e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mr yes sir all okay well thank you for attending this evening we just returned from executive session and we're going right into the Open Session uh next thing on the agenda is appointments uh so we're going to re uh appoint Paul Reynolds uh Town treasur collector uh we're going to review disc discuss an act uh and then we're going to take something out of order because Mr Reynolds is here and um there's no reason really for him to spend the all night under new business we're going to take the the the letter G uh in uh in place of um I mean second to review discuss and act on the uh the the treasure collector motion to take our um new business G conservation ethics disclosures out of order in place after um Paul Reynolds treasur collector appointment I'll second that motion made seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I Mr Reynolds hi good evening nice to see you again you as well thank you very much thank you for the opportunity to be here tonight um would you like me to start with the first item the senior and disabled voluntary tax contribution form yes please absolutely so um under Mass General law we are able to um with the approval of the selectman to distribute um non-political Municipal information along with the tax bills and at a previous town meeting the town adopted the um adopted a resolution to um include our donation form for the voluntary senior and disabled voluntary tax contribution assistance fund so we have um formed a committee recently to administer that fund um comprised of myself chairman of the board of assessors and three at large uh members from the community and um the committee has been going very well we have been um sampling guidelines from other communities in terms of timeline award amounts deliberation process uh factors for consideration and um while a lot of it is still a work in progress we have decided that we wish to have the application period for those who are seeking Aid to apply during the exemption window for assessing which occurs up until febru uh April 1st and so what we would like to do is the assessors can accept exemption applications up until April 1st it doesn't necessarily have to begin January 1st but what we settled on just to kind of uh to have some consistency what we would like to do is to review applications for assistance between from January 1st until April 1st and while we plan over time to build out a town web page and uh develop some more information that we would like to share with the public on how they can access those resources in the meantime what we would like to do tonight is uh request permission from the board to Simply edit the form that we distribute with the tax bills the voluntary contribution assistance form we would just like to do a marginal edit on there to put please see the um the assessing office for applications between January 1st and April 1st that way um really if we were able to get the approval this evening that would allow us to go live in time for the preliminary bills I regret to inform the residents of dyon that I was able to successfully generate the preliminary billing files today so the tax bills are ready to go out on time um I haven't sent them to the printer yet because I wanted to wait for this evening because um if we are if the if the board concurs and is able to um entertain a motion to allow us to edit the insert just to put the application window date of January 1st to April 1st on there I'll be able to amend that application and get it sent over to the printer um to go out before the deadline of the end of the month okay so you're the most hated person this week yes oh yeah okay um I have no concerns I think it's a great idea we've talked about this many times and if it's just a matter of of an uh Amendment to the the the notice I have no issues with that Nicole no I have no issues over time in the future as we build a website and things I think the most important mailing to get it in will be the actual billing which goes out at the end of December because that will be landing in people's mailbox right during that application period y so at that time we may approach for a future Amendment just to include something like like the town web page or things like that as we really start to um develop this idea we might put a link to the town's web page or something like that but just in for the sake of U you know generating some Buzz making people aware that this exists making people aware that that they can access these resources we're hoping that the earlier we can reach people that this is going to encourage more contribution so we figure that if we can raise awareness we might um induce more people to donate so that's why we wanted to be as proactive as possible and um just get get at Le at least the uh application window and a mention about it on the uh on the header sure okay um so is there a motion on the floor to accept this uh modification to the uh notice uh motion to accept a modification to the senior and disabled voluntary tax contribution form I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I thank you very much great that's one thing down uh now the building committee uh obviously we've talked about this before and you're going to be appointed to the building committee yes Absol I'd be very happy to um I I have read through um some of the guidelines regarding the uh the MSB a and what they're looking for and um I look forward to having the opportunity to continue to uh familiarize myself with the requirements and meaningfully contribute to the committee and um I'm very excited about the project I've got know one child in elementary school currently and I've got two going into kindergarten next year and um I'm looking to um really looking forward to um to a productive productive uh committee okay great uh any questions I'm glad you're excited about it I'm excited to see you on it as well is there too much on your plate I know you're on a lot of boards and committees no this one is personal okay perfect thank you thank you Nicole do you have any no okay great so there a motion on the floor to appoint Paul to the elementary school building committee I'd like to make a motion to appoint Paul Reynolds to the elementary school building committee I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I and then we're going to jump to G uh conservation ethics disclosures yes so I had the audacity of being in a butter to a parcel that is uh coming before the Conservation Commission and um so normally so under Mass General Law chapter 268a all which is the conflict of interest law all abutters to any any parcel are considered to have what I was informed by the ethics commission attorney of the day is considered an intrinsic financial interest in what takes place in a budding Parcels just as a just as an easy example if somebody wished to buy a parcel of land next to your house put a toxic waste dump there it would be reasonable to have concerns about your property value right so that's kind of the um that's kind of the the logic that plays into the belief that that anything if you were in a butter you were considered to have a financial conflict of interest so normally this would be very simple solution where I would just recuse myself and I would not participate in the vote in any way um however in this instance it occurred that three out of the five Commissioners have happen to also be a Butters um so at our last meeting we were unable to open the hearing for this project and um this is a fairly routine utility uh you know utility line maintenance project and given the fact that it's a utility line which utility lines have a tendency to stretch all throughout town so um being in a butter is Not Unusual to this since it's a fairly fairly wide reaching project um so normally I would just recuse myself however in this instance we wouldn't have a quorum if everybody who is in a butter were to recuse themsel so um so we are seeking the um the ability to be granted a waiver in order to participate so the form that I filled out is a section 19 disclosure the Disclosure by non-elected Municipal Employee of financial interest and determination by appointing authority form um I filled this form in particular out at the recommendation of the ethics commission attorney of the day because I called for guidance and just as a as a free plug for the ethics commission for any um any officials who are watching they're a very very helpful and easy to work with agency so if you ever have any questions you can call in and troubleshoot situations or get your questions answered um they have an attorney of the day program a lawyer can call you back in the exact same business day and um I've I've used them multiple times I've found them to be very very helpful to deal with so if anybody ever ever has a question it never hurts to ask uh you know an ounce of preventions worth a pound of cure and um so we have filled this out for this evening and what we were able to do we were not able to open the public hearing for the um for this which was unfortunate for the applicant because they are paying their representative to be there uh what we were able to do at at our Hearing in order to um in order to try to find a practical work around was since we were not able to open the public hearing at our previous meeting instead we took public input out of order and then allowed the engineer to speak during the public input portion but they'll have to restate everything for the record once the public hearing is officially opened um but just at least for the sake of allowing them to convey some of the information that they paid to have conveyed that was the kind of our temporary stop Gap and um so we have filled this form out um I don't know if you had any questions about the form or if there is any um anything that I could explain or any questions you might have I don't have any concerns uh I'm glad that you came forward and um the gole so all all the four of these individuals are Butters to the same parcel is that correct okay I was like what's the chances um sorry I didn't know you were on the all right thank you okay I worked for vhp in 2013 temporarily for a few months um and I just wanted to be cautious and disclose it but I um don't have any perspective work ahead of me with them don't plan to work with them in the future and um know that I can you know make an unbiased decision of you know can fulfill my my duties in reviewing it so all right and for my understanding um not every conflicted person may necessarily be in a butter to the same parcel because this actually this project is for transmission lines and asset conditioning refurbishment and the transmission line runs from the dayon Berkeley Town Line over to the Titan Swansea Town Line and so the way that it bisects the town it kind of hits an awful lot of hous that's what I I just noticed yeah is Jack Crawford oh hi Jack I'm sorry Paul at one time oh sure thank you thank you thanks Paul thank you um actually John H everybody calls me Jack okay my sister has a pastle that's not even a director butter but that pel is in uh my late father's John F Crawford's realy trust which is hers okay so Crawford and Crawford um but uh Stone gate is a director butter and she's on the opposite side of that but excuse me it's what is it 300 ft I believe if there's a project you got to be notified so that's all that is I mean the pel itself has nothing to do with me okay just I'm a commissioner and sure great thank you for doing that going by so yep um that's why I fill the form out that's why you have it great idea thank you all right yes sir uh no questions for Mr Crawford uh Jason Le chance while not here tonight Mr chairman he is actually direct next door okay nice um this is a review discussion act uh do um we want to hold off on Jason lechance I don't I don't feel like we have to didn't have to be there or something right I don't think we need to hold off I we have all the documentation sure all right so is there a motion on the floor to um accept the conservation ethics disclosures uh motion to accept the conservation ethics disclosures for Lisa calonia Jack Crawford Jason lechance and Paul Reynolds into place on file I also like if I could just recommend like a friendly Amendment just so the board has the opportunity to actually uh to approve um what has been presented um in just so to include in the motion um and the board has determined that the financial interest is not so substantial as to be deemed likely to affect the Integrity of the service of the services which the municipality which the municipality may expect from the employee can that covers that would cover everything for each of those four individuals okay my motion to include the language the Town Administrator recommended okay motion made and seconded all any discussion all those in favor I I I great thank you uh thanks Paul I think your obligations here this evening are done thank you Paul you're all set thank you Lisa thank you Jack you can go if you want us if you want to stay uh okay that's why you're smiling so much right um but that's okay uh the next review discussion Act is to appoint Abel Mariano as consecu uh cons Conservation Commission associate member uh Abel how are you sir I'm very good uh quick question what's the job of an associate well I'm not sure I think the that I was given it's initially a fill member or M [Music] that special tasks add to the expse okay uh and why do you want to do it can you say at the podium oh do you mind just speaking into the podium because the microphone for cable sorry no you're fine I I'm reaching retirement age and uh I think it's about time I give something back okay cool you're not retirement age um is there a motion on the floor to uh a point I'm sorry are there any questions for I had one question um because your business it looks like your business is wetland restoration we yes we've done quite a bit of it would that have any kind of conflict with this kind of um commission I've I haven't done any work on wetlands and uh indicted okay ever okay that was my only question Mark do you have any concerns no uh I want to preface this by saying um we had another member apply uh a few weeks ago and we actually uh tabled the discussion uh appointment because one of the um goals at that time uh with the Town Administrator was to um organize the Committees that we have uh in deter determining who was on which committee the um openings that were on each committee as well as how many members were going to be on each committee uh so if now that the there's been being a change in Personnel I I no longer feel that that goal is going to be achieved so we have to continue uh as if that goal wasn't there uh so is there a motion on the floor to appoint Mr Mariano as Conservation Commission associate member I'd like to make a motion to appoint Abel Mariano as Conservation Commission associate member I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you sir thank you thank you very much Mr Hull how are you good evening good evening do you have some clarification on the associate member actually yes the associate member position is currently covered under a bylaw as it is currently written it can be up to five associate members M Caladonia is here Mr Crawford is here they can correct me if I am wrong there are I'm not I'm sorry I'm not a voting member though okay um there are under the bylaw the ability to have up to five associate members currently under the existing bylaw the associate members do not have a vote nor can they sit in for a regular member there has been some discussion about changing that bylaw but that bylaw there is a process as you're aware and that bylaw requires one to be voted by the board of Selectmen to place on the warrant and two as a bylaw to be voted by the residents at a town meeting whether that be a special meeting or a town the annual meeting currently that has that effort has been an early discussion but has not been implemented primary role and I'll speak about that shortly of the associate member is multi-purpose to help with some tasks but also to learn ever since my days and boy scouts I've had a deep appreciation for conservation that appreciation led to work on several habitat restoration projects and a storm water runoff project at Camp North and a very large project that I work worked on in adult as an adult in cooperation with the tarton Parn Recreation the sons of Italy and um Old Colony I'm sorry yes Old Colony Corrections um I'm sorry Cava Cava forestry Camp um and that was restoration of storm water runoff as well as rehab having an Amphitheater for the rise of development of dayon the need for vigilance and conservation planning is more important than ever as a member of the open space committee our goal is to develop a land trust in coordination with Conservation Trails CPC Parks and Recreation and the planning board and we've had early discussions about that and I might add that that movement was first proposed by planning board champ Mr cavalo um to preserve land for Passive Recreation as well as to M help maintain Dion's rural character I see my involvement with conservation as a way to coordinate and streamline communication and to help complete that goal of a uh Land Trust I see the role of the associate member of conservation as being multi-purpose three of the present members of the Conservation Commission got their start as associate members one was a teacher one a Salesman and one in finance all had a love for conservation as I do and all wanted to learn all they could as they worked to preserve Dion's habitat because of the intricacies of the Clean Water Act and the rules and regulations of the D and storm water that learning process is very important before an associate becomes a full member I might also add the process to become a full member of conservation requires a hearing process before the Conservation Commission and final approval and interviews by the board of Selectmen there is also a need for conservation to better inform the public about rules you know we talk about things such as vernal pools or one that's come up recently Wildlife migration Cara or we've had several residents that have no idea what no touch zone is and one of the roles that I would like to see us do as a community is work a better informing the public and one of the ways that we can do it is similar to what we did with ddic with the help of a conservation commissioner Mr Reynolds and his video programs that he puts on YouTube informing the public about ddic but we could do the same for conservation or also the same for storm water as a former selectman I am also aware that there is a need to improve communication between conservation building department Town administrators the board of Selectmen and developers I've already made those connections and my role as a selectman and I'd like to help conservation to enhance that Mrs calonia works I believe 25 hours a week she is straight out as are the Commissioners so any way we can be of any help and assistance to them I'm sure they would appreciate that help it's important to make the permitting process more clearer and more streamlined in closing I am aware that the Conservation Commission mission's five members and agent are overwhelmed with the amount of work and decisions that they have to make with the recent rise of development in town I feel that I could be of help to that Commission in lessening the load the current bylaw allows for up to five Associates and I am asking for your support to become one of those Associates there is currently one associate actually now two Associates on that board thank you uh Mr Hall you spreading yourself too thin all the the Conservation Commission meets once a month my role as an associate is not one where I am committed by a statute to any specific projects I can manage my time I think I've showed it as a selectman I'm certainly going to be a lot less busy than I was as a selectman um and I can pick and choose what projects that I will be working on okay thank you Nicole do you have any questions or concerns Mark do you I just have a general comment uh the board did receive correspondence from the Conservation Commission on um Mr Hull's interest and and the appointment and in the letter from the Conservation Commission that said there was no limit to associate members and then I hear tonight that there's five there's a limited five that's my understanding I might be incorrect that's why I asked but it was my understanding okay just whether there is or not just ACC it's tough we need accurate information whether it's from the board the Conservation Commission or there is I'm hearing two different things that's all okay right and I'm I'm told by Mr did it to actually away at the moment that we actually have no limit from what he understands um but I also wanted to correct Mr H in that now we only have one associate which is Mr Marian we don't have any other associates okay oh I believe this board did they it doesn't matter okay thank you okay thank you um all right is there a motion on the floor to appoint Mr H I'd like to make a motion to appoint Leonard Hull as Conservation Commission associate member is there a second as chair we all step down and second the motion um with an aster um we we can vote and um but I I don't know if at during San's reports if um there'll be any additional conversation um about Mr Hall um so so I is there a uh motion of the floor it's been seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I thank you very much thank you thank you very much thank you you okay uh talent for announcements the town Indian food bank will be held on June 15 2024 located at Town Hall 979 Somerset Avenue this is in the lower level please be advised that increases in the transportation sticker fee rate take effect on July 1st 2024 new fiscal year 2025 stickers are available for a cost of $30 which will be in effect from June July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025 residents who have purchased a calendar year 2024 sticker will be assessed in additional 15 for an updated fiscal year 2025 sticker for the use of the transfer station after July 1st 2024 a mailing will be going to current sticking holder sticker holders an additional Town Outreach is planned due to significant cost increase being occurred by the town the transportation will no longer accept Trail loads of truck loads of miscellaneous and debris as of and after July 1st 2024 there will be a blood drive sponsored by the dayon health department and police department on July 13th 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Town Hall 1111 Somerset have and board and committee vacancies the following boards and committees are looking for volunteers to fill their open vacancies the cable um committee has two Cemetary commission has three Commission on disability has two openings and open space has one thank you good job um we're gonna move right on to public input is there anybody here who wants to have public input um Karen can you do me a favor we have a three minute limit can you we have to adhere to that because of so can you time uh for us if you don't mind Mr Hull you got three minutes okay uh last evening just an update on the D Mob Regional school committee meeting special shout out to Melissa babby and the dayon PTO for their $112,000 gift to dayon Elementary and D middle school as presented last evening to the D reoboth Regional School Comm commit a gift for what to be used for extra programs special programs not instructional day-to-day classroom learning but the extra programs the after school programming that they do thank you congratulations to Leo Breman Who was appointed last evening as the school district's business manager the board of selectman will be working closely with him during the budget process Mr brim stated that he was looking forward to working with Dion's accountant Serena Emeral and just it was mentioned earlier uh Donna beros Elizabeth coer and myself were appointed as school department representatives to the dayon elementary school building committee the first meeting of the dayon building committee will be Monday June 24th at 4:30 p.m. at Old Town Hall thank you thank you thank you anybody else wish to be heard at this time we do have another public input coming up if you uh Bill Bill Moore 1835 Smith Street uh I see that we have our agenda that there's going to be a special town meeting uh in a very short order uh I would like a very clear explanation of why and uh what the the articles are for uh specifically the second one and uh who's responsible for this and who's paying for it that's thank you don't have to answer now it's going to come up so we can uh it's on the address it when uh it's on the agenda if you don't mind thank you all right thank you anyone else please yes good evening it's Dave Rosa from Lincoln Avenue I hope you can remember all the things I want to say in three minutes or less uh uh at the last town meeting our esteemed uh Town moderator quoted Lyndon Baines Johnson I would uh uh I would just request that he find a different president to quote I'll make that note um also just on conservation and Conservation Commission for a moment uh it you I have seen where it was good conservation was not practiced well from Alaska Ohio um in other places including my own property over in the town of Freetown so uh it can become computed and it can become difficult for abutters and Property Owners uh so my uh and I want to include in that a note with regard to Mr Hull who I've known for a little while and I I have to say that we have had uh significant differences of opinion but I do respect his corporate memory and uh I'm not sure that was is often weighed properly uh so uh I wish him well going forward whatever it may be and uh look forward to cooperating with him in the future so with that I'll uh conclude my remarks thank you thank you thank you anyone else yes sir good evening Tom guchi um 2086 Palmer Street I just wanted to um caution you that with all this talk of conservation and the various other committees that have been brought up like open space and uh you know some of these other ones there is an element in this town that wants to bring in the camel's nose Under the Tent and what they're looking to do is bring in something called cluster housing I know you're all familiar with what that is um this would certainly bring in an entire um mendicant class as somebody mentioned it's uh welfare tourists coming in from third world countries it could bring that in um it's going to ultimately change the character of this town forever so I would caution you against um falling for too much of this agenda a lot of it is being brought in through the mechanism of serid the uh Regional Development Authority who sent to us uh you know college kids who have no idea how to build wealth or anything about economic development but they have these Pie in the Sky theories um and lastly I just wanted to mention I got a flyer in the mail were you guys going to address that flyer at some point yes outstanding um because I was concerned and I have it on good authority that um your names were not attached to it and uh having spoken to you individually right your name I I didn't know if I heard you didn't give your approval for that and um that fits both elements of the crime of male fraud because it was a fraud even though you may or may not have agreed with the content of that flyer and it was sent through the mail so the amount of houses in the town of dayon how many households do we have 400 something I mean 4,000 something 4,000 so that's 4,000 Council mil fraud it went to all of those houses so um somebody has a lot to answer for and it's probably the last person who had their fingers on it so in any event I just wanted to bring that up and that's all I have thank you sir thank you thank you is there anyone else okay we're going to move on to uh Town administrator's report please yes thank you Mr chairman um I just wanted to uh just remind the board and the public um about the upcoming special meeting um that the board is having um um um as a joint meeting with the Dion water district Commissioners this coming Monday night at 6 o'clock here at Oldtown Hall like we've been actually um like as you know as the board approved uh together with the water district back in February the scope um to look at areas of efficiencies uh where we might be able to better uh where we might be able to better uh to better coordinate and plan with the water district um and at that time we engaged through a state Grant we received last year a um all we engaged with wooden in current and the financial fir ref Tellis to actually to work with us to look and identify those opportunities uh so Monday night um both wooden C and ref Tellis will be here um they'll present what are kind of like they finding and recommendations I think they're really Center like like on on the planning quation um the planning corination in the like in the really like financial and indirect chargeback components um uh that what I um have heard just very uh just very peripherally so far you know like how the kind of opportunities that um I like I I may be expected to come out um of this project so um that um as I mentioned that meeting um will take place 6 here 6 pm here on Monday night uh we do just because it's a grant funding initiative uh we we do face a June 30 deadline to uh uh to really work with the water district to consider the recommendations uh to make any changes or edits um and then to hopefully be able to finalize um to finalize and approve a final report so we have the ability to close out the granting Goods that as well um but you know like I mean based on what I've heard I don't think um from what I've heard I don't think there's going to be any lightning rod issues um I think really as I mentioned it's going to be a lot focused on planning corination um and also planning in coordination with the GRS to to water capacity as well um as we know in the water district just actually like extended the moratorium that has been in place for the last three and a half to four years so they voted last week to extend it again and so I do believe the analysis will look at how do we strengthen the planning and cornation and also try to address um like in a very cost efficient way um you know the water capacity issues we face as well uh which as we know now like are also further limited um but issues like past and other things too so I think if I had to predict in a crystal ball like that would kind of be where we're going um but like it is like a really important for us sustainability for you know for the new um for the growth um and the plan growth um that we need to have as a town to survive um it's yeah like get will focus on all those things as well and I just want to just like remind everybody about that and like and finally I just want to I like again I just want to again thank the board um I'm going to thank all the residents of thank all the residents of the town for a great um you know a great dis over for three years like in my time here serving as youron administrator um I've I'm extremely proud of the work uh the accomplishments and the impact that we've had for D and other residents um and I thank everyone here for that opportunity including the board so sure thank thank you um the feeling is mutual amongst among the board of uh the job that you've done and uh we appreciate everything and you've done a tremendous job holding the uh Town together and managing the growth that we have but thank you um with that said uh selectman's reports are next uh Nicole do you have anything that you like to talk about this evening Mark um just we've had a lot of events in town lately and the Selman we all got to participate in the cow trip a couple weeks ago took 58 minutes for three cows to um use a b use you know go have a cow pie and uh that was an honor to you know judge with you guys good job to the day and lions and to all the winners and my family got to visit the Strawberry Festival and we did buy a tub of strawberries we didn't have Strawberry Shortcake and we saw um from a distance our uh Selman Nico Melo there with our table sold 400 I believe Strawberry Shortcakes they ran out that was fabulous yeah I mean it's not fabulous to run out but I mean that's a good problem to have yeah yeah yeah so a lot of events in the community and it was nice to see and and we had our town meeting on Monday a roughly a $28 million budget with I'm told only 120 residents were there to to vote um that's very significant budget so we hope to see better turnout in the future for our annual Town meetings thank you thank you um I don't have a report other than more of a comment uh thank you Mark for those comments the um flyer that went out in the mail was um regarding the passage uh passing of um the town administrator's uh position and it is concerned me and I can't I'm not speaking for the other board members uh that the Selectmen were signed uh were our signatures were uh implied that we were endorsing that flyer uh and I want to make sure that everybody is aware uh those here in this room those on on zoom and those watching on on television that uh I no way endorsed that flyer uh we were not consulted we uh actually again I don't mean to speak for the other two members so uh I was not personally consulted to ask if I could uh my name could be used with that flyer um I I don't know what if anything will come of it uh we've heard everything from nothing to mil for which um again I I I don't know what the outcome will be but um if anybody else wants to add their concerns that that's fine it's just that in the future uh I would certainly like to be consulted before my name is attached to something as well as uh we were lucky because we all agreed on this particular uh flyer so as much as we were not consulted to put our names on there um we just happened to agree with what the flyer had I happen to agree with what the flyer had said but uh in the future we don't want our names I don't want my name being attached to something that uh I might not agree with uh just because of a simple statement that was made I concur with your statement everything that you said um it was more of a matter of respect thing you know to put our name on something I will just say that uh I do happen to know the individual who did send out the flyer and I did get an apology today for it um so that was enough for me and um but I I do agree with what what everything that you just stated thank you okay uh we're going to move on to Old business this is an update on the interim Town Administrator Town administrative search um tonight tonight we are going to um uh tonight we uh in executive session um we had an executive session discussing the town administrative search not search uh the contract of the Town Administrator and I want to bring up to date on the search for the um replacement of Michael when um when we um need well when the um search actually happens which I believe starts Monday yes um Al like we're working on now providing like feedback like in updating proposed profiles that I believe will be proposed back to the board at its next meeting uh like and then like then based on the profile the feedback on the profile as well um then the position can be posted and um but yeah like we're getting all the background information updates over to the firm at this point uh we have hired uh Paradigm as a search company for us uh they uh actually brought us Michael uh so we're hoping uh lightning can strike twice and we get another good administrator the um the process we don't know for sure how long it's going to take we've heard estimates uh uh sometime September October uh we will do our due diligence to make sure that uh we have the right person uh as as best as we can it um the uh process is the uh search firm that we hired uh will conduct a search through different associations as well as um just the MMA or is it something else too that they apply their search to the MMA but also um but they also reach out individually individ they also reach out individually to uh to Professionals in the field who who they know might be looking They al they also cast a broadnet as well like in reaching out to Professionals in the field who um who might be comfortable where they are but might have an assistant might have a colleague might have a friend who might be looking so they do they do use a multitude of channels I'm in efforts and I have seen uh oh even in other examples in such they do a really you know like well covering of you know of the bases to that end uh Paradigm was was is well respected in the industry uh search industry and we feel very comfortable as a board uh choosing that company to to represent the the town of dyon the uh like I said the process can can extend to months uh we've heard everything from September to October uh possibly even into November we don't know uh again we um we we want the right candidate for for this position and uh does anybody else want to add anything to the search that we're doing uh so Paradigm is basically the selection committee and they will they will name um three finalists and I know there's always they will name three finalists and um there's something else to that end that I wanted to make but no that's it okay Nicole do you want to add anything to no I was just very happy when they mention that we could have some Community engagement I thought that was important sure oh yeah and I look forward to that uh the company that um we interviewed for the position mentioned that um there was going to be some Community engagement uh in the process everything from town hall style to even here at the Old Town Hall possibly having the three finalists uh available for people to come up and ask questions of so uh we're going to move on to um review discuss act proposed contract with the inim Town Administrator uh yes uh no thank you Mr chairman like without further Ado and on behalf of the board I want to introduce Mr Jim pel um who who is appointed by the board Monday night as our inter Town Administrator um yeah um I worked with Jim work with Jim in the past he um he he is a man of of extreme class integrity um tons of knowledge um he's extremely well respected and um he I think um he's already uh like hitting hitting the ground running immersing um himself into what he needs to do uh like in the transition um and uh we do have a propos we do have a proposal a contract here from Mr pel um with whom the board met with an executive session um the contract does fit Alec Within the uh the current the currently budgeted appropriated funding um f fy2 uh like can this would be a contract with Mr pel um that uh that would actually begin this coming Monday um and go through the end of October at this point okay great um any other things that we need to be uh addressing before we um no put it out to a motion no not that I no Mr P is there anything else you wanted to add or subtract or otherwise well there's any questions of theard okay thank you all right um so is there a motion on the floor to accept the contract with the inter interim Town Administrator um I'd like to make a motion to accept the contract for James Patrick parcel and to add the dates um that'll become effective June 17 2024 um and prepared to sorry we want a closing date on October 1st or until someone takes office as well yeah I think oer October 31st or um so I'd like to I'll restate my motion make a motion to appoint James Patrick percel is interim Town Administrator with a start date of June 17th and the end date of October 31st or um if a until the position is filed I'll second that okay motion made in seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I I thank you thank you congratulations sir thank you uh this is another review discussion act bard of Select and designate to the school committee building a school building committee uh and we also are going to vote on the committee as a whole correct yes like with all the members now in place so I'd like to make a motion can I make a motion um to appoint Mark as our Board of select men um desne to the school building committee uh I'm going to step down as chair and second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you Mark thank you appreciate it uh and now motion on the floor to um appoint the whole uh committee as a whole as listed um I'll make that motion second motion made and seconded all any discussion all those in favor I I uh update on Main Street roadway and sidewalk cost estimates thank you Mr chairman we do have Holly roach here from G City Partners a few weeks ago um I think the board and the public will we remember that we had Granite City here together with W curent to provide a proposal um to do um to work with us uh to um to come up with the APPA the APPA Closs estimate the whole project cost estimate for Main Street um uh and then to really help us act um actually put the materials list together so we had the ability to like obligate APPA funding ASAP at that point um the Bristol County Opa obligation date was June 30th of 2024 so we knew we had to act quick and we did um and since then um just as an aside which we'll get into um actually later in the agenda um senson brist County did extend out the obligation requirement to September um but feel like at this point at this point uh we have we do have a plan to obligate all of our funding we're in really good shape here um uh like the rest of that obligation really comes uh with regards to the storm water drainage uh like an improvements uh for the Main Street project that will help us um help us get to there um I'm and then the following phases of the project so Al nice to see you again thank you through you Mr chairman uh board good evening my name is Holly roach Robinson of Granite City Partners um we as uh Town Administrator Mike Mullen just mentioned we were retained by the town to provide cost estimates for the Main Street drainage and uh roadway Improvement projects for so for those who uh may not be familiar with the project it is about 3,000 ft of drainage improvements along Main Street from uh William Street down to Elm Street and then also Paving and the creation of sidewalk uh from Williams to Elm Street and then Paving and the resurfacing of sidewalk from Elm down to 138 um we provided three cost estimates um the first cost estimate being um if the town were to purchase the materials and perform the drainage work inhouse so a cost estimate for just the materials only um that cost estimate came in at $436,000 the second cost estimate we provided was if the town were to put the project out to bid um so that would not only be the cost for the materials but also um things like contractor markup labor mobilization costs um things along those lines and that cost estimate came in at just over $1.5 million so there is about a 1 $1 million difference between if the town were to um do the drainage work in house versus putting it out to bid um it's quite a significant amount of savings there and um the last cost estimate we provided was the roadway resurfacing and sidewalk creation or the resurfacing of the sidewalks um and that cost estimate came in around $3 million just over3 million um so in summary if the town were to do the drainage working house and uh put the roadway resurfacing and sidewalk creation out to bid the total project cost would be around uh $3.5 million if the town were to put everything out to bid the drainage and um the roadway and sidewalk work the cost estimate would be around $4.6 million um we wanted to present this information to you tonight not only for budgetary purposes but also um for your consider ation on how the budget might align with the timeline of the project so um we would foresee the timeline of the project uh if the town either decided to do the work inh house or to put it out to bid that um that drainage work could start uh pretty immediately um and work through the summer and into the fall um it would be completed in the fall and then the roadway work could be put out to bid in the fall to get competitive pricing for a start in the spring of 2020 25 it's good to let uh trenches settle through a freezed um thaw cycle so that the dirt compacts and you really minimize um any of the the the rough road that I'm sure we've all driven across as um roads have been patched up um we did work with uh the town administrator's office to put in an arpa application uh for a little over $313,000 um so I'm hopeful that we'll be approved um for that and that's kind of an update on where we're at um for a total project cost how did it get so High um how does the how did the cost what was talked about $2 million figure at one time get to be 3.6 if we go out of house um well I I do think the the $2.5 million cost sorry it yeah yeah the 2.5 million was a was what was in 2023 like our original our original R cost projection but again we wanted to and that's like it's one of the reasons why we wanted to one of the reasons we uh wanted to make sure we were engaging with engineers and project managers on this so what we were what we were projecting and needed to plan as a town were real numbers and so we have that backup now um that is um I like as much more I is much more ironcloud than the numbers we were working with last year um we have begin to build up um in terms of you know building up our savings to be able to fund that uh leveraging together the funding um that's already been approved um as of the other night a total of 6 675,000 through through Monday nights town meeting and the two Town meetings before that we've also lever together available chapter funding as well um and then we've always been planning um to also obligate and commit um part of our opo allotment funding as well um but we really would uh never have an ability to truly know the true cost of this project until we did what we just did um and that's frankly why Alec I knew we needed to do that um so we can really have a plan um to deal with this project uh because it's a big project um so we do like with utilizing the existing available funding now through what has already been approved um through chapter 90 um I me again with our available oper funding uh like it is very clear to me uh that we don't have the ability to bid the whole project out we're going to we have the need and we have the ability to meet that need with have amazing Highway Department um to do the drainage improvements in house that as as Miss roach mentioned um that allows us to realize um that allows us to I'll realize savings or or unin costs um to the tune of H to tun of $1.1 million um so with uh like we do have available in our mini allotment offer allotment um approximately $313,000 that we're able to obligate of the $436,000 alic in storm water upgrades um in terms of drainage uh we do have the ability of that 436,000 to obligate $313,000 of that so like we're yeah like this is what because we've been so very tight on Capital funding um unfortunately this is what we've been having to do for the last three years it's the same type of thing that we've um are doing and are doing successfully with the liary project uh we're trying to leverage together a whole bunch of funding sources to make everything work because we just haven't had the capacity um to to meet the needs all at once with all with one full lump some um of funds um and at the same time we're trying to come up with our first ever Capital plan all at the same time um even with the amazing Highway Department doing the drainage improvements uh the cost seems almost unattainable um has there any more talk about bonding I got we like in my opinion like this um and again like in my opinion and obviously I'm on the way out the door but oh yeah like I really believe this project is a pH project anyways and the first thing we have to do regard regardless is deal with the storm water upgrades we have the ability and funding to do that now um I think right I have to uh are we move in that direction because we also have the ability to oper to do that through the summer like I really think we need to um to sit down uh with the highway department Highway Department great City Partners you know like I mean and together um and together with the board um to look at how we how we make this project work you like I think based on where we the are like I mean like in frankly it's why we pull together this water district analysis as well in hindsight we would have had improved and better coordination with the water district oh you know five years ago that actually brought us to this point like and those are unfortunately these are the lessons that I like we're learning to try to engage in these oh you know really post more BMS to improve in the future so we're in the middle of that now but but like I do think just in terms of bonding because we I like we have to I mean like the expectations of Main Street residents you know I mean it's been a while I that they really haven't had any a type of viable Road really to drive on and we know and we know the Main Street Corridor um is one of the main thorough FES in town to begin with even you know not for Main Street residents but you know a fol you know from the C of Williams part of town you know like milk Street in those neighborhoods as well they all oh like oh yeah everyone relies on that so to do to answer question I like I think over the summer I like we really look um at the project the phasing of the project um how how the construction elements of the project align with available with the available funding that we have now um I like uh like like all like in the funding that we need and I think bonding um be good we don't have the ability in my view to drag this project out for five years like I just don't think that would be good for him either like I think bonding even the operational budget capacity is extremely Limited in tight as well are you borrowing um to uh to really address this project once and for all is uh like I I like is a very good option at this point Jim do you have all that I do okay uh Nicole do you have any uh questions no Mar you I wasn't on the board at the time so I just I just need some help to wrap my head around this so sure the water district put in water Ms is that what started all of this and now we're rebuilding Main Street uh in a nutshell yes uh there has to be drainage uh sidewalks and and Tom here like I mean I do think there were existing infrastructure issues well prior to yes we knew uh when the water line when the water line was going to be replaced which took the water district some time to get prepared to deal with that as well um based on the faing infrastructure in the road to begin with we knew once the water district went it would be out turn next okay and and synchronizing that now I think is I yeah like is really real our rubber is meeting the road Tom do you want to come up you're shaking your head no at when or you want to just uh do you um do you agree with the the numbers as far as if your department was a were were able to complete the drainage yeah yes those those are very safe numbers okay yes just for example what happened like in the last year just the the cers material list we used for the Korum a lot of materials went up $4 to $5 a ton when you add that to thousands of tons there's a lot of money there okay um back to Mr Pico's question no it wasn't the water department that instigated it it was I we needed to address Main Street reconstruction okay the road was actually about 40 years since the last overlayment so in actuality the road is in good shape for the age when you think about um we could not consider reconstructing that road with the amount a frequency of water brakes so I encouraged them to consider a watermain replacement uh it took quite a few years I think nine years for them to consider and actually score some grants that helped them do that you know along with even though we the town as a whole had to help out you know the users of that water district so it wasn't them that instigated the problem it was it was our department and we really couldn't consider reconstruction without that watermain replacement okay okay I think it's a good learning experience for the town though um to have these questions answered if possible prior to opening up the road do you think we could have in hindsight already have had these estimates and already have prepared knowing the water department you know we knew we had this we knew the road was failing and we knew when when the water department started with the um water main we were going to basically have to start our part of it do you think it's you know we we were kind of in shock Factor right now with the larger number but you think we could have had this prior to we even opened up the road maybe uh we had all intentions of going right behind them and doing the hot patching instead of having them do the hot patching right that was all the intention no I'm not being critical of you I'm actually kind of for the board to discuss and and for you I guess I kind of want to learn from this so we knew Main Street had issues and you had like you just said you wanted to go behind the water department but this has turned into a a very large project over at least a year maybe couple how long has this been uh as a town we haven't started yeah the town hasn't started but main Street's been at least a year probably two at this point yes two years so my question is do is it possible that we could have had this plan in place earlier I guess is my question yes in hindsight there's a few things we could have done differently yes okay I'm just I'm not talking about like having these estimates before we started the process yes cuz we have to repair Main Street but I just for next time for the next street that we do I wish I just hope that as a town we can before we open any road or agree with the water department or anyone else like we need these numbers in the plan before we agree to opening anything up you know I guess that's my statement and then my other concern is um can we get a timeline for residents so like they could go on the day and website or come into town hall because we heard it's going to be a phased project that they that we can at least the town can be accountable to you know we estimate that certain we're going to hit certain Milestones on certain dates so at least the residents can be informed on what's going on and even us as you know just so it doesn't go on for five years I guess that's what I'm trying to say you know not to jump back in but like I think that's really why like the work that has to happen over the summer with this you know because yes I agree wholeheartedly with that need but how but the sequencing and the chronological nature of that need also needs to lined up with a funding plan that we only have basically partly in place at this point so I think that's why a a broader discussion about oh I can a oh you I that disc that discussion happening fairly soon about how do we how do we leverage existing funding that we have um and then and how do we align that with the project and construction schedules and communicate that information then at the same time we have to we do have we've been building up the funds but we still have a gap what is the best way to address that Gap I like in both the short and the long term and how does that align with the rest of the project construction schedule as well and I think you know like I think there's still a little bit to do there because because if we borrow that oh yeah like we we will um that does um give us if we do go that down down that option number one we have the ability to pay that Debt Service which we have to make sure we have the ability to pay for um but also that does allow us to better plan and structure the cash flow according to the construction um but yeah like I mean but we couldn't actually begin that conversation until we had the information that we have tonight as um you is yeah like like is really the beginning base point with we have the whole where we have confirmation of the whole total project construction cost but at the same time we also have the rest of the information that we need to obligate the rest of the app of funding good paully and Tom could you guys give just for the public and for us just an overview a better overview of what the largest cost drivers are is it labor I heard materials but specifically what materials it's it's a large number so just to help with digestion I'd like to hear a little bit more and break the numbers down if you don't mind yeah so it's the asphalt in the sidewalk is what it is it's the asphalt yeah it's it's the asphalt and the the sidewalk those are the highest numbers and um again as Tom touched on with just escalation and um or inflation I guess prices have escalated um pretty heavily so it really is the asphalt and the sidewalks that are the largest cost um labor is also part of it but again those are kind of the main okay M large costs thank you appreciate that I agree with your um statements on bonding it seems like it's a one of the only options to get a deadline option yeah okay my last comment is I think for this issue and um it's such a big issue and I think our residents do need some closure I think at some point we should have a I know I recommend special meetings a lot but I think we need a meeting specifically dedicated to Main Street and kind of hashing out a timeline and how we're going to fund it you know we need our subject matter experts on finances and a highway right just so we can get the public some answers and get this project to think that be like late August when we have that timelines right now you just speculating some some of it is availability on products too off a bed and there's still some um delays on deliveries okay that's a start at least knowing we're going to you know August yeah as Mike alluded to you got time in summer months unfortunately best time to do the work okay what if everything went right and knowing our financials we don't want to go five years do you have any idea how long something like this is going to take best case scenario well I I like all the drainage to settle for a freeze and th M before you put a perit a on top of that and the drainage has to be done before the sidewalk cuz some of the drainage goes under the sidewalk also okay so put waiting for that winter freezing thought and a sidewalk going the following year then the the final payment later in that year so so one year no a little bit more than a year a little bit more than a year okay everything's in place no hurricanes yes okay very good thank you thank you guys thank you this is um just an information only so um we're going to move on to the um Opera requests for review discuss an act for yes sir wondering on on this subject question I you have to come to the David thank you my question is and I know it happened to a great extent and taught it's ongoing that grants were used for sidewalk new sidewalks especially the we section of T it was also grants were used for some sidewalk Remediation in nthite through some of the efforts of Mr Gail and Mr ferry in regards to some uh Main Street I Wonder has any efforts been made to bring in Grant to do sidewalk remediation is you have nearly 2 miles of sidewalks going in or a good mile and a half on the Northern side of Maine that if anyone has reached out and tried to bring in grant money to help with this project thank you thank you uh can you wait till public input yes sir thank you um we're going to do review discussion act the Main Street storm water upgrade project for the oper request yes I can I can taking all that information I can seg weighing into actually for the um for the $436,000 for the $436,000 storm water component of that uh we do um we do have um I like an existing and available um like an unobligated fund uh 33 $1,000 available through the Bristol County APPA program and so um we uh when we came before the board in Feb February um and ask um and asked the board at that time um to to approve our plan I to obligate out the remaining approximately $700,000 in unobligated Apper uh funding we did have this project at that time um we did have this project at the time listed um um as a $250,000 project since then we had had um another project a fire department project coming $330,000 under bid um so that uh that freed up um $30,000 there um and then as we know the what we were hoping to have funded from Opa uh was uh the dpd video surveillance system uh that wasn't able to be funded through Opa um so uh what we do have uh we do have an unobligated balance to Opa of just over um actually $314,400 so we do of that $436,000 we do have the ability to obligate um $314,400 um to our to our many Opa funds uh which like in large part we plan to do anyways and um just um and yeah like we've already already we already have the boards approval on 250,000 of that $314,400 and I'm wondering um if the board will be able to consider approval on that whole rest of our our un obligated oper share to for the board to approve obligating that $314,400 towards that okay Nicole do you have any concerns about it no okay is there a motion on the floor then I'll make a motion4 I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion 14400 34400 okay I said 313 400 so I'll amend my motion to be 314 ,400 I'll second that motion made and seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I I um thank you and I like if I like if I could just actually I'll continue on because of what um just following up from the projects that the board did approve in February um like I did include in the pack and updated spreadsheet on what um has been like applied for and approved um sent that meeting in February um I could also identifies uh our initial application for the dpd room and lock up video system we have to cancel that application uh but um I am I just because of the the strict auditing requirements for uh these projects if the board um at this point based on the projects that have been um applied for and approved um and also the project that the board just approved like if the board like would act um actually consider uh reapproved the the already um applied for projects with the act the current awarded allocations uh that actually I can those will take um um in account especially the um the $30,000 savings um that we realized from the um a the D and fire department equipment originally that application was $371,000 what was actually what we actually were able to apply for was that same project in the amount of $340,000 roughly um but when we go to get audited uh like in a year a year and a half or so there will be a variance unless um the board actually votes to re-approve the updated numbers between what the board had initially approved approved um and then based on the savings Andor um and or the op applications that we have to cancel we just want to we just want to make sure we're reconciling all the amounts as we got if that makes sense so I if the board uh I would entertain the um like approving the updated amounts um of the Apper um that would be the ms4 uh permit compliance Services um like in the amount of $45,000 which was the original request um the dton power plant Pump Station upgrades in the amount of $49,000 that was the original request um the Dion fire department self-contained breathing apparatus and protective equipment that in the amount of 340,000 485 that was about $30,000 less um than what we anticipated that we realize those savings through procurement um the like uh uh we've already completed the Dian emergency response communications project in the amount of $273,700 [Music] okay there any more discussion no okay then we need a motion on the floor this is for E uh review discuss and act the uh Project funding approvals a motion to accept the updated uh Opera fund allocations as presented thank you I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I and just really um on that just two more quick things like um Al like I did include uh I did include for the board's information updates uh from the brist uh Bristol County Commission is just updates on the like on the obligation requirements that have been extended from the end of this month to us September uh we are well on our path already so we don't like actually right now in terms of uh overall Bristol County Opa application uh was over $1.3 million um with the application for the 314 we have $384 that is UN obligated right now and I just um it's um area this whole oper program are there are are there other cities and towns that are subbing a lot of it out um we have tried to do like manage like um as much um of the procurement the financial management like and everything else that we can um and you know that also speaks uh you know the success of that we uh we just went as uh we mentioned a few months ago uh we just went through a single audit uh based on how we spent um our original allotment um like a op of funding like can we actually came back uh with the squeaky clean audit um squeaky clean audit but Quicky clean audit but no findings at all and uh yeah so this um so we have been very uh like Su successful at managing um this project and these funds um these projects the whole time and um and yeah there like other towns that like are still in the process of obligating we like a a basically all obligated basically all obligated now um I do expect we will have to follow up um because there's always follow up with the county uh just because they're having their Auditors uh you know review all the application as we go as well but to be in this point now you know well in advance of the well in advance of the county deadlines is great uh but but to that point um there will be work that does have to continue with regards to Opa um both in terms of Bristol County um and also in also in terms of managing also in terms of managing our like op any you reporting up anyu reporting requirements directly with the feds um I have been I have been the board's I have been the board's doesn't KN up to this point um and but yeah we will also need a vote at this point um I to ask for the board for the board to asend me um serving as a designate on this um as a Town Administrator and for the board um to appoint the interim Town Administrator Mr pel to to serve as a design allant to apply for and to follow up on these matters in the future okay and yeah like before like I oh like before I forget like I'll stop talking in a minute but like I really really really want to thank like Serena am ra for everything on this we like it's been like a team it's been a team a tag team Le Labor of Love on All This and like our partnership to manage all these projects through um I I like I couldn't have done it without her so thank you SAA real labor of love I don't know that's what I call things I don't know I'm CL okay so we need a motion on the floor to resend Michael as the uh designate to uh authorized uh Opera uh to uh Jim parcel pcel can I just comment first if you don't mind no no I don't talk a lot I just wanted to say thank you to Serena and Michael as well just hearing how you know so many different communities sub it out and you guys took on the work in house and we allocated almost every possible dollar that's amazing so thank you for your hard work and we're lucky for everything you guys did um but that said I prepared to make a motion to up update the oper authorization design to strike uh Michael Mullen to add Jim parcel I'll second that motion remain seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I moving on to new business review discuss and act uh special town meeting for Thursday June 27th 2024 uh you've heard comments earlier this evening Michael yes I'll say I can speak to this sure yes okay so I'm Sera the town accountant in case anybody doesn't know um and I did request to have a special town meeting before June 30th before the end of the fiscal year um Tuesday morning after the annual town meeting I started going through all of the motions and putting you know together my information to close out the books with um with go and the special town meeting is only going to address Article Five which was the budget article to balance our budget we um the board of Selectmen had requested to use available funds or free cash to bring us to a balanced budget in reviewing all of the motions um you know almost 10 of them within that one article I realized none of the Motions referenced using available funds or free cash they only mentioned raise an appropriate and transfer from other um other areas such as you know the sewer indirect which is staying the same the ambulance is staying the same what we bring from Title 5 and Peg access is staying the same so the original motion which is article one we have have to resend what was voted at the meeting on Monday um because that original motion read to raise an appropriate 1.8 million and then to transfer from sewer indirect 20, 274 so as I said the sewer portion is staying the same so now article two is only addressing because I don't need to address the entire arttic the entire budget the 28 million I only need to address one section of them so the general government section which is that first section um is where we just need to change the language to say that we're going to raise an appropriate only 1.3 132 and change million keep the same amount from sewer direct and this is where we're going to use the available funds that we voted to use which equal 47121 2016 so we're only changing where the money is coming from um when we had it all as raise in appropriate and transfer from those other funds that are staying the same that put us over our Levy limit so legally we can't have it that way and financially do you like we just legally can't be over our Levy limit period um so I did request for this to be changed right away um we can only use available funds through June 30th which is why um you know this is the 27th and our bylaw requests a two-e notice which is why um you know we're having it in front of the selectman today um and then it can go out Thursday and meet the twoe deadline which also has to meet the June 30th deadline which is a Sunday so that kind of jams us up being on a Sunday as well uh can you address the cost of this Tom meeting by any chance um I wouldn't know okay um I'm sure it's going to be you know limited election staff maybe you know if she feels that she needs a police detail but I it's I don't think it's going to be anywhere near what was needed for annual town meeting okay like I believe oh sorry like also say unless Shara feels that she needs that Personnel yeah and she's already been talking with her her existing office staff to evaluate just being able to use them to staff the special time meeting um and like I do know we I like if we do have have any un anticipate cost uh with regards to police details we do in the current 25 budget like we do have room I believe to to be able to do that and we also have until July 15th to move um any current like fiscal year 24 money around like if if we do end up that realizing that it will put us in a deficit somewhere we do have until July 15th to do end ofe transfers or finance committee transfers to cover this current Year's budget for that yeah but those are the costs should be extremely minimal I think so do do we know why this happened um I'm not sure why I think it's something that you know all of us missed um you know us Administration the finance committee you know we all knew what we were using the money to balance the budget and like it was even like in the article the same language that we were relying on all was in the article itself it just wasn't replicated in the motion the actual motions and that's what you know the state goes by is what's actually read in the motion motion so it was there in the initial description of the article and then with all of those 10 motions which I'm hoping we can kind of fix that process next year M um it got missed okay um before we vote uh Mr Moore you had a couple questions were they answered for you this evening hly yes what wasn't answered well I don't understand how we speaking speaking is my turn when I was moderator uh all of the Motions were sent to me ahead of time and they were all pre-prepared exactly who is going to be reading the Motions exactly what the motion was going to be this is all this is not a mistake that should be made on town meeting floor this is something that should all be prepared ahead of time and I simply don't understand who could have made such a big mistake and and I recall hearing lots of mentions of free cash maybe it's you're talking about a different section but I do recall several several motions being made saying this is coming from free cash so I'm still a little confused as to how it happened uh I guess so am I it seems like it it was a collective error um nobody caught it the buck stops with the board of selectman by elected leaders and we review the warrants and we review the Motions so um if you want to know know who's to blame I think the buck stops with us with Mark like I mean that's fine so I get it now it's all Mark's fault but like just to be clear like I don't I mean I don't really want to get into any type of blame game this is a very technical clerical error where you know like we yeah like I mean like in talking with the DOI yesterday because we reached right out to them uh they even had mentioned that they had seen this problem before um it happens it's not ideal no um it's it's very much not ideal which we would hear right now talking about this but like I mean oh yeah like I mean at this point to come up with any blame game I think is not looking for blame yeah just I like we have a path forward um yeah like a path forward of the dollar amount oh you know like the bottom line dollar amount is not changing in terms of what has to approach and you know like we just move forward at this point it's more of a formality so so I'd like to say that I'm not asking for blame I'm not asking for scapegoat I'm asking for I don't understand how this happened and it should never happen again right and that's what I'm saying is to prevent such things happen again in the future I know that Mr Mullen and I had talked about the budgetary motions and combining them and trying to make it simpler simpler yeah can I think also oh we have a process and practice of trying to Al trying to all also respect you know tradition and practices as well um we do just in terms of my experience in other towns that I've worked in s we do have an extremely clunky motion process uh but in my opinion we've always balanced the practice and processes we've always had you know with how we've changed I I think I don't want to speak for the town accountant um but this is you know in terms of addressing this I I think we know exactly where we need to go you know to address this motion issue in the future okay thank you right great so this is a review discuss and act we got to set the special town meeting for Thursday June 27th of 2024 and then we're going to open the article uh for the special town meeting um and then close the town meeting article warrant I mean not article close the warrant and then um approve the uh the town meeting warrant so we need a motion on the floor to um open the town uh meeting warrant um actually I'm sorry we uh a motion to set the town meeting for Thursday June 27th 2024 has the um moderator been yes he is work for him yes um moderator has been reached out to Town Council has been reached out to the Tom clerk has been reached out to as well um and the chairman of the finance committee has as well do we know where it's going to be yet um like in the auditorium at dayon hob Regional High School that's been booked as well does it work for you guys the date uh for me it's fine I don't going to make it work yeah okay I have a family commitment that I already made okay I'll try to make it but is the board okay if absolutely um take care of your family first okay I appreciate that um with that said I'd like to make a motion to set the special town meeting for Thursday June 27th at 7.m I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I um now we have to open the town meeting warrant um motion to open the special town meeting warrant second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I and we do have a this point propos articles 1 and two I'd like to make a motion to include articles 1 and two as presented in the special town meeting warrant I'll second that motion made seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I and now we have to close the town meeting warrant motion to close the special town meeting warrant I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I and uh approve the special town meeting warrant make a motion to approve the special town meeting warrant second motion made is seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I uh review discussing act Board of Select and calendar from July through December of 2024 uh nothing's changed it's uh still the same as far as uh when the meetings are so is there a motion on the floor motion to accept the board of selectman meeting schedule as presented I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I Border selectman Signature author ation this is a review discussion act as well yeah just like just I am like I as a Town Administrator like I'm listed as a backup signatory like in this um in this agenda item would give the board um the ability to add Mr pel um as as a backup signatory as well okay if you'd be comfortable with that set in the old Soviet Union building my portfolio those okay um so is there a motion on the floor please motion to update the 2025 what do we call it signature authorization form to strike Michael Mullen and to add James percel and Peter Karen will remain the primary signer I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I uh R you discuss an active facilities request for the library yeah this is all pretty straight uh forward Mr chairman the library as one of our departments um they're requesting to hold a a movie Under the Stars do we need a signature from building for that we never have uh like the library has had events there the past um but to to your point Mr Boo the um the only question that I have on this is how they're actually creating the structure to show the movie um they blow some the blow the thing up okay yeah like I mean if they're using that like I uh based on that question I would recommend that the board contingent approve approve a contingent on the approval of the Building Commissioner okay if that's okay sure okay so we need that motion please motion to approve movie Under the Stars um request from the library uh contingent on the building Commissioners okay I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I uh this is e now review discussing act DPW Supply Awards yeah like I like in the next I like the next and excuse me the next two agenda items are like the sage um are like are the like Sage procured rates like we're a member of the southeastern regional um uh purchasing group like where we procure um at most of our office supplies and also DPW supplies um through this group which the um Highway superintendent is a member um on the highway side and the Town Administrator is a member on the office supply and our other can any other procured entities that we uh that we work um that we have to procure have an obligation to procure um so these updated these updated contracts uh um come to us at this point every year okay so I'd recommend um uh um to approve the awards that's proposed okay is a motion on the floor motion to approve the DPW Supply award and paper contract as presented second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I um we've done G so now to H Annabelle Powell this is again a review discussion act director of Council on Aging Employment contract um y yes well we do have Miss po here with us um and uh but her um her current Employment contract um um is expiring at the end of this month at at the end of the fiscal year um as we know Miss poell has in our team do an incredible job um everything and they've and they built uh C aing program into a program that just really shines so um this um what's before the board is a proposed um threeyear um threeyear contract renewal um threeyear contract Ral for Bella um it has um has the same boiler plate provision that we do uh uh with all nonunion employees as well uh is there anything you wanted to add Miss po I would uh like to thank you thank the board in advance for giving me the chance to serve the the elders Indian for another three years it has been uh some hard work with the help of Michael um I was blessed to have him on my side and my board who helped it who helped me to get this far and of course the team that we have in place um I'm blessed that that has worked this way sure the thank you comes from us uh because you do a tremendous job you and your staff and we do this with great pleasure thank you very much Nicole you have no the same as what I Echo what our chairman said and it's been so it's been awesome to watch you you know you had you grew with your team and you you have a wonderful team there and you've brought in so many grants and transformed your facility over there and your patio and your building looks beautiful and uh other than asking how do you do it my question is over the next three years what do you have one thing in particular that what you've already done so much do you have anything else there's a lot more coming yes there is but one of the things that I would really like to work on is uh resting a little bit because I have been on the go um for a few years now and it did take a toll on me but I've recovered and uh um now that we are in place and everybody knows their duties you know their job responsibilities I would like to be able to take my vacations and spend some time with my mom and my husband and my backyard which is what I work for sounds great which is really what I work for it's deserved thank you um so we need a uh uh a motion on the floor please a motion to approve the contract for Annabella Powell director of Council on Aging I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you very much good evening everyone thank you for coming out [Applause] tonight um review discuss an act the ratification of proposed employment contract amendments this is for Karen Brady and Leon lean Kerwin yeah yes Mr chairman this uh these are the contract um amendments uh uh uh for both Miss Brady Alim Alim Al there two Provisions in their existing contracts that don't uh that don't necessarily match um the benefits that we um have traditionally offered to other employees um uh specifically uh uh with regards to vacation and also uh with regards to retirement um the retirement paid out of unused ACR sick time so all these two amendments do um is bring those provisions and incorporate um them through these amendments um into um into Miss Brady uh into Miss Brady and Miss kwin's um existing employment contracts okay again this is a review discussion act so is there a motion on the floor please motion to approve the employment contracts as presented for Karen Brady and lean Kerwin I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I um Jay the vacation rollover request this happens every year at this time um yes standard uh yes like um just actually starting with the uh just with uh the fire chief he in um in his uh contract he needs to request uh a a carryover vacation time he's proposing to carry over two weeks um from FY 24 to FY 25 and I if we can take these one by one if that's okay sure okay is there a motion on the floor for Christopher McGee motion to approve Christopher McGee's request to roll over 80 hours of vacation time I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I uh George Nicholas Nichols yes second this um so bothies have the ability um to almost um to roll over as well um and uh but the but the chief of police um is asking just based on the year we've had an addition to the um his um his other more typical a twoe roll over um he's asking the board for the ability um to roll over um an additional five days um oh yeah with the agreement that he would use those additional 5 days um by the end of August so he wouldn't he wouldn't continue those um he he actually wouldn't yeah like they wouldn't be available until after a the end of August of 2024 I have no concerns with that okay so is there a motion on the floor for George Nichols uh motion to allow George to carry over two weeks per his contract in an additional one week to be used by the end of August second that motion made in seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I I uh police junion related 111 F requests uh uh yes Mr chairman we uh we do um all all like as a board and I I believe the public knows we've have have had um two officers on 11 11 F leave uh one of them for AR most um about two3 um 3/4 um of the fiscal year now um and then we had like another officer um who was out I'm on leave um for a good part of the winter and early three months um the uh like I do believe the uh the police un the the police uh the police Union's request is valid and has a lot of Merit um but I just to be honest with you we haven't had time to dive in um just yet to the um just I just really to the cost uh implications of the potential of actually buying out um additional vacation time I like in regards to um just available budget funding um and I had hope to actually all in the months everything else that's been happening I hope to be able to take a a closer look at that but I would recommend on this point uh just that we have an additional two weeks for um the interim Town Administrator of the Town accountant just just just to be able to look um at this request uh in regards to existing budgetary funds okay uh just so we know um are kind of better better informed in terms of the lay of the land um you want to table this one until the 27th yeah if that's okay not the 27th whenever is it the 27th the next meeting 2th 25th 26th 26 I'm sorry like I hope I'd hope to have some I'd hope to be able to do a DE dive um but like I just wasn't able to get there at that's okay um so is there a motion on the floor to table please motion to table for two weeks second that motion being seconded any discussion all those in favor I I um proposed yearend transfers okay so we have a number of Department of yearand transfers um these were already approved by the finance committee I just had them do at the night of town meeting Monday night before the meeting um slightly out of order but um I just figured time wise um I want to get these in now with everybody's Department budgets so they can appropriately allocate the funds that they have the remaining of the year and see exactly where everybody is standing um especially with the clerical Union um quite a few departments are having a little trouble balancing um and trying to figure out exactly what funds they're receiving um for that transfer so I believe the first one on the list is the fiber Grant yep okay so the town received a fiber grant for 21,000 and at the end of fiscal year 22 so June of 22 the town went to the finance Reserve committee to ask for um the town match portion which was $10,000 585,000 and then somewhere within closing that books with the transition of the accountants at that time that money did not roll over as an encumbrance into fiscal year 23 so essentially that money that was already previously approved by the finance committee reserves closed out to free cash so now that we're done with the Grant and we're will be closing out the grant tomorrow um hopefully with this transfer approved um because we do need it for the grant closing so this year as it came around um I just requested the money to come out of our group health insurance line Department 914 and to for the 10,585 for the fiber Grant are we going to vote these one by one or probably just colle take them collectively unless there's a concern no concerns um you don't even have to go through them one by one I I I guess the only two questions I have can you explain the Forest Hills State's 53g account and the um Highway Department street sweeping salary transfer sure okay so the planning board 53g account um so there's multiple projects in town that um like di trust and Forest Hills are essentially the same project and they you know will come in and start with the Conservation Commission and have their money with conservation and then move over to the planning department and then they have their own money with the planning department so the first problem that occurred back in year 22 was that invoices that should have been paid out of planning we actually play paid out of conservation that's what it was so the Bills should have gone through planning and it the bills came through the conservation fund which it had money so the bills got processed and there was no red flag and then when I was closing the books for fisky year 23 I noed noticed that the one of the funds were negative so I went down there and discussed it with Carrie and Lisa and it was determined that there was a $10,000 deposit that went into planning that it should have gone into conservation so I let the close the books close the way that they were in 23 and then in 24 I put that 10,000 into the appropriate fund okay so doing that caused planning to be Nega 5,524 and we've reached out to um I'm not sure if I'm using the right words the developer or the attorney whoever is on that project um and they're so far are not paying so the planning General budget has enough money to cover this fund so when I close the books it will not hit free cash and it will also this cost will not also um be pushed over to raise an appropriate to the residents that's you know this was a balancing error that neither Department caught and okay I don't feel that it's necessary to let it close out in the negative and then be pushed onto the residents they have the money to cover it um in the future if we are able to collect um through Court litigations or whatnot then I'll just move the money back and it'll just go back to free cash essentially you know everything just gets pulled back into free cash okay thank you and just the uh salary transfer okay so the salary transfer when we do the budget for storm water in the highway department Tom Ferry runs both of those budgets so when we're setting the Appropriations we take a portion and allocate it to storm water like you know he has his say his whole salary is 100,000 but he knows that him and his guys and his office worker are going to do storm water projects right so they take a percentage of the salary and put it into storm water and then as the year goes on they realized they're actually doing more work on the highway side and not so much on the storm water so he's just alloc asking to allocate the money out of the storm water budget into his 422 Highway okay um Mark or Nicole do you have any questions about the Ern transfers no thank you okay perfect and then I'm going to have the originals to Karen if you guys don't mind signing signing it at the end y so we need to review discuss and act um the the transfers as printed in the agenda motion to approve the year end transfers 1-9 is presented in the agenda I'll second that motion made and seconded all those in favor I'm sorry any discussion all those in favor I I I uh we have acknowledgements the highway department uh acknowledgement of donated sick time yeah a great thing um we if you can just bear with me for one moment um we do um the highway department and superintendent Ferry um he does have an employee um who a few weeks ago um I was involved in a very in a very serious motoc motor motor vehicle accident um uh as this employee to my knowledge at this point um he's home he's doing well um but he will be out of work for some time um um his employe is a great employee um but he doesn't have a lot of accumulated sick time just based on the length of time he's been working for the the town um so um we do as we know we have an amazing group of town employees who um who um get a variety of our town employees like like in the highway department like and I like and in the in the C aging um who um who have through their own valtion they have taken the step to donate um portions of their sick time to just its employee and we just wanted to acknowledge that again to thank those employees for what that they're doing to um help another fellow Town employee and a family stay afloat and um just for the consideration of that so right Karen can we send them a letter if you don't mind just thanking them for on behalf of the Town not just a selectman uh for doing this it's a it's a great thing and Michael I understand your don't your time as well oh yeah I've obviously I'm not going to oh oh yeah no one ever wants to draw on their sick time right um but and I um but I have I have accumulated sick time um and um I like I have decided to donate all like all the accumulated sick time that I built up in the more than three years that I've been here to this gentleman as well thank you I extremely well thank you you so much a letter from uh terissa Tate for the uh Council on Aging uh yes we for the donation of $400 yes um yeah the patio project is just a it's I mean as we talked about earlier it's I like I mean like I begin as a really like a grant initiative um that it was a I can't say labor of love anymore but it was a great team effort and um and you know and now it's really turned into an amazing uh Community effort as well where the benefits are going to be realized for a long long time so great thank you and a letter from Christopher M the fire chief we're regarding two new Personnel uh City uh Personnel call Personnel this is not an appointment this is just um I mean so it's not appointed by the selectman yes right yes there is um he has he has appointed um uh two new members of the car Personnel ranks uh Kobe Foria and Jacob Clark welcome and we received a letter this evening from Paul Pico the uh current chairman of the board of health uh due to circumstances he is resigning from a personal circumstances Beyond his control he's resigning from the Board of Health effective the 14th of 2024 do you want a motion to accept that um yes please I'd like to make a motion to accept the resignation of Paul Pico with thank you and appreciation I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I uh moving on to the approval of the warrants please okay I'd like to make a motion to pay the warrants uh through May 30th 2024 49 a-24 144,00 $ 3579 and 49 B-24 for $213,900 24.50 in warrant 50 B-24 in the amount of $396,500 and warrant 51 B-24 in the amount of 1225 $ 54321 I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I uh we now up to public input again yes Mr Hull I have two it I do this for a reason so I okay since Lenard Hall 760 Main Street day since my name was mentioned tonight in public input and alluded to in the selectman's reports I would like to address a request Mr Pico made earlier in the meeting I am not here to make a legal defense for what was in the flyer however I am here to apologize for any distress caused to you by the flyer please believe me when I say there was no malice intended I assumed certain things and there was some misinformation communicated to me by others involved in preparing this flyer and in the final product again I apologize and promise that going forward I will work closer with all of you thank you thank you the second matter is something that is near and dear to all our hearts and I know it was mentioned at town meeting but I would like to close since it is Mike mullen's last Board of selectman meeting as we close I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Michael Mullen for all that he did for the town of dayon and to wish him best wishes in his future endeavors thank you thank you thank you Nancy gulat 631 great Terrace um I got to tell you I sat there at town meeting I had difficulty following what was going on and I've been to every town meeting since who knows when um this is not a criticism of anyone and I think it's something we should consider for the fall town meeting um the last town meeting that I found very easy to follow was the last one that um Mr McKeon did but that's because I had been on the finance committee but he also put in place a method and we would go through the Articles I'm talking about the main budget with all those departments and that and the procedure that we followed was he would list a block of departments and that those then there's a total and he'd say does anyone have questions on any of these and if there were no questions he would just have the motion to approve if you will in fact the total so that took care of a whole bunch if somebody says I want to talk about this article meaning this department then they would focus on that it would be discussed and once the discussion was over we would then again vote a block that's how we got through the main budget but I can tell you sitting front row Center at times I'm looking at this saying to myself what are they voting on I could not follow it um so anyhow I think possibly how obviously the fall town meeting won't have the budget on it but that's an annual town meeting uh procceed to consider doing these in blocks similar to what the finance committee does when it does its final meeting it does it that way and and when uh uh Mr uh McKeon kind of Incorporated this this was something the finance committee had done when they when they have their final meeting and it's you've discussed everything but you got to go back and vote everything so you do it in blocks and it saves a lot of time and you can focus on if somebody says I want to talk about Department pick a number that's what you talk about and then everything else flows um the other thing I want to mention is that um I was asked why I read that article that was The Way It Was Written in the warrant about the pilot agreement because the motion that I was given was about this big and when I looked at it I remembered what I was told by attorney gay many years ago when we started pilot agreements so I read from the warrant and yes that was quite a bit of stuff to read but we were talking about two locations in one uh pilot agreement obviously if the other one that had gotten tabled had been read you could see it was shorter but it's because it was uh not focused on two pieces of land and you know the whole bit the reason I read that in its entirety is because what gay had told me years ago what when we put the boilerplate together and his office approved the boilerplate pilot agreement and we were going to the first town meeting with a pilot agreement he said to me make sure there is enough information in the motion you make to hopefully give everybody the information they need to make a determination the last thing you want to do is have voters want to take take a PO of pilot agreement and discuss the full agreement at town meeting obviously we don't put the full pilot agreement in the in the warrant it it's over 15 pages and it's got diagrams and charts so anyhow that's why that was written that way and when the next pilot agreement comes up it'll have the same information the location the uh megawatts the uh whatever we didn't put the money the article cuz you got to allow the people to be able to ask question we knew the question would be how much money and I was prepared for that and um whether or not there had been increases budgeted in the 20-year payment plan which there were so by reading all of that it answered a lot of questions and you could sit there and follow exactly what I was saying so that that's the reason that article was so long and and not just say uh I make a motion that the town approved the pilot agreement for do as printed in the warrant because if people don't read the warrant and then they start asking questions it's like and and I'm going to refer back to the warrant it's you know but anyhow I just wanted people to understand why I did that whole thing but again I learned pilot agreements from David gay so and he wasn't there when I actually read it but I know what he told me to do so that's that's why that was done um and I have one last thing to do M I'm afraid you want to come forward here I I have a presentation oh boy now I want you to understand I've only done this presentation one time before and it was when Ken Pico uh announced he was not running again for the board of Selectmen so I'm going to present you with a supply of red pens because I noticed in the basket that the gift that we gave you today there were no red pens you you can't operate without red ink has everything yeah like the basket from town hall had pens had all the essentials pens rades re's peanut butter cups huh nice a lot of the essentials so but I said to I said to Karen thank you I said to Karen there's no red pens in there she says no we didn't get him red pens I says he knows me as the red ink lady he's got to have pens so anyhow I'll see you tomorrow Nancy I have a question for you before you go too far I have a question if you don't mind so you're the you're the pilot agreement Guru and you I don't know you write our Pilots for before you were an assessor you've been writing them for a long time first pilot agreement first three that came down the pike I was was on the finance committee those were presented at a meeting and I when I heard them Carol borgard happened to be sitting near me as an assessor I said did you guys vote on that she says we've never seen him I said this is a problem I had said from day one these agreements have got to go to town meeting right they're not legal and then when I got elected to the board of Selectmen I presented the first one and that one was okay it was the other two that were not acceptable the town meeting had not voted on them they had Clauses that contained real estate taxes absolutely not only personal property so they would they were tabled one company uh sued us and loss and the judge ruled in favor of the Town meaning they got to go to town meeting before they get signed by the board and you can't include real estate taxes which was exactly our whole position um so just to let you guys know the one I presented I emailed the man I deal with when I got home after town meeting and he wrote back and I said to him what I need from you now is review that boilerplate one more time I filled in all the blanks you know what the payment plan is cuz I sent that to you separately if you have any questions at all about that boilerplate I need to know nothing's going to change it got approved but the next step is when I hear back from you we've got to make enough copies Originals because it's going to come to you as a board cuz now that the town has approved it under uh the uh interpretation of the judge ruled in Asa once town meeting acts it goes to the board of Selectmen to accept it and sign it what happened before they got signed and they never went to town meeting so um so you're not out of the process yet but um that those will come to you when you voted to put these on the warrant that's all you were doing was Voting to put them on the warrant you were not approving these pilot agreements because your role is put them on the warrant and sit back and wait and that's another reason why I've always presented them because again uh on advice of councel uh David gay Selectmen do not get involved in the approval process until the town's people say Okay boards select Board of selectman we approve these now you can sign them and we'll get them executed so this all came out of that court case uh but anyhow so I didn't get to ask my question yet but I appreciate that so my question is have you or are you willing to maybe train Stephanie or or some of the assessor staff on it I know you'll be doing this for another 100 years Stephanie Stephanie has been involved and Stephanie and I have sat with our tax consultant when he does he because he does a spreadsheet with 20 years or 50 15 years if that's what they want each year is right there and cost it out okay and so yes she has been involved she says I don't think I want to learn this I said you have to learn it but it's not like you do these all the time the boiler plate is what's important as long as you got our tax consultant to help you with how much money we're talking about she understood how I take that total dollars and and uh frontend load it so yes she is in the process yes but it's it's difficult if you've never had to deal with it and it doesn't come up all the time but uh yeah she's going to be doing these perfect thanks thank you Nancy very informative Mr Rosie you had your uh thank you question before so dangerous to remind you that I was going to say something Brave man that you are so um has a uh trained member of the United States Army quartermaster Corp and assigned to the 379th combat support Engineers who primarily one of their primary functions is to build roads for the United States Army to transport their whatever on so I want to get over to your question uh Mark regarding roads and understanding them and uh this town and probably most towns in the state of Massachusetts build roads to a spec and I believe that spec is available for your examination and uh um one of the drivers on the expense of not only roads in the town but our highways is uh driven by the weight of the vehicles and the shock and vibration that they trans transfer down into the road bed so there's a starter for you uh so now the other the other part of this and it came up tonight it had to do with uh the asphalt now the so on your path to becoming more informed on cost and cost drivers so you might want to ask people who provide asphalt what has happened you know seek out industry experts and people who live that life every day you know what is what has been the cost drivers uh I strongly suspect that bomic was uh a driver in a recent cost of the building of uh of making uh asphalt and therefore the building of Roads so once again we can thank you know Mr Biden for his wonderful Administration and Leadership but I just wanted to encourage enage you show point out to you that there were resources that's in writing both in the town and probably at the state level with regard to what's required to build a town approved Road and you have a wonderful assistant over there who could probably guide you in your studies all right that's it for me tonight thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming out thanks Dave thanks Dave any more public input anybody out there no okay oh Dave I'm sorry it's okay I was going to chicken out of this no don't I'm the guy behind the camera doesn't like do public import um Mike mull all I can say was a pleasure working with you for the last three years we really thank you for your support it wasn't for you we probably wouldn't get our uh Studio up and running I wish we had a little more time where you could be our first guest um as a member of the uh dyon Lions Club when we get better ratings and I what a day well maybe we can bring you back you know 5 years later you come and see us and see what's up you know you always welcome than and uh as Alliance Club member we appreciate your support too you helped us out like with the Pavilion firers setting up the uh the safety with different people coming and going reserving it through the summer and uh all I can say is thank you I wish you the best take care sir thank you very much thanks Mike thank you Mike thanks again thanks Dave okay uh moving nobody else uh moving on to the minutes please i' like to make a motion to approve the board of selectman regular meeting minutes of May 8 2024 second motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I uh we're going to go to the executive session again um this is under uh Massachusetts general laws chapter 38 sections 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respected collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigation position of the public body in the chair so declares and the chair does declare uh so folks thank you for coming this evening and um I'd like to make that into a motion no second no uh motion being seconded all those in favor I I thank you for pointing that out yep thank you Dave