##VIDEO ID:K8a3mfxHOZg## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e than your sir okay thank you uh thank you for that time again and again we apologize for everybody waiting so long uh we're going to start off with Mr Rooney how are you sir good Mr caught you in the middle of a drink I'm sorry um superintendent of the Dr School District uh this is for the elementary school building committee presentation thank you very much for having me um we have members of our school building committee uh joining us tonight um not everybody's here because we couldn't we couldn't have a quorum so um but it worked out nicely some people had long days and um we gave them the opportunity to go home and other people are out of town so um is my slideshow we can put it up all right thank you there we go so um I I just want to start off with a couple of thank yous I want to uh thank the Selectmen uh for having us here tonight um also want to thank um the staff at Town Hall who's been very helpful in terms of getting my presentation here for tonight um helping us with posting me meetings and different things like that um grateful to our school committee who has been providing me with some guidance uh along the way and um obviously um the volunteers that are on our school building committee um have done the yman share of The Works uh thus far and I wanted to make sure that they had an opportunity to be introduced to to you tonight uh as I've mentioned before um we are in the very very early stages of the msba project um the msba uh does their projects in modules uh So currently right now we are in module one um and if we could go to the next slide there are um five pillars of U module one which is uh the initial compliance certification the formation of the school building committee educational profile and enrollment process submissions uh the maintenance and capital planning document submissions and then last but not least uh the local authorization of funding on the next slide uh I will walk you through the the timeline and what we've completed and what we still have ahead of us so um I'm I want to extend my appreciation to the selectman for getting the initial compliance certification submitted for us um by May 31st uh we did put our school building committee together um we actually met in June so we were early on the July 1st deadline uh principal Lima and I work together on a draft of the educational profile questionnaire the epq uh which is a highlevel overview of uh the program offerings at the building uh things that we would like to see some of the deficiencies and some of the things that we wanted to celebrate uh we took that to the school building committee and collaborated with them on a final submission uh which had to be turned in by July 30th uh as a part of that uh there were online enrollment submissions the online enrollment submissions uh cover quite a bit of ground uh the msba asked questions about potential developments that might add number of residents to the towns uh they ask birth rates they ask you know death rates I mean they ask for a lot of information and again um my secretary Michelle Blackburn and the team at uh Town Hall here in dayon did an excellent job collaborating and believe it or not because we're a Regional School District we had to get all that information from reoboth as well even though it doesn't really apply to them but um grateful to the folks in reoboth for helping us with that as well so that information will be used for the msba to meet um with uh with me um no later than October 28th uh for a process that they refer to as the enrollment certification so we've looked at our enrollment projections uh We've also factored in uh that if some of these housing developments do end up coming to fruition um that you know we could very well have um a school that has you know up to a 100 students more than what we have right now and um so the msba takes all that into consideration and by October 28th we'll have a sense of what uh the enrollment certification is we also have the responsibility for submitting a comprehensive maintenance and capital planning information uh our district business administrator Leo brim and uh our facilities manager Damen Preston are working with the team at dayon elementary to to have that submitted um on or before October 28th and then last but not least uh the town has to weigh in in terms of the um the appropriation of funds and the deadline for that is January 27th um but we are um working on submitting warrant language for the November 14th uh town meeting so as I mentioned uh we're very fortunate to have um uh 13 dedicated volunteers I should say 12 because I I I'm not really volunteering my time um and uh beautiful thing about this group of folks is that uh they really do provide um an excellent cross-section we have Educators uh we have Engineers uh we have uh Financial folks we have uh folks that have particip IP ated in msba projects in other towns um and so I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank Donna beros Leo brim Eliza coocher uh Lenny Hall Caitlyn Lima um seleman Pico uh Mr uh uh Robert Perry Damien Preston uh Paul Reynolds um I was selected as the chair Uh Kevin Smith is our secretary happy birthday to Kevin tonight um turning 40 and uh I was telling people outside that my 40th High School reunion is next month and uh so that really gave me some perspective uh Ruth Adams T Shara and uh our vice chair is uh attorney Alicia Wilson so what we've done so far uh we assembled in June and we've also met uh July August and September um they've been very robust meetings I appreciate uh being given the opportunity to meet uh either here at Town Hall or in the prime time room because we have the ability uh to have the the meetings recorded via Zoom uh we did develop a preliminary Communications plan that I will share with uh the selectman in just a moment uh we created and approved and submitted the uh epq that I referred to earlier um and also that enrollment information so work that we still have ahead of us um I've been working with u Mr P and Mr Karen um as well as the school building committee on submitting the language for the warrant article um the msba has to approve the draft language so uh we're getting very close to having that language uh ready for the msba to sign off on uh and then um you know we we will certainly meet the deadline for that to be printed for the town and as I mentioned before uh the enrollment certification meeting will happen um no later than October 28th we will submit Capital planning information and maintenance information um and then obviously the the vote will be at the November 14th town meeting so our Communications plan um is has started in phases um the next slide shows a um a project website uh that we've developed and uh that is going to be launched on October 1st and what the community will be able to do is they'll be able to go to that website they'll be able to see all of our meeting agendas all of our meeting minutes um they'll also be able to access slideshows like this one um that I'm showing tonight um and then we also have U an array of msba documents uh like the warrant language template and different things like that that folks will be able to um will be able to access on the next slide um I'm I'm going to uh request permission from the town to to work on U disseminating this information um about our community open houses so one of the things that we feel is very important is that um there are a lot of questions about the msba process there are a lot of narratives out there that you know have certain degree of Truth to them but maybe have a certain degree of myth to them and so um the SBC felt very strongly that we should give the community the opportunity to come in to dayon Elementary see the building uh but also listen to a presentation um from me and from other school building committee members about what the msba process really is um and be able to get uh questions answered so uh we're very proud that we're going to show off dayon Elementary on Wednesday night October 30th at 6:30 p.m. and then again on Saturday November 2nd um at 4:00 p.m uh just to give resident it's it'll be the exact same thing two different times but we want to give folks opportunity to come through the week or if they're too busy through the week give them the opportunity to come on the weekend and then uh we're also putting together um a public Google drive folder that will have many of the same resources that are on the website uh but for those that prefer not to navigate through various tabs on a website uh they will have the opportunity to see this information in Google Drive and and again our goal is to launch these things um by October 1st so what I want to talk about next is you know uh obviously what a lot of people are concerned about um and that is the the feasibility study so um module one is for the purposes of preparing for a possible feasibility study and I I want to emphasize the word possible because of the fact that I understand that uh this is the town's decision we have a responsibility the school building committee um and I we have a responsibility of just providing as much information to help people decide the direction that they want to go um but I as I mentioned I think that the open houses and the communications plan are going to be extremely important uh because of the fact that um there is some misinformation out there and uh you know we just want to make sure that that people have as much factual information as possible um before they vote but on the next slide I just taken some some information uh from the msba website about you know what a feasibility study um what its purpose is and and talk a little bit about the cost and I'm not going to I'm not going to you know read verbatim the information that's there uh but I think the the important aspect of the feasibility study is that there are going to be recommendations by the design team and the owner's project manager whether um it would be best for there to be just a renovation so maintain the building envelope maintain the current site and just uh renovate the building so that's one of the options that might be presented out of a feasibility study a second option that could be presented out of a feasibility study is what we call an add Rena so an addition SL renovation take the existing building maybe make some modifications to the building envelope uh but largely keep the existing structure there um and have a phase renovation uh that would ultimately give us what in all intents of purposes would be a new building and then uh the third option would be new construction um and new construction is not a foregone conclusion and um there's also a myth out there that new construction is more expensive than either of the other options and sometimes that's not the case because um the the renovation or the ad Rena um is done in longer phases and so the more you drag out the process the more um you know the labor costs and um you know you run the risk of inflation driving more prices up but again those are those are three options that'll be uh presented if the feasibility study passes and and starts to come to fruition but then the fourth aspect uh which is extremely important is that uh the town will also be told what happens if nothing is done so if um the feasibility gets started and if at the end of the process um the town decides not to vote for Project funding um then there will be an uh there will be an aspect of the feasibility study that says Okay um for the 50ish 1953 is construction of that building um when certain things fail and when those things fail and Trigger ADA compliance uh building codes Electrical Codes plumbing codes um the building is going to cost blank number of dollars to repair and that blank number of dollars is 100% the responsibility of the town There's No reimbursement from the state because you voted the the Project funding down so um those are four very important aspects that'll come out of the feasibility study um should it pass um we've been doing a lot of work on cost estimates um you know I I just put something up here just so that uh folks don't have a tremendous sticker shock when we do get to town meeting um but the more recent projects uh for the msba the feasibility studies are averaging around $1.25 million um and when we get to town meeting I will give a thorough explanation of where the owner project manager fees come from where the design fees come from where the site fees come from and where the miscellaneous fees come from something that is extremely important is that the feasibility study is reimbursable under the MS SBA agreement um currently our reimbursement is 55.6% so even if we get to the point where um there is a second vote for Project funding and if it gets voted down we still get 55.6% of the feasibility study money back um and so that's something that I think is is important that um that we will reiterate at town meeting and we'll also share when we have open houses is that um if it does come in at 1.25 or 1.3 million it doesn't really cost the town that much money that money will come back the 55.6% will come back to the town so just some key aspects of the feasibility study and again I'm not going to read uh this word for word um but there will be assessments and evaluations of uh potential challenges and opportunities um there there will be some potential design um cost estimates projected enrollment um and it will what it will do is it will inform the decision- making not only for the school building committee uh but also for the residents of the town to be able to ultimately make a decision other feasibility study aspects include a student data analysis and again that will be um Trends in terms of um you know new homes being built and different things like that uh there will be a full assessment of the building condition so that uh there will be a recommendation as to whether a renovation an additional renovation or new construction would be the best option based on the building structural Integrity functionality and also compliance with codes um and then there'll also be a site analysis that'll be a part of that as well on the next slide just again just a few more aspects of the feasibility study um the educational program review so we've already submitted an epq which is the educational project um questionnaire which is a highlevel uh view of current programming different things like that the educational program review is a very comprehensive document I think the one that I worked on in Attleboro was you know 80 some odd Pages uh the msba has a lot of information they secure through that uh but I think the most important part of the feasibility study is the last portion there which is community input Gathering feedback from stakeholders parents teachers residents administrators in terms of what they would be looking for if the project did come to fruition so I um I'll pause there uh to see if there are any questions at this time and again I appreciate the opportunity sure thank you um it sounds like you guys have done so much work already in um this feasibility study is a timetable for when it will get done feasibility study is going to take anywhere from 18 to 24 months okay so that's a considerable amount of time yes because they they obviously they want to be thorough and do it right right okay and um not anything to do with what you've said tonight where was this new school going to be located well that'll come through feasibility but it would stand to reason that um if there weren't any significant site issues and if the recommendation was to go with a new building it would probably be the space between the two current buildings but again that's not set in stone uh because of that might not be the most attractive option right and there might be significant site issues that we're not aware of okay I I want to thank you guys uh I know you're doing it for the goodness of your hearts uh it's boring and uh it's a lot of work and a lot of a lot of time that you put in and you don't get paid uh and thank you very much for doing this it's very important to the town that something like this has to get done regardless of what happens you you've put the time in and we certainly appreciate it we don't get to say it enough but thank you you uh Nicole do you have any questions for the feasibility study in regards to that reimbursement what's the timetable for that like when would we get that how quickly would we get the money back yeah um I can ask that question um I don't I don't know um you know I I think it would probably hinge on whether the Project funding passes or fails I think if it fails um they would probably have a subsequent board meeting where they would authorize payments you know similar to what you guys do or what the school committee does and you know the payment would go out in a timely fashion I think if um you know if if the Project funding passes then then it just becomes a part of the total reimbursement thank you were you expecting the finance committee to tell the audience where the money was coming from or are you going to do that as far as what account that would taking it from I would I would follow your lead whatever um you know I I can I can have a conversation with Mr roach if you want me to um but I I'll follow your lead okay do you have any questions um no I I missed the last meeting but I'm really happy to hear we're having an open house so I think that's awesome yeah so I hope we advertise it well on our town Facebook page as well and um as well as any methods that you guys have um because that's really important for the public to see the state of our school like you said and uh I know for me personally I've said the story few times I didn't really understand the state of our elementary school until I walked it with superintendent Rooney and I appreciate that walk and but it's very eye openening so that would be a great opportunity for the public to see the state of the school and ask questions um about the project so thank you you know Mr Karen you touched upon something that I think is extremely important you know no matter what happens here this has been positive um we this group that we have is small but um in terms of just a representation of the of the commitment within this town um for education so it's as a superintendent it's been you know very rewarding for me um and it's you know it's an aspect of democracy the the folks get the folks in the town get a chance to make the decision thank you very much thank you thank you thank you um yes we'll be in touch about the um where the funds coming from and thank you okay we're going to move on to uh Mr Derek CER thank you thanks robob hi hello how are you I'm doing great about yourself thank you um he's the superintendent director of the Bristol County Agricultural high school and we're going to this is going to be a review discussion act on the speed limit reduction on Center Street right thank you so much for allowing us to be able to be here today from the aie and represent as the superintendent of the school district sure um thank you for the the select board for um putting this onto your agenda and having the conversation I do want to thank um our director Tom Faria for the work that he's done for in around the school area specifically the road repairs the restriping and traffic signal work that we do and desperately need at times when they're not operational when we have multiple hundreds of kids crossing the road sure uh Chief Nicholson has been fantastic he's been uh and his leadership staff have put direct reviews and traffic controls and direct patrols specifically to reduce the traffic flow and a mediate some of the safety issues and concerns of speeding vehicles coming from 138 and coming over the Berkeley and Dion bridge that didn't happen so I really appreciate their help they met with us just as a little bit of a background uh quickly they the team there from the town has had an inclusive conversation with the school and our leadership about having some traffic study and reviews of the uh of of Center Street itself during our construction project and renovation that the town was so graciously a part of and and very helpful the process we did study the the roadway at the time the mass do was involved in that process which they are with the authority with jurisdiction and responsibility um and designated the road as a 30 mph speed area in place part of that uh discussion of it is that obviously we're in a high school setting so uh designations of school zones in high school settings different from than uh a traditional K through 8 setting in place so what we're doing now is we've been able to take a look at a more efficient way of um of studying the road the the actual Town itself with the chief has been able to put out and will be putting out speed counters um again to count the uh amount of uh vehicles that are passing in that area which we've seen it in some weeks be thousands of vehicles coming through trying to get better accuracy on the speed of that road um of individuals coming through as opposed to a direct direct Patrol it be could done in a passive Manner and um what I came to the the conversation today is that um the the town itself has capabilities to be able to assist in the process we we think that um the mitigation of the speed in that area from a 30 mph Zone to a 25 mph Zone which is within the jurisdiction of the town to make that determination and the authority of the select board to do that um and creating a safety zone which will at least help us reduce some of the traffic and um and the amount of speed of the traffic that's coming over um we do have some concerns that we're going to address we've put out visibility we put out a crossing guards that have been trained in that area we put out better signage traffic signaling in that space um but we're really nervous about uh 640 kids crossing that street on multiple times during the course of the day um some of which don't have cross guards during that period of time and are as you know the aies are pretty independent U with our students and they have flexibility to do that but they are still kids and they are the ages of you know 14 to 17 to 18 years old so we're coming to the town I put together a letter as a request of the town to uh take an entertainment that the speed limit gets reduced onto Center Street um under the jurisdiction of the town from 30 mph to 25 M hour to it to be considered a safety zone and that falls within your um jurisdiction to do that in place okay great and and I'm all for dropping it to 25 but here's my not a concern just if you're going to go 40 uh through the Zone you're not going to slow down because it's 5 miles an hour less that it's posted you're still going to go through at 40 somebody who's going 30 will drop to 25 because they're conscientious and know what's behind it if they don't so what makes you think that that is the best option uh to drop it to 25 as opposed to something else where we'll have more of an impact I think the first step for us to take to dropping it down to 25 will allow us to be able to change the traffic signaling that we have that alerts drivers immediately that's coming up and approaching the roadway okay so they're leaving Berkeley uh and coming over the bridge um that roadway that leads on Elm Street in the corner of el and Berkeley that leads over from the center of town is a 20 mph roadway y so it's it's the approach itself coming through Berkeley is already at 20 miles so the the thought process of coming over that bridge and seeing a sign that says 30 off the bat becomes a a Speedway it's like an open session I think getting signaling and the capabilities of better signage with the 25 mph zon will allow people to have that cognizance assistance understand that they need to slow down down go yeah yeah no no the second piece of that component of it is just not changing I'm not coming just to the select board to have a conversation about what you all can be able to work for we're trying to proactively work the Secretary of Transportation and mass do are actually touring the campus for a site visit um on the 3D of October and part of that conversation is going to be a discussion around traffic safety and traffic patterns in the area I don't think the burden should only fall onto the town to make that determination so we're going to look at other mitigation options in the in place when we study it with mass do we're going to look at potential raise tabling in the location um so there'll be a direct um point of stoppage or slowing down in that area we're also going to look at um visibility and better signage in that space okay would the 20 go from El Street for the whole Bridge or you going to start where it says 30 now yeah so it's interesting I I live in Berkeley so I travel that road every single day for the last 20 years so um looking at it it comes over from Elm Street comes over the bridge and then the 30 starts directly a sign that indicates at the Standish house okay and then it picks up from 138 and 138 through Somerset and Dion the sign that then picks up at the uh the probably about uh you know not even a couple blocks away from the lights itself picks up a 30 m hour also okay and so it's it's quite a challenge sure it really is you know not to mention that we have things that you can't control which is solar glare and visibilities in the morning hours but um it is a big issue that we have to be concerned with ourselves and we want to make sure that the kids are safe okay great Nicole do you have any questions um he addressed some of my issues that I had just because um like you had said I'm somebody I travel that path as well and I go over the bridge and um that little sign there that we'll start blinking you're going too fast is a great reminder and I'll slow down but I'm somebody that's was already going to slow down um so changing the speed just didn't feel like it was enough for me but the fact that you have do coming out there and they're potentially taking other steps I would feel better about I mean I'm fine with lowering the speed limit but I actually want to feel like the kids are going to be safer and that doesn't make me feel like the kids are be safer agreed and I I think the conversation on the third starts the discussion with mass do they're going to take as it was with the project they're going to have us um do a series of Assessments of the roadway itself they'll do a traffic study and we'll have a lot of data analysis that needs to be provided back to the uh to the do the ultimate goal will be that that becomes a school zone right but we don't have jurisdiction and that I don't believe the town has that jurisdiction either so but the mass do does right Mark do you have any concerns questions I talked to some Town officials about various things about this and about like rumble strips or speed humps and um that sort of thing because I feel like something more physical would slow me down versus a sign kind of similar to what you said um but I I also feel that that board of selectman wouldn't be although it's in our jurisdiction I'd rather see like a professional whether it be you're going to have mass do do a study I'd rather have um see the results of like a professional like study the area and give us feedback on what the best thing to do is um I prefer them take on the liability rather than the board and um if the massot doesn't do it I'm under the understanding that organizations that we already use like Grand City Partners that's already uh surveying Main Street can can do similar studies and give feedback on on that sort of thing so I'd prefer to see a study done on all of our all of the different scenarios and what the best I'd rather see a recommendation and writing on what the best solution is for that area um we can't do physical things to the road uh but we can change the speed limit if if honestly if it's going to help uh I I don't want anyone uh getting into an accident and I know the police have been out there uh in the mornings trying to keep the speed down I'd be curious to find out how many uh uh people they have pulled over uh not so much issuing tickets but just to see how many people they've uh they've they've asked just just slow it down uh so is there a motion on the floor please this is a review discuss an act sounds like you're you want to wait till we get more rather could we have a I see a highway super we have feedback from Tom absolutely so um as as you just heard the current team over the AGI School is safety is number one it's very obvious um they review the the traffic this traffic scenario every year in throughout the year also not just when the school starts and it's been a problem just prior the construction during the construction and after the construction um I I agree with Mr Poo I think a an engineering study is the way to go not to have a kneer reaction however to consider that the speed change it's actually a safety zone you want to create the safety zone that's what you have the jurisdiction for and that creates the 25 mil hour um the as far as any physical needs yes an engineer should be behind that okay does you have any questions for top no no I mean the board can direct me to move right along with that and uh that's something that would fit with that chapter 90 Pro program what making it a safety Z engineering the pursuit of engineering is a founding source for that that's good I think it give us some more facts and figures and allow us to digest it and make a educated decision so you would prefer not to do it tonight no I prefer to get some more detail okay would you like to table this thing I I would suggest making a motion to direct Tom Ferry to pursue a engineering study for that area with chapter 90 money and and perhaps give us an update when best for you that I have oh I have a question real quick is there any downside to us at at this point changing like I'm I'm a little uncomfortable with the school coming saying that they're concerned and that they want it lowered and then us not lowering it and then got to prent something happens so correct me if I'm wrong um and Mr Karen hit on it it really doesn't matter what the sign is it does come down to enforcement un fortunately right now we have the police upon their availability they're monitoring on the peak points right at this time how long that can happen I don't know this sort of change in engineering can take months maybe even years um he alluded to the m visiting the campus that does help with the momentum so when we come up with two or three scenarios they already aware of the scenario and it can help us help approve our recommendations to any radical changes on that area do you consider the 25 a radical change uh your commuters May uh but however what you're considering is a safety zone and that's what we're facing it's a safety issue um unfortunately a lot of these things are based on statistics yeah which means either injuries or deaths yeah uh we don't want to pursue that they have uh quite a few close calls I mean bump is right up to the crossing GS because they just don't stop right while in the road y so um it's a safety problem okay I would just I the only piece of the our conversation that we're discussing with it and I do respect the fact about the decision about bringing an engineering study in place that's going to be our next steps of our action either the school pursuing it with Mr which we appreciate you authorizing that um and that's the dat we to do physical changes to the actual roadway by allowing us to be able to be in a safety zone area it starts to Define at that point in time that we know we have secret concerns that we want to be able to and the process of saying to folks this is an area of our concerns and we're addressing it so it's we would do that change to our traffic signage and our and our traffic sity that we have is there a chance that the research will come back and say it should be 30 miles an hour and then we'd have to reverse it or get used people getting used to it fluctuating declaring it as safety zone wouldn't do that uh the normal investigation of a speed zone consideration could but being a safety zone being identified as a safety problem uh shouldn't um at a little research I did for the last few weeks because we met three weeks now right um the traffic studies that have been done with the counts and the speed on through sured that used were not done at Peak uh it wasn't intentional they just weren't targeting the peak hours like now during the school season and I got their interest on a phone in that uh on the amount of time and they're scheduling it's not going to hit our allotment right now they could consider it late spring y um but there's nothing available at this point to to Target and to capture the data that needs to be captured now okay okay so there's no downside to go to 25 and doing that puts us into the safety zone that you keep mentioning those two things are one right what gives you the you're to six to go to 25 other than that you can't change the speed Li right okay Mark do you feel at least going to 25 and and having Tom F go forward with um that's fine research yeah makes sense okay all right so is there a motion on the floor then uh I'll make a motion to designate lower the speed limit from 30 m hour to 25 mil an hour um on Center Street and I just wanted on Center Street it's just that portion of Center Street correct not once we go past and right okay all right then those people would not be happy um I'll second that um and also I would like to authorize Tom to do a traffic study if it's needed if you work with superintendent Costa very thank sure okay motion made seconded so any more discussion all those in favor I I okay thank you guys thank you you um Mr Fado you up next I I come to see if I can work four or five hours on a Saturday morning I haven't been working weekends holidays nothing and I and I dropped about 12 of my accounts and the only account I got is FedEx in Boston that's it oh but the reason why I like to try to get the a license for Saturdays only is when I come in on a Friday night I can't unload the truck till Monday morning because I can't work weekends and that's the that's the only reason I want it for like Saturday morning to unload it and that's it what's the difference between unloading it on Saturday as opposed to Monday when you can't do anything with it until Monday anyway I only got one truck and I'm I got two other accounts and I need I need that one truck okay for during the week okay but if I unload that truck like on a Saturday morning and if I get a call I can go to the people's house pick up the material bring it home and just leave it but I'd like to I'd like to unload the truck on the Satur of the morning I unfortunately I don't see any benefit of allowing you to unload it on Saturday as opposed to waiting till Monday morning you can't do anything with it on Sunday anyway or or Saturday after we tell you you can I weekends no more I don't work weekends no more R satday is part of the weekend well just to unload the truck yeah for the for that following Monday and that's it but the truck stays tied up in my yard yeah I I don't think the neighbors are going to appreciate you putting I said I don't think the neighbors are going to appreciate you working even just Saturday um I just drive the truck in and shut it off but if I have to unload it I back it in the garage and I unload it and you don't hear nothing anyway could I speak Mr chairman but I only got one truck and I'm tie I tie it up see uh certainly thank you I just wanted to say I was very disappointed to see this I can't hear you I was very disappointed to see this request on the agenda I think with all the trouble we've had since I've got on the board in April I think it was very poor judgment on your part I think it was very unneighborly I certainly would not request it I certainly not approve this and again as far as being a good neighbor I'm very disappointed to see this on the agenda what what brought that on is Mr Le destroyed a lot of my property right we're not we're not going to talk we're not going to get into that no but what I'm trying to say is there's noise all around me and and I'm not working I'm not making no noise nothing and I haven't worked weekends and holidays since well you're not allowed to right and I end up but I think you do I end up making signs made for the front of my house Y and I know it's on the phone Jim the building inspector come down took pictures of it it's got right there no work weekends definitely closed and no holidays and no holidays and no work before s that's it now was s to S days signs but you have to abide by them yeah yeah and I'm going to tell you this is a note for me as well yeah this change of hours so in other words he's still can work Monday through Friday correct yes okay you better off uh this is Monday to Friday this is a review discussion act uh we reviewed it uh is there a motion on the floor to deny this or uh approve it um motion to deny the request to change hours as presented I'll second that the motion made into second any more discussion all those in favor I I I so so you still cannot do it on Saturday yeah thank you thank you welcome thank you for coming in uh now we're going to move to uh move to announcements um so the Fire Department open house 300 Main Street on Sunday October 13th 2024 from 10: a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be crafts an obstacle course um a demonstration and more um the butt Hut I've always wanted to say that um barbecue will also be there um the town of dayon food bank will be held next on October 19th 2024 this is at Town Hall and it is in the lower level um and on Saturday October 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 2 PM The Drug Enforcement Administration DEA will um coordinate with the Dion Police Department for for a one-day um prescription um takeback day that's it okay uh we're at a point where we have public input is there anybody here who wants to speak yes please hi Alicia Wilson 2043 Somerset a um first I would like to speak thank you for allowing the um School building committee to come tonight and speak I would like to say that we would like as much Community input as possible um so we'd really like to press that we do Post our meetings and we'd like people to come to those meetings if possible or view them on Zoom as we do post them um any public input positive or negative is is welcome in this matter we'd like to get the viewpoints of all sure Community citizens um I'd also like to thank you for hearing Joe's licensing um tonight I would like to state that as a neighbor that was very important to me um there is activity on Saturdays and Sunday and holidays and and very early in the morning still and so that continues to be um an issue I know that the police were called at least once over the summer um due to that and I was witness to what happened prior to the police coming there and and they called me over um or Joe called me over and I did not want to participate um if the police needed to speak to me they were more than welcome to come and speak to me um I just didn't want to subject my daughter to that sure um at the time but um you know that was something that I was um in the presence of happening on a on a weekend um so I just wanted to make those comments and thank you for your support and making the neighborhood better all right thank you thank you anyone else at this time okay we're going to move on to um Town administrator's report please um not tonight Mr okay um about selman's reports no but I will say Mr person did such a fantastic job presenting at our um dead exclusion public forum that we have um and I'm so thankful for all the hard work and research that our whole team put in um but it all went in for Mr pcel to um present the numbers so well and the facts and um so just thank you so much and that is on the uh town website and uh Karen's worked hard to put our uni bank presentation and our fact sheet on there and um lucky to have you guys and thank you guys for for doing what you do thank you and I do owe you a conversation uh Mr Pico on I think there was another request a synopsis of part of um uh let's see the line of credit at portion I I heard we must speak about that I'll catch up to you okay very good um the only thing I had that is um a while back that we had voted an agreed on for me to um do the public health Excellence grants meetings for the Board of Health and I happened upon their agenda and it looks like um they had voted to have one of their members start um attending that meeting so at that point I will step aside because it was M my intentions to be in the board of Health's um business so now that they have somebody that's going to be attending those meetings I'll step aside and I have reached out to um Megan who runs those meetings and let her know that I have Ste aside and that if she needs any additional support from the select men's office that we will um provide that sure all right thank you um this is going to be old business now this is a review discussion act Town administrator's contract ratification well Mr chairman um uh we have a is as you are aware um you know we're very happy to announce that we have the framework um well more than a framework we have the specifics uh agreed to that's why the executive session I took a bit longer and you all had to wait outside thank goodness it wasn't January and yeah uh for that um but Mr Ralph Raco um and we'll work up the you know we'll finalize the wording and have the contract execution at a uh a later time uh but um uh you have gone through the process you have extended an offer of employment there were negotiations between the two parties uh uh the board of selectman and Mr Raco we have reached an agreement and um uh uh I think you know we don't have a contract document that isn't marked up in right red and blue and and everything else for execution tonight uh but um uh we all know what the terms of the contract are and um uh I would ask that the board ratify same subject to edits in scrier okay you know correction of scrier Errors when do you anticipate a contract that would just take a matter of a day that's a day or that's a day or two um uh tomorrow is the last working day of the week I think if it takes more than 15 minutes we've been okay you know we've been taking too long with it so uh we can put that one to bed tomorrow but in terms of execution um uh it could be a um uh just a ministerial act it wouldn't it wouldn't necessitate further action uh by the board to actually sign uh the contract uh if you voted it you know subject to edits uh in scri his errors I don't think anything is pretty standard stuff don't you think Ralph um uh I don't think there'll be any significant discoveries yeah oh geez we forgot that we we're way past that sure has everybody had the opportunity to meet Ralph or even know that he's our new Town Administrator you want to sure um thank you my name's Ralph vaco uh and as uh Mr brel was explaining and the board we do have an agreement in principle uh which um I think both sides are are are satisfied with it I don't anticipate any issues um with it and U and as you know my discussions with with Mr pel uh I believe I'll be starting probably last weekish in October okay and um and I am looking forward to this great to this opportunity that's it we're looking forward to you starting as well not that Jim isn't doing a great job but he's anxious to get his vacation yeah or start his vation the longer you take to get here the more wrath you incur from my from My bride all right welcome we're so excited to have you so this is supposed to be a review discuss an act discuss an act what are we actually going to vote on I'd ask that you just to ratify the contct did you vote to approve the contract subject to edits and scriveners okay correction of scriveners Errors I'll make the motion that's stated by Mr pcel okay I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you congratulations Ralph absolutely um revie discuss an act the recommendation to appoint Christine Blanchard as Dion Housing Authority board member hi hello I'm Robie DUS I'm the executive director of the housing authority and this is Christine she's one of our tenants and she volunteered to be our tenant board member which we're very excited about sure thank you so much and thank you for making it out here we really appreciate it this is for a five-year terum yes is there any dis uh actually there's uh any discussion or motion on the floor you have questions um just for the public what does a dayon Housing Authority board member do one the state requires one of the five positions we have five board members one of the five has should be a tenant if we have a volunteer that's willing we've gone periods of times that we've had a board member and we have a tenant board member and sometimes we do not matters if we have a volunteer with only 64 units it's difficult to get someone willing to sit on a board but but Christine's willing to try it so awesome well thank you Christine we appreciate it and uh I wasn't aware what uh what you requirements were to begin with so now I know so there's one state appointed seat on the board there's three elected seats and there's one tenant seat and that's all part State regulation sure awesome great Nicole do you have any questions or concerns okay so again this is a review discuss and act so we need a motion on the floor to appoint Christine I'll make the motion to appoint Christine Blanchard as dayon Housing Authority board member I'll second that motion made seconded any discussion all those in favor I I welcome thank you thank you Robbie nice to see you in person talked over over the phone and email yeah same here now we are under the you're welcome thank you we are under the new business this is a special town meeting Warden a warrant article listing this is a review thank you Mr chairman the um uh we have composed significant portions of the warrant itself uh but uh here uh uh is a listing of the articles that have been submitted uh and some information uh you know like dollar amounts and and things attached that too um uh as you know the warrant closed um on Monday uh of this week and um our expectation is that um by your next meeting I think of October 9th um that you know we'll be prepared to have very substantive discussions you know pretty much in the along the same lines as you heard from um superintendent Rooney uh discussing one of his articles tonight um C uh Karen um our uh we are going to request we have been coordinating with the uh uh with the capital uh uh uh planning committee in the finance committee uh as well and um uh uh we'd like the board uh uh to please consider a special meeting um uh on Wednesday October 16th so uh you would meet you know you regularly meet the second and fourth um at Wednesdays we request uh uh that you meet um on the 16th um our department heads and others can uh uh can go through uh in the same night uh a capital planning meeting you know which precedes you know uh perhaps a joint meeting between the select board uh the finance committee so that you can work up your recommendations uh uh on the 16th um you'd always have um you'd always have the following week if you had to clean something up but um uh the 16th would be the last selectman's meeting that I would be uh in attendance at and you know I'd really like to wrap the package up as much as possible you know for for Mr rac's uh arrival okay Mark does that the warrant has to be posted on the 31st by the way sorry uh my wife's having a sex from that day oh no way oh cool what all right uh third babies do that day wow that's awesome I probably won't be there okay um we could do that Monday or you guys can have it without me it's up to you guys I I don't care either way well what time is she having I have no idea how about this guy putting his personal life ahead ahead of us you know seriously wow that's exciting m i just I didn't know that oh that's great thank you well you're going to be excited so uh you're given a pass for not being here and that's great congratulations again thank you I'm excited for you um I I don't care uh Nicole we can have it on Monday if that fits if it doesn't we can keep it Wednesday night about the details we'll work it out okay I'm happy just to submit correspondence you guys sure then we'll work out the details on it but thank you I do know Mr chairman the I um uh the fincom scheduling I I think their best available date is the 15th and the the 15th and the 16th okay I think they wanted to meet themselves perhaps on the 15th to be ready for the 16th what is tanam out to go ahead yes okay what is what would be tanam up to a board convention on the 16th yep okay great um then this uh review discuss an act we request to appoint barar cabier as board of Health representative to the solid waste committee I'll make a motion to appoint baravia as Board of Health representative to the solid W committee second reviewed uh motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I uh review discuss and act Barbara cabia as Board of Health representative to the storm water committee I'll make a motion to appoint Barbara cabia as Board of Health representative to the storm water committee second motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I request to appoint Tammy Melo as Board of Health representative to the agricultural committee I'll make a motion to appoint Tammy mow as Board of Health representative to the agricultural committee second motion made seconded any discussion all those in favor I review discuss an act donation of Si time hours anybody have that um Tom Tom Ferry would like to donate 64 hours of sick time towards Richard mandanka I would put that in form of a motion sure I'll second that thank you Tom where you want yes um okay motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I thank you review discuss an act debt exclusion informational mailer we had um public input to to you and I at the end of the um yeah the public forum on that um so I know it was just kind of briefly mentioned that our public forum so I thought it would be nice if we talked about it absolutely the basic the gist of it was that there are folks who may be not on social media or you know aren't even aware that it's happening right and they might just show up on Election Day and not know sure my only concern is um I would just want to make sure above the cost the town someone from the town would check with office of campaign and political finance and make sure that it's appropriate to use public funds to do a mailer on on it wow okay so I'd be in favor of subject to Y Their Blessings okay Mr chairman there um there may be some constraints on that is is cited by Mr Pico just uh just a moment ago um and I I did wonder and I'm just going to leave it out there um uh you know how the state Secretary of State's office puts out um right uh puts out that the booklet uh every year on the referendum questions and they have the um they have parties say what a yes vote would be and what a no vote would be there's no advocacy on uh on the town's part this you know on the town government's part you know the sponsor of um of a mailing and I wonder if that's um let's just think about that and I'll explore the legality of it you know if that's uh uh if that's more appropriate under the campaign uh uh in political Finance laws um I don't know who we would invite you know we they're on a lot of declared parties who you know who've said they're for or against it sure but I I suspect they won't be too hard to find right uh but maybe that's the form um I'm spitballing here I agree with if we to do anything I feel like it would be that form yeah MH okay so you know we wouldn't just put out one side we'd put out two sides without comment by us just informative yes or no yeah what what they mean yeah we could squeeze that on a postcard to keep it cheap yeah okay so um this is a review discussed and act um do you want to approve it tonight to just have it studied I think some communities are already receiving ballots for both by mail Y and so dayon would probably be receiving it soon so if we did it I would say we should I would want us just to either give it at blessings tonight or not because we're going to lose the opportunity soon because that could be half of the vote is vot stolen by mail sure um but I'm not sure what you think about it is is it worth the money is it not worth the money um it's a big project here in town and uh my opinion is that it is worth the funds that we would uh uh pay um just to to keep everyone informed because like you said uh the internet is not always the best way to go right Nicole do you have concern or question okay so is there a motion on the floor then I'll make a motion for the board of Selectmen to uh um approve a Deb exclusion informational mailer uh subject to approval of the office of campaign and political Finance uh for it to be in the form of a postcard M and for um it to be based off of the informational flyer that we've already approved okay second that motion made second any discussion all those in favor I I this is a review discussion Act use of facilities policy and fee schedule revision um I asked for this to be on the agenda as well this was a followup we had public input on the fee schedule um after that public input I had a follow-up meeting with Mr Smith our chairman of Parks and Recreation um and kind of my angle of it was like the Carl Sprat Memorial Field like those concrete bleaches are eroding and we don't even ask for a fee for that and looking back had had we asked for like for years asked for a fee there'd probably be a good amount of money and they had to fix up the concrete so I thought it would make sense to kind of look over the schedule of fees again um just for the future so I would just want to request a motion for uh the board's approval to look look over the fee schedule and the policy with Mr Smith and for us to come back at a later date to the board okay what changes recommended changes okay do you want to put a motion on the floor then we'll put that on the FL a motion I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I approval of the warrants all right I'd like to make a motion to approve the warrants paid by September 1924 12 a-25 in the amount of $2,576 12 B-25 in the amount of $221,700 by September 26 24 13 a-25 in the amount of 141,142 187 and 13 B-25 in the amount of approval of the board of selectman's regular meeting minutes of September 11th 2024 I'll make a motion to approve the board of selectman regular meeting minutes of September 11th 2024 second motion made seconded any discussion all those in favor I we now have to go back into executive session so unfortunately you guys have to leave uh I know you don't want to but um this time has come I oh sorry go ahead you want to make a motion sure why not I'll make a motion under massach is general laws 30A section 21 A2 to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion Personnel Town accountant executive assistant human resource coordinator Administrative Assistant Board of Selectmen okay second motion made in seconded all those in favor I I