this back in resolution for I wanted to hear what everybody else's opinion was Mr bagin bank's a great Point there's 30,000 people between Facebook and however many more on all the different Destin Pages if we can just I think if you can just share hot button it items or the agenda not even the agenda but just a hey we're having a city council meeting tonight it' be a pretty good metric on who on whether this is even going to work before we go making a resolution for it so uh if you can if you can I think you can get a pretty good idea as far as the law of averages goes if you if you put a post on there with the hey we're doing a city we got a city council meeting tonight couple few hours before the meeting we'll see how many people show up and that'll give us a pretty good idea of what what we're doing here all right I got a motion on the table right now one quick thing on that it's got to be more than a couple hours people are busy you know you got to do it a week out you got to do it before you mail it to us here's here's what is looking like is going to be on the city council agenda a week I might be able to plan a week out if you tell me tomorrow you're having a meeting I'm not coming because I already have tomorrow the next day I I have through Sunday planned right now unfortunately for for my life so you got to get it out earlier I'm saying a few hours as an example but if you can remind people oh yeah like you're saying I mean if I see it and I got nothing going on which is pretty much never never and that's my point you know but but we have people who are like oh man I tuned in on YouTube I got here as quick as I could you know what I mean so so all right see no further discussion can we clar what the motion is uh that and the motion was to bring back a policy and resolution form to um specify the plan exact plan and strategies and procedures for increasing our engagement at these meetings and workshops further than what they already are so we would need so in order to do this we would need to know what works already and I don't think I think that's where my pause is is I don't think we know exactly what works so help me understand how I'm I'm missing it second he was probably doing for a discussion yeah that's the point I was trying to trying to make a discussion yeah I would go ahead Kevin but I'm I'm thinking we're a little premature on the resolution it's all good so I mean uh to be blunt uh we got a a presentation tonight of what we are doing Mr Bagby says tamber's doing a good job I'm sure she is doing a good job but the rooms are still empty so whatever we have been doing is not working right we have 356 subscribers to our email account so why is it 356 people so how do we get to the next step how do we get there what are the actionable items that we are going to take to promote this to fix it and so for me I was wanting a policy in place to show us how we were going to get there rather than us just throwing out some ideas up here tonight I'm sure Tamar will take some of them maybe she won't that's fine that's her this is her job um but I was hoping a policy would come back that we could all agree on and put it in writing to understand that position because we need more engagement we need to do things better so that's my purpose answer one observation uh and I and I should probably just shut up and defer to Mr dtin but in the 12 years I've been doing this when people are here it's because we uh I can't use that word we mess something up staff me messed something up uh or the people are not happy about something that we or the staff had no control over that that's just my experience that's not always true like Tamara said you know they're all here for the to get their trophy for the holiday lights or the parade or the Little League or softball or whatever uh but when they're packed when we're truly packed and they stay after the first 10 minutes they're not happy and that the citizens are not happy and when we have no one here it's usually because they have better things to do or they feel like they allocate their time and say you know I'm pretty happy I don't want to go down and listen to them talk about the linear Park you know I can watch it on TV if I'm really that interested uh that that's just my experience so I'm not sure our goal is to get the room packed I I say all that to say this my goal is not to have the room packed every night my goal is to have citizens engaged through the Committees through our Facebook account through the thing so that but there's always going to be that person I didn't know they were talking about Buck dtin Park tonight or a festival or whatever next to it right I get that but I don't think my my goal is not to have this room packed my goal is actually to have everybody so happy that there's nobody here and they trust us to manage their money their tax re you know the tax dollars they give us uh and Trust in us to manage that properly and to do the best we can in in the fact that we don't have a lot of folks here kind of tells me that we're almost on the right I don't disagree with you uh Mr Bagby it's not my goal to pack this place either um it's about having people aware of what is going on and being engaged and and and know what's going on I can't speak to what you did 15 20 years ago up here but it's 2024 and things change right so what we do today should be different than what we did 10 15 20 years ago and it's no it's not unfortunately because we're still publishing in the Northwest Florida Daily News so we're still doing that I get it's Florida statue but there's also other ways Mr Stevens brought up something about Civic clerk that that item has been mentioned before and I think you said there's a ticket Andy which I appreciate but there's things that are broken in our system that are not working and so I know you spend time with different people than I do that's fine but when I spend time with a lot of people parents families neighbors we ask about what's going on in the city a lot of them are upset about the proactiveness and so it's well did why don't you come be part of well I didn't know I didn't know a lot of it's that that's their fault sometimes but they still don't know they don't know because we're not out there we're not sharing it we're not doing it dropping it on next door app where I guarantee there's probably about 10 people that are the loudest people in those groups on Facebook and next door that are the loudest ones and that's fine but there's a lot more citizens adusted in those top 10 people in those groups so it's okay if y'all don't want to do it but um I just feel like we're missing something and I'm trying to put that that finger on something to help guide the Pio department to get us there and I would like the council to help do that and that if this is how y'all want to do it that's I respect that it's fine but that's just my my reasoning here so it's not to get people in the doors cuz I'm like you no new no news is good news the educ educate I mean we post things in the Annex in the city hall that's fantastic I'm sure there's people that come through City Hall in the annex but why aren't we posting them at D elementary school or other places I I don't know there's just we've been doing that for who knows how long let's look at something different now go ahead sor that's okay I was just going to say we do and we are we do a lot of public presentations and things like that I didn't realize that that was what I should have been referencing tonight but we certainly do that on a regular basis hardly a week goes by that we aren't meeting with some constituency out there so that happens all the time and sometimes it's the mayor and I going out together sometimes it's just me sometimes I'm rounding up whoever is the appropriate like senior leader um and I I don't know if it matters but I do think that we need to remember the changing landscape as you suggested it is 2024 we have 170 something now people that have viewed tonight so we may not see them but those to me those are engaged citizens they're taking their night to go on and watch this and to me that is really important to remember I agree with you but they're mainly here because of a circus that's going to be on Legion Drive and 414 Main Street it's been all over next door app and Facebook unfortunately I disagree with that because that's why they're probably watching and they were watching because of those two hot items right right but not just tonight like we we're having really good attendance lately okay the live stream fine it's fine let's TR law and here we go fine to a vote just to clarify the if the motion is to ask the staff to bring back suggestions and they can put it in the form of resolution that that we say yes or no or if that's what the motion is I don't have a problem with them bringing back recommendations however I would point out that the ads we take out in the newspapers and some of the other things are mandated by state law and we're not going to be able to say we're not going to do that we're going to take that money and do this those things we have to do so you know I'm if we're just asking them if they're if we're just asking them to to bring back recommendations she's made a number of them tonight I guess she'll do it again and write them down as as in the form of resolution is that what we're telling her to do do a resolution right now the motion is resolution I got two locked in so if we want to I think she's got as much information as you can do whether we vote on it or not for for bringing back but let's at least go through this vote and see where the resolution lies and then if we need to make a another motion to direct staff then we can go that route or I mean I trust Dr Young I think she hears us up here and I'm sure she can bring us back what she's gathered in tangible actionable step form after this how about modify the motion or do a substitute to recommend staff to bring back recommendations to us and at that point we will perhaps pass a resolution if we think they should be adopted okay you want to do that uh clerk can you clear the the vote well that's a subtitute a sub so do we have a motion for the sub I'll second it all right there we go get my rules in all right so in motion is second we need to clear the first to start the second yes please all right so we're at the substitute motion for bring back recommendations right so I'm calling vote for the sub which is what denight was the recommendations and what they're doing so here we go what you just said sir I didn't hear what you just said that's what tonight's request was was to bring back plans and how recommendations to get more engaged what we're doing and what we can do you scared them with the O word so if that's that's how I heard your initial uh motion I heard it is a a formal I have to go back and listen to it yeah as you stated formal procedure not oh I'm talking about why we're here tonight my original one two or three weeks ago meetings ago sorry not the current motion tonight's gotcha okay I understand thank you sir a lot all right so I just have it on the substitute motion so moved what an informational piece all right crystal okay so the the last item we have under the city manager reports this evening is announcements take it away Dr T again thank you right the Dustin Community Center will be hosting a community yard sale on Saturday April 6 from 8:00 a.m. to noon to reserve a spot and learn more details about that you'd want to call the community center there will be a public workshop on April 10th at 5:30 here at the annex for the visioning workshop for the City Center and City owned properties in the Town Center CRA and harbor CRA districts two or more members of the city council or other City boards and committees may be in attendance at that Workshop along with that we did put out a QR code this morning on our City's Facebook page next door in some other places we send it to the Destin Chamber of Commerce to hit all of their members to direct people to a survey on the Town Center we would really love everyone listening in and everyone in attendance in this room to please take advantage of filling out that particular survey again there's a QR code out there that's floating around but there's also a direct link and you can get to it on our City's um uh homepage of our website we wanted to remind you all about fdot's efforts to Reet the signals along us98 to help improve traffic flow especially now that we've entered our tourist season that 98 arterial currently serves an average of 374,000 vehicles per week during peak season and F doot retimed 22 traffic signals along the approximate 6 and a half mile Corridor um which does include the one intersection at Sr 293 at Common Drive based on the non-intrusive Bluetooth detection data there's a weekly Time Savings of about 5,500 Vehicle hours per week because of the retiming efforts and then lastly on April 15th before the council meeting we'll host a meet and greet for everyone to be able ble to come and introduce themselves and ask questions of the three city manager finalists and that meet and great will take place here at 5:00 and then the regularly scheduled city council meeting will be at 6 o'clock that's all I have thank you Tamara and uh would you please confirm the um SRS who is looking at our city uh that they'll be holding their first public meeting on April 10th and they would like to generate as many responses to that survey as possible beforehand is that correct that is correct so April 10th at 5:30 thank you all right uh we have no public hearings this evening uh so the last section is uh comments presentations from mayor council members and City attorney awesome so with that uh councilman Stevens all right I got one thing uh since we were talking about uh public engagement um I actually have an open seat on local planning agency so if anyone's interested for that role um feel free to go to the website and apply for it um and I guess since my position is only until November it'd be a good trial run for someone to try it because they'd only be there for November unless they get reappointed fair enough right C go thank you sir I have a couple things uh first although I uh appreciate uh the citizen Napier giving me credit for that uh fix to his his water issue we all know I don't have that kind of power um it was just the right time the right place that's really uh Public Works and and the city manager acting city manager really being on and the engineering actually being on top of that I just happen to show up at right time right place um secondly I would like to ask a question of Staff I'm getting a lot of calls and and questions about the uh parking lot at the property above the bridge people are asking why we can't park there since the citizens pay the tax dollars I've already had that discussion with you but I'd like the citizens to understand they can't park there so uh at this time so that uh we can rest their minds well uh one of the issues would be uh when the building was taken down we've got some storm water issues that uh have caused erosion going down the uh backside of that Hill there and it's causing scour uh underneath that pavement area we're working on it and stabilizing that um at at this point in time I don't uh I don't think that I have anything else on that you mentioned summarize it's a erosion issues that we're concerned about and also that the seaw wall down below is is uh destabilized anyway there are a lot of safety factors involved thank you so much for that uh finally I last council meeting I told you guys I might not be here for this one because I was supposed to have surgery March 26th it was postponed till April 17th so I should be here for the April 15th meeting uh surgeries hopefully April 17th and then I'm I I will do my best to be for the 1 May meeting that's all I have all right thank you councilman Dustin thank you mayor I think I the isue alone I will give it a rest tonight I don't have anything there you go played in the fifth all right come my bag me just want to thank youall for uh helping us get the renewal and replacement plan something we've been working on for a while uh underway also want to thank uh Miss Lisa and Captain fulam for uh the work the support that they gave uh Monday night last Monday night God got so much going on last Monday night at the community center uh great job we had 274 people come to dtin in the middle of spring break we had people from Pensacola to Walton County uh come down and get a commun get a update legislative update uh from our congressman and so great support from the staff at the community center and from the Sheriff's Office and I just want to say thank you great all right Council M King thank you sir just real quick I think the um the I just wanted to say sort of similar you know you know we we we got a great Community here we've got a great town um the citizens here are second to none I think we've got a you know something I've seen is when things go on we don't have we don't have eyes in the back of our head you know we've got th we got hundreds of issues going on at all times and so I think you know I've gotten a lot of text messages and emails and phone calls and about certain items um uh that I would not have known about had it not been for the citizens of dtin so I think you know it reminds me of like this is going to be a really silly analogy but but flock of turkeys is sitting out there feeding if there's 10 of them at all times one of them's got their head up looking for trouble which that may be a really silly analogy but that's what kind of I heard that on a podcast the other day that's what it reminds that's what our town kind of reminds me of somebody's always paying attention to something and what's going on in their backyard and we may not always see it so um just want to say thanks uh for the involvement that we do have um and while that may be a silly analogy I think it it pertains um so it's all I've got thanks absolutely all right councilman Schmidt appreciate it I just got one thing um back a while ago uh we had previous staff members were pursuing uh different part Parcels of land for us to purchase near Morgan's near off Calhoun by the other Park as well um and I believe uh the one by off Calhoun there's we're not sure where ended and so I would like to ask uh city manager and attorney to check on that call the resident see if they're still out there do you all need a motion form to do that or since it was already in the works previously can they do that just to reach out and you guys feel good with that or you know it's 446 Calhoun from what I could tell I recall correctly all right they seem to be all shaking their head yes anything else I don't think so all right all right if you um so oh go ahead after you all right uh I'm going to start with the uh Dustin linear park or Trail I think we need to we're going to have to have a motion if we're going to call it a park or a trail cuz that's just been an inside joke at this point um so Council has directed to not have it come back for 60% until we have the uh confirmation of the easements um that we're going to be looking for so we have put together after a call last Friday so sorry you guys didn't get this over the weekend I made it this morning um so we have a plan of mailing these out there's I think 24 Parcels in general but there's really just a handful that we need to make what but that 30% plan that we approved happen as planned um so we have a small little project involved to try to um give them as much information as possible and to make sure that they have everything in their power before they make a decision and so this is going to be uh Step One is we're going to mail out a little flyer possibly some of the maps and um just let them know exactly the project is coming and it's going to be um you know in right next behind their back door in their backyard uh in the easan fpnl and that you know I'm going to be going to their house I didn't want to go to them unannounced so that's kind of why I wanted to bring it up to you guys uh we're going to mail this to them and if they have any questions it's going to Tamara's cell phone and uh email the business not not our personal my bad and then from there if they had questions I was going to go door knock those parcels and see if they had anything face to face and then finally we would end up going and getting legal involved to make sure um that we had all the proper documentation for the construction easement as well as the long-term maintenance easement that we need uh we wanted to be as communication to them as possible without invading privacy and kind of get making it get weird um all in a hopes to move this along as fast as possible and get the 60% back to you guys which again like I said to reiterate you guys don't want to see it until we have a locked in land agreement and so this is staff and in my uh way of trying to get to that locked agreement with the 30% plans without uh veering away or or remodify to get to you guys so uh we just wanted to over communicate to you guys as well and get a get a motion to uh approve this if you like it like this or if you guys have any suggestions on how we should further go forward but other than that Kim do you have anything to add I think you got it all right good deal um so comments suggestions Andor a motion anything Jump On In yeah uh before I make the motion I I would if we know the owners of those Parcels are the businesses that own those Parcels or whatever we we might want to socialize that because might be somebody's father-in-law it might be somebody's business partner or somebody I sold a house for or you know they eat once twice a week at dey's Harbor Side or something and we might have some personal relation ships with some of these people we may not have any and so then you just go cold knock on doors yeah but that's kind of the last yeah I don't I'm not wanting to do this but happy to um but I I don't know who they are I may know we we actually have a list so we could email the list to the council um of course you won't be able to discuss it with each other but if you know anyone on the list you could certainly reach out to them and and well reach out to you or the city manager to coordinate and say okay you know mayor doesn't have to go talk to this person or this person or whatever love it just made the mayor's job easier well microphone microphone my bad probably not cuz I don't know any of them most likely but you will you'll recognize the names they're they're um along the same path as the FPL undergrounding for the most part so it's Harbor and 98 so yeah I know Dewey knows all of them so he can go he can go knock on doors so absent that I don't know what you want the motion to look like for precautionary I thought the mayor should I advised him to come to council and just let you all know a in case anybody got phone calls saying what's that flyer that came out you all would be aware and I wanted to make sure that you all were good with you know the mayor going and mailing that out and then just generally educating the public I will make the motion since the mayor can't take those actions without Council approval I will make the motion to send him forward I appreciate that motion in a second I'll call the vote I don't see any other discussion I was up here and I saw the other the past mayor get his wrist slapped so I was like all right sorry Who provided the second I okay thank you all right thank you guys for that all right up next um talking about funding gaps um so the TPO is going well as far as the cross town connector uh Austin Mount the executive director for Emerald Coast Regional Council has been a huge wealth of information and advocate for us and so we were able to put the cross town connector back on the long range Mobility plan um the last meeting in I guess two months ago the one coming up now is going to be on April 16th um so we have some agenda items coming up on the 15th that will really confirm or not confirm that this will be an Avenue uh I I believe it will be and so he has advised me to um write another letter to the chairman this year uh chairman Bo out of Okaloosa County uh commissioner to just reaffirm what we're doing what we're looking for and that the Okaloosa Walton Transportation TPO uh would endorse this letter to f. District 3 um the goal would be that we have some abilities to get funds from the state through TPO and we're just month after month following that process and this is just the next process uh to move that forward with the recommendation um at their board level so that's on their agenda item uh I just wanted to get this ahead of time so if you guys have any recommendations or anything we can totally uh bring this to the staff level and revise anything or just approve them to make a letter this is a sample that I created through Austin and um it just has the basics on there I think one thing that uh Crystal already wanted is the 24 to go to 25 and potentially us going from the three to the four unless that's going to be undoable uh from their level uh so with that uh councilman Destin we'll make the motion to send the letter forward second motion a second any further discussions I'll have more information after the April 16th meeting if they've accepted it if they accepted it it's available available option if not then it was a good try so call on the [Applause] vote all right thank you for that last one I promise all right uh we have a Parks Foundation coming online very soon I'm ecstatic for it I'm excited for it uh and I figured what better way to throw support at it than having a mayor's charity ball H black taii event dinner and go all the way with it we've been approached by an event coordinator in the area who wants to put it on for free they're also doing the um reinstated uh mulletfest I don't think they're going to be calling it The mulletfest anymore uh so I wanted to bring this to you guys basic it won't be the mulletfest like we all know um but with that they are putting trying to put a name for themselves together and they wanted to do this since uh Dustin hasn't done many festivals uh so basically my only ask is that we direct staff and the City attorney to come back with an agreement with them to see if we like it right now uh they just kind of gave me this one pager of we're going to help uh the staff will help consult and do and there's no funds or fees that the city is going to incur but of course I wanted to make sure we go clear the liability and we get it in lawyer form so just your guys's thoughts on uh having mainly Kim go into an agreement to bring back to us a mayor's charity ball in conjunction with uh White Tha Emerald Coast Entertainment Group so with that uh if you guys have any objections or anything uh this was an Ask by our legal team to go through the process should be yeah yeah so the event is not my ask how to set it up set in a legal contract is my ask instead of just doing it Fly by the yes seat of our pants that's all yeah we want make sure ask is from the mayor yeah my ask her legal ease I know I I'll make a motion but it's going to be our ball direct the staff to assist the parks foundation and the mayor and setting up a black tie oh don't sound so it's going to be a party why you sound so upset about it I'll have to all right dey's got the second all right any discussions comments have to go no you don't have to go but I'm going to be knocking on your door for some uh donations it will be Black Tie how many black thae events though do we have in the area well I'm excited I think we're going to have something very special that will be unlike anything else in the area to draw a crowd I'll leave it at that we might even have a Grammy performance all right thank you guys all right with that I am done City attorney do you have anything Kim I have um one thing and that is just an update with respect to the city manager selection so just to remind you all the selection committee has done their first round of interviews there are three um candidates that they have recommended to the city ccil for interviews so you should have gotten um contacted by HR to schedule your um individual interviews with those candidates once you do that that's between now and about April um 11th or so once you have completed those interviews there will be a meet and greet for those candidates right before the next city council meeting so that would be April 15th at 5:00 pm it will be open to the public of course and then the regular meeting will start immediately after that hour at its regular time of 6: PM um and then at that meeting you can discuss the candidates and decide what you want to do from there you could of course um select one for a contract which we would bring back in May or you could uh reject all want more interviews whatever you deem fit at that time all right thank you so much all right at this point we are down to public comments so anyone left in the room who wants another bite at the Apple you got another three minutes pure entertainment I love it all right you're just here for the fun of it all right so see no further comments I will call this meeting to adjourn