##VIDEO ID:_rRBxjYpsqM## good morning um this is the uh town of dayon board of assessors meeting um on Monday November 4th uh 2024 the time is 912 all to order this a public meeting video and audio recorded the cable broadcast posting on [Applause] www. Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Nancy and Bill are in attendance Eric is absent um on to Old business um The Brook Street solar pilot agreement take it away um Mr chairman um I have completed the pilot agreement uh I'm just I just have to insert a couple of the uh appendices uh which is the plot plan the tax payment schedule and the inventory list I have all the information I Stephanie's going to scan something in for me so I can have the plot plan um I took the yeah I took the information from our TX consultant and if I find him I have his worksheets here but what you have before you is a summary of His worksheet so look at this uh here's his numbers over 20 years the total taxes we're talking about over 20 years are 8 $3,172 then I did some work and I did the front end load so that the first payment is in fiscal year 2026 it's 54,8 65 and for the first 10 years those payments represent 60% of the total taxes due the last 10 years represent the remaining 40% of the taxes due so that's what we are here to act on today so we can notify the Selectmen that we have put this together and we sending it on to them because they have to act on it before the town meeting on the 14th okay so um any questions I think you actually just answered the question I had um as driving in here which was where where does the evaluation number comes from so this evaluation is basically you know what we would normally go through with our consultant and he came up with the numbers of what he believes the value of the yeah and then he he spreads it out uh and then you know we have to deal with the um hold one moment M hey Eric you're on speaker phone sorry I for some reason I was thinking 9:30 even though I knew it was 9 when I looked at the email um on my way in now you guys still need me um I'm not sure uh probably not um uh yeah we we've started the meeting already and um we're just going over the pilot agreement and then we're going to sign motor vehicle abatements I can't really hear you we're we're going over the the pilot agreement for Brook Street solar right okay and then we're going to assign motor vehicle abatements and that's it so uh if you I'll be I'm only I'm like8 minutes from there so I'll be in anyway okay see you shortly byee you pause what no um motion how about um recess for a bit other than other than the pilot agreement uh the mot of vehicle thing the only thing we have yeah yeah because I didn't get any minut done um he said wants to be here yeah correct so uh why don't you declare a recess and then put that on hold that's uh what I will do um declare a recess for um approximately 5 to 10 minutes until uh Mr Easter day arrives and so say stop keep hello there we are resuming our meeting after a brief recess it is now uh 9 fix that 9:24 um Eric is now get sorry for my tardiness I got a detention now uh oh um so we we were just discussing the Brook Street so a pilot agreement Nancy told us that the total is 823 th000 which came from uh our professional there's the spreadsheet there um and she front end loaded the first 10 years of 60% and the last 10 years are 10% 40% 40% they're remaining 40 right okay so these are the numbers that actually appear on this schedule right okay okay so um we uh after we act on this today assuming we approve it uh there's a letter going to the board of selectman and I would follow a copy of this to uh my contact at U grasshopper and say here it is this is what's going into town meeting is this the one that didn't like the numbers initially oh no the ones that didn't like the number the ones we we don't think it's to our benefit and we said right okay okay super so should we hold a motion so um Mr chairman I make a motion that we approve the pilot agreement for the solar farm located at 893 Brook Street with a total personal property tax over 20 years of $823,000 seconded you have any discussion hearing none all those in favor I I I coincidentally it's unan go get to sign the letter no okay uh new business sign motor vehicle abatements for FIS year 23 and 24 thank you Mr chairman I move that we approve the levy of 2024 motor vehicle abatements dated October 31st 21 October 31st 2024 in the amount of $1,269 26 I second that motion motion made and seconded all in favor I I I forg to call was there any discussion on that sorry I still have Mr and I was the late one um I move that we approve the levy of 20123 Motor Vehicle abatements dated October 31st 2024 in the amount of $976 cents I second that motion motion made and seconded any discussion none all in favor I I oh I I'm sorry no minutes um so November 20th is our next meeting and it's the you said tax classification tax classification hearings for all those departments y so maybe we'll have to meet before that or maybe we just meet them morning because we have a meeting that morning so all right but the meeting with then we'll wait to hear from them when they're going to uh set up their meetings no they should you think they'll come in to our meeting on in the morning no I don't think so I'm gonna have to get everything done okay and we're not at that point yet okay so we're going to meet on the 20th regular time yeah and then after and then in the evening it be you'll let us know all the district who make okay all right like it was yeah so we go to the selectman's meeting they meet right then we're doing it back here I don't know right okay that we'll do it there again maybe okay yeah unless they do it ahead of their own here I don't know if they're that or not okay um so moov so uh motion to adour okay second motion second it all in favor thank you all very much have a good day