##VIDEO ID:98lqT9zAvm4## e e e they can't hear now they can okay uh Lisa you know uh just say your name and who you represent conservation Lisa calonia conservation thank you uh on Zoom I see we have Amed HZ from grasshoppa uh Frank chrisa foi who is a a butter to the arujo Solon have Alexander Morrison from um Blue Wave Nick fenda engineer for grasshopper and James Pearson engineer Weston and Samson the town of dayon would you just monitor that Tom in case anybody else turns up did you get all of them uh it's okay and then in the audience uh we have um Mrs B who's an abutter to the grasshopper solar farm on Brook Street and also present we have uh Ralph Taco who was the New Town Administrator so you get all those names because you're gonna be tested okay uh I asked Mr uh I invited Mr Baco to come just so he can see what the storm water committee does um I sent him the agenda in in a set of minutes that I sent out to you so any questions you have just get my attention Okay Okay uh agenda item four active project updates Blue Wave solar Trea and middle streets uh Alexander do you wish to report anything uh hi yes sorry I'm having some issues with my camera um I believe we are all done here um we've closed out with concom so I think just the question today is if there's anything else with storm water that is needed or um are we able to oh here it goes are we able to to close it out today um or if anything else you all need on your end um Mr Pearson is there anything that you or Mr Ren are waiting for from this solar farm uh for the Blue Wave solar no I I don't believe we are at this point okay uh Alexander have you gone live yet as far as testing goes yes I believe the site is has been operational um all right has the Building Commissioner issued your certificate C yes and we have that filed um that should be all taken care of okay um does anyone from the committee have any questions about Blue Wave solar it'll ENT Tre um if not I'll entertain a a motion uh to uh approve this project as compl deleted so moved we have a motion is there a second second we got a second any discussion all in favor right posts vote is unanimous um Alexandra who's going to be did we lose her no I'm here oh it says under your picture it says Nick F andola and I know you're not Nick I don't know um who's going to the local contact for maintenance and things like that like if we get the the 200-year rainstorm and there's problems who's the contact on site or near here or something yeah so I um that will be through bluewave I can um contact them to get the like the whatever phone number email and and send that all out to you I can make sure um that you all have that information okay is there anything else happening relative to the planting up there I believe to the best of my knowledge I believe everything should be finished um and I I I don't think too much is going on uh I know that they blue was looking to right they're going to have the Dual use for for crops but I think at this time of year I don't believe anything's going on but again that would be through them and their um Farm manager I think they were GNA replace uh Nancy weren't they gonna replace some of the trees that had I know there yeah I know there were dead Evergreens on in places along the BM um I haven't been up there recently uh is the ground cover good everywhere I realize it's been like a desert everywhere so um yeah we reached our final grass growth sometime this summer so I think it's just been um I think it's just been kind of holding at that and I know the lack of rainfall has not uh helped but um right we've yeah closed out with K com and finished or like with our Swip inspector closed out all on the Nifty side so um I think it's been looking good okay very good so if anything comes up or any contact you can get in touch with me or Lisa or Tom Ferry um and we'll get back to you as needed okay of course thank you yeah and I'll make sure to to get the contact information for for who to go to for maintenance questions okay thank you uh Mr Baco just for your information this solop Farm is going to be a partially agricultural solop Farm in that one section has the panels high enough off the ground so they can actually cultivate under them with the tractor and whatever so this is this is really new for us it may be for the area too but uh this is kind of unique so just something you're aware that makes it different from our other solar Farms um agenda item 4B Macs this is the solar farm behind Aros um Mr Pearson is there anything you're waiting I think there were plans that were being waited you were waiting on at one time I believe there was some discussion about some as builts that would be forthcoming at some point um so yeah we've had no we've had no action on that project at this time so you're still waiting for the as builts I believe so yes okay been quite a while yeah I'll Sum along at least um I'll get in touch with Pete Warren and find out what's happening because he's the he's the contact person that uh I've had does the committee have any questions on uh the Solon behind a rjos none here Mr Chris Foy did you wish to comment I do uh absolutely thanks for time Francis Chris fuy 1730 Wellington Street here in dayon uh just to let you know I I've continued to have water problems obviously not for the last couple of weeks because we had no rain but the last rainstorm that we had I did have seepage into my basement and I'd also like to ask and and bring up the topic that I brought up in the spring in terms of plantings the fence has been completed now well over a year and there's been no planting activities whatsoever that was expected you know according to clear way when they were completing the fence that was supposed to be done in the fall of 2023 so now we've gone a complete season and you know as we get into the winter I mean I'm sitting at my desk I can see it you know clear as day just based on the massive amount of cutting that's been done so like to get an update on that and so the plan were to be along the fence correct for the uh per the approve per the plan approved by the planning board okay it was also agreed by Clearwater and signal that in the event that there was still some you know site that they would work with me to provide additional plantings that was in a meeting that I had with Todd pillings and Ros probably at this point two and a half three years ago so I'm just a little disappointed that you know they're looking for final approvals and in my opinion you know that part of the project has has not even been started and obviously not complete okay I will follow that up when I call Pete Williams for the plans we're not we the storm water committee is not at the stage of final approval because we need information from our engineers and since they're W understood okay all right I'll add that to the list of things to communicate to Pete Warren about and I do appreciate the the folks on Tremont Street you know they planted trees right away to obviously you know provide the buffer for the neighbors and not the isore anything else on Macs behind a Ros Mr vaco this is the largest solar farm we have in the town so far agenda item 4C 102 Sunny's way drainage Mr Barry would you give us an update on that so the resident and the contractors has been very uh responsive you're trying to work with the conservation committee we this week because of the time frame and the severity of the problem that's on the we were out there yesterday phase one has been started the sidewalks already been repaired the only one as far as they kind of stay out of the juristiction area pending conservations and then so is the clom going to act on that at the next meeting or was tomorrow night did the inspection go well well it was just it was just a site visit and we talked to the owner and and the engineer and you know they got they got a pretty good plan and yeah they they seem very responsive like just to exactly what Tommy said okay so we do have some keeping we need to do on to finalize our connection permits and whatnot they're well aware of it um as we aware yeah mean the chairman has talking offline I gave the chairman from Board of Health the heads up too so we have some housekeeping to do on that the actual permit and they're going to be very very responsible so um they know they can't finalize the connection until conservation it's finalized but we're in good shape ready for the winter and should take care of the urgent need also yeah um do you think this is going to be done before winter assuming that the clom issues are addressed they'll be able to dig this property up and put this pipe in and yes if it's at the minimum at the maximum it's a week project but they should be able to do it within a couple days okay P pending the green light and whatever orders conditions if they are orders and conditions I don't think it RDA does order conditions out they very willing to accommodate whatever conservation yeah he's like just tell me what I need to do you know very responsive you know you can you can tell the difference between I'm learning the different residents that gladly do whatever you needs to be done all okay so we'll wait for we'll put this on the agenda for next month not to hold up anything because they're making progress all along but by then concom will have met and we'll know how that all came out and I would think we can just vote then and just say you know but it may be done by then right okay any questions from anybody on the drainage project at 102 Sunny's way this project is being done at the expense of the property owner um because they're tying into a town drainage system we voted to give them a waiver and allow that to happen because there's no other solution so they've applied for the permit uh Mr Ferry has all the guidelines that we voted and accepted when Mr pilling was here so we'll talk about this maybe this will be the last time next month okay uh zero Elm Street Mr Ferry that's mine I'm sorry I wasn't prepared for that one um what I have on now this is the one on Richmond Hill correct uh yeah the plumber uh Eman Plumbing building yes so some more related unless Lisa saw something different um they had to install the water main which is was a 6 in Main in property compromise my system uh they were very again very responsive on that repair um I believe the shoulder is getting wrapped up today Paving had to happen today because of the storm that's coming in uh so the hot passenger has to wait rather than tie up their trucks going in because we have a larger surface area to pave inside so it makes sense to get that done for storm water management so the paving for the park L should be done today and then so the hot ping the road will be done in the future of time excuse me is that the kind of update we needed yeah and I copied you on the email from Tracy datat Lisa I copied you on that uh cuz I had questions about the um if the repairs had been made to that line you referenced um I sent a photos out that they sent to us I had never seen a I call it a lawn blanket uh that they put down to stabilize the ground because obviously with the drought nothing's growing um and Tracy said that um there they would put in the base coat which is you describing the driveway and they'd be coming back in the spring to finish things up um they asked if they could go to one inspection a month based on EPA requirements now that this thing is kind of going to become idle because the wi is coming and everything else um I told her I didn't see a problem with going to inspections once a month as long as we didn't get torrential rains but if there are torrential rains somebody's got to go out there after the storm and inspect because we don't want to have a blowout like we did on Tremont in Middle when we got those horrendous rains and the BM let go and the dirty water went into the brook and everything else that happened so Lisa do you have any comments on U yeah I definitely do I have comments um so they Eman reached out to me and asked um when they could be done with the Swip inspections and I reiterated to them I think I copied you Nancy that they aren't stabilized yet they haven't finished their final grading and they're not stabilized so um technically with an EPA um permit like this you can't stop your inspections and you're actually supposed to continue to do your inspections per the Swip um so I also suggested she reach out to her engineer who's Tracy Dart from MBL Land Development imp permitting and um I guess Nancy I I would disagree I don't like the once a month inspections um I think they need to be at least once a week because especially where we've been in such a drought and we continue to have these really you know Gully washer type um storms I think that we need to require them for all our projects at least once a week that's why okay um the only the only site I discussed specifically was Zero Elm Street and I fully understand that and and that's why I conditioned it it's really going to be based on the weather if the weather were to remain dry like it has been or you know ply showers if we ever see them um I don't have trouble stretching out an inspection but by the same token if we're going to start the rainy season with what's supposed to be coming in tomorrow that's a whole different ball game um if it were to remain if the site remains inactive or dormant because they can't do anymore based on whether it's weather conditions or anything else and we're entering winter uh would you still want them to be doing weekly inspections definitely yeah in my experience because I I used to have to do Swip inspections for Ry dot um you know you end up with the most turbid Waters and the most sediment issues in the winter Tom would you disagree no and then that zero Elm Street in particular I even if it was a blanket request you're making I think that site poses a different challenge because it grades yeah okay that's what I referenced in my email so um I will get in touch with Tracy du um I responded to that yesterday it would have been nice if you guys responded to me yesterday and I would have gotten back to her and said no we still want we still want monthly inspections sorry Nancy I'm I'm only part-time I mean I must have left for the day by the time you wrote the email sorry um I'm not anytime at all so don't tell me about your schedule I'm not interested I am not interested in talking about people's work schedule because I don't have one it's 247 when the phone rings or I open the emails but again I don't have notifications on like that sorry I will certainly get in touch with Tracy doat as I said that's why I put the condition on it because I didn't have a response so I will take care of that I'll will copy you guys on it and we'll go from there okay anybody on the committee have any questions or comments any okay so I will make a note to send an email to Tracy and say we want weekly on that one um I don't think need pictures every week would you agree to that um well how are we gonna know inspections of being done how are we know you remember the all the pictures we got on some of these it was the same pictures over and over and over again simply because the site didn't change and I'm thinking of the big Solon behind Aros I mean I I matched some of those pictures and finally wrote and said when were these pictures taken I'm looking at the same pictures there's one new blade of grass on the ground so um what what I will what I'll condition as part of this email is that we want a couple of pictures a at a minimum after a rain event all right Tom are you shifing your head yes or saying no I'm agreeing with you I I I I don't know about that every two weeks I I mean every week I'm happy with two weeks but um how about every two weeks and after an event of TW um 025 a quarter inch or more is a typical inspection a typical inspection is supposed to be once a week and and after a significant rain event so precipitation event so why don't we say every two weeks and after a quarter inch does that work for everyone I'm G to S put down whatever you guys tell me Tom quarter inch half inch what is it qu in is fine in an hour that makes a difference well it also depends if it's a gentle rain or if it's a gully washer so um I did mention in that email about the place that I described is not in a location that is as steep as where this building is on Richmond Hill and yet we still had the problem with the burm blowing out so I will get in touch with uh Tracy doat and I'll copy you guys on it yeah so they looking at at least seven months that's before we get something gross that that'll stay there yeah so my understanding is this blanket thing is going to stay on the ground depending on the type yeah that's still the thing with that is you don't know what scouring is happen underneath it those are nice and help you can't see what's going on underneath but if you have enough scouring what you're going to have is a sagging blanket so you're going to know this the land under it is disappeared down the road okay okay um item 4 e Hunters Hill uh Mr Pearson do you have anything on Hunters Hill I do not Mr Ferry anything no nobody's here from Hunters Hill okay uh I don't have anything new um this will be on the agenda next month just for a project uh report or update if something comes up as long as this project is is viable we'll keep it on the agenda unless for some reason it's absolutely nothing's going to happen except they're going to build their homes or whatever uh Lisa are you all set with Hunter Hill at the conservation level um yes I mean we have some ongoing permits with them so um we actually have um a new filing from the Johnson family for a single family lot up there um but yeah I mean we be we'll be monitoring that they need to also continue to do their Swip inspections which I think there's been a gap and I don't know if you've received them but I mean I'm not receiving them every week like we asked I have not seen Swip inspections for hunt to Hill for a while right so and that's a requirement in the Swift so I guess I'm a little concerned about that you know um I'll follow up with um Evan and we can uh I'll copy you on the emails okay and copy Tom also please okay agenda item five a uh review discuss act request to retroact ly extend Brook Street solar storm water permit to 12:31 2025 so what happened was the uh storm water permit for Brook Street Sol uh expired and we discovered that when we were looking at other permits and so uh I contacted Mr HZ and he requested that it be extended until December 31st 2025 and uh there was an administrative fee of $65 which they paid and so I need a vote to retroactively extend the Brook Street soless storm water permit to 12312 the retroactive goes back to um um let me think January of 21 21 I believe it 21 no 23 it was issued in it was issued in 21 and it said it would expire in two years and I think that's why it fell through the the the cracks but anyhow um I just need to vote to actually do that so moved we have a motion to extend the permit to 12325 is there a second second we have a second any discussion hearing none all in favor I hi well you you got to speak up Mr Ferry silent the vote's unanimous um so while we're talking about um Brook Street um you saw the email and um the test was conducted on Monday and it was successful and I will ask uh Nick Bass andola the engineer for uh grasshopper to speak and also James Pearson was there uh from Weston and Samson uh representing the town so Nick if you want to start sure sure so um good to see everybody again uh this past Monday we filled the base in uh over uh about a 5H hour period uh with water from uh nearby fire hydrant um the Basin got to an elevation of approximately SE uh 77 which you know it's about a foot and a half of water in the Basin um it did take a substantial AMOM water to get to that level given uh that we've been under drought conditions and the area is very dry and there's a substantial quantity of uh Title 5 sand that does sit under that gravel so uh there was a decent amount of infiltration which occurred um you know based on the information provided to me about 91,000 gallons of water was uh pumped into that Basin um so the soil appeared to saturate and we did uh accumulate enough water to adequately assess the installed Basin subdrain um which is a 4in perforated pipe system that connects to a Solid 4 in a single solid 4in uh discharge pipe which leaves the Basin and uh discharges towards the existing rip ratp pad um that was that discharge was plugged to start the process so we wouldn't lose any water um when filling the Basin um so at approximately 100 p.m. we uh we pulled the plug and observed uh the Water discharging from the Basin uh pipes seem to be flowing full and um the outlet didn't appear to have any major issues and the Basin drained as expected um no major issues noted uh other than there was a little bit of water standing water along the southwesterly side of the gravel driveway as you come in and you know you kind of turn up uh and turn into the to the access gate just along the edge so um we're recommending that that section of the driveway uh be raised about four to six Ines to prevent uh water from accumulating on the gravel driveway um at about 2:30 I believe uh Jim and Nancy uh and myself we all took took a look at things and decided that it made no sense to sit there and watch this drain for another few hours as it was working fine so we all um left the site and uh the contractor continued to monitor the outflow from the Basin which uh ended around 5:00 p.m. so it took about 4 hours to drain from what I calculated to be about 40 4,400 cubic feet water um you know long story short that equates to about a flow rate of approximately three CFS why that matters is because when we did our calculations um for how much water would be flowing out through that pipe we calculated it to be at about 0.22 CFS so it's a little bit higher than what was calculated and um you know based on some as built information we took of the outlet pipe and the pipe Network the 4in outlet has a slope of approximately 1 and a half% where we had on the design plan 1% so when the pipes when the pipe has a little bit greater slope you're going to get a higher flow rate so overall um based on my analysis everything seems to be working as planned and as designed um you know this is a very limited sample given that you know we are under drought conditions and we only filled the Basin up uh about a foot and a half um and there's still large capacity uh that could be of water that could be added to that Basin but overall if you take that flow rate and extrapolate that over a 72-hour period after even if the Basin was full you know that pond would drain within uh about 30 hours or so um technically so it's safe to say that it will fully drain within the required 72 hours um so that's a good thing um I'll let Jim make any comments but I think we're all under uh agreement that it seemed to be working as designed um there were a few other things um few high spots in the gravel in the bottom of the Bas and I uh instructed the contractor to level out um just so the bottom of the base was a little bit more consistent but other than that U everything seems to be working uh as designed James yes thank you yeah so I arrived onsite about 1 pm and and uh as Nick said we uh we pulled the plug on the Basin after it was partially filled with water and uh yeah I mean what what Nick's describing sounds consistent with what I was seeing um the Basin was was draining at a pretty steady rate um at the time that I was standing out there monitoring it it was looking to me like it was probably draining at a rate of about six inches per hour that is to say that the the water surface was lowering at a rate of about 6 inches per hour um so you know based upon the time that it sounds like the pond fully drained uh you know that that sounds like you know give or take uh roughly the the rate it was draining and and I don't see any concerns with with this Pond draining within 70 two hours as it's required to do um yeah I I I don't really have any objection to anything Nick has just presented I I think that it all is consistent with what I saw when I was on the site thank you anyone from the committee have any questions um I'll just comment that when I got to the site which was as Mr pier and I arrived there about the same time around 1:00 um the uh contractor point out a a tip of a rock sticking out of the water and he put that there because he wanted to see how fast the water was would rise and um so when it was agreed to shut the water off and then open the unplug the pipe uh the only thing you could see was the tip of the Rock and in the period of time that we were there up until 2:30 um that rock became completely visible and um as a matter as the water drained I kept saying it looks like a shock finin so that when it drained it looked like the whole fin of the shock was visible um also uh when you looked off to the South where the the Basin starts up and there's all the rows of panels uh you could see the water mark that had been say up here and as the it's all small Rocks coming down into the basic you could see how it had drained and it was just the r the wet rocks there uh but uh it was I thought it was a fast drain to tell you the truth um I've seen Title 5 inspections um that it seemed like it took forever to even if you were able to get a one to 20 perk and it went to 30 I mean even that that seemed like hours even though it was 30 minutes but um yeah everything that I saw looks good so I I I'm in agreement with what um James Nic is said Tom you you came there you were there you were there in the beginning I think was shortly after they started you just went well uh I want to thank the day and water district uh Tom had mentioned that to me before and so we suggested they get in touch with him uh I think it went it went very well because I think it would have been very difficult to get tanker trucks in there with sufficient amount of water to get over that The Bridge on the River qu make the bend dump the water and tank of trucks with water so uh fortunately the water district was able to accommodate them and uh it worked out okay um so Mr HZ do you have any comments uh no I'm I'm good uh no no comments okay um Mrs BOS did you wish you speak ran BOS 1680 time Street just out of curiosity did the water run down Brook Street oh I for I should have said that so when I was leaving the site my car was parked on on the north side of Brook Street so it's was going towards my car uh I walked over the bridge and walked parallel to the drainage dish first of all I stopped at the right where the bridge connects to the road and there was a good stream coming down into the ditch and I followed the ditch all the way down past the the pipe that goes under that first driveway and down to Bo where across from where my car was it flowed very smoothly it didn't puddle it didn't back up it didn't overflow um I think the ditch is deceiving because it's got all grass and stuff growing in it you don't realize how deep the ditch is because that water was moving I mean if I hadn't seen it I would have heard it and and I think it's because the ditch was so deep so that the the ditch is deceiving in that is capacity to hold water uh is kind of hidden because of vegetation so yes I checked that to make sure and as it went under the driveway that drainage pipe that's under that guy's driveway there was not back up there either so did you see any of that when you were did you get a chance to look at that okay all right um so it never answers the street right um which again brings me to ask the legality of draining someone else's property water on someone else's property um that just doesn't seem legal to me that because theirs doesn't drain you can drain it onto someone else's property I'm not going to get into a discussion of legalities of the drainage system the system that is in place the system that we insisted be tested the system that we all observed that were those of us that were there on Monday is based on the approved plans from the planning board if if there were any question about whether or not that could be done it would have been handled at that level not at this level by the time this comes to us with approved plans our responsibility is to make sure the storm water bylaw and rs great the storm water RS does refer to that but that's that the reference is when you're redirecting water this is not redirecting water water was already naturally going that direction well the water goes in that directions but it's collected in certain areas when that was wooded it was there was not that much water and it wasn't put into one two areas the two basins right once when it goes into this it's expected to go into that training St that's there's nowhere else it can't we can't go uphill with it well I get that but it does drain onto someone else's property just it does go right into someone else's property not really no it's pretty much all Town property at that point well if if it comes out right where you said it comes out and it goes down underneath that first driveway and it's still heading east I would call it right and where does it end up going from there um because we did have a guy gentleman a resident I think his name was Russ Allen who lives at the corner of milk in Brook and he was a little concerned about where the water was going to be and he's always had a dry home and basement but Tom where does the water go is it does it go under Brook Street at some point right so before it leaves Mr horn boundary what would be the boundary going east is a cross P that goes underneath Brook Street there and it heads towards with the easement the the natural easement that we already have going into the sunet water district Al so it crosses back under Brook yes okay so that it takes it away from you mentioned that water heads to that same Co it comes West yeah yeah yeah right okay uh and just a question for Lisa um I know I had mentioned the Swale when they did the planting which are dead now a lot of them um but did you ever have a chance to look at that sale to see if that Machinery happened to flatten it out yeah there was no real evidence of that when I was out there I didn't see any real disturbance um so yeah I mean yeah so I didn't really I didn't see a problem with any of that um if I had seen you know vegetation that was wasn't supposed to be disturbed in there I would have made note of that I did look to make sure that all the areas that they cleared were outside the 100 foot buffer zone as well so um they're going to be coming to conservation tomorrow night for us to discuss the storm water basin um improvements and so I think you would you got that a Butter's notice right I did yes thank you so you're welcome to come to that meeting well oh I'll be back um and one more question is um not to you Lisa um but if they didn't have a permit how come they were allowed to work on the Basin because we weren't aware it expired right it expired and they were still allowed to work on it they have to have a because we were not aware it had expired as soon as we realized it had expired I got in touch with Mr papz and said we have found out your your permit expired you need to apply for a retroactive extension the reason why the date goes out to December 25 is that we know in the foreseeable future depending upon the growing season and the planting season and all those other Seasons we have to contend with they'll have to go back and do replanting or the kind of stuff that will need to be done if more trees die I know there are trees there that have to be replaced um so I told them to go far enough out extend it far enough out so it we would anticipate they would anticipate the kind of work they might have to go back and do okay now I also checked with the Building Commissioner and said to him uh the building excuse me the storm water permit has expired I'm going to recommend that they apply for reinstatement uh retroactive too and I looked up the date and it's it's on the per I don't have the permit with me um but I need to know if this were a building project and a building permit expired what would you do and he said if it expired and we didn't catch it but the work had continued we wouldn't say to them oh wait a minute you got to start over because the work continued he says that's the case here the work has been the project has been worked on continually in the case of a building permit if somebody starts building a disappears for two years and the pr perit expires that's a whole different ball game when was it that you found out it was expired I'm going to say right after the last stor water meeting uh then they worked on it since then excuse me then they've worked on it since then yes because it was a continuing project and based on what the Building Commissioner told me since it was an ongoing project I said to him if this were a house what would you do and he said I would say you've got to get a retroactive uh permit renewal and I said I'm going to tell him to extend it far enough out to cover if they have to do plantings or I don't know whatever is required down the road and that's we told that's how he told me how to handle it he also said that if this were a building project that they would not he would not charge a full building permit fee again he said to renew a building permit that expires or is approaching expiring uh this a $65 administrative fee so I notified Mr HZ of that and said I need that payment as soon as I can get it and it was here I think in less than a week I got word that it had arrived and uh so um I said it's going to be on the agenda the work continued okay uh I just wanted to add something that that what um Tom had said about the um uh about the storm water rules and rs um yeah exactly um and the reason I referenced the planning board approved plans is the planning board is very aware of what's in storm water RS and this is an area where storm water RS and planting board rigs at times come together or overlap or whatever they don't conflict with one another but we always try to keep in mind what it is we have in common so that we don't have uh situations where um storm water can't overrule something planning has approved um and planning doesn't say you don't have to follow those rules that are storm water so we bring it all together and through communication that's how we do this so so you're you're exactly right okay in what you said and again it all relates to what's in those so those are those are some areas that we are actually together on even though they're uh one storm water EGS and one the planning [Music] um okay um does anyone else have anything on uh Brook Street solo that they want to comment on anybody on Zoom okay so I guess uh the only thing I wanted to say was I'm happy to see that the storm water is going to be you know Management's going to be improved out there it's it's about time and and thank you Ahmed for you know getting this done thank you Nick thank you Mr Pearson yeah been a while are we done with [Laughter] them we haven't seen amond smile yet we just got to smile where you at um Merry Christmas if I don't see you sir um storm waterers involvement with Brook Street will be if problems arise um for the time being yeah we're we ought of done unless a problem arises the other thing we're going to need from uh Ahmed is the name of the local contact who's going to provide maintenance because it's got to be maintained the basins can't grow up into woods and trees and stuff uh if uh something happens you know bunch of trees are blown over or something and have to be replaced um who's going to do that who's the local person so that's but for all intent and purposes it it goes back now to um conom and uh there may be something for planning to do and of course the building Commissioners got to get involved uh so uh we'll have it on the agenda but it may be nothing new to report okay just so that we can keep track of it to see where it is with other boards it's wherever it's going and um when Jim AGA gets back he may have give us an update on where he is with the project and the uh the cooc and all that stuff okay I'd also like to thank Mrs boay and her husband for being persistent and staying on top of every little thing that happened over there because you've been our eyes and our ears for a lot L of the problems and we appreciate that thank you yeah here um okay so agenda item 6 a another request from New Leaf energy I think I told you at the last meeting I know it did because Woody said what is this doing on the agenda it hasn't come to planning so a different individual uh contacted attempted to contact me through the assessor's office and this request was to have a meeting or a conference or a discussion whatever you want to call it so that they could get the technical information on how to come before the storm water committee to talk about this potential battery storage project off of M and Lane I didn't get back to the individual um it's the same answer you they've applied through concom for the initial they haven't gone to the planning board so there's no sense about talking to storm water because it's got to go to plan when planning approves it we can look at it but if they would like to come in and just sit at a meeting I mean you're not going to learn anything that's not already in the RS and and uh in meeting with planning on concom they always say to a developer make sure you check with storm water but we're we're further down the calendar the the time schedule um and my other concern is that when when the first request came in um that individual for me informed me it had to be at least a 30 minute teleconference and um not going to happen uh and I said well if if this were even considered I would do it in Mr Ferry's office because I'm not going to me I'll talk to anybody one on-one uh because you end up with she said he said and that's we know that's a waste of time so anyhow um my position still has been um procedure is uh work things through you're talking to concom go to planning board get that ball rolling and we'll we'll at the appropriate time stor water will get involved okay thank you all right interesting thing is I think I told you the first time I met this gentleman was at a concom meeting and um I had to kind of chase them out the door and give them my assess card with the name and phone number and say when you ready to talk to storm water to get back to me I mean he had no time at all U and then all of a sudden we got to have conferences well no that's isn't going to happen so um the uh I'm hearing also about battery storage on Oak Street which I believe came up at the concom meeting that same night now I'm hearing about two other potential sites in town for battery storage or Solon uh and that was through the assessor's office nothing definite yet but I'm hearing about um property somewhere on or near Miller's Lane as a potential site um maybe something around uh Chestnut North Street but again nothing definite um sometimes developers just contact the Assessor's Office to check things out and maybe nothing happens but um there was an indication that that's what they could be looking for so we'll just wait and see what happens um uh the um the 2025 calendars the pictures and all that are at BP I don't know if they're going to make the date and time for the Saturday after Thanksgiving it's going to be very very tight because I lost almost two weeks um to get if I don't have them for lights on uh I will still get them out because um they'll be in all of the Town buildings they'll be in the post offices um I will get them out somehow um the thing is I'm supposed to have them at a public event so I'll have to figure that out but uh we will um if if I can't count that as a public event because I'm not really having an event um we'll probably do something at cow trip next year because that'll be the last event just before the reporting year June 30th ends so uh I still have cow chip to do something next year and um while I'm talking about that um at the lions at Festival I gave away a 100 of the coloring books that I showed you that we get off the EP website with the c with the um crayons um we gave away all the the rest of the bags we had and I could have given away a few hundred more if I had them and all of the grippers so we'll be coming in with a proposal to buy uh the shopping bags and the grippers uh I got to see what we got in our budget so the money for the calendars was incumbent against last year so the calendars are going to be paid for but I got to look to see what we have uh got to talk to my budget director Mr ferry to see what we have and what kind of a price we can get forther the shopping bags and the grip is are very popular we do have a supply of uh Dion discs AKA frises yeah so I've got those that I can give out at um CIP um but uh it it went very well the the kids were happy with coloring books and crayons so and that was really targeted for the little little kids so that was that went well those rppers those the JY openers yeah they're using them to open trash B CU they're having trouble opening trash oh because they stick yeah oh that's interesting so I may be talking to you about that oh that's interesting you may um offer them some kind of advertisement it's like when you go to hand ifits uh if you don't grab one of those things to clean your hands when you're going in uh I usually grab the the the bags to put Proto in and head for where they spray all the stuff because you can usually get your hands wet or go over to where the flowers at get your fingers wet so you can get those those open but well Li showed me something today what you do is you get a little bit of Scotch tape put it on one side a little Scotch tape on that side they open right up spit will do it too yeah I know I know but not that i' do that in my own house I might do that I don't do that at hits got um approval of the minutes for September 18th and October 16th so October 16th um is excuse me not October 16th um that should have been changed I I printed an old I'm reading an old agenda we made the change the minutes that were to be approved are September 8 2024 and the site visit to 2162 Horton Street and these not minutes per se they are site visit notes and as you know in the past when we've had site visits to look at properties and this was the final inspection that was requested by the property owners um so we did conduct it uh we have a record of it that we visited and everything looked okay and who was there so I need a motion to approve the minutes for September 18th and the site visit notes of October the 2nd so moved we have a motion is there a second second got a second any discussion hearing none all in favor hi hi smile me Mr Thomas I voted Heather please note Tom smiled uh do we have any anticipated items anything anyone wants to mention that you can think of that we should have on a future agenda or anything like that um public input we don't have any public yeah Mrs gulat uh this is Francis Chrisi I do have public input uh actually now listening to the circumstance on the Brook Street solar uh project in permit expiration uh I'd like to understand the current permit status for the Macs project at aruo are they under permit is it expired do you have no clue when it will expire I'm gonna have to look it up I don't have anything with me for Macs but I will check it out and I and I would you know as a resident you know obviously permits are important you know they're they're based for the safety of both the town and the residents I'd make a recommendation to the storm Water Commission that you may want to create a list it may be in conjunction with the Building Commissioner and ensure that all permits are active and um in compliance from an expiration perspective your Point's well taken um quite frankly I would expect that to be done you know as general all of this was under control until we lost our storm water agent right and when that happened as we could the work that he did that could be done with existing employees was kind of found out the office end of it so to speak uh fell through the cracks um and it's also the reason we now have Weston and Samson uh doing engineering for the town including storm water committee is because we had nobody here so again when he left we kind of looked at his duties and farmed him out as best we could and um the permitting process that's when we determined that there was that problem but I've I've got to know I will find out the the permit uh date for this one I'm I'm going to check all the solar Farms that are uh like um Blue Wave um and find out what they are because if any of them have to be extended retroactively we'll get it done um excellent and okay and I there there'll be uh information on that um any corresponden no uh the next meeting is December 18 uh for the past couple of years we have skipped the December meeting um I need to know what your feelings are if in fact um we don't have anything that is going to require a vote right then and there in other words if basically I've got project updates and stuff uh I would just assume not have the December meeting and move it all to January but I want to know how you feel we feel the same same I don't have feelings you don't well you didn't even smile so he gets paid no matter what um okay so um I'm going to leave it then that the the the meeting right now our next meeting is going to be January the 15 at 1 pm um if in fact we need to have a meeting on December 18th because something comes up or something happens or another bard of committee votes something and we get a vote to follow up whatever uh we'll schedule it and even if it's just a quick meeting to vote on whatever it is but it won't be a long meeting so I'm I'm just going to leave it there for right now and we can post something if we're going to have it or we'll post a notice that the December meeting has been cancelled does anybody else have anything else to bring before the board so I hope to have calendars if I don't have them you know I didn't get them in time because of the kids schedule at VP but calendars will be coming out they will be available in all the public buildings the post offices and the people I Ambush on the street okay okay if uh don't laugh you know I do that I can't see you Ambush that's how we get the town reports out yeah I I go to the Post Office and and when they come out come in I say excuse me do you live in this town they look at me like they're Leary like is this going to cost me money so then I say I'm just want to know I'm giving out Town re books oh no I don't live in town okay thank you that's it um motion to ajour oh before you do would you like to comment on anything Mr I'm just looking for the cow chip oh it's fun and see how it affects you have those dates Mr welcome to welcome to you have those the weekend chip is always the weekend after Memorial um hey you know what it's late because the June 1st in 2025 is a Sunday so cou Chip is 6 seven and8 that's late and you're underdressed they don't want to interfere with my fishing schedule days so the big the big event days the big event yeah I was just the big event day is you have to stand around in the pouring rain or the scorching heat and watch cows do their thing okay all right is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second we have motion to Second all in favor hi hi hi opposed abstained we're adjourned it's two like 12 thank you everybody night Nancy I just wanted to let you know I went on my blue blue mail my Outlook and I don't have