##VIDEO ID:bP05m3nUjXc## e e okay we're at six o'clock I want to start the meeting uh uh Paul should be here shortly okay I'd like to call the conservation D Conservation Commission meeting to uh to honor uh would everyone uh arise please for the Pledge of Allegiance and this meeting is um uh is is in video and audio recording cable broadcast Internet Posting I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all want just sign in too please okay uh the first of the hearings has been a uh continued item for some time now it's by uh Amman Haz of grasshopper energy on Brook Street Sola uh I heard that there was going to be a situation on that our withdraw yes so uh for the record Nick f Ola level Design Group yep oh okay now you can sit there he's that he's G we're not going to be too long uh here on behalf of yeah of the applicant and uh we'd like to request a formal withdrawal of that application all right is there a motion to accept the withdrawal of that application motion to accept the withdrawal of the application is there a second second all in favor I I okay okay next on the agenda is a continued hearing it's an abbreviated notice of resource area delineation the applicant is David Butler seeking confirmation of wetlands at 833 William Street uh file number 17- 499 uh Lisa was there anything uh yeah they requested a continuance to our December meeting uh that would be December 19th is there a motion motion to um continue continue till 1219 2024 all in favor uh next on the agenda is a notice of intent again from Amman papz uh of uh 893 Brook Street for repairs and maintenance of work within two existing and previously approved storm water bations a portion of the workers within the 100 foot buffer zone okay I guess Jack this is the time [Music] so once again Nick fondola level Design Group here on behalf of uh grasshopper solar for their facility at 893 Brook Street I'm sure the commission's well aware the facility um and uh it's been an ongoing project for the past few years and this application is to do a little bit of uh work within the two existing storm water ponds I highlighted those work areas in Blue on this plan showing uh the perimeter of the property and we have some of the uh tables that have been installed shown on the plan as well green lines the approved Wetland line from uh the original notice of intent which was approved back in 2018 I believe yellow lines the 100ft buffer so you can see um you know work associated with these you know reconfiguring these ponds or fixing these ponds more like it um just barely touches the 100 foot buffer zone so work in the uh pond on the right side that included work to uh repair the bottom and install a sub drain in that pond because over the past two years it hasn't been draining well um it was supposed to be a fully infiltrating storm water pond with a weir style overflow but it just never worked um there's been multiple efforts to repair it per the original design plan and uh those have not been successful so um we've worked up a design with uh storm water committee uh and their consultant and this has also been reviewed by the planning board uh as part of a special permit modification to install a network almost like a septic system reverse septic system right SE perforated pipe 4in perforated pipe uh Network that connects to a solid 4-in pipe that will discharge um and we we chose perforated pipe so water is going to infiltrate and go through that pipe as much as possible but when the Basin does fill up um and the soil can no longer absorb any water water will slowly drain through that 4-in pipe that's why we chose a smaller size pipe over um and dewater that Basin over the required 72 hour time period um the work's been uh majority of the work's been completed and reviewed by uh stormw water committee and the um uh Weston and Samson the Consulting engineer for the planning board and Conservation Commission and for the storm water committee and um everything appears to be working well with what's been done out there okay do we have a copy of your updated plan with the latest uh um information from Weston and Samson oh Jim so Weston and Samson was re requesting storm water report stuff not not a revision to the plan y yeah so I guess I'll just just um so we received uh Weston and Samson's peer review today on November 21st and there was some items um for Regulatory Compliance review um there was some application form items which yes you included a USGS but you didn't check that off so that's very minor um and then umland protection Act form three box three was left unchecked identifying the BBW methods um the applicant should check this box however I'm going to take it one step forward to say number three should be applicable on your you all have these this memo um so I would say we we can request a plan note um and you can get it to us after the fact um be added to the plan stating that the date of the iation was conducted in June and October of 2018 and the confirmation of the Wetland lines is not included as part of this application um as no work is taking place outside the previously approved limit of work so there's that item and then um number four the applicant checks out that the storm water report is required and that a portion of the site constitutes Redevelopment however no storm water report is included so it asks if you could please include a copy of the storm water report I mean they have it already we gave them all these storm water calculations and reports as part of the other review process but if you guys want one for your file I'll make an extra print in and so the Conservation Commission has one too yeah so I the question is if we approve this pending yeah pending well we're not there yet he's still he's still presenting and we are public here okay all no no but I'm just throwing stuff out for now there's no motion or anything like that up here I'm just saying if if yeah but my question for you yes is did the storm water report change at all we submitted calculations that supported what we were doing and they were reviewed so I it like the full report didn't change it was more specific to that Basin right because nothing the design nothing changed on this BAS and it was just cleaning it up right they had to adjust some of the grades at the bottom very minor work did they do that yet yeah uh yeah he he kind of you know we had to repair this burn remember that burn was kind of pulled down um I had toade this and clean up the outlets a little bit because there was some issues there just mostly you mean could almost classified under maintenance to a certain degree but you know we just wanted to make sure we follow the proper procedures so a filing was made um for all these items but all very minor um items as far as taking care of the storm water system so these are all done in an attempt to progress towards final sign offs for the the facility right so the storm water committee wasn't in a position to sign off on the construction because the basins weren't working so we had to fix the basins um and that's kind of why we did all this but I did to answer your question uh Mr chair uh I did review just quickly this letter and these all seem very minor and we would request that um if the commission did choose to um issue an order of conditions that this addressing these items be a condition of approval any questions from yeah U I'm unfamiliar with this so bear with me this is an existing form so correct existing to the extent it's Prime the construction I'd say is 95% complete um so all the panels have been the the site's been cleared the panels have been installed the driveway's been installed a lot of the landscaping's been installed the storm water ponds have been installed but it they didn't let's just say they didn't do a good job the first go around so this is a this is a new installation as of three years ago 95% complete correct the panels just recently been put in like this year uh the panels were in2 yeah about a year and a half ago oh 2 they've had some permitting challenges where we've uh they've gone back and forth they added some uh battery storage containers to the site so they've had to do additional permitting for that so it's been a little bit back and forth um and that's why you know other on top of some things not being built correctly um are those lithium batteries those batter that is correct yeah yeah and this this here is basically for a storm water runoff that you're you're basically addressing these problems with the storm motor runoff yeah the main the main change is the this Basin on the right side it was supposed to just infiltrate so now we've technically added an outlet so it's through the but that outlet the way it's configured with the subdrain so it's perforated pipe so pipe with holes drilled in it sitting in stone and and you know if if the Basin allows for it the soils allow for it water will drain through the bottom as originally designed but if we get a big storm you know a couple inches of rain the thing fills up and what was happening in the past was it would just stay full and that's a mosquito breeding ground and storm water management regulations say the Basin has to fully dewater within 72 hours so what kind of batteries are in this uh in these battery storage containers I I believe they are they dry or wet I I don't have any information on that but the batteries aren't part of the application yeah that's separate just just to clarify that's approved installed and there if it's storm water runoff oh this this might not be adequate in the event if there you know if there's any leakage from the batteries or any kind of well I can tell you the batteries aren't a fully contained system they're fully sealed contained um battery storage units that's the the fire department approved that oh yeah we've got a lot of back and forth at the fire department um months of back and forth and permitting to address all this can you describe is there some sort of um underlying what's under the batteries anything no I mean it's just uh the batteries are sitting on I believe the concrete pads so there's pads that the batteries sit on those and they're essentially like like small shipping containers well I'm wondering what's you know what are the batteries comprised of that what do they what do they uh what makes up the batteries are they wet storage or dry storage because if they leak they don't leak they're they're lith the same battery you have in your back pocket things that don't leak they're lithium ion batteries these aren't like Le these aren't two tubs of lead and acid so there so there's something you can't put the fire no yeah yeah but like I said we talked about that during the whole process already approved like to be honest this is this is not it's outside the scope out of the scope of the jurisdiction here there's no residual if they if they come to fight a fire here and they they the only thing they got is water to use now that water becomes contaminated and is this system here going to handle the runoff and contain it you know what I mean and what do we do with this this runoff so if there's a fire the way that this would operate worst absolutely worst case scenario there these have fire suppression systems built into them um you let it burn and you hose everything down around the side you don't spray water on lithium ion batteries it just don't um so you you contain and you hose everything down it's it's been done repeatedly in the past yep and we've G kinds of articles on it long permitting process and educational process with the fire department and they've signed on this I have no no control over the the fact of the batteries if they're accepted or not but I'm just my question is what is your plan uh what's your backup plan in the event that they have a quad fire and they had to use there is no plan to for no what if fire water that's not how we design storm water basins we designed them for the state standards and that's what this has been designed to I don't know how to answer your question there's no magic what if one I wave I mean to assume that a billion gallons is going to be sprayed here because they wouldn't be spraying the batteries they'd be spraying the surrounding area and as part of all that they the owner had to purchase the property to the um page North to to the west west and clear an a 200 foot area of all large vegetation as a fire buffer as part of Permitting the battery so once again I respectfully appreciate the comments but that's not on the table this evening the batteries are approved they're installed again all my question is I have no control I have is as whether or not you can put the batteries there that's not our function it's just I was just wondering about the runoff and how that uh how that would be contained and so forth to be honest it's not contained it's just like any if your house catches on fire your house is full of hazardous chemicals too the same and you spray water on that runs down the hill I mean just or if you have a an industrial facility is that the I mean you could bring that question up with any facility in the Commonwealth it's not accounted for and that's why a lot of them are moved abroad because they they can't handle these heavy duty uh chemicals that are in things but all right I I've heard enough thank you it's a good good comment good concern any other questions from membership oh I ended up again does anyone in the audience have questions thank you please state your name and address please laurine bosay 1680 Pine Street um I where you had mentioned about any kind of runoff from any kind of Fire um that is also running down the street into somebody else's property so that also could be an issue but I was never even aware that the batteries were approved they were supposed to just hook up to the regular whatever the generator or whatever it is to put it into the system I was never aware that that is approved are they approv it to permit I mean to be honest we went through six to9 mons you guys but the batteries were included in that again as part of the planning board process they were all right this this here we are dealing strictly with the Wetland issue I know that it was brought up by by member but uh again that would deal with another department within the town we are wetlands we are um they they kept those outside of our buffer zone so we didn't it wasn't like a separate filing okay you said 95% of it is done what's not done there's some escaping to be done mostly clean up items they can officially apply to close out their permits they got to do some seing planting app proper close out of the permits okay the storm water thing has been a major hurdle that they been tried to is there anyone else in the audience I can keep it Nancy gulad chairman of the storm audit committee uh I hadn't planned to speak tonight but there's no way I'm going to sit there and not correct statements that were made there is no water running down Brook Street from the Basin I was there with the engineers there were two Engineers there Mr F and DOA and Mr Pon representing the town so okay so you're correcting the neighbor not yes okay yes absolutely uh they pulled the plug they plugged the the pipe so they could fill up the base and after like 91,000 gallons of water went into it at 1 o'clock the plug was pulled so they could time the drainage and see how fast because we want it to drain uh within 72 hours uh quite frankly it passed with flying colors I was there with uh both Engineers from just before one till approximately 2:30 when I left the site I had to walk down to Brook Street cuz my car was parked on the Northern side of brck street before the shop Bend I purposely walked along the ditch I went over the little bridge that you go over to get into the site the water was flowing freely there was no backup of water I followed the ditch down the road it went under the driveway of the first house there's a pipe under that driveway that's very visible the water flowed freely at no time did it go over the ditch as as I said at the storm water meeting yesterday when you look into the ditch right now it's got grass and things growing so you can't really say How deep the ditch is but I can tell you uh even if I could not have seen the water I could hear it but it was very visible so excuse me I followed it down beyond the neighbors's driveway that water never entered Brook Street at the storm water meeting yesterday questions were asked asked about the drainage from that Basin and Mr Ferry not only confirmed what I had seen because he had been there also but also he he the question was asked well where does the water go and he explained to them it enters the town system and actually there's a pipe under Brook Street that goes to the north side and goes down towards the the Somerset water area I think you're all familiar when the road goes down the hill it flattens out and Somerset water is there to the left that water never entered Brook Street at all the drainage was uh rapid um the uh there was the in the the gentleman who was there to put the water turn the water on we hooked up to the dayon water district that's how we got water in there he took a big pointed Rock and he stuck it in the Basin before he started to fill it by the time we got there for 1:00 which was the time we said okay shut the water off only the very tip of that rock was showing by the time we left Not only was that rock showing but the Basin is graded and it's lined with small stone and you could see where the Wet Stone was and how how much how much wet stone you had on the SW of the Basin to show how much it's made but I made the remark that looks like a shock Fin and when before I left I said well we can see the whole shock now because that whole Rock was above that area um from the storm water point and from the runoff and everything else uh storm water is we think we're just about done unless something unusual comes up I'm here tonight because I wanted to see how the presentation went here um but uh rest assured uh if it didn't pass Musta they wouldn't be going any further you know that you know the history of this so uh and if water had been going down the street we'd have been talking about that there are minor things they have to take care of uh and those were discussed with both Engineers present and Tom Ferry and so I just want you to know from that perspective we're all set than okay thank you yes ma'am B 1680 Pine Street I will not let her call me a liar that war runs down Brook Street not on the street it runs down in the gutter and she actually admitted that it goes down to the Somerset water she didn't say that she did go down under the driveway under the driveway she said it never reaches the Somerset water okay but what I'm saying is it's not on the street don't call me a lion Nancy I didn't because I am going because I did not take it that way uh except that okay thank you I said what I think we all know he has credibility the water was running in the ditch on the cell side of Brook Street is where it's supposed to go that's what the plans show that were approved the plans were followed this time the plans that were uh redesigned to make this it was supposed to be an infiltration Bas and now it's an it's a retention retention whatever so when the water reaches a certain level it's going to drain through the pipe it does not enter the road it enters the ditch as a matter of fact the word you Mr Ferry used and you were there he said it's on Town property the ditch belongs to the town of dayon this is all part of the approved plan and the plan was approved by the planning board every time there was an iteration so what is there now is what has been approved by the town thank you okay um Lisa I want to go back to my statement earlier if we approve this pending any paperwork that must be submitted to you would would that be an appropriate uh move yeah I mean um so I think we still need these items um Weston and Samson has requested specifically um items three to me are important four and then site plan consistency review item five um due to the fact that the originally proposed infiltration Basin was intended to address standard three of the M stor water handbook and the site has now been found to be unsuitable for the support of construction of an infiltration basin the applicant should be requesting a waiver from standard three to allow infiltration to occur on the site only to the maxim maximum extent practicable due to high groundwater and poor soil conditions these conditions were observed and documented in cyh vises as discussed in our letters referenced by The applicant's Narrative we recommend that the applicant requests this waiver and we support the granting of the waver this should be reflected in the revised storm water report so I think if three four and five are addressed um we can we can condition our approval based on those and do you know if do you know if it has drained today have you been out there yeah I popped by there real quick and it seems to be doing its job so I mean the test is not much rain today though so the test is going to be over the weekend so after we've had the two days of rain and everything's done and then we'll see uh so I was going to have um I forgot the contractor's name who's local uh Brian tree the tree service yes I was going to have them pop by or was it the TR May on Monday and take a look and see where we're at but it should be below the stone on Monday so but we'll document that I might take a ride by yeah okay is there a motion uh to to accept an issue an order of conditions end in um review and comment on items three not comment addressing addressing addressing items um three and four and five on the Samson and Weston report and that would be to the satisfaction of the agent just so coordinate everything through through Lisa yeah it's not going to go back through par okay so that won't uh you won't nothing will be started until that's in well they already did it oh okay yeah they've already started repairing it that's what they were saying no okay all right sorry but Jim we so you guys understand we still what I had discussed with Ahmed and Nick was that now they have two open orders they have the 0404 order and now they have this one which is the what's the number on this one 05 one one um so at the end when they're ready for certificate of compliance they're going to request that for both file numbers um but like I've reiterated and Nick spoke about we need some restoration done planting so we'll deal with that when they request a certificate of compliance okay and that would probably be in the spring just given the planting seasons and everything like that that would be the ideal timeline and by then we should know you know if everything's in compliance hopefully yeah and I believe we have a motion on the floor is that right well okay I well I just suggested it did someone make the motion uh okay uh motion made Ju Just as a point of clarification for myself is the motion on the floor to approve and to approve with conditions to include addressing items 3 four and five to the satisfaction of the agent that correct okay in that case second all in favor I thank you for your time thank you Nick sorry okay uh we have a notice of intent from Paul Cody uh Pleasant Street um for repair of an existing septic system at 25 98 Pleasant Street with Associated grading and disturbance within the 100 foot buffer zone Bob baraby Pro Line engineering representing Paul Cody property is 2598 Pleasant Street dyon it's a septic system repair existing three bedroom dwelling the site was flagged by Chris Capone the wetlands as you can see on the pan shown in green go right around this piece of property the property was probably filled many years ago when the house was constructed so I show the green line as the Wetland flag line going from flag flag A1 to a21 starting at Pleasant Street looping around the property then ending up back on Pleasant Street we put the system in the backyard the Water Service comes in from the front of the property into the dwelling the existing system is in the backyard so all the plumbing is heading in that direction we're proposing to put in a 1500 dual compartment septic tank followed by a thg pump chamber and from that a 2-in force main running to the debox where the leeching field is located it pretty much centered the field between the Wetland line it's a little closer to the North End than the South because that's where the plumbing comes around and it's also the way the land pitches the wetlands on the south side I think are probably more sensitive it's more like salt bash type area and that's a well defined wetland in the on the Northern side it's Wetland but it's a little the uh Topography is a little more up and down the back end is more like a plane so I pushed it onto that end I've got a polyliner wrapped around the leeching field I also put a polyliner around the pump chamber and the septic tank that's not really a conservation issue but that's more a Bo of health issue and um that was pretty much it when we did the soil work you we could see that there was fill brought in here there's about uh three feet of fill as you can see on my s report the water table was about 4T below ground that's why we need so it's going to be raised up the North End there a little bit of a hill in the backyard but it's tucked behind the garage and that's the best location for it other than that I think it's straightforward like I said it's an existing three bedroom we not increasing the flow it's the same three B houses here now okay any have a comment or question the placards we usually require yeah so so the post in the placards yeah you ERS if you want to list what flags you let them installed well that would be the order of conditions yeah that's what I was going to say if you want to list it in there we'll make sure that we purchase those and have those installed okay I mean I I honestly think at a tree line this would be sufficient for us but yeah we can we'll condition it okay anyone else here have a question up here anyone in the audience have a question okay is there a motion uh motion to approve with conditions don't move all in favor thank you uh Lisa would now be opportunity L um one second have a gentleman here that needed to leave at 6:40 yes that's what I was can you take it out of order okay uh is it's public input okay I okay i' like to take uh Paul V Frank V Franky okay like the motion to take public input out of order Mr chairman second second favor okay Frank uh come on up and uh and then we'll get back to our regular okay uh Frank F 2941 Pleasant Street um I got a letter in the mail registered letter I I've been dumping grass I have to cut my grass just across the street behind the telephone pole it bought is the salt salt MH right where the reads are I dumped it there all year I got the letter said I couldn't I didn't know I called Lisa that day told her I'd never do it again and I got a pitch walk and cleaned it all out of there so here we are okay yeah he did send photos it's already recovering we had a really high tide last week and anything that was left little stuff is already gone the reads are already straightening back up again yeah it was dumped in fragm myties but you know you just that creates yeah not good conditions anyway for the mar I got a feeling the frag mighties won't have too hard of a Time coming back yeah yeah you know once you do it once then it's done again and then the Neighbors start doing it and then you know before okay you know yeah I got you yeah okay we're all set there thank you for being so Cooperative no sweat thank you okay all right thank all right we're going to head back to our uh agenda uh we have a new hearing a request for determination of applicability from Charlene Ridley at 224 linol Avenue for a proposed 292 square foot Edition a portion of the work Falls within the jurisdiction of wetland including the river FL front and flood zone of the 3M River and uh okay just so the others know that Lisa and I visited uh uh the property last week or the week before but go go ahead would you like to talk engineer coming he was supposed to be here but he gets confused I don't know okay um they said that they didn't need to be here for us just the cont okay um who said you didn't have he didn't contract you mean the contractor oh no no no no the engineer I needed the engineer to present his John yeah yeah he said he is going to be there okay I don't know where it is do you want me to talk about what we saw then Lisa uh yeah this is the revised plan so we met on site and then it was determined that our the plan might be to remove also a little garage right yeah and pave that area so Mr was in a couple days ago and brought the revised plan um what you have there uh so we can talk about it let's see it is an addition of 1,236 square ft y it is looking at the 292 yeah I think that's that's an hour is that a typo on yes it's not that big no it's the 1,000 cuz it's a two garage Y and then they're going to take down the footprint of the 391 foot garage south of it and add pavement um but that's not actually being done right now Lisa I know but so you have a okay you have permission to do it going forward best to have it all there you okay um the a portion of the work does fall within the 200 foot and a portion does fall in the flood zone although it's well I really qu I mean flood flood zone on paper that elevation oh 500 years elevation no I mean I know the lot elevation yeah yeah maybe uh it works that way so many feet but I believe it would be uh above it the whole project well it's above the 100 year flood it's in the uh 500 year uh I mean when I went there you know I saw no objections to it whatsoever I know but we don't have our motion controls on the plan well that's that's I was just going to mention that uh that we we need that and this is this this is an RDA so we cannot continue it but we will make a decision tonight and we're going to have I'm going to have to contact Mr tomorrow and ask him I'm going to tra this has been months do you have a cell phone by any chance maybe could you call him could we put him on speaker phone and get some testimony that way absolutely I don't know why he's not here do you have your phone I my phone's in the all right I have this pH it's just going to be a minute I have to dig it out oh my goodness yeah you want to craw it on that commission would you mind if I just put you on speaker phone and you can speak to them now the middle of the hearing hello speak here okay uh this is uh Jim digit the chair of Tian conservation we met uh a week or so ago and we are having the commission meeting right now and uh uh oh you're three minutes away yeah um okay we can we can table it and then okay we we'll wait till you get here we'll table it and then when you get here we'll come back to you okay bye now sounds like we'll be revisiting this immedately okay we're going to move to the next item then and then we will um motion to table second all in favor okay um next item new hearing request for determination of applicability from Timothy Johnson of property at zero boxwood Lane at Hunters Hill for construction of a single family home with water and sewer connections driveway and Associated grading a portion of the work Falls with the 100 foot buffer zone is anyone here for that item no uh that one is actually being continued to December 19th because they didn't they get the abuts notices out with the DAT of that meeting would we would we continue the RDA or would we table the RDA and then pick it up from the table next table because I already I did put the legal notice in already okay good motion to table thank you second all in favor I 12 what is it 12 19 okay uh next is a new hearing it's a request for determination of applicability from Jeff Reed at 102 Sunny's way uh for modification to an existing drainage system part of the drainage system lies within the 100 foot buffer zone thank you my name Rob Ryan I'm engineer representing Jeff re sorry that's just so the mik can pick you up and uhan engineer representing Jeff Reed 102 Sun Way um this is a project that uh is a residential neighborhood homeowner has a big flooding issue in the backyard uh as a relatively new development and there was really no other way to mitigate the flooding without tying into the city storm water system which has been approved through storm water and um I didn't know if anybody's not familiar with the background of the project not this is pretty much the the issue is the person's backyard and their bulkhead so events the flooding coming up to oh yeah water property so he's been trying to mitigate his own flooding in the backyard which is discharging water into the city street which creates a fall Hazard and IDE and this this is the plan part of the storm water okay are are you're going to have to uh we got Sunny's way and Tommy's way and uh all these ways here and uh uh now you have me confused Cho Sunny's way yeah okay let's uh it's this lot right here okay no no let's let's get to Sunny's ways off of what ill billies tommies tommies and billies I think and then I know it's not Jennifer way is over here yeah it's off of Tomy no but which is off of oh um cheeter okay all right okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I know did you have a did you get a copy I I've been there okay I'm very familiar with it okay all right Ceda so in visiting the site that's going to be up near um the gas company somewhere up in that area yeah near Lind what near Lind the yeah yeah okay all right now now now I'm there okay yeah the the neighborhood has been put in in the LA in the past in the last 10 years or or sooner um and you know there some maybe some lack of foresight in the design process they tried to mitigate some potential flooding with a small stoneage drain drainage soil which is just not working for a few neighbors neighbors at that location so the idea is we catch some of that uh rainfall the the flooding water the standing ground water and into a catch Basin into the into the city system which require and but the the uh back third of at least probably half of this property is within the 100 foot buffer zone which which brings us here and okay admittedly even worse than that it's within the no touch Zone some of the drainage that was inst solved the previous owner of this house seems to have pushed back the backyard limits to within their property but still you know getting closer to the bordering vegetated wetland um so where we're proposing to put in this drainage technically it's outside of that 20 foot no touch Zone 25 20 I'm sorry 25 foot and I guess what we're ask we're trying to mitigate a a resolution to um if I back up a little more with the storm water they were okay with us tying into the system and we actually have tied into that catch Basin on Sunny's way come under the sidewalk so the home owner has a um means to discharge if he were to mechanically pump himself from the backyard to the front yard you know um not very ideal because it t I guess in a pretty significant event it takes him about three days just to pump down that backyard and that was dumping it out into the road so as a phase one we put something under his sidewalk in case there is a um An Occurrence and this is outside of the 100 foot bar Zone which is why it proceed and you know in case there is a significant rainwater event that creates flooding he'll be able to discharge not directly onto the street and what we're hoping is that with this um determination is that we'll be able to continue that drainage pipe into the into the backyard collect the flooding at its source and subsurface through a 12in ads pipe back into the municipal system and in in speaking with Lisa um who and um and that was David came out the uh last was it early this week yeah this week's flying by yeah it came out this week so we looked at the location where we would put this catch Basin in the backyard and being that is in the no touch Zone we thought that we could um some of the backyard that's been established as lawn we could let it reestablished back to you know some wild flower or um bordering V ated Wetland type plantings and and protect that area so I had um sure so this is the backyard Corner orange rain here kind of weird perspective here's an overview Google Earth isn't very clear here but this is the back corner if you saw the other plan the so where trampoline now is where they yeah B given that back for a and basically established this based on we have a BBW flash approximately in this area so I just did an AR 25 ft out so you know at Le we are given back something to what was encroached on the the BBW line itself in this area is it's kind of weird at the two property Corners it's close and and it comes up pretty abruptly he's got it on that plan yeah it it come actually you can see it on this is 100 foot buffone but the BBW in relation to where we proposed to put the catch basing in is back about 26 ft from where we proposed but it comes down on the corners at an angle so these two corners is okay um can we pass it down you have any comments on on this uh for us in the audience so there's also like a gravel parking area that the owner wants to keep that's in our 25 like that was put there by previous owner a little little like area for him to par a trailer um I'm okay with him doing that if he would give back like we said restore the rest of the 25 foot in the backyard is that is that what's shown on that that like radial Thing by the trampoline is that what you're referring to you're referring to the other Corner the the opposite side yeah okay um yeah I he's willing to work over there too I guess I mean no what I'm saying is if he wants to keep that I would like him to restore the rest of it where he can restore the rest of the 25 but but post that oh yeah yeah absolutely um in terms of his property that's going to really only occur in the left side corner and where his trailer is is cutting into that 25 ft by a little bit you out so we were I guess we were hoping by giving back a significant so how many square feet is he will to give I I think this translates to right around 500 square ft okay it's about 3% of this property I did look at the numbers not but seems kind of small but it's it's it's 500 square feet where he has his trail out and we'll put we'll figure out some pollinating species and maybe some bushes in there yeah I mean if he had done it himself I think it would be a different story yeah we take it out he he kind of bought into this property and this is how it was and was completely unaware and that was deing drainage issu so not an ideal situation but okay to do whatever whatever needs to be done to yeah so there's some text in here willing to work conservation over the winter um yeah I can sign this the other option is um this area here I didn't know if he could pull it back some and then give you know give the 25 foot in here too you know no I know you mentioned and I I totally respect that I guess I'm just trying to work on his behalf to take of thing out of his approach you know so I guess this approach would be well could the tradeoff be this one one the left side of the property and um leave this as is but it you know I understand that yeah you're if he has room to pull it forward you know what I mean like what is the why can't he Pull It Forward no I I don't I don't see why you know what I mean but I know where you were measured the flag the full 25 ft you know without that pulls it Forward quite a bit you know there some medium you know come up 20 ft 15 20 ft from where it is now and he probably could I think he'd be you know maybe that same Corner we do the same thing we're doing on the other side or maybe something a little even different okay so it might be I guess what I'm saying is it might be a smaller um a smaller are but we can do something there yeah I mean I think okay so I think there should be something you will work with them on that so we can uh anybody else have any other questions No my only other question Mr chairman would be based on um the work that you'll be doing with them Lisa The Correspondents do you feel like this is going to be a is this a positive or negative determination in your opinion oh I think it's a negative negative determination under both um you know unfortunately situation like this you know we can't say no got to do something right yeah you got to do something you can't have a so swimming pool in your yard like that okay okay so what we're doing is looking for a negative determination but with some there has to be some kind of um uh guidelines yeah so um do you think you need some aroi controls in the back where you're going to be digging or is it all pitching towards the street it's it's it's pretty flat I mean it's actually dead flat right where we're going to be digging but we we can put you know we can put even just some straw Wadd straw waddle just to just to buffer that the wood line there okay that's not a problem just in the area of work um and then um you know just let him know that we're going to have to work on the restoration and in the spring but over the over the winter for the spring yeah so yeah I think it would be so would be A3 determination um the work described in the request is within the buffer zone is descri defined in the regulations but will not alter an area subject to protection um therefore the work does not require notice of intent um or or we could do a negative two of the work describing the request is within an area subject to protection under the ACT but will not remove filled dredge or alter that area I mean it's already been altered yeah in that case maybe three yeah okay um but you're you're going to develop a plan plan to correct some problems out of there yeah or to to let yeah the portion within 25 ft of the BBW okay will rehabilitate it into something amenable with and Lisa you're all set you're set with that with a negative and dealing with it yeah negative3 but um I think to vote on that under the local bylaw as well uh with the Roan controls and with restoration as as required I mean yeah I'm sure you'll look at it again too we can figure out where to pull 25 ft from yeah and the plants that are needed so okay um anyone in the audience have a question okay so what we're looking for is a negative determination but guidelines under the local bylaw um I would like to propose a motion for a negative determination of applicability under reason three um so uh to include compliance with the erosion controls that are uh intrinsic to a negative determination under the bylaw so move all in favor I I'd like to propose a motion for a negative determination of applicability under the Wetland protection act um for reason three with emphasis on the erosion controls and other requirements that are intrinsic to negative determination under the Wetland protection actve all in favor I have a question sure you're all set do you think you should put a silt sock in there like to revisit the yes we are going to uh Mr chairman I'd like to propose a motion to pick up from the table the RDA linoln moved all in favor okay okay uh this is Charlene Ridley at 224 Lincoln Avenue wow I'm glad you found dton again um I found a beautiful football field where it is I don't know then I found this building I apologize um I'm John I'm representative for Jeff and Charlene the ERS uh this is a house that's been there since the 1800 s on a lot that has moved a little bit for size but it's been there for a long time before the rivers act before the Wet Ones act before whatever but in any case the jurisdiction that you guys got are two one your bylaw for 500 year storm flood event and it's in the last 50 feet of the riverfront 200t River so it's out around 170 ft out and what they proposed to do is take on the back of the house that they have now is to build an additional kitchen on the back and then out from that another two-car garage and then the Garage they've got will be demolished and the pad left that's the project okay the impact upon the river's Act is it's 175 ft from the river it's a yard it's been a yard they're going to turn it into a house the flood plane is that we're talking about the 500 a flood and about that much I think it's 7 in of the top of that flood planate okay they're going that flood plane is a 17 I think one give or take uh top elevation and they're going to dig down into the 165 area to put the slab for the garage so the house the little piece of the house is going to be a fill and the garage is going to be a cut so the ending that volume versus that volume it ends up giving you more flood storage than you head no okay so when the garage is cut out what's the surface going to be it's going to be the garage it's a slab no the one they're taking down oh oh oh oh I'm sorry the one you're taking down it's just going to leave the pad oh they're going to leave the pad leave leave it just like it is and then are you doing any uh roof drainage any you know gutters yeah okay and then the other thing was osion controls I don't see them yes I you there was a sketch in there are we going to do a u around the uh around the work area which is the garage okay I didn't see anything on there yeah with a uh with a roll staked it should have been in should have been in a very very last ones would have been 11 by 17 like this excuse me up you gave me a lot of architectural plans that's not it looks like that did you end up with that yeah we've got we've got two copies so that that particular I don't oh is it right here this looks like this looks like no yep that's it one after that one there you go he there we go there you go that's okay I was I was at the site so I'm I'm very familiar with it and it's digging it's digging into the the back of the garage basically goes up like this so it's just very steep well that that's the only reason you need the erosion control so it's going to come down it's going to come down it's the BL or is it the green I'm sorry is is it the blue would be the blue okay the blue use around the work area right here yep yeah okay good sorry about that basically you know that you're not you're going to have a a roaching control across the top of your driveway right during construction during construction yeah okay it's temporary just so this dirt doesn't run down let me see that I'm pass it down okay anyone have any questions here so what happens is your contractor needs to contact me and we need to have make sure they're installed properly so that um then before you can proceed with digging the Hool so are they doing it next week or wants to get right on as soon as we get okay it wouldn't be tomorrow though right no okay because we're gonna if they vote to issue it I have 21 days but I'll probably issue it next week Monday or Tuesday hopefully Monday and then maybe Tuesday he can get the erosion controls in if he contacts me Monday I can tell him what kind of erosion controls he needs to get yet or maybe he can contact John over you just want the tubes 12 tubes we like the mulch ones yeah take it just have him contact him and then let me know when they're in is there anyone in the audience with a question do they have to be in before we get the no no they have to be in before you can start digging the hall okay and and did you apply you already applied to the building department I think you did yes you'll have to follow up with them as well Lisa would you would this be a negative determination or the Reas reason to is what it sounds like more to me because it doesn't sound like it's really disturbing in sensitive area given how set back it is yeah I mean no it's it's it's way up it's really pretty it's more distance than anything else from the river that that that comes falls under and then of course uh being on a hillside they're just going to have to protect when they do the digging so that if we have a heavy rainstorm you don't get silk flowing down down the driveway across the street in the r yeah I'm fine with it with control otherwise yeah You' have a p of dir going into you know so yeah it would be sounded like reason to to me when we read the definitions the work describ the request is within within an area subject to protection under the a but will not remove fill dredge or alter that area therefore said work does not require that's what it sounds like to me yeah well um are you ready to pain a motion Mr chairman okay again uh any questions for the audience I just wonder the is coming down before andri okay motion now u under the local bylaw I would like to propose a negative determination of applicability for a reason two with a reminder uh regarding the importance of erosion controls even with a negative determination so move second all in favor under the Wetland protection act I would like to propose a motion for a negative determination of applicability for a reason to with a reminder of the importance of erosion controls even with a negative determination so move all in favor hi was that a recording okay thank you gentlemen thank you sir I another we could take one of these and give it to you to give to your contractor probably be a good idea good idea so we have so many copies yeah which which one you want you want this one I'll give I'll give I'll give you'll give it to them I'll give it to you sure y okay you can ask where out there all right sounds good be the kitchen table okay um okay next is a thank you thank you is a request for a certif certificate of compliance uh for Ceda Street uh this is a m 15 lot 40 well number8 project located on Ceda Street some no suers at Water Department right you're D okay all right CU we had Somerset here the okay for okay did I refer to Somerset in there I just no no been ahead of himself that's all yeah we had somet here I think was last uh month okay I Mr chairman uh yeah rep Ernie bacon uh superintendent D and water uh final record drawings for C to 1A that was the replacement well we did and uh the only thing that we changed from the initial drawings was uh some piping in the street we cut and C the one one of the and TI it in with a a valve and that was the only thing was different okay I think this has been out there she proved that the site was okay looks good yeah everything's stabilized Ernie and I went out there it's just a formality having you or the engineer come but um those are the as belts right no those are the final record drawings oh okay that built were submitted a while back I guess I think before I was a superintendent and this this is the final all right let me look in the file because yeah we typically need the as yeah okay Dro them off to you uh Dro them off to you but everything's completed everything's done um I don't it was any issues at all there was any issues I made the contract to make sure I stayed on top of them so anyone have any questions sounds good anyone from the audience have questions is there a motion to issue a certificate of compliance motion to accept certificate of compliance second all in favor I'll drop those off to you oh or just an emailed copy is fine for the record okay yeah thank you sorry about that that's okay it might have been in my email I'm sorry if I yeah okay I might lot to keep track of sometimes all right thank you thank you so much take care okay uh next on the agenda is an enforcement that has been uh issued for some time uh 2371 County Street uh Lisa would you like to um all right we have yeah I mean to date I haven't last meeting I have not heard from Mr Desa good evening John Z Jack for uh Mr enus um I did advise Lisa that Mr dusza could not be here tonight he uh has a personal Family Matter that he had to attend to um he uh I did reach out to him today to find out if he was going to be here and he could not um I would also advise the commission that Mr enus can't be here he um has a very serious health issue that he's dealing with uh he had I'm sorry he has a very serious health issue that he's dealing with he recently had surgery and he's um probably out of commission for about two weeks um um I can also advis the commission that Mr duza has um based on our last meeting when we were here uh last month Mr uh enus um we discussed the possibility of at least some preliminary work being done outside of the area but to get the project moving um Mr enus has um engaged a contractor I don't believe the work has started yet but he has he is moving forward with what we have discussed the last time we were here um you know I I see some progress there are apparent progress however [Music] your I think the we your scient Wetland scientist has been greatly negligent on getting things done for us he would say we'll I'll give it to you next month next week next month next week next next month next week next month that's all we're getting from him and this is now not on one particular case but on two I am ready to notify D of the this Reckless Behavior on his behalf for promising all this work to get done and then delaying delaying delaying and putting us behind the eight bar which we're not going to be if his I'm going to use the word arrogance in not getting what he has promised to get done for us continues his people may be in Jeopardy of having fines reestablished or in one case reestablished and the other case started I will convey that to him I I I know the commission is aware that uh and it is not the reason that he's not here this evening he did intend to be here but for a unexpected family commitment I know the commission is we're getting that all the time though we're getting that all the time he's in Wisconsin he's in Michigan he's in you know uh if he has taken upon himself a job and and he cannot somehow perform then he has to uh find someone to act as an agent for him to get the work done that he has promised uh at this point in time I would like to um let the commission consider notifying de P of our frustration with these two cases and with the soil scientist as well so I'm just going to let that go out to them and let them consider what might be done you have you have been working here now for at least a half a year maybe a year now and um you must have the frustrations that we have okay I don't have to ask anymore I I see it um I'm just going to let it be at that and uh uh what is on the commission's mind is it okay if I share that sh of course what I want you to do thank you um well I share your frustration with the pace at which um aspects of the restoration plan are being produced by the applicants engineer um I definitely share that sentiment I am hoping that this is um you know if I understand you know I've I've got a family I understand family commitments happen from time to time um this is not the first or the second or I don't think even the third time that we've um been expecting plans that we were told that previous meeting that we would have only to um you know find out the night of the meeting or shortly before that that we don't have them um so I would just like to know strongly emphasize that I would really like to see um see the engineer produce what he has stated that he's going to before our next meeting um Paul yeah like what maybe a week ahead at least yeah I actually our um the the timeline for the meetings that we'll be looking at I believe later this yeah have a deadline for submitt so I would say that I would like to definitely uh oh this doesn't have the December that's next year but it looks like these in general run about I'll tell you in a second about two weeks before so I'd like to see it two weeks prior to our next meeting so I'm really hoping that we have the documents in hand to begin preliminary review uh by our agent you know in the next two weeks that's that's my hope I would say not not later than two weeks um and I am going to operate on the uh presumption that that the uh resident Mr enus also was hoping to see some progress and know he's been working with the commission now um we're making good progress and um know I understand that you've aware that he's convalescing from surgery right now so know my best wish is for his recovery but um other than that I'm really hoping that we have some documents produced in the next two weeks so that we don't position again next month um so I don't take right to reexamine fines just yet I'm just I threw that out because I get so frustrated that uh nothing is getting done or or we're promised that it'll be next week it'll be oh no sorry oh it'll be coming by next month and that's all we're getting from this engineer and I I am sure that the applicants are getting tired of coming to this meeting to seeing us vent our frustrations in in getting something accomplished with them to solve a problem because I would hope that the problem would have been solved already and would everyone would be on their merry way and our next meeting is going to be getting close to the holidays and I know nobody's schedule frees up and gets easier at the holidays um so my feeling based on the progress so far is that if we don't have the documents in the next couple of weeks that we're probably not going to have them in time for our meeting um so that's I'm just I'm strongly hoping that we get some movement in the next 14 days yeah can I ask you to make a motion that if we don't receive anything for specific Miss denis's 2371 County Street by December 5th that we contact de uh does someone want to make that uh motion make okay all right um so moved so moved is there a second Al is there a second okay is December 5th is that two weeks yeah um I'd like to give at least 14 days yeah that's two weeks and that's two weeks prior to the next meeting on the 19th you know and I know there's a holiday but this was supposed to have been done two months ago if it was supposed to have been done two months ago two weeks is I mean it it it just should have been done and and um I think uh D being informed of such carelessness or neglect or whatever it is you didn't want to work on the behalf of these applicants is is a shame what action would they take I have no idea but okay we have a motion made we have a motion seconded all in favor all right all right uh Mr chairman while attorney Z Jack is here would you like would you be amenable to taking 880 heart Street out of order um I I just would ask just um I I'm going to assume that Mr dusza knows but for my clarification as well what's expected the next plan that is is going to show what was discussed at the last meeting when we were here in October correct that's what you're looking for on the next plan that you're waiting to receive yeah okay and the video is online the YouTube video so if he needs to refer to that to remember what and of course you can refer to my email that I included where I had um read them at the meeting you know the the points that we would like okay so I I think indirectly we took care of County Street and hot Street I I would tend to agree if if that's your if that's what you're looking for on heart Street as well well heart Street we were more looking at existing conditions plan agreeing on a delineation yeah if if we could i' I'd like to enter a couple of comments under the record on her acceptable U Mr chairman are you willing to take that out of order I am I'd like to take propose a motion to take 880 heart Street out of order second all in favor okay go ahead um so we had a site visit there a couple of weeks ago um after doing the conditions we took some soil samples we walked the property um while there are definitely some um some Wetlands you know there are definitely wetland the property um there are definitely some activities that have taken place in the buffer zones and um but based on what we saw it looks like we might be able to um figure out a way forward um I'd I'd be interested in hearing what the other Commissioners who were there that they uh thought but based on what I saw I felt like we did see some conditions that we might actually be able to forge our way forward that can kind of blend the need to protect resour areas with um with allowing the resident to carry on some of the activities that you've been engaged in okay I was there and I certainly agree with what you said and uh we can't do anything until we have the engineer coming in and doing a report and dealing with Lisa and he's been uh absent right this this is a matter where the lack of correspondence from the engineer is especially disappointing because I was encouraged by some of the conditions that I saw and I do feel like we might be able to thread the needle in a in a way that is going to protect the resource areas while also um know respecting some of the little remaining agriculture that we still have we want to solve a problem we don't want to generate more we want to solve it and we think that there is certainly a way to do so but uh there's got to be communication between your engineer and us and come to an agreement yeah nothing nothing you can do said he two emergencies I did I did he's always got a every month he's got an emergency or or whatever this is why uh the motion was made to notify d and maybe that'll get the the ball rolling with him if if they get involved is that motion also on this one because I think it should be because I when we were out there I saw Phil we saw Phil in the buffer zone we saw um cows and a fenced area in the buffer zone and we saw wood chips that we didn't know where they were going to go and we also saw flags that weren't accurate so what we asked was we asked John if there was a way for us to work with them to keep move the shift the cows move them a little bit outside the actual Wetland still in our 25 foot five foot no touch and then remove the fill from the backyard and he cuz he brought up removing the fill from the backyard so that's what we're really looking for at this point the fil or W both the FI that had created um had gone out into the fragm marsh and then the wood chips too the wood chips need to come out I don't know what you guys had planned but those can't stay there it's in my back right now should have to worry about that we are trying to get somebody to take them somebody already said it but we haven't guaranteed it yet the reason we're worried about those our that should be none of your business that's our backyard you want get I'm sorry I'm just speeching what I think that's our backyard it's none of it's none of the town it's Wetlands it is it's a wetland resource it's 100 foot buffer zone it's not wetland in my backyard it's 100 foot buffer zone ma'am no it's a regulated area no wrong I'm sorry you can't change the most immediate matter at hand is that we're going to need correspondence from the engineer right that's really that's the most immediate actionable one of them out of the way of the Wetland so that's why they were all pushed back there yeah so we can get rid of them they're out of the wet and as as we continue the discussion with the engineer and we develop a plan we can kind of holistically address everything look at everything there people are in our life and it's not right I've been there years never had problem we had PS there before we had other stuff there before and nobody ever said anything to us nothing and now all of a sudden because oh do wetland laws and stuff well how come we're still paying our regular taxes then when we went when we went for our things we said my husband asked them do we have Wetland and they turned around and said no he goes I want to know now because we we're going to get the amount off from pay tax without straying too far from the immediate matter at hand while it will be necessary to notify DP at some point if we don't hear from the engineer I wouldn't mind waiting one more month on this one for the reason being that the enforcement actions at the previous property began in 2021 here they began in 2023 um while we have been dealing with this for quite some time it doesn't quite feel like a direct Apples to Apples comparison is the first property has been going on for substantially longer um I would like to operate on the good faith assumption that we're going to have a plan from the engineer prior to our next meeting and it's going to be a point and it wouldn't have mattered whether we voted to contact D or not and if we get to next month and I have Eggo in my face and I was wrong then you know we'll I be you know then I I'll propose the motion at that point so what are we looking for by December 5th for that just an existing conditions plan that we can all agree on this is where the fill is this is what not not a mitigation plan but we're dealing County Street right now count Street we're back on to 80 uh 880 okay yeah so I would like what I would like for the next meeting is just a simple this is where the Wetland Edge is right we agree this is where the Wetland Edge is this is the buff Zone and this is what's in that area there yeah let's all let's all agree what we that what we all saw is what we know we saw is what we all yeah agree we saw before we talk about what we're going to fix right a delineation an accurate delineation yeah PTSD I think it's six o'clock in the morning okay all right so so what we're looking for is uh is is action on both uh addresses one is going to be be an accurate delineation and um and it also has to show the area of disturbance of dist okay there you go area of disturbance that's that's hot Street MH and the other one uh two months ago or whatever it was he was supposed to have a definitive plan we were almost there we were very close very close he just hasn't completed it right Lisa would it be possible to just memorialize this conversation in an email to attorney Z Jack and copy engineer Suz perfect thank you and and I I I just I will advise the commission that um you know one of the things we had discussed when we had the on-site meeting a few weeks ago was a reconfiguration of the cowpen and that's something that we we've discussed with the with the whitmor and I'm sure that's something we can accomplish that that's that's what we're all hoping that's what we're hoping for you know that's that's that's what we want uh you know I mean uh one of the times I was there after was after a rainstorm and I looked and I said oh my oh my God those those poor animals they were uh they were you know and and it was definitely you know we knew it was a w and there is space to you know relocate a bit mhm that's what we're looking for okay we all set with with my yard is too wet for cows and I'd love to have some so you got my sympathy thank you for that thank you okay thank you all right thank you all okay uh uh 420 William Street uh can we can we skip over we have two people in the audience that have been sitting here bit a while um this is Ethan you want to uh what what uh property you here for sir 3423 sharp slot Road Mr chairman are you amenable to taking 3423 I am if I can there we go okay it's on the next page motion to take 34th point three Shar slot Road out of order second all in favor you're on how you doing good how are you um so I'm just coming in I was told to uh just want to try to resolve all the issues I have um started on the restoring the wetlands with some trees and shrubs and then this guy works quick with no consultant okay we need more of you right unfortunately why this is happening ex excuse me you weren't as I'm as I'm looking on this side you weren't at uh Trump's Ry were you no I was [Laughter] not okay sorry it's all good oh my God I'm out what's I don't understand the Trump rally what's what what's I have no oh man Oh I thought just SC to take him out it might not look right right after so I mean I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing saying um you already do it you're already set so well he he bought the property you might recall this one 3423 raan yes with a little did have a little uh backyard kind of slopes up in the back there shed in the back yeah there is now right next to quel yeah is it across the cows f f yes did you buy it in the last like the last 12 months or so yes yep exactly actually I went to the open house for that one looked at that house yeah I did all right yeah I know exactly what you're talking about yeah so space he came in then um he he put a shed right over here right outside the Tre line in this whole area and then he put a gravel driveway who's utilizing this proper gravel driveway down and then a um storage yeah storage container for like a obviously no storage there or garage so I was just all right so so uh so this delineation was for the septic but the delineation really you know it didn't honestly the wetlands up here too um so what I said to we would like that removed and we wanted we can talk about maybe leaving some of that gravel area up here and I'm fine with leaving the shed if you plants how many trees and shrubs did you plant I did three trees and six shrubs what kind of shrubs I I'm not a big shrub guy it's something that she suggested so was a berry one witer Berry blue nice one yeah blueberry is good too I wish blueberry and then also did uh the seaing yeah the Wetland [Music] seed okay so so restoration essentially has been complete it's got to be monitor in the spring and he needs to make sure he's watering but let me let me pull up and I can tell you exactly what he welcome to D yes it's awesome aome as you're learning yeah it takes a while sometimes it's actually loading the emails today which is great the blue mail I mean I don't know if you have trouble with the blue mail but the blue mail it's faster for me to drive to work and check you okay all right so wait a minute here we go okay Lisa so what I've given him idea of Yellow Birch flowering dogwood um American hornbeam and black gum and he planted two Ash right two of the I think those a black Dogwood maybe that sounds familiar um may have been the ash well anyways I can take a species list next time I'm there but I did check to make sure they were all Native and I think I know you also planted the Winterberry and then there was another native shrub and the seed anyway yeah okay so it's it's being restored and you're just going to update it in the spring and see see what's how everything's taking yeah I mean the main concern and the reason why I told him to come was cuz he still has that storage container but he says he has to keep it there for a little while until he deals with the stuff that's in it okay good but the plan is to phase it out yeah I currently have it for sale trying to yeah and then figure out where to put everything right now but um that and then as far as the driveway and fortunately if I'm going to stay here somehow if not might have to sell I need some type of garage or something so we spoke um the other day about trying to possibly the driveway the part that I take out maybe putting something somewhere in that area or if I have to if it comes down to it some on the driveway I did measurements today I talked to the uh um town uh building inspector or somebody that works with them and got a couple measurements rough measurements from off the road from the center of the road driveway doesn't seem like it's going to my current driveway doesn't seem like it's going to work so the other one I don't know if I can make that work somehow it look those measurements look okay from the house property line and that as long as it's good with all VI um that would be the only thing yeah honestly have toig as we can talk about it okay you might need some sort of filing like an RDA filing with us yeah we need to make sure at least 50 ft off the wet M and you know if you want that are you talking about pulling back some of that driveway the second driveway from what you was saying yeah so um cut away half of it or whatever it may take um and then put in the it would be one of those shed garages that you get like they have them at the old Toys R Us and Swansea it's the ones that just they deliver them they plant them and that's pretty much it no Foundation no um so yeah for something like that you might not need a permit um but you know when you go to apply to the building department yeah or just keep me in the loop ahead of time the other thing is you know we'll have to edes yeah of course here that yeah so when you're ready to take the next step or do the flagging maybe and then go from there yeah see where we're at okay the only the only other thing that I would say is that we've just seen a couple of instances where we've had you know issues of violations that have dragged on and on and on for a long time no I I would like to see you got a letter on 21 and you're here today with it all resolved I I don't I don't need stress so whatever I can do to get it completed it's okay very good okay I think we're all set then all right have a great night thank you welcome toon okay uh 1033 Oak Street uh yeah so um I did reach out to Seth cook because he sent me some um sent me Dayton said he had planted and put the posts in and I asked him for some photographs he did send the photographs on 1119 I have them if in my iPad if you guys want to see them or take a drive by it's up to you guys um he's even put some above ground sprinklers out there he has going so yeah the posts look good um placards are facing the right direction and I just think we need to monitor it in the spring so okay uh 2470 Pleasant Street um I did get an email from them it looks like he's going to switch gears and go with Evan Watson so and it sounds like he's leaning towards doing some maybe invasive and mitigation work as far as planting so that should be good um glad that he moving forward this is Nancy this is Mr VA unpleasant he's G to be doing some mitigation work oh Dr V the house with a long driveway way back up against the railroad tracks there yeah so yeah he's been communicating with us every month and it sounds like he's going to hire um Watson W engineering to help him yeah you free up the water or he didn't sound like he's going to do that by the email it sounds like he's he's leaning towards doing some invasives control and and some planting instead of having to dig it up I don't know if him and Evan are going to work out a plan so it sounds like okay just the okay I'll make a note to remind them to do that you're welcome 1070 Smith Street Jack anything what I haven't heard from him 1070 Smith Oh 1070 oh 1070 Smith did we skip 710 Center yeah he did well I haven't seen him I haven't been around to catch him so I'll see if I can hunt them down again okay um 10 1070 Smith I sent an email and their response was well we're not doing anything right now you know with the yard but it's like okay but you still have a violation you have to deal with and her response to my most recent email with the agenda was we have um the engineers are working on a plan so I copied the engineer and hopefully the yard does look a little bit cleaner the yard does okay it was when we first he say yes it does yeah they're not supposed to be doing any work right now no I'm just talking about the oh the debris in the front end yeah I mean as far as Landscaping they said they wanted to do some landscaping and things like that so which in talking with looking at the delineation that they had all the land aping and that they're going to do is going to be in the they've already removed Have You Been by there they've removed a lot of trees all the trees in the backyard are gone so yeah and then we already did 3423 okay we have uh on other business uh next year's okay oh minute minute uh meeting minutes I don't have any okay okay we still we need to come up with a game plan as to what we're going to do I actually have something for this oh good um I spoke with Elizabeth morera today the office manager for the Board of Health um she also does the minutes for CPC um she said that she would be interested in um talking with us about doing the minutes for our conservation um we would be paying her out of the line that was previously reserved for the conservation assistant and uh how do we go about it what's that how do we go about that so I can speak with um if if Nancy Knows by all means please feel free to to interject here but I can speak with Kevin Smith um because on CPC at our previous meeting um the committee voted to increase the hourly rate uhuh that we were paying to Elizabeth who is taking the uh the minutes for us okay for the reason being that that is doing the minutes for the committee is not necessarily um union job and so by that if a union person who is 35 hours per week is there you know if they were to exceed 35 hours in their Union capacity those hours between 35 and 40 would be paid as overtime however if they're doing something else that's nonunion those hours between 35 and 40 would not be considered overtime so they so Tech teally she could work up to 40 and it still wouldn't actually be overtime and um the other thing too is that since she expressed that if she were to do it she just expressed this today um she would prefer to watch the meeting on YouTube and then transcribe later from YouTube which actually would be beneficial for us for the reason being that CPC meetings of the same night is concom and if she were to do both back to back that could conceivably bump her over 40 so it actually would be better for us if she would to do them the following week based on good that's the best way to do well that's that's uh yeah so what we could do would be to um maybe if we were to have a motion tonight to send a letter of interest to Elizabeth asking her formally if she would be interested on behalf of the commission and then see oh please I'm sorry Mr Mr chairman it looks like Nan has some input well no you saying your thoughts and then oh so that that would be my thought would be I guess the first thing that we would probably want to do just to make sure that we dot all the eyes and cross the tees would be to first ask Carrie easterday because she is the uh Steward for the clerical Union if there'd be anybody in the union who would be interested in it and then I when I talked to Carrie last about it she said we needed a job description well CPC minute meeting the CPC minute clerk I don't think has a job description um soord minute so I I guess I in that case I I would defer to our our public input Nancy Whenever there is additional work that is required somewhere you have to post that and make it known that you need a job done it's considered extra hours now is Elizabeth in the union yes okay um so could we post it internally as like a union po internally and and talk to Carrie about this so you post it internally that you have the CPC hours and if you're going to have hours for this come up with that um and it can be posted separately so maybe one person will do it and one will do it but if they work fulltime any additional hours or overtime you you can't escape you need to look at the clerical Union contract if the person who's going to take the work do the work is part of that but the person who does it for CPC now currently is and they're actually paid at a rate that's entirely different from the union rate we live I'm saying to you you really need to look into this I am not aware of any additional work that can be um assigned or anything else if it exceeds 35 hours they're entitled to overtime now the rate will kick in it could be their overtime rate that all I'm not sure but I can tell you in the past when we got extra hours uh we posted it um if the person who gets the work does not work fulltime they can work up to but they hit the 35 Al Mar with a combined bunch of Duties they considered fulltime okay the fact that she's already full-time in in the union that needs to be looked at I know that there was uh there was a meeting uh there was discussion when we were looking for somebody and um the question arose and um it so happens that our uh additional hours the storm water uh were picked up by the uh office manager at the highway department she does not exceed the 35 hour limit she was less than 35 CH needed her for more hours doing his work and so they also said okay and they brought it up to 35 so that's why she also does St one a minutes but um before you get into more discussion of what CPC is doing and your own need uh you need to talk to the union all right the 35 hours is pretty cast in stone as a full-time employee and I think that contract says over 35 hours the whole thing is who is the employer the toal D right but is from my understanding it's similar to like we've got folks who are full-time in the clerical Union who also work for cable and their cable hours are separate from their but they shouldn't exceed 35 hours in total if the combin like if you worked at the clerk's office and the treasurer's office and you weren't at 35 hours and you picked them up for so many hours a week and they hit 35 now they have a full-time job okay and they would get paid accordingly now there could be different rates involved because of the duties that they're required to perform but 3 five hours okay Nancy what is the normal work day how many hours oh the clerical Union has uh they work 35 hours with a 4 day week so that that Wednesdays they get till like 5:30 at night it's like said 7 in the morning or 5 730 the contract spells out Monday Tuesday Thursday hours and then Wednesday is a very long day so how how about this um if we were to propose a motion tonight to send a letter to the HR coordinator to Signal Our intention to look for a meeting Clerk and seek their guidance on how to do it properly okay all right that sounds great and would only be two to three hours a month not a week a month how many that means how many one two a few hours a month for do yeah I mean I think what do we think four hour I said if we budget it for four hours a month that's reasonable letter it to HR looking for magic thing is number one are they fulltime fulltime is 35 hours even if you work for several departments the employer is the town of dayon conversely if somebody who worked for the town of D work 35 hours happen to take a job at the dyon water district because they need help doing something different employ that's the D water district anything within the town of dyon is one employer so that's what you have to look at okay all right thank you no that's really good okay so we're going to um send a letter to I like to propose a motion to send a letter to HR coordinator Karen Brady to Signal Our intention to post for a uh meeting minute clerk meeting and request um request advice and clarification on how to uh I I would suggest fa send a to the HR coordinator and say that you have the need for someone to take minutes you estimate X number of hours within a month you remember it's not only attending the meeting they're going to transcribe they're not going to attend we just said that they're going to do it through the watch the Youtube the same thing whether they sit here for two hours or watch television for two hours and quite frankly go back and look at minutes to get clarification it takes longer because if you're not here and if you don't get all of it you know you're kind of what did they say um it's true you want somebody to take the minutes whether they're sitting here or watching the thing at home and transcribe them that's what you need okay so I would ask the H person say that you these Conservation Commission has the need for somebody to take and transcribe meeting minutes we need and you need to know what the procedure is and the estimated hours are such and such okay and then uh they'll get back to you it can be posted internally um the shop Union steward would be involved uh if in fact the person is in the union the who gets the job the other thing I would say to you is if there is somebody working now who is not and maybe they're working less than 20 hours which means they're not getting benefits the other thing would be once they pick up those hours it they would not be working full-time but they would be eligible for benefits so that's something else to think about okay all right motion is made uh is there a second uh all in favor so uh thank you all right um I next uh we're getting close to the end Lisa it's almost 8: we'll dra we'll draft that we get to draft that you're going to uh no you and I can draft that oh okay uh I okay I don't I don't know how next week will be but Monday and Tuesday yeah I know I know what you said but I said I got the even if you just call me I'll draft it I'll read it to you you can do it over the phone that's that sounds good okay uh bills payable do we have any yep I have them I just didn't take them all out here so we have all the payroll and bills available in here if anyone wants to look at them we can approve all those bills that have already been paid already yeah and I have the ready for Monday morning for the two weeks like you asked uh so we just make a motion to pay uh motion to accept the vendor payroll bills that have Ed since our last meeting so moved all in favor okay um legal fee budget yeah did we want to talk about that again um could we save that for next month because I have not actually what I could do is I don't know if you did but I can print out the um I can print out the Ledger history from the warrant article that we have um all right okay uh meet uh 2025 meeting calendar now I saw an email from Paul uh on one particular date that was a holiday yep yeah the June meeting was scheduled for juneth which is going to which is a holiday uh is has that been changed here yes y the 26th now juneth is the 19th so that's that's up um yeah no that that's fin I uh that's the last week of the fiscal year I'm going to be here with my sleeping bag that week um yeah I I don't offand I don't see anything right now the other one that she changed was um this one could be tentative this one we may be able to switch back um but I mean we could obviously change it if the commission wanted but I'll be unable to attend the third Thursday of August for the reason being that the mass collector Treasurer Association usually usually holds their annual School the third week of August and the last couple of years I've been able to make that meeting because the school usually gets out at 2 pm on Thursday in Amherst so I can usually be back here for the meeting however this is going to be my um my fourth year year at the school and I've complete which means I've completed the three-year Treasurer program and I'll be eligible to take the exam to become certified which is on Friday the next day so I'm going to have to spend one more night at amher so I won't be coming back on Thursday okay so so that SL if I pass you pass you will pass Paul you're too efficient okay um so we make a motion to accept this calendar or or is that unnecessary yeah do we want to keep it that date the uh a which August we can always change it if necessary yeah okay uh motion to accept the posted calendar for 2025 so moved all in favor okay and I believe lastly is uh public input Nancy has been speaking so she's had her input correspondence uh I guess we've already dealt with that through Lisa oh um could I comment on the correspondence um Lisa I believe that you received an email about an eagle scout who is interested in looking at planks at Broad Cove because this jogs my memory because um we were just discussed there's no update yet but we were just reminded of the um CPC article regarding broad Cove where the trails committee is going to be seeking CPC funding um for uh a boardwalk that they want to EXP or doing at Broad Cove to connect to connect across the marsh this is a different uh different location yes yep but um since it sounds like eventually they still have a lot of funding and things that they need they need to secure funding for it but since eventually there's going to be a filing before us from the trails committee about the Cove it just joged my memory because I figured that I don't know if they'll be able to like piggyback off the delineations or something like that because uh why not yeah right yeah well this right here I I took a walk down there um two days ago and uh there still a little bit of mud and there was a tiny flow in that stream yeah you're in a drought I know peace call in a meeting tomorrow to all of us because we're in a major drought by the way yeah I mean there was a tiny Flow In The Stream you know and I I think that if we're going to do something and if they want to do something there uh I mean I think that would be great but we have to make sure that it's uh done properly right and with legitimate Authority and I and I think that maybe uh uh we have to they have to deal and say d this is uh you know they can notify D and say is is it it possible for us to put you know uh um a small walkway over this uh tiny stream that that already uh on a path that already exists uh uh so that we don't get neighborhood um confrontations right it seems like it's like because it's I know that it isn't because it's going directly over the stream but it seems to me to be um really close to um what's the Wetland protection act call it under the minor activities an unpaved walking path or an unpaved an unpaved pedestrian walkway designed to give public access to a Conservation Area yeah but that wouldn't be actually in the resource itself that's the thing I don't right yeah none none of the exempt activities are exempt in the actual resource it's just in in the buffer but so I know it isn't but like it just it feels really close you know like it feels pretty adj so what I had told Tom was I think we'd be you know maybe we set up a D to see what is the best Avenue to get it done because I would like to see it happen it would be great but I mean I don't want to say they can do it and then you have the neighbor saying well you just let them right how come they can do it and I can't resonate you know and you know and and in my head as I'm walking through there I'm designing something and and it really wouldn't take much but uh either some uh heavy PVC or or galvanized or aluminum piping in the ground with Planks on it so long as you know 2 feet above the ground or a foot above the ground for them just to walk over it it wouldn't I mean it wouldn't really disturb anything you know uh it it might be 30 or 40 feet of of I don't know I didn't measure anything but this is where whoever wants to do it has to prepare a plant for us and how they would how they would do it okay thank you for bringing that up I don't didn't even think of that but uh if you walk down there you you'll see you'll have a little more flow tomorrow it'll be muddy and and you know I've heard you know people love that little walkway with the exception of the mud oh yeah I I love it down there my kids love the mud s sit in that little bench can't keep them out of the keep the stre yeah okay is there anything else okay is there a motion for adjourn to adjourn so move is there a second second all in favor at 8