##VIDEO ID:-1PaCa-yb8w## okay good evening it's 611 61 this is a dayon historical um commission meeting at Oldtown Hall um the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law um 's stand I'll call the meeting to order and Pat gails chair I Aly member Zachary Ken member Sher Costa member okay um Raph is not here tonight he's the secretary does someone want to take minutes Irene's in his seat so nobody tell you to sit there oh right the back of something I can solve that oh I can't take this bring a pencil I can solve that too thank you Irene your P says Morse do you want to say remorse because this what you're feeling right now H let's stand for the pledge please [Laughter] I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay so um we got the minutes from Rafa does anyone have any amendments or changes no all right I'll I'll entertain a motion to accept the minutes as submitted is there a second second all in favor I okay done um our budget um our balance as of October 31st is $1,286 3 your conference cost hasn't processed through yet but it will be on November's okay um and there's no changes in our segregant at Schoolhouse um gift account or donation account and that's it for the budget right now um unfinished business Zach preserving memories of dayon yep I mean I just got cam so I'm G give them so sorry I totally blanked that right out I talked to him before we left for a vacation to cam got it all and yep yep yep went home and that was it yes my my my email said my email wasn't hacked but I think I just got one two many things and it slow slow I obviously you can just search for things but it gives me the point that I'm like maybe I threw it out by accident as I was clearing away messages no it never was there didn't get so um I mean I'm hoping obviously we'll get to this farther down in the agenda but still hopefully able to work with Dave to yeah did talk with Dave um yesterday and absolutely just reach out to him so what is C name vur yep so that we can get that going I know you gave me his mom and his number but I'll probably talk to his mom first right right that would be appropriate I think so okay so that's slowly coming together and um if you're comfortable can start reaching out to some of the other people um did you end up I know like we kind of you mentioned some people from the last meeting but because anybody else cross your mind no I me I meant like more recently not those we talk about in the past but yeah no I'll send you um we'll just compare a list and see what to get started okay and because like you probably have more contact information too okay so we'll work on that the walking tour the pamphlet um I got your message about um the the blur that the exact blur that we didn't need but condensing it to the wording that time I made sure to use um so any pictures that you were didn't know if Mna happened to have would they be something that would be in her possession on her computer or in the historical society that maybe I can go and and look through we're looking for pictures for um the customs house and right because we have black and white images but if you look it's like well I think that might be from the 70s or 80s so or even like even like postcard type drawings of them they don't have to be exactly photographs per se they don't exist but was the Custom Sales I think there's an older one I saw today um in the yacht club too I know we kind of pretty much exhausted that one but you never know the yach club I asked them if they had any and I know the Historical Society doesn't if they don't and the yacht club doesn't then I doubt anyone does right they what they sent was basically what they had when we first asked um right and the other one is if anything the aerial shots from The Illustrated map the bird eye Maps those are the clest we're gonna get and even those I don't even know if they even caught any detail but no but no and the Darius Perry house that's the same thing correct you know um I really have haven't seen one an old one of that did you bring you had old pictures I had those Gods was I supposed to bring them today because I thought you were yeah but but they were that was the Quorum house remind me because I had no yeah I the only reason I know is because I saw your text message about the button and that was ahead of it and I said oh she'll remember because I didn't remember until I saw that so but they're basically the ones that we had like um the postcard ones because I think that's what they used like from the 1912 by sentennial book all right I so I guess is there any like do you want I guess what I'm trying to say is do I need do you need or want me to make myself Avail to go to society and look if we feel like we don't want to wait on anybody or do you feel like anyone that has position of things that's not at the society itself you think M has anything person she didn't get back to me you know so let me follow up with her um if I don't hear anything between now and a week before the December meeting we I think we'll just call it at that point insteading on it I mean we're not going to be doing this obviously until probably like the spring so I guess there really is no you know no if we get the pamphlet together and printed then you know we could yeah because we want this budget yeah we well it comes out of the um donation that we got from Bay bank so that be there but I think that if if I'm correct anything that doesn't get spent within a like within the fiscal year will go to free cash so even donation line I'm pretty sure no the donation line no no that'll stay because that has that makes me nervous a budget that the town people have you still got to the end of June okay yeah but the donation line stays because those are accounts good okay so the town get St hit that those are certain things cannot what she was saying you know it needs to be spent in the current budget but the current budget goes to June of 202 donation it's different okay yeah yeah okay the historical markers will uh just table until the next meeting when Rafa is here and hopefully he has some information about our new vendor and then under pres preservation um our West Titan survey so Stacy has finished the field workor on all the buildings with the exception of the poor house and we were able to contact the gentleman who was living there and um they're trying to coordinate a date so that she can go on the property and take pictures Excell one y yeah the four house on Smith Street um all the field work is done so she's now working on the drafts of the survey forms and tomorrow night she go in is he gonna let her I don't know that be neat H I know yeah um you know I kind of like got the ball rolling and then I said it's up to you too to pick dates and all of that and so hopefully they'll have a chat and I did offer to be there she wanted me to be is there anything in any of the Oldtown reports about the PO house some of the earlier ones yes and I think and there's some stuff um that you see there's some stuff in the vault that we did that has um records of the the poor farm records as in I I can come up with records of what they spent and what they took in I mean records of like how many people were there I'm not sure you have to look at that yeah maybe we can make it like end of next week or something yeah after to meeting after after everything's quiet after yeah yeah all right um tomorrow night I have an appointment with the board of Selectmen at 6 o'clock to update them on our survey [Music] um way back I think in the spring they had asked for an update and I said you know May in September sometime and since September we've been trying to coordinate and so tomorrow night's the lucky night um so just to like a a summary of what we've done and I'll talk a little bit about the national register District like I did when we had um the people from North Tian here so that they have the same information about the differences okay um does anyone have anything else under preservation okay under reports to CPC there's nothing new to report our request for funding um is on this the warrant for the 14th and the library building committee is making progress um procurement has been sent out for the plumbing the BP students will be working there again uh they are they paid is it part of their class it's part of their class school yeah um so it's free from the town yeah cool well the hbac bids are almost ready to go out or no probably have gone out and the deadline is mid December so there was discussion about the width of the exterior doors um the ramp when you're looking at the building the ramp on the parking lot side that's the main entrance and access for the wheelchair so it looks like the door isn't wide enough and that's a historic door so I'm not quite sure it's not wide enough to meet the Ada um compliance so we have to have a discussion about what we're going to do about that so I'll be talking with Jim agar and Jonathan Gail um would that be the same thing like adding a ramp to a building like you know well didn't have a it didn't have a ramp that takes away the historic Integrity if would this fall along the same lines like making the do historically I mean you know making the D bigger obviously takes away historical Integrity but if it's for an ADA I don't think you have yeah you probably you have to make the building accessible um and there is grant money that they're using that for accessibility so the question I think really becomes how are you going to do it to maintain as much Integrity as you can I have to really talk with you know I haven't really had a conversation with either Jim or Jonathan about the specific details of that and just what they're thinking as far as Solutions it's really up to them to come up with the solutions and then we look at it and say it's we not the Architects yeah um so I did ask you know to be part of that whole discussion so you remember when they took the columns down we talked about um using the best of them again well columns are in worse shape than anticipated um but Mike Barby from the highway department is going to take on the colum project and he just does such fantastic work yeah um so they've been come up with a plan on how to use them and you know to keep the Integrity of the building um one idea I guess is to use you know there was like these bolster things that were at the top and bottom to use those on them and then maybe a a just a square underneath so that the The Columns become at the right height most them might I know like when we first talked about it we brainstorm possibly like using kind of half joked about it but using to make the time Caps or something but it looks like we might be able to use them again as columns no the rest of the columns that they were looking at are in worse condition too because there was 10 oh okay four of them were like not really good so the others are not as in as good condition as thought okay so trying to figure out how to you know incorporate them into the building right so I will be talking to them about that um America's 250th anniversary committee we also have an article on special Town warrant for up to $4,000 from the town it's a matching um matching money so if we raise 2,000 the town gives us 2,000 we raise 4,000 the town will give us 4,000 um so we'll be fundraising and basically we asked for the money just for the reenactment we had plans for all kinds of other things but given that the budget constraints we said we'll just go for that is that GNA be the biggest expense you think the reement yeah probably um I did talk at the veterans breakfast and then I did talk at Veterans Day you know about it so just to get the the word out um so people are you know hopefully are interested [Music] um we're talking about possibly creating a coin to celebrate America's 250 Andi you know was a fundraiser we've had two informational tables one at Fall Fair at the church and one at the Arts Festival and generally it's a positive response you know um people are funny you know they either stop by and chat or they totally like walk by and like they're like yeah but you know many it's exposure you know so that's good so those are the upates dates there our next meeting is December 10th at 6 I can't believe we're already heading towards that oh my gosh I just want to mention about that so I'm directing um the Luther Elementary production of Elf yeah Junior this show isn't until the following Tuesday typically rehearse on Monday and Wednesdays I don't know because that's getting close to the show if we're going to add a rehearsal on that day if we do it won't be as late until 6 it might be like 5 or 5:30 so by the time I get here I could be here a little late okay but just to keep head up all right thank you um we had a request by Samantha's um Shar yeah Samantha sheer um to be an intern she's the daughter of Stephanie sheer in the assessor's office okay and she's at UMass Dartmouth and she's looking for an internship um for her sociology and anthropology class so you know we chatted through email and um she needs 120 hours begin in January 21st until April 30th um you want to help out with the so history thing she could help out yeah she has a couple of things to tie into I thought of the um brochure that we're doing for the old Brisco path to do the research and put that together would be one another would be we started researching the owners of the NAT CR Nate cran house Nat cran Nate's my grandson n um and I got it back you know as far as I could and so see if she could you know get it back a little bit further um so there's that she could help out with you know um yeah interviews true um she did run it by her um her professor and they said it meets the parameters for an internship it's unpaid I made sure that that it was unpaid for credit at least right but it's for credit yes so way it's paid and that you know I mean it's not it's we're not spending money no I guess nothing's for do an internship it's not you don't get paid for your pocket and it's not fast cardit it's like but at least that it account for class so um she has you know extensive writing experience within the sociology and anthropology major um so uh I did check with um R Taco Taco is that how you say his name the Town Administrator oh and he said it you know there's nothing to say not to do it um in town so we're good at the end she'll just need something from the from the town saying that you completed it and we'll keep track of hours and all that I'm sure she's responsible for getting us like the exact information that she would need to do in the you know the whole process so um that's all on her plate to provide to us okay cool um so I'll Ralph also suggested that I mention it tomorrow night at the board of selectman's meeting which I will do so so um she live in D her mom um Su her mom too yeah so um so I'll entertain a motion to um have Samantha sheor Jin as an unpaid intern in January of 2025 oh she wouldn't start she wouldn't start until then yeah okay but soov is there a second second okay all in favor wonderful all right next is I think that's kind of exciting yeah have we any part in town had a intern before like likeed I I know they've had interns before um I know there was one that worked in I think the board elction office yeah I thought there was one in um accounting with Serena maybe yeah like recently that before they hired oh so with it yeah so um next is we received a letter of resignation from David Marvell from the commission and I'm pretty sure it's on the agenda for tomorrow night the selectman's meeting so I'll p a motion to accept Dave marvell's resignation with thanks and appreciation is there a second second all in favor and thank you to Dave and he is willing to work you know with us like with the studio Channel un intended but is with like with cable yeah yeah so um I just got a letter from Mass historical commission it was about the oak Energy Center and the Walker Cemetery number 38 basically the mass historical commission agrees with their report and saying that um any plan up there of that project area has to have an avoidance and protection plan that should be developed to protect um The Walker Cemetery so so um I also shared the letter with Lisa um on the Conservation Commission was that something that was already part of their plans anyway or something that we helped make sure it happened I don't I don't know but now they have to get right oh yeah I'm just kind of curious yeah so unless that's that Oak Street Sol yeah all right does anybody have anything else I'm anything else no well in that case I will entertain a motion toj return so is there a second second all in favor and we are adjourned and let me stop 6:35 um that's a wait minut where did it go no way