##VIDEO ID:uSP47pzEZcQ## wait 30 seconds so you can go a set okay here we go i' like to call this meeting to order this is also a remote participation Zoom meeting it is a public meeting being recorded for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on YouTube at www.youtube.com townof Titan and it's called to order at 4:30 exactly uh we should say the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all and I have a motion to move five 5 a up to the beginning as the first water of business I motion I step down and second it that is now see I you out of order now that is to review discuss act 119 Sunny's way can license waiver Candice Brer brasser okay I wasn't sure I wasn't sure dear okay would you like to step up and speak sure thank you Podium yeah be the star of the program okay just um how many dogs you have uh we have four dogs currently okay and are the indoors or Outdoors they're indoor dogs okay um do you have an outdoor like area for them to run or do you just walk them our backyard is fully fenced with six foot PBC F oh that's great I didn't I didn't know that that's great um and we haven't gotten any neighbors to uh complain right none of you people want to complain about her you don't okay can I have a motion to approve the um the waiver for the Ken license I motion I step down and second and it is approved motion passes oh no I didn't even say oh my goodness we didn't vote on it got to vote on it may I have a vote please I I motion is unanimous and it is passed congratulations do you want me to do this right now or at the end oh no I should I have the original so we can do it at the end because I got to send it to um okay okay so we'll take care of it and sign it y okay it's got to get pass along so next it'll go to J and then you can take it down to animal control and she'll sign off I'll give you a call tomorrow the check that I the letter about yeah yeah when you pick it up when you pick it up from us you can give it to me okay so come that up you'll call me aome nice meeting you folks have a good evening next on the agenda back to Old business oh we have to vote to go back to Old business do we yes okay um I'd like could I have a motion to resume to Old business my motion I second down in and yeah I step down and second that could I have a vote I I motion passes going back to Old Business Review discuss act overdue trash bag vendor balances uh we've had it quite High these These are balances for the trash bags that we give to vendors and they sell to the residents one of the vendors was overdue by over 50,000 they do move a lot of bags sometimes they move as much as 4600 in course in dollars for one week um our office manager Elizabeth has done a phenomenal job in keeping contact with the fendo recently their main office and getting the balance down to 30,000 but it's still way behind um quite a few months actually one of the invoices goes back to August of 22 right now we are upgrading our long overdue contract with this Vander and hopefully new regulations will help with getting payment current that's what's happening with that right now I actually talked to the selectman this morning and uh the because the luck to men are the ones that have to make out the new contract we are not in charge of that so I act in um reviewing this I mean I act oh my gosh could I have a motion in reviewing this matter after the new contract is drawn up I motion I step [Music] down and second it all in favor I I motion passes 4 b reviews review discuss act potential health concerns regarding farming activities at 2651 Pleasant straight Ellie I believe that's you oh yes please please if you don't mind honey I'm sorry I shouldn't call people that sorry go ahead ell would drove to Street um I just want an answer to our previous meetings what's happening because it's been 10 years I know it has nobody has ever done anything for these people yep and it's getting worse is it what's what's been going on lately well noise but then I have she has a shallow crawl space under her house yeah and it's dirt floor I got mice borrowing down underneath to get underneath the house I this is where where you're living right now I put poison in there and I cover it up and the next day there's a couple more it's getting worse okay I know and I understand your frustration I really do oh you don't even know I I cringe at my I I [Music] don't I know did you try D did I try what remember we had that chat in the office and I suggested a couple of things and one of them was D um I've got a couple of calls and I'm waiting for return calls you can have them call me anytime okay um you know we have to go by rules regulations laws and as I said I think the one of the best things to do is when it overflows and as you said we have to wait for the spring and the rain and that's you know it's a time off but we really have to wait test the water and if then it's contaminated that's a good cause um we've tried a couple of different things we can't go on his land he's already stated it the owner of the property does not want anyone from the town to step foot on his land but there's an easement isn't there not that I'm aware of then why is there a pole like four or five feet in I don't know that I'll check that Go's driveway right across the street right across the street okay we'll check that I we really have been Liz and I we really haven't we haven't got an agent you know that it's been me and there's only so much I can actually do even though I do try I really do try I know I know that's why I'm here alone because they already know what what Town's going to say and that's a shame after it is after 10 years that's a shame that people would be treated like that to people you residents have gone through a lot down there personally um yeah I totally agree I I don't say I don't agree I totally agree but regretfully There are rules and regulations we have to go by if we don't it doesn't get anywhere we I'm sorry out I'm really am sorry continue Plan B okay keep in touch I don't mind you coming in and talking with me I really don't really don't all right thank you even though I'm crazy busy Liz wants me to stop bugging her once in a while so come on in and talk honestly we see what we do will it take me to get um um the minutes from this meeting uh they get approved at the next meeting so a month like this meeting we're approving the me minutes from the last meeting so so I can come in get them they'll be online too yeah yeah they'll do all I know the minutes from the last meeting will be approved tonight and those will be available so if you want the minutes from the last meeting I can get those for you tomorrow okay but this one won't be actually two because I didn't come last month okay thank you no thank you hun I'm sorry I really am I know it doesn't sound like it means a lot but it does so I have a question yes um regarding this uh situation since I'm not too familiar with it um is there any chance that um I can get or we can get be provided with more information oh yes you can as far as what the complaint is I'm only hearing a little bit so to be fair can give you the full file she'll copy the full file for you it's quite lengthy it's been quite a few years so in Reading uh the material that I was um given for today's meeting is there any chance that um one of us or I would even volunteer maybe U work with um another division in looking at what the situation is there you can try we've all tried a lot of things we've opted to I wish you'd stay okay the Town also said that they would get a drain put a drain in and connect it to the runoff and he said no he did they both said no him and his wife both said no they don't want anybody messing with their land they they just flatly refused everything okay and we've had conservation we've had Animal Control we've been involved okay uh we've been trying but um okay yeah maybe we can give it if I'd like to give it a try yeah no great Elizabeth can that would be great because I don't mind um I just no more information I don't really know what the full situation is you can be the goto person on this I'm there yeah that would be great come up with some great ideas or a good idea that we get it that would be great that would unbelievable yeah right because that is my sort of specialty and we'll also point you to um the other boards the other divisions the other departments that have been on be great thank you very much Tammy you're welcome um on to 4C review discuss act temporary food permit process remove six Monon extension so basically what we're doing is instead of having a temporary food permit for only six months we're just having a one-time price of 75 or permit fee of $75 okay if somebody comes in and gets a temporary food per it's good for six months okay which typically it's not an issue because they pay the one fee and they usually don't come back into town for events okay but this year we had an instance where one vendor came back three times okay so we have to send the health AG not three times to before each event at that point we're in the negative now right so it makes more sense okay to just remove the temporary I mean the six temporary make it a one time okay could I have a motion to remove the temporary food permit process making it one once a year I motion I second that motion all that vote i i i motion passes to remove the six-month extension and make it a fulltime fulltime one once a year food permit 4 d review discuss act 2371 County Street email status update Dave Phillips how are you how you do please come on don't know if cop I mean it was four months ago yes the April one yes okay was good I'm old D since Tammy wasn't here do you want to tell a little bit yeah basically we were we were on a site visit on 43 okay and I noticed a trailer back there and it looked like somebody was living in it and we noticed this like an Oda and I was I was worried that they would dumping stuff over the embankment I don't know if that was the case I just wanted to bring it to somebody's attention to you know scope it out and see if there's a problem there you know there's where the trailer was I don't know if the trailer is still there because we can't really go on the gentleman's property anymore but you know where the trailer was with within 25 ft there's the embankment that goes down to the railroad bed and it's like a 25 25 foot drop now if somebody's living in there and walks out and just stumbles along I mean it's kind of a safety hazard in in my eyes from what I saw and I don't know if anybody's been out there to take a look at it but it's been four months I don't know the trailer could be moved by now four months since yeah really yeah that was April third and I understand that the the board went through various things that have happened in the last couple of months so maybe nobody's even address this I didn't know about this um no this was before you even got back on though yeah okay we'll look into it yeah David definitely we're sorry about that no don't quick question for you Dave I understand we we all you know we all work together we're all servants know and you know I know definitely whether it whether it's it's not a violation or it's not anything so you know somebody whether the building inspector or the Board of Health should you know let us know did you contact the building department also the emails this email was sent out to the various people because I know there are rules and regulations about campers in the back yeah I mean was you know somebody was living in there or camping there could he could be there for the you know for the summer months I don't I just don't know but my issue was somebody walking in the duck out of the camp up and within from I I want to say from me to Elizabeth you know it drops you know consider right you know and it you know I I know if I walked out and just stumbled along in the dock you know it dropped 25 feet you know well I it's a safety to me it's a safy not only a safety but Mr Hall how are you do you recollect because I'm going to ask your advice right now do you recollect because I seem to recollect a regulation of how camper is not being like stationary or lived in lived in Days Seven Days you can live on a property that's it okay thank you it's definitely an issue that the buildings commission should look at yeah I got that hook up concerns like iCal and [Music] sanitation okay we'll um we'll contact Mr agar tomorrow and have him look into it David is that all right thank you very much no we I'm sorry no don't be sorry we're trying to catch up here and proceed forward you need any help don't hesitate to I will try to help as much as I can I know you will thank you so much thank you actually I answered my own question I relooked at the photograph so I'd like to uh could I have a motion to act on 2371 County Street as far as contact and building department Commissioner James Agia notifying him of this so that he may look into it I motion I second um do I have a vote I motion [Music] passes that's I've got to say something here I really really do how could that gentleman email all these departments and nothing was done from any of them that can't be at least one Department should have responded okay let's go to new business 5B review discuss act recommend Jennifer is she here tonight no okay you can skip that one doesn't come in she's the tobacco control officer so she'll go and do all the inspections stor and she's find okay so we still have to riew discuss act recommend Jennifer Che Sarah as Titan tobacco enforcer I um could I have a motion to recommend Jennifer doik Sara as dinon tobacco enforcer I motion I step down second that and um in discussion Elizabeth do you know her personally no she works for the state okay but she's done it a couple of years here or a year I know she was here last year the year before I don't believe it was her it was another okay but no complaints or anything about her okay could I have a motion to appro approve Jennifer doara as D tobacco enforcer I did you motion I did okay I'm sorry I didn't hear and I will second that could I have a vote please I I motion passes on five see review discuss ACT public health nurse job description this is actually the second time this has come before us we've done some a little bit of um adjusting to it not a lot and it was sent over to the selectman which they did some adjusting so it was sent back to us we adjust it again and this hopefully is the final one one that we can move forward to the Selectmen so that we may be able to um get a found nous appointed could I have a motion to approve have you looked at it I did okay a motion to approve the town nurse job description being sent up to the Selectmen I motion I second could I have a vote I I motion passes 5D review discuss act Health agent job description could I have a motion to review this I motion my second passes um oh could I have a vote I'm sorry I I um we have gone over this this has been a lengthy process uh same thing as with the nurse's job description it um was looked at it was sent over to them they um the Selectmen had a couple of upgrades it was sent back to us we noticed a couple of more things we wanted to add and change very few things so now it's back in process to be approved by the selectman hopefully tomorrow night could I have a motion to send the existing updated job description for the health agent to the selectman I motion I step down and second could I have a vote please I I motion passes review discuss act approve edits to health agent checklist food identification allergy items could I have a motion to discuss well actually review discuss act on the checklist the agent checklist for the food identification allergy items hi motion I second i s down a second discussion um could you explain this to me a little bit more Elizabeth so if you you look at the when the agent goes out and does inspections on all of the restaurants in town There's a check that they go by and when you get to the identification SE look at um what code that is so identification should I'd like to have it say or the check like rest of the inspection report it just tells you to go look at you know CMR 105cm 500 I think we should have the section in the check for you know allery being separated it shouldn't be so generic we should weiz it then yeah just make changes how do you feel about that I think that's a good idea I think so too it's especially when it comes to um stuff like that we've been finding we've been finding quite a few things the Board of Health that we are updating and revising uh we're going Elizabeth and I are going through it little by little and every day is a new thing coming in and we're going hey wait a minute let's do this better let's get it done better more efficiently and um we've changed quite a bit and we've still got a lot more to change for the better so could I have a motion to discuss and if needed change food identification on the food establishment inspection report I motion I second I stepped down a second I'm sorry changes and then bring it to you for the next meeting and you can approve it yes I think that could you add that on to the motion please well we haven't got the we're only discussing that okay if you could repeat that to me so I can write it down office manager to make the changes um bring it to the next meeting to be voted on okay could I have a motion for the office manager to make the changes a discuss and make the changes I should put discuss make changes to be brought to the next Board of heal meeting I motion I step down in second I have a vote please I I motion carries review discuss act signature authorization form new me this for new members or from new members oh it's the [Music] form so signing payroll and bills all new members have to have this with um department so anytime there's a new member we have to submit a new form we'll probably have to do this again with uh when a new member gets appointed tomorrow so if you want to just table it and we can do it but Tammy won't be able to sign any documents on her own until she signs this like you can come in and sign that would be for tomorrow yeah starting tomorrow she'll be able to so you and Tammy can sign it but then we'll do it again when the third member gets on the third member comes on yeah okay so I um could I have a motion to table this action I motion I step down and second it and this is tabled review discuss act vendor prove new vender agreement do to vote on that do we have to vote on table do we have to vote on tabling it oh sorry about that could I have I thought no well okay could I have a motion to table signature town of D and signature Authority designation for expenditures you want to have her sign it just so in case you can't come one day yes this one right here yeah should have sign because right now only authorized person that can come in and yeah that's not good you can't come in and sign payroll neither can Tammy so probably have her sign up yeah you should sign that to you okay you want me to sign it right now yeah you don't have to table it it'll just be done get again okay well that's why you're the office man I'm [Music] not give credit where credit is due so on that we have to pass it right instead of tabling it yeah so I think you have to reverse the motion yeah technically to reverse the motion so I'd like to reverse the motion of tbling the uh signature authorization [Music] form a second motion you vote to reverse it okay that's reversing It Strike it and now you're going to make the correct motion okay so reverse it first so that's what I just said right the reverse could I have a motion to reverse the signature authorization form we said correct you're taking motion off the table Yeah so I need a motion a motion I still I step down in second and house house of all I'm getting tired you can tell right can I have a vote please I I and the motion stands and now we have to reenact re what's the word for could I have a motion to for the signature authorization form for new members to be signed is that what I should say I motion I second I step down and second and that motion could I have a vote for I I and the motion passes G review discuss act approve new vendor agreement which vendor is this is this for the bags bag sales so that's the agreement that coincides with the old Business Bank ERS they signed um those are the terms that they signed so we'd like to update it and have them sign a new contract said we not I think the SEL write contract it to [Music] them see what they say okay but I think you have to agree on the contract that we came is that the one we came up with or would the selectman be be looking at first that's the one we altered the one we had was from the 90s yes so I took that one and I just revised it and had a different language I can get you the old copy side by side I don't think that's necessary there are a few things that um she change which are very good okay we'll submit that to this like and they approve it or change okay y okay riew discuss act oh go on okay could I have a motion to approve new vendor agreement and forward to the select I motion I step down second could I have a vote please I and I and the motion passes review discuss act recommend Board of Health representative to Solid Waste committee could I have a motion to recommend someone for the solid waste committee a motion to recommend Barber cabia to that committee I step down and second that could I have a vote on it please I I motion carries Barbara kabia recommend Board of Health representative to Solid Waste committee review discuss recommend Board of Health representative to storm water committee could I have a motion I motion to elect barara cavia for storm water committee I step down and second that could I have a vote please I step down I motion passes review discuss act appoint Board of Health representativ to the agricultural commission could I have a motion please I motion and I will step down in second I will nominate Tammy melow for this position May I have a vote on that I I motion passes review discuss act recommend Board of Health representative to North cryistal County Public Health Alliance did I have a motion on that my motion I step down and second that you like Tri that one is eventually G to be the healthy so if somebody just wants to step in and do it until the meantime okay that's all it is will it be the health agent or the nurse the nurse the nurse yes eventually it'll be the nurse this is just to fill in for now I mean if you'd like I can fill in for now pdon do you want me to fill in for now no I'll fill in I've been doing it I've been been there so if you want to nominate I motion to uh recommend barara cabria I step down and second that um I have a vote I I motion passes review discuss other items not reasonably anticipated within 48 hours do you have anything to add Elizabeth the last minute um we had one request that was uh gentleman wanted to get his installer's license and on our permit it says you need to valid or current permits from surround from other towns um in this case he didn't have to so I know other towns have test that the installer can take so in case this happens and they don't have other permits that are active um we could give them a test to become an installer and Titan I I know um I've held maybe five or six different town licenses and I would say half of them you have to take a test I think secon has a phenomenal test it covers quite an area and I like this idea because they stay current and when you question them on the test you give them current new upgrades because Dayan may have different bylaws than other towns and they should know those and the way that you can find out that they are familiar and are up to up to dat is by test testing correct that's I I do prefer the testing method instead of saying well just show me two licenses you have I'd rather them be familiar with what we have here in dayon I like that I do too I do really like that call surrounding towns and see if they can give us you know some of the questions they ask and bring it to the board yes that sounds great I motion that we collect um material and from surrounding towns on a testing for installers permit and um make out a questionnaire which would come back before the board next month could I have a motion on that I motion I step down motion um I me second I'm sorry second had a long long day today um could I have a vote please I I also and motion passes public input no public input I see um approval of minutes Liz could we approve all these the same time no you have to do one at a time okay sorry okay okay we'll do this okay approval of minutes for June 18th 2024 Board of Health regular meeting did I have a motion for discussion or can I have a motion to approve I motion I step down in motion could I have a vote please I I is unanimous motion passes to approve Board of Health regular meeting June 18th 2024 minutes approval of minutes July 10th 2024 Board of Health Board of selectman joint meeting I motion and I second I st down a second that could I have a vote please I unanimous I motion passes approval of minutes June 16th 2024 Board of regular meeting could I have a motion please I motion and I step down in second could I have a vote please I unanimous I motion passes I believe that's about it for tonight's meeting we I motion for adjournment oh no I can't [Laughter] motion could I have a motion for Jour of this evening's meeting please I motion I second down I second down you know I'm so tired I sound like I'm drunk here um I second that motion could I have a vote on the motion please I passes unanimously we are adjured at you see the glare on that list 5 513 what was it 5113 513 good night everyone now we can go home and get some sleep