##VIDEO ID:p0kWetE4Yxg## good morning I'd like to call to order the board of assessors regular meeting on Wednesday October 9th 2024 and time is 9:49 um uh this meeting is a public meeting being video and audio recorded for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on www.don d.gov and YouTube at this moment last to stand for pled I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you all very much attendance all three of us are here old Business Review warrant article on small commercial exemption for personal property now I saw um yeah so this is the warrant um the highlighted ones are what we're going to be talking about so I've read this already um and I'm perfectly okay with article 20 what do you guys think just article 20 right now that looks good to me yeah I like that okay I would a motion on it um you guys already we already approved it I thought yeah it's already been approved I just wanted you guys to see it okay make sure it was good then uh moving on to the hero act so that's back yeah where did this verbage come from okay so um oh it's article 22 okay yeah 22 is and Ray hay you know gave information but we've had a meetings trying to iron out what what it should say so this is the final product because have you verified all these chapters and clauses and blah blah blah I mean that's it was raised thing but yeah I looked I talked to him multiple times and we had a okay I trust you on that so because um 22j will um up to 100% will give the veterans up they'll double what they Y and it had a 22i but we already give them the cost of living so we didn't have to include that so that's why we were back and forth okay yeah you guys okay with the too yep there's no voting we did say we were G to um yeah we voted to ask them to put it on the warrant yeah and the warrant's going to be reviewed by Town Council also before you know it's posted so yeah I have um that'll be a double check I hope this is tonight October 9th right there's a a 6:30 meeting to hear information related to the request special tell meeting um articles so I don't that's so this is a email we got I don't think everyone got the email so I don't know if someone needs to be there to talk about up not a chance I'm leaving for vacation at 5:00 shop you going I'm going to Pennsylvania I'm good going to Florida I'm not going to Florida going to Tampa Bay are okay I didn't say my house I'm going to be there because of the um pilot agreement I got to let him know I may be late uh because I got a meeting at 4:30 uh but I'll just say if you come to that I'm not there skip over it and come back to it but I will will be there okay I mean you don't have to talk about the hero one no I'll just say that these were presented exactly you know talked about this before and yeah and I'm sure Ray ha will be there anyhow yeah I think so okay okay so uh we can talk about the pilot agreement um did Rich give you anything no not yet which which one I haven't seen the Brook Street Sola um so what I'm waiting for I have the uh that says it right there I have the uh the the draft the boilerplate agreement what I'm waiting for from which is the actual you know that L sheet the T tax calculations for 20 years that gives me the total and then I go back and do the 60% over the first 10 so that's the number I'm waiting for um I have the equipment list I have the plot plan uh so the payment schedule is uh one of the exhibits it's attached so that's the only thing I'm waiting for um this uh they're still working down there I hope by now they've started working um but I can't tell you they've actually Broken Ground to to dig up the old Basin but again um if we can get this p pilot agreement approved at town meeting in November it'll hit the tax rolls the 1st of January correct so we can pick it up if not it won't hit the tax rols until the next annual so um wait too long should there be any snags excuse me meaning uh G town meeting gets approved if there's any snags with anything relative to the construction I'll ask the selectman don't sign it yet sign it before the end of the calendar year so we can pick it up in January but they can hold signing it okay which means it won't get recorded until they sign it so um based on on everything that I have currently I'm just going to recommend uh that the uh going to town meeting that this be approved like I did this is basically the word that the wording that was on the warrant the last time this came up and we ended up tabling it because the Basin wasn't working properly uh the uh work is supposed to begin on the Basin Weston and Samson says it's going to work uh we're requiring that it be tested either with natural rain or um water brought in um Mr Ferry checked with the water district to see if in Flushing hydrants they could use the flushing water to test the Basin I love that idea yeah well that's very Innovative I don't know if it's going to happen because of course they're flushing right now yeah they're flushing and so I don't know if they could hold that section of town uh or that we should let them know if we well Tommy's handling this but I just mentioned this to you as a possible solution if it doesn't rain but anyhow um so that's where we are with this so um okay so we have nothing to do with this nothing to do with this okay so no there is something I'm going to make a motion that we vote to approve placing the pilot agreement no we already did that we already said yeah we did that um I'm going to make a motion that we vote to approve the pilot agreement uh as submitted which means as submitted uh vote to approve to the pilot agreement as submitted at the special town meeting which indicates that the board is in favor of moving this forward at the town meeting just like at the last town meeting I will know what the dolls are you guys will know as soon as soon as I know what the numbers are and we work on it uh an email will go out to you telling you what kind of money we're talking about okay and and obviously you're going to get uh the the summary I'll get a chance to look at that so so there's a motion motion second motion made and seconded any discussion so I do have a question about pilot agreements that's a good spot to ask it can we unless it's specifically for this pilot agreement it's a general pilot agreement question okay yeah but I don't want to throw monkey mentioned too go ahead go ahead so I had heard the state of Massachusetts pass something that we don't have to have pilot agreements at all and any pilot agreement that we've got in effect right now we could tear up and tax them at full value for the entirety of the farm there's there's no I don't haven't heard that but I can tell you right now there is no obligation for towns communities to agree to Pilot agreements right the reason why the department of re Vue pushes them is that if you don't have a pilot agreement which locks in the taxes for 20 years every year when you issue that tax bill the owner of the solar farm can file for an abatement with the appell at Tax Board which means every year you're before the appell at Tax Board and because they disagree with the value right which means you're going to need legal representation it also means you're going to have to hire somebody to evaluate that property every year so the Department of Revenue says this is the best way to prevent that yeah the other thing too is in the past the appell at tax board has pretty much always ruled in favor of of the sols okay because there a loophole in the law so anyhow um that's fair that that question came from somebody who actually yes build solar Farms so we're not obligated state it done we're never obligated to Pilot we do it because yeah that's why that's why I brought it up and I was curious about that and I had heard that I had reared it but I had heard that went that way so makes perfect sense we' discussed uh we've discussed an operating Sol farm that wanted the pilot agreement we put it all together they didn't like the numbers so we said okay we're done y okay motion made second and any further discussion all those in favor I I moving on to signing invoices no invoices 2024 motor vehicle obs yep chairman I move that we approve the levy of 2024 motor vehicle abatements in the amount of $48.90 second motion Main and second discussion all in favor I I I next is the m vehicle commitment yep that's number five what your belly that was my belly I am hungry it wasn't I'm sorry I believe there are two places to sign here oh my God and there is no sticky where sticky give me that one I oh there's two on that one too no no well there's a sticky on it oh okay you're going to steal has i' love your food you we approved this but you were on the phone so you need to sign that bottom right here yeah you're the no underneath like a letter man quiet above your name right here oh I got you sorry uh Mr chairman uh I move that we approve the motor vehicle and trailer excise uh commitment for 2024 -5 -05 in the amount of $5 59,6 188 15 cents second motion made and seconded are any discussion all those in favor I I that's it for me we have any public input nobody here um correspondence no no minute no any anticipated items got two spots right uh this yeah with that I will entertain a motion to adjourn uh so moved motion second all in favor I I meeting ised at 10:02 10:2 man thank you very much everybody have a very efficient it's right there