##VIDEO ID:M0YWSV36VD0## e e um okay yeah definitely thank you very much N I can take yours to all right so that was uh 10740 okay we're going to take two things out of order yep okay we take two because say Jack has got to go to time for a meeting you're welcome and just make okay we are well this signing L I'm going to open the meeting y go ahead okay uh zon Conservation Commission are you ready the Dayton Conservation Commission is going to open its meeting for December 19 2024 uh it's being held at 11-11 Somerset Avenue at the Oldtown Hall this meeting is video and audio recorded for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on www.d DM mass.gov and YouTube would everyone stand please for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all at the request of attorney Jack we're going to uh take two items out of order from the agenda uh uh 2371 County Street and 880 hot Street uh is there a motion to take those two items out of order motion to take those two items out of order second is there a second second all in favor I I okay uh uh come forward please okay we're going to do County Street 2371 County Street yes that's that's the first item that uh you two are involved in yes so uh I was speaking to Lisa earlier um and also to uh commissioner Dave um uh I asked if they had received my email with the updated uh plan and they had not so I have to see what's going on because they're not the only ones that haven't received any emails uh from me on that I get some other questions but to give the commission what's going on uh we had updated the plan for um the recommendations uh that we agreed to on the last time um also uh he had started cutting in the small little access road on the backside to get down to the lower portion uh so he could put in the um uh hack out there and uh he ended up getting hurt um he got hurt uh I guess he got hurt you say he Theona Mr enus so he got hurt um I don't know down the embankment I'm not exactly sure I didn't see him after he got hurt but all I know is he got hurt and then he uh contacted me to see if I can help him to find a suitable uh contractor or landscaper that can go and do the work for him so we're in the process so doing that right now but the main thing is I want to see whether or not you had received the plan and you haven't so I'm I'm going to resend email tomorrow morning uh with that out again I'll also try to send it from my phone cuz sometimes it works from my phone oh yeah we don't get see Blue Mail doesn't work very well for us I don't know if that's what you use with Outlook yeah no it's not it's my own ISP yeah we're closed tomorrow so it wouldn't be till Monday so oh Monday okay you wouldn't hear back from me until Monday okay so can we back up because you said something about hey Wadd we talked about he we we talked about the fil TRX or the mulch yeah the with a green I I know I I still do you know if he used that or not uh no it's a uh it it has to be brought to the site yet it wasn't brought out to the site he was getting down to the thing I wanted him to install them all and then us to say they the wrong ones it's it's the green netting good yeah yeah I I call it jck so that's that's just from you know old AG from from 40 years ago yeah I understand no problem okay when you send that could you do an immediate followup with the Lisa to see if she received it and if not we would like uh hand delivered copies so that we get it next week uh we we do want paper copies oh yeah yeah we usually bring them to Lisa anyway so we do need them yeah even if you just email like you know like other I'll email it but then I'll make sure like on Monday we bring over a few copies for you and a few of whatever we talk about yeah yeah go ahead I interrupted you uh was uh no I didn't have anything else because this is going on for too long yeah and I I I want to cleaned up too so um okay Lisa or any do you have any questions or no questions okay Lisa you so Monday yeah Monday we'll look for that plan I'll look for that plan and then um if I don't get it I'll call either way I'll let you know okay yeah I'll call me because we should be at your office sometime between 10 11: a.m. on Monday the H copies anyway okay uh next is the uh hot Street 880 hot Street all right has it changed no oh all right you want one or two one thank you got one oh you do have one okay all right um all are all the flags uh in the field moved to where we had talked about them being accurate so we have the the location of the survey locations of but I have not hung the flag yet no so like up on the uh the front side on hot Street uh we have the location on there so we just got to go back with the instrument and put it in and hang it okay yeah so sounds good okay now uh one of the things uh uh is into the future is we're going to have you uh Mark that whole area with those um uh wet signs uh so we do the placards yeah with posts posts every 30 fet or so you want every 30 ft or you want them like at certain flag locations um no usually every 30 but I mean I noticed they have a fence out there so you know is a fence going to be moved outside the Wetland so uh the fence that is within the Wetland yeah that would have to so the placards can just go on the fence post right on the fence post okay yeah facing out yeah you know towards people rather than towards the yep no that's fine and then uh one other thing when we were out there um cuz we're going to cut back on the cow pen on the back side and we're going to push it out along the right hand side uh we're talking about doing an RDA for that when we're out there on the field so yeah I mean I think that makes sense permiting it so that way it's uh you have a uh a recorded uh record of it and uh it'll end up being there yeah okay and I mean can you and I just like go over where we want the placards I mean yeah I mean I can I can even meet you out there too just uh to verify them too you know like we could you know if you have any Turf Flags we could put them in um if you don't I have some but yeah I don't I don't have any but yeah we just don't want to put them near the animals CU they eat them yeah and get hurt but um yeah I think I think we should do another site visit with this yeah that's fine uh uh I mean you and I can go out there and we can uh pinpoint the uh the black okay that's that's not okay so we're heading in on the right direction in both of those yeah yeah I mean could could you could you move could you put the flags in according to where we discussed and according to this yeah before we do the site visit sure great um what's your schedule like I know because of the H day coming up like next week we're only going to be working for two days right cuz it's right in the middle of a week and then uh but after Christmas in prior to New Year I could possibly meet you out there yeah Monday or Tuesday I don't think you want to go out Monday or Tuesday it's going to be uh in the 20s for a high no no no the following week following week following week oh but I'm saying this we coming week yeah so that's that goes up right up to be priday New Year's yeah the the last couple of days of December okay all right um I mean want to plan it tentatively for the 30th in the afternoon yeah when the sun is at brightest and warmest all right you want to do 1 p.m. sure that will work and I'll bring some placards uh the only thing with that is they're a dollar a piece um so that's the cost we paid for them so we charged the applicants a dollar a piece okay and then once we get out there we can uh get a account oh that's that's Tuesday December Tuesday no Monday Monday okay unless you wanted to try to go on Christmas Eve which I don't really want to do yeah that that's not happening I I got to make my apple pie so I'm I'm going to be way too busy right remember if you show up late you got to bring the eggnog with a bourbon in it just saying that sounds good okay we're all set Lisa we're all set with these children for yeah so just if you could just um you know confirm that Y when you confirm the meeting confirm that the flags are up because I really don't want to have to go out there twice I'd rather just go oh yeah no I want to go out there and just do all I want and I mean the only other question was Jim and I would talking about the wood chip pile yeah yeah uh maybe the whole pile either use it as pellets and warm and heat up the house or or um just make it disappear uh like uh rake them out it's well we can't rake them out in into the wetlands so that that we can't do or you can't do but you can rake them and extend them out and pull them back a little bit too I mean that's kind of filling in the yard though well if if it's wet or buffer zone you you don't want we don't want that I mean you know if you take them and use them for uh um chips to burn I I don't know well it's a big pile I don't know there is a 100 foot buffer zone that goes through the front yard if they want to put the wood chips outside the 100 foot buffer zone and it looks like the side of the house they have an area on the side of the house over on the left out side of the house is the next uh um visit then it be determined there where they're going to be placed because we don't want them in the in the buffer in the wetlands are the buffer okay so so maybe that area out of out of the uh buffer zone would be the best okay all right okay okay you got those notes Lisa yep okay so we set I guess we're all set then for for now all right thank you thank you very much thank you for accomodating my schedule I appreciate it very much Christmas yes have mer Christmas good holiday and holy day and uh and watch out for the eggnog oh I'm waiting for the eggnog already okay we're going to go back to our original uh section abbreviated notice of area delineation by David botler seeking confirmation of wetland resources at 833 William Street map 8 lot 20 uh a continuance uh request was received by Prime and jary um is that still in continuance continuance yeah so that's going to be go to January January 16th okay is there uh there's a yeah there's an error I wrote 24 on the agenda 25 continue okay is there a motion to continue motion to continue to6 2025 second all in favor I okay next is is an RDA from Timothy Johnson for property at zero boxwood Lane at Hunters Hill map 20 lot 88h uh good evening Chris andreid with Insight engineering 1539 for VAV seon massachus Massachusetts here representing for Timothy Johnson for zero buckwood Drive uh within the hundred subdivision um this project is for a single family home um we are proposing uh a straw uh filter filter uh filx system uh for the Rosen controls which will wrap around uh upwards towards the 100t buffer um the limit of work is proposed just outside of the 50 Foot um we have uh post and placards proposed at the limit of work uh there's going to be four separate post Po and uh post and placards um the construction of the home uh the majority of it falls just inside of outside of the 100 foot with the the rear portion fallowing within the 100 foot buffer uh we're also proposing uh three infiltration infiltrated units uh in the rear and three infiltrated units for the roof runoff uh along the um easterly side of uh the foundation uh C calculations for the infiltration units we find the Comm below uh well within the the limit of unit okay now on this property uh you have um a regional sewer system or or yeah I'm going to call it a regional not Town yeah so a shared septic system uh we're going to have uh the sewer pump right off the front of the the port okay and then it's going to feed out towards the front uh okay into the existing uh sewer stub service okay so these plans are okay all right but it gives us I'm I'm following between the two and I can post and placards and then the uh fil TRX uh detail uh with the call outs for the fil TRX okay and so they're not really in the tree line at all with any of the work because the lot was clear it was mostly brush anyway but okay so so you're not going to be cutting yeah so there's a few trees in the rear but all the work is proposed outside of those trees and any okay any work inside of the limited disturbance is already it's like under brush at this point it's been cleared for years okay and then can you just describe to us the The Fill that's going to happen for this the cut and fill yeah like you bring it in fill yeah so it typically what happens is as they dig down for the foundation they'll identify whether it's suitable soil or not typically it depends um I know Hunter Hill has been pretty Rocky um so we'll have to bring in some suitable fill if needed um for the foundation compacted is it a basement or or a slab uh it's a basement so the front of the side it's like 134 and then it drops down to 129 in the rear it's about 5 drop yeah okay so you'll have just pitched the uh yeah so we're we're going to be at like 136 with the existing found the proposed Foundation height uh the driveway roughly 135 134 and A2 and so it's going to pitch down to the to the roadway so um it's a Gra ual slope it's actually going to going to have like a low spot so you're going to come out of the driveway drop down have a low spot where it's able to um the water flow left and left and right of the driveway East and West um and then towards the rear towards the Wetland um and then it goes back uphill towards is it going to be a gravel drive or you going to uh most likely pavement yeah so the post are going to go right at the erosion control line yeah so we're going to keep it at the erosion control because typically what happens is that's our limit of disturbance and if you do it anywhere else it's you know eventually it migrates so yeah okay so this would be Lisa this would be a number three on our form here um yeah um together we also have to make a determination under the local bylaw so make sure it would be six as well is this where Lynn is going to live y that's the idea I think uh we should do four4 and um six Jim four and six yeah because then we can uh condition it so that the erosion controls are inspected okay prior to signing off on the building permit okay okay uh so what we'll do is look for and and the placards are in for a negative determination and we would use on this form numbers four and six so we can write coule conditions up is there such a motion motion for a negative determination four and six 0 second all second all in favor I okay and then you also have to um say it's a negative determination under the local bylaw uh okay all right um no numbers just okay um looking for a motion under our bylaw for negative determination so moved second all in favor I okay thank you very much have a good night thanks Chris see you okay next we have Mass Electric it's a request for determination of applicability in RDA uh for for the Data Vault Drive map 22 Lot 2 map 22 Lot 24 for replacement of one utility pole in vegetation management you were you were out there early you beat me here yeah exactly yep I usually get to these things pretty early you just want see a nice little town in action yeah yeah um for the record Nate gharan with LC environmental as you said this is an RDA for a utility pole replacement so this is a replacement located on a right of way um within an easement that crosses a commercial property located at 43 3 471 uh Data Vault Lane um we are at about 98 to 100 ft from BBW so this is a a pole replacement for a pole that is uh aging this is kind of the circumference of BBW in relation to the PO this is the only protected Wetland resource area that we are deal with so again we're at 98 to 90 100 from the closest we're not the flood zone we're not m habitat species can we just talk a little bit about the vegetation management that they proposed yeah so the vegetation management is basically used to facilitate safe installation of the pole so this is uh branches or saplings that are encroaching on kind of the angle that they come in with the new pole so anything um potentially interacting with the pole as it gets Set uh would be cut but it's usually minimal and these are just branches that are clearly in the way of the PO while it's being Set uh for safety purposes and then in these situations the other most other important factor is erosion control uh we are kind of dealing with a A Bank within maybe 10 ft these Replacements really are like extractions if you've ever seen them they're extremely clean extremely precise um I I've seen quite a few and they usually wrap uh the area of the pole with silt Stak silt sock and if need be a ro um Sil fence but that's usually the minority of cases yeah they usually do that Stak around the footprint this case it's like pretty there's not a SE grade there at all so that would be fine typically we don't really like the um straw bottles here but okay if it's that's fine in that case well they just trying to remove and just put an augur in exactly entally replace the that's yeah interest staging they have access yeah okay uh what we're looking for is a negative determination is there such a motion with number five being cited on our form to give uh utilities uh um the right to work for did we want to see if there's anybody here okay s yeah which you cut back are so there will not be an interruption of service um you should have received a green card in the mail which would have like a general description of the of the project um we can certainly send you a copy of have any of this okay I'd be happy to send it to you like this exact so this is the location of the pole um I don't know if that's like the specific number in there but it's about 100 ft beyond that Lock Fence um and there's that you're going inside Iron Mountain Property correct so just so the vegetation that you cut on the other on Dat Road where the other poles are thank you L okay so why was that vegetation cut I don't know no this is just strictly for this single full that's that's being so if they cut they might have cut the vegetation um in advance of this because the outside are buffone with that so what happens is the only reason they fil with conservation is because they're in a wetland jurisdiction within 100 feet of the Wetland um so they are allowed to do vegetation management around the other poles according to conservation we don't have any jurisdiction over whether they do that or not and for them to put a pole in uh you know the they the equipment they use today just Yanks it up and and a big Aug just goes down and then they but transfer wir if you would like we have the contact information from as electric and if you had specific questions regarding the vegetation management like that you could contact them directly too yeah I've had um questions I've tried to call before to get um information on that and you've had saplings on power lines and no one never gets back to oh so maybe Nate can connect you I could connect with naal G give them up inquiring so but as far as this goes we we can't not allow them to replace the pole for any conservation matter yeah yeah this isn't even I assume it was going to actually be the property because they cut vegetation around those poles oh and so this is actually in the IR mountain property but they may they may be replacing right you may be and it might be outside the buffer zone which is why we're not talking about it tonight is what I'm trying to say so they might be planning on doing it but we're not made aware of it should you give those cards to Lisa sure yeah and then I did speak to LC um someone in your office said they PID the okay for the I got the receipt um yeah I'll take the receipt you got it for me thank you very much uh you all set okay is there a motion to issue a negative determination noting item five on the uh um determination form so moved five and six five sorry five and six five and six okay well we don't have that in our bylaw yet right it will be after it's been approved okay is there a second I'll second that all in favor I okay you're all set sir thank you next we have a request for determination of applicability from Elizabeth an Gothia and Ellen budro for property at 209 Beach Street map 25 laot 102 for upgrade of an existing fielded septic system within 100 feet of the boarding vegetated uh bordering land subject to flooding uh and storm flowers 100 foot buffer zone to a bordering vegetated Wetland as well and within flood zone ae-5 good evening uh for the record n zega from Zenith Consulting Engineers um so so this one was a little bit of a a unique situation um as I was was reached out to by the owner of the property that they were having back up into the home um they couldn't they couldn't do laundry they couldn't even they couldn't do anything um it was almost inhabitable they're having a pump almost every day it was basically being influx by the water table there as we know um so we reached out to the um to conservation as well as to the agent as well as the Board of Health and they were willing to um treat this as an uh an emergency repair um and so what you see before you is essentially what has already been done on in the field and we're now here just kind of confirming that it was done essentially after the fact it's an after the fact finally and correct so all the work is done there's an ads built been done it's been inspected by the Board of Health it's been inspected by my office um you know i' be happy to go through detail with you on whatever you'd like but did you just redo the system or did you do one of those uh uh Japanese type systems so we used a uh what's called a Presby system so it's a tank and a pump and a Presby system um is essentially just 12in pipe with um Filter Fabric around it and it has a better sand it has what's called a c33 sand which is a which is a a much coarer sand um this system allows for a smaller footprint it also allows for the um the elimination of the 5 foot overd around the system which this at this system specifically because there was a significant amount of pee um found on site when we did that when I did our soil evaluation there was a significant amount of sand that needed to be hauled out and brought in which is a significant cost so we were able to reduce the get rid of that 5 foot overd um and that significantly reduced the cost of the system um so there's not one of those systems in there not an advanced treatment um it's a it's just a it's a presb system which is an allowed system it's allowed on the use and remedial use on the um on the title five okay and and I'm curious was there any fly ash in there there was not that I saw no it looked just like Pete it was just it was just pretty straightforward Pete to me it was about do you think it was original to the site it was just about 3 and 1/2 ft of Phill and then Pete went down to about uh 7 and2 and then we hit beautiful corand um which is pretty typical of that area um so we had to remove all that material haul in new title 5 sand and and build up from that okay now did advertising did you uh um give receipts to Lisa for the yes I did I did and paid the check yeah yes sir okay that was given at the okay so after the fact um um is it is it a certificate of require Lisa have you been there first have you been down there oh yeah okay so it's all set so what you really need then now is a certificate of compliance uh I need a certificate of compliance from Board of Health but conservation wise because it's an RDA I don't think there's one required okay all right okay no that yeah no it's a good question because normally if you have a notice you in order you would need so is there anyone else here to to ask questions on this okay so what we can do then is uh issue a an issue the RDA with negative uh um a negative determination and then to say uh um after the fact after the fact filing with permission uh after the fact due to the uh nature of the emergency yeah um yeah and obviously Board of Health reviewed it approved it and um the only thing I did say was I would like to see some stabilization because there is a a mound there um okay so some wintery and some straw thrown down yeah I'm gonna I I've actually already I put a phone call into the installer um regarding that but I haven't heard back I will call him again yeah um he may just be away for a couple days but OB it's not going to happen the rest of this week well you put straw on it but uh that's true that's true I guess you could even put seed underneath the straw no it would that would freeze right up even though you would think you would think it would yeah I me especially with the cold temperatures That was supposed to be getting this yeah and way down um uh okay um I'm looking for an after the fact negative determination and citing um uh four four and six okay all right uh citing numbers four and six on the on our form to uh issue such a Negative determination so moved second that all in favor I okay so thank you very much so you okay you got your negative just keep me in the loop have the installer contact me of course so that I know what's done of course thank you got it no problem have a great holiday everyone yeah and there's something else that you know you need from Lisa as far as um an issuance saying that it that it was done properly uh that's you know fine yeah I mean I might get these negative these determinations done on Monday or Tuesday and have the guy sign if I do do you want it mailed mailed would be better yeah that'd be great especially at this time yeah yeah that'd be great thank you very much so long as it doesn't go Amazon I I hear they're on stri not around here not around here no okay ah next we have a request for determination of applicability from LBH Hunters Hill LLC for property at Clubhouse Road Drive at Hunters Hill okay my goodness you're getting to be a habit here yes yes a good habit I hope yes yes that's good uh everything is everything is working out a Christmas party for us at the club house more than welcome you know next year hopefully that's all right the foundation's in so it's a start that's yeah you got to let it cure up a little bit uh yeah yeah these houses that that they they take the forms off today and they start building this afternoon some do we don't but uh but some do yes this company doesn't do that no no but I'm saying I've seen that in the past oh yeah and I'm saying uh not a good practice not a good practice no no defin a lot of cracks yeah okay go ahead and uh oh let me get you guys the plans okay slow down a little bit here see while she's getting the plan I'll introduced myself for the record Lee casting Yeti uh with long belt Holmes wa wait a minute your your your tongue was faster than my ear Lee cting gy Le CTI Lee casting G casting gu do you know what it stands for yes now there was a a casting day that lived in D it's not casting day oh casting casti casting GTI which in Italian interpreted uh translated from Italian is little Chestnut I'll be watching the trees there you go now here's something if you have space this spring I'm going to have Chestnut trees American hybrids so if you have space and you're willing to uh protect them with wire rings and all that um when they when they start it'll be probably miday okay I think we can do something to work with you on that yeah because because I I I'm I don't want to be out running around planting them until the day I die CU last year was tough yeah you did it though we did it yes Dave and I and two others and we put about 80 in wow and we gave some away and uh um what I'm looking at is for people to get people to get them so that they can take care of them because once they're planted we don't know if the deer eat them or um it's just too much work to go checking we can't do it okay well there are a lot of deer out there so if they if they if they are once they get up around 8 ft it might take them four years to do that then they grow like crazy yeah how big do they get uh 125 ft uh and they will go at 200 to 300 years old they'll get to be 10 12T wide uh diameter wow we don't see them anymore that that's what caught my attention and that's how I got involved when I saw these massive trees on the net and they say I never saw one of these they all dead before I was born well Mass having been clearcut pretty much entirely um the 1900 83% of New England was be gr was he clearcut that's why you don't see New Hampshire had the most trees they were only % clear ground but all the rest of it yeah now are there still natives up there native trees no the only native the only old grow is over by Mount Wachusett I I didn't know that and there something in I think Michigan or Wisconsin Maine I believe has got some old growth up on the Canadian border way up in the county but no most of it was all cut off and some of them the The Roots is still producing because it doesn't the blight does not kill the root only the uh the the trunk up and I got one growing behind my house on Native but it won't do anything these are hybrids so okay you're on so uh this is a uh pretty simple filing we're we're just uh seeking to uh uh build a house on at uh 79 um all of the activity U will take place outside of the uh 50ft uh buffer zone um which is why we qualify for an RDA versus a notice of intent um pretty much everything straightforward as shown on the plan uh minimal grading uh in the backyard uh toward the uh side of the of the wetlands there was oneit that we had him make he had the 100 proper Zone so that dashine he has lab yeah that incorrect yeah that that that's not the right one right one is the one closest to the building which he's got which he does have marked as well yeah he he marked the erosion control line as the uh 100 foot buffer zone which is which is actually the buffer zone the erosion control line and limited clearing sorry I interrupted you no no no by allans and we uh Lisa and I have discussed with the houses that we do on boxwood Lane yeah uh the and we had introduced the uh post the type of post that fiberglass post that we were using the carsonite and um so we'll we'll adhere that the signs on throughout the development for all the all the walls so then on this one where you want to put the post um um well we had talked about putting putting post on the others as well one each at each end okay of each boundary line okay and I think we talked about putting one in the middle um but if fine yeah so that's you want to put them right with ro control L yeah we long the road controller just like we talked about on boxwood Lane the exact the exact same which which again we'll we'll plan on adhering to that as a standard throughout the development great yeah yeah I don't have a problem clear this is the last one you turn the corner like the last one you'll be fing with us on on this strip along that that strip that that's right that that this is the only one along that strip of I think it's seven Watts uh that was jurisdictional from the model home which is lot 81 uh down to lot 74 or 73 okay so so this so this is the only one jurisdictional along that strip and then but we will be coming in as we when we turn that corner we'll be coming in with the next batch so we're not um we're not in Mad scramble mode and you know we're just we're doing it methodically and staying ahead of uh now the whole the entire project uh will Encompass how many houses well the entire project will be 140 and how 33 were built when we acquired the project okay and then you have the Johnson's lot yeah that they had bought previously yeah from the uh from the mirandas so that would have been the 34th lot yeah so we bought 106 Lots okay we we'll be building 106 homes oh you will so that'll be about 150 140 total 140 right okay and is and that was the permit the the planning board permit yeah cap it at is all 55 and over all 55 and over correct no okay that cuz I know you get the clubhouse going in was there a miniature golf course that was supposed to go in no originally there was a there was a nine-hole golf course uh that was going to go in um and then early on when we were getting involved in the project um we had met with all the homeowners and we had explained to the homeowners that you can't whether it was us or another devel ER you can't make the project work economically building a nine-hole golf course it's it's just it's too to build a golf course and what the return is on it's too costly so if it was basically if you ever want your and of course they all want their Community completed yeah it's like if you ever want your community completed you got to eliminate the golf course it just it just can't happen financially it's impossible and they all they they agreed they understood the uh but you did get the Drone Landing site in yes yes of course how could you do without that okay especially today's day and age now I have a question have you been down to the Basin have you looked at the St Basin recently the new one yeah yeah how's it looking is it fantastic I I have to tell you I I walked there I walked back there when I the first when I first saw it honestly I was I was almost breathless it it has to be the most perfectly shaped Basin I've ever and I've been doing this for a long time yeah but they did it you know of course all the equipment that they use now is is is all GPS control yeah and when they did the ASU the bottom of that Basin was within one inch of the design criteria wow and and it wasn't just that that the The Contours I mean when you look at it it it it it was everything about it the service platform roll around it the 4 Bay everything you could just tell it was it was absolutely perfect is this the remember there was a there was an oil leag at one time yeah that's the existing Basin this is the new Basin on on the north side of the to go down there yeah that was the uh that was the the original Basin at the end of boxwood Lane go the TRU you won't go down there it's not yeah the access to this is the access to that pond isn't paved yet leading up to it but it's that how big is it it is enormous it is nothing it is nothing AC there's no other word I can use to describe it other than enormous map updates probably in the spring we'll be able to see a good view of it yeah it's definitely one of the biggest suggestion then if if when when time evolves uh to have uh uh kayak area for the I mean people are 55 they're not too old to be going there you know they might if it's that large they they would probably love doing that it would bring in wildlife and uh well there's no question that there's no question well and we're going to that's going to be something we're going to connect the walking trail around that side through the sewer treatment facility and we're going to connect it to that so that you you come in from from it'll become a beautiful uh site but both that that pond as well as the the existing Pond and there's going to be one more uh in phase three but they're all phenomenal um they they become phenomenal habitats yeah they I mean you you can go to the existing Pond and I you you'll I mean everything fish Turtles frogs birds I mean it's it's just a great great setting for that and and how deep are these cors um well of course they vary seasonally um but they probably get to be three feet oh that's not quite deep not not particularly deep no now the planning board doesn't usually or the town doesn't usually like detention Basin they like infiltration Basin but you were able to do this because it was an existing subdivision well it it was two things I think they had gotten a waiver uh originally because the design called for these pawns to be used as irrigation facilities for the golf course oh I see so that was uh they allow it but you know I mean even D um when you're in a high water table situation with poor soils that we have they recommend wet ponds it's con it's it's consistent with most D yeah but it's I mean it's consist consistent with the conditions that mother nature left for you it just they they work better now is that um quick question I know our bit off topic but the subdivision alme is doing does that have anything to do with your subdivision the subdivision that El is proposing is that going to connect no no no no no interconnection whatsoever no good question I thought I that's the one you know old Williams you know down old Williams is next to your buddy su's yeah it's on the other side of St old Williams yeah we did the anrat up on the hill that whole property I was just wondering because it backs up to where his base does they they do they they are reting properties but but there's no no interconnection in any way shape or form there uh no the uh Pro it probably I I don't think he owned the property at the time that he acquired Hunters Hill so um and then of course there were already homeowners that would have had to agree to it but it probably if you're going to develop that it probably would have best served to have been incorporated into the sewer treatment facility uh at Hunters Hill but that wasn't done so there's there's no other reason to uh to have them you know have any interconnection between the two that's strictly a single a separate single family uh proposed subdivision interesting okay um too we'd like you to get involved in that yeah yeah was well they did they did uh C the street off old Williams also yeah this gentleman here so on that side Jim just don't forget to ask if there's anyone in the audience that has any uh okay do we have a motion for a negative determination uh citing numbers four and six so moov I second it all in favor okay okay thank you a pleasure have a have a good holiday yeah I'm going have to go down there and take a look at those pawns and just I'll I'll show you the located uh we we caught the season perfectly for it before it got very before it got real dry in October yeah and it vegetated incredibly well right yeah even if they were a little bit deeper they would they would probably uh carry more fish for those that are inclined I mean you're not going to get bass in three feet this is a trout or anything else you're going to get you're going to get panish seally they get even this is all WS over here so yeah I Turtles frogs yeah you probably get a lot of other probably get eets there too uh uh wa wait minut God no no it just looks so why is it look okay what street is this right here Williams Williams okay and the stop sign is right here yeah okay all right oh wait a minute so over here is a JP somewhere over here right on the C this is sh slot right here y shop slot okay another guy his property right on the curve property up there yeah that for I think still owns house oh yeah okay all right that's why I was getting confused I'm saying myself that that okay it's always been described to me as a su yeah it is small that belongs to one of the brothers of the farm on on the other side so now they're around the corner off off of shop slot you take a left of the stop sign and you go around then you're the third house is Anderson Drive and um okay yeah yeah all right all right thank you do you want to Pi it up do you ready Merry Christmas Le Merry Christmas okay uh Lisa my goodness Lisa let's see it's 8:00 he said an hour and a half okay uh uh Pleasant Street you going to fill us in um yeah so I did speak with the owner again and um he seemed um I guess a little aggravated at this point um trying to figure out the process process um and he asked you know what will he have to do what will he have to spend and I said you really got to hire someone so we can figure it out we have to talk about it with the commission um but yeah so I don't really know where that I think he's searching for someone to do give them the best proposal okay um so they have not moved on anything no um do they do they need encouragment to move um probably you want me to what do you want to do uh uh have they received an enforcement order no but he didn't he didn't put the filling the previous owner did oh okay you know okay last time we were out there he seemed pretty in fear of what we wanted but maybe he's finding out how much it's C cost this is the one on the opposite side okay yeah um do you wna uh that enforcement order uh no maybe just send him a letter and ask him for his um or or even or an email um what stage of progress are you at you know I guess he seemed to be very willing to do everything you know the the commission and then add on uh the commission does not want to take uh uh does not wish to take further steps unless necessary and I think that's that would be a way to deal with it the commission does not want to take um further steps unless necessary okay all right I'll DRFT something and you can look at it I think I think that that should be um if they read into it should be the warning I'll have it come from you okay um Center Street I haven't got a hold the mat but maybe we ought to send him a letter all right you know what I mean I'll send him the same kind of letter yeah yeah see if he's come up with a plan to replant or do whatever know okay so we're done with hot Street uh 1070 Smith Street um the owner informed me last time I should have followed up with Niles that she was um working with the engineers they're working on the plan so I don't know if that's true or uh you know okay maybe the same thing same kind of letter that's going to Pleasant Street uh what stage uh of uh are you in uh we the the commission does not want to take further action unless they have to okay perfect and I again I think that that is um a nice way to to tell them that something could be coming definitely okay um other business uh uh meeting minutes okay um posted is a job description for someone to take the minutes uh for our meetings we are right now we are behind read it um no I don't think so it's posted unless unless you want to hear it Jack the the um no I mean it I suggested maybe going through one of the schools um a lot of the schools I mean they used to do clerical classes and stuff like this and give them some okay hands WR type of deal and Lisa has two people that have shown interest to her fine fine um the what one's in Swansea one's in SE conk no one's in SE conk and then the other one um is just a friend of a friend so I'll F follow up okay all right well but but you said that the person is very um the one in secon um she's a senior clerk right now so this would just be side work for her and it's outside of her Union so she thinks she can do it but she was going to check with her Administration to double you know double triple check now uh okay isn't or is there isn't there someone in town as well who does CPC um well didn't you remember that Nancy said that that couldn't H that wasn't a good option because they are in the union and we can't give them more hours they're in our Union yeah does it say a non-union position doesn't matter Nancy was saying at the last meeting that didn't matter okay um what I would what I would like to see is if Lisa if that person uh that Lisa knows is willing to do it um it says that they C they can come to our meetings and take the minutes or they can do it from the videos that we have from here well we changed it to say watch the video and do it that way they wanted to they could you know I mean they have to do it for the last six months there's no way they can give us minutes and okay so what I would like to do is that if Lisa gets a positive reaction that we authorize Lisa to hire the clerk to and and maybe within a month all six of those could be done and and then then then it would just be once a month after that or roughly once a month it might be it might be uh um on on rare occasions we have twice a month yeah sure um okay and um okay we're going to assume right now that that the um um motion is made and accepted and passed uh Lisa you willing to do this to to hire well you skipped over cuz we were just just reviewing discussing and acting on meeting minutes but we don't have any so you skip down to the third item no I I got number one it says review meeting minutes we don't have any right but the third item is review discuss act minute taker but you skipped Bill's PBO oh oh I oh I see what just I see what you're saying well let's take those two together okay make a motion to take it out of order um well I know does I mean this it's not a problem uh okay so we're behind uh minutes okay right uh we we need to have the minutes yeah so we're GNA skip over the bills payable and we're going to go to that that's all okay all right so uh to if soop we authorize Lisa to hire someone um and now is it is it in the previous minutes that you would even that you could sign to for someone to get paid or or do or do Paul and I still do that you guys do okay all right that's fine that that that's good I guess yeah um okay so um is is there a emotion than to uh um permit to authorize Alisa to hire someone uh to take the minutes for our meetings so moved I'll second that all in favor I okay so Lisa so if that person says yes go to it and then then pull pull the announcement off off the off the website oh yeah she'll have to go through she or he will have to go through Karen okay all right okay yeah okay thank you um now let's back up um we have bills payable yep I just left it all in the Bolder so you can see from the last meeting okay uh where is it that I'm just looks like signatures here is this call since the last meeting okay so a lot of these are okay well okay so Paul did all these um now now Paul signed these then so these don't need a signature no nothing needs a signature it's just to bring it to your attention okay all right uh so you know we had 53g bills and we had you know Weston 53g bills yeah and that was pretty much it for thek okay just now paying other bills but what do we have out on 53g now there shouldn't be much if anything um just Butler which which one is that now 833 Williams okay all right yeah and and everybody else either the money is spent or returned or or um yeah Paul I need to look at that okay and did you see the email about legal what the legal fee fund that we were allocated at the last B selection meeting um they gave us some money okay no we talked about it but what did we get over 9,000 I can you the exact no that's that's all right so we got 9 that's that that that could be one month though well actually yeah I just paid today I just wrot out I think it around $6,000 but that included strawberry fields which is wrapping up so wrapping up I did get an estimate from Gay and gay and and I don't expect between the two of them the STS it will to spend more than three or four okay all right now um has anything been said about additional roll back money from any of these from whether it the Sol Farms what no if we've received any okay but that is a good question for well that that that question was out to the assess and the Paul and I haven't heard from them so I don't know if you heard no okay all right um this okay this Anderson who just bought the farm for um from soua that should be coming in Al Al oh good point so we should be getting money from there you want to follow up with Paul after the holidays sure write yourself a note I might forget well we'll both write it down here um wait what's this one here write down lit of transmittal um let's see um I don't know how that's done if that's done if the roll back money doesn't occur I don't think it usually happens until there's like a transaction right so just because they have a plan that they're going to get approval doesn't mean that they pay the 50 pay the roll back money to the to town okay now what is it that they want what is it that they want to do with that property develop it into houses okay so I think once they get approval for that I think that's when it kicks in the the town might I don't know because I'm not an assessor or a yeah tax collector or anything like that but I think that might be when the process changes for them as far as it goes comes out of chapter land and it goes into residential residential yeah okay well we're got we'll we'll sick Paul on it and uh yeah and there might be other properties like how about the one we just closed out Blue Wave did we already get the money for that well that's does that stay in because it's a it's a farm as well maybe that stays in chapter but it's also if it's say joint they should pay back into they should pay into something if it because if it's still um that would be industrial no it it's commercial it's a mixed I thought commercial and Agri commercial commercial would be uh uh stores would be uh uh oh industrial industrial would be manufacturing or production of product I would think they would have to pay some back but I don't know that would be a question for well that's that's what the question was to them initially good question okay so so that would put some extra money into our coffers to buy some land I mean whatever you want to do yeah you can do whatever you want with it yeah yeah okay are we all set then we finished for for this evening um was there any public input oh correspondents um think correspondence I do have one um Mr Ferry came to me with a Scout project um to be located at the old landfill down between hot Street and Broad Cove what's I'm sorry Mr Ferry came to me with a Scout project Scout project okay they want to put a um Overlook Outlook Tower again another one out between heart Street and Broad Cove so we worked together to make sure that it was going to be completely outside Well it can't be completely outside the 100 foot buffer zone but it's outside the 50 Foot no build so that's going to be down to the old dumpin there's an old dump down there okay uh disturbance is very minimal they're going to use is the path in the access path the hiking trail well there's also a a path in from Pleasant Street yeah there's a there's a little roadway there and uh that and I is that on the south side because there somewhere there's in between there's a stop on the old real Road somebody owns that and they they put up a fence that's south of all this yeah oh so so we can't go down to the river itself or to or to the Waterway the the no no okay unfortunately okay now there's Farmland in there I think that's where this this barrier comes up to permit tra dist to across Dave can you think of anything else from our site visits that you might want to discuss not off the top of my head no I mean um we did do a lot of sight business so yeah I'm thinking um we we've been inspecting like um 418 hot Street almost on a daily basis yeah with the erosion controls and trying to get them to stabilize the site the house is going up really quick I do know that that developer is talking to me about the 25 but no touch where he's supposed to be putting some conservation Wildlife seed mix in he's saying he wants to landscape it and I told him if he landscape it Scapes it it's going to be more like a natural buffer so I might I'm going to work with him he's going to probably come back to us okay on that um and then because I told him it can't be can't be lawn um what else you know we've been working on bunch of different things oh for park locations I've been doing a lot there's a quite a few new perks happening around town right now that's for new development um some but most of them are for repairs okay and um yeah there's going to be a new house on the corner of Williams and tront you know I I've seen that they they cut down the trees they're filled in and then they just left the hole there where the foundation's going to go that's next to the church yeah yep so we've done some measurements he did get a wetland scientist to look at the whole thing and um the closest um to any Wetland would be a BBW and it would be offsite to the east to the east over 150 feet away so now is there an inter stream uh I'm going to say 200 feet there's there's a house there there that's on a little Mound and they and I think they have goats in there and some um Y and there I think there's a little maybe an intermittent stream between uh that house existing house and the one that they're going to put up but it's it's in the middle yeah in the woods yeah yeah we were we we were there we didn't see no we didn't walk the midd we walk we didn't walk and walk into the Wetland right but we walked at the edge yeah and then and then as you go further East uh it gets wetter again and and there's another I'm going to say I don't know if it's a stream inter I don't know what it is uh I know it's wet on both sides um yeah that Wetland goes down and it heads South behind the church and there's a lot in there that recently got sold too so yeah and all that all that water eventually heads uh into the segregant at uh uh somewhere behind your house uh and then you that turns that turns and goes down from the down behind you uh yes the uh that's where near where I am the there's a stream that comes off the dump right and and that Loops down and and comes in and let's see I don't know I'm not sure exactly where that goes is that one go across underneath old Somerset Avenue Avenue yeah and then there's a little bit on this on the very uh southern end of gry Terrace Beyond me there's um uh a little stream and that flows into the other stream which does the same thing okay if we're all set we'll seek adjournment motion to adjourn second all in favor I all Merry Christmas everyone