okay um this is the meeting of the dayon historical commission May 14th we are at Oldtown Hall it's a zoom meeting um and it's being recorded for to be shown later on uh Channel not Channel 9 YouTube TV um the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law okay and we are ready for the pledge I pled Al to the of the United States of America and to the it stands one nation indivisible with li thank you all right since we're have Rafa on Zoom we'll have to do a roll call on Pat Gail's chair pat I'm Pat ol Shar Dave Marvel Rafa Rafa delin okay and our guest tonight is Paul Pico so first thing I'll do is take a motion to take historical markers out of order so moved is there a second second to take the historical markers out of order all right any discussion all right and we'll have to do a roll call vote um P hi hi shar's I I Dave's I Rafa I and I'm also an i okay Paul all right this is a sample I made for you it's a little bit bigger on the lettering so I tried to do this lettering here almost impossible this one got a little beat up when IED for template I think we can always redo it to what we want I just spoke with somebody that I've been trying to get a hold of about having them routed out MH but it's another $80 rout it out okay this I can do like $80 uh painted course I don't know if that's acceptable but the size of the lettering there's a couple mistakes here that can be corrected I didn't correct them just to show you deal the small letters like this yeah there's got to be mistakes like the H isn't right the A's not right so after I put it together I just got to go and redo that okay and cut the elements so you would paint it the same color or close to that one paint that and then whatever color letter you want and that would be $80 sir yes this would be $80 yes what was the other you're talking about like uh computerized router can you see it Raa oh engrave the which one the white the white one why is it white cuz he hasn't painted it yet yeah I'm just I'm just going with the design there's a there's four things wrong with that that I think I see I like it you like it for $80 yes wow is it is it PVC right yeah PC PVC okay thank you so the paint should last at least 10 20 years with the we i' paint lot and he said if you routed out with a computerized there'd be another 80 which I don't think we need I think that looks excellent S without throwing any more money at it but it's up to you so what would happen is um the homeowner would apply to us yeah and then we would approve the house or not and get the proper name for it you know after we do all the research then we would send it to you but you would deal with the homeowner okay so they would pay you directly okay so they would be you know like tax involved and um if they wanted it shipped you know shipping yeah um so that we would include that in the the price that they would pay to you okay all right so it would be $80 plus they mean they're all indicted as far as shipping right yeah so most of them you know would pick them up you know AR yeah yeah I mean that's entirely up between you and the the um the purchaser but we would tell them that it would include the Shi if they wanted it right you know oh I think it lookss it looks yeah yeah do you like the White and the black lettering yourself or you think no it's like he thinking that color but that's how big the letters are going to be so we can go to this color too right I would go to that color cuz some of the houses are white you know yeah this right now is just plain it doesn't have any paint on it yeah and even if you wanted it white I paint it white because this is kind of absorbent yes so it would stain and it wouldn't look good okay all right may I may I how many hours do you put in something like this to complete one uh s on a design I read about four hours oh wow and then the template I cut them out that's the third one I cut because way better made feel mistake way better well this one I could peel right off this looks yeah this arson crafts person sorry I'm like Wicked [Laughter] m is it is it the same thickness yes yeah three4 of an inch it but it's just a little bit bigger no the the sign size is the same size just the the lettering on the top and the bottom okay yeah got it I think it looks fine yeah I do too I think that I should make this border here I want to that make it a little bit thicker and bring it down so it's in the center there oh okay oh yeah I see yeah this was the board up that I had with that when the letter were small then when I made it this big and I just finished this half an hour ago yeah so oh wow it wasn't for the last minut but that's why I didn't paint it I just wanted to first see if the design the way the letters are all they said want to make this a little bit thicker and this is in you know sentence case it still a lot of small letters now do you can paint this or you have a computer R this is actually a vinyl sticker oh vinyl stick that goes on there okay yeah yeah just I think that's a little bit more expensive vinyl sticker than that is this was kind of Cheaper yeah what was this you think same sck yeah but there's there's there's high quality vinyl and then there's Dollar Store vinyl that looks good though what I haven't experimented with yet but I want to is if I can put a clay card over this yeah it'll really be nice yeah I think so too it and it'll last longer oh yeah yeah yeah Raa yours has a clear coat over it doesn't it yes it does yeah yeah yeah now there was I left with this one last time what was the one that you had you didn't like that is that why I left with this one no that's the one we didn't like the one that so I copied one you didn't like well this was the quality of the work because you he um Rafa brought the brought the one that came off his house yeah you know to look at to see how it should look and it was much better quality it I mean it was 10 times better than that one so that's 10 yeah that's good nice that's very nice so um okay um all right we need a motion to accept Paul as you want all this work it won't be all the time we'll better then this house is all over the place yeah but it it's kind of a slow process you know how many you talk 100 at a time no yeah we if we need that I'll just give some more help we get it done maybe two a year maybe maybe how many people are waiting now for a mark two just two okay yeah there's your backlog too yeah yeah so all right I'll entertain a motion to have Paul pachico make our new house marker signs so moved okay and what I will do is I'm going to get one as close to as color as I can okay paint it do it up again and then put a clear coat I need a second on the motion I second uh the motion for PA Pico to our and any further discussion no but I just want to say we didn't like that color right Rafa we liked your color better yes we didn't like that color red no when are you going to be back in town uh actually tomorrow okay so I can get you with you sometime to get that exact color yeah yeah yeah I sent I sent you the uh a a picture and and of my marker did you not get it uh I probably did I text I check your text messages you sent it by a text or an email with a picture it's a video it's a video of my marker no it's a video how long ago did you said that oh the first time you contacted me was what oh my God two months ago Rafa when you get home hook up with Paul and look at the color together in person yeah my text email might not come out or you can just pass pass by my house and take a picture because I I put it back in on the on the front of the house yeah all right you guys figure that out just give me a call when you're back yeah okay um all those in favor we need a roll call Dave yes hi I Pat I Rafa I and I'm also an i okay so you guys are looking for this type of color yeah a little deeper deeper more cranberry no but I mean on the letter also you like that you want more of a gold oh um look at Rafa's when you look at all right Rafa hook up with you know Paul bring your marker colors of his yeah okay and then so we got that done my next question is we want him to redo the sign for Old Town Hall because we're not going to use that right that one okay but now he's going a backlog of three right right make same size yeah what's that we going to say it's going to say it's going to say they're all going to say this yeah the only change is here right and then that's but that's the what what we wanted to say so so this is the one for here yeah yeah because we don't want to put that up at all good because I already no but I mean would you want to put that up no no I'll make you yeah so and then um so we need a motion to approve the $80 to make that remake the Old Town Hall marker I make the motion that we give $80 to do the town marker redo the town Mar there a second a second any discussion nope let's vote Dave hi hi hi Rafa hi and I'm also and I all right we're good to go where's that going to go outside here right by the door yeah yeah was nice yeah yeah all right I'll redo that one and uh get that all cleared up and everything by you first all right well thank you very much thank you for coming appreciate it so Paul because it's the end of the school year um can you give me like a invoice for the $80 so that if I have to encumber the money how if I have it done before the first of this year you'll have it done before July first okay okay that'll be easy right oh yeah it should be easy all right because otherwise you know you have to go through all of that stuff the money okay I'll get it done now that I got the template now that I know that what you guys like okay is easy all right and then we can contact the other two homeowners and get that going too okay awesome all right sounds good thank you hi have a good night all right now we'll go back to our agenda that's f um Rafer on the minutes I just had one under number nine the other I don't know it looks like the cursor on the computer decided to go other places so it's just because it has two bullet points it says Massachusetts history Alliance conference June 3 at Devin conference early bird registration and then the next bullet says Center theme is history for everyone more details to follow so we just have to I put an arrow say it goes where it goes where it belongs to amend it could you send that Corrections please I can correct it okay I'll send it to you all right is there a motion to accept the minutes of April 9th as amended moved is there a second I second any discussion all right we can vote Dave hi sharah hi Pat Raa I and I'm an i next is a minutes of April 25th our special working meeting um any I'll entertain a motion to accept the minutes of April 25th as submitted we need a motion a motion to accept the minut was there I wasn't there either that's why I don't I should say anything yeah I I wasn't there either oh sorry huh Rafa I I second no you have to make a motion oh uh I make a motion to accept the April 25 minutes okay I'll step down and second it any discussion all right we'll vote all in favor I okay um I'm GNA double check to see if we have to you know how we should actually I think that's the proper way to do it yeah yeah because we do want it on on record so budget uh right now our budget is the same and we do have the money to pay for the marker um because we didn't have any expenses for FY 24 for U May April so FY 25 budget um I was looking at the warrant article that had all the budget items from the um Board of Select meeting on May 8th and it indicates that a cut in our budget for $250 in the professional and Technical line so they're dropping our budget to 1,150 recommending to drop it there so we had put in 750 for it on April 29th the board of Select Selectmen recommended that the profession technical line dropped to 500 and then the fincom on May 2nd recommended the same so that our total budget would be $1,150 um they they're actually meeting again tomorrow night to continue to review the budget um so I would say that that that's what's going to go in the warrant is the 11:50 if we want we can always stand from the floor and say we want our 1400 so I mean you got a small budget to begin with you should keep what you have I would fight for it I would fight for it considering with other people are getting I I I see no problem with this so just stand up and amend it to say, 1400 Raa yes uh fight for it all right that means we have to go to be there to vote for it yes there anyway I have to be there anyhow so we'll have to step down and um okay because it comes out of the professional and Technical and Isis you know that's our conference money that's how we would pay the preservation you know consultant if we have to meet with her or if we have to you know any kind of technical things so okay okay I know it's not much you asked for so yeah I know because I looked at some of the other budgets and I was trying to figure out where they were making Cuts but I'll look at the next one too yeah what they do tomorrow night so all right um moving on to unfinish business so I got the final um oh I should have emailed this to you rap I didn't even think this is the release form and what is it read is the change that the Town Administrator made and it's a change from it's just in um the release information it says I hereby inem indemnify and hold harmless the town of dians his historical commission and its officers and volunteers and both official and personal capacities from any and all claims related to the interview materials including my experiences Recollections as well as any photographs or documents I may have provided by doing so I also understand that I have no copyright or other rights in the work what was changed was the sentence that I hereby released claims and identification to the town of dayon its historical commission and its volunteers um the interview materials provided so the first sentence is the new sentence and that's um from the Town Administrator so once we make that change this release form is ready to go okay um do I have a motion to to approve the amended release form for the preserving memories program so moved there a second a second uh changing second it okay so we're um just approving the amended release form um and you know that's all that is to make that those word changes all right um any discussion no all right let's vote Rafa hi Pat hi hi sh is I Dave I and I'm also I so now with that change we can um start moving on to the next step which would involve you and Zach coordinating all right um I'll give you an update so anyhow I call Ron because I know Ron's very busy o Conor nice guy yeah um so anyhow he's got a few he wants to donate to the time capsu okay and I told basically just get them like you know the regular postcard size that we put a few in there so he's going to get one like the Oldbridge uh the red and white maret market and a couple other things around town maybe at the old Community Church and things like that okay so we're good there the studio is almost there the only thing we haven't did any dry runs but I'm getting the point where I think we should when um the other gentleman comes back we should just stop booking it and uh and move ahead since the forms and everything else I know you guys been waiting on me I do have a two terabyte drive where we can start some storage on for now to we figure out later on what to do with that okay so that's other issue that's still out there is the storage right and I think the storage for now maybe either we keep it at Cable office or I'm thinking the safe I don't know we have to go that far with it how is the safe though far is that air quality the safe downstairs is temperature controlled yeah oh it is okay is there and there's room for small things right if we need to we could put there make space on the historical commission shelf okay that's a little enough yeah and we can decide on that later where you want that located okay I'm looking forward to I think it'd be great we got a table there we got CH we got four chairs we get the lighting it looks like a it looks like a great Studio when you walk into it so okay yeah sorry oh yeah that's right you were the first one to see it basically looks good looks good well if you need people to do like practice runs just let us know yeah yeah no that's why I was saying the do was sort of like headlining the whole thing and said it looks good but we get to start making some runs with it right you know so right okay is Ron a candidate for to be interviewed Ron o Conor yeah it could be I have no idea I'm um I don't know how long he's lived in town but he's could talk about the photographs that he's taken yeah yeah that could be a video shoot too if he wants that he likes stuff like that he could show his pictures and everything I don't know if you must have seen him down there at the uh the Arts Festival with his yeah great great you know pictures out there I like that idea I think I mean there's all kinds of things you can do with it you know and there's all kinds of people in town um people that live in some of the older homes like Mr James um he's been in that house forever um who else did I think of not forever where did he live before that oh he was he that was also at the agie school when he was a superintendent there right but I mean he hasn't lived on Elm Street forever no my mother looked at that house they bought the house they did so I know in 51 that's when she bought that house so that's forever for us yeah I wasn't around either um but she looked at that was available at that time that was for sale yeah so okay um the next is our walking oh our walking tour pamphlet and I did some edits on it and I sent them to Zach and Zach was working on it but he's not here tonight so we'll have to table that that part of it for now but sharah has some news about the brochures our walking toward br br so um B host actually donated 3 and uh $300 three um $350 to us for um our historical uh and we can use it toward our brochures very nice very good yeah yeah that was I'm glad we did it glad we did it um yes so we need to write a thank you yes so on the back of the broch sure um it would be nice to say thank you um for the donation right we so we'll put that put that there but we all just um should send them a letter I can write a letter perfect yeah I was gonna because I know we said that there would be a little bit of room in the back anyway so that would be kind of a perfect spot right and when we were talking about the um rure that came up during our our working meeting real briefly was that uh to do two of them one for the shipyard the corm shipyard and one for the um the wars rather than trying to jam it all into one so okay and we have enough funding to be able to do that okay awesome awesome where are we gonna um where are we gonna go for the um we can get a price from dval once it's once Zach gets it all laid out yeah we can do dval could we even ask BP BP they might even be a little bit you know yeah but you would spend $350 at BP yeah that's true we could ask we could ask for the price okay there's a group out there uh special needs that they take care of the pamplets for the uh for maybe October we could check with them I'm not sure they're going to be cheap enough or not but they do the uh you know the Brooklet when you walk into the Artest for every year they put that together I don't know if that's uh what we're looking for or not oh do they they put it all they fold it and we send them the pictures everything they fold them they they bind it the whole thing depending on the booklet you know I don't know how many pages we're looking at too it's actually it's going to be more like a a trifold or so that it would just come back come on like two sides and then it would be folded like this okay I could just bring one up to uh the committee and just say can you get a price on this for us and say when the time comes yeah yeah that would be good okay have you always gone to Def fall for yeah the town has an account there okay yeah yeah yeah I know my outs bringing the business back my out works there like two days a week okay um so we'll put that the rest of that on the agenda for okay so our working committee for the survey forms and recommendations minutes pretty much covered you know what we talked about we developed questions to ask Stacy and I had sent that to everyone um for recommendations regarding you know from the recommendations from Mass historical commission I did invite Stacy to attend tonight but she had um a conflict or we had a conflict with timing and everything because we knew Paul was coming and she wanted to come like right up first and I'm like well we already scheduled with him so she'll be here in June okay so if we think of any other meetings um she will be here via Zoom no charge okay um if we think of any other questions for her we can add them to the list that we made our next meeting will be May 30th at 6:m in the police conference room um and also as you're looking at forums in your spear time and uh if you come up with a question or something that you want Stacy to address you know just send it to me and we can add it to the list um we did the historical marker Rafa you're next up does anyone have any other questions about that there is Stacy with the West that's that's on the warrant for town meeting so does she know it's coming yeah oh all right fine yeah yeah I'll send to her I told her that we had to wait for town meeting um but that we would be in touch so um new business you're a letter Rafa yeah what about my letter what about it I forgot to bring my copy sorry you want to just table it till next time sure no problem can I have a motion no rush yeah I have a motion to table the information letter for North dton Property Owners until June so moved I second all right um an will vote um all in favor Dave hi hi hi hi I I is and that's unanimous that passes okay on to reports um CPC will be meeting Thursday this Thursday May 16th at 5:30 then at 6 o'clock uh it'll be the CPC annual public meeting with committee introductions a CPC overview about how CPA funds are collected and used um some past projects and if you have any ideas how you'd like to see the funds used you can bring them then if you care to join us they have to do that annual meeting um under the that act the community preservation act okay Library building committee we met on May 6 we'll be meeting again on May 30th at 4: and on May 6 it was a joint meeting with the library trustees the library director has begun um begun ordering the furniture fixtures from the earm account um the 875 that the town got we had a donation of shelving from New Bedford whing Museum W um architectural drawings are being prepared to um to go out for bid the monies will be tied of course um and our next meeting is May 30th but it's coming along um how those St that we designed at the last meeting oh it took you a minute I'm not going to laugh yeah you could laugh they're still there actually they're gonna have some rod iron in them too I'm glad you brought that up because um we've been asked to decide about rod iron and also there'd be some railings going out here on Oldtown Hall and if we could have them look the same and I said to um the building inspector I said why don't you just repeat what we have inside outside and at the um Smith Memorial Hall if you need to use you know so that it's all the same yeah you so we'll see um yeah because that's just plain sometimes they have little squirly things in them you know so if you see a RW iron thing that you like take a picture and I had an uncle who at a rod iron business really down the C wow the packet Landing iron it was oh H that's cool do you know much about R ey hey things so if we see you know a design or something that we like you know we can bring that forward too for that okay okay um 250th anniversary committee I'm met last night so we're trying to narrow down possible activities and programs for 2025 Andor 2026 we'd like to host a reenactment of a battle um or an encampment um we had a lot of discussion about involving the schools um Robin lroy is working with Mara Santos on identifying the Revolutionary soldiers from dayon and they're using the lives and fortunes book that um the committee in 1976 made and it does list all the revolu AR soldiers but just lists the battles that they were in and what regiments that they um participated in and but what Mna and Robin are hoping to do is add a little more biographical information to it so you know you know like something about them and their connections to dayon so that's a a big job we're also discussing each Centennial or anniversary you know um probably I I don't know if I saw one from 1912 had a book they've always had a deliverable so we're looking at that you know what kind of things do we do we want to produce for the public to have when you had your um 2012 anniversary you had the anniversary book The 250th and had the anniversary book so there's always been a deliverable so we're looking at that um we're High going to highlight some votes from town meetings from 1774 to 1776 because dayon did take some some votes um of course there always extensive extensive discussion regarding budget and fundraising you know because that's going to be the driving what can we afford to do and what can we raise money for um I'm going to be speaking at the Memorial Day program to share information about the semiquincentennial um of the United States how we're planning on honoring our revolutionary um ancestors so that that committee P speaking probably I don't know I Ray's putting the program together I would think so he usually does yes us the same speech yeah you should practice it when you with is this the Memorial Day service may be okay yeah and I know they sort of like uh delay the traffic it too for about 15 for the noise yeah yeah hopefully they'll do that again right I mentioned that to uh Peter Karen he was going to work on it get back to us so okay um all right under other our next meeting date is June 11th at 6 um the mass history Alliance conference is June 3rd uh it's $125 per person plus mileage and I sent you the program that they had yeah I printed out you print out I didn't print it for everybody but I did yeah so they they had some interesting things I thought yeah um they had one working with the um archist under the the shrab program I think it's called um and digitizing things which I thought looked interesting so they had a couple I don't know if people are interested in attending it's a Monday I I I honestly would be interested to attend um and obviously go with whoever carpool would anybody else be interested I know Zach might be okay um I might I might be too um let me look [Applause] so we approved $80 tonight for our PL back so that's going to give us like 499 and 259 249 oh we we oh I was figuring like we would be paying about the same for the um marker that's a good price it is you know that is a good so we can I think we can afford to send two people to the conference okay if they want to go and um and also pay for mileage does anyone I'll entertain a motion to uh approve two people to go to the mass history conference on June 3rd at $125 each plus mileage for one vehicle one vehicle yes so moved that second and any further discussion Peter Karen should be their chauffeur he has a nice expensive car and it's going to be in the movie maybe if Zach decides to go maybe he could borrow it yeah dein's Conference Center I've been out that way that's a long drive beautiful drive long drive yeah all right um any further discussion let's vote all in favor or I gu any opposed exensions okay what I will do is I will offer it to Zach first you know and figure out so Sher you can fill it out if you fill it out okay and um send it in and then keep all the paperwork so you can get reimbursed perfect and we'll do it that way okay perfect okay there is another um conference coming up in September and this is the the one Rafa that we went to in Plymouth many many years ago so and this um the mass massachusett preservation I thought it's going to be digital or virtual no this one's it's going to be in Worcester at the Handover theater on September 27th um but that's all they're just looking for um speakers right now with more information to follow so just keep that in mind um real briefly the James Briggs Garden uh through the efforts of Kevin Smith and Nicole Melo it's coming back to life they've done a lot of work they've done a lot of work there um I did talk to Kevin and will worked with him to do like a dedication you know he's very excited so he wanted to look nice when we do that that's that under correspondence I shared with you the email from the ad coordinator Jonathan Gail on um making our meetings accessible that's why I figured out how to turn on our chat thing um I did email him and uh the board of selectman and Mike Mullen with a couple of questions regarding somebody wants to say hello oh hello [Laughter] Willow so oh so [Music] cute um I have questions about who's doing the official wording for the agendas you know because if it's a townwide thing we all should have the same wording to go on yeah um who's going to be paying for the new needed Services because I know those allart and ASL Services cost money uh and the friends tried to do it um for their program for the candidat tonight and you didn't have any takers but it was it's expensive um and also a timeline for implementation so um I haven't heard anything back yet those were my questions I don't know if you had any others after you read the the email so yeah my biggest concern was who was going to pay for it because that can eat up our budgets quickly all right does anyone have anything else is there a firecracker Festival this year I haven't heard anything yet and don't you think we would have by now yeah because we would yeah be yeah yeah because I can check with Kevin and find out yeah I'm just curious I know he was moving that to September like the last one yes but didn't we decide you know how many it wasn't as the first year they had it that it just followed Co I mean we had great attendance and the last couple years it's not really worth your while I felt I felt like there was a lot of people out of town that was showing up saying oh I didn't know what was going on I saw something and and I noticed then there was a lot of people that weren't even from dayon that we're like showing up and talking right like I felt like it wasn't well attended from the people you would hope would go right correct right yeah and both I mean it happened to be like a 100 degrees I right right yeah it was horribly hot it was yeah yeah the last two were horribly hot and we can you know check on that so also a lack of volunteers Kevin told me uh that some people wanted to volunteer but at the end of the day they never showed up right right and that's always a problem with volunteers sure they couldn't commit themselves right so all right does anyone have anything else okay I will rain a motion to adjourn I so so sah second I got you that and we are adjourned bye bye Raa 45m bye buddy I did make bye bye oh boy oh thank you I was eying