##VIDEO ID:r1ltgUBACEI## Conservation Commission opens its uh meeting for Thursday October 17 2024 um the public meeting uh um will be in video audio recorded on for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on www.d Das mass.gov and YouTube would everyone stand please for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh first on the agenda is uh a continued hearing from hmed HED of grasshopper energy um it had been tabled to a date uncertain uh Lisa you have heard from uh them is that uh not on this matter though not on this matter okay so um uh when that comes up that will supersede this one here okay we will uh uh since it's been contined to a date uncertain we'll go to the next item uh review discuss an act upon on AB an abbreviated notice of area uh resource delineation uh from David Butler seeking confirmation of wetland resources at 833 William Street map 8 lot 20 D file number 17- [Music] 499 okay we're currently waiting for them to um respond to the Weston and Samson peer review letter we did have a u a call phone conference and um the applicant may be considering withdrawing the anrad um because their perk failed on the new lot so we are um we got a continuance from them till November 21st is there a motion to continue so move second all in favor I that's the 21st you said November y November correct okay uh we have a new hearing a notice of intent Peter uh Coffer 737 Treon street map 9 lot 41 to construct a AC septic system repair with Associated site grading and disturbance within the 100 foot buffer zone of wetland resources uh sfg request the continu to to this date the file number is 17-5 one Z and okay um I'll give you guys you guys want some land okay we get one here we can share it [Applause] okay okay okay uh here here okay one um so moving it into the back because when we were there was put right here okay so the driveway is coming in through here and so here's the um the what the yellow line is installed okay thank you begin so this here is what the I can't see oh that's the 100 25 so they're outside of 100 oh no nothing they're a little bit in 100 but that's that's that's I'm just how they're going to get to it okay this is so for the most part your system is outside preexisting oh got for the most part it's outside the 100 only that one corner and some grading correct well no no for the most part it's outside of 50 outside of 50 outside of the 50 okay I'm looking at the uh the Pink as being the uh okay outside of the 50 okay yeah one's a 25 and one's 100 on that one okay there is a 50 in there but I didn't I didn't color P so would this be just under the local bot this a repair of an existing system so this is every yeah this is a repair of an existing system and just under the local B at this point good okay that's okay thank you so uh this would uh uh be the most conducive to the to the site plan yeah okay they actually were going to put the system in the front yard and um if you want to present that yeah I'm Brad Fitzgerald from sfg engineering 28 Main Street in Lakeville um so originally we had proposed a system in the front yard um which is only going to be about 16 or 17 ft from that isolated vegetated wetland in the front right corner of the lot so we went back did a new perk in the back of the house and came up with better material same type of water table very high water table but by rerouting the plumbing that come out the reil of the house we're able to actually keep the system as a gravity fed system and not have a pump and also we're able to keep more than 50 feet from the edge of the Wetland in the back it's a it's a bordering vegetated Wetland so we we've got the system 50 ft from that you'll have some grading they'll get to about I think I think it's 38 ft from the edge of the BBW um so this this will work out much better uh both environmentally and for the your client as well then with gravity and you all have the um the the system we had designed front had um an alternative technology which meant it had a a motor a blower going all the time and it had you know it need electricity to work this thing is Pure Gravity no electricity um no pump nothing so it's um you're right it works out best for everyone any other questions from members uh do we have a a motion then um yes the only other concern I had was um so we do have the placards in the backyard but I think um it would be good to just put a couple in the front yard around the ivw that was to you I think and do you guys want to reclaim your 25 foot where you could that's my only question well it it doesn't hurt to put up the plets and where do you want it though do you want it on the edge of the ivw or do you want to try to reclaim the 25 foot um 25 is probably best because other than that they'll work Beyond it yeah so you guys are going to abandon the old system um once you do that I guess it sounds like we want to try to put a maybe three placards around that now you you're talking about the uh one at Road's Edge no okay so but you're talking here to have to have those plets here and and to have do we want them here too that's a question for you guys cuz he already has them um right here and then right here so do you think you need them over here too I mean I think that's good enough there but I think if they you know yeah well you could uh write that in um to add additional plets for protecting what's there the 25 or right on the edge of the wooded area 25 since since they can't use the 25 the 25 is to remain uh uh natural well right now it's lawn right correct oh yeah it's La okay all right to main that yeah Okay then if it's lawn then it's got to go to the edge be on the edge yeah I think it should go on the edge of the okay I just wanted to clarify okay no because uh what's there they they can continue there's also a pipe that goes underneath see that line there goes under driveway do you think that pipe's going to be sufficient because it seemed like maybe it might have had some overflow at one point well I I mean it's been there for as long as the driveway's been there that's I don't know about overflow or anything yeah CU it looks like to me it looks like this area in here and the Wetland change map that D noted did you see the Wetland change uh note I did see that note yes yeah so what they said was is wetland change here that was not permitted so this house wasn't previously permitted with conservation correct probably not not that I know of so D caught this from about 20s 20 some odd years ago that this both this area this lot and this lot seems to appear to have some reduced Wetlands change yeah I would think if the house isn't much more than 20 years old and it would have had to at least get an order of conditions yeah back then but they probably just said cross it and go yeah so in this case I mean I just I'm a little concerned about this because the area between the asphalt and the ivw to me is pretty wet so I think it almost acts like a b a sedimentation Basin almost before it gets into the pipe correct yeah I mean it seems to come flow from um from east to west you think I think it's more of an equalizer if anything CU there's a second pipe too so you got the one under the driveway yeah and then to the west of that you've got one that's going into the ivw okay so I think it doesn't really show on the toppo but it's kind of teared there I think it comes out of that pipe from the driveway settles and then if it gets high enough it it floats down to that other pipe and gets into the ivw yeah the owner did make a reference that when he would try to mow in here you know a lot of times it would just it wouldn't be good time to do it yeah so I just didn't know if um if we wanted to try to kind of leave part of this to grow in here this small area because of the pipes on the side right next to the driveway I mean as far as I can tell it's been like that since it was built yeah I mean that's that's been well a lot of stuff that used to go on around town but it's uh um no I mean you know like you say that driveways right there I don't know how far off the edge it would be yeah they kind of need a line of sight is that what you're thinking pulling in and out of the driveway yeah yeah I mean you know like I say um just by guessing that uh conservation sign to the edge of the driveway what's that probably about 10 ft 12et uh no probably right there yeah 5 to 7 feet yeah no it's pretty close you know that's pretty much a rectangular lot that's got a lot of trees I mean maybe out front piping is on if you want some of that maybe with a sign in the low spot but even that's all grown in too so yeah you know if they went around the edge of that with conservation signs you know because it is lawn and uh you know they they have been maintained maintaining the people that are there so right it's so personally I I think it's best just to leave it alone so they can maintain it because if it if you love The Growing yeah you you you block it off too much and that's going to make backups and there'll be a mess I I agree with Bill the other thing to consider too is that we're in the process of proposing a bylaw Amendment so really this time next month there's a very good chance that this activity would have been exempt from the local bylaw anyway so to me given I mean the septic system you mean yeah the replacement of the septic system right well is this an enement no okay no it's just a replacement correct correct 100% because if if you L you can't get the Varian is so a new location so I don't know would it be you know that's something that we have to kind of figure out internally like you know the septics going from the front yard to the backyard so it's not really like a replacement in kind so it's an improv if if it goes to the back the the r of the wetlands a lot more than they are I mean they're in the wetlands a lot more in the front than they are in the back yeah it's an improvement it's an improvement by moving to the definitely an improve yeah and I do I do appreciate that and I they were able to figure that out okay but now we are dealing right here if this is not going to be touched we just let that alone if no it it's what we're saying is we're going to require the placards along the edge yeah I I think that just leave it at that vegetated vegetated Wetland even though there's some emergent stuff coming up in here we're going to let that go because this is previously cut LA area you know you know if they want to let it grow back on their own it's fine yeah um I think it's kind of created itself as its own little ecosystem where it it stabilizes the flow settles it and then lets it before it enters okay so let's just say that they'll put some here you right there then they they'll put some plets here I think you'll modify the plan to just add a couple of PL three PL just tell me where yeah okay yeah I think on the Eastern Edge and then um on the corner and then on the southern like every normal so right right up here how about like Flags four and eight something like that um yeah four yeah four and eight would be good just two yeah I mean I'm happy with that okay we all set then yeah um so yeah so like next month if you would count to us something like this or after town meeting in our B houses then it would be more like an RDA because we know it's a jurisdictional area but we wouldn't make you file an noi okay good that's better okay uh any comments from the any input from the audience okay do I have a motion to accept the project so moved second all in [Music] favor thanks Brad all right is that issue and Order conditions yeah so just tell me the date of the what the date new date of the plan is going to be and forward it over yeah I'll put tomorrow's datee on it okay 18 okay uh next we have a request for determination of applicability from the Massachusetts electric company for the 74 L2 pole replacement project involving replacement of 11 utility polls maintenance on one pole and tree removal along the Regional Road in Horton Street right away good evening good night how we doing hi um my name is Molly Lennon I'm with TRC here representing Massachusetts electric company tonight uh so I'm here to talk about the 74 L2 uh pole replacement project uh this work involves replacing 11 polls along uh Regional Road and Horton Street and dayon um however only four of those polls are within jurisdictional areas um so yeah they'll be replacing these existing poles as well as conducting various maintenance on the poles and the overhead lines um and this also includes uh trimming and possibly removing several trees along the lines there um so these poles are in poor condition uh so they they'll need to be replaced pretty soon um and then also up to nine trees may need to be removed but more like likely they'll just need to be trimmed um in conjunction with the pole removal um these are just trees that are in very close proximity to the overhead lines so it causes a a safety hazard um so the the four poles that we're focusing on these are within uh the 100 foot buffer zone of uh forested bordering vegetated Wetlands um and so the the repl rep M poles for these four poles is the same square footage as the existing poles it's a in kind replacement um so for the work itself each of these four poles will be uh dug up and removed and then the new pole will be installed in the same location and then back filled with the the same soil um so each pole will create a two square foot temporary impact so eight eight square feet total um of a temporary impact within the the buffer zone um during construction we will be following National Grid's best management practices uh so this includes um using erosion controls between the work area in the wetlands um either straw Waddles or silt sock in this case um and then after construction is done any altered areas will be uh stabilized with straw and U seated with a a native seed mix if needed to let the vegetation grow back um all of this work is exempt under the Massachusetts Wetland protection act um for the utility maintenance exemption um but Titan currently doesn't have that exemption um so we're hoping we can get a negative determination of applicability for this work since there's a very small temporary imp P um and there's no like new fill proposed or any uh grading changes at the site so any questions any member questions anyone in the audience have questions I have okay point out to you guys so we've got um some really good aals that they put together and I wanted to point out how the mass 2005 W differ so much than actually flaged in the field I just wanted to like you guys for an example teachable moment here yeah okay so for example Mass only has these areas and underneath you know you can see the green underneath but the Wet Ones actually come out they expanded yeah I mean it's typical right so that you know you can't always go by this one as much as this one but you can't always just go by the Wetland but yeah we took a we did a side visit and um minor exemp activity the poles need to be replaced they're old and they're wooden and rotting and lots of little holes and Mr chairman are you entertain a negative determination you have a question I have a question now the new poles that are going to be put in is that a real real tall pole um they're a few feet taller than what's there um they're going to be I believe 40 foot poles yeah the ones I've seen are like 10 or 15 ft what's the purpose for a higher pole um I'm not exactly sure myself um the poles that are put in are they they're not treated with creol any longer what are they treaded with good question yeah I do not know that one can you try to find out email us yeah just cuz that's a that's a question if they original PS they get C on them they've only changed over what probably the last 12 years 14 years yeah but to what I don't know what they call it but they got some other um you know what I mean uh C for new chemical but actually cre Sal's better because cult doesn't mitigate it only goes goes out about 5 or 6 in and stays there right no I mean it's you know it's a proven fact but they made them change it so um I don't know what they're doing with the new ones but they replace them or often then yeah they do J John you could D to say something yeah is that North ofon Street uh it's on the yeah yeah yeah the North or the it's between the High School Regal Road yeah Regional Road and Horton Street so two are on yeah right by the you're on the south side yeah it's opposite from you same power lines that go by your house talking replacing line OPP I think there was some polls that head towards Wellington correct yeah they're just not in our jurisdiction so that's why yeah you can you can feel free to look at that actually okay um yeah if there's no if there are no other questions or comments uh I'm will to entertain a negative determination so second all in favor thank you so um yeah so it would be A3 I think one okay you got to get specific with our negative motions um usually a ne3 so A3 would be the work described in the request is within the buffer zone as defined in the regulations but will not alter an area under protect under but it's also Public Utilities yeah um so prior ground disturbing activities erosion controls will be installed blah blah blah uh and um and then neg five as well because it meets the exemptions right negative three and five so that's that's what we'll be okay would you like me to rephrase the motion oh sorry yes no problem thank you I'd like to propose a motion for a negative uh determination of applicability under exemptions three and five so move all in favor I okay however that differs U okay Lisa we have a request for a certificate of compliance from BWC Greenbrook llc at 903 Treemont Street and 624 Middle Street file number 17- 432 uh you have been to the site and uh oh yeah but but Nancy and I walked it in August I think it was 95 96 degrees that day thanks but Weston and Samson's reviewing this for us as well yeah okay good evening uh Rich richio from field engineering on behalf of the the applicant um we had received uh West Samson had done a site a site visit uh we received a letter from them on October 3rd basically um stating that the site had been stabilized sufficiently and the storm water was installed um uh under you know in accordance with the order uh they did have a couple comments on our originally submitted asilt plan um just to show the buffer zones and also some Dimensions to various set um to various features along the site from the Wetland itself which I uh submitted electronically to them and to Lisa and also just uh submitted a hot copy of the revised as bill um yeah so I mean if you just want to give an overall just subcription but Weston and Samson is here to present so okay um this was the solar array the do you solar array up on Treemont in Middle Street on uh uh cabal Jim cabal's pel and re Joan reine's pel um the site's been complete and stabilized the uh fencing's up vegetation is all complete um and all the work in the buffer zone has been stabilized storm water management features have been functioning properly and uh we you know respectfully request us to compliance to close out the project okay yeah um that's his Department it's one of these two I don't okay yeah so honestly I probably don't um for the presentation which remote yeah we might as well do it yeah it's a big enough project thank you um hi everyone my name is Rihanna Summers and I work for Weston and Samson um as Lisa mentioned we did a peer riew of this request for certificate of compliance um this is just showing the asilt plans that were submitted by the applicant that we reviewed um we have a civil engineer that reviewed the as builts and did a site visit um so we did Issue just a couple of technical comments that were relatively minor um the applicant stated that um in their COC request that the project is in substantial compliance with the order of conditions um and they provided some attachments um and documentation that the project there are a couple of um technical deviations between the plans and the as builds um but um based on our review We determined that the these d iations amount to very slight differences in volumes of the storm water basins and elevations of the outlet pipes and structures um when you compare the design ples with the asilt survey um and based on that because of um just how minor they are um it's our opinion that these are attributable to normal dimensional imperfections that are inherent in site construction um so we believe that this special condition has been satisfied um so the next comments we did have a couple of comments on the as builts um they did show the resource area boundaries and of course the work that was done um but the original as builts um were just missing a couple of the buffer zones and some of the local um regulatory setbacks um so one of our comments was to add those onto the plans um and also the original as builts um they didn't show all of the like distances from fences detention ponds and Roads um so that was another of our comments and um we did receive uh revised asilt plans earlier this week um and James Pearson um from our office he's the civil engineer that did the review um he reviewed the revised as buils and also conducted a site visit um back in September um and based on the revised as buils um we feel that all of the comments have been addressed um they looked good and uh based on um James's site visit um he believes that all of the work has been substantially complete in accordance with the order um and that he didn't observe any unacceptable cations from the order on a s sidewalk um and then lastly um just related to some of the general conditions in the order relating to maintaining erosion and sediment controls storm water bmps um during the side inspection the site as a whole was um observed to be stable um including the storm water basins which were heavily vegetated there were a couple areas um and more lowly areas that had a little bit sparser vegetation coverage um but they did not pose a risk of sediment transport um so it's also Western Samson's opinion that the site has been stabilized sufficiently um and provides reasonable protection against erosion um I think that was our last our last comment but yeah based on um the civil engineers review of the the asilt plans the revised asults that came in um and the site visit that was conducted we feel that all of the conditions have been satisfied any member have a question comment uh I have a question for Rich um so some of the plantings that the planning board had um requested along the BM the buffer there yes a lot of them died front talking yeah yep so um our civil contractor is expecting those trees to be be replaced I think this week great yeah so those are that's on our radar those will be replaced okay and then um the only other question was the remember you put the pipes for temporary um release of some water over here in the northeast corner too so those pipes are those all removed or we keeping yeah so those are Capp um okay so again we we thought it be a good idea in case we do have anent like that leave those in but they're capped also unless they are c will not be they're essentially not use all right and then one more question I just thought of so is the farmer going to farm underneath the panels yes he's what is he doing animals and I I believe I believe it's just going to be R crops that would be make it tonight contractor yeah okay yeah that's the intent on I believe they start some of the prary prep work some of the panels up up front um for it's going to be Ro CR type of stuff up there yes okay me anyone in the audience have questions okay I have a question actually this is just a procedural question I guess this is more of a question for down the line for other projects I'm just curious how the um the Solar projects where the gr crops underneath um I think that's a cool concept du use yeah I I think it's cool uh but one of my questions that I have about it is that in the future if those crops are used for commercial purposes if that if there ends up being another filing later on down the line would that become exempt for being a commercial agricultural pre-existing commercial agricultural operation well yeah I think this just thinking for like later if those become decommissioned over time someday they're going to be removed something like that this I'm just curious doesn't doesn't impact this I don't I don't think I'm just curious just in an academic sense I think it already was it would already was was pretty much exempt from yeah a lot of the farming but when you change the use to this obviously it's a different kind of thing and you can't if you if he had Wetlands crisscrossing this you couldn't put panels in the Wetland and you have to maintain 25 foot buffers correct yeah yeah yeah there um has part of the the solar program they're bound to keep it in agriculture with and meet C re some anual reporting of what's being planted and everything so it's part of the part of the process that they you know they applied for got to get this project approved got no I think it's neat I'm not against the concept in any any way I was just curious how the commercial agricultural exemption with those projects kind of plays out over the long term that was my only curiosity yeah now was there a pilot there's a pilot program with the town I believe they have a pilot is it a 20 year yeah yeah is you're going to grow butternut do you know as he has that's a that's a stuttle butt Jim the the rumor is he wants to go back growing Butternut well that can grow and find the sun oh yeah no no was a portion that it was still going to be but up because they have proper roow spacing and and the height of the panels allows enough sunlight to get well the rumors the rumors around town he wants to go back uh doing Butternut he was a Big Sur AET basket you know real big so yeah yeah that's okay uh do we have a motion to issue a certificate of compliance oh one more question did the erosion controls get removed sorry so they were removed where the land request them to remove the rest are still in place we want to make sure we so they will they will be now are you yeah I think we have to go through the storm water committee before all right so I'm not 100% I'll call Mr and see what he thinks yeah you're going to cut them though and just kind of let the mulch yes we'll let the mulch go and then all the remove from completely all right yeah sounds okay we'll call for a vote to issue a ceric of compliance is there a second second all in favor okay you didn't say I I want okay I'll tell I'll tell you why after it's okay yeah okay next on the agenda is Mr chairman the point of order for the minutes do we have one exension from that uh yeah okay no that's fine we're just reflecting the minutes theion all good uh next we have uh under enforcement we have proposed mitigation plan that has been revised for uh 2371 County street map 20 Lots oh we had one more under the certificates of compliance get a compliance you ski one uh did you add that in after I I don't have it on M it was on the posted agenda sorry Cedar Street that's that's one we that's the one we just we just did this one okay all right I wrote down aead okay it to us it to me okay thank you I don't know we'll be back up here again send it in the mail all right thanks by okay uh next we have a request for a certificate of compliance from Ceda street map 15 lot 40 uh that's well number 1A project location at Ceda Street uh SE file number 17-4 71 and they aren't here um but I did do a site visit with um Ernie from the water district he was supposed to be here he's not here um I would ra I don't I would rather wait until he comes next month you know would you like a motion to you look for motion to table yeah are you open to that Mr chairman thank you uh yes if that's going to be uh a good idea because it's not going to affect them okay motion to the table for C Street second all in favor to November 21st right 21st y okay okay next is the enforcement order for 23 71 uh County street map 20 lot 65 um have we received got uh plans so for 23 uh 71 County Street I believe that the last uh where we had left off Lisa uh sent an email with uh some added verbiage that she wants for notes onto the plans so we're going to add those notes the only thing that we would like to change is on uh believe the first few items she has a wetland scientist on there and we'll replace Wetland scientist with North County group as we've already been contracted to oversee all the work out there okay you said the first two items oh because the first two items I have is calculate the area no right after those toic construction sequence North County group it should be the one right after that as well yep and if uh everybody's CTI with that then we'll add those on the plans and then we we can uh get everything under way did you guys see the comments that I have September 4th I did look through them um I have go yeah just them into record So the plan looks good we just um few things to wrap it up calculate the area of disturbance and scy specifies the size of the rip W that might have been one of your um the restoration shall be completed within two years the plan so we have to figure out what the date of the final so the uh the date of the final plan will be uh on your November hearing when you can know put everything to bed okay 1121 great so it'll be within two years and so be by 26 26 okay um and then um we just added a not the sequence are work seen by North County group and then another note that says um North County group to report to the Conservation Commission with bu monly reports including photos and then the next bullet all waste products refug je grubbed stump SL excavate construction materials Etc should be contained and ultimately dep deposited at an improving landfill and shall not be incorporated in any man into the M should be placed in the Wetland resource areas and there should be no puming of water from the Wetland resource are and then the next bullet no fuel oil or other pollut shall be stored in any other resource in the buffer zone or in the buffer zone um any debris or duck material placed in the Wetland resource area shall be removed there shall be no underground storage of fuel or other hazardous materials on the property or the buffer zone no trash dumpsters will be allowed the area subject to protection under the mass Wetlands protection act that is a mass um D requirement too and then prior to any work on site The Proposal work should be clearly marked with Stakes of flags and shall be confirmed by the Conservation Commission such markers will be checked and replaced as necessary and shall be maintained until the construction is complete workers shall be informed that no use of machine Machinery or storage of Machinery or material stock piling construction activity is to occur Beyond this line at any time in any case of emergency problems or need to discuss the conditions with the Conservation Commission please contact during business hours at 774 872 0946 equipment for fuel and refueling operation should be located in upin area do you have an area outside the 100 foot to do that okay and then the bar burial of stumps and other types of construction Refuge waste materials is prohibited in the buone all stock PS of soils existing for more than one day shall be surrounded by ro entrenched silk Vents and shall be covered I assume you're going to ha of this stuff yes as soon as it comes up it's hold though so there's no stock pil there yeah uh we we will have a dumpster there for the um you know the lodger you know the trash and whatnot that comes out of there but the mat that's all out okay all exposed soil finished grade surfaces should be landscap and St stabilized Lo SE m withay m STW necessary shall be hel in place with outside of the seon exposed soil finish grade surface which shall be stabilized the layer stra M dry until climate conditions allow seaing during construction any area of exposed soils that will be left high for more than 30 days should be stabilized with um hay or other so obviously I'm at straw you know that no we're using [Applause] hayy temporary stabilization methods may include but not limited to Hydro Seating straw mats J netting saw or other Conservation Commission approved method erosion control devices should remain in place and properly functioning until all exposed soils have been stabilized with final vegetative cover and Conservation Commission or its agent has uh authorized a removal fertilizers utilized for Landscaping and Lawn Care shall be slow released slow low nitrogen types and shall not be used within 20 ft of the Wetland pesticides and overid shall not be used on the lawn within the buffer zone this condition shall include all certificates of compliances um any other work within 100t of the Wetland resour will require that a new notice of intent or RDA of uh shall be filed with conservation pretty straightforward yeah okay now are are we looking for approval of this plan tonight or we going to go to next month well we we haven't gotten the final one yet okay said we'll have it next month yeah so next month you'll have the plan to approve and move on with us so okay it was basically just to go through the notes and uh just make the a couple of minor edits on it so them right into the plan and then it's all you're going to be here next month I am right now so you're meeting when November 21st 21st yeah so I I I will be here cuz uh the next round is uh I get a and then yaka Washington and it's actually warmer most two spots init look right now yeah Mr has a question okay no I was just I was just asking the site has been cleaned up right somewhat you were going to you going to pre yeah he's he's actually uh started to remove some of the U uh nuances from the slope and he's actually started cutting in on the back side to get down to where he needs to go yeah so we we've been out there a few times with him and i' been telling them where to go and how to get there um Lisa would some kind of fencing boundary be should be considered after the fact so well there is on our plan there is a fence proposed at the top of the bank because just a a safety Factor um after you submit that plan to us I think it would be wise of us to take it in the field and look at it with you yeah that's fine we can uh go out there and I can show you what's going on great not a problem okay now it's uh okay all right so we will continue this until the 21st of November yeah can can you try to get it to me few days before the meeting instead yeah I'll I'll I'll uh I I should be able to get it to a week prior okay sounds good thank you all right all right thank you okay a motion to continue to um November 21st all in favor thank you okay uh zero P Street enforcement order 11 2822 um restoration plan being implemented now done [Laughter] done no but it really looks really good out yeah I've been I've been there and yes it does look good road get there yeah for sure I I me to of I [Music] didn't okay um Lisa what we want then what we need is is is a letter of restor a letter of restoration to John I think we want to let it go another right that looks real good yeah it does it does it's kind well it's it's wet that's I think next year we should have like be able to say okay all right yeah I saw this photos the last three photos it's coming along Jack I know if you can I went by there the other day I okay send that back to Lisa okay all right it's open yeah yeah uh so we can issue some uh some kind of letter ining restoration has been made after you know after this growing season well it's pretty much complete now but uh early next season we're going to see it just just explode with growth I told Lisa earli T I'm overse that one more time and right now I'm not able to do anything so it's a good thing so but there are three trees there that are dead going need to have to take down so just want to let you guys know ahead yeah and then the erosion controls next year you just leave them up over the winter ofion control anybody needs one that sometimes situations come up very good happy that everybody satisfied I'm satisfied great we're happy for you should we send future enforcement issues over to [Laughter] you don't get me involv that I got okay uh thank you very much all right um have a good night you uh 1420 William Street map 11 lot n uh the violation um Lisa you want to discuss that we don't actually have any updates on that and we haven't seen anything he's still waiting for his consultant on that one okay um nothing new do you want to skip over and take um that's hot Street yeah we can get you out of here so you don't have to charge him as much motion to take 880 that order is there a second all in favor okay 880 hot Street uh map 19 lot 20 I did look at the uh digital plan you emailed over Mr dusza you have a when you emailed at 3 3 a.m. in the morning you [Applause] thank you I was kind of impressed yeah I have have to say I haven't looked at it till now was this one taken from the space shuttle it was back in [Applause] 1995 so the uh package of the photographs that you have there um shows the first image that's a the clearest image that uh is available from 1995 but as you can see the house sits here and you can see the outline of the wooded area and the grass area and how large it basically was at that point if you flip over to the next page you can see the image from 2001 as the images are getting better you can clearly see the edge of the lawn area the house and uh uh what was usable at that time the next one is obviously from 2003 you know the the uh at the at that time the photographs are getting better and better but you can see the utilized area reason why I'm going through these photos is because when we get to the plan you'll see how much of a use area was actually reduced out there on the property um then there's the next image of from October of two uh 2004 and you can clearly see uh the grass in the uh the vegetated area and the current use the one from 2005 probably one of the cleaner images and and again everything is pretty much out well defined you can see everything uh pretty clear what's evident the one from 2007 even has it shows the house and you can see now the land juice is starting to uh shrink as uh my client is getting older you know uh he's not utilizing as much of the property as he once was but you can see the swimming pool there on the property you can see the laund area and then you can see that the the uh vegitation is down to overgrow because you're not utilizing as much as for the property from 2010 this is uh probably uh right right around I want to say after winter and the uh and everything's just starting to turn green but you can you can see the use area and you can see how it's getting smaller and you can see the uh the woods and everything I encroaching onto the property then you go to the next one from 2012 this is probably sometime around November because the leaves are all off on on the trees you can see the clear the definition of the grass the house and and the area from 2014 this appears to be about the middle of uh the year on there you can see the house the vegetation now is actually started to uh spread even more and the lawn area has gotten smaller so so you can see there was a reduction in use over over the years and from uh to what it is right now so if you go to your colored map so as you can see what the US area was back in 2001 and we outlined that around the house here and everything else so when we went out there we flagged up the waterlands and we the waterlands are the lighter green and they've actually encroached upon the area that used to be used that hasn't been used in a while and you can see it goes up near his shed around and then comes it back out and around we've also located the uh the wood chips the pile of the wood chips where they are for the most part they're outside of the 25t except for one small area they're about 20 ft away from the uh uh the watland area and then you can see we also located the edge of the grass it's not highlighted but you can see the edges of the lawn and how how it runs through this area and you can see that the lawn space has gotten a lot smaller than what it used to be so all in all if you look at it my client used to utilize a lot more of the property and because what he has been doing over the years and cut down on the use of the property the watland have Rec coached but at the same time his current use is still less than what it used to be the Wetland has increased some but he is still utilizing what he should be allowed to be utilizing say it again please he's utilizing what he should be allowed to be utilizing because his use has been trimmed from the previous where used to go way out until what it is right now how long of the cows on the property so he's had animals here and there I know I'm not sure we can ask him when the cow pen went up uh but he has had animals out here on the property uh throughout the years um I visited the site a few times and I I have to say I think that bvw especially in the vicinity of flags 14 um on to where it's not numbered anymore heading east oh the uh the the layup must have been off but it actually starts at one up near the road and goes all the way up to number 10 yeah so like 12 13 and 14 1 through 14 I'm the most concerned about because I don't think that BBW is 30 feet off the road I think it's closer than that um but um we obviously have to do some field check to this um so I like the colors yeah it helps definitely yeah but the uh I mean you can see from this to where you got the two shades of green and uh the uh from 2001 how much would used to be utiliz to what is actually being used right now you to show me on this theim I can see it where the heavy line is this heavy line right here somebody little I I know and I and most of that even according to his drawing is in the either the 25 no touch or the 50 Foot buffal that that was my question is like it just looks the way that this Cuts in relative to the house drive I'm looking at ay old picture now at this so we got the lot of wood chips up here too and through here he shows those but I think the see this yeah see then it swings up and around the old when we I guess one of my questions that I'm asking is if this is an existing yard area that has been in use that's my question this has if you look here it's it hasn't been this is the the cows are now right here so this has all been altered this has all been altered and I'm going and so that's so in the past 10 years that's been cleared and I don't know when it was cleared right so that's what I'm asking it's been cleared for right so this but that's beyond the is a fiveyear limit on on it's not but it's not commercial not a commercial that's what I was that's what I was going to use Comm not a commercial ex area in normal use it we can expand we can expand these photos to show more of that but a portion of this has been used in the you know but was used 100 years ago it's or 50 years or even 20 years ago it's it it's been discontinued so it reverts back to to it it it depends right so my question is how long has this area been in use for I guess my right now if this is right if this has been if this has been in continuous use for 15 years well you can see you can see it hasn't been it hasn't been and so that's probably been a year right there so was just not even all right so this is a relatively new spot for the and it's what is the expression residential Farm not commercial I mean keep keep anim so the pen is writing this area yeah so this is a 21 let me P up another photo that's let's go back so here's the area right here but but actually you've expanded itz use this my pen this area is more like this area but the cows are more in this whole area so this hairs to I don't know cuz they in the 25t no touch and they could have come to us and asked for permit we asked get it flaged two years ago they tried to put the cows in the in this area cleared it filled it with MCH this whole area and I said you need to get it flagged they got it flagged by someone else never presented it to us and now here we are we're finally seeing a had we reviewed the plan previously and discussed it it could have worked for them because I mean we probably would have allowed some of it but I I don't understand why it proceeded without filing of some and structure of um temporary structure thing and then the other thing we have this whole area here was filed for boats right there were boats there and then they were they were coming in with with more wood chips the grade the whole grade of that whole area was changed without a permit try to work with you guys so what is it that we're trying to accomplish is that we want to confirm the locations of the wetlands and then once we confirm we all mutually agree the locations of the wetlands try to propose an alternate sighting if there's one possible is that is that kind of what we're looking to accomplish yeah I mean uh obviously he wants to keep the uh the cow so if if we have to rearrange the shape of the cow out here then we will but ultimately you know he wants to keep utilizing what he's utilizing and I wanted to show to the commission that his use actually has been cut way down from what he used to be you know he's getting older it's getting tougher to M all the lawn like everybody else so as as he stopped using it obviously everything keeps up so I mean he's willing to work with the commission but at the same time he' like to keep what he currently has active and if we got to rearrange the cow pen somewhat then we the sh and uh hope everybody comes to consensus from there so the Whitman soils is but obviously Wood Bridge isn't too much better either but what it is and I just I would remind the commission as he had noted at previous meetings that he he was relying on the Wetland map and he you know he wasn't aware that he couldn't rely on that and that showed the wetlands hundreds of feet away yeah so he but we I did tell him verbally in person more than once but he was obviously working there long before you were involved or anyone was involved with this and he was um and he felt speaking with him somewhat Justified because he had been taxed as if this was a potential buildable lot in addition to his house um so that's something that this can help with I think once we get the delineation approved we can help you know bring it to the Assessor's attention that this is not buildable right and this should be taxed different right and at least to reduce the rate yeah cuz I'm sure it's not you yeah I I live along the muddy Cove Brook and I think my entire house is in the 25t no touch Zone 150 years ago it was built and the uh the Wetland Maps show Wetlands you know hundreds of feet from my house but yeah know I've had the I've had the muddy Co Brook in my house I'm sure you have more than once yeah so I think like um if anybody wants to that we'll kind of just look along the line we'll check some soils I don't know if I can get in there with the animals though that's the only thing uh well we our flags are around the pen I know ironically well it's only right through here then it kind of ve way off and then there's a scream but that scream is hundreds of feet away so you yeah that's pry far away but you're saying if I check the soils in this are it will be up soil it's yeah I mean we when and the flag is still up even though you can't see the numbers yeah all right yeah all yeah yeah so one is here and then it runs up up and around right so I guess my question to the other members would be are we in agreement that that's kind of what we're looking to accomplish tonight is to maybe set a date confirm the flags confirm the locations of the wetlands and then see if there's alternative sighting that we can propose or something like that we have thoughts or I don't I don't or if we keep it if we allow them to keep it there maybe like an option would be some mitigation where yeah do something another portion of the site to compensate for the present location of the cow yeah well let thato let's get the uh the Wetland approved the line approved and then we can uh maybe the pen would have to be reduced in size you know we we'll view that and uh he's got enough to gy you know if he can you know recoup some of it elsewhere you know what I me take it it over or back or do whatever give him some of his land back and get it reduced so it's not a buildable lot you know if if you let me know when you want to go out there I'll TR to get out there next week yeah if we could do it um if we could do later in the week that'll probably end up being better yeah this Friday we're not open that's right I'm not open Friday either but I'm still there yeah that's that's not rain right now there's no rain at all sight for the next 10 12 days I hope so it's just we've had enough we well actually it's getting dry again it is I know it is okay sounds good so if anybody wants to go out say what you know when it's going to be yeah just let us know what time I'll try to I'll try to be available okay can't oh they they're recording for cable what H they're recording for cable Mr fette these these don't uh amplify our voices I don't think I believe these are just picking up the cable for uh YouTube no this this does not go to you this goes to cable there's no speakers in here okay you want us to talk louder I can't hear you what we'll talk louder that would be great okay I don't have little kids anymore so I'm not used to talking really loud okay never heard anything he said well that's good he okay so do you want to look at this so we'll plan on uh do you want to look at this this is [Music] you want to see the plan that's why I'm here I wanted to see what my neighbor was doing if we're otherwise done with the hearing can we just give him a copy to review in the audience all right so right right now it's going to be uh site visit on Thursday of next week and you're going to let us know what time and that's located so that's basically day I I could probably make show what he used to use way out here but as he got old I'm trying to keep it creped up so now the W are here okay all right uh I don't know if you want to go and do that on the side I think we're all set with you now if you want to be able to build maybe the back table all right yeah oh yeah got a table right there b you can have it you want to keep it no I want okay on the back table bill you can spread it out there okay um next okay that's going to be thank you sorry yes 1033 Oak Street so we're going to continue this to next month yeah okay Mr Z motion to continue second all in favor thank you keep them in line okay uh 2470 Pleasant Street he's not here but um he was having a hard time getting a proposal from maybe I should justy tell to try some other a lot a lot of deal problem sites um okay so uh this is not something we we going to continue because it's it's not yeah as such okay update okay um 710 uh Center Street um M he never called me I'll see if I can find him again okay and that and that is um well the good news is he's not doing any more work and he's leaving it all alone so no he is yeah yeah okay it's not a big deal 1070 Smith Street um I asked them for an update since uh I met them and Zenith last um last month okay so and Zenith was providing them with a proposal so we're we're just you know waiting for them to sign the proposal basically what they told me was they're not in in a hurry to get it done because they're not doing anything this year I'm reminding them that this is violation try to deal with they're thinking of it as their overall landscape for their property all right so we'll we'll follow up next month the good news is there stop stop yeah they stop okay okay under other business um uh we have the meeting minutes from April 17th 2024 and September 19th 2024 uh these were uh uh the um April 17th was a joint meeting um do we have a motion to accept those minutes April 17th motion to accept minutes from April 177 20124 I'm sorry I didn't last okay well well let's finish off we got a we got a motion for April 17th is there a second second all in favor was there okay all right and SE in September meeting we'll we'll do those minutes uh next month yeah and and this is one one more thing I for put the line on this for your signature want sign it that's the one we appr so question in my mind whether or not we approved it yeah okay uh next we have the draft of the conservation uh bylaw changes uh we're going to have the reading of the individual uh changes that we have made we had a reading last uh month uh maybe we can go in some kind of sequence reading just the changes so that we can uh uh get those uh approved by the full commission uh I'm looking at U uh number one uh let's see two Juris jurisdiction under the jurisdiction uh we're going to add in and lands within 100 ft of any of the offers said resource areas River streams and Creeks where the perennial or intermittent and lands within 200 ft of any River stream or Creek under uh part three applications for permits and requests for determination a local fee of per the table below made payable to the town of dayon is required for all filings and addition to the local portion set forth by the D and it says see below section 16 the commission may wave the filing fee consultant fee and cost and expenses for per application or request for determination filed by a government agency and shall wave them for a request uh for determination filed by a person having no Financial connection with the property which is the subject of the request under the same section A different paragraph um it deals with who is uh um who is going to be collecting the fee it says R it's duly authorized agent that would be added in under coordination with other boards um it's uh it's going to be that that they are going to have to add in it's going to strike select board uh okay the the it says to the select board the select board would be eliminated and in its place select men and also added in an Highway superintendent to get um the information that work is being proposed under Section seven setbacks um we we're going to add in pot e runal pool should hold special protection and will have a mitigation Corridor of at least 100 feet to other Wetlands or natural environment from the mean annual high water mark that will be left in its natural and undisturbed State under section nine definitions this would be paragraph uh two will be added at the end of that paragraph it shall include in addition to scientific definition found in the regulation under the Wetland protection act any confined Basin or depression not occurring in existing Lawns Gardens landscaped areas or driveways which at least in most years hold water water for a minimum of two continuous months during the Spring and or summer contains at least 200 cubic feet of of water at some time during most years is free of adult predatory fish populations and provides essential breeding and rearing habitat functions for amphibian reptile or other veral pool Community species regardless of whether the site has been certified by the Massachusetts division of fisheries and wildlife the boundary of the resource area for a rental pool shall be 100 ft outward from the mean High annual high water line defining defining the depression but shall not include a lawn garden landscaped area or developed area in existence at the time of the effective date of this provision in this chapter um there's going to be a new section section uh 11 and it's going to be burden of going forward and burden of proof uh paragraph a at the end of the existing paragraph a which which is there burden of going forward the project proponent shall have the burden of going forward with credible evidence from the from a competent Source in support of all matters asserted pursuant to subsection B below uh B uh proof uh burden of proof I'm going to let you read that second number one perfect work the applicant shall have the burden of proving by pance of the credible evidence that any proposed work and its natural and consequential cumulative impacts and effect shall have no adverse impact upon any of the bylaw Wetland values and further shall contribute to the protection of the wet by bylaw Wetland values by complying with the general performance standards established for each bylaw resource area failure to meet the burden of proof shall be caused by the Conservation Commission to deny the application for a permit of work along with any work or activity proposed therein two determinations of applicability and resource delineation applicant shall have the burden of proving by preponderance of the credible evidence that the Conservation Commission does not have jurisdiction over the proposed activity work in a request for determination of applicability and that the boundaries of the resource area subject protection under the bylaw bylaw resource areas are accurate in a request for determination of resource delineation three determination of significance or non-significance the applicant requesting a determination of significance or applying for a permit for work shall have the burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that the bylaw resource area is not significant and does not play a role in to the protection of one or more bylaw Wetland Val values four waiver the commission may wave a performance standard set forth in these bylaw the person requesting a waiver of a performance standard shall have the burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that a there is no reasonable conditions or Alternatives that would allow the proposed activity to proceed in compliance with said bylaw B avoidance minimization or mitigation have been employed to the maximum extent practicable in the proposed work including all mitigation measures and the naturally consequential cumulative effects of the work will have no significant adverse impacts upon any of the bylaw Wetland values C the project provides benefits of demonstrable public interest and DED the project is otherwise in compliance with this bylaw five waiver for rare species habitat not withstanding above whether the project limit of work is within or but an estimated rare species habitat is designated on the most current map prepared by the Massachusetts natural heritage and endangered species program in HB the commission shall be diligent in its review of the proposed activity the commission may consider waving the rare species performance standard when the following conditions are met in addition to the requirements of the bylaw the for a waiver of a performance standard shall have the burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that a the Massachusetts natural heritage and IND danged species program nhp has been consulted and is issued a formal determination prior to filing a request with the commission and B the project has been designed in accordance with any formal determination of the nhp to address the standards of the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act and it's implementing regulations at 321 CMR 10.00 and C at least 14 days prior to the public hearing the applicant must prove the commission the nhp determination and accompanying comments the commission cannot close the hearing until the nhp has been consulted and has written submitted written comments okay section uh 15 exemptions or exceptions uh a the application and permit required by this chapter shall not be required for work performed for normal maintenance or Improvement of land and agricultural use as defined by the wetlands protection act regulation at 310 CMR 10.04 provided however nothing contained within the provision shall prohibit the commission from exercising its full enforcement powers under this chapter and the wetlands protection act should it determine the activity as not normal maintenance or Improvement of land and agricultural use B the permit and application required by this chapter shall not be required for maintaining repairing or replacing but not substant Al changing or enlarging an existing and uh lawfully located structure or facility used in the service of the public to provide electric gas water telephone Telegraph or other Comm telecommunication Services provided that the structure or facility is not substantially changed or enlarged um provided that written notice has been given to the commission prior to the commencement of work and and provided that the work conforms to Performance standards and Designs specifications and adopted by the commission C the permitt and application required by this chapter shall not apply to emergency projects necessary for the protection of the health or safety of the public provided that the work is to to be performed by or has been ordered to be performed by an agency of the Commonwealth or a political subdivision thereof provided that advanced notice oral or written has been given to the commission prior to the commencement of work or within 24 hours after commencement provided that the Conservation Commission or its agent certifies the work as an emergency project provided that the work is performed only for the time and place certified by the Conservation Commission for The Limited uh purposes necessary to aate the emergency and provided that within 21 days of commencement of any emergency project a permit application shall be filed with the commission for review as provided in this chapter upon failure to meet these and other requirements for the commission uh the commission may after notice and a public hearing revoke or modify emergency project approval and Order restoration and mitigation me measures D the exceptions provided in the Wetland protection act one and regulations 310 CMR 10.02 two shall apply under this chapter okay section 16 fees okay um abbreviated notice of area resource uh deliniation the fee is going to be $150 payable to the D conservation commission notice of intent which includes one site inspection $150 uh did we want to back up and include one side inspection for an anrad um I'm sorry I I abbreviated notice of resource area donination do we want to include one side inspection oh uh yes that would be uh appropriate chairman I'd like to propose a motion to amend the by proposal to include includes one site inspection under the anrad on the section 16 fees table all in favor okay additional site inspections $50 um amended order of conditions includes one site inspection $100 request to extend order of conditions $100 request for a certificate of compliance includes one site inspection $50 replacement of an original order of conditions $50 request to an extended order of conditions $50 after the fact filing $250 oh we have a duplicate request to extend order of conditions was already up above so let's cross one of them out motion to amend section 16 the bylaw proposal and strike the second appearance of request to extend in order conditions okay all right so yeah one's 50's 100 we'll keep the 100 okay okay we got to get rid of the uh there was a motion made to um strike the $50 one $50 one so uh all in favor we're request to extend okay okay okay then after the fact filing 250 and then can I back up to the very beginning did you read the new title um the uh new title for the Dion bylaws is regulations bylaws and policies no oh that's the that's the strike out one the new one is the one sorry conservation I should have made that red I'm sorry yeah um Dion Conservation Commission bylaw Y and I did present this at the last selectman meeting not the one this week but the one the week before that um I happened to be there for another bylaw proposal that I was doing anyway I had two War articles this year okay um so I happened to be there so I um I just presented a high level view we didn't um thankfully you were there yeah thankfully I didn't have to read the whole text at that meeting either uh so we just went uh over at a high level and just touched on um some of the things that we wanted to do from a from a high level perspective like uh increase the language for to assure our protection for vernal pools um amend the cross you know the cross board coordination with other boards um recognize that Lisa has been duly authorized to accept 53g proposals on the commission's behalf um and filing fees yeah and the filing fees yep exactly so I touch on all those one thing that was a request of the selectman is that when we email over to them our final draft for exactly how we'd like this to appear is to please either use bold underlined or a different font to show the Amendments just for the the clarification of the public that's what we have right here for for the red right but this is going to be printed out black and white for the uh oh I see I got you okay so they asked if we could either choose bold underline or a different font or what do you think underline on the line I think is probably easier yeah as long as you don't use Wing bangs would be fine okay now we we are all set to go if we vote on this now we are all set to go to town meeting with this well two couple more things um I will need to do two legal notices no oh I that's only for zoning by the way oh all right yes okay so so but one more thing that I didn't put in here that I wanted to get you your all your opinion on a lot of towns require and the wetlands protection act require Ires a PLS or a PE for plans plans we get right a stamp by one or the other that kind of eliminates the we're going to use a GPS and be 30 feet off kind of thing do you guys want to require it and where would you put it in here oops I don't think I'm there yet to be honest okay so we are if we vote on this tonight to approve the bylaw changes uh so long as it's printed up and given to the select when we are ready to put it on the warrant am I correct I think so yeah I just have to underline and yep okay provide it and attend the meeting the meeting is November 14th that's the special town meeting yep okay um and that's at what time I believe 700 p.m. at the high school okay okay okay is there a motion to accept the bylaw changes so moved is there a second uh Jack seconded it yeah all in favor all okay we're ready to go to uh all right Rock um wait a minute what do we have here um bills payable right yeah we have any D sign I think I I probably taken care of everything um what's this re what's beta oh we have beta invoice yeah where is it well you know uh as I look at the as I look at the numbers here you got project number and then it looks like 21,100 exactly that's exactly what it is she wants some coffee money Jim now I'm sorry where did it go do do you do you guys have it bet was requesting that we provide payment for a couple of calls calls we had with the engineer for Forest our beta peer review consultant for Forest CHS sorry I got to look for it hang on any it's can you guys double check that it's up whether it's up there or not um the invo yeah no I didn't take I got something here Forest tail invoice yeah there it is okay I got two of them here okay uh we are Forest this is all right we have um for $1,046 32 to beter you want to pay that I mean they did the work and $1,076 in 65 cents what work did let me ask the topic of this is this something we can discuss in Open Session payment of the invoice or what the results were if it has anything to do with something that could materially weaken the town's position or ongoing I think paying the invoice is not going to do anything um well was it work that the commission legitimately yeah de requested um let me back up the applicants um appealed our decision all this this should be executive session we should either schedule another meeting to discuss this uh I don't think so because it's pretty it's an open it was an open conversation where D just request that we tell them what we would want to improve on the project so we asked the engineer for input we I'm not giving you specifics you know do so so if this is work that the commission ordered then we should pay for it if it's not work that the commission ordered we called beta we needed to call beta okay so it sounds like so now we got two bills here from beta am I correct isn't it the same bill no no, 46 and the other one 1700 and I have a stack of bills in the office that I just got for oh you know that was a $30 33 Cent adjustment on this bill though oh okay so let's see looks like they adjusted it for mileage or something total wait is this the um the total for this task the task that's being currently built is the 135 10354 the total for the project is 1076 65 which is because there $412 worth of reversible looks like mile okay so is that does this the same here can I see it oh yeah this is the same here this is the same uh can I can I see the invoice real sorry no that's fine yeah so it's was $30 more than what we got here right you know what I'm going to question it Cu uh October 2nd it was 17665 and then looks like they adjust it we shouldn't be getting charged for oh Jonathan had mileage Oh okay that's old mileage they built I'm not question it yeah if we could get a breakdown of what's what though okay once we do CH well let's let's pay up to yeah the higher amount we'll we'll we'll uh well you're you're authorized to sign the bills so it really doesn't matter whether we vote for it or not okay do you want now Lisa what's that other one that says April 17th wait a minute no I got a pro what's it say project number two and there's all kinds of numbers there it's it's this one oh it's that one okay yeah project number 2 Beta project number 21 10 uh I mean sorry 189 I'm sorry I can't read numbers tonight 1,00 no no it's 10 10,089 I need more glass better glasses in the amount of 1 4632 so okay so it's the 1,000 okay um let's just uh well let's pay the amount without the mileage and if they question it I'll say well there shouldn't have been any mileage okay all right so we we're going to vote on it then and just uh yeah um $1,046 32 a motion to pay it so second second all in favor Lisa I got it signed over here all right um okay legal fee budget is um what we have 5,000 on that we have an update I don't I don't know what it is oh I I didn't bring it okay it's figure it out next y then what we can do is I can communicate with Lisa uh what the state of that budget is from the speci from the annual town meeting where they set aside a little bit of money for us um if it looks like we're going to need a year-end transfer then the advice that I got from our outgoing inter room Town Administrator was to let the fincom now because they do have a year end transfer budget so if we think that we're going to incur expens that go beyond that then um we can let them know to see if they're willing to uh you know absorb some of that and um otherwise we we have that conversation and see what we need to do okay um the last item on the agenda is to accept the resignation of our conservation uh agent oh uh Mr chairman we have closing up 53g accounts on there as well oh okay not agent no I said better not be I said assistant no you said ag ag I said oh no I didn't mean agent are you trying to say something deny vot no people trying to get rid what what 53 account are we uh closing out oh perfect I'm glad you asked I would like to propose a motion to direct the treasurer's office to close out the 53g account associated with 903 tront 624 Middle Street now the COC has been issued so move all all in favor I Mr chairman I'd like to propose a motion to um request that the conservation agent identify any projects that might have 53g accounts still open I can review them with you yeah I have one in mind right now all right all right you know what it would actually be better because we need to list them specifically when we send letters to my office uh we have to list them specifically so when I I present them to the town accountant to close them out um so if you happen to know them hand otherwise we can just work together in the the over the next month and then next month we can come up with a list of all the ones that are ready to be closed out I know one but I don't know the amount at the top of my head is that okay no that's fine all right so um the notice of intent we use perie services from W and Samson from Robert and Karen for zero map Road map9 9 a p file number 01 7- 0507 that one can be closed out and they actually asked for the money back to close okay I'd like to propose a motion to direct the treasurer's office to close out the 53g account Associated zero Maple Swamp Road under applicant last name noet so moved all in favor I okay thank you everybody thank you okay now we're going to go on to the resignation of the Conservation Commission a assistant uh motion to accept the resignation of the Conservation Commission assistant so all in favor all right um okay is what do we want to do about the position like do we want to look for someone else the joint position was we had talked about it uh how is sewer going to uh yeah there another a joint deal yeah it's a joint um it's a joint deal yeah well let us let us go for an assistant um um now I think the sewer department has more hours than than we have with the assistant 10 hours yeah I mean personally I I I don't really like the joint position idea long term I'd really like to disentangle that we we really don't want that um I don't think because we want somebody who's going to be the kind of applicant facing public facing face of the commission and if that face can only represent the commission for half the time or less I think that it creates confusion it's going to create friction to see commission okay so uh uh we would have to advertise then for a eight or 10h hour position is is someone even going to look at that something that we could could do is we could think about breaking it up where even if we don't utilize the full eight hours we could um advertise to the clerical Union to see if there's anybody in the CL Union would like to attend the meetings in order to do the minutes or even just watch the minute the meetings on YouTube and do the minutes um I'm on CPC as well as a representative of concom and we have somebody there who is our our clerk who comes just to take them minute they're not a member uh they just come they an hourly employee remember of the clerical Union pick up a couple extra hours to make a little extra money and they take care of uh take care of some of the housekeeping items for the committee be something for us to I mean one in particular is all those files we have to gather right now right and that's that's something that we could that could be as simple as just sending a letter to the select to request that we ask the clerical Union if there be anybody interested in picking up some extra duties okay can we is that a motion so move is there a second all in favor okay so it would be up to eight hours a week yep okay yeah at whatever at whatever rate I mean we've got a certain amount of money that we can pay it would have to be at that rate would it or would it be at their existing rate with the town that would be a question that we would want to ask the Union St for the CL Union probably be my guest however I believe it is going to be at the rate that we set because I do know that next week we are attending attending a CPC meeting normally they're held today however I believe we're going to be having one next week because we are revising the rate that we pay our clerk at that meeting and that me that clerk does happen to be a member of the clerical Union so my guess is that you border committee yeah that that's my bet is that we going to be setting the budget well if that person uh if if they if CPC on a different night um we could use that same person because we they can't do both now do they have a minimum uh yes so the cleric not only a minimum wage but a minimum all the hour amount of hours yes it uh it is 20 hours is the minimum to become an eligible member of the clerical Union and the minimum wage for a clerical Union which is a grade I want to say a grade four is 2208 per hour do you know what the previous one uh Lisa was was earning I don't know off the top of my had okay no fine she no she was also at 2208 even though she was not a member of the Union W was 10 so that that would work out then yeah we we priced her wage as if she was Union even though she wasn't that was just put it together okay so something like that would would work then okay yep it was 2154 until all right so we we need to write a letter um Jim you would need to write yeah I'll write it with you or yeah that that was selectman or to the clerical Union um I both I think be both I'd recommend that we ask the selectman's permission just to because it's like kind of technically considered internally reposting the position so rather than us do it I think it would but but are we voting to eliminate that joint position at the same time it's not really ours to eliminate I don't think because it's I mean I short answer is yes I think honestly yeah because if if Su asks me next week do we want to hire someone else I don't think we want to go that route no that was um know I have nothing but uh you know appreciation and commodation for the contribution that are that are outgoing assistant made uh the truth is an 8 Hour position though is really like it's it's a Band-Aid on a broken arm right the the commission needs we need a full-time office manager and no matter how above and beyond how committed how hardworking our office assistant is it's just the hours are insufficient to the task it doesn't exactly no fault on any individual um so I would say that we need to just the longer we keep trying to force eight hours to work I think we need to just accept that the long-term solution really is a it's an office manager yeah okay all right all right so we'll uh request to the selectman and then and we have um our new um Town manager yeah administrator he's starting on Monday okay uh is is Ralph poo hey you hey okay are we all set for tonight then I I think so unless there's any other items I mean we have um public input nobody's here correspondents um I don't have any with everything other than Mr Net's the net letter okay gave you he much appreciated all right is there a motion to adjourn so moov yeah second all in favor