##VIDEO ID:7KGdU88ovVk## good afternoon everyone this is the monthly meeting of the dayon storm water committee it's Wednesday September 18 2024 it is 1:04 p.m. calling this meeting to order we are in the upper level meeting room at the Old Town Hall 1111 some said Avenue dayon this is a public meeting being video and audio recorded for posting on YouTube and we have the ID here for the um anyone who wishes to join by zoom and I noticed we have some uh people on attend virtually we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States America the stands indivisible and so we'll have a roll call vote bav calonia agent F Street Nancy gulat um Dave Phillips sent an email and he was not going to be able to make it so you can just know that and um if you get the names of those present here like you usually do plus whoever is on the video um I didn't hear from Mr woods and Mr Agia so I don't know if they're coming late or not [Music] is Mr hes I don't see him there no Mr Pearson keeps trying to come in and he keeps leaving he's not behaving um I had heard from Mr haes and I told him if he wished to sit in that was fine okay um Mr Pearson can you hear me yes I can you can you hear me yes fine what projects are you here are you just sitting in and then if we if you have a comment or something you'll chime in right yeah um really I think the main thing I'm here for would just be the uh uh the Brook Street solar projects that okay those representing and aside from that um I saw in the agenda that there were maybe uh there might be a request for some updates on some other projects which um at this time we don't any updates on those other ones so really the only thing I'm here for is the the Brook Street project okay um Mr HZ has not called in um so uh I'm G to ask for a well I gota wait for Lisa to come back I'm G to ask for a motion to skip uh for a Brook Street Sola at this moment to see if he he comes on uh but we do have other projects represented here but if I don't see him coming on pretty soon we'll just go back to this and wrap it up okay okay um I'm waiting for Lisa to come back um I'll just give you a quick quick update uh here here she comes so could I get a motion to take agenda item 4B Macs arujo out of order I'll motion that second we have a motion and a secondary discussion hearing then all in favor hi hi Lisa I all vote unanimous um uh Mr Pon do you have anything on arjo M ACS I do not at the time okay uh anybody here from Macs arujo uh does anyone here on the on the uh committee have anything or have any questions about this one Mr pson I think the last time I talked to Jim Ren you were still waiting for some final as builts on this one I believe that's correct yes okay okay so um we'll move on to the next one um this will be on the agenda again for next month to see if those as builts as builts are in and if we can get a a report uh from Weston and Samson about what is in those plans if they come in um uh I'm going to continue with the agenda uh five PR five active project updates Weston and Samson if any this is 5A Blue Wave Sola Treemont middle streets I see we have Greg and um Alexandra is anybody in the audience for Blue Wave okay so uh Greg and Alexandra and Mr Pearson if you have anything you want to ask feel free so Greg or Alexandra do you have anything to report or an update or um anything at all about the project oh nope no major updates uh we've got great grass growth out there I believe at this point we are waiting for the uh conservation to close out the permit and then we can get this one closed out and do the motion to close this one out and we have the conservation meeting tomorrow so that that's really all I've got at this point but everything on site is quiet and going well is it generating yep generating okay do you have anything Lisa uh we were waiting for Weston and Samson um they needed to file the necessary ethics paperwork and they have done that so Jim ccel um said they were on set to proceed on working on the project so that was just last week we haven't gotten any reports as far as conservation goes any updates um so you know tomorrow night we'll be continuing to October meeting I'm the hopeful before the October meeting okay that we'll be able to receive something from Weston and Samson and close out in October assuming that the as builts match the design P okay uh Mr Pon do you have any comments or questions on what Lisa just said um I don't have any comments or questions no okay um Greg or Alexandra um I expect we're going to get some rain probably not enough to take care of all everything that's dried up and died um vpar when are you looking to replace the Evergreens that died maybe October late September yeah so um it's probably going to be later this month I have our civil contractor sourcing though so once I get a dat will keep everyone in the loop okay is there anything else on um Blue Wave Sola nope um just confirming for my end um that there there will not be the meet we will not discuss this at the conservation tomorrow night well the hearing I mean it's on the agenda so you know if you wanted to come present the as Bel plans to the Conservation Commission you could do that all right excellent I'll plan on being there okay sounds good okay uh moving on uh 5B Macs well we've kind of covered a rjo so we don't need to do that one again uh 5c 102 Sunny way drainage is anybody here for that Mr Ferry I just got a quick update so last week they did an exploratory dig by Ian you know they call Dig Safe they need to find the elevations of the underground utilities to finish constructing the actual plan that they're going to be uh utilizing H so that where the utilities are what not and the metal on top of our structure it will work it will flow it be just a little less than the plummet pit but it will flow okay nicely okay okay so we'll have this on the next meeting for a progress report or whatever I believe Jim is unless you already know I don't know if Jim got back to you I believe Jim was trying to get his hands in that actual connection permit Jim who I the connection from because we've had one before do you you you don't have one right I haven't heard from him about this right I know he's working on you already heard from him no no I haven't I'm sorry no he's working on getting line right okay I do know I forget his name but the gentleman that the owner had working for him on this the engineer um he did contact me as far as conservation goes and he's planning to file with conservation he just hasn't done that again yeah he's plan on doing the IBA yes and this plan that I'm just alluding to is for you guys to review great yes that's it at this time okay thanks Tom uh new business zero hon Street uh here reports act on um I think uh Tom and leis did you make a site visit to this location this is the home that sits way off the road yes so I received an email from the property owner just asking if we will do a final site visit so we can sign off on the permit so I guess we need to set up a site visit so we need some dates and so um you give me some dates I'll get in touch with him just so that we can go out there I know did you have anything to report I know you said I thought there was one or two minor things or he was going to take care of something yeah he's going to do some minor addition work at least is already aware of it I don't believe it interferes with the storw that I believe expires early October if I remember right yeah we did extend it but yeah the deadline's coming up any particular day of the week that's better and I'm thinking a morning not a Monday morning no I didn't say that Monday's aren't good for me for the most part but a morning meeting um Tuesday Morning um how's Tuesday October 1st or Wednesday October 2nd oh yeah okay either of those well speak of I thought you were going to zoom in on welcome uh yeah either one would work okay um what time in the morning you want to do this you want to do it at 9: sure all right so these are tentative I'll try October 1st I'll get in touch with the property owner and see if we can do October 1st at 9:00 a.m. or October 2nd at 9:00 a. and send out an email um and what's the address 2651 is it no sorry do you know the address there no but I'll put it in the email when I send it out okay because we we just identified this as Zero hton Street I did send him an email so he knew that we would uh talk about setting up a site visit but other than that we weren't really discuss anything because the report I got was that what was out there was minor and would not hold up the site visit and signing off on the storm water permit so um yeah the site's very mostly stable and uh is the driveway paved all the way in uh or is it gravel it yeah it's C the binder all the way in sub Services uh I for get the date he's going to do the final Paving start with the string yeah on the bridge he's going to be adding some is it a bridge or a coov we're calling you a bridge oh okay all right I last time I was there it was water with ducks swimming down the river the brook whatever it was so um when I get the date I'll send out this email I am not going to post this but it's okay if we have a quorum which means me a typical site visit you can look around you can ask questions there'll be no formal discussion and there will be no votes taken if we have to I should when we have to take that vote it'll be at the next storm water meeting which I assume is going to be to uh sign off uh vote to close out the storm water permit but uh you will be able to ask any questions so this way if whoever wants to go can go and uh we won't have uh we won't have formal action which would require a posting okay all right so uh I will get back to you Heather I will get back to you with that and on the October agenda we'll have probably a final report on this project okay I'm going to return to agenda item 4 A Brook Street Sola uh what we did was just pass over it because I was waiting for you to appear on the screen so on the screen we have Mr Pearson from Weston and Samson did you read the report that I sent uh late last night or early this morning I'm not sure which one it was um so I sent this out to everybody I don't know if you had a chance it was an attachment to an uh email um and it was issued by Mr rden and Mr Pearson from Weston and Samson I am going to read it um did you get a copy of that Mrs Bay you have one for her you can have that this is a public this is a public document um St of September 16 2024 D storm water committee planning board and Conservation Commission 1111 subet Avenue dayon regarding 893 Brook Street solar field review of application for major modification of special permit second review the stor water committee planning board and Conservation Commission in accordance with your request Weston and Samson has performed a review of the latest submission materials associated with the above referenced application our initial review of this major modification application was summarized in our previous letter dated July 10th 2024 on July 15 2024 the applicant submitted the following documents which we have considered as part of this latest part of this latest review comment response to review of special permit modification requests to Brook Street Sola level Design Group three pages July 15 2024 Basin 1 and three repair design sheet level Design Group one sheet July 15 2024 rooting diagram B repair hydrocad report 2 level Design Group 25 Pages printed July 15 2024 from our previous findings we had recommended that the applicant submit a revised design for storm water basin number one the northernmost storm water basin on the site this is also the largest Basin there is the largest Bas on site storm site to address the issue that the basin has experienced periods of prolonged standing water the applicant has presented the modifications to this Basin as the sole subject of their application for a modification to the special permit one of our suggestions has been that the Basin could be redesigned to function as a stormwater detention Basin rather than its currently proposed function as an infiltration Basin we had previously commented on the proposed design sign in our letter from July 10th 2024 those comments are reproduced for reference in Gray text below with updated comments in boldface type based on our review of the most current submission so these were the comments that were first submitted from Weston and Samson the applicant appears to have embraced the concept of converting the infiltration Basin to a stormw water detention Basin plans show the addition of a layer of stone with an underd drained system and a 4-in outlet pipe that will allow for a slow controlled release of storm water discharging to the northeast of the Basin we agree that this is a reasonable approach given that recent site investigations have shown that the site seems to be unsuitable for the installation of an infiltration Basin that being said some degree of storm water infiltration will still be possible in this Basin in perpetuity to the maximum extent practicable since a deep layer of Co sand was previously installed below the Basin bottom bottom the approach of converting Basin one to a detention Basin may require a waiver from town bylaws and from the mass storm water handbook to allow the applicant to provide reach charge only to the maximum extent practicable due to existing site conditions we offer no objection to such a waiver so this next sentence was underlined in that previous uh letter the applicant should identify the applicable applicable regulatory standards that they are seeking a waiver from and provide those in a waiver request to the board so the update that's part of this letter 9916 2024 from Weston and Samson the comment is level Design Group the engineer has suggested a waiver request from section 5444 of the zoning bylaw the section requires storm drainage designed to conform with current Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection storm water management standards and with the town of Dion stor water bylaw regulations more specifically the request would be for a waiver to the provisions of said regulations to allow the to allow the project to comply with the storm water recharge requirements only to the maximum extent practicable and this next sentence is underlined we recommend that such wer be granted in light of the existing soil conditions which render the installation of storm water recharge bmps infeasible bmp's uh best management practice I think the reference to the zoning board is not correct it's not the planning board zoning hasn't been involved in this as far as I know I believe so he suggested a waiver from section 544 of the zoning bylaw I'm just going to penin planning board uh Mr yes Amed it's supposed to be planning board and we actually reached out this history days on the call on Zoom we reached out to Mr carvio and Nick from Level design Reach Out Mr car sent in that regulation that's cited here and the original report doesn't apply to this project and uh uh there shouldn't be a wa required and Mr carali responded in writing an email saying that this he agrees with that so there's no W requir okay uh Mr Pearson did you hear that and Mr Ren was copyed on the email as okay U Mr R is away yeah I know he is so um I'm honestly having a little bit of a difficult time hearing Mr HZ so I I wasn't quite sure what said exactly okay okay I questioned uh actually a correction because the reference was the zoning board and it's supposed to be the planning board so we all agree to that um Mr HZ if you would just repeat the part about you contacted Mr cavalo and your conversation yes uh level design when we received the report in early July on July 10th or 11th we sent an email to miss Easter day and she forwarded to Mr value showing that uh the standard doesn't apply to the project and we there should we shouldn't be required to submit a waiver and Mr carvalo responded agreeing with with Mr uh fena from Level design and uh Miss e day if she's on the call I think she forwarded the email to both of you Mr Pearson and Mr rer okay well in any case if the board wishes to give an opinion as to what they think is applicable and and isn't I would certainly defer to the board uh as far as their interpretation of of what's applicable I you know I I was when I made that comment I was going upon my own interpretation of what I thought applied uh so you know if if if they differ on that then I'll certainly defer to to their view on that I can forward the email again to to everyone here and uh yes I want to be copied on that um Mr pearon I'm going to I I will also state that um when I saw that initially uh and question zoning and said no that's planning but my other thought was uh actually if the waiver was required it would have to come to storm water technically not the planning board and I'm not aware that any of this is applicable so um again uh yeah that's fine you read it and you stated what you you uh what your opinion was but again having talk to Mrs East today uh and her uh Communications with uh Mr cavalo when the storm water committee took action back in August on this particular project uh our approval for them to move ahead was conditional based on the planning board so I think we're all set there because I have heard nothing back from planning that would cause concern that this uh any action stor water took was not appropriate okay so I'm going to continue reading uh item number two this was from the previous email excuse me the previous letter um plans show the addition of a stone layer in the Basin floor calculations indicate that the bottom of of this layer will be at an elevation of 75.5 and the top of the layer will be at 76.5 the plans provide the top elevation but do not provide the bottom elevation of the layer thickness so underlying this is the recommendation we recommend that the engineer provide this information on the plans and the response uh from Weston and Samson uh uh the plans have been revised to show the bottom elevation of the stone as requested this this comment has been addressed uh recommendation number three from the the previous excuse me letter the calculations for Basin one include an allowance from infiltration to occur at a rate of 0.27 in per hour as one of the quote Outlets unquote for water to leave the Bas during the model storm events based on recent experience which has shown that the Basin does not seem capable of dewatering at a reasonable rate it seems that it would be a better approach to assume that the Basin will be entirely incapable of having infiltration occur as a quote Outlet unquote for storm water uh recommendation underline we recommend that the engineer revise the calculations to eliminate the infiltration outlet and the September 16th reply comment from Weston and Samson the engineer has revised the stormwater model to eliminate the infiltration quote Outlet unquote from the storm water basin this comment has been addressed and in closing this letter it says in addition to the forging items which relate to Basin one as part of the special permit modification request the applicant has also presented some corrective actions on the submitted plan that pertain to Basin 3 which is the southeasterly Basin on the site the applicant has presented these latter actions as measures that that are intended to bring the Basin into compliance with the original approved design and that they therefore do not require modif ification to the permit we concur with the assessment the corrective actions that are proposed at Basin 3 consist of some regrading of the Basin floor to ensure positive drainage toward the Basin outlets and some changes to the Basin outlet pipe ends within the Basin these adjustments have been included in the storm water calculations that were submitted underlined this the actions proposed at Basin 3 as presented in the plans and calculations appear to meet the intent of the originally permitted design and we offer no objection Weston and Samson appreciates the opportunity to present our findings and we look forward to discussing the next steps toward resolving the issues related to storm water management at this project site please contact Jim Ren if you have any questions and it has contact information here for Jim ridden and it was signed by James Pearson and uh Jim ridden so this is the latest I assume this is the final report of what everyone was waiting for um are you going to be at the planning board meeting tonight so um at tonight's meeting will you be told when you can start uh construction or move ahead with excavation or what whatever it is you're going to do down there I think the decision already says condition on on this report okay but I'm just wondering at tonight's meeting is there going to be any mention I mean I think my thought is that considering how long this is we've been working on this we the town and you uh I'm looking to find out when is construction going to start so if that's the interpr a of this when do you think you're going to start excavation or whatever like to start as soon as next week okay now the other thing we all know when the work is done and everything is in its final shape it's got to pass the test okay that determines whether or not you can go live so up to this point uh I believe you have the authority to to do the work that's been recommended and reviewed and you've gotten the sign off from Weston and Samson so and about the test I think we've discussed before if we can like if there's no rain for a month or two months uh we would like to bring in like water trucks okay that is something that as your work progresses and we see if Mother Nature cooperates any um any testing that's done that is not natural rainfall um I would ask Weston Samson to give this the town some advice okay we have not encountered this anywhere on any of our uh storm water basins on any of the solar Farms and I just want to make sure that if water is brought in to do the testing it's brought in with sufficient quantity and major I'll call it downfall or dumping of water so that as close as possible natural conditions can be observed and tested as timed to see if these the Bas and especially the big one drains properly so yeah before before the actual testing begins obviously if we get lots of rain testing can be done obsorb observations could be done but if that doesn't happen before water is actually brought in I would want to hear from Weston Samson uh Mr Pearson do you have any comments on that well um first of all are you able to hear me yes okay so I guess I would say that um I don't I don't typically see on projects where there are conditions that are required of the applicant where they have to do some kind of testing you usually with these things if they if they pass muster from the perspective of of calculations and design materials that have been submitted usually we consider that to be sufficient to demonstrate that these things will will be able to work and given the fact that they've now converted this into a detention Basin we now know that it it will be capable of fully draining that is of course barring barring any barring any malfunction that might come as a result of lack of maintenance such as an outlet type clogging or something but to me that's a whole different issue the maintenance issue so the issue on the table here was that we had a storm water basin that was collecting water and the water wasting in the Basin and not draining within a reasonable period of time based on the way that they have designed this if they if they construct it properly based upon their proposed uh corrective actions then we we would expect that problem to to to be non-existent so I I really think that probably the most expedient thing to do would just for there to be just a site visit at the conclusion of construction to confirm that it was built per plan because I I I feel confident in saying that if they do build it per plan then we would not expect to see any more standing water issues okay and as I said we've never done this before to bring water into test basins but this solar farm is a unique situation it's been around since 2018 at least um because of the nature of what has occurred there and Mr Agia The Building Commissioner is not present today but he has repeatedly stated that if the basins don't work he will not give them the go live so um we have discussed with Mr HZ in the past and I think the the in this particular instance the necessity to test the ability for these Bas this Basin the big one especially to drain in a timely manner is something we are going to have to require that's why we've talked about it so often so I don't dispute what you're saying under normal conditions but um if in fact the uh Mother Nature doesn't Co operate and we can get sufficient rainfall to actually observe how the basins drain and how the systems work then we will request that water be brought in in which case we'll let Weston and Samson know and uh if uh uh somebody wants to observe it fine but we just want you to know that that without sufficient rainfall the town will require water to be brought in again only because of the nature of this entire project does anybody on the committee have comments or questions relative to anything either I've read in the um uh the letter from Weston and Samson or anything that you've heard so far Mr HZ yes I wanted to uh discuss when would uh Weston and Samson would like to be on site and I'm going to suggest after we've built all the the pipelines like the uh the Whole Net of uh pipes there and before we cover it with with the uh gravel the gravel layer I think that's a good inspection point and we don't cover it until the inspection has been completed Mr Pearson did you hear that I did and I uh and and I don't have any objection to it that sounds reasonable to me okay so when you're construction company gets the all the pipes in and everything but before they bury it if you get in touch with uh Weston and Samson and let them know um maybe even email a picture and say this is what it looks like right now can you come take a look yeah okay sure does that work Mr pearon yes and and if I could ask as a courtesy if we could receive as much notice as possible as to the time and as to the day and time that we need to be there that would be appreciated okay so if you could as mer when you send the email out and say we're starting construction today excavation begins whatever the date is and uh if it takes let's say as you move towards the end of the week if it looks like it's not going to be completed that week at the end of the week you send the email out that says the project is um uh the installation of the drainage system uh is will be wrapped up next week approximately on whatever day which means it's all in but it's not covered but that way they can Western Samson can uh arrange to have their engineer come out uh they'll have staff available and anyone at the Town level uh on the boards are um Mr AGA anyone conservation anyone involved with this uh can go take a look just so there's any questions uh we can get this all done sure um any comments again from the I'll get you in a minute anything from the committee any questions concerns Mr Ferry El that are we going to need um a detail there for the equipment that's coming in or is this just like the small equipment yeah like they did for the test hols you know would be holding UPA okay okay okay very good Mrs BOS did you have a question B 168 P Street yeah um they have started planting the plants um and but I just have a concern I I don't know how to um who would check it they uh started planting the plants in the uh forested area and along the side so it seems um but there's this little machine that's I'm not sure so I only present it to you that seems to be riding in the sale it seems to be from my perspective I don't know because I haven't been on it but if a little machine is riding in the sale I'm afraid it's going to flatten a Swale so is there what committee would check the Swale because I don't know if it's doing it maybe it's not doing it I don't even know but I present it because this little machine is Audrey Lane or to the west side to the South Side um yeah Audrey Lane area south of Audrey south of Audrey it along the fence the northern fence there's a row of trees then the sale and then a row of trees I see a little machine running back and forth there and I just don't know the sale is so important to that project so I don't even know I mean maybe it's fine maybe it's not I don't know take a look at it yeah thanks for letting us know okay and um one other thing Mr Fair if you're going up Brook Street the first sign on the left should be a sign that said it's two signs actually it's one that says Bear right when you get to Pine Street and then it's also one for someone coming south on Pine Street to be left the sign has been hit and you cannot see the Bear right so can that be fixed it will be okay yeah we have several in town yes okay and um one more bit Lisa has um have you gotten that report that you were the swis no you have notk thank you okay I did have a communication from Todd pilling yeah and he said everything should be on site so uh if you go out with Mr ferry to check on the plantings or the Swale or whatever see if they're there he told me he read them question up until the point of his leaving right so so then I just want to know are we going to be looking at swis from when did you start 21 yeah from 21 22 23 and then none from this year or like when did you guys stop what is the period you had been do swits for during the period of construction and after that until the project was stabilized which goes back to like a year or something goes back to a year from now you're thinking when the site was fully St stabilized yes um I guess I just have a question for Jim Pearson Jim in your experience when sites are left kind of just not um completed do they continue to do the Swip inspections can you hear me okay yes I can hear you so um there is a procedure where if a site is going to go dormant for a period And there's going to be no construction activity you can sort of do like some temporary stabilization and as long as that's in place and as long as it's been inspected and it looks functional then then the site can remain dormant and then you can go for a period go for a period where you have uh you have little little little if any inspections occurring because the site you know again if it's in a state if if it's in a dormant State and it's been temporarily stabilized then uh then you would not expect there to be any any issues at that point but usually wouldn't the town be asked if they can stop with the Swip inspections um and you know do like a dormant phase like that the site is fed just to to clarify the site is fully stabilized not temporarily stabilized has been fully stabilized during that dormant period I mean yeah I guess that's my main question is do you think they should have been providing us with the Swip inspections all along or no well you know it comes down to a matter of if if the site has been stabilized if it's in a if it's in a state of stability let's say uh then then you would not expect to need to be having Swip inspections coming in during that period right so but we we only I guess I'd have to look at the time period because I do have photos from the site but I feel like there was a lot of time that went by that we did not get the Swip inspections and we did not have the site [Music] stable okay yeah I mean I can't really speak to that specifically because uh you know we haven't been in a position where we've been retained to to to be looking at the site and comparing it against you know the periods that they've been I can pull up some air photos on their map and figure out you know a time frame like a six-month time frame and then compare it to the Swip inspections that are out there I guess that's what I'll do okay so just on if I can comment on the whip inspections the first water incident like rain incident that water left the site I remember everyone from the town was on site and Nick fendo was there and and you at the beginning right but I'm talking about like now in the past couple I haven't seen inspections since around the time Todd left um and and then Nick was asked to train the people on site and they were trained and and they were doing the spe reports and I found some of the emails sent to you okay uh from that period and you asked for some corrections and then it was done the way you wanted you as went 22 21 during construction and then since then they were asked I I don't know if it was by the storm by the storm water or by the Conservation Commission to leave them on site which what they did throughout this whole time until the project was stabilized we demobilized everything from the site con the the site office everything was demobilized from the site site has been staed there has no there hasn't been any incidents that were reported to the town well because no one's doing any inspections well if there's any water we always get emails if there's anything we always get emails the Conservation Commission in this town is the most involved Conservation Commission I've seen in my life I don't think something would be going on wrong on site and you wouldn't know and you wouldn't let me know about I don't I don't have the time to be there on weekly that's why we re I'm I'm not Mr Ferry did you wish to comment yes I what I from where I am my office in here and correct me if I'm wrong but I think I got this so I think what we're experiencing is unintentional dormant time right so we had this repair that needed to happen investigation needed to happen so it was unintentional for this dor period if that's what we should call it happened it wasn't planned if it was mitigation would have been in place the here and now you're not going to have records between the last report and now okay but now the site is going to be worked on again correct so so that's a different question you were alluding to that Gap that Gap was an unintentional well right but even if it was unintentional do we have any breaches do we know I mean how do we know you're not going to know unless you're do an inspection so moving forward with your active work now you're back to be pece which would incorporate your reports ler so if you want them in an email fashion now is the time to I mean I think they need to continue with the swep inspections and they need to copy the storm water committee because the swep is a requirement under the storm water permit true as well as cons I don't think it's continue it's start up again because he is correct there was a period of dominancy now after the second reconstruction when they dug up all the debris and the boulders and all that and the new system was put in um and it didn't drain properly I can specifically remember Jason being there and saying he's going to dig up I said don't you touch anything don't you dig anything yeah that was last year don't disturb anything it was now getting back to the Swifts according to the email I got from Todd pilling he left here I'm going to say around last June not the one that just went by a year ago yeah he said up to that point he did see reports and he says they're on site which is what uh Mr HZ has said okay so the next thing that I remember happening after we told Mr lechance don't do anything well I already St don't do anything don't go back there don't do anything the next thing that happened was because the basins didn't drain after the second construction project there was more discussion in the meantime West Samson was hired to come on board and that's when the decision was made we need to go down and do test holds in the big Basin they Basin 3 they inspected it this is mine and this can be fixed but Basin one is a problem that's when there was some excavation done in the basins not outside the Basin not around it or anything else specifically in the in that because Mr fer and I were there when that occurred as was Mr Pearson and um excuse me Mr L chance and two heavy equipment operators so my understanding uh Tom is that since that day what has occurred is the revision discussion and all that of the plans and we're at the point now that what has been proposed has been approved and there will now be excavation and construction uh starting up again can can you think of anything that would have Disturbed anything other than uh when the second system failed and I know I told Mr don't you dig anything don't do anything and so that was stop everything so it went Dom and then nothing was done again until Weston and Samson was hired and the test holes were dug and to the best of my knowledge there's been no other excavation since the test TOS were dug the samples of the soil were taken and then it was those holes were filled in analysis was done and the discussion took place and the plans were revised so that domancy period even though we had the period of test holes the test hols did not reach the level of areas of disturbance that would have required Swip Swip monitoring reports you you agree with that do you you agree with that I do agree the only thing I you know I'm just concerned that you know no one thought to come and a or ask us can we stop doing Swifts now right is the site stabilized enough so we can stop doing Swifts I would say that's on us to to identify that okay partially but you know he's got contractors there but now going going forward are you going to have the weekly and the stor Swip inspections per the Swip my question is is it required like it's I don't find it required like does this building provide Swip J could you could you help Mr HZ on this because um it we they're going to be repairing the basins I think that at least in the area of the basins someone should be doing this erosion control inspections weekly and after significant storm events correct Mr Pearson yeah during Basin construction I would agree yeah because that's a site disturbing activity okay so and and you need need to obviously make sure the roing and trols are really in good shape have some extra onsite just like you're starting all again because those things have I'm sure have been trampled by a whole bunch of deer and everything else is probably all sorts of holes but at least in the area of the basins sure and there are some uh on the drawings there are Provisions for all the U erosion control yeah erosion control so for sure we and we can provide and keep them on site and it would be great if you could provide us with copies okay you know we'll we'll send them by email this time okay that would be better okay because if I have to go there I mean no we'll send them by you there's so much going on in town for me to have to go to Every site if there are had copies on site I would request that there cop be added to the the file plus the emails so the emails are sent print them out and have them just stick one in there so that when this project is done if somebody says I want to look at this from beginning to end we don't want it to come up to a point and stop and say oh you got to now go look at emails right uh so um when those Swip reports start again um with the construction right with this new construction um emails are fine but I would request that print the email and just stick it in the box so it's all there one complete file sure great thank you okay Mrs BOS um you're talking about disturbance of the land does it count for the trees that they cut down no a strip the the disturbance of the land you you were talking talking about the Reconstruction of the big Basin so swip's more concerned about um sedimentation okay soil okay so open areas of soil does it matter when they cut down the trees though if they put downs and or stumping because they did cut down the trees and on their on that land did they sto no we did not stop no they didn't stop so no okay um and one other thing they are aware that they supposed to be putting trees on the Northern burm okay because they haven't done that they did the East BM yeah we can do it before fix because we'll be going in and well I thought you would well it's not going as far you're going in so put okay thank you okay uh anything else on anything anyone here today about the project on Brook Street no okay so um we're going to uh move on to uh 6B Hunters Hill um I got your email and you had some questions on documents I requested relative to the pilot okay so if after this meeting you catch up with me I'm going to try to be at the planning board meeting tonight but either that I just send an email but give me an idea what it is you need information on okay all right I did report to the board of assesses this morning that uh you have asked that that uh be reactivated and what was in the email that I sent to you in the documents and information I requested so and I've sent a um email to the board of Selectmen requesting placement of a article on the warrant to approve our pilot agreement assuming we've got it ready and set to go okay okay um 6B Hunters Hill uh Mr Pearson I think you have involvement are you meaning Weston and Samson has some involvement with Huntress Hill am I correct um yes we have yeah um yeah we were retained to do aiew um for the conservation commit to review the noi submission and also to review the storm water improvements associated with uh a community center that's being built uh within the hund still subdivision and their review has not been discussed the commission yet okay okay hoping to get the output before the meeting I if there are um presentations or information or paperwork that is headed for planning or conservation or any other Town board B official uh obviously storm water won't make final determinations till we all understand where we all are with whatever concerns we have that are [Applause] shared thank you very much it's Evan Watson W engineering for presenting the applicant as you said we are we already have a storm waterer permit this is the Hunters Hill subdivision so if you recall we came in we received order conditions a special permit and a storm water permit uh to construct the homes uh and all drainage utilities etc for the project um part of one of the conditions of our special permit and one of the things that was always planned along the way was to add a community center uh for the use of the residents of the the community at the time the design of that wasn't squared away so we did not include it but we promised that we would uh come back and update everybody when we were ready and that's where we're at now okay so um we are on the agenda tonight for the planning board to update uh the special permit as a minor modification and we are before the commission uh with a new notice of intent to do just this work and as you mentioned uh it is before Weston and Samson they did give a review letter um which I copied you guys on as well as our response to comments and we were able to address all their comments um again I haven't heard back from them I'm expecting that they're going to say everything is good to go uh again we didn't have any arguments with anything that they wanted us to do um so I can through our proposal uh on the cover sheet you just see where the community center is proposed um it's along Hunter Club Hill drive on the left side and then part of what we're looking to do there's an isolated um non-jurisdictional by the state standards of wetland but the conservation local bylaw does consider that jurisdictional area um so we're proposing to fill that in but also replicate the Wetland area as well as do a buffer zone enhancement in that area the original plant it was a road proposed right through here so that road by the previous owner was excavated and prepaired and then everything kind of stopped so there some exposed Earth and kind of a messy I should also mention that um won Samson did do a site walk and Lis and I did a site walk at that area yesterday that green area is the that's the area where the replication will be that's correct okay yes so the existing Wetland you don't mind is all right here okay they're G to replicate right next to the existing Border in vegetated W okay [Applause] so on this plan on the top of the page is Clubhouse Drive the road and if anybody's been out there lately clubhous Drive is actually paved uh the dra infrastructure is in it's looking pretty great actually they have um three foundations in um one of which is just about done I think I saw the mov Furniture in it for the um model home and occupy this area with a proposed Community Center we have a two pickle ball courts a shuffle pool and a b Court along with the pool and surrounding patio and then for the access we have a driveway that comes up through here and comes back on to CL House Drive and then with all new subdivisions now the Postmaster General doesn't want to deliver mail to every single individual house so it's common that they request that we have a mailbox kiosk so we added that there with the drive inter as far as new drainage infrastructure again I mentioned that the previous design had a roadway that was there as well as many additional Lots all through that zone so the drainage piping the stol water basin everything was designed to accommodate much more impervious area much more Disturbed area that's going to what we're proposing now so we submitted calculations to Weston and Samson uh their review letter agreed that you know the basement is adequate to to handle that as well as all the pipe B catch Basin Etc the only thing that they did mention was that the Basin that was installed and I think uh may recall when we walked out there early on there's a a wet basein there that's just all water at the end of box Wood Lane um but there was there was not a for B that was in there um so they just mentioned that in order to get the full 80% TSS removal they requested that we add a four B so um that's Bas in four yes Bas four yeah again that's that's the Basin that takes all the drainage for all of this area goes down to there so what we can do is we can add a Crest there it's been size to handle the amount of the perious area that it's going to it and then while we're there there is some U siment that's right in front of Right Where the pipe came out so they can take that away and then there was never a flared end put on the end so we'll put a flared end on there to to just upgrade and retrofit what we have um we're proposing some roof infiltrators so it's the same thing that we've been that we um promised we would do for all the individual houses we take the roof and infiltrate with some store infiltrators there in this Phill area and then we have erosion control um around the area I mean it is UPG gradient to all the resource areas it's kind of strange to the resource areas are actually upgraded of our site but it'll serve as a good limit of work so that we don't go into any of the other R zes and mitigation area and this is W back here you can see the buffer zones are highlighted yellow and we're proposing to do a the area about 8200 sare ft of mitigation we did see that there is a little pool right here that we are treating as a ver pool so adjacent to that in our mitigation area we activate that down and attempt to create additional verle habitat this is I don't know it's probably about the size of this table here it's not very big so we can enhance that by adding some more water area there we have planting list and then outside of that through here is where all that soil is Excavating so we'll add some Top Soil we specify a seed mix and we'll add plantings as well as up through here and then um again the original drainage design that was done back in 2006 since there was a road here this picked up all the drainers that came off of this area and brought it into the attention Basin so instead of doing that since there's no road we propose the sale that goes off the be continues here and gets picked up in this catch Bas and brought to the Bas to the original design some details most construction entrance sidewalk and then we have the the seat mixed so again what I'd like to do is ask that we essentially just modify the existing permit that we have um to allow for this construction considering that we already have a um construction period H pollution prevention plan in place we have a post construction pollution prevention plan in place we've done all of our storm water CS Etc that's this commission reviewed had approved and this would just be to accommodate the additional Disturbed area that we look into accommodate here um so certainly entertain any questions that anybody has um we're looking to close the hoping to have everything squared away with planning board tonight and then the same thing we be asking for a u to close the hearing at conservation tomorrow and if everything goes well they'd like to get started right away so that the construction happens during the you know dry period um if we're you know when all the permits are in place is when they're going to get going so it would be best to be able to do that um before the winter comes because the site does turn from being a nice dry construction site to a pretty sloppy mud pit so you heard the previous discussion so uh they're do going to do construction too and they're hoping for dry but after that they need rain yeah yeah that's right yeah well this is the perfect time for that because it's nice and dry now and then once Halloween hits and all the leaves are gone even without rain we're just going to have everything's going to be right okay so the minor modification is going to the planning board you're also going before the concom to take care of whatever is relevant to what they're doing when you said a modification a minor modification to the permit were you looking to do anything to the storm water permit or that's all set and these are just because of the minor modification these are the other things you have to do we're not looking to modify the drainage at all other the um this Crush stone burn for the FL Bay okay everything else is already constructed and already accounted for okay so um I would request that you put something in writing to indicate that the only additional uh work that would be involveed that would involve the storm water committee is what you just described uh just so that we have it and it will be in the file uh so that if anybody says wait a minute they had a storm water permit there's nothing here about this you know what you just described with Crush so um I believe once you are all set with uh planning and concom and you give that to us obviously we coordinate with them if any board committee commission or town officials says hold everything then we're going to hold everything but as long as everything is moving along just like with that other project that we approved conditionally and I realize we don't need to take a formal vote to approve what you're talking about uh all of the records would indicate you checked with everybody and everything that was discussed or agreed to or you're going to provide some Crush stone or whatever all of this has been taken care of this isn't like nobody knew about that where did that come from just so that once it gets going it can keep going and continue on um and unless something really unusual happens um the uh storm water committee would do inspections and things like that but we would not be um we would be getting monthly updates which is the kind of things we get on some of these solar Farms that we're still waiting for as buil plans or stuff like that so that would be basically the only thing we'd need going forward okay the Swift inspections that you're already getting right you got those right yeah okay you got you got copi yes yes I get the emails yeah so does anybody on the committee have any questions uh Evan questions no comments I already sh it with Evan I I that white land that producing the I believe it's manmade anyways and they're actually making a better ecosystem on that that where they're going to replicate is U pretty cool from the previous construction that was done or excavation and then yeah my only other question after I was that I was thinking put this especially the enhancement area where I saw a lot of that good flowering stuff in there um you're not going to really you're not going to remove that soil right so you can just the SE will be yeah so this area all up in here is all vegetated all we're looking to do is impr within it well I was thinking and then through here there is this but we can use that we do have to excavate that down to create that swim and that's going to be maintained yes meaning like a couple times a year right exactly and then make sure it's free of glitter and the tree falls but it can have flowering stuff in it as long as it's not an impediment to the yeah you have to you know if if you don't maintain it at just like a basin Mother Nature will take over and turn it into a forest right so like coup times a year you it yeah yeah and that's why we didn't have plantings along the side but you know when construction the you know you want to do the least amount of work possible you know so when they excavate this material they're going to end up with top soil and the best place to put that would be you know in the areas that have no top soil so you're right that that material excavated will be placed next to where it came from so when this whole development is finished all the houses are built and everything else if anyone were to drive through there would they see areas that I will say a natural vegetation areas got nothing to do with drainage in other words as this project was being built it was like we don't need to do anything over there leave it alone uh I think of that patch they got in front of the Aggie school I don't know if you've seen it the natural you you all the green Lawns you drive by and you see all these weeds and I got a sign out there explaining to you this is natural vegetation I think they mow it once or twice but they don't it's not lawn so will there be areas like that I call them natural areas somewhere around this yeah so this is a conservation subdivision okay and I don't remember the total number so there is 225 Acres of natural vegetation I know when we Ted it um a lot was pointed out uh and we went down to the area that hasn't been developed it was it was already wild but um I was just wondering uh you know um uh what would be left um what is left is primarily forested like the clear are be there will not there won't be any of those okay yeah I mean for City most housing developments in this town uh if they didn't clearcut all the trees and we were fortunate that some mature trees were left every strip of soil it's not got a tree grown on it there's it's grass right to the curb all the sidewalk and um something this huge uh and again thinking of when we toour it and obviously where we went it was all wild so I was just wondering uh yeah and part of the I ities of the open space you know going have the community center um there is another detention Basin planned here and there's one that we actually just completed constructing on the North side and they were the same style Basin a wet Basin um albe it was probably constructed better than this the one that the other people did um so that would be a feature they're looking to add a walking trail through the open space to um so you can go and actually view those we expect that those are going to have wildlife in them uh that you can take a look at and then there's another walking trail that goes out I think it actually goes out to the power line and then into behind some of the horse stables and things that are over there so this um there actually is the open the 200 Acres of open space will be access accessible I I know for a fact that the community um residents now actually go down and take a walk around here this so that in addition to its natural state there will be animals whatever lives there deer lot lot of deer there's a lot of animals no hunting right no hunting it's Hunter's Hill I just I just won't be I just want to clarify the part about hunting since since we have a h on our committee we have to just make sure there's no misunderstanding right um you have at least one what Hunters oh is that right oh yes yes okay definitely keep him out of there more of a gather wait Tommy do you hunt Tommy hunt oh yes he who I'm talking about Oh I thought you were talking about no no I'm talking about the a member that's present I was like wait a minute um so for the resident now assuming these uh you make it okay with planning and conservation and everything is you're going to start digging uh Excavating how long's it going to take to build these facilities if I were a resident down there now am I going to be in that building by Christmas or is that no next year spring spring spring okay maybe if it was prefab U there's there there was talk of the golf course years ago that's not involved okay all right okay all right any questions about this plan or anything about this project so this will be on next month for an update um and uh we'll get as as you continue with the work uh if we get in uh a report uh even once a month I mean obviously the the reports that you're sending in and me but if you just send us a a report we'll keep you on the email list for the uh agendas for storm water so you know when the meetings are and even email it says nothing new to report uh we're Excavating this or we're installing this or uh we're in the uh basic infrastructure of whatever the construction schedule what I expect will happen is um again we we want to get started right away so we'll clear the trees for the community center um get going on that and since we'll have work crws there start right away on the mitigation area get that in this planting season and then um it is dry now and if we have time and the amount of Manpower we can put in the for B for the Basin if that if things do change and we do start getting rain and that does have four feet of water in it when you know it's wet uh we'll probably wait to do that until the summertime of next season okay but I would expect that you know I can let you guys know um we'll have a wetland scientist on site to oversee that okay um I'll send the commission through Lisa you know we can send some updates on what's going on here as Lee said this will be continuing once we get the building kind of up and everything prepped they'll be working through the winter on the interior of that okay I do have a question so as far as the ero controls and the silt sacks and and the construction entrance I mean I will be doing inspections but does the storm water committee want to do inspections too or I would think it would be a good idea if they were done in conjunction with you being there yeah or if you go out for example I know Tom goes with you sometimes but if you happen to go out on your own I have to invite him I didn't say that I said he goes out with you sometimes Mr Mr Ferry sets his own schedule you can write it as I just asked Mr Ferry yeah um seeing as how I can't get my CDL because I'm Mr faery anyhow uh you want me to coordinate a so yes but if you if you go out and he's not available then and we got to start water committee meeting coming up I'm just going to call on you and say Lisa tell us about the site visit and whatever if you do it together then either one of you can make the presentation uh if any committee members are available and they want to say hey when you go out to huntter Hill I'd like to go out there and see what it's like I don't think you've been in that site I haven't I so um just coordinate with I'd love it yeah just coordinate with Lisa yeah when we were out there must be close to a year ago if not more um this whole area that they're talking about was literally I call it natural or Wilderness okay we saw up to the point of where everything stopped and then we went around and rode around here there and saw where the big I'll call it septic field is going to be and all that and um so I haven't been back there myself but uh but anyhow yeah uh if if somewhere down the road you can do it just coordinate it with uh Lisa so at least when we're talking about stuff you're going to be familiar yeah you know uh kind of like' we did with um when they were going to do the solar farm the first sight visit at arujo when we went way out in the Boondocks and saw the when the trees were there and all like good stuff okay all right um anything Mr Ferry uh Mr Pearson do you have any comments on Hunters Hill other than whatever You' heard here today anything you want to wish to comment on uh no I don't have anything else at this time okay I think we're all said of I just ask if you guys do plan on a visit just let us know so we could take you around and make sure safe okay everything I'll say everything will be coordinated through Lisa and our Tom uh and what they'll be the contact person to say the we got the storm water committee or some members want to come on site and make sure that uh we we've done that with solar Farms simply because um it's easier if there's somebody there because if you just walk around and say what's that or what happened there and there's nobody there you're wasting time and as much as there is an existing neighborhood there you know everything else behind that is an active construction so we want to make sure everybody get yeah we usually require um appropriate gear to go on site okay okay as long as you don't look at it like it's solar farm I've done solar Farms plenty of my life yeah there there's no problem with solar Farms if in fact they drained yeah Sol F's a challenge but yeah you I think you'd be impressed we've only had one challenge in diting and it won't hopefully it's going to get resolved but when I say my records indicate 2018 and we're now in 24 no i' I've designed probably 40 megawatts of solar farm sites and they they do it's uh they look like they're easy though once you kind of open things up they get a little tricky the and I don't want to sound overly critical the problem was this one started before Co oh we don't need to talk about their solar farm that's okay and unlike unlike unlike the other solar Farms the company building this is located in Canada so with Co nobody could come oh my goodness yeah and um it was no secret uh there was no personal opinion and I told him this many times there was no local oversight to uh in effect protect the interest of full building this and I'll leave it at that um so um the other ones came along but like I say they were within the country they the kind of In-House considering and we could during Co we could still move from state to state but we could nobody could move country to Country and that added to the uh part of the problems well all I'm getting at is you know we have a good crew that's working there and uh everything's being designed exactly constructed exactly the way that um I designed it so um I'm proud of the work that they did and if you guys want to take a look we'd be happy to show you around as long as there is oversight that understands I'll say how we do things in this town because we've heard many times nobody else requires that nobody does that well this is titon uh we have not had problems it's just like this is what these are our requirements and okay we'll take care of it so you know so we certainly appreciate and the fact that you've got the oversight that you have perfect okay all right very good thank you very much U thanks for coming in yeah like I said once we're done with concom and planning we're going get hit the ground running and like I said we'll give you guys updates and let you know what's going on okay thank you thank you agenda item seven approve of the minutes of is just last excuse me just July 17th there a motion to approve the minutes of July 17th think I motion we got a motion to approve the minutes of July 17th is there a second I need a second to July to approve the minutes of July 17 second is there discussion on the minutes of July 17 no after all that no I'll call the vote then all in favor hi Lisa hi Mr Ferry and I'm an i all right so May 14th we'll deal with u next month um unanticipated items this is just a quick update tomorrow I'm going to Bristol Plymouth I'm going to be meeting with the U teacher in the um commercial design Department um we're going to be talking about the calendar for this coming year I've got tons of pictures I'm going to uh sit with Heather with the thumb drive and we're going to make a selection I got a lot of pictures but we're going to narrow it down we'll have more than 12 but we'll have a good variety of I hope seasonal pictures so all the seasons can be represented uh for the new 2025 calendar which we hope to have in hand for lights on the other thing I'm going to be showing them is the EPA has um a coloring book online and it's about thiren as in thirsty anyhow if we can get this duplicated on I'm thinking news print like like kind of like what coloringook books are put on and uh we've got some prices on the the four pack of crayons uh focusing on the youngest members of our community to get the storm water message out so uh the coloring book thing is what we're thinking of we have bags and we have grippers uh at the library I'll be having those for um and hopefully the um coloring books for the November light uh art there at Arugas so that's what we're looking at after that we're going have to be talking about getting more stuff but I'm hoping to use up whatever we got in stock on that and I'll give you a report how I make out uh with BP and get a cost estimate on what I want to I do we got the money set aside for calendars incumbent from the fy2 24 budget so I'll give you an update on that um so uh had to make a note uh update on VP printing project for our next meeting any public input correspondence public input wood he said he completely forgot his wife is working his tail off now that he she's retired um oh you got an email um correspondence I don't have anything did you get anything hether no okay motion to meeting um word Wednesday which is the 16th of October 1 p.m. here a motion to adjourn motion we got a motion one motion a second all in favor I by I okay Mr Ferry all right we're a JM so you can kill that I know