##VIDEO ID:mR7WZnzBkWo## all right good evening everyone this is the community preservation committee regular meeting it is Thursday November 21st it is 5:32 p.m. we are in person at the prime time building and also available via Zoom this meeting is being recorded and can be viewed at a later date on the town of diting YouTube channel we could all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America the for stands na indivisible andice introductions I Kevin Smith chairman and Parks Rec representative alici wison Vice chair member at large U bran sedron uh member at large Paul Reynolds Conservation Commission representative Dave number at large and financial offic Dan haon planning board representative have's historical commission representative thank you all U next thing we have is to approve the prior meeting minutes so it looks like Elizabeth had sent over um the minutes for September 19th and October 24th and then so we can review and approve those and then her and I will work on there was one that one short meeting that we only did Via Zoom that her and I can review together I got to dig that up because I used a different I didn't use our normal Zoom link to record it is recorded but um we can do that at our next Mee we and include that in our next meeting motion to approve meeting minutes from September 19th and October 24th second motion meeting seconded any discussion hearing none all those in favor I I good so next thing up um so as part of the financial reports um we did get um some correspondents from the community preservation Coalition so they've announced their matching funds for the year scroll down and find it so our cont our local contribution was $1 152,153 and this year the state matching funds which ended up being1 18.06% are 20,000 27,485 that the previous year last fiscal year was um FY 24 match was 29078 and U the few years prior is actually significantly higher but we've got second round funds in those years so depending on you know how things play out on the state level um determines whether or not we get those round two and round three um equity and surplus distributions which we haven't seen any of that yet there still always a possibility but as of right now we can count on having an additional 20 7,480 um that's part of our funding just couldn't Dave do you have anything I don't think much has changed right I did you say 27480 27,40 so and that that typically because we have our allocations are all based on um our our June town meeting annual town meeting vote so that additional 27,485 so that that we can include that into our our balance for that fund so we know that we have some additional funding there as projects come up um so that's Dave you don't have anything to add for financial reports do you yes no okay uh old business um just review and discuss CBC project updates I don't have any updates on my end um but I do know that the trails committee is starting to um go through the procurement process to um and do ifbs for um the studies for broad so they they're starting to get the the ball rolling on that project because um Jeff cavalo did reach out to myself in um Town accountant to just find out you protocol and I did let him know that those and once he does once they do start the project the bills will come to us and then we'll actually do the bill schedules and approve them as they come in so but they're they're getting the B on that P our project um spes has been working on the west Titan properties um she's done most of the field work on that um maybe one or two left to do and it's working on the drafts for the forms so that's little been along I do know too then you probably have some information on this I know that um the library as far as the CBC concern is concerned has been at somewhat of a a grid lot but that was mostly due to the the architectural plans and Engineering but I believe that they've received their full plans and are going to I know that there's been some electrical work being done um but they also should be moving towards stuff is supposed to be going out mid December okay I sometime yeah cuz the big thing with that is um with the um Mass cultural Council Grant what that we have that money tied up and until we start to get the project moving and actually spend the CPA funds we can't get the re [Music] the quicker that moves the quicker we'll see that reimbursement yeah Wasing from the architectural firm you know that's been so and they've been in there this week too yeah they they've been plugging along pretty good I mean some things some things are really starting to happen just our our part is probably one of the later parts that are going to come to fruition um so I think that's it as far as project updates and then just next week we had just and discuss the special town meeting CBC warrant article results um the article that the historical commission had presented of past unanimously no questions no questions no snapo there so um um um the town accountant did assign um account numbers so we're good to go as soon as you want you guys want to get started on that you can I know I talked with spy spies will be doing that and she's working up a draft contract so then we'll present it to the Town Administrator for the town to add whatever they want to add to it and then we're do good to go um we don't technically have any new business but I just kind of to give you guys an update on some parks and rec stuff we did meet earlier this week um to start discussing some potential playground improvements at the Palmer Street School Lane now M Timothy ry's Memorial playground we did start to uh we met with our playground as the same playground designer that that did a playground company and designer that did the off diting playground um for some you know preliminary drawings and pricing on that we do the good I I do expect at some point there'll probably be some ask of the CPC for that but we do have a couple other additional like we're hoping are really good funding sources for that too so it's not and to what we aim for I actually told we told the playground designer um there's a couple things that we like to do in house like having the highway um do that any escavation work we provide our own you know surfacing if it's mulch in the MS um and then so there's probably some components outside of his his what he's going to give us that we'll have some we'll need some funding for but we told him like the budget we wanted to try to stick to because it's not a huge Park um was we wanted to be well below 60,000 as a for like as a completed project so we're not trying to you know do another you know six fig playground we keep it in mind that it's you know L used playground for smaller kids so you know we want to go with a modest design it's pretty much I don't know if anybody's been over there but it's kind of has like a a big version of a little tipes kind of play structure there and we want to keep that same feel so like a modern piece of equipment but with that same kind of look and same you know play level and just kind of fit in some pieces around it so at some point um in the near future we'll probably you know they have they ever done any work on that playround so the only thing that I know that's probably been done within the last 20 years is there's one one new piece and it's what they call a a you and me swing um that was probably done just prior to my involvement with Pro and W but it's a it's a it's a one Bay swing that like a parent can sit on a seat and then like a toddler can sit in like that toddler style kind of um swim seat on decides faing your kid and you can swim but that's really been the only that hasn't been touched back on the end closer to um County Street so heading east mhm on the East End there's still like the original metal Slide the original metal monkey bars in Jungle Gym which are I mean there there's some pieces here and there missing it's not to the point where felt that we need to you know remove it because it's unsafe but it's certainly that was probably done in the' 70s maybe yeah yeah you know so it's 50 probably over 50 years old most Mo the swings and those pieces on that end the playground structure itself is probably roughly you know probably a good 20 to 25 years old and then there's an old marar around there that's probably original to the um with with this yeah it's close we actually we had that same the same style old school we go around down at um Lane field at the bottom we actually ended up having to pull that out because it's just after time it gets soly and the kids pulling bars off and stuff so I just wanted to give you guys a heads of that that's something that we have in the works that's probably going to come through play plan at some point but I don't expect it to be a major ask and we're really hopeful that our other funding sources um can knock a big trunk out of it and then we can bring back to life anybody else have any new business anything that anything that you guys are hearing from hearing about projects coming on the pipeline no think something yeah no I mean I we're not sitting on a tremendous amount of money but I think we can be creative and you know find probably start to the 250 committee on universary committee for America has been working on identifying the Revolutionary War soldiers that are buried here in Titan just um they have we have a list but we're just making sure that all of them are covered um and we were talking about some way to put some kind of markers in for 2026 that would designate them as Revolutionary War soldiers so you know that's a possibility that will come through CC SES are covered yeah play a temporary Forest celebration probably would not it probably would stay by the grave markers you know they permanent we have to talk with the the different cemeteries too some are towns some are you know like the unarian church Community Church um you know so certainly you have to talk to all those parties yeah that be something good though recognize that you know as people are I mean people just go a lot of people just use the cemeteries as a walking quiet walking space have that are revolutionary I think at least a couple yeah sometimes it's hard to tell which ones are Revolutionary War and which on are a civil war right 1812 you know there's all kind of more so just looking at the list and stuff and trying to put together Helen Way and elain barley did a lot of a lot of work on that um but through the years I don't know if anybody else has been really even of that because they they put them on all the soldiers you know through all the wars and the other thing is there's no marker up here at the cemeter at the veteran Circle for Revolutionary War soldiers they have um World War I World War II um Iraq desert storms all one bench Vietnam Korea and then they have one marker that says to All Veterans from all wars just you know things that are kind being pass around and then the only other thing that pops into my head I think we was the um housing authorities request you know their applicational eligibility that we ended up denying I haven't heard anything back since you know off given that um correspondence back to them so I don't know they found funding elsewhere if they're not moving forward with it or I'm not sure what's going on there so well you probably would once they find yeah well I didn't know if you know they could find way you know adjust that their application and revisit based on other factors or something came up but it doesn't I haven't heard anything so public just double check nobody's tried to log on it's just us that entain a motion to adjourn motion to Second all those the paper you're adjourned at 546 thank you so I forgot to ask how's things at the school again