##VIDEO ID:6jwAHav52NI## and then the following board meeting then I'll give a kind of a c version or whoever wants to but I can't do kind of that's presentation but he'll be there at the budget meeting and is this yeah all right pled alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I read the district commission statement um partnership with the communities the mission of the Dorth Lon Bel school district is to educate individuals in an environment of trust and respect so they become self-directed responsible lifelong Le got M Nicole and but we do have four others present we have mron and Mr Mr on to number four um we have any CH to the agenda we do not this is a motion to adopt the agenda do I have M motion by Lind do I have a second second bya all those in favor sayst motion carries on number five public comments and rebel recognition any public comments but Rebel recognition well it's awesome that we have Mr o'keef and Mr Hendrick and maybe they have something that you guys would like to share from the middle school or high school I'd be honored thank you uh Kathy Martin was named speech coach of the here awesome again will be your third time great thank you coming went well I think yep successful been here and gone this week I think at least for football I think it's senior night or something maybe Friday yes La all probably not quite yet but that'll be coming soon um cross country I talked to Mr witard today he said it's going really well for him kicked off Riverwatch our new new program they actually left today was their first I think all right well thank you any more Rebel recognition Okay on to number six reports we'll start with 6.1 with the dgf middle school report I just got a few things things that are um new this year for the Middle School um last year uh lean gford and Ashley Evans uh wanted to kind of do kind of an honors class where the science and social studies are working together so they're going to work on getting that there just starting with the basic stuff terminologies and those type of things but as we move into October now they plan on bringing several speakers in um from lawyers to hopefully a judge and Courthouse employees and then between those classes kids will be in science and then they'll go to the social studies class it will be the same kids that are getting this and um they'll be doing mock trials they will do um some investigation with a crime scene and uh fingerprinting and doing all sorts of stuff with that so excited to see how that goes they doing a lot of work with it and ordered some different supplies out the gifted and talented fund and stuff so should be a good and I said let's try it see how it goes if it doesn't work it doesn't work but we don't want to try it so they're excited about getting going with that um eighth grade social studies uh um we our westgard has been working on that with that Outdoor Classroom I think you guys have been up to speed a little bit with that but the United Prairie Foundation we got a $50,000 Grant through that and they're just starting classroom stuff and they're collecting seeds out there and getting other classes involved and part of that money will go for um 512 curriculum and then they're also going to help and Mr un's probably a lot more information on developing that acreage we have out there too for the classroom as well so um she's very excited about that she's done a lot of work and to get that at the morning as well um social emotional learning um curriculum be good people we are starting that uh been working with our counselors on that we have it set up each each grade 5 through eight we'll get twice a month um we identified classroom teachers and fifth grade will all do their own students but uh 67th and eth we've identified classroom teachers that will teach it in their classes one time a month and then the counselors will go in and rotate it amongst the other classes so the students will get twice a month with the social emotional learning curricul I think it's something that be needed and hopefully that goes well it's a curriculum that kind of builds Elementary is doing the same one so it builds all the way through and can identify certain areas and focus on those depending on the classroom needs as well um conferences we have coming up uh last year we did not do them with our seventh and eighth grade but we are doing them again and we will be doing them student Le conferences which is something new we did it with sixth grade last year and we're going to expand that into the seventh and eighth grade as well so uh students and parents will come in and the students will kind of lead Le the parents through what they're doing in each of the classes and stuff looking forward to see how that goes with seventh and eighth grade it went really well with our sixth grade last year so um that'll be a good change too um Lake Agy special ed Co-op um some growing pains for all of us going with it but it's been good and it's it's new it's different so you know that's not how we used to do it type thing but we're getting through those things uh they brought some good things to the table already um one of the tools that we have and staff has is the Ed climber and it'll track all the data and it's already imported the previous data from testing attendance parties discipline all of that on a One-Stop shop so to speak so when we have a issue with a student for whatever reason when we meet as our cab team we can go down we can pull up that student in profile in there and we got all the information right there so I think that's going to be a very good tool down the road as we get into it use it more so um lot of lot more opportunities that uh I think as we get going with lake aacy that we'll be able to access and we've already got uh at least one Middle School student over in the inter agency program too where they can better me the needs that we could right here so I think it's going to be a good change for us like I said we're just going through the early stages of The Growing Pains a little bit right now so but otherwise that's been good um started the first round of observations I've done all of our new teachers this year so getting into the middle of that stuff getting that rolling and then um fifth grade another change we made the fifth grade is the teachers are doing the fifth grade recess which has been so far so good uh I don't think we've had a discipline issue with recess this year so far so that's that's also been a good change going forward and then um the other thing is uh numbers are up in the Middle School we're short lockers again we have to get more lockers and space is very tight it's a good problem to have because we have good numbers but we don't have any extra room to navigate so we've done some things with the learning area down there and we're able to get dividers and utilize that space more well but good start for the school year um you just SP up we're short up here again we had a resignation today but other than that it's been going well yeah it's been a really good start student staff students everything a good year so far when is the seventh and eth grade confer 14th and 15th and then is it the same format where it's just you know six to 8 if you just the hallway y I think the first thing we go from 4 to 8:30 and then the second night it's like 4 to 6:30 or something but those are student and they're just walking yeah well we're working on that right now and six grade is getting their invites out because they have their advisory so the advisory teachers will have them come and then they'll talk about all the other classes with that one teacher and seventh and eighth grade we have our PLC meetings coming up and we're still working how we want to do that so we talked about like having the fifth hour class now they may we may follow that same format but you know I got I want to talk to the math teacher and am I just meeting with the English teacher so we're kind of weighing how we want to do that we definitely want the students there and we talked about you know Mom and Dad and students show up uh we going to give them some extra credit or the student Tes if Mom and Dad don't come we don't want to penalize the student either but if we can have a student do something that way to get them extra credit or whatever it is but we want to get in the building and we want mom dad student and teacher all the same so everybody's doing the same thing so Johnny goes home and has a different story mom dad talk to teacher story I'm not in the classroom they talk to me my story might not be a same either so it's nice to get them all one I'm excited to see how that it was very successful I think in the sixth grade last year what is the fifth grade doing they do like they have schedule with their teachers oh same time though or like the same day 5 all those two nights any other questions I just had a question on this honor science and social studies it sounds awesome just wondering how did they select the students they went through test scores and uh teacher recommendation and looked at all that and yeah and you said this is seventh and eighth grade this seventh grade is doing that just science and social studies and and Ashley Evans are team kind of team teaching that together know I think it sounds cool I think it's kind of one of those I don't know honors is the right word for it but it's kind of an advanced class so they went through and looked at test scor and identify these kids attendance was a thing they talked their previous year looked at that okay no I think it's a great way to expose them to careers early you know I think it'll be good and then you know cross science has something to do with social studies you know yeah so no I we go to that room that's what we learn social studies we go over here and we learn math it all ties together so excited to see how that goes sounds really interesting thank you for sharing they took a they took the initiative on it kind of with it they've done a great job so yeah it's going to be fun it's one of those things I'm sorry but it was nice visiting with both those staff members they like Ken point they brought it up they were excited about it they wanted to try it um and so it's like perfect let's feed that right the other part that I'm really happy to hear is is the connection to community hey we're going to bring some people in we're going to bring in a lawyer we're going to hopefully get a judge we're going to that's the other part that we want to do right connector School the community so it's it's awesome to hear that they were excited to try it yeah 110% behind and let's do it yeah cool I just have one more question I already asked you but I'm gonna ask it for the public um can you talk about if the middle school does planners like fifth through eth grade and if they do why why not we don't require them they're highly ined but I guess it's not mandated that they have to have I know when we have a lot of meetings on students or something they have organization problems we highly recommend it and we'll get it one if they need it but we just don't require some kids can benefit other you know I don't need require then they don't have them and they don't want them and it's I I know when we did Aid back when that's huge planners were with Aid an organization and having kids organize themselves rather rather than having adults organize it for them so I was just curious where we were on that now I'll bring it up under St to see what the teachers think and I know the cost is always a thing but we could maybe if it ever comes back we could brainstorm we get a lot of supplies don't I mean we have I don't call many backpacks maybe instead ofy inad of back [Music] all right on 6.2 TGF High School oef be a little bit all over the place as well we' got a lot going on homecoming went well so that was good I'm glad it's gone the phone policy that we've got in place was uh is actually going great we did enough for high school anyway they can still have them but yet they're not allowed in the classroom and I've heard from several teachers that it has been kind of a game changer for so we still collect them in the high school office that doesn't mean that everyone's following suit but um the policy makes it a little bit easier for our staff to do what they need to do so that was that was a good change the Alp currently little over 20 full-time students we've got already 24 classes completed that doesn't mean you know so of the 20 some students average at least you know all of them have at least one class completed with three weeks so that is great news um it is alternative so there's kind of some different seating cou a couple Bean Bay chairs but I've gone in there at least once a day if not twice a day um and they're they're working there's some you know maybe some music going on or whatever but they're doing their things we interact with the kids so that has been we've we've changed that up from last year and we are right now seeing quite a bit of success so that's kind of nice to see we're helping the ones um we're seeing a lot of students want to come back and be part of that and if they qualify so it's kind of good to see um that success rate right now we have kids from other commun not yet we've actually kind of been able to fill amongst EGF and some that maybe had a year off that hey this would be you know I think I'd have more success trying this well let's try it um we haven't had to reach out to the holes and barnels yet to invite um we certainly could but right now we're also having our kids that need credit recovery so for example if Kent failed one class only so he doesn't qualify he's not credit deficient but he needs to make up that class well fourth hour he might come down do his work for credit recovery fifth hour he's back to doing whatever so we can have upwards of about 32 in a class at a time because of those students so we're full as of right now so we haven't reached out but that is always an option the true a kids sell partial day yes okay y but we do have several that actually take like a well class or in a class or something in the afternoon so they go full-time um so we've got kind of a mixed bag of everything but it's it's going well uh we went through kind of with the tick tock stuff going on we've gotten two fire drills out of the way in a lockdown drill to kind of educate the different kinds of um lockdowns uh that will be running um B's kind of taken chargeing that and so far that's gone okay with what we've run around on the radios and checking doors to make sure that they were locked and talking to the ones that maybe forgot so that's a a work in progress but for the first drill it was it actually went very well sped we have a new hire started today won't start seeing kids until Wednesday um but excited about that because that's going to relieve some of our case vots like canas said uh with Lake aacy coming on board to be perfectly honest with you it is extremely overwhelming just to be honest there's emails coming out of whatever I asked Kent earlier before this okay what is what was that again we're sending what are we sending out you know what are we doing what are they doing and that takes time we're three weeks into it we'll kind of get that dialed in um but it's it's nice and it's frustrating all in once until we actually get kind of clear parameters on okay and and I understand that they want to get a year meet our kids meet our staff I mean that's fair too so we're just working with them conferences much like the middle School except the High School site team opted to go one in October open house and then one in November give another month and then we'll invite those students in I don't have the November date off the top of my head but I just know that it's it's split we're going to go one in one uh observations um nothing formal yet but I've been able to get in everybody's room just do kind of a hot lap in there talk to the staff talk to the kids ninth graders they always start start out as a handful given a month you get to know them get to know the personalities create a relationship we'll get them logged in we've got a great partnership with Concordia they will be first week in October [Music] October one of's concurrent meeting is Wednesday the 2 I think October 3rd they're going to bring eight students that are in their teaching program our staff has reached out let them know and they are welc welcoming them in so any subject that they're going to teach or if they want to meet a teacher during the prep they want to meet with me just the ones that are okay this is the profession you're getting into let's get them immersed here's what you can expect here's what it's all about um so Kent and I don't get emails from other principal saying hey my teacher made it a week now I'm out we want to just make sure hey this is a very rewarding field however it's you know there's things that go into it we just don't want any surprises so the earlier the better um and in return they also we also send kids over to go sit into their college classes too so kids can kind of get a feel of what that's about the last thing is and I don't want to get too deep into it I've got a lot of feelers out there trying to Future proof dgf and what does that mean that means looking at online options which I don't know that we're going to be able to get away from so just looking at um I want to say this but just having what it takes for dgf to have its own I won't say online school but online options we we get personality conflicts we get for whatever reason it is um and the statute works against us so try to stay ahead of that so we've got different options that make sense within our building and um talked to a couple different people today and and just I don't know brain's always kind of spinning on okay if this then that but I think if we could stay ahead of something like this we can contain it so we don't get any surprises like some other districts have and all of a sudden Shannon scramble it but so yeah kind of it's just three weeks in and it's Controlled Chaos we're I think we're doing okay but any questions from Mr I think that last Point Joe I think we've been seeing it over the last eight years people having options and I mean I think from the time that I was on the school board we're starting to hear more kids like well I don't like that teacher and I want to take that class so I I applaud you guys for taking a look at that because obviously we want we don't want them to leave our school correct and right now probably got five but rather than leave our school we've been able to Coral them and do another option so they are still our student y our students because how does that work if they take a couple classes are they for those for that percentage of time they're not our students if if they were going to go on an outside so is their ADM split then yeah whatever percentage of that is so that's like Joe is again trying to Future proof or trying to protect us like okay we have to understand the statute so what parameters work allowed to do what we're not allowed to do what can he say what can he say and so when you come up with option one two three or at least one or two hopefully so then you can Correll and keep that c yeah so if you came to me Lindsay and you said nope I don't like I'm going to go online okay you can and we'll write a check or they'll deduct it from or how about this I've got this program inh housee and it's legal it's follow stat stat them well I mean people want options so I mean I guess it's like you said a good have some point let's develop our own you know our Math teachers or science our English Okay do we have our own curriculum developed so if we need to Boom we've got it where it's all it remains inhouse and then hey this hour you're off but you're now running this portion of on so there's it's we're on it but just yeah it's starting to become more and more I heard about this and I want to do this because this and it's like let's do this and at least providing other options for kids right I'm trying to keep a whereare everything's still in house and so far so good but they'll be a time where no I'm gonna jump ship and I don't want that um I have one thing too and I appreciate so Joe and Wayne met with Concordia I think maybe Wayne mentioned there his an elementary report too I can't remember for but um Wayne and Joe both went there and it's just nice because now we've created that connection where they're going to come their methods classes are coming out and I also heard uh over the weekend Concordia reached out to me now they want their methods class to come and work with our kids in the elementary as interventionists so they're going to work alongside our interventionist so we can even have that connection which is for us it's a win-win right so hopefully we can get some more staff in the future that are willing to come to us and two we can have our racial with students even better yet so yeah so I appreciate that connection that's started and it's good thank you Mr all right on to 6.3 board committee report yeah we Mike was there but he's not here [Music] so meeting all right on to 6.4 superintendent all right you see the first thing obviously on there is Brian uh passing away recently um I did share with you guys last Friday there is a local service on Thief Ember uh it's November 11th is the visitation I believe and then 12th will be the actual Memorial or the service so I just want to make sure you guys know that we can talk about that if anybody wants to go um we have a staff member that's been asked to be a PA Bearer so um he talked to me today and I said I kind of figured that might happen so so just know that there'll be a few people affected by that and then maybe even some of us could write together if if that's uh needed so I just want to make sure and I also want to just so the public knows Brian serve us here for 10 years and as past on he's living in Arizona and Kathy has been in contact with many staff members here so thinking of their family I guess at this time so um next thing is the audit update the audit uh was all last week but of course it was before last week and and it's still going on to Marcus is answering questions now they're working back in their office but they spent the week or I'm sorry three days with us inhouse um because they can be more productive more efficient and so that is done uh as far as inhouse now Marcus is kind of cleaning up some things uh the preliminary is looking very positive so as that finishes out it will be cautiously optimistic because until it signed up on you oh there's that thing so anyway so far so good and want to make sure I shared that uh District leadership team um uh kind of real time because I met with students last week I told students they didn't have to tell me until Wednesday which is a couple days I didn't want to put it on right away uh 7 am in the morning is not easy always for students and also for parents but right now I have eight new students in grades 9 through 12 uh seven new parents and a couple parents that are staying on from the past our first meeting is Thursday morning in this room and I know Laura and Britney were a part of it in the past I hope that still works and you know maybe reorganization it can change but I was hoping you guys could still make that work so yeah awesome so that'll be Thursday so we'll introduce everybody it's going to be a kind of an intro day for that meeting but then we have throughout the year kind of scheduled already what our topics our main topics are going to be one thing I told the students is I want to make sure they're student voice so every meeting we're going to have a time for them to share don't have anything to share they don't share if they do great let's hear it and sometimes that can dominate the meeting and that's okay because it's really trying to help and serve them better so it's important to have their voice uh Foundation update just so you know this Wednesday night uh in this room also they're going to be voting on their officers so that'll go official uh this Wednesday so let's keep you up to date on that um country service Cooperative administrative Forum so I was just there last Wednesday uh most of the meeting was going over our Levy sheet so the fy2 levy sheets um yeah and it's and it's good our Lev is going to be up slightly last year was down to about 4% uh this year it'll be up about five so over two years of 1% and that's kind of what it looks like right now uh I'm still going through it to make sure that the state isn't M Stakes um that happens pretty frequently um so just going through that um with them I'm trying to think what else oh I shared with you msba sheet the 2023 K12 Appropriations analysis uh Gary Lee is the uh Deputy executive director there he did this work and I share this with I share this with you so it's a front back for you guys um just to show you what happened and where the money is going and and you can read it on your own I just it's important to see a discretionary which means the school can be using that fun those funds as needed it was 6% categorical things went up 35% grants which we all have to apply for and one of the frustrations is and and we're not a I'll just say Lancaster because that's where I was before I didn't have staff in Lancaster R grants we don't have staff here we're book solid and so without having so you put it on principles you put it on directors you put he I need you to write this grant I need you to write this grant the state has the funds but you got to jump through hoops to get it right you can see grants went up 167% nk12 revenue and you can see up here these are just a bunch of different Appropriations and these things this a couple examples MD staff eats up some of that money right because there's there's new things they have to track Lakes Country service Cooperative added a number of staff to support the Rea to support categorical things so those are the dollars spent under nonk Revenue which was 108% and as our commissioner shared last week with us Commissioner of Education commissioner Jen hey it's students first we have to have a focus on students first so when you look at this you go he was it was the legislation students first and I these are the questions that we're talking to our representatives and Senators about great you spent some money but we can't do everything we want to do right um so anyway I just want to make sure you see it it's U it's my responsibility to share those types of things with you so I want to make sure I did um last thing is recent social media threats so uh if you noticed uh met with Tracy and last [Music] week e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e