##VIDEO ID:qquvU0mhHn4## thank you uh welcome tonight is the town of dians board of selectman special meeting tax classification hearing today is Wednesday November 20th 2024 at 6 p.m. we are in person in Via Zoom at Oldtown Hall 1111 Somerset Avenue day in Mass this meeting is being recorded the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law can we please have a call to order Nicole Melo present Mark Pico present and Peter Ken present um we're going to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and there is no moment of silence uh tonight so we can just have a seat and get started I flag in the United States of America to the repic it stands Nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all that's five for us all right you guys are up uh call the uh Board of assessors meeting to order uh November 20th 2024 at looks like 6:01 p.m. um uh attendance Eric NY and Bill for all here um new businesses classification hearing uh let we just go go for it uh we have a presentation that was present prepared by our uh lead assessor um that's the title page um you saving money I'm try love it okay uh the select are going to be asked to vote on classification which is splitting the tax rate uh we will advise you of excess L capacity and we will present additional information including property assessment review New Growth projected taxes and what the impacts of the split rate will be uh terms New Growth is basically stuff new things that have come into town uh the levy which is the number I've always said we need to uh really focus on is the amount of Revenue that we raise through property taxes the levy limit is the maximum amount that um proposition 2 and a half will allow us to raise excess Levy capacity is the difference between the levy and the levy limit uh a Deb exclusion we all are very familiar with uh recently that basically is a temporary uh prop two and a half uh raise uh CIP is a classing that is commercial industrial and personal property mrf is a minimum residential factor which is the minimum percentage that the residential class must pay in other words there a minimum that we can set this shift to uh minimum which is 87.9 one21 um we can go up to 175% which is what we are at uh as of this year fiscal year 24 um a residential factor of one would maintain corre yeah uh we have a sing Single tax rate of 1401 number below that would result uh in a split tax rate and this is saying last year was we had a 175% shift which the residential tax rate was 26 which decreased the residential tax rate by 26 per th000 and increased the commercial by 94 cents uh per thousand value next page Levy allocation this chart will shows us what portion of the levy is paid by the residential versus the commercial so as you see here as I think you're well aware thanks um we have the vast majority of our income comes from residential taxation any questions on that page no this is not the same okay move on uh we're required to assess um uh property 100% Fair full and fair cash valuation it means that our values have to reflect the market and what properties are actually selling for um Department of Revenue reviews and approves our values annually and having full certification every five years which is this year if our values are not market value they will not be approved so every time we go to a resident we say this is your value we believe that is the actual full and fair market value of their property next is maximum allowable Levy uh for this year it is 23,25 4,392 which includes deck exclusions of $59,500 correct okay um and the major factors contributing to this is um the commercial we have upgraded and new inventory personal property accounts and real estate is mainly due to new construction Home Improvements and new structures and that concludes our Pony um now to get to the the interesting stuff um so I've done some analysis of what um what is happening last year versus what is happening this year so we've done a revaluation of both the residential as well as the commercial um and Stephanie correct me and stop me if any point I say something wrong but I believe Residential Properties went up by about 12% commercial property uh real estate went up about 6% and the number for personal property was about 23 I written down I believe it was 23% um commercial personal property went up uh and that was most a large part of that was due to as you know we went through a fiveyear if you remember we had to have an article to spend for uh a consultant to come in and do revaluations so we have significant uh raising and valuations on some of our commercial personal property so to summarize the values of residential went up to by 12 commercial went up by six commercial personal property went up by 24 so that being the case um and I forgive us we didn't have these numbers until uh just now so I'd like to consult with my colleagues here I believe I'd like to recommend uh to keep the tax rate the same because split ESP split yes because uh my reasoning being that um since both the the commercial residential has gone up a lot residential uh commercial went up a little on one and a whole lot on the other so kind of raising about the same and the only way we can go right now is to tax commercial more no I'm sorry I'm sorry I said that back tax residential more that's the only way we could go so I don't see any reason to try to tax residential more at this point right because of the increase because because the values were kind of similar so I think that we should kind of keep things the same last year if you remember we actually had up in that paper and I said I was wasn't going to use it uh we went from 167 to 175 we moved it further all over towards commercial and the reason we did that was because there was a uh large increase in residential value and a very small increase in commercial value so we pushed it more towards commercial so whereas they're both the same roughly the same raising in value I do believe keeping it the same would be prudent does any opinion from you guys yeah I would concur yeah I agree so that would be the recommendation of the board of assessors to the board of selectman is that we maintain the current tax shift at uh 1.75 I have no issues with that you guys are the professionals and do it for a living um and if that that's your recommendation I have no problems with that Mark I don't either Nicole there any questions or uh no you explained it very well um a quick question though on the personal property tax for businesses um that that's everything equipment wise that's equip yeah so residents get charged for um you know real estate you the land and the and the buildings commercial gets charged for real estate land and buildings they also get charged in addition to that personal property tax which is any technically speaking if I remember correctly personal property tax actually technically applies to everything but everything wow but even even residentially but there is an exemption there's like resal exemption that all of your home stuff is is excluded so nobody ever ever tries to tax per personal property tax on a residential property so so it's misnomer to call it personal property tax it's actually commercial property tax so anything any property that is owned in in the use of business would be uh under this ta how is that monitored uh we have um a company that goes out out yeah and physically goes to the to each and how often um every year every year I they think they take a portion next year it's the next portion and then and then when we have the fiveyear reval they get into have this year to get back into everything okay um and do we pay for that company or is it they get okay so like we just did the valuation was it like was it 50,000 53 remember what the amount was for the appraisal appraisal 28,000 28,000 glad to get a better memory but we approved 28,000 specifically for this purpose at the last town meeting okay right I remember that I remember I got up and I said yeah we'll get way more than this and and we did yeah sure okay um again I have no issue with it the um values this 5year reval starts January 1st we just did it for we started beginning of the year of this year yeah so not just recap partially for you but maybe more so for the camera because a lot of people there's a lot of confusion on this our tax year runs from July to June okay and the first six months of the year we have no idea what the taxes are going to be so we both have to have town meeting to to decide how much money we're going to spend and we have to do our reassessments to figure out how much what the tax rate is going to be so right now at the end of the year is when we actually are coming to the point where we're understanding how much money we spent and how much we need to tax to make it come in okay so this is why your first two tax bills are called estimated tax bills it's basically done on the previous year but then once you know come January 1st we're going to have actual tax bills because now we know the real numbers sure and so that's why your your second two payments could be very different than your first two payments and that will carry us through into June of next year when the process starts all over okay all right I did want to I I knew there was one more thing I want to mention uh because probably what's most important to people is if we go with this 1.75% shift it is going to mean a general increase in taxes on average of about 2.7% is what it's going to mean to your so anybody that you you got a tax bill you can expect that next year you 2.7% okay the other thing about valuation is certain properties are have to have people who are spec specially trained to assess them Titan power and Aquaria M those aren't done by just the regulars they're Specialists call them that any solar farm that's under a pilot agreement their taxes are based on the inventory that we have so they don't have to be valued every year because a pilot agreement locks them in for 20 years sure if they don't have a pilot then each year based on their personal property inventory their tax will be determined with our the person that's our tax consultant working with us and and who does that for the commercial for um the power plant and the uh uh George Sans sui and Son okay they always done it oh they've got the market ConEd okay practically New England it's it's a monopoly it's not it's not a competitive it's really you don't get bids it's really a specialized type of assessment when you get into power plants and things like that now was it Aquaria that pushed back this year no D and power Dian power okay all right I have no other questions Nicole you're all set Mark you're all set I have a couple but simple the um 1.75 shift 1.75 uh how does that compare to our neighbors do do you know how we are compared to like say Berkeley or or Rehobeth or like Rehobeth only has one tax rate they one tax Berkley only has one I know his tax classifications tonight also so I'm not sure so we're at the High highest percent that we can for a business do you think that's makes us not business friendly or do you think it's just not much of a because there's so much less businesses in town and property it doesn't affect it that much what are your thoughts on that personal opinion sitting on this side of the table you really got to look at the residential and the commercial mix um back in the day when we had all sorts of Industries it wasn't let's say a struggle right but what we look at now is as um more explained um and what we did last year when we' made that change and put more over to the commercial side we're always looking at the largest percentage of where that tax money is coming from it's residential right okay and I don't think the tax rate that we have would deter businesses okay uh but it's an issue of looking at fairly as best you can MH uh if the day it becomes that we have lots of Industry that's a different story it's and it's an easy decision okay yeah answer a question I I don't think it makes us unfriendly to businesses that's what I want he we're not so lopsided that they're like we got to get out of town or we're not going there we're not considering them right I think we're competitive and somebody would consider us in either staying and or moving in if the situation is Right perfect yeah awesome I have several things I want to say there first of all um my my lovely Stephanie here has provided uh history going back all the way to 1995 I love it and the lowest shift we have ever had was 1.5 okay all right um and so what I'd like to say is you know I've been involved and I agree with you I've I've made the argument um I think when I wasn't even on the board of assessors I was making the argument we need to be more business friendly um and this is back in the time when it was last few years were like from 2016 to 2023 it was 1.65 to 1.67 it was you know very very minor movements and I think the board of Selectmen have always done that they try to be very gentle and and so last year when I made the recommendation to really push it hard it was to try to be fair it was to try to keep it so so we wouldn't see this huge jump in residential and a small jump in in commercial I was trying to make it as I am today doing the best so so actually out of this um what is it residenti is going to get hit harder than uh the commercial because of this okay uh because the residential went up their values went up so much more than the commercial did right uh so commercial actually is getting a bit of a break this year I know that probably sounds horrible they're they're being taxed more or less I don't if that makes any sense sure it makesense more yes that's all I have for questions I appreciate would just mention also that I I mentioned this at the storm water committee meeting today um potentially we've already been advised there are two more solar installations that are approaching the drawing board which means they'll be going to planning um one is battery storage I think the other one may be battery storage there are two others that I believe one could be a large solar farm I'm hearing somewhere in the uh Miller Lane area and I'm not sure when the other where the other one is I realize we don't really think of those as businesses but they are okay and um so I guess we're business attractive for some types of businesses um but what's the inventory on a battery storage excuse me what would be the inventory to tax on a battery storage the inventory is all of the equipment that sits on that location I call them the racks that the batteries fit in uh the best way to describe it is you think about the uh the the um a whole stack of CD players all stuck in this place you know they got doors that open up sure um and all of the wires all of the connections the poles that come out to uh whatever however they get to however they're going to connect to the grid because these two that I know about are are connecting to the high tension lines okay but when you think about a solar farm or a solar installation everything that is brought in from wires to poles to whatever whether it's batteries or whether it's uh generating with panels everything on that is equipment okay the the land it sits on is commercial real estate rate but everything that is put on there uh is part of the inventory uh including the batteries I don't think you well that's I was just G to ask you batteries incl as a matter of fact as you know we recently put together one that got tabled at town meeting right um when I looked at the inventory for that before we gave it to our tax consultant I couldn't figure out if the batteries were in it and I specifically asked him does this include the batteries he said yes I said are they on site he said no they're in a warehouse I says my main concern is wherever they are they're part of this inventory he said yes awesome wow so they're located someplace else but they're going to be part of the inventory the reason they're not on site is but they don't have permission to finish it so they can go live and do whatever but until the test was passed on Monday um that wasn't going to happen anyhow so there they um that solar farm is right now all set with storm water yep but my understanding is tomorrow night they'll be back at concom to take care of some details and um I believe that they would have to have the asilt plans finished that have to go back to the uh planning board and then the Building Commissioner is the last person to act when he issues the certificate of completion okay so yeah that's where that one is hi Kevin can I ask a question sure so just for clarification when we set up the pilot agreements for like the solar Farms is that encompassing of the commercial like the actual land as well no all right so we're we're taxing the land as a commercial property and the pilot agreement only pertains to the equipment or the personal property personal property okay yes that that land if it's it's probably been in chapter as old farm land when it comes out of chapter and the selectman vote we're not interested in it it comes out of chapter they have to pay 5 years of back taxes at the commercial rate as long and most of that land is leased so whoever owns the property people or a trust or whatever they get built for that the other build personal property goes to the company that owns all that equipment the only complaint I've ever heard uh and it's not I don't want to exaggerate the numbers but it was a few is the uh tax on the personal property of businesses that so much not that anybody's going to leave town but they buy used equipment so they don't have to pay the full tax on something that was new uh I mean it's but nobody's ever complained about the tax rate uh not to me so so one thing unfortunately we failed at and I personally am sorry I should have been there for it but we did have an article on the special town meeting that got tabled for doing a $10,000 exemption which basically would basically exempt any home bus homebased business is the idea if you're speaking about low PE if you're talking about those people uh we are working and we we're working on it and we will be representing that at the next town meeting town meeting okay and I publicly apologize for not being prepared but yes well I think it was just a misunderstanding I'm not sure the everybody grasped what you were talking about well and I didn't have anything nothing you know usually if somebody calls on me I get up and they say oh God she's got a handful of papers no I had nothing see we've never said that I had I didn't say you guys said I said everybody says I had nothing at all bill was going to handle it and he I did not and it's my fault and I'll take care of it at the next town that's all right but I hope that helps assuage what you're saying is that people complaining about the high rate for uh personal property tax that will eliminate you know 90% of the people now you just have the big businesses too and yeah if the their strategy is to buy used equipment to have paid lower taxes that's a fine fine good business but we do plan to request placement of that article again okay for the annual town meeting sure because that way it can kick in for the July tax year next year yeah all right this is a review discussion act so is there any more discussion from anybody okay then I think we should act on on it does somebody want to make a recommendation I'll make a motion to for the CIP shift for fiscal year 2025 to be 1.75 I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you guys very much okay so we just need to announce the rates okay that's what we did at the others so residential is 12 .56 and the commercial will be the order of the agenda if somebody will make that recommendation um we're going to take uh 9 C and 9d and add it to the chief's uh position here tonight so that uh he doesn't have to hang around just for disposal of two cars I'll make that motion second motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you are you Susan I am okay thank you good evening I'm here tonight to uh to uh recommend that the board of Selectmen consider appointing the following candidate Susan Randazzo lives here in town on William Street to um be appointed to the as a public safety dispatcher to the part-time Workforce awesome cool nice step up thank you s su's uh she's been uh in town for how many years now 15 15 years cool actually you've known her long time um I reposted the uh the uh posting again because we had put it on social media a while back she had applied and I was uh happy to hear that she applied so I think she' be a great fit for us great well if she comes recommended by you I'm sure she's uh she's very qualified thank you thank you okay uh this is a review discussion Act is there any uh motion on the floor or questions is there certain number of part-time dispatches that you'd like to be at um with Sue's addition I think we going to be good four four yes um and then with the anticipation of possibly um one full-time or retiring in the near future it'll move us to three right so what part time hours um random um right now there's uh there's a 4H hour shift on Mondays um there's an eight hour shift on Fridays and then weekend shifts Saturdays and Su Saturdays and Sundays that's considered part-time yes okay yes Awesome mar any more questions Nicole do you have any questions okay is there a motion on the floor then to approve um I'll make a motion to appoint Susan rendazo as parttime dispatcher any more discussion all those in favor I I great congratulations thank you so much uh Chief we're going to go right into reviewing the uh two vehicles thank you thanks for stepping up yes thank you for your service you thank you um the first one is the uh 2005 Pontiac Grand free yes uh brookley is going to take it yes they are okay yeah it was a car that we had um acquired from another Community a while back it was used for undercover stuff and we have no longer any use for it sure is there any liability on our part by giving a vehicle to another town no there is not there was not I asked and uh nope there's nothing great okay um is there a motion on the floor like to make a motion to transfer the um 2005 p at Grand blue vehicle to the town of Berkeley second motion made and seconded any more discussion all those in favor I and then the uh 2009 Ford Crown Victoria that one just history yes okay yeah those we acquired that from um a neighboring community and uh it's seen better days okay so it's going to Surplus what does that mean when things go to Surplus we put up the auction yes uh I think Jim has them once a year maybe twice a year I think once I thought I thought it once yeah so it'll stay parked at the transfer station until um until someone yeah auctions it off okay is there any other cars in your lot that are do to be auctioned off uh not right now with the hopes of um when I get another uh Frontline car y I'll filter another one possibly two out so all those vehicles that are there get used the so we have three we have three detail cars y um those are the older ones that are in the back lock those are one those are the ones that we use for details and that we we are charge for for detail use usage and that goes into that revolving fund yeah um now I'm assuming we pay insurance on those vehicles um is there less of an insurance insurance rate because they're just detail vehicles or we just pay one Collective we pay the one Collective okay yep and we had gone through that list I had gone through that list with Karen um to make sure there was nothing outside on that that we were paying that we don't exist anymore correct okay great thank you you're welcome a okay uh is there a motion any questions no questions okay is there a motion on the floor then please um I'll make a motion to um send the police department vehicle on the cd12 N9 for Vic um to Surplus second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you Chief thank you have a nice holiday have a Happy Thanksgiving Thanksgiving thank you thank you the bunch you okay moving on to announcements please so we have some boards and committees who have some vacancies we have the tele um cable television committee one Conservation Commission One S um I don't know why I can never say ceremony um commission three historical Commission one um Commission on disability two in open space has one I think um Cemetery only has one one would you mind looking at that okay thanks sent truck no thank you um the dayon lights on we'll take place on Saturday November 30th at Oldtown Hall starting at 3:30 p.m. there will be music food caling as well as Santa and Mrs Claus or yep on the town of dayon food bank will be held next December 21st 2024 um this is at Town Hall and it's at the lower level and then the massachusett executive office of energy and environmental Affairs has declared a level two significant drought in the Southeast region um more information can be found at day andf fire.com great thank you sir Town administrator's report yeah just uh quickly uh as you know up there Town special town meeting was was last week on November 14th just a quick recap uh all the Articles passed with the exception of article 14 with the $75,000 for the for the new uh uh for the police vehicle that was tabled as as the assessors discussed article 20 was tabled and article 21 uh the pilot agreement for Brook Street solar uh was tabled um just a some articles of note uh article six the feasibility study uh passed as you know it was uh the article had it for 1355 million it passed that one uh 1.2 million and again for the you know for the benefit of the public this wasn't a raise in appropriate this was a transfer of funds from the uh the one 1,50,000 was the transfer funds from the capital stabilization fund and uh the balance of uh the balance of the money was already appropriate at a prior town meeting uh article 12 uh were 73,000 half from free cash half from Capital stabilization uh again uh it was in a raise in appropriate it was a transfer of uh funds again from free cash and capital stabilization this was uh to go towards the Pleasant Street Bridge the finalization of the uh of the engineering uh so it could uh it's part of a of a matching Grant the community uh preservation fund uh the m uh we had to we had to do this to get the $2.75 million uh we also got a little good news a little more good news in in in relation to the pleasantry Bridge uh outgoing uh State Rep Pat Hadad had put in $100,000 for that for that bridge in the uh Economic Development bill that was just recently passed so you know um it looks um like we're going to be shifting U money around and uh sort of maybe redu that 703 and use that 100,000 uh for that we just got to figure out how we're going to do that um uh as we as we move for as we move forward and J um last week um you know uh for the for the main street for the Main Street project uh we broke before the board um um to award contracts and it was a little up in the air we had first uh we first had put it Mark money it was denied uh we had appropriated money for it but fortunately uh yesterday uh Serena Amaral and I went down to the Bristol County Commissioners we made our case and they they saw fit to extend it and approve it so we're getting that 314 from ARA so it's not coming out of town funds so that's all I have uh quick question the um monies that were allocated towards the study I understand we're paying 45 state is reimbursing 55 approximately and we have to spend all that money up front before we get our 55% back or Mark might I believe so yes okay when do they start spending the money um I'm so I'm sorry when do they start spending that money um I don't know I I can find out for you I know um I know the um the uh the superintendent is meeting with the msba so we have to um figure that out I don't know so the reimbursement will looking at a couple years down the road the feasibility study will take some time so I would imagine yes okay I would imagine it's about two years down the road uh am I correct in saying it was 55 555 right6 okay uh I have no questions for the uh for the um uh Town Administrator okay uh selman's reports are there any I don't have anything okay um good uh then on to Old business which is none so new business this is a a hiring free that has been recommended and I'll just read the memorandum that we have parts of it uh due to anticipated budgetary challenges in fiscal year 2025 budget planning efforts please please be advised that the board of Selectmen at the meeting on November 20th uh 2024 instituted a fiscal year 2026 hiring freeze effective July 1st 2025 uh this does not include uh fire or police uh especially when it comes to filling uh um a position where somebody's out uh also it does not uh apply to appointments of board commissions or commit committee members um are there any questions or concerns about this I have a question how does this affect the health department and the positions that they're currently chy to uh it wouldn't because this is affective the hiring frees effective July 1st okay so CU they're already posted okay I have a couple questions or something I hope we can consider I'd like us to uh consider doing it immediately because I would hate to hire someone now that we can't fund for fisc year 26 with the exception of those Board of Health positions we've discussed them extensively I support that no problem however um just because we've appropriated the money for fisc year 25 just kind of back to that point point I'd hate to not be able to fund them in 26 and then the only other thing for the board to consider is department head positions although we would likely fill them and fund them I still think it shouldn't just be a matter of right that we're going to post it so I like department head positions to have to come to the board as well we may want to discuss the structure of the office or salaries or I mean just we're in a position where I think I don't want to short us too much you know we should I think it should be at least discussed by the board as these things come up sure okay um I just want to remind everybody this is not for any commissions or uh boards those positions that Nicole read earlier still need filling and this would not affect those positions uh Tom you have a concern yeah just two um that that will employees in particular for snow removal M and also for the possibility of apprenticeship program that's funded through the state of Mass right be fully reimbursed but it's still a dollar value position sure uh it would not affect those um uh especially with hiring of the uh Highway uh snow plowing that is uh separate from we're not hiring a position uh that would come on on our team and be paid benefits or given hours uh that would completely be exempt from that in the gentleman that you have coming in is fully reimbursed correct my understanding so there would be no issues with that either thanks for bringing that up um Nicole do you have any questions or concerns no I like um what Mark said in regards to making it I mean why wait until July 1 right um yeah I'm AG with that um then is there a motion on the floor please I'll make a motion to approve the letter with some amendments it'll be a fiscal year 25 hiring frees instituted immediately um we'll strike out department head positions out of the letter as well um in any any Personnel that we've already approved as a board to to be posted any positions will can remain posted I would only say to add you said 2025 hiring freeze but we want it to go beond like L Year all right if if if if I may through the board um it it was there is a position which the fire department is posting it was it was it's a planned position the chief had put it out I just want you to be um um to be aware of that they had it's been um they it's been budgeted for 2025 so it's you know it's it's in it's in the budget so if it comes up I know we have the hiring Frees I just want you to so if if it comes up a few months that is it a full-time or a part-time position fulltime okay yeah all right oh I I second that uh motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I okay this is a review discussion act fiscal year 2023 Municipal local cyber security grant program yes so uh we had uh received the grant there was a matching uh a matching fund Associated a grant from FEMA uh the Massachusetts executive office of Homeland Security stepped up and providing the matching uh the matching funds and matching funds are in the amount of uh 8,000 yeah thank you 8,986 25 so to accept to accept the money and this is a matching amount yeah okay yeah they're matching they're providing the matching funds for us for the F ground sure um I have no questions Nicole I don't have any questions mark no okay there a motion on the floor then please I'll make a motion to accept the matching funds for the 23 Municipal local cyber security Grant as that okay motion made in seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I um we've already done the other two so this is going back uh to um review discussion act Surplus request for councel on aent for 20 chairs pink cushions with metal frame they're finally getting R those huh oh man I'll make a motion that um we add the Surplus on the request by the Council on Aging for the 20 chairs with the pink second motion made in second any discussion all those in favor I uh correspondents there's none uh we're going to go to public input is there any tonight Kevin how were you good how are you Kevin Smith 1147 cat Street more coming as the chair of parks and rec just wanted to share a couple things with you guys um might seem like an odd time of year but we've had the uh very good uh re reation Revol re I don't know we have good things happening at the community garden um so we had um a member of the Community Reach Out who's a former president of the dayon Garden Club and she's also a Master Gardener her and a and a good friend of hers have kind of come in and taking the Reigns on that and help clean it up and they're really um interested in pulling the community together and helping us get that like back on track for the next growing season um so we're super excited to have her um it's um Denise Woodcock from right here in town um so we're very appreciative of her stepping up and reaching out and and taking the range on that to help us get that back into good shape to where we can produce some some produce for the for the community um as part of that as well um a for a farm that I you know in my personal life did quite a bit of electrical work for has also donated um 12 apple trees and four pear trees so we can establish you know somewhat of a micro Orchard around the garden which is just another way to um produce fresh fruits and vegetables for the community so I just wanted to say thanks to them it's round the Ben Farm out in Dartmouth it's a small sustainable Community out there awesome um that's a lot of trees is there enough room in there yeah yeah well it's well it's not going to go in the garden we'll establish around the outside yeah so oh and as part of that too um I've engaged um Scout Troop 45 to help us with the planting too so they're going to come out cuz they need some conservation hours so was just that timing was perfect was able to uh coordinate with with them so they're going to come out in early December on a Sunday afternoon and and help us with the planting and get those in the ground so I think it would be a good addition over there because um as high highway superintendent Ferry can tell you we did have to take down a couple trees that were old and rotting so it's nice to kind of replenish them with something and it's nice to have something that actually produces for the community so that's it that's all I got okay before you go on um the we now seem to have an agricultural commission will they participate in this in any way um yeah once I can um kind of keep in touch with the board to see with their new schedule as far as meeting is going to do and I'd be more than happy to go participate in their meetings to see you know how they want to tie back in sure um yeah I'm definitely going to have a collaborative eff if it's something that they're interested in participating in okay so great thank you the trees just as a formality does the Parks and Rec or the board of Selectmen does someone have to vote to accept those trees like the the the donation of I think technically we would so maybe it would be appropriate to um place it on your next agenda just as absolutely as a you know technicality to accept them but they're already there oh cool well that was very nice to them awesome very good I had limited time to pick them up so they they got deliv it Sunday good thank you thank you guys thanks um before we continue I should have brought this up at the uh selman's input um I did with kenjo we did talk to two of the applicants who came here last week and um well they they will be on the next agenda to approve I told them they didn't have to come because we they were here last week right um and uh it seems to to make sense that they both be approved and and put on the board so we will have a commission again like uh the past where it's kind of Fallen away awesome very good um no more public input anybody Zoom um then minutes please oh I think we have some oh yes oh I'm sorry approval of the warrants I'll make a motion to approve the warrants paid by November 21st 2024 21 a-25 for $13,988 21 B-25 for $4,388 and 21 c-25 for $1 17506 motion M and second any discussion all those in favor I I okay now um minutes please U make a motion to approve the minutes of the board of Selman regular meeting of November 13 2024 second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I uh we now have to go into executive session and um unfortunately everybody has to leave uh but um we will not be returning from executive session and um I need the roll call please ni M Mark Pico Peter Karen all um this is for going into executive session under the Massachusetts General law is chapter 30A section 21 A6 to consider the purchase exchange lease or value of real estate if the chair declares that an open meeting may have detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body okay thank you have a nice holiday e