##VIDEO ID:P2EB4hBxjts## okay all right good evening this is the D historical commission it's October 8 20124 and we Town call and um the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law this meeting is is being recorded and will be shown on D's YouTube channel we're called to order at 604 604 and I'm paten okay and let's stand for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation un God indivisible with liberty and justice for all sh's name is not sh what did I sh sh I like your names I just show you all that's that's not I figured out how to use the editing feature on so um you had a question about the motion in yellow yeah America's 250th anniversary right so it's a motion to allow the 250th anniversary committee to distribute crons purchased by the commission okay corre um under the wheeler Cemetery just we reviewed the map of the wheeler Cemetery in relation to the Oak energy solar farm project okay you're welcome okay is there a motion does anyone have any other am is there a motion to accept as amended so motion is there a second second any further discussion all in [Music] favor yeah we have the minutes from two special um two special working minut um for September 5th and September 19th any amendments to those nope and I don't either I was to wait late [Laughter] is there a motion to accept the from September 5th and September 19th as submitted so move is there a second second any further discussion all in favor our okay um the minutes of our special meeting on September 23rd part that motion um September 23rd good to me looks good to you there a motion to accept second any further discussion all in favor and we're done with minutes okay budget we had um through September 30th we had spent any money but I do have did you do your confence yep here maybe um all right so I did the stamps ought I roll for $73 so I have that to be signed ra our PN there to the schedule of bills the expenditure and then on the invoice and this for the conference if you just want to fill out this is reimbursement I didn't I didn't do a reimbursement thing for you I'll PR that out and then come by get it signed that yeah I did the credit card uh and at least like I I included the invoice as well as the mileage okay um usually Pat sign but I can also sign it so we can get this through for by okay I forgot that reimbursement form for you I'm scking it doesn't make any sense the confence it was really good they but we can talk about that ler sorry I asked keep going here um mem Z yes uh Dave emailed me saying that the studio is up and running yeah um so if I can just have Cam's contact information okay then I will um now that we know it's up and running we can get some dates going that work for him and his mom yeah I can give you both that later okay we yeah we'll say that kind and I talked to him today um he did give some that he's available okay so okay and he did ask that we prepare some questions for him okay sure so okay good finally I guess if you can think of anything too specifically from Mount H that you think would be perfect especially with all all the research you SL we've been doing for Mount yeah um the walking tour is all set I may the edits that we need I just waiting for the disclaimer yeah um with our new tourament do you know when he yeah he starts like um so I talked to Cameron in the board of selectman office about the indemnification language we may have to ask legal that's what I was thinking yeah and um they've just like been were so slammed over there lately and you know it might be better just to wait for the New Town Administrator he should start I think so mid to end of October okay so um it's not that far away okay um and we did add the language for Bailey into the description yeah so is basically the second sentence I had computer trouble today so um from 1789 to 1834 D was a customs court with a daer Bailey serving as the first customs collector from 17789 to 1809 working from his home on own Street baes was appointed to this position by President George Washington this property housed a small office which functioned as the collector's office from 1809 to 1834 so we got hadija in there if you want to take a look at it pass it around and you got on the preserving memories you talked to Christine Lynch the other night so y a historical marker so our agreement with American Vinyl um is over with Paulo I have both of the our marker and um the one that he did he's not charging us for it so um Rapa is contacting the vendor that makes her whole bit smart that fast sign or first sign fast sign i g them all the dimensions yeah but they hav okay okay um according to the accountant we may be able to use those encumbered funds towards that sign if it comes in with this fiscal year okay so then under preservation our M Finishing Company meeting I thought that went really well I thought definely I think people um were glad that we had reached out to them seem to be very positive I didn't hear any that's the atmosphere in the room seemed pretty yeah left over punch by the way s my fridge I so good you need bring it because why you know next time I'm not gonna even make anything gu yeah time that five H yeah you can make that anytime you can make that anytime go Christmas yes yes okay I had two residents from orod who missed the meeting came um Brenda Woodcock and um J was former Barber y um and um Vick Bella Bella oh Bella okay yeah so you know I chatted with them so oh cool yeah we're good the West B survey is moving along um Stacy was at the historical society today she's done a lot of the deed research was looking for pictures and stuff so that's coming down um you know coming together nicely yeah that's that so CPC met so you won't have to go on October 17 because they took the vote on Thursday by a zoom meeting okay um we met on the 19th and October 3rd at the September meeting they looked at our application of Eligibility um and they also denied the application of eligibility from the dton Housing Authority for replacement of Windows and then Kevin Smith called the special meeting on October 3rd to review our project application um so that would be on a special town meeting warrant because the warrant actually closed on Monday um so I thank them all for doing that for us we did it over Zoom so our application was approved and we will be on the the yeah because could true have to do that so uh the library building committee met on September 12th and 26 and progress is being made on the exterior the ramps have been constructed I you G by and seen them um the ramps they're built um and the Spears have been redone they're all missing like their railings and stuff next is pling an electric and it's expected that the eight track will be going out to B say in November um I did stop by and walk through and to a look and talk to the the guys that were're working on it they really really into the building with the history the historic look of it you know so cool that's great yeah it is how the that looking yeah stage they got the stage they have the wall that goes up here the ramp oh good um they haven't really done a lot on the inside I know I know they are they are going to um sand BL the pillars outside pillars and the fireplace in the like the office Reading Room CU that fireplace is white so sand BL will go back to the the red breath that originally was cool what I barely notic the floor the floors are wood so original wood right origal really nice St yeah y um so America's 250 anniversary we met last night we had a big discussion on the budget um so that warrant article is on the board of Select and finance committee agenda for tomorrow and um we had a long discussion because of the tightness of the the budget given with the over um with the BP you know de exclusion and what that could possibly do so we had originally put in for like all three years but um we're going to kind of CLA that back a little bit and just ask enough to make sure we can do the reenactment piece of it and then as time goes on if we have other programs we can go back you know different town meetings yeah um we also are looking at Grants and donations too so and then we had an informational table at the community fall here it was kind it was fun you know people stopped by and you know they were interested and you um okay themselves we had one person who volunteered to help out and yeah so we had conversations and a nice family was right next to us um and the kids were asking questions and they you know they were really they were really nice family and then uh we'll have an informational table at the Lions Club at the Arts Festival too so like exposure so people know that you you are there we do have some programs that are aren't going to cost anything um Mar is going to do her old Bristol path presentation kind of the brochure that we said we were going to do with her um July 4th of 2025 there will be a reading of the Declaration of Independence at the community church so Karen Potter is working on that you know with the church so that um they're taking care of that whole thing um in 2020 six the historical society is talking about a house and garden tour um there will be another reading of the Declaration in Independence and of course a culminating activity we hope to be the reenactment you guys did that 20 12 was that the reenactment year don't ask probably makes sense it would have yeah okay um so sweet that's that sweeten NOS update wrap up okay so last September 25th I had a meeting with zoom meeting with um DCR uh sta s who was on coat me and also with Sally stone is with the taunt River Wat liance so basically we uh we had a very Progressive creative interesting meeting about um audience descriptions like what kind of audience are we looking for you know what kind what what type of audience will the river will the Toton a river trail a track so we brainstormed and um we used age geography and motivation so we came out with different types of ideas so the the place would probably attract first adults like between the ages of 30 and 50 and then why would it be attracted to them and first of all where would they where would they be coming from U so if okay well probably they they probably live somewhere within the five to 10 Mile vicinity of this area um and what would be the motivation why would they go to that location and we thought how they want to walk their dog or you're seeking some kind of meditation or relaxation or peace and also you know when you're walking it's super for your health okay when you're that in that group age we thought about kids ages 5 to 10 accompanied by adults from 35 to 45 and they would be dton Taunton Berkeley Etc what would be the motivation family out right so they're hoping to connect with each other and also let the kids have some space to play and also grow you know the the area another age category the adults age 50 and and where would they be coming from from Southeastern Massachusetts and what it's motivation to go to the place maybe their history Buffs okay so they're hungry for knowledge about all things historical in this like in this group for the two of them um and then lastly middle and high school children okay and they would be coming from Bristol agie and nearby schools and what they do their motivation well you know they're visiting on a required School field trip or Excursion to learn about ecology um of the river also the history of the area and after that we brainstormed what s said tangibles intangibles and universals in support of developing the interpreted themes so the tangibles would include you know things that you can take you know in with your census like um I know trees fish uh artifacts uh stones or whatever yeah so things that you can touch and by S intangibles and what are the intangibles so the things you can that you cannot take in with your sist uh like ideas such as you know environmentalism herit love survival I actually love and the universals would include maybe danger be a dangerous place um Industrial Revolution again environmentalism Heritage love and survival so after the brainstorm okay what's going to happen next in our next meeting Simon will take the audience descriptions and um and then he will streamline them into a few key audiences he will he will also draft interpretive themes and then we will all review um all these things together the next meeting basically that's it how many quotequote signs or we don't know yet along the way not sure yet we don't know yet yeah guess he will have to U discuss it with this boss so yeah is it So eventually they will have some kind of infographics spell I would imagine especially to talk about some of the historic spots that are there yeah so one contact that I will share with you is um representative from the inter trial Council I think that would be you know someone to talk to for about sweet no no they're they're meeting at frch PA really yeah all right py later okay um okay kind of a slow project but well because uh was call like twice sick next meeting date is November 12th I can't believe we're talking about November okay and now shower you can my not is detailed but um so the conference went well um it it focused around like telling our story telling a story but not just um glossing over things it's telling a story about the architecture the history the people involved um and it kind of makes it a little bit more enjoyable for the people around like say if we're going to do a walking tour and kind of explain like specific stories to the actual places that we're going um and just to connect with the people that you're you know that you're around um and what values like um what matters is the values the you know equal access to everyone um and that's basically what they really wanted to focus around this entire um conference um I did get to take a uh tour of the Salisbury house and they kind of went over um everything about reusing and rebuilding but making it um the history um but using certain things from different areas and and actually um creating a space that looks similar but using um different things to make it um like Valu valuable um so that's basically what they kind of went over um there were a couple things that uh they did talk about like you know definitely reach out um for more grants and things like that because you know they say a lot of people don't realize what grants are actually out there that we could use um there was something that I did see that was very interesting it's called a it's a virtual tour so there's a company now that you could actually take your phone and record yourself and basically it have a background and it almost looks like you're touring the whole like area even though it's like you're not really there it's very interesting what they're trying to do it's like an a AI thing deep fa yeah yeah but it but it's actual real locations but it's just you're there talking about these locations so someone goes and videos like the locations and yeah and and it's you talking like over it's like a complete AI but you're talking over the tour you know what I mean and it was very interesting I thought it was like but when the guy started putting my face like in front of the thing and and he goes look and it was like I was actually at like the theater like you know talking like I could talk about the whole way the how the theater got rebuilt and what they did and you know how they planned it every single detail you could talk about like you were actually there and it really and it looks real but it's but it's crazy it was just like wow so that was interesting um but basically um you know being green reusing um to create you know your history and um yeah that's basically what their focus was around it was actually really really cool taking a um you know taking a tour of the Salsbury house and you know what they did to um recreate it you had mentioned a keynote speaker to me she was amazing she was so she started talking about the most random stories but it all came around to like how like she has built like what she does like for the historical um but yeah she she she's very very interesting um and I'll get her information I'll send that to you because she is doing something again on the third but you can do it zoom and she's going to go through like all that um information again I can't join because I have collections but um but yeah so um and there's a re a Rel Rey relevancy guide book that's free so you can Google it I guess like that's what she was saying I haven't had a chance to do that is that on the preservation Massachusetts webbsite yeah it should be y and just basically like her thing was just connect with everybody like connect with your people and really tell a story not just explain what you're doing like you know of the architecture like how things used to be how things what we want it to be and just you know talk about the people that were once there yeah so it was actually was quite nice how was the venue in Wester oh that theater was beautiful the Handover theater yeah been there before yeah it was gorgeous and they redid that oh they did yeah yeah they did they redid that um it's beautiful there so you park across the street yes there's a parking y yep right across the street um it was actually easy because I went from one conference to the other and it was on my way home so it worked out okay good yeah although Pat tell me it kind of looked crazy like you look tired I'm like okay [Laughter] again all right well thank you for going um correspondents we have a just a notice from Mass historical commission for their survey and planning Grant um looking for the letter um application letter and all that um and their timelines don't see any projects that they we're working on right now but we should keep that in mind if we want do another National register nomination May line up to this for next year it's a 50% maing reimbursement brand so we still have to come up with the all right does anyone have anything else I think we're good I'll entertaining motion to Jour that was okay we need a motion to second okay all in favor we are even