##VIDEO ID:rxpLuyy7iqE## good afternoon everyone this is the regular monthly meeting of the dayon storm water committee it's Wednesday October 16th and I'm calling the meeting to order at 1:6 pm. we're in the upper level meeting room in the old town hall 11-11 Somerset Avenue in Dion this is a public meeting being video and audio recorded for posting on YouTube and this is also a zoom meeting and I see we have um people on Zoom so all votes will be R roll call votes please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America to theic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice thank you attendance Mr Phillips here kabia kabia here calonia Mr Ferry here here Mr Woods present present and Gul here online we have Greg morous James Pearson and Alexandra Morrison who's sitting in from the board of Select or was that just to have le that's me honorary honor okay and um did you get the names of the people in the audience okay thank you um Mr Pearson are you on yes I'm here okay um this is agenda item 4A Brook Street solar I thought this was just going to be a everything's going along fine report [Applause] however um I received an email from Ahmed hus uh advising me that the work on the Basin was supposed to start I believe Tuesday however um this went out to all all the uh appropriate people and there was a response from Mrs calonia from the Conservation Commission uh the permit what conditions from the Conservation Commission expired and at our August meeting I believe it was and certainly last month M calonia advised Mr HZ that that permit needs to be renewed extended something well nothing was done as a result of that I sent an email which I copied all of you on advising Mr HZ that oh and the Conservation Commission through calonia issued a stop work order so I followed up with an email to Mr HZ advising him that uh first of all he didn't think he needed a permit to dig up the Basin he he doesn't understand a storm water permit was issued for the project you have to keep the project permit active if you're approaching the deadline when it's supposed to end you're supposed to extend it this is just what you do with permits um so anyhow I did send him a follow-up email and ADV him that although he had permission has permission from the planning board and a contingent uh conditional approvement from the storm water committee uh he has to comply with all the regulations that are in place including planning board storm Water Conservation Commission any other Town official who has oversight of the project such as the Building Commissioner well now that the permit has not been uh extended renewed whatever from the concom and it has expired this is caused a violation of the vote we took which means our vote is contingent on everything continuing on the fact that they don't have a storm water permit also means that they don't have uh excuse me the fact that they didn't renew their con comp permit also means they don't have a vote from us that is active right now I told them the simplest thing is get the permit straightened out hcom you can resume work and our permit our vote our last vote which is conditional you will have met the conditions I did not hear back from him I know he's on vacation um so that's where we are with Brook Street uh Mrs calonia you said you made a site visit you want to give the committee update please yeah I had gone there yesterday because I you know read through the email and didn't get a quick response for anyone so I went there yesterday and um there was some Machinery there um there were old erosion controls it looks like the Basin had already been started the engineer had no idea that this was happening which was even more crazy to me engineer Nick badola yeah he didn't know that it was scheduled um but I went back this morning and I was able to catch the contractor and let him know that the conservation permit expired um one of the workers asked well you know can we just do this and what about this and I said well none of it's your problem you know it's it's not it's problem so um but they had been informed that the permits I'll set so did they stop work yeah but I have to keep an eye on it to make sure okay yeah um it might be advisable to notify the police department if they see any activity there okay they should question it because we've and and when this per situation gets straightened out then you can notify the police department that it's okay to resume work and we'll let them know but um they don't communicate uh I mean I would have thought they injured would have been involved but I think part of the reason is um obviously when he has conferences with Nick there's a cost involved uh which in this particular case might have saved him some money but that's not our situation but um so to the stor water committee members I sent that email out does anybody have any questions on the email that I sent out indicating what technically opposition is because it was a contingent vote anything from anybody okay um any questions or comments from has that last email that you sent Lisa this morning has he responded no so we have no response at all from that email just a response to yes yesterday's email he didn't respond to the hasn't responded yet to the email that I sent out after Lisa sent the first one that told him to stop work so I haven't heard bottom line is uh they brought this on themselves um but anyhow before I get to you uh Mr Pearson do you have any comments I mean this isn't your problem obviously but uh you're in the loop on what's happening on Brick Street yeah I I feel I'm fully in the loop at this point and uh I will uh I will a wait further instruction okay uh Mrs bosay did you have a question just so does it have to come back to storm water or no it just has to be and what my email said to Mr HZ was technically you don't have approval of the stor water committee because I was conditioned on everything would be okay with the planning board the concom and any other Town official involved with the project the fact that this conom permit has expired affects a major condition of what our vote was so as soon as they get that straightened out then our vote continues on but for right now we're part of a stop work order even though we haven't issued it because concom already did but that's the situation last week they were somewhere I guess in the back I don't know just through and this been working since is is it local contractor or is it it is okay um does anyone have any questions comments or anything about Brook Street okay if not uh you got hear from Sunny way or from no okay um could I get a motion to take agenda item six out of order it's the request to extend Hunters Hill storm order permit to December 31st 2028 very appropriate considering the message we just had we have a motion is there a second to take number six out of order second any discussion hearing none all in favor hi is that a unanimous I to the podium I couldn't yell louder than good afternoon afternoon representing owner of the project now LBH LLC which is a an entity long bu homes um and as we had uh discussed excuse me could you grab that that middle mic right oh right here right in front of Dave because do just move it over closer so that anyone can hear you please okay you want start over um least uh representing the uh current project owner LBH Hill LLC which is a holy owned entity of wvil homs um we uh as as we had discussed um the uh original permit um was due to expire next month um and since the uh we're still in the early stages of of the project uh with 106 to build uh clubhouse and all the other infrastructure um obviously we uh we needed toh extend that and um our current uh projection for the uh uh project uh duration uh through completion would be December the end of 2028 four years um so that's what we're asking for as an as an extension does anyone have any questions or comments Mr Pearson did you have hear that request for uh an extension for uh storm water permit for Hunters Hill yes I did do you have any questions comments or anything no I do not okay hearing that is there a motion to Grant the extension uh of the stor water permit to um is it long B holes I believe the per was issued long bomes at the time yes with the new expiration date of December 31st 2028 so moved there second second we have a motion and a second any discussion hearing none all in favor I hi everybody you're all set well we have you here I'm just going to give you a brief update in the staff we didn't plan that Brook Street thing some things are not Evan Watson W engineering the engineer record at the reserve H Hill um last time we were here you asked for some updates as things progressed so I figured this would be a good opportunity for that so at the community center um we've met with the concom agent to review the roach controls that were put out um the lot the area has been cleared and they're getting ready to start construction of the foundation and that is believe slaves be started next week they filed for their permit um we've also met with the Wetland scientist on site with the contractor um yesterday and he's going over the schedule and we're looking to start the enhancement area this week so that should be in within this planting season then I also just brought a couple pictures of the detention Basin take one I brought four so okay they're all the same that's just coffee if you just give one to Mrs and then we'll share these where is the uh where is the building going to be in relationship to these pictures it's nowhere near that oh okay so that is one of the detention basins um that's on the very north side of the project so obviously when we start developing project we want to put in the storm water bmps first so the area that they're working on in the next phase but the first phase already had the detention Basin installed and this is the detention Basin for the next phase um so you can see it's well constructed and it's starting to fill up with water so the fourway is completely full but as the uh we actually haven't had too many rain events to be honest with you so but and each rain event they've actually opened up the um catch basins and things along the way that they've already installed so now those are starting to take water and it's filling up the Deep Pond section of it so when I when I went down I didn't get a photo of it but in the for Bay a big flock of ducks flew away there's frog swimming in the water and it's already starting to be utilized by the the wildlife there so it's uh it's pretty good dug spot yeah the seasons yeah yeah sorry right up on that we got some we've got some Hunters on committee so yeah and sorry I didn't send an email so nobody this can see but had a beautiful blue sky day to do it look at the clouds the clouds are in the pond and the grass is taken in and then those little uh fingers that you see there those um will start growing Wetland vegetation probably in the spring it might be a little bit late for that but that's the idea there four bag goes to what are those things that look like they're going to be waterfalls yeah those are the fingers so okay um a lowf flow situation the water will go into the for Bay and then it makes a path through that path and that gives the opportunity for the wetlands plants to uptake oh like a Meandering stream yes okay so it increases the time of contact with the plants there so so that'll be more like a m yeah we' expect that to start growing up with like Cattails and that type of stuff in there does it get seated or not um they didn't SE it yet because we didn't want if there was any uh dirty water and everything in there to kind of mess with that because that seed is expensive um so once we look at the spring if it needs supplemental planting we can add the seed I expect that the seed that's there should start to take fa just for it's not Cascade yes so that's a for Bay and that stays full of water and then the water will kind of go through that little path and then on a larger storm obviously it will just fill up and go right over it and then the elevation of the water of the deep section should be at the same level eventually it's not there yet it's going to take some time for that to happen it does look like a waterfall without water yeah yeah inspections y as far yeah I think they emailed you a package not that long ago yeah not that long Nancy you've been getting copied on those right the S it was a little this is a bit of picture because when you look at it this way it looks like the waterfall when you see it this way then you can you see the division the first picture was uh about a week ago um and then the next one was just yesterday you could see that the grass really took off yeah there is a rut there uh you probably see in the Swip report it's not in these photos but um don't know that on on I forgot to look but they did add like a across the access to kick the water off to the side so it does just doesn't rut anymore okay so we're moving ahead we have I think three foundations in the ground right with buildings going up model home model's complete model home's complete it's uh set up as a sales office I was going to say have you moved in because you're going to have it as an office yes okay so that's all set up with a little parking area so people have to park on the grass and whatnot so that's all set up and then the uh there's two homes that were part of the existing uh approval that weren't built before okay and then the sewer treatment plant is uh mostly installed and I don't I think we're meeting on Friday to go over the final punch list and that should be uh activated by the end of the year by the end of the year y so making a lot of progress out there I was actually able to drive my uh a rear wheel drive car all the way around uh the whole thing so it was uh it's good it's nice and smoth yeah most lot it's pav [Music] so that's the update okay it's good stuff no problem does anybody have any questions for uh uh Hunter Hill regarding that project um so when we have active projects they'll be on the agenda each month doesn't mean uh it may be just an update anything new on Hunter Hill by the same token uh we'll keep you on the email list for the agendas and if something comes up uh just show up at the meeting and tell us what it is you want us to know or or if anything arises uh a problem you'll be on the agenda so we can we won't have to defer you to another month and we can discuss it okay very good thank you okay thank you for coming in thanks EV uh going back to agenda item 4B Macs arjo Mr pearon are you still waiting for information on uh uh from that project this is the big one behind arujo yeah I I have not received anything further on that I um last I recall I believe uh there were uh some as builts I think that were going to be forthcoming on that and uh I've not seen anything or heard anything further on that okay um under agenda five I I'll come back to agenda item see for see in a minute agenda item five active project updates Weston and Samson do you have anything on uh we just did uh the Macs do you have anything on Blue Wave solar um Greg moh house and Alexandra are here if you have any comments we can take this one next um so we still got a quum yeah we have okay um hold on Mr Pearson uh I'm going to entertain a motion to take agenda item 5A out of order is there a motion so moved I'll second it a motion the second to take agenda item 5A Blue Wave solar Tremont middle streets out of order any discussion hearing none all in favor I I I okay um did you have anything Mr Pon uh so for Blue Wave solar the only thing that uh I've been doing on that has been uh relative to a certificate of compliance that's before the Conservation Commission um uh only a little while ago I received um an updated uh asilt plan that was being submitted uh pursuant to that certificate of compliance which we're doing a review on uh for a hearing that's going to be before the Conservation Commission tomorrow night um I don't really have any other updates site from that okay uh Mrs calonia do you have anything on uh agenda item 5 a since it's going to Clin um just that Weston and Samson issued their initial piew letter to conservation and um in response the as builts had been updated by level design um um sorry am I missp speaking I don't know if it's level design whatever firm rich vickio is with and then um now west and Samson is reviewing it again for tomorrow night's meeting okay uh not to put you on the spot but uh you think this is going to be the final thing for this one tomorrow I I think so as long as there's no major engineering issues okay so the you have the kincom has the information from Weston and Samson we have the initial but now we're waiting okay today they should have a fin okay uh James is somebody gonna zoom into the kincom meeting tomorrow night no we don't do Zoom oh you don't do Zoom well that's is anyone planning to email anything to kincom for tomorrow night's meeting so we anticipate that uh Rihanna Summers from West and Samson will be um a participant tomorrow night with the commission yeah okay all right I met her at one of the meetings Okay um anything else does anyone on the committee have any questions on Blue Wave that's Treemont middle okay hearing none uh let me just check um uh agenda item let's see agenda item 5D can I get a motion to take that one out of audit please so moved second okay I have a motion and second to take agenda 5 D zero Elm Street out of order any discussion all in favor I I I unanimous vote does anybody have anything on this one uh any kind of an update or anyone visited the site or last time they were in it was about clearing the land to uh make a staging area but um I haven't been by it have you been by there lately Chon yeah I didn't walk the prop he has the staging areas good that's all upgrading right it doation control yeah things moving along the structures the external part of the structure is pretty much up mov right along okay uh Mr peon do you have anything on zero Elm Street this is the oh are we talking sign right no no 5D zero Elm Street okay yeah I I do not have any uh new information to share um Lisa do you have something on Sunny's [Music] way okay so okay um I'm just I'm I'm just trying to see uh what can be I think we've got everything we need here that um oh no actually uh could I get a motion to take agenda item eight new business out of order because I want Mr Pearson to hear this so move have a motion is there a second second um any discussion all in favor I I motion uh passes unanimously uh agenda item eight new Leaf energy project mained Lane area um I heard about this because I was at a clom meeting a couple of months ago and this the uh gentleman Mr Smith was before Dean Smith was before the concom um and on his way out I stopped to I stopped him to find out if this was a solar project and all he said was it was a uh I was thinking solar farm he just said it was an energy project so I gave him my card and email address he did get in touch with me uh around the end of August into early September was the end of August and he wanted to set up a conference call uh a minimum of 30 minutes to discuss storm water procedures um well that was the wrong time of the month because we were busy with this the ms4 that had to be filed by September 30th so I did get back to him and I had contacted Mr Ferry because uh if there was going to be a conference call I wanted it to uh to have Mr Ferry present because I don't meet with discuss things with developers uh alone so there won't be any misunderstanding um as it turned out we weren't able to set up a date and time I did get in touch with Mrs East today at the planning board and this project uh which we believe is battery storage for um where the high tension lines are off of Main and Lane which if you if you've been anywhere in near high tension lines you know there's a lot of work going on uh not only here but re hopeth and in Swansea and wherever those lines go there's a lot of work going on um in any case um I got back to him the dates and times weren't going to work and then in the meantime I talked to Mrs East today and Mr Ferry and uh we determined that first of all he hasn't gone to the planning board he's been to the concom however it doesn't make sense to start talking about storm water if he hasn't gone to the planning board because if for some reason the planning board doesn't approve this there's nothing for us to discuss uh so I got an email from him uh just before I came here saying he could not attend the meeting um and uh he's still waiting for that uh conference call so I'm going to get back to him with an email informing him that um it's premature to meet with or to discuss storm water procedures uh when he hasn't gone to the planning board and I mean the procedure is planning board concom and planning board and concom always says to developer make sure you check this out with storm water so all of our storm water information the application for the permit the bylaw the RS is all online I don't know what else there is to discuss we follow the procedures that are pretty much standard and everything we do uh that isn't the bylaw of the regs is based on what planning or concom has done so I will get back to him and let him know that uh Mr Pearson I wanted you to know about this because this is a project that appears to be coming down the pike and Weston and Samson needs to be aware that this is a we believe a large battery storage facility that will be uh adjacent to and connected to the high tension lines that run through that section of dayon where M Lane is so I would assume down the road uh if this thing goes forward uh planning kcom and obviously if you do any work for them the the storm water component will be something we'll be looking for okay Mr Ferry just a point of order so they did not go in front of plan board yet no not even application Carrie said nothing and then number two this would be the first I think the first project that would be utilized question is answer streamline through a project because it be wor for planning board and us at the same time um well since we hired an engineering firm for the town uh the procedure would be that um Green Leaf excuse me new Leaf energy would go to the planning board as I said they already went to concom I would have thought well because can I a little bit yes for us they did not get like full approval for any work it was literally just to um approve the Wetland resource area boundaries okay that they can do usually they do that ahead of time so they can determine the feasibility of the lot and then they'll go to planning yeah okay and we have them certifi some burn pools Okay so the to come to us to come to the St water committee now still doesn't make sense to me because uh they've done preliminary which makes sense for on the concom side so that they can draw plans for the area that's going to be buildable or usable and then go to planning but we I I still don't see any reason to come before us because if it doesn't get approved at the planning level or if concom says you got a problem here we got nothing to talk about until we're sure that this is has the potential to be a viable project right and everything else of of our stuff so to speak is pretty clear um as far as storm water management and all that um that company did if you don't mindead that company did have a public input meeting maybe six seven months ago here in this building and there was a lot of residents here from H because that property bus the ROV line they seem to be a lot more upset than the people on the dayon side of it um I happen to take a ride up there to take a look at the um situation and National Grid is doing a huge upgrade there they already know that this power energy uh battery storage facility is going to go in no matter what we say or how we say it National Grid the town of dayon can't fight National Grid we don't have enough money um and they already know that and and they were quite cocky at the meeting part of my lingo but uh there was a lot of upset people from hob and they've already done all this preliminary work up there if you take a ride up there and take a look you'll see these people mean business they get the state behind them pushing this stuff and um like you said for them to come before this board before going to the planning board is a big mistake um I'm pretty sure that the planning board will also be um working on the storm water portion of it with our um Weston and Samson so before it's a long way down the road before they come to us if there's any problem I I I think that the planning board will probably handle all the storm water part make sure you check with storm water right because they always send a direction it's GNA be one of the largest battery storage facilities in the Commonwealth that's what I was told it's going to be huge okay um the the fire chief in both towns were hob with and dton I'm going to weigh in heavily on it but uh I don't know how we're going to fight it the Govern is pushing this I don't quite frankly um at this point right now I'm not concerned about us fighting it simply because this committee enforces the federal clean water and we don't deal with d in enforcement enforcement comes right through the EPA and um I'll make sure they get one of these brochures that says does your company need a storm perit that's why we had them printed um and as we found out uh yeah they're the big guys but nobody is exempt so quite frankly if it really gets to that kind of a situation um D has got to come down on the same side as EPA because EPA is the umbrella okay EPA controls storm water I know at the local local level that conservation commissions deal with DP which is fine but they do not have Primacy for storm water so as I say we'll see what happens the only thing I could think of why he's been so insistent between emails and all that is because um he may have I'm sure he does know people in the tanton Conservation Commission and individuals in tanton who do developments and they're probably aware of Dora Estates and how dayon got involved in that and said time out time out that's our water supply and the Titan concom did work with us to get the plans changed prior to giving them the the full go-ahead but quite frankly that was in it was through we can found we found out out about that inadvertently on a site visit when uh the chair of the concom said to me I was on the unnown caller that said do you know what's happening up there so that got us involved so um and the fact that this thing is is sort of died and Rehobeth on the line and all that um I think they may have heard about the Dion storm water committee and it trying to feel things out I mean we don't make the rules but we do enforce them so we'll see what happens uh Mr Pearson have you any experience with with battery storage units to the kind of U magnitude that this project seems to be developing into uh for me personally I I've had um I've had experience with battery storage on a smaller magnitude usually um as sort of an ancillary component of uh of solar energy projects um I can't say I've uh been involved on as like a large scale Standalone project I guess from what wood is saying this thing is going to be the largest around and um is going to be located in uh dayon um we um B battery storage is part of Brook Street and and that that's another thing anyone that looked at Brook Street in battery storage we all know they had to acquire other property because where they placed the battery storage was too close to the woods so they were they acquired property Woodland to uh the west and had to clear a section as a fire break so uh I I'm thinking he's just he's he wants to check on some things and find out where we're going to go but but again um I'll send the email out and let him know uh next step is the planning board and continue working with concom and at the appropriate time we'll get involved uh and we may attend meetings of either of those boards just so that we're up to speed on what's going on yeah from what they told me they're going to take the pile from the grid put it in the batteries and then whe there's a peak demand for power y you're G to send it back up yep how many aces do you think it is oh I don't know exactly off top of my head but a lot it's a big it's it's a big junk did you go up there with me Dave huh you one by myself listening to that informal meat yeah and there was a tons of her buddies dting enry hold people that there's there's some OPP opposition to it that's for sure Lisa do you know how much land we're talking about because you said there's wet lands and Grill pools and all that stuff there was a woman here her husband was on the board of Selectmen and ra but she was very irate she kept saying things and how come we didn't know about it and on the rova side of the property they're already building uh infrastructure for this and I said how could you not know anything about it they've already building on the Rehoboth side okay but I know this about this much about Rehobeth reob has had for some reason uh I'll call them three connections to bring power into the town and so when they have a power outage it's not like here in dayon there we tmlp might be operating in National Grid to sections down or something like that something about the way it was they brought electricity into the town I mean the whole town could get wiped out at the same time uh because there weren't these I'll call them safety method our connections so when I was on the board of Selectmen I can remember being at a Rehobeth selectman's meeting and the agenda item was they were talking about they were finally going to solve the problem of having three connections for electricity and National Grid was going to be building in Rehobeth some kind of a structure that was going to be able to handle the power coming into the town all the power add substation substation to um so that I guess if power went down it wouldn't be the whole town like like sometimes um my power might go out but the rest of the town's got power or somebody else at National Grid they're out but the whole town doesn't go down so re hobit was was involved with that but and I heard about that years ago I think they're just doing this all at the same time uh there was obviously was an opposition to Rehoboth residents about having a final solution to the the getting electricity into the town that was reliable and that substation was part of it but that that definitely was reoboth but now what they want to build is very close to Rehoboth and of course everyone's concerned about fires and things like that when you have battery storage does anybody else have anything on this Alisa you're trying to determine the a is I can't I can't do it based on this I have to do it at my computer okay uh nothing else on this okay so this will probably be on the agenda uh just for an update or if um if they finally come before planning um whatever we find out we can just share it with the committee but um I I don't see this coming to us anytime soon and I don't plan to have a conference call to discuss something that quite frankly is not ready to be discussed okay um um uh Mr Pearson I think we're all set asir as all the things that I wanted you to hear if you want to leave it's okay okay thank you very much all right thanks for coming all right bye now bye okay uh agenda item 5c 102 Sunny's way drainage anything new on this one uh I think the engineers were going to be drawing something Mr ferry so actually I talk to him today last week week before sometime so they did it exploratory dig to get the elevations of the utilities between the sidewalk and his property no connection has been made no P structure yet he's still creating a plan getting ready for the RDA for conservation that should be happening very soon uh he's also his question was actually that's a question to you U he's filling up the storm water portion for the connection and he wanted to know it was it electronic or the three copies because five copies as it give us the three hot copies you I going to get back to him if you want something different no that's fine that's fine Tom and that's where he is now um he he does know meeting scheduled um I don't believe he has to wait for our meeting to proceed after he's done with conservation no as long as he can file the application and our application be on the file about the connection right yeah and um sometime down the road it would be good to have an update on okay he's doing the work or he's done the work or everything's fixed you know just so that we know that the it got done and it's working okay and the sidewalk is uh not tripping up little kids all that stuff I said is part of the plan being presented to the conservation the elevation has to be all on that plan okay is that on the agenda for tomorrow you know K CL I oh he's not ready yet okay what time does that meeting sat tomorrow night 6 o' okay okay so uh we'll keep Sunny's way on the list just in case anything comes up uh I'd rather we those three copies go um well one gets filed with the storm water committee and the the permit fee uh that has to be identified and I guess Elizabeth takes that and turns it into the town um I would think um Mr Agia would get one uh one for the f one for Mr Agia uh one for you if you're going to be involved with it since there's a sidewalk involved and if anybody else says I didn't get my copy we'll just make a photo and get it to him okay so uh this will be another one we leave on the agenda just in case anything comes up I don't want to have an agenda posted and somebody come in and a dinther and say I got to have a talk to you and it's not on the agenda so this way it's easier to just say nothing this month and and move on um so agenda item seven approval of the minutes for August the 14th um September 18th we didn't do September right it's almost done okay no problem is there a motion to approve the minutes for August 14th so move is there a second second have a motion second uh to approve the minutes of August 14th any discussion hearing none all in favor I I I vote unanimous um was Mr a yet coming back or he no sorry something report card oh is that Brook Street yes I sent him an email because I wanted to know no he's stuck downstairs trying did you just pick up the coffee before the meeting yeah we don't like coffee what's that I said we don't like coffee yeah you probably get lunch that's my lunch I'll go get you granola bar especially smoke popcorn couple of crackers downstairs somewhere want a c c wonderful just found it last week it was issued 53 2021 it expired two years from the date of issue so I got to get in touch with him and tell him to unless there's been uh which one is this one Brook Street unless there's been an update this is what Jim had yeah I do remember was so he's probably one more I'm going to send an email to Weston and Samson they've got the records because when we hired them that was theer his project and I sent everything to them yeah that's years expired yeah they before I send that email I will find out uh we may have to look back at the minutes too but don't do anything until I get in touch with Weston and Samson um are there any um unanticipated items that anyone can think of um so I can give you an update I was at BP today and one of the things we're going to have for giveaways is to have coloring books made and this is to um give something to the really small children um we've kind of hit different levels School AG children but this I got off the EPA website got the little EPA blurb on here excuse me I'm going to pass this around so you can look at it um this one's on H Cod stock but we're not doing that it's too heavy and it's too expensive so if you want to pass it up and then back and I'll s it this way so I got this off the EPA website and this character in the boat here is thirst thiren my name is thiren and it's got It's a coloring book it's got some puzzles and some activities so the parents can sit with their kids and do these um we're going to we've already ordered um get 200 coloring books and 200 packages of four each crayons kind of like the Crayons you see in restaurants when they give the kids a plac mat please so we won't uh I won't give these all out in uh at the Arts Festival but I will have these the stuff I'll give away at the as Festival will be the leftover bags and we've got grippers frisbees uh not many frisbees but whatever I can find uh so we can clear that all out um the other thing is in this um in this there was there's two blank pages and one's going to be called an activity page and it's going to tell the kid to draw their own version of thirst and the other one is write a story about the picture you drew about thirst so uh this is uh again uh here's the answers to the puzzle so um those are just the drafts that I got today when I was at BP and so she's going to send me uh a real draft on the top of that where you on the very top of the front page you see that round circle up in the upper leand corner that's going to be the town seal yeah it'll say uh dayon stor water committee and then down the bottom it's got that logo about the EPA and that's that that will appear on every page because I said let's give them credit that's where I got it from and then there will front page will also have the the little blurb about that the it was printed by students at BP like they usually put so that's that's for the uh Arts Festival the calendar I took the pictures today and I had loads of pictures so I left August September at December blank so the kids can look at their pictures and decide what they want to go there um November is a question because at the last minute somebody gave me a photograph of the Aur balis the other night um I don't know if they can I'll edit the picture sufficiently because it was taken through a car windshield and there was an oncoming car so you got headlights but the the the pink red Aurora I would say the car was going west is incredible and since this isn't something we're going to see I don't think often I'm thinking about I asked her to I asked the teacher to please do what she could to enhance the photo to get rid of stuff but I'm thinking we're going to go with it only because it is the Aurora and it was it's so rare that you see anything that brilliant that would be November um but to give you an idea um I have a photograph uh off Main Street um I've got one picture of Tremont Street be this was before they put all the poles in for the uh Power uh solar farm so it's Tremont Street going west towards Williams it's a bright sunny day it has snowed but on the right side there's foliage and it's fine on the left side it's still winter because the sun hasn't melted the snow it was what a picture that was and uh I don't know the lady who sent it to me but I said whoa there's a goodie um I got a great picture from the Aggie school um and I don't know how that happened but there's either a fog bank or a cloud bank that rolled in so you see the Aggie School lawn and some trees and there's a big piece of farm equipment and I don't I have to look close I know if it's Harrows or plows but anyhow it's parked there there's a little patch of snow the lawn is still yellow looking so it's maybe March but that it goes towards the river but you don't see the Farmland there's this big fog bank or something there but then beyond that you can see the other side so it's really cool uh that was taken by one of the teachers at the school last year was it too late when I was gonna the monok wasn't taken in Dayton yeah I did I took one in dayon you didn't send that one to me cuz last year I was going to send it I think it was too late so I have to send it you sent me one but you're told me it wasn't indicted but I but that was over a year ago but I didn't have it for the but that's okay because too late if I send it tomorrow it's already up there should they're running the draft but send it anyhow because we get a lot of pictures that people have sent okay um I mean beautiful beautiful pictures I think I took uh on the thumb drive there's like I don't know 26 and um we only need 12 in a cover so so um we got some great pictures um uh we got a good one for Halloween it's a it's a creepy tree you need some of some erosion controls well that's okay too um I got plent so uh we got one of rocks with a snake skin on it all dried up and shly so and um Memorial I've got the the grave of M of uh um Mr Anderson and um with the metal on it um and then I've got one that Lisa tiro who used to be in the uh a uh assessor's office took and uh it's one lone Little Flower and there's a bunch of rocks and it's very rough but in the middle of it there's this gorgeous little delicate FL flow um but anyhow she's going to try to get that done uh that I will pick up uh not do email on that so anyhow um the coloring books uh are about 70 cents a piece and then there's some incidental charges like disposal of hazarded waste whatever um and then the Crayons so um I'm thinking about maybe $200 for the whole product project but we'll have those for a few years um because they're for little kids and um I'm not expecting to see a lot of little kids on November 3rd but uh we will have those and that includes the the the clost of the crayons too um any public input anybody have anything yes Mrs nura hi um May I approach certainly this is before safe I just don't want it to go we didn't do it yet did we you do a yeah we did a re yeah I wasn't we just do okay so whoa where did this come from that's only did the site visit but who had this you found it in the files no I was G it when we did the site visit you told us bring it to the meeting oh oh that was in the box at the site yeah I've got I skipped I got a big check mark and I went right through 4C we've got to go back and do 4C um no public input all right uh agenda item 4 C sorry that I put a big check and messed that one up I checked that just now thinking I must have missed it okay oh you missed it please Mr Baptist will not be happy agenda item 4 C review discuss act 2162 Horton Street final report closed storm water pamit so this is a home that sits way back off of Horton Street uh family name is uh Baptist um and they were issued a stom water permit in October of 2021 and they did extend it through the uh I believe it's through the end of this year or through November in any case uh the property owner got in touch with me and uh said everything was all set that um Lisa and Tom had done a walk around and he wanted to know if there would be he requested a final inspection and then uh a vote to close the permit and sign off and all that other good stuff so that's what uh hether just gave me so the final site inspection was done on October the 2nd and it was Mr Ferry and M calonia and I and he Heather was there to take that uh take the notes there will be a uh just a brief write up of the site visit so that we can just accept them and put them in the record they're not official records but we do keep uh notes of site visits so everything was fine uh the silt stocks were still all around the perimeter uh we walked the perimeter we went down to the bridge over the little stream the uh everything looked good um do you have anything to add Lisa no okay so I I need a motion to close out the storm order permit for 2162 hton street so motioned is there a second second any discussion all in favor I votes unanimous so I will send a I'll give this back to you I will send a letter to him and give that a copy to you after Tom signs it and we'll send that off to the property owner and tell him he's all set keep it local yeah I got to tell you we walked around that perimeter and I pointed out to him I have not seen as much Princess Pine growing in the woods as I saw around the perimeter of his property because it was where I grew up there was tons of it and then there was a big Gravel Pit opened up and all the dirt that blew through the woods killed all the princess Pines and he's got loads of it up there how about deer tracks you see [Laughter] many Princess Pine was covering we're only talking about SC Flora not FAA I show them where my SC used to be oh yeah oh we we we told we told the property owner to be careful what he discussed because of you know membership on the board all um any correspondents no is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I okay motion uh me adjourned at 208 thank you everybody