all right um this is the D historical Commission meeting at Oldtown Mall April 9th 2024 um following the meeting to order at 608 okay thank you um the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed in other items not listed may also be brought up for the discussion to the extent permitted by law this meeting is being recorded and will be shown later on the ti YouTube channel um do make sure everyone's here Pat G's chair Vice chaira and we have Pao as a guest tonight so can we stand for to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all to take some items out of order um we can talk about under number six review discuss and act on historical marker program if we can take that first please I make a motion to take the items six three out of order to the red discussing act Circle Market program okay is there a second second any discussion let's vote all in favor oppos exensions and that's it all right so welcome Paul thank uh I have bun questions okay we need to come up with specifications uh what is this what's the purpose this okay what I know I know the purpose I say the purpose of longevity uh style of it the size of the my personal opinion these that I've seen in the past all routed out uhuh and which might be a little bit more expensive to have routed out but if it's routed out later on people can touch them up very easily you know if you go with an automotive finish like this here clear it's going to give you a longest vinyl depending on how the sun set every day the other side the Sun come every day you'll see it peel go the other side how long do you want these to last well this was hang I hang my house September 2021 it has changed face the Sun all the elements it's not cover anything this probably this probably no I basically yeah this one seems to be too it's just as they cleared over right which if I was going to do it I'd do it in the reverse so that you put the spray Ms down you paint those Weathers in then take your and then put so when you end up with no end all pain because I like the idea being routed one concerns even no matter how you do it with vinl unless we get laser which is possible have a laser done uh this is very small letter and when you put it through a VY cutter to cut every little piece and back you get well if it did a good job KCK that out and it flips and flops over there that's yeah so when you get this small it really but FR not to last so does this have to be the here does this have to be so small I if theid off people know it's um not necessarily steal [Music] it I mean like the ones that the ones that I've seen in war they have worn condition on them but they don't have warm R also on it so the bot that's the same thing right there how big other ones from Warren they're fairly small in Warren I would say quite yeah whole you picture what do you think um so if we were going to do something like that size right now it's like $126 would that be pretty comparable to what you could do for it yeah I'm sure that I could that's actually a lot of money for a size like this but it's also a lot of work you know I could do a bigger size a lot less uh if I can buy these blankes it' be one thing if not then I got to cut out ovals which a lot hard C square or Circle well my call was to come here tonight get the new need uh I have somebody that I met haven't done business with him yet but he's C and he has a computerized router so he could broad the names he can write you could take a point piece of wood and line up and cut several of them at one time versus do one at a time and then they going to be painted and then what about the other ones that are town the ones that we've put up are all like rapis and they're all like that one and what happened is that vendor what was it peach peach signs I think well canm so I think close business yeah uh no wichester oh no I thought it was on C or some oh some c yeah yeah not confusing somebody else yeah it's some of C CL business and I mean how many want at a time going to be something when all of a sudden one new house get selected that we need one sign yeah see it's a program where and the owners actually are buying the sign you know for their houses um so they put in the paperwork for their house and then you know we order the you know order the sign so spend one at at a time but we have like two that are waiting right well two and then whatever we do right two the Chase Street yeah uh Paul yeah Schoolhouse so I can't find a one it's a warrant but this is from uh in war Village but I mean all the ones around look like that but I mean the one I think the one that I can picture from Warren is more similar to ours in terms of like that doesn't look like it's routed in either and you saying routed in how how it can be easily touched up after easy enough that the homeowner can do or would they have to take it someone to have them do no they can do it yeah that's kind of a good benefit there that they wouldn't have to like you know go and bring it somewhere bring it back here or ask to do this we it's almost like when we give it to again we give them that not main it K like main it tips how much more than would it cost to do that that's the thing like is it bigger like a much bigger cost uh I haven't got all the cost together I'm thinking no okay it's not because if it was a bigger sign I'd say yes it would trust you rou is going slow when we get into the vinyl or SP askk the bigger the letter EAS grab the yeah I can [Music] make so so you you've dealt with okay this before and that's why I want to see is it necessary to have can we make this a little bit bigger you mean caps no I a lot because basically what we did is we told design maker what we wanted on it and then they did the the design of it and we just yeah we liked it right it wasn't like we designed it or like you know we didn't tell font size is this the design you actually want 100% want to stay with or you want to change the design a little proba right tough considering we already have ones already out there I was going to say if somebody has one like that and now all of a sudden change it I think say well you changed it I want oh my gosh potentially have it we have like over 200 that we've identified as historically you know so through our surveys and stuff that doesn't mean all those home owners forward to put a sign no a lot of those houses I believe already had plaques on no they have but some of them had the old plaques they did them in 1962 you thinking of the wooden ones I'm just trying to think the last time I saw yeah I think like um it was not by commission commission yeah private pla no actually the 1962 the historical commission did those fls they're like on your old house um your red house that Alan pit house had one L on that one there is a sign might be an old one on that because they did you know those and I think that one's Square they're square and they were made out of wood um didn't weather they didn't weather well so there were quite a few that they did they didn't weather well so people took them down um I know there was one on the John Reed house where brinnie Starling lived on Pleasant Street there was one there do any of the Town buildings have any yet no because that we could if we were just to design that would almost be more okay if those were different because it's the town building would be much bigger we have want we wanted those signs to the physical sign to be bigger anyway on those so that would be that almost be the chance we would have to do something different as opposed to a homeowner where maybe we could do a variation of that but it can't look too dissimilar yeah you want unform yeah so what Paul's also saying is you would cut out like four at a time yeah yeah well I was so concerned about how would do at a time is how many are already out there before started this program one of those look like so we're talking about even if we were going to change these totally we would have a group of houses different but we already have another group of houses right right that's so if you already have already we have four out there anyway matter now I know like um we have the ones that they did in 1962 the brown wooden ones that didn't wearther wild so those are out there I know like um the halfway Tavern on one the house on the across from your a red house the brown Tavern halfway Tavern they put their own sign up um over their door so that's there um you know so some people have done their own you know without us and I that's fine too now the other you talk about the beginning you said it was wood didn't it didn't weather well yeah yeah what about the design look if we can make it look like that oh you don't want to look like it was ug it was ugly piece of wood there's no pain on it the letters were recessed they were routed in yeah and it said Allan pit well that my house said Allan Pit's house and they put yellow PE inside so it's at Allen Pit's house in yellow and it might have had a year or did it have a year I don't know might have had a year but they were and they didn't Lea well and they only made so many of them um they weren't selling them they gave them to the houses 1962 that's probably why they didn't they probably cheat I'm sure it was cost much do it so even if the signs are slightly different there's I think there's a it's okay because we have some differences people put their own historical signs up like the one on the other across the street from the Allen pit house um I don't think I can't think of anyone else I've had I don't remember seeing that many the first meeting house on Elm stre had one on a pole remember on a pole yeah again didn't weather well and somebody probably burnt it yeah there was a sign there still so the other thought we have right now if we made it so that it weathered well we could use PVCs a lot of different things or even putting the other cing on it like this it would last a lot longer it would be Ving is it good to put a morning sign onal house I I don't know the technicalities of this I'm just trying to so like the PBC you wouldn't really be able to tell that was PBC no but if you go to have something nice and shiny like this yeah it's going to have an automo finish on it you're going to know that wasn't around in the font is like that more of a classical like Times New Roman font least it looks antiquey right right right year on happen different two different two I mean this almost looks like it but obviously the year so B you need a year house right now the name of house how's that deter is that the first person that [Music] built yeah because we have some that say m Finishing Company yeah probably exactly VI VI's house the two on Chase Street would be the mountain Finishing Company okay so those would be the same yeah yeah so now in terms of readability and to create more room on there I personally don't see the need of having on the top I like having the D Bott because we're the ones that are issuing himquote but do really need like on the top and if we get rid of it is that an obvious enough difference from the ones that are already out there if we didn't hypothetically go through that I'm not saying saying I don't want it but if it's if it's for the purpose of making it allowing for bigger font and because think like some of the name is going to be longer now what about seal would you want [Music] seal he's now he's now the designer no just FY this design was actually based on the marker um Sandwich Massachusetts right it has sandwich massachus the one that put the name of the town State along with I think other other towns also a lot of I they do have their and I think the town and D historical commission kind of balances the even if you could Casal it still hasal yeah you don't want but if you D Massachusetts you need D again D Massachusetts but this in [Music] Kansas the bottom not keep the symmetry of the words on the top of botom yeah ch ch the way out of it well I saying is there's different D so this already says D Massachusetts right this D hisorical commission that could be any D said D Massachusetts hisorical commission oh I see do you need to repeat that tce right right right right I think that would be all right I I think so I'm not trying to persuade you one way or the other I think you got to keep it like something on top something on the bottom but if if you were to get rid of anything you I think happen to as the house names get longer like M Finishing Company that looked different than like your Eugene Rose house or yours you know um Henry B bones or which one it was Joe Joe pits no Joe Perry Joe Perry suit yeah yeah but you Tak Can Feel You John haway right like that's short first name but a long last name that's already going be longer than what's on there now yeah right and you got have a PL big enough for the biggest thing because if you have a PL one of the medium size things all get long one then you got to squish it in to fit within the size of this so that's where every name's going to fit on the same the font is going to become smaller as the names of the houses get bigger but the size of the sign won't change but the sign won't change right well we can always keep the height the same and just make the letters thinner yeah like less space there's almost like less space between the letters on the bottom s of the top one right exactly there's two different ways to do it I type it in there I can move it move just the spacing between all of them right or just grab all and bring it in and then it lot times you do both you might have to make the letter a little bit smaller and space them in a little bit so when you do that and then say we have them routed in so that they're painted so they last longer um you would still be able to do that but you know pull them in and out you know your letters would you make them be able to make them closer oh yeah yeah because I just s a file okay I don't have the yeah so to send the file to the guy when he does it yeah and it sounds like you want to Fe this basically yeah I possible all right what you find out first thing I want to find out if it is possible to round this small okay uh secondly we might be able to do them with laser the laser can get pretty small detail and then you want the last times put what size deter what size sign you what size physical sign you want the town buildings to be vers versus the homes we you talked about um making them bigger but that drives the price up you know but didn't we say we wanted them to be the same can you look at some old minutes we did discuss this we didn't want them to be bigger yeah I think keep them the same I think so that because it looks uniformity exactly right this yeah the print could have been closer to this there yeah what's gonna happen yeah but what's gonna happen is the font size on the names of the buildings themselves is going to change depending on how because if it's the cob house that's going to be a lot smaller than the D town house or Eugene Rose house or M company so that Center Park is going to fluctuate depending on the name shorter more visible well yes or no if we size the font to the larest name we have and then keep that side no matter what it is some of them will have more space in right but you won see one sign that instead having an inch and half L has a 2 in L right that'll really be no that's a good point that's different Rafa when we did Vicky's house for the Mount Hope fishing company did we spell out Mount no [Music] M probably not just I I think I think Mount Hope first line finishing in Co like or have a picture it maybe not the most important is it looks good yeah but you must you must have a picture of it I have a picture some yeah so I if you could send that to PA just so you can see how that looks that's probably the longest but I think if we so we're in agreement we keep it the size the size let's see if we can get everything on you know you had a couple of suggestions either routing or Las if we don't go with them routed I like to go with something that I can buy that's already in sh because if I get sit there and cut it with a every one of them it's going to be more expensive right I've do use the PDC I get a temp like this I can actually use this templ and around and it would give me that ex cut and will'll be easy enough for you to match the font that we have on one that's already existing pretty much Le that looks like new time Roman they're not exactly the same no they're not car I like the one on I like the one on yours more personally yeah what was that that's I like the wi possible easy to work with I didn't like the format of the year on yours how the two the two numbers are kind oh the one here yeah I supp it's more it's more it's more oldfashioned or european and if you keep that style classic quotequote classic font no matter how new the sign looks the more classic the font they how CH I this meeting no some research and get back guys once a month yeah we meet once a month so I get back toer than that second Tuesday yeah second Tuesday of every month so um I don't know if you not raid in chargeing this project so yeah I think this is half inch and I do have some half inch PVC I think probably would work and if we it look like this we try cut see how that comes out and they play that way they would give you exactly what you want okay and then you have an idea of a price for us too at that point yes okay okay I I see any what you're talking a l less okay I just don't want to qu price right now right right right yeah in Sample watch don't you get my email send me an email of the longest name your regular email right not the yeah I almost think that like when you're talking about cost like I think when I heard the cost of what it was that seemed reasonable but then when I saw the quality of the work this that the quality of the work for the cost that we paid was like that's what we paid that much for I I think if you were if we were to someone who's relatively savy went to Michael's and bought that stuff easy do that with 50 bucks I could have done because because how cheap like of the the lettering the paint is like the color is not even I don't want to say I could have done it but that's too late so when you think about what you paid for if you keep paying that much but get a better quality it wasn't let you paid out C amount of money for it is we paid not what we asked right so if you paid that much that's how much they're going forward but it was at least something of quality that is a little more understandable opposed to like we kept paying that much for that quality that's I gave back to what you said about Michaels I looked online to see what they hador they do have a couple of Ms they were in stock and I no couple things they don't I don't know if they have this exact size in uh that Michaels they only offer a few different sizes yeah if we St doing them I agree with this up I do like 15 bucks in their blank and then all you to do is do the lettering and then clear it be done however if we get six down the road and mlo that's why I said if you use one of these you now what was the difference in the color why didn't you get the color like what we had because have that this color available and also that's just one a couple one maybe two coats of paint there nothing like it's almost like the where finishing is on off which makes it look a little bit darker and shinier that's just paint on wood that's it yeah I know my table like if if you turn it over you can see like you can see the marks where wasn't even painted all the way atast this is crab apple that's the closest they can have oh really yeah what color palette so when you you get that sign made that's the name that color shade it was crab apple crab apple yeah shade what type of pain I I know if you Lo Home Depot and say paint that color they'll read with scope right awesome you could even go t paint off wall and bring this it's amazing how do it pretty much talking about B paints then you all kinds that have if talk like one shot sign paint they only might have a couple Maroons they might not have so that's why you had to sell because they out did you get something close to that one that we have yeah this what you want assume I assume so yeah the darker all right so if you and rappa work together you get yeah it May May 14th is the next regular meeting according to great um yeah take a look at it and estimate for us I won't be here you won't be here oh excuse [Music] us look how small the eyes yeah that's te tiny yeah that's that took some that took patience I mean the doible so small so small my transer tape does that yeah will come and help you out [Applause] Paul killing me all time there you the problem is when you get small all of the Cutters I have one tangent which very r i don't use that has a Mot as it's making the blade after turns to make you most of the blades they have an offset and like the front wheel the sh no matter which way you push it it's a dragon M yeah but there's there's a little bit of an offset so when you get down to like that little piece there yeah right more F you get [Music] it well I think you can do a good job on the signs out front you're like they way bigger what did you iish to that every seal we have is different right right but we decided I actually did one that's supposed to be standard yeah but it's still not stand no I know because people do whatever they want right sh yes they do now I have a form no you can only use this all right so um you know another way can do maybe think do prob this screen make screen it's a lot easier the night and then just come down sque youve all right I think I know what you guys thought I back both View and I mean I can make it to the next meeting at least a big sample see you can zoom in that sounds like a plan all right you guys have any other questions no I'll leave this you the exact the exact the exact color right now we need to design how we make them and after that we any col we want okay awesome any more questions no are you going leave this to what's that are you leave this so yeah guess kind of we kind of need to discuss like are we gonna have him redo it or you just gonna have clear it like that yeah that's the only thing I keep in mind if that's going to be one of the do we want it to look like I would almost say the letter should be match what we already had I would hate to have one that goes in our toown buildings to look like that's especially we trying to match that F I mean because if we if we just if he just makes that last longer then that's the font that we're using on that one but then that means are we going to use that same font when we do another to building or any or any [Music] building so I guess you honestly probably could it's probably enough to kill that off but even when gave I brought home to show my dad I felt like unless you really like have a fetish markers you proba this one it's better than this one right there I would I fetish workers [Music] fetish I think we sh it and put it out yeah only look better need some Shimmer so I'm going to take this one here okay because I'm use this as a sample way it's going to burn yeah it'll run on that it'll cut anything it plus and that way there it won't be that difficult to once I'll use this for one and then I'll have Temp and any one you want I can just put there circle around okay about money after you being a little bit bigger be easy what you talking like an inch or so no I was [Laughter] have all right I'm really thinking that we screen [Music] I him do a screen pH we can just R of these out put it down pain them put it down that okay and done another 50 so he'll say what was that historical doing we can this [Music] time the mistakes we almost made all right so we've got a plan rapid the contact at it awesome all right thank you all right moving on next we'll go back to the regular order and we'll do the minutes of March 12 and we'll have a chance to read them any changes okay I'll a motion to accept the minutes of March 12th 2024 as submitted I'll make motion to the minutes from March 12 2024 ased is there a second second any discussion all in favor oppos extensions all right there they're accepted um the minutes of March 28th 2024 everyone have a chance to read those that's perfect thank you I'll entertain a motion to accept the minutes of March 28 2024 as submitted I'll make a motion to accept the minutes of March 28 2024 as submitted any discussion second oh [Applause] second any discussion all right um and we'll vote all in favor extensions okay done um FY 24 balance and expenditures we have the same as last month we haven't had any expenditure so our balance is $ 5799 we still have our incumbered balance which we can't use for anything else of 260 um FY 25 budget sh and I like to the finance committee and the board of Select meeting and presented the I presented did the our budget for FY 25 it seemed okay they didn't make any decisions about it couple of minor questions but um did no La so that that was easy how much we ask 1,400 we level funded yeah all right unfinished business the Time Capsule I put the time capsule on here because I went to the somerset public library and let see if I can do this get my pictures my dad had a good idea he said to put a pair to have on a pair of the solar eclipse glasses in the time oh yeah sure he said make sure you was my idea that said is that coming from is that coming from the select of my dad how how we approaching this I have to share oh I clicked me all out this is a minute you just hit share screen I TR but I gotta get mine to share see technology at its best hi everyone I know it's not working so them all out that's the zo cuz right now you're there looking at it from the point of view from change that to you I have to change that to me oh it was there before because right now it's almost as if you pack on your computer watching theor you want to switch it so it's other way around a share screen on team this is they have see it pass it around have it on my phone they had a time capsules I went in to ask them for something about something else and they have these wooden kind capsules pass that around did you click share Click Share screen if I'm like that there you go now like a it shares from so now so now you're picking what you're sharing are G to share from your phone that word documenta go advance so now so now before basic you're picking to share an item like I want to share justce for document now you can pick do you want to share the portion of the screen do you want to share I would say click on that share there you go so now so now that yellow box is what you're sharing and now you might have to click and drag that unless you hit the share complete screen so you have so this is the that's close to this is the one in somet so then I can go now I can do um that away and I can um this onee so this is what it looks like so it's like a box it's a box it has a top here and it's a tall um container and it's made of wood and nothing's Vis so it's not like the one in the some commission where you can see inside that you could use something like the podium yeah crab in there seal it up wheels underneath no you take there wood there's is wood and it's in a temperature control room as is mobile so get away this is at the Su it's not the one you and I saw at the commission this [Music] so it has you know there's the bottom there's the bottom and it stands on a shelf and that's top that top piece comes off I can go when I go again I can measure them just there where are they so when they're in the local history room which is reference area I was at the reference area she was sitting there I didn't know that had room yeah it's like a reference local history reference room and has all kinds of genealogy stuff it's so the room on the right yeah in the corner yeah okay okay so I thought that was kind of cool and there you know they got their PLS on them had two of them oh so how do you know about this I asked May um for her husband's phone number for you and I said you know being t with about the time CLE they had at the Som hisorical she says oh we have some here at the library [Music] she check it out who knew who so um I think it's you know that's something that we can consider we can have definely a lot totally doable right yeah that yeah and I think it's better a better fit for into the library too and as opposed to as much as like the novelty of the one of that's commiss is cool you'd be limited to like what size is like hey this is the onoa we found and that's what we're using as opposed to we can do any kind of my other concern we would is that it can you know fire can destroy it any time has to be something iron B iron like a Cas I mean coffin [Music] gold I I mean obviously they're not concerned about that so why do we bother as a model I think the size of it is perfect and we'll figure it out and I think if you put up a window next to it so it probably isn't much bigger than the podium no it's not small you don't want to know what's in like you you want it to be surprised when they open it you don't want to just show what's in it so like it's not going to be like that no no no I me I meant it's standing next to a window for the size window on it we [Applause] [Music] trying you're obviously out Ved well I size it's good okay moving on for the time right I'll ask what's inside too why they have a window or did they actually list the IDS and put that somebody suffering from dementia forgot I ask that's [Music] our preserving memories of D so Zach did send me the um release form again problem is mik you haven't heard for mik again right I'm hoping that now the election down before when he had it was right during the whole police chief okay business and then once I bought up again was recing El so I was hoping that well maybe not that that's died down um I will send it to and I'll send it to lean too I mean because I me I don't think I mentioned it in the email but we did vote on it yeah we approve ending his approval I was hoping da but I haven't heard heard from him if the studio is ready but yeah um he's going tonight I ask I me next week is school education week so I'm not subbing I so is the time is do a business Spotlight so if I go down there and test it out with him well there I can Po in Mike's office I know is ready we'll get we'll get it done so um the walking tour pamphlet of Dion's of the register National register District so I got some pictures from Bob the um from Bob D at the yach club and um that I you want do the the draft that I have yeah I saw that now let's see I do this he sent me two pictures this one I don't think they I asked for some historical ones um my only problem with that one is that if we're doing the walking tour they can see what it looks like now yeah I mean like a unless we just CR it we we just postcards of because the on the on the brochure that it's the site of the um Shipyard SL Taun yach Club is what it's listed as so therefore this where this is this was the Corum and the whitmarsh war so where the old yach Club was was actually down further closer where the bank Rock Park was um you could say this does say it was incorporated in 1895 so it is still the club we could you know we could put the older buildings and identify it as the club in whatever year it was that was destroyed by the storm right do it that way I think that's before talking about doing the before and after pictur like we see after the tour let's see what it looks like now the old on not how it looks now the whole point of the tour is see it now so and then I got he sent me a picture of the warf too and um and any old pictures of the wars that I see are not that and the wolf look just like wow wow so as example that's the war so it's it's in mod look at the water how high the water is because I've walked out on that those Wars that day you I mean the only cool thing about that picture is that you're seeing it from that point of view you can't you can't see you're on a mo or across the river or from the bridge so we'll go with the picture of the older one I'll find one okay and I'll let know that that's what we decided we'll just make sure that it's written up so that people know this is not the spot I can put a cap they just you know a foot note kind of thing okay do we have a date yeah for the walk no we haven't set one yet Char you put the Grant in with all let this yeah we're just waiting to hear back so oh while we're on that topic for the RO shirt can you as a chair write a request letter from her as clerk so I can use the seal on the brochure oh I was going to do that wasn't it I was I I I had originally asked for it for the release to put on the release form if we we wanted it but I think we should definely put on the brochure but I say it should probably come from and then if you want do you email like a certain format of this steal like digitally or do I just go on Google and find one no no I'll email it to you okay so if you want to it once once you get it it formally requested if you want to email it to me I'll put it on okay or to be open in 27876 it it done in 197 [Music] all right so we want put the town is there room on okay so sh I'll write you a letter requesting that we use it put the brochure that's fine okay put on on the back we had L upcoming event or something put this I need some kind of space filler for like like like the side the front or the back where everyone can have any information related to the tour on so just and then we'll have the disclaimer to that it's private property yep okay um you want to talk about the grant that you all put together so um B host um had uh talked to Paul um and they said that they'd be willing to um give us um some type of um money they weren't quite sure yet so we requested um through Bay coost um and the one of the questions that they did ask though is that if they do give us any grant money is if we could like maybe say a thank you to them of course um but we're hoping for I think it was 300 that we could request um and we should hopefully hear back by um may like uh they I think the very beginning of May so um because we were hoping to get them at least um the money by um the end of May uh beginning of June for what just anything done yeah like yeah yeah I know he did put something in there just to kind of like put placeholder like the star strawberry festival or something like that you know what I mean just to kind of say like Oh by that time frame oh so we can use that money for whatever we want so you want to put that money towards the brochure and then you have another space by putting name of the bank on the back and say IDE yeah there Bost B host yeah so once I once we find out um will definitely um almost a thank you sponsor kind of thing yeah sponsored by sponsored excellent okay great awesome thank you for doing that yeah thank Paul too oh my gosh he was amazing we were like kind I couldn't get any further yeah TR and I tried to get to do it work it wouldn't work yeah it was just having to do with um the text ID and all that so way get it all taken care of is Grant something that this board has done before in the past we haven't done the B Grant we grants the surve grant oh right right um at this point I would like to take one other thing out of order I want to take the correspondence out of order so we talk about that now I'll make a motion that we take agenda item 10 correspondence out of order so this afternoon I said I this one so I sent you the um the oh so we are um eligible is eligible under criteria a and see they said no I like what the heck do we have to do yeah so it is preran a associated with um the the properties associated with events meaning um historical context in the town um you know they give some examples so we fit there it's documented through measures of historical archeological research to existed at the time of the event so we know was there you know this area was there well it was the M Finishing Company um and also under Criterion C which is more of the Architects and um characteris characteris characteristics of period and method of construction and possibly because it's connected with Olstead Brothers Landscaping firm that it would also be eligible under criterian because of that connection so there were a couple of things that need fur the resarch before we start um any kind of process as so one was they need further research to determine the full extent of the existing properties that may have been owned by Mount Hope and making sure that we have all Associated properties that were owned by Mount Hope because some of those houses removed they could be demolished at this point we don't know so you know um or we don't know which ones are removed so that's some further research that they would need um I say congratulations to us yes now to move on um I was kind of thinking about like I don't know what to do next I was thinking reaching out to that Al and saying do we hire a consultant to work on you know the further research is there forms for it do we start like a preliminary form you know I just the kind of things that weing is that Stacy I hope we you know could hire Stacy to do more in depth at the last working session we were kind talking about when when and how we and we had to decid specifically think this if we had known this going into that working session I think would have probably decided then that's but we didn't know this yet but I think now now we know this I think that's the so would we like Stacy to come by Zoom for our M meeting to talk to us about help this about next she's already done and especially if we know that ahead of time we can tell her so like it's not like we're telling the day before and she coming tell her she's you know she's a she's invested you know she been exposed to it it's not brand new being like can you find this out for us like she already C right and she can also give us guidance as to what the next steps would be with this um and the other thing that they did say was that once we have identified all of the homes then we do the public Outreach to all property owners and stuff um but I think we should announce this anyone to the S meeting and announce that two areas that have been eligible you know just um shall we invite Stacey we probably have to pay her well I thought thought thought if it was Zoom we didn't have to pay her I thought I thought it was only the $75 to compensate for even if we have to pay because I don't know what to do next that's kind of I feel like she almost like our I Lea on not the word to use but like our like right Point person to this and I don't want this update to end up as the one that was completed in 2003 you know make some efforts to get this you know something done with it rather than all right I shall invite her I'll ask her about cost yeah I'm sure she because she a CC on it I'm sure right that's true she knows about it okay so our efforts on doing these surve did we set next working session meeting there yet of minutes so um so next is the working committee for the service so we met on the 28 you all read the minutes and the big discussion that we had was about even though these areas are not architecturally you know the Integrity is managed the history of the people that lived in work there is still important and we still you honor that that's kind of that led into a discussion about a database for historical markers because we have all these houses and just to put the two surveys together and any other surveys that are done so it's all in one database like you know this is the house name the street name you know um so that we can quickly identify as a historical house and not have to go searching through all the suring so Zach and Sh are going to work on that database um we are going to RW the brick area form next in dep and I'm sure will be talking about Mount Hope too and the date is April 25th at 6:00 that work okay any questions our CPC application I submitted it um for funding for the 3500 for the 10 properties in West titon it was reviewed last night at their meeting and approved and it will be on the town warant for the annual meting um that's okay so we have to we'll have to flood the town meeting yes yes no being onth ised in June yeah people keyboard show up them ride there you go all right so under new business um Simon Tri reached out again he's the regional interpretive coordinator for DCR working at the signage for swe NOS um he ask for one representative from the D historical commission to be on the team for the ongoing process of developing the interpretive materials ra and I attended the initial meeting um Raa is interested in continuing as the representative is there anyone else who would be interested when is it oh we don't it's going to be ongoing and they just want one representative all you all right can I have a motion to I just want to see a little turtle I know oh go ahead name them by name Miss Turtles there we go the turt thing yeah I think it was it was yeah all right so I have a motion to nominate Rafa as our represent to name Rafa as our represented to the DCR team for interpretive materials for sweet BS there a second second any exion all right let's vote all in favor oppos exensions that passes thank you Raa so I'll sign know and he'll set you know setting that all up um so next our reports the CPC as I said met last night we worked on the housekeeping articles it's all the funding things for the different areas um our funding for FY 25 is an estimated of 13, 800 to be added to the historical resources um besides our requests for um 3500 the trails committee project for broad Cod major Trail was approved for 62,500 and that's placed on the W for the annual town and that's the beginning it's phase one of developing major Trail and a boardwalk one that goes out of off of one 38 the library building committee met yesterday too and progress is is happening on inside the building right now they're waiting on architect and project manager spokes of construction design plans and Mark is beginning to order fixtures and furniture for it so that's it's coming along um the stear design I did a little research on that so it'll be related to the picture of the hall in the 1912 Bicentennial book it'll kind of repeat Master pattern in 1912 they didn't have to have railings on the stairs and what's the construction were they wood there were no railings no no oh the the stairs where they yeah Jesus it's a l okay wood can be slippery when I don't know if yeah I don't know cement can be slippery so for them to say what does the historical commission recommend for a stair oh even I'm sorry was clear the the railings kind of thing that oh not the stairs themselves because there's so much technology and improved kind of things that make it because you want people to be you know sturdy never mind exactly we're making a sign now we're g to go to Michaels we're gonna make our own sign but with all the technology you want to get something that of course is safe for people and the best construction clear on that iess I thought you wanted me to tell you what kind of stance to put in I'm going really it would be a repeat of those railings so now now that obviously making that building it would it wouldn't be a substantial change where it would be bu you know how talking when you make enhance buildings it takes away the historical aspect it has to be right so they have you have to put the rails up it doesn't because they never did they never there was never because people back then were healthy and strong okay um the next meeting for the library building committee is April 29th so that things are moving along quickly which is good then last night I had three meetings yesterday the 250th anniversary committee met and we had a a very good discussion about um which direction we want to go the Statewide efforts to schedule the 250th our discussion included ideas around encampment and reenactments the reading of the Declaration of Independence of sa contests um listing of revolutionary soldiers a walk along the Bristol path um discussion with the Native Americans um we talked about a lot of different things um things happening at couch of Festival amazing Memorial days [Music] um the committee members volunteer to each reach out to different Civic groups so that we kind of going to be all inclusive we talked about a logo um if you look the state actually has a mass um 250 logo but like conquer has their conquer 250 Worcester has theirs so we talk about dyon a d 250 and I think we're going to ask the public relations um Our Town public relig people to design that real simple none of them are too fancy um they do have a website for the Massachusetts it's just up and running and it's 250. and that's where all the state stuff for the 250th anniversary will be on um and they will put you know the other cities and towns U have a calendar events on there so you'll be able to see what's going on all over the state um we also discussed you know reaching out to people and um we probably would post on the commission's Facebook page and on the town website any the activities or information so and our next meeting is May 13th at 6:30 it was a busy day yesterday you love it though I do um our next meting is May 14th at 6 o00 oh I WR the draft oh yeah yeah to be sent to the owner Property Owners living at Village and I want to P we don't have to decide tonight just take home thank so we can take this and review it sure to add that um the mass real Alliance conference is June 3rd at the de Conference Center the theme is history for history is for everyone and I think their early bird registration opens up next week so topics don't have program yet I'll send you the link to history Alliance and it's just for that one day right yeah yeah last year they had things more geared towards historical societies you know um but I think this might be a little bit hopefully a little bit more not so gear to societies versus permission it's you know it's more history for everyone so is that something like we can all do we send one person can all go like how does that work we have enough money every I don't think I've been in the board since we've had any kind of comeing up so no no because we had talked about going to the one clinic but yeah that that was a good one and there was one I think when I first joined that was going to be virtually and they cancel that one too yeah and then there was one in Providence and no right at the vet right yeah so does anyone have anything else I have I print these so that's the I'll put my hold on the agenda so I'm we'll that is that it good to go I'm sure mentioned in here but just a question anybody good buried in the halfway is that includ anything significance in the town yeah um somebody have way okay I in there well the halfways were down the other end William Street so I just assume they be I think there some yeah there and G's house who's right who was that house before it was gett I don't know maybe other yeah just ask I can find second second all in favor word for word which is a good