##VIDEO ID:Q6D7OJrcL20## [Music] FL flag United States ofer to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for allc a motion to approve the regular agenda to approve the agenda discuss all favor motion say I I carries the consent agenda before the council and all items of are considered to be routine by the city council and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member or citizen requests in which event the item will be removed from the general order of BU and considered separately normal sequence on the agenda is there anyone in the audience or any council member that wishes to either add or remove an item from the consent agenda hearing none I would entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda printed agenda motion been made to approve the consent agenda discuss say I I motion carries the minutes of the regular city council meeting held July 11 and a special city council meeting held July 19th 2024 are before the council is there anyone in the audience any the council that wishes to make any changes to the minutes I would entertain a motion for their approval so Mo second motion been second to approve the regular city council meeting minutes from July 11th and a special city council meeting held July 19th discussion all in favor mtion say hi hi Carri and this evening I'm proud to announce that we have a new firefighter with us this evening if you would come forward and chief if you come up great so if you'd raise your right hand and your feet after me I Craig McIntosh I Craig Macintosh I pronounced it right didn't I you did okay promise that I will humbly serve all customers promise that I will humbly serve all customers with an Urgent Response to their crisis with an Urgent Response to their crisis with compassion sincerity and concern with compassion sincerity and concern patience kindness and respect patience kindness and respect I promise that I will at all times I promise that I will at all times conduct myself in a manner conduct myself in a manner that reflects positively that reflects positively on the fire department and the city of Detroit Lakes on the fire department in the city of Detroit L finally I promise to follow the policies finally I promise to follow the policies of the fire department of the fire department uphold the laws of our state and Nation uphold the laws of our state and nation and the ordinances of the city of Detroit Lakes and the ordinances of the city of Detroit Lakes that I will Faithfully discharge my duty and I will Faithfully discharge my duties to the best of my abilities to the best of my abilities so help me God so help me God congratulations thank [Applause] you my wife is back here want I'm sorry this is my wife Andrea hi Andrea thanks Chief thank you and welcome aboard thank you say would you will you sign this and then give it to Carrie when when you get a minute yeah thank you at this time I'll adj adjourn the regular meeting and call to order a public hearing to receive public comments on the proposed abatement of disease trees for 2024 and calling our Public Works director Sean King to introduce this item Sean May and Council this is uh just our annual tree inventory we drive around town look at uh diseased and dead trees and this is just a process of getting them removed okay is there anyone in the audience that has any questions about the disease tree abatement or comment and if You' come up here so we can hear you better please thank you to the record will you state your name and address Mary Lee 1220 Kent Street um my question is I got the letter saying it's going to be $1,050 to remove the tree um we are senior citizens on fixed income will that go on our taxes to be paid over a period of time or how does that work yes I'll have one of our city staff field that question Heidi yes yes Mr Mayor um the assessments that are over $250 for disease trees are spread out over five years so yes they would be assessed to your property taxes if they're not paid by November 15th there would be an interest on that as well um but yes if you have any further questions you can let us know and then there is also um a senior deferral program on some of our assessments um so you can contact us as well if if you think you might qualify for that is there anyone else that wishes to speak to the issue of the disease tree abatement hearing none that public hearing is closed and I would entertain a motion from the council okay I want to mention too that uh many people had just one tree to be taken down but quite a few families had five or six down tree so that's quite a few who have trees in the yard it's approximately 65 trees and all they taken down but the community and make a resolution or of tre for 2024 I second motion been made seconded to adopt the proposed abatement of disease trees in Detroit Lakes for 2024 discussion by the council all in favor of the motion say I I I oppose motion car without objection mat can we take a SL C first can okay uh 5 C consider consideration of resolution approving a variance to allow a 15t side yard setback and a 20 foot rear yard setback in an i1 light industrial district uh for construction of a 10,400 ft Flex space shop condo at 1070 Randolph Road and 1065 Fortune Avenue uh this was discussed at Planning Commission uh as well as CDC uh both were approved unanimously and I so move second motion's been made the seconded to approve of varas U allowing a 15t side yard and a 20t rear yard setback at 1070 Rolph Road and 1065 Fortune Avenue discussion Mr Mrs gar any questions okay all in favor the motion say I I oppos the motion carries thank you your honor uh moving back to 5 a uh a and 5B both pertain to the same parcel which is all IR familiar with the old bowling alley uh so item a is consideration of resolution approving the preliminary plat of the port on little Detroit Lake at 1377 West Lake Drive uh Planning Commission discussed this as well as CDC both for unanimous approvals uh and I so move before we take a vot I think there's at least one if not a couple people that maybe want to address the so now would be the time to come up again if you'd state your name and address for our minute please my name is Deb kard I'm the association manager for the Detroit Lakes uh Bowling Association I live at 28341 South Buffalo Lake Road Detroit Lakes Minnesota and basically I probably have talked to many of you on the on the council already about how we as an association feel about the bowling and granted it is it isn't old yet because it hasn't been torn down so we're still occupying it we're going to open for the season on the 3rd of September but basically we're looking for support from the city of Detroit Lake should we be able to find an investor or someone who would be willing to build us a new location and a new bowling aete the bowling bowling is not just a support of sport for young adults or the best athletes we have youngsters bowling we have league bowling for the kids in the first grade through the 12th grade um we actually have a couple of Bowlers who still bowl that are in their 90s so it is a uh sport that can be done by anyone we do have um right now we have like seven leagues that are bowling we've got a couple of Youth leagues we have our adaptive bowling leag for our um uh um physically challenged students from Detroit L and the area those kids that do participate in adaptive bowling are travel team Bowlers we've got some youth that are also travel team Bowlers we sponsor some um fundraisers we help work with the Lions we worked with the um Honor Flight this year where we were raising money and we also have a scholarship fund tournament each year for our youth um we just know that we can't prevent the tearing down of this bowling alley but we would really really appreciate the support of the city council and the city of Detroit Lakes so that Bowlers aren't taking their money to other cities and that we help to build Detroit Lakes and help the sporta bowling Pros in Community well let's find an investor and we'll all support a new bowling out well have you done the Power Ball yet anyone else want to speak to anything about theing alley okay we have a motion to Second any discussion on the council all in favor to the motion say I I and that was a and correct that was a that was a okay mov to 5D is consideration of resolution approving a conditional use permit to allow a 14 unit planed unit development uh to be named the port on l Detroit Lake at 1377 Westlake Drive uh the current place of the bowling out uh excuse me we address this at Planning Commission as well as CC both unanimous and ISO motion been made the second approve a conditional use permit for a 14 unit PUD called port at 1377 West discussion yeah um I was going to have discussion on the last motion but I just wanted to um recognize and thank you for everything the Bowling Association does and that recognizing that this was a private owner of a building we did not make the decision for it to to go and um and so that connects with this resolution okay further discussion all in favor of the motion say IES one last thing just to Echo de I sure appreciate your your approach to this and trying to work with this to bring back a a positive sport in Detroit Lakes so Larry can we add that to the development Authority agenda for next meeting just to discuss it certainly thank you that's all your public worksman Z Matt before we go on the Public Works I'd like to make a comment in regards to last month's Community Development meeting that we had uh withon and also with some speakers so at this time go ahead okay U as we know last month the council meeting on July 9th we had resoning of Southshore um neighborhood where where the council was resoning uh this ra were supposedly under ra under our new neighborhood commercial Zone the develop of Brent Kean wanted the RM Zoning for a 60t tall building with six floors and 150 apartments that $1,500 to $2500 a month and it was under the affordable housing uh this Z is called RM not ra that the neighborhood that we were going to be having that night of July 9th uh we then uh came to the public hearing portion of the meeting and uh we had a man by the name of Brian Grammer who lives on Lake unas came for he said that he was at the meeting that night because the V for Brent King could not be there and he was there to speak for him Mr gramar said he told all of us that uh we could trust Brett Kean as developer and he has an excellent reputation uh for his projects after much uh discussion and questions Brian gr then said came out and admitted that he wasn't just a friend but was also a partner in this development project that along with BR King bran Grammer also said that he would consider talking uh to the neighbors and he said he would be willing to meet with the neighborhood um and as public hearing continued uh at a very little at at going toward very before the boat came a 10-year-old girl and her mother came for and a 10-year-old girl said that I wish that I could live in an apartment building like that had and my mother would too and her mother also agreed at the end of this meeting and after the vote uh to approve this rmon for the 150 unit Department uh we found out that the 10-year-old girl and her mother were actually chairman Sean Carlson's wife and their daughter who live in Willow Springs I asked Sean if he was planning to move his family from will Springs to this new apartment house and he told me no council members need to be trusted and be able to tell the truth this action by the chairman of the Planning Commission Sean Carlson gives all of us I feel a black eye along with the members of the Planning Commission are are we so desperate to get 150 in department calls that Sean had to have his family come and say that they wanted to move into that building so we could pass this for the developer I feel that action by Sean Carlson Wars him to step down from his Ro as being chairman of the Planning Commission the taxpayers and voters of Detroit Leakes expect more from the elected officials and they need deserve a better care put yourself in these neighborhood shoes this is probably one of the biggest Investments their homes and then we're playing games with them this is not proper and I hope that we never will do this again I've never seen this happen on the years that I've been on the city council okay R let's get to the agenda please a brief response sure I promise abely um first and foremost um I am proud of my daughter for Having the courage to get up and say something and she and my family just like any other family in this community any other member of this community absolutely the right to get up and speak their opinion they and I would encourage not just them or any of your families or anyone else in this community to get up and speak but get up and participate and use that opportunity from the standpoint of accusations of flying uh my I looked at the transcript because you asked this question my daughter got up and said that it's near Lake and there's a playground nearby my wife said that it's a nice seems like a nice neighborhood there's lots of kids and that we need housing for families and that was the extent of the comments I don't appreciate the accusation Ron that there was anything underhanded or anything else at the end of the day I would absolutely encourage my family and any other family to get up and speak their mind at any public meeting at any time when they have the opportunity that's all I have to say thank you okay that's going to be the end the even okay gentlemen all right let's move on to the agenda okay under the public committee discussion took place today in regards to Jake breaking in parts of our town by trucks uh uh this has been brought up before but U one thing the C currently does not have an ordinance in regards to so uh the public works is going to have have our staff to go ahead and come up with the ordinance for J and hope he'll have that come back at next month's meeting this even further so we can see how that comes out so that was a discussion okay uh going on to Item B uh consideration approval of a special V application for the Nick gley race which is going to be held on September 7 2024 this group usually brings in around 2,000 people I'm going to have Sean King kind of give explation what what's going to happen here and we two plans why we're going to do one plan over the other one may Council yes this is uh just the annual event for the dick beers Le run um in the event I did look through it all the races are very similar to what they have done in the past the only exception would be um the half marathon option A and option b um option A would run past frzy up to um bucks Mill and turn around at bucks Mill option b would be to turn around at phy Street and I know we discussed this at uh Public Works today and decided option b would be the best option at this point not knowing whether or not frezy would be open um if that is not open we kind of limit on where people can even turn around downtown committee reviewed this and after because of construction go ahead make appr fortification for the using this plan motion's been made second to approve a special event application for the beardly races on September 7th discussion can can I say something as a runner run it a few times so option b I kind of took a look at it and that would then run up Roosevelt Road correct a little bit you know from nor d end up to rosev and run through a residential neighborhood is that correct that does appear to be correct okay um you know from from the logistics standpoint too I think it I think it would did you talked to James botman about it I mean does it make a little more difficult to control traffic I mean in the in the direct the traffic for the racers too I I did talk to James and um his biggest thing would be if ran past crazy and we're coming back cuz we're ending the race this year this is different we're going to be ending it at Washington ballpark so they're coming back downhill for that last little bit um they'll be running up but then yeah she'll be able to avoid the um some of the residential areas but you'll have a longer stride coming back down to finish the race which you're talking a block and a half and I I should also mention on this concerns was the we're going to have this from businesses downtown they didn't have interrup their business so we're going to this be around 8:00 that they figured it would be open back up about 8:45 about 8:45 so it shouldn't affect so by choing option you don't are you signed up for the race mik uh I'm on the committee uh my son and his girlfriend are so they're running all right further discussion I prer op all in favor motion say I ition carries next item is item C consideration resol appr adoption of an assessment role for the L project there's just five Lots on there Sean you want to explain this to the public tonight mayor that would be me okay John Mayor councel um little bit of unique assessment role here this is um as Al Z pointed out for five properties on Detroit L Boulevard that contacted us after we had started improvements on norshore drive and more or less asked also redo their street which is a very very narrow Dead End Street but is in fact a public Street um and the only way to get that incorporated into this project is at that point we had already done all of our hearings and assessment rules was for them to sign assessment waivers agreeing to uh the assessment just like everybody else that's getting improvements with that project uh they did and we have those so that's why we're not having a hearing we have from the impacted properties so we just need to adopt the RO I want to say that each homeowner will pay $4,400 for share of that project I through resolution second motion been made second to approve a resolution adopting the assessment rule L Boulevard project discussion all in favor the motion say I I okay next item consideration resolution authorizing plinary engineer report for forestry um John Mayor and Council um this is just the initial step on what would be a street utility reconstruction project for next summer um as it stands right now this is the only project really that we have on radar for next summer for Street utility reconstruction so um the resolution to authorize preparation of the report I'll probably bring that back to the council in September or October and I have hearings at that okay the comme riew this and give consideration to authoriz report next motion second to adopt a resolution authorizing a preliminary engineering report for Forest Street discussion all in favor the motion say I I oppos motion carries okay the next item is item it's consideration accepting our city rep update uh mayor and Council again um definitely some work happening on the street rehab rehabilitation project norshore drives been under construction now for a couple of weeks um including 11 and we're getting ready to do work as well baret and West River um those are primarily the segments that are left in the project um got completed last week we just have payement margins left to put on that um but I expect most bulk of the paving and the construction should be wrapped up by probably the middle of next week so um that project's moving along um Willow Springs nothing to report um West downtown project all of the underground utilities have been complete on ph E Street so the contractor is starting to work towards the street reconstruction we've got concrete curb and gutter and things like that that are going to start up in the middle of the week um hog has transitioned over to the east block of Front Street and started working along the the north side of the mall there um they'll work in that area for it'll be the next several we before they move into other areas on on L and uh the Water Tower project um we are scheduled to have a preconstruction meeting with the contractor later this week we have hit just a little bit of a speed bump on that project we have to do an archaeological investigation on the tank site which was a surprise to say the least so we're sort of scrambling that archeological phase one but are making some progress on that but it might delay the start of the of the construction just a bit um as it stands right now construction is still slated to begin sometime this small will take a couple years that project and Highway 10 eastm water extension uh dealership that work is next okay the committe the engine second motion second to accept the engineers monthly project status report discussion all in favor motion say I I carries move to the finance committee chairman Joseph item 7A I'll head over to Kelsey to give us a little B background then I'll read the entire thing get a motion on table mayor and Council last month uh the city council approved resolution approving a financing um for two new um Hangers On the airport through a local placement through a local bank uh if you recall the interest rates were a little bit higher because it was a taxable Bond was over 7% interest rate um had additional conversations with beer County uh currently we're looking at resending that resolution and to foro the um the placement of of financing with the bank and looking at financing that internally instead um the idea is that we'd rather pay ourselves an interest rate rather than paying the bank a 7% interest rate uh the county was receptive to that I got take it to Public Utilities yet next month um we'll probably use their U loan F loan fol that they have available so that's the reason why we're resending is we're going to choose instead of going outside for financing to do internal financing instead the uh resolution is consideration to a resolution resending resolution number 2024079853 second motion been made and seconded to adopt a resolution resending resolution number 2024 Outline by chairman Joseph discussion on the motion all in favor motion say I anything else Finance nothing further anything chairwoman spr on the Public Safety Committee uh we do not have any agenda items I was unable to be at the committee meeting through a work time um and Ron had attended the meeting and he suggested maybe uh Chief Todd could update us a little bit on how uh we best went and any other activities so I am doing so I thank you for giving me the time to prepare Ron sorry no he he's yeah so the the Sheriff's Office obviously is a primary law enforcement provider for the we Fest event the show grounds are out in the county uh we do see increased traffic numbers uh so increased traffic accidents and some increased shop Bings during the time uh my understanding from the sheriff's office is that the attendance numbers were down at weest pretty significantly um so that resulted in less uh less issues with with their out at the did you have anything else you wanted me to address thank that's for the public safy dool committee yes your honor we had our longest lior and gambling meeting we've ever had since I've been on it regarding cannabis regulations and I think we're uh heading in the right direction how to figure this out so we're still in discussion and then one thing on the liquor story report um Mitch was saying liquor store sales were down during we pass also otherwise things are going great thank you Public Utilities Commission agenda we actually have something okay go ahead so Mr Mayor uh the uh Public Utilities Commission doesn't meet until tomorrow um the normal schedu time but uh want to get this before the council today uh general manager Roberts has been uh negotiating with Apex engineering for the construction Management Services agreement and so we need city council approval uh the the cost on that is for the service is 54 check $543,000 I believe it is um that's paid outside of the general operations of the public utilities so I have item 10 a consideration to approving a construction Services agreement with Apex engineering for the elevated water stage project and motion been made second to approve construction Management Services agreement with Apex engineering for the new water tower discussion all in favor motion say I before we continue with the agenda there's a gentleman in the back who asked if he could address the councel and because he's a veteran I said yes thank you for your service and this this is nothing on our agenda sir you talking about the Constitution okay well be brief that's a long document well actually it's a copy of a document okay I'd like to give you all got son oh [Applause] thank you Mr Mayor and Council for allowing me to speak today um I've spoken before this committee but I don't think I've ever talked about this subject and I've talked to the school board and the school board said can't seem to do anything about it so when I talked to the superintendent last month to speak on it he told me I'd be better off coming to you guys so that's why I'm here tonight I like this man this mandate to be signed by you Mr Mayor and sent to the school board because under your democracy you have no rights because Nancy Pelosi and infinite wisdom threw away all your rights in October 2009 when she stayed you cannot know what is in the bill until after it's passed by her doing that she threw out your right to Pally assembl and petitioned the government for redress grievances then she went and added more to it more assault to injury because she said that was the true intent of the founding fathers now let me tell you what the true intent of her founding father says the founding father never intended on you having any rights so therefore what you're teaching in your school in this school district is that we are democracy because that's what the Minnesota Department of Education has required all I'm asking with this mandate is to clarify what that means and I have listed the three things that it means now I know everybody will be screaming by oh you can't do that we got to have a public he no we don't because Nancy Pelosi threw it out in October 2009 like I said she threw out the First Amendment part that says that we have the right to peaceably assemble and petition our government for redress grievances which is you but you threw it away so think you could have your democracy Constitution you know I don't ever remember hearing anybody yelling and screaming about that so everybody must agree with me on that point so why I'm asking Mr you signed this and send it to district school district 22 and issue this mandate that they beare they clarify what they mean by a democracy because I can tell you something these kids they being Ted okay we got to wrap this up I'm not I'm not going to sign this by the way but thank you for your comments good getting back to the agenda we have a primary election and a general election coming up and we need to appoint a council member to the Becker County Cy board for both of those elections uh the candidate from the council cannot be on the ballot I would be willing to do it but I'm on the ballot so is there someone who's not on the ballot that's on the council is there someone that be willing to represent the city in the cing for those two elections that's what I thought was going to happen I I usually do this but it only takes about 40 minutes so it doesn't take very long at all but you have to be able to be at this August 15 at 2m yes anybody why don't you think about it and you uh I'll jump on that grenade will you do it yeah just to clarify August 15th and two yes August 15 at the courthouse courthous and the one for the November election is that I'll know that date as we get closer the board the County Commission has to set the canvasing date so I'll know that date when it's closer on we'll talk after very good Patty Lavar has decided to resign from our arts and culture commission I'd like to recommend the name of pum to replace Patty on the arts and culture commission so second motion been second to appoint to the arts and culture commission discussion motion say I iOS motion carries information and announcements the city election filing date is open until 5:00 P P.M tomorrow Carrie is that correct yes okay uh the budget meeting schedule for the balance of the budget meetings areed must The Joint government meetings are listed for the balance of the year and the council meeting dates are listed the year anyone from the city staff have anything else to the order this evening Jo mayor one thing i' add is uh August 22nd we have a budget meeting uh we had a presentation from marshmallow animal shelter last week I've lined up a tour of their facility immediately following the August 22nd budget meeting so I understand that maybe tough for some of you to go but it's an open invitation if you want to take a tour we're going to do that at 8:30 a.m. on the 22nd um the only other thing I was going to add mayor is we talked about at the budget meeting about the library grant that was received I haven't corresponded with all the Council on that so I do have letters from the Department of Education that uh granted that award for $749,999 for the library um as a matching Grant so we've had a lot of discussion of budget already about that project and how we'll come up with our Lo share but no action okay any other City staff if not I did miss that at the finance committee meeting I got notification on my text messages but um like to wish a happy birthday to our finance officer heidy we don't need to this council is conclusion the meetings jour [Music]