##VIDEO ID:LfXbFBY2e3c## f gooda this is town of dayon Board of Health special meeting we're at the Old Town Hall 1111 sumerset app Thursday September 5th 2024 402 it looks like this is also a remote participation Zoom meeting it is a public meeting being recorded for cable broadcast an Internet Posting on YouTube at www.youtube.com town of dayon should I say the zoom meeting Liz no okay that's all said then I'd like to call this meeting to order at this time have the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] first in order we should have the um public health nurse interview this evening we're interviewing Karen trip cam can you please come to the podium I can have a talk with you you tell us a little about yourself yes I've excuse me Karen does she have a microphone or can she have one here you go looked in Dion for um over 30 years I raised my family here I've been a registered nurse since I've worked in various settings um hospital I've had my own private practice here in dyon uh I've been primarily a psychiat atric registered nurse um and certified in Psych and mental health for probably 25 years um I was at Morton for quite a few years also nor hospital and um I've recently left the hospital setting to uh restart my holistic uh practice here in dayon and I'm very interested in community health and preventative care and holistic care and in the past I worked with the on Aging um doing blood pressure clinics the parish nurses actually and um I love the elderly I've always worked with um mostly dementia patients and mentally ill and so I was interested in this position so here I am very good we're going to stop by asking you some questions if you don't mind vny would you like to stop head this way um so first question is um tell us about yourself your education work experience which I think you just did and how you feel this has prepared you for the position of public health nurse for the town um well as I said I've worked with the elderly I'm familiar with the Counsel on Aging um I've been a manager and a director um and also a educator within Stuart Healthcare and Morton hospital before Stuart purchased it and the combination of you know my skills and education you know I am familiar with the needs of um the elderly I know that's a big part of you know this position um and you know I certainly have a knowledge of infection control and the importance of you know educating the public so I thought that you know I think that I have skills I'm certainly open to learning anything that I need to know okay great I answer your question yes please describe any past experience you have working with the local Board of Health or the Mass Department of he I do not okay that's fine not everybody does I think um I participated in a flu Clinic with Dr Hoy KY Hoy and then the volunteer work I did with the Council on Aging I did some education workshops of the blood pressure Clinic very good your turn how do you feel about working with our schools to adapt new programs such as CPR training for students I think that's a great idea good thank you um have you any experience with um the maven system maen uh or disease reporting uh in the state of Massachusetts I do not but I am somewhat familiar with what it is okay we had a infection control nurse you know at the hospital that took care of all that um but I'm willing to learn familiarity yeah yeah please give us an example of Community Health program you have developed ran or participated in um I've done over at the Council on Aging I some um education on dementia care um caring for the caregiver for family members who had uh family members that had dementia on how they can take care of themselves pretty much that's the would be the um focus of the any trainings that I've done would be on pre on prevention caring for oneself how to deal with dementia patients that type of thing thank you would you have any difficulty implementing any local state or federal Public Health protocol that you don't agree with if a if it's a requirement then I would move forward thank you I know there are many regulations that have to be followed okay uh can you provide any specific examples of recent work experience working with clients uh Elders I know you said Cs on aging and uh the general public and family what was the beginning of the question can you provide specific examples of your recent experience working with clients Elders the general public and families so recent experience would be at the hospital Morton at Morton hospital where I was the manager of the Elder behavioral unit which is 55 and older and often I would have to work with the patients the doctor and the families whether they had conflicts questions you know needed education discharge planning so often I would work with both the families and the patients with their care their and their dis okay great do you have any relationships with local stakeholder or provider groups who you be able to call upon as a resource on behalf of Dion residents as our public health nurse do I have any relationships in other words you said mentioned Dr Hoy yes and then you mentioned COA also yes that's I know D's a small town it's not like we have a lot of big hospitals around yeah that's I know think we missed a question question eight think we skipped that one I'll do eight yes would you do eight sure I'm in a rush to get through this I am so sorry okay it's been a long day sorry I'm I'm sorry do you have any uh recent experience dur doing clinical work with patients such as immunizations and TB testing a recent not that the staff nurses would give the immunizations um I would make sure that the patients received them and they were documented correctly but actually giving them no not recently okay you you managed them yes I manage okay so this next question is this position interfaces with the public frequently what skills do you have that would enable you to effectively deal with residents unsensitive and confidential Health matters um so of course I would abide by confidentiality at all times I'm a really good listener I'm a good communicator and I do very well um in difficult and stressful situations having been a psychiatric nurse and dealing with many different situations and on a management and director level I've had to deal with you know as I said families doctors nurse practitioners um and patients so I'd be very comfortable with that okay thank you have you had training and experience with emergency preparedness describe the situation and your role so as a nurse we're all trained in emergency preparedness and basically if there was any type of medical emergency or psychiatric emergency um I would make sure that everything was in place you know the staff that um things flow the way they were supposed to when the doctors and emergency teams would come to the floor um so basically I would oversee any emergencies dealing with psychiatric emergencies I would often be the de-escalatory I was the um the deescalation trainer for many years on teaching staff how to work with patients um during you know escalation and so I've been in both medical and psychiatric emergencies thank you as you probably noticed in the job description this position is a part-time preem role what kinds of flexibility do you have to accommodate the needs of the position so presently my my schedule is is flexible I'm going to be opening my own practice this month the middle of this month and so the hours um I'd be very flexible in making the hours work for both our jobs and I skipped 12 I'm sorry that's okay I I'll do 12 um so what have you done in previous positions to help establish and maintain quality customer service within your organization or department so that was a really big part of being a director and a manager working with the multidisciplinary team with leadership um you know to keeping track of um Quality initiatives implementing quality initiatives doing surveys with patients and their amilies so that was an ongoing part of my role to assure that both patients and families were happy with the care great thank you why do you feel you are the best candidate for this position well I feel like I have well-rounded skills working with different age groups and populations and as I said before I'm very community-minded holistically um focused and prevention focused I think that's important in community health and I love to educate I have one other one before the last one please sure can you describe your practice you're talking about opening yes so I'm also a licensed massage therapist and a clinical Aroma therapist and an educator as I've said so my goal um I had a practice probably 20 years ago before I was full-time in the hospital and so my goal is to reopen um it primarily focuses on Women's Wellness um I'll be teaching classes you know in home as well as out in the community hopefully in hospital settings and um also have private clients using body work as well as aromatherapy and really the focus would be on Stress Management and and wellness you're in a perfect location Stress Management yeah perfect can I can I ask a follow-up question yes of course yeah um part of the um the job description is uh do you have your own malpractice insurance yes I do you do okay great that was it okay do you have any questions from pz um hours I know it says per DM so do the hours vary based on the needs week to week that's exactly what it is we can work things out way you should be going and and we like a lot of input from you also um this isn't a one-way thing here theing the needs of of the COA or if we have any vaccinations going on I know the fire department's been doing quite a few um but between Lincoln Village and the COA we have quite a few elders but um I'd also like to start something where you start looking in homebound I know a lot of nurses go into the home they're paid by the insurance or whatever but I'd like to know keep an eye on the ones that are there as I was talking to you previously about that elderly man that no one knew he was there he thought 12 hours um he actually his son would come from new beit to bring him food because he didn't have food he was kind of not a recluse but he didn't want to bother anybody those are the people I'd like to keep an eye on maybe you know the COA could probably help help you with that or town people know of anybody that needs to be checked on I I think that's a big part of the Town nurse they have a lot of other individuals in health oriented Medicare that would come in and check but sometimes they slip through the cracks and we have to find those people because I felt really really bad that we had let that poor man down and um I think that's a big thing that we've got to look at but it's PM um there's a lot of Outreach to it the cow chip Festival we've had tents there and had Outreach there are a couple other big things going on in town that the nurse Yosi participates in um it's a very very very very job that you will never be bought at never it's really a good one and you would mentioned working with the school nurse yes yes I've already talked to her um my big thing is cpia I really see that as a goal um I know it's a little confusing with Dion re hobi up at the high school but with the elementary is kind of young to teach them but middle school and we all certainly know that CPR is so important and I think there's something else that's Fallen through the cracks these students are going through high school and they're learning a lot but in dayto day life one thing they should all have is CPI training you never ever know when you can need it and and as I said before I don't know CPR and God forbid you know if somebody I love gets hurt and I don't know how to help them I don't know how i' live with myself because I haven't taken CPR I have so good you can save although 30 and two 30 and two although Liz a couple times have said Liz watch out if I stop slipping off the the the chair call 911 but um I think that's a big part that's really slipped right through the school so um we're talking about that I like interaction between the nurses in our town we're all serving the town every body in this room is serving the town and we want what's best for the town and then I noticed that there would always be like a letter from the town nurse in the Council on Aging newslet we'd love to reenact that if you'd like to do that I'm pretty sure they would also and I would think in the role you would work closely with the Council on Aging as well yes definitely and then any needs that they might have education that they need for that would be fantastic plus you can bring your guitar how about that I know a lot about everybody we have a mutual friend oh we do yes um but we probably have a lot of mutual friends honestly it's a small town it's a small town okay dear you are you anything else you'd like to ask us no nothing that I can think of if I think of something I'll call or if you do yeah yeah okay okay thank you thank you so much honey enjoyable okay discussion on the nurse anybody have anything to add I think she's wonderful I thought she her looking over her resume her experience I thought she was a very strong very strong very strong candidate wow and it's like why you apply for this job I think because she has her own business she's open which I love the holistic approach yeah absolutely oh yes I yes and what I like about her is um the program she's been in I think we can really use and work through with the police department also so absolutely when they need it you know um it's wide range very wide range I like her I like her her management experience yes director experience you can stay we're talking about you we're talking about you stay it's all good you can stay uh you know personality her personality she's not shy she's very exactly you know uh personable yes which is needed in that position but professional but professional absolutely that she what she talked about as far as like managing when you're managing people people with different personalities people with you know absolutely and how to handle all of that so I I thought she was yes looking over her resume and everything I thought she was extremely strong absolutely I would definitely recommend I agree with you definitely same here highly highly recommend would we like to vote on this yes okay um can I have a motion I motion to to recommend um Karen trip to the town Selectmen there you go correct second okay and we have already had the discussion so can I have a vote on it I I I it is unanimous to recommend Karen trip to the selectman as our choice for Town nuris very happily absolutely absolutely what do you think Karen I I think she's very qualified for I think she's very qualified too I qualified extremely ex said I don't know why she applied she's like she's very very good stop it something El I don't want to get too on topic that's all right too far away but um when she was talking about some of her experience you know what I would love to see in this town um and I have one at home is the life back for choking right I would love to see some in the town maybe at the schools or you know um any community centers we have I don't know um how the police department I'm not sure if they would need to be you know insured but I'd love to see them on the fire trucks some of the police cars um they've really saved some lives and like I said I have one at home because there's a baby in the house so um and it doesn't mean that it's just for babies yeah adults choke too that's part of the to Barbara's Point that's part of the CPR training so they they they teach you like if it's a baby how to do CPI you flip the baby over you you know you don't do the compressions you do that that's all part of like CPI training which to your Point Barber I think that doing that through the schools is extremely important and it doesn't matter what age makes no difference you know if you you know have having that awareness and having them doing that that think is a is is a big the only thing is they don't teach that in CPR training the life do are you familiar with life act it's an actual um piece of equipment and it's like a suction oh no they didn't do that amazing it's absolutely amazing if it pulls the suction just takes it right out is it the one they show on yes so I'm not really sure if if the fire department or the police department has to have any type of special insurance because of um it's all like I think it's under the Samaritan law they would have to I think under the Samaritan law it doesn't matter right yeah and maybe we could go with that um what is it the Bristol County Nursing yes yes maybe contact them she could because she'll be taking over that position anyway if if she gets right voted in sure um she could do that and we can look into grants M see there you go there's one for you a new Grant man here yeah perfect how's that while you look into that one put that one down first we're gonna have a long list for you kiddo send it to send it to me and I can look into it awesome I've done them before awesome great they can be a painful experience but sometimes they're not so bad you know but sometimes they can be involved and they can be linky and um it can take a while to get them but the thing with grants is you need to apply so the grant is 18 months from now it's like you need to do it now right you know and you maybe you'll get it but as you know probably is like that gr money comes and goes y you know so you got to jump on it and get it exactly quickly as you can you know because you'll lose it right so that's the thing yeah it it really we don't have a per se Grant wrer in town so that's why as the board of help we have to go out and we're going to find our own I think that's a great idea yeah there are a lot of things Outreach that we have to do in this town and we need money to do it and we can't be asking the residents for every dollar they have that that's because that was one of the things that I had fire when I came in is because when you look at the Board of Health when you looked at the position and it was like you need this training you need this training some of those trainings are money it costs money right like the IC 100 I already started to take that like last night that's free that's T FEA that's but some of the other ones are like $400 more you know in order to get those trainings and if we don't have the money exactly we can't we can't take them yeah but if we can get a grant right somehow some way they're out there they're out there they're a Board of Health Grants out there yeah I've been looking into them but I only have so many hours a day it wouldn't be it wouldn't I don't think it would put us in a good position to say what do you have that training is like no I'll come because we don't have the money right right makes let's look for it let's look for it we we've got a lot of things on our plate a lot of things but um we've got a lot of ideas and as you guys know if you got your ideas don't be afraid to say them that's the only that's the only way we can get this point up and running and be competitive with other towns and be a really strong board for our residents do we ever do any thing with other towns like meet with other Town Board of Health see what they're up to see what they're doing not really no not really would that be a good idea yeah that would be a great idea what's the city of Taunton doing what's Somerset doing any any type of network level than us but uh during covid we did work with a couple you know with the the nurses actually the nurse I know her very well yeah maybe they give us an idea of like what grants are they applying for you know right right there you go that would be great sounds good absolutely anything else no sure that's it GL I I wanted to ask that and uh it's been in the back of my mind actually all summer when I got one for the house I think they're so fantastic don't you know because we really have to look outward I mean the year is 2024 it's not 1919 there were new things out there for us to go with and try to get as many grants as we can so we can yeah learn about everything ex said Barber just email me is this anything that you think that or in any anything that you can have anything that you think we should have and if there's links to it great if not I can search and I can find okay and you know even if it's just a generality and you say hey there's what do you know CPI training and maybe there's something with the state I can dig through and I can find out you know that's easy enough to do right and the other thing is we're in process of getting our Town Administrator and working with him also because he's on a grant level so working or her him or her I'm not sure if there are any ladies coming in but um that would be a great hook up right there is working with them with him or her whoever is coming y we'll be working on that next even if they if they decide that they're going to do the grants at least you can do some of the back work EX and send that to them and say this is what we found here you go exactly go to town right right yeah I think it's it's a great idea I think a lot of boards should be doing that researching I mean uh there's a lot of money out there and um why not if we don't somebody else is going to use it y use it or lose it that's right yeah so like I said shoot me an email you have my personal email address it to me have you got the town email yet are you listed on it yet we're waiting for it he was here today Chris was he yeah when you were out I don't care to me it's like just send it to my you have my personal email just send it to me I don't care okay doesn't matter for now we we'll work it that way okay let's go on um reorganize the board we have to assign a c and a member so can I have a nomination for a clerk of board of help you looking at me yeah okay I'll do it no I mean you oh I would nominate him okay um I'll drop down and second that motion can I have a vote on this okay I I drop down vote I and motion passes Tammy Mello as a clerk and do we do we do member also Liz or is that just a given says Clerk and member yeah just two member as well okay can I have a nomination for a member of Board of Health I motion I second that motion could we have a vote on that I I motion passes Penny you're our member okay great it's nice to know I know huho uh new business review discuss act accounting signature authorization form Liz do you have that yeah so this is just for accounting purposes payroll and bills um somebody needs to be the primary signature and somebody needs to be the secondary I wasn't sure who's going to be who so I made one who could be more available to come in and sign payroll I know Barber's will be the primary so I would give Tammy if you want to do it Tammy right down the street so just make a motion to nominate barara as primary and Tammy as the alternate I make the motion I drop down second it can we have a vote I I okay this is just a bookwork meeting you know just catching up thank goodness we don't have anybody else out there no problems I said that Timmy because I don't know what your availability is but mine might be available mine might be a little sketchy sometimes I never really unless Tammy's fixing a horse somewhere or something or trying to ride a bike that's reason I wasn't trying to just point the finger or anything like that that's right you what happened to that bicycle I gave it away I I got a bicycle and I got on it in my driveway and I haven't ridden a bike in years and I nearly killed myself so I said I gotta give this bike away I'm going to stick to riding horses they not any more dangerous right yeah way more dangerous yeah well okay since we've done all this really important stuff tonight uh can I have a motion to adjourn second motion I second okay that's great can I have a vote I I motion carries to adjourn good night everyone I hope you enjoyed our meeting tonight I did oh come on last