okay it's 1:00 I'm going to call the meeting to order this is the monthly meeting of the town of dayon storm water committee it's Wednesday March 20th 2024 we are in the upper level meeting room at the Old Town Hall 11-11 SEMA Avenue dayon this is a public meeting being video and audio recorded for posted YouTube we are both live and using Zoom um I'm not going to read all of that because nobody ever writes it down and understands it anyhow um please stand for the Pledge of [Applause] Allegiance I pledge allegiance to flag United States of America the repblic stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all thank you uh attendance roll call Mr Agia here F yeah Miss calonia oh she must be on the phone I know she's here Mr Woods yeah and nany G here um Heather did you get the names of everyone that's that's here here okay Lisa yes oh it's over here yes we have everyone's name thank Weston and Samson engineering projects I thought Jim or one of the Jims was going to um he's coming hi I just spoke with him he's coming coming on Zoom yes which one Jim p Jim Ren Jim Ren okay um slow people now okay so um let's see uh hi ammed he muted looks like he's on twice yeah looks like he's com are you there yep he's coming one of them's muted yes I'm here yeah okay uh Jim ridden hi Nancy hi um Greg moous yep I'm here okay and Rich richo I'm here okay um agenda item 4 a Weston and Samson engineering projects this is the street um Solon um Jim you want to give a just a a quick summary of that the report is out um copies were sent to uh Ahmed and I think Nick got it but just quickly for the committee sure um I have a brief PowerPoint if you'd like that I can uh that I can give to the group with that help all right let me see if I can share my screen no I'm disabled at the moment do we have to do something here or can you come on yeah yeah no uh you folks need to enable me to share do you how to enable so he can share got to be one of those little boxes what about that green the green one all by itself to anyone I think the there we go hold on just a moment oh no we're still waiting oh how about that Arrow bottom right Tom see it says share screen that it it's already activated someone else may grab it oh and if it's a if it's a problem to do I can I can just run through without um it's not super critical okay why don't you go ahead uh if we get it to come up in the meantime we will all right cool all right so uh obviously this is regarding the Brook Street solar project um uh we uh we were given plan set uh that were both for the permitting and uh the asilt condition and we took a look at those and um in general uh at the site conditions and then following that uh we conducted a review in the field our understanding is basically that this particular uh that there are two basins there and that they uh both ended up with standing water in them at uh some points in time uh and they were really supposed to drain down and that wasn't happening quite right so we were taking a look at these uh both from the standpoint of whether they conformed to the original uh approved permitting plan Set uh the the as belts that is and uh whether there were field conditions that maybe weren't anticipated when they were built that uh were problematic now so um let's see so we had uh we had a variety of materials that we uh that we took a look at they included the storm water report for Brook Street solar project that was done by Atlantic design it's about 80 pages long back in 2018 um another one uh entitled storm waterer report addendum for Brook Street uh also at that time about another 52 Pages um a third storm water report that was dendam 2 uh also in 2018 and plans entitled The Brook Street solar commercial photo vot fold F yeah you know what I'm trying to say photo voltaic system that was by uh level Design Group and it was annotated for construction there were 10 sheets and it was put together in 2021 plans entitled The Brook Street solar storm water basin repair plan from 2022 and that was three sheets uh plan entitled drainage as built Brook Street solar uh also by level Design Group that was another sheet in 2022 a report from the level Design Group uh to the storm water committee um 50 pages and a review letter prepared by Green International that was three pages that was from 2023 and then um we noticed um we noticed a number of deviations from the permitted design set um most significant of which I think had to do with the elevation of the bottom of the system and some of the uh Spillway and pipe inverts um and and uh on occasion I guess um also some of the outlet openings as well um and so uh because of these deviations uh the system uh is draining differently uh than would have been expected I see James Pearson is on I'll I'll let him speak to that a little bit more uh and James if you're uh if you're able to do it it would probably be good for you to do the review of the um the site visit as well since you were there and I was not yeah happy you do so but it sounds like we're talking about clearway for now right so or the project formerly known as clearway no no no we're talking about Brook Street we talking about Rook Street okay sorry joined a little bit late I had a little bit of a snap who no problem so so Brook Street um so the the things that we had noticed in our initial review at Brook Street what were that um there were two storm water basins there was a detention Basin that was farther south on the site and that one was reported to have some standing water issues and um upon reviewing it doing a site visit reviewing it and reviewing the documentation it looked like the uh the outlet pipes were configured slightly differently and at a slightly different elevation than was reported in in uh what was reported to be the uh as Bel plan um and and so the as built plan actually differed slightly from from the design actually is what I'm trying to say and so for that reason you know we it you know it would seem that there might be slightly different performs it may be an nonissue it may be it may not be a problem but some just one of those things needs to be verified um the standing water in that southernly Basin and again that southernly Basin is a detention Basin it's not an infiltration Basin okay the detention Basin is supposed to drain dry between storms but in this case there was standing water that was still in it after storms were gone and that mainly appeared to be due to some of the grades at the Northern end of that southern Basin um being not graded to positively drain towards the outlet and so um you know th those are just some things that uh with some some minor work could probably be corrected in some form or fashion and we had those discussions on site um so the second of the two basins um which was probably the more problematic of the two it's the one closest to the entrance to the site off the Brook Street that one um in our initial review letter we had recommended that uh some further sight investigation was needed in order to ascertain what the problem was with that BAS the way the problem was manifesting itself is that there was standing water that was occurring in that Basin for periods longer than 72 hours which exceeds the time frame that an infiltration Basin is supposed to drain so we went on site uh and we issued that second letter recently uh regarding that site visit and uh during the site visit we excavated two test pits and we discovered that for the most part um you know within the within the upper 10 feet or so it did appear to be a lot of sand that had been reported uh to be the material that had been placed when they did some initial corrective action on that Basin the uh the lab testing that was done confirmed that it was some good sand material that in all respects really should drain fairly rapidly uh once we got down further below the bottom of the those test pits we started to discover some materials that um had more of a clay texture and would would not tend to drain rapidly um we also did some excavation kind of along one of the edges of the Basin to try to get outside of the Zone where the sand fill had been placed and and likewise it seemed like in those areas we were finding some materials that were somewhat less well draining as well um so that led us to our conclusion which we stated in our most recent letter that uh we felt that what was happening is water was accumulating within the sand within that Basin and and then since it was surrounded on all sides and on the bottom by soils that had a less perious character uh the water was then not able to drain very quickly beyond that and with some of the heavy rainfall events that we had had back to back recently at the time that the standing water was observed it seemed that uh the Basin probably just became overwhelmed with the amount of volume of water that was going in there and and with it draining at such a slow rate it was causing the water to actually raise to the surface and and and sit there for an extended period while while things uh were only able to drain very slowly so that told us that it seemed to us that uh this the fact this is an infiltration based in that location um you know this site may not be the most ideal for an infiltration Basin and so there may it may be worth looking at some uh corrective actions to be taken to uh to maybe change the uh change the nature of that Basin so that it is not purely just an infiltration Basin but maybe some sort of hybrid solution where maybe it serves a little bit more of a star detention purpose so that was our that was our thinking there and uh all that all those things are outlined in the letter that we provided okay uh Jim ridden do you have anything to add no I thought James did a really great job of summarizing uh that and um yeah again I would uh totally concur with James's points on this of course um which are that essentially that uh there there is some reconfiguration of that that uh First Basin uh that we were talking about that um needs to at least be analyzed a bit make sure uh that the Basin Works um as is appropriate under storm water standards and then that the second Basin that uh was designed as an infiltration Basin that that needs to get Revisited okay um before we go any further with the person who is ident identified as iPhone please identify yourself yeah that's me I uh this is okay yeah my uh mic was not working on the oh okay all right we've got you down in two places so but the other one just is iPhone okay thank you um if it's okay with the committee um I'm going to ask uh Mr Haz and Mr fenda if they have comments then the committee will have an opportunity to ask questions uh so uh Mr HZ Mr F andola comments on what you just heard on the report from Weston and Samson or questions whatever um yeah I uh I don't have any comments I think we we'll start working on the recommendation so I'll let Nick speak to that uh we're we're clear on uh Basin 3 that's fine I just uh if I can ask for the final report to include the comment on Basin 3 as well it was included in the initial report but not in the final report so the final would be the final for everything that's all but I'll let Nick speak to the design that is uh going to be presented to the stor Mar commit sure so for the record Nick fenda level Design Group um no uh we we appreciate the work done by Weston and Samson um you know no New Revelations from from uh everybody who's been participating in the um this project in this these storm water issues um I'm sure the storm water committee uh is well aware of all these items um you know we did look at uh adding uh a sub drain a lowf flow drain in the Basin uh well about year and a half ago I think that would still be the best solution um we'll have to do some modeling of the Basin um and look at the Flows In and Out uh to make sure we're not causing any Downstream impacts um with with the release of of storm water but I'm thinking uh an outlet low in the Basin uh controlled some something small that allows that Basin to slowly drain out hopefully you get some infiltration and you know as recommended it can act as a hybrid type of basin um in this area I would ask if we could get soil logs from those test pits and maybe just a a sketch showing where the test pits were dug I'm interested to know how deep those holes were um and and where that um clay type material was encountered uh um do you have the the four photos that I I emailed to you yes I do yeah okay if you could follow them to Nick Nick there were more pictures taken but these were too many to email so I picked out four um and the the the test toet was closest to the entrance where the um Culvert is to get into to the site M I didn't get pictures there because the soil was too unstable and as the the big uh piece of equipment was digging it kept caving in um and uh Mr Ferry said to me don't go down there that's not safe so we stayed on the burm but when they moved to the West uh where the Basin is more shallow um these pictures were taken so you will see um a picture with the tape going down to about I'm going to guess 4 feet and that first measurement is the high water mark and then you're going to see the tape going way way down to the bottom which was I'm going to guess maybe 10 ft not sure the logs will probably show that but that's when the groundwater appeared um there was another picture of the with a tape in it um the the last picture that I sent to Mr HZ was the last scoop of material they du out of it and it is a blue gray it looks like clay I'm not a soil expert but if you can see those pictures I think that will help and I do have more here if if uh you want to see them sometime but I think those four will be helpful with a soil log thanks for the information no yeah it would be helpful just so we can understand the the material I know in the report it did say you know an order odor of organic material and um just making sure that it's whatever was dug there was was natural material because as you guys are all well aware that the ho was filled with plenty of organic material um you know I from what um the previous storm water agent and I uh witnessed you know on site they removed I would say I would say almost all that material I mean they did their best it was difficult in some areas to to get everything out but I think they did a good job of getting rid of all of that organic material stump grindings top soil other types of sticks in that were put in the bottom of that Basin when it was originally constructed so I agree with that Nick um as a matter of fact um when I looked at some of the soil that had been removed before the measurements were that I just described we're taking there was a little bit of of stump shredded stuff but very very little so they did a good job cleaning it out and we didn't hit Boulders anywhere so that's a plus no yeah that makes sense all right [Music] um yeah I mean other than that uh we really don't have any anything else to add you know we're going to uh dig into this and and come up with a alternative design um and present it to the storm water committee this design will likely have an outlet maybe an outlet structure Outlet piping some sort of piped Outlet um from the Basin just wanted to make sure and and confirm with the storm water committee that that type of approach would be acceptable we don't want to go through the whole process and then it's determined that the storm water committee isn't willing to accept that type of change so we just want to make sure that you guys are aware that based on the report and you know my my feelings on the topic the only way to really solve this issue is to provide some sort of Outlet very close to the floor or the Basin to make sure this thing drains properly whether it's a an outlet structure that has some type of uh Outlet piping with it or a subdrain that's going to be installed in the bottom of the Basin just it will need an outlet so I just want to make sure that um we're all on the same page and that's something that you guys would consider um you know given that it's properly designed and we have it reviewed and go through all the proper steps okay so um when the report was issued um Mr hes had said to me that that that design that you presented a year and a half ago that we rejected um if whether or not that would going to be accepted and as you said there's probably going to be modifications based on the report that uh we have from Weston and Samson my response Mr HZ was that first of all we rejected that because we still didn't know what the problem was uh now we know what the problem is there's groundwater whatever and it's not draining properly now the other thing is um I did send an email to Jeff cavalo the chairman of the planning board he is going to want to see those plans whether you're using the old plans or modified plans or whatever you're going to do because the question is whether or not the proposed solution to this problem in the form of a a plan modified or brand new constitutes a minor are a major uh change so that's why I said in the email um when you get your plan ready a copy needs to go to the planning board and yes the storm water committee but at this point we want to know what the sto uh planning board is going to say um as far as the plan goes um Weston and Samson have pretty much said the what the solution appears to be but of course they're not going to design it but whatever you design or prepare or whatever we're going to ask them to look at it so um I think I think we're on the road to a final solution to this I just wanted you to know that planning would like to take a look at this and we would not act on it as a storm water committee without advice from the planning board understood okay members of the committee anybody wish to speak I have a question okay go ahead Lisa uh Mr HZ I have asked uh more than once now for your swep inspection reports and I haven't received them could someone Nick could anyone tell me if those inspections are still being conducted on site they have been conducted after uh after you've asked for them uh they have been conducted throughout the project until it was stabilized but then when you asked for them we conducted another uh test and uh I was under the impression that uh they were sent to you and since you're asking then they haven't so I will send them to you I believe it's also a permit condition of the storm water committee as well correct yes it is not just conservation sorry it is what the of the it is a requirement is what she's saying yes those reports are requirement where we don't have a storm water agent on the storm water committee if you uh send them to Mrs calonia she is a member of the committee so if anything stands out I'm sure she's going to let us know okay okay uh Mr Barry do you have anything um just point of order would they be a public hearing for a weaver um I'm waiting on everything from planning board because I I don't know how they're going to handle it I just didn't I just don't want to back but I don't believe we need to but well the other thing I suggested in that email was uh with uh copy to won and Samson when those plans go to the planning board we probably should have a joint meeting so we all hear the same thing uh it'll it'll be in the evening because the planning board is not available during the day but people can zoom in but this way all at the same time we'll know um what requirements planning has if any uh and where do we go from there um once planning says okay however it's handled um we've already got the report from Weston and Samson so the plans are going to have to meet pretty much the recommendations of our Engineers um so they're going to request wav writing document they exhausted all other practical means and this is their resolution right yeah that's what we'll do um Mr yeah I'm going to come up cuz I a m oh yeah this one's live that that should be live hello everyone uh James Agia building official um I want to start off by thanking Jim and James for their thoroughness I read the report uh and your summary here today I think is spot on so I appreciate that and you work on behalf of the town I have a couple of comments and a couple points um the first thing that I'm concerned with is that this project was always slated to be an infiltration Basin it's obviously now that that's not going to happen um just to put in layman's terms what Jim and James are describing is we essentially have a bathtub out there and uh the water has no place to go uh aside from evaporation the only way to do um anything with the storm water is to do an outflow pipe as Mr fenda has suggested um the concern with the with with that is that we now have a question about how the storm water is going to be treated what will the TSS be in the storm water if we have an outfall it's close to the bottom of the Basin I know the Basin is large I'm sure there'll be some treatment but when we get inundated with storms um no one's going to tell me that that storm water is not going to run right out that outflow and down into the environment and then lastly um I will push back if there's any suggestion that storm water is to remain in these basins and the reason is we have panels located within the Basin footprint and I'm not going to have sto uh solar panels in standing water so I just want to make sure everyone takes that into consideration when they're coming up with their um proposed solution to the problem thanks um just a comment uh Mr Haz had when uh he saw the report from Weston and Samson um asked if the new or revised plans would go directly to storm water and that's the email I ref you where I said uh no uh planning's got to take a look at them but one of the things that Mr HF has mentioned was um when the battery storage units were approved there is a condition in there relative to basins in standing water so what Mr Agia has brought up uh has also been raised by the planning board and they have left it up to the storm water relative to that U determination so Mr Agia has made it clear which he's done from day one about those uh Bas uh panels in water so now obviously whatever you design has got to address that problem because this isn't a new one about the panels but in any case um Mr um CZ one of the reasons that I said that we have not completed a draft pilot agreement is because of inventory needless to say the inventory is going to have the number of panels in it so when we know for sure that the problem is resolved with drainage and we know for sure whether the panels that are currently on the inventory list will remain there or if anyone anything has to be removed we can move forward with that but I I realize that the pilot agreement is not directly connected to the drainage but I just wanted to State a change in the number of panels will be reflected so uh that's why I've got a hold on that agreement uh pilot agreement with the board of assessors because obviously I'm an assessor too so just so you know that um it's a separate section but there is a connection between the two okay does anybody else have anything here or um yeah if I I can just say something yeah just to put everyone's mind at ease with the respect to the panels being in water or uh like these these solar systems are designed to be outside in the rain in the snow in the like all weather conditions so being in in water standing water like we have one of the projects uh one complete array is built over a detention Basin uh so um yeah uh like water is is not an issue but we'll address that in the in the design or the report will show uh that water will not be standing there and as uh Mr fenda has explained it will be uh the design will be uh done in a way to ensure drainage in 72 hours I just wanted to put that comment there uh so no one would be worried about the uh water and the panels thank you I I I have to comment on this may have built a solar farm over a detention base and it wasn't indicted number one number two from day one panels in standing water have never been acceptable that was part of the reason we rejected Mr F anda's plan a year and a half ago viously when it rains they may be in standing water until it drains but standing water to me is not water that drains it means the storm's over the Sun comes out everything dries up except the standing water that's still there so that's why it's important that the system that is going to present it to the planning board and the storm water committee addresses that there has never been a deviation from that from day one um as far as panels being located in water that is permanent so I just want that clear um because I know that there's engineering work involved um in any case does anybody else have anything uh Mrs BOS if you wish to go to the podium please La B 1680 Pine Street um these reports that have been put out this is public yes knowledge yes how do I get a copy of them you can have mine can have mine thank you and will I be able to get a copy of what they submit as a new design or I doubt it my guess is this is a set of plans yeah but you a public meeting they will have a presentation okay all right and as I say I'm thinking it'll be joint with the planning board uh but a stack of plan I mean the plan itself is usually many pages okay um but miss s day usually puts it on the internet anyway so maybe I'll be able to see it there um not seeing the report I just want to confirm what I'm thinking I'm hearing is is it water or is it clay that is stopping the the infiltration of the water of the standing water Mr Pearson is it a combination of soil and groundwater that has prevented this Basin to drain properly in your opinion Mr R well I I think the only thing I can say um you know with a certain level of certainty is that uh it seems to be the soil conditions that seem to be causing the issue um the soils at the base of the Basin and surrounding the Basin seem to be uh of a character where they don't allow water to percolate very fast and and so once once the sand within the Basin gets saturated with water that that water has no place to go and so the water level just continues to rise until until now you have water that's above the surface of the sand and and uh I mean eventually it can percolate into that soil it's just that it happens at such a slow rate that you end up seeing standing water in that Basin for an excessive period of time I hope that answers the question yes it did thank you you're welcome I I just a general comment for anyone who's gone to the site or seen the pictures that I took um when Mr Ferry and I did site visits in June and July of last year when you saw the giant boulder I was standing next to and you figure how deep a hole you got to dig to bury that you're bound to hit groundwater along with all the stumps and the other stuff that was buried and my guess is when they dug the hole to bury that Boulder uh they hit water but let's face it we all know what happened there they weren't concerned about groundwater they were concerned about disposing of refug on site um and then they got caught so um they're gone uh it's been reconstructed but the hole was so deep that um and the soil situation and the groundwater it's kind of a combination so um anybody else from the committee have a comment or whatever um anybody on screen Mr I one question for Mr agar yes um who or who or how is the determination made uh for the special permit modification if it's major minor me that would go to you first and then you would make a determination and then if it's determined to be major we go through the formal process notify Butters the the more formal application that is correct okay so I guess I we would submit the plan to you first for determination get the determination and then make our application to the planning board I think that would be appropriate because then uh if there were any issues coming out of the public hearing through planning um they would be addressed before the storm water committee took it up so I would agree with that assessment yes okay so once we get something put together designed I'll submit it to your office for determination with a letter and then once the determination is made whether it's minor or major we'll go forward with the proper permitting uh pathway perfect does anyone else have anything on the Brook Street site Solon thank you okay so uh we're now going to move on to Weston and Samson engineering projects Ms this is the Solon project behind uh Aros um Mr Ren or Mr Pearson sure so I I'll start off and then uh I'll kick it over to you James if that's all right with you so we were asked to take a look at this one also from the standpoint of uh conformance between the permitted design and the as built design um James was the primary person who did that review uh and so we did notice some differences um but I will uh uh allow James to uh have a few minutes here to explain what the differences were and the significance of those certainly um thank you Jim so again we conducted our review primarily just looking at uh the originally approved plans for the solar facility versus what had been provided to us u in the way of of as built drawings and um so what we did is you know we looked at things like you know the the Basin areas the Basin elevations and the configuration of some of the the Outlets from some of these basins and because because those are really all the things that sort of are the key parameters that dictate um how how the basins manage storm water and what kinds of peak flow rates that you might expect coming out of them so we did notice that there were some differences between what was shown in the as belt drawings and what was shown in in the uh original approved plans um there are three basins on site and for each of the basins there were various nuanced things that were different and um there there were enough little differences here and there that uh when we wrote our letter we summarized them kind of in a tabular format um I won't I won't go into excruciating detail in in this meeting to describe what each and every difference was at in each of these basins but what I will say is that in general the differences seems to be that um some of the basins had slightly different uh areas so some of them seemed like they were perhaps a little smaller some of them seemed like they were built at slightly different elevations in terms of the bottom elevation than than what was shown um the the asilt drawings I should also say um may have not had sufficient detail in some cases to really ascertain what the as built bottom elevation of some of the basins were uh because it it was shown with Contours and it wasn't shun with any kind of spot elevations in the in the bottom of the Basin so you know so for instance let's say the bottom of the Basin was it had a show showed a contour that was at elevation 100 it's possible that maybe within that Contour maybe there are areas of the Basin that would be lower than that but not low enough to where you could show a 99 Contour so it's somewhere between 99 and 100 that's a level of detail that really wasn't shown on the on the ASB belt drawing so we we wouldn't have been able to make that determination um there were also some some minor differences in some of the uh the outlet structures in terms of of uh just just some of the measurements on those so um again those are all summarized in the letter and and really you know to me what these things amount to is that yeah you know if if there really are some differences then uh it would seem to me that it might be incumbent on the applicant to just confirm that that given these differences things will still meet the the standards that they were required to meet at the time of approval uh and and that's uh that's that that about sums it up I think questions comments from anybody the situation is um I'll just I'll just look at the last page of the report top of Page Three the key point that can be made from the data above is that there are some differences between the way that the storm water basins were constructed versus the way that they were designed these differences mean that the storm management system overall for the site May perform differently than predicted by the design calculations it is possible that even with the differences that the storm water management system May produce the intended results and conform with regulatory standards but the only way to confirm this would be through stat analysis and modeling of the asilt conditions we recommend that the applicant performed this analysis to confirm whether the asilt condition of the basins meets the regulatory standards cited in the 2022 storm Water Analysis so um uh we're we're waiting from do you need that in form of a motion so that we order to do that yeah in just a minute Jim um so where we are with uh we refer to this arujo uh simply because if we refer to something either by a street address or an actual physical location those are in town automatically know what solar farm we're talking about because if I were to say William Street there's at least three on Williams Street so um we've kind of given them names so this one we've we we know it's Macs is the owner operator however uh this one we call a rjos so just so everyone understands um Mr AG you wish to make a motion yes I'd like to make a motion that we order the design Engineers for the rjo St a farm to conduct storm water calculations and modeling on the asilt plans is there a second second we have a motion and a second any further discussion questions comments from anybody hearing none all in favor staga I F hi Miss calonia hi Mr Woods hi Mr school outson I thank you everybody uh agenda item for see stormw waterer agent position status I don't have anything new to report uh Mr Mullen is working on uh some kind of a um description of what it is we're looking for and he was going to talk to Weston and Samson about that so I would say it's a work in process um agenda item 4D zero Elm Street request for waivers [Applause] so everyone should have gotten the reports um that were done by Weston and Samson for the planning board and the Conservation Commission um since the concom report is the shortest do you have anything you want to say or add or anything Lisa um well I just want to say Frank Christoph foi just chimed in I guess um yeah I'm sorry he's not being able to wasn't able to speak or something here um well that's why I asked if anybody wanted to get in is chat where is he right did uh excuse me let's go back to we'll be right with you I don't know if you all can see it but he says his audio is not working is his audio something on his own computer do we know that do you want me to text it to message it to him um he says he can hear us but we can't hear him um Mr Ferry can we have him call in on your phone is that okay uh Frank if you want to call my phone and we'll get you audio that way does you know the number okay he's looking to understand if the groundw may be affected by the design difference that's his question for Clear away good afternoon Hey Thomas Frank yep you're on speaker phone okay I'm just trying to understand if the design differences between the design gas built could potentially lead to increase in groundwater I would I would say that's to be determined um Mr uh Pearson or Mr Ren did you hear that yes yeah do you have any comment at this point this is the uh arujo project yeah um I you know I I think that uh it's premature for us to voice any conclusions on that issue right now I think that uh the applicant just needs to provide us with some information okay Mr chrisop foly did you hear him I did that worked for me okay we all set thank you okay uh we'll go back now to um zero Elm Street um Mrs calonia did um you have anything that um any comments you wanted to State relative to the concom uh report and I know you you uh issued um order of conditions yes we issued the order of conditions um on Monday and uh closed the public hearing last month um so um nothing pertaining to um conservation I guess I was just um a little surprised that there was so many waivers being requested and the storm water committee never received an application that that's my only question okay the application was deliver last month at the meeting and it was sent down to the board of health because um obviously they going to have to act on whether or not it's issued but uh well actually it's got to be issued because the work's going on um the only thing that I noticed um when I read the um concom report um you mean the order of conditions or do you talking about I'm looking at right now I'm looking at the Western and Samson report dated January the 12 2024 M um first page bottom paragraph uh full peer full peer review of the storm water management aspects of this project are pending advice of the dayon storm water committee and are therefore not included in this per peer review um and then he goes on to State what they actually have reviewed so um we got this officially at last month's meeting so where we are now is yes there have been waiver requests submitted that are recorded in the um report that Weston and Samson issued for the planning board um initially I thought there were four conditions because that was mentioned to Mr Ferry at the last meeting but in looking at uh the planning board report that was prepared by Weston and Samson and then uh the email uh that I got from Mr Moore the engineer um they're actually listed in two different places in the planning board report so I understand all all eight now and it's not just four uh that they're looking at um either Mr uh Pearson or Mr rid do you wish to comment on anything or would you rather that we start discussing what it is is being requested for w um so so I'll uh I'll offer here that uh while those were noted on the front of the plan set um there were no formal applications that we received we understand um that they were delivered at the last uh storm water committee meeting um although we haven't actually received those yet or been asked to review them at this point um and uh you know that that said also they were they were not communicated in the Conservation Commission um peerreview letter just in the planning board uh because they were they were either planning board or storm walk related requests yeah the requests as I understand it were all requests related to um sections of the bylaws that were under the perview of the planning board um that that's the way I understood it at the time when we did our review for the pining board and so um I believe you'll see if you're looking at that pining board letter that I you know I had given some opinions at that time as to what what my thoughts were concerning some of those things um and uh I'll I'll just kind of leave it at that okay for uh informational purposes I'm going to read what the waivers are um because in looking at this email the full stor water committee didn't get this list [Music] um it looks like mostly planning board um but anyhow the waiver requests are the following waivers are requested from the town of dayon subdivision rules and regulations so yes that's planning board one from section 4320 to allow an open stormwater Basin number two from section 4322 to allow the proposed constructed stormwater Wetland to have a permanent pool in parenthesis does not drain dry as the regulation States number three from section 4324 to allow a depth greater than 3T in the proposed storm water basin number four from section 4325 to allow an open Basin without the required channel in parenthesis does not apply to the proposed constructed storm water Wetland Basin number five from section 4326 to allow an open Basin without the required SL sled bottom in parenthesis does not apply to the proposed constructed storm water Wetland Basin number six from section 4327 to allow to allow 3:1 slopes inside the storm water basin rather than 5 to one number seven the section 4332 to allow underground Chambers without pre-treatment in parenthesis roof runoff is considered clean number eight from section 4340 to allow drain pipes to be installed with less than three foot of cover the ads n-12 hdp pipe proposed requires only one foot of cover to meet the h-2 loading rate so Weston and Samson was not asked to look at these and they have not been submitted at writing to the best of your knowledge we received a uh letter from Zenith on December 8th that makes mention of um the waivers but we haven't received I don't believe we've received app actual applications for the waivers yet so yeah go ahead James yeah to clarify I I did I did look at some of these waiver requests in the context of the planning Board review but I have not looked at them in the context of the stormw water committee review okay um would you uh of course uh for the record my name is excuse me n zeger from Zenith Consulting Engineers um so we're again we're we've been under the uh and again this might be somewhat our fault for not filing this simultaneously but it was my my understanding that to file the planning board um in conservation and then that was being reviewed on uh simultaneously and then we would B for storm water separately we did review the storm water bylaw um and from what we can tell is there's nothing in the storm water bylaw um that differs from as far as the design purposes go from what we had already designed um now that being said if there has to be a separate review um we understand but it was our understanding that this was to be done that this was done uh under the purview of planning and conservation um the lot of these waivers I due to the fact that uh due to the fact that we did do a different storm water design um other than just what's considered a detention Basin we did what's considered like stated a constructed storm water Wetland Basin uh which in our opinion is is just a it's a better overall treatment um and just an overall better fit for the site um but again where as you as you stated you read through the waivers um obviously West Samson has to make there uh they they'll offer you their um you know professional opinion on these waivers um but none of these to us are anything that you know would affect if anything what we're doing is a better design in our opinion and what what would be if we were to meet the a lot of these laer meet a lot of these waer requirements um but again we're we're here before you asking for your direction as to how to move forward um and and you know basally you let us know what you think um my personal feeling is that um storm water should have been involved initially uh because we would now have a complete package from Weston and Samson we have to rely on them for Engineering Services because there's nobody on the storm water committee any longer that's an engineer or has that kind of uh background I think the next step is you're going to have to send these on to uh so that they can pass them on to Weston and Samson uh once Weston and Samson has an opportunity to look at these uh I'm sure they're going to give recommendations so forth and so on uh right now though I don't see that as the stor committee we we got a place to go to make a decision on any of them um and this may be just when and Weston and Samson gets these and has a chance to look at everything in this discussion uh and planning board uh gets that information uh we may be able to have the meeting and together and get these things resolved but um the some of these I'm familiar with I I I can tell you one thing that has never flown in Dion and if this is waved uh I think it's going to be a problem and that's number six from section 4327 to allow 3:1 slopes inside the storm water basin rather than a 5:1 and the reason I say that is I don't know if you're familiar what's south of that location where your construction's going to be there's a pit at the top of that Hill near that housing development and that's what a 3:1 is it's a pit not a basin and I happened to find an email that was written because we had problems with the developer um and this goes back to August 31st of 200 16 this is uh me writing to uh Mr Ferry Tom please check this out and let me know I don't know how much planer we could have made what we wanted them to install also please check out the quote bike riding Basin and let me know if they've done anything there that's a separate issue what it happened was obviously at 2016 there was no storm water committee and enforcement of I'll call them storm water rules and rigs depending upon the nature of what it was fell to the planning board when there were developments and this is a Housing Development so we got complaints um about this space and questions about it being dangerous because there were kids living in the the neighborhood in the development um the reference to bikes there was a storm water basin truly a basin the kids were using for a recreational purpose tearing it up so that's that was separate but um the response that came back to me um from Mr Ferry Nancy the retaining area in the front is cleared of brush and it appears the brush was put on and over the wall to the north which was the former ICI property now Spectrum I'll stop right there the developer had a Bond tied up because he had not completed certain things at the site and the town said to him he wanted the bond released and the town said no you haven't finished the project the neighbors the residents were complaining about a number of things one of the problems was this pit that was developed for storm water control it had grown up into well at least saplings maybe not trees but definitely saplings and all sorts of junk so it wasn't being m contained um the email goes on to say yes there was a piece of fence that is wrapped around the tree on the line and the fence is not connected where it runs parallel with the stone wall of the Spectrum Property also there is no gated access to the retention area as far as Town property there is one pole that could be a say a surveyor would need to determine that or if the plan show for bounds that could help I do not have a plan of that development uh retention area out back is not posted and there is vegetation growing undis undisturbed indicating uh no bike activity that was a separate Basin um that situation with the pit was one of the major complaints that we had to deal with and that's one of the reasons why um there was another development plan for Richmond Hill a Housing Development but it was on the up end of hot Street the dead end pot it was called pudding Stone Aces a pudding Stone something um and they had proposed I think it was 30 some homes initially on the highest site in the town sloped as you can imagine Rocky um and as a result of that Tom P who was a selectman and member of the Board of Health at that time and I met with an engineer in Middleboro one Saturday and said show us different kinds of basins and we did and that's when we saw truly what a 3:1 is which is a pit um and it was based on that that we've never granted that waiver before um whether or not that recommendation comes out when Weston and Samson looks at all of it I just want you to know ahead of time what the town's position has been on uh 3 to ones and five to ones okay uh not not to influence anybody but I think the information is out there and everybody should be aware of it if they don't know about it um if if I may M yeah go ahead um we are just so you know aware um we are fence as per a request by the planning board um that we are fening in that that Basin completely um there's going to be a chainlink fence that's going to wrap the entire Basin that's 4 foot I think it said yes that's correct so that'll add as a protection to it um the 3 to one is really only because one gives more volume um and and two um one that meets the storm waterer uh management standards for the state but also um because of the site itself uh because of the sloke there if we would go to 5 to one it would literally wouldn't we wouldn't be able to catch the grade it would go off site we wouldn't be able to because of how much it drops off after that so that that's why that's that's why it was done the way it is um we feel as though it meets the standard I have we've designed many many bases again I'm not not trying to influence just trying to stay our stance um is we've designed many many of these um you can easily stabilize a three to1 slope I have a three to1 slope on my yard that I actually mow um so again I'm not saying what you're saying is incorrect but it's it does meet the the storm water standard as far as storm water management goes and whether or not you grant the uh waivers obviously up to the up to the committee uh but that's why it was done the way it was I realize it meets the standards and that that's what the developer was telling us on PING pudding Stone Estates that's what it was um and he assured us that a 3 to1 slope would work and it would meet the requirements that's why Mr payers and I did the field trip with an engineer not involved with anything other than take us around and show us and uh what you describe as far as what may be in your home or in your yard uh yeah we saw one of those complete with PL around equipment and kids swings and everything else and it was but the separate issue that's not what we're here to talk about um so Mr Reen or Mr Pearson um next steps you need to have those wavers in requests in writing to move ahead yeah we generally we need the um you know whatever is typically the appropriate uh form and application for waiver request um uh from the planning board and uh the storm water commit okay so I mean I I again I I we can absolutely do that I can find out from the planning board how to move forward I again I thought that this was already all voted on with the planning board but I will I will reach out to krie and find out um how to move forward did you get a copy of the report that Lon and Samson did for the planning board yes I did yes but again I'll I'll I'll I'll reach out to Carrie uh and find out how to move forward okay uh does anybody on Zoom have any questions Niles I just want to let you know she's out this week I appreciate that oh yeah she's back Monday I think from what I saw in the email excuse me go ahead yeah no I apologize for interrupting um so uh I guess a question for you as well um which is that I understood from earlier comments that there were applications delivered uh for for waiver requests to you folks to the to the storm water committee and um that those it sounded like those were in hard copy but uh with the uh Board of Health at the moment um is that something that is going to get transmitted to us we're we're just not entirely sure how you want us to proceed with the review at this point and that that's why we haven't you know done any what I read from was part of an email from uh Thomas marris the engineer um it's part of an email it's not a formal request for waivers um and I'm sure there's some kind of form or format that would have to be followed um I just printed this because I didn't know if uh I didn't think the storm water committee had all this information now again I'm looking at names and I see um planning board but um I just wanted to to state what they were all eight of them um and ask what's the next step so um that's where we are okay so he said he was going to get in touch with Carrie and whatever you file with the planning board as far as the request for waivers will be shared with us you don't have to do it separately and it may be as I said it may be good to just have the two committees a board committee have a discuss this together so once it gets resolved you won't have to come back go to two SE meetings again these none of these are waivers from the storm water bylaw itself uh these are all from the subdivision regulation site plan review um now what what our understanding was is that this was to be you know we when we requested this from the planning board was that we were requesting it from the plan board and then it would get submitted to the storm water committee and that's how I thought the process works so again I I'm not saying I'm just saying how we handled it um so now if we have to go back to the planning board we'll do we'll do so and find out how to move forward yeah I think um I can understand the confusion just like when when I heard Mr Mars tell Mr Ferry there were four and I got eight it's like wait a minute how many are there I read through the Western and Samson report that was sent to the planning board and in two different places found the eight I also looked at it and said subdivision rules planning board but I will tell you with both planning and conservation um we also ought to follow all the same rules but we also got our own specific things we have to follow and obviously subdivisions that's planning board but when planning and um conservation issue decisions or make statements what they usually say is uh this is okay with us contingent upon similar to I mentioned earlier when I was talking about uh what the planning board said about uh the battery things we got that straightened out but then they complained about those panels that are in water which comes back to storm water and that's that was part of that so when again concom and cl make decisions if they put something in there like which basically is well this is okay with us but check with storm water on this particular area so that's what this is that's sort of what we're where we are right now okay and that's why I'm thinking when these are discussed it would be good to do them together but if you contact Carrie and find out the route to go and then we can get meeting scheduled whatever I have okay does uh anyone on screen have any other comment that they want to add anybody here from the committee Mr Agia I have a couple comments and have a question for Z got for you mam chairwoman um I wanted to start off by saying that was my understanding when this discussion took place months ago that this process was supposed to streamline things and make it easier for the developer easier for the town to look at a project and have it reviewed Under The Big Three disciplines which in this case are uh planning board uh St water and conservation um I did say in the past uh now that I'm Health director that in some rare cases if we have um a shared system or something then I would piggy back on the same review to make sure we met the requirements of Title 5 uh that said it sounds like there's been some break down here um and I'm concerned about it obviously it's the first project that's going forward with this new system so like anything else there's going to be some bumps in the road unfortunately the developer has paid the price by being delayed time and time again um so I would like to have a discussion internally about what we can do to fix this so it doesn't happen for the next person who comes to town with a project however with that said I heard a few things today and I want to just ask a couple questions um can you verify are your waivers through the vision control bylaw okay so if that's correct uh Jim and James why wouldn't those been looked at through your initial planning Board review um I'm I'll answer that so we have not received those waiver requests we haven't received the forms that said these are requesting waivers um we've received indication that waivers would be requested but not the actual forms okay so is it safe to say and I'm certainly not speaking for you that once you receive those um you may be able to quickly comment on those and return them back to us for review I think that's safe to say okay okay thank you uh Mr egy I just want to ask you what process were you referring to were you talking about when we all met together and Weston and Samson was designated our engine engineering firm well there were many conversations that took place about this process um so it seems like but I wasn't present I so I don't know what you're talking I was present for all of them either so um that said another reason to have a meeting right that said I think we need to reconvene and have a discussion about the the future when an application comes in to whomever that may be that we we on the town side collectively know where everything's going and how our process is going to be laid out yeah and I think the there's an email going around to set up a meeting um a six month review I think it's called Uh about how everything is working so certainly that's a good topic for this one and and I agree with you um uh just to add when the storm water committee was set up um the reason why the seven I'll call them key voting departments were mentioned was to do this kind of thing and and it has worked yes on this particular one storm water was left out in the past it would be hey there's a project coming this is what it is don't know if you're going to have to weigh in on this but you need to know that this is coming and uh I read somewhere that this one has been around for over a year and yet we got it last month but I agree with you so um it doesn't help your situation except you know what you have to do now but our from our standpoint is uh it's an area that's caused a problem and and we are planning a meeting amongst Town officials uh and Weston and Samson uh so that we make sure everybody gets information so yeah understood so just moving forward I guess really where the breakdown of communication was on our end was we requested these waivers from the beginning since day one they were on the site plan but I guess they're supposed to be according to what West Samson and uh you know whoever is saying is that they were supposed to be in formal application but they were again it was our understanding because they were on the plan that's typically how we would typically do it that it that it's requested it's on the plan so even though it wasn't maybe formally put on a p on a on a on a form it was there it was requested the plan board reviewed it conservation reviewed it the W Samson had it in front of them so again we will absolutely find out the way to go forward but I think moving forward as for you for your you know information what was difficult on our end is we thought we requested it and because we didn't fill out a form that we didn't even know about it or made aware of were being now brought back to planning board again which which is why I think why we're where we are so that's that's the that's the issue on iring that we're no I understand I could see if they weren't if they were asked for when we came to the sworm water committee um with where there was nothing provided to the plan of b or conservation 100% agreed but they were there from day one so that's I guess where the where my where you know where our confusion wies yeah and and uh just so you understand uh the process that that uh seems to have broken down a little in this particular case um we they on now um The Brook Street solar project we're talking about that's been around since at least 2018 and as you can tell there's been a myriad of problems but in that particular case uh situations have Arisen where requests were made of the storm water committee things like can we cut down all those trees the answer was were they on the original plan to come down no you got to go back to planning so when everything is working properly and the communic is in place it's not unusual for storm water to say to in that particular project no you got to go to planning they make the determination about trees and in that particular case they had to go to concom because there was another bunch of trees in another area that the concern was wetlands and that kind of stuff so um in having you do this um we're not trying to send you around in circles but we're we're cognizant of the responsibilities of each board and then all of us acting together so that's what I'm expecting it's going to happen here H yeah no and again we're not we're not questioning who's responsible for what by any means it's more the process is what where I guess we would if we had known that it we had to file those you know formal forms for waiver request and that everyone was aware of it at the beginning we wouldn't be where we are right now right exactly Tak care of so it's just kind of a it's a technicality I think in a way but now we're back so again not I understand not questioning who's doing what that's not the concern here at all but just moving forward that's I guess where we are and it probably would have been beyond we we would have it on the agenda now it probably would have been resolved months ago if it had been brought but like I say I'm expecting with uh the next steps this getting resolved and as I say I might not have to wait till the next storm water meeting if in fact there's going to be a discussion before then uh we can post a stom water meeting to meet jointly with planning and maybe get it done in one meeting we'd appreciate that thank you okay uh anybody else have anything on uh zero Elm Street yeah if I can just make a few statements really quick just add some clarity here so when we reviewed this project before the planning board it went through two rounds of review I I did two two reviews the second of those two um we issued a letter dated December 20th so as of December 20th when I issued that second review letter the applicant up to that point had had made eight waiver requests to the planning board and and they had done so as he stated by putting those waiver requests on on the plan so when I was doing my review I I recognized those as being waiver requests even though they weren't on some formal you know waiver request form I don't even know if such a thing exists but I I took it to mean that they were requesting these waivers formally by virtue of the fact that they were on the plan and I commented on them as such so my December 20th comment letter to the planning board does give my opinions as to what I thought about their waiver requests I think what what we're saying here is that we've only just now become aware that the applicant has now formally submitted an application to this storm water committee so now since it's be in front of a different venue at this point we'll review pretty much it sounds like we're going to be reviewing pretty much the same stuff that's gone before the planning board but we just need to be able to see it to confirm that it is the same thing and and more than likely are you know we're probably going to end up having you know the same comments it's just that we we need to see what's been submitted for the consideration of the storm water committee before we start offering up any opinions on that because we just you know we assume it's probably the same stuff that went to the planning board but we just need to see it that's all and and it's got to be you know the plans and and whatever else is included as part of the submission to the St water committee so I hope that helps okay yeah I did review that's what I was referring to when I said uh the west and Samson report to the planning board because I did go through it and I did read through uh comments and um yeah there's definitely some questions relative to storm water uh but again I really think these can be once you have a chance to really look at whatever is going to be submitted uh in the light of storm water um I we can get this resolved I still think a joint meeting with planning is uh a good idea just in case anyone has questions or hopefully we can get it resolved after we hear from you in one meeting Mr PS oh sorry didn't realize that was a question I thought it was a statement not really a question no I was just addressing what you said okay thank you Mr chair just clarify one more thing so that again the plans have not changed since then they are the exact same plans uh that they had reviewed so they should you know and that was approved by planning and conservation so no changes have been made since they made their last review so they can at least be be assured that there's not any new information that they're going to be seeing so clarify that okay so if you check with Carrie and find out what the next step is and I will send her an email and let her know that we you're going to be in touch with her and uh it might be advisable to have a joint meeting with planning and storm water to just have one meeting after we get information from Weston and Samson and let's get it resolved okay thank you okay thank you moving on uh 5 a Blue Wave Sola Tremont Middle Street anybody on okay we got Mr morous and we got um Miss Morrison um yep and then uh Rich Rio he's our you are here as well Cas there's any questions for him um this project [Music] um also um Mr mous I had sent you an email relative to your email talked about the drainage pipes or whatever you want to call them that were stuck in the BM yeah to uh um handle that water situation and what I said to you was it was questioned because although the plans you submitted U may have allowed you to make those modifications we were not we the stalk commit was not aware of that until I happened to drive by one day and see them and that's when the whole question get asked however you've indicated those pipes have been kept and if we want uh to recommend you somehow plug them up with whatever uh you'd be willing to do it and what I said to you was um the pipe issue as far as them being inserted in all that is history don't do anything about the pipes now because the next thing that's going to happen is um I've mentioned to Mr Mullen the Town Administrator uh this solar farm just like the others we need a review to make sure that how it is constructed uh follows the plans the last set of approved plans whatever they were and with the end result being we have an engineer's opinion that the storm water management system as designed and approved uh meets all the standards and it works um and the reason for that again is because we don't have any beond staff to do that and the kind of the last thing that we look at is is everything okay is everything working properly so forth and so on so that's why we will request that won and Samson do this review for us uh once we get answers and if there are any problems once they're resolved and we have a u an opinion uh from Weston and Samson everything looks good to us uh obviously we will just vote to pass this on to the Building Commissioner because once he has The Final Storm a report um he can then do what he has to do and he's the man that makes the decision about going live so um this is kind of an update um of where we are uh Mr uh R has Mr M said anything to you yet or asked you to complete anything yet on on this is this is Blue Wave It's on Trea and middle streets so we were uh um we were initially asked to go out and do some field work which we did field inspection uh that was I want to say late January or early February um and uh and we completed that and then we were asked to hold further work which we did I spoke to Mr Mullen yesterday and uh he said that he was going to request us to uh complete the analysis um you know know of our field review uh and provide written response on that um or written report of that uh and so I haven't had a chance to look through today and see whether that request is formally you know that um approval I guess notice to proceed has formally been received um but as soon as it has we'll we'll move forward with that uh with that report okay uh I thought you might have gone out there but I wasn't positive but um uh if you're waiting uh for the goahead from the town obviously Mr Mull's probably waiting for information from Blue Wave so um Mr Mr richio Miss Carson you have any questions on where we are with this or no no I can touch base with that Mr Mull and see if there's any think holding up on our end of things and um but yeah that sound all sounds very reasonable to me well I kind of wait to see what the you know W and Samson finds in their investigation and their final kind of visit there and we'll take it from there okay the other thing that was in the email you had talked about doing some kind of cleanup at sunen Brook and I told you to get in touch with Mr Ferry on that have you you Mr Ferry and um Mr mous have you communicated or whatever I have not reached out as of yet I was waiting to get a kind of final date when my civil Subs could get there get out there and get that taken care of but I just want to have a kind of date formalized a plan formalized before I reached out okay uh Lisa H yeah I did speak with Mr Ferry um and we both determined that that silt um appears to be on private property so we would need um we would need them to reach out to them directly I'm in the process of getting the current ownership information and I can send that off to you once they have it Greg perfect that sounds great to me so does that mean that the runoff ran into the brook from Treemont street but it has it's gone beyond probably Town property and so that's what you're talking about it's on private property yeah I mean during the storm event it was observed in the Stream um but obviously you know it's really hard to track silt um yeah silt there's silt in the Stream naturally uh so yeah we're talking about the silt along the road in the area where Mr Ferry's crew cleaned up and um added some rip WP okay okay um Mr moead for all intent purposes as of right now today is all the work that needed to be done completed as far as construction and all that other stuff yep that is correct um all that's really left to do is just some minor commissioning things like that but no major earth work no major construction left to do on that project uh how about site stabilization so we did do some dormant seating in the fall um I was out on site last week it does look like that is taking very well and we'll kind of assess that over the next few weeks here and do any spot seating we need to do comea around April 15th is a start of seating season oh you could seat it now I think but um what do you think Tom yes should be good uh anything else anybody has Mr Egg yeah you'll have to forgive me on this I've missed the last couple meetings and Mrs Easter and I weren't able to talk before she left um where are we at with the as builts for this project have those been submitted nope so we do have our final electrical as builts ready um the civil as builts the surveys is ongoing and we're expecting to have those rate to issue uh early to mid April okay so Jim just to clarify um what is it you're going out there for at the request of Mr Mullen because certainly we want you to review the as builts just as you done at the other project uh for compliancy with the permit permitted set so are you doing multiple trips out there we were asked to uh do a site visit out there when there was flooding uh occurring uh a couple of months ago and it was kind of an emergency request uh and so that's why we went out there we haven't been out there since and we haven't done any work on that project since okay all right so it's clear that we're going to follow the same procedure once the as builts are available uh with this project as we did with the last correct um I'd have to go back and look at whatever well I don't think we've been asked for a proposal on that specific review I have to go back and take a look it's been several weeks um but I can let you know that in a few minutes okay well I'll make it clear to the committee today that we I will be looking for that to add what to what uh to what um Mr a just said um when I mentioned to Mr Mullen that we were going to need this review um I really focused on a report that says everything's been addressed have findings um everything's been addressed every board committee commission is okay uh we can tell you storm water from everything that's been done corrected changed or whatever everything is okay now so that you can take the action you need to notify uh the Building Commissioner so um I will speak to Mr Mullen and I'm sure Mr agie I will just to let him know that um specifically what stormat is looking for but also so uh as he said the as builts and all of that that's all the stuff that comes before uh gets reviewed before storm gets the final okay so just so that nothing is left out so to speak and we both end up well we all end up with what we need so that you can put a proposal together to address what it is we we're all hoping to get yeah I think so if I could so took a look back in our records and in fact what we were asked to do was a field investigation and then a report on the results of that field investigation uh we completed the field investigation and were then asked to hold on the report since then um just uh just yesterday as a matter of fact um I was told verbally that we would be asked to proceed with the rest of that proposal which again is simply a report on that field investigation we haven't been asked to do anything further specific in terms of reviewing you know peer review of uh uh permit versus as built or or any of that sort of thing at this point in time okay so um obviously we're looking forward to a report on that field visit uh because I you said you're going to draft it so we haven't seen it um right again we were asked to hold off on that and we're just um verbally very recently yesterday uh told that we would be requested to proceed with that I haven't received the notice to proceed with that yet so I'm waiting I'm waiting on that for us to proceed with putting the report together okay uh Mr M house I will add that when um as part of The Proposal that I quite sure Weston Samson's going to get to I'll call it wrap everything up um there will be uh the process in place is that they would look into everything uh issue a report we would meet with you and whoever is appropriate and there would also be a site visit before the final documentation was issued uh just so that um if anyone has questions and we're on site and whatever we'll get all of that taken care of so uh again there will be um a draft report a site visit um whatever just so that everything comes together and and that final okay to storm water can be issued okay see do we need a motion for that to request that no that's all in the process um the the process that was put in place when the decision was made to hire an outside engineering firm Mr Mullen set up a procedure and anyone who feels they need a review of whatever I just supposed to contact him and give him an indication of what it is and why it is necessary I think the um the visit that uh Mr R's talking about came about because we had the heavy rains we had the BMS a burm break and we had the silt and the runoff and all that other stuff uh and as he said it was more of an emergency thing can you look at this right away um so the following the process that's been put in place to have Weston and Samson do Engineering Services I just follow the approved procedure that had been set up um because they're all automatic want I can't come up with that final approval to give to the Building Commissioner that we will vote on once we get the report we will have an official vote that we have the the it's been um reviewed we have engineering um report recommendation whatever and we go to accept it notify the Building Commissioner we're all set uh so that's how that's how we're going to handle all of them when we get to that stage yeah if if I could typically we get a request and it's usually in writing an email um we often get told about it in advance but the request to put together a proposal is um you know a written email and if what we're doing is reviewing materials data reference reports whatever um then we get those at the time that time too so that when we're putting our proposal together we know exactly what it is that we're reviewing so we can give you you know a good solid quote on the amount of hours that'll take or you know the cost and um uh and we have some record of having been asked to do this um and you know generally save that down in our files so that you know three months later when we're talking about it like we're talking about some things that happened uh prior to Christmas right now I'm able to go back and look through our materials and say like Yep this is specifically what we were asked to do this why we did what we did um because it can get pretty confusing otherwise so basically all the procedure was put in place so that no one would D directly approach West and Samson and say hey I need you to do an engineering study of whatever uh because Mr Mullen uh is is the if you will contact between the town and the engineering but also he's the person that when he gets the proposal gets in touch with the uh owner of the project indicating uh sending him the proposal telling him what it's going to cost so that the money goes into the 53g account and all of that is done and once the money's received then he's the one who tells the engineers okay you can move ahead because we have the money so um that pot's been working okay does anybody else have anything else uh that they want to comment on uh questions about anything here or on screen okay I think I'm all set um I know last time we talked there's a discussion about what is the long-term use of this land and I have Jesse from Blue Wave he's the agricultural manager he is working on getting that full detail plan together but sounds like he it'll be a combination of grazing and crops grazing and crops y like Farm gra like animal grazing cows pigs and then a few rows of crops uhuh okay so just wanted to bring that up since I talked about last time okay we any questions not we're all set um thank you uh the two the two gyms and thank you everybody else don't leave us Woody don't leave us Lisa we got a couple of things to get through quickly um thanks for your time thank you very much uh agenda item six new business does anybody have anything number seven unanticipated items does anybody have anything hearing none number eight public input we got a public here Mr public would you like to speak uh no but thank you for the invitation okay no public input any correspondent uh Mrs uh car no no correspondence approval of the minutes for January 17th to February 21st did everybody have a chance to review them the 17th we delayed from the February meeting because there were a couple of edits which were made so how about is there a motion to approve the minutes for January 17 2024 so we got a motion and we have a second any discussion carrye none all in favor I I I votes unanimous um is there a motion for the February 21st minutes have you had a chance to look at them if not we'll defer them to the next month I know Mr Ferry seen them I haven't had a chance now okay so uh Heather we'll put these minutes on for uh the April meeting um let's see report on expenses um I don't think we spent any money last month no I think was we paid off our our thing at uh Bristol Plymouth um next is adjournment before we do that is there anything that anyone can think of we need to add to the agenda we've had other items that for this particular agenda we said they're not going to be included this time but if it we may bring these back again if with things like that we do U periodic updates on uh no one has anything I'll entertain a motion to adjourn questions got oh now we're back to public input yeah sorry excuse me for being out uh you're GTA come up to the podium Mr uh Rosa good afternoon thank you to everyone for attending and doing the business that you do on behalf of the residents um and at a last um Board of selectman meeting there was a uh some talk about uh renewing uh your membership with mme I believe a I'm sorry so I was just wondering if MMA has responded and uh uh so I I hope they responded on the positive but I haven't heard anything about it I'm going to have to say it's not appropriate input for this committee all right okay that's fine um to the best of my knowledge there hasn't been a response uh but I would say check with the board of Selectmen or uh because it was their agenda item okay thank you okay um is there a motion to adjourn so move so move we got a motion there a second we got a second all in favor I I I Mr Ferry shaking his head no hi you can stay um it's 2:46 p.m. according to that streen thank you everybody thanks Nancy okay so Tom how do you kill it so it's not recording have a good day everybody The Voice has got to tell us just end it oh I just wanted to hear what Jim had to say wait a minute