that LE okay going to open the dayon Conservation Commission uh meeting it's a public meeting of uh would everyone stand please uh 7 p.m. I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh this uh meeting is video and audio recorded for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on www.don DM and and YouTube okay I'd like to welcome uh we have two new associate members uh to add to the commission um on my far left is Lenny Hull and uh a bit late to coming in is Abel Mariano okay uh first on the agenda is to review discuss an act upon minutes from April and May first we'll take a look at the April uh minutes you only have April I'm sorry I only um printed you guys April May I had to do a few more edits for okay so all right so April only um I I can I assume that uh um everyone has had a chance to read them over and uh okay is there a motion to accept the minutes or to make an uh some corrections motion to accept the minutes from a April 2024 second it all in favor I okay uh May will be continue then as far as accepting them at our next uh meeting next on the agenda is to uh um is to review discuss act it's an nrat application by Dean Smith of new Leaf D energy storage LLC for 10 mained Lane map one Lots 82 and 8 2-7 and 96 file number 17- 476 uh continuance requested by Dean Smith to 5:30 this the site um has been visited and New Leaf Consultants occurred on 51 do we have a report from beta I we got the report this morning they actually finalized the report and sent it to us this morning and there were plan there was a plan change as well um I I said you know we need to get everything at least a week ahead in order to have enough time so yeah um bet is going to present at the next meeting their findings for peer review and then um we are going to hear back a response from New Leaf um okay July 18th July so uh they requested a continu it do I have a motion to continue it to July 18 so moved is there a second second all in favor I okay next was an abbreviated notice of resource area delineation and red from Cal rebello Bell Farmer State seeking confirmation of wetland resources at zero milk street map 17 Lots 109 135 and 208 file number 17- 489 site visit uh between applicant and Weston and Samson being conducted on um 51024 uh scope of peerreview services provided by Weston and Samson for phase uh C on 521 yeah so the update is um we are we were awaiting for um we received CC's sorry final plan for review and um I forwarded that over to Weston and Samson did yeah okay so um they have a proposal for Amendment for us um Megan can tell us what that is I haven't been on the email again today okay so uh continued you said or it's going to be continued but um but Megan do you know that she's going to tell us what the cost is going to be for the additional review based on the revised plans um it'll be 4300 so did you guys want to vote on that now on the amount to be charged for the under the 53g yeah 53 G 43 so that's for everything including the changes they made based on the Ral pool stock okay okay is there a motion to accept the $4,300 uh um Mount by Weston and Samson for the 53g so moved second all in favor and would you like a motion to this is actually continue to a date UNC is yes okay well is that to to the nth to July 18th July 18th motion to continue July 18th second all on favor next okay uh we have a notice of intent from amen hent of grasshopper Energy Zero Brook Street dayon um work includes clearing of 28 uh trees within the 25 to 100 foot buffer zone to jurisdictional Wetlands file number 17492 uh it had been tabled initially to an uncertain date uh but is need to get R notified for that when it happens has anything happened on that Lisa I well on our part it has um Morin sent off an email to ahed requesting an update um on yeah June 7 um see um that was sent on June 5th hi Amed I just wanted to touch space and see where you guys are at with this noi for the clearing of 28 trees do you plan on moving forward with this or would you like to withdraw it thanks Moren Kane town of dayon so yeah we didn't receive a response um technically I guess we are allowed to leave it on the agenda for two years well uh when did this when did this start the starting date for this I really don't know Jim off I think it was I think it was the fall though do you guys think remember that yeah it was back in was I mean it's been going on for a while but with the trees and stuff that was the fall that was that was the fall o but that that was just that was a uh they wanted an amendment um yeah but the they already had their order of conditions they just wanted to change so okay so so they still got another year and a half or a little over a year to to go okay is there a motion to continue to table so moved second all in favor I okay we have a notice of intent from Junior Delma for construction of a single family home utilities septic system driveway and proposed grading at 418 hot street map 20 lot 95 a portion of the project falls in the buffer zone of jurisdictional wetland resources under the local bylaw plan uh sent to uh D director Tom furry for input and email received no file number since it's under local jurisdiction only uh the Dion Conservation Commission re requested home Corners to be staked out clarifying filling cutting in regulated wetlands and our buffer zone has occurred okay is there someone here dealing uh would you come to the podium please okay your name please even I'm Brad Fitzgerald from sfg engineering 28 Main Street in Lakeville at the last meeting we discussed this project at length and you actually voted to issue an order conditions but apparently you did not close the public hearing so we're just looking for you to close the public hearing and that way we can get the or condition okay Lisa is uh is everything in order on that um I know I've been out there several times and well at this point um I think we have to ask if there's any more public input before we close the hearing right but I'm I'm asking you is everything on our side in order um yes it was as of the last meeting that's why I drafted the conditions but as a formality we never officially Clos the hearing um Brad I would like to know the final date of your revised plan do you have that on um yeah I think it's on my display copy which is back at the office still on display um was it May 23rd revision was done to address the issues from conservation including seating of the 25t buff Zone and additional control along with incorporating issues from the highway superintendent in which he required that the driveway be graded to shut off run off towards the catch Basin to the west and to be put um a 12 in cover below the driveway do you think that was the last plan yes definitely there too um okay so yeah I have the orders here but before we vote on anything we have to ask for public input and see if the commissioner okay is there anyone in the a audience uh to ask questions or give comment on this matter at 418 hot Street I have something that was emailed today okay and I just showed U Mr Fitzgerald a copy of this it's from Jason Mado um he's at um he's a neighbor to the west right correct I believe to the left yes yeah um it's dated today and at 1:19 p.m. hi Lisa and mor and I'm unfortunately unable to attend tonight's meeting I called Tom Ferry and he recommended that I email you on my behalf my greatest concern since quite frankly we will not be able to stop them from building is the thought of the ledge between my property and 418 it is very close to my house and I like my concerns of ledge removal affecting the structural Integrity of my home and Foundation Tom said this was a valid concern please let me know what or how I can make sure nothing will affect my right to quiet enjoyment and my fames thanks Jason Mas with his phone number so I sent him a copy of the plan as well he does have that um I I kind of think that's well that's a question for well number one I'm not a geot technical engineer but um I believe his house is well over 100 ft away from this proposed house also the hole has been mostly dug for this house it since they dug that hole it now has to shift over 5 or 10 ft because it was too close to the the um resource area so they only have to take out 5 or 10 ft of that hole um to slide the slide it over other than that I don't know of any ledge removal unless they have to do some for the driveway which we discussed last meeting um but on that we can't guarantee they'll have peace because we don't know you know whoever is going to live in the house we have no idea what they're going to do discussion last month was about the ledge on the we talked about that for the driveway yes y but we have to be mindful that we are dealing with h Wetlands the runoff from it and water Wild Storm water and um uh um if there's Rock if there's a ledge um then that's up to the Builder to deal with uh not that would not come under conservation unless of course it's a water issue and right now it doesn't appear to be I concur with your thoughts Mr chairman okay yeah it's a drain it's a drainage issue actually I mean that you sended it the opposite direction into into the existing catch bation as m a fairy requested yes I I think just for the record I would like to make that last meeting on May 30th where everything was presented and discussed part of this record so if anybody read through it they could look back at those minutes as well but as far as the blasting or I guess now they don't have to blast that's not really a best they drill they drill and put an expander yeah yeah so I don't I don't know what will happen but I think that's more of a question for the building department I totally concur that would not come under uh Wetland jurisdiction no it's it'd be more building yes uh so I would like to move on the issue and uh uh ask if if anyone else here has any questions if not we can uh make a motion to accept or reject the prop the application I believe we issued order conditions already right we're just closing the public just closing the public heing they haven't been issued yet I have them hand for a signature y chair iose a motion to close the public hearing for second all in favor thank you very much do you want thank you br do you want me to mail them us to mail them to you unless unless they want to sign it now I'll take it well I would love it but I only have one copy I'm going to have them sign them but I just I don't have if you let me know when they're ready if if Steve or I going to be in neighborhood will stop in okay um that sounds good if not I'll just ask it a mail Monday Monday okay thank you very much have a good evening okay uh next on the agenda to review uh discuss act on an abbreviated notice of resource area delineation application from David E Butler seeking confirmation of wetland resources at 833 William Street map 8 lot 20 file number 17- 499 um scope of peer review Services received from Weston and Samson uh in the amount of $ 4720 and contract signed on 5 2024 uh site visit conducted by Weston and Samson yeah you can yeah sorry no this all right good evening good evening my name is Megan Cur I'm a wetland scientist from Weston and Samson and I'm just going to go over my peer review findings for uh the 833 Williams Street anrad uh so the following materials were reviewed the anrad notice of anrad application the plan an a Butter's receipts uh so this is the map included with the anrad application um over here is where most of the wetlands were delineated there were no Wetlands delineated on this parcel um just a few administrative comments there was some information missing or needing more clarification such such as property owner information uh documentation to support other methods for determining the BBW there were no data forms or photos um or any of that documentation included in the anrad um and just some check numbers and proof of submission to De um there were some plan items missing as well and some more uh clarification needed such as flag IDs from the delineation added to the plan um the investigation area should be clearly identif ified the wetlands were only delineated on one portion of the uh property so um if wetlands are not included on the other parcel it should be removed from the anrat application um there was a pond and a potential Vernal pool um that was not delineated that should be as well um the buffer zones were not included on the plans and should be added for each Wetland both the Wetland protection act buffer zones and the local bylaw buffer zones and it just should be noted that the ENT ire site is located within an outstanding resource water um so highlighted in yellow here this is a massgis mapped potential Vernal pool um it's sort of a a ponded wetland system that was not flagged but it is located on the parcel so it um should be flagged and any Vernal pool assessments or surveys that have been completed should be submitted to the commission for their review um so a field visit was conducted on June June 5th a couple weeks ago and I'll just briefly go over the various Wetlands um bbwa isolated Wetland C and D um Weston and Samson was in agreement with the placement of these flags um similarly Wetland B um all of those flags were correct in the field however there was a gap between BBW A and B um on the property so that should just be clarified by the applicant if it's connected or if the the wetlands you um go off the property uh there was a wetland identified on the plan as ditch Wetland SD um some additional information should be provided to the commission on the type of wetland if it's bordering isolated or a stream uh and uh bwe Weston and Samson was in agreement with the placement of those flags as well um so these are a little small but these are just some representative photos during the site visit bvwa is in the top left um it's mostly dominated by Cinnamon Fern and sweet pepper bush uh bbwbet Wetland um isolated Wetland sea is this isolated depression you can see here um this is that ditch Wetland um that needs some more clarification on if it's bordering isolated or a stream uh isolated Wetland D is located here at similar to icel Wetland sea it's uh a depression um that had had quite a bit of standing water in it and bvw um is sort of a hard photo but there's a covert right here and it there was quite a bit of water in that as well um there were also a couple areas that were not delineated um but did have standing water hydric soils and hydric vegetation um so the applicant should uh assess these areas it's to the north of the house up here and also in between um that potential Vernal pool and there's a a small shed right right here um and here are just some photos of those two areas that weren't delineated you can see some uh water and cinnamon fern as well as sweet pepper bush uh in both of these photos and I'll open it up to any questions from the commission any questions do you think any of those might qualify for isolated land subject to flooding um I'm not sure they're big enough um but they would need um the engineer to calculate the total um area once it's delineated um are you talking about the two isolated those small Wetlands no I don't think those are big enough but there were two areas that weren't flagged that I think could potentially be big enough so those should be um didn't want to include them as part of this they could change the plan and note that right those Wetlands that they didn't delineate yeah that question might come up that's why yeah if they clearly Mark um what the anrad is covering because right now it lists two Parcels but there aren't any Wetlands delineated on one parcel and they didn't delineate all the wetlands on the other parcel um so they should just clearly Mark where um those wetlands are yeah I think my future question is said there was a c yes what's that r or where does it go it goes underneath the driveway so it goes from bvw into bvwa it's that big if I can get to it came off Street grain um not that I noticed it's yeah it looks like water uh so this is BBW if you if you can see the mouse I know it's small um so there is water in there drains underneath this driveway into this large Wetland system over here I think it is connected um Street something to do with the highway department but that doesn't mean it's not jurisdictional yet great no I didn't know if it was just like I say under a driveway or someone else picked up water car it think it needs the characteristics it is under the driveway but yeah yep that's one of the things I mean like the ditch that was created it was probably them paring years ago and it's developed it's like a Wood Bridge soil right yep um and it does look a little bit like an intermittent stream that drains into um sort of a BBW um but typical of Dy yes thank you for reviewing that I'm sure it was fun to walk through yes lots of uh spider webs okay now uh we need a response from app good yeah so I think at this point um we did forward their report and we're just waiting for them to to reply to this and we may need Weston to do more sounds like we're going to need them to do more review now um this is being done because of prop uh property already built or to be built um so I think they subdivided the lot before Z or there I don't know that's a question for them yeah did they get approval for the subdivision of the lot okay so they subdivided the lot and they wanted to put a house on the um Southern portion of the lot is what I heard okay so this this this will uh identify where they can or maybe where they can't and they also need a I think they might be selling it to as well and they need a SE repair um so it also helps them figure out the best place to do that repair okay in the existing house if you can see the mouse is sort of right there in the center of the property so the wetlands are over here a couple isolated here and that ditch um is sort of right behind the house and then in front of the house I have gone out there and um if you look just north of the house I don't know if that tree line is accurate but yeah right there is where they wanted to perk and there's a wet L right there yep so that was one of the the spots um that I identified as should be evaluated further um and there was also some water there's this Barn right here there's some uh water and and Wetland vegetation right there too I believe I saw some egg masses in it when we were out they it is a mapped as a potential Vernal pool on mass GIS um but it's not certified Okay I accept the report from Weston and Samson and uh you're going to they already have a copy the applicant has a copy of this and uh is the applicant here tonight okay uh we'll have to continue until uh uh July 18 motion to continue to July 18th in favor I thanks Megan thanks Megan all right moving on okay we have a uh uh notice of intent application from Neco for V5 u5 and S8 115 kilovolt transmission lines assessed condition refurbishment project the transmission line runs from dayon Berkeley Town Line through to dayon Swansea Town Line the work Falls within regulated Wetland resource areas uh file number 17498 now this is uh um a project that we could not vote on last uh uh month because we did not have Quorum we had to have members uh um excuse themselves until they filed with the ethics commission to show that they uh were not going to receive any rewards or whatever on this project and uh um well I guess it's more that it's more that they would agree that they could review it without bias without bias um because they're a Butters but Adam already presented everything so if no one else has any questions I think we'll unless Adam has new information nothing new for me no happy to answer questions for folks that have anyone in the audience have questions or ask on this transmission line project so it's a refurbishment of an existing transmission line in town um if you want to give a quick summary sure um basically we have uh three circuits that are in the RightWay today um two of them are supported by a single set of towers or structures that are lattice and those are like rect they like yeah like a steel monster basically um and then the other sa line is a single circuit supported by wooden H ran structure so the proposal is to repl um the double circuited V5 V6 with Ste monopole as well as the S8 line so the lines will um remain in their current location um they'll just be reconfigured to be on a different structure type so these are um steel monopol some of them will be on concrete B on Foundation others will be mostly directly embedded um and the plan is to uh reorient the S8 slightly um right now the V5 V6 have like a longer span length um So the plan is to reorient the S8 to match that for efficiency for future maintenance and whatnot so it does result in a slight reduction in the number of total structures within the town by I think three um work in Wetlands will be completed uh using construction mat uh work pads and access on um construction matting which is all temporary um the Project's roughly uh about a 4 to 5e timeline uh the plan is to start with the S8 which will happen uh later this fall um with some probably some veg maintenance or mowing work um later this summer um that will continue for about a year and a half um at that point they'll move into the V5 and U6 construction which is about another 2year period so all said and done it's about four years um um there will be a um environmental monitor will be um tasked by the company with u monitoring construction um looking at erosion sment controls for proper installation and maintenance um we'll be on as the contracted environmental monitor that's VHB um for the entire period of construction as well as the veg prep um and then the restoration afterwards So the plan is not to wait for the full end of for to 5year construction for doing the restoration it will be basically as it goes So the plan is once the S8 lines basically reconstructed um the temporary construction mat work PS will be pulled um and those areas would be restored um throughout um and then the V5 V6 as they work their way from south to North um the plan will be to restore as you go um so where they can they will and the plan is to take care of that as soon as possible basically so it's kind of a nutshell version of what I gave last time but happy to answer any questions does anyone have any questions no we have a motion to accept the project and issue an order of conditions uh motion to approve project and issue an order of conditions for the NCO transmission line asset refurbishment project number 17498 is there a second I'll second and this one will be issuing an order under um both the wetlands protection act and the local bylaw which I'm sorry on 418 I forgot to mention it was only under the local bylaw but going forward we have to make sure we do two votes if it's two decisions okay uh so okay so we're going to have an audit for the local bylaw then yeah under under the local bylaw yes sir is there a second I'll second all in favor I okay for the Wetland protection act Mr J I oppose a motion to approve the uh the order of conditions for DP 1749 the protection second is there a second a second all in favor I passed very good well thank you very much I have 21 days to provide that to you as you know do you want to pick it up or should we mail it um we'll probably pick it up if you let us know they're anxious for this one so by the 11th okay and nobody's going to be in much the week before so we'll try to get it to you next week or the week of the 8th okay yeah let me know thank you thank you thank you okay thank you sir review discuss act on an inrat application by Antonio Ela TNA realy trust seeking confirmation of wetland resources at zero William Street map 20 lot uh map 21 lot 20 uh plan prepared by riverhawk environmental uh Mass D 17- 500 scope of peer review services are received from Weston and Samson okay uh that was in the amount of $8,300 so we uh won and Samson and I discussed this on the phone earlier um Megan do you want to just give a brief summary of what we yeah so uh we conducted the site visit and provided the peerie letter down to the applicant um the applicant has requested that we meet with them in the field to adjust a couple of flag um changes in one area um so we I sent you that um oh I didn't see remember what it is I can look if you need the top of my head let me see sir are you representing the applicant you don't need to forward it okay um next from Megan who's sitting here as discussed this morning please find two proposals attached Milk Street and zero Williams so let me pull up the zero Williams um okay is do we have to vote on the amount or yeah so for additional work of field with the applicant and the conservation agent preparation of a memo of findings and attendance at one Conservation Commission meeting the additional work for phase B of that um in rad is 19 1,920 right y okay uh Lisa so this uh this um peer review has it concluded or is it um no you need additional work she did a re she reviewed it in the field yeah found some additional areas and some discrepancies and um she's estimating the review be um the additional work be $1,920 1,910 20 20 um for motion submitted a revised plan okay um Lisa so we have to vote on this 1920 it would be good okay and then uh we'll continue with and now she hasn't done a presentation on it yet so what we figured was there will be one presentation next time so there might be additional money in there that we'll give back okay uh we need a motion then to accept the to vote to have an additional $1,920 uh to go into the 53g account so moved s second so moved okay all in favor I okay and now we need to continue the hearing until July 18 motion to continue until July 18 is exactly where Zar William Street is because I'm a Hunter Hill person okay so it's down um that way it's um the suona house and there's a big field in the back that little like chain kind of thing that access to that back Farm Fields okay I kind of a guest you're welcome sorry if it was a long time oh no it's fine but feel free to come to NE the next meeting there'll be more disc question July 18th Thurs okay at that time we'll have the full presentation on it and again this is a a wetland delineation not what they're going to do what not their project okay yeah next is um did we vote on the table or I thought we did no I don't think we got kind got stop in the middle of it okay motion continue to continue until July second all in favor I all right thank you uh next is to review discuss act on abbreviated notice of resource area delineation applica application from uh Tyler Ry uh seeking confirmation of wetland resources at0 Oak Street map 6 slot 913 and 14a file number 17-5 52 uh proposal received from peer review from Weston and and Samson at 7150 $7,150 hi good evening my name is Mark berson I'm a senior Wetland scientist with Epsilon Associates uh we're here tonight on behalf of the applicant uh to provide a brief overview of the project site and to open up this hearing for this this inrad um the project site consists of two Parcels uh off of Oak Street it's about 37.6 Acres so you see the the location sorry absolutely okay would you turn it more to us please out a placement is that okay good uh can you see it uh Jack and we can move the podium back too can do that nope is that good oops sorry okay uh so the project site consists of two Parcels about it's 37 Acres approximately uh the high school and the fields associated with the high school are here this is an existing National Grid transmission Corridor that comes up by the high school and Oak Street is here to the South uh so the first parcel has Frontage on on Oak Street and then the second parcel the larger parcel is is here uh so VHB originally flagged these Wetlands on this site in May of 2023 um we were asked to uh get engaged um on this project we went out and confirmed uh Epsilon Wetland scientist confirmed and added some Flags in May of of this year 2024 uh essentially existing Wetlands on the site consist of three bordering vegetated Wetlands these are the green areas that you see here on the northwest corner of the site the southwest corner of the site uh and also I guess on the on the northeastern corner of the uh the larger parcel here they are all bordering intermittent stream systems and there in addition there are six isolated vegetated Wetlands uh on the property five of them contain uh vernal pools as defined by the local bylaw um they're not certified three of them are mapped in massgis as potential vernal pools um however we did because we were there in may we did do Vernal pool investigations all five of the areas that we're showing and you'll see the vernal pools are denoted with the blue the base dep depressions themselves within the larger isolated Wetlands um we did find evidence of breeding oblate species in these uh each of these five this this spring so they are certifiable even though they're not certified but under the local B they would be be protected as ronal pools where where is Oak Street on this map is here on the south it kind of curls like an elbow right here okay all right okay no do you guys want the paper copies of that or you following along okay I can see okay um so again we've shown all of the appropriate local uh jurisdictional areas uh as far as uh setbacks on this map and uh that's the extent of the wel and resource areas on site as per our professional judgment uh the site is partially uh within an area mapped as an know our W uh for public order Supply the somerset Reservoir U again we're not asking for any specific um you know jurisdictional determination on that if and when there's an Ord of intent filed we'll have to consider that um in any project that's designed on this um if it advances to to a development stage um and at this point we're we can just uh be happy to answer any questions now and we're looking forward to working with Weston and Samson through the peer review have you youve done the review on this yet no we haven't received the funds yet correct okay you're in the process of getting the 53g set up yeah oh no I didn't receive it yet but yeah we were we talked about it did you provide a W9 for the applicant perfect thank you very much we'll have to find it did you turn it in upstairs okay yeah I I've got it nobody was stairs we we've got a great we in receipt I trust him with money I should actually also just note um there was a discussion on isolated land def flooding previously we we haven't done engineering Cs and these isolated vegetated Wetlands um because so we're not asking the commission to determine if they are ilsf or not I think um it's really a moot point if we move forward to development because the isolated vegetated wetlands and the veral pools and the setbacks that the commission has in the local BW would be more restrictive than anything that we could do if it was isolated land so to flooding under the state okay okay I guess at this time then uh um we will wait for the peer review to see how it comes through and then get a definitive map of uh where you know of the property and all the wetlands that uh have been agreed upon so yeah so I think you'll end up setting up the site visit with Megan and um or sorry Megan will set up a site visit and then if needed there'll be a follow on to see if if she has any concerns and she'll let you know and you guys can set up another site visit but right now could you guys just vote on that on on the uh so the peer review accept the peer review and then continue to July now the funds have they been agreed upon they have and the check was brought today y okay all right they did send the check okay but you have to still vote on the you you didn't vote on it last meeting okay all right um is there a motion then to accept the uh peer review fee at 7150 so move is there a second second all in favor did you say continue to this to jly that'll be next next one okay uh is there is there a motion to continue this hearing to July 18 moved second all in favor I okay thank you very much appreciate it thank you um Mark can you sign a continu form for us while you're here just okay next on the agenda is a notice of intent application uh for Lee Castanet of LBH Hunters Hill LLC for construction of a single family home and Associated grading and clearing at lot R9 Hunters Hill map 21 lot r90 a portion of the work falls from the jurisdictional Wetland area file number 1755 [Music] five oh you just got it at the right time I got some Intel that it might be a minute awesome I was also sitting in the parking lot of the wrong town hall if you don't recognize me it's because I'm averse to public speaking and Evan of w engineering isn't here tonight well you're also a great start yeah great awesome I love that there are six of these um that being said would it be possible I don't know if it's something you do here but Evan did mention that we may be able to open the following I guess six hearings for all of box Berry boxwood Lane at once so that I could do an overview and then answer any questions since they're all in the same street um um so I think we should so you asked if we could just do an overview and then do the individuals well I heard that we may be able to all at and then um well I think I don't I think the guys usually like look at the plans as we go so let's do one yeah let's uh so we'll probably just do an overview of everything since they're going to be similar I probably should have practiced with this first but okay I was hoping go so you're going to start with 90 correct 90 okay now uh Lisa has has this area already been uh delineated in the so the whole hun subdivision um was approved the delineation was approved was it a year ago last year overall Hunter Hill development which has been amended over the years and the overall plan had its own notice of intent which was for the roadways the infrastructure and all the storm water permitting happened at that point so right now on this plan 90 is the first one that we opened with which is lot right here this one right here but boxw Lan in all the utilities that would be part of the overall notice of intent that's already been construct constructed all the utilities are already in the studs are going out to each of the individual Lots so the next few uh filings that we're going to go through are just for the houses on this little cold sack within Hunter Hill development okay so this one right here um the proposed house is outside the uh 100 foot buffer zone and what is your work going to be within the buffer zone so this one we're going to maybe have or actually one of the things I wanted to go over um it looks like a big block a big rectangle on the site that's because we haven't chosen the individual house designs so all the house designs will fit within that building envelope that's why it's so Square so anything you see here it's going to be smaller than what's shown on the plan it's going to have bump outs and stuff but this is the maximum extent practical so we we designed as as conservatively as we could to try to keep everything out but on 90 the only things that are going to be in there is some minor braing um in order to keep the water away from the house and a roof infiltrator to make sure all that roof water is going back in the ground right so you you can be connected to a sewage treatment pant on all no septic system it's going straight to the utilities that are already laid in the street under separate notice tent they're already there the stubs are already there what about water oh water water also has stubs already to be hooked up into what is that that you have a box uh off the South uh southwest corner of the property little box oh okay all right okay all right that you show on the proposed PL uh is that the proposed tree line it's not existing it's not the existing it's the proposed tree line and I think you went out with Lee to go I did yeah and that was the one lot we found Chestnut trees good size so we only found them right around I guess that would be the only concerns that I would have is that those Chestnut trees be preserved if they can because there's two of them and if one of them goes then they can't fall at each other my chairman has a thing CH we planted uh about30 of them around town this year and if you when you are exiting you'll see two americ and chestnuts out here and there's six more uh on the uh New Town Hall well good news is we don't have the engineer here I'm the landscape architect so I am tree saer if we can the right if we can we will I don't know if we could put that in the order of conditions um or if we could go tag them quick yeah tag them once they figure out what the we kind of tagged them where they out there yeah yeah and we will say t one's right on the edge of the theory line anyway so it's very simple one of them's in a little bit further so it's not neither one of them is an issue in terms of and and if I see them in the next couple of weeks I may take some some blooms they are blooming no they're not because I will take and spread the pollen on my trees out here for diversity let's go through have public okay public important will be coming thank you okay um okay um I don't have any any questions on this lot I don't know if anyone else does uh at this point uh maybe we should just go just move one right after the other and then ask for public input at the end on any of them yes okay um if we go to uh 503 right I got to pass that out to you but but um I don't know if these people can see which lot they're talking about so so we just did this one right here right I don't know which 503 is do we have a lot number on that R3 r83 oh so we're this one right here and this one just Clips the house envelope conservative just flips the 100 foot buffer but as I said it may be smaller but it won't be bigger so this one um is outside the 50 Foot no build it incorporates [Music] okay so um should we vote on each one individually then okay okay right um wanted to get proper minutes Lisa said we should do each one uh vote on each one or ask of public input on each one um okay let's we're we're going back to uh um l r n 909 so oh I get lot n oh oh they both both numbers are here the limit of clearing on all these have been marked so that in the field and before building permits are issued I'll make sure the evotion controls are up and the blackards are up but I just the other one question I have would be are you going to do post to the cers we discuss okay okay um any input from the audience yes ma'am is there a special color ribbon that says this tree is to be saved and if so what color is it do for right now do you have a colored ribbon on the uh on this it's pink I I ripped it off the pink flagging for the limit to clear and uh and attach it to that okay and I'm going back out tomorrow to Market as a uh tree save I'm going to put a different color so I can discuss it without tree so still pink or different color no yellow yellow okay um so it make sure they differentiate from The Limited clearing color right understand so the pink is for the limited clearing because of wetlands the yellow yeah the yellow yeah um so we're talking about the two Chestnut trees right that are going to be marked if you find any others uh I don't think we I think that was I wasn't doing a big search it was kind of hot after I was I think it was like I was in the F before that it away and it was like what's the diameter what's the diameter oh so they they're just coming up from old stumps they're probably about 10 or 15 15 ft tall at the most okay um so I there was concern within the neighborhood of those that our residents that there are quite a few mature trees of Oaks and Eastern White Pines that this is a really rich bird habitat for migratory and uh you know shade cooling from the shade trees and all that sort of thing so we would implore you to um do the best that we can to not remove mature trees if at all possible I mean some of the diameters we will uh write it up to do do me only what they have to yeah I mean but um did you guys survey any the large trees because that can be something that we can ask for I I I already spoke to uh Kim about this earlier today um we have a very high water table on this site um so there's a significant amount of fill um that's going to have to be imported around the homes and as you know you can't fill a tree base more than a fo or you'll just kill it anyways so we're not we're not going to remove trees for the sake of removing trees it's just in the order of business that's really yeah all we we there's nothing else we can do so so as you can see there's areas where we if you pull that what we saying is you're not going to clear right down into the uh see there's are that clear where the house is going to be and the driveway but then but there there's areas where we've you know we've gone in here to preserve in between the houses wherever it's practical yeah so again as I said we're not we're not looking to go out of our way to purposely you know cut down trees that that don't need to be removed um but it just in because as you can see the you know the fill lines it's on a do not fill on every single no and again the ones that that aren't where we can and there's no fi going on in here we've you know made it a point to make sure that we're saving as many trees as possible and those will be marked with the yellow The Limited clear no The Limited clearity is marked it won't clear Beyond where we it was just two trees on trees check like unlock like 82 83 which is probably not what we're talking about right now yeah okay let's let's let's finish with 90 uh I think we're done with 90 okay do we have a motion to uh close the hearing order of conditions uh would you like separate motions for that Mr chairman um do we need separate or just uh one motion the the order would be under both the local and the okay I propose a motion to close the hearing for l r 90 uh all in favor okay do issue an order okay close the hearing and we have to issue the order of conditions I motion to issue order of conditions for lot r90 under the local bylaw all in favor I I propose a motion to approve the order of conditions for lot r90 of the weather protection act all in favor okay maybe for the next one we can say uh to put them together to issue separate order of conditions for under the local and under State okay and that and that way uh okay okay let's go to lot uh r83 this lot right here oh this um second one on the left um 82 that's 82 oh wait that's lot this has got to be 83 84 so that's going to be 83 yeah okay oh yeah just next Lisa on that auto conditions uh put in there that they will save the chestnut trees American chestnuts okay uh so this is lot 83 and this one has the building envelope just touches the 100t buffer there's some slight braiding just to make sure that all of the water gets away from the house um again we're connecting to existing sewer and water um and The Limited clearing is outside of the 50 Foot DBW buffer that's 5 okay okay all right so even though the yellow excuse me even though the yellow line at the 100 foot buffer is on the edge of that supposed square box that could be changed a little bit right it's not going to be farther right closer to the Wetland it it may be it's going to be a different shape there may be a just a little jut out or something cuz that's not the shape of a building but this is conservatively the most W yes it's not to exceed this this size yes unless something happens then we'll come back but I don't think we we were very conservative with our grading I in particular like like to keep grading nice and smooth so that when we put the grass seat down it doesn't just wash out we're not trying to get a two to one going which is good to try to stay out of the buffer but sometimes it's not the best thing to do Lisa on the order of conditions I guess for all of these it'll be um house size will not exceed the well I think that's what they did they put the maximum yeah but this is but I'm just saying to put that in the AR conditions not to exceed the um uh the proposed house right and the infiltration the storm water design is based on the largest right it is so it's overdesigned a that's what she's saying but I'm just saying put that into the order of conditions okay and we do have the dimensions on each plan of the maximum yeah outside I guess it's the outside limit of all because we just overlaid each of the the house foot to make sure that someone wouldn't select one anyone have any questions on lot 80 anyone from the audience have questions on lot 83 yeah I just want to mention again that they're not chests but there's a definitely two or three really nice mature trees that the diameter we're talking Eastern White Pine and Oak and the diameters are like this and they're like well over 100t tall give or take I'm not a good estimate but you know what I mean they're mature you know they big and this is a really special bird habitat as well as wild you know we have the morans Ducks and theond and all that ja Stu that's in the buffer zone this series in the buffer zone these trees are very close to the paved road so I don't think it's close to the so no it be outside the bumper Zone um so it's kind of outside of our jurisdiction we we can't we only our is only within 100 ft of the Wetland okay so you guys don't really cover trees no to cover Wetlands no yeah only what's in the buffers on 100 feet and and no those were okay uh anyone else um is there a motion to close the hearing and issue an order of conditions no move uh okay and to um to issue an order of conditions under the local bylaw and state law just so moved okay all in favor okay lot um eight is there eight oh it's this one here it goes out of order it goes 87 and then 8 and then 90 um so this is right here on Boxwood Drive and the only work that we're proposing within buff clearing so that they have a little bit of space between the trees and their house and the roof [Applause] infiltrator anyone [Music] midd revising a bylaw to include um hopefully they'll vote to want to include the DPW input especially when it comes to like water being drained towards the street so um I would say that do you have any concerns about that or it's a public right away right or is it private it's private they're all private rules but the the drainage design is is uh has been um done to accommodate all that runoff into the street yeah that's all I really need and that one does have a catch Basin okay right right there at a little off the drive line yeah I see it very thorough thank you okay service any uh public input on this lot so we talking lot eight correct that's lot eight yeah so the work within the 100 foot buffer zone is limited to clearing um around let's see 50 some odd feet within the 100t proper so I don't have anything that delineates Wetlands on my copy of a map is it quite a ways back from box the back line you're welcome to see it oh that'll be great because I know that the folks that live right abing that said that there's like major water you know especially in the spring so the B is down here that lot with the chestnuts is over here okay right and so this is the second one and okay so all you want to just point to it on that it's this one right here and this is where the Wetland is oh yes okay that makes sense gotcha that makes sense with what I was told so only work do you have one of these uh Maps posted do you posted in the uh I'm going to call it the community Game Room I do not no that might be something that you want you me home owners today and the the overall site plan was I I just thought that would you know people can go and look at it and uh uh they can they can look at you know a map like this here they would uh shoot me an email too the easiest way to do this is to send someone a PDF and I think I added it onto the utter notification because it's just so much easier than to get someone a whole copy and like just email me I'll send it to you in 10 minutes M that's that's a building at in the development yeah yeah know they they have that M we're talking about the community right that's hopefully at the next meeting we be Community gamer you said don't let me in that building in town hall I didn't know will you if somebody like any of the residents wanted a copy of that map absolutely so what's your contact you have a little card you get in later yes I that's why you want to put it in the game room so you don't get people W engineering out of Taun W engineering yeah and there's only two people there which would be Julie Julie or Julia Julie jie Julie and Adan so one of them will answer thank you right yeah we'll [Applause] I'll okay um is there a motion to close the hearing and issue an order of conditions under the local bylaw and de okay now we have r84 I'll take those back and I'll give you guys 84 r84 is this slot right here at the beginning of the Pac and on this plan we show it it just flips the 100 foot bvw Bing the 50t and really minor gring within the backyard um okay these have the posts Lisa how far are you going to have them that should be determined by Evan and I um I think it should go right at the limit of disturbance if you're okay with that sure but maybe every 2550 ft or 25t 25 yeah normally okay I I don't does anyone here have any questions on this lot lot 84 the audience will all of these that have the any Wetlands which I guess they all do um end up with that black fence thing the plastic we don't like okay I saw that further down um so just ribbons the ribbons that the pink no generally use compos bu socks okay so that's they look like snakes right okay so that will be on during construction y gotcha and then remove until site stabilization and then they come back to us and they say they provide us with an asilt and they say you know if there was any deviations from the approved plan at that time we do a site visit we check we make sure this everything's stable so the grass has thrown in and there's no issues and at that and the placards are up posts are up and at that point we sign off if there's any issues or concerns that would be you know brought up on hopefully we could take care of all that ahead of time I think Lee has an open line of communication so far we've had really good experiences working with Le so okay we're all set okay is there a motion to close the hearing and issue an R of conditions under the local bylaws and state laww so move second all in favor now2 lot 82 is this lot right here it's the first one the left as you're pulling up box with this one is an RDA request for determination of applicability did I get that right yet I never do the reason this one is in a no tent the others met and uh this one doesn't have anything proposed within the building's not within the 100 foot it's well outside of it the only thing that's happening with the 100 foot buffer is some minor breathing so that when they walk out they don't immediately fall down so Min are clearing and Grading right yes okay okay so you're so you're outside basically I told him if you're going to stay outside the 75t with any work just file an RDA okay I hope you guys are heard me yeah this is looks like an insignificant enough okay uh ma'am uh before you ask a question an RDA is uh request to determine applicability which means they're saying we're only going to go in a couple of feet into the uh into the buffer zone do we have to file and pay money for this filing and then we will either say um uh if it's a positive determination it means they have to go and file and pay extra money or if we say it it's so insignificant they get a negative determination which means they're done MH um that means they don't have there's no like conditions of approval right so but uh we will act there is erosion controls and they' provided them on the plan okay um all right I assume you're not going to have any questions then with that I'm assuming Le likes you right now okay um what is your desire uh minimal grade changes 13132 yeah l in your opinion you consider this to be minor negative yeah that would be a negative determination you want to entertain a motion it's like what less than 20t of clearing 100 yes like very small okay uh do I have a motion to uh issue a negative determination to close the hearing and issue a negative determination so move second all in favor okay um lot 85 85 is this right here again the building is outside of is 70 foot um and there's a little bit of grading within the 100 foot but that's just to make sure that it's not so steep that it takes forever to for the grass to grow in is this one right [Applause] there's a little bit more work in the buffers here feeling um okay here here's a question if um the house that goes in here certainly it's not going to fill that square whatever even be pulled closer to the house so that there'd be less fill in that uh 10 fo area just depending on whatever house is is chosen for that long certainly would move away from the WAP as much as possible yes because right here you got um you got about 3 and2 ft to make up so yeah you even if they came up another 10 ft is still yeah I'm just saying if if the house is smaller than you know they just pull that line up a little bit Yeah but Jack what are you saying go ahead finish well no I mean like I say even if you pull a house up something you got 4T but approximately but U you know what I mean it's still a minor slope yeah we still have the slope even if the house half but uh you know like I say with what be less work in the you're not try to make 8 to 10 foot cut so right you know no the work in the buck is limited to yeah right here yeah yeah you know it's a little more than the other but not excessive yeah it's only it's only like an approximately like a little over third yeah over that one corner the rest of it is really minor that's 100 ft that's 50 so yeah so this there still 75 ft or more out of the wetlands yeah um so these are walkouts you said yes yes yeah yeah that um anybody El have any questions com is that something we could condition if the house ended up being [Music] smaller I guess I guess it could be written down that the house is small it's an RDA um do you want just you know if you write it up I I don't think it's quite that it's 10 about okay okay and we're also you know for a discussion now that we're talking like putting the post at the limit of clearing so we're only into the buffer zone by at the most how much 15t yeah yeah that's good yeah um so we're going to have placards it was a title lot we asked for the placards at the 25 no build so in this case we'll do it there yeah that's fine that that's fine Lisa are you good with the negative determination yeah okay uh any questions from the audience okay I'm looking for the closely hearing and issue a negative determination so move okay you're done I think you're done 87 one more 87 only have six sorry oh no 87 we didn't doing anything because it's completely without outside can we see that yeah we see weit did Jack on six or five we just acted on six we did six y notice of intense and two rdas we did everyone I thought we had jumped over one when we got to the request for determination so I do have a question for you though the community house on the corner is on the corner correct right there is that oh it's oh no the model house right here the model house that's completely outside outside okay behind in across the street great yeah we're good to go thank you thank you my turn Okay um I can that down again I'm going to go quickly with these for the cfic appliances okay uh yeah we can take Greg first can we skip over to Greg the first one's just not said Mr chairman i' like to propose a motion to take the certific compliance for 635 mon out order I I don't think that's what she's looking at um Lisa did you want us to take three months for you out of order yes please oh so that's going to come next is waiting patient so skipping over Lewis Street would you take it out of order yeah okay um we just need a okay a motion to uh take 635 31 stre out of orderve uh all in favor I okay Lisa certificate of compliance for 635 tont Street um we have a single family house that was built in 2008 that 2008 order was issued under 7249 to Mr um do you want to just read your letter you sub to us this director Greg Nichols South Coast engineering and this is the request for a of compliance at 635 tront Street DP file number SC 017 0249 okay this project entailed the construction of a single family dwelling within the 100t buffler zones with BBW total scope of the project is further detailed on the record plan which is dated August 8 2007 revised 2008 and on file the town de Conservation Commission on May 31st 2024 inspected the site and found the work to be completed in accordance with the plans and original order of conditions I prepared the attached ad bill which I just gave to the chair plan with details additions on the site and for this reason I'm requesting that a c compliance be used for the project uh subsequent to this letter we had a site visit with the agent and also um da da on site and that's prob what I Happ sorry about that um so the only thing I was there's a deck that was built that wasn't part of it yeah there a the is that outside the 100 foot I don't think it was I think it's what in the okay just on the edge of the let's take a look at it um oh yeah right here I see it yeah but I'm looking here um uh as I look at this here I'm starting uh to the on the little um Locust map um 38- 8-9 those are on the up slope of the Hill correct okay all right no I small and um okay this there's two houses here or one one house one there's a there's a vac one yeah okay all right no I I I'm with it now I know it's in this one right here I believe yes uh 38. uh six okay okay um all right yeah and then there's uh I guess you have to go further down to to pick up another house or two they go way in the back these here are are here here and here yeah yeah and all this right here is our conservation land right here it might be now well this here over here is uh con uh conservation land and this here is it's town of dayon but it's contiguous and it goes up to the landfill corre um okay all right um so Charlie had on the orders uh placards but they weren't up when I did the site visit but Greg has put them up and what he did was he put them on the tree line facing in yeah so I think that um the order should be issued this house is for sale now am I correct it's going to be closed on tomorrow if we is well I guess it's okay all right so after the fact certificate of compliance no it's not that oh um but so morning drafted it but there were just some changes I need to make to this so I made the changes here that I'm going to if you guys just want to sign yeah I'll sign you can correct okay so well let's let's vote on it Lot number and okay um is there a motion to issue a certificate of compliance for 635 Treemont street maps uh file number 17- 249 so second all in favor I I'm sure they call it want me to mail it after 10 on Monday it should be ready thank you thank you Greg thank you okay okay we're going to go up to Lewis Street now um oh yeah back on L so at the last meeting we um heard the gentleman um and looked at the what was issued um and approved by the commission and then as B that was issued and remember we saw the pool we saw clearing we saw shed work in the 25t no touch so I've since sent an email to prong because remember he didn't Barby Mr Barby didn't come to the meeting and I outlined that they needed to deal with these issues and um provide some mitigation so we're still waiting we can probably take that off the agenda if I don't hear from them again at the next meeting that just means that they haven't figured out so uh motion to table Mr chairman motion to table accepted is there a second second all in favor okay um draft uh draft conservation uh bylaw changes okay um Lisa has given us well Morin drafted them I'm I'm working on them so the changes I'm making I'm typing them directly into the other bylaws and I'm just highlighting the changes so I think this kind of going to be ongoing for a little bit we still have more to add that's that paper with the hole punch on the side yes just so still work it sounds like this agenda item might be more of a discussion I'm I'm thinking tonight yes go ahead but just to touch that off regarding the exemptions um I don't have anything specific to articulate in terms of language i' propos for by law but I do definitely believe that it would make sense for us to consider adding Provisions to the conservation bylaw to create exemptions at the local bylaw for things that are otherwise exempt from the Wetland protection act um I think that that makes sense and is something to be worth considering so you guys have copies of what's in the wetlands protection act I passed out Cy at the top but now you can read through it and we can kind of talk about that at the next meeting if you guys would please please do that okay Lisa this here is a um a print up with changes that you just gave me here no this is the current exemption oh I'm sorry yeah did that we only have one C okay all right um no I only did one if you want to read the highlighted ones and the second J okay let me just okay let me just read What's um the highlighted sections a local fee of $50 made payable to D Conservation Commission town of D is required for all filing in addition to the local portion set forth by De that's that's a change what did the tax collector be talking does it have to be 50 sounds good what is it I said does it have to be 50 okay uh any person filing a perit application with the commission shall provide a copy at the same time by certified mail hand deliv are electronically to the to the select board planning board Board of Health building inspector and DPW and DPW is added in veral pools and potential rental pools should hold special protection and will have a mitigate mitigation Corridor of at least 100 ft that will be left in its natural and undisturbed State [Applause] unpaid enforcement fines will be attached on personal property in the form of a of a lean until paid so that is um a local option of Mass General law so that we wouldn't necessarily have to adopt as a Amendment to the conservation bylaw so we already accepted the Mass General liance under chapter 40 forget which section which allows us to lean Municipal charges fines and fees onto the tax bill so what would happen is that any um outstanding fines or fees can be leaned under the actual billing for the tax bills which are the ones that go out the last week of December however under master General law even though we adopted that specific provision we have to have a separate vote at town meeting for every type of fine your charge to be red in that way so that could be simply a war article to to put conservation Wetland you know Wetland violation fines to allow that to beable currently we do that for t five vs we do it for demolition leans and um we do it for sewer leans so those are the three that we' currently adopted at town meeting so that we wouldn't necessarily have to open the by law we could just propose here's something uh even to add on to that this these funds will be put in a separate conservation account that I love that idea and a separate Con in a separate conservation account so we would add on to that that would be there and so that's so we would have state backing already on that and these uh fines will be placed in a separate conservation account I I didn't like to explore the idea of that being an involving fund because we may have certain other administrative expenses that arise due to a violation such as Constable fees I don't think it's fair that we're paying Constable fees out of our professional a technical budget and liability I mean legal legal we could do that out here okay Lis I thought there was several other things that we had besides these here um yeah that's the first time I've seen that did you just finish it today yeah I just worked on it today um um okay I thought there was more to it than than because I I gave you a half dozen things anyway and uh she's consultant schedule oh yeah I called you Lisa for I had a question about that I don't know what you meant by that so I didn't put it in yet cuz Okay consultant schedule yeah this is J I'm sorry that was your this is your hand yeah oh yes okay and uh so what else is there I just um so when you said consultant Fe schedule what did you mean by that you wanted the Bal included consultant schedule so oh uh so that um so they have an idea what it's going to cross but it's hard to do that without okay just cross that often all right that okay because there was something that was in there and it said um you the fees so much of the project the project is over a million dollars it can go Bas on estimated project cost well let's let's just do it the way we're doing it all right yeah it seems to be going right yeah um setbacks we have potential R pools and potential R pools so be special attention right we got that okay enforcement finds will be attached on personal property [Applause] tax okay let's um for the next meeting um w of the 21 day period more read what whatever we come up with we're going to there'll be a couple things I just added that one item in we'll have copies for everybody um uh even be even before the next meeting so we can go over them uh individually and then as a group and so I think if we get to vote on this U uh by our August meeting uh then it can go into any special town meeting after that okay and uh Mr chairman you're going to require three readings and an open a public hearing we need three meetings three public meetings okay yes okay one must include a public hearing so public can weigh in on any okay all right so so if we get it done for next month um and then um that could be one public reading I don't know that okay well let's say by August so have August September October and then when would the uh next uh town meeting me special town meeting October October okay but early in the month or later in the month oh I'm not sure okay also as long as if we had these ready by August we could have we could make a recommendation and refer it to the board of Selectmen and then they could put it on their agenda have that constitute one of the readings public he yeah so that that would double our well triple our frequency because You' have one conservation and then two Board of selector meetings every okay all right so for next month we could uh get everything and then uh if actually if everyone's happy with what we have for next month we can do we could started but but let's let's not keep it a work in progress yeah be a work in progress yeah one thing also is I don't know if we want to like develop like policies to go along with it as if you know they submit plans that should do what's shown on the plan exactly you know like large tree trees in large diameter with 100 MH um you know we could ask for highlighted plans some commissions require that they actually highlighted all so you can see it better um specify exactly how many C of paper electronic no uh Lenny gave me this gave us all SE yeah that that would be uh um that would just be something for more for information mhm oh we have don't we have to put in we have to put in um as a bylaw that that an associate member in the absence of a voting member uh may be called upon at um holding it in your hand J yeah yes okay you want to read what he wrote that's um that's number three to serve as a um as a voting commission officer should the board be unable ble to maintain a quorum for any reason at any time in a meeting but but L you want to read through these These are separate bylaw changes this is a separate bylaw right this is a completely separate bylaw right this would be a separate this could be added as a paragraph to the conservation yeah you want don't you read it so we can consider it I I think number number three is probably right is to V associate member Mr serve as a voting commission officer should the board be unable to maintain the Quorum for any reason at any point in a meeting the chairperson of the Conservation Commission or the clerk if the chairman is not present or should need to excuse himself shall appoint the number of Associates to Commission of voting status necessary to maintain a quum for the business item or items under discussion at that point in the meeting it should be stressed that the appointed Associates must continue in the voting role throughout the deliberation of the issue issues for first before that if said deliberations are continue to another meeting not to comply with the you guys had a problem y with that well we had it last meeting too yeah just cuz we all live on Main Street I don't live on Main Street well I live on Center Street yeah where you have land all over the place I don't own land Jim okay uh all right uh Moren do you have that item it's it's right here it's right here we' got it you got it yep all right I got a couple of them so we could add uh what section do you guys think that should go in well it's um it would be in the beginning um okay under let's see membership is is there a section for membership in there I know some it's got purpose jurisdiction application permits and requests for determinations we have notices in hear and hearings coordinations with other boards permits and conditions setbacks regulations and definitions can we add in membership some something we could do if the board if the commission decided that it wanted to move forward with this um at one of our next meetings and enforcement we could do something to the effect of you adding a section for membership and then just memorialize the number of Commissioners that we currently have and how they'll have a chairman reorganized Okay now what's numbers um Define associate commission the subsection of that yeah um enforcement is section X burden of proof of section 11 section 12 is appeals section 13 relationship to the watland protection act and section 14 severability okay how about if we just have um a section called uh uh membership and then we put that the commission will consist of of five five uh uh members five members appointed by the Selectmen in in addition in addition to the five voting members there will be and that's where the associate members come in right and I think that that would um uh cover everything that we need at the board of Select meeting there was a little confusion as to the number of Associates allowed okay we don't have a limit there is no there is no limit should that beori spell um H what do you think should we have a limit on the number of associate members you know I I I look at it um as associate members are are learning the trade so to speak and uh uh we never know when a regular member is going to or resign or or fade away that uh you know to have someone come in and and just fall into the position is so necessary I mean because we've gone at times with three members for for several months and that's not good and we saw what happened when Forest Hill when when membership was spous and uh we had to have a special meeting reopen the hearing and and uh and and it really was a problem um do do you want to limit it to a certain number let's say three uh the the limit of associate members will be will be uh limited to three three is good it gives us a total of eight right I think that's one yeah you know and you know uh if someone doesn't come in for a particular meeting um um well the mullen's rule allows you to miss up to one right then you just have to um you have to you have you have to put into writing and memorialize that you have you have reviewed all the materials that were discussed at the meeting that you missed that's exactly what we had to do um so I don't know if I support this yet um if there's going to be a vacancy for a prolonged period of time that would go beyond the Mullen rule um that could make sense but um at the same time where the mes rule allows you to miss up to one and as you said the role of the associate commissioner is to kind of be a learning position uh but if the person is is here for that time they they could uh uh um be used as a the the the um membership as needed they could be the a vote for um um to keep things moving with that uh with that application and so then I guess my next question would be if somebody did miss one meeting and there was no quum and then the associate member were to um be elevated to a to a full commissioner presumably would the other commissioner once they come back say they they just had the flu or something like that um are they going to be recused in perpetuity for the whole duration no no it just be that it would just be that one um but now you've got a six person one applicant one applic you know you know I mean we get some of these that are continued for so long um um oh yeah I'm not saying I'm oppos to it I'm just saying that uh yeah no I know I I understand what you're saying discussion because we're going to go through the other stuff and we'll take care of it next month and but I I think TW it a little bit I think comfortable I think it's very necessary to have associate members but uh okay so we have two now right you could say that if they become a voting commissioner and then the other commissioner returns and then they're both going to be voting the question no that no the the the person who who let's see um that that's if a quorum is needed right so let's say that you know three of us get the flu we miss a meeting and then we Elevate both associate Commissioners Y and then the next meeting we come back so now do we have all seven people vot voting or the Commissioners who were sick and are now returned recused from that filing in perpetuity throughout the whole duration of it no I think it would just be on that particular um application right you know because we're going to like we closed a lot of the look we closed six items today right here six uh we closed a couple certificate of compliances we did um uh you know I mean those those are wiped off the board so um there was a hearing and and if someone wasn't here to hear um um you know one of the other applicants one of the other applications here um a person and there was no vote on it the person could just pick up on it the a regular membership it's really for that specific voting on that item oh cuz I was reading this where it says the last line of this one says it should be stressed that the appointed Associates must continue in the voting role throughout the deliberations of the issue or issues first brought before them if said deliberations are continued to another meeting for that item yes for that item for that item not not for everything on the agenda no no I mean spec like I'm just as an example we had some that were continued right so if a commissioner who had been previously v a voting member been previously involved in that that filing and then misses one meeting and then the associate commissioner votes and even if it's just a vote to but it's continued if it's continued if it's continu it wasn't anything happened so right if it was continued if the voting was to continue it then the other then the commissioner would then take in take over again so I I guess I'm just a little confused on the language of the last sentence and um well you be great Point all right let's was your intention on this that um it would only be there was a need for a quum and okay a specific issue in which a v or deliberations were going to take place oh yeah like last like last meeting like last meeting three of us had to resuse ourselves so now they could here and the other guys here they can vote on that New England power goes on their way end of story now we come back and they're back to Associates and then they go back to associat I guess if we could just memorialize that with language it's a little more explicit the last sentence i' I'd feel a little better about that um because I guess that that would be my concern would be if um say you've got a hearing that's been going on for a couple of years and somebody's been participating and then misses a meeting and there's a quum is issue and then you appointed a associate to come in that that associate would not be voting again the following meeting if it were to continue and that other commissioner were to return does that make sense does that make sense because it's only a continuation the Mullen rule if you don't have to be present every meeting or every discuss deliberation right you can miss one public hearing as long as you signed something stating that you reviewed the materials from the public meeting that you missed so that would that rule would decrease the need for an associate other than to get through the the deliberation you need enough decision people to vote to continue the hearing uh and you know and um uh like for example here we we have one here um uh where they're going to continue it because we need uh information from um uh Weston and Samson so that person would be there to vote to continue it uh in the absence of enough Commissioners and and then then the regular commissioner would fill in and he the results I'm sorry Lisa did you Dave Dave I think was concerned that was spending too much time talking about this maybe I think we're there till next till till the next meeting we have enough to discuss yeah motion to take under advisement and table for July uh okay let let us get a print out of individual conversation with Lenny if you could you know sure yeah be after the meeting right now I'm going to take it step doesn't okay ask way to help me then let us uh will continue we'll have Moren printed up we'll all get a copy of what's there and we can hand WR in something that we think will improve it okay let's go on to uh uh draft coordination between Town parenting Authority and projects issued by Weston and Samson uh Lisa you want to weigh in on that um I don't have anything new but I um know with the resignation of the Town Administrator that it would be good to keep the ball rolling on because this is a concern and as I mentioned to a couple of you I feel like we need to you know F try to fix improve the process in any way we can so we at our last meeting I believe we approved the preliminary review form and sent a letter to the board of selectman requesting they put it on the agenda um during the transition I'll follow up with Leanne on Monday and just confirm if it's going to be on the agenda for Monday and um the agenda for the board of Select members exactly y exactly so yeah any of you are available Wednesday tonight although we need to know who would be how many would be coming so we wouldn't have a quorum right I would say yeah it'd be best to avoid a quorum if we're going to be a so who will be there I'll I'll try to be there Wednesday night if they are putting us on the agenda I'd like to be there at least via Zoom if not in person but would any of you be there I'll be there Wednesday I I have no I'd have to look it up I just don't want to have three or more Paul you going to be there um what I'll I'll have to double check my my schedule um so what I'll do is I'll follow up with lean on Monday I'll confirm if it's on the agenda and then I can email you I'll let you know at that time as well if I'm able to attend the meeting and then if you wanted to reach out to the rest of the commission and then see who's who's um who plan to go and then if we run into a quorum issue just communicate that to me and we can drop D and see stays yeah um the week of the 4th I wouldn't be available so if they're going to have a meeting it would either be preferable for me would be next week or the week after I'm back which would be the you know week of the eth uh okay all right um is there a motion to pay uh all bills received uh motion to pay the vendor and payroll um expenses that have come in since our last meeting second all in favor okay pass pass these over please y okay um updates um um can we skip around to public input because I know we have at least one person here for public input Mr chairman I this propose a motion to take public input out of order second all in favor okay um I think that's you Mr I thank you very to the mic please brings back memories right yeah looks like you've been getting too much sun uh thanks for having me and taking me out of order Bill McKeon 2308 Pleasant Street and this is regarding property that's opposite which is the warf on the Taunton River uh you can see the WARF in the picture in the picture frame in the lower left corner and that picture I can tell was taken more than 30 years ago because some of the work that I had done to the warf uh is not reflected on that picture and I had come before this commission for an order of conditions and also a chapter 91 license from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts division of waterways so I'm here for two reasons tonight uh one is uh to do what I would call regular maintenance regular ongoing maintenance to the warf uh it is a rectangular Warf that goes out into the river with vertical walls uh which are subject to erosion when the river Rises and actually covers over the warf so that you can't even see it and I believe that happened four times this past winter uh which is unusual the first 10 years that we own the property and we've been there for 40 years the warf never was submerged and now it seems to be coming submerged more regularly so um uh I asked U Miss calonia to come out who came this week we walked the perimeter of the warf and you can see the eroded areas and uh my intention there is to maintain it by bringing in some fill which would be like loose um gravel covered over with loom and then grass seeded and watered to hold it in place uh I would be putting back some of the stones that have fallen into the river I pointed out some of them to uh miss calonia the tide was low enough to see some of them and uh in other places I have some extra stone wall pieces out in the backyard I'll just bring down down uh I would remind the board that um I came before the board um I believe 20 years ago uh for a informational meeting to explain this exact kind of work that I was intending to do and uh was permitted by the board to go forward that's confirmed in a letter that should be in your file uh regarding that meeting and since that time even though I've had the permission to go forward and do it I've always called and let the commission know in advance if I was going to do work because if someone drives by and sees a truck delivering some fill or me working in the water that you know it's just a heads up type thing so that's the first order um I think I I actually as of right under both my chapter 91 license and my order of conditions I'm actually required to maintain the warf and that's exactly what I'm doing the second um thing I'm here about is you can actually see it in that photograph but there's a small garden bed in the grassed area of the warf it's above the tide it's above the beach there is a stone wall that separates this garden bed from the beach area and uh it was there when we bought the house uh We've maintained it there's been all kinds of perennials in there it's it's a it's a a semicircle it's an arc it's about 10 ft wide and from the back to the farthest part of the arc is only about 4 feet and if you look you can see there's a wooden sign there that says Ferry Landing because the war used to be the Ferry Landing for the ferry between dton and Berkeley well what has happened recently is the frag Mighty from the beach has crept up into the garden bed and and you simply cannot pull it out it's it's invaded the garden bed and what I would like to do is to be able to remove the frag Mighty from the garden bed together with all the perennial flowers that are there in that semicircle area not going over the wall into the beach area refill it with loom or garden soil material and probably just put a couple of bushes in there uh Beach plums um I I spoke with Miss calonia about that I've spoken by phone with Mr digits about it uh both recommended that I come before the commission just to explain this work and um there would be no work done on the beach area at all okay and that's what I'd like to do when when you put the stones back into place where you cement them to make sure they stay no there's only one place where uh it cement was used used um a long time ago but no we just vertically placed one on top of another there's no binding agent that I use okay um I I don't have you have your your opinion on it I don't have any objection to any of this work being done um and you know frag mighty's like you say the roots are mighty mighty tough and uh you're going to get them all and if you have to do anything um to to make sure they go use a a hands sprayer rather than uh someone coming in at least that's my opinion what do you I I hope not to have to to do that no because it's Waterway I know I understand that but um on the on the other side of the wall um some people in the area I think with it's okay to do so is is to trim or cut the frag Mighty not to affect the roots but to just keep come back up yes triming and that is that is somewhat effective we've never done that on our property or on the beach area uh but it's been done in the general neighborhood and I think that's been without objection from this commission yeah Lisa did you have any thoughts you wanted to share um so because we've allowed it in the past I would say um as long as there erosion controls up and they're installed properly and I inspect them prior to I would say we're going to and we're going to allow him to do the work in the existing lawn or what used to be lawn up to the ston wall with no work down on the bank um but if if it hadn't been allowed in the past I would say you know digging in in the flood zone River Front um it's been done may as well be maintained yeah correctly um if you did this on um I'm talking about what you're going to you know dig the frag mighties out on an in between tide to make sure and I say moon in between Moon so to make sure you don't get a uh you don't want that August Moon because that's a August is is a real high tide so you don't want I may say um typically uh during normal Tides uh the tide comes up nowhere near this garden bed that I'm speaking about it's way up much closer to Pleasant Street than it is to the river okay it's a part of the lawn okay all right I mean I don't have any objection to it him doing the work as stated are are we okay with this meeting kind of constituting just would it be better it's a continued it's a continued uh process of restoration the the the W and everything else and as far as the invasive species I I think that would be a good thing yeah so no no motion required in your opinion I don't think so I think it's just informative and uh um and but Lisa has said that it would be good to put up some barriers so in case we do get a storm you don't get wash out into the river yes um I've spoken with Miss calonia about um erosion barriers uh the specific kinds that she would like to have uh me use and the exact location and certainly willing to get those put them in place and uh if she'd like to come down and take a look uh we'll wait until after she gives her yeah I'm down there by the river often enough you know yeah Jim can always do the inspection I'm going to be away the week of the 4th but I I don't en ision it happening within a week or so but it won't take you long to do that make make sure you put those rocks in at low tide not at high tide yeah he's going to remove them but with with a wheelbarrow there's no Machinery going in there correct there's no Machinery going down onto the beach for the Rocks hopefully I can get some young men to high school kids to help out yeah no sounds good okay Jack you all set with this yeah okay I am uh all right thank you Mr thank you very much for uh taking me out of order and for your time tonight thank you all nice to see you again all right anyone else here for public go ahead state your name for theor oh would you be please be kind enough to do with the microphone for cable thank you very much s and I live at 890 Oak Street and I came because of the notice we had gotten regarding the battery storage project and I hadn't I keep missing catching someone the agent at at the office so finally just I'm going to come and do that um and I realized that you have not reviewed the plans but I want to say I've got some real concerns about the way that things are presented in the in the document I wish you spoke up during the hearing CU we really can't discuss it now no no I my my comment really is that I'd like to if you do a field visit and look at things that I'd like to go on that visit with you so um that's more Weston and Samson it won't be me I'm I'm part-time with the town so I could never go to all these big sites yeah but um yeah just as far as the batteries that has nothing to do with us well no I know that but all of the project delineations are set up for the project so if they're inaccurately presented then it snowballs into the project they're proposing the project on Highland with weap they haven't proposed anything to us yet no I realize that I know that this is the delineation process but I guess what I'm saying is and I know I understand the whole mechanics of this it's just more of a heads up y that I don't know if I've seen the surveyors out there BC has been out there yeah all this stuff um Weston and Samson does a very thorough review I will tell you y I'm I can't guarantee I'm going to be there if you wanted to be present at part of the site visit or yep um I would say reach out did you have your but's notice yes and on that is the representative which I believe is Mark Burger on okay he was here yeah and I've actually had a couple conversations with the project manager who was also here this evening yeah so so I think if you'd have to get permission from them to walk on the property and all that but I think it might be doable but I don't know if you'd want to spend as much time as we would be or they would be spending in the field but now retired so I have lots of time on my hands and my H's retired that gives me lots of reasons associate member associate member and um we're stacking it up Lisa we haven't had the public hearing for the actual project itself right um we did open it the Oak Street one tonight right we haven't closed it though right no yeah because Weston and Samson is still so they concerns that wanted to be articulated um is a commission it's it's tough for us to really consider them right now the public you know we're not in public hearing however that said um I think it would be you know procedurally fine if she wanted to submit those concerns in writing as correspondents which we could then incorporate into the public meeting where it does take place if you didn't want to do it in writing at least come to the next meeting and state them for the record sure I mean at a minimum I would do that um and and I don't have any issue with doing this um retired but I was director of Park improvements for the DCR so kidding yeah so I mean we worked in the wetlands all the time usually in the developer role but nonetheless um but it's just it's concerning to me the dimensions they're stating in one area it it doesn't hold true do you have a copy of the plan yeah okay so I have a well I have their preliminary PowerPoint okay which they gave me um I have topography plans but I also have like so I've been at our home for 35 years back when we bought it it was an outdated subdivision PL the subdivision plan from that like the 70s shows like drainage easements they said there's no Brook there's no like Waterway out there there's a head wall find it there's a head wall out there but we'll we'll make sure we yeah don't close without figuring that out yeah and I can't remember where it is and I know this is part of the projects is both I remember when my kids were younger they found in the wood somewhere there's a grave out there and the cooks also she mentioned it to me too she's like do you know where it is I'm like probably did it one time because the kids are kids and you know make sure they're not fooling around but that kind of thing you know I know they've done historic resource surveys out there and all that um so I just some concerns I'm not saying I'm against the project or anything like that I just want it to be fairly represented okay I mean a lot other people have weighed in on it and uh I'm going to kind of you know you do inv writing uh get it and and we we're going to move on cuz we we only have about a half left this is Oak Street no one's waiting on this yet we just opened the public hearing tonight Main and Lane is what you're thinking of we appreciate the input and please come to the July 18th meeting yep okay yeah please either delivered in person or via correspondence you know whatever we can enter the record conern represent hopefully okay all right so but thank you for hearing me out and I apprciate time all right I have the wrong wrong location all right you want to state your name for her please I got Ruth I got your name do you have an email address you could give me and then I can send you the agenda sure okay Lisa what do you want uh next we got County Street we're going to deal with County Street no we're going to talk about that at the next meeting um a and I sat down oh I'm sorry and da sat down with Mr duza and we agreed to talk about it at the next meeting um they're going to make some revision I believe that was pretty productive meeting I hope so you know let's hope it goes so yeah keeps moving do you want to go down the list uh Horton Street yeah M 10 53 I did receive an email from Mr Buffington and I forwarded it to you all it looks like there's some unpaid back taxes so now that's purchases on on hold okay I would say at this point um we may be threatened to start instituting new f um additional fines if we don't receive some sort of to the owner okay um um if okay if we send a letter to the owner not Mr Buffington right um that uh uh if action if appropriate action and we won't say what appropriate action is he'll know it uh is not taken place uh fines will be uh issued uh on on your behal will be reinstated how about that okay by what date make it for make it for uh July 10th or make it soon okay and so that way we'll we'll have action for our 18th meeting we we'll know and then we can uh start ISU them okay um ping 20 William Street there's no um update we sent that letter in May to the owner um 1033 Oak Street W engineering was hired um for mitigation for that unpermitted garage the mitigation plan was received by the commission tonight I haven't had a chance to look at it obviously but I hope that'll be on the next meeting um next okay uh Maris Lan yeah one marisan um Dave do you want to well that's yeah we got she um Patricia sent pictures today saw them um and um the girl from uh natural heritage natural heritage um sent an email so she's Al she's all set with she can plant yeah she planted already but she wanted to add some more R dendrons she planted all native species okay can we just take her off the list for the future look good I get a follow up in the fall so okay uh okay um oh is is across the street from I guess it's for Maris Lane that big hole the no nothing yet well okay I think the the that was being taken care of by others they haven't contacted me again okay 2097 wheeler yeah haven't heard back from Mr P no nothing um 1334 tront um I believe he called me this evening right before the meeting but I did not get his call I don't know what he said so but he was asked to come to tonight's meeting I I can't take everybody's calls um I'm just gonna follow up with the neighbor to see if the Ral pools come back uh okay been sold go ahead yes and I they were watering their alwn yesterday which is I guess uh going to be growing nicely better stabilizing y much better 24 um 70 Pleasant Street yep so um map 20 L 55 the previous filling me to this Wetland on the property we suggested they hire surveyor remove the fill and allow Wetlands to go back in we requ they attend the meeting I did get um an email asking if they could have a consult they they requested a consultant list and asked if maybe we should put the site visit off that was from the Father the Son who owns the property said could you guys please just plan to come gave me some dates um looks like the better date for me is July 10th is anyone available on July 10th say at 2:30 in the afternoon oh what day of the week is that it's a Wednesday oh yeah be available well when we get closer I mean we're talking that's almost three weeks out yeah I have no idea what what if we made it earlier in the morning um would it have to be really early or could you take time I could it's it's light around 4: 4:30 in the morning like 12 you said early so I'm just letting you know when the sun's up I could probably do around 8 or nine okay um do you want to follow up on Monday and I'll be able to confirm yeah that's um that's so maybe maybe N9 we try for 9 and I'll follow up yeah yeah just follow up with me I I definitely can't do afternoon between that's and that's uh 9:00 coffee break and that's Pleasant Street yeah okay um next 710 Cate Street yeah so that violation was cutting and clearing on the conservation restriction land and the buffer zone to a Vernal pool um I left a voicemail for natural heritage after talking with Jack who talked with the individual um seems a little timid to deal with it so I'm willing to try to um you know get the ball rolling on that uh 880 hot Street yeah so after our last meeting we signed the enforcement order on May 30th at the last meeting and we requested the owner attend the meeting I know we stopped by and spoke with Dave Dave do you have anything to report um no he uh was supposed to be here he said he was going to be here that's about three people that was supposed to be here that didn't 1070 Smith Street um yeah so they sent an us an email today but let me back up um we provided them with consult consultant list um let me look when that was so I want it in the on the um record here one second June all right so around June 3 we provided it in an email and um we asked for an update on June 20th today we got a response from the owner Nina Morrow we are currently working on finishing the interior of the house and moving my son in so we have not started looking into this list we are leaving on vacation so we will probably have to get a consult when we get back which will be the middle of July thank you so I don't feel like we're really being taken serious on it and I was told by one of the Neighbors in the area that they are um continuing to operate equipment out there I haven't looked that was just a conversation I had yesterday so I will try to look into that a little bit Yeah if we going to ask if they can just notify us when they see the equipment and then maybe we can yeah go from there was that the property I had been out to some property uh on Smith Street this was four or five months ago right it's not the same proper okay I was going to say there was no uh Wetlands on that property no this is the corner of Smith and Hort Smith and Hort there's a there's wetland around the property okay you know down that end near Pao yeah okay well where Pao used to be okay um I do have one item for the public record actually two items for public record one is Blue Wave has requested a certificate of compliance for tront Street Mr cabal had contacted me a few weeks ago he's the farmer over there and he wanted to start telling because you know it's a dual use solar project yep um don't have the order of conditions number at the top of my head or anything actually that's okay well just tell us what he wants um I mean he's going to farm under the solar panels well yes remove the um roing controls this is the EP found of 0 170432 um so I told them they needed to submit an as built in a request certificate of compliance I did a site visit with their engineer and their aosion control specialist from Mil Creek and Nancy Gul in the 94 degree weather on Tuesday which we made it through in an hour and a half it was a good site visit I'm feeling good about the property however when I was discussing projects with Weston and Samson today it dawned on me that when we give a certificate of compliance we also providing them with assurance that their storm water is their permanent storm water management is in compliance I don't feel confident giving them that okay without another consultant like P review uh Weston and Samson looking at it so just consider that for maybe we get them all already that project Lisa our only jurisdiction was out in the back corner right there's a wear out there now there was yeah but this this whole thing every time that that gets out of control and comes across Middle Street down Treemont Street everybody's on our case that's not us storm water oh uh well let's back up there's three storm water basins they built out there and at least two of them actually three of them are in ack because tront Street does have a wetland across the street and then the other two at the South End I'm saying from um from a storm waterer engineering perspective I don't have the capability to tell them that was built exactly the way it should have been so I think it's up to the commission to say whether you think I should tell Weston and Samson to take a look at this before we sign off on it however I'm giving Mr cabraal the authority to con to well I gave mil Creek I hope it was okay if if Mr cabraal goes back and does his farming he's going to plow that across right from Cory's old house over to Treon Street yeah I'm allowing him to do that yeah well he's going to solve he's going to solve the engineering problem that the contractors didn't take care of probably so I no there's no probably about it because they did that whole drainage deal okay they dug down a h pan they filled it with stone and then they put a burm right over the top of all the stone I know and then nobody cut anything that's wide open all the way from his Packing Shed down to Treemont Street yeah and water runs downhill we all know that right so nobody no nobody cut that across to go into that Basin they're supposed to catch it but if we let Mr cabal Farm it yeah he's going to plow from that's what I told him he could start do so that's what I was getting to I told mil Creek they could have removed the erosion controls down Treon Street until the area of the wood Woodland where Mr cabal is supposed to be maintaining that around I'm sorry Middle Street that corner around he wants to maintain his walls and he wants to till that was outside of our jurisdiction in the notice of intent all right so I don't know as far as the basins go are you guys if I call Weston and Samson and I tell them look we received this I got it in hand right here engineering reports I can't read them I don't know if you guys feel comfortable approving them but I feel do we have to ask for 53 g account funds we will once we can send this to Weston and ask for a proposal to review the as builts because I think it's on us and not storm water I I know after we've read the storm water regulations yeah the 2009 storm water regulations designate two administering authorities for the regulations one of which is the Conservation Commission which administers storm water regulations for all residential Housing Development in any commercial industrial development in which a wetland filing takes place and I wasn't here when we approved this so I'm coming in late and I'm not saying we should hold up anything if we get a price from them and then we then we uh show it then we show it y Mr Cabra no not Cabra it has nothing to do with them oh oh it would be the Hees it it would be sent to field engineering and field engineering would give it the bill to um Blue Wave and this won't hold up Mr Cal's ability cor okay all right that's that sounds yeah good if it's going to Blue Wave and it's not going to interfere with the agriculture I mean okay that okay so and then there was one more item under the public input it was me um I guess I just have a complaint I already shared with a couple of you but that I need more participation when it comes to budgets actually Morin and I need more participation when it comes to budgets and year end of year end stuff because we don't even have a combined hours of 30 34 it's 30 33 hours Monday we brought in Charlie even to and he had he didn't have a clue on on on what they were asking uh yeah and maybe we should just throw it back to Serena and say you do it we no doesn't work huh um what we could do is if you have specific questions is between the preliminary tax bill the OPB um Actuarial valuation audit that we have to do um an audit with Bristol County Retirement and the uh fiscal year and close out um I don't have much bandwidth this time of year to be honest um but what I will say is if you have specific questions um that I I can help with so I did have a conversation with Serena and I think she pretty much has answered the questions I have ours isn't too complicated because any bills that are coming in in the next like two weeks are mostly going to be 53g okay oh your questions about like incumbrances and things like that things like that I'm still waiting on um gay and gay to get back with us they won't have any their final invoices until the 27th so that's what I'll know about okay that's fine as long as they get it to us then we have to request encumbrances for any expenses that are going to come in past I believe it's July 11th yeah we have that that's our drafted data yeah so everything's just I've just never done anything like this before so I've been trying to figure it out as we go and yeah it's a learning c yeah with that with specific questions like that just just just call me okay um that that I can help with I have to do because any Department that uses the 10 credit card in the month of June most likely I won't receive the actual bill for the from the credit card company until with the holiday right it should be by the 11th but you know postal service holidays you never really know so I'm anticipating helping all of those departments do incumbrances for any expenses that they put on the town credit card um so you know you can jump in the pile okay okay but um I also I mean it's also litigation with the attorneys I just I don't as you guys can imagine I just don't have enough time they want all the paperwork that anything about that we should talk about um is it you should start would discuss individually or an executive session we shouldn't talk about I'm not going to talk about the specifics but the paperwork that's involved with the litigation it's a lot it's a lot and there's deadlines and I don't have the I don't have the resources to deal with it I mean it's going to take away from something else I don't want to avoid calls I don't want to avoid emails but if I only work the 25 hours a week I would be avoiding a lot of things right now I have earned time I can't use um carrying over 42 hours of my vacation time I have 12 hours of personal time I don't even see how I can use that next week so it's just a general complaint that I feel like we're set up for failure because we don't have the time to deal the minutes for every meeting for um this is on Forest no it's everything Jim it's all everything what I'm talking about what you're looking for now as far as the it's everything they need everything specific document requests we need to discuss an examp we can't discuss any specific so but if you could just imagine a stack of paperwork this tall that's what they're looking for so I'm just saying if you guys want me to get it in on time I need we need help if you want us to get in it on time we need help and we need help period I just it's not sustainable when does this have to be in in a week so I'm just letting you guys know um so we need more admin help we need more participation somehow okay so what what do we so what kind of paperwork are we pulling we can't get into the specifics right now no but what kind of paperwork are we pulling is Beyond minutes is it um um we can't talk about it's not on the agenda so can we talk about i' like to follow up with Lisa offline individually I think that might be the the best okay all right that paperwork has to get to the attorney that paperwork has to get sorted through and everything like that so it's just generally I want you guys to know what's going on and how sooner or later someone's going to complain I didn't you know return a call I didn't return an email and I didn't go through the permanent database I didn't I just can't keep up with everything I don't even know how I'm going to take time off and then I think that was it okay sorry no don't no don't be sorry I am I am sorry because your benefits and your benefited time is part of your compensation yeah it's a lot of time use it um we work very hard for the town of dton we're fortunate to have you I yeah um the benef okay and I will talk to you Lisa and I'll talk to you about yeah what uh needs okay well we got of come up with a strategy on how we're going to fix this issue because it's not going to go away CU you know as we get appe appealed unfortunately our FY 25 budgets are done but I think that we should talk about in general um in the future there used to be an administrat stien for one of the Commissioners who's going to do a lot of the leg work in terms of providing administrative support I think that's something visiting in about of time Here's a thought right now that if there is a secretary that uh somewhere upstairs that has uh insufficient uh workload could someone like that be pulled uh to do five or 10 hours of work I don't know if we could do it in the middle of beginning without any budget well no if they're getting paid already but but they can but they can be uh temporarily uh drawn from that position to assist I mean would anyone would any of you guys have even like an hour or two a week to help us with any of this yeah that's that's what I'm going to talk to you you be willing to send me a specific list of the documents that are being requested and even if I can't hit all of them if I can hit two or three yeah okay okay and I will be talking to you okay all right all right um we set for adjournment so moved second all in favor for