##VIDEO ID:4_5uQSfFb_c## [Music] join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you the regular agenda is before the council uh and I would entertain a motion for approval so moved second motion's been made and seconded to approve the regular agenda discussion all in favor the motion say I I opposed motion carries the consent agenda is before the council and all items with an asterisk are considered to be routine by the city council and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member a council member or citizen so requests in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered separately in its normal sequence on the agenda is there anyone in the audience or any member of the council that wishes to either add or remove an item from the consent agenda hearing none I would entertain a motion for its approval so moved second motion has been made and seconded to approve the consent agenda as printed discussion all in favor of the motion say I I oppose the motion carries the the minutes of the regular city council meeting which was held on September 10th 2024 are before the council is there anyone in the audience or any member of the council that wishes to make any changes to the minutes hearing none I would entertain a motion for its approval second second motions been made and seconded to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 10th discussion all in favor of the motion say I I opposed motion carries uh at this time I would like to introduce Amy Sterns from Project 412 and she'd like to give us an update on the trolls here in the Detroit Lakes in the Detroit Lakes area welcome Amy thank you thank you mayor I just actually not so much of an update although we know it's been a giant summer in Detroit Lakes right but I have a little gift for the mayor and the council and maybe for your new city hall it is a collage put together by the artist by Thomas dambo of all the trolls and it is just a big giant shout out to the city of Detroit Lakes for all their support for this crazy project uh you guys were phenomenal uh I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to work with with the public works with the park folks with Sean King Tom gulan all the workers everyone who just was able to help when we needed a little bit of help they were just amazing and big shout out to Kelsey Clem too for helping get things through and so just wanted to acknowledge this and and to thank you all very publicly for all your support of this wonderful crazy big project that we've had well thank you we'll hang it up at City Hall here sure thank you there am I still on the agenda for the next thing yeah I'll grab it later go ahead okay for my next thing too now yes okay so uh we also have another gift to the city to propose uh this has gone through the arts and culture commission and uh through the Park Board and through public works and it is this is a small prototype of a statue of uh canvas backs uh ducks that will be installed um at a location that we worked with uh Kelsey and Sean and others on um along the Overlook between the lodge and Holiday Inn and it's by an artist named Jim Dolan in uh from Montana and we would just like to gift this not this but the bigger one to the city when it comes at the end of October and like your approval to move forward with that so with that Ron could we jump into item 6D please yes the committee looked at this reviewed it and gives and we will give consideration to approval of the request from uh project for2 to place the sculpture that we just saw done on the Overlook and the committee recommends an ISO second motions been made and seconded to approve the installation of the sculpture from Project 412 at the Overlook area discussion no this is gonna be happening this fall yet yes barring good weather very good so do we get to keep the Prototype not yet maybe later you're getting a big one any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I oppos the motion carries and thank you Amy and thank you to project 412 thank you thanks everyone you know before we get into the next item on the public hearings I'd like to jump around just a little bit to accommodate some folks here in attendance this evening and I'd like to go to Community Development Committee item 5c Matt if we could okay uh 5c consideration of resolution approving or denying a variance to exceed a total allowable square footage of signs at 402 West Lake Drive uh commonly referred to as zorbas uh this was kind of a interesting one seeing this through uh this was approved by Planning Commission 3-2 this came from a denial from City staff this was denied last night at CD seat by a 3 to1 vote uh so now we bring it to you currently the expansion would be looking at signage on the north side of their building bringing their total sign allow or sign uh VAR variance square footage excuse me to 293 uh currently they're at 209 and anything over 184 needs a variance um Sean from the Planning Commission or Larry anything else to add to that basically the finding in the staff report was that the requested variant did not meet the state law requirements for granting the variance it didn't show that they had a practical difficulty or something un with that would entitle them to have variance and so that is why denial wased by sta yeah and I think part of the discussion we had last night too is anytime you grant a variance it's a property right that stays with that property into perpetuity so we may like the signage that they're proposing now but we may not like what they have in a year or two or six or 10 so what does that look like um and does it really meet the the does it really fit the harmony of the neighbor neighhood with with the residential you know behind there and lighted signage and things like that too there are two resolutions in your packet one to approve and one to deny you would need to look at the findings in each of those and see which ones you agree with if you don't agree with all of them then you would need to deny VAR okay uh seeing that this uh was denied at CDC last night by a 3 to1 vote uh we're moving forward for Denial on this this and I so move second motion's been made seconded to deny the variance to exceed the total square footage for a sign at 402 West Lake Drive Cole is there anything you'd like to add to the discussion and if just for the record we state your name and yes um good evening my name is co my name's Cole Hansen I uh reside at on nor Northshore Drive I'm also a partner at zorbas and um over the course of the last year I've uh invested quite a bit of money in updating the the exterior and the interior of orbas and um frankly I should have submitted the additional signage in my original building permit and that was my fault and I take full responsibility of it I think the project at this point looks frankly incomplete and poorly conceptualized once again I accept full responsibility for that I just would like the permission to add a couple cool concept appropriate signs to finish off the project um you know with Amy here in Project 412 I know we're all committed to making Detroit Lakes the best version of itself possible and so much of our traffic comes from the north side with people Street and now the pickleball courts and um finny Avenue and I just would like a permission to uh to finish it off with aor with a aor asign because our North Side really doesn't have any um zoric Centric signage and then a few other brand building um message specific irreverent um marketing material um on the PE on one of the two peaks and the zorus sign would be on the North facing Tower um I've I was born and raised here um I know they brought up the concern that perhaps the next ownership group may do something different I certainly have no intention of uh of selling zorbas my parents started it and um I purchased the company from them in 2007 I have uh raised my my both my daughters here my wife was a teacher for 15 years locally and um I plan on spending the rest of my life here so for what that's worth um I take a lot of pride in the business I'm investing a lot of money back in Detroit Lakes because the pride I have in Detroit Lakes and I am I'm asking you to help me Rectify what was my wrong I appreciate your time and I could answer any questions that you may have any questions from the council for coal so all of the signage that you were proposing on the North side was that all lighted that you wanted or that's a great question I was going to address that the um the the proposed zorus sign over the U the new tower will be a soft LED backlit sign so it isn't going to be giving off um it's not going to be like the Kenny roosters sign in Seinfeld if anyone if anyone recognizes that reference and there um and the signs that I proposed to be on the peak there will be no additional there there will be no additional lighting so there um it's going to be very subtle further questions or comments I have a comment if I may sure go ahead Sean I I think the the litmus test that Larry really references is something that's unique to the property um that would and and we have examples of businesses that are on Corner lots and have three sides other places that don't exceed the sage and that's what kind of makes it difficult for me to vote for this specific variance however I don't necessarily find myself opposed to to looking at the signage ordinance as a total I mean it maybe there is a change that needs to be made and it's always difficult you know when you're when you're talking about calculating square footage and stuff but maybe when you are a corner lot or or have you know three sides or something there's a different standard that should apply and maybe that's the action we ought to take is go back and look at it as a whole and ask does this still make sense obviously I would certainly agree with that um and you know with with the momentum that we've built in Detroit Lakes with um you know we're we're putting a quite a few murals up here and you know murals everywhere and painting everything um I could certainly I could paint my building right um and it would accomplish the same thing but the painting it's it can fade it deteriorates it doesn't have an extended shelf life you know these these signs are are permanent and they'll stay bright and vibrant um you know indefinitely so that's certainly the advantage over putting the signs up versus um basically painting murals as as another example of an alternative and that's what variances are for right R I was going to say that we've already Co have gone over quite a bit on this already with you and one of the discussions that we had in 2026 we're going to continue reding L drive from the legion down to Pavilion and we're trying to get everything to look nice and cleaned up but I'm just thinking if if we allowed every business down there to exceed like you want to do all we'd have it be signs on West light drive and that's I don't think that's what the people want in town so I I I can't support for that I think you got enough sign you're certain well known enough I don't know how many more signs you need down there but I I I can't support you your project for further discussion I guess I I agree with Sean I think we kind of need to look at this ordinance I think that this one is would be denied as requested but I think we bring that back and look at that uh Mike I thought you brought a good good point earlier that you look at Central Market with a building that large with the road on three sides does this square footage sign makes sense do we need I mean Holiday gas stations orbis I mean you can go through the list of how many businesses around a corner maybe it is time to look and separate and put some different parameters around business signage so I would I'd be in favor of bringing this back and look looking at the ordinance and see if that would make sense okay further comments I think there might be a little bit of difference comparing zorbas to Central Market considering that zorbas is within a neighborhood area has there been any any objection by uh surrounding neighbors regarding illuminated signs in that direction towards homes I mean the Lakeshore side obviously isn't much of an issue but the other other sides could be an issue for Neighbors well these um the signs that are proposed aren't going to they won't be facing any residents they B they both face People's Park as well as Rosman and the pickle ball court um and once again there aren't going to we aren't adding any additional lights to we wouldn't be adding any additional lights per se to these signs the one that is going to would be softly back lit and led so um it would be an indiscernible glow is the only light if it could even be described as that that we would be adding and right now we don't there isn't any sign there isn't any signage over there and there's quite a few street lights as well so I think if um you know we're certainly we wouldn't be adding to the so-called Lighting in the um in the neighborhood so nothing will be facing the Summit Avenue no everything everything faces people there are there are homes a block away across the uh par and these and the the sign that's going that would be lightly back lit is the would what is the excuse me the one furthest from the um from the apartment building that you're referencing or the um the home just to the south of the apartment building which is um which is owned by um members of our management team not that that should be taken in consideration because they could move of course you're talking about the houses on the on North Forest yeah these these the three proposed signs are all directly north facing further comments or questions I guess I've got a question or comment um so we are going down the path of doing lot of artwork around town like you pointed out what is the difference between artwork and branding material and I think that's probably a piece that we have to weigh out is what what what makes it art versus versus versus a sign whether it's you know labeled or or whatever it is and that's kind of where where I struggle with whether it's branding whether it's art because it does mesh and it kind of gets to a point where where we aren't sure when we when we look at certain buildings I agree it could be murky you know and we we're doing so much in DET Lakes to make it you know to make it vibrant and to improve the city to improve downtown um and I know that there's been talk of you know granting um incentives to improve to improve the street to improve um the curb side ofal of businesses right and I certainly take that very very seriously and um and the big part of this is I look you know I I'm there almost every day and I just I see this these massive these massive walls that um that can be improved upon to make zorbas look the best that it can possibly can can as well and one of our crown jewels is the city beach and I think Zorb has been a big part um of the success of the city beach and we just want to continue to improve our our property because it's viewed by thousands and thousands of people every single um every single year so we're I don't take that responsibility lightly um and you know whether whatever you decide tonight I do think that the um that the sign ordinance now as it's currently constructed it's flawed and so if you don't if you don't approve this for me I think it should be Revisited for the overall growth and Improvement of Zoras of excuse me of Zoras and Detroit Lakes thank you and slip I don't know there you go so so Cole is that gonna be a public access I mean so can the consumer go in that or is that for band like that's for ex that's um for for band loading and unloading um and for emergency exits but it's if you've seen it I mean it's like we have the tower on the front of the building with the um with the properly lit Carnival Z and then so we just want we're doing some we want to do something um much more subtle on the opposite side because it's it's once again it's it looks incomplete and poorly conceptualized and that's I need to answer to my stakeholders for that meaning myself okay further discussion I I just got one thing I'm if the neighbors don't have any issue with it I don't know what the big deal is I know there's guidelines that we have to have but if you're saying the people that live in that neighborhood don't care about more signs I don't know what the big what the issue is well has the neighborhood been asked well obviously they sent out the standard um this is going to be the on the agenda right with the with the con with the conceptualized versions of What would of what would be installed so other than that we haven't heard anything and everybody within 700 feet received a notice of the variance request and we did not receive any so Cole the brightness of what you want to put on there will not be anything close to the Z on the on the south side of the building no dramatically different you're probably if you were to turn on the light on your cell phone that would be brighter if it's not a public entrance why is it so important to to Market well it's fa so it's facing an area where we don't have any zorus signs and you know once again it's just it's it's a big you we do have some z's on the fence yet um and it's just it's just it's a blank space that that needs to be in my opinion need something needs to be done with it frankly and the appropriate thing is obviously to integrate that portion of our building into the O into the overall you know um Vibe right but you're already over of our concept but you're already over what's allowed we are yeah yeah okay and a lot of those were already existing before the sign ordinance went into effect when did it go into effect 2016 2017 and I understand why it happened on that committee we didn't have all kinds of sence that was our biggest is that these buildings would be overed well I would think that the biggest fear was I mean maybe things were getting carried away with the the vinyl signs that would flag and rip uh it looked improperly putting up more signs that was the biggest fear like like we just mentioned you're already over by quite a bit you know what what we're what we so that's that's my concern okay let's try to wrap this up here a little bit Sean you had one more thing one really quick Erin I think you had a really good question and this was a big topic of conversation at the Planning Commission and and I think the answer at least from my perspective is that it's a variance therefore it's a property right and and so is there a demonstrated unique characteristic that that makes sense for that particular lot or is it that one business because we put it on there in a 100 years from now it's still here and hopefully zorbas is here a 100 years from now I don't want to dispute that your project is very Tastefully presented I'm just wondering should we look at this holistically as the city instead of individually as one project and find something that works for both the city and for zorbas and others so sure well regardless of the outcome of the vote I would like the Community Development Committee to take up the issue of looking at the ordinance as far as bringing it into today's world if you will and so if you would do that okay okay I'm going to go ahead and call the question I think we've heard a good discussion all in favor of the motion say I I the motion is to deny all in favor say I I opposed I the motion to deny is approved and we will send it back cool to the committee and you're certainly welcome to come and speak to the committee at that time thank thanks for your time thank you thanks yes sir sure it's it's regarding the same subject right yeah the commission here uh my name is Mike Loveless I'm project manager for Lighthouse construction I've worked on many Lake light properties and I in Alexandria Kum and Cross Lake they go by square footage of wall space not length of Frontage of property so as you're looking through this you might want to consider because that's such a unique lock it's 200 some feet on Summit they they on them three municipalities they consider the wall space square footage in their figuring thank youate we appreciate that Mike thank you so without objection I would like to continue in the community development committee agenda M if you could jump down to 5D 5D consideration the first reading of ordinance number 528 amending the zoning ordinance for the city of Detroit Lakes relative to cannabis businesses regarding cultivation and Manufacturing uh this was discussed at planning as well it is a positive recommendation from CDC uh to move forward with this first reading uh and I would like to move this forward second motion's been made and second it to give first reading to ordinance 528 amending our Zone zoning ordinance relative to cannabis businesses cultivation and manufacturing discussion on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I oppose the motion carries and also along with that we have something on our liquor and gambling control committee agenda item 9A Aaron could we jump to 9A please yeah your honor at this time we're going to table this um the liquor gambling committee decided that we would like to have a special meeting with all city council members to discuss this so as of right now we want to table it okay is there a second to the motion second motion's been made to second to the table discussion or don't you have discussion on a table all in favor say I I I opposed I that's tabled is there anyone else in the audience that has an item you'd like to have me adjust now we'll go right down to the top to bottom so we'll jump to back to the Community Development Committee or wait now we have a I'm sorry we got a public hearing at this time I'll adjourn the regular meeting and call to order a public hearing to consider the proposed assessments for unpaid street light fees water sewer and storm water charges and I would call on our Public Works director Sean King if there's a explanation needed here or Heidi or Heidi or Kelsey yeah that's actually me or Mr somebody other than me I can take that one uh Mr Mayor members of the council uh this evening before you is a listing of um folks who um have not paid the their utility bills or some of their utility bills um every year about this time of year we um compile a list of unpaid water Ste water sewer Street L street light and storm water charges um and if those remain unpaid as of um November 15th we will assess those to property taxes as a means to collect those um unpaid utility bills um we do not um assess electric uh because those fees stay with um the person who was consuming the electric uh water sewer storm water and street light charges stay with the property so uh in your packet is a resolution I also have the updated listing of of those properties that are on the assessment role there's currently 17 properties um dollar amounts ranging anywhere from $762 to $648 185 cents uh the grand total of all amounts that we are looking to assess if they're not paid by that November 15th date is $3,435 41 all right is is there anyone in the audience that wishes to speak to the issue of the unpaid street light fees water and sewer storm water charges hearing none that public hearing is closed and I would entertain a motion okay the commit review this and I make a motion that we go ahead and adopt the assessment Ro for on paage street lights water sewer and storm water charg I second motion's been made second it to go ahead and U adopt the assessment role for these unpaid fees discussion all in favor of the motion say I I opposed motion carries Aon did you guys discuss a date to have the special meeting or Kelsey uh we haven't made a date yet up yet but yeah okay we'll send something over okay and now I believe we are to the Community Development Committee Matt thank your honor uh item 5A was discussion regarding uh zoning changes and annexation uh we had another discussion last night about this uh this is going to come back for discussion again in November so then it hits the Planning Commission and then back to First reading in December for the council uh to chew on so more to come on that uh item 5B is consideration of the second reading and Adoption of ordinance number 527 amending the zoning ordinance changing the maximum height R4 limited multif Family Residence District uh this is the second reading of this tonight uh it is bringing everything in line from the Shoreland impact Zone to R4 to the same height so we discussed it at CDC last night uh it was unanimous approval and ISO move second it motion has been made and seconded to give second reading and adopt ordinance 527 discussion on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I opposed that motion carries second reading is given and ordinance 527 is adopted thank your honor uh 5 C and D have already been addressed 5e is going to be be dismissed for this month so we will not have discussion or uh consideration on that 5e okay anything else mat that's all your honor we'll move to the public works committee chairman Zan okay the first item a is consideration to Amo from Public Works director to sell Surplus City equipment since we're moving out of our old Public Works B the new one uh Sean do you want to give us a little review of what you plan on doing there yeah so right now we're uh mayor and Council we are putting a list together um of some Surplus equipment some equipment we've sold or purchased in the last year uh so we're selling the old uh equipment that replaces that uh such as a BHO skid steer and then also with us moving out of the old building into the new building we'll have some furniture and some stuff that we are not going to be bringing out to the new building so we're just asking to sell that okay the community review and I go ahead and make a motion to approve the recommendation to have this sale second motion has been made and seconded to approve the uh sale of various pieces of equipment by the public works department discussion is this all done in line or do we show up with numbers or how does this work we are actually putting a list together and we're looking at having an auction at the old Public Works site gotcha so it'll be online plus it'll be live thank you further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I oppos motion carries okay next Item B is a consideration to establish a 20 mile hour school zone speed limit at Willow uh Street uh East near Lincoln education center be very similar to what we have at Middle School grade school and also over at Rosman and we reviewed this with a speeding limit and I do any anything else about this it's a we had a request from the superintendent because the kids there and and the speed does get pretty faster so that's why they came by the committee review this and make a motion we go ahead and approve this 20 M hour school zone second motion's been made and seconded to establish a 20 M hour school speed zone limit on Willow Street East near Lincoln education center I think that says 20 miles an hour during school hours or something okay further discussion all in favor the motion say I I oppose the motion carries next item sees consideration to approving a grant agreement with the Minnesota DNR for a force health and resilience program and I'm going to talk on talk to have Sean shock about this information about how much that Grant is Mayor and Council yes uh this is a grant that we received from the DNR because we uh we we got a grant before uh there's some leftover funds so we were able to apply and get it again uh so this is for $2,885 um for planting trees on public uh property um and we have to have them planted and invoice by June 30th of 2025 so we're going to be planting a lot of trees this spring okay the committer review this and uh we're happy to take that Grant and put it in good use and I so move second motion has been made and seconded to approve a grant agreement with mindat or I'm sorry Minnesota DNR for Forest Health and resilience discussion on the motion I you said on property excuse me I know over the last several years we have had to remove some uh trees in the park some Ash and some Elm um so we would like to start rep in some of them trees in our parks and uh walking around you can see some gaps that we'd like to fill in further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I opposed motion carries okay the next item e we'd like to table this until next month reading we we uh gave Mr reading the wrong date for when our meeting was going to be so they'll be here next next month so we'll go ahead and table that until uh next meeting uh let's go down to item F consideration resolution accepting a preliminary engineering report and setting a hearing for Forest Street uh also Street utility approvement for that project and I'll call on John BR good evening mayor and Council this is uh the preliminary engineering report was included in your packet for Forest Street we're planning a reconstruction project for the summer of 2025 this would be Forest Street from Rosman to Lake Avenue by and large this is just removal and and replace M of Street utilities with in kind um we are looking at potentially widening a portion of that just to accommodate uh better accommodate on street parking and traffic levels through there uh things like that uh could be some challenges with widening in a couple areas so I think that remains to be seen just a little bit but uh looking at about a $2 million project uh pretty heavy um share for the city in this case just because we have so much side Lot footage there's just not a lot of accessible footage associated with this project uh in addition the city has quite a bit of the abing footage with people's Park so uh pretty heavy burden on the city in comparison to some projects um we are looking at also using uh some Municipal state aid funds we'll Advance our Municipal state aid account it's a municipal state aid Street uh so we'll be using that for part of the the financing package so um pending your approval we would then have a public hearing at the November uh council meeting okay and as John mentioned the city does have a pretty large share of that it's a $2 million project and the city's going to be responsible for $1,700,000 of that project but it's uh and it's probably going to be our our Major Street project for next year is that correct right now that's the one that's teed up some discussion about some other ones but yeah right now that's that's what we've got but the commit review this so move that we go ahead second with the resolution for preliminary engineer report and have the hearing so I so move second motion's been made and seconded to adopt the preliminary engineering report and setting a hearing for next month's regular council meeting for the four street street and utility improvements discussion one question for Mr Pratt looking in the pr and the packet here it goes from Rosman to Lake is the lake to Washington still usable that we don't need to that section Forest that was completed with South Washington we reconstructed that leg gotcha thank you further discussion all in favor the motion say I I opposed motion carries okay next item gez this is consideration given to approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for the Heartland trail trail head project and going to have John and I go over that with us also yeah mayor and Council we've talked about this for the last couple months um this is the proposed trail head improvements on the city-owned property between country and sweets and Casey's and Highway 10 East uh the improvements generally speaking is a small parking lot uh with some public EV parking or Chargers I should say um small Park shelter FL Fixit station water fountain some benches porta potty screen that sort of thing uh plugins for ebikes um little bit of lighting um that's generally the the scope of the work um this was a it's about a $500,000 project we got a $400,000 Grant from mot through their carbon Reduction Program uh for this project so again um we're done with the plans mot's approved we're going to go out for bids obviously not much is going to happen this year so by and large this will be work that'll be completed next summer okay the committee reviewed this and give consideration of approving the plans and specs and ordering an Advertiser for the Heartland Trail BDS and ISO move second motions been made and seconded to approve the plans and specs and order the advertisement for bids the Heartland trail trail head project discussion all in favor of the motion say I I opposed motion carries okay the next item is H consideration uh uh to accept an engineering's report monthly project so I'm going to have John give an update on all the projects that we have left and going forward all right one last item Council uh updates on projects really nothing to report on the street re the street rehab or Willis Springs projects just punch list items on that Southwood Shore states there has been a little bit of discussion with the developer on that project but nothing has materialized at this point uh West downtown uh hog continues to make uh progress on that project we still got Front Street and Lake to finish up uh front is supposed to be paved uh Monday of next week herban gutter next week on lake so somewhere in the vicinity of uh two three more weeks and I think we'll have all of that buttoned up down there um the Water Tower project we've had some movement finally on that we've got the archaeological phase one and the architectural phase one assessments complete and submitted back to shipo uh we're expecting approval of those hopefully inside of this week yet and that will allow us and the contractor to move ahead with that uh if that all comes to fruition um the contractor has indicated they would like to start on some of the site and Foundation construction um as soon as maybe the end of this month so could see some activity yet this fall on that um Highway 10 East SE and water that project is complete SE and water's in site restored um the other remaining projects Heartland Trail we've talked about Forest Street we've talked about um Westlake Drive phase three we had another meeting with uh County and City staff met to talk about a little bit of the scoping of the project primarily trying to nail down um what exactly the section of Westlake Drive is going to look like in the way of some widths and alignments and things like that I think we're getting close beot lot more discussion on that in the coming months here as we get that pinned down um DMR Legacy Grant uh there's a number of projects there that are reached final design and they're ready to go out for bid so there's a treehouse project that's being bid in October as well as the trail head parking lot improvements and a Nordic ski loop that will be lit and have permanent snow making capability those projects um I hope to get out to bid in in October and come back to the council in November with bids uh for your consideration so any questions any questions for John on the project report John I asked you at their meeting but a lot of people don't know what's happening with the library parking lot oh yeah so it's it's being a little bit Pokey but uh frankly we added that to the contract and so Hog's been kind of working that in uh KB and gutter should be going in on that starting next week when they're here to do lake and Paving should should follow shortly thereafter so hopefully another week to 10 days and that one should be getting pretty close to wrapped up thank you I'd like to make a motion that we go ahead and accept Engineers project report for this month move second motion has been made seconded to accept the city Engineers monthly project status report discussion all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose motion carries okay I think that brings us to the finance committee chairman Josephson item a I will call on Heidi to give us a little bit of background on the um Improvement funds and uh some of the background on that yes um mayor and Council so um the resolution in front of you is to um authorize the city to sell General obligation bonds uh 2024a this will fund uh some of our street reconstruction or Street not reconstruction Street rehab projects um that have been going on this summer so um our 2024 Street rehab project that was kind of the one that was sprinkled All Around Town um those bonds will have a seven-year term that matches up with the assessments that um we also um the council also approved on that project um another portion of the bonds will uh fund the Willow Springs project which will have a 10year term also lining up with um what those folks were assessed for that project as well and then the third item included in this bond is the um Terry Street and dandrew subdivision project um again we have assessments that are going to help pay back those um those bonds but um we need funding upfront to be able to pay those costs until those those um assessment funds come into us so what the attachment does is sets some of the terms of the bonds so um what the purchasers need to provide to our financial consultants um um gives them some information about our bonds and then um at the November 12th uh council meeting date that morning 10: a.m. we'll receive um bids on those bonds and then um at the council meeting that evening the council can um choose to either accept or reject um those bids on those bonds so that is what the authorization resolution in your packet will do so thank you Heidi um Adam A's consideration to a resolution providing for the issuance and sale of approximately $ 4.34 million of obligation Improvement bond series 2024a uh finance committee reviewed this recommends approval and I so move second motion's been made and seconded to adopt a resolution approving the issuance and sale of approximately 4.34 million dollar in general obligation bonds discussion all in favor of the motion say I I opposed motion carries Item B I'll have Heidi give us another synopsis of what uh Item B is here thank you um Item B is a resolution indicating the city's intent to reimburse ourselves um for the costs of certain items related to our Water Tower project um as city engineer Pratt mentioned uh that project is looking to get underway here somewhat soon um we do not have our our funding in place in hand quite as of yet and generally um projects that that do require financing um we do have a reimbursement resolution or at least that wording in a resolution already up front however a water tower project um does not have special assessments tied to them so we didn't have that wording in any previous resolutions so what this resolution does is allows us to spend money on um this project and then reimburse ourselves through uh future Bond proceeds which likely very likely will come from the Minnesota PFA public facilities Authority in the term of or in the by way of a low interest loan through them so item 7B is consideration to a resolution indicating official intent to reimburse original expenditures from bot proceeds finance committee reviewed this this afternoon recommends approval and I so move second motion's been made in seconded to adopt a resolution indicating official intent to reimburse on the bond proceeds discussion all in favor of the motion say I I oppose motion cares anything else Dan nothing further okay we'll move to the Public Safety Committee chairwoman spry thank you mayor um item 88 off the calendar the agenda excuse me those violations have um Item B is consideration to the second reading and adoption me of ordinance 526 uh creating a city code 80112 engine brakes um our committee discussed this uh at length yesterday I would I would say and it was uh everyone agreed we needed to have an exception in this ordinance that uh an exception I guess is probably the right for emergency vehicles like trucks and those kind of things that would not apply to in terms of the sound and the breaking that occurs on Highway 10 primarily which our attention and so um everyone should have to updated version of the ordinance which includes subdivision six this ordinance does not app emergency personel utilizing an emergency the comme discussed thein andly is there a second second motion's been made and seconded to give second reading and adopt ordinance 526 regarding engine brakes With The Changes outlined by Wendy discussion well I just wanted to mention I was in my backyard this afternoon and the biggest recer I've ever seen came down Richwood Road and he used jake brakes all the way down then he went took a left when he got on Highway 34 and he jake break all the way around there too so I'm glad we have his ordinance coming must have woke you up from your nap I was surprised I was surprised at the size of the record further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I anything else Wendy and you took care of the liquor right we're good to go your honor so Kelsey was there something you handed out regarding the highway T Water and Sewer extension project or did we already take care of this oh it was on yeah it was on the consent agenda it was just an updated resolution okay I do have some asks out for people on these appointments and I should have some recommendations for the council at the November council meeting um some information announcements there's a public discussion on the 2025 budget and tax levy uh in pursuant to our truth and Taxation requirements that's going to be on our December 10th council meeting at 6:01 p.m. the Detroit Lake City canvasing board for the general election will be held November 5th or the election which will be held November 5th the canvasing board scheduled for Tuesday November 12th at 5:00 pm here at City Hall the Becker County canvasing board for the general election will be also held November 12th at 10:30 a.m. at the Becker County Courthouse second floor meeting room the Coalition of Greater Minnesota cities fall conference is November 21st and 22nd in Alexandria if any of the council members are interested in attending you can let Carrie know the balance of the council meeting dates for 2024 are listed The Joint government dates are listed and the 2025 City Council meetings are listed as well is there any other City staff items that be forward to the council you see anything mayor and council is just going to introduce uh Deion strap is our new HR Director I think a lot of you have had a chance to meet him already through the committee meeting so been here few weeks four weeks he said so we'll trade that Spud Jersey in for a Laker jersey welcome Dion uh if there's nothing further from City staff Aaron do you have anything else I'm good your honor Dan nothing Wendy Ron yes I have one item in that and we've got a big vote coming up on November 5th first of all a lot of us are running for re-election on the council but also we're going to have a vote for a proposed new Pavilion and we need to support of all our citizens the TR likes propose that uh to build that and we're going to use the local option sales tax which is a very easy way and affordable way to uh build this new uh facility for us and going to have a new addition to the park with splash parks and everything so if you don't have all the information come in and talk to us here at the city but it's a something that's most needed and I hope everybody will support it yeah just to add what Ron said if you're interested in more of the frequently asked questions we do have uh you can access that on our City website that's got a lot of good information Jackie Matt your H Mike nothing your honor Sean sir J yeah I just want to bring up something that I think you know the city's been funding the economic position of an economic development director and I think it would be nice if the uh Council would receive um a periodic update as to um her progress or her um activities that and uh if if we could request a every thre Monon update to the C city council I think would be um some great information for us to consider I'll visit with Kelsey about doing that it's a good idea thank you if there's nothing further the business of this Council has come to a conclusion the meeting's adjourned [Music]