all right good evening everyone thank you for joining us today I'm sure you're here for the riveting agenda from the city and not the awesome baseball teams that we have tonight or the softball baseball and the Christmas light so thank you guys for being here today is January 22nd 2024 I call this meeting to order and up first is the invocation by the one and only Pastor Steve Ferris from the First Baptist Church of dtin thank you for being here father we just thank you for your goodness and Grace and Lord we thank you for all those that make this place a great place to live Lord so much work goes on behind the scenes that they don't get credit far and we don't know and Lord we just continue to thank you for them and ask you to give them wisdom and bless them Lord we thank you for all these young people and Lord it's just a great place to live and we just give you the praise and honor and thank you for allowing us us to be a part of that and we pray it in Jesus name amen all right councilwoman abar with the pledge please pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right all right so up first I will accept a motion to approve the agenda or have anything make that motion second awesome motion in a second I will call the vote Ray if you can get the screens up for us yeah we got a brand new TV everyone so two seconds new it there we go um do you need it oh I guess I have it pre-loaded yes or we can pull it when we get there okay all right I have it so moved for the agenda all right so up first I will stall with some proclamations we figure out the the internet all right so for the month of February uh we have worked in in in partnership with the city of for Walton Beach uh they brought a message to us and trying to work in harmony for this uh the con congenital heart uh defect Awareness Month uh there's a staff member over at Fort Walton Beach that his family um has um gone through this so it's near and dear to his heart so they reached out to us and wanting to partner with it all um so I'm going to read the proclamation and our only ask is that you know just like we did in Elementary School uh the pop tops the little soda cans on top we're going to be collecting them as a city in for Walton and in D and a healthy competition of trying to raise some money for the Ronald McDonald House out of Pensacola uh so with that is the proclamation for the city of dtin whereas congenital heart dis defects are one of the most frequent occurring birth defects and leading cause for deaths related to birth defects worldwide and whereas 1 million families Across America face The Challenge and hardship of raising children with congenital heart disease each year approximately 40,000 babies are born in the United States with these conditions whereas some congenital heart defects are not diagnosed until months or even even years after birth when the condition goes undiagnosed sudden cardiac death can occur especially in youth athletes and whereas despite these alarming statistics newborns and young athletes are still not regularly screened for congenital heart disease and whereas congenital heart disease Awareness Month provides an opportunity for the families who live who have lived have been affected and by congenital heart defects to celebrate life remember the loved ones they have lost honored honor the health professionals that care for them and share information with the public and the media and now therefore I Bobby Wagner by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of dtin do hereby Proclaim February 2024 as congenital heart disease defect awareness month and encourages and and I encourage all citizens of the city of dtin to reach out and support this humanitarian Mission thank you guys so much for that nice all right for the main event and while we're all here tonight weighing 50 pounds in the left corner 2023 Destin Little League uh 10U softball Allstars uh by coach Amber uh represented Dustin in Woodville and they had made a great accomplishment so ladies come on up coach congratulations yeah absolutely we need more baseball fields for these these athletes over here we need Turf we need Turf we need turs together oh yes credit did you go and say anything sure um so real quick um I'm not a oneman band uh BJ wood was also a coach we also had some other coaches at help um Susan Gabe there's a bunch of other people that contributed this team so it wasn't just me um real quick I just want to announce each of these girls so Addie Gordon Lea Charlie K adley I'm not saying last names but Harper Savannah Stella and Reesey cup these girls and just real I just put a little Su together because I feel like you guys should hear like of the accomplishments they did so these girls showed perseverance grit determination mental toughness and no quit attitude um leadership and togetherness they battled in the district championship in Paxton for five daily and nightly wins out of the losers bracket to claim the 10U district one Championship that was a big deal cuz these girls literally had to play five games in a row and they just it was hot it was sweaty and they came out there with a no quit attitude and it was awesome um at State they went two and one on the weekend and they came up short for the championship game um it wasn't for lack of heart or lack of Love or Talent at all we we faced some really good competition but uh they came out and they represented this town well with Grace and with dignity and we just hope that this amazing experience stays with them um and that we can build on it in this community um this is the first 10U softball team out of dtin to go to state so they have they have set the bar for uh the softball program for a little league um and we hope that it will continue to grow um and we just hope that these memories don't ever leave them and then they are able to talk about it and laugh about it and enjoy all the memories that they made and we thank you all for the support um from the Community um so anyway thank you very [Applause] [Music] much all right so the next team we have from the 2023 Dustin Little League 12 VI baseball by coach Tony represented Dustin in the state tournament in Sarasota so if you guys want to come on up here [Applause] [Music] congratulations awesome all right photo and then we'll you have to stack in guys for once in my life I'm in the back row about two years up hands on Coach you want to say anything sure so now first of all I want to thank all the parents um we these guys most of these guys were already played together back when they were eight um they all committed to come back and do this at 12 just because they knew what was at stake and the opportunity they had in front of them we practiced our butts off a lot of times we would practice until 8:30 9:00 at night we had Mr Eddie would be cooking everybody dinner when we get done practice um we know it was hot we know what you guys went through but if it wasn't for your mom and dad's driving you back and forth um the time off to go down to Sarasota play while we were there um but throughout all your baseball accomplishments guys the the thing that I'm most proud of that you guys did had nothing to do with the game um just before we played our state championship game they had the Challenger game that day which is for special needs kids kids with disabilities These Guys hours before an hour well it was probably like what an hour before they went to go play instead of worrying about their game they were out there helping those guys helping them run bases helping them field balls um that to me that that's better representation and more character than anything that you guys could have done with baseball so super proud of y'all thank you that's awesome thank you guys so much coach I appreciate all the time you given them Tamara did you get that mustache in one shot the punishment I put up with up here all right so we were going to recognize the Christmas uh Award winners at the previous Council but due to weather we decided we wouldn't bring you guys out here so uh still Christmas in January and here in Dustin Florida and so up first it's going to be the Des best decorated home um Renee pot Potter oh perfect you guys came [Applause] awesome false alarm all right up next and that was for um best decorated single home so that was our residential uh best decorated business laaz restaurant with the aliens and of just about everything [Applause] [Music] else literally my favorite restaurant [Music] Bobby with a skinny Margarita ready two you're good one two three [Applause] awesome all right so that was restaurant shops department stores next up next is going to be uh Town homeowner associations and the winner this year is going to be the palms of [Applause] Destin [Music] [Laughter] I don't think I can go that long but um I just want to thank you all for the city we love being Parts part of uh the city of dtin and giving a little to your life as you come around the corner toward the Palms we have other Palm owners here that own we have staff here with us tonight and um we love you we're proud to do it and mayor I'd like to uh wish you uh a new decade in your life happy birthday to you thank you yes a new Dr so I I did a new decade last week as well n happy birthday but but it's wasn't the same decade if you couldn't tell but anyways we're we're uh cl to be here and and if you don't know this is the third year in a row I know your homeowners association you you've been challenged it sounds like awesome thank you guys so much great for being here good to see thank you so much I got you thank you all right last one best overall holiday Ryan Roberts winner winner taking home the chicken dinner all right all right thank you guys for hanging in there with us while we celebrate some of our community and for everyone who came out uh all the little league that's out there that's amazing that they're doing so good um at all levels at all age ranges so we appreciate all the different Recreations that are here in dtin Florida and make this community so great so thank you for that and now to the main event of the fun stuff all right so at first is going to be thank you public comments um you know 3 minutes up here and just name an address and the floor is yours hey Marcy B three Golf Breeze court if an opening for the city manager committee opens up um at any time I would like to have that seene so if that should ever happen in the future please let me know and Parks Foundation is not city right no thank you right thank you well all right anyone else public comment yes all right good evening Council mayor uh John Stevens 425 Indian Trail um understand Matthew sweetzer is a resigned due to health um issues and uh so Matt if you're listening uh here's the speedy recovery and hopefully you'll get back up here soon but I just want to let you all know that I want I'm interested in filling that sheet I'm passionate about helping the city uh of Destin shine um couple things consider um on why I think I'd be a good candidate um there as of right now there's currently uh two names that have pre-filed for the 20124 election my name is one of them um so pretty much I've been thinking about a lot I'm I'm now committed so I'm running one way or another um I'm also in the top 1% of the citizens that actually attend the City Council meetings in person so I kind of see myself as being familiar with staff and actually understand what's going on right now um I feel I have the experience to step in I kind of feel like I've been grooming myself to kind of be in this position with with being on all the Committees and boards that you guys have appointed me to um feel like the council has trusted me I mean you guys have um pretty much appointed me these committees so uh I also feel like I have staff's trust um when there's items that I I I know more about them on in fact there's actually a code compliance and delery uh vessel operating meeting later in this week that I'll be uh kind of giving a presentation on um so my thinking is that we don't need just a body in the seat we need someone that's going to be Progressive and making our city better um and it's time to get to work now um not eight months from now um so the this interim seat needs to be filled by someone that wants to help our city either for the two four 6 or eight years whatever it is um so on that note thank you mayor council for your time and dedication to the city and I'm hoping you guys give me the opportunity to do the same um now I'm going to pit my water sport hat on real quick on May 8th uh I'm sorry not May 8th February 8th uh there is a county Waterway safety um meeting at the convention center at 1:00 so I'm hoping that someone from the council will attend um and I know Code Compliance will be there all right thank you all right thank you so much all right anyone else thank you Rodney Bren 23 anybody drive I got a little bit different uh look on it um I've had a several people call and want me to put my name in the Hat for the seat but um I plan on running November um I just think it gives whoever um an unfair Advantage if they're appointed to that seat so I'm not putting my name in the Hat for to to be appointed to that seat um I was in that position before with you know Jim Foreman um and I didn't I didn't think it was fair at all I it'd be nice if you could find somebody like we've done in the past that's been on Council um to to fill that seat um it's I don't know it just seems like my experience in the past that when our council members been on Council um and you're down you're termed out you know and you're down to your last six months really nobody takes them serious the staff doesn't take them serious not saying this staff doesn't but I'm just saying just you know it's hard to get behind them or they just kind of on their way out you know what I'm kind of saying and if somebody's filling that seat that that's running maybe they're they're not going to get elected so you know just feel like they're just I don't know I feel like I'm wased my time if I wasn't you know running just sitting there if I was running sitting there whatever that I just couldn't get anything done you know I don't um but anyway that's just my two cents two cents on it my thoughts whatever it's worth thank you thank you all right anyone else seeing none close the public comments at this time and we will move on to the consent agenda um if we want to make the motion to pull I believe it was 3D that's kind of more of a typo but button on I'll make the motion to uh pull 3D as we already decided that at the last meeting and uh approve the consent agenda minus that I second it all right seeing no further discussions call the vote just a point of order mayor traditionally in the last 20 years any council member could pull something from the consent agenda without making a formal motion you know it just uh was a professional courtesy that we all extended to the other people so having to make a motion every time I haven't seen anybody vote no but that's not something we ever did in the past okay all right moving on to 4 a city manager uh good evening mayor um and city council members uh before I begin the city manager's report um I would like to uh uh take this time to recognize and uh Express how heartfelt uh condolences to uh uh two of our staff members who had who lost their love on over this past weekend uh we have Dennis d uh our field crew supervisor in the public works department uh lost his mother and we have Chrystal Strickland uh our finance director uh who lost to a daughter over this weekend as well our hearts and prayers go to them and their families uh thank you mayor for affording me that opportunity to uh share that information uh items 4 A and B and C are all related to the uh previous uh Direction you give to the city count to to uh to the staff uh to negotiate um a contract regarding the undergrounding project um you have an opportunity as of uh last meeting to undo that uh uh that decision and those three items uh that you have here related to that I'll let the City attorney walk you through each one of those items and uh render your decision on it thank you thank you leis so uh beginning with 4A this is the item dealing with RFP 2310 for the undergrounding pro project if you would like to discuss it we can but it's laid out in the staff report and to be clear this item we are recommending two separate motions the first motion being recommended is to resend your prior directive to negotiate a contract with ads for the FPL undergrounding contractor uh councilman Bagby mayor I move to resend the city council's prior directive to negotiate a contract with ads for FPL undergrounding contract second second seeing no further discussions call on the vote all right eyes have it so moved okay thank you and then our second recommended motion is to um have you all reject the bids in RFP 2310 that's to reject all of the bids I do have our special undergrounding Council here with us as well Chef Wright if you should have any questions um but other than that I did forward you some documents related to this item and if you have questions both chef and I are here to respond mayor I mve to reject all bids and RFP number 23-10 Phase 1 utility undergrounding conversion project second a motion and a second seeing no further discussions call the vote all right eyes have it so moved thank you for B are revisions to the purchase purchasing manual operating instructive adm3 this is to make certain clarifications in the purchasing manual that is usually done at the staff level we brought it to council as an informational item just to make you all aware of the update um the changes are laid out in the staff report we made some revisions to the definitions um as well as to the process made it clear um the process for procurement if you have any questions let me know otherwise it's just informational C neighbor do you have anything I move to direct staff to issue an RFP 2401 as soon as possible okay that will be the next item for C but moving on to 4C council member a bear as said okay got a motion at second for 4 C uh any further discussions did he get a second yep Jim okay just all right all right call on the vote all right eyes have it unly so moved thank you back to Lewis thank you uh thank you um item 4D um this item we discussed it last year um when you authorize us to engage the SRS team uh to conduct a uh comprehensive visioning session or sessions with the public and uh incorporating the ideas from our two cras uh in the area about the opportunities that we could uh unveil ourselves to uh for the city assets that we have especially after our acquisition of the uh property under the bridge and so we have done that process um gotten uh the contract drawn up and we're here tonight to uh see if you would uh let us go forward uh in moving along with that process um uh we have a member of the SRS team here this evening if you got any questions do you have anything off the bat any before I hit the button then yep uh good evening everyone thank you for having us and welcome W welcoming us back um we're delighted to be here um we're here to answer any questions that you may have um and here to listen um that is our number one goal as we start this process it's to make sure that we make the best decisions for Des um and Destin uh for its residents for its visitors and for the staff and everyone and making the best decisions so it's imperative that we have some uh community outreach meetings meetings with you all and make sure that we um bet out the best solutions for you all as we plan for the master plan um it will help you there's some amazing things going on in the town um and I think it will help organize and refine each of those moving forward to be better more unified and more wonderful for the town um and we look forward to helping that process um doing all the due diligence and doing our research understanding all of your needs um and making sure that we design a solution that is the road map for um the new future for you all and making sure that decisions are made properly and thoughtfully um so the planners have a great tool to work with uh as they entertain the new things that come to Destin um Horizons thank you so much councilwoman abar um mayor I move to approve the master agreement in work authorization number one and the attached internal budget transfer second I have a motion and second and we got a couple going on councilman Dustin up first thank you mayor just so I I understand what we're doing we are going to sign a contract but but we don't get to work until we have some kind of ability to acquire the property or is that not correct uh no this this effort is to look at the properties that we currently own uh including the one haror property uh and envision what we could including looking at the uh potential for a citizen okay so this one is not tied to any particular piece other than what we own um no it is not tied to any particular piece uh it does have potential uh discussions to include the site uh by the public okay and and what is it that what's the amount we're budgeting here uh 155 I believe 155,000 what other particular pieces are we looking at uh we're looking at the Clusters up at um the two parking lots uh these two buildings here this one here in the uh uh the one across the street uh the community center uh our Parks just see how all those uh uh assets are coordinated in uh in a synergetic fashion since we're doing Redevelopment okay and and maybe I misunderstood when I read it earlier I just want to make sure that we are not addressing a piece of property that we don't own that is potentially acquiring a development order now in the future yeah it is it is uh you're talking about the public side correct I am yeah so uh we've had discussions with them they the uh not publ itself but the owners uh or the piece that publ is not uh interested in and they are willing to work with us uh depending on what it is that we are interested in doing that's that's part of what this effort will be uh we may not come to an agreement with them that's that's fine but I just believe that we have an opportunity as I mentioned last year when we acquired the uh the property up at uh under by the bridge that it is time for us to take a holistic view to uh the pieces that we have and see what synergies uh we can all come up with to ensure that our Redevelopment efforts are coordinated let me Express the only reservation I have is if we are trying to build a piece of property such as the public property into our design CR criteria and that particular piece of property is under the development order process I can see that we could probably run into some interesting problems ethically and legally later on down the road when we should say that we do or do not agree with some particulars of that development order and uh the owners of that property would immediately say Well they're not approving this because they have desires to acquire it and I have been in a position before where a local judge said approve this project or take your toothbrushes and come on up to cresview I don't want to see this Council in that position again so any negotiations with property that is under current review I would think would run us into those kind of problems and I would uh not support that as part of this contract and you know I'll make a substitute motion that we restrict this contract to Parcels that the city currently owns or that we have under contract second all right I have a motion in a second for the substitute motion and I'll continue the discussions uh councilman Bagby yeah and I discussed with the staff my uh reticence to include the Public's parcel uh for exactly the same reasons that Mr dtin uh stated we don't own it we shouldn't be telling people what we want to see there what we don't want to see there that's why we have a Land Development code okay that's why we go through our planning process that's why we have all that and to somehow short circuit our legal process is not good uh the facts on the ground have changed you know when when you all or when we first put out the RFQ you know we were talking hockey rinks and uh amphitheaters and all this other stuff and it was going to be right there in the town center and I want a town center it's just a uh we don't own anything there and B we don't have a lot of money that we can go build a town center with right now in fact we have pretty much none uh after we paid $9 million for the harbor parcel so which I supported the I would just say uh we we need to stay out of other people's business and I W I won't support you know this and I mean I understand what you're trying to do and a year ago this actually made sense we were all enthusiastic but the facts have changed and the fact is publ has decided what they're going to do with about half that property and then there's another little parcel that's left over that has an owner that's not us and is in the development order process and has reached out to the city and I just I don't want to get involved in that conversation as part of this process so we have a bunch of parcels down by the you know Community Center in Harbor one and we have these Parcels right here uh let's do a shet let's see what we can do but any conversation that includes property that we do not own is just asking for trouble for this Council right Council M Schmid thank you Mr Mayor I got a few questions uh first Miss cop the the legality issues that Mr Dustin and Mr Bagby are bringing up about current development order process being a future issue can we can you speak to that those comments that are being made yeah so at this time no part of this involved the city trying to purchase or take any of that property they um the applicant and and I don't want to get to much into a quasi judicial application that's going to come before you um but I'll say this there's a requirement in Our Land Development code that they need to adhere to whether it's with us or on their own and they may make a decision economically for themselves where they think it might make sense for them to work with us um because the code requires with um residential development in that zoning District a 20% non-residential component so either the city or a retailer a commercial entity could fill that role so um it would be that 20% that we were talking about that the planning consultant SRS could um envelop into this whole design process beyond that if the council wants to take it out that's in the council's prerogative we do not have to leave it in you can take that out of the contract if Council doesn't think it's appropriate thank you um thank you for coming back up here I appreciate it um is my understanding that the contract will present either during or in the end options so yes in theory correct me if I'm wrong we could see an option come from you that shows nothing at the Public's section and only taking into consideration our parks that we own or Parcels yeah different lots and parcels and Parks it could also take another option that would be able to be presented would be including the public right so at the very end of this if we were to go as exactly as it is right now we we very well are going to see an option that does not include that public site is that accurate it's possible possible based upon yeah based upon tonight's discussion if it's decided that it's off the table completely right um then no you wouldn't see an option there but if if if we were to proceed as it's written M we would have that option you would have that option right thank you so you know for me some back you know let's let's take a few let's take a walk down history a little bit the past um we all were gung-ho when when this first came about I don't think we were uh a lot of us were gung-ho about the idea of spending $50,000 to design something on a pro property that we didn't even own the task was given to appoint me to go have conversations with people and over that time we've been having a lot of conversations uh per the council's wishes and Direction and a lot of good has come from that um I think when we first started there was disbelief from council members that it was we were ever going to even be at this point right now um and so to me it's a very great feeling that the you know the conversations where they have led to today are where they are at and um you know this big picture thing is ma is is very important to the Redevelopment of of needs in our city um you you look at the room this this this evening full of these kids uh that's baseball and softball M Mr Mayor was talking about and you all know about my thoughts on the baseball parks right now we have six to nine year olds trying to jam into a community center that is we're being asked to be spending you know hundreds of thousand dollars on Windows um that the community center is just falling apart so there there's massive needs uh for our Parcels in the city of dtin so um I if if if the legal side of things is is protection to allow us to continue as is and the attorney that the city of Dustin has I understand that we all could feel differently about her opinions um but I'm not going to support the substitute motion because I feel comfortable with at the end of the day you will be able to present us if we agree to this contract with the option without public a section there um but to be able to see the potential Redevelopment utilizing that as an option if it truly does come available which at this point sounds like it's going to hopefully happen for the city um those are going to be huge Milestones to be able to strategically plan and vision the next five years or so or more um about some of these things to make our city better for our kids and for our staff and everything else so that's all I got good points councilwoman abar um thanks mayor and thank you Kevin cuz you pretty much hit on what I was feeling the same way why you know support the substitute motion when realistically you're going to give us options that's what this is all about this plan is you giving us things that can and may come into fruition you know just to push it off to the side and not even have an ID and then all of a sudden this parcel comes available because we do work it out um I feel like we would be shooting oursel in the foot so I personally feel like where we're at right now I would I would like to see what you can bring back with or without that Public's parcel and to get us some ideas of what we can do because this city has some beautiful areas that are just not at their full potential and I run the streets I'm a jogger and some of the areas I'm like ah we could put something here we could do something here so I I look forward to what your vision is of how to help our city be that much more aesthetically pleasing and a lot more for the residents that live here year round to enjoy so I wouldn't support the substitute motion right councilman Dustin back around back um residential in this mixed use perhaps parcel we're going to look at that's a uh conditional use uh correct correct it is okay and so that that means you can approve it you can disapprove it you can approve it with conditions correct correct okay so we're not in a quasi judicial tonight but we're telling a consultant that we're going to pay $155,000 to look at a particular parcel that is in the development order process as we speak no I don't I don't think we're asking the consultant to look at that it's a we're asking the consultant to look at the whole City and include that potentially as one option in the event that it becomes one for that 20% however if you all want to take it out you can I just don't see that it's a legal issue because nothing is being required of anybody or forced upon anybody we're just saying this is one of many many options that could be considered nothing's being approved at this time that particular parcel is is mentioned mentioned in this contract specifically is it not yes is a potenti yes it is an option yes is any other parcel in the city mentioned in this contract specifically other than the umbrella that we're going to look all over the city uh you mean the private property right uh no that's as telling as it can be gentlemen but I will try to soften this substitute to change the word contract to an agreement which gives us more flexibility if we can at least get an agreement out of this property owner of some sort and I'll leave that pretty vague but the fact that this is the only parcel that is particularly mentioned in the contract that's in private ownership makes it abundantly clear what we're doing here and it makes me very uncomfortable so I'm trying to soften it as much as I can because of the fact that I've seen this stuff go uh sideways when it should be a judicial a quasi judicial hearing that we should even be discussing whether we're going to approach them to try to work with them to use property and we can do that at a later date but when we to put that parcel particularly in this contract that's a that's a very bad thing I'm kind of hard over on the no but I guess I'll I'll substitute I I will second for discussion but I I just think I'll wait my turn but coun G kind of listening to what councilman dtin just said is is there is there no way we can table this till March so that we give somebody time to have a discussion and and try to determine if if there is availability that way we can put this to thing to bed once and for all so March it is in council's discretion to do that I think one of the reasons they're here though is we have a visioning session here in a little bit over a month so this would give them time to be at that for most of our concerns of not wasting any of our time at the visioning session and getting tangible things out of it that was probably one of the many reasons I've got 20 things here that are probably that we could discuss we're not going to be wasting time at the visioning session I mean if this is one thing that that misses it I don't think that's going to determine that the visioning session becomes a a waste so um for the record I mean the staff and the property owner have had many discussions the property owner has expressed a willingness to have these conversations it's in there as an option because the property owner has indicated that they would like to see potentially the city in that 20% we're just one of many options they have to put something non-residential there that is an LDC requirement nothing to do with this contract something has to go there so that is happening with or without this contract um and this contract does not require us to do anything with Publix it's just saying that that can be included as an option because of those 20% discussions that are already going on with staff so I don't want anyone to think that that property owner is being forced into anything they've approached Lewis about it and they're in discussions and that would ultimately come to council for a decision separate from this but this was something that some of the parcels that are being talked about include the the parcel we're on now and the parcel Ross the street The Old City Hall so with that being said it made sense from a planning perspective to allow the consultant to look at that because they have to if if these sites are going to be moved or used for something else we wanted them to have all of the potential options for where they could go it could be one Harbor they could stay here they could potentially be put on that 20% on public so I don't want anyone to feel like their hands are tied at all because that's not staff not staff's intent at all so just for what that's worth yeah and I didn't mean to give that impression I just thought maybe if we gave because there's no deadline if we and we have several other priorities in the city that some may feel are greater than than the C uh City Center but maybe it would it would help some people on this Council feel a little bit more comfortable if if if we had a better commitment or or more conversations or or something that would give us the warm and fuzzy to to move forward but I mean it's it's just a thought that if there's this this much disparity maybe a little bit of time to think about it might give us that that Clarity we need to to make the right decision all right next councilman Bagby so Lewis um the out I call it the out parcel because Publix has their big parcel in there and then there's the out parcel the other part what's the acreage on the out parcel uh it's about 9 Acres 9 Acres right so 20% of that right would be less than two acres yeah rough roughly yeah so and and so the maximum we could get the maximum if they put all 20% non-residential to the city that would be 1.8 Acres right uh potentially yeah so 1.8 Acres just how how big is this the property that we're sitting on now I couldn't tell you off hand right now uh it's probably about four or five acres um at least yeah so so my the point I'm making is we're talking about this building because once we add the parking once we add the other stuff that we're required by Our Land Development code to do we're talking about putting this building near the public that would be nice and we could you know build it up and we could put the staff in it and you know we might even have an auditorium or we definitely have a meeting room or something but on property we don't own and but that would be if they gave us all of that 20% you know that's not what a town center and I know you understand development and they understand development that's not a town center you go look at the Town centers of Rosemary Seaside watercolor water sound all those Town centers you know heck even uh Grand Boulevard which is a town center concept doesn't have to have government there number one and if it does it's very small in in those examples that I gave gave you Seaside has you know a couple offices upstairs right down Robert Davis's offices so what we're talking about is a maximum of 1.8 Acres half of which would be parking for uh if it all came to us so it's not like we're putting some hockey rank or Conference Center or basketball courts or whatever for the kids in in that area and I just think and I understand your point Kim uh yeah it's an option but it's an option that we'll be developing that we won't use unless and I and I agree with Mr guile you know I'm I'm willing to table it and let somebody go talk to the developer and say out of that 20% what are you willing to give us you know and and I say give us not well we'll sell you 1.8 Acres we've got land you know most of it's down by the community center a lot of it's right here but uh I I can't support including a parcel that we have no interest in at all and and telling them well we're looking at it and uh when you get you know if we deny your development order yeah again you all can take that out if the city has no interest in it if it's not ever going to be an option then we shouldn't waste time on it but it's in there CU it might have been an option so it's in your discretion all right councilman King thank you sir uh I was I was going to say that I think I lean towards the original motion um I'd like to see the options that that they come back with um regardless of regardless of whether we own the place right now um and and to see what else what other ideas they may have I will say and I'm just curious cuz I don't I don't know exactly how this works but I'd love to hear what y'all what y'all have to say um the 20% is not necessarily you know if this is 20 if this is the property they're not you know dulling out 20% of that I mean it's a it's a matter of how how high they go as well correct I mean if it was if they went three stories there you know that factors in as well so I don't I don't think I think that's a little bit I don't think Mr Bagby was intended to be deceptive but I think that there's more to it than just you know dishing out 20% of that acreage am I right yes Johnny it's not going to be just 1.8 Acres well yeah in the end because we could go three stories too I mean the height is the same across the entire parcel so it's limited by the LDC so they could go three stories you're right they could go 50 ft or whatever and so could we we could build a three or four story office office complex on our half of the 1.8 Acres but I'm just using that as an example they they don't have to use they could I Believe by the code give us 30% but then they wouldn't be making money off of that which their intent their whole intent of buying that parcel is to make money you know that's why PE you understand better than anybody up here that's why you buy parcels and develop them so you can actually generate Revenue off of them that's right and my you know part of part of what I wanted to say is you know I understand that we are in a little bit of a we're in a little bit of a different situation today than we were when this originally came before us you know but like a lot of real estate transactions there's creative financing we can figure out I mean there are ways to get the money to fund being a part of that if we had to I think that I don't think that them giving us the property is the only option councilman Schmid final sure final um I was just going to reiterate one about it's not exactly 1.8 rough numbers uh but I also want to make sure we're not missing the big picture that this is not just about SRS showing us about public a site um in my opinion Mr gu we don't need to table the whole thing because there's still a large picture thing that we have a lot of property that we still need to look at we still need to look at the harbor that may or may not be Town Center one day um we have other Parcels that we need to look at with this one little piece of Publix though we have had these discussions we have told them here's the here's the type of Municipal Building sizes and everything that we could possibly see that we would like to put there we we've had those discussions so to delay it to have those discussions we we have those those types of things have been ongoing um and so I don't I I think they are very aware of our hopes or wishes or whatever I mean that's just nobody's said exactly what it's going to be but the potential and it sounds like that they are willing to do that you know I think talking technicalities about Mr Bagby saying give us something I mean that's I don't think we should even talk about that right now we're just talking about using this as an option while we're looking at city of Dustin's future Redevelopment as a piece I mean if we're worried about not having other private properties in there I mean you know we talk about doing uh studies on the Harbor for a possible Marina right well I don't know the contract stipulations but when we do a study on a marina we're looking at properties that we don't own to see where we could put a marina I mean in theory it's you know it's not exactly the same but we're talking about a property that might be available to us and if it's going to be an option presented in in a package with three other options or three other areas that's that's fantastic so um that's what I got and if we do before we do vote I do need to understand what Mr Dustin's final softening of the substitute motion was please all right well Council Meson you're up softening was to to stipulate that we had to have an agreement to go forward not a contract but you know to put my two s into the debate on the acreage this consulting firm at least I think I remember and I think I read in the potential contract recommends that we need 20 acres to do the town center and we're talking about 1.8 here that we have designated particularly for their con their consultation so it just doesn't make sense on top of the fact that when we get down to doing a development order conditional use I is my understanding that they want to put some residential in there and conditional use means we can say yes we can say no or we can say yes with conditions so I don't want to put us into a box that uh you know that they're going to say ah you've been you're trying to get this property from us that's why you're giving us these conditions it's a bad place for us to go and so you know the clarification is if we could get something from them which we've been unable to get other than verbal which according to our land development code I believe if I remember a section says verbal doesn't mean anything it's in writing is when it means something we don't have anything like that I I would love to see that we had something from them that at least says we're willing to do this and and if you do that then you do something that's called a development contract which we have done in the past and which I I'm sure uh Miss cop is familiar with and in a development contract we all agree that this is what we're going to do and that is what they're going to do and it's a contract and we go forward with a clear understanding of what everybody's going to do so we don't have that but we could get it and that would be the safe way for us to proceed rather than the way we're doing it all right C yep Council m y how long would it take you to do the study if you started our our schedule shows 11 weeks that we haven't weaved in the actual meetings with the community and things like that but we're we have a timeline about 11 weeks and of that 11 weeks do you start on each property simultaneously or do you conclude one or kind of blend them in we dive in deeply in all of them so we'll do our due diligence yeah so it's not something where you could say okay we can dedicate the last three weeks the conditional approvement of the public spot if after three uh eight weeks this this Council decided that that was something they wanted to add that wouldn't be feasible for you the way we've got it outlined at the moment no I don't think we're you know anticipating a new parcel popping in later in the game but um we can certainly because what happens is is we really do our due diligence on the parcels that we know of and that are part of the mix or not and we can then understand the good that comes with that site whether it's infrastructure egress you know connectivity to adjacent Parcels you know we're going to look at I understand I was just trying to find a compromise that might work for the council and and pees all parties involved but if that doesn't work with your business plan I don't want to ask you to do that it's possible I mean we could set it aside you know I don't it's just it would there's a process to what we do no no I understand I'm not asking you to that's why I deviate a little bit right at at a certain point whenever that is but um yeah I just wanted to understand your your your plan thank you no we we try to we're going to extract a lot of information from the community from you all on needs and assessments and also do the due diligence on the sites um and make sure that we understand all of that because that helps us frame our directions and there'll be multiple directions you know depending on what we see and then we're going to ask your thoughts on them and get your input you know it's not a decision that we make it's a decision that we try to build as much consensus as we possibly can in the process to make sure that we've everyone's been heard listened to and we create designs that react and respond to that um get another round of feedback and refinement yes ma'am thank you very much you're welcome right Council mck just real quick um you know I don't I don't want to miss the opportunity to see what we can do with this piece of property um that's my main thing but I think I was maybe originally misunderstanding what Mr dtin was saying about the potential quasi judicial uh situation so I would like to hear what Miss cop has to say and I know you touched on this earlier but I think I was no it's okay Mis understanding a little bit the the um the use of a multif family residential is conditional and will come to council um but regardless of that there is a requirement a shall in the code that if you have multif family residential in the tcmu you shall provide 20% non-residential for properties that meet certain criteria which this property meets so I'm just saying that that 20% is a code requirement not something that staff or council is imposing on this applicant that's all I'm saying so for that reason um they have to put something there and they still have to come into compliance with parking requirements for that whether it's a city building a government building or a commercial retail establishment and they're going to take into account what works with their financials and what's best for them so it doesn't have to be the city they can choose to do any other kind of non-residential component that meets code as well so that's not being forced and that that that's happening for that 20% without regard to a quasi judicial process because it's required but with that being said again if Council feels like there's no chance this would ever be considered it doesn't need to be in the contract if there's any chance you might want to look at it then they can consider it as an option so that's up to council all right so we have a substitute motion first R you want to read it off for us the way I have written is that to restrict this contract to Parcels that the city already owned or with which they are in agreement shaking your heads okay oh well okay all right so I will call I'm sorry y that's that's not really accurate because we are going to include the Public's one I think you said by softening it if we come into some sort of agreement that's part of your motion right a written agreement some kind of agreement so you just want to verify with Ray or restate or something yeah the motion was to uh to allow the parcel if the city has arrived at some kind of agreement to acquire or to use it deadline at that point it would be in the designer at at that point then they would have it as part of the properties they could look at just to clarify I just have a question if if that is part of the motion would we be asking SRS to just hold off on performing any work until that's figured out no they could work on everything that we own which is a part of their contract right now okay and they could bring us that as a option after we've come to some kind of agreement as I said with the property owner which got it is not in existence and and that's my understanding as well of my second is that you look at what we own and if we come into some agreement where the city manager or our Council design says yes we we'll provide you up to 10% of whatever or whatever agreement the agreement is you can look at it because the thing that struck me was your use of the word due diligence and normally you look at due diligence when you are buying a property or when you own a property or you have an interest in a property those are the three things that and I think Mr King will agree with that or he probably has another one but those three that's when you do due diligence you don't just go around doing due diligence on properties that you have no interest fiduciary or financial interest in I agree with I understand that portion but I just need clarification for myself now just so I understand exactly what I'm voting on so she's already mentioned that they don't approach it that way so in my mind this motion means we we pretty much leave this parcel out now because she just said that they approach it all at once there is no sectioning of and then coming back so it the way I'm hearing it even though it's it's it's phrased that way based off how that company works they will not come back or they do not like to come back and incorporate that so it's my understanding that if we want them to look at that property we can't accept that motion and it's not going to cost us any less money for them to not look at that property okay and that's why it was that's why it was in because they were looking at it holistically as a whole and it was either in or out but if we do require the agreement again that's something that will come to council for approval so they SRS would not be considering the Public's parcel at all unless an agreement was approved by council with the property owner and I think that um SRS wanted to say something yeah and that's correct I mean we there's still leg work that we need to do um as far as doing our homework on the parcels that you do own and meeting with the community and understanding the needs assessment there's a timeline to that process um culminating at a certain point then we transition to the vision right and the direction and starting to look at options and layouts so obviously if something changes in the process there is a timeline where we could if all stars and the moons aign that that could just roll naturally into it so it you know you guys will advise us on how we approach it um but we and we can always add it look at it as a layer um if the opportunity arises so so a motion to table would be more to your liking no no no come on let's make a decision how many years have you been up here let's go point I would say no all right we're going to vote on The Substitute calling the vote were you guys not counting this up here come on you guys that surprised mayor you are now the tiebreaker all right um for the substitute all right to the original motion any other questions for the original motion so the the the substitute failed and now we're going back to the original motion we want to call that out it's a recommended motion to approve the master agreement and work authorization number one and the internal budget transfer yeah that's why the city stays still sometimes I guess all right well the table you don't vote do we or do we just we don't vote for a table correct we don't de okay table Yeah right okay now we're back to the original table fails diveing deep in the archive I love it all right call on the vote all right eyes have it so moved go no excited to see thank you so much we're excited as well we'll get you a chair next time bottle of water thank you everyone we look forward to the process appreciate it thank you all right city manager uh thank you um item 4E um has to do with the 30% uh plans for the linear Trail um this project has gone through your committees uh for review and they've come up with a um a number of recommendations for you to take a look at tonight and see whether we can move to the 60% uh level uh our city engineer is here who's been coordinating this effort to kind of go through the state the um um the project with you thanks good evening mayor and Council um as L stated uh we did take this to Town Center CRA Public Works Public Safety and Parks and Rec committees we actually had one big joint meeting with all three so they can all hear each other's ideas and have all the Motions in the agenda uh we also had a public Workshop that was held on November 9th um and in your packet is kind of the rundown of what happened from that public Workshop um so tonight I have the dag design team here to kind of go through the layout and explain uh the idea of the layout and then answer any questions that you may have all right Levi hello thank you Levi with dag Architects um tonight with me I have Patrick hodis with Patrick hodis land Studio he's a landscape architect I've got John Nash with Neil o Connell Engineers we're doing the engineering for the park and then I also have Jeff Brittain with kimley horn and uh the goal tonight is to just Briefly summarize the work that's been going on for the last couple months we're currently at a 30% status we need your approval to move forward into 60% and uh as Ryan has shared you know we've really tried to engage as many of the Committees the community as we can to get to something that's a universally acceptable solution so I wanted to pass this on to Patrick Hodes let him kind of outline what we produced as the concept and then we'll all be available for questions and whichever applicable party can best answer that question thanks nice to be here again um we've been through this before but uh I think I'll just start with the uh the overall slide that you have up there now that's the the West End at 98 Palms that would be um place where we would not be within the Florida Power and Light RightWay but actually the city of dtin RightWay and the connection there uh is a is proposed as a raised Boardwalk uh at this point in the design process that that is a pedestrian walkway not a vehicular rated walkway one of the recommendations that was made at our previous meeting was that we should carefully consider the uh making that uh a vehicular rated design whether it's a pile elevated Boardwalk or uh perhaps another you know structural solution so that's something that we're going to look at as a an additive alternate so you would have the base bid would be the vehicular walkway and the adictive alternate would convert it to vehicular access so that you could have emergency vehicles police and so forth uh utilizing that uh that's a perspective view showing you know what from looking from the West to the east uh what that initial part of the trail would look like and you see where it transitions to the pile elevated boardwalk in this area we're not restricted to the height of the landscape plant materials uh because we are not within the floorida power and light right away so we would have more opportunity for larger trees and other things that could be higher than the 15t maximum height that is a restriction of Florida Power and Light uh this is the next segment where where we reach the uh the existing juel Mel Melvin Park the the boardwalk transitions into an asphalt paved driveway uh there's a proposed parking area in the same location where we currently have uh sort of unimproved parking or gravel type pors pavement um what's proposed here is a vehicular connection from Palm uh on the south side that would slope down to the new pave parking area uh the trail at itself bypasses the parking area so that through juel Melvin Park so we would avoid conflicts between the trail traffic and the vehic vehicular traffic within the parking area itself uh one of the other uh proposals at this location is that we would have a vehicular connection to cord Grass Court that would be limited to emergency and vehicular or you know emergency access and service access only currently that is the vehicular access for the public so that would change this is a perspective view of that you can see on the left hand side of the the perspective view the sloping drive that comes down from Palm to the uh proposed paved parking area and then the bypass of the of the trail itself is on the right hand side uh within the juel Melvin Park property okay moving further east um Trail continues along the south side of the Florida Power and Light RightWay it's a 12ft wide asphalt paved drive that's what's uh proposed in the conceptual and 30% documents and uh on the right hand side of this drawing you can see where that drive would actually intersect with the proposed connection of Matty Kelly bullet Ard from the north to the South Side so we would have a pedestrian signal at that intersection of those two different modes of traffic okay right this shows the U the connection of Matty Kelly from the south uh so and the trail again continues along the South edge of the Florida Power and lot right away you can see at the East side of this the right hand side we're going to have to move outside of the right of way uh to avoid um interfering with private lots that have fencing and other improvements on them so that requires an easement that uh has to be yet to be negotiated by the city okay that connection uh from the property the easement on the south then goes back into the rideway itself the Florida Power and Light rideway the 12ft wide path continues there's a proposed vehicular rdge at this location that spans the the existing water body there uh it's wide enough that to and it would be designed structurally to support the uh normal vehicular traffic but also the service vehicles of Florida Power and Light uh uh as you see in this view on the right hand side of it there are alternative Pathways that are more narrow than the 12ft wide asphalt path proposed just to make the the trail itself a little more interesting uh these are just some depictions of existing vehicular Bridges similar to what's proposed these are actual photographs of project that have been done by York bridges this is the East uh trail head for the project which is at Airport Road there's a proposed parking area there uh there's a signal at this location uh the signal here would have to be improved uh and then there would be additional crosswalks provided one of the recommendations that was made here was excuse me uh was uh instead of having the boardwalk at this location we would look at an on grade solution that would require fill and a retaining wall as opposed to the pile elevated Boardwalk so that's another recommendation from the previous meeting uh in addition to that this is a view from the looking from the East back to the West for at this location another uh recommendation made at the previous meeting was the addition of a restroom facility so we would be looking at a central location in juel Melvin Park and we'll follow the same recommendation there and provide a base bid without the restroom and an additive alternate that would include a restroom facility I'd be happy to answer any questions if you have them all right first is councilwoman abar um mayor I'd like to make the motion to move that City Council approved the 30% concept design plans with all recommended amendments from joint committees into the 60% concept plans in addition I move for staff to bring forth a budget amendment and change order for dag to add engineering design for the recommended additional Road improvements all right have a motion do I hear a second all right dies for second there we go all right all right so with that you have any other discussion cman G thank you um I actually attended the workshop um and there are several things on here that I I think are going to be a point of contention moving forward one of those being the addition of the bathrooms and the dog stations uh again Lisa staff is going to have to maintain that that's going to be an additional cost that's going to be a place for the homeless we all know that the homeless encampments follow through those areas they're going to overtake these things there's one way in currently um and even if we we enhance that bridge it's going to become a problem we have a dog park here if they would like to walk their dog or or keep your dog off the trail unless you can take care of your own feces um from that portion uh also the the vehicle rated in the cost to to incur that on on that side is is fairly substantial and uh I understand one way in one way out but uh it's it's rather costly for for what they're talking and this is a trail it's not a park uh and finally that maty Kelly Boulevard connection uh I understand that there's there's the potential that we may want to look at in the future because there will be potential businesses that begin utilizing that once that roadway becomes viable but I think that's a cost we need to incur uh later if we see feel that need so I would like to make the substitute motion uh the city approved the 30% concept d uh designed with only the recommended number uh 2 three and five moments from The Joint Committee into the 60% and move into the 60% concept design plans all right I have a motion on the table for the sub do I hear a second I'll second discussion all right got a second further discussion up next councilman King thank you sir um yeah I like the I like the design I think uh one of the concerns that I have is that one of the questions I have is for as far as the parking goes are we required to have parking I my my initial U when when we first started talking about this thing I thought it was a a way for Walkers and bikers to Traverse the city and you know like like Dory said it's not a park you know this is a trail um what is the what is the point for what's the point of having parking and I'm and I kind of lean towards what Mr Gall says about the uh restrooms is you know restrooms in this town are you know point of contention you know they're they're great but a lot of work a lot of work and you know people live in them sometimes so uh I just like to hear what y'all have to say about that um but I don't I don't see the need for parking councilman Schmidt go ahead all all I'll say is um there is juel Melvin park that's still part of this trail system so there is currently gravel parking out there to access J moven Park and this plan is addressing some parking near it uh to turn that into a pav parking so there's parking at both ends and then there's the juel Melvin Park parking lot too so I would agree that the both ends maybe they're not necessary but the jeel Melvin Park yeah and that's and that's where sorry forgive me yeah the ju M juel Melvin Park parking I understand the parking on either end I I don't get okay Council sure thank you um taking out the number six which is the connection North and South what does that do what what what is the impact of that decision if that is removed from the 60% plans as you proceed forward uh so the way I would see that working is um the design team would continue forward with the trail through there um and just in the back of their mind that the road connection will happen at some point in the future so kind of doing the current design to to work with a future road that would come through there um whenever that is desired to happen but with with this north south connection being made if that gets approved tonight there is that $475,000 change order for the design team to do the engineering design permitting uh and traffic studies for the the two intersections that will be created at 98 and at airport and then also if the parking lot's left on the on the East End um to redo that signalization com into there so including it includes a $475,000 change order that would also take place that have to be approved or are we approving that change order that would come back to us to be approved yeah it will have to come back yeah for approv yes and then you would go back and then include that in the future designs moving forward the next 60% and then not including it we're still taking in consideration the possibility in the future of having that road not we won't show it but we'll just make sure the grades filled up enough to to put in a future Road and not have a lot and then um what's the point of uh can you explain the approved FPL will install the lighting what is that um that was from the Committees that was a recommendation um Michael can correct me if I'm wrong on this but I believe we pay a monthly lease for lights through FPL and as part of that lease they would install and maintain them so it kind of already happens okay and then um okay well yeah I'd like to figure out how we can try to best utilize everybody's time and and energy and efforts because we we we all know that we can always come right back to the table as we've learned with the cross connector for 20 years so but i' I'd like to not be uh doing that in the future so if we can figure out how to proceed with the best options and and uh it won't be a Major Impact to the design you know I think we should go I don't really like the idea of uh uh bathrooms you know um for the purposes that have already been stated um dog stations sure I don't see a problem with that you know I do know we have to fill those out but you know um yeah anyways that's all thank you all right cman Dustin thank you mayor um I haven't attended a whole lot of these workshops and meetings because I don't want to be there as a councilman putting my finger on the scale the last one I did listen to the folks that were there felt that this was going to be a walking Park and not a road and so I would support Mr gu's attempts to not put in options to turn this into a road um as far as the uh rooms that's another big expense the change order the $475,000 is that a change order just for the engineering uh engineering design permitting there'd be a traffic study at the intersection so that's just for engineering and and getting things done a lot of awful lot of money so uh I think probably I will support Mr gal's motion thank you councilman Bagby yeah how how much uh RightWay or easement acquisition do we have to do because you mentioned a couple of we have to go out of the FPL and we have to get an easement here right away there and so how much can you point out the areas on the on the long map there I don't think people understand it we don't own that now we might have some very generous folks here and we do and town that might give us some stuff but there's some acquisition that isn't captured in our 475,000 so yes coming from coming back from going from 30s and coming back to 60% to you all um we do have to negotiate with some of the private property owners uh to acquire the easements needed to provide the layout as it is now um including that north south connector right at the corner where it makes the the turn left turn to go back up um that is the back corner of Big C uh Big Kahuna so we have to negotiate to have the access easement in that corner um moving East from there um there are dips and deviations in the pathway that go outside of the FPL easement so those would have to go to the property owners um to see if we can get some access agreements there so once this is approved tonight to move forward if that happens um then we'll start talking to these Property Owners to see if we can get those access or access agreements um on the west side of the north south connector um I believe the only part that dips out that we need agreement would be from the Twin Twin Lakes Home Association for little pier that's shown and then that bypass around the parking lot off of Palm Street yeah so to Mr Schmidt's Point th this is how we get in these repetitive Cycles is because we don't ask the questions of oh yeah go to 60% and then we find out well we didn't get three of these Ms that were in the 30% so now we got to go back and change the new 30% to incorporate the easements that we did get I I am with these with folks that don't want the road primarily because uh a we don't need the road and that's not how we sold this project B uh this looks like we're we're making an access Paveway for FPL and if you've ever seen and I'm not just calling out FPL oako gas does it every utility does it they drive into the RightWay they rut it they crack up the sidewalk and then they just drive off because they're allowed to drive in the right away and they're so they're going to come down this nice Highway that we built and we just spent a boatload of money on and just drive out into their lines to do maintenance on their towers or their lines or whatever and then they're going to run it and they're going to drive back into the nice little road that that we built them now if they want to help us build the road or they want to build a road and let us landscape the road I'm I'm all for that I don't want to bite the hand that's feeding us though because they are giving us access to their RightWay so I'm very supportive of Mr gu's uh motion to just do two three and five and no bathrooms no roads um you know and I I would just understand that it's we sold this as a pathway people to get east to west not as a way where FPL can drive up and down the road that we paid for that then we get to go repair you guys want to talk on that as far as talking about fpnl is this a carrot that we can give them for for leverage and and helping with the design or what was the I I a soft question to Levi here we go so the FPL requires us to provide service access along this path so however we generate the trail and whatever design it is they're going to require vehicular access additionally your Public Works safety they've all requested vehicular access as well because you've got nearly a mile and a half two miles of travel distance here that they need to have you know can you get an ambulance in there can you take care of people so a way to meet all the layered needs of it we suggested putting it as a paveed park the asphalt is actually going to be much cheaper than some of the other potential ways that you could do it the other part of this was about the idea of what the trail was intended for so that 12T width we did some studies that were about if you have a bicycle and a family walking how much space do you need in order to not have any sort of danger or cross impact so that's how the 12 ft was generated so there's a layer of process there of how many many can we get to where we have one trail that serves all those needs I agree with you um as terms of you know the damage and the kind of use um but there's also the FPL is required to maintain their own easements as well so I think that there's a kind of Community Partnership idea about what's being proposed here understanding that everybody's going to use it it's going to have some wear and tear and we'll have to just address that as we move forward and I will say um mayor you might know the answer to this too if this does get wrapped into and this is a future discussion the suntrail program and we can get funding from the suntrail to help build this I believe the minimum width is 12 feet so this accomplishes that too for the trail yeah and and just throw that out there as far as a lot of the trail money they don't accommodate for any um amenities bathrooms but it would be just Trail and any kind of of that so all those things that we're kind of sounds like we're shedding off a little bit kind of lend better to Grant applications for those State agencies all right up next we got Tes AAR thanks mayor um I agree with uh Mr G's um secondary motion of we don't need the bathrooms and um the 12 feet wide I get that that's good and not doing the $475,000 engineering change to get the roads in at this time maybe as it's being developed to leave it as an option but we don't have the money we don't want to put ourselves out there trying to figure out okay well let's do this we'll come up with this money and it's a pipe dream at this point so until we get more money we need to just do what we have the monies for what the funding is and make this Trail just continue on at the next level so counc oh sorry councilman Bagby yeah I I didn't ask Mr G make it part of his motion but I want to know what our plan is to Garner those easements before we get to the 60% solution because I don't want you coming back and saying we got the 60% solution cuz the first question I'll ask is so we have all the easements and Y all go well not exactly then that that will just totally light my fuse so so hopefully it's Fourth of July so it was a strategic effort to say that before we went and asked a private homeowner what are you going to be giving us an easement for to actually have something on paper that we could show them that this is the intent and so there was a good faith kind of part of that the actual process for securing those easements I'll pass that over to Ryan but that was part of the 30% why we haven't done and I understand that I'm good with that and my goal is when we come back to you all with 60% plans obviously after taking it through the Committees again we will have the easements in hand that we can get in hand and the new 60% plans will take all those changes into account so it might not look exactly like this today but that's the goal at 60s is we have at least some written agreements that they will work with us to get this through great councilman dtin so when we get to 60% after that if we need to or required to turn it into vehicle accessible that still can come in in the last phase are you referencing the north south connection I'm referencing the one that is uh let see if I can get this back up the bridge the East End Bridge the East End Bridge over the canal yes um so for that one we need HOA I believe an HOA owns that Canal um so yeah if we were to get an HOA easement or whatever we need then we could incorporate that into the design yes that that's going to be the critical piece if we don't have them pretty key to whether or not we have a v accessible Bridge yes if we if we don't get that piece then essentially the the trail will end at mum Kelly and connect to the sidewalks to go up and down I'm Kelly and we'll find that out shortly if we're trying to get our EAS right okay thanks all right um it sounds like we're the Northwest the north south is failing but I was going to be for it so I guess I'm just not gonna argue something on that and I guess all right call on the vote City this is on the substitute motion with gu's specific y all right eyes have it so moved all right thank you guys for being here appreciate all the time and effort it looks great why so many fur trees in these Concepts what why so many fur trees in these Concepts I mean we are Florida all right Mr zenui thank you item four um f uh is an update uh for the boardwalk under the bridge and also the storman um 98 intersection study uh you asked us to uh come back and see if we can combine those two studies and see if there's any cost savings associated with that effort uh the city engineer has been working on that and he's got the team of Engineers here to uh walk you through that and see whether there are any savings that could be had all right Ryan take the floor if you got anything good evening mayor and Council um all right so at a previous meeting I think it was the last one or the one before we voted to kind of untable the boardwalk under the bridge and then it was asked that we come back with the design professionals with a concept of how we want to kind of see move forward to extend the boardwalk under the bridge and then also since they're doing the PDN study and the stallman intersection study and doing this already see if you can combine the two contracts to kind of have some cost savings so I have basketball Don with me tonight uh they have their um little concept to explain and then um we're looking to see if we're on the right path to bring back in a future meeting the new contract with them that combines the two plus the new additional scope now that we have the one Harbor parcel because the seaw wall needs to be redone and the boardwalk has extend along the whole Frontage now which was never part of the previous scope um so Bas thank you thank you mayor thank you Council um got a slide here showing a concept um of our our pedestrian path basically we would come in off of um off the road with a an asphalt path and we did run some preliminary calculations to make sure we get have ADA compliance uh that would come South to the water's edge and then then we would transition into a concrete section with a new seaw wall railings uh we thought about maybe a a knee wall of some sort for people to sit on 12T wide uh that would then uh head toward the toward the maror bridge there into a little prominade area for you know move maneuverability uh for pedestrians or you know what whatever is out there maybe they could you know realign themselves in that little area and then we would transition into a a prefabricated um board basically uh very early discussions we had with do they were concerned about maintenance under that bridge uh we thought maybe that uh if we had a system that could be unbolted and removed where they could do their maintenance and then put back in place would be a good idea and then reconnect you know reconnect U at the boardwalk um the next slide would basically show circulation path for pedestrians of how do we get how do we get individuals to utilize the path so in essence we want to take both of those uh projects that we're under contract for and combine them into a design of The Pedestrian underpass which would include the wall and then take a take a look at how do we invite pedestrians to utilize that U utilize that Boardwalk um we did a preliminary section view of of what it would look like along the water this is you know very high level stuff here just kind of food for thought that'd be a concrete section with a knee wall on the right hand side railing on the left uh we proposed to rebuild a wall in front of the existing wall uh under a maintenance activity uh which would forego a huge permitting effort um and this is something we've done at the community Maritime Park here very you know very much a food for thought slide it shows a a wide pedestrian path with a knee wall and railings along uh Community Maritime Park and then um you guys have these in your backup uh the scopes for both of the projects we're under contract for and we put together a list of of items that we thought might be additional so what we'd like to do is to go back and take both of those projects see where there's overlap uh in those and then come back with a with a new scope that would incorporate both projects under you know the scenario that we presented and I'll take any questions Perfect all right up first councilwoman abar thanks mayor I'm just going to make the motion to move the city council direct city manager to negotiate with Bakersville Donovan Inc and bring back a revised contract that combine the PD and study and the one Harbor walk bull uh Board Walk extension project into one contract for a future city council meeting second I have a motion in second up next for discussion councilman Schmidt thank you thank you for being here tonight uh I also want to thank staff and you guys for everybody for um Coming Back and you know and and staff are bringing y'all back and starting the conversations and doing things that the council has asked it's very nice to see that um one can that design that you may bring back will that take in consideration regardless of what will be built at that property you know this pathway isn't going to be affected by whatever that would potentially be with SRS contract that we're now working on and all this stuff well one of the one of the considerations and that's why it kind of skirts the sides Marina property there and then runs directly along the water so we could leave you know the best and highest use for the rest of the property great that's good to know uh and I love the idea under the bridge um and I appreciate you for or whoever for already just preliminary talks with do and just things like that so thank you very much uh councilman Dustin thank you mayor and I support the motion to see if we can combine the two and see where we might be able to have some overlay and and some saves I did want to ask you one thing tonight now that now that we have here the last meeting that I attended with the city engineer and Miss cop and and and M zingi I hope I'm saying that right Le you'll just have to hit me ask to the meeting we we talked about what we could do that would be timely and there was an intersection and because we included solman intersection in our discussions it was an intersection in Gulf Breeze I believe where they were using some kind of innovative traffic control uh we were going to go over and talk to them about that and to see if that was something we could put in this one did we ever do that we talked about it preliminarily on on Pensacola Beach at the intersection there um they basically have uh on staff someone monitoring that intersection on the weekends off hours and they can remotely you know adjust those uh lights as as they need to and I would think that being as that's the worst intersection we have in town I would be very uh motivated to see if we can do something like that to at least get some temporary relief as quickly as we can uh how do we go over and sit down with them and find out exactly what they're doing and and if it will apply to our intersection we can try to set up a meeting uh I've got Jim W with me here our marketing Vice President we can try to set up a meeting with the county and and have us sit down it is a it's an interesting topic and it's something that would probably be very useful at that intersection and there may even be some artificial intelligence possibilities possibility and I won't make a motion but I think you all know that we want to see I mean that's something we could possibly Implement for the summer if it's something that can be done quickly and it could make a tremendous difference up there you know I observe that every day and it would really really smooth the flow out if actually you had someone or something or some entity that could adjust those time periods according to the you know the demands of the moment so I would encourage yall to see what you can find out about that and see if we can apply it to stallman which is pretty awful in the summer yeah and I want to also point out too this is this is very important if we can get this boardwalker under the bridge to try to Force pedestrian traffic to use it to get to the harbor walk um and to to dissuade people from going walking across the stalman and and that would help tremendously but that's a long-term solution that would yes that is a long-term solution but that's taking a long phase of that signal timing out help it put towards just vehicle movement and that's why it's worth doing but let's see if we can't find something we can do quickly to alleviate the problem and just to piggyback on that and I don't have the specifics Emerald Coast Regional counsil um is getting into that they have the funding and the phasing and they're they're about to start implementing so Austin Mount at the Emerald Coast Regional Council this is going on right now um I think we all got our invite to the February 2nd thing they're going to be that's one of the seven uh topics is this you know whether it's AI or human the controlled intersections for efficiency so hopefully we could be a guinea pig because we're not going to be asking them to do anything that they're not already ambitiously going after um so hopefully we can be a guinea pig for the side of ecrc Bagby yeah supportive of I have a couple questions uh lighting under the bridge or lighting along the boardwalk um but particularly under the bridge because again we've talked about the homeless hang out in the bathrooms on our linear Park that that's like a magnet of magnets under there so I'm just trying to figure out what's the lighting plan and I know we're preliminary but what is what are we thinking about for the lighting plan it's not really something we've thought a lot about we will consider it in our design and it'll be a discussion with DOT it's you know it's their Bridge they maintain that area underneath it uh so we'll have to coordinate with them uh C it can certainly be done um a and a piggy back on that would be cameras or security you can call it either one but probably some cameras that you know where the sheriff's department can when there's a group of 20 people hanging out under the bridge probably not what we want uh after we put all our money into this and then the rating of the bridge that you know it's Innovative that's a good idea it's kind of interesting uh what's the rating load rating of that bridge do you see we haven't gotten that deep into it I mean it'll surely be traffic rated for you know lsvs or whatever you guys want to run back and forth on there we need to have some ability to get uh emergency some kind of emergency vehicle down there to get people back and forth so it'll have to be traffic rated that's a good segue because that you want to get people from those parking lots to use that you get a couple of eight packs or 12pack lsvs and you say we're going to run you over to uh at least the RightWay line uh and drop you off on the Harbor at the festive Marketplace and you can knock yourself out and just run back and forth during the summer I'm not talking all year obviously uh and then my last question Ryan were you able to find out uh if the owners of the Southern Property are going to fix their boardwalk and that access point uh so we're meeting with them this week um and we're going to discuss all this with them all right look forward to Mr Bagby just a comment on one of the things you said about under the bridge safety and groups keep in mind and consideration that some stuff we've talked about about that parcel about a person that staff there whatever potentially goes there in the future could also be acting as one of those uh employees or whatever security or whatever it is so there's a lot of good opportunities there basically all I'm agreeing with you but a lot of future opportunities there there are I just my my main thing you know we're probably 5 years from having a building or or something there but we could do this a lot faster but what I don't want is somebody injured murdered raped whatever God forbid under that because it's just a magnet for it could be a magnet let me put like that for people that we don't want camping out under that bridge understood and I would think too if it turns into a high pedestrian traffic area to get people in and out of the harbor Boardwalk then that would dissuade people from hanging out in that area too hence if it's well lit it's got cameras and it's got an lsv going back and forth at 5 10minute intervals what's the width of the path 12et 12 okay awesome just got sure we got our our check marks when we go for Grants um cool anything else seeing nothing else I will call the call the vote all right eyes have it so moved thank you awesome thank you guys so much all right all right we're gonna do a a five minute break I was getting a lot of everyone's walking back so I'll start the meeting back up yeah you just take a seat take a seat all right arure oh it's a puzzle take it away Andy yeah it's a puzzle so um so each of these uh puzzle pieces is a rabbit hole but I promise I'm not going to get down in any of them unless you want to dive down in them but um tonight uh you ratified two contracts for us on consent agenda which uh greatly appreciated much needed but as we've done the lwh hanging fruit in the IT department um we're going to be coming forward with some more of those kinds of things so it's only right that we give you an overview of what the heck we're doing and and where we plan to take this ship um and I also want to get your Buy in on my Approach for the purchasing of some of these things so that's what I'd like to talk to you about um so I'm calling this a heat map uh something councelor Bagby talked about um the last time we spoke in December that he would like to see a u an overview of all of the modules and how they interact uh and where they are now this this is simplified um but what I'm trying to show here is where the pain points are um so um the idea here is that you can get a good sense of as we go step by step how how it's my hope that we can um start to cool this whole thing off so the problem statement is um how do I how do I fix these hot spots without placing the city in a bad position either with a vendor or with bad code or with bad processes or processes people will reject and also how can I do it without delay I don't want to wait 6 months and then suddenly replace half of it or something like that um and you know just make no progress I would like to make incremental steps that's how I would like to solve it so um how this would how I think this could go um assuming I have is uh so from from where we are here today uh you just approved a new timekeeping system as you see and um and payroll we'll be going in with that and so that will cool off the accounting pain that's coming from the current accounting system I'm just going back and forth between steps one and two um I also intend to begin working on the uh camera systems that are currently by a company called hik Vision which is a Chinese manufacture facturer that is now on the Florida uh State list of things that we're not allowed to have so um you know and in addition to the to the regular things that are important to us there's also the things that that we see as a as a group as a state um and then um I would like to implement some more AI tools that I think can help for example in Ray's area we have some tools that can significantly increase his ability to process text from these meetings uh faster a couple more areas that I think could be helpful and then I need to establish a mobile device management system we have probably 200 devices like the ones you're using now they're all over the place they need to have an agent on there and something I have a hook in that I can say hey wipe hey find it hey don't let it load Tik Tok because it's also on the state list that things that can't be used on a government computer that kind of stuff so that's my plan step one after that I'm thinking I need to uh start looking at this accounting system um it's easy target too because accounting systems I don't have to do anything special with there's lots of them we can just choose one that they work um and I that should also cool the asset management uh off right now we've got crystals group doing significant um manual processes there with Asset Management we have problems with the depreciation not calculating correctly I know that seems odd in a system but there something wrong with it so that's step two um and then also in step two we're having um we're having problems in a public works group with the work order Asset Management stuff that we moved to this last year um we just need to roll back to what they were doing before and get that working again so um that will cool off the assets and then um I would like to complete the AI tools which will bring us to green over there on the left under the AI puzzle piece so um moving on to step three now we have some big changes going on what I would like to do is start to move the rest of these and we're already in the process of doing this but move the rest of our on-site servers off into uh I'm going to use the word cloud but I don't mean cloud like our um licensing and permitting or a vendor who's going to do everything for you I mean posted computers that are safer than ours on site that are going to be hit by the 12 foot wave if it ever comes by God forbid um I can do this actually cheaper than running them on site I believe Crystal and I have done some of the analysis um she's more confident than I am but um we do think we can get this work done cheaper um we also we'll have our we have problems with the um some of the backup technology and things like that so as we move move into the cloud there we will have much better backups and that sort of thing basically if the wave comes through um as soon as the internet comes back up we'll be fully back up and running uh you'll also see the public records puzzle piece changing a little bit um that's in Ray area it's happening behind the scenes I need to work on that so that the public has a little bit better access to the public records um finally finish the hike vision and and get rid of the big Barracuda backup machines that we have here saving costs and then um during this whole process um I'm we need to be already looking at what might happen here if we have trouble with Tyler technology still we discussed that in December now they're coming out on their dime uh beginning of February February 7th 8th and 9th there be boots on the ground and they're supposed to help us un one what's going on with that system I would love it if they just fixed it and it worked and we had no more problems um even if they do we still have some hurdles to climb uh including long-term costs that whole thing is funded with arpa and we're not quite sure how that funding is going to work out after arpa money runs out but um if they fix it they fix it if they don't though nobody goes into anything without a plan B you know so we will be ready at this stage stage stage five to begin um either bringing in another company or as we discussed in last meeting um rolling to in-house uh Solutions um that will cool off the public portal because if you see it goes from the right side of the screen public portal it goes up to the left side with the public records because it will be running on our own servers then um and then everything else will start to cool off although I'm saying it's yellow as we give our Solutions out because they're going to have problems at first but as you can see we plan to prioritize the public and uh they go down from well I think yeah yeah they go over there to that touch point and then the final step would be to finish up those Solutions and connect it over here to the accounting system if you remember it right now it's disconnected from the accounting system which causes additional problems so the new solution would be connected with the accounting system so that licenses permits and all that come through the general ledger like they're supposed to without additional entry um there's a lot of ways to fix this whole heat map I'm sure another it person would have other ideas this is my best thinking on the topic I'm open to your suggestions at any point at any point awesome thank you for listening all right councilwoman AB bear I move to direct city manager to proceed with the ongoing improvements to the it ecosystem making use of cooperative purchasing or piggybacking were possible to streamline procurement and improve implementation timelines motion is second up first councilman Bagby I was going to second but uh Andy thank you for and as we discuss today uh in about six weeks eight weeks I'll sit down with you and Crystal whenever she gets back in has had sometime to re acclimate there's uh he's put a lot of thought into this and this is the stuff that's not sexy about operating a city you know strategic plan it's not oh look at the new sidewalk or we cut a ribbon on a new parcel down on the Harbor but this is the stuff that makes this function my my concerns are as we discuss the linkage to finance because and I want y'all to show me the life cycle and Jamie I asked that you be at that meeting also when I was talking to Andy and Lis was from the time uh staff member clocks in to the time that check hits their account so that incorporates their PTO their their sick time any you know donation of time that they might have gotten who because what I don't want to do is well it's all automated except for these eight steps and then somebody's got to do this manually or somebody's got to do a piece of paper or whatever so I just want to see the system and the the other thing I would ask you to look at uh before we sit down is we not entirely but primarily we fix our stuff our internal stuff first which I understand why but the things that are outward facing to the public are the last things and if there's some way to simultaneously work on our internal processes payroll finance things like that with our external processes uh how I see where my building permit is or how Marcy looks up and sees that we don't have a building permit on that property or whatever yeah I'm thinking about you uh you know those external facing and then on the code enforcement we've talked about this before but I think I talked with the code enforcement folks in Lance was you know Rosemary 10 years ago more than 10 years ago 15 years ago had a little iPad where you just walked around you took a picture it automatically populated the form it populated your location because it had the GPS and you send it to the office the young lady in the office hit print you know made sure the information was correct that that was the owner of that property hit print and the letter went off to the homeowner to fix your gate or fix your window or whatever and we we've got to get to that level of fidelity where we make everybody's jobs easier so I I appreciate the the thought that you put in this I I appreciate you know it's a visual where everybody can understand it but now let's let's execute it all right councilman dtin well I I suppose my comment is a lik a lot of lik Tim and I'm going to support your path forward but I've not gotten a single complaint about time clocks or um accounting from the people I work for who are the citizens I've got an awful lot of complains about step five permitting I I don't suppose you've tried to buy a business license in the last 6 months I have and that's we need to fix that because that's what the folks that I work for care about I want to help you fix the other ones because I know that's that's an internal problem for you but let's not delay or forget the outside connections because that's where I get to listen to it every other day yep I I hear you and uh um Lewis has already instructed me hey Andy focus on the public facing stuff so where you going on that other day I want to join Council M thank you sir this is a request to the council and potentially staff just a a question on my part um I have a background uh in working with software companies and development for user I also have Contracting licenses where I use that interface I would respectfully request that Council allow me to be involved in this at some level whether it's legislative sponsor or just be in there as an end user making recommendations on all faults that I've seen with the software but I don't want to overstep any boundaries in doing this so I'm I'm asking this council at what capacity you feel it would be appropriate yeah I would suggest subject matter expert um uh as the end user um so as you know we're we're already thinking about what's going to happen if we have to roll out our own code and we're in the process just in case so I think now is the time I could reach out to you and um get what we call user stories together you know you've been involved um and we can start running agile on making sure that we include all those things that would be wonderful thank you thank you sir I I would support your participation I do you need a motion we could make a motion to have him be the be the legislative sponsor yeah well or he could be the council liaison to uh RIT I'll make that motion I'll second it Mr Mayor we have a current motion on the floor right now so we dispense of that first or yeah we okay so all right I don't see any further discussion on the puzzle pieces so we'll vote on the puzzle pieces sorry for the oversimplification there we go I have it unanimously so moved and then I'll entertain that second motion so we have the motion in a second seeing no further discussion calling question as just so I understand I don't mind being the legislative sponsor I'm just trying is it an architecture issue or is it a software issue is it a hardware issue is it you know when you you say I'm I'm going to help in in what capacity I guess just so because you know all of us want to help but it's I don't want to step on your toes or you know the last thing I want is uh you telling him y'all need to do this and then somebody else telling him well no we need to do this and somebody else going hey I was talking to somebody my friends in Fort Walton Beach or at the Florida leag of cities and they said they've got this software program and it's the best thing since I you guys need to do that you know so I'm just trying to make sure we don't overwhelm what what do you see the legislative sponsor because there's not a lot of legislation here I guess that's you know it's not like planning or something like that that's why I said it's your your recommendation and I wasn't sure that would be the right title but as an end user the pinch points that we find is an enduser while utilizing the software not dictating to anyone because that wouldn't be my my role responsibility on the path that we move but showing uh one I have pulled permits throughout the entire State of Florida and various other capacities municipalities and other software systems uh I know how the software should function easily for the end user uh I've seen it uh in several different instances so so it would be more of these issues are what arise when we begin this process these are the things that should and from our standpoint communicate effectively and efficiently so that we don't have to open several Windows uh develop several attachments it's my vision uh and I thought it was the vision of the entire software that if I'm on a job site I can file a permit I don't have to be able to go back to an office write a letter scan that letter you know and all those other functions but something that would create a a a at least a template or a benchmark from an enduser standpoint on how to achieve a permit the most efficient way off off site love it yeah for in enduser feedback I I think that's you're the man because I don't pull permits King yeah I just going to say I think that's a I think it's a great idea um you know I get a lot of I get a lot of I have a lot of people contact me as well especially uh contractors General Contractors home builders Livery vessel uh owners you know and they have a hard time and I think what what you're trying to say is that there are some snags there's some faults in the system and you know we're just trying to bring th bring these things to these guys and GS yeah make sure we do it right I love it I like it helpful all right see one clarification of amazing maker of the motion the motion is to name him as a council leaon to the it Council a council leaon to anything never takes over the authority of the council to make decisions simply works with the particular office to bring back and to bring to them and to bring back to us feedback and that's what the motion is doing all right do you have anything okay voting's open sorry can't get the puzzle there you go all right eyes have it so moved good all right all right both of them thank you thank you all right proceed yep thank you um item 4 H has to do with the sub award agreement to the uh to the grant we have for clella Park and I'll let our grants uh manager to uh walk you through the uh uh what this agreement is about and also what you expect next thank you Lis uh the sub award agreement will allow the city to have an official relationship with the county and this will allow us to officially begin Grant activities uh the first of which will be the procurement uh we will send an RFP to uh the county and uh probably treasury for review first that'll be brought to the council for review at the our next meeting hopefully and uh we'll begin the procurement process once they Greenlight us on everything that's in there and uh during that process there's other documentation that we'll be working with uh the county on to get lined up and in place uh once the procurement is finished and the contractor selection is done by the the the council we will uh go ahead and send a request into treasury to begin construction activities and that will be uh the process will be working out throughout the spring and summer all right appreciate it Jeff all right up first I got T abar councilwoman thanks mayor um I move that the D city council authorize mayor Bobby Wagner to execute the sub awward agreement number 2024 R2 between Okaloosa County Florida and the City of dtin Florida pertaining to the direct component portion of the store act trust fund monies allocated to Okaloosa County all right got a motion second got a second cman Schmidt you're up thank you Jeff do you know who at the county level will have to approve the RFP once we send it off to them I'll send it to Jane but I'm sure so she'll be sending it to their legal department for review to make sure it's compliant with tfr2 200 do you know if that's a county commissioner uh actual approval as well or is it just uh internal Jane and then district hofstead and all that I think just their legal counsel okay but then they'll also uh provide treasury the opportunity to review it as well and they they may choose to they may choose not to gotcha uh is the RP something that you expect to bring back to council pretty like near future next meeting hopefully the next meeting okay sounds good thanks uh for getting this appreciate it no problem looking looking forward to seeing it moving forward seeing no further discussions we'll call the vote Jim confirm there you go all right I have it so moved um item 4 I um is an update on the city manager search and uh on HR director is here to give you an update yes thank you to date we have 23 candidates so far zero internal applicants at this point I've fully reviewed 11 11 of the applications and they're all fully qualified so I'll be reviewing the rest of them this week and then um our City attorney has put together a timeline for when we'll be meeting with the um committee members so how that's going to look the position will close out February 8th and then she and I will riew all the application applications for the minimum qualifications and then we'll forward the resumés to the um committee members they'll have about 14 days to review them and then in March we'll start meeting with the committee to review applications together and to start scheduling interviews with the candidates and then we're hoping to have everything completed by early May it's the tenative timeline so that is subject to some changes just with canate availability committee members availability but that's our general outline all right well I appreciate it Jamie thank you so much and then before we get to Jay uh Ray if you want to jump in and explain what's going on okay I receive a statement uh email from uh Captain Gary Jarvis our previous mayor and he asked me to read it and the mayor will allow me to read it um please let the council know that I would like to throw my hat in the ring to serve as interim city council member to take Matthew switch spot due to his health problems until the next election cycle all right thank you for that Ray City manager or Kim whoever uh thank you um 4J is exactly what uh touches on what exactly r as I just talked about the city council s vacancy and appointment Kim so um as you know uh Matthew sweeter resigned a copy of his resignation is in the agenda packet and um so now what we would be doing is you all can decide whether you want to take applications for someone to fill that vacancy pursuant to the terms of the charter or if you just want to appoint someone it's really in your discretion the count the charter doesn't provide for um one or the other so once you make an appointment when you do that person will serve until the November 2024 election Mr seder's term would have ended in November 2026 so um whoever receives the fifth highest number of votes in the November 2024 election would serve only until November 2026 that would then like count as a full term under the charter so that person could only run for one additional consecutive four-year term after the completion of the two years all right cman Schmidt I'd like to make a motion uh I would like to appoint Mr John Stevens to the vacated seat and I would like to ask if I could Mr M Mr Mr Wagner I just wanted to speak a few words uh of support for John and I appreciate all the others that have also sent in their recommendations or uh not you know whatever they just sent in so tired but you know I I disagree with one thing that was said earlier about an advantage because if Mr Stevens gets up here if we all agree um or most of us agree and he doesn't do a good job the people won't vote for him in November so uh does it help him to get ahead of others maybe for the election sure but uh there's going to be a an election coming up soon and I imagine a lot of maybe some of us will be running as well so um I think he'll do an amazing job he's shown nothing but U energy and passion for this city and everybody in it and if he can get up here on this seat and start taking action and helping us to continue pushing forward on some things I am all about it and everybody else that has wanting to do this as well I I I love all of them as well I think they would do an okay job too but I'm I'm all for Mr Stevens tonight agreed up next cman Bagby yeah you know there's there's multiple ways we can go we can have people will submit uh letters of Interest or their resumés or whatever applications some form fill out some form I think we've done it that way before we've also just appointed people from up here before I know we've done it that way and I understand uh Mr Braden's argument and it was the same argument that they used when uh before our special election Mr Mayor uh and they put chadam in and I thought chattam would have been a great pick uh I disagree in this instance with Mr Braden uh because I don't think it gives uh an advantage I do believe it gives an advantage because you get visibility you get name recognition you get the go get your picture taken every time the mayor cuts a ribbon or whatever you know or hands out coins to little kids and uh but there's going to be five seats that are filled I mean five not three not four five and so if we can I hope we can get five people to run you know which was about the only reason I voted for the healthc care thing was I agreed with Mr dtin that we got to do something to induce people uh to run and now with the form six we're just kind of going in the other direction because anybody with any means their wife won't let them uh I'm sorry Bab I didn't mean that uh or husband or husband their spouse won't uh so um but with five it's not going to make that much difference you know the my only concern would be if we appoint somebody and they're the fifth well their term you know is that two years and then the six years and that that limits it and so uh if there that that would be my concern um but yeah I'm fine with John he's here almost every meeting he's engaged uh and I think he's willing to to you know meet with the staff do the training and broaden his Horizons a little bit other than the harbor and you know boats and things like that which he is probably more he I know he's more knowledgeable than I'll ever be on that subject but uh hopefully he will uh be a great one and uh yeah I'm supportive right councilman King thank you sir yeah I think I think John would be a great asset to our uh to this city council I think that you know where I was kind of going into this is finding out that may Jarvis was interested I don't I don't know that he has any interest in I I don't know I think that I'm kind of on the going into this conversation I'm a little bit on the fence as to what the right thing to do is is it does it give JN an advantage in in the upcoming election maybe um I don't know I'm torn I like both of these guys so anyways that's all I've got right all right councilman G one thing I want you all to be aware is now I have a luxury booth and I'm not so sure I want to give that up no I don't want to give away my tiebreaker vote joking I'm just joking I I've I've made this comment several times in the past John is probably the one person in this entire city that gives more than anybody else he volunteers his equipment at no cost for sampling in the harbor he's at so many committees he's in so many uh councilman meetings I don't think that anybody's more deserving of the opportunity add one thing since you brought up committees if anyone that is on a committee that becomes a council member will have to resign including city manager committee and any other Harbor adviser boards all of that all right councilwoman abar thanks mayor I I just wanted to um throw my support in for John as well and uh on the Committees involved cares he's here he has been at every meeting for the last it feels like couple of years so I I know he knows all the issues that we're covering it's not like he's got to play catchup and for those of you that are saying somebody has an advantage because they're on it well I beat the guy that got the nine months to sit on it because they realized he was useless and got rid of him and I got voted in so I think the the timing is perfect let John prove that he's worth keeping and they'll revote him so if he doesn't Steve so long story short you deserve the spot you've worked hard and I think you do a great job you'll you'll help us out up here you care about this city more than anybody else I know and you jump in and do whatever whenever so you have a 100 100% support from me John all right does anyone else have any further discussion I called the vote on accent yeah okay all right well I won't butter up John anymore we're saying all these things so when you get up here we just get to yeah I just [Laughter] care oh man all right unanimously way to go buddy you're up here right there you get to sit next to to well deserve congratulations since we did that John is on the uh city manager committee I appointed John can I make the nomination now that Marcy Bell take that seat instead of John you sure can thank you second oh you got a second motion a second you're on it Marcy seeing no further discussion let's vote oh man everyone's getting a title tonight look at [Laughter] that the only person losing something is Tori his little empty space over there all right eyes have it unanimously so mooved congratulations as well all right Mr Lewis yes uh we we have a number of announcements for you and our public information director can uh uh go through those announcements for you certainly we have eight things things uh I'll try to be quick the first is that we did receive a number of calls and messages and uh such about the sunken ship at Joe's Bayou we do appreciate the folks in the room as well as the folks that called in to share their concerns about it the Coast Guard from Panama City uh and other partners uh are working with our Code Compliance Department to make sure that everything's taken care of including the removal of fuel from The Vessel we did have Florida's uh our on January 19th and our parks and recck Department originally planned to plant a red Beckey Tree in honor of that but as you guys know we had quite the cold front so we have put that off and the parks and recck department is meeting tomorrow to decide when to plant that tree two days from now on Wednesday at 6: PM in this room we will have the city's vulnerability assessment planning meeting we do encourage anyone from the public that's interested to please attend we will have experts from dubery and other associates on hand to explain and discuss flood related challenges the Directional Boring contractor is planning to start the four prong Lake project on Wednesday and the work's expected to be completed within 2 days and if there are questions about that U Michael Burgess or Public Works would be the place to direct those questions to we did want to Tout The Dustin history and fishing Museum's gumbo contest on Saturday it's being held at the community center it's in daytime it's can be purchased by going to the history and fishing Museum website or by calling the community center also we wanted to tout the pins and pancakes bowling fundraiser that's going to be held on Friday Friday February 23rd and that's uh going to go toward monies are going to go toward Dustin forwards project for this year and Dustin forward is of course run through the dtin uh Chamber of Commerce and this year's uh Destin forward class has chosen to have monies go to toward improvements at Clement Taylor Park and there's already Renovations going on there but the these particular funds will go toward improvements at the volleyball court planting a native hedro along the 270t seaw wall to help curb erosion and then the third area is to help with educational signage which if you've been out there it's really it's really bad and it needs it needs work so the improvements will be vast and if you have um interest in participating in that you can go to the Destin Chamber of Commerce website or you can talk to Ryan Scott or myself and we're the two cities um uh nominees for destined forward this particular year the city's visioning session will be held on February 29th and we are going to meet at 8:00 a.m. that day and then lastly we are in our 40th year our 40th birthday as a city we were Incorporated on February 9th I think it was 1984 and so we're doing lots of fun things this year in association of that and for anybody listening um live streaming or in this room that wants to be participatory whether it's in sponsorships or just collaborations we are looking to not only do the Drone show that you might have heard about but we're going to be doing some art installation projects and some neat initiatives with that we're working with the schools and lots of things going on so um the public information office could use as much help as you would like to provide with that we would be very collaborative with you all yeah and I do want to say um U Mr gonu I already mentioned it but um we did um have some family members that um experienced tragedy recently uh Dennis and also Crystal but Crystal called right before this meeting because that is what Crystal does and she asked me to express to you all just how very much uh she appreciated almost every single council member and employee and colleagues and such reaching out and it meant a lot to her so thank you it's a reminder that this city is small and quite beautiful and we are a solid Community thank you awesome thank you so much all right Lou anything to add yes finally I have um I've asked uh Captain fum to share a grand opportunity uh from his office uh that we could use as City uh Captain you want to just share that information Council good evening yall are aware uh in 2024 we obtained a traffic Grant uh to do traffic enforcement inside the city uh we've been doing that about a month now and uh We've made 278 traffic stops uh about 36% of those have resulted in the citation the reason I bring that up is by the end of February we have to submit the paperwork to get approved for the same Grant to continue next year uh because the sheriff's office um contracts with the city for law enforcement we have to have a support letter from the city before we can apply for that Grant I sent a sample actually I sent the letter that was provided to us last year to Mr Lewis today um and I made a suggestion that because that that letter says that it's uh for the enforcement of aggressive driving and the grants actually for the enforcement of speed and aggressive driving so if we could change that on if the city wants to continue to do that Grant if we can change that portion of that letter I'm sure that it'll pass with uh with no question whatsoever with the dot all right with that uh councilwoman a up first um I'll make that motion that uh we do what he's asked and make the speeding addition to the letter that you've already received from him all right got a motion a second cman Bagby yeah I would uh change that motion to authorize the mayor to sign that letter uh without further counsil review so that you can get it done and get it submitted I'll second that all right ation I'll forward that letter to the mayor tomorrow all right um any further discussion seeing none calling the vote I have it unanimously so moved I've never seen so many cars going 30 on Airport thank you I do have to say that got quite a bit of attention this weekend you had you had literally back to back to back cars that's my my husband came home and goes oh my God what are y'all doing with the sheriff they've got everybody pulled over on Airport I said oh we got them active thank you it calls quite a stir all right Mr zenu anything else thank you all right thank you so much 5A Kim would you like to take it away or oh there there won't be a 5A that's right but we can state it for the record that the um application on behalf of ranada LLC has been continued to February 5th 2024 at 6 p.m. at the request of the applicant awesome thank you so much all right moving along mayor yes if I may ask the City attorney we do not need to uh republish or read vertise this item it's already been advertised for today but we're going to continue it so that's correct and that's why we did a time and date certain there's been some new legislation on that that we can talk about but it might be safer to advertise it anyway but for the public it will be heard on February 5th all right thank you all right moving along to comments presentations um 6B cman G thank you I'm taking in consideration uh councilman bagby's request during the Lance council meeting however there are some things that I do want to uh make note I will not go over the entire list moving forward but if a citizen is asked asked me about a specific project I will bring up that specific project because ultimately that's who I work for um so the only project currently that that I've been uh berated about this past week or a couple weeks was the uh dredging operation so can I please get an update on the dredging operation um so I was given from an engineering firm an estimate as to what we can expect the cost to come back at uh I reach out to five different contractors to try to get better numbers to bring back for budgeting discussions only one's gotten back to me so far so I'm trying to track down at least two more so we have three to look at um but that one that came back is higher than the original estimate so um just trying to track down and kind of narrow down how much we should budget for and then come back to you all for discussion all right so you're seeing that contractors just aren't replying with a a bid and the ones that are just uh we've been playing phone tag with a couple um some that I've actually talked to said they will get back to me they have not yet thank you sir I appreciate that uh that's all for me all right thank you so much council member Dustin nothing tonight mayor all right council member Bagby nothing for tonight mayor councilwoman abar nothing for me either oh my God you're going to make Kevin win this council member King just a few things you you you just take your time you can take as long as you need nothing all right you good all right councilman Schmidt Mr Mayor I would ask if maybe you could bring us back in the future uh some conversation about uh uhx sir tax infrastructure uh funding and projects things like that if you could put that awesome thank you so much that came from the county just got done with their annual report and so Lewis now has one of these and uh they are interested in trying to find some good projects for us so I think we just got to put our heads together and get a list back over to the county cool all right uh that was the only thing I was going to talk about was just that interal report so thank you and that's about all I have attorney uh one item the form six I think you all uh know that it is due by July 1st and it requires additional information um about your finances and assets compared to form one the prior form you filled out so there's been a Statewide movement of sorts where council members have been resigning because they don't want to provide personal information like that about their finances some some don't mind and some do um but because of that there's a law firm out of South Florida um that is bringing a lawsuit based on privacy and freedom of speech concerns um and that lawsuit will likely take some time I don't know when the court will decide that it will probably not be before July 1st but because of that the law firm will also likely be trying to get an injunction from the court for any cities that participate in the lawsuit so the question is um does the city want to pay a flat fee to a law firm out of South Florida I am not affiliated with this firm uh it's $10,000 um to that firm and if you do it you will join with at least 10 other cities I'm not sure of the exact number to date but they have 10 um in that litig you may or may not obtain an injunction injunction out of it by July 1st so that you would not potentially would not have to fill out the form all right thank you Council meston you're up first well I was going to ask a question about the fines that are associated with the form we fill out now do you know if there's a 45-day grace period is that included in this legislation that our fine friends in the state legislature have put upon us I'm not sure about that off hand I can check do you know R we can find out okay find out the answer to that is as to the 10,000 I will make a motion that we join in um you know judges police officers many Service uh people who to do government work they don't even have to put their address down and that's rightfully so but uh this form six is pretty owners and um I would love to see that overturned I'll second that motion got a motion in second uh councilman Bagby oh I'm sorry councilwoman abar I had you up first I was just going to clarify that don't we have that 10,000 in Council contingency funds you do thank you all right councilman Magby yeah I just want to make sure we knew where it was coming from a our money yeah our money B um when you're doing the research on the extension also the fine I believe it used to be $1,500 a maximum of $1,500 if you yeah for a whole year if you for a whole year if you just decided not to file I'd like to know what the fine is Just for future reference hey I'm not putting yeah my wife would pay that surely that I mean surely you can fill out a form one still like you have in the past right to send in they won't even accept a form I mean I understand this I understand what's going on here what I'm saying is give them your form one like you normally would and wait seven months whatever you want yeah I mean no cuz they if you don't turn in the form six by and it used you're right there used to be a grace period I don't know if there's grace period now which some people would make full use of not mention any names but uh I I just want to know what the penalties are and yeah I would hope that uh the legislature would have a glitch Bill particularly for uh city council members and Mayors who are not paid I I get it if you're making $200,000 in Miami or something I and you're dealing with billion dooll contracts we're not and everybody gives their time up here and to fill that out requires a CPA and an attorney which I don't want to pay for I think $1,500 is easier than paying the CPA and the attorney to be honest all right uh seeing no further discussions I have a vote on or motion on the table call on the vote all right eyes have it so moved all right anything else Kim no thank you all right at this time public comments hey well I just wanted to let let y'all know that uh I appreciate your Proclamation that you did today I am the grandmother of a heart problem that I spent almost a large portion of seven weeks in ICU in Atlanta the other thing you need to know is that the American Legion auxiliary does collect those pop tabs and I didn't know if you had a way to distribute them you said everybody collect them but we never said where to send them so I was just going to tell you that you can drop them off at the American Legion on Main Street and um we'll make sure they get down to the Ronald McDonald House it is a project of ours that we've done for many years fantastic that would be phenomenal we're going to set up boxes at the community center and City Hall and Annex as well okay when those boxes get full let us know thank you so much because we have regular routes you know that we go through we'll absolutely partner with you guys thank you so anyway thanks a lot absolutely we're g to be we didn't beat him in the rowing contest but we're going to get him on these pop tops we have no athleticism we've got to go with brains anyone else public comments there yeah I know all right closing public comments and the meeting is [Applause] adjourned