##VIDEO ID:a8rm3lcpZeo## at six oh tamy what remote Tammy I don't know is she getting there I don't know if she is or not you ready okay we're beginning the uh Board of Health special meeting there's September 19th 2024 4:30 p.m. this is also remote participation Zoom meeting it is a public meeting being coted for cable broadcast also I'd like to call to order the meeting I said at 4:31 right now and we'll have the Pledge of Allegiance please Cong to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all we'll discuss old business for us uh review discuss act approve edits to health agent checklist food identification allergy items we are going to add do you have the form in front of you okay uh basically we are crossing off the temporary notification at the top and also person in charge we're going to add we like to add s safe manager number and allergen awareness number where are you there I just we had added that right on right here oh okay you're adding that right there yeah g to add it right there that's why I mentioned that about adding that okay and this is basically just a checklist when a very important checklist when we do food establishment inspections I would like to note that because Miss Tammy mow is not with us today I believe Utah she's in Utah got a plane got an early plane back so she couldn't make the zoom either and um I will be stepping down to vote so we'd have a majority vote on these things okay okay I'll just mention it at the beginning so I don't have to do it every single time any questions on this no it's basically straightforward we didn't make any major adjustments it's been the form that we've been using the Health Inspectors yeah okay could I have a motion to have a motion motion a motion motion to approve yeah motion to approve okay I second that we had a little discussion could I have a vote please I I motion carries to approve edits to health agent checklist old business 3B and Char's license test questions approval what this could I have a motion to talk about it motion to rev and I'll second that um basically in the past what dayon has done to give out a permit to install septic systems is they're requiring licensing current licensing from at least two other towns before they issue a permit but over the years more and more towns have gone a different way what they've done is have a testing pertaining mostly to um installing the plans and Title 5 regulations so I feel this is the way that dayon should go um I know in Taunton they also include um oh God I can't think of it another system also but we're not going to car we're not going to do that we're just going to do this one right here and it's right now we have 18 questions they will be interchangeable we don't want to give the same test to everybody that comes in to apply for a new this will only be for new the licenses that are out there they're fine it only be for new licenses for inspection but we will be changing the um questions because they actually a kind of some of them deal with Title Five regulations like what is the length of the septic tank Outlet T below flow line that's by regulation but then when you do what is the distance between the water table and the end of the pipe in the leashing trench water table is different with almost every single leeching field so that will be entirely different number so um that's why we're going to change them every time any discussion on that I know it's it's Greek I know it was Greek to me for a long time too believe me thank goodness I had I worked with great Engineers great engineers and they were only a phone call away so many times I'd say listen it's this and this and the difference on the bench in this so what do I have to set it at oh gosh so this document is to for permit it's yes you have to um to apply apply yes and I believe 80% we're going with 80% questions right 80% okay right so we could um fill pass at that amount okay and as I said it will only be for new inspectors permits not the ones that are they have them now and they just renew them every year can you clarify if the new inspector is someone who's never worked in town so anybody who I'm sorry yes someone that has never had a um had been issued a license has had a license and worked in D does not have to take the test pardon so somebody who has worked in D and does not have to take a test or is it every year they have to no no not every year as long as they have a installer's license right now this year when it comes up for Renewal they just have to renew it but if somebody comes in and says I've got a plan I'm been hired to do this leing field and then you say okay where's where's your permit where's your license that's when they have to take this test basically is to prove you know what you're doing even though they're licensed in other towns yes okay in other towns they can be licensed um dtan has a couple of different things that we may change pertaining to dton even though they go by Title Five regulations we can change a little thing here or there that we we would like and if they're familiar with other towns they wouldn't know these rules and regulations unless they read them you know they just committ and say well I didn't know I had to do that you rather inform them now than go out to inspect the field and all of a sudden they said I didn't know I had to do that well you didn't read the RS you should have read the RS then you would have known um it's just making it easy on everyone so we're all on the same page could I have a motion motion to approve I second that could I have a vote please I motion i m motion passes new business review discuss act on reimplantation of bond animal permits basically we're renewing the bond inspection and the permits because we've had problems quite a few actually um most of them about chickens going on neighbors property but then we find out the chickens if they're not cared for the right way they bring in rodents and the rodents then go on neighbors's property uh we're having a large incident of this in north titon and it's um I'm out there every weekend and two or three times a week talking to people finding out where they were dominantly coming from and because they had dropped previously the bond inspections we basically can't say well do you have your bond inspection and we just want to go out there in the bond inspection and see if there is a little problem or if there's something we can help them with if they're just leaving the bags of grain for the chickens in the bags not putting them in a medal container with a cover has to have a cover um this is the same as any garbage you may put out in a garbage pale has to have a cover is the health inspector involved okay that's why I'm always out there always out there I I I've met a lot of people lately a lot and they're great they are phenomenal they are really really great and um at least once a week we get a complaint about oh I saw a rat in my backyard where's it coming from or I've noticed a hole under my shed or under my garage and I go out there and look at them and say yep um had one very nice lady she had a number I mean a number of huge bird fetus and was complaining about all the local animals raccoons and squirrels and possums were all coming out and skunks coming out and they were hitting her backyard and she couldn't figure out why I said well it's all your beautiful bird feetus and you don't understand but that she say well look at the raccoons up on the roof of my house I'm like well okay so the birds go fill their mouths up fly away and some drops off and if your house is under them the seeds go up there and the raccoons can smell and they don't want to be around people so they'd rather be high than low so they're up there she say oh I didn't think of that you know it's beautiful seabirds and it's nice to feed them I would mainly do it in the winter that's when they really need our help but to do it year round you're only causing problems coming over to your backyard and you don't realize it you don't realize it and they this was in North dton that they had couple of nice raccoons climbing on their roof very nice neighborhood choose but and that's what we're here for if you have problems you don't know what to do you'd like some advice call us we're not here to upset anybody or give you fines we're here to advise that's all just to advise the best we can so I would like a motion on the reimplementing of the bond animal permits motion to approve I second that could I have a vote on this please I in motion passes to reimplement bond animal permits what would be the cost what was the cost the last time we were doing it wasn't very high $25 yeah was it 25 which could always be it's basically just to cover having someone going out and checking that's basically what it is yeah but at that rate it won't even cover a health inspected well if they do a few of them the same time we can squeeze it in it doesn't take very long to walk around it really doesn't yeah $25 I don't think would raise a Ruckus 50 might especially wouldn't raise a rck if your neighbor has the bond that's right that the rats hiding under it would definitely not cause problem oh because it just don't make a good neighborhood you know neighbors because now they're arguing right and and this is a big thing that people have been telling me that one's causing it or this one's causing it or the one up the road's causing it and it's just not a great and as long as it's as long as they're told it's like this is not to make money it's no oh no this is not make money not at all not at all Perfection and I mean um you know there have been pot belly pigs there have been goats at one time there was a bull in North Dien um so it's it's not like we want to deprive anybody we just want to make sure that for the whole of the neighborhood the people are aware of the right ways to take care of them even take taking care of them I mean they mostly do but to take care of the food and what the food can do especially with the rodents it's is there some uh document that can be handed out to them so that they be made aware this is what this is what we're working on right now should not put out yeah no we're working on that right now actually I just did pull something off and I'm G to have to mail out something to the current this they took away the BN permit just last year so I do have a list of the previous Barn owners so I will have to mail out notices to them to tell them that we're reinstating the barn so starting in 2025 they're going to have to come in and get a permit so it just be mailing fees at first and the ad commission will be forming a new ad commission we expect them to come up with rules regulation um for chickens for goats and for a lot of other animals which we need we Have No Boundaries on some of these things and it's kind of hard to go out and enforce people and a lot of our residents think that those really cute little signs when you come into Dinan and it says right to farm that means they can have their chickens and they can run free and they can do everything they want that's in incorrect if you look at the bylaw and read it it says commercial Farmers have the right to farm so in other words if you are claiming your chickens and your ducks and everything else on your tax return you are commercial other than that it's you have pets and we we believe you know have those that's they fine and it's great to have fresh eggs and it and I talk to my little chicken so but um I we don't want to deprive anybody but just remember you live in a neighborhood you have neighbors everybody has to live together we don't have a choice I think that the letter is great Liz I but also with an explanation as to why exactly because that other because again you don't want to upset anybody it's like explain these are the reasons why it's not a money-making thing it just covers the the doesn't even cover the cost really no basically yeah think I can type up the letter and bring it to the next meeting and you guys can vote on that yes that would be great and then we could add it or add to it or take away from it you know I think it it's it's one of those things like as long as you explain these are the reasons why there are some people that are still going to get upset about it no matter what it doesn't matter if $5 they you know but if you explain this these are the reasons why this is the implementation it's it's not a fine it's not trying to make money it's just covering the costs then because of XYZ reasons and if you lay that out if you lay that out for them hopefully you get you know you get a minimal uh you know return of people that would be like I'm not going to pay that type of thing and um I came across um more than a couple of residents of North dyon pointed towards Boston sash which is a company out that way and I went through that with a fine tooth comb there's no rodents in Boston sash but to appease me they went out and spent money for the little feeders little black ones that nothing get into except the rodents and um mow down trim down around the high grass around their building and nothing there's nothing there but the neighbors were all you know oh it's it's it's was sash it's the factory and it wasn't it wasn't so um but they did say yeah we'll do anything you want us to do we we we're going for it you know and it's good and I've been working with a couple houses up there and um we've noticed a change a big change in the decrease but it only takes one rodent and I think it's every 20 days they can have babies I'm not positive to be honest with you but I know it's pretty quick yeah and it just if you see one you know there's going to be 100 let's put it that way and um I just wish I don't wish I would like anybody that does have a problem with rodents or seize them call the board of help and Elizabeth would be glad to write down your information and then we'll run out and have a little meeting with you and see what we can do to help okie dokie what's the next one here okay 4 d review discuss act temporary food permit prated fees well we've come across a little I wouldn't say problem but a little discussion where there is some food vendors that come they have their trucks or the trailers or whatever and they're doing the fall events out here and instead of them paying the full price 125 is it for Mobile Food Truck Yeah 125 we're thinking of dropping it down to 75 because at this time of year mostly it'll be a one event thing where if they got it towards the spring they would have all season to use that permit so that's why when I had my food trailer there were quite a few towns that I went to that did this and I appreciated it because at this point you really don't have five or six different events to go to and make your money back so we had thought that we would drop it down to September 1st after September 1st if you you haven't had a permit indicted this year then it would be $75 for the remaining of the year that's more than fa until January 1st more than fair I have a motion on that motion to approve and I second that could I have a vote on it please I I also in motion par passes temporary food permit per raid fee will be $75 as of September 1st of each year until January 1st actually bar temporary food permit that shouldn't be temporary food permit that should be the food permit should I say temporary oh I'm sorry it was right here yeah I'm thinking about a temporary food no no it's the food permit I'm sorry permit that's good catch yeah wait a minute that's why she's here you know me all the time I don't have a chance you know why it was because the last meeting we voted to remove the six-month extension so a temporary food permit was $75 but it was good for six months and then we got an application and she's like well I can't use it for the next six months so can you just prade it exactly but we got rid of the six months so now it only this will only apply to new new like food vendors food trucks uh food permits like um kitchens and stuff like that residential kitchens like somebody who's starting halfway through the year Well three quarters yeah close to I don't know that's that's that's a good idea yeah it gives them a break gives them an incentive and um we're sorry to keep changing things but we're trying to better everything and going by trial and error and these things are coming in and we're thinking about them really a lot there's a lot of going on behind the scenes here okay 4 e that's been crossed off that's a and 4 f review discuss act pH Grant meeting notice that's the email from Nicole she said to add it to our October meeting but I saw her email she say deadline of October 31st has been set right I wanted to get it in now we wait till our October meeting we meet the third week in October I thought that was kind of close I said I don't want to cut it that close let's talk about it now pH what is what is pH actually it's what did I do with that Northern Bristol County Public Health Alliance okay which is a combination of towns that have grouped together and um mostly it's under Public Health which says right in it we grew together and um we share quite a few things coming in I think basically it was a lot to do with Co when we were switching back and forth and helping one another out and they found if we could all get together we would help one another I would read I'm going to read about what it says it's about Northern Bristol County Public Health Alliance is a regional resource created to enhance the public health offerings of its member communities and deliver efficient effective and Equitable Public Health Services to its 164,000 residents the member communities are adbor Berkeley dayon rehobath Taunton and north adbor um we have a zoom meeting every two weeks and we have Representatives the nursing and also another member of the town is able so it's two people per Town um and we're right now in process of hiring some individuals that when needed could I believe one's in I'm not sure and um whichever Town needs them they can more or less hire them borrow them an emergency effect if if if our person isn't able to be here they can come in and help out um and that's the hiring process they're going through now uh We've saved quite a bit of money uh they've given us it was the um epinephrine that's coming through too the up and eing shots if we need it and then it was the they gave us iPad they gave us the iPads pencil they gave us it's something so we communicate all together and be on the same page what's the other one they have for overdoses the opioid that's an opioid I don't know if that's part of us I don't know yeah we're going to get more but they help us out they have um a lot of webinars coming through and um I'll read we just got to figure out so who's going to be signing the agreement and you should probably get what the agreement is well that's coming in the next meeting I believe okay so we'll find out more about it actually I was going to call the leader Megan and ask her about it um but this letter is from the northern Bristol County Public Health Alliance it says I wanted to make the department aware of the following after today's meeting a deadline of October 31st has been set for the signing of the agreement between all the communities involved in this grant there have been some changes with Berkeley taking over the fiscal responsibility for the employees that would be hired it would be my suggestion that the Board of Health add to add this as an agenda item for the October meeting which we're beating them to the punch it's September and we're doing it now and I will do the same on my end with the board of Selectmen Megan will send us the draft as soon as POS it's available the other item was that there is still oh an I sorry that's been taken care of that's been taken care of thank you Nicole Melo um and I don't know how many are aware Nicole Melo is one of our selectman but she was also in Nur with the board of help so she's still helping us out back here I don't think we need to act on anything I think we just need to wait till we get more information yes yes um you said there's a draft coming right yes it will be coming um they're working on it NCO just wanted to give us a head up okay so I Mo oh could you motion that we wait on the draft and talk about our next meeting y uh motion to motion to wait uh for approval and draft till next meeting I second that could we have a vote I I motion passes I don't think there's any public input tonight unless you'd like to add something [Laughter] Liz um oh approval of minutes did you read the minutes did you have a chance to um yes I did from the last meeting um I did review that yes okay so let's do with the August 20th 2024 regular meeting uh let me make sure I have the right one in front of me it would be a oh I'm sorry no these are these are from the last this is from the last last meeting yeah it should be there yeah y could I have a motion on August 20th regular meeting motion to approve I second that could I have a vote I I and motion passes September 5th 2024 special meeting motion to approve I second that could we vote I I motion passes anything else to add anything you'd like to say tonight no um it was um like I said I I was looking over like the the the budget numbers but I had I had a corporate hat on not thinking um you know Politics as as well not only politics there are a lot of variables yeah it's it it's it took me a while it took me a while to re honestly um to get used to it and they used to tell me you know it's different it's different here it's different here and there's a lot to it that plays into the budget it's not so simple the budget is done every fiscal year so if we run low in some buckets we go back in on some more if we have some left over in some buckets that's when they cut yes mhm so every year that's the big book they put out every year is that that where that comes from part of it well that's the the yearly meeting the yearly meeting so like where I was going like with the emails going back and forth and and again not be beat it to death but no you know when i' see like a budget number for like it's $153,000 for like transfer station and it's one line item to me that's like no what's you know what's the break what's the Hazardous Waste what's the cost to remove this what's the cost for a person to be there what's the cost you know on and on there should be a whole breakdown and then line item until you said no that has nothing to do with it that that's okay but that's where I was going with it was that I think you know what I when I I see a budget I you know one line item with a large number is immediate red flag to me it's like I want to I want to see the whole breakdown like where where is where is all that bucket of money going from how much do we have access to right how much have we used and where is it coming from you know is it coming from taxes is it allocated by the by the selectman um you know is is it is there a budget committee etc etc that that's where I was going with it right that was my whole corporate hat that that I had put on because that's those are things I would have to do when my previous job those are the numbers I have to present you know so I think I have a better grasp on it now they have a finance committee they have other subcommittees that pertain to Board of Health like Solid Waste stor water used to be part of the Board of Health um so I would suggest sitting with Serena I was just gonna say that Serena Yes Yes mine think the same here what committee is she on say Town accountant very knowledgeable CA yep she will tell you everything you need to know she's a numbers girl so she'll okay yeah she's she yeah she's got a photographic memory no and it is very complicated it really really is oh I'm sure I'm sure it is but like I said those were that's why I was questioning you because those are like immediate red red flags to me but you know understanding you know the you know it's Town politics etc etc right so uh but still is where the other part that I was going at was when I had asked about like education and I took the two certificate programs and the others are cost yeah and then Liz was like we don't have any money okay why don't we have any money you know because you know why don't we have the money because we're supposed we're supposed to take these certification courses so that we can do this job right right you say hold on we don't have the money well you know I'm I'm a Salesman there's no such thing as no it's like okay where can we get the money from could we pull it from somewhere else is there an education bucket that we could take some some money else not a lot of money some of the courses May be400 or $500 but some of them were only like $190 I think something like that and they weren't like all day even um you know that only that helps the town too with our education and maybe that leads also to to other things that we talked about like grants and things like that and other monies that we could get that we could pull into the town right right so you know that's where I that's where I was heading with it you know jumping like 10 steps ahead right that's the engineering me sorry but um you know rather than start at start at the beginning so maybe I'll do that I'll contact have you looked at the train training train training I have to email it to you it's widespread it's about housing it's about health and they're free you don't pay for them and it's they're phenomenal phenomenal I've started doing them and there are like 20 of them yeah I would I would like to see that that would be good yeah that would be great give me more more education and uh and then I hope you come to the mental um posium we're having but it's all day like I said it's eight hours it's right up at Francis f you have to see what day it is and what time um definitely come to Monday solid waste because I don't fill you in oh yes I'll come to the Monday Monday Solid Waste I'll be here I'll definely I'll definitely come to that and see what's going on there's a lot going on that because you saw the numbers yeah the numbers were big real big real big um What's the total of everything $783,000 so there you go and that from what I understand what I've been told is pretty good deal it is it is contract ends with GES next year we might be in some trouble that's and and going back again not not again when I saw I see the number $783,000 in five line items that doesn't cut any ice with me you know I mean not you know I'm not overseeing it or anything but I'm like that's fixed bill it's almost a million dollars well you know some some weeks it's heavier than others that's why we're trying to get the food out of there that's the cboard out of there we're trying to get all that with we want to contract with board just pretty much stays the same yeah the only thing that fluctuates with him is gas prices the contract we have with Kanto which is where we dispose of it fluctuates because it depends on weight so sometimes it'll be an 11,000 Bill sometimes it will be $13,000 does it does it go does it go to bid every year or is it locked in with bers for like a period of time three years three years that's fair but they've been upcharging them at the other end too that price has gone out was it 2,000 last month in total it went up 6,000 and we didn't get an increment of 6,000 in our budget so come the end of the year we're going to be short $6,000 on trash you know that's why we have to watch our budget like so closely it it's it's crazy the cost to get rid of it just keeps going up sure that's why we're trying to to find ways to keep articles out of disposing we don't want it to go there um that's why we're talking about the swap shed now people throw things away they just throw it in their garbage they throw it in the dumpster and we have to pay to get rid of it so we're thinking okay well maybe somebody else could use that if it's good so we're in process of using some of our grant money that we have coming in um for a swap shed mhm and that should run pretty good I hope we can or you know you donate to like a Goodwill or something like that maybe yeah yeah we've got different things there now um you know they'd even come and pick it up but so if you had that's I'm sorry that's know if they had if you had a swap shed and then you didn't get rid of it you call Goodwill they C through they pick it up exactly away exactly right you know and that's what we've got to work on we've been trying for a few years to get the swap shed but now um we've got enough points built up like I was telling you about the point system that the state gives us that they will give give us a certain amount of money we can use it towards that or we could use it for a compressor to compress cardboard which doesn't sound like a lot but if you look up and down the streets on collection day before Christmas there a lot of cardboard out there every week I go by and I'm mystified I'm like look at a Cobo they won't buy it they won't buy it unless it's compressed they just throw it in the dumpster and we pay for it to get rid of it so if we can get the compression machine compress it and then we'll have a way to sell it and not make a lot it's not a lot but from what I've been told it will pay for the compression machine uh in two years that was going to be my question what's the what's the um what's the AR what's the return on investment if you purchase them if you purchase that machine and then in two years you you get your money back that's good it it's very good very good return because I know when I was in business it was seven years through it out so uh that that was the name of the game yeah buying equipment you know that's good so the four o'clock meeting is here with the building with a it's building right it's a building or no no um Solid Waste solid Solid Waste good group of people very good group of people Monday day is the mental health was it um it's October 1st October 1st yes October 1st 8 in the morning long day 8 to 4: we're going to need mental health after that very good but no it's um I've been going through and I found some really really good online classes that we can take and upgrade yeah some those if you could send those to me I will definitely definitely I'll look those over yeah because it's something that we need to do we never so I didn't mean to be a pain with the you weren with the I'd love to see that you i' love to see I know yeah yeah of eyes on is always a good thing maybe try to do your job that we don't see you're you're new and hopefully you know yeah I just was you know I want to I want to know what if someone in the town says what's your budget I don't know it's true it's true and and then you'll be a part of doing our budget yeah so that's fun actually I never have um just happened last time I was here the agent and the uh secretary office manager they basically did it and they explained it to me and that was that I I had no clue no clue um I didn't have a budget running businesses it's not not those type of businesses farming you never know what you're going to make and snow and ice you never know when it's going to snow so um it's kind of hard to get a budget it was just like don't spend your money foolishly you've got a lot of bills coming in that you don't know about yet um okay so I guess that's let me see that is it can I have a motion to adjourn this evening motion to adjourn oh wait a minute oops wait a minute I just thought excuse me strike that strike that let's get a date for our next meeting Liz it would be the 3 Tuesday I can't operate without her what was it oober 15th 15th 15 okay can I have a motion to save October 15th for next meeting motion for October 15 for next meeting I second it can I have a vote I I motion passes October 15th we come back here again God fooing us okay now can I have a motion to adjourn motion to ajour I second that me I have a vote hi hi good night everybody motion passes good night everyone see you on October 15th very hey thank you