huh um cable you ready y okay okay this is the tunel D and board of selectman's regular meeting today is Wednesday March 27th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in person in Via Zoom at Dion Middle School 1250 Somerset Avenue dton Mass you can join the meeting with the meeting ID 8901 12691 1572 and the pass code to join is 640 663 the phone phone number to call in is 646 931 3860 public input may be provided using the following methods contact our office at Board of selectman at D- to provide input prior to the meeting this is going to be continually played on Channel 9 and on YouTube at slown ofon this meeting is being recorded the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed in fact may be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law uh we could please have a call to order uh good evening Lenard Hall is present Nicole Melo present and Peter Kon is present uh we're going to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and just one more comment right after the Pledge of Allegiance we have a couple of neighbors and friends that we lost this week so we're going to play uh for we're going to have a moment of silence please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all since our last meeting two members of the D community of passed our thoughts and condolences go out to their families David a desmaris Jr age 56 of swans he passed away unexpectedly on Thursday March 14th he was the son of David desmaris and the late Cynthia Rothwell and devoted husband of the late lri mashad desmas also Harold C Dennis passed into Eternal peace on March 18th in North Conway New Hampshire he survived by his wife lucil he was an Air Force veteran and very active in the dyon Lions Club thank you okay the first thing on the agenda is for the acting police chief George Nichols review discuss and act contract of employment between George El Nichols in the town of dayon for the position of police chief yes and just uh just really to bring everyone up to speed uh since the chief was appointed two weeks ago um since Chief was appointed two weeks ago we have spent the last two weeks to negotiate a a like a three-year Employment contract with the chief um the three-year contract the three-year contract we believe is an extremely Fair contract to both the chief in the town um it does have does it does have a beginning base salary of $126,000 with an additional education incentive like it also has a um it also includes a $5,000 per year to reimbursement as well I like I like like and everything else in the in the proposed contract does follow the uh the typical oh yeah oh yeah the typical the typical template language that the town has for all of its non-union employees and so I would recommend approval of that contract okay I know we all were there the morning with George and it was approved by both sides so we just need to make it official this evening so is there a second I mean a motion on the floor to approve this Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve the contract of employment between the town of dayon and George L Nichols for the position of permanent police chief I'll second down the motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I and Peter Cameron is an I now we're going to have the swearing in ceremony for the position of police chief George wow e George I wanted to say first before we begin I want to say I'm absolutely honored to be the one to give you this over thank you please say I will or I do after each sentence that I say I George L Nichols J do solemly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as the police chief for the town of Titan Massachusetts I will bear true faith and allegiance to and will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts so help me God I will obey and be bound by such r rules and regulations as are now and may be established by the town of dayon and its Police Department please repeat after me I George L Nichols Jr do Solly swear that I will never betray my badge I George El J do I'll never betray my badge my Integrity my character or the public trust my Integrity character of the public trust I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions I will always I will always have the courage courage to hold myself and others accountable for our for our actions I George L Nichols Jr hereby accept the position of chief of police in the town of d i Jo j s accept the job as chief police for the D SP congratulations than you I like to invite Kim Nichol to come up and do your pinning ceremony no pressure pke me we practiced blocking my camera thank I'm not going to have a I'm not going to have a speech tonight but I just want to thank everybody on the board board uh D and local 306 all the neighboring communities that attended tonight and especially the town's people thank you so much thank you George it's a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of a new chapter in our Town's commitment to Safety and Security to our new police chief we extend our warmest congratulations and hotf appreciation for taking on this crucial role your dedication to public service and your unwavering commitment to uphold the lore LED you to this ex extrem exed position I hope no have no doubt that you will bring a fresh perspective and a strong Vision to guide us forward once again congratulations on your appointment as our new police chief I will admit it is a very proud Moment For Me 1986 I never thought the day would come that a former student would be the police chief of the town of dayon when George Nichols walked into my classroom i t i I'm very proud of this moment and I wish you the best George thank you you okay um thank you George well deserved uh ladies and gentlemen we have to continue with the board of selectman's regular meeting you're you're more than welcome to stay it doesn't get very exciting um but thank you for coming out thank you for supporting George and uh with our heartfelt thanks you you showed us a new way of of doing things and we certainly appreciate you you being here thank you you want record okay yeah it's not a very exciting agenda I got tissues you have one it's not than y yeah yeah yeah so uh when actually like when you were elected three years ago y yes ready all right sorry Dave thank you Dave years can a moment okay let's go I think they're uh on their way out all right are we good yep okay the next item on the agenda is a recognition for is a recognition of a recognition of selectman Lenny Hall Jr uh Proclamation and a certificate of recognition and I like and I have to say three years ago Lenny uh like just a month into my employment here I was hired by like a different board like from Mrs gulad uh just over three years ago now it's flown by quickly um and like in a month and I like like a month into a month into my appoint like a month into my time here you were elected and over these last three years we have had the ability to really build oh oh yeah like a grow a relationship a professional relationship oh yeah like an a person like in a person relationship as well oh like can I just oh yeah like oh yeah can I just want to thank you for oh yeah like everything that you have done for the town and for me and working to continue to move everything forward these last three years we do have oh yeah like in recognition like of this actually being your last regular meeting we are trying to actually like all oh yeah and we are trying to schedule a special meeting for next week however we do know this is your last we do know this is your last regular meeting so we do have a proclamation and a certificate of recognition for you drafted tonight that read whereas Mr Leonard read where is Mr Leonard ehal Jr served as a member of the D HTH Regional school committee for 16 years worked as a social studies teacher in the tan public schools for 30 years as well as being the Headmaster being the Headmaster Headmaster at North book academy in middlebar from 2013 to 2015 he holds a master's in education degree from American International College as well as a leadership certificate from Cornell University I can where as Mr I can where as Mr Lenny ehal Jr brought to life here in dyon alongside Al alongside alongside his devoted wife jacen to whom he was married for 34 years before she passed 2020 and who worked and who worked for the D H Regional School District for 40 years in AR whereas Miss whereas Mr Leonard ehal Jr was elected as a member of the Dion Board of selectman in April 2021 he served as a chairman of the board from 2022 to 2023 yes yeah yeah no those dates right I'm sorry I just had a moment of paranoia Ian has been involved and has been involved with and serve as a Le into various boards committees and commissions and commissions as a Selectmen including the Bristol County Advisory Board the Dayton MTH Regional school committee are dat the Dayton development industrial commission at the D water district at the Conservation Commission the fire station building Committee in the FR of the D Public Library I Mr Leonard e how Junior championed various initiatives as a member of the board of selectman including his advocacy for the new library building project at 207 Main Street helping to further strengthen helping to further strengthen the D police have excuse me helping to further strengthen the dayon police department relationship uh with the dayon raob Regional School District in improving and also improving the collaboration between the town and the dinon water district where as we do hereby recognize Mr lenon yal Jr for his hard work and dedication to our community and residents on behalf of a grateful Community we extend we extend our sincere gratitude to Mr Hull for his title Public Service efforts to to help move that forward oh with that L we just wanted to thank you again and recognize the uh the tremendous service not only you've had had during the last three years but really a lifetime of service uh yeah thank you very much fny Mr Mullen much much appreciated thank you you know it's about service serving our community I said one of my campaign slogans was God family country and that is very important to me and and service to this community is is one aspect of it I've met some tremendous friends over the years and I'd like to thank yourself Karen Leanne for all your help and our trying moments as well as the joyous moments and you know I had the privilege of serving with Dr Brett office and K Pico now serving Peter and Nicole and I want to thank you both you're welcome for your time on the board and your friendship and I thank you um the crowning moment I think in the three years was the library what a testament to the community and what a monument that goes along with the Berkley bridge and there a a woman here tonight that I would want to thank certainly a mentor and certainly someone I have come to really appreciate um for a long service for this community and Nancy thank you thank you for your your guidance and thank you what you've done for the people of D it's deeply appreciated thank you thank you man okay moving on to announcements please oh wait I'm sorry we have to review discuss an act appointment of me Melanie Silva as C that's not on the agenda that was removed right I'm sorry I'm reading the old one because mine got wet uh move on to announcements please town of D Food Bank all right so the real reason everyone comes my announcements um the town of dayon food bank um will be held next on ail a 20th 2024 located at Town Hall 979 Somerset Avenue that's the lower level um there's a notice of an open waiting list the Taunton Gardens is pleased to announce that they will be accepting applications for one two and three bedroom affordable income weight list applications will be available from February 20th to March 19th so now it's passed um to request an app by phone please call 508 822 2501 um this next one is also a notice of affordable housing um this is a lottery in Norton links um application must be delivered um there's still time by May 7th at 2PM for lottery information applications please call 617 78269 and it's extension one help support the jamesb garden the garden was established in 2021 and directly benefits the D Community all produce is donated to the Dion's Library food pantry and to the Lincoln Village residents we'd love to have you join whether you're season Gardener enjoy being outside or want to ensure the success of the community's garden for more information you can email Kevin Smith at kith dion. or myself at nmo at Dion um- and that's it Town administrators report I like I like I actually don't have any time minut support this evening actually everything I wanted to do update everyone on will be in the budget update Mr chairman yes sir so I will into that okay the secondment reports uh I'm first and I don't have any reports because we're not meeting until this week uh Solid Waste is meeting uh for the next two weeks to uh talk about bag issues and other things in uh open space which is going to welcome a couple of new members is not meeting until uh next week so I have nothing uh Open Spaces meeting next week uh the third of April I think okay uh I'd have to double check that but I think so I'll let you know uh Mrs Melo um I don't have anything as well um we already met for the cood um and then I believe Trails met but they just went over their budget which we reviewed last night and that's it okay thank you and Mr Hull yes um the ddic they will be having their Spotlight moment with the dayon board of assesses on April 13th it will be videotaped and it will be a question and answer session about taxes so um it's going to be in an interview format it won't be live but it will be posted on YouTube um the dayon water district um the two issues one in regards to the brook stre well negotiations titon and the town of Somerset have reached an impass unfortunately uh the biggest hurdle is that the dayon water district wants to have the right to test the water of the well and personally I find it amazing that the Somerset water district is not in favor allowing D to test the water before they spend $6 million I think when you purchase a home you have it inspected before you buy it and why some us that won't lent on that issue is unknown to me they hiding something I'm sorry are they hiding something I don't know but it does as a result the moratorium a building will continue we have enough water to take care of what we have have um and things are looking good in that regard I'm not hearing any talk about water bands on the same token there isn't water for future developments in the Titan Water District at this time um I don't know if the negotiations are going to be completely broken off but right now no negotiations are going on uh the other issue has to do do with notices that everyone received about uh Tetra hallo methylene not methane and they got a lot of calls about that it's methylene uh it's not going to explode they did some flushing unfortunately it only lowered the levels slightly they're going to do another flush and then in may they are going to inspect the tank and there's a good possibility the Elm Street tank will be taken offline for a complete cleaning and overhaul which will cost a great deal of money um last issue has to to is the school department in two issues one um the school committee last night voted to extend Bill Rooney's contract the superintendent of schools to 2028 and he's shown tremendous leadership and team building there's a lot of excitement in D help with regional School District um second issue budget negotiations and um last night chairman Aaron moris who was from rovic did something that I've never seen in all my years um obviously there was talk about budget cuts and the school committee voted on a a final budget for both communities of $1,692 and 120 uh the assessment is something that was going to be negotiated further in regards to the town of dayon so I'd rather hold off on those numbers Mr Rooney came into that meeting with a budget that had a 3.36% increase and that budget included The Cutting of Elementary and Middle School fizet teachers and Mr mois allowed the students to speak at link wow how they felt that it was not only hurtful for the school losing those teachers but also to the students who valued that time and needed their guidance and support as phet teachers when all was said and done the school committee voted to reinstate those three fette teachers in Titan mid Elementary School which was huge that did increase Mr Rooney's budget to 4 24% um which when you talk dollars and cents it's a modest increase of about $27,000 when you figure you know the share a breakdown between the two towns between the two towns so thank you thank you L appreciate it you um received a an award last night recognition from the school department for your hard work very nice was yes I I do appreciate it it was a really good relationship that I had as was mentioned earlier with the board of Selectmen and rith and the school committee rith great great group of people um I served as a lerson with someone that I served on school committee who's now selectman in RO with George Solas so it was it was fun time s um things have gotten a lot better morale wise and the big reason for that is Bill Rooney he really has brought people together um his educational staff the parents I mean the place was packed last night and um they left very happy so things are going going well um and I I think based on what I'm hearing budget wise I know raob is solid behind the schools um on our end my understanding is that balancing our budget is around $250,000 which I I'm confident we can work through that amount of money so I think things will be okay going forward for the schools it should be noted however that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is really tucked it to small towns throughout the Commonwealth and there have been devastating Cuts in Chapter 70 funding and special education funding and transportation funding throughout the state and that has obviously impacted tit and raob with as well all right thank you moving on to Old business just FY 2025 budget update yes I can just really like continue just really continuing the segue of you know those oh yeah like of those issues really like we know we're well into the budget process like I'm planning for FY 2025 uh when we met uh is this on sorry that good oh there we go Al when we met act Al like when we met actually two weeks ago based on based on the changes in the updates to um based on the changes in the updates to the state Chapter 70 formula process um and based on the proposed like FY 25 a school district assessment like at the time we were talking about having a deficit and planning for fy2 of about like of like of about $450,000 um to the district to the district's credit they have they have gone back to the drawing board and as a town we have over these last three to four weeks we've already gone back to the drawing board and planning for our budget as well Al like we do have a projected a deficit as of right now which we are continuing I like every day to work through and to try to address like we've been meeting act we've been meeting we've been we've been having the joint meetings between the BOS uh like in uh like in the fin CL which began last Thursday evening uh like we met uh we met actually last night like we meet uh I'll uh we do meet again tomorrow night with the fin Clum and we do I like expect like at this uh point a lot of those meetings to Al to also continue into April at this point we do have uh like as like like like like as of today with the updated School District assessment numbers uh ah that were voted on and approved by the school committee last night we do have an FY 25 projected deficit as ly mention of about $250,000 now we do have options and we do do have ways that we have an ability have an ability to deal with that which we've already began H having discussions about doing however like we really want to work very we really want to work very collaboratively with thinkom to be a to be able to evaluate and address those options as well um oh oh oh yeah all can just just as a followup on we last about two weeks ago the board did I like actually vote two to weigh in with State Legislative delegation oh yeah about the oh yeah like about the inequities and the challenges that oh yeah like being created in Dion and actually like an additional two 115 other like school districts around the Commonwealth that this funding issue is causing here like in everywhere in massachus and yeah like we did actually oh yeah we did actually follow up with representative that and poo like oh like actually like early in the week like in the house in the house budget process we really kick in the gear um I like actually the week before school vacation in April and hopefully through that process I don't have I I like I don't have a lot of hopes and I don't hold a lot of optimism but hopefully the hopefully the legislative process will will be able to help address and provide uh some additional relief hopefully hopefully well over and above hopefully well and above what the governor has proposed but we don't have any but we don't have any idea whether that will that will won't happen at this point we do uh we do on the town of dton website we do have like a budget we do have a budget in finance tab at the bottom of the website and yeah like everything really to do regarding everything to do regarding planning for the fy2 budget we've already began we oh yeah like we are like we have already begun to we've already begun to upload all we've already begun to upload all of our budgets and plenty documents there as well so everyone at home oh yeah like I mean like if they hear about the town having a plan and projected to $50,000 deficit now they do have the information that really oh yeah that really provides additional background about what is causing it and yeah like can anyone um has opportunity to tune in to tune into the joint meeting process to tune into the joint meeting processes that have been happening and like as I mentioned like likely to continue to happen through the month like of April like this oh uh like at this Venture as well and we'll also continue oh yeah like providing updates as we oh yeah oh oh yeah like as we go forward about oh oh excuse me like as we go forward about where we are and all and what those options that we have in have all like and have really reach a consensus on about how we have an ability to close that deficit uh yeah in planning to have like we need to have a balanced budget recommendation going into our June 10th town meeting and you know that oh yeah like that is like the expectation we have and that is that's a requirement that we have and yeah like so we working from now until then to get there and to do that so if anyone has any questions about you know that that part of the process I'm happy to take any questions uh I I don't we've lived it for the last uh several months yeah and um we've made a lot of Headway but there's still more more work to do but I think the end is in sight okay uh moving on to new business review discuss and act encroachment license agreement between the town of dayon David in Michelle White Two uh 217 Williams Street hi guys I'm sorry you had to sit through all that yeah no the White's on here actually Sor oh I'm sorry I thought you were the whites my apologies um okay they're not here this evening I know but like we did actually meet with them about like three weeks ago now to talk about the boulders in the town I like in the in the Town Road and the town Town roadway layout like on Williams Street which is right at the intersection of Williams right at the intersection of Williams and Main Street right uh like as a directive as a directive from the from the board um as a director from the board and the approval of the board at that meeting we have spent the last few weeks work with Town Council and the highway superintendent to come up with to come up with a proposed license agreement that would indemnify and hold H and hold Hess a town while the town explodes options to uh to help address the the roadway issues that we Face there as well right so we have work with Town Council in the Whits uh to come up with to come up with a proposed license agreement that uh that will continue to the end of the calendar year with like an opt like all an option uh with like an opt with an option to extend if the party's desire uh oh yeah like at that time and like we do have like we did oh yeah we do have the white to visit Town Hall this afternoon and and yeah and they have executed on there in anticipation of the board doing the same okay if anyone has any questions on that I'm happy to take that the only the only question I have Mrs Brady will you be notary be the notary for this the I like I like oh excuse me like actually the assistant town clerk has the assistant town clerk has already notorized that the white sell signatures in the executed document so that's all oh good oh good okay thank you yep do you have any questions no I don't okay is there a motion on the floor to accept this agreement Mr chairman I would like to make a motion that we approve the encroachment license agreement between the town of dayon and David and Michelle White of two 1117 William Street as presented this evening I'll second that the motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I and Peter C is an I thank you thank you Peter before we move on um would you entertain a motion to abely Stacy yes I was going to make Aion okay I make a motion that we take um what is it new business D out of order um for Stacy Barry as animals second any discussion all those in favor i i p car is an i hi Stacy how are you this evening good two nights in a row yeah like d like oh yeah oh yeah like the renomination of for Miss FY to be the town of dians like inspector of animals is like I like is it I like is it I like is it is it is like an annual renomination that is submitted to the state I like in about a year and a half ago we all like all worked together with the actually work with the Board of Health and the police department to like restructure the who has the renomination authority and oh yet oh yeah at that time in accordance um in accordance with the animal control in accordance with the animal control officer's Employment contract we transfer that over to the board of selectman so this is the annual renomination okay any questions no no okay is there a motion on the floor Mr the chance I'd like to make a motion to reappoint Stacy Ferry as Inspector of motion made in second this friendly amendment to renominate Yes um any discussion all those in favor I I and Peter CER is in I thank you Stacy um back to uh B um if you discuss an act Pleasant Street brid Mass DOT municipality's acknowledgement of project El ability notification yeah yeah like and this is like a really exciting update I think um this the Pleasant Street Bridge replacement project continues to be a label of Love um I like a labor of love between the highway superintendent myself with beta I like who are Engineers on the project I like we have a continued we do have a continued partnership we do have a continued partnership with representative pad and Senate Pico on this um in addition to Congressman AR CL as well um but we worked we worked at the end of the last um we worked during the end of the last uh car our calendar year to go through through the mass P of Transportation oh yeah what it's called it's PRC process where we have to oh yeah where we basically because we do have like and we did at the end of calendar year 2022 like secure the 2.75 million Federal Amar however like as however as a condition of us all like all like actually being able to utilize being able to utilize that imach that was approved and oh yeah like approve it and approved that the federal level that emach that emach in order it in order for it to be accessed specifically for the Pleasant Street Bridge replacement has to has to go through this has has to go through the state Mass do process Al like in the process in the requirements that that because of that requirement um basically has a very real possibility of changing the scope for the bridge replacement I like can changing the scope for the bridge replacement we have to go through we have to go through even even more permanent like we also have to and we're talking about oh yeah like and we're talking about the potential of it now with the design and Engineering to also because of the state requirements we also might have we also might have to Al like also anticipate the design and our construction of sidewalks in the area as well and as we know we don't have any sidewalks in the area now so oh yeah like as a result as a result to get this whole process basically accepted into the state process like at the end of last calendar year we had we had to go through the like State what is called the project Review Committee the PRC process where we went through that process with Highway superintendent Ferry's assistance i i in with the helping Partnership of beta we went through that process at the end and uh we had everything in for the end of December uh we just actually we just actually found out that we were accepted thankfully thankfully into that process so now what is I like is that uh what is what's actually being asked of the town and the board of Selectmen is is for the board of Selectmen to approve the municipalities to approve the municip abilties project elil project eligibility notification form like in that just basically outlines the rest of the process where the state oh yeah as long as oh yeah as long like as long as as long as a town meets it so like it's like it's engineering design and pering requirements and any other requirements that we have that we have to fund and complete um that we have to compl fund and complete as well like if we do that if we do that all and have the project advertised including including any land takings um like any land takings or easements that we have to do as well if we have all that done by March 2026 which is a very ambitious timeline I I if we do all that and have all that done and have the project advertised by March 30th um 2020 like six yeah the state oh oh yeah like is willing together with Ser to try to find a way to pay for what I now are the approximately 5.2 million in construction costs so the fact that we have have actually done a lot have actually done a lot of the design and engineer design and Engineering work already the fact that we've already on our own oh yeah oh yeah together with together with rapson and poo I in Con in Congress option Clause the fact that we've also secured like all that all go that 5.2 million oh yeah the fact that we've already like secured the fact that we've already secured almost $3 million of that the state is willing to kick in the rest as long as oh yeah oh yeah as long as the town is really like committed to continue on oh y oh yellow in the engineering design and process at our expense oh yeah oh like it's a lot but hopefully we do through this whole project Bas through this whole project and based on the investment the town has already made in two years we'll be at a point where we will hopefully be at the beginning at the very beginning stages of the construction for a new bridge great yeah yeah like I'm sorry like there was a lot there like I oh yeah like oh yeah like oh yeah like I actually like fear that I would actually oh yeah like oh yeah like have an intent of like putting putting people to sleep don't you empty the room yeah I know but uh yeah like I wanted to really provide that overview because yeah there's a lot there and we've been working really hard on this so right okay so you need something from us then yes I we do I like and I am asking the board to approve of the municipality's project ele project a project eligibility not project eligibility notification acknowledgement form which is included in the packet yep now is it a notification or an agreement um it is just like is just act it just actually is just actually like the state's notification to the town of what to really the expectations will be what the what the state's uh expectations of the town will be and that we acknowledge those expectations Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion town of D enter into an agreement with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation municipalities acknowledgement of project El eligibility notification for the Pleasant Street Bridge I'll second motion made in second any discussion all those in favor I I Peter cam isn't i c review discuss an act contract with RGB Architects for fire station feasibility study yes we do uh We've also Al Al like since the end of the summer we've been working to in hopes of finalizing agreement with a firm that we had procured and ranked uh and worked with the fire station building committee to go through that whole process with we did Al like I believe in October recommend the board to three finalist Al like we entered in uh like we did enter into negotiations with the first ring finalist uh that actually that actually broke down like at the end of the calendar year um we then entered uh we then entered into a negotiation process with the second rank from with the with the second ring from RGB Architects out of Providence Ro Island Al like we actually we had uh we we had a very good site visit with them like about like a month and a half ago now and we oh yeah oh yeah we had a really good meeting um oh yeah can base based on what the town is looking for and based on the and based on the priorities of the fire station building committee as well oh yeah oh yeah like we found our DB to be very responsive and receptiv to uh to trying to analyze and assess the different layers that oh yeah like really we as a town in the fire station building committee want to look at here I like I like is part of a fire station I like I part of a fire station feasibility study and uh we we do have oh yeah based on the article that was approved a year and a half ago at a special time meeting we do have an article that is actually funded at $50,000 however we are recommending a however we are recommending a contract with RGB AR in the amount of 100 of $125,000 in that and the hund the $125,000 like we really accomplished everything that we set out to do in this project okay then is there a motion on the floor to uh going for a contract with RGB Mr Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion that the town of TI approve the contract with RGB Architects for the fire station feasibility study I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I and Peter K is in I we obviously did D um e review discuss an act request a purchase One kimtech firit Transport Deluxe f-23 in accessories for the amount of 7,47 $5 from the fire department ambulance and fire gift account yeah this is for the um yeah like and this is stretcher right yeah like this is like for like a stretcher type device for the new piece of equipment uh that the like fire department through this fire Association was able to purchase I like actually purchase earlier in the month any questions guys okay is there a motion on the floor Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve approve the Titan fire department request to purchase one kimtech fet transport Delux fdh 203 and accessories for the sum of $747 from the fire department ambulance and fire gift account I'll second that motion meeting seconded any discussion all those in favor I I Caron I be review discuss and act cable committee Surplus item request a Yamaha mixing board Mackie mixing board Apple iMac 23 in that pretty self-explanatory yes okay now what are we going to do with the with this stuff I know it's been declared Surplus so yes uh we do we do have uh we do actually by annually we do have like a surplus I'm sorry we do have an auction we do have a town auction for any equipment and materials that have act have actually been voted by the board of surplus and yeah like we can add we can add these three pieces of equipment to that list so it'll go into storage until the auction yeah probably um oh yeah like we anticipate being able to schedule another auction in October of 2024 Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion um to approve the cable committee's request to place the following items into Surplus a Yamaha mixing board a macki mixing board and an Apple iMac 23 in I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I pet Caron I review discussing act renewal of an fp2 license for Reese's Auto Sales 556 Somerset Avenue so this is our final fp2 permit in the process um they have been inspected by the fire department paid all the fees and all applicable taxes have been paid to the town fire department um Captain Gagner has signed off on this as well this is just our last one okay Mr chairman i' like to make a motion to renew the fp2 license of Reese's Auto Sales 556 suet Avenue Ty I'll second that motion May seconded any discussion all those in favor i i c isn't I thank you approval of the warrants Mr chairman I would like to make a motion that the town of dayon pay the warrant for March 21st 2024 item 39 a-24 $118,800 item 39 B-24 $196,100 and 51 cents second that motion made second any discussion all those in favor I I chairman say I Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion that the town of dayon pay the warrant for March 28th 2024 item 48-24 1342 8648 item 40 B-24 24,27 48 item 40 c-24 1,486 96 second that motion M second any discussion all those in favor I I Peter Caron I uh any acknowledgements correspondence public input hi Nancy sticking around Nancy I thought you were fall to sleep there for a minute um first Mr Hull I want to thank you I want to thank you for your kind words I want to thank you for your service I know what it's like to sit in that chair uh I have a request at the board of selectman after the election when you reorganize make sure you app appoint a member of your board to be uh the representative to the Bristol County finance Advisory Board it has to be a selectman and depending upon where they are in their budget you don't want them to notify you of a meeting and you have no one who can go weighted votes are very important and I've sat through a number of those meetings when we couldn't call it to order until we got just a fraction over 50% % of the weighted votes you know how to to conduct business so that is a very very important position that Mr Hull has uh held and it was the only one I couldn't continue to hold because you must be a selectman mayor or a counselor so be sure when you reorganize your committee that position gets filled okay we that it's it's really strategic um the the water district discussion uh I got to go back to the water rights we got when we bought the land on Brook Street the whole purpose of acquiring that was a future water supply for the town of dayon and when it was mentioned to them the water district if you want to pursue drilling a well on Town property it's a simple matter of an intermunicipal agreement they said it would cost $3 million to do a well I heard 6 million tonight to buy one and I'm thinking I'm just putting it out there again the property would belong to the town of dayon but the agreement would allow them to do that and if this thing is going to continue and the water supply of the town will remain somewhat limited there's got to be something done now equally unpopular this town was guaranteed a connection to the Sal desalinization plant that's in the planting board records Mr Ferry and his crew was willing to dig the trench from the water district building on sua Avenue to the plant up that water is no good can't use it all I know is there's a lot of people drinking that water because that water is being pumped North uh that connection oh we call it the spigot it's in the agreement so um then we said why don't we just connect up with time and buy surplus buy water because that connection is also in that building uh it's not going to be compatible how about if you get water right from Somerset Somerset is supplying water to Residents in the town of titon down Brook Street down the highway because the law requires them to supply it we've got a couple of places where the dton water line and the Somerset water line run together but there are people in town uh Brook Street to I think it's Chase excuse me Chase Avenue down the highway 138 that's Somerset water so I'm not saying anything about testing and all that all I'm saying to you is we got residents drinking some of set water it it just seems that if we we have a water supply if you drill down in the some set owns the other eastern half of the river and the land around it what we acquired was if you will the Western half of the river and the land on the western side well if you drill a well you're going to be in the same aquafer but again they said oh not going to work uh but again you you're talking long-term planning and if we had an industry that wanted to come in that needed a water supply uh it would have to be sorry I mean I realize right now what's on hold is housing developments but uh the I'll just say the opportunity is there and I mentioned just now several of them um so again it's I realize it's a separate board but people need to know there are options available um if I could drill a well for three billion I wouldn't buy one for six but uh that's another issue um the the other thing I wanted to mention was um Mr Hull just because on election day you will no longer be in office I just want to remind you of something three years ago I said I was not going to run for selectman and I went to the school to find out who won the election and Mr Hull won the election then the town clerk announced who won the Assessor's job we all know who got that job I didn't even run for it I just stood there next to Mr Hull thinking what do you mean I'm the I'm I'm the assessor and the town clerk says do you want to take your oath of office with Mr Hall so we took it together so all I say is Mr H you may think you're gone as of the election yet all I can say is it uh if it's not over till it's over the last thing I'll mention is we had a candidates night the other night and it's kind of strange cuz there's no competition there you can't you can't rebut if somebody says I'm going to cut taxes so I thought I'm going to leave them with something to think about it there was a pretty good crowd it wasn't packed but I said there's something I want you to understand first of all the assesses don't cut taxes the assesses don't determine the taxes as far as what gets raised and neither do the Selectmen it's the people at town meeting who determine what the taxes are going to be so the board of assessors kind of just watches it waits for the town meeting to end and then works with other Town officials to determine of all the approvals that were made and when you reduce it down by whatever state aid and local receipts whatever you have transfers how much money do we have to raise and appropriate because whenever you see on the warrant raise and appropriate that's your taxes okay so you need to know that so it's people at town meeting that really determine what the taxes are going to be when the assesses and the Selectmen get together to set the tax rate the important thing is that again it's all based on what you've approved we don't sit around and decide let's spend this much and you it's not that way so you need to approve it to keep this in mind there is a Formula very simple formula Mr Mr Hull was sitting in the audience r + a equals T raise and appropriate appropriate equals taxes it's the rat formula r a t raise and appropriate equals taxes so when you're thinking about it and you're at town meeting remember the rat formula that truly is what determines what the tax rate will be based on and it's the easiest you don't have to remember anything else when you say how much is this going to cost us if it's ra equals T it's taxes so uh it it was a good meeting all in all uh but it was it was strange um there was one individual who got up and her concern was that when the tax rates uset the uh split between uh residential and Commercial there should be less put on Commercial and more on residential and I said to her um I will point out to you in all the years I've been involved with Municipal Finance this was the first year we really had to look at it and there was more put on the commercial side simply because we looked at what it was going to cost taxpayers and it's not that we're trying to put too much on anybody as a burden but in all honesty if that particular split had not been approved your taxes would have been much higher and and it just so happened but quite frankly this is the first time I've seen a split like that but it was necessary so she seemed happy with that uh but I was surprised at the question because I have never heard that before most residential taxpayers say you got to cut my taxes but anyhow so I thank you and just be aware Mr H thank you Nancy a couple things from that meeting um one that was a gamble that we took last year um it paid off and one of my fears because I was the one who advocated for it and Bill Mo from the board of assessors did as well was the fact that what impact would it have on businesses and none of the businesses left so I felt good about that but it was a risky move but you know sometimes in tough times you have to make tough decisions the other thing and I promised some people tonight that I would say it that came up at that meeting and I won't be on the board to vote for this but the word is from the incoming selectman who said it loud and clear from a former selectman who is now an assessor and two members of the school committee this November they would like to see a debt exclusion for Bristol Plymouth Regional Technical High School building project so I hope thank you okay oh I'm sorry okay I just wanted to uh provide upate was mentioning um the areas that all of the finance and board of selectman joint meetings and how you have the documents uploaded onto the town website we did before we came here today got all of the so far I know we have a is it one more or two more Finance Board of selectman joint meetings that are left one more okay oh and then there may be more at least up to date as of today they are on YouTube as well um the town of YouTube page so it should be under both the board of Selectmen and finance committee playlists so that's another Outlet if they want to watch the raw meetings versus reading through some of the documents so just another Outlet to look at those thank you very much okay we need a motion for approval of the board of selectman's regular meeting minutes of March 13 2024 did you guys get them today y Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve the board of selectman regular meeting minutes a mod 13 2024 second all those in favor I I Peter C is in I motion for adjournment Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion to agend any discussion all those in favor I I Peter car and I thank you