##VIDEO ID:PKISvR_fB0M## so once again I don't recognize my own home because of this background here but whatever um so I have six o'clock so I'm going to go ahead and call the meeting to order this meeting is being recorded for playback on the town of dayon YouTube and on Channel 9 uh three of our members are joining by Zoom tonight Paul Reynolds Rafael and John Jette if you can all join me in the Pledge of Allegiance indivisible and jce for all um so um I kind of kept the agenda light I know there are a lot of different things we're working on but some of them aren't urgent so might as well just work on the things that you know are coming up here um the first one is discuss review act on the proposed home business bylaw presentation to the Titan planning board so um I did make that presentation um they didn't have too much feedback other than um couple like numbering things like the numbering was off kind of stuff like you know punctuation sort of stuff um they said they'd bring it back um for um public review in time to put put it on the June um town meeting um one of the things that we had kind of punted to them and I think they're just going to wait they want us to give the recommendation they're not going to weigh on it weigh in on it um but that is one of the items was to allow um Auto Repair um and knowing that that can be a little noisy um we kind of took the same guideline that is on the bylaws today for landscapers the landscapers today if they want to do it out of their home they can I think it says they have to have 11 acres or 15 Acres or something I don't know for landscap 10 yeah um and that way they can mitigate the noise hide debris heavy equipment doesn't have to be visible necessarily we all thought that was kind of excessive for um Auto Repair but we didn't really have a good suggestion of what would be appropriate so we just said to them you tell us what you think well they want us to tell them what we think so um so before I resubmitted to them um I wanted to see if we could come up with like what we think is a good guideline obviously you know you do want to have the loot be big enough that it does mitigate the noise people aren't seeing cars and junk and there's some guidelines there like you can't have more than two cars and you know this so this but still you know if you have a quarter acre lot you can shouldn't be doing it but you shouldn't have to have 10 acres either so you know what's a good number in between those two go ahead go ahead sorry yeah two okay okay I think weting oh I apologize I'm sorry about that um so what do people think about two acres do and again it would be a special permit so therefore the planning board would have to say like well yeah you're two you have two acres but it's in a long strip along the road so still going to be right next to your neighbors or you know they can look at the site and say like this is appropriate this is not appropriate yes you need to 2 acre threshold but this is a special permit so we have to think about noise and traffic and blah blah blah um so the planning board always has the authority to go in and say like you meet the threshold but the guideline is to mitigate noise to mitigate traffic and you know where you're located may or may not be suitable but you know 2 acres is you know what put which on suggesting so are the butss notified through planning board when that happen happens when they apply for it a special permit the are notified and that was a special permit so yeah I still say there's got to be a lot of U restrictions on it because you give a permit for a person to have two cars that are going to be repaired that day and a lot of people say well I have two cars of my own and sometimes they'll buy the third one and the fourth one and before you know it there's a lot of vehicles on the neighborhoods that's the biggest problem that you give people an inch they want to get take five and how do you how do you prevent that from happening is one of the issues BS in the waiting room the I'm just switching over devices to see if that solves the feedback issue okay um all right is this okay yeah I think it's okay yeah thanks Paul um so I I know but that's everything the planning board does they run up against that and the answer is always well the zoning enforcement officer is the Building Commissioner you know but I I honestly don't have a problem with anybody having a a business out of their their own home although there are already a lot of them doing that same thing without permits without anything and we're not doing anything about [Music] that it's really tough to force yeah I mean it it's it's no there's really no way to police that in a sense but then we they come before us and say that they want to do that do it legally and we put all the restrictions on it well but my buddy is doing it and he's not doing anything about it so I don't I I don't know I'm I'm I like the idea doing it and two acres sounds like a good number yeah okay so um I'll do that and the next time I re resubmit it to the planning board I'll amend it to say two acres is everybody okay with that yeah I think Acres makes plenty of sense okay all right okay good thank you um the next item is discuss R you act on the scheduling update to the board of Selectmen so we are going to be on their agenda for November 13 and Paul um B and I had all agreed to present so we just wanted to divide up or exactly lay out exactly what we want to cover and then if we can tonight or maybe if not tonight the three of us can do it offline but figure out who's going to talk about what just so it's all you know more organized um let me just go through what I had noted down for what I think we wanted to cover which is actually kind of a lot but I printed it out oh you print it out too okay um but one was just kind of a general overview and introduce the members and what each one of them contributes in terms of like skill sets and background um and that's in part because um you know John's going to be rotating off at the end of this year um we don't have at this point another Chamber of Commerce member um to step in but at the same time we've been talking about what kind of skills do we want on this committee that we might be lacking now and one of the ones we've been talking about was somebody who's more accustomed to um marketing you know maybe particularly you know in the business world getting out there getting notice going to events which events are good ones um all those kind of things I think we're just don't have members that have that background right now so um we're gonna like make an appeal for somebody who who does John I was just I was just thinking Dan um you know a lot of my colleagues at the chamber are folks that are represented uh by Banks and a lot of the banks almost like require their management to participate in community you know uh organizations so I was wondering if you might want to stop by like say mechanics or one of the other banks in town and see if they would have someone from their marketing uh Department maybe uh you know help us and there are members of the chamber most of the banks or almost all the banks yeah a number of them yeah so they would be able to do that without us having to ask the board because that was one of the things we might have to ask the board is to because they actually set up one member of the chamber one agricultural representative um so many at large members that's what of thing and without a chamber member we would have have to ask them to change our composition ask for them to vote on that okay um so people think that's a good idea maybe do one does anybody have an in with those anybody at those Banks before I just like walk in blind I happen to know the manager well at the BOS oh yeah absolutely I I I I can help in any way I can as well um you know it's the town does some business with some of the local banks and uh I'm I'm a be happy to uh to have a conversation during the course of my normal business because I'm in there all the time any anyway too so if we did kind of a two-prong thing I'm sure we could probably easily come up with somebody between you and Joe if you either want it together or separately he deposits all that money in there from the town so he's got a much better end than I do in a way it's your it's your in too it is your money yeah right he a la that would be grateful do you mind doing that and I don't know if you know we're not picking on one particular Bank just you know per John's suggestion you know that would be a good resource for us plus they'd be not only marketing if they could have somebody from their marketing department but just as a general resource you know for their participation on this would be kind of helpful you know so absolutely there's actually one individual um who has expressed interest to me in the past um who has kind of fallen off a little bit who I know who an employee of one of those Banks and um is also a town resident so I will I'll see if I can get in touch with her okay have a marketing background per se or um that I believe she's a regional manager for them now um so I will um I'll I'll have to pick her brain though to see what her specific background was okay you're talking about mechanics right no no I was talking about uh bay Coast okay all right um it's not a requirement that the person be a town resident John you know's a former Town resident but he's not at the moment so but I mean that's certainly fine yeah and if you need if you need anything from me Dan in terms of like working with Chris at the chamber to see if you know maybe facilitate any of that let me know okay thank you um so we this all came up because we're talking about what we want to cover with the Selectmen but um so introduce the members I would like just for perspective sayate and Paul you can tell me whether this is not something to town or anybody in the town really knows but just a best guess at um percentage that businesses in town contribute to the Levy right now between property tax personal property excise fees permits you know like some not an exact number but like just what is that number you know as a percentage today that is a good question so what I can do is tomorrow I can link up with the assessor and see because um the the accounting in the payment processing software that we use um obviously distinguishes between real estate and personal property but it doesn't distinguish between residential and uh commercial so however the assessors I know they use another system which does distinguish between the residential and Commercial um in their reporting so we should have the ability to generate a report of who is contributing what um so I I think that I should be able to get that information from the assessing office what about like fees excise permits and those are probably not the bulk of what you know pet businesses pay to the town but it's a part of it is that able to be pulled into that I can check that one might be a little trickier um for the reason being that the the excise the excise bills aren't you know home brw so to speak that we received those in an electronic file from the registry of motor vehicles which we then kind of pump out into a a format that matches our tax bills okay um so I will you know what I can do is I'm just going to make a note right now is I will call our software provider in the morning to see if there's anything because really the only thing I could think of offand and um this might give us a small drop in the bucket anyway is just just thinking creatively kind of outside of the box right now the tax uh software that we utilize has a couple of uh Wild Card characters and what I'm thinking is that normally we would search by a person's name or their garage address in order to see their bill but I'm wondering if maybe I could pull search for anything that comes up as like a wild card character which will a wild card character will will match anything basically so if you do wild card space it will show you basically everything I'm wondering if I could do like a wildcard space LLC or a wildcard space Inc and then get the information for any vehicle that's registered in the town that ends in LLC or incorporated or contains one of those I kind of feel like for excise that's going to be the closest that I can really get though for like what's What's um you know registered an individual versus a a commercial vehicle okay no I mean it's something and you know again I just wanted to like put it all this in perspective when we talk to them or just put information out there about how much business we have and you know maybe compared to other towns how low it is or how high it is but you know it just I think it helps um um so the I just add something because if if Paul's only looking for commercial businesses he's going to wipe me out and any other Farm because we're not really commercial we're Agriculture and the other like my so I my excise taxes are under my mind my husband's name it doesn't say D or anything like no and I have like 10 trucks so it's the best we can do I mean I I don't think excise is the bulk of what the town gets in money from businesses it's a piece of it so I would just say we do the best we can yeah 10 trucks is a lot though um oh hi yeah yeah um quick question um I think the economic development plan um that was done by sured also had a lot of good statistics in there about where dayon was compared to other towns I believe right in the region um you might be able to get some good statistics out of that I did I don't know their methodology okay and the numbers look a little high to me honestly so I'm not sure I could ask them what their methodology was and they may just have like some State program that they're taking the information off of so they may not even know but but I inquire from that too yeah okay um so in terms of splitting up what we wanted to talk about um between the three of us so one is like I said I just do a general interview with the members um the activities we've done over the past couple years including like we started with talking with Town residents via the survey and then the economic development plan to see what they want to do um we tried to establish relationships with Town businesses to shop local like um the business events through the chamber um the um what we want to do about business owner networking events locally like whether it be twice a year or once a year whatever we decide to do it's a future um the media spotlights that Paul's been doing the online business directory that's out there um we want to do welcome cards um we want to revitalize our Facebook page uh we want to add an events calendar out there to the Facebook page where people can post events um so this is just kind of like um you know step one which is what we've been working on which is just open up relationships with the town and with people and local businesses um step two which is establish Tian is more business friendly um so this is where you know we took the U proposal to the Assessors for personal property tax exemption which is now going to be on the special town meeting talking to the planning board about um expanding homebased business bylaws make it more friendly update to the DI and business guide um we can talk about things that other departments have done like the establishment of the um pack committee that um is now out there for a couple years but also the planning board and also concom are both taking steps to stream line the whole process around um engineering views which used to be very time consuming between the ask the approval the request the review and um and you the concom does have a proposed bylaw change correct Paul to try to kind of streamline that a bit yes one of the components of that is um it's still a work in progress but one of the components that we ran into was um we have delegated to the conservation agent the ability to accept peer review proposals and communicate them to the applicant on our behalf the reason for that is that let's say that you have a a meeting on on a Thursday and at that meeting we decide that we wanted to send something to peer review sometimes within just a day or two days we can get a um a scope and proposal back from the peer- review engineer and the applicant does want to move forward they want to they want to continue they want to cut us a check they want to get the work underway but the way that it was previously they would have to wait an entire month for us to convene again just to accept that proposal and then formally s state that we were going to to uh refer it to the applicant and then wait for them to give us a check and then open the account and then um you know perform the work where now one of the things that we've done is we're delegating to the agent the ability to accept those proposals on our behalf um so that now if you we have a meeting we decide that we want to send something to peerreview if we get the peerreview scope and proposal back the following Monday and the applicants amendable and wants to move forward then um there's no longer anything holding them back which can which is good because that can speed up somebody's application by you know up to a month and we're talking about uh you know somebody who's you know at risk of maybe missing a planting season or missing a you know chunk of a building season um know hopefully it's going to make things more efficient but yeah that that is those one of the changes that we're that we're moving forward with right and the planning board recently did the exact same thing so for the same reasons so you know we can just I know we're there to talk about an overview of the ddic but we can at the same time say you know and we're not the only ones you know pushing this effort forward you know these are examples of what other boards are doing and and that sort of thing the whole use of on permitting it at all which the town has had the software for five plus years and the only person using it was Jim AAR and he kept saying to everybody every other department you got to get on board you gotta get on board it's only recently that they started to do it but abely I was um I was one of the first departments to get built in and get integration with permit link U Jim had been advocate for it that we now do that we've completely replaced the um the paper the paper signoff form for um tax status applications whenever somebody wants to pull a building permit getting a sign off that their taxes are current is one of the first components of that now we've we've for the most part completely done away with the paper form for that now because he can just task Us in permit link and we can just log in approve it or decline it from right there and then we can even send out an email if we do have to decline something we can even push out an email directly to the applicant with a timestamp directly through the software that says you know please contact the collector's office because you have a delinquent such and such yeah so I mean we can note that you know what other groups are doing too just as part of this um that's a good example too um and then the third leg um which is more of our future which is like kind of marketing so we can talk about the trifold um we can talk about digital marketing which we have some stock Drone footage now that we have um we had done last year but haven't really utilized it but what's the best way to do that and um and also kind of selective out Leach to specific companies to engage them kind of what John did with Gotham green and um so you know those are kind of like the three areas we want to cover so I don't know if Paul and Laura you want to think about like what pieces you'd like to talk about if any or maybe we can just do this as a email conversation between the three of us and divide this up so that you know one person's not loing for 10 minutes the other's talking for 30 seconds and we can just kind of figure out how to split it all up that works for me okay all right all right so I'll put all this in an email between the three of us we can just divide it up and then November 13th is that um meeting and then the thing we have to remember that that we want to ask to the board and maybe we can figure out before then if we're going to get a chamber representative or not like through the bank but if not we don't want to ask for a name change I don't like our name um and I think everybody wants Titan economic development committee is that correct is that what we agreed on yeah I like that yeah okay um all right so good so I'll send that email out um and we can figure out who's going to cover the material is there anything that I kind of miss missed from that overview about what we want to bring the selectman up to board on um I'm not sure if I mentioned the thank you notes that we're going to start doing we can um but they're still in a draft form but we can just like mention it to them that we're going to start doing that and I can I have the numbers for how many new businesses have started in the past year and it's kind of surprisingly it's like 20 all homebased but you know still you wouldn't think there was 20 new businesses is in town but you know now Dan this might be a little too uh too nent to mention to the selectman just yet but what are your thoughts on doing a teaser for them of the um the potential you know agricultural lease that we've been discussing oh actually I did mean to include that and I just forgot to mention it I hadn't written it down in my list yet but yeah I think we definitely want to to do that we may not have much by then um but just to talk about like what you were able to identify that we're going to look at the sites and yeah definitely cool awesome okay thank anything else on that that anyone wants to bring up no okay um the last thing which we get to spend more time on is um I had sent out Paul put together a list of 30 Town sites that at least on paper have the potential to be um leased for agricultural use and I think there's I don't know is it one of these 30 that is currently being leased to Aros or that's yet something that's not something that's even on the list because I know Rous Show's leases one parcel right now from the town correct yes that's correct I believe that I left that off of this list and I'm just gonna little diagram that you are kind enough to provide I happen to live very close to that uh parcel that he leases so I'll be able to tell you very quickly if that's on the list and there is milk Street there's coun nope it is not okay all right so the other are 30 Parcels that on paper both thought look like good candidates um I did email it out to everybody and I printed it to everyone here I also sent Paul and John and rafhael copy of um a map I just marked out on the map like items 1 through 30 corresponding to how they appear on the Excel so you can see visually where these things are located in town um and Paul I don't know if you want to just give us an idea like how to read your Excel and different color Cod what your criteria was or whatever so absolutely so I've got my copy right in front of me um so what we did was we identified by they're sorted by parcel ID so that that string of numbers refers to the assessors uh map and lot so those are uh if you were to use like the gis map then that would be the parcel ID that you'd be able to to type in that you could zoom right in on it so those are just the identifiers for mapping lot so that we could locate the parcels um the addresses um anything that doesn't have a house on it is is number zero so these are just all vacant land so they're all zero such and such street um we sorted them by lot size and acres and then for Frontage yes or no so what I did on this you'll see either you know because really is I was just concerned with if any of these were candidates for agriculture is it possible to get you know access them from the street so this is just showing whether or not the street access and then you'll see that for the most part I didn't bother listing anything that had absolutely no access whatsoever with the ends you'll see that the ends all have asteris next to them and the reason for that is that all of these Parcels are either accessible from the street or they're not but another town-owned parcel that is okay so in the note section fronted yes know the nose all have asteris but then say like just as an example the first one on the spreadsheet that I see is zero wheeler you know map out one lot 11 um where it's n but then if you go over where it says extensive Wetlands access to Road through Lot 12 wheeler which is the one above it which where you see Frontage yes and I didn't get as granular as clicking on each one and saying how many feet of Frontage but the ma the mapping software actually does get that specific so as we narrow it down I actually can get you that information and um so that is designed to show us whether or not there's Road access and if there isn't then where it's from um the lot size is just a lot size in acres that can be a little bit misleading for the reason being that several of those are adjacent and so they might actually be um considerably more like as an example um you'll see a big block of Tremont Street Parcels toward the top of the list and there's a 1.68 acre lot however just directly beneath it there's a 2.75 acre lot and those are both um those are both adjacent so that's really more like you know almost four four and a quarter four and a thir right there right yeah and then oh I'm sorry it's actually also oh no I did that in the notes yeah there we go so it's actually also the the lot above that that 2.9 acre is also adjacent so over in the additional notes says 7.33 Acres total adjacent lots and now as a member of the Conservation Commission I do have to tell you that the GIS maps are not accurate so pretty please do not build a shed based on the GIS maps but uh that said they are at least a handy you know kind of General barometer to assess you know what may or may not be even worth looking at um usually the GIS maps very old outdated um you know I I live on a very very wet parcel I occasionally have the uh muddy Cove Brook in my basement and uh on the GIS maps it looks like it looks like I am 100 feet out of the Wetland so don't go by those but they're just a general good stepping off point so on there there I I listed whether or not there Wetlands present and then for some reason I um I forwarded this spreadsheet to my other device and for some reason I lost the uh the green highlights so I don't see the the highlighted green ones on my own copy right here but I will for my office computer um the ones that I highlighted were the ones that I felt were the best candidates judged on the criteria that they had reliable Frontage or access to Frontage and they had the least Wetlands uh moreover their access points if they did need to be accessed through another parcel that their access parcel had lesser limited Wetlands so that was really kind of what I was trying to judge by was Road access and and and wetlands I I can't any warrantees about the suitability for farming but uh just those at least appear that you can get to him is very uh the very first box to check so to speak good thank you this I know this is a lot of work so I appreciate it thank you no mapping them all on the uh on the map is I'm sure was a lot of work as well and it was it was very handy because as I was looking at this list I was really doing a lot of back and forth to like remind myself which Parcels were where so thank you very much for putting those together with the pinpoints that's very helpful um oh I don't know um I don't know actually um anything about the current lease that the town does with the one lot um what its history is how it got started so forth um but that's kind of an aside I mean it's a good template for the town if they do this elsewhere but in terms of I guess the next question is which of these if any are actually suitable to be brought forward and then you know if the town wants to do it how they would go about advertising it what they make available those are all things down the road if but you know Barbara and and Laura I guess we'd be looking to you to figure out how how do we proceed to determine or maybe you just know by knowing the town what's good what's bad you know in terms of if any of these are well are worth worth looking at I thought I responded to you way back when when you yeah like you yeah we almost have to look at it because what is it is it and you said You' want to look at it in winter right when the yeah when the covers gone so it's a better yeah um and I'll already volunteer to drive everybody around if you want oh cool you did make that CER right Paul oh yeah there we go um yeah and then you we'd want to see do soil test to see is it going to be like what no Farmers what the composition is how many rocks are there well I'm sure there's lots of rocks because I yes I the best rock Farmer they grow every year don't they um you know John evangelos on Middle Street has really nice back there God bless you um I'm not sure I could check on them if they'd like to lease it out in the back you have to go through that driveway but there's a good good 25 and it has water for Iration you're talking about you're talking about private owner not right okay yeah so that's all the other things and like you you attended the meeting that cmap did with land for good and if the town is going to rent or lease these you'd have to put like what are the benefits like is there water available all that stuff but first I guess look at it and then do soil analysis what is the cost for like let's say you look at it how you judge it it looks promising what's the cost of the town to proceed with like okay let's figure out if it's really worth it and do soil analysis and Etc I don't think soil analysis is not that bad yeah I don't think you have to I I think if you had nrcs n yes natural resources conservation service is part of USDA they have a lot of stuff already okay so we could check with them on these logs John yeah I um I do a soil analysis every other year or so I send it to UMass and it costs like $20 or something right to do a a soil analysis you know certainly for a residential so I don't know what they would charge town or whatever but would that be an option good um I go po go ahead po yeah I I like that idea we'll definitely have to do some due diligence and uh yeah 20 $20 due diligence is one of my favorite kinds now all these Pils owned by the town right now that's how Paul identified and these are Town lots that could the town or if they're suitable for leasing could the town lease them out to somebody who wants to farm them you you're bringing up a different point which is still good which is there privates owners out there it's backland that's the only thing I'm thinking with them it's backland is really no way to get into it to develop it at this point and they may they may go for it so that would probably nice land really nice land but that in that instance the private owner would that be more the kind of thing which we would Point towards cmap to say you know like if they're interested get in touch with seap because cat is in the business of helping people identify stuff like that you know our Avenue is a little bit different because we're kind of representing the town and maybe we would then the town might work through cmap if that you know any these are doable but in that case that probably would be the best Avenue yeah this problem with deer there but that's about it everywhere but it's really it's so quiet back there um but the quality of the land is very very good very good so what's the next step with this Laura and I can go driving around well we've got a chauffeur oh there you go there you go Paul you're going to regret having said that but you're going to rent a lousine no we need a four-wheel I'm G to take a hay wagon yeah Hay Wagon yeah there you go end up being a cramp little Chevy hatchback EV sorry in advance oh God okay I'll take the Tahoe I've got a to minan I got a Toyota minivan that's all yours too if you want oh God we'll be calling Tommy ferry to come pull us out um so do you w to we haven't talked about about um next meetings because we're hitting the holidays but is this the kind of thing that the two of you would want to look at and then maybe come January February you start talking about you how many of these you had a chance to look at right any of them look yeah we should do a soil test here Laura said she's gonna be bored next month so oh I have one other fun um contribution to this as well is that at two meetings ago the um I forget if it was through the Department of Agriculture or who is from it was either state or federal agency but the Conservation Commission just accepted a new federal program called the uh Farmland of local significance program which what that does it allows the Conservation Commission to designate certain Parcels of Farmland as Farmland of local significance the good thing about this is that it doesn't um there's no deed restrictions it doesn't you know invite government into you know mess with anybody's practices or anything it doesn't impose limitations on anything but what it does is it allows uh localities to designate certain Farmland as being locally significant because the FED recognizes that um that sometimes Parcels are significant to a local economy but the specific soil type or whatever they produce um doesn't fall in one of the federally protected buckets so what this does it basically um in a way allows local towns to kind of like deputize their Farmland so to speak as uh being of a category that is eligible for federal grants so if there does end up being improvements or clearing or you know some kind of remediation or something that would need to be done to this land that is a potentially good candidate to get it up to muster for an Agricultural lease that could be brought to the Conservation Commission to declare that as Farmland of local significance and if they did it would open it up for um for potential grants under I believe it's the Department of Agriculture oh that' be great actually um cmap had a seminar last week that um I was on and Laura obviously was there somebody texted me about that and they said here's a list of all the I said I had asked in the seminar what can towns do to help promote Agriculture and somebody said you should do exactly that but you just said Paul and they sent me this list but I saw Dion's name on it because and it with an acceptance date of like September something so that's what it was it was concom just accepting it and it was already updated on their list that oh that's cool that they updated it that fast yeah know we just did it I think two meetings ago yeah exactly what you said yeah we just did it recently yeah okay good I can talk with Lisa because I'm talk to Lisa every day on different things um conservation ask her to look it up and work with her okay that'd be great yeah and then we've done a couple of things between conservation and Board of Health uh with land and farmers and cows and um I'm learning a lot of things and the other thing is and I know we're were talking like soil samples kind of stuff and this is something that got either you said or it got brought up on that CAC meeting which is not all land is good for everything but it may be horrible to grow vegetables on but it might be great for animals so you know you just have to keep that in mind it's like you can't just like write it off it's like you know maybe this is good agricultural land but for a very specific Niche you know so or hay or hay yes exactly so you know there there are different fields that work best Paul has any of these land pieces here been on the uh auction there was one yes there was one that we decided against at the last minute let me see if I can off the top of my head remember which one it was I want to say it was let's see I'm just G to pull up my spreadsheet one I think it was 13 point something Acres let's see there was oh purch Street there it was map 14 uh map um 14-7 D2 I'm almost positive it was this one um zero Purchase Street it was the 15 acre parcel and the reason that we pulled it was because at the last minute I'd been uh in talks with the Building Commissioner and uh um we were a little bit leer that based on the Frontage it had kind of weird funky small access uh on Purchase Street right along the reoboth line and we were a little bit leery that it would be a little too close to um checking all the boxes for conservation subdivision so before we auctioned that we just we really wanted to understand a little more about the parcel and um know what the full use and implication of it was and we wanted to play with the idea of if it could be a um whether or not that was going to be something that we wanted to sell or we wanted to retain and uh I know I think at the time the town just had a little bit of concern about uh opening a Pandora's Box if they were to sell it to to somebody that you know wanted to put a lot of houses back there so we decided at the last minute to pull that one but that was the only one that was under consideration during our last auction which was 2023 do you know anything about the piece that's um leased to uh the Aros do you know what I know very little I do know that that's been um something that the commission is meant to renew is because the lease I believe actually expired and it's just going on like a month-to-month basis right now um with we've had some turnover in the conservation office U we just lost our Administrative Assistant but um I've been meaning to request a copy of that lease that's something else that I'll ask Lisa about this week I'll see if I can get a copy of the lease that way I can send it to the commission it's something that we could review at a uh at a future meeting is there a reason it's month to month as oppos just because it expired it normally would be like a year or two year however long lease I just know it just happened to have expired and it was one of those things that um know the commission kind of put on the back burner to to renew it I think it's just kind of just just going on a month-to-month basis right now but as far as I know I haven't heard um any you know wishes from the Aros to terminate that lease so I don't have any reason to believe that they won't want to renew it but um I think it's just just a matter of we just have to you know dot the eyes and cross the teas on it again why is it that conservation is the person or group in charge of their land oh so that that is conservation land yeah that yeah is is conservation commissions are one of the municipal agencies that's actually capable of owning the land so normally town-owned land is titled in the name of town of dayon but for the Conservation Commission certain um certain things that are held with conservation restrictions can actually be deeded into the name of the Conservation Commission which is uh sometimes sometimes something folks do with like um you know the states and things like that sometimes they'll choose to leave it to the commission so the commission doesn't own a ton of land not nearly as much as the town but we've got a few a handful of parcels here and there thanks thank you any other questions regarding this otherwise we can like I bring it up back in early next year like January [Applause] February um check some of these out we may have to get our snowshoes out I hope not my mud boovs I got my Clow going so you're all set thank you I appreciate that there you go lik no tape my kids bad Mitten rackets to my feet and walk around in those um no announcements uh no correspondence um any public input or did you have any did you so Dan and I did the webinar which was called unlocking your land's potential partnering with farmers and leasing farmland and I it I what did what did you think I mean it was primar it's just I what I got from it is cmap and land for good are there to help you as a a town or a land owner in um leasing your Farmland yeah they'll help put interested farmers in touch with interested land owners um and you know workout arrange not workout not seap workout the rangs but put the two parties together and there were a couple people on the call who were just land owners they just leased there a couple people in the part who were farmers who leased and there a couple people who were just interested in becoming Farmers um but didn't have any property I don't think at the moment um so it was interesting you know to hear each person's perspective one woman said I leas I don't even charge anything I just want the land to be used for something good I just want a tenant period and I'm not even gonna ask you for money I have my my cousin really he's got 15 acres and he just he likes having the 61a tax break and oh okay that's it they need that yeah so he doesn't pay much in real estate taxes and you let us use it yeah and the other thing um and this why I asked about the month-to month is it's an investment to do farming like a longterm investment you know a month to month or even a year to year oh yes not a very long lease in the farmers's eye they want they want a long lease it takes years to build it up yeah most farmers will not go if they have to do land clearing and things like that it makes no sense at all for them to take it for a year or even five years right and a couple weeks ago a farmer I know is leasing land in Rehobeth he built a greenhouse and he had to he's not GNA lease the land anymore I don't know why and he had to move the greenhouse to Land's leasing in Lakeville and that was a pain yeah yeah it is a pain why does why does the town want to keep this land well pa Paul's on the land use committee I think Paul maybe you can speak to that just as a land use member oh sure on uh on why the town would want to keep a particular piece of land yes um well there's a a few a few reasons and a few non reasons so one is that sometimes the town doesn't want to keep the land and it's just a matter of other people aren't willing to buy it um but the other the the big reason I would say is the most common reason nine out of 10 times is uh towns are concerned about housing development right I I think that that's that's probably the the big one is that um you know the towns are reluctant to sell a large piece of land only to find that you know a couple of years later now there's there's a subdivision there that's got you know 10 or 15 or 20 houses um I think a lot of towns are looking to to curtail development frankly to a certain degree um you especially in dayon where one of our biggest fiscal limitations is skyrocketing educational assessments um the cost to educate child in the town of dayon is very high and um with residential development when you're putting kids in schools the property taxes that you take in from from residential property are dramatically eclipsed by the the corresponding educational assessment that you're going to incur with that so um my guess is that slowing down Housing Development is probably one of the reasons that towns want to retain these Parcels um there's also other reasons right like future municipal use right is these is um towns know that eventually they might need a new you know look just look in the case of dayon right we're discussing a new elementary school right now we're discussing a new fire station um so I do think that that municipal use is one of the reasons I can tell you that um tax foreclosures are about to change dramatically ly in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts because as of November 1st um tax possession law and procedure is going to change dramatically where now once a town comes to possess a property so the law of the land in massachusett still today technically I guess for another couple days is that if a town is to auction off a tax foreclosure possession they are entitled to the full proceeds of that sale the the former owner gets nothing uh are not entitled to any excess Equity above and beyond what they owed at the time that they were foreclosed as of November 1st that's no longer the case um truly it's no longer the case now because the Supreme Court Struck it down but Mass codified it in a law that takes effect November 1 and so um in Massachusetts now once we come to foreclose on a tax possession property we need to decide within I believe it's literally 14 days days from when you finally get the decree uh the decree of foreclosure judgment you have I believe it's literally 14 days to decide whether or not you're going to sell that parcel or you're going to keep it for municipal use if you decide to sell it then you're only allowed to keep what was outstanding at the time of foreclosure plus any related expenses you know uh court costs auction year stuff like that and um or if you're going to retain it for municipal use now you're required to get it appraised and then pay the former owner what the property is worth above and beyond what they owe so now it's really it's like even if you take all the time and expense to foreclose it in a way it's really like you're buying it from the former owner um so I can tell you that all of that's about to change pretty dramatically but you know why a town would want to retain a parcel is you know honestly my guess nine out of 10 times when a town chooses not to sell a parcel it's um it's either for planned or potential future municipal use or it's to um to restrain development is that only for municipalities or is it a law that's going to go through for banks and and all this law specifically deals with municipalities this was a was called the Tyler decision which was a sup uh New York Supreme Court case decision that was uh um eventually upheld in Massachusetts as well and so now um now tax possessions have been deemed um that they can no longer keep the excess Equity you know Equity theft is what is what it's called the pop terms Equity theft so Equity theft has been banned by the Massachusetts Supreme Court and whether the legislature passed the law and the governor signed it or not that was going to become the law of the land or it became the law of the land the minute the Supreme Court made that decision however Massachusetts is now um codified that and then also kind of beefed it up and the beefed up Provisions include you know rapidly making a decision about whether or not you're G to keep it um you know performing the appraisal buying out the former owner those were all new things that go into effect 111 but those are all specifically geared towards municipalities and how they handle tax possession forclosures oh and I think it's dness they are doing something where they are selling land Farmers but there is like a restriction where the farmer can never always has to have it Farmland they buy it with an agriculture restriction built in as part it's not the state one that we talking to what they do with reads and divines they're just selling their the right to build on but that the Reeds and divines that's that was for the state where they received money yes for that yeah but what I think I heard in happen in darkness like the farmer can buy the land but never can never build so they're buying it at a reduced price yes and the're prices because the value has been reduced because of that restriction but they're nonetheless they're just buying it with that restriction built in so okay but you're saying in this case maybe some of this town land could be sold yes with an Agri restriction built in so why is the town hanging on to it and I those would all probably be questions eventually back to the land juice committee which is which calls a member of anyway but yeah and when they do sell they auction it off so I'm sure here has there's some restrictions Paul whether since the town's required to auction off to get the highest price could it auction off something with an agriculture restriction built in which decreases value yes 100% um so I actually had a direct conversation about this specifically with Dave Capa of Capa and Capa out of Marblehead which is who I use for all of our um tax possession cases um when I go to the mass collector treasur association annual school and take the tax title and foreclosure uh courses he literally teaches the class so he's just there somebody I feel very confident and comfortable with going through and I have had this specific conversation and yes if we do want to auction something with a deed restriction baked in that is something that we have the right to do and from my conversations with him they are um they are fairly binding know obviously they you know the purcher would have the right to challenge it later of course you can't change that but um cmap's holding another um educational event this week at Bristol agie uh writing and negotiating successful Farmland leases and I am going to attend it when is that Laura I know I saw it but I I forgot to jot it down Wednesday W Wednesday Wednesday this next Wednesday Laura I'm sorry what was that is that next Wednesday or this Wednesday this Wednesday what time H 5:30 to 7 thank you you're welcome actually would it be possible to send that out as an email to the commission because I'd like I'd like to attend too if it's possible sure thank you I would like to note that um with my ver verman problem in North dayon I've been cruising the streets a lot up there and um people were pointing the finger at Boston sash as to be the problem of and it's not at all um but I did have a chance to go through the company looking for the owner one day to us see where he put the the rat traps and um I was so impressed by it they've upgraded it so much yeah I've been inside there too oh it's amazing have you've been in the new part where the um the offices are in the front yeah that amazed me how they've done such a great job there and just if you go in and you see them working on something these enormous like 10 12 foot high window arches that are going to go someplace and thing and you know they're just gorgeous and they're all being constructed in there so they've done job and I just noticed that to the South they've just cleaned out that parking LW I don't know what they're doing with that and to the West that pel of land is for sale now so things are changing up in that area but I was really really impressed what he's done with Boston sash a really positive move for dayon any other public input kind of talked about um mza Mendoza but I mean I don't know what we can possibly do because yeah is it APR I don't I did not see that on this it does say it yeah actually I mean Laura and I just changing emails and I just in this conversation about farming and I mentioned that Mendoza Farm has been listed out there now for I think over a year they haven't budged on the price the price has not been knocked down at all so they're still asking you know what some people thought was a you know I'm not sure what the number is good or bad but uh it's 13 acres in the listing at least it does say and it's and I think what did I write down I it says specifically Zone use allowed for single family home and agriculture so it zoned that way now I can only that doesn't mean APR it may not yeah I assume it there was an APR on it maybe not but it's probably 61a which can come out of 61a yeah but I don't know but I just assume that an a maybe not then but we were just talking about ways and you said you had investigated it for your own potential personal use and it just wasn't you know I don't have that kind of money and there there's so much that needs to be done to it like the green houses are not good the house needs a lot of work and is that the property on Elm Street and I don't I would think I mean it's I think it's on the river Wetlands so that's it's wet yes it is I know I have deer so I know they're gonna have deer actually a deer just got hit on went 38 Crossing through there a week ago let's not have that conversation again um drop it off H drop it off to me I'll take care of it oh it's yeah I I it wasn't a pretty sight I I just happened to be getting gas and it was right so the next item I have is approval meeting minutes I don't have September put together and we did not have a form last time approve the August meeting minute foret them if everybody's had a chance to read them I will accept a motion to approve the August 26 meeting minutes some I have a second all right all in favor I I post thank you the next meeting date um so we're starting to hit the holidays so the if we stick with the fourth Monday of the month for November that would bring us up to November 25th which is right before Thanksgiving the fourth meeting Monday of December is December 23rd right before Christmas um just because we do have a lot of things going on I would like to meet at least once more before the end of the year I don't know if people are comfortable meeting that Monday before Thanksgiving or is that's a bad time for people Monday all right and then we can skip December all right so we'll we'll stick with um Monday November 25th as our our next meeting date um and do I have a motion for adjournment have a second second second all in favor thank you good night thank you all all right thank you bye