##VIDEO ID:Y2MV9sxXUe8## thank you thank you okay so I call to order do this I call to order the board of fence viewers at 95 yeah yeah this is a public meeting being audio recorded for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on the dayon mass.gov and YouTube channels of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right everybody's not here [Music] say still snoozing that's I like business all right discuss the site Vis at 2188 Cedar Street 2150 C Street so who wants to go first um um why don't why don't you do the summ what you saw so what we did we all three of us were that right bill and I actually saw the post went way to the back of the property to look at the defenses towards back the property that's an issue right about halfway back yes and and I just want I want to point out that I had to go spunking over a giant tile of rocks to finally get I would take video of that though you were1 to get to the line and then realize once I got there that there was on the other side anyway so we did and we took measurement so there's there's two Midway points from the front all the way to the back there's two Midway points that's 6 foot off of the property R put in by the surveyor by surveyor right so our two parties uh didn't have anything to do with putting that in so we took measurements from the one that may I may I interject for a second I just want to point out that it's important to note that one of the property owners put their own Stakes there that were actually was it a foot or 6 Ines he had one stake at the front of the property and one take it to back you made them tall so you could see from front to back and those were 12 in off L those are not on the line right so we were looking at the proper on which was difficult because they're so low but we took measurements from the Midway points right and our first finding our first measurement was from the one that's there four post there it's the third post closest to it's the first one closest to the back of the property and we measured over the chaining fence and it looked like it was over line if we took a measur he's got some photographs of it if if the six feet is accurate from the surveyor which we have to believe it is then that fence is in some spots of the neighbor the fence of the neighbor the tall one that's in question tall chain link that's in question is actually Over The Line proper so this is this is the tape that we ran from the 6ot marker and you see that going into the chain link fence the chain link itself is about 3 in over the property line and post there's a couple and it's because they're not straight some are maybe 4 in over some might 3 in over but it didn't look like it was over on dark side is it's three in to the to the chain link right but the posts are actually on theide so further into and and I'd like to add reinfor reinforce what you said is that this chain Ling fence in the back is not a nice perfect straight line right and some of them some of the posts look like they were on his property and some like one in particular I think was way over the line six or seven inch anyway at least six seven inches right so some are probably okay and some are probably not I think that's fair I think most of them are not but I think there are not by a tiny amount inches you know one in two so say let's say they're 0 to 6 inches off the line I it's fa okay statement so excuse me Mr pereira's Fence is actually on the neighbor's property correct so so be to be clear we're only talking about the fence in the backyard where we didn't walk chain link but this the post stick up way above the fence the high one the high chaining fence is we talking because the the wooden fence is that's fine then that chain link fence is also on her side that's the low chain link right that goes all way back that's also on her it's only one that starts probably about halfway back okay that that cows and a couple pigs in there and some mother took some his farm animal so um he came out and help us walk Stephanie and I were standing in the yard and I said to him show me the part of the fence that the the cows got through oh he said I changed all that on so but he was referring to that again that chain link fence that you're telling me is on the neighbor's property okay so he made changes in it but it didn't improve the bound situation he may changes probably to secure the animals better we could probably ask Stacey's here um she did she see the fence did you see CRA over it you were crawling get the um it was believe it or not in towards him a little more though and it wasn't a chain link fence it was just wire oh he then he put up the chain link to keep the animals Coral correct because that wasn't issue too because they would out on her property um but as I said after I was here the other time I did up the last time I was here because house got out was in January so between then and now he put up so he fixed that problem he fixed that he just may not have known exactly where the proper land was May his best guest not necessarily to be you know nefarious about it he just probably just didn't know exactly where it was he put it in what he thought was the best eyeball um that's I think that's what it seems like May without knowing exactly so yeah what does that leave us viewers so again while while Stephan and I uh talking to him so if over there is the fence first there's that little fence look chicken wiing boards it's kind of old and decrepit or something that was fine no she I think she's talking about the the other neighbor I'm talking I'm talking about the First Fence I can see behind the animals cages was a low looked like chicken wire and old wood and it was not in good shape behind that is the tall wooden fence both of those fences that I could see belong to the neighbor correct all right okay all right right and I think the only one that we had measured that was the tall chain L the tall chain lol there's nothing else of his that we saw that would have been over that I think there was a um statement made about the rabbit PCH and in my opinion I think the rabbit PCH was on the line I I I don't think it was over I'm saying I think it was on that was in the back that that was that was the closest the rabbit H rabbit yeah he had there were rabbits behind the rabbits we saw there was more than one Hut we saw the two closest to us yeah but there were more rabbits there and they were near the fence yeah R rabits so so what I saw was a rabbit hutch on the line and I saw and the next issue further down is that chain fence like I said 0 to 6 in so for depending on which post so we're clearly talking about the line alone the rabbits were not and that's that would be Chain Lake and then the the rabbit hutch is encroaching her extra that's what I'm saying it's l is on the line so she on property she questioned that I think that's on it's just on but I think that's on his property um I think if I were to put up a stockade fence it would touch the rabbit so when we met with both parties initially what was the discussion about six feet so there there are two posts so the problem is the way this has you I'm sorry the way it's designed from the property right here's where we were all here's here's the street all right right you have the surveyor's stake here and you have a sever Stak back here to back of the property and he made a measurement here and he moved something over six feet oh onto her line and then he measured again here and he moved another Stak out here six feet because at the time the surveyor did that the area was so this so then the gentleman they they've done a lot of clearing since then yeah so this this was a path that bill and I could walk down to make our measurements right so we walked right along that line all the way down the property line then we went over to the other side and walked that too but this here where his big chain Ling fence starts this was not clear so the surveyor had to put one six feet off here and six feet off here because it couldn't stake in the middle and so that's why we we took six foot measurement from here we went over six foot measurement from this one and we went over and this part of the fence here was anywhere from on the line to 6 in 7 in over that's what we're saying it might have been you know one post kind of It kind the fence kind of does this a little bit right so some of it's on and some of it's not the backs correct it's not a straight line it's not a straight line so if you were to straighten it out and put it back on your Cy I wish he was here to discuss it because I did he do it or did he pay some he said he he had his sons do yeah that's what he was telling us at the beginning yeah so so then so our findings are that some of that fence is on her property okay that's what our findings would be and so we should vote to order him to move the fence so that it was on his property I would entertain a motion on that and he did yeah so we told him we couldn't discuss it anything in the field so we came back here to discuss it and he said you know we'll send him a letter he said you're going to send me the findings or whatever and we said sure so we'll send out a letter and he says if he disagreed with that whatever whatever our findings were if it was something he didn't like he was going to didn't he say something to the effect of I'll run a line and he wasn't going to try and run a line from the front stti right from this steti to the very back St and raise it up and do that you know it seems I was thinking about it on the right over here it does seem me he had these that very long post right there's no reason why he couldn't put that very long post on the property line and the same thing on the other side I'm TI line up six feet up in the air that's probably what he's going to do way down but he should also go up to those six foot markers and make sure it's they follow that too yeah well he's going to run it right from here this is true this is true and these two are 6et off so he if he made FR back it's just going to be probably tough that line he's GNA run a line lift this up say 5 six ft and you run a line from here to here and look t disagrees with our was he there while you guys is he did not right but her but really it's because the surveyor couldn't get to put it over here correct so you measured from here six feet over to here yes so there are markers now over there no no we have so they should and then he can make sure when gets to this point it would make sense for them to no what Stephanie saying it does make sense to be accurate if they would agree to like he had that pole I thought that was a good idea actually he had a pole that was six feet exactly and so if you put that pole there he could put a marker himself right to to verify that his line is yeah it should be and it was yeah it was six seven in that's I think that what she said too so question to Stacy if I would a but on the east side with all CR no now north south east east has been traing well okay just put it that way people say well which is that I say East which direction is that no no talk tells me anyhow so if I'm on the east side of of the the wooden fence The Stockade Fence um so I want to now bring in more Critters that have to be fenced can I use my neighbor's fence as the back of my fence not if it's on proper so her on the boundary if it's exactly on the he could yes you could use that but it's not it would be on her problem that's a foot or so more over okay that wouldn't so okay yeah so if all right so if we tell them him to move his fence um 6 in onto his property will it be on the boundary line well or close our measurements were as close as they could be as we're in the field right so if it was seven in and he moved it only six he's technically still an inch there I would say to be safe move at 8 in because we didn't see any point it was more than more than right so if you moved at 8 in not 10 in should be totally sa a straight move it 10 in over some of them might only have to move a few inches or not so I don't think I agree with you one that I think that I think the whole property line should be fences should be on the property line I think this confusion comes from some from people going oh I don't want to you know ruffle any feathers so I'm going to put it you know 3 in or 6 in or foot off the line how and then 10 years from now when you know three owners have switched they think the fence is the property line and then we end up here so when the when the Sur put in the the marck is in the front and the back are any of these fences the old rickety fence and stuck on the line in the back only the stuff in the back everything here everything in the front was fine no no my question is is the stuff that I can see the the rickety fence and the stock a fence that's on her side it's not on the line not even close she moved it over when she had that put in she moved it could so so she didn't want to she wanted it on her side so that she can maintain the fence herself so that's her fence not a joint fence with him MH that's she was she go it and replace boards if she needs to over she has enough to walk on that Ste her property and go over and maintain that so if they have to replace some boards or St whatever cut the grass she's got enough room to do that you get more so he's going to have to move some of those well he doesn't have to it can only move right to his property line he knows once he identifies from here to there exactly where that property line is with the line if he does that he sees us over he can move it this way if her fence is on her property but she let but not the property line and she left space behind it yeah so she wants to be able to mow the grass I don't know what her intention was to put it that far into her property line but she has that ability all right what I'm saying is some of those buildings coups whatever you call them right near the fence so but not on her property so whether she has that whether she can fit down there or not that's that's up to her but what I'm saying is yeah his all this stuff in the front might be right on the line but he's not over the line so he has a right to go right to his property want all right the only issue is this neighbor saying that she wants this straightened out and make sure all of it on his problem so that's what so that would allow her to Mo or whatever behind here up to this point but then up to here it's too close yeah okay I understand right now it is I mean that's an interesting point because I do think that fence is like three feet off and there was a point there was getting pretty tight for us to try to get through there yeah was itet all the way back or just to a certain line I mean if it's not to maintain it then that's between I I did notice that slightly angled yeah it's angled this way so it is it does get smaller towards the back but it was a very slight slight angle but it wasn't very much um anyway I think we're all in agreement here yeah so um excuse me we're going to this isn't emotion but we're going to tell him he's got to move that back section of chaining fence onto his property right Mr not correct which the markers are there and so what are we going to give him as a timeline because it's going to have to be we inspected if he does it and if he refuses to do it then we're back to square one days fa well till the next meeting or so it's one 30 days or 60 days be my suggestion well we have another meeting this month so we might have to another in I think is yeah the 30th and after that it's the November 20th we're going to meet in between we probably so so August I think October 30th is a little is too short that's three years well we have to make our own meeting outside of the backing why why not uh November 20th wait Thanksgiving here what before have the 14th is a special town meeting so that should be and then we're going no this is classification I don't know whatever whatever I don't have to go back out C I mean if he's done it correctly just go look and say should be isue okay we should have snow by then so it should be good motion um I make a motion that we noted i m up is it all that's olaaa is the West she's the Wicked Witch of the West that's okay the things are over there he's referring to me I make a motion that we notify uh Mr Pereira um what's his first name CH yeah Mr Christopher Ferrera that uh having visited the site and taking measurements uh this board orders him to move the chambering fence the back of proper back of the property 6 in East onto his own property I would say yeah so I'm going to I will second and then we'll discuss it and I want to add um um no you know what let's make this one motion then there'll be another motion give the time we'll figure out how many days all right so that's the motion so Bill second so I'm going to Second it but I'm going to say I disagree with the six inch um statement I think it should be worded in such a way that says to move the the fence on the property one as St right to move the fence so it's not on her property correct okay so and and we can St than a distance because if we were off by half an inch he mov six in he says you totally we can we can state in the letter we observed some of them are online some of them are you know it's not a straight line some of them are over we're asking to move all of them onto the line right okay so C about the 6 in and it said move the fence to his property uh East and that's why I said 6 in yes all right so move the fence East onto the property line the proper is property line the property line it's it's it's a joint property line so it's the okay so we're ordering him to move it onto East onto the property line now is there be any thought if he runs that line that he's talking about would it make sense for him to ask her would you agree that I'm now moving this in the right spot can we ask that that happen we can't do that at all we don't bother because she might just say no right I okay just if he identifies the line and he moves it over that's fine okay so are we happy with this motion yes can can you back the motion um um make a motion order to move the fence chain the chain link fence 6 in no no giv you the first one no no no that's gone it's not the one still have to no scratch that out like correcting the motion all right so just turn the page what you said then you disagree I didn't no no I didn't amend it we had the discussion all right and since we haven't voted on it yet it really wasn't finalized and he did second for discussion purposes only which indicates this is going to happen so anyhow uh to move fence East onto the proper line that's right notify Christopher Pereira yeah to notify defense East onto the property line I'll let minutes before well that sounds good that's right that's simple and that's yeah concise yep okay motion made in second all in favor okay so the motion passes motion passes all right so now you want to make another motion yeah we got to give him the time so um I thought we did time frame put down I got to find it know froz my shes so oh yeah so the November meeting would be the 20th right so is that what we're looking at yeah we I think that's probably about right actually how about if we back it up one two three give them five weeks which would be to the 13th because you want to go out and inspect it before the next meeting yeah we could do the same thing just go at 8:30 and look at it I like this rhythm of go early come here y do it all in one day instead on the 20 okay I can't be there at 8:30 well really the chairman bill would go out by himself and and Stephan C well talking about the other okay the other F oh that's I by myself so I think need to be a whole but we're going to do that on 20 uh so I make a motion that we notify Mr Pereira that he has until November 20th to move the fence East as ordered second motion made and second any discussion all those in favor I I so not in the form of motion but just you know advice to include the information about what we discussed here today in particular you know the defense straight you know stuff like that yeah that's the official I don't want to get like oh you to Mo the whole thing six in and I hope he does move to the line I don't I hope he doesn't say oh I'm GNA give an extra six inches or something um right on the line then there's no questions okay no no approve I'm sorry just ask if there's any other yeah any new business public inut correspond minutes I that we [Music] approve sep 9824 we already did though no we haven't met this is the board of fence viewers yeah but we last time I had it done the [Music] last last I was that's right this is our first yeah I didn't do the minutes for last week last laste 8 yeah we did the ones for 23 last time oh okay all right so no motion yes no minutes approve anything we didn't anticipate okay motion toour second all in favor and where is the stop button it's up the top is that it yes there you go yes