##VIDEO ID:xvak8bqiWZQ## um if I might just mention uh we wrote in August 15th for a reason we're trying to keep the number of days between uh putting this submitt out on the street to when it comes back to council to a certain number of days uh and today is the 12th and it's after 6 PM so it's not possible for us to put it out on the street uh this evening so that's why we wrote in August 15th in the motion okay I'll word it like this I moveed to release the RFQ and the ITN as a pro as a proposed on August the 12th no earlier than August 15 2024 because you can't as proposed and vote on it and not use that date all right so I have a legal motion substitute motion uh second still good with that so Kai still call the vote yeah there you go okay all right I have you nly so yep I have a followup motion on the same subject matter and and our financial advisor can tell us whether that's his job or whether it's Crystal's job but I would like to have a a uh a summary on what our estimated charges are as we go through a bond issue the bond counsil the the PO people that sell them and and all of that Crystal is that you or what our yes sir all of that will be presented on September 16th when we have the the estimated rates so you'll be able to see the whole picture okay so I guess we don't need a motion for that you think no sir we that is I I promise that's part of the package and is it possible to get that before the day that we actually vote on it's more helpful to have the whole to to see the whole picture at the same time because it factors into how we calculate the all-in true interest cost it's misleading to show these expenses separately you need to see it as the whole picture it's um John Ford or Jerry Ford Could you um help me answer this question sure so you will be able to estimate the other cost and this is my third bond issue I like knowing it at least an estimate before the day I make a decision absolutely we agree so we're going to be able to do that estimate before sir absolutely okay thanks all right any other discussions right seeing none no motion needed uh yep so no motion there um so I guess I don't know if Lisa that's you or Crystal you want to start it off for uh new business C sure uh so next item we have um at the August 5th regular council meeting council member Bagby requested staff provide a detailed plan for the allocation of funds that were identified in the 2023 budget that were rolled over into the 2024 budget and that remained unspent for the Parks and Recreation Department uh so this item uh is informational and it shows that Parks and Recreation in 2023 uh they had a total budget of $8.4 million uh the city expended Andor encumbered $15.2 million um leaving 13.2 million total on the table a lot of that was related to the beach acquisition which by the way um the the largest item was the the White House at Crystal Shores that we did not um close upon uh in the if we look down to just the renewal and replacement detail details uh the renewal and replacement portion of that Parks and Recreation budget was $58,000 and the city expended 189,000 leaving 309,000 in the renewal and replacement fund that was moved forward to the following year and there we have uh we'll leave this 2023 item in case you have any questions um and when you're ready we can move on to the next year the 2024 item councilman dtin okay this item appears to have a motion attached or is it information only no this one is informational only as it refers to a past closed year thanks okay seeing no further discussions on 23 all right on order the D okay so uh this item this 2024 Parks and Recreation budget versus actuals was brought to council at the August 5th meeting um at the August 5th meeting it was requested that staff come back with a definitive requested motion on what to do with our currently projected um unspent remaining FY 2024 budget and Parks and Recreation um they really struggled between two projects uh but they decided that they feel the playground at the Morgans uh Sports Center might be a higher priority if we are able to go with that contract the Omnia contract there are some Grant funds that accompany it right now uh the grant ends October 31st uh so their Hope was that if we if council is amenable to moving some of these funds for example from the artificial infields um the fencing and netting for Morgan and some of the window replacement funds that we had budgeted for this fiscal year if you're amenable to moving that uh we could get the playground started and try to get as much of the grant funds as possible before the October 31st window closes uh councilwoman neighber I was going to make the motion for discussion purposes I move to do an internal budget transfer in the amount of $17,995 se2 to start renovating the playground at Morgan Sports Center the fund shall be taken from artificial infields field netting and Community Center window projects second all right have a motion second anything else you like to discuss all right councilman Dustin I can AG agree with the majority of this except for the part about taking the money away from the window repairs at the community center you know if if uh if we continue to do that we've already decided that we're going to close that place down or have it fall down around our ears yeah yeah no sir we're still following council's Direction uh at June 3rd you directed staff to go through with the $717,000 uh repairs to the Windows window frames Stucco and Roofing and that is still set in the 2025 budget with funds that will be coming in in 20224 money 2025 in 2024 we had only budgeted uh $200,000 for the community center windows and so that's a part we're going to move over that's correct so we're going to reassign that do an internal budget transfer I withdraw any objection okay there we go you know him so well all right uh next councilman Bagby okay so what I just heard was the 200,000 for the windows is going to be rolled over to be applied in 20125 no no sir 2025 funding coming in will supplement to make sure that the $717,000 of window replacements at the community center happens next year it won't roll forward if you do this internal budget transfer tonight it goes out of our bank account when we um or it becomes 200,000 just so I understand you're going to use the 200,000 budgeted for the windows for the playground correct for 2024 for 2024 okay and then a whole new trunch of money from somewhere in 25 for the windows is that correct that's correct okay and then the 1.3 million where's my number here for the other priority project it's the LED lighting yeah the LED lighting that's part of the um that comes from the renewal and replacement fund for NE from next year okay so and I understand we make changes every year I guess my point being uh personally I feel like we can either better get a bid because there's going to be a couple items tonight I'm going to ask you where' that come from did you get a bid or are we just guessing so when we get into the 25 budget because some of them look like well we just kind of guessed and I mean we made an educated guess but you know you can get a bid you can or get multiple bids and say or I got a document you know if you're uh a developer you go to fpl and go how much you how much are you projecting your uh costs are going to increase to me next year and they'll say oh it's going to be 8% across the board so I can figure that into my next year's budget but we'll we'll cover that in a little bit all right that's all I right uh Kevin cman Schmidt thank you you uh a couple questions so um some of these things were removing the funds so are they going into 2025 budget no sir so the motion on the table was to do an internal transfer so instead of send spending it on the field netting and the artificial infields this year we're going to do an internal budget transfer to be able to complete the program this year because the uh playground didn't have enough funds budgeted for it and did we do um couldn't see on the 23 one but and I believe uh on the 23 was was there the the quote isach budgeted for that as well oh sorry uh one more time in the 23 one was there Phil nutting and Turf and that budget in 23 no there was no no okay so then just to just to confirm we planned to to do these things in 24 but now we're doing an internal transfer and it's not in 25's budget a couple things I know we're going to talk about 25 right right um as you've received uh the quotes um you'll know that the amount that we budgeted to accomplish these projects wasn't adequate okay uh some of these to to bagby's point some of of these are educated guesses and then we go out after the fact when Council wants to move the position so we're removing the items that we plan for in 24 and we're not currently planning for in 25 is that correct the uh there are different responses for the different projects for example the L LED lighting uh at Morgan's repace the field that's still that's still budged the 200,000 from artificial turf the 288,000 from field netting and the 120 the commun Center said I think you said it's going to be still budgeted but those first two are those budgeted in 25 currently the artificial infielding is um so you have in your packet the uh the fiveyear plan the fiveyear capital plan and I believe that was moved out the artificial turf and the safety netting let's see the safety netting was moved out to 2026 um because it looks like we need about $450,000 for that okay and the um the artificial turf um talking through the initial quotes we've received uh it has become clear that the city needs to uh spend more time looking at the the drainage quotes that'll go along with installing artificial turf so that we can avoid some of the problems that some of our neighbors are having uh with that particular uh quote that we had so that one's also all right I think you answered the question then that it's not currently planned in the 25 budget then correct perfect um the only other question is is I think I heard that we're automatically going to approve a contract for the playground with this motion so this particular for bid this uh this item has attached to it an Omnia contract that's basically um somebody else it's a contract that we could piggyback upon um that already has the uh the grant program built into it um so your choice is to accept this quote with this Omnia contract because a full procurement process has already been completed so we're just benefiting from the fact that um another entity um did the procurement process or you can direct staff to uh go out and do a full RFQ and RFP in which case um I can guarantee we would not have the results back for to vote upon and start before this fisc year ends in which case we might just want to move that project to next year so is the Omnia contract thing that you're talking about to do the Game Time Sports quote that's correct refering to that that game time uh proposal in here is um was uh and who's the other um municipality that went through the process that you talked about um Lisa can you speak to the yeah the omn contract go ahead um wide contract okay I mean me personally I don't feel um I think it's irresponsible not to go out to bid for a nearly three4 million dollar project so I I don't I mean I'm I'm fine with what Miss AAR is saying but I'd like to see bids come back for massive project like that um in my opinion so fine with the moving the funds but I don't like just giving the contract to some body with one bid unfortunately okay uh councilman Bagby so looking at the 24 schedule we'll have about 71,000 left in the window replacement for the community center right we'll have another 40,500 left in the HVAC replacement for I believe the community center let me see yes the community center and we'll have another 20,000 to replace the spr rayer uh I'm sorry the windows at the Morgan Sports Center although that's kind of offset by overspending on the replacing the S the HVAC and the replacing the sprayer so that probably Nets out I'm just wondering what what are we doing with the1 $111,000 that's still in the budget for parks and rack if Council does nothing it will just stay stay in the renewal and replacement bank account to be applied towards projects next year or Council can choose to do something okay if Council does nothing that's where it would fall I don't remember seeing that in the 25 budget so I'm just asking do we have a plan for that or so is that because one of the things I'm trying to keep track of is all these kind of floating monies that are out there because when Mr deson says you know now we're going to cut 3% I want to say well we got 111,000 that we were going to roll over for parks and wck that they obviously didn't need unless you tell me well no we would like to use it for x or y when I so when I ask for the full plan for the rest of the year for the next month and a half this fiscal year that's also part of it I mean you got the big piece I got that but I'm you know now it's time to sharpen the pencil so when we get to the next item mhm you're going to see you have all of the the budget projections when you look at a fund like the renewal and replacement fund that fund balance really truly is a bank account it's just the bank account balance so there you see the what we're anticipating to complete in 2024 you see what your ending fund balance is going to be and then you see how we're going to spend it the following year any additions we're going to make any fund balance we might be using um and any um expenditures that we have planned so that that full picture of of the checking account and that checking account balance how it increases or decreases uh all of our projections are in this uh budget that we're presenting yeah I understand that I guess my issue is we used to look at projects at the at the back and there are some in here or actually in the previous one I didn't see them on this every uh the second meeting at every council meeting we bring forth the capital project status report and we show of the available fund balance and we also talk about if the project is paused or not paused or if we're recommending that we uh do an internal budget allocation um to the project so those details by project are also presented every second council meeting yeah I I wasn't clear let let me be a little more clear when we adopt a budget that is our spending plan for the year it's not a bank account and unfortunately we have used those fund balances like they were banking well we still got money let's buy this parcel or let's do this project or whatever and so I want to know exactly wherever penni's proposed to go and if we don't spend it that's you know we've we've made that decision collectively we've identified what we want to spend it on those monies left over or whatever so I'm I'm just not sure and we we'll get more into this in the 25 budget but so all I heard here was we don't really have a plan for $111,000 from those two lines that we're going to roll over uh bottom line is if Council does nothing it will fall and it will supplement the balance that we have available for Renewal and replacement next year okay Council mtin I was going to make a point of order mayor um councilman Schmidt is exactly right about questioning about the contract being added under Robert's Rules these motions have to be single subject this motion has transfers and approving a contract you really can't do that under Robert's Rules and nor should you under any rules so I would suest that we separate them out and do the transfer and then do the contract on a second motion okay all right there might be a third one in there if it goes the other yep okay yeah I'm just I'm tracking I'm tracking I'm just making sure I'm clicking with you here all right so need to separate motions y councilwoman nebor can we separate your first motion yes that's what I was going to offer uh councilman Stevens are you okay separating the first part of that motion for the balances of the funds solo all right all anything else council mtin could you please okay could you please read the motion uh for the record sir yes so it's just the first part of it was the recommended motion correct yeah the recommended motion okay yeah Ray so just it's the recommended motion and then we're going to just take out anything the fund should be taken in um to start renovating yeah so just the motion is just about the budget transfers same line item same numbers just the budget we're just going to separate the budget versus the the contract okay that s right got it all right good deal all right um so we got that taken care of uh I got yep you're up next ccom abar um two questions on the contract if you look in umide the um not on the contract not on the contract no no we're just on the playground combined format of all the prices of everything that's dish out I noticed down here and I want to make sure that it's the year that we've passed the opportunity it said the game time Wesley Tower play structure winter sale pricing good through 329 2024 purchased after 32922 24 basically at 18,000 to the total so I'm guessing we missed the March purchase so therefore we did not get that $18,000 discount correct correct and now there's another one in place got it and then expires October 31st I just say that the one at the end of October so hopefully we'll get this through and done on that the other question I wanted to not really question more of when you look at the contract at Omnia at the total of the first motion out of the way before we get into the contracts I'm still on the I'm talking about the supplies for the playground not the contract of the playground the subtotal was 756 614 they gave us a $448,000 discount and then the freight was 11,000 so the total was $17,988 and change so we're getting As Nice a playground setup looking at all the parts as what they did at the Clement Taylor over on Okaloosa Island for over a million dollars am I right I think we're getting a really good deal is what I really want to say is we've got a good deal here piggybacking on this opportunity saving a couple hundred thousand so I just want to make that on the record because I'm I'm glad we found a way to help get our grant a little bit more money off thank you right c m yeah I was going to ask a few questions one was to Crystal about how much do you think we could actually gain from the grants is there a dollar amount in your mind that you and Jeff have have thought about or or anticipated yeah to be honest um Lisa F our Park's director has been really leading this and she has a far stronger understanding of of the Grant and which of these components are Grant eligible than um than I do go ahead Lisa so uh the um safety surfacing is not included the um uh some of the um structures that we have on here like the ropes those are not included so there's certain structures that will be matched and the installation is not included so we might have to maybe to get a little more bang for our buck maybe change a couple of the structures we just have to sit down and um look at that with the um playground um but is there a dollar amount in your mind that this grant could potentially get us well I mean I would hope maybe a third a third that's good at guess no no that's fine yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for I I don't expect a solid answer I'm just trying to understand how much we could potentially save by moving forward with this um second I've got a something that that I think was just said is not really accurate it said 110,000 that parks and recs didn't actually need I don't find that to be accurate because being involved with some of these these bids and and and looking at them and and working with with Lisa on some of these I think a lot of these are are the fact that either the contractors refused to bid them and we didn't get enough bids on the project so people didn't move forward or two they bid so ridiculously high that they were doing their due diligence by putting it out for rebid so I I don't think it's money that we've passed up money that we've neglected I think it's staff working really hard to do due diligence to ensure we're either not overpaying or disregarding the project we we are not getting bids on contractors are refusing to bid on um and finally the last thing I'd like to mention with that 110,000 if if we choose that is in the uh RNR fund that can go towards either uh the storm water that we need for the 66 miles of of roadway the Mobility plan there's a lot of things that money can go for it doesn't necessarily have to stay on a bank account or stay with uh parks and wreck if if we chose if this Council decided to to do something worthwhile with it is that correct just general funds that that's true the these are all General funds that yeah in in particular the funds we've been discussing were the ones that are in the RNR yeah I was just asking for the the last part of the funds all right we got a motion in a second on the um on the points of oh my God I don't even have it up in front of me yes thank you for for the line items here so uh does anyone need a another say of the motion we pretty on board looking like we're good all right we're going to call the vote for the line items the first half of this motion all right 61 I have it okay and then if someone wants to do a second part of the motion or a substitute to the recommended motion for the second half I'll make a motion to send out the request for purchase or requisitions for playground complex I second all right I got a first and a second for the Morgan Sports Center playground complex going out for a bid have any other discussions or I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to put that in your mouth uh just put that out okay no no I have but it's not given us the okay uh I think we we're just still on the vote thank you sir yeah come on all right we're going to start off with councilman Bagby so as I understand the motion is to send the playground out to bid is that the motion motion second okay and so the way I thought I understood the contract that's in there is like the state has this contract to buy vehicles so we always use the state contract to buy vehicles because they've got bulk you know every Sheriff's Office and every city county they all buy these vehicles through the state contract and state negotiates so I assumed this was one of those type of contracts so a is that a good assumption it is okay and B did the state negoti this the county the league of cities the who where is who is the macdaddy of this negotiated contract with this company yeah so I just wanted to also make a point of clarification so tonight we were looking for the um does council want to do the playground now or wait until next year if you want to do it now are you okay with a budget transfer um if you wanted to do it then we would like to bring to the next meeting we we need to give you a revised quote but yes you're correct uh this one was done at the national level was this the nura I can't remember which Foundation but it's a nationwide entity that did this solicitation um do you remember the name of that entity the cont hit that button I happen to know this one Omnia is out of Michigan I think and it's a a nationwide government um procurement just cuz I've us used it on other projects okay okay so but they're not a government entity they're a private business that goes out and solicits for and there are some of these around I get that the FLC is not a government entity by itself but it represents government so I'm just trying to figure out yeah I believe you're right and they were they they do the procurement for certain groups of M for uh states that have gotten together in an organization and but the Omnia itself is a private entity and and their procurement is done under the public procurement rules so has anybody and I think this question may have been answer asked earlier has somebody else used this contract vehicle in this area it's the same um that TDC is uh putting that playground on the island okay um I mean they I think they did one in CR I I'm not going to guess on anything else but yeah they're around here but they are doing that one um on the island right now for TDC okay I used it to put a strawberry uh Park called Strawberry Park in in Oregon same similar contract okay yeah because typically these government type contract do give you the best price my concern I'll just be honest with you is we can go out and we can get a bid and we can list all this equipment and we can try to find somebody else who will bid on that exact same set of equipment and 6 months from now we will not have spent a penny we will not have gotten a a bid in and again next summer we will have a sports center with no playground park and so I I understand what what y'all are U and I think normally I would be right on that team but I can't support that motion because I I think this probably is a great price uh if there are others I would like you to come back though uh next week or whenever our next meeting next Monday which I won't be here uh or you can just email me and tell me who besides TDC in Northwest Florida has used this contract I'm sure there's that that would just give me a better feeling because they probably this probably is the best price and I don't want to spend another six months without a playground just so we can come back here and say wow that was the best price okay yes sir all right Council M and Crystal one thing you mentioned a second ago if we don't do this have something signed by October we potentially lose the grant the grant has to be submitted by October the the current grant that is working with uh this particular Omnia Grant uh yes with this particular Omnia contract expires October 31st but that's not to say that you know another Grant opportunity won't come our way but that's I mean possible this one's for sure something else is possible yeah this one is is already signed and and black and is working and and we estimate it's approximately a third it'll discount this by a third 33 Lisa needs to go and get a fresh uh because this one was from um a few months ago I think she needs to go get get a fresh quote okay get more specific on exactly how much in grant funding would apply yeah even if it's 20% it's a substantial deduction that's correct so if we have a potential of losing that if we go out the bed all right cestin yeah that was my mainly my question if we put it all very long we may delay the whole thing into next year so uh while I wasn't quite supportive that we had to separate it out not have more than one thing on a motion I won't be able to support this and if it doesn't pass we will have to make a motion to approve correct and then you're going to bring the details or you going to bring the final contract back at the next meeting is that what you said yes so if this motion passes we'll bring back uh an RFQ um if the motion does not pass then we will bring back the uh revised refreshed quote from Ona Omnia with who else besides TDC has uh is using this contract in our area and uh a better estimate on the potential Grant savings thanks all right councilwoman a yeah I agree with uh Mr dtin I don't want to put it off because we might end up losing it but I do want to see a fresh quote and and I think we're going to find out from the TDC at West Crestview that got a really beautiful one I think also Milton just got one and Pensacola's in the middle of doing them and I think they're with the same contract but I can't swear by it but I have been seeing that there's been some beautiful playgrounds finished I'm like we need that here so badly so yeah I I will not support the motion but I do want to see a fresh update and then uh we'll just try and get this started thank you Crystal all right councilman Schmidt yeah just a couple clarification points um Council mgal has been throwing a lot of random numbers out about 20% and thirds and things like that we truly don't know what we're going to get right that's correct okay um and then Jeff if it goes out for a bid can a can that go out without coming back to appr to council can that go on the streets an RFP or an RFB um Council in the past was not in the business of reviewing and approving the RFP uh but so many questions were brought up when bid committee brought back their responses that um staff is overtime um you know uh started that practice so we could just put an RFP out with these specs for this instead and just bring back the results uh we tend to put them out on for 30 days we use Beacon bid and demand star um we're August 12th now so the likelihood I don't know um Jeffrey if we were to go through the RF P process using this is the specs we might be able to have something back by September 16th which is the last meeting in the fiso year so so it's still possible to do it and have before the grand deadline right okay right Miguel yeah I want to clarify something I'm not throwing out arbitrary numbers I took information from a staff member that's educated in this and and has historical information so it was an educated decision or comment all right we got a motion on the table I got a second does everyone know the motion all right call on the vote all right nose have it for three [Laughter] your tactic Works can we make sure that's on the record Ray Kevin Kevin you are very persuasive look at that even making oh do we want to move on is there a way to amend that I'll make the motion the as written hang on motion to approve the uh contract second all right a motion and second for the recommended motion calling the vote all right take a breath bre second yeah cman Stevens had the second all right 61 ice have it John Johnny's having way too much fun over here Johnny did you all right last one new business e crystal take it away all right here we are exactly at the main event and um I if council's okay I would like to switch hats um for this next discussion from um acting city manager to finance director that mean we're pulling him up yes I'd like to uh yeah sure um uh if you don't mind I'd like to come down where I can see your faces pleas yes good evening mayor and council members I'm here now as the uh Finance director of the city of dtin to um to have one more budget workshop with you all uh thank you all for coming and attending and showing your interest um on this because this is a special council meeting you know you all have the right to do to do motions and to um to approve items um I I really look forward to getting some consensus on some of these larger topics in the agenda um you'll see that staff is very specifically explicitly requesting guidance on two two items uh one is the question of bringing the median maintenance inhouse or Contracting it out um so when we get to the slide that shows the differences we've got Michael burges here to to uh speak more specifics with you all about that uh the second item that we're seeking Council Direction on is um lifeguard Services uh you'll see at the near the back of the packet um near almost the last few pages right before the Tiff you'll see um the the Tiff worksheet you'll see uh what the uh fire district has proposed they gave us uh their 2024 annual report and the page right before that you'll see at the bottom they're requesting $282,000 for next year in their annual report they describe how the Lifeguard program costs them about 1.3 million a year um so we'll we'll be getting those are the the two items that I'd like you to be thinking about as we go through this proposal uh because we'll be seeking Direction on those specifically uh along the way uh you all as Council might also come up with things that um maybe you want to rep prioritize uh push out into the future pull pull forward into uh 2025 so uh this is your opportunity to have those discussions as well so let's let's go here's here's our presentation um the highly summarized level so we have our our uh budget calendar again changing since the March uh sorry September 15th Workshop um the FY 2025 proposed budget operating highlights uh Capital Improvement program and run replacement take a a very quick short look at uh revenues and cost recovery again and then the next steps so here's our budget process we're we're approaching the end quickly we have one more meeting in August and then our next meeting is um September 5th is public hearing number one uh where we will adopt the millage rate and the tentative budget I need to get that tentative budget up uh on our website by Statute Florida statute within um two days before public hearing number one so your decisions tonight will determine the the tentative budget that go goes up on our website I'm aiming for the end of August so that people actually have a few days to review We have got a lot of a lot of detail uh so here we are um 2025 proposed budget versus the 2024 uh total operations which would include General government public safety everything excluding Debt Service and capital outlay the total operation chains we're looking at is 3 3.9% uh these are the changes since the September 15th Workshop uh operations and capital projects the total net reduction is $342,000 um changes to operations we had some decreases but we also had some increases um changes in operations accounts for a reduction of $62,000 we reduced the Personnel budget by $400,000 uh this included uh $200,000 reductions in salaries and uh another $200,000 in benefits um health insurance came down from 11% to 88.3% and we are um saying per uh we're recommending that we freeze uh 3.83 of our full-time equivalents um we'll get to that those details soon uh we put in the $140,000 for annexation next year for the opinion surve and potentially uh depending on the opinion survey results a meets and Bounds survey we are not including the $10,000 for special election that would uh that's been moved to 2026 um this budget that you have in front of you tonight includes the $282,000 for destined Fire Control for lifeguards Services um so that's an increase of $882,000 from the budget that we presented in July we've also added some funding for or some uh money for the software right to uses so this is basically more Debt Service um accounting stuff that we're doing overall um via clearing and and the software workstation stuff over time it's it's all coming down as we change our softwares and our providers uh we also added $110,000 to the operating budget to rent a towable boom instead of purchasing one for $40,000 um on the capital projects uh the net reduction is $280,000 um we removed the the Community Development Department wanted to redesign over here and add some cubicles to add some more planners and and uh space for staff so that we can meet the demand of the Developers um they're recommending um putting that off to a later year uh basically we're going to see what the SRS results um and if and council's wish for future directions before we make such an investment into this building uh we also removed the um Parks and Recreations request for the toal boom which I just mentioned and removed uh Parks and Recreations request for two new vehicles uh F-150s on the state contract tend to cost around $40,000 when you add in all the bells and whistles of of decals and extra lights and everything so that's a budget reduction of $80,000 uh more on capital projects uh we based on internal discussions with engineering and the quotes that came in uh we think that we can accomplish The Clement Taylor Park Renovations next year for 1.7 million at the last meeting we had it set at 1.9 as we were looking to outside uh support for management um we also moved to uh from the fy2 24 into 2025 the Morgan's bathrooms and Fieldhouse because we feel there is a very strong potential to win a grant that should significantly help on that project uh in addition um at the last C meeting you recall you approved dag to oversee the architectural engineering design and permitting to put uh the bathrooms in at Buck Deston after we have the permits then we're going to need to hire people to do the site work to actually put the bathrooms in place uh we don't feel we can accomplish that before September 30th so we put $75,000 into the 2025 budget to complete the side work uh we will see after the as we get further along in the permitting if we can do that with our existing continuing contractors or if we need to uh go out and issue an RFP to hire a construction firm to complete that for us so those are the the big changes from the July 15th Workshop to today so here we are this is uh what we're proposing this is a budget of $ 65.3 million as you can see uh 25.6 million or 25.7 is going towards operations and the capital project budget right now is at 39.6 um here's what it looks like in in pie chart format you can see we're relatively uh spread around pretty evenly between parks and wreck Transportation General government and physical environment here's what the two charts look like separating out the operating from the capital budgets uh or from the capital projects operations you can see we're still pretty evenly allocated between General government public safety Transportation culture and wreck and Debt Service um on the other side you see that uh the bulk of the funding is going towards transportation and physical environment and uh culture and recreation so under physical environment by the state that means uh in our in our position that's the undergrounding Andy have I uh we sure do seem to run out of batteries here in this um pretty quickly thank you oh there we go so here's the sources um adum will account for approximately 20 1% of the sources that is covering this 65 .3 million budget intergovernmental is in this light green up in the corner here uh intergovernmental is 23% by the way that 14 million of intergoal intergovernmental funds includes $8.9 million in grant funding and here we are back uh at the operational highlights so you can see the the change by expenditure type as opposed to category uh Personnel increasing 8% and that's because of the new positions we're proposing um contracts is going down because one of the proposals is to reduce the median M stop paying the median maintenance contract stop Outsourcing it and to bring it in house so you see a decrease in one side and an increase in the other side um operations is staying pretty flat at 1% uh Debt Service is the big one that's going up um Debt Service has to go up to to help us pay back for buying the one Harbor Boulevard and getting into the undergrounding and potentially you still need to decide if we're going to keep moving that cross town connector project forward so here are some operational highlights we're going to talk about the Personnel update bringing median maintenance inhouse uh public and Public Safety so here are our new Personnel highlights at the previous meeting in July we were looking at a full-time equivalent count of a348 um people now we're looking at 13.83 so we've decreased our request by U 3.83 you also see here the base salaries cost of living Merit fer retirement Insurance workers comp and so forth um councilman Bagby this would be a good time um well you can see we reduced the overall Personnel from 11.7 million uh down to 11.4 um I was thinking from a policy level because budget an adoption of budget is definitely a policy ordinance level um we have [Music] $33,000 in this proposed budget uh tonight would be a good time to recommend perhaps you say uh staff I would like to see uh the Merit budget be reduced to in you know by 30% or 50% or whatever you'd like to thanks I I guess this is just a sty you know I figure I was going to let you get through and I'll make my 10 motions or how many or actually we can just start at one in and everybody you know can do their little piece to make their motions because this was the reason we had a special meeting so we could actually vote and say no this is what the council's priorities are or this is what our decision is as opposed to well I think and I think and I think and then so I if you want me to start making motions you just tell me when okay yeah one specific to what you're talking about yeah um if you want to wait to the end we can add that to the end um yeah uh Personnel is 177% of the total 2025 budget um and the city's administrative policy for cost of living is to use the June over June CPI it says March but that was updated in uh in June the CPI index that we use did come down to 2.97% so that that percentage is still correct um administrative policy is for merits to be up to 4% and it's on a person 's anniversary uh and uh their work anniversary um I asked Jamie to look into some of these details and she says the majority of our staff were hired between January and September so um not October to December in case anybody was curious about that uh we still have uh five new positions and we've recommended freezing um a couple of vacant uh positions and two of the proposed positions maybe putting them off a year so here's some more of the details here uh what they're requested the request still stands they'd still like one planning manager to help the Community Development Division and depending on how your median maintenance discussion goes uh they have the four positions for median maintenance so we've dropped this down to the five uh the ones that there were we're looking at freezing for now uh Code Compliance has two part-time positions that are really difficult to fill so they've put those on the table uh to perhaps hold off until they get all of their full-time people up and trained um in addition in the the accounting office uh we have an accounting clerk position um that we feel we can live without the the three full-time people that we have on staff right now are really rock stars so uh able to cover all of the scanning and and data crystal is that the payroll specific what's that is that the payroll that we have advertised right now for the accountant the accountant P's the the third leg to the the internal stool this was an additional position for um just uh document management basically um also um the city manager has one part-time content creator on staff um so city manager said well perhaps we don't need two part-time content creators and so he put that one here as a freeze um but again their Pio is just trying to meet all of the the requests from Council but maybe we can put that one off for a while and then the last position that you might want to consider um the IT department said well maybe we as three people total can handle all of the the work of the city but it would be so much much better if they had another person on staff given all of the software updates that the city's about to go through it' be incredibly helpful especially if anybody gets sick or goes out on F you know FMLA for family members or needs a vacation or you know their thousand different reasons so um maybe we should consider that one keeping that one in instead of cutting it out but the these were what staff put on the table as uh things to take out if you so wish operational highlights uh here's the median maintenance inhouse versus um Outsource um July 11th we had received only one bid at $462,000 a year um so I believe staff is looking for direction on put the bid out on the street again maybe make some adjustments to it or we we understand that over time bringing it in the house might end up being a little more costly but your quality we hope would go significantly up um so that's that's the biggest one the biggest items to be discussed tonight operational highlights let's continue on Sheriff's contract you have an uh the sample Sheriff's contract with his details in the back of the packet comparing year-over-year so they're looking at a 6.8% increase uh lifeguard contract is increasing it's been at $100,000 a year since 2007 so now they're asking for $282,000 uh Code Compliance they decreased their request from um by um down so now they're just looking at um adding one uh let's see no not looking at adding anybody so they're back down to the 14 FTE but we found this as our first year having all of these additional people uh we were really short on funding for for training and for operating supplies so that's why it's increasing this next year $85,000 uh here's just a little chart to show the tech expenses after we get these Implement implementations uh complete that should significantly bring our Euro over year software and workstation cost down fiveyear Capital Improvement Plan Renewal and replacement um so this current five-year Capital Improvement plan 96% of it or 61.6 million of it is all going towards items that are on your strategic plan and we've listed here in detail the other 4% these items are not clearly explicitly on uh council's strategic plan uh so we're calling them out um but you'll see that they've all been things that have been heavily discussed with Council in your meetings here's another way to look at it the five-year Capital Improvement plan as of August 6th you can see the the outstanding amount of incumbrances or contracts that we have currently working on different projects that may potentially roll over um Council directed for FY 2025 that 29 million we listed these projects down below here so that's continued Park development at Crystal and Tarpon Beach uh undergrounding cross town connector dredging the harbor and uh the MD Kelly outfall to accomplish that before d goes into the Joe Bayou to start working in that area um the the items highlighted in blue that's our renewal and replacement program and I've put the the highlights of that over on the side here too so you can see uh 3.7 million going towards streets 717 going towards the community centers roof frames Windows stucco resealing the roof um this one still includes 790 for the playground which if you go forward uh in a approving a contract before September 30th I'll take that out of the future um then we've got the 1.3 million for Athletic Field lights um we need also about $64,000 for the parking lot lights also at MSC might as well go in and and do them all at the same time those field uh the parking lot lights at Morgan sportsfield the there's something that keeps tripping the breaker so they turn off all the time so staff have to go out a few times after dark to to keep turning them back on um so it'd probably be a good idea when we have the the lighting people mobilized here to address those um we also have the field equipment shed uh that's the site work to get the shed replaced we already ordered the new shed now it's just a matter of completing the site work to put it in place and this houses all of the ground maintenance equipment the the mowers and so forth we have uh there's a Library sign and then some vehicles and Equipment we've got those details on the page so this is really the the heart this is this is uh the bulk of the projects we're going to do next year uh here's the new vehicles and equipment that was one of the the comments from the last public meeting is uh please list out any new vehicles the city is looking at so we have the project number here on one side um so we still have that lowrise Transit van for the community center uh one new bronos sport which is the the smaller vehicle for code and then this uh below that is all the equipment the $14,000 in equipment we need if we move median maintenance inside uh the next here we have replacement vehicles and equipment so on one side you see what exactly we're uh proposing to replace and the estimated cost of the item that will replace it uh so this includes three Zurn mowers that are used by our Parks and Recreation Department to keep uh our parks and our uh Morgans nice Revenue um just um we just went over that again 21% comes from adalum and 23% comes from intergovernmental and then we have U but a large percent to cover next year's budget is coming from debt proceeds um 9 million of those debt proceeds was supposed to come in this year to help us buy one Harbor Boulevard uh timing timing issues State shared revenues and our peers thought it might be interesting for you to be able to see um so these revenues are all populationbased the uh does it show up here yeah so you can see Census Bureau and the Florida economic and demographic research they see us still at just under 14,000 people uh so comparing us with Crest View uh just looking at these shared revenues from the state the city of Dustin will get about five million whereas our friends up in Crestview will get about 9.4 million the half cent sales and the municipal Revenue sharing uh that's that state sales tax it's divided amongst a few different programs before being distributed out to municipalities um so when people say I just wanted to show when people say oh will you get all that 7% sales tax no we don't it it goes to the state it goes into a few different programs and then it's redistributed redistributed and one of the primary factors in the formula is population and our population is 15,000 not a 100,000 because of all the unincorporated parts of Destiny and all of the short-term rentals that don't have residents registered and counted for uh and this is the only time I can kind of this group here without getting too down the rabbit hole um this was something that me and Crystal are talking about and I don't know if there's any possibility if someone else has tried it I don't know but if I was going to be at Tallahasse this year trying to Garner some kind of legislation support um again there might be a rule already out there saying that it's already been talked about and voted and no but the idea of allowing um tourist destinations in Florida because we're definitely not the only Destin like uh Community where our population of residents versus our population of tourists are absent guess completely on two different spectrums so the idea of if we're able to count tdcs heads and beds if there was a way to count that tourist as a portion of a population of some kind again this is I don't know if you guys have any thoughts on that it's really only kind of time if anyone's everever heard of that or had any thoughts on that um nothing to really answer now but that's just something I was trying to dig around and ask some of the Reps if there's any kind of legislation or sponsoring that could happen to potentially help many uh tourist communities like us where we're we're having the brunt of renewal and replacement which a lot of these funds are for yet we're not really getting our fair share of the replacement from all the the use and wear and tear so um again I don't know if there's anything up there but that's kind of something that's my nugget heard of about that before is that a good bad dumb idea oh yeah it would be it would be wonderful but if we could get it done but it is generally opposed by the large municipalities that do not have tourists because they want to keep their money and they don't want us to have it but you keep trying eventually you may prevail okay appreciate it so the three examples in this area uh Navar uh South Walton uh both tried to make efforts at incorporating or whatever and even when we tried to do the municipal Resort tax just to so we kind of had our own bed tax they all failed and they failed because the county representatives and the state representatives have their districts and so if you're a county representative a county commissioner and there's 100,000 voters in OKO County and only 14,000 of them actually it's smaller but only 14,000 of them are going to benefit there and everybody else is going to pay ma it's simple math to them so getting a state representative to support incorporation or any of these other ideas while it would benefit us is probably a non-starter from a state representative state senator who we would have to have sponsor that all right I appreciate the Insight all right councilman gu is this for now or later I had you on the diets I just started looking it's sitting up there yeah I'm so sorry yeah my bad my bad I I was like man he knows something I don't know come on I can go back to labor if you want all right you have anything now okay I was just gonna say this just it sort of helps um for those that you're working so diligently with these other areas of the city the unincorporated I heard from several residents that are in Kelly Plantation in Emerald Bay they were all like they did not know they weren't Incorporated lots of people have moved here in the last five years and are shocked that they don't get the benefits of the city and they want to know why it's like talk to your HOA we're working that direction so hopefully that we can start working to get more folks Incorporated and get our fair share yeah there's a little over 3,000 voters about 5,000 population so we'd be looking a little bit more like Fort Walton with an additional 1.5 per year I'll take you without their taxes y all right thank you so um here we are with our property taxes again it's good to keep your eye on that trend line um when we get too far below you know that they're going to maybe bounce back up to the trend line but as you can see we're way far above our trend line at the moment so um that could represent a um we we could see a property value drop here but the taxable property value values are property appraisers generally pretty conservative but just it's uh something to keep in mind so here we are here's our adorm um you'll see in the the the last couple Pages uh the Department of Revenue calculates the exact percentage of uh taxable increase or tax increase that we have to report in the newspaper it's not something that uh they they leave to anybody like me to make a mistake upon um so I just wanted to point out that uh for some reason their worksheets got recalculated after July uh we put in our tentative rate and so we're looking at a tax increase right now of 7.89% and they're showing our roll back rate at 1.49 69 so this is how the the funds would break out between the general fund the Town Center CRA and the harbor CRA and this is just another way different way to look at our adalum uh this is the the parcel counts and we have separated them into three different groups we've got the homesteaded at 3,500 Parcels other residential at 10,700 parcels and then non-residential at 2,000 uh so just another way to look at the whole picture if you do the straightup division of how much we're going to collect from the homesteaded that 1.7 7 million you divide that by the 3522 Parcels that's where we get that average of $495 uh that would be paid from Homestead Properties this is a a picture of a financially Sound City uh where we just show the total cost to operate the city divided by the number of parcels we have that comes out to about uh 1,579 a year plus you add on renewal and replacement program program that's another 485 um here's one more way to look at the the millage rate um we're at a point now where we've established a tenative mill rate of 1.61 and unless we want the great expense of uh first class mailings to all the voters we're going to leave it at the 1.61 but it's still helpful to see the data in another light uh this year the median taxable value of a property and Destin is $360,000 and if you were to increase one1 of a mill they would pay another $36 and we would um across the board we would collect another $829,000 if we increased it a uh one tenth of a mill here's one more way to look at all of our Parcels uh this is divided by value range uh one of the most interesting I I find here is our non-residential units um there aren't very many of them and the bulk of them have values taxable values under $600,000 uh you can see our homesteaded um last year it was 78% of our of all of our properties were valued under $600,000 some of some of them have increased so now we've dropped down to only 74% so that's still the majority of our our properties cost recovery just a little reminder for um anybody out out in the world that might be watching our YouTube live uh if it's going to be a general public benefit we look at potentially taxes to pay for it if it's more of an individual benefit the rule of thumb is we look more to user fees so here are the current cost recovery areas that we're recommending uh short-term registration for condos we will be bringing back at the August 16th meeting I believe hilos you remember you might not be in the the Troy Loop yes so I I think I saw it on the August 19th uh meeting uh building fund building permit fees are building official and our building department has been working hard with the rate Consultants to simplify the list number one um so they will be bringing a first draft of their recommended permit building permit fees to a meeting also we believe towards the end of September um Community Development uh developer and impact fees um I'm glad you are all recently exposed to the Mobility plan and the potential impact fees draft so they're they're working on the feedback and they should be bringing that back again soon as well um npb is something that's had some discussion at the committee level uh over the past few months so I think they'll be bringing something back about that as well um to council to Review Committee recommendations um this is just an example of if we set a short-term rental registration for condos at $100 a year that's uh and we think there are about 4,200 um condos that are acting as short-term rentals out of the 7,000 that we count on our partial in our partial counts uh Recreation user fees uh the Parks and Recreation master plan includes a fee study so we'll be getting that to that soon um a little bit about npb and here we are at the next steps where we can speak in uh specifically about median maintenance lifeguards and um September 5th is the next public hearing public hearing number one and then there's some a few things that uh dates are to be determined for uh future revenues that we'll be discussing so I um would really love to council to start the discussion and let's go from there all right first I got councilman guile thank you sir I have a question for Andy Andy with the the loss of intergov Tyler technolog is no longer supporting you not that they were a whole lot of support but they're still forcing upgrades even though we've asked them not to that's that's collapsing the system momentarily um are you sure are you absolutely positive you can manage without that one Personnel because to me I think you're you're hanging yourself out the dry I really truly do uh yeah we're definitely playing chicken with organ organizational fatigue um we're getting 20 to 23 tickets a day and we're completing 18 19 so um yeah we could use a fourth person there's no doubt um balance that against the needs of the city right now and the need to tighten the belt uh we'll do what your wisdom finds yeah I'm just afraid because we've already dealt with compus in the past we all up here understand anybody that has friends in the construction industry how much of a headache it's been so I don't anticipate it getting any easier in the transition and and into that new U new software what wherever we go there there's going to be a learning curve there's going to be a lot of issues there's going to be um several setbacks so even though I feel like every one of those positions is probably needed I think that one's almost crucial I don't I I would like city manager somebody to reconsider that position as as being cut because I I think I think it's going to be lifechanging in the next couple months you can uh make a motion I'll make a motion to remove that or keep that that yeah add it back in I'll second that all right uh counil Stevens do you have anything on this or you want to wait on that all right Jump On In um so in a former life I was in it myself and I remember when we did a transition to Oracle um it kicked our butt and having that extra body just to handle the smaller tickets while the higher um more knowledgeable people were able to focus on the new technology so I agree that whenever we do implement the new software you need to have that extra body even if it's so if we wait x amount of months until you start implementing it and then get that staff in place I that's another option too CC meston I guess for our man it man is it possible to get contracts help I know when we were at the school district we took the whole computer thing which was thousands and thousands and all the software and and we contracted it out to a company that just handled all of it and took it off our shoulders is it possible that you can get Contract help and maybe more contract help to help you get through even easier than one additional employee that's a really good question um interestingly I tried an experiment this year where I removed the software that allowed RIT people to remote into to another computer and do administrative work on it because I wanted I wanted boots on the ground um and um most of our tickets involve actually going out and and fixing you know a printer or fixing um getting a check to come off the printer something like that um so of course you can you can offload significant portions of it but here in Destin it doesn't seem like it seems like users are able to handle the stuff that they could call in and get a remote help for what they need is someone to come make the volume work or something like that um that's just what I've observed true yeah to that point i' I've had Andy come into our Council briefings I'm like dude you're like the most expensive intern I think I've ever seen in a good way so thank you for always helping me but yeah yes it's always in person I've I've been on the back end of that so I mean kind of piggyback on that is that something where we would to consider uh having like a contract labor or or Consulting monies lined up where each department has access to that they need it to for staff temporarily is that an option too I guess anything's possible it's it's a wide net that's a wide discussion net councilman Bagley yeah kind of to Mr D's point I mean if you need the person you need them and we should vote to support them but kind of talk me through the next year and the transition that we're going through because we'll have on-site help I would assume the new provider will be here you know at least for a couple of weeks in force and then probably after that as needed or remote in or so what what would this person that we're talking about adding do on top of that support does that make sense yeah you're referring to the uh the vendor that's going to come in and and help us Implement MGO and that sort of thing or whatever we choose um well this new new person is going to be coming in fresh they're not going to know the organization so this is going to be the person that we're going to uh train up really fast and they're going to be responsible for handling things like uh the finance office having a trouble you know with a printer or something like that um that will allow um me and the systems engineer to focus on um getting the the vendor and the um the Departments communicating um a lot of the times the Departments will lay out processes that that need to be scrubbed before they go to the to the vendor you know for some or something like that so that'll be us two and that leaves me with uh the um network administrator to handle things like setting up a new account or um doing the integration with the new interim city manager um getting spun up on Civic clerk do some training with them that kind of thing that won't be able to be filled by the brand new person that would be the ideal setup for the implementations we're about to go through now as the implementations um come to an end and they're working well could we go back to three people that's possible we could go by attrition um we I mean one of my folks is um military family so we don't we never know how long we're going to have them um so we have options in the future but we know that for about a good eight months for sure um it would be helpful to have four people um I I think you probably need it anyway because even now before we've started the new um implementations if it wasn't for Jamie taking on a lot of the implementation of ukg the new payroll timekeeping system um we would have been stretching our muscles pretty thin so like I said we have 20 25 tickets a day coming in and completing 18 it just racks up so Council abar thanks mayor um I was gonna piggyback on what Jim was saying if you can get somebody and you kind of answered it when you were explaining you've got a military guy you don't know how long you're going to have them so I know that we do have a lot of military in the area and that we have a lot of folks that they have that kind of training but they're not like looking to do that for the rest of their life I think it would behoove you to have somebody at least trained and ready on staff and then that way you don't have to panic if this guy the family moves and he's gone and you're like scrambling to to get somebody in for that one month notice you get from him okay Panic is the word that's what I great great adjective there you go and verb all right no further discussions um I'll call the vote for keeping the it to position all right I have it unanimously so moved all right I'll add it back in okay um get back over here and I guess my only thought on that and kind of to TS and construction I'm in content creation everything so that was just my red flag we seeing um us taking help away from Dr T over there um from my I mean I I've run a small business of three and I've ran it solo and you can get way more done with even just a second or third person that you can individually when it comes to marketing and content there's editing someone's got to write copies someone's got to be editing someone's got to be our director but I would just encourage anyone for a a motion to help out our our amazing IPO or D now I director councilman Bagby yes so I had a question about that you I thought I heard you say that we have a part-time content director and then last meeting or meeting before last uh I saw one in there for 29 hours for another content social media whatever they were going to be doing so that's the we still have the content creator are they part-time because I thought you said they were parttime how many hours part-time uh 29 maximum 29 hours a week okay and that so that we don't have to give them benefits or whatever no this is just what was um proposed last year how do we come that that is such a random I mean I understand 30 I understand 32 we're we're budgeting at 29 because above 29 that's where you are required to do benefits that's correct okay that's what I thought why are we at 29 here okay but um so then my question would be to Tamara what would you do with two part-time content creators um I think the Specialties are very different in 2024 so years ago you kind of had marketing folks do sort of all generalist and now they're very much specialist and it's not it's just not accurate to think you're going to get a writer that's also a videographer that's also a photographer so I think we need more um Specialists and that's what we're seeing in other cities they're able to handle very like particular pieces and be experts in that so I would absolutely love to have folks that could do um what they're best at and focus on that and and shine in that and um I think it was maybe the one or two Council meetings ago we talked about what it would be amazing to have you know at the end of council meeting someone to do the highlights to to focus on the votes and things like that that is not that's not something the person that I have right now would be um an expert in uh so we just have so many needs that we could fill and do even more I think yeah okay have we looked at an intern because there are a lot of Northwest Florida State College I right I'm I mean I'm a former professor of 20s something years interns have um great pieces and they have absolute limitations and to think that we can get someone in and get them up to speed and then they're gone in 2 and a half months it's just not reasonable okay councilwoman a well first of all I want to commend our Pio because she was so smart so I already know I was like what about these you want to get pictures she goes I have hired people to take all these pictures I've got contractors that was amazing and I know that was probably quite a chore trying to get the right amount of people that wanted to come cover it anyway but some were like would they be interested in doing something parttime um love you ask that so in my opinion I would adore having as opposed to a second content creator if I could have monies for Professional Services to hire directly for the expertise those people are in I'm I'm all for that even more my fear is if you don't give that and there's also not a second content creator I it it's a lot for a public information office as a one full-time person staff yeah but Professional Services having that to deal to like directly have the Consultants would be amazing so would that be something we should as a team up here recommend that we give you the authorization to hire is somebody in that mode versus a Content create content creator I would be giddy for that all right are you saying it yeah I'd like to make a motion to authorize the hiring of a what kind of person would we call him would be Consulting consult consultants for various projects for various projects I'm quite Frugal so won't won't go wild but for various projects as needed it that is absolutely what the public information office needs that would be my motion right how much funds are we actually going to allocate for that yeah uh councilman Bagby SS like he's uh we so how much well no I mean this is a math problem so how much did you spend this weekend on the 40th uh Birthday Bash for the folks who helped you capture all those amazing videos um thank you for asking like $7,000 but that was also asking a lot of people I know to take extra um again we're we're quite Frugal on what we do so for a whole year I mean if I could get like $188,000 for a person that would be way more than what I had and way cheaper than that second content creation so I'll make a motion that we add $20,000 to Contracting Services for the use of the pi for special events I'll second that all right I think you're all right cool I'm good with that all right yeah no no no I was just I was double checking if I had a second for yeah because stepen Steven's seconded it so we have a substitute so with that I think we're all we're all okay with the substitute here all right I got no further discussion so we'll call the vote all right I have it unanimously so moved there you go H alrighty reset that and then yeah yes I think I think we want to get rid of we want to get the people first get the people first yeah any anyone have any other people ideas counsman Stevens yeah um I know at the last one we um with code compliance we kind of mentioned about uh registration and seeing the possibility of that maybe going to either Contracting or or to another department to help offset that cost so um I'll see about if there's any interest in that I mean I'll make I'll go and make a mo motion and see about potentially transferring uh registration to or to see if we can see how much it would cost to see how much registration would cost if I may um oh I I keep forgetting Troy was not able to make it tonight but I'm 70% certain that that's part of the uh item that he worked on for August 19th and I think increasing expenses for short-term registrations would be a good discussion to have at the same time we're talking about adding the revenues um then I'll leave that one alone um what about um I know I brought about code at night um whether or not it was actually worthwhile or not so I'm going to go ahead and I mean see how it goes to make a motion to see about no longer having Code Compliance after hours at night I'd second that uh councilman bagy for a discussion yeah I'm just going to tell you straight up not going to support that and I I will Advocate strongly against it if you look at our noise complaints almost the vast majority of our noise complaints and of course A lot of them are in my neighborhood so I get it I live out in the vacation area you know without code the sheriff's not going to come out and enforce the noise complaints and you know the security guys that all the little neighborhoods and HOAs higher they're not going to enforce the noise complaints what about um changing it to on call at night well yeah here I it part of is philosophical with me John is no overnight parking okay well when are you going to check that the only time you can check that is between midnight and 5 or whatever you know whatever we Define as overnight so you're taking one of the and people it won't take but about two weeks for people to go they're we're not checking over they don't even have people at night so all those little places out on the beach and all the little places down by across the street from dewis and and the other businesses down in the harbor those parking lots are going to be not filled probably but it'll just be like parking my camper there and setting up because I know they're not going to do anything it doesn't take long to do that you know if we want to bring Troy in and say seasonally you know in the summer you need to have maybe two guys at night and then in the winter you might get away with you know every third night or something like that but to just say a flat out no nighttime code guys that's just uh I got too many neighbors and too many friends that would just bite my head off if I supported that councilman Dustin yeah I'm afraid I'd have to e Echo that I don't want us to get the reputation and that we don't have code enforcement but for eight hours a day or whatever the regular working day is while I have a number of issues I think we need to modify when it comes to code enforcement that's not one of them councilwoman abber I was just wanting to point it out and I realize Tor is not here but tror can't even fill those positions he's several people short right now so unless we change what we're going to pay him I don't think you're going to get people jumping at oh I want to work nights because he can't keep those people so I just want that to be aware that it's hard to get people that like kns so all right I got no more discussions on that we uh will call the vote oh I I thought counc woman NE did you there was a second on the first discuss yeah so we'll run the protocol uh oh you oh wait no there's a four is it four oh okay I read that wrong I thought I was like why is it three three yeah I like how did that happen Okay I don't know 43 uh motion fails all right um so for the sake of getting before we get into the craziness we do have our fire department here for the Lifeguard so I wanted to get him out I appreciate Joe hanging in there with us so long so I think for the sake of just let's talk about the fire safety on the beach and then we can get back into our internal stuff there you go does anybody have any questions on what was presented I guess that's probably the easiest way to start mitt is that for you okay nope um no I don't think I have anything um what we have in the budget right now isn't approved that's correct we're just looking for uh to ensure that council is um has no recommendations of negotiating that you're good with this $282,000 uh that we've put into the FY 2025 budget and going forward I'm sorry go ahead and if I could just remind this Council um we don't have the beach safety The Lifeguard budget system we don't have a built-in adum or a or something there's a mechanism so every time we need an increase or request and increase this is the mechanism it's me coming to you folks the destined fireboard and the tdd and every two years those players change and that's not an easy task to do um I feel like we're this close to having a finished product on our beach where hopefully I can not that I don't enjoy all your folks but stop coming here and having having to do this all right Kevin since you're not on this I'm oh you got I'm on it okay okay got I should have a question for that no I was going to make the motion to approve the 282,000 as proposed all right second by councilman Stevens and then we'll you have any discussion on that I said 282 I could find 287 it's uh 282 175 that number okay yeah bet all right counc mcal I have no issues with approving it I I but what I would like to see is a a very similar itemized cost like the sheriff's department did in in for something like this because just an arbitrary number of hey this is what our budget is this is 282 we we can provide that um it it basically covers your public Trail entrances the noro point lifeguard towers and chairs and the stuff that we have in the harbor as well but I can provide that for you Abol absolutely appreciate it all right councilman uh Bagby yeah I supported the uh increase to 200,000 I probably until I see the specifics won't support 282 uh understanding yall's funding mechanism and the TD's funding mechanism and our funding mechanism y'all actually you're you're even though y'all are capped at one mill you get to include Kelly rata Bay all those people and the the adum taxes that they produ so y'all's is almost as high as ours even though you have you we have a two mil cap and you have a one mil cap uh also have we looked at going to uh similar to Walton County you know where Seaside has their own Tower Rosemary Beach has their own Tower going to some of these bigger condo complexes and saying hey here's y'all need to up your what you're paying the uh I my background before becoming a left guard was in sales and I actually put put together in ' 05 and ' 06 when I first got here I was a little bit of a younger man then I went cold calling door too combined certain condos um based off the size The Residency and uh it was an epic failure I was laughed out of the door I could try that again but we we have done that we have done that and and it it did not work the holiday in actually was the only private entity to support it and they did it for a short while and then they stopped okay and so until I mean I I appreciate the motion but until I see specific numbers and breakouts so that we don't realize we're doing some of the things that we might be doing ourselves uh I I can't support the increase above 200,000 I agree you know it's been heck I was on the council the first time we passed the 100,000 and everybody was all excited and upset and it's been that way for 17 years holy cow yeah I'm M councilwoman abar uh thanks mayor I feel the same way I thought we were going from 100 to 200 I didn't know it was going to be 282 so I'd like to see what the 200,000 is and being in sales you know that was in early 2000s things have changed we're in 2024 there's a lot of people that go out in those rip currents that are in those condos I bet you'd get a different reaction going out now and saying the city doesn't have the taxpaying residents to help us with this but you could help us since these are sitting in front of your condos these are your residents your visitors um I'd love to see you know I'd go with you hey you know let let's do some sales calls and see if we can't drum up some support from all those uh condos and buildings that have the residents and well the guest basically especially in the High season so but I'll I'd like to see what what it draws on past the 200,000 Mark all right uh councilman Dustin and I uh I get where you got guys are coming from but we've not had an increase in 17 years safety of the swimmers on the beach is ultimately our responsibility I'm proud that the uh fire department and the The Lifeguard services are taking care of it I'm almost afraid to look at what their real costs are because I think we owe far more than 288 probably you're being subsidized by PDC also in in the county which is the same thing but uh you know those figures should be interesting my fear is when they get the figures up we owe more than that so you know I'm going to support it at this time right cos Schmidt yeah Joe uh 200 to 28 to has anybody else been increasing more like in this this go I met with the tdd this morning um at 10 o'clock this morning it did not go well um their current stance is that's what you're getting and it's going to be that way for a while and did they increase from last year they actually decreased they they gave us an arbitrary number there was no agreement in place and then they actually reneged on about $50,000 so I've actually had to cut some services this summer um I don't want to throw rocks at them too bad because they have come a long way from where we've started but but um that is reality that's that has happened so Services were cut we 1.4 uh this year we had to cut um The Lifeguard chairs on the entire Beach two weeks too soon to make up that money so we still have the roving patrols and basically what we did we just ended this that that um summer season the peak season about two weeks too short to make that difference up so uh yeah I agree with everything Mr Dustin has said and I I Echo that completely and I think for maybe a couple years I've maybe uh you know joked and made comments about you know TDC should be paying well you know they're not well I'm sorry they are but they should do more and so that's why I I'm I want to put my money where my mouth is and hopefully others will and we will step up you know I get that TDC should do more but you know we might need to make the the first step to show that our commitment um and do that to support you I would ask um if if Council I might I can change the motion we could take the 85,000 from Public Safety Code Compliance off on that item if it makes other people feel better about supporting the $882,000 increase so there there's a line item that was presented for 85,000 for Code Compliance to reduce from 15 and a half FTE to 14 FTE so or increase something like that and so um you know not sure if anybody's if you know it's I don't know how many people were supporting the 282 we might not need to remove that at all but I'd also be happy to to remove that item to make some other people feel better about the increase to the to the um to the fire department um Beach safety but I can also leave it just as is yeah just to clarify that $85,000 that's just the year-over-year change from what we adopted in 2024 to what we uh were proposing for 2025 so basically you would be saying um Code Compliance U make a 0% increase right all right uh councilman King thank you sir um yeah I understand where everybody's coming from as well and would like to see I'm not as interested in seeing the numbers but if you want to give them to us that'd be awesome um I will support the motion I think you guys do Far and Away more than you know we we ask and uh and I think you should have all of our support so you know especially in light of safety um I mean it just it just doesn't make any sense for me to to not to not vote for this so I'll support it thanks all right councilman Bagley rounding it out okay um you said how much the tdd was given you next year it hasn't been V turn it on it hasn't it hasn't been voted on but it they're uh proposing 1.4 1.4 okay and so in your report you said that your personnel costs were 1301 280 and that's 83% of your cost your total cost so that means your total cost would be $1,567 187 plus or minus and that would include if you do the 1.4 plus your 100,000 that you've currently giving us that would bring that number within that ballpark am I not mistaken yeah but I if we're going to give you 200 if they're giving you uh 1.4 and we give you 200 now you're completely covered because only 83% of your costs are personnel and that's 1.3 01 so what I'm asking is what's the Fire Control District giving next year and what's the county outside the tdd giving next year the county contributes nothing outside of the tdd okay um currently what the district is planning on what we're trying to do with the tdd is start to purchase the assets so that we actually own all the vehicles um there's multiple reasons why we do that having that control does let let us flip those vehicles at a little bit better of a um time period rate of return um on investment as well but but that's currently what what we're trying to do we also don't build anybody for the the services that our um HR people provide that's always been kind of left off and I've seen how conveniently certain government entities do that they build for the payroll and that sort of stuff we've never we've never done that it's just something that so there is there is skin in the game there as well okay but I I'm just saying if the if they're doing 1.4 and we do 200 that's 1.6 which means there's you know another $30,000 plus or minus that's left over for replacing equipment or what I'm just trying to get that's why I want to see the numbers I think everybody up here agrees y'all do a great job and we want the beaches to be safe I just want to make sure it's kind of fair all around and I can justify the numbers to me bye all right that is the last discussion on this end all right any last words thanks for coming all right I'll call the [Laughter] vote not even fair I don't get to vote on these all right there we go 52 I can do math now you don't have to go to condo yeah yeah I'm I I'm happy to help with that all right councilman Bagby I believe oh okay we're done people I don't even know where to start here let's see at the top at the top bring machete Okay so we've taken care of the can we have a three minute break real quick for you you just take off always yes all right three minute break I'm good only for Ray e e e e e e e e we're almost there we waiting on did you see that we Kings at so we're just going to go ahead we got Quorum so I'm going to call this meeting to order okay all right all right all right so I don't know if I go by my list or I go through the brief but uh one one of the conversations and I'm in supported bringing the median maintenance in house and I'll make that motion here in a minute but uh I'm not in favor of buying seven MERS okay so now on new vehicles and Equipment right you've got uh two 48 48 inch zra Moors and you got a 60 in and then you got a trailer for hauling them so how how big's the trailer can you fit all three mowers on there at one time yes sir it's going to be a 20 foot trailer okay so now in our RNR on the very next page we have an athletic field Mower and three Zurn mowers 24 2020 so 48 88,000 uh and 108,000 128,000 132 152,000 just St mowers now maybe we need to have a conversation about what I call programs programs and policies so you know CU right now we got well I got my mowers and I'm going to mow my little athletic fields and I got my mowers and I'm going to mow my medians and you know personally I'm not sure you can do three mowers in the medians because you're going to have one person edging you're going to have one person blowing probably going to have one person picking up the trash on this fourman team while to make sure that the mower blades don't hit rocks or hit bottles or hit whatever and maybe we think about and I will leave this to the city manager and the staff but maybe we think about just having a mowing section and they mow the athletic fields and they mow the medians and you know if they need four mowers to do that okay but we don't need seven mowers that we buy all in one year I I I cannot fathom that that we need that and I understand one of them's an' 07 one's a 12 one's a 19 you know but I think we need to this is one of those areas where we might need to do things a little bit smarter or a little well more coordinated or something so I don't know how to you know I don't want to tell you okay you're going to get one and you're going to get two and y'all figure it out and live with it but at the first meeting that the budget comes revised budget comes back I would like to see us with a mower plan where we don't buy more than three mowers in the next 12 months is that and one of them needs to be a really big mower I get it because the athletic fields you know you need heck you need the tractor with the mowers but you know that just like a golf course I would I would support that to do those that do our all our athletic fields or whatever but we don't need seven MERS in one year so uh page 32 of 32 of the CIP and RNR uh lists all of the equipment that we use for all of our grounds um would you be open to hearing about how many acres that we do every day currently with this list of equipment um I cuz I believe uh Ryan Reed you're the you're the primary person yeah probably between all the properties that we do outside of you know because the medians are contracted it's probably over we do I got it yeah yeah so probably a little over 100 acres through the week so we run we run a crew with two mowers just to do everything that we currently do and those mowers probably over a span of 3 years four years I'd say about 1,700 hours on it to maybe 2,000 so they get and they get beat up because they're used pretty much every day I I get that guys that's not my point if you need two MERS for 100 acres and we're hiring four people and we say we need three Moors for those three people I I'm sorry that doesn't pass my logic test I'm not saying you shouldn't get your mowers I'm not saying you know uh Public Works shouldn't get their mowers but I think there's there's got to be a smarter way to do this and what y'all have presented us tonight is not a smarter way to do this and whether y'all work it out and you share a mower or yall split up the 100 acres or what but three I know I can't and the 100 acres does not include the medians no I know I got that okay I I got that you know because we're we're bifurcated by our departments not by our projects or by programs so we got these people mowing grass we got these people mowing grass that's fine if that's the way we want to do it but I know when you hire four people and one's a supervisor the other three aren't just going to be doing mowers they're going to be hopefully they're going to be edging they're going to be blow they're going do everything that a landscaping company would do pruning trees and doing all this so um I would say if you want me to make a motion tonight that I would say you know figure out five mowers and what the priority for those five mowers are and bring that back but I I'm not going to support seven mowers in one year and I got it you got a lot of area and they're some of them are really old mowers but yeah don't don't forget until recently we didn't have a renewal and replacement program so a lot of these are just there I get way long overdue but we do have a program for the okay so I would say the 2019 mower you keep it and you cut one from public works okay I would probably cut I might cut two from public works but because that fourman team is not there's not 100 acres of medians but they're not just mowing either they're pruning and they're edging and they're blowing and they're doing fixing irrigation lines and all the stuff that you have to do all right staff either one Michael want to go for or or oh I believe the pro 72 is a specialized yeah I was going to say for the athletic fields there are we have larger mowers currently for that that don't need replacement all these Z turns are you know like in Morgans is your common areas your parking lots stuff like that um but yeah there's two of those that we run and those are larger yeah so and that that's why I think we need to do it smarter I got you doing the athletic fields why are you doing parking lots parking lots to me would be a public works thing but there there's no and he's going I agree with you they should be doing it I mean well I mean we use them in our facilities like say Morgan has a parking lot we go around that with a z turn but I mean we do do maror parking lot and stuff like that and a lot of the facilities that aren't Parks and Rec related where z turn is necessary okay I think we're on the same train here we are so I'm going to make a motion that staff bring us back at the next meeting or the next meeting where the budget is brought up a mower plan and who's going to cut what because I agree parks and Rex probably wants to keep cutting the ball fills and public works if they're going to hire four folks you know that they're probably going to have to mow more than just the media all right so I have a motion on the table for a part for a plan do I have a second Mr Bagby if I can get some clarification so the direction is to bring median maintenance services inhouse and not attempt to contract it out for 25 I haven't made that motion yet but I'm going to make that next first I'm looking at the equipment then I'm looking at the people I'll second it but I have some okay I got a motion a second then Council woman abar if you want to take the discussion okay I'm going to ask a question you may have special types of mowers but we have a 48 in turn large lawn lawnmower we just bought and it was $6,000 why are all of these 20 grand these are commercial units what you purchased is a retail unit these are heavy duty uh we just got a mower in for uh Parks and Recreation um how much was it it was $133,000 that's a 48 right yeah it's a 48 and it's $113,000 just for so the 20,000 for all of them it's just a guesstimation in that it'll round out that some may be 13 some may be 22 is that how okay that's correct okay um I question yep I got no one else Kevin so do do they have mowers on the state contract they probably do they have every other type of mobile vehicle I I think it's John Deere mowers and we purchase ours through beard and I think we get the sourcewell prices for those similar to Omnia that we were discussing earlier it's a Cooperative purchasing program okay because if the last one we bought is 13,000 yall just saved about you know 7 time 7 $50,000 thank you okay okay I got no further discussions so we have a motion and a second on the table um motion by councilman Bagby second by Council a Council woman ab and that's just to bring us back a plan that's the for the mowing plan that is let's put this all under one hat to the best of our ability all right uh the next meeting that has the budget so might probably not go ahead September 5th the first raing meeting okay okay September 5th okay all right eyes havoc unanimously so moved and okay I'm going to make a motion that we bring the media maintenance inhouse at a savings of whatever it was I think $122,000 but it may be a bigger savings once we don't buy seven mowers all right that was second all right Council woman abar with the second um any discussions on all right go ahead uh oh Cosman Schmidt first got you in destine take it so I don't mess up this whole order thing yeah yeah yeah um I I I'm not too big of wanting to bring it inhouse I think I've expressed that a few times but uh I also still shocked I'm I'm perplexed shocked I don't know what the word is but we continue to have um problems getting bids for things and I talk to other uh areas towns and that's not always the problem so I don't know what we're doing differently and so I've been told we put it on this this portal and that portal and that portal I I mean and this is probably a whole loaded question for a whole different discussion but I mean me me personally I would you know rather do a put it back out the bid and start knocking on doors and get uh Mr Joe from the Fire Control and go sell our bid and prop bid package for median maintenance to contractors but um if we've tried all these out Avenues what's our backup plan if our inhouse doesn't work I guess that's the after all my blabbering just now my real question is what's our backup plan if the in-house doesn't work we don't find people stuff like that what's our plan Michael councelor Schmid I've been here six years and I know Lisa did the median maintenance before uh I did Contracting out median maintenance has always been a problem every year every month it's always something at least with an in-house staff we will have Direct Control accountability I made some notes um uh I I even put customization mayor Bobby and I talked about redoing some of the Landscaping instead of paying a contractor $60 to 80 per hour to do landscaping like planting new plants we could do that inhouse consistency flexibility these what happens if we don't find them what happens if they quit what happens if we don't have them what are we going to do right now we can call the next janitor maybe clean a bath like what are we going to do if we don't have these people on staff Public Works always finds a way okay you like that all right I like it sure if and I and these these guys know me um we'll we'll make it happen I will and and I'm going to I'm going not going to make a promise but I'm going to I'm going to tell you what my goal is is that you all will never have to call me on the weekends and at night about something to do with the medians that's the goal not a promise now I want to get that on the record but that is absolutely my goal I'm just uh it I've I've been without a deputy director for 11 11 months now and um having to do the contract management into this job too is tough and uh at least with the infrastructure the tools and the talent in place I think we'll we'll be able to find success in this type of program Council M I think um one thing one huge advantage in house is the authority that you're going to have over the Personnel I know if I deal with a subcontractor um if I'm on a job site where I have a subcontractor it's hard to find the supervisor it's hard to find the superintendent you're dealing with somebody that doesn't know what English part of the time but even if they do they can't comprehend what you're saying and um I think it you're going to have more Authority more control if it's inhouse and I think we're going to end up with a better product overall great all right no further discussions see oh Council meston I'm sorry final words final words um I could not support bringing another five employees in to do maintenance on the meetings while our Public Works director's six years of experience have not been Pleasant I can go back 20 years where we never had a moment's problem when you had five more employees or four uh those are permanent positions that will get the uh Merit raises we'll get the cost living increases it's it's building the organization more and more and we can't go back and it's a tremendous amount of money $400,000 you know I would point out the about the about the mowing mowers I supported that because we always need a plan but you don't need motors mowers for uh the contractors and I don't really understand why we've had the problem we've had in the last six years when it worked quite nicely for 25 or however many it was going so I can't support adding more and more and more and more employees which is what we're doing here we added one for it while they needed it um at what point do we say we've got enough employees and we need to do some of this through Contracting which most people who have been in this business long understand is almost always cheaper so that's my stand on adding more and more people to the uh to the Empire councilwoman a mayor thanks mayor I agree Mr Destin but unfortunately whatever we're doing to get these contract to come in and give us a bid to do the maintenance we've been at this for months and we can't get anyone to come in and say we'll do it for 300,000 or less and it's not even like we can get but one group to come in so I feel like we're spinning our wheels and ultimately we're having our staff for having to do it anyway because we don't have people doing it so I agree we don't want more staff we don't want more expenses but we have to get it done and we can't where are people out that are already in those departments working overtime to take care of something that they need more help to get it done all right all right seeing no further discussions all right going to call the vote inhouse Landscaping mowing maintenance all right 52 guys have it all right yeah and I will caveat that last vote I don't because to bring it in house doesn't mean you bring in four people because when I see when they come back with that mower plan and I realize that he only needs one moer and he only needs two Moors I would expect to see some folks who ride Moors not be in the plan okay so I I'm not just talking about a when I say a mower plan it's a little bit bigger than that it's not just we're buying six or four or three MERS so uh because I I agree with your point once you go down that road it's hard all right um before we move on can I just ask a clarification Point um so when we bring back this joint Public Works uh public uh Parks and Recreation mower plan um I I'm envisioning like locations acres per week number of Labor to to match the equipment is that what you had envisioned or did you have if if I were a city manager or a well yeah don't Point Atmore don't Point her anymore I would say here's every I would bring us here's everything we mow okay now parks and Rex are doing the ones in pink and Public Works is doing uh the ones in green and Joe Schmo who's in admin you know he does the edging around this area or whatever and this is what we are actually responsible for and here's the equipment that we have we have 25 mowers to service you know 110 acres and this is how many people support that and here's what we're going to do with it we're going to give it all to Public Works we're going to give this public works and parks and recs going to keep this and they're going to you know they're going to give one of their people over to public works because he's been doing the MADD Kelly grounds or the whatever at that point so I would like to see a holistic plan personally but that's just me Mr Bagby could you make a motion that I would get Miguel Maldonado no no no absolutely not employee of the year he doesn't look good in blue mayor mayor just so we're clear yes sir we voted to bring it maintenance inhouse we gave them direction to bring it to inhouse for the budget for that we did now in the budget it presently has four positions so we're going to reconsider that or are we just approve four positions I think the labor component needs to be part of the the mower and the location and the all the acreage and so that'll be possibly different when we get to the final budget that's correct so uh when we come back with all of these Det details I mean maybe we could accomplish this but we're publishing for the the next meeting the August 19th meeting we're publishing that this Thursday so I don't know that there's enough time to uh to make the full package and make it comprehensive and pretty and colored and um and everything by Thursday morning so it probably has to go on the September 5th and you're correct it might re uh result in a change to the budget that we're tentatively proposing on September 5th and until we the budget it really doesn't mean much does it other than it's a proposed that's correct and and you as the policy makers also have the opportunity even after September 5th uh because it's your ordinance it's your budget yep thanks okay I I still got like 10 things okay uh you'd asked earlier mayor about what you could do over in Tallahassee to help I'm going to give you a a task hopefully here uh once Crystal tells us when do the two c expire um one of them expires in 2037 and hold on I have the dates on the second one here that's probably so Town Center CRA expires in 2037 along with its debt the harbor CRA expires in 2043 okay so if you really want to do something you need to say because of the' 08 crash or Co or you can come up with a hundred different reasons you need to get a five or 10 year extension on if we vote you know super majority or something I don't care how they set it up to extend uh those C because the whole thing about a CRA District was we were going to redevelop well there's probably at least 5 years that I can since we brought them on to now that I can say nobody was redeveloping anything everybody was just trying to hang on to what they had so if you want to advocate for something that would be something great because that would take the legislature to do that okay so that's a State statue right now that it's up to that they expire after the sunset the fixed up to we're asking for the ability to amend the date yeah to push it okay to extend it because then we can collect that tax revenue further on even though we signed half of it away in the harbor but don't that's a different point that just pisses me I'm sorry okay uh I'm going to make a motion that we uh and Kim I'm going to need your help that because I think first we would have to amend the shortterm rental uh registration ordinance to include Condominiums we don't have it depends what you want to do if we're just going to have a fee for registration we can do that in the resolution because the ordinance has a lot more requirements that I don't think we're going to apply necessarily to condos okay because that that was my point if we need to do the ordinance because you can't we can't make them put signs on condos because they don't actually own those outside walls you know uh there's some things that we can't physically enforce in a condominium that's part of a larger Condominium Association but if you're saying we don't need to amend the ordinance just if we're just going to set a fee I'm going to make a motion that we set a short-term rental registration condo fee of $300 per year all right I have a motion do I hear a second I'll second for discussion so so the one thing I'll say is while we won't amend the short-term rental code that we have existing I would probably recommend that we just have a quick code provision that says basically condos are required to register and the fee is set forth in the resolution that way for Code Compliance we'll be able to enforce it if someone doesn't um um pay the fee but other than that we do not need to amend the ordinance okay and just to refresh my memory the smallest house is $500 per year oh Troy's not here anybody um Alan do you have that figure off the top of your head I know you're not necessarily in the day-to-day on short-term rental registrations you don't um it's our uh resolution 23-13 um schedule schedule fees okay yeah my my point and obviously there's some reticence up here so I I'm happy at 250 I'm happy at 200 I probably wouldn't go below that condos or not or if you want to set it by square feet uh they shouldn't pay what a full house but to me it doesn't make sense that somebody's making uh Revenue off a short-term rental in a condo and they don't have to pay aren't subject to the same kind of pricing that a short-term rental house is so but I'll a motion is as it is and somebody can do a substitute because so uh to your point uh less than or equal to 2,499 square feet it's 500 so 500 is the is the lowest one I'm about to change it to Ray uh Ray it was uh councilman uh Kevin Schmidt not Johnny King for the second yeah yeah Connie cannot be he cannot be wrong on this record twice on on this exact record councilman dtin while I support the concept that they should be paying a fee and a reasonable fee my problem with bringing it up tonight is we had quite a group that was very interested in that issue last time we talked about it at a council member a coun or two before the fact that we might be setting that fee tonight has not been advertised well when we do the ordinance we would have two public hearings so you would have the public have the opportunity I still feel that they think they would have been ambushed by having it brought up tonight and voted on with no notice to them at all to even be here and make a you know make us well maybe you can amend the motion to just direct us to prepare the ordinance and that way we don't actually set the fee yet but when the ordinance comes back the public will participate and if you will make that uh concession then I won't have a problem hold the 300 yeah I I'll I'll make that change to my motion I respectfully disagree because the budget was we have a special meeting and they everybody in this town knows we've been looking at short-term rentals applying to condos but I for peace and love I'll change my motion to to direct the ordinance be drafted with a $300 ordinance will be drafted all right and uh councilman Schmidt you cool that all right got the heads up all right councilman gu wants 3,000 my reticence has nothing to do with the fee I just think you're too low I think it needs to be 500 I'm here to support you but I just think it needs to be substantially well when it comes back public councilman Schmid yeah um I'm I'm with with with Mr dtin um I think three times now so this is this is set that means we get to go home early um I I do want to also I'm not sure if when Kim if when you're looking at it but when I at those meetings when we talked about this and after that meeting there was disc about how to look at adding the time share people and um some of the hotels and so I'm hoping when you bring the ordinance can you also are you able to bring in the details about what that would require so we can have that discussion the same night yeah I guess whatever the research is to be able to allow us to include time shares and hotels because I know we talked about well they pay the development or impact fee we all got that but I think many of us also said but they're ongoing impact so yeah like when you it would be the same kind of thing that we would need to do I don't know it would be an ordinance so if Council wants to include hotels and time shares then I should know if legally we could so I mean charge a fee yeah we can charge a fee okay it's that easy then all right then you do you want to make that motion I'm sorry we got a motion on the table I'm sorry yeah hold on my bad my bad uh anything else I'm sorry councilwoman AAR I was agreeing basically same thing I was like well wait a minute we also have other entities that are making money that aren't paying anything now that they've been built and they're done so the impact fees been paid and I agree with Kevin we need to make sure that we do this across the board so I'll let the vote go and then second all right seeing no further discussions on the current vote for bringing the ordinance back at 300 as a fee I'll call the vote you're not BR you're bringing the ordinance like in a draft form in dra form we're actually I was going to advertise it for first reading so if you just want it for discussion first we can do that no BR so then can we yeah it's still two meetings would you change Kim you also recall on a August 19th uh code our code director was going to bring this item to council to look at the whole picture both the revenue side and the expense side and who would manage the program so there will be a a a discussion Point under the city manager um so your ordinance I'm I'm just putting that out there so you can think about the timing so do we want to wait till after that I'll make a motion to table until the 19th second motion a second there it goes all right call the vote we're we're we're voting the table to Monday this next Monday the 19 assing there is there is a item on the agenda it's not done yet but I did see the name on the agenda that condo fees are being discussed on the 19th we can bring up the other items yeah so we're tbling for the 19th of August well and that that seems like the fair thing to do I mean it gives I get that there's thousand there's a million items on this agend on this budget but you know gives people this is a hot button item right now it gives people the opportunity to come speak all right all right table we just got to go right straight to the vote I can't y oh sorry no you're good you you haven't talked much I let you get get your that's your good that's that's what you get for being said all right uh eyes have it 61 we'll table that till next Monday to get the full picture all right yeah I don't think it'll be any clearer next Monday but it doesn't matter let's move moving forward together and in confusion Troy Troy's not here so maybe Jamie and you can answer this question I am uh I want to make a motion that allows uh ProPay for code enforcement officers who work uh only weekends and nights so if you work three days during the day you know 9 to5 and then you work at night on the weekends you know for eight hours that we have the ability or the the city manager and HR in coordination with the lawyer have the ability to pay them some kind of ProPay and I don't we do have a shift differential policy in place right now the on at the administrative level okay what is that and uh Jamie you can re recite the shift differential rule we pay employees a dollar extra per hour when they work past 6 p.m. and every hour they work on the weekends and also before 6:00 a.m. a dollar an hour a dollar more an hour yes seriously yes I don't even get out of the bed okay I I'll make a motion that we revise our what do we call it not ProPay shift pay policy have staff come back uh with an amount not to exceed $3 an hour more yeah all right I have a motion on the floor I'll second got a second from councilwoman AAR any further discussions Serv are making all right call the vote sorry councilman Stephen there we go at least he's consistent all right 61 I have it you pay okay but uh question on Buck dtin Park site work so you're bringing in a contractor to do the site work we already own all the bathrooms and all the equipment you told us that last time right we have um purchased the modular unit that will be the bathroom uh we just need the architect to work with the engineering to complete the engineering design for this final final Final location um and uh do the permitting and after the permitting uh when that gets close to complete then we'll bring in the people to complete the site work and Ryan is here in the audience and he helped us prepare the estimate for the actual site work component as you know we just encumbered the uh engineering design side two questions did we look at moving the site to the west side of the building okay thank you which makes it a much shorter Run for the utilities and stuff thank you it's amazing okay and you're so good Jim you're just the smartest no I just I don't know anything but I know to ask questions and then Ryan or Crystal when you say site work does that include the Imp placement of the buildings on top of the concrete block or whatever the heck we're that's that completes the installation right the number you gave us tonight Ryan can go into the details but it includes the waste water and it would be installing a new uh sanitary sewer gravity line from uh was that Legion Legion up to the existing building and the new new building uh new water line uh repairing the road because it's going to go under the road there and then the foundation and then the building that's already bought to be put on top of it okay so this is the we I guess my question is other than inspections or whatever we don't need any more money to get these bathrooms installed and working shouldn't um as long as Jenkins and dag um come back with that number yeah thank you very much uh cost recovery I don't even know where to start on the I noticed you didn't have you you had one little bitty bullet about wreck in Fe fees and I thought we were going to have a fairly Lively discussion on these cost recoveries like building permits and impact fees and npb and wreck fees and I didn't see wreck fees actually mentioned except the one time and not that we were going to you know at some point we're going to bring you back a recommendation right so uh rates for recreation was one of the items in the Parks and Recreation master plan that is out for RFP right now so we were anticipating those Consultants to to lead us through as you know our rates are covering less than uh 15% of our of the cost right now to run Morgans and the community center uh Council may choose to Simply adjust our current existing schedule of fees to increase the existing rates rate range up 5% 10% whatever you think is reasonable until we have the results because it it could be another uh 9 to 12 months before we actually have something recommended by the uh the contractors that we haven't seen the that we haven't hired yet because haven't seen the proposals yet and so you're kind of going where I I want to go is we we need to give you a percentage a capture percentage I thought we had that in our uh I think it was an ordinance not a resolution but anyway say we want to capture 50% of the cost here or 30% of the cost there or whatever but I would like to ask staff to bring us back just a recommendation probably at the September 5th meeting we would like to capture on uh building permits on impact fees and wreck fees what and then and then give us a place to jump off on jump off from in our conversation about well I think that's too high or that's increasing it too fast or not increasing it fast enough the one question I did have though on the npb can we do an assessment on just Parcels on the Harbor and maybe this may be a wording thing y'all use the word assessment and to me you know as a realtor and a cam and assessment means something very specific right and I'm not sure we can do that on just Harbor Parcels um I I have been involved in communities where they did choose to only put well no it was actually the parcels that had a frontage on canals they chose to do a special assessment for uh Canal maintenance so you have different types of special assessments that you can do I'd bring in a special assessment specialist so that it would you know stand up in court if ever um pushed against but um and then Kim is also familiar with different types of simple Fe fees uh simple fees that you could do um as well so but we were just looking at originally the NP npb fee and just adjusting it and I I got you're just trying to cover costs and I and I completely understand but I think if if we were to attempt a special assessment there would be a vote involved of the property owners correct I'm not sure they're going to vote to tax themselves $100 a year or 100 whatever yeah per slip so um well you don't like that bad yeah well I see I'm not I'm not really fond of the idea but I just want to do something that's legal that we can justify and stand behind and that we can actually get across the finish line and I don't think we're going to get a vote on slip owners on the harbor to vote a special assessment right there is probably just a misnomer in the in that slide they were originally looking at just adjusting the base for calculating the npb Fe npb fee that we currently charge instead of having it be on uh to your point somebody's papers that say how much the value of uh new construction or Redevelopment of their peer is going to be that we base it on just something that's simple and flat and year-over-year and that that everybody pays uh to try to get the reoccurring Revenue so um I don't think anybody was intending to go down the special assessment route they're just looking at changing the formula base for the npb fee I can see based on square footage of the surface number of pilings or whatever but I I don't think that model works and I just I would ask staff to bring back a model that works and and maybe okay we'll do a special assessment which means another $110,000 for an election no again I don't think any of the recommendations that you're going to see from the Committees include the idea of a special assessment I'm pretty sure happened was somebody on the Harbor had come to a meeting and suggested instead of doing like a lumpsum amount you know when the dock was maintained replaced whatever it was a little more than maintained replaced um they suggested doing an annual fee that they would pay instead of paying once they would pay a little bit each year okay okay and then I think my last thing is I'm sorry did you have a motion did you had a motion ation so what was the motion because I don't have a second bring back staff to bring back a schedule of proposed recruitment percentages for each of the following building permits impact fees npb and Rec fees second I got a second from Council M Schmidt and then you are up I was just going to Echo um that and the rec fee we said at this a previous meeting couple things I thought we said one you were bringing us fee increase based upon internal C cost calculations and that was coming and two the master Park plan was not going to going to a delay the park wreck fee schedule increases because now I mean nearly my entire term here we've been talking about park and rec Fe schedule and correct now now you just said it's going to be in the master part plan so I just want to Echo Mr Bagby and we need to bring something back so that's a great start because it sounds like the cost recovery thing is not happening just two two updates number one it is in the Parks and wreck master plan of course it is you know that number two um I I do have a really good accountant on staff right now and she's been working very closely with the community center and the Morgan staff looking at all of their programs the program list is is too long to do the perfect perf accounting for everyone so they're they've been working on um putting the list together of their most common programs that they do year-over-year um the they've had trouble coming into agreement on exactly every cost and how to directly which costs or direct costs to each of the programs right now I'm looking at an indirect cost rate of over 85% so if we can't even come up to an internal agreement how we going to making sure that those expenses um you know get directly to all their programs it's it's it's we don't have a full-time accountant sitting in the community center um we're short staff so got yeah it's an iterative process for that part I hear you and I look forward to what he's asking for because that's it's worrisome to me if internally we can't come up with an agreement like internally what's the point of paying a $50,000 Master Park plan consultant how are they gonna and as you know how are they going to take our information 70% of the cost is Personnel for the recreation and for Morgans and this week was our first week going live with the new ukg timekeeping program so up until now everything was kept on paper we didn't have a reasonable way for people to tell us which programs they were working on throughout the day kids club or whatever so we we are improving it's just not at the speed of having a lot of staff at our fingertips and the best technology our fingertips thank you uh councilman dtin thank you mayor um I really enjoy cost recovery fees that's a very benign name for increasing taxes and fees um and of course it goes back to your philosophy of what are taxes for the uh I will support the motion to get some recommendations but uh I would suggest we should be very careful about what we're doing the uh the 300 proposed which may not be the right amount I know Mr Gs would like more and perhaps others will M less but that'll generate $1.2 million a year every year and so if we go up on Recreation fees which after all the city Only provides pretty basic things we don't provide a police department we don't provide water andur department we do provide Recreation and that was one of the very most important things that led along with the Community Development aspect to the incorporation of this town 40 years ago and at that time people kind of thought the taxes were what were going to go toward those opportunities they still are should we raise the fees in a reasonable amount probably yes but I think we need to be very careful and and as far as far as the the fees on the slips instead of the nepb raises a couple of interesting questions the nepb fund calculations were based on a study you have to have a study there has to be a Nexus between what you are charging and and what the cost is causing the public the other interesting aspect would be people who built new docks in the last 20 years paid an neb they paid what they were supposed to pay to offset the impact they've had on the Harbor and then there's always the the small aspect of this that uh Florida Department of Environmental Protection believe that they own that and they charge us all 10 20 $30,000 a year every year for our submerged land leases so you know that'll be a very complex and mostly very unpopular undertaking I think on our part but if Council think that's a good thing to do I guess we'll move forward all right councilwoman NE bear I was just gonna reiterate that what Jim said and of course Kevin like to see a fee proposal because we have been at this we've been up here for four years and haven't been able to lock anything in so look forward to that report all right so I got a motion in a second I see no further discussions on the board I will call the vote unless someone needs it repeated all right 70 eyes have it okay two more quick things uh don't lie to us you no seriously uh you've added $140,000 for annexation opinion survey and potential meets and bound survey how much is the annexation opinion survey going to cost yeah these um not sure where these numbers came I just uh this this was Lewis before me I can one of the directors speak to the opinion survey and meets and balance if they are in the loop because it was Lewis talking with the surveyor and he's not here but we can get the information and bring it back I don't think Tina would have it yet do you Ryan do you have it okay so I will probably be able to get it from Cindy Lewis's assistant and bring it back to you okay cuz we're in the survey season some of us and that's a pretty big number was the number so a lot of that would be your uh meets and Bounds I think we're at like 100,000 Plus for the survey for the land survey I mean the main portion of the money was definitely the meets and Bounds the statute requires that each property have a meets and Bounds legal description we can't just refer to a platted lot so yeah that's costly because there's a lot of parcels involved okay I would just ask and if you want me to make a motion I'll be glad to but I I want to see the breakout of that $140,000 because that is a pretty good size number and I understand the meets and bound survey but it doesn't say you actually have to go out there and Survey them you have to pull up what their property listing and if it's got the meats in back BS you've got it is my understanding is that incorrect Ryan I see you shaking your head yeah I don't think that's correct we got to go out there and well then let's go find out yeah we got to we got to propose the land we're about to Annex yeah yeah and I think they got to redo the majority of it but I don't know how that business works yeah but not each parcel I guess is I don't know how that works okay all right and then my last thing uh I would make a motion to cap the sorry CES something on that topic I just G to have a quick discussion on the meets and bound yeah please um the original incorporation Bill had a meets and Bounds descriptions in it that included all of the areas to the county line I don't know if we can use that uh land hasn't changed much um and then someone went in and excluded all the property that was excluded out and so if we had the old original that was actually in the incorporation bill that would have what we need as long as we're talking about bringing the rest of that area into the City and not little pieces here and there which I hope is not where we're headed no I'm I'm right yeah don't don't these reports expire you have to vote within a certain number of Ryan you got that for us do you have that number so Lewis and I had some discussions about this and we're still like fact finding because we were saying or I was saying to him like generally surveys expire after a certain amount of time so I don't know if for this type of survey if we can get it done now and then it's on the ballot in two years if it's still fine or it has to be synced with a time frame of the survey to when people are actually voting on the matter I don't know and that's what Lewis was going to start looking into and of course they do expire but if you're going to do one and you have the old one that tells you everything you need to new to know it's it's always cheaper to do it that way I like where you're going with that all right y all right yep I'm liking that okay and uh we'll make a motion that we limit the Merit increase to 2.97% or $225,300 ordinance side we're going to reduce the Merit budget allocation from 303 we're going to move that down to 225,000 $35 okay somebody's going to get 35 225 well that'll be maybe that's not it hadn't passed yet all right so I do have a motion on the table do I hear a second second all right we got a second from councilman dtin do I have any discussions guestin you want to jump in or are we voting yep I I'm looking for ways to save money in our budget which so far we've not done a whole lot of tonight um by the same token I would like to see us have a merit program that's somewhat different maybe a little more Innovative that we could have employees who could suggest ways that we could save money at this city and we need to start looking at a lot of different angles you know our cost and Recovery I've looked a little more closely at that it appears we're we're selling vehicles that have 50,000 miles or in that range on them only um if you do the math on that seven years that comes out to little a little under 20 mil a day that means one of two things we shouldn't be selling them or we have too many vehicles in the first place um you know our our fencing project that we've attempted down at one Harbor is another example where we should have looked to F to figure something out where we could have saved some money I think it was 25,000 and now the changes we've made probably have driven it up considerably more probably Mike tell us tell us how we save money by the changes yeah so I got a um an email a little while ago from brace Wells fence saying that the only additional uh materials required I think is like $300 so the the polls we already set in the concrete we've already set in the concrete we're going to see what we can do with those counselor aberer and I met out there last week and we may try to convert those into some parking deterrence but uh I did also while I'm on the subject get 12 new no parking towway signs with the Sheriff's non-emergency number on them they came in this morning so we'll be they they may already be up but uh it was just a few additional poles and a little bit of bracing that's all they have to do to finish the project hopefully in any event I would question putting up a chain Le fence around the property we just sent is an appropriate state step to take when we could have done a number of other things so we need to review these kind of things and I would love to say okay we' we've reduced our Merit pay by this much or we're going to roll this over to employees who come up with innovative ways for our city to save money and we're going to give you a pretty good chunk of money you know if it's a percentage of what you save or whatever it is I'd like to see that money roll over to a new program because unfortunately the way government works is nobody really cares what's being spent because all you got to do is raise money through taxes and Recovery fees and so then there's no real motivation not to spend money on things that we shouldn't so I'll support this but I would bring in a another what I like to call Innovative um Merit pay idea for the employees who can come up with ways and means to save the city money and and uh perhaps not go forward with some things that that it appears we go forward with without a lot of thought so I'll support the motion but I will I will try to work with the staff to come up with some kind of a program I like it that we can get a little more bang out of our buck for the merits Crystal did you say you had something for that yeah I just say um our HR Director as our administrative uh internal policy driver will will take those into account your recommendations but just don't forget this is you know this is at the administrative level um but the budget is definitely at the policy level so we are making the adjustment to the policy tonight and we'll that's correct man it's like he wrote the rules or something right like he wrote the rules or something councilwoman a mayor thank you mayor um the Merit increase is it flat across all employees no ma'am uh it's on your work anniversary the bulk of our staff uh that we currently have were hired between January and September so we don't have a lot of Staff waited early on in the the budget year and it's really based on we have a a very strict protocol um on the points that you receive in your evaluation and a direct has to describe in detail how you got to a certain level on your evaluation and uh Jamie can describe more of it if I I wanted to I know what it's all about because that's how our company is the first company I've worked for this current one everybody gets the same 4% every year it doesn't matter if you're a crappy employee or if you're Stellar everyone gets 4% I wanted to make sure that we take care of the people that are going above and beyond and so that's where it's set up that's all I was trying to verify because I'm like I said I've seen where they just everybody gets the same thing for just being on board so thank you that's my question that yeah well I'll just also add that probationary employees also don't receive the increase so that is a portion of employees that aren't subject to the married increase well it's for the first year so yeah you have to wait a full year of employment before you're entitled to a mered increase that's good too thank you with our turnover right now we don't have very many that are eligible for the Merit increase unfortunately hopefully we can get some people that want to stay uh councilman Bagby yeah because not my current job but previous jobs it was the same way it there was a set amount or what you're describing but the manager had you know you can give someone zero even though the monetary amount was usually 3 or 4% you didn't give 3 or 4% you gave you could get zero or you could get 1% or you could get 8% but the manager had a fixed amount of funds and that was their bonus allocation and they distributed it the way and of course Management's responsibility was to go oh you know your your administrative assistant does not get a 20% Merit increase and all your line workers get 1% increase that's not how this works just because they they bring you coffee every morning or whatever the heck they do thanks all right I got a motion and a second on the floor I see no further discussions I will call the vote unless we need to repeat it uh limit the M increase to 2.97% which is the exact same amount as the cola increase so you can have a Double Cola basically if you're a high performer actually uh the I think the motion was reduce the am Merit from $33,000 down to $225,300 to make or we just move on to the next item all the the same number I'll make a motion that the uh Merit bonuses are based on supervisors and director's discretion all right have a motion second so we'll just keep what's in the the budget leave what's in the budget that's what it is yeah that's what it is we have a current the current administrative policy has a cap of 4% that's correct but within that is what G and this is the amount that we get gotcha okay so administrative policy can Been Changed by administrators is that not correct that's correct but you're at the policy level you set the budget so you can lower what uh what we've budgeted here um to 225 or in this case we can just leave it at the current budget amount of uh 303 303,000 so this motion is to leave what's there right now a little little redundant I afraid yeah so I think well basically was no motion just leave the money there if I can clarify just a little bit we can keep the 4% Merit increase with the 200 and what was the motion th000 we can make both both things can happen exactly yeah because no not everybody gets the 4% which is why I just wanted to save $100,000 but it's fine C are you are you good I'm a little lost in the weights do you want that motion or we no if they say it's no no motion necessary assum we're pushing all right all right who else has got a listbody got one or two kick around go [Music] ahead okay I I suggested and requested that um Crystal look at a 3% reduction in operating budget and that we could use that money for another task such as reduction of the debt on our 25 million or whatever that amount is and so I'm going to move that bring back a hard and fast number for us we kicked around that it was 7008 100 we didn't have a real number bring back the number so at least we can contemplate what it would be and whether we want to move forward we've spent an awful lot of extra money tonight we haven't uh cut back on anything so I would like to have that number so that we can have some uh skin in the game when it comes to paying that debt off if we do the 300 on the short-term rentals that's going to generate I think 1.2 right we estimate if we can get another 6 700,000 or Whatever It Is by reducing 3% on operational budget which is completely done now we're a long way toward paying off that $25 million debt and saving $2 or3 million in interest over the term and not having to go to uh cost recovery and tax increases y so that motion is to just have Crystal bring us that hard and fast number back second all right got a motion got second by councilman King uh councilman Schmidt just have my turn okay for some M okay all right I'll pull you off and start you back up all right so we're going to call that vote all right I have it unanimously so moved all right councilman Schmidt or do you have one more thing councilman Dustin or is that a different topic all right C MTH I think most of the other things that uh I had scribbled down here have been covered by motions by other people great all right how M Schmid floor is yours awesome thank you uh thank you Crystal and thank you to all the staff members for being here tonight and for all your efforts into this entire budget cycle that we're nearly almost done I know it's very uh especially with everything going on right now staff staff wise so thank y'all um I'm going to um hit up the budget item um you know we uh again we talked earlier tonight about we've made plans in the past year or two on different things the parks uh the Morgans complex that we've continued to not do um we are going to now do the playground which was uh not a planned thing uh but an emergency thing and uh so we're going to take care of that um we're going to do the lights which again wasn't really planned but apparently it's an emergency thing and and we need to do them so um I just really am getting concerned about not sticking with some of the plans that we're trying to do um we've also talked on this Council for many months about getting a plan for future things over there and we've heard bits and pieces of what should be done over there and what needs to be done um I truly I truly believe that uh we can sharpen the pencil on a couple of items on the large items and I think we can uh bring back the option to uh do some of the stuff that was planned and so I'm going to make a motion to decrease the light line item by $200,000 to decrease the community center line item by $200,000 and to add Morgan's FG fi upgrades and batting cage with $400,000 right I got a motion on the floor do I hear a second I'll second for discussion all right and so I appreciate it very much and um again I do believe uh the community center I'm not opposed uh well I'm I am opposed to doing a lot of things to that Community Center but I I I do think that original bid that that budget item is based on I do believe that that can get sharpened down is that is a pretty old proposal uh and I do think it's lacking some clarity and I I think we can get that down um and then I think the uh the lights I think are uh pretty high from different industry people I've spoken to and I think when we go out to bid on a project like that I think there are options that will be able to save us some money and so again I'm not saying to completely remove those things but I'm just trying to finish some things that have been planned by the parks department for a couple years and uh I think Le and them have said recently at one of these meetings that they wanted to do a batting cage over there uh they they recommended that one night um and obviously the field stuff has been there as well so that's my proposal and just so I have that you I got minus 200 from the lights and what was the other one from the community center community center roof stucko window 700 and something thousand gotcha okay yes sir all right uh Cal Miss fth how many times did you put the community center out the bid before you actually got a bid several times several times how many people actually bid whenever you finally got a bid after several times we never I don't think we ever had anybody I'm sorry we put that RFB out three times received no responses even though we were told we were going to get responses by individuals we never got a bid in three attempts yeah so we're deducting money from a proposed plan that we can't even get people to bid for for one reason or another I don't I don't I guess that just doesn't make sense to me and I do know that uh we did get a bid at least one bid on it um but it was excessively high in my opinion because I think they realized nobody else wants to bid it but I I don't know how we can deduct money from a a plan when we can't get anybody to fix it right councilman dtin that was essentially my argument pric is not going to go down it's gone up in the last in the period between when we got the bids and and now or in the future so what we're really saying is we're just not going to do that and I I think that's inappropriate to as I said earlier we'll watch that building fall down around our ears if we just continue to not fix it we can only hope cman Bagby yeah I I just want to make sure I understand what the motion was so it's 200,000 from the windows replacement at the community center and 200,000 or 255 whatever it was for the lights at Morgan Sports Center it was 200 from it's not just the windows of the community center it's that fullsize project oh the entire project okay which is fulls sizee project and then 200 from the 1 point something million light project okay this is the 2025 budget 1.3 million for the mortgage center lights from from some money that we're moving over from 24 because it was in and yeah no it's I just trying to track all this the um and having set across from the community center for about eight hours Saturday I thought that was you that was me the mildew above those raden things and I hate to say this but that is just a sad looking building and it needs a little love and I you know I I agree with you 100% we need to sharpen our pencil and if the if we can find a bid and it comes back below the 1.3 million I I would say yep every one of those pennies plus the 111,000 that we're saving from the other projects this year you know I think think we can Cobble together at least part of what you're trying to do but I want to see the building fixed and I want I want to see the lights because those lights are costing us money yeah and so that I and I'll work with you to find the the numbers I because I I agree with you it's kind of like the seven mowers thing there's there's stuff in this budget that we really don't need that we can find you know 100 or 200,000 but uh not the community center or the lights C Schmidt final yeah sure thank you um just for clarity um I think Lisa has said and maybe you can tell us tonight but because Mr G didn't think it was possible but haven't we said somewhere in some of these meetings that we can sharpen the pencil and have staff do some things internally from that exact bid we could do some things and we could probably lower it yes sir yes so it is possible that that full big amount yes that a budget right you know number to go with we're going to have to go out and get another quote um and there's stuff in there that they put in there that yes we can do inhouse um yes like removing the shutters like removing the that was my basis was previous conversations of we can go lower because we could do it in house and some items so um that's the only reason why I threw that out there but yeah I'm good to go thank you thanks Mr BBY where did you come up with where' you come up with the $200,000 number removed from that job uh well considering it was 700 and something thousand uh you're talking about removing from the community center yes oh sorry um I was just taking a 20 to 30% decrease in doing an in-house because I tried going line by line and it was I'm not a contractor like Mr G so I couldn't really understand all of it compl completely um is it was very confusing some of the line items but I just kind of took a 20 to 30% swat at it I'm just was curious I didn't know I'm not a I'm not a contractor either and you know what I'm what I what I realize every time we look at this budget is it seems like there's a lot of things that are just kind of rounded up a little bit um you know not not not really but um I was trying to take two even numbers and as you can see we're not getting anything done I'm not look I'm not I'm not critized I think I'm very grateful for this document um I just was curious as to if there was a specific way you came up with that just just to see it was it was what I think we needed to finish what we've been planning and what's been talked about so maybe 400 and then where do we take it I think from talking to people the light I think it can come down by approximately that much and I think that that internal stuff and that's kind of how I just got even number I would not in with all due respect I would I would take I would be I would be on board with taking 200 because your expertise in a lot of ways is I mean you have more expertise in the in the lighting and stuff not not taking anything from it away from Miss Lisa but you know I would be more inclined to go along with you on that than I would be to take money away from the community center all right cman Stevens and we will call this vote all right so just to um clarify the uh the infield stuff is that the netting the batting cages and the artificial turf that you're talking about it was specifically to do the turf infields and the batting cage set up okay so that does not include the field netting right I don't necessarily know what the field netting is if they but no it was mainly the turf and then and and and I understand there's a lot of the dust and water users discussions and things like that I think we all know that um but I I I think with our partner of Dustin water users I believe we will be able to work something like that out but I wouldn't let that hinder in my opinion okay all right call this fol real quick would you be interested in would you consider I mean obviously we'll see how this vote goes but I I would be in full support of taking them taking $200,000 away from the lights but I'm not going to support this in light of taking away from the community center Miss Lisa can you weigh in as the person that's in charge of all of that is what he's asking reasonable or I mean help us up here understand if this is going to help without hindering the the community center because we know it's got to have a lot lot of love well that's kind of a hard one I mean I think we can save money but then again this is over a year old this quote but maybe there'll be somebody else that'll you know come out and we just really need to go through the specs of what this contractor said I needed what we needed to get the community center back and running so I think there's definitely um some some items out of that scope of work that we can probably remove um now Crystal I was going to ask you um with that RNR we have I think 100,000 left there and I know we need money but that could take care of the batting cage you know there that's one one we could get started on that this year so the batting cage is not budgeted in this year but we do have funds that were um not planning on expending uh that amount to just over $100,000 in the renewal and replacement for Parks and Recreation so that's one more motion that Council has the potential to make is that remaining $100,000 that was talking about earlier um to please do an internal transfer to apply it to uh putting in the batting cage which we estimate estimate would be about $100,000 to lay that foundation and level it and uh set up a proper batting cage here at Morgan's yeah uh just to answer your question Mr King I I appreciate your Olive Branch but I'm going to stick with it because I don't think that's that's going to get the ultimate goal of what we're trying to do and I'm just going to roll the dice and also work with Mr Bagby and other people in the future and just hopefully we come under the final number whenever the actual bids come later and then we'll find the dollars and I think he said he would support at that time putting the money towards some of these things so uh but that's kind of why I don't want to we need 400 I think not just 200 and not 300 C D question I'm I'm not clear on the artificial turf is that going in the batting cage or where is that going so the the motion is to do artificial turf on the infields of two Fields the lower fields which I believe Ryan and Miss Lisa can uh speak to if they would like as well but those are probably the worst of the worst when it comes in regards to rain and standing water and the additional upgrades and fixes that they have to do over there so the two Fields uh right here by the road uh inside the batting cage usually they cover it with concrete and they put like a carpet over it but that's that's not what we're talking about when I said that well I'm I'm not real clear on the merits of artificial turf I know we had one artificial turf uh stadium in the in the school district and never build another one right city of for Walton I think just got done installing uh four or five four and then they are uh completely adding entirely new Fields recreational fields to be Turf as well so they're they're about to they must know something we didn't know right but just for insight Ryan did did you not tell me that for Walton Beach has got a settlement issue because they improper uh I heard that those artificial fields are not draining properly all right coun BBY final words on this yeah so we've got 111 that we've identified we got to identify another 200 89 to get to the 400,000 uh and I will kind of echo what Mr dtin said the solution is not oh well we're going to charge the condos and we're going to fix everything's going to be happy and we're going to get Kevin his 400,000 we're going to get Miss Lisa her the the the reality is is we've spent more for an IT person more for po Pio consultant support uh hopefully less for mowers more for lifeguards so we keep going up and up and up at at some point we have to take a stand here and say no we're going to actually cut some things and or we're going to have to say we're not going to do six sidewalks or 300 ft of sidewalks or whatever because we would rather spend that $100,000 on the ball fields and that's we're now to a point where we can actually at the first budget meeting have those kind of discussions to say I sharpened my pencil and I found this 100,000 here I would rather move that I would like the council to set a different priority and so that I would just encourage everybody before we come back on September 5th you go through the back of the budget which a lot of people don't do and say how many Ms are we buying how many cars are we buying how many air conditioners are we buy and you'd be surprise it adds up to $400,000 fairly quickly so thanks c m I'm going to relinquish my entire annual salary as Dustin city council the budget you're too kind but when uh we get that custom and Destin's new idea of saving money does that count for us too right yeah I'm giving up my health insurance all right we are going to call the vote for the budget transfer of $400 to 400,000 400,000 I wrote 400 down on my page all right you guys have a motion I about you said we we're doing a budget for 400 400,000 is the motion so we're going to call the vote mayor yes do we want to add that to the original motion that I Mr Smith made or did did you change that no I'm not I'm not doing that can I read the original motion and then if you want to if you want to reread it but I think if you got it I think we're good I just said 400 versus 400,000 okay the original motion was to decrease the light project line item by 200,000 Community Center upgrade by 200,000 and add 400,000 to the mo uh Morgan sports center field upgrade and batting cage is is that that probably doesn't matter since won't win but specifically f and g fields for what it's worth the record he's going for it all right call on the vote all right 52 it fails all right anything else on your list no all right September something councilman King you got anything on your list yeah yeah bring a very large sharp pencil can I bring like um um expert Witnesses is at that meeting or are we just taking you know how does that work okay all right I've tried that a few times it hasn't worked yet I was waiting for you to take the field on that last uh public information yeah no I would I would make a motion to take $200,000 from the light allocated funds for the light project and the additional $111,000 to put towards the Morgan Sports Center upgrades that Mr Schmidt has presented all right Motion in a second I think this is about the same so any further discussions before I assume ask question yeah so what happens when the light bid comes back at 1.5 million and now we're not 200,000 short we're 400,000 short just asking for I'm I'm going solely I'm going solely based on Mr Schmidt's expertise and research and he says that it's not going to cost that much okay how did we come with the come about with the $1.3 Million number musco lighting and and that's a is that a sourceable contract or it's a I I know that we're trying to piggy back off of what uh North floridaa schools use them recently yeah you can go cheaper and I'm not saying that's what your talking about cman but you have to also be careful with the um the apply the um appliance that you do go with because there's cheaper and not better um lighting fixtures is the way I've heard I have found that you usually get what you pay for oh yeah if you get cheaper that just means you're going to replace them more often or they're go so I I think we can find 400,000 but I'm not willing to find it out at the light thing tonight all right call in the vote all right four three all right all right one more one more they want it all right I I think we're all in agreeance that it seems like as a council we want the fields and I think we'll hit this at the 5th September 5th all right anyone else have anything for the good of the order yall have a nice Monday all right oh public comments yeah of course yeah s yeah yeah it's another one of those free employees I'm sorry candy traml Indian Trail Destin I was not here for the birthday celebration but I did watch the Drone show somebody videoed and I watched all 15 minutes of it so I thought it was great and I think we need to push toward that uh for our citizens as well as our pets so let's see if we can't get the harbor people to help us Pony up some money sometimes along with the city to see if we can't get that done but I understand from the mayor it was cheaper than fireworks yep so if it me fully but yeah yeah but I mean I I have under good authority but I don't have any I believe it is all right well I appreciate it and I'm in favor of that idea all right it is 9:41 I call this meeting adjourned