##VIDEO ID:GTIwjCa6UW4## pet here Nicole Melo present Maro present and um we have to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please our pledge of alleg to the flag of United States of America the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy in Justice for okay I'd make a uh somebody make a motion to take our agenda out of order and uh do executive session at the end of our meeting I I'll make a motion to recess executive session is that the right way okay I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I Peter I'm sorry would you just announce that the meeting is being recorded I don't think oh yeah you should do it when they come in uh this meeting is being recorded the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law okay okay let him in there a lot of people out there or just a lot of cars I Reynolds and the um Library director so we'll go right into a moment of silence and then um announcements Hi how are you hello hi hi uh we just recessed back from executive session so we're just going to go right into the meeting and the first thing that we're going to do is just please stand for a moment of silence we lost uh two residents this week and we just want to ackn that we lost them please was Mary Corey and Isabelle Pierce thank you oh somebody's been to the fire [Laughter] department um okay we had a moment of silence so we're going to go right into announcements please um the adult flu covid vaccine clinic will be held October 18th from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. at Council on Aging um Building located at 10:59 Somerset AV online registration is highly encouraged the town of dayon food bank will be held next on October 19th located at Town Hall 979 Somerset AV in the lower level on Saturday October 26th from 10:00 a.m. to 2m The Drug Enforcement Administration will coordinate with the dayon police department for a one day um prescription takeback initiative event to remove potentially dangerous controlled substances from the home on Monday October 28th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. there will be a pumpkin patio pot fundraiser for the dayon Historical Society at ruio farms 1522 William Street $50 per person and this includes all materials please bring your gloves pre-registration required call 508 6696 988 early voting notice in person early voting for November 5th 2024 State elections will be held at dayon Town Hall Saturday October 19th 2024 through Friday November 1st 2024 um the attached flyer for early voting hours believe those are on Facebook or on the town page thank you mle uh right into Old business please review discuss and act this is the board of selectman holiday meeting schedule and as I mentioned uh last week the December 25th which is our fourth uh meeting I mean our fourth uh week of the month to have a meeting is Christmas so my suggestion was we meet on the 11th and we could do the 18th unless there is um nothing to do uh unless uh you guys want to skip the 18th and just do the 11th if you guys have a preference I think so we were already scheduled for the 18th correct no we're scheduled for the 11th oh were we okay is there only way to do the 18th instead of instead of the 11th absolutely we can we're at the Liberty to change it now okay I just wanted everybody to have enough event oh wait never mind sorry no wrong stuff um I have too many select boards that are on here that AR all us sure um so no the 11th was fine the 18th if we were going to add that I couldn't attend that you couldn't attend that okay so you want to keep it the 11th if if possible Mark do you have a preference I don't should we keep it as a placeholder just in case something comes up and we hope maybe absolutely I know you can't make it Nicole yeah but if you two could still if you needed to so we'll keep it as a placeholder so is there a motion on the floor to do that please um I'll make a motion to approve the um holiday meeting the meeting schedule and keep December 18th as a placeholder I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I uh on to new business um recommendation to appoint Laura Reynolds as culation circulation librarian hi Mark hello how are you how you doing I'm doing excellent thank you we got your letter okay and um seems pretty straightforward do you have anything you want to add no I I just want to say that uh we got it was 22 applicants for the position Karen and Leon the sov going to test to that yeah uh which is great cuz you want a very deep pool of applicants sure and then you know you're going to be selecting from qualified applicants that really want to have but then when you have to make that selection it's really tough cuz you're selecting from really really qualified top-notch applicants um so we're excited to hire Laura we had it at the trustee meeting uh last week they approved it um and so we're just we're here before all of you know um I have no questions for you I do want to tell you again you're doing a great job um I don't know how many times we can say it but you're a breath of fresh air for the for everyone here uh is there a motion on the floor unless you guys have discussions I don't but we're excited that's fantastic um I'll make a motion to appoint Laura Reynolds to the position of circulation librarian I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I congratulations and yes yeah you don't have to stay get pretty boring from [Laughter] here thank you thank you Mark byee guys bye so cute last time I saw them they were running around naked in the in the yard oh yeah oh God uh again new business review discuss an act recommendation on special to meetings meeting articles uh Jim said we don't have to read each article but I do have the recommendations from the finance committee here so um if we want to start we can just go right into it uh article one is pretty uh straightforward article two is uh paying last year's bills for the fire department and the board of uh the finance committee's recommendation was to take it from free cash where is my I don't know if you guys have any questions um that I can answer or Jim but it has to be paid uh we did hear the presentation last uh at your meeting last week Mr chairman which I I thought was very useful for you know for all the presenters um but yeah that's an that's an unpaid bill and I think in my office today I use the term um you know please take this Stone out of my shoe um for whoever's right and whoever's wrong there's a debt owed you know let's pay it and move on y I have a question um as we go through this are we going to motion and accept or not accept as we go or have I don't know why I can't remember the process we've done in the past I guess I don't know what question I like we going to accept them to the to town meeting correct correct right now they're not on to me until we approve it here right so are we going to go through each one and approve them or just yes okay or not yes that's what I'm asking so we should article two we should we should start we should make a motion for that correct start with article one right right I'm soril we still have to okay article one to hear the reports of town officials is there a motion on the floor so I make a motion to accept article one um for a town meeting what vot Mr chairman vote to recommend okay I make a motion to recommend article one um for Town special town meeting second motion made in second that any discussion all those in favor I I I article two this is a rais inappropriate again to pay last year's bill for the fire police department and the finance committee is recommended that come from free cash I'll make a motion to recommend article two as presented and for us for the board of selectman to recommend it comes from free cash I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I article three uh this is a raised appropriate as well uh free cash Mr yep from free cash I'll make a motion that we um recommend article 3 as presented for town meeting from free cash second motion me in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I article four this is again a uh coming from the ambulance fund let's do every other one so I'll make a motion um to recommend Article 4 as presented and to recommend it to come from the ambulance fund okay what was this okay is there a second no sorry I'll second that uh motion me seconded any discussion all those in favor I I Article Five I'll make a motion um to recommend Article Five as presented for a town meeting from free cash second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I article six is a lengthy one Mr chairman at the last meeting the treasur collector um uh suggested that there had been a prior town meeting appropriation made for these purposes correct and um uh our research proved that to be correct uh I uh uh in the amount of $150,000 so uh so two things uh have happened Serena represented us last night at the uh at the fincom meeting um the uh the overall uh request um of 1 milon uh $355,000 uh um has been reduced uh the the finance committee recommended $1.2 million $1 1,50,000 coming from Capital stabilization and uh $150,000 from the aforementioned uh town meeting article appropriation did they say why they want to reduce it so Peter roach Peter roach had done his own research right um and he compared other comparable towns and he felt that um that would be more in line with what we are looking for in this town like we don't need the Fe feasibility study to you know for example look at 10 different properties sure we're just going to concentrate on the one property where the school already is and um there was other factors that he took into account that he felt the 1.2 milon would be sufficient I I saw what he did and um not every town can be compared to another town just because uh they're like towns uh my concern was that if the a superintendent in the building committee have discussed this we did and they came up with that figure for a reason um and just because they don't have to look at multiple sites I don't know if that's valid reason not to give the superintendent what he's looking for yeah so that was the decision the fincon made okay yep what's your opinion on that Mark well that was another thing we we had a higher number the the committee and it was reduced down to the 1355 million right and the committee was just very cautious of we we're so scared of having to go back to town meeting so we we thought that this was a number that could achieve the needs of a feasibility study um but it wasn't over the the top you know it was it was kind of like the happy medium This 1.2 million I think might cut a little close y I don't want them to have to come back um a fear and if there's leftover funds it can always come back into stabilization uh I don't know how you feel about that no I feel I feel the same way I wouldn't want them to have to come back um and I I just don't feel like that's enough information um but um Peter research to make me feel comfortable with that uh one of the dangers uh and I don't want to get off topic um of just comparing ourselves to other towns uh as you know here everything is different uh so you just can't take one town and say well we're going to copy them or because they have a a nurse and and we don't uh there's so many variables that uh it scares me when we we just take towns in in compare them and say this is what it should be if Mark thinks uh that they came up with a 3.5 1355 for a reason uh and they were originally going to ask for more than that I find that the superintendent probably did his his homework and it should be at the 1355 million right so because the the town and this wasn't part of our discussion as the um the committee this 150,000 so so the article be worded like let's say it's 1 what was it 20 1 million 205,000 is that what that's supposed to be 1.2 million even so then in the motion when we so if you if the board of selectman was to agree at the 1.2 million the motion would just have two separate funding sources when station in um in the operating budget right um and he did say that he looked at towns like they were comparable per Kappa so if we at a prior town meeting we've already appropriated 150,000 M so if we kept the 1355 million that the committee recommended we have to raise an additional 1.25 million 1, 205,000 so like forgetting the just say like so 1355 million minus 100 50,000 like that was appropriated before yeah okay so then so the difference for that is $ 1,25 th000 right ma that's a math so that's a article will have to be changed a little bit if we if we want to we do want to let's say we want to raise the 1355 do we have to acknowledge at all that we've appropriated 150,000 to it already so the board of selectmen's role is not to really the the funding sources it's just are you recommending this article to be on the warrant right and for what figure are we recommending it to be yes okay and then the fincom as the board of Selectmen always meet the day of just before the meeting um so the finance committee did say that if there were differences you know they would meet again and decide to agree with you know the selectmen's recommendation like this you know is different or if they're going to keep their stance at their dollar amount and then it would just go to the resid yep okay okay is there a motion on the floor then please I'll make a motion to recommend article 6 at the 1355 million and I need help with what accounts are coming out of uh we don't have to do that don't have to do that all right you were clear on that sorry uh motion made is there a second no I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I article 7 this a rais in appropriate oh um I would like to make a motion to recommend article 7 to town meeting as presented motion made is there a second second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I article 8 again this is an raise in appropriate I'll make a motion to recommend article 8 as presented uh for Ras and appro operate I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I article 9 uh this is going to be a placeholder correct Jim uh yes Mr chairman I would like to make a motion um to recommend article 9 UM currently as a placeholder to town meeting second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I article 10 Again a raise your apprpriate and or transfer from available funds so for number 10 the finance committee recommended to use free cash right so I would agree with with free cash so I will make a motion to recommend article 10 as presented and to be funded by free cash I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I um we don't have to say that it's going to be funded from preach we just deciding whether it goes on the warrant or not you said it and I keep forgetting so thank you you have the right to uh article 11 uh 10 now I think oh 10 I'm sorry yeah no we just did 10 okay don't listen to me don't listen to me I'll make a motion um to recommend article 11 as presented for town meeting second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I article 12 this is again rais in appropriate transfer I'll make a motion to recommend article 12 as presented I'll second that motion made to seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I uh then we have Article 13 which um was changed to 8,000 at the meeting but um Mark has a proposal that you want to to speak of sry um one cool idea that we may want to consider is I this a large sum of money $88,000 perhaps as a we're going to put our skin in the game the taxpayer skin right for for this for this money perhaps we can make it a smaller amount subject to the committee the anniversary committee raising matching funds so like a challenge Grant almost so let's say it was $33,000 or 4,000 and the town will fund it subject to them raising those funds as well matching right matching so if you raised $11,000 we would give you $1,000 if you raise 4,000 or or up into whatever amount is decided here we would give you that amount but you have to basically put your skin in the game and say we're going to raise so much money um or a certain amount of money that we'll match that certain amount of money up there to answer you uh can I just answer from here uh no okay fre recording purposes thank you so we're on board to raise as much money as we can volunteer get sponsors like kind um exchanges and we're on Bo to do that for a lot of events get grants and and so forth the problem we have is that the 13th continental congress with the rehobath Minutemen which will be putting on the October 2026 of weekend event needs a commitment from us for $88,000 on in February of 2025 so between now and 2026 I'd take that challenge but I don't know that we can raise $4,000 by February that's the problem it's that deadline if they would give us until whatever you know longer through next summer even maybe I think we could raise it absolutely worst case scenario is you don't raise it what happens I don't know because according to Rich Gunther who's kind of handling that for us um when he goes to that big main board they won't commit to us if we haven't guaranteed the monies in place okay so our discussion at the committee what I thought well we have until October 2026 to raise the money so let's let's I'm I'm with you let's take a chance I think we could do it but then I said well wait I'm on the committee so who's going to have to pay it if we don't you know if we if we as a committee commit to that and then we can't raise it and we've already you know what are they going to charge us if we book them and they pass up another opportunity because and then we cancel I have no idea what the cancellation fee is so that's our only problem I mean we had a lot of events planned that and totally understand the position that we're all in um we're in it with you the same position right but for planning purposes that was that's why we brought it right down to the the 8,000 which was the bare minimum so um if you have a recommendation as to I don't work for the town so I'm on this committee so if you have a recommendation as to go ahead go for it Y and I won't have to pay for it if I commit to it um then you know whatever you recommend uh let's do this do you have an opinion on to what that figure should be I think if we did it up to 4,000 and uh so we matched up to four and they raise up to four it gets I understand the timeline would absolutely be a challenge yes hopefully if they saw that the town had a warrant article and we we will we are optimists and we expect to get there so we plan to start our fundraising in January because we're this close to the holidays and stuff so I started earlier yeah you have to make a decision by February right um I startop tomorrow right well I know you don't meet until December but I stop right away right yeah yep okay if that's do you have an opinion I was thinking 4,000 would be the most that and then they would match or whatever they they get maybe they get over that I'm being over zealous but yeah 4,000 is about so we're going to we're going to make the article on on the town warrant and we're going to change the 30,000 that you have here to 4,000 okay and you'll have to raise uh through donations the other 4,000 does that mean if the town votes we get the 4,000 or do we have to do dollar for dollar for dollar dollar for dollar okay so if you only raise 2,000 then you'll get 2,000 okay all right thank you thank you for your volunteer and your service to the town we appreciate you absolutely Mr chairman just a point of order in a motion just for the record um if you're going to move the the $4,000 amount um uh include the term challenge Grant okay the motion okay so I'll make a motion to recommend Article 13 to change the amount to the sum of $4,000 as a challenge Grant on a dollar for dooll basis I'll second that motion made in seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I I any uh no that's it I'm sorry all set thank you for coming thank you article 14 this a raise an appropriate or transfer from available funds as well um I understand the finance committee is recommending this but we have given them the police department a new vehicle every year so that would be giving them two this year um because they just got one in and we gave them one in the uh in the uh spring as well uh do we think that they need two vehicles this year I think um that this could possibly wait till annual town meeting um there are other departments that could have put similar things on here but with our financial stance and knowing that potentially there could be loss of personnel they they decide not to and I think that right now Personnel are more important in that we revisit this I do think it's important I I've seen their schedule I like how they schedule it out because police vehicles are very different than other vehicles you can't just look at mileage or this or that I mean those things are running all the time they run out a lot quicker than a regular vehicle but I just think right now is not the time to be spending that money and definitely look at it for annual town meeting once we have a better understanding of what's going to happen with the vote I understand that Mark this is a tough one uh I just want to be a man of my word and I told the chief I would support this and that was just on on my own and I just know that the chief you know there's been some procurement issues with with their vehicles and um we do have a a new Chief and a new Deputy Chief and although they're they're new to their positions they've been in the town for a while and I I know they know our fiscal situation and um I want to see them have the tools they need I do get it's a a timing issue and generally they get one car and it's it's at the annual town meeting um I'm happy to see that it could be funded by free cash so I'd like to see it stay on you like to see it stay on um well we can have it stay on and um it could be that the selectman don't recommend is that how it would go no no if you don't recommend then it's it doesn't go on at all okay but that doesn't mean we don't all have to agree so you guys we can still go through the voting process and and another Point too is we could recommend to put it on and if something changes from now and the 14th doesn't mean any of us have to make the motion I know other folks at um meeting could as well make the motion that um generally we make the Motions yeah I know someone else could um we could always all right is there a motion on the floor then I'll make a motion to recommend article 14 as presented is there a second I'll sit down as chair and make a second all those in favor I I opposed no okay I do want to say I feel really bad opposing it but yeah no it happens um I know that's important fire and safety is one of the top priorities but it was a hard hard sell for me right now yeah absolutely uh 15 this is from the opo opo settlement opiate settlement um I'd like to make a motion um to recommend Article 15 to special town meeting as presented second motion May Seed any discussion all those in favor I I article 16 I'll make a motion to place article 16 as presented I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor article 17 oh um I'd like to make a motion to recommend article 17 as presented to special town meeting second motion May seconded any discussion I have a question I sure um so you're saying as presented oh it doesn't have a dollar amount yes okay thank you as a placeholder is this a placeholder fincom suggested 30,000 to stabilization 30 to Capital and 30 to opab okay so I would like to can I change my motion sure um I'd like to make a motion um to recommend this article 17 with 30,000 to stabilization account to special town meeting I'll second on discussion I just have some question how does how does fincom make their determination on a percentage this is the percentage of total available free cash it looks like it's pretty close but um I not at all no so how does that work so they left 17 18 and 19 to vote last um and then we figured out how much was left in free cash mhm um which came out to like 590,000 at that point so then we took the 90,000 and divided it by three because I am really concerned to have a really um sufficient holds back for free cash just not knowing what the de exclusion vote is going to be um so with that that left a available free cash of 500,000 which is a little lower than I wanted it to be um but they put um some things through free cash that I wasn't expecting so that's how we got to the 30,000 for the three of them so if we have half a million sitting in free cash is that an account that it can sit there indefinitely so we don't have to vote to move it to a different account it just stays in the unreserved fund balance okay in a year end it rolls over and becomes part of the um the newly certified free cash it rolls forward into the following years um a free cash calculation yeah so it doesn't get lost if we don't do something with it stays in the bank yes and Mr chairman just you know before you deliberate that I I apologize for for butting in but preservation of free cash you know with an uncertain outcome on uh on November 5th I think is is an imperative right worst case scenario is it doesn't pass and we'll know going into the 14th what the situation is so we can modify this on the floor that's correct okay so uh just to go back to Nicole's question about the police car uh if we don't get it and we have to cut we can do that and I having had a conversation with the police chief uh when his article was submitted he does understand that okay understand what I mean yes I do thank you is half a million dollars in free cash historic do you know like generally what do we have sitting in there is that like something that we should be happy with or is that cutting it really thin um I I think it's low um free cash certification came in significantly lower to begin with this year from closing the books um so 500 I mean I'm okay with 500 but it is definitely on the lower end um you know if I haven't heard of any plans of if the deck exclusion doesn't pass what we're going to do um but I would imagine if we did have layoffs you know we have to pay out vacation maybe a separation package nobody has used their vacation time you know it's really early in the fiscal year um I haven't expensed any of that out but um that's going to be a big chunk of change if that is the root that end up needs to be done okay awesome thank you I appreciate it so we need a new motion for article 17 and uh see if the town will vote to or to transfer from available funds a sum of not to exceed 30,000 to the stabilization account Oh I thought I just did that no I don't think you had the figure in there okay you did oh I oh you put it in there oh okay with an amount of 30 and I second the de so have the vot motion beinged any more discussion all those in favor I I article 18 I'll make a motion to place article 18 on the special town meeting in the amount of $30,000 I'll second that motion meeting seed any more discussion all those in favor I Article 19 I would like to make a motion to place Article 19 as presented to special town meeting second motion made and seconded any disc question I have a question is as presented in your packet say 90 or 30 says 90 so do you want to change it to 30 the finance committee's recommended 30 oh wait do we want to have discussion on that sure so n other post employment benefits liability trust fund where do we stand this percent funding like we we start cutting way back to 30,000 is that going of um so there is 30,000 in the operating budget that gets voted within um the annual budget every year and then typically we you know do 90 out of free cash um I think the last time it was evaluated they said that we for our population in our budget that we were contributing um above average for the other communities in the same situation I don't know if Jim if you've had any discussion with Paul with OPB since you've been here I have not yeah I I think last year um the agency that does it it's not uni bank Buck Associates the actuaries yeah the actuaries the the actuaries who do these calculations uh the you know the big group uh uh that generally does it is called buck buck Associates I'm not suggesting that you know that this is a result of their work but uh they're obliged by law to do an Actuarial analysis every two years two years yeah and that's through the treasurer's office so I don't really have a say in that but I do remember them saying that we were contributing you know a good amount over the years yeah there was some discussion about that I don't know last year yeah yeah okay it was it's all coming and that's something you know at the same time if the debt exclusion does pass we can bump it back up to 90 at the DAT of the meeting okay so I'd like to change my my motion um I have another dumb question if you don't mind if we fund these things at like 30,000 would could this affect our credit rating our our rating um the OPB I think it slightly does um even a $30,000 contribution um uh is a positive okay um we're not playing to the feds as much as we are uh the financial Market markets M and when the financial markets see a consistent effort okay um it seems you've got you know perhaps an Unwritten policy of you know you want um like $125,000 or so net a contributed to it on an annual basis and you know you've been making contributions uh when the uh when the markets if you've ever sat to a rating uh a session it's pretty exciting stuff but for um but even a even a $30,000 contribution when they know your back is against the wall it shows uh commitment and consistency okay awesome how much does it it's a positive impact on your total credit rating exercise okay how much you know is uh I I is open for debate there are so many factors involved in that but it is indeed a positive so 30,000 is better than zero absolutely okay thank thank you all right so I'd like to change my motion I would like to make a motion to recommend Article 19 with the dollar amount of 30,000 um to special town meeting second motion made and second to any discussion all those in favor I I now article 20 is not um bothered with the finance committee it's not a money article per se Mr chair but it was submitted by the uh by the board of of Assassins I would like to make a motion to recommend article 20 as presented I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I article 21 I'd like to make a motion to recommend article 21 as presented to special town meeting second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I everyone's hustling to try and have that ready from the Li 14th Mr chairman article 21 article 22 um I will make a motion to recommend article 22 for the special town meeting wward I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I article 23 um this was quite extensive which I read last time but I'm not going to read it again this time um I'd like to make a motion to recommend article 23 as presented to special town meeting second motion May seconded any discussion all those in favor I uh where's article 24 what page page four at the very bottom of the page3 very bottom of page four article 24 so just at the last meeting I mentioned for them to put strike throughs for any changes cuz we print them black and white oh I'm sorry no that's not that's not for you so I would just make a motion to recommend it um attention upon the Conservation Commission um resubmitting it with strikethroughs for any changes and what date would you need that by Karen um by the 23rd by the by October 23rd okay I'll second that motion made and seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I just uh before you move on to the next one Mr chairman if I may um we've got it in the form that you that you speak of we didn't present it to you tonight I apologize for that even better that's great it's done yeah it is done good good okay article 25 I'd like to make a motion to recommend article 25 as presented to special town meeting second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I so that makes um the school zone for which can now go to 20 M hour correct that's my understanding Mr uh article 26 S I just got to look at it sure um I'll make a motion to recommend article 26 as presented I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I and article 27 I'll make a motion to accept article 27 as presented special town meeting second motion me and seconded any discussion all those in favor I then Article 28 I'll make a motion to recommend Article 28 as presented I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you guys Mr chairman can I beg the boards and Indulgence under um uh under public input number seven sure uh it's no surprise that there was no Town administrators report printed since I haven't given one in the last two uh uh meetings um but um there is a um there is a statement that I'd like to make if if you don't mind um we are 29 days from at from town meeting uh uh Mr chairman you have one more regularly scheduled meeting uh before the posting of the warrant on um on the 31st uh of this week so in terms of you know any wording or conflicts or uh or anything like that you know you've got to you've got to clean up dat one more yes uh available to you so um so we feel pretty good about the uh you know you know the scheduling and the performance of the department heads and yourself and the fincom uh uh in getting this package ready as we're in a transition uh uh in an administrative uh uh transition mode and um uh I I will say with respect to the transition uh we had the uh uh the incoming Town Administrator here for about four plus hours uh uh uh yesterday um we gave him a lot uh uh of information uh uh myself Karen and Leanne uh and um uh in spite of that he still plans on coming on Monday uh to uh to be here so um so that part of the transition is is in order um I just wrote something up here this afternoon Mr Tim and I i' I'd like it you know for the record um that Mr timman I'd like to thank you and the select board members um Nicole Melo and Mark Pico for the opportunity to serve the town of dayon uh from the onset of my service on June 17th till now uh there's been a palpable feeling of mutual respect between us uh in looking back we've accomplished a great deal I think in that uh uh in that period of time uh I'd like to uh also offer sounds like church but thanks and praise to Karen Brady and uh lean Kerwin for their uh dedication loyalty and hard work uh their competencies are on a par with the very best offices I've worked with uh uh uh over uh my many years in public service they're always loyal to the town's interests uh and they treat your customers uh Town staffers and members of Dion's boards and commissions with respect uh and I value their friendship uh and uh finally my thanks to Dion's competent Workforce uh in the Legion of Citizen volunteers that populate its boards and commissions and best of luck moving forward tomorrow is my last day this is my last select board meeting and D so thank you it's uh it's gone by so fast and uh I don't know how you say last couple of weeks haven't in my house you know the closer you get the more anxious you know oh sure the more anxious you get you saved us at a time we needed you desperately and thank you for uh everything you brought to the table appreciate it yeah it's been a pleasure thank you I didn't realize it was your last meeting I guess I should have looked at the calendar but thank you for all your hard work that you did for us it's been a pleasure I've learned a lot from you and yet I Echo what you said about you were here when at a time we really needed you and I like you tie thanks you saw me tyeing in the hallway right is there any more public input nobody okay we'll be out of here for the planning board there you go we have to go into executive session I'm sorry that's fine so uh is there a motion to go into executive session should we take a motion to put it out of order first or we don't that didn't we already do that yes I think you did it at the beginning thank you okay good I'll make a motion to go with an executive session under massachusett general laws chapter 30A section 21 A2 to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonusing Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non union Personnel D permanent firy this Association I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I we have to do a roll call go into executive session ien thank you very much tonight do you that you're not going back into public meeting yes we are not coming back into public session --------- ##VIDEO ID:ZAO69AgnFys## morning hi Vinnie how are you good how are you as well as can be expected well you're all prepared with your fluids today huh be a long morning how you feel good yeah I know we're all set morning morning this is town of dayon Board of Health Emergency meeting October 15th 16th 16th I'm sorry I was looking at the time date wow starting the meeting off great aren't we and I um this is also remote participation Zoom meeting is a public meeting being recorded for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on YouTube at order first thing is Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of aliance to the flag of the United States of America and the rep which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] number three on the agenda is Health agent interview and we have our first interview Jenna Conroy would you like to step up to the podium please going to start with questions Jenna oh yeah let's have please tell us about yourself your education and work experience and how you feel this has prepared you for the position of Board of Health agent for the town of Titan um my name is Jenna conro um I grew up in Milton Massachusetts um just a suburb right outside of Boston um I grew up going to the Milton Public Schools my whole life um once graduating from Milton high in 2018 I then went to Johnson Wales University in Providence rhod Island where I got a Bachelor's of Science in public Health from then I went straight into grad school at Boston University where I got my masters in public health and then for along for job experience um it's just been internship experience uh mostly um one internship was at the Rhode Island Department of Health in their um rules and regulations area um so I just sit in on meetings regarding their u rules and regulations any new um entities that want to come into the state everyone had to vote on and we've got to just sit in watch it go through the um workers itself who were voting on it and then it went into the state and um the residents got to vote on it as well and then I got to also internship at teada pharmaceutical as a compliance intern so that's more quality control quality insurance reviewing documents U preparing it for um preparing it for it to be submitted into the um database making sure it's just perfected and then currently I work at Wagman um where I got to Shadow some of the food safety officers there um just walking around the store making sure the store was clean safe and um good for the customers thank you next do you want to have the next question and then we'll go to Vinnie this good morning can you please describe any past experience you have working with the local Board of Health or the Mass Department of Public Health along for any local um Department of Health experience I got the shadow um Jared orini from Westwood I got to shout him on a few inspections for um rest two restaurants in the Westwood Town of Westwood but other than that it hasn't been any um employment history it's just the shadowing aspect okay and then the internship for Rhode Island any other questions pertaining to this okay Vinnie could you okay yeah could you please describe your experience with Title 5 and septic systems and if you hold any hold or previously held any licenses as an inspector install of a Title Five I do not have any licenses for title five nor do I have any experience regarding it okay most public health protocols specifically those related to covid-19 to which the Board of Health adhering to have been Pro prated but prated yeah prated yeah that's a big word for me by Mass Department of Public Health and the federal government would you have any difficulty in forcing any local state or federal health protocol that you do not agree with no this position requires the fair and unbiased application of Public Health statutes regulations policies and town bylaws enforcement may may become a problem with some restaurant some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skills do you have that would enable would enable you to effectively deal with the residents who do not agree with you I definitely think um legman helps with this I we get a lot of customers who are the nicest at times um but it's our job to do what we're doing actually we have um very strict alcohol policy so we have to ID anyone no matter what age they are um we have to have the physical ID and customers aren't the happiest when they don't get their alcohol so um I think that has definitely helped um just enforcing that rule and just being able to force any other rules that lments holds it's my job's on the line so knowing that I have to enforce those rules I that I say that a lot to them it's my it's my job I have to do this so I think that's definitely come in handy thank you okay although extremely rare individuals appointed as a board of health agent must make a commitment to be available for emergencies or other circumstances uh that require their prompt attention do you feel uh enough flexibility in your schedule to be able to meet that commitment yes okay there are many facets of Public Health that are outlined in the job description that requires a basic understanding of food protection public health emergency preparedness Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experience training or certificates you may now hold or have help in the past um the one certificate I um hold right now is Serve Safe um manager certificate um so that's for the health like health inspector wise um but for like experience- wise I think beu uh did a great job preparing us we worked with local communities as well um making programs for them specifically Franklin Park um in Boston we helped them do a um Community Health Plan for the park which um I do on my rest may there's a publication that shows that do you have an allerin certificate also no okay thank you what areas would your current supervisor say that you excel in and which which areas would he or she say that you need Improvement um for Excel I definitely think um I adapt easily into new environments um personable teamwork um hardworking and then when it comes to um areas Improvement um definitely communicating when I need help um and that was the hard question [Laughter] question that I just like when I need help speaking out when I need help and not just trying to do it on my own thank you okay uh what set you apart from the other candidates I definitely think I'm eager to learn um being out of grad school now over six months ago um this JW process has been very hard um so I'm just been eager to learn for the past eight months um eager to get U use my degree that I paid for I just want to be able to use it and um do good for the community where where are you located now where you live now I'm in Providence right now in Providence yes close enough yeah okay should you be be selected for the position what would you do on your first day ask as many questions as possible Liz has all the answers believe me Liz has all the answers she did for me thank you dear do you have any questions for us um I think the biggest question said it said part-time the job application um with um a chance for fulltime I was just kind of question what exactly that means or like if there's a timeline well right now the hour is off partt time and um we actually don't have a position in fulltime I may what we could do is um if we need if something comes up an emergency or whatever we can certainly go for overtime it's not a case but um we have Friday off yeah which confuses me because I always think Friday is Saturday and then I really get messed up I get ready for church on Satur I'm like wait a minute but um but it has its advantages it really does okay and then it also said benefits were part of this package it said that on the application yeah so we have health insurance um Smart Plan like it's like a 401k um we have of disability life insurance things like that and that's still a hard time well 28 hours corre that's what the job considers it's ours so you still get those benefits great does anybody else have any questions questions any I don't think so thank you so much thank you so much uh we'll be contacting you thank you thank you Jen nice to meet you you too was that robbit Claudia out there oh I'm sorry wrong one Karen that was on the cemetery commission try to have a meeting like they had it downstairs they moved downstairs said maybe they'll see him walking should I go see if Pap to yeah you could get a little head stop myell something happened up here I'm doing great how about you good things considered we're trying to keep Tammy from Crossing in front of little old [Laughter] ladies just call me crash how did that happen to oh I was walking in the crosswalk at Walmart and um push in the car and this lady came around and didn't see me and just ran me over ran my card over and when she finally stopped She was actually on the case of water that fell from underneath my car oh my God yeah so she sent me flying wow amazing it is the good thing is the doctor said because I'm a farm girl I stay active every day that's why I didn't really break anything or was able to bounce back bounce back well we're glad bounc back we really really I'm sure all your little animals are happy to they are very happy oh gosh get some time so I've been talking with Liz and uh I know I've been communicating with you guys about grants right so yeah um if we could identify identify a few of them what I was what I had mentioned was like a lot of the forms of cookie cutter so one question that I would have is there a repository uh you know a database where we could just load these forms down so where I'm going with this is like if I stopped filling out these forms um so I did get in tou with Serena I spoke with her good and then we have the zoom meeting with Molly at 4 I don't know she's going to set it up or I'll set it up but um CU Molly's going to talk about I mean missy I'm sorry I was going to say who's Molly Molly I used to work with oh so you have one oh good miss so yeah so she all the answers defin for that so where I'm going with this is like you f out these forms and again I was telling this about this is that and they cookie cutter right so it's like you know pay T you know UEI number or tax ID number etc etc and the form is the same if if you just took that form and you dumped it down into um a location so that every board anyone in that's serving for the town has access to it so now they don't have to go through the whole process all they do is put in the grant that they're looking for put in the budget and and off you go so it's not like I got to spend an hour you know minimum you know filling out a grant all I got to do is put in the money that put in the name and off they go cu the other thing I was telling Liz about is I'm looking at the when I was looking at these grants I'd be stepping on toes right which I don't want to do like if I say you've got the sewer department or you've got you know name name another department that there's and if I see a grant that's there right and I would say hey there's a grant there go ahead here's where the forms are located go ahead the uh Community preservation committee uses a Dropbox yeah they put all of their forms in Dropbox and it's shared between all the members so I wonder if you can do that you could do Google Drive yes so the town doesn't have like a a central no they have a shared drive but to get everybody to put their stuff in it would be a great undertaking or to get them to even know where it is right yeah some people are not that Savvy and some are some you would have some you wouldn't have so it would be a little bit of a challenge is that something we could look into with the new ta yeah because it's not I mean you could if I had access to it I can set it up it's not hard to do you're just creating a a a folder morning how are you that's all morning certainly try it I think I'm in the right spot yes access to it please excuse the great idea can do that nice to meet youmy nice to meet you de Bar very nice to meet you very nice to meet you also Robert how do you say your last name c l o u t i r cludia cludia okay I apologize no Pro oh you're early don't worry about it it's uh it won't stop so okay yeah okay if you'd like to step up to the podium and we can start your interview Robert please tell us about yourself your education and work experience and how you feel this has prepared you for the position of Board of Health agent for the town of dayon okay I'm a graduate from Diamond Regional uh actually a couple years younger than Jim a here downstairs uh machine shop from that point I um I've moved into um the field uh the medical field but it was mostly um building implants designing implants things of that nature from that point I went to blun find foods which actually uh opened up a whole different genre for me as far as education and whatnot so what I did was I got a little bit insight as far as the education side is concerned with processes controls for the food industry HAF control food safety um from that point I head up that production and also was heading up the food safety division at blon um after that um was contacted by the Fall River Health director Dr Valor at the time he did a walk through through Blount um I gave him the guided tour explain the processes what we see what we do um they were kind of in transition they had let me see they had um one health inspector and a director that was kind of on the way out so Dr Valen cour suggested that it might be a good opportunity to get into the the health inspection field with uh with the city um I then went to um uh Dr valqua presented my resume application we went from there um I got educated with the basic Serve Safe allergy awareness which everybody needs um which I already had one through bount manufacturing but this was a little different um it was more of um food safety manager style courses you know nothing nothing like I was doing at BL we were doing primarily just food safety for Productions it's a little a little different um at that point um I got a diploma in health studies um I just kept furthering the education I've done just about everything the only problem I noticed that yeah just I mean Dr valeno was was big on education as far as being training certified it was uh he would let us run wild because we had a we the city has a big budget you know and they would Implement um little little things for us to do so at like little um how can I put it um not uh not studies or things like that but they would Implement little um programs just for the health department so we would then go to Boston or you know and get some insight with uh some training I did uh the massfit with the state of Massachusetts did some training with Boston University um we just grew the department um at that point Dr Valena had stepped out I had no director for a while um I kind of took the reins set up standard operating procedures because I was getting people we would bring people into the positions of health inspector and there was no guidance so most of the time people get these jobs and there's no direction it's say you have a surf safe you have this it's all limited limited things but there's really nothing set and still and that tells you hey this is what you need to do in the field well this is what you need to do for this particular issue I I I set up all those for the city of Fall River um took me a few years but we got all that established um they did offer me the director position at one point at the time um there was a transition I don't know if you people are familiar with jel career no the old miror yes yeah he's in jail oh yeah he so it um he actually was against um he wanted to bring outside entities into the position for whatever reason so he did so um the director there uh basically myself and an old colleague we trained to get her up to speed um she's been running it now for I want to say five years so um it's I mean it's it's different the city is complete chaos there's a lot going on in the city um it's really involved we don't have a lot of uh septic in the city uh we have about on average maybe a half dozen a year you know most of it is up towards the wupa area right so it's a little it's a little different you know uh we have a lot of housing uh we have a lot of chicken issues in the city believe it or not you too we have a lot of chicken issues in the city people want to put chickens you name it they want to put chickens in their yard so it's uh it's there a lot of we I actually had a a funny story I had this second floor tenement house a three de right now where um I was getting odor complaints so upon investigation I get to the house and uh I see a I see a chicken in the hallway I see a yeah there was a goose on the first floor when I got into the house they had goats oh go in in the apartment so I mean I I could tell you some stories that would absolutely blow your mind so so I've been uh I've done this for so many years now um I handled the department by I'm handling the department today by myself for last two weeks now you know so I'm I'm pretty much prepared as far as that aspect of it is concerned um as far as the lack lacking knowledge of septic or anything like that um I wouldn't be a problem obtaining something you know any type of furthering certification or anything like that that would be needed I could get that with no problem if that's the case so have you participated in inspections for sub I have I have limited role like I said there's only been a few uh most of the time you're there with an engineer I've signed off on a couple of things um we used to have um a sanitarian that used to go out with us uh the city no longer has that position they eliminated that completely which um put a strain on on on the other departments and whatnot because the city tends to subcontract for the for the septic side lately just because we're so slammed with everything else you know so it's been it's been um it's been quite uh quite chaotic lately have you have you been involved in per test once or twice yeah yeah I know they I know yeah it's so it's so limited sad and and uh a matter of fact I think the last one I wasn't involved with Jim took it which was last year I think at some point um I was just too busy I couldn't you know so we ended up um Jim prum to Fall River that actually helped far which is kind of remarkable at this point you know so we um this like I said the city it's uh it tends to um sub a lot of that side work out now because we don't have the the the need for it so to speak you know half dozen a year if that you know so so um but other than that as far as the education side of it I pretty pretty much done it all pool inspections uh we have one hotel in the city we have a pool there I certify we have a pool at um at um Tipsy Seagull the bord and light Mariner we we certify that pool um there's a couple of senior centers uh the small pools in a couple of those um the boys club things like that the YMCA those are all pool certifications uh I regulate every Clinic every drug rehab every H Charon Memorial Hospital sanss um you name it every school we do all the schools we do the sanitary side of it uh verify that the bathrooms are acceptable um the the classrooms themselves for cleanliness we're up and down the whole school so it's uh it's a lot of the city has 26 schools so it's it's and there's only two of us wow oh really oh there's only two of us right now yeah is what is your main reason for wanting to get this job and leave that um I am looking for a change I'm looking I'm at that age now to be honest with you where I want to I don't want to work um 70 hours a week so to speak and not have any assistance we don't have um the hiring at the city of fla is a lot different uh they've only allow I've been by myself for two years and then I finally ended up getting an inspector so and it's been it's been chaotic without it uh when we have uh lack of an inspector like these last two weeks it's it's complete chaos and there's no assistance so this morning I met with the state um when I leave here I have another meeting so it's it's it's just it's nonstop it's non-stop for one or two people it's it's not enough uh give you an example new bford has six and new bford actually has less than four OFA does as far as establishments and inspections so it's pretty and now with the train coming in it's just it's it's blown up more so you know this is part-time position I do 28 I think 28 gy something like that I was looking at it what it was said to me so unless that's an emergency I follow yeah uh do you have any experience with Wells I do not Wells I do not okay yeah we don't have a lot of them but we do have some you do have some right we do have some yeah yeah we've got a water department yeah not many at all but um there are a couple of different things okay thank you can you please describe any past experience you have working with the local Board of Health Andor the Mass Department of Public Health uh Mass Department of Public Health we had an outbreak in the city uh we had a bakery that actually served some um pastries to a wedding at uh Venus de Milo and we had an outbreak uh the bakery itself didn't have the pastry regulated um I had to work with them we had to do all kinds of uh follow-ups uh You Name It We tracked people down there were people that flew in from Pennsylvania and all over the all over the country for the wedding and they were all sick a little over 170 some individuals what kind of outbreak was it do you remember um it was it was uh leria and it was there were two different foods now I forget now this was early on um I forgot what the other one was now it's been it's been quite a few years and then then uh the other issue I had was uh there was a restaurant in the city of forer uh called ta M uh they had an they had an issue also uh with salmonella uh we had 20 some individuals sick with that issue we had uh the individual the cook was actually um he would have he his his stove and his flat top were here and he would have pans in the on top of the stove on the flat top and directly on the leftand side he was tenderizing meat chicken and whatnot and it was just it was splattering over into into fully cooked food so everybody who had eaten at that particular weekend had gotten sick so um those are two instances but we've had the state contact us for numerous things the city always has uh there's always a individual who has food poisoning or things like that so we deal with the state quite a bit I deal with Diane berani from uh from Mass so we deal with Diane quite a bit um and now this morning I'm dealing with one of the state inspectors so you know it's um it's always something in the city it's never a d moment can imagine thank you you wel I think he answered the title five question right so want we just to skip down B yes okay uh so most public health protocols specifically those related to covid-19 to which the Board of Health is adhering to have prated by Mass Department Department of Public Health and the federal government would you have any difficulty enforcing any local state or federal uh Health protocols that you do not agree with no not at all okay it's a hard no you have up babe oh I'm up okay this position requires a fair and unbiased application of Public Health statutes regulations policies and town bylaws enforcement May may become a problem with some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skills do you have to enable you to effectively deal with the residents who do not agree with you we've had uh quite a bit of push back with the establishments over the years primarily what we do is the city has a process that's been implemented for quite a few years now whereas we go into an establishment if it's a violation that's critical we write them up for a critical violation we do not shut the establishment down if it can be rectified in a day or two we work with them to make sure the establishment has corrected that violation upon second uh inspection if we do see that the violation hasn't been corrected and that it's a continuous issue that's when we implement the city has fines I don't know if dton has a fine system but that's what we we do on the second inspection that the violation when we find the same critical violation we issue a fine uh upon the Third third inspection we charge them a $50 fee for reinspection and then if the critical issue is still there we shut them down and then we bring them before the board primary that's how we do it in the city okay thank you it it usually doesn't get to that point uh just to add a little bit to it usually after the first inspection the second inspection they don't want to be brought before the board to lose that license or uh or to have any uh any any black marcks against them so it's usually pretty much null and void after the first one primarily I've seen quite a bit you know but we have had some push back with Co we had quite a bit we had quite a bit with co uh when the state implemented the regulations masks and things like that you had numerous establishments that just didn't want to cooperate and whether you wanted to or not it was kind of we were just we were we had the state of Massachusetts down here with the medical board um looking at some of the uh clinics and whatnot and they were telling us you know we make sure it's implemented because we're going to we're going to bring them before the medical board if it's not and things of that nature so that again there's there's always there's always going to be push back you know okay you just have to know I think how to feel it out and every individual is different so every case is going to be different you know can I ask you one followup question to that what would you do in a case where somebody becomes confrontational because it gets very personal do it does so what would you do in a case where somebody became a little you know their irate they're confrontational I've had that happen a few times uh especially in the city like I told you it's City's quite different um we we primarily just walk away we don't uh we don't argue with the individual uh we still push the issue uh I've only had to have the police department involved one time um that was for narcotics that had found out an establishment but other than that it's primarily just walk away um again registered letter send them out bring them before the board there's usually no there's no um leeway when it comes to an aggressive establishment because once they get aggressive with you and they push back if you argue if you push against them nothing's going to get resolved they're still going to be violating so you want to just walk away at that point and then reissue your certified letter bring them before the board and rectify it that way that's that's the easiest way I found okay thank you I made a mistake and had you go before sorry we'll just continue go ahead Vinnie I'm sorry too much on the Mind breaking up the bat in order fire what are you doing well I I just I just my birthday was a couple days ago birth so no I didn't mean but I mean I'm older now so that's the problem that's what I me I didn't mean another year old I just can't handle although extremely rare individuals appointed as a bort of Health agent must make commitment to be available for emergencies other circumstances that require prompt attention is there enough flexibility in your schedule to meet that type of a commit absolutely I was just on a fire call two weeks ago at 3:00 a. bson Bakery city of fla oh wow yeah we had an oven that went up so I get the calls at 1:00 am 2 am I've been to barrooms at 400 am it's it's me too yeah it's been a I'm not going there I'm not going there oh okay there are many facets of public Heth that are outlined in the job description that requires a basic understanding of food protection public health emergency preparedness Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experience training or certification you may now hold or have held in the past for the animals um I have done the basic state inspection we only have the animal regulations are primarily just chicken and we do have feasts and some of the festivals bring right they do bring animals in for the Au so we do the log checks we verify where they're from who's who's actually who actually brings them because we've had quite a few that have been in that aren't even been tagged well we can't follow up on it and right at that point that's when we get again the state has to get involved because we don't know where this animal's coming from so if a farmer brings something in usually they're they're dead on they're logs are up to date we never have an issue as far as that when it's uh somebody who has animals in their backyard that isn't regulated um and they bring animals in that's what we have we have a problem so we've had uh we've had a few just this year we had a few at um The Feast uh St Anthony Feast where we've had a couple of cows that were down there completely untraceable we don't we didn't and and no one and here's the sad part about it um we couldn't even find the individual because no one would tell us who the individual was that actually brought the animals there so everybody was covering for everybody else so that's when we ended up uh it's kind of you know you get the state involved the animals have to be taken it's sad but it's it's what happen so we we dealt with that on a on a a yearly basis throughout the Summer with the city with uh with animals livestock primarily with that issue um chickens again so much regulation I can't even begin to tell you you know you have a again multiple family homes in the city someone will try to set up a chicken coou in a backyard that's you know 12 by 12 and there's another house to side of it it doesn't work out too well you know um we do have some roosters in the city towards the Meridian Street area where you have acreage where you can where they're allowed um but other than that in the in the actual center of it we we tend to We tend to FR upon it yeah just for the sanitary side of it and they can't really regulate them enough to keep them contained or you know it's it's one of those things so but um as far as the training that's that's what I've done I've done uh I did the massfit program uh where we did go out we did a few different things as far as the animal as side of it but primarily we do all the log the state log checks and things like that every year okay thank you this is going to be a tough one oh boy what areas would your current supervisor say you excel in in which areas would he or she say that you need to improve that's this is always a tough question because you never want to uh you never want to uh how can I put it you know your netives it's kind of it's kind of one of those things we um I don't know actually what she would say I need Improvement on I I'm not gonna lie as far as um Excel uh I just did a I just wrote a grant for her uh we just did um let me see I just implemented two new software systems for the city with her um so we do a lot of there's always a lot of updates and changes uh I I just help with a um a language conversion uh program with her also so there's there's little there's little things as far as the negative negatives though I really don't know uh how about this what would you say that you need to improve on absolutely time management right now it's it's chaotic sounds like it is I didn't even have time to go change it's so bad it's fine thank you okay so here's another tough question what set you apart from the other candidates uh I would say primarily experience I have I've had a lot of interaction with a lot of different Health departments um I get calls from Somerset Swansea for question certain certain issues that they run into that we've we've seen or uh certain areas that they're not too familiar with they kind everybody kind of leans on everybody else and in this field so to speak so I get a lot of questions from them a lot of assistants we give give different Health departments so that might that might be an additional you know okay should you be selected for the position what would you do on your first day I would familiarize myself with the system itself that's currently in process in place oh it's complicated is very complicated yeah I'm only teasing you actually um no um I think he would just take a deep breath H yeah take a deep breath and yeah and have Elizabeth at your right hand all the time just have her right there and have Liz on speed yes yes oh you can just yell at her if you want we do oh I have a question that's actually not down on here but um do you are you familiar with dayon I am I've lived here now for three years oh great so um I have a lot of uh friends now in the area which is which is nice uh I have a I'm I'm a classic car Enthusiast and I drag race so a lot of the my neighbors all of a sudden started you know when they saw the antique cars to they would they would pop in so it's uh I'm familiar with some of the areas around here you know um but it's easily easy to navigate which is you know unlike like I told you like the city the 5 miles by 5 miles yeah it's nice yeah so that's similar to me uh I had been here almost three years when I accepted this position uh it's just a great great place I love it a great town my kids love it um I I can actually walk my dog uh without having to be attacked by other dogs it's uh it's it's just different different area different feeling you know absolutely so there's nothing like it in my opinion I tell everybody the same thing I had we we had the opportunity to move to rovi uh Westport we looked at we looked at homes everywhere and then um this one came up and my wife said let's uh let's take a look and uh we just fell love with that so you know it's perfect it's perfect great so I have another question for you also can you read septic plans I read I can read blueprints yes good okay the other thing is how familiar are you with verman uh in the city very okay yeah oh yeah I know it's sad don't giggle Liz don't giggle we have we have um we have a lot of issues especially when there's construction on one street um and they're digging up let's say they're doing a a resurfacing of something or um if the utility companies are digging in you tend to see verman running and digging holes in various yards and getting into sometimes basements um so we uh and that's going to sound ridiculous but we do we do cycle checks through throughout the summer uh when there's construction because we tend the complaints tend to go through the roof you know and you can see it you can see the hols and we do have a lot of uh establishments that will not abide by the sanitary code as far as trash is concerned they'll just throw you know just restaurants and stuff they'll leave buckets of this here chicken there and you know and you get you get a lot of rats and rodents uh attacking it and then uh they split to yards and they borrow in PE neighbors yards and it's just it's pretty bad it can be pretty chaotic so pretty familiar with that also read the last one any questions for us um no it's pretty it's pretty uh cutting dry I I I know how the munici system works um and um I think I've gotten enough information from Elizabeth and and Jim and a few other people that I have spoken to uh you know as far as with the job entails and things of that nature so you know I'd be open to uh to discussion or whatever works okay so that's it that's it that is it so much thank you very much appreciate it you have the great rest of your day now meetings not going to get easier I can take it out take care right there Ken's our welcome committee butow I need retic need what re septic and N how many do they do year septic like got the repairs and everything Hi how are you it's like the work it is good morning I'm sorry Jonathan Riley yes how are you great how are you doing good so he brought in his application so I'm just gonna give it to him okay okay we'd like to ask you some questions for us and then you get to ask us questions later uh please tell us about yourself your education and work experience and how you feel this has prepared you for the position of Board of Health agent for the town of dayon sure um so I have extensive um restaurant industry background um I've managed help with uh development of Sops um I also know about Hazard um plans as I work in a jerky facility as well um so definitely more strict on that regards um currently I work for a entertainment company which we do um site checks for every event that we do um so you know what that entails is I'll go and make sure everything's safe everything's up um in terms of Fire fire code and stuff of that nature um making sure that you know it'll be a smooth running event um I also do have um fire safety um background which um that is more leaned towards like the Performing Arts um so I don't know if you've ever seen like fire performers stuff of that nature right basically I need to make a floor plan um how to put out fire safely um coordinate with the fire department and making sure that everything is up to par on their end of things um I also do have um some construction background as well I used to um my father used to own a construction company so I have pretty extensive background with that um yeah um and just the uh people I know currently um Joshua Montella he actually works at the um the training facility right now in New Bedford um for the public health agent so I've been he's he's actually the one that kind of inspired me to apply actually last year I applied to you guys um so um he inspired me to you know kind of look into this and you know since then I've been really interested in getting into public health very good thank you please describe any past experience you have working with the local Board of Health Andor the Mass Department of Public Health um I would say you know when I was uh I used to manage brick um Pizzeria and New Bedford and Fair Haven I actually went between two locations um because we were trying to again I made Sops for one location and we were trying to standardize it um they were opening two more locations so we're trying to standardize it from um you bed for Fair Haven um so I have worked with you know the Board of Health in terms of making sure everything's clean and up to up to par in that regards thank you uh please describe your experience with Title 5 and septic systems and if you hold or previous held previously held any licenses such as an inspector or install um I haven't but um one of my references uh Deon wood he actually owns Woods R Woods rter service um so I actually have been on a couple job where he has done um some septic work um so I have some knowledge through him but I do not have the tot five license currently okay but I do think it's something you I'd be able to manually achieve yeah thank you most public health protocols specifically those related to covid-19 to which the Board of Health is adhering to have been promulgated by Mass Department of Public Health and the federal government would you have any difficulty enforcing any local state and federal help protocol that you do not agree with no I don't think so I think yeah protocol is protocol and you know I think that's just kind of kind of black and white for me thank you this position requires the fair and unbiased application of Public Health statutes regulations policies and town bylaws enforcement may become a problem with some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skills that do you have that will enable you to effectively deal with the residents who don't agree with you um for me I I feel like when I've ran into you know situation with someone that doesn't necessarily agree with me um I'd say explaining a different way um you know seeing the position that we're coming from is a big thing and just informing them I think information is really a big thing um with stuff like that I think people when they have lack of information they can't really make a proper decision so if we can better inform them on what the changes are stuff of that nature think there'd be more app to along with it thank you uh although extremely rare individuals appointed as a board of health agent must make a commitment to be available for emergencies and other circumstances that require their prompt attention do you feel there is enough flexibility in your schedule to be able to meet this commitment absolutely yeah so I see that you are you're working now you're employed now yes yeah that's full size um so I mostly work on the weekends um okay uh so it's Entertainment Company basically during the week what I do is I will do the site checks like I mentioned um go to different um clients and kind of coordinate making sure everything EV wise it's going um but I will be maintaining um a position much less I've actually been training people to kind of take over that um position there and I'll be working on the weekends sometimes but to they do know that I'm going for this position and I need you know full kind of okay you know this it's part time position yes yeah okay which it does work better for me like the Monday through Thursday because I you know again still will be working with them on the weekend so I would like to have the weekends available but if something were to come up I would be able to move things around okay make something happen it's not every weekend that I'll be doing events with them so right okay great there are many facets of public help that are outlined in the job description that requires a basic understanding of food protection public health emergency preparedness Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experienced training or certificates you may now hold or have held in the past um so I've Had The Sur safe certification um I also um worked with u Brothers jery to do the hazard analysis plan um so I was able to um help that with the jerky facility um I also still work with catering we do a lot of uh different um so we have a champagne and different kind of Performing acts that include food um so I still very Hands-On with the catering at the events that I'm doing currently you have a certificate allergens also I don't currently okay thank you what areas would your current supervisor say you excel in in which areas would your uh supervisor say you need Improvement um I would say my attention to detail um you know my interpersonal skills are definitely something that they would um admire um as things to improve on um that's a tough one I know yeah is tough I'm trying to improve everything I can been working with them for so long um that is a tough one uh maybe uh figuring out what I I need to improve on to improve but if I say this what do you think you need to improve on um I I don't really I feel like I do a pretty you know adequate job currently at my um position um I mean I've been working on the training program so I mean I I I haven't really uh necessarily implemented it that much with this like I've implemented things with like brick and stuff like that um but at this current position I haven't really been implementing it much but I think um implementing more of the training would be something I could do more thank you uh what set you apart from the other candidates um I would say you know I'm hungry I I love to learn things um I'm very big on safety and you know protocols and stuff like that I think you know that's very important in this day and age and you know as uh I've talked with I know I mentioned kind of Joshua um and he's mentioned how he's kind of standardizing things in the area so I think that's really important having like you know a standard way of doing things so I think having my connection with him has definitely been helpful um in terms of um you know having someone knowledge and someone that I can r on and talk to in that regard and where you where you look you're in F Haven right now yes thank you should you be selected for the position what would you do on your first day um well I would certainly um you know introduce myself to the team um I'd like to um you know probably establish myself and introduce myself to probably the local um you know restaurants or facilities and stuff like that um maybe that's more of the first week T everyone but yeah i' say touch base and just like introducing myself um and you know I'd like to immediately get to work and start studying and learning kind of like byw awesome do you have any other questions for us um yeah uh so what would you know in a year I guess what would say like an ideal candidate um would be doing well we do a lot of septic work here well I guess what uh where could you see like the I'll Rew that like the employee like what is the perfect employee in a Year to you guys perfect employee or the perfect inspector agent because it's a big difference um agent i' say yeah um as I said about 70% of everything that goes on here is SE okay and that's a big part of it um we do have a couple of inspectors that can cover when needed um and just integrating and finding out dton is a tight-knit town and we try to depend on one another uh we've been working lately in trying to get the different boards and departments working together also instead of being segregated got um yeah so we're are in a learning curve also okay yeah I mean if you know the town you know kind of half joking when I said take your half m not really joking because what three in the in the town I think there's three yeah and then there's the elementary school um the middle school and but D hope it doesn't fall and Bristol lagy and Bristol lagy that's it pretty much it you know for for that great and a couple stores yeah small town yeah I actually I grew up in East Province originally so quite a bit of you know D with friends you know come or vice versa come up here right right right right yeah why uh why did you guys end up choosing me I know I noticed you guys um you know I reached out about a year ago I just kind of curious on what made you guys kind of pull um I didn't know did they contact you I have no knowledge of it yes yeah I was just kind of curious on contacted you um I think I did Karen no I did oh Liz okay thank you Liz I reached out to the candidate 7 last perfect yeah I think I just missed the window I think I reached out to Leanne last time and I missed by like a week I think when I oh really yeah cuz like I mentioned Josh Montella um he refer he's like hey like d tiring like you should fly and you know I fed for unfortunately missed the window then but um exactly I'm glad she did thanks Li thank you I think it was it was a dir of cand and then then we have four you know so it was yeah something was a whole for a while right so y we want a broad spectrum to choose from because it is a very very varied job right there are so many different like an octopus there so many different things going out it it's quite the job yeah and I you know I I think from my experience I I have a different you know kind of bit of a range in terms of my um you know experience that'll definitely help in this position great thank you great thank you very much you we'll be contacting you thank you when you guys think you'll be making a decision it's the selectman's meetings next Wednesday okay so PR before next Wednesday exactly thank you have a great day hun since is going to be half hour next one's scheduled at 10:30 and she's Zoom oh she's through Zoom yeah out see if she jump on now okay that would be convenient right we don't want too many people coming any from northo Ky Kylie yeah she's going to be a zoom so let's see if we can get her in early maybe this is trying to contact [Music] I turned on my heat last night I've got a little electric heater that's what I put on my daughter say Christmas Mom are you okay I go yeah why she goes this is not not like you it was chilly last night he doesn't go until November that's it sometimes I push it till December my grandson will yesterday so I had to give some heat a little bit 62 no more I said that's it put a sweater on now that I have one living with me he's only 18 months old I turned it on you have to oh it was regretfully it was definitely chilly need to use the electric but it's better than using the oil yeah I have oil how did you make out this hello a message so I'm going tot we want to I would you guys consider recessing until 10:30 see if um I text her if she responds [Music] [Music] we should recess come back in uh can I have a motion for recess please until 10:30 When U what's your name Kylie slow motion recess I second oh sweet oh on oh let's cancel that motion then cancel that motion denied can we all vote on denying hi do I hear a vote hi hi okay I don't know if that was perfectly right but I think we got the message it was close we always have fun meetings here not always right I've never done a zoom interview oh it's cool yeah see that's what you learn today you learn something new every day in your [Music] life you might have a minute or two if you need to go to the resturant can you see am I in the way no that's fine h video oops need to see yeah the camera always ends up on me for some reason I don't the sound closer to it so constantly I watch few minutes my head I'm try not to lean forward yeah CH these chairs ha oh my God I hate these chairs it's they're dangerous they're dangerous they really are because the floor you can sit in them they go flying oh yeah I'm thinking maybe we need a a thin rug or something back here a padding or something so they don't go so fast hey Kylie can you hear us I think she's connecting can you hear us good morning yes I can hear you are you able to hear me okay yeah oh good morning how are you morning you want to move the camera or hold on a second Kylie we're no problem stop talking maybe it'll turn to you morning Kylie good morning how are you good thank you for joining us oh no problem thank you so much for accommodating this virtual meeting I really appreciate it oh you're welcome Kylie could you please tell us about yourself your education and work experience and how you feel this has prepared you for the position of Board of Health agent for the town of dayon sure um I think as you've read I graduated back in 2019 right before Co really took over the world so I would say my career trajectory was put on holds a little bit um I've had an Eclectic array of positions within the the past five years I also have an art background from high school and in college I took the science route so I've been able to gain a lot of different experiences and knowledge through each of my positions but um yeah I think that I'm prepared for this position because one due to my education in the science field not particularly Public Health but I have had a lot of courses in community health um wellness and other different uh chronic disease Community Health Wellness for life drugs alcohol and addictive behavior so I have a little bit of a wide range of information that pertains to this role as well as I was in a resident assistant in college where I had to enforce regulations and inspections within the residents halls and I love doing that honestly I I'm very much a rules person and I just like making sure my community and everyone is safe and healthy overall thank you dear yeah thank you can you describe any past experience you have working with the local Board of Health and or the math Department of Public Health I don't believe I have direct experience working with those departments but I have had experience um in college I was doing an internship um through Wick so I have had a large amount of time working with um underd deserved populations and getting them connected to different opportunities to advance their overall health and well-being within their families great thank you thank you uh please provide uh excuse me please describe your experience with uh Title 5 and septic systems and if you hold any hold or previously held any licenses such as an inspector or an installer I do not have Title 5 or septic certifications but I do currently hold um a serve save food service manager um certification okay all right thank you thank you um do you hold us an allerin with SF safe I do not no okay most public health protocol specifically those related to covid-19 to which the Board of Health is hearing to have been promulgated by Mass Department of Public Health and the federal government would you have any difficulty in forcing any local state or federal health protocol that you do not agree with that I do not agree with well I believe if I would be accepting this position I would have to abide by the rules and regulations that are enforced by the state so I believe my answer would be no thank you this position requires the fair and unbiased application of Public Health statutes regulations policies and town bylaws enforcement may become a problem with some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skills do you have that would able you to effectively deal with the residents who do not agree with you sure yeah I have had experience um during during my ra position with a little bit of retaliation from residents not wanting to abide by rules or um standards that are set forth by the university but during my past um positions within the past five years I've worked with a lot of different people and individuals who have different education levels or different demographics as my own so I've really learned how to tailor whatever the message whatever the message message it is I'm delivering to make sure it's clear and concise to the person on the receiving end thank you thank you uh although extremely rare individuals appointed as a board of health agent must make a commitment to be available for emergencies and other circumstances that require their prompt attention uh do you feel there's enough flexibility in your schedule to be able to meet uh that commitment yes I do feel that I have enough flexibility to be available for emergency situations or um other public health events I'm I also relate that back to my resident assistant position where I had to be sometimes on call for over 24 hours or just respond to emergency events so I'm completely comfortable with doing so okay and you're I you're working U full-time now right now my schedule just changed so I am part-time right now okay and you're working you're still working for um private clients is that right yes I'm a I'm a home health aid for different uh clients around the state okay all right perfect thank you thank than you there are many facets of Public Health that are outlined in the job description that requires a basic understanding of food protection public health emergency preparedness Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experience training or certificates you may now hold I'm sorry just my back to you please describe any experience training or certificates you may now hold or have held in the past yes so as I mentioned um I do currently hold the surf safe food service manager protection certification I earned that within my senior uh year during my food service management course um I also did a food service rotation with the firmingham public schools there so I um was able to have onhand experience working in the school dining hall and working with the uh food service director as well I currently don't hold any other certifications um however and I I have not have direct education regarding septic systems um I think you had mentioned Title 5 again but I have had various different courses regarding Community Health well-being Medical Nutrition Therapy um more Community centered courses but there wasn't a public health um like courses during my undergraduate at Framingham State so that's why I feel like my I got a degree in Health and Wellness as well as a concentration in food nutrition So speaking with my professors I feel like this was a great course for me to take because there's so many different Avenues and so many courses tailored to food and nutrition and Community Health that were able to give me a broad overall knowledge of what to expect um during a public Health position however I have been taking online courses through Boston University the mini Public Health mini Public Health um position I mean course there so I've been able to gain a little bit more knowledge regarding public health and what that entails in a position such as this thank you thank you what areas would your current supervises say you excel in in which areas would he or she say you need to improve I excel I feel like my I guess right now I am my own supervisor so I can just speak for myself but I feel like I'm a very flexible reliable hardworking quick-learning individual what I can maybe improve on is sometimes I can pay a little bit too much attention to detail but I feel like this is a perfect position to do so it really just enforces that your community and overall wellbeing is safe so I feel like that is actually a strength in this position but those are the traits that can come to mind right now great thank you thank you um what would you say sets you apart from the other candidates what sets me apart is that even though I don't have direct education and experience working in the public health field I feel like I can use that as my strength and kind of turn it around where I can be I am a very moldable and adaptable person so I feel like this would be a great position for me to be able to mold into a amazing health inspector that dayon residents need and deserve hey you familiar with dayon with the town I'm not I have lived in a few different towns across the state but now I'm in attelboro so that's the oh you froze to Dian so far okay yeah it's not that far away yeah all right thank you thank you should you be selected for the position what would you do on your first day what I would do on my first day I am someone who asks a lot of questions I like to know exactly what is expected of me and what I need to do so I would just hopefully overall be able to either Shadow or just have the opportunity to ask a lot of questions about my position and just overall what I need to do to be able to be successful in this position thank you thank you you have any other questions for us I do have some questions if there's time for it sure that's okay great I saw I was um reviewing the description again I've interviewed with a couple different health inspector positions whether that be Regional or just um for one town in particular and I was just reviewing the time frames for certifications that um would be required for the position so I do hold the Serve Safe protection certification and then I saw some other ones like the incident command system as well as the mem were um required 30 days within um within the start date of the position so I just wanted to know if there would be flexibility within I know the schedule right now would be 28 hours per week with potential for full fulltime but I just wanted to make sure that there would be enough time for me to be able to gain all of these certifications while being able to serve my position as best as I could yes um to be honest with you there minimum minimal minimum housing standards which that's a little animal control you have to learn all the rules regulations the state and also our bylaws uh storm water landfill management um that's shared with another department but still there's a lot to learn there swimming pools you'd be inspecting so you'd have to learn that also and then septic systems is a very large percentage of what we do here I would say about 70% oh okay so that would be Title Five um you'd have to take the test as an inspector um and it's quite lengthy um but it it's doable but it just take time right okay thank you I just saw there was a um a few other ones that were required and had different timelines so I'm I'm very much not a procrastinator person so I just want to make sure that I'm able to get everything done within the time right now we do have uh two inspectors that do help us out and they could cover for a little while but we do expect you know to be up and running fairly soon absolutely thank you yeah thank you I appreciate that um and then also reviewing uh I know the schedule would be Monday through Thursday 28 hours I saw there was potential for full-time um I would be completely open to being a full-time Health in health agent um I didn't know if that was like later down the road reviewing after yeah that's more or less something that the town needs as it grows right the hours pertaining to this unless there's some kind of an epidemic which then it would be um pretty well fulltime okay okay that would be great okay thank you thank you sorry is there anything else no sorry I was just gonna ask another question sorry I I mean to cut you off what please ask um regarding I think you just answered a little bit about the courses but regarding the certification and is there I know some different towns do it differently with me taking the courses is there reimbursement for those or would that be all um up to me we have a budget right now right now it's kind of slim to be honest with you but there is a budget for learning okay great yeah great okay and that was um leading into my next question um regarding like um growth within the position or other um sorry I had it written down if there those other um growth opportunities within the position or if that was like particularly related to just making sure you get all the certifications done and things yes because in this position every day is different every problem you can imagine will come up um we have the housing is hoing um and a lot of other things that go along with it it's quite complicated but once you get used to it it's not that complicated sure um okay yeah thank you thank you I appreciate that and then I think I just have a few more if that's all right if we're doing okay that's fine go ahead thank you and then um if you're able to can are you able to describe the day-to-day activities and challenges that your health agents face currently well currently uh the biggest challenge is dayto day you never know what's coming in you absolutely don't know um it's quite a varied experience and as people are varied so are the experiences right and um it it's basic health and inspections we do a lot of inspections and as I said the septic is quite complicated okay we do get a lot of about uh Vermin and animals chickens so it'd be a lot of inspections on you know properties that are seeing an upt and you know mouse and rats sure but it is a lot of septic and Title Five inspection St too okay thank you I appreciate that are you able to tell me a little bit more about the team I would be working with and how the team collaborates and shares information well there's Elizabeth she's the team would be me and you okay wait a minute now I I I like like be included yeah yeah we we all work you can tell by us laughing we we usually try to work very close together um pick each other's minds sometimes um Vinnie's doing a lot with the grants Tammy's doing a lot with the animals okay and I kind of like feel in every other place but um we we work closely we do okay don't leave anybody out in left field let's put it that way okay great I appreciate you saying that up front thank you I like to know what I'm myself into and especially the team that I'm going to be working so closely with so thank you um I was reviewing I know there's code red Microsoft Office and some other technology that is used um in this position I didn't know if there was any other new tools or new software that um was being implemented to enhance the inspection process I know a lot of Health agents that are now using like iPads to do the inspections I just want to know a little bit more about what that would be like Elizabeth would you like to respond to that the health agent does have an iPad was the town supplies you with a cell phone so it's a company phone iPad but I think this position they want to have health agent be more of a department head so you would be like we didn't have any looking into grants so so the health agent could look for grants that we could take advantage of so technical wise we're not on an online system for applications so everything comes in paper oh okay I think we're gearing two getting on a system uh but again that was another Grant we're waiting for to see if we can have funds to access that um okay but yeah it's not as technically Savvy as would' like to okay no I understand process we're in process but it's a long process okay yeah I understand thank you very much I appreciate that um I'm just reviewing any more questions I'm assuming that PP will be provided for different scenarios I encounter yeah we have all the equipment okay great um um what are some challenges if any that your department is current ly facing I know some of you are in different areas but as a team if you can think of any um recently it's been you know the lack of having a health agent and you know the complaints coming in about the animals and the rodents and you know not having full staff right has been the biggest challenge okay and I'm sorry you mentioned there was two other inspectors on the team as well uh we have a review engineer so he reviews all the plans that come in for SE installs and then we have a per DM inspector who's going out doing the inspections oh okay um we would probably keep the review engineer to keep looking at the plans but once we have the health inspector we won't need the perum okay it would just that position would not be needed unless it was an emergency I see okay thank you very much um I believe that is all of my questions I really appreciate you answering them so thoroughly and taking the time for me to ask them all you're welcome thank you there's no problem does anybody else have anything to say no I'm good we're good we're good thank you so much Kylie thank you thank you so much I really appreciate you accommodating this again thank you problem we should decision with the next week or so okay wonderful give you a call okay awesome thank you so much I really appreciate all of your input you're welcome have a great day thank you you bye bye honey ahead of schedule yes we done I like doing that SO3 yeah our is the 22nd so they gon 22 Yeah the S will post their agenda so we need to be on their agenda before they post it so decision if you want to make one for tomorrow okay you post it tomorrow um yeah we will but we can amend so if you wanted to do it at your next official meeting if you want to make the recommendation you just need to get it to us okay so do we talk about this we can talk about it right now yes and and if you want we can if we come to an agreement we can vote on it today and be all set with it and then get it to the selectman as soon as possible and get things rolling okay I'll start um okay thank you I think we had some great people however I think their education and their experience really doesn't fit the bill um we did have the one gentleman from Fall River um it appeared as though his experience was more in food um so what do we do about septic and you know Barbara is saying 70% of our business is septic I think we're back in the same position do we just fill a spot to fill a spot I just think that we don't really have applicants with the experience in septic I think ha to say fill a spot to fill a spot no I know I think he has had some experience he can read blueprints he's um I like the idea of him housing working with verman I don't see anybody else that has had that right he he kind of checks off most everything except having the title five per se um inspector's pyramid um which the way he's he's taken a lot of different I think it's like a 100 costes over a 100 he's taken how quick or I shouldn't say quick how difficult is it for someone to um get that certification the certification itself you could probably do it in two to three weeks but the thing is but the thing is the knowledge the experience is a huge part of it huge part right it's not something you can say okay I read this I'm all set I'm can insect everything and anything yeah and take the test and it's yeah yeah um get the soil evaluat license too which that of course they only do that I think twice a year yeah that's another thing but we could still have the pum do the per test for a while and he could also be on site and learn um and a lot of the engineers I mean if you get the soil and and run out soil test at the lab you can go by that but you have to know have some knowledge of the soils um but that would probably be good if he could just back up the inspector and and most of the engineers that are on site they're phenomenal they're a big help they really are I I kind of agree with well I agree I agree with Tammy to say is like don't fill a position just to fill a position I thought Robert was I think it was obvious he was pretty much the strongest candidate on all aspects except for the title five so if Title Five is um the mitigating Factor right that's what you're really looking for that's one of the things so if one of the concerns that I would have would be is the lack of an inspector hurting the businesses in the town and if it's not and we're getting by with it and you know the businesses are happy everything's moving along you know there's no delays so that they the business is not down um and we're doing a pum Title 5 inspector then why not keep that as is until you can find the candidate that you want that would have all of that do you know why because since May 22nd I've been wearing Three Hats and I can't keep doing it do you know anybody else that can do it Karen no we we have to come to terms here and he's he's been out in the field he knows what a septic looks like he likes to study and honestly for the price that we can afford and for not being fulltime I think we'll go another six months we are getting more and more calls on rats especially in a particular area in another one yesterday um the schools were still waiting for for someone to do the inspections and now we're looking at you know getting the schools in trouble with the state because they haven't had their inspections yet so we really need to get somebody in there with that so how about this how about if we divide some of the duties and I know I realize that you can't do it all oh I won't do it all you know what I get paid a month right oh right for eight hours 5 hours eight hours weekends $390 is there any way that um some of these duties could be split up amongst us no no no we are not supposed to be doing that job okay we are supposed to be watching them advising them getting grants as such we're not supposed to be going out in the field and believe me between the Harding and the Vermin some of those things you need to be certificates and have exactly like ver is one as a hoarding class that the health agent is supposed to have um so I don't know if officially you can go out there and do the inspections without having those certificates I have to look into that okay so there how about if you did if you hired somebody for the health inspection and keep doing the title five on the pum basis until you can like say it's this guy Rock and he's like yes I'm going to go and I'm going to get Title 5 certificate you know whatever it happens to be uh and you go that way so that now you have the health inspector in place do the pum with uh Title 5 until he gets up to feet exactly that's what I'm thinking so you could do that right and plus he'd be he'd be able to go out and observe the per so he'll be learning like as he go the classes he did have some some experience doing that and watching it you know exactly seeing it like you said and he can read blueprint so that's a big thing right and the he's got the housing blint that's huge yeah huge yeah because and working with the inspectors is another thing and he seems like he's worked I mean stallers um he seems like he's worked with people in the construction I'm not saying they're going to try to do anything but just some of the installers are kind of new too so they're counting on the inspectors to say oh wait a minute you've got to do this you've got to do this and reading blueprints big thing big thing and knowing the laws knowing the regulations um it's a big thing and to break it up yeah no I see what you're saying and we have a budget we have a budget and right now actually we're getting a little tight on the um be paying the um what does our budget look like I don't elabe the INSP I mean I know but she's an expert 9,000 for the inspectors for the so that's in between um the plan reviews and that and we're definitely going in the red and we're almost there when does our it's silly question but when does our year run uh June to July June to July but there's quite since July 15 nobody's been paid for left we've been using Jerry for Plan reviews and last year we spent almost $9,000 with him so okay now we're adding Matt to that pocket we're going to go in the red by however much Matt does okay but there is a syrup list because nobody's been paid by for inspection for uh oh God yeah he hasn't been paid so we have that cash there but we can't slide it over am I correct said we can't we have to go in the red we have to go in the red and then ask for more money even though we will have a surplus in the hate Health agent category we can't slide it over I know it sounds like why not it's the same you know Bo of Health but no we can't do it that way because there is money there that nobody's been paid as health agent since uh the middle of July okay we also got to take consideration how long the position's been posted we haven't had too much interest in it right I don't think you're ever going to get that perfect candidate I think pretty close with Mr I think so too and as long as he really um he's used to moving double time 70 hours a week so this is going to be he's a dating resident a lot ofes it go it does go back to it's like okay there's no say he go yes I'll get I'll go for um you know Title 5 you know certification and there's no money to reimburse it so yeah there's uh $800 in the training bucket how much does it cost um no it's not that much so evaluator I want to say it's like 600 yes that's like Title Five isn't much either the title five is not anywhere near that it's more studying in a book it's a big thick book and um he I think he could probably get through it because he's worked in housing and blueprints that's a big part of it big part of it it also might be something that you know he's it's only going to further him exactly you know so he might say yeah I'll just pay for it you never know and he's with Municipal that's the other benefit the other candidates didn't have Municipal right and and he's worked with other boards of Health Right Said municipalities as well so yes and he's been there for quite some time so I think you know and we would have enough for the title five pot and then the soils that would be per test um he could hold off on that and just go and observe when we get the um that's true the other inspector out there and learn how it goes and the engineers you work with because they're usually the same Engineers that work in this town and we yeah a really good relationship relationship is that the word Elizabeth relationship good girl I was wondering what that word was oh god um no I I I really feel that he's he's got quite a bit experience in everything we need plus the housing that's another big thing that that's a big book to read too oh I'm sure yeah I mean got a gazillion ifications he does did you read how many oh yeah yeah so that points to me that he does want to learn he does want to fall with his and you know I I don't want to be oh he does have his soil evalu setic does he I didn't see that he's got his Canabis control what number is that on the he's currently studying it's on the last page well at least he's studying for it yeah that was right at the end I think yeah um oh yeah oh okay I see he's already started so that's a bonus yeah quick reference application and the other thing that I noticed and what we had said with some other things the other applicants are very young basically fresh out of school basically using this as as as they should a stepping stone I don't think any of them are thinking they're going to stay here forever right they're not they're all they're all going to get the experience and move on right right and he lives in the town he wants something a step down than the pressure he's got now and he seems like he wants to work like we all work together you know it's not like oh that's the Board of Health don't talk to them we all work good together so I I think he certainly had a good personality he did he very personable and I think just his demeanor I thought was really he wouldn't get too upset about cookiness no and I and I think he you know working out there in the public I think he would do very well because he had a great personality he's dealt with that too yes exactly especially coming from from such a large city sure f is no b no no offense F yeah and I grew up there so I know the city is like he said the city is absolutely crazy yeah busy busy busy yeah and he must not stop at all MH it's nonstop with different things going on oh God just the restaurants alone right right they should have just one scho like you said the amount of schools that they have is is really a big big school system so well anybody like to make a motion to um vote on the health agent to be sent up to the Selectmen sure I I'll make a motion to recommend Robert um cludia second second okay can I have a vote please I hi I and we have a um okay Karen you looking at me right I need a cup of coffee yes we have uh an applicant to forward up to the board of Selectmen to review and hopefully pass place that on yes please thank you so much Karen thank you lieth really I I think that he will be a very good fit yeah it's like it's like you said too you're never going to find somebody that checks every single box you get 60% that's probably pretty good right yeah and he was more than that I thought oh I think so too I think so and um what impressed me was that he especially with that list of all the classes he's taken wants to learn he's interested uh not that they AR because it seemed like they all are they all seem very good partly there it's just one aspect of his his position now right that he has to fulfill he's looking to doubt training yes right he's not looking for I mean the other candidates were fine I thought the uh Kylie was very eager and very yes they were all great very good yeah all eager ready to learn and all that but just what you said is like they're not staying indicted there's that's stepping stone have the experience and then move on which I get I mean that's that's how you do it right absolutely I no I think he was definitely a good choice yeah I think it it scared me a little bit when you said the 70% and in my head I'm thinking oh my God how well we're always having problems like repairs you know they're all coming in now we didn't talk about repairs we talked about installing right and even installing and then when one gets backed up has to go to conservation yeah and so that's back in now you have to know a little bit about that too sure so here she Elizabeth has a file cabinet that is chalk full of things in progress right so it's not all new things that keep coming in there's a lot of a as the the haing as the rodents there are a lot of files that are open that we're working on yeah and it's a dated day thing you just don't come in and say oh oh that came in last night we're going to fix this today that came coming in now with it getting pulled out they're gonna be really inspections are seasonal so in the summer lot of it and that's what 70% of his job is going to be but in the winter it's going to slow down it's going to be 20% of his job right as of now right now the rodent problem is heavy yeah and that is because it's getting colder and they're all looking for little places to hide and people are noticing them more yeah um I just wish not that many people would put out bird seed in the summer because that brings all kind of wild animals and rodents they don't think of that and then when we start getting this cold weather they're looking to hiate a little bit and go hide yeah they want a nice home warm exactly exact exactly and uh they're smart you don't see them too often but they are very smart that's one thing I learned you know you have animals yeah they're very smart and and you have to have a rodent Pro program not problem program when you have animals sure and if you have chickens in your backyard you are going to get little buddies coming trying to eat absolutely the food there's no two ways about it you're going to get them they're going to come in but you just have to be knowledgeable to look for the holds look for the little runways that they mat down so you see where they're coming got to be proactive yeah and it's it's not that you're not taking care of your animals it's not that you're not clean it's none of those right it is just a f of nature doing business and the other thing that I realized also is um because everybody keeps saying oh coyotes coyotes coyotes but they've gone down because I've known a lot of people that are shooting them all the time and because the coyotes are going down yeah now the rodings are going up right and that's another thing you know people don't realize that but that's a big thing too that plays into it time okay are we all set I think so I'm sorry question so the pay rate was 417 uh depending on qualifications I'm right pretty sure he's going to ask so how do you want to proceed with that they'll have to meet with the Selectmen and I think do they write up a contract for him he's different he would probably do like a higher letter right right and in the higher letter um as with the previous Health agent when they know this much and they get paid a certain amount when they get certifications for something else the pay rate will go up top will be 417 in the past that's what we've done that's just following procedure that's a good one Liz so you can let him know also well they still have to vote the Selectmen have to vote so we have the uh that Zoom meeting with Missy I don't know Tammy if you want to get involved in that or not she's just gonna it's not going to be long she's gonna be she's gonna be talking about some of the grants and things that okay uh she's involved in that's the EP how can we do that if we all want to be at that Mee and is that going to be a meeting yes that's a regular meeting on the 23rd no it's this afternoon Missy from D is basically um going to help us out with grants and what we should know it's sticky you should have posted it um but you just cannot Vote or discuss anything just listen right that's pretty much G give usen she's giving us like guidance you know have discussion about any of listen yeah good you know what um do you mind if I pass on that no it's four o'clock today yeah that's fine I'm gonna pass on that I I don't think it's a big deal you know she's just going to lay down so and we can share it it's not sure that would be great I don't think it's going to be more than more than a half an hour okay um just to give us you know give you know little insight as to hey let's apply for this let's apply for that so like I keep going back to his like you know I'm ready to go forward but I just need you know a little bit of guidance and then you know what do we want you know which where are we going to Target and then my other concern is you know I can't apply for grants for like the sewer department right stepping on there stepping on their toes no where I'm going with the whole thing is that um I'm sure eventually they would have maybe somebody from each department writing for those grants which is why I was saying you have a central repository for those forms so that they can just access them right they're cookie cutter a lot of them are cookie cutter right and you're just filling in the pertinent information but everything else is the same so just have the forms change the date boom and and boom you're done yeah um because I certainly wouldn't want to write grants for every single Department in the town that's a fulltime job that's a full-time job right and they have I've seen those post followup also you got to keep following up but if you have that and then you have some maybe you know some education that goes along with that it's not as it's um more palatable right sure they be willing is like oh sure I can do this now this is much easier process you apply for it you sit back you wait follow up check the dates see the money pretty much it but you need you need some guidance so like like I said if we want to do opioids if we want to do CPR which you had mentioned for the town exactly um if there's something else that I can see in there I can bring it up and say hey I can apply for this and see if we can get money money education right maybe something like that yeah so um I think Missy will give us a little more guidelines with that and then what I'm going to do is start getting those forms and then filling them out and then it would be like an IT person that would be the one to say sure have access because then all you can do is on the server you just go to the you know the public fold that you guys have seen it right and then go in forms for Grants list the forms done it's that simple there's nothing to it if I have access to it I can do it in five minutes it's no big deal right thank you for doing all that by the way oh sure this no problem I like to research so know that's great that's a huge plus you know the having somebody with those skills to ex very difficult exactly very tedious you you register on grants.gov and I went through that process once you once you do that and then I was looking at a couple you know that bar like some that Barbara had mentioned and then some that don't apply to us but just to look right and it's the same form sure you know I forget the number but it's you have to fill out this form it's the same one so that's what I'm saying is like fill it out once save it it's a PDF you can just type in your you know your information off you go there's other forms that you have to fill but they're cookie cutter so there are a lot of Grants out there that we miss them there's there's a lot there is a lot there's a lot it's time consuming finding what's out there it's going through a list of so many different things you can type in a search and you can type in sure you know but the other part is like say I came across something that's for the sewer department i' be like here's a grant right or here's something for the selecting with the general fund or you know fix the roads working together work together and and share that not just say hey right go and apply for this grant there's $100,000 here yes you know I I was going back where I was going to with the health inspector was about the deficit for like the BP project is $153,000 Right wow so looking for money for that um which is where I was going was like do we really need a health inspector because if we save that money you put it towards the general fund right now you're down to around $110,000 or so right somewhere somewhere in that range because I'm sure you know no one in the town wants their taxes raised in order to pay for that but if we could find monies for that exactly save some here save some there put it all in the fun and then nobody gets their taxes I don't get my taxes raised right um but there is it's a it's it's a lot of money and um I think the first go around would be tedious but then after that yeah then it's easy like you said all the information is in there yep it's cookie C it's just going back and grabbing it yeah I think when the Town Administrator gets here gets in stride he could be a big help Town Administrator would probably would be the person like that would really setting up those folders is no big deal right it's just I just need access or any someone needs access the set that it's no big deal then it's whoever is the IT person to give everybody access to that and that's it right just a matter of credentials login credential credentials login credentials access to that server access to that holder and then you're done and if there's nothing that's in place in the town like right now for that it certainly should be right you have all that money that's sitting out there no if we could simplify the grant process we take more advantage of it right that's the Streamline because someone I mean I've I've done grants before I've done them with schools I've done them with governments in my last job and filling filling that much grants but um filling out these 100 page documents so that you can do business with with the government um and streamline that process that makes it easier so now like I said now you're not worrying about a deficit now you're not worrying about this you have a surplus of money right right exactly town can use we'll get there and I think each department if they had one person that kind of would go over the grants then it's better than just the TA trying to do it all but if the TA is the one that we're getting there we're getting there we have to get there we have to get there we have to work together I I we can't be separated I would have no problem like once the process is done it's like I put together a PowerPoint presentation like a training dump that onto that hard drive so someone can say here's the process go to grants.gov fill out these documents get this this is where you search for them just something that's simple so that it's like you know it's like a um you know startup menu you know it's like very quick startup here you go here's what you do off you go and you're done so when someone hears grants they're petrified right usually like I don't want to do that that's painful but if you if you stream the process you make it easier you show them steps now it's like oh okay you know we can we can get that money sure so Vinnie let me ask you a question is this your corporate hat yeah it's hard to take off it's the whole business corporate you know you get the C I reported to the CEO and he's like okay what are you gonna do where's the money um where you going to get it from let's go well well I I knew you were going to come in valuable somewhere well we are definitely lucky to have you yes and we're lucky to have you too with the animals I mean come on there's a lot of rules and regulations there and I think you know if we just keep plugging along and working at it and we'll get there we'll get there we don't have it's not going to be easy the first couple of steps but once we get past that and I think this was a huge thing today and then we have Elizabeth we can Bug Time thank God saver she sure is thank you Elizabeth so much thank you are a lifesaver you really are you really no you deserve all that credit and then some and then some and then some is Right can't do it without you Liz yeah you keep us organized I and in business and she's also in a design have you seen my office lately the board's office oh she's fixed it all up it's did yes I love decorating really can you come to my house compliment actually I was on Zoom yesterday and the girls that I was talking with they're like oh look at your office oh my goodness that's so cute it was awesome thank you Liz she makes everything at home she brings in the chocolate candies all those candies she brings those Ino I you need a chocolate fix noticing the chocolate cuz I've been eating them okay anything else by anybody no okay can I have a motion to adjourn please I motion to adjourn second um can we have a vote I I I I I um it passes adjournment oh you're welcome it's actually I think it great meeting guys great great meeting