is uh it's 4:30 so uh we'll go ahead and get started and as you heard the uh TV there the meeting is being recorded electronically um and Kevin it'll be put on yeah dton Town YouTube yeah so if you toown of Dion it'll be yeah it'll go right to our um our page so okay fantastic so for those of you that haven't met um I'm Bill Rooney and I'm the superintendent for um the D roberth Regional School District and appreciate everybody coming um like for us to start with the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag United States of America the na indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right so um if we could just go around the room with introductions uh name and um Your Role slash rolles so we'll start with Mr Hall hello Leonard Hall um I am a member of community at large M um my name is Ruth T Sarah also Community member um look forward to being on the thank you um Caitlyn Lima I'll be the principal at Tian Elementary in the fall well July one July one congratulations thank you uh Leo brm and I will be the district business administrator on July 1 so couple more days left as the IT director Uh Kevin Smith Community member Damen Preston the Hillary director Alicia Wilson Community member Donna Berto school committee Mark Pico Selman Representative Bob Perry Community member and Lia coocher school committee how about the bosses over there all right um well thank you all um very much for coming um this is really uh potentially exciting work uh I had I had the privilege and pleasure of um being on a school building committee for seven years in attelboro um when we built a $265 million new high school um and we cut the ribbon and then I left so um my daughter still teaches there and and uh my other two children are graduates from there and they give me a hard time about um leaving that building but I couldn't uh I couldn't pass up this opportunity to come to work um in Dr so um we'll talk a little bit more about the the work in a minute um I think uh the next order of businesses that we need to um for the purposes of the msba we have to turn in um a a form that has all of our names on it has our various roles on it and um they are looking for a chair and a vice chair and I think it would be prudent for us maybe to also have um someone who would be willing to be a secretary so is there any preference from the msba who fills those roles no okay no um so are we going to do it parliamentary wise nomination second yeah at this time I'd like to make a motion to appoint William Rooney as chairman of the D Elementary School School building commit second second thank you all right um Mr how are you how's going everybody oh I think there's a packet down there for you thank you well um I'm gonna get you to introduce yourself but we have a motion in a second on the floor so um so we have a motion and a second um do you do you all prefer I step out for discussion okay all right you right in front of you any discussion um do you do you feel like it's appropriate with given your other workload or okay I just want to make sure it's like yeah something that you're willing to absolutely yeah no I I appreciate the question um it's uh it's something that I I feel as if um you know being the leader of the district is something that I'm going to have to be you know neck deep in anyway so um it's it would it would be an honor while the motion is for superintendent Rooney to be the chairman sorry about that all right any other discussion questions right I think where you've had so much experience you be perfect to oh thank you it's I mean I prefer to have you there simply because you know what you did right first time and you know what you maybe a little bit of improvement on but clearly a leader thank you very much all right I'm G to cut it off before anybody says anything else good about or any any of my team says anything bad about me so I my new contract to start don't uh all those in favor any oppos all right motion carries thank you very much I'd like to make a motion to appoint attorney ala Wilson as Vice chair second okay so we have a motion in a second uh for attorney Wilson to be Vice chair is that acceptable to you that's acceptable to me all right um any discussion I think you're a good fit because she's also been through this yes all right no other discussion all right Al those in favor any opposed right motion carries congratulations congratulations condolences um and uh would someone be willing to take minutes secretary so we you secretary is acting in the what we would more commonly call the clerk yeah I don't mind doing it I'm kind of a I like I'm a geek for doing meet minutes someone stepping up for that one I'll nominate this gentleman right here all right um so Mr Reynolds um we went around the room quickly introduced ourselves uh we'll do that one more time for your benefit although I know you know most of the people but we'll let you get started thank you very much I apologize for being a couple minutes work that's all right oh I'm Paul Reynolds Town Treasurer and tex collector let's just go down the road one more time let it hope Ruth T Kaitlyn Lima I'll be the assistant principal at principal principal oh my God I need to stop doing that I am so used to introducing myself princip Leo brm and I will be the district business administrator in the um the school district Kevin Smith Community member nice to meet you Damen Preston facilities director Alicia Wilson Community member Bob Perry Community member and Liza coocher school committee all right um okay so I've uh prepared quite a few um artifacts for you uh I apologize for the small print on the slideshow but it was 31 pages and I know my school committee members like for me to be prudent in terms of how much color printing I do so um so just to to start I guess in in chronological order um probably the thickest packet that you have um has the Massachusetts school building authority um header and it says next steps to finalize submission for your FY 23 statement of Interest so um this was something that um we submitted back in April of 2023 and the um if if you if you look on the first page um obviously there are a lot of things that um both the uh the town and the district have to agree to as far as the submission is concerned um I'm very grateful to Mr Karen um who uh worked with me from the town perspective obviously Mr Mullen um who was the Town Administrator at the time uh was very helpful and and then also I worked with um Aaron moris who was the school committee uh chair at that particular time so that's that's why our signatures are there um on page three I think what's what's extremely important is um what you see on um page four and that is the um the priorities that the msba um is looking for so um the the msba is a very competitive process um there are more projects that that need to get done than um they can fund each year and so it's extremely important that you um when you submit the statement of interest that you um articulate the uh the the priorities to them um and upon review which I have to give the msba a lot of credit um we picked um 2 4 and seven um but after their review the the massachus school building authorities suggested that we also um check off um number one and number five uh so either replacement or renovation of a building which is structurally unsound an otherwise conditioned um seriously jeopardizing the health um safety of school children where no alternative exists um and then all so um number five replacement renovation or modernization of school facility systems such as roofs Windows boilers heating ventilation systems to increase energy conservation and decrease energy related costs um because the the main part of the building is 1950s construction and um there was some renovation work done in the late 90s uh but none of it is really up to speed um any anymore uh Daman what what would you say is kind of the overall condition of the boilers and well the boilers are new unless like 17 they will put in but everything else is not new okay is the gymnasium an addition is that section newer a while ago I believe yeah the 90s type of thing yeah yeah um anecdotally from what I what I've been told was that the cafeteria was the cafeteria and the gymnasium and the all that and then in that 90s window that's when the gym Massachusetts loves a good cafetorium cafy torum cafy torum question um item number five it says replacement renovation and modernization of school facility system um in this whole process I mean we're going to look at the existing facility I assume and uh look at what is a lack of a better term usable or salvageable as part of the overall project is that a fair statement that's one of the considerations yes yeah so um one of the considerations will be um a renovation um they also refer to it as an ad Rena so like a renovation for part of it and an addition to part of it um which is um kind of what they did in the 990s um even though that wasn't an msba project um and then the third option is new construction so um would just completely replace the existing building but um if the if the town if the town votes in favor of um moving forward with feasibility then those are options that will be presented to us um through the feasibility study yeah I would assume you just to do with essentially three options I would assume that at the end of the feasibility study each one of those options would be examined and then uh present it as uh something in the positive column something in the negative column to make an assessment as to which option would be more viable yeah and um a good faith cost estimate you know associated with those as well so um yeah so when we went through when we went through feasibility um in adbor uh that building uh was built in two phases one phase was 1962 the other phase was 1972 And um as a part of feasibility um you know one of the questions that they answer for you is what happens if the town votes no and you just do nothing um they were able to demonstrate to us that um the systems that we had heating um we didn't have any any real cooling but our heating our plumbing um those types of systems those major systems would fail probably within five years when those failed um they would trigger because of the amount of money that it would cost to replace those it would trigger um all of the um all of the Ada um updates all of the building code updates electricity all that kind of stuff and so they were able to show to us that if the um if this Ador is a city so if the city did not vote for it that we were probably going to be on the hook for about $190 million to just as I've said multiple times put lipstick on a pig um you know and we would have new HVAC and we would have um you know new plumbing and we'd have all the Ada and electrical code upgrades and things like that but you'd still have the same you know 1960 1970 shell of a building and you'd also have the the classrooms that were not really conducive to um to 21st Century Learning and so when the feasibility study came back with 190 million uh if you do nothing or 130 million if you build new because the state's giving you 50% and the city was on the hook for 50% it was a pretty compelling um argument for us to make to the city and the voters came out um 66% in favor of voting for it now correct me if I'm wrong but msba they are funding new projects not Renovations is that correct um no they have done they've done some Renovations y Renovations yeah if they if they feel that the um if they feel that the bones of the building if you will and the site plan and things like that or whatever are um you know workable they'll they'll do a renovation um I you know I think it's too early for us to make any assumptions about what they're going to come back with and feasibility is there a difference in percentage they'll fund if it's a renovation versus a new construction I I don't believe so believe that the reimbursement rate that they give you is is based on you know Town demographics and you know different different factors although that's a great question because um there I know that there were certain credits that we received like for different levels of lead certification and things like that so if if maybe a renovation doesn't have the potential to earn maybe some of those credits it could possibly change the the reimbursement by a few percentage points um would there be any opportunity and I I don't know how the funding stream works with them but you know if if you are talking to say new building you have opportunities for alternative Technologies and heating ventilation all that that may not be feasible say with a renovation um but it might qualify you for something under like green schools or or you know another funding poot yeah given the governor's priorities was yeah all all that will come out in feasibility and you know they'll um they'll bring that back to us and then that's where we you know have to we have to have some spirited discussions about you know what we what we feel is the the best route to go that's a valuable piece of information though because I think msba has this stigma that they want us to tear down our school and spend all our money to build a new one so it's good to know I think just for the community that if there is the possibility to renovate you know at a lesser cost that gives a little bit more faith the community we have in msba y it's a pretty lengthy process that goes into the feasibility process that will explore all of these options like sites other sites in the town they explore they explore the whe you know what the existing building will be to um whether it is a renovation or tan down the cost Associated what you can do with that I'm in the middle of for a second time in my own town on this I have a meeting tomorrow night my own town in the same process um but they are you know they will do a deep in depth in that like what is viable for those Technologies to on site or a geothermal heating is a possibility things of that nature um so there'll be a lot of information they will come pull together for you as part of that and not they msba it'll be they the contractor that we hire uh as a commit to do that well you're G to hire a design firm design you'll do an OPM first and then owners project manager and then the design firm enters into that and traffic studies and all kinds of things yeah I just have question so back to Mr H's question msba has um two that we could apply for wasn't one The Accelerated repair yeah but that's that's completely different than yeah the accelerated repair is um just like Windows or roof or yeah okay yeah that's a great question so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna you know read through Page after page um but I I do think that there are aspects of the statement of interest that do provide some of the historical context for you like for instance on page seven P seven at the top um you've got a uh you've got the historical perspective it was 50,000 square feet built in 1953 1999 three additions um to the building um in including the prek kindergarten a library and a wing with a gymnasium music room and therapeutic um adaptive phet spaces 2016 the roof was replaced um and um because the because the roof was um I believe an msba project or you know we we received some msba funding for the roof they will expect a credit back um if that if that roof ends up getting demolished um and we went through that in atbo they they replaced our roofs um much bigger building you know half a million square foot building as opposed to a 68,000 foot building but um there there was a um there was a credit to the um reimbursement percentage that they expected to get back because um they had put the money out for the roof originally so that's there statute of limitations on that like it expires at some point um I'm sure I'm I'm sure there is but I I'd be willing to bet that in our in our case a two a 2016 roof is probably still going to be something that they're going to expect a credit back I me that's you know that again a little bit premature but I I think it's my responsibility just to you know try to um shed as much light on some of these intricacies that you you know that you might not think about um so I'll allow you to to digest that at your leisure and um by the way I'm um I'm putting all these artifacts into a digital folder so for those of you that um would prefer to access them digitally um you'll be able to I'll give you a link that gets you into it um you know it doesn't necessarily have to be a Google account or anything like that um but if you um I'll email that to everybody after um after our meeting today there anyone currently the school district it's a officer well Leo as the incoming um District business administrator um has started his procurement training through mcppo so you know on the D side there were two that was now want Serena so yeah I have quite a bit of training with that too oh good but you're supposed to have a license I have I don't know if it has timeline on it that will be critical when you to for the design engine abely question sure um how many students are there now the elementary school 483 and are we designed to something more than 480 gr um I would recommend that will be more than 483 or thank so one huge aspect of this process is an enrollment study so um we we already have um we already have a regional firm um nzda the New England School Development Council um they do they do Consulting with school committees and school districts on um hiring like for instance they were hired by the district to do the superintendent search when I was hired uh they do enrollment studies um and so we have enrollment projections that indicate that we are going to need a bigger building I'm but I yeah um but it's it's extremely formulaic you know it it's not like a matter of saying well you know we have 483 in there now and it's really tight so we we'd like to like to you know build something for 550 to be on the safe side there they're going to tell you based on the the enrollment study um exactly what they'll build it for that's not to say that you can't um that you can't barter with them a little bit and again I I apologize in advance for how often you're going to hear me say the word adbor but um you know uh when the the enrollment study came back the msba told us in adoro that we could uh build a school for about 1700 kids and fortunately um we were able to have um a city councelor who was able to show PL for all of these homes that were going to be built and so we were able to convince them to build it for 1875 kids so you know we got another 175 um kids of our um enrollment space out of it so yeah I mean that may present a balancing question with the towns folks if you're like you know so of bigger is better and you have a budget constraint so that's um do we so we don't know if we're going to use the same and assume renovation would keep it there if we voted to do a new building would it still want to stay on that footprint because you're going to have to operate a school while constructions going on so you can't tear the old one down till the new one yeah um that's you know that's what's going to come back in feasibility you know because um there is there's some space on that campus but you know you've got a middle school there as well so you know um there's no uh you got to be really careful how how much let's just say there was new construction between the existing Dees and the existing DMS you got to be careful as to how much you're going to Snug the ele the new Elementary up against to the middle so um sure you may have utilities or septic or whatever out there too and anyway a mess up kite day which is a massive problem question I do have with aroc coming and they've already broken ground so it's coming what was the context on that I'm sorry aroc large development on Treemont or later chase some of which will be uh affordable housing I mention that because traditionally affordable housing brings children that being said and with school committee members present would it be wise let's face it we're going to have overcrowding at the middle school would it be wise to take a look at moving the fifth grade to the elementary school to relieve some of the pressure at the middle school where you have the opportunity do something new to accommodate that that's something to think about and expect an answer and that's a that's a great Point I've also heard you know some people talk about um putting the eighth grades at the high school that's more complicated because into it is but but it's a similar proposal similar proposal um say in our nezda study we did take a look at that was something they looked at also well there's some of the things you could do to alleviate this problem and they showed the pros and the cons um of those two I don't recall what they were off the top of my head right now but if we look back at that study they did look at that yeah but so grade configurations are something that um the the msba is going to have to um exhibit a tremendous amount of flexibility because um you know when I originally wrote the statement of Interest I wrote the statement of Interest primarily for dayon elementary school but I also talked about how poor the um the the uh the entrance and egress and parking and all that stuff is and I made multiple references to dayon middle school because it's on the same campus and um in terms of giving me some feedback on my rough draft like a teacher would you know when you submit a rough draft from a paper um they said you have to pick one building or the other now you can talk about you know you can make a reference to the fact that they share a Bus Loop or they share certain aspects of parking or outdoor space um but you can't write a statement of interest for two buildings you so so you know what I wrote what what we submitted for was a statement of interest on a prek through four building now that's not to say that it's inconceivable for um the owner's project manager and then the design firm to come in and say wow well you know we could build this a little bigger and put the fifth grade in it and alleviate some problem so they'll they'll take all that into consideration um but it's something that the the msba would have to have a um a compelling case from the um from the design team how typical is it to have five through eight instead of six through eight I mean because I just grew up in the world of like sixth grade was middle school that's what I did you know yeah and in adoro it was 5 through eight um here it's 5 through eight but hold on I lied I went to cathic school so I was 1 through eight and I went from the same 12 kids to you know 300 kids so that didn't grow up in that world but so did I it was kindergarten through six yeah it just seems like more normal to have six through we yeah brockton's one through six and then I was K through six and then 78 was by itself yeah 78 by itself I was dwell on a point but I I agree Mr Hall I mean um if you look and say we need to expand uh the um size of the elementary school among other things um that thir of that population is going into the middle school so to your point um maybe it would be wise to essentially solve two problems with one uh renovation slash construction right it's a good point I agree oh it is yeah you don't want to have that Snowball Effect where like oh great we solved this problem and then you look across the parking lot yeah last you want is to open up a building that's already too small it's stay on the table and you know I mean that could be something that um again we don't have a crystal ball but I mean that could be something that could be a more compelling argument for the the taxpayers to to realize that you know um their you know their commitment to this would not only alleviate problems that we have at the elementary school but also there's an aspect of it that would help us um with the middle school as well so one other point if I may um you know regarding the population setting and funding Etc uh Norton built their middle school was opened in 1999 and I had the opportunity to work there for five years but on each floor you had a center stairwell and then you had the two sixth grade seventh grade eighth grade teams there was an empty classroom in each wing and I said what is this about and they said the when they went to the building committees Etc they said the population projections showed that they were going to need these classrooms within five to eight years and let's pay for with today's money so again I we had a little bit of a discussion I and you mention Adar I saw that it happen in Norton also so the population study or projection rather is is a key Point here yeah and Brockton does the same thing at the high school they have a building that they period I odically shut down that doesn't have anyone in it and then when the population increases they open that building back up and have classes in that building really smart they've utilized that for I don't know since 1970 so the the next in the chronological order of artifacts um was the uh msba started to narrow down the statement of Interest interest uh to a smaller number and um they go out on what's referred to as a senior site senior study site visit so back in uh September of 2023 um we entertained um senior staff from the msba um at dayon elementary school I want to take the opportunity to thank um soon to be principal Lima um because uh one of I mean Caitlyn has many strengths but um one of her strongest attributes is um organization and um so I I worked with u Caitlyn and and the outgoing principal Mrs dessert on making sure that we had photos that were um reflective of the issues that we were dealing with very grateful to uh dayon police because dyon uh detective Richards got the police drone out and did these overhead shots to show how um how we have some significant issues with buses Crossing um car traffic and foot traffic so and I know the I know the print on this is very small so you're gonna I'm gonna give you a digital version of this that you can look at on your own screen with um better resolution that's a broken piece of floor but as a result of that visit um you know I don't know whether you say they liked what they saw or they didn't like what they saw enough that uh you know they they invited us into module one um and so module one started for us in May um it's a 270-day period um we are right on time in terms of the things that we need to be doing um one of which was establishing this committee um by Friday they um they need it or not actually it's a date in July doesn't matter I'm GNA get it done tomorrow um I have to give them the the roster so to speak you know who lists the chair list the vice chair and um all the community members and the the the um the different roles that have to be um the boxes that have to be checked so we'll get that in uh and then the next piece that um principal Lima and I are working on um that we are going to share an update with you when we meet next is um the Massachusetts school building authority School District educational profile questionnaire aka the questionnaire so I'm just going to give you a minute to just thumb through that because it is fullsize pages St the bill into the proposed chart it would this be where you be looking for increases if you are looking for size increases yeah um I'm gonna give everybody just one more minute to look through it I'm actually looking for the deadline on this which I'm pretty sure is July 30th have to just a quick question around like spaces it wasn't it wasn't that long ago that prek moved to the elementary correct like two years grades currently serve in the school facility Elementary 3 through that's a it's a sample oh okay okay on that note what was the reason behind that 3K back because to me doesn't it make more sense to have it at the high school so we have kids in CTE programs participating with those kids they do they do but they would have to travel right they get dropped off everyo yeah oh there still is pre all right all right I thought it was I thought it was a lot of times students that like if ours fills up um we do refer them the C program so that they can still attend I thought it was one it was in L of 20 kids there's an AM and a PM got okay that we have so um I just I was double-checking U my deadline on this so um this is due back to the msba um with all of our specific information so you know to Mr Perry's Point like you know there are blanks on here for grade five grade six grade seven grade eight grade n 12 the those are things that we'll just either we'll delete the delete those rows in the table or we'll put not applicable but um this is due back to them um at the end of July so um principal Lima and I and the outgoing principal visits dessert have already we we have a separate draft of this just like a working draft um and we've started to fill in some of this information um but what we we would like to do is um and this is one of the next things that's on the agenda is is um to start scheduling the upcoming meetings is um like share a draft of this with you in advance of our next meeting and then when we come to our next meeting get your feedback um and us come to a consensus on uh the epq before we submit it to the to the msba I I understand all the internal stuff but I only see one thing that talks about ex uh outoor learning is there any just there's site work there's we may blow out utility for for one building trying to build this one we build a new one yeah this I captured um that'll get captured in feasibility um because this is just it's it's kind of perfunctory to be honest with you but um I mean I I do think that there are aspects of of this document that um are healthy like for instance section four on the community engagement um you know Leo is taking over as the district business administrator but he's outgoing as far as director of it and he and I have already had conversations about you know we'd like to do a website for um it could be you know could be linked to the district website and it could also be linked to the town website where people can go and they can find any of these artifacts um if we you know do get to a point where we get into a project we can post um construction photos and you know different things like that um which you're absolutely right I mean the there this barely scratches the surface but I I think it's just in my opinion it's an exercise for um us especially like the building leadership and the and the superintendent to start thinking about what you want the education to look like in the new building based on the limitations that you have now um and then we have a responsibility to you know to share that with with you and and and get your feedback on that so in regards to the discussion that talked about bringing fifth grade back um is there perhaps maybe an additional column that may or may not be included that says okay if this is now you know these grades with this additional one um you know a well there is that that language in there if considering grade reconfiguration which like you can almost just defer back to we're going to you know do an enrollment study and I don't know if there's programming elements of fifth grade that sixth grade that you wouldn't you might need that you didn't need if it wasn't included yeah I have a question on the section four talks about indicate whether the district has to determined whether or not an overrided de exclusion might be required for full Project funding do you know if as far as a feasibility study do they offer any like financial consulting as part of it or do they just kind of with the town because I know in other projects I'm on that was something that was in in the scope of the work that they give us some financial consulting too and and look at or that something that we're just going to do all kind of in house um when I when I went through this um the last time um most of most of it was done by um you know the city council the mayor the treasure you know was done by City Hall okay um but you know that's question yeah looking forward just I got to work with msba on the BP part just getting it onto the ballot and I just know they they were such professionals and I figur they there might be some resources out there to what similar economic towns of similar economic status do and you know I know there's so many with similar constraints you know yeah but I also know there very limited options anyways there's only so many things we can consider for funding um the one you know I I enjoyed working with the msba the um the one thing that I will say is that um you know their resources and when I say their resources I'm talking about like Staffing Resources only go so far so a lot of a lot of what they'll do is they'll they will they'll say Hey you know um Whitman Hansen did a project and they built a middle school in Whitman back in 2012 you know why don't you talk to the folks in Whitman and see you know um how they approached it um and and I noticed they tread very lightly in terms of like you know I I think they want to try to protect themselves in terms of you know like they give you advice and you take it and it doesn't work and then you're you know then then you're pointing the finger back at that yeah yeah so and I will say depending on what you know if you build new versus existing sometimes it's it may think like it's logically less expensive to do a renovation it's often more expensive to do a renovation um and the detailing that is used I'm really familiar with the Middle School in Norton and some of the round brick columns and things like that are a lot of FL that added an awful lot to construction costs that were unnecessary um you know could have been done spent more that's a big part of it you know staying with realizing where we are and make sure we're meeting our needs well that's why I guess you know choosing who is going to help lead this this committee with design decisions you know hopefully that's someone that is listening to because some of that detailing for the middle school was someone wet dream and it really didn't hold up well and you know they had a lot of issues construction yeah I will tell you that the um the thank you the process to vet the owner's project manager is something that is um it's pretty intense you know and and the design firm that was at msba that you're part of that group it was pretty intense are those things that we do as a committee as a whole or do we break down into a subcommittee it's it's us as a committee okay so they'll they'll come in and um the opms will will'll have a schedule so you know one OPM will come in at 4:30 another one will come in at 5:15 you know and we keep them on a pretty tight schedule and um they you know they do this pretty regularly so I mean they will come in with binders that are you know like this um and once once we know who is um you know going to be coming for us um you know we can start doing some of our own homework too and you know finding out other projects that they're working on and really absolutely Y and to the earlier point about on whether a dead exclusion would be necessary and helping them figure that out the town does engage a financial advisor uh we work with your bank fiscal advisory services and they could provide some sample uh Bond schedules we can see what payments would look like and then we could work with the town accountants office to see you know relative to our Levy capacity to help us figure out whether debt exclusion would be necessary or what might be necessary to make the proposals work thank you awesome Somerset they built a new school and they paid said 81 to 86 million and that was for 124,000 square ft their High School the new one yes yes next year that was with grants I'm sorry was more with grants it was 86 million so um I mean those are the those are the artifacts that um I have for you for today we do have a sheet going around where we're U trying to make sure that we get um cell phone numbers for folks if um for some reason you know Town Hall's shut down for whatever reason um I'd like to talk about uh trying to get a a fairly regular schedule for meetings uh I think at this point um if we can schedule for maybe July August and September maybe when we get to the August meeting um we could uh then start to look at what work we have ahead of us and whether we need to start meeting like twice a month instead of once a month uh but we definitely you know um principal Lima and I definitely want to present the epq to you um before we have to submit it at the end of July um that was going to kind of be my next question do we have a like a a rough guideline of like Milestone dates like this is what is expected of us we do um I didn't I didn't put that into the folder yet um I have to dig it up but uh I will make sure that that ends up in the folder too um I'll try to even get that in there before I share the folder with everybody so that it's a little little bit more comprehensive [Music] um uh School committees Tuesdays I know Selectmen Wednesdays even though we don't necessarily meet school committee um consistently I I didn't know if Mondays tended to be suitable for folks um I was gonna I was gonna and not you know listen not everybody's gonna be able to make every single meeting it's just that is the way it's the way that it is but um I was hoping that we could maybe have um a meeting on Monday the 22nd of July same time if if town hall is available what is the there is another committee that does that I am a member of that meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 6 PM um it's actually the the meeting is scheduled right at the end of this one actually right so depending on the time that we were able to schedule that would be fine but um I know I do a preexisting commission commitment at six o'cl that's why we went with that's that's why Mr Mullen suggest said we go with 4:30 yeah if we're going to stay with the 4:30 timeline that be do you want me to help out as the secretary in like line because I talk to Leanne every that'd be great other day if not every day so I can kind of work on schedule you know make sure the room's scheduled get the zoom set up that would be fantastic um are we gonna do you want to include the zoom as part of the following agenda so if somebody like say if there is somebody that wants to participate from the committee remotely yeah we'll do that too I can have her set up somewhat recurring that'd be great and are the meeting agendas going to be posted on the district website or will they be posted in each of the towns the district um we can I think we should spread the wealth as much as we can we we we ran out of time on this particular agenda um and my secretary Michelle and I were scrambling and it it slipped my mind that town hall was closed on Friday so going forward um we'll have it posted the same way that we post our um school committee agendas okay perfect because when I was I was reading through the um open meeting while questionnaire little guide with the uh division open government publishes and one of the options for Regional School bodies is that as long as the district's website gives clear instructions on how to locate the agendas that they can be just posted centrally there and they don't have to be physically posted which yep you know overp posting is probably better right know the interest of transparency but um if we wanted to kind of adopt that as as at least a fail safe that way just in case there's ever know building closures or anything um there' be know only one place that it has to be posted rather than uh trying to coordinate across couple that might be might be easier to have in our back pocket anyway okay that's how the district currently does it what bill is this a is this a dayon appointed committee not a school district committee correct the the Selectmen had to the the school committee sanctioned the process but the Selectmen um the approve it should did I categorize that correctly okay I think so so um even though the 22nd is actually the fourth Monday in July I was going to propose the 19th of August and the 16th of September and I'll put the up when I share the folder out with everybody I'll um do calendar invitations for for those dates oh I I apologize for the clarification I actually have AE pres schedule vacation that week so I'll actually be out of town that week of the 22nd sorry yeah once we get to September I can't before five okay the um the 19th of August family visiting from Seattle we will not so I won't be able to attend that okay I have a question on just public Outreach which we kind of talked about a little bit yeah I don't know if you would be willing or Kevin but it'd be nice if both the select committee and the school committee if we had like an announcement but it was the same like consistent just so that the Public's hearing the same thing from both committees that this exists and we are working on this you know because I I would like to be say at the end of this that we have been advertising it across multiple platforms and I appreciate the website that would be real nice putting it on your website what we do and linking it to the town because I think those things are so important so want do you want me to draft something it'd be nice if it just came from one person and it went to both committees so if you or Kevin or you know whoever that would be nice if we could just get it on announcements I don't know if the school committee is willing to read you guys read announcements too we have chair reports have chair reports okay yeah that would be nice just to have something consistent and Mark if there's any documentation you like displayed at the payment counter the tech collector window I'd be happy to put something up there as well oh awesome yeah that sounds good but so to go back to your point you said starting in sep September um you can't meet until five after five after five okay um can you do five I can do five okay all right um you know for this one I I I booked the hour and a half just because of the fact that you know I I wanted to have some cushion in terms of you know setting up the room and making sure that the zoom was set up and everything like that I didn't necessarily think that we needed all 90 minutes but um you know I I think in my opinion 4:30 for the next one considering that we've got that epq uh submission I think would be would would be worth it but then I think as we start getting into those later meetings we can we can aim for a five o'clock start and we should be able to yeah until you get we get to like project manager interviews we shouldn't have too much extensive discussion right yeah I mean I remember I remember doing those on a Saturday one time you know the we didn't we didn't do we did the um the opms at a regularly scheduled SBC meeting but then the um the architect designer and the construction company we did those on Saturdays because those were more um those were more elaborate presentations so but we can we can make those decisions you know as we get as we get closer to that all right so the 22nd is definite right 4:30 July 22 July 22 august 19 and we're gonna aim for September 16th but we're gonna have started at five what I'll do is I'll set up like not a recurring Zoom but a consistent Zoom link ID and password so that whenever we meet it's always the same um I just won't have lean nail it down to a date that way want to be flexible we can just keep reutilizing that um and then I'll just put I'll have her put those dates for now on the book so we have the space and if we need to adjust we can usually as long as you get two weeks out and we know most of the especially for this room we know all the to the Committees and commissions that use it so yeah unless there's like an odd one off we should be fine Mr chairman would you like a motion the next meeting I would I like to propose a motion to schedule the next meeting committee for Monday July 22nd 4:30 p.m. second okay we have a motion and a second any discussion for July 22nd 4:30 pm at Oldtown Hall hear none all those in favor say I I oose carries right any any new business for the good of the order there motion to adjourn motion to adjourn right we have a motion in a second we have another second any discussion wait all those in favor thank you very much everybody